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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(S6), 25–34, March 2015 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Impact of Transformational Leadership over

Employee Morale and Motivation
Surya Rashmi Rawat*
Symbiosis Law School, Symbiosis International University, Pune, India; [email protected]

Leading a group is not a big deal. What it needs is just the desire to lead. From time immemorial when man was a forest
dweller or a nomad to this day when he considers himself to be more civilized, more mature and more sophisticated, some-
one or the other had always been leading him. Some followers simply follow without questioning where as others don’t
follow you till such time all their questions are answered. Depending upon the kind of followers we can exercise different
styles of leadership ranging from autocratic, democratic, leissez faire to Transformational Leadership.
The Transformational Leaders motivate their followers to exceed performance expectations by transforming their attitude,
beliefs and behavior.
Through this paper an attempt has been made to study the impact of transformational leadership over employee morale
and motivation if any.
The study in hand is based on Primary data collected from Pune city (India), through a survey of 378 people.
The secondary sources like books, journals, newspapers and articles published in the websites were also referred.
Towards the end, the researcher found that there is a significant relationship between transformational leadership and
employee’s morale & motivation.

Keywords: Different Styles of Leadership, Employee, Morale, Motivation, Transformational Leadership

1. Introduction 1.1 Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership can inspire positive changes
Leadership is the ability of influencing people so as to
amongst the followers. These leaders are generally full
achieve the objectives of organization in most efficient and
of energy, enthusiasm, and passion. Their concern is not
effective manner. It may be done in various ways. Leaders
restricted to themselves and their process alone but is also
may employ various styles and different instruments to
extended towards the welfare of every single individual in
accomplish this process. This process called leadership
the group to generate better performance.
uses different kinds of incentives to allure people to achieve
James MacGregor Burns7 was the first one to introduce
the organizations objective. These incentives understood
this concept in his research on political leaders. He observed
generally as motivators may take any shape; monetary or
that it is a process where “leaders and followers help each
non-monetary and are allocated to the people or employ-
other to advance to a higher level of morale and moti-
ees in accordance with the respective requirements and
vation”. He gave two concepts: “transforming leadership”
preferences of employees or followers.

*Author for correspondence

Impact of Transformational Leadership over Employee Morale and Motivation

and “transactional leadership”. He said that the transform- ee’s perception of leader’s efficacy and higher levels of
ing tactic reshapes the perceptions & values, and alters the motivation.
outlooks and aspirations of workmen. Transactional lead- According to some studies women are more trans-
ers work in the existing culture while transformational formational than male and are thus more likely to make
leaders tend to change organizational culture. effective leaders.19
Organizations now a days value employee who is
1.2 Evolution of Transformational meticulous, diligent, honest, show exemplary spirit de cor-
pus and who understands that the personal interests are
subservient to the organization’s good. Transformational
According to Lewis, PV14, the objective of transforma- leadership can inculcate such behavior amongst the
tional leader is to transform individuals and institutions employees6.
by changing their thoughts and emotions; widening fore-
sightedness and potential to grasp. It clarifies the objectives 2.1 Objectives of the Study
and hence synchronizes the behavior of individuals with
The basic objective of this research paper is:
the expected organization culture. The changes so intro-
duced are relatively permanent.
• To understand the concept of transformational leader-
Avolio and Bass2 classified the transformational leader-
ship skills as four I’s i.e., Idealized influence, Inspirational
• To identify different factors through which the trans-
motivation, Intellectual stimulation and Individualized
formational leadership can be implemented.
• To study the impact of gender over implementation of
transformational leadership.
2. Review of Literature • To study the impact of transformational leadership
over Employee morale and motivation.
Many authors have studied the influence of leaders’ behav-
ior in enhancing the job commitment and its impact over 2.2 Hypotheses
the organization’s performance4,9,13,17,17.
Managers in an organization must carefully watch Through the research in hand following hypothesis shall
their leadership styles. They must behave in accordance be tested for significance.
with the managerial level they are interacting with. H10= There

is no significant impact of gender over
If leadership behavior does not match organizational transformational leadership
requirements we must immediately take corrective mea- H20= There

