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Claire Thacker
with Melissa Wilson and Daniel Vincent

Vocabulary Grammar in Action Reading Listening

Starter Unit Months p4 Subject Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives p6 An Online Profile: Welcome to My Life! p5 A Talk p7
Welcome! p4 Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers p4 Verb To Be p6
Colors p4 Question Words p6
Classroom Objects p7 Whose + Possessive Pronouns p8
Imperatives p8

Unit 1 Family Members p11 To Have: Affirmative and Negative p13 A Webpage: Meet the Flying Cortes Family p12 A Conversation p14
What is your Describing People p14 Possessive ’s p13 An Article: Twins Day p18
family like? p10 To Have Questions p15 Children’s Day p18

Unit Review p20, Finished? p118

Unit 2 Daily Routines p23 Simple Present: Affirmative and Negative p25 A Profile: A Day in the Life of … p24 Street
What’s your day Free-Time Activities p26 Adverbs of Frequency p25 Everyday Math p137 Interviews p26
like? p22 Simple Present: Questions p27
Wh- Questions p27

Unit Review p32, Finished? p119

Unit 3 School Subjects p35 Can for Ability and Permission p37 A Webpage: Ballet School p36 A Radio Show p38
How do we Places in a School p38 Verb Forms: (Don’t) Like, Don’t Mind, A Blog Post: Welcome to My School Day! p42
learn? p34 Love, Hate + –ing p39 The School of the Air p42
Object Pronouns p39

Unit Review p44, Finished? p120

Unit 4 Food and Drink p47 Countable and Uncountable Nouns p49 An Article: Time for a Snack p48 A Quiz p50
What do you like Adjectives p50 A/An, Some/Any p49 Foodscapes p138
to eat? p46 There Is/Isn’t, There Are/Aren’t p51
Much/Many, A Lot Of p51

Unit Review p56, Finished? p121

Unit 5 Clothes p59 Present Continuous p61 An Online Diary: Michiko’s p60 An Interview p62
What’s your Accessories p62 Simple Present and Present Continuous p63 A Magazine Article Interview:
style? p58 Special Days p66
Culture and Fashion p66

Unit Review p68, Finished? p122

Unit 6 Sports p71 Comparatives p73 Online FAQs: Bossaball p72 A Conversation p74
How can we be Sports Verbs p74 Superlatives p75 Fast or Slow? p139
athletic? p70

Unit Review p80, Finished? p123

Unit 7 Animals p83 Simple Past: To Be, There Was/Were p85 Fact Files: Animals with a Difference p84 A Podcast p86
Why are animals Adjectives p86 Simple Past: Regular and Irregular Verbs p87 An Article: The Girl and the Golden Eagle p90
important? p82 Helpers with Hooves p90

Unit Review p92, Finished? p124

Unit 8 Places in Town p95 Simple Past: Questions p97 An Online Travel Article: Lost Treasures p96 A Radio
What did you Personal Possessions p98 Simple Past: Wh- Questions p99 The Lascaux Cave Paintings p140 Interview p98
find? p94

Unit Review p104, Finished? p125

Unit 9 Outdoor Life p107 Future with Will/Won’t p109 A Pamphlet: Wild Weekend p108 A Conversation p110
What makes Vacations p110 Present Continuous for Future p111 A Webpage: Your Guide to American
a great Be Going To p111 Summer Camps p114
vacation? p106 A Summer Camp in … p114

Unit Review p116, Finished? p126

Vocabulary Bank p127–136 CLIL p137–140 Pronunciation p141–142 Irregular Verbs p143
Listening Speaking and Pronunciation Writing Project Learn to Learn
My Life! p5 A Talk p7 An Informal Learning Numbers Together p4
Letter p9 Recording Vocabulary p7

ortes Family p12 A Conversation p14 Calling a Friend p16 An Informal Culture Project: A Poster Making Connections (1) p11
p18 Everyday English p16 Email p17 Teacher’s Resource Bank Drawing Pictures p14
p18 Pronunciation: /h/ p141 Increasing Your Vocabulary p19
Learn to … Organize Your Notebook p21

