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TO: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Republican Members

FROM: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Republican Staff

DATE: May 22, 2024

RE: Allegations of Wrongdoing and Illegal Activity by Dr. David Morens, Senior
Advisor to National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases former-Director,
Dr. Anthony Fauci

Previous witness testimony and documents in the custody of the Select Subcommittee on
the Coronavirus Pandemic (Select Subcommittee) raise serious questions regarding potential
wrongdoing and illegal activity by Dr. David Morens, Senior Advisor to National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) former-Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

I. Background

On June 29, 2023, the Select Subcommittee sent Dr. Morens a request for documents
pertinent to its investigations from his personal e-mail accounts. 1 On November 20, 2023, in
response to that letter, Dr. Morens produced approximately 2,000 pages of responsive
documents to the Select Subcommittee. These documents mimicked what Dr. Morens produced
to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) during its investigation into alleged wrongful
disposition of federal records by Dr. Morens.

On December 22, 2023 and January 18, 2024, Dr. Morens testified at transcribed
interviews before the Select Subcommittee. 2 At the interviews, Select Subcommittee counsel
advised Dr. Morens that he was required pursuant to Title 18 Section 1001 of the United States
Code to answer questions truthfully, including questions posed by Congressional staff in the
interview, and that if he knowingly made false statements, he could be subject to criminal
prosecution. 3 Dr. Morens stated, on the record, that he understood the requirement and the

Letter from Hon. Brad Wenstrup, D.P.M., Chairman, Select Subcomm. on the Coronavirus Pandemic, H. Comm.
on Oversight & Accountability, to David Morens, M.D., Senior Advisor, Dir., Nat’l Inst. of Allergy & Infectious
Diseases (June 29, 2023).
Transcribed Interview of David Morens, M.D., Senior Advisor, Dir., Nat’l Inst. of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
(Dec. 22, 2023); Transcribed Interview of David Morens, M.D., Senior Advisor, Dir., Nat’l Inst. of Allergy &
Infectious Diseases (Jan. 18, 2024).

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consequences of not complying with that requirement. 4

On April 16, 2024, the Select Subcommittee announced a subpoena to compel Dr.
Morens to produce the remaining responsive documents from his personal e-mail accounts. 5 On
April 30, 2024, in response to the subpoena, Dr. Morens produced approximately 30,000 more
pages of responsive documents.

Letter from Hon. Brad Wenstrup, D.P.M., Chairman, Select Subcomm. on the Coronavirus Pandemic, H. Comm.
on Oversight & Accountability, to David Morens, M.D., Senior Advisor, Dir., Nat’l Inst. of Allergy & Infectious
Diseases (Apr. 16, 2024).

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VII. Dr. Morens Likely Provided False Testimony To The Select Subcommittee.

On December 22, 2023 and January 18, 2024, Dr. Morens testified at transcribed
interviews before the Select Subcommittee. 33 At the interviews, Select Subcommittee counsel
advised Dr. Morens that he was required pursuant to Title 18 Section 1001 of the United States
Code to answer questions truthfully, including questions posed by Congressional staff in the
interview, and that if he knowingly made false statements, he could be subject to criminal
prosecution. 34 Dr. Morens stated, on the record, that he understood the requirement and the
consequences of not complying with that requirement. 35

The evidence presented throughout this memorandum establishes that Dr. Morens likely
provided false testimony to the Select Subcommittee.

Transcribed Interview of David Morens, M.D., Senior Advisor, Dir., Nat’l Inst. of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
(Dec. 22, 2023); Transcribed Interview of David Morens, M.D., Senior Advisor, Dir., Nat’l Inst. of Allergy &
Infectious Diseases (Jan. 18, 2024).

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