is no significant impact of transformational
sures so as to ensure organizational success in changing leadership over employee morale and motivation
business environment8.
According to Sahgal and Pathak16, different experiences 2.3 Research Methodology
in life craft the leadership traits in us. The organizations This research is based on primary as well as secondary
offering greater emphasis on training & development of data. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire
subordinates tend to be more effective and efficient. They survey and in depth interview of a sample of 378 employ-
also observed that the leaders in this study showed a great ees of three different educational institutions in Pune city,
concern towards both the task and the people. India (a metropolitan city with a population of over 6 mil-
Ji Hoon Song12 observed that employees’ level of work lion people). Of the three institutions one was more than
engagement strongly influences the innovation and cre- 20 years old, the other one was four years old and the last
ativity in their performance. According to them other one was just two years old educational institution. The
authors too have observed the similar results1,10 and its sample comprised of teaching and non-teaching staff of
relationship with the job involvement and commitment these institutions.
of the workers3,5,11,13. All the responses in the questionnaire were recorded
According to Givens15, trust strengthens the bond on a five point scale with the following options: Strongly
between transformational leaders and their followers. Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree and
Transformational leadership depends upon the employ- Strongly Disagree.

26 Vol 8 (S6) | March 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Surya Rashmi Rawat

One way ANOVA test was also applied to test the sig- 3.1.1 Personal Characters of Leaders
nificance of hypothesis through SPSS. Graphically these factors have been represented through
Figure 1.
3. Findings and Discussions Leadership Style
Through the questionnaire survey an attempt was made Leadership style exercised by a leader was understood
to understand the perception of population towards to have a bare minimum impact over the acceptance of
transformational leadership and its impact over organiza- transformational leadership. 72% of the population was of
tions effectiveness. Of the three institutions selected for the opinion that till such time the boss is well informed,
study, it was found that many employees were not aware promising and holds a clear foresight and realistic ways to
of the concept of transformational leadership. After achieve it, what style of leadership he adopts is absolutely
being explained the same people showed positive attitude immaterial to them. Only a meager 18% thought that the
towards the transformational leadership. Based on the style of leadership matters and 10% had a no comments
analysis and interpretation of data collected from them status going with the option neither agree nor disagree.
the following factors affecting transformational leader- Strong Role Models
ship were identified. Significant 92% of the population wanted their leaders to
be strong role models with the remaining 8% also agree-
3.1 Factors Affecting Transformational ing but with little less intensity. Population wanted leaders
Leadership to develop strong moral values. They 5 also expected the
leader to possess strong ideas and a potential to translate
On the basis of review of literature the author understood
those ideas to action.
certain factors that seem to have significant role in trans-
actional leadership and its impact over the effectiveness Change Agents
of organization. Through the research in hand an attempt 67% expected their bosses to be the change agents who
was made to record the responses of Pune people towards could trigger and enforce new changes within the orga-
these factors. nizations. 9% just agreed with it and 24% disagreed. This

Figure 1. Personal characters of leaders.

Vol 8 (S6) | March 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 27
Impact of Transformational Leadership over Employee Morale and Motivation

reaction hints at the fact that probably these people are Educated and Informed
scared of the word change itself, the fear of stepping out 100% expected the transformational leaders to be edu-
of comfort zone scares them. cated and well informed. Again this perception will create
trust amidst the employee pool over their bosses. Act as Coaches and Advisers
87% strongly agreed with their bosses being their coaches Foresight
and advisors, with 6% disagreeing and remaining 7% nei- 100% expected the transformational leaders to have
ther agreeing nor disagreeing with it. Foresight. Again this perception will create trust amidst
the employee pool over their bosses. Motivation Skills
87% strongly agreed that their leaders must possess moti- Personal Attention to all
vational skills and the remaining 13% also agreed but with 71% strongly agreed to have personal attention for all
the lesser intensity. from the bosses. Remaining 29% disagreed with it. This
small proportion either does not want any interference in Self-efficacy their family life or feel that there is no point voting for
90% of the followers strongly agreed with the leaders hav- something which they perceive as practically impossible.
ing self-efficacy. Probably this quality led people to have
more faith on the bosses and their potential. 3.1.2 Personal Characters of Followers Attitude Towards Innovation Graphically these factors have been represented through
67% wanted their leaders to have a positive attitude Figure 2. Personal characters of followers are drawn on
towards innovation. 11% neither agreed nor disagreed the basis of responses given by bosses with respect to their
and remaining 22% disagreed. followers based on their experiences and interaction with
them. Self-motivated
90% strongly agreed with leader himself being self-in- Job Satisfaction
spired, motivated and enthusiastic. 1% agreed and 9% 89% of the bosses strongly agreed that job satisfaction is
neither agreed nor disagreed. the most important thing an employee is looking for. In the

Figure 2. Personal characters of followers.