… p24 Street An Interview p28 An Article p29 Math Project: Word Partners (1) p23
p137 Interviews p26 Everyday English p28 A Class Survey p30 Word Partners (2) p26
Pronunciation: How to Present Survey Results p30 Learn to … Work in Pairs p33
/s/, /z/, and /ɪz/ p141

p36 A Radio Show p38 Asking for Help p40 A Description Culture Project: A Haiku Recognizing Cognates p35
School Day! p42 Everyday English p40 of My Ideal Teacher’s Resource Bank Making a Spidergram p38
p42 Pronunciation: Can p141 School p41 Understanding New Words from Context p43
Learn to … Use Flashcards p45

p48 A Quiz p50 Ordering Food and Drink p52 A Description Art Project: Personalizing Vocabulary p47
p138 Everyday English p52 of My Favorite Design a Food Truck p54 True or False Sentences p50
Pronunciation: Food p53 How to Evaluate a Design p54 Learn to … Play Vocabulary Games p57
Word Stress p141

.com p60 An Interview p62 Buying Clothes or A Description Culture Project: A Lookbook Making a Picture Dictionary p59
w: Accessories p64 of a Photo p65 Teacher’s Resource Bank Listening for the General Idea p62
p66 Everyday English p64 Making Connections (2) p67
p66 Pronunciation: -ing p142 Learn to … Guess the Meaning of Words p69

p72 A Conversation p74 Buying Tickets Online p76 A Profile of PE Project: Saying Collocations Out Loud p71
p139 Everyday English p76 an Athlete p77 An Information Pamphlet p78 Remembering Vocabulary Sets p74
Pronunciation: –er p142 How to Design a Pamphlet p78 Learn to … Write Example Sentences p81

rence p84 A Podcast p86 Talk About a Field Trip p88 An Article p89 Culture Project: A Scrapbook Word Categories p83
Golden Eagle p90 Everyday English p88 Teacher’s Resource Bank Preparing to Listen p86
p90 Pronunciation: Noun and Verb Forms p91
/t/, /d/, and /ɪd/ p142 Learn to … Use Mind Maps p93

Treasures p96 A Radio Losing Things p100 A Blog Post p101 History Project: Compound Nouns p95
s p140 Interview p98 Everyday English p100 An Interview p102 Using Photos to Predict Content p98
Pronunciation: Intonation How to Do a Recorded Learn to … Improve Your Writing p105
in Yes/No Questions p142 Interview p102

p108 A Conversation p110 Making Suggestions and An Email p113 Culture Project: A Webpage Collocations p107
merican Responding p112 Teacher’s Resource Bank Personalizing Spidergrams p110
p114 Everyday English p112 Using Place Names to Find out
p114 Pronunciation: Going To p142 Background Information p115
Learn to … Make an Action Plan p117
Claire Thacker and Stuart Cochrane
with Andrew Reid and Daniel Vincent

Vocabulary Grammar in Action Reading Listening

Starter Unit Free Time and Hobbies p4 Simple Present p6 A Blog Post: Thoughts for Today p5 A Conversation
Sports p4 Adverbs of Frequency p6
Welcome! p4
Personal Possessions p7 Love, Like, Don’t Mind, Hate + -ing p8
Have p8

Unit 1 TV Shows p11 Present Continuous p13 Tweets: Crazy About TV p12 A Guided Tour p
What are you Making Movies p14 Simple Present and Present Continuous p15 An Online Article: Magical Pictures:
watching? p10 Adverbs of Manner p15 From Manga to Anime p18
Indian Movies p18

Unit Review p20, Finished? p118

Unit 2 The Weather p23 Simple Past p25 Diary Extracts: The Oregon Trail p24 A Radio Show p
How was the past Useful Objects p26 There Was/Were p27 The Legend of El Dorado p137
different? p22

Unit Review p32, Finished? p119

Unit 3 Adjectives of Feeling p35 Past Continuous: Affirmative and Negative p37 A Fable: The Monkey as King p36 A Radio Phone-in p
What do stories Prepositions of Movement p38 Past Continuous: Questions p39 A Turkish Fairy Tale: The Boy Who
teach us? p34 Simple Past and Past Continuous p39 Found Fear p42
A Bee’s Story p42

