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ROADMAP™ B2 Unit test 7

Grammar 3 Put the words in the correct order to make

1 Choose the correct answer, a, b or c to sentences.
complete the sentences. 1 been / here / that / it’s / it / raining / seems
1 If we continue exploring other planets, we b It seems that it’s been raining here.
one similar to earth. 2 out / get / that / it / he / didn’t / turns / the job
a will find b might find c can find _______________________________________
2 ___ the moon passes between the sun and _______________________________________
earth, there is hardly any light. 3 about / care / the planet / it / me / that / people /
a When b Provided that c Unless alarms / don’t
3 ___ we care more for our planet, the effects of _______________________________________
global warming could be reversed. _______________________________________
a Unless b When c If 4 the population / even / will / looks / get / it / bigger
4 Children who are born these days ___ to be over / like
120 if developments in medical science continue. _______________________________________
a must live b live c could live _______________________________________
5 There is still a place for Dr Phillips at the 5 many / me / come / the exhibition / that / so /
conference, ___ he wants to come. amazes / to / people / have / it
a as soon as b assuming c unless _______________________________________
6 When the sun is very strong, it ___ more _______________________________________
dangerous for our skin. 6 hasn’t / it / that / me / at / work / yet / concerns /
a will be b is c might be arrived / he
7 ___ we make laws to prevent it, people might _______________________________________
lose their jobs to robots in the future. _______________________________________
a If b As soon as c Unless /5
8 If the global population continues to rise,
resources like food and water ___ in high
demand. 4 Complete the sentences with the words and
a will be b could c are phrases in the box.
9 Damien wants to buy a house ___ he has the
energy efficiency homelessness
inequality intolerance life expectancy
a as soon as b unless c assuming
poverty social unrest unemployment
10 Space tourism could become a reality, ___
enough people are willing to pay for it. 1 Unemployment has risen in this town
a as long as b unless c likely be because the two big factories have recently
/9 closed.
2 Complete the statements with the words in 2 The government should provide temporary
the box. accommodation to try and reduce
definitely doubt possible think 3 The ________________ of most homes can be
unlikely well wondering improved through small changes.
4 Many children living in ________________ need
1 It’s possible that my company will open an more fruit and vegetables to remain healthy.
office in Shanghai next year. 5 A lack of understanding of differences can lead to
2 Are you ___________ whether we should spend ________________ between groups of people.
more on marketing? 6 ________________ is not just about being rich
3 We ___________ need to meet and discuss this. or poor. It can also be about differences between
4 I ___________ that we will open the café next genders or races.
week – there is still too much to do! 7 Within the last century, ________________ in
5 The boss doesn’t ___________ we have enough many countries has risen to around 77 years of
money for new computers. age.
6 Profits are looking good. We may ___________ 8 When people are angry about the conditions they
get a bonus for our hard work! live in, it can often lead to ________________.
7 It’s ___________ that your holiday request will
be approved. This is our busiest period!

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ B2 Unit test 7

5 Match 1–8 with a–h. Function

1 If we want to sell our products in Japan, we need
7 Complete the conversations with the words in
to make c the box.
2 If you really want the job, give ___
3 I always try to do ___ agenda basically coming could
4 Milo thinks his job is unimportant, but we couldn’t down hear introduce move off
do ___ purpose stop
5 Mainly because of our new website, we have
made ___ Conversation 1
6 If a colleague needs help, you should give ___ A: Thanks for 1 coming today, Janine.
7 I hope the new manager takes ___ B: No problem.
8 This is not a company that takes ___ A: So, the 2__________ of this meeting is to review
our regional sales. Firstly, I’d like to 3__________
a a good job when I am at work.
your views on this.
b charge of the problems with our pay.
B: Well, 4__________, I believe we need to
c a deal with a company there.
improve our performance in Asia.
d them a hand.
A: OK. Do you think you 5__________ talk with the
e without him here!
China office about this?
f risks without thinking carefully about things.
B: Yes, of course.
g it your best shot in the interview.
A: Great, thank you.
h a profit of over $2 million in the last year.
/7 Conversation 2
A: I think we’re getting 6__________ topic now.
6 Choose the correct answer, a, b or c to
B: Good point. Let’s 7__________ on to discuss
complete the sentences.
visitor numbers.
1 I meet with my a every morning to talk about
C: I don’t think the website is getting enough
what jobs we have to complete at work.
visitors because …
a co-worker b acquaintance c ex-partner
B: Let me 8__________ you there. We received
2 I’ve lived with Cassie for nearly a year. She’s a
new visitor numbers today, and that’s improved
great ___.
from last month.
a ex-partner b client c flatmate
A: Oh, that’s good news.
3 I often take my ___ out for lunch to discuss
business. Conversation 3
a brother-in-law b acquaintance c clients A: Has everyone got a copy of the 9__________?
4 Normally, me and my ___ all study together. B: Yes, thank you.
a ex-partners b classmates C: I have.
c acquaintances A: OK. First, I’d like to 10__________ Florian, our
5 I have only met Simon once. He’s more of an ___ European sales manager.
than a friend. D: Hi everyone. Nice to meet you.
a acquaintance b ex-partner c flatmate A: Now, let’s get 11__________ to business.
6 Sometimes I don’t get on with my ___, but you /10
can’t choose who your sister marries!
a brother-in-law b acquaintance c ex-partner
7 I have the children at weekends and my ___ has
them during the week.
a client b co-worker c ex-partner

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