28 Vol 8 (S6) | March 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Surya Rashmi Rawat

name of making job more interesting & satisfying, one can and feel that subordinates lack innovation & creativity
easily transform the organization. As people correlate job and also that they will not work till such time they are
satisfaction with Job involvement and commitment and forced to do so.
hence increase in productivity. Job commitment makes Experience
a person give his best towards the organization without only 61% strongly agreed with the fact that subordinates
someone’s persuasion, reminders and monitoring. 11% with very high experience of work were less open to trans-
did not agree with it. According to them job satisfaction formational leadership. 29% disagreed with it and 10%
is not the only thing which people are looking for. strongly disagreed. The bosses disagreeing must be the Open to Learning ones who think it’s not the work experience of the subor-
100% bosses strongly agreed with the employees’ open- dinates but the faith they have over the potential of bosses
ness to learning as the factor facilitating transformational to perform, that will decide the acceptance of transforma-
change. tional leadership in an organization. Attitude Towards Innovation Recognition of Individual Needs
59% strongly believed that attitude towards innovation is 97% strongly agreed that the recognition of individual
a must for the successful implementation of transforma- needs and acknowledgement of individual efforts are a
tional leadership. 11% agreed, 23% had neither “Neither must for the success of transformational leadership. A
Agree nor Disagree” status, with only 7% strongly dis- very small 3% disagreed with it.
agreeing with it.
3.1.3 Organizational Factors Self – Driven & Conscious
87% of the bosses strongly agreed that subordinates must Graphically these factors have been represented through
be self – driven & conscious for successful implementa- Figure 3.
tion of transformational leadership. 3% Neither Agree Organization Culture & Cordial Environment
nor Disagreed and 10% disagreed with it. Probably this Both bosses as well as the subordinates were at 100%
10% is the one who themselves exercise autocratic style consensus for having a cordial environment at the work

Figure 3. Organizational factors.

Vol 8 (S6) | March 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 29
Impact of Transformational Leadership over Employee Morale and Motivation

place. Cordial environment enhances the efficiency of the 3.1.4 Leader Follower Relationship
workers. In such an environment the person works with Graphically these factors have been represented through
open, fear less mind and thus can give his best contrary to Figure 4.
the unfriendly workplace where most of the time worker
thinks of either defensive or offensive moves rather than Communication Channels
work. If an organization has a positive attitude towards 100% of the population strongly agreed with having
its employees, the production, team-orientation, innova- healthy communication channel for the implementation
tion & creativity and where leaders consider failures as of the transformational leadership in an organization.
the learning experiences, the chances of acceptance of Communication is the basic instrument through which
transformational leadership in such organizations is very the exchange of ideas takes place from one mind to
high. another irrespective of region, religion and tradition.
For the transformation to happen it’s very important for Clear Objectives the people to know and understand the reasons behind
100% agreed with clarity of objectives as one of the transformation. Here it’s very important to note that the
essential factors for successful implementation of trans- successful communication does not depend alone upon
formational leadership. the superior’s fluency with English language. It depends Training and Development upon the understanding of the language of land; it
Transformational leadership means changing the cul- depends upon understanding the culture of the external
ture of organization along with the attitude, behavior environment including the attitude, belief, taste and pref-
and personality of the individuals to the extent possible. erences of the population so as to know how to transform
Therefore, surprisingly here again the 100% population them so as to change the individuals in order to match the
comprising of bosses as well as the subordinates strongly objectives of organization.
agreed with the intensive training and development in Trust over Leaders
accordance with the requirement of the individual for 100% of the subordinates agreed with having trust over
transforming the organization. the potential of their superiors before they blindly start

Figure 4. Leader follower relationship factors.