Unit Review p44, Finished? p120

Unit 4 Money Verbs p47 Could p49 A Newspaper Article: A Different Life p48 Job Profiles p
What do you Caring Jobs p50 Comparative and Superlative Adjectives p49 The Best Things in Life Are
value most? p46 Too, Too Much, Too Many p51 (Almost) Free p138
(Not) Enough + Noun p51

Unit Review p56, Finished? p121

Unit 5 Furniture p59 (Not) As … As, (Not) … Enough p61 A Magazine Article: Amazing Homes p60 Street Interviews p
What is your Household Chores p62 Have To p63 An Encyclopedia Entry: Life in an
dream house? Inuit Igloo p66
p58 Living in a Ger p66

Unit Review p68, Finished? p122

Unit 6 Accidents and Injuries p71 Should/Shouldn’t and Must/Must not p73 An Online Article: Dangers at the Beach p72 A Radio Interview
How can I stay Parts of the Body p74 Zero Conditional and First Conditional p75 Small but Deadly p139
safe? p70

Unit Review p80, Finished? p123

Unit 7 Communication and Present Perfect: Affirmative and Negative p85 A Magazine Article: Smartphones and Us p84 A Radio Interview p
Are you Technology p83 Will/Won’t, May, and Might p87 An Article: One Morning in the
connected? p82 Getting Around p86 Infinitives of Purpose p87 High-Tech Capital of the World p90
Hello, Robots! p90

Unit Review p92, Finished? p124

Unit 8 Exceptional Jobs and Present Perfect for Experience p97 Online Comments: Teenagers Taking A Talk p
What is success? Qualities p95 Reflexive Pronouns p99 the World by Storm p96
p94 Phrasal Verbs: Achievement p98 Indefinite Pronouns p99 Philo Farnsworth: A Big Influence on
the Small Screen p140

Unit Review p104, Finished? p125

Unit 9 Musical Instruments Going To p109 An Events Guide: What’s on at the Waterside p108 A Discussion p1
How do you and Genres p107 Will and Going To p109 A Travel Article: Festival de Jerez:
express yourself? Dance Styles p110 Present Continuous for Future p111 A Flamenco Heaven p114
p106 Simple Present for Future p111 The Schuhplattler p114

Unit Review p116, Finished? p126

Vocabulary Bank p127–136 CLIL p137–140 Pronunciation p141–142 Irregular Verbs p143
Listening Speaking and Pronunciation Writing Project Learn to Learn
ay p5 A Conversation p7 A Personal Profile p9 Verb and Noun Phrases p4
Making Vocabulary Cards p7

p12 A Guided Tour p14 Asking for and Giving A Description of a Culture Project: An Infographic Using Real Examples p11
Pictures: Opinions p16 Celebrity p17 Teacher’s Resource Bank Listening for Specific Information p14
p18 Everyday English p16 Understanding New Words p19
p18 Contractions: To Be p141 Learn to … Organize Your Notebook p21

ail p24 A Radio Show p26 Talking About Your An Account of a History Project: A Word Families (1) p23
p137 Weekend p28 Journey p29 Museum Display p30 Categorizing p26
Everyday English p28 How to Give Feedback p30 Learn to … Guess the Meaning
/t/, /d/, and /ɪd/ p141 of New Words p33

p36 A Radio Phone-in p38 Telling an Anecdote p40 A Story p41 Culture Project: A Comic Strip Personalizing p35
oy Who Everyday English p40 Teacher’s Resource Bank Using Your Knowledge p38
p42 Word Stress in Phrasal Verbs p43
p42 Adjectives p141 Learn to … Guess the Meaning
of New Words p45

ent Life p48 Job Profiles p50 Making Requests p52 An Opinion Essay p53 Social Studies Project: Similar Words p47
Everyday English p52 A Poster p54 Identifying Key Information p50
p138 -er Ending Sounds p141 How to Agree as a Group p54 Learn to … Organize Your
Homework p57

