LESSON 2 FUNDA Overview of The BS REM Program

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Lesson 2


Lesson Description: This is lecture give the student insights on the BS REM Degree as per
CHED CMO 28 – with emphasis on the course description, objectives, and competency

• To know the objectives of the BS REM course
• To be aware of the careers in store for the real estate practitioner
• To integrate the competency standards of the course


• Apply the knowledge on the objectives and competency standards of BS REM as a guide in
the course
• Integrate the knowledge in the student’s career plans


The Real Estate Industry used to be under the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
Until 2010. Examination and registration for both Brokers and Dealers (now Salespersons)
was under the jurisdiction of this agency. The examination then was a 100 point
examination. The exam type was filling in the blanks, enumeration, matching type and

Those who were licensed thru DTI need not take the PRC examination as mandated by RA
9646. They only needed to attend a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminar
and the DTI licensed practitioner can apply and can be registration under the PRC (with
prescription period). The is called the “Grandfather Clause”

Along with DTI, the real estate practitioners, needed to be registered the Housing and Land
Use Regulatory Board (HLURB). This is through the mandate of PD 957 Subdivision and
Condominium Buyer’s Protective Decree.

This is now the Department of Humas Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD)
through RA 11201 of February 14, 2019. This agency is now responsible for the
development and adoption of a national strategy to ensure alignment of policies, programs
and projects to provide housing to Filipinos

PS 1 Fundamentals of Real Estate Management --- Lyceum of Alabang ---Prof Ann V. Villareal.
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The passage of RA 9646 The Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines saw the
modernization and the professionalization of the industry. The licensing and regulation of
the profession now fell under the jurisdiction of the Professional Regulation Commission
(PRC). The examination is now a 400 point multiple type examination. The transition
period only required a 120 unit seminar to be legible for the Broker’s Exam. From 2016,
a diploma in BS REM is now needed to be able to take the examination.


CMO 28: Policies, Standards and guidelines for the Bachelor of Science in Real Estate
Management (BS REM)

Program Description :
BS REM Program aims to prepare the graduates for a career in the field of Real Estate Management
in various corporations and institutions, whether in the practice of salesmanship, brokerage=,
appraisal and consultancy, including the local government practice of assessors and appraisers. It
prepares the students to be proactive and responsive to the total environment by providing practical
interpersonal and conceptual; skills in the area of real estate management. Theory blended with
practicum activities to give the students a broad and enriched base for a career in real estate service

SECTION 1. RA 9646, otherwise known as the “Real Estate Service Act of the
Philippines” recognizes the vital role of the real estate service practitioners in the social,
political, economic development and progress of the country by promoting the real estate
market, stimulating economic activity and enhancing government income from property-
based transactions. The objective of the Bachelor of Science in Real estate Management
program is to develop a corps of technically competent, responsible and respected
professional real estate service practitioners whose standards of practice and service shall
be globally competitive and will promote the growth of the real estate industry.

A distinctive feature of the program is the presentation and elucidation of comprehensive. Courses
which will include actual discussion of cases and paradigm shift including real estate feasibility
study that will give the opportunity for the student to apply the problem solving concepts learned
in the classroom to real situations. Extensive opportunities are available for students to be involved
in the real estate environment to gain pedagogical experience that they can use after graduation

The program conforms with the required general education courses, establishes the foundations for
real estate management , includes nosiness management theories and applications, and focuses on
the three major fields of real estate service management which includes brokerage, appraisal and

PS 1 Fundamentals of Real Estate Management --- Lyceum of Alabang ---Prof Ann V. Villareal.
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1. Provide complete understanding of the concepts, principles, theories and philosophies of business
management, finance, economics, operations and marketing as applied to real estate service practice
2. Assist students to seek employment and facilitate the integration process in the real estate corporate
environment and local government so they can be immediately be productive in the workplace
3. Help the student to seek employment and entry level jobs as entrepreneur, marketing executives or
positions of responsibility as real estate brokers, Appraisers and consultants’
4. Prepare students to formulate real estate project feasibility studies and other related works to build a
portfolio attesting to their competencies and ability to pursue appropriate careers in the real estate
management practice
5. Prepare civil servants to discharge their functions, duties and responsibility as government appraisers
and assessors of public domain for taxation and other public services purposes


Sec 6. Graduates of a BS REM Program should be able to:

6.1 Offer or render professional advice and judgment on: the acquisition, enhancement, preservation,
utilization or disposition of lands or improvements thereon; and (ii) the conception, planning,
management and development of real estate projects.