30 Vol 8 (S6) | March 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Surya Rashmi Rawat

following them. Success of Transformational leader- more effective in the implementation of transformational
ship very much depends upon the surrendering of self leadership in the organizations. This may be due to rela-
i.e., individual goals against the bigger objectives of the tively high EQ (emotional quotient) in the women giving
organization. Thus this will happen only when the sub- them a better hand at reading and understanding the
ordinates have strong faith over the potential of bosses to minds of others and identifying their wants and needs.
sail them out of the bad weathers. This may help them to design and transform the work
environment, culture and behavior of people in a more Subordinate’s Perception of Leader’s smooth and simple manner.
Subordinate’s perception of leader’s effectiveness was
also observed as a must factor for the implementation of 3.3 Impact of Transformational Leadership
transformational leadership in an organisation. In fact if over Employee Morale and Motivation
the subordinates think their boss ia capable then they will
The results of one way ANOVA test through applica-
happily change according to his reuirement without ask-
tion of SPSS shows that the mean difference is significant
ing any question.
at the 0.05 level. This leads to the rejection of the null
hypothesis 2 viz, H20= There is no significant impact of
3.2 Impact of Gender over Implementation transformational leadership over employee morale and
of Transformational Leadership motivation. Thus the alternate hypothesis that there is a
The results of one way ANOVA test through application significant difference in the impact of transformational
of SPSS shows that the mean difference is significant at the leadership over employee morale and motivation stood
0.05 level. This leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis accepted.
1viz, H10= There is no significant impact of gender over Data collected through survey also had sufficient
transformational leadership. Thus the alternate hypoth- evidence supporting the fact that the employees were
esis that there is a significant difference in the impact of drawing more job satisfaction out of working in places
the gender over the transformational leadership stood where transformational leadership was applied as in
accepted. such organizations the objectives are set and achieved
Data collected through survey also had sufficient through realization of individual’s wants and desires.
evidence supporting the fact that the women leaders are They offer cordial work place and believe in training and

Table 1. Impact of gender over implementation of transformational leadership

95%Confidence Interval for Mean
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
Strongly agree 323 1.5635 .49673 .02764 1.5091 1.6178 1.00 2.00
Agree 38 1.1579 .36954 .05995 1.0364 1.2794 1.00 2.00
Neither agree nor disagree 10 1.0000 .00000 .00000 1.0000 1.0000 1.00 1.00
Disagree 5 1.0000 .00000 .00000 1.0000 1.0000 1.00 1.00
Strongly disagree 2 1.5000 .70711 .50000 –4.8531 7.8531 1.00 2.00
Total 378 1.5000 .50066 .02575 1.4494 1.5506 1.00 2.00

Table 2. ANOVA
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 9.498 4 2.375 10.420 .000
Within Groups 85.002 373 .228
Total 94.500 377

Vol 8 (S6) | March 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 31
Impact of Transformational Leadership over Employee Morale and Motivation

Table 3.
Post Hoc Tests
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Gender
95% Confidence Interval
(I) Transformational Mean Difference Upper
Leadership (J) Transformational Leadership (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Bound
Strongly agree Agree .4056(*) .08187 .000 .2446 .5666
Neither agree nor disagree .5635(*) .15328 .000 .2621 .8649
Disagree .5635(*) .21513 .009 .1404 .9865
Agree Strongly disagree .0635 .33860 .851 –.6023 .7293
Strongly agree –.4056(*) .08187 .000 –.5666 –.2446
Neither agree nor disagree .1579 .16966 .353 –.1757 .4915
Disagree .1579 .22710 .487 –.2887 .6045
Strongly disagree –.3421 .34632 .324 –1.0231 .3389
Neither agree nor disagree Strongly agree –.5635(*) .15328 .000 –.8649 –.2621
Disagree Agree –.1579 .16966 .353 –.4915 .1757
Disagree .0000 .26147 1.000 –.5141 .5141
Strongly disagree –.5000 .36977 .177 –1.2271 .2271
Strongly agree –.5635(*) .21513 .009 –.9865 –.1404
Agree –.1579 .22710 .487 –.6045 .2887
Neither agree nor disagree .0000 .26147 1.000 –.5141 .5141
Strongly disagree –.5000 .39940 .211 –1.2854 .2854
Strongly disagree Strongly agree –.0635 .33860 .851 –.7293 .6023
Agree .3421 .34632 .324 –.3389 1.0231
Neither agree nor disagree .5000 .36977 .177 –.2271 1.2271
Disagree .5000 .39940 .211 –.2854 1.2854
* The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