Homes p60 Street Interviews p62 Discussing a Photo p64 A Description of Culture Project: A Poster Using Spidergrams p59
e in an Everyday English p64 a House p65 Teacher’s Resource Bank Answering Multiple-Choice
p66 Have: /f/ vs /v/ p141 Questions p62
p66 Word Families (2) p67
Learn to … Use a Memory Journey p69

the Beach p72 A Radio Interview p74 Making Suggestions p76 A Blog Post p77 Science Project: An Information Using Places to Remember Words p71
p139 Everyday English p76 Pamphlet p78 Using Pictures to Predict a Story p74
/ʌ/ and /ʊ/ p142 How to Work in Groups p78 Learn to … Give Useful Opinions
About Your Partner’s English p81

nes and Us p84 A Radio Interview p86 Giving Instructions p88 An Article p89 Culture Project: A 3-D Room Plan Collocations p83
the Everyday English p88 Teacher’s Resource Bank Recognizing Opinions p86
d p90 The Letter i p142 Words that Describe Sounds p91
p90 Learn to … Make and Use Flashcards p93

Taking A Talk p98 An Interview p100 A Competition Technology Project: Word Formation: People Words p95
p96 Everyday English p100 Entry p101 A Timeline p102 Taking Notes p98
fluence on Intonation in Questions p142 How to Manage Your Time p102 Learn to … Make a Vocabulary
p140 Study Plan p105

the Waterside p108 A Discussion p110 Making Polite Refusals p112 A Review p113 Culture Project: A Web Page Stress Patterns p107
Jerez: Everyday English p112 Teacher’s Resource Bank Distinguishing Between Speakers p110
p114 Sentence Stress p142 Referencing p115
p114 Learn to … Practice Your English
During Vacation p117
Samantha Lewis and Daniel Vincent
with Andrew Reid

Vocabulary Grammar in Action Reading Listening

Starter Unit Technology p4 Simple Present and Present Continuous A Message on an App p5 A Conversation p
Feelings p4 with Adverbs of Frequency p6
Welcome! p4
Music p7 Simple Present and Present
Continuous for Future p6
Simple Past p8
Unit 1 Describing People p11 Simple Past and Past Continuous An Article: The Man Who Taught Himself A Radio Show p1
What inspires Phrasal Verbs p14 with When and While p13 to See p12
you? p10 Used To p15 An Article: The Boy who Brought Light
to Freetown p18
Local Heroes p18
Unit Review p20, Finished? p118
Unit 2 Visual and Performing Arts p23 Present Perfect with Regular and A Magazine Article: What Do You See? A Conversation p2
What is art? p22 Music and Theater p26 Irregular Verbs p25 Trash, Pasta, or Art? p24
Present Perfect with Already, Just, Still, Art: Changing Our Lives for the Better p137
and Yet p27

Unit Review p32, Finished? p119

Unit 3 Communicating p35 Can, Could, Will Be Able To p37 An Article: No More Language Lessons? p36 A Radio Interview
How do we Collocations with To Say Present Perfect with How Long … ? A Magazine Article: Languages in Danger p42 p3
communicate? p34 and To Tell p38 and For/Since p39 Other Worlds, Other Words p42
Present Perfect and Simple Past p39

Unit Review p44, Finished? p120

Unit 4 Health and Fitness p47 Quantifiers p49 Online FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions p48 An Interview p5
How can l stay Healthy Eating p50 Should, Shouldn’t, and Ought To p51 Technology and Fitness p138
healthy? p46

Unit Review p56, Finished? p121

Unit 5 Planet Earth p59 The First Conditional p61 A News Story: Can We Save Our Oceans? p60 A Class Discussion
How can we save Natural Environments p62 The Second Conditional p63 A Journal: Wednesday October 24 – p6
our planet? p58 Snowstorm! p66
Take Action Now! p66

Unit Review p68, Finished? p122

Unit 6 Making Things p71 Simple Present Passive p73 A News Story: Teen’s Banana Skin Invention p72 A Quiz Show p7
How can Materials and Containers p74 Simple Past Passive p75 When Lions Attack … Get Creative! p139
inventions change
our lives? p70