6.2 Perform or render, or offer to perform services in estimating and arriving at an opinion of or acts
as an expert on real estate values, such services of which shall be finally rendered by the preparation
of the report in acceptable written form

6.3 Perform local government appraisal and assessment or real properties including plants, equipment
and machineries essential for taxation purposes and other public service purposes

6.4 Acts as an agent of a party in a real estate transaction to offer, advertise, solicit, promote, mediate,
negotiate or effect the meeting of the minds on the sale, purchase, exchange, mortgage, lease or
joint venture or other similar transactions on real estate or any interest therein

6.5 Perform service for and in behalf of a real estate broker who is registered and licensed for or in
expectation of a share of a a commission, professional fee, compensation or other valuable

6.6 Convey ideas clearly both oral and written in English or Filipino

6.7 Prepare, analyze, and evaluate reports, proposals and concept papers

6.8 Demonstrate the values of fairness, transparency, accountability, hard work, honesty, patience,
diligence, innovativeness, and risk taking

6.9 Apply the different forms of communication

6.10 Develop the ability to access, retrieve, and disseminate information, using information technology

PS 1 Fundamentals of Real Estate Management --- Lyceum of Alabang ---Prof Ann V. Villareal.
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6.11 Perform quality real estate work

6.12 Understand and apply the principles of good interpersonal relations

6.13 Develop a wholesome personality aligned to his/her profession

6.14 participate actively in business associations and comply with their policies and regulations

6.15 Demonstrate leadership qualities, civic mindedness and responsible citizenship

6.16 Conduct environmental scanning on the real estate industry and practices

6.17 Conduct feasibility study and other business research/plan related to real estate

6.18 Explain the concepts, approaches and techniques of environment conservation as applied to the real
estate industry

6.19 Know and understand the country’s national development thrusts, concerns , socio economic and
real estate indicators

6.20 Perform fail market value assessment in the municipal, city and provincial levels for real estate
taxation and public service purpose


REAL ESTATE CONSULTANT – a duly registered and licensed natural person who, for a
professional fee, compensation or other valuable consideration, offers or renders professional
advice and judgment on: (i) the acquisition, enhancement, preservation, utilization or disposition
of lands or improvements thereon; and (ii) the conception, planning, management and development
of real estate projects.

How to be a Real Estate Consultant

• Graduate of a BS REM Degree
• Practicing Broker for 10 years or
• Practicing Broker/Appraiser for 5 years

Careers for the Real Estate Consultant

• Entrepreneur
• RE Consultant for Businesses
• Management trainee in real estate consultancy
• Real Estate consultant Assistant

Real Estate Consultant Examination

• A 100 point examination is held in December every year
• Requirement: Submission of a Project Feasibility Study

PS 1 Fundamentals of Real Estate Management --- Lyceum of Alabang ---Prof Ann V. Villareal.
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• A revalida /defense is held around January

REAL ESTATE APPRAISER – a duly registered and licensed natural person who, for a professional fee,
compensation or other valuable consideration, performs or renders, or offers to perform services in
estimating and arriving at an opinion of or acts as an expert on real estate values, such services of which
shall be finally rendered by the preparation of the report in acceptable written form.