Table 4. Impact of transformational leadership over Employee morale and motivation

ransformational Leadership
95% Confidence
Interval for Mean
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
Strongly Agree 213 1.0563 .23112 .01584 1.0251 1.0876 1.00 2.00
Agree 103 1.3398 .86945 .08567 1.1699 1.5097 1.00 5.00
NAND 38 1.8947 .79829 .12950 1.6323 2.1571 1.00 3.00
Disagree 13 1.0000 .00000 .00000 1.0000 1.0000 1.00 1.00
Strongly Disagree 11 1.0000 .00000 .00000 1.0000 1.0000 1.00 1.00
Total 378 1.2143 .60424 .03108 1.1532 1.2754 1.00 5.00

Table 5. ANOVA
Transformational Leadership development to remove any misfit between the employee
Sum of Mean and the organization’s expectation. Here the employees get
Squares df Square F Sig. personnel attention and thus the sense of belongingness
Between Groups 25.633 4 6.408 21.340 .000 also becomes intense. The employees are more guided
Within Groups 112.010 373 .300 by their conscious and inner voice than the continuous
Total 137.643 377 monitoring of their boss.

32 Vol 8 (S6) | March 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Surya Rashmi Rawat

Table 6.
Post Hoc Tests
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Transformational Leadership
95% Confidence Interval
(I) Morale and Motivation (J) Morale and Motivation Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Strongly Agree Agree –.2835(*) .06577 .000 –.4128 –.1541
NAND –.8384(*) .09650 .000 –1.0282 –.6486
Disagree .0563 .15655 .719 –.2515 .3642
Strongly Disagree .0563 .16944 .740 –.2768 .3895
Agree Strongly Agree .2835(*) .06577 .000 .1541 .4128
NAND –.5549(*) .10401 .000 –.7594 –.3504
Disagree .3398(*) .16129 .036 .0227 .6570
Strongly Disagree .3398 .17382 .051 –.0020 .6816
NAND Strongly Agree .8384(*) .09650 .000 .6486 1.0282
Agree .5549(*) .10401 .000 .3504 .7594
Disagree .8947(*) .17607 .000 .5485 1.2410
Strongly Disagree .8947(*) .18762 .000 .5258 1.2637
Disagree Strongly Agree –.0563 .15655 .719 –.3642 .2515
Agree –.3398(*) .16129 .036 –.6570 –.0227
NAND –.8947(*) .17607 .000 –1.2410 –.5485
Strongly Disagree .0000 .22450 1.000 –.4414 .4414
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree –.0563 .16944 .740 –.3895 .2768
Agree –.3398 .17382 .051 –.6816 .0020
NAND –.8947(*) .18762 .000 –1.2637 –.5258
Disagree .0000 .22450 1.000 –.4414 .4414
* The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

Understanding the individual and then gradually Analysis and interpretation of the data led researcher
implementing the change in organization’s culture leads to conclude that there are various factors that affect the
to a higher job satisfaction, rich job involvement and transformational leadership.
thus the higher productivity, thus leading to a win-win These may be categorized as personal characters of
situation both for the superiors and the subordinates trig- leaders, personal characters of followers, organizational
gering a real symbiotic growth of the organization with factors and leader follower relationship.
the growth of its every individual. The study proved that the gender has an impact over
the implementation of transformational leadership. It also
proved that the transformational leadership has positive
4. Conclusion impact over Employee morale and motivation.
We finally conclude that leadership process is not a one
shot affair, it involves the study of different leadership
5. Recommendations
styles, the personality traits of the leaders and its best fit On the basis of the study it was found that the following
with the personality traits, attitude, emotions, work cul- must be done to have successful implementation of trans-
ture, work experience and attitude towards learning and formational leadership in an organization:
innovation of the followers or the employees. This process
of finding the best fit between personality, age, experience a. Proper building of human inventory report with
and attitude of the leader and follower involves lot of detailed information about the every employee men-
freezing, unfreezing and re-refreezing exercises in accor- tioning his qualification, experience, attitude towards
dance with the internal and external environment of the job & also fellow men, personality traits and work
organization. preferences.

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Impact of Transformational Leadership over Employee Morale and Motivation

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34 Vol 8 (S6) | March 2015 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology

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