Unit Review p80, Finished? p123

Unit 7 Festivals p83 Past Perfect p85 A Folktale: A Princess, a Farmer, and A Conversation p8
What do you Music Festivals and Live Music p86 Reported Statements p87 a Bridge of Birds p84
celebrate? p82 A Travel Blog: Ollie in China p90
A Monkey Buffet p90

Unit Review p92, Finished? p124

Unit 8 School p95 Can/Can’t p97 A Report: Dangerous Journeys to School p96 A Phone Call p9
What Is Attitude and Behavior p98 To Be Allowed To p97 Growing Up and Giving Back p140
education? p94 To Have To, Must, and To Need To p99

Unit Review p104, Finished? p125

Unit 9 Travel p107 To Be Going To and Present Continuous A Magazine Interview: Vacations of Conversations p11
Where would Travel Phrasal Verbs p110 for Future p109 the Future p108
you go? p106 Future Continuous p109 A Webpage: Volunteer Abroad
Relative Pronouns and Relative Clauses p111 Conservation Programs: Costa Rica p114
One World, One Culture? p114
Unit Review p116, Finished? p126
Vocabulary Bank p127–136 CLIL p137–140 Pronunciation p141–142 Irregular Verbs p143
Listening Speaking and Pronunciation Writing Project Learn to Learn
p5 A Conversation p7 A Review of an App p9 Recording Vocabulary p4
Contextualizing Vocabulary p7

ght Himself A Radio Show p14 Interviewing Someone p16 A Letter to a Culture Project: Opposites p11
p12 Everyday English p16 Magazine p17 A Presentation Taking Notes p14
ought Light Pronunciation: Teacher’s Resource Bank
Cause and Effect p19
p18 /t/, /d/, and /ɪd/ p141 Learn to … Set and Achieve
p18 Learning Goals p21

You See? A Conversation p26 Describing a Picture p28 A Review p29 Art Project: Making Nouns for People p23
p24 Everyday English p28 A Profile of an Artist p30 Inferring p26
r the Better p137 Pronunciation: Weak and How to Do Online Learn to … Help Your Partner
Strong Forms of To Have p141 Research p30 Improve Their Speaking p33

e Lessons? p36 A Radio Interview Asking for Something A Listicle p41 Culture Project: A Fact File Using Spidergrams p35
ages in Danger p42 p38 You Need p40 Teacher’s Resource Bank Using Flash Cards p38
s p42 Everyday English p40 Skimming p42
Pronunciation: Learn to … Record Collocations
Contractions: Will p141 in Different Ways p45

ed Questions p48 An Interview p50 Giving Advice p52 A Post on a PE Project: A Report p54 Recording Vocabulary by Topic p47
p138 Everyday English p52 Forum p53 How to Do a Survey p54 Cognates p50
Pronunciation: Consonant Learn to … Check Your Writing
to Vowel Linking p141 for Common Mistakes p57

ur Oceans? p60 A Class Discussion Giving Your Opinion p64 An Opinion Essay p65 Culture Project: A Magazine Look, Cover, Remember p59
ober 24 – p62 Everyday English p64 Article Drawing Pictures p62
p66 Pronunciation: Stress in First Teacher’s Resource Bank
Reference Words p67
p66 Conditional Sentences p142 Learn to … Understand How
You Learn p69

Skin Invention p72 A Quiz Show p74 Giving and Following A Review p77 Technology Project: Visualizing p71
Creative! p139 Instructions p76 A Presentation p78 Using Background Knowledge p74
Everyday English p76 How to Brainstorm p78 Learn to … Improve Your Speaking
Pronunciation: /ɪ/ and /iː/ p142 with Games p81

er, and A Conversation p86 Inviting a Friend An Email to Culture Project: A Travel Blog Stress Patterns p83
p84 to a Party p88 a Friend p89 Teacher’s Resource Bank Predicting Information p86
a p90 Everyday English p88 Suffixes p91
p90 Pronunciation: Learn to … Challenge Yourself to
The Letter U p142 Do More in Class p93

ys to School p96 A Phone Call p98 Explaining and Asking An Essay p101 Citizenship Project: Personalizing Vocabulary p95
ack p140 About Rules p100 A School Brochure p102 Preparing to Listen p98
Everyday English p100 How to Make Decisions in Learn to … Ask for Help When You
Pronunciation: a Group p102 Don’t Understand p105
/aɪ/ and /eɪ/ p142

ons of Conversations p110 Talking About a An Email to a Culture Project: A Poster Learning Collocations p107
p108 Future Trip p112 Host Family p113 Teacher’s Resource Bank Phrasal Verbs p110
oad Everyday English p112 Making Adjectives from Nouns p115
ta Rica p114 Pronunciation: Stress in Learn to … Use Technology to
p114 Compound Nouns p142 Practice English p117
Samantha Lewis
with Daniel Vincent

Vocabulary Grammar in Action Reading Listening

Starter Unit Travel p4 Past and Present, Simple and An Interview in a School Magazine p5 A Talk p7
Music and Theater p4 Continuous p6
Welcome! p4
Ways of Communicating p7 Present Perfect and Simple Past p8

Unit 1 Describing Clothes Present Perfect Simple and Present A Blog Entry: Fashion and Technology – An Interview p14
What is fashion? p10 and Shoes p11 Perfect Continuous p13 Connected Clothes p12
Verbs Related to Clothes Modifiers p15 A Travel Guide: Traditional Scottish Dress p18
and Shoes p14 What We Wear and Why p18

Unit Review p20, Finished? p118

Unit 2 Phrasal Verbs: Changes p23 Used To, Would, and Simple Past p25 A Brochure: A+ Exchanges – Discover a New A Game Show p26
What can you Parts of Objects p26 Past Perfect with Never, Ever, World and a New You! p24
change? p22 Already, By (Then), By the Time p27 History: Starting Again p137

Unit Review p32, Finished? p119

Unit 3 Cooking Verbs p35 Future Forms p37 An Online Forum: Class 4C Study Room p36 A Recipe p38
What’s usually on Quantities p38 Future Continuous and An Article: A Taste of Australia p42
your plate? p34 Future Perfect p39 Food in Japan p42

Unit Review p44, Finished? p120

Unit 4 The Five Senses p47 Modals of Deduction and Possibility p49 A Magazine Article: No Pain, No Fear – No Way! p48 An Interview p50
How do you use your Describing Texture, Obligation, Prohibition, Science: Echolocation p138
senses? p46 Sound, Taste, Etc. p50 Necessity, and Advice p51
Past obligation p51

Unit Review p56, Finished? p121

Unit 5 Processes p59 The Passive p61 A Webzine Article: Smart Cities of the Future p60 A Virtual Reality
What amazes you? p58 Extreme Adjectives p62 Question Tags p63 A Travel Blog: Scott the Explorer p66 Tour p62
Extreme Homes p66

Unit Review p68, Finished? p122

Unit 6 Verb Collocations with First and Second Conditional p73 A Fact Sheet: When Taking Risks is a Good Thing p72 A Podcast p74
When do you push the To Get, To Take, and Third Conditional p75 Citizenship: Digital Citizenship:
limits? p70 To Have p71 Case Studies p139
Inspiration and
Challenge p74
Unit Review p80, Finished? p123

Unit 7 Feelings p83 Gerunds and Infinitives (with to) p85 A Magazine Interview: The Power of “Not Yet” p84 A Conversation p86
Why are emotions Expressions with Heart Subject and Object Questions p87 A Report About Schools in Denmark:
important? p82 and Mind p86 The Happiest Children in the World p90
Happiness Around the World p90

Unit Review p92, Finished? p124

Unit 8 Advertising p95 Defining Relative Clauses p97 A Report: Online Advertising p96 An Interview p98
What influences Internet Verbs p98 Non-Defining Relative Clauses p97 Art and Design: How to Design an
you? p94 Indefinite, Reflexive, and Reciprocal Effective Print Advertisement p140
Pronouns p99

Unit Review p104, Finished? p125

Unit 9 Reporting Verbs p107 Reported Speech: Verb Patterns p109 A Newspaper Story: International Twins! p108 A News Report p110
What’s new? p106 Adverbs of Time and Reported Questions p111 A Story: Maori Storytelling – How Maui
Manner p110 Indirect Questions p111 Slowed the Sun p114
Stories on Stage p114

Unit Review p116, Finished? p126

Vocabulary Bank p127–136 CLIL p137–140 Pronunciation p141–142 Irregular Verbs p143
Listening Speaking and Pronunciation Writing Project Learn to Learn
p5 A Talk p7 An Informal Personalizing Vocabulary p4
Email p9 Describing Words You Don’t Know with
Other Words or a Gesture p7

ogy – An Interview p14 Giving your Opinion A Blog Culture Project: A Fact File Categorizing p11
p12 Politely p16 Comment p17 Teacher’s Resource Bank Recording New Verbs p14
tish Dress p18 Everyday English p16 British English vs. American English p19
p18 The Letters ea p141 Learn to … Write Different Kinds
of Example Sentences p21

er a New A Game Show p26 Explaining How to Use An Opinion History Project: A History Using Words in Different Situations p23
p24 Something p28 Essay p29 Exhibition p30 Identifying Key Words p26
p137 Everyday English p28 How to Schedule p31 Learn to … Help Your Partner Improve
Used To p141 Their Writing p33

oom p36 A Recipe p38 Giving Instructions p40 A Listicle p41 Culture Project: A Poster Wordbuilding: Adjectives from Verbs p35
p42 Everyday English p40 Teacher’s Resource Bank Using Diagrams p38
p42 The Letters ch p141 Understanding Words from Context p43
Learn to … Set Learning Goals Sentences p45

ar – No Way! p48 An Interview p50 Making Guesses and An Encyclopedia Science Project: Brainstorming p47
p138 Giving Clues p52 Entry p53 An Infographic p54 Using Visual Clues When Listening p50
Everyday English p52 How to Research p54 Learn to … Plan Your Homework p57
Weak Form of To p141

he Future p60 A Virtual Reality Expressing Surprise and A Competition Culture Project: A Travel Blog Learning Verbs with Prepositions p59
r p66 Tour p62 Disbelief p64 Entry p65 Teacher’s Resource Bank Listening for Specific Information p62
p66 Everyday English p64 Skimming for Gist p66
The Letters mb and bt p142 Learn to … Use a Presentation Plan p69

a Good Thing p72 A Podcast p74 Encouraging a Friend A For and Citizenship Project: Using Collocations in Sentences p71
: to Do Something p76 Against A Pamphlet p78 Listening and Choosing the Correct Option p74
p139 Everyday English p76 Essay p77 How to Motivate Yourself Learn to … Take Responsibility for
Stress in Multi-Syllable and Your Peers p78 Your Learning p81
Words p142

of “Not Yet” p84 A Conversation p86 Expressing Sympathy and An Email Culture Project: Remembering Adjectives p83
mark: Concern p88 Reply p89 A Presentation Fill-in-the-Blank Flashcards p86
orld p90 Everyday English p88 Teacher’s Resource Bank Synonyms and Antonyms p91
p90 Initial Consonant Learn to … Give Your Partner Useful Feedback p93
Clusters with s p142

p96 An Interview p98 Recommending an An Online Art and Design Project: Wordbuilding: Nouns and Verbs p95
an Online Tool p100 Product A TV Ad Storyboard p102 Open-Ended Questions p98
p140 Everyday English p100 Review p101 How to Give Feedback p102 Learn to … Work Out the Meaning of
The Letters -tion p142 New Words p105

Twins! p108 A News Report p110 Telling an Anecdote p112 A News Culture Project: A Story Telling Stories to Remember New Words p107
w Maui Everyday English p112 Story p113 Teacher’s Resource Bank Collaborative Listening p110
p114 The Letters cia p142 Irregular Adjective and Noun Pairs p115
p114 Learn to … Ask for Help When
You Don’t Understand p117

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