How to be a Real Estate Appraiser/Assessor

• Graduate of a BS REM Degree

Real Estate Appraiser Examination (REALE)

• 250 point examination
• Held every August / September of the year
• You are allowed to take the Appraiser first before the Broker’s exam

Real Estate Appraiser Jobs

Management Trainee in real estate appraisal office
Appraisal assistant
Administrative assistant
Executive assistant
Real Estate Junior Appraisal Trainee
Real Estate Appraisal Analyst

REAL ESTATE ASSESSOR —a duly registered and licensed natural person who works in a local
government unit and performs appraisal and assessment of real properties, including plants, equipment, and
machineries, essentially for taxation purposes.

PS 1 Fundamentals of Real Estate Management --- Lyceum of Alabang ---Prof Ann V. Villareal.
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Assessors. Jobs in national/local government
Local Government Assessor
Administrative assistant
Municipal Government Assessor
Municipal Government Assistant assessor
City Government Assessor
City Government Assistant Assessor
Provincial Government Assessor
Local Assessor Office
Administrative assistant in the Assessor’s Office

Duties and Tasks of the Assessor

1. Determine taxability and value of properties, using methods such as field inspection, structural
measurement, calculation, sales analysis, market trend studies, and income and expense analysis.
2. Inspect new construction and major improvements to existing structures in order to determine
3. Explain assessed values to property owners and defend appealed assessments at public hearings.
4. Inspect properties, considering factors such as market value, location, and building or
replacement costs to determine appraisal value.
5. Prepare and maintain current data on each parcel assessed, including maps of boundaries,
inventories of land and structures, property characteristics, and any applicable exemptions.
6. Identify the ownership of each piece of taxable property.
7. Conduct regular reviews of property within jurisdictions in order to determine changes in
property due to construction or demolition.
8. Complete and maintain assessment rolls that show the assessed values and status of all property
in a municipality.
9. Issue notices of assessments and taxes.
10. Review information about transfers of property to ensure its accuracy, checking basic information
on buyers, sellers, and sales prices and making corrections as necessary.
11. Maintain familiarity with aspects of local real estate markets.
12. Analyze trends in sales prices, construction costs, and rents, in order to assess property values
and/or determine the accuracy of assessments.
13. Approve applications for property tax exemptions or deductions.
14. Establish uniform and equitable systems for assessing all classes and kinds of property.
15. Write and submit appraisal and tax reports for public record.
16. Serve on assessment review boards.
17. Calculate tax bills for properties by multiplying assessed values by jurisdiction tax rates.

REAL ESTATE BROKER - a duly registered and licensed natural person who, for a professional fee,
commission or other valuable consideration, acts as an agent of a party in a real estate transaction to offer,
advertise, solicit, list, promote, mediate, negotiate or effect the meeting of the minds on the sale, purchase,
exchange, mortgage, lease or joint venture, or other similar transactions on real estate or any interest therein.

PS 1 Fundamentals of Real Estate Management --- Lyceum of Alabang ---Prof Ann V. Villareal.
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REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON - a duly accredited natural person who performs service for, and in
behalf of a real estate broker who is registered and licensed by the Professional Regulatory Board of Real
Estate Service for or in expectation of a share in the commission, professional fee, compensation or other
valuable consideration.


REAL ESTATE DOCUMENTATION EXPERT– more frequently encountered in rawland selling, and
general brokerage, the practitioner need to know the intricacies of this area. In this area of real estate, the
practitioner needs to have attention to details, good filing skills and people skills. Other areas of this niche
is Title Transfer, Estate Settlement, Tax Declaration Transfer.

DIGITAL IT SUPPORT – there are realty agencies where the salespersons are purely Information
Technology (IT) people. They help the realty in developing the brand, running the website, creating posts,
generally running the business through multi media.

VIRTUAL ASSISTANT –provides administrative services to clients while operating outside of the client's
office. They specialize in offering administrative services to clients from a remote location, usually a home
office. Typical tasks include scheduling appointments, making phone calls, making travel arrangements,
and managing email accounts and social media accounts.

REAL ESTATE EDUCATION – with the high interest in the BS Real Estate Management course,
together with the need for the Certificate Training program (CTP) – the entry level seminar for salesperson
and the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for the renewal of licenses and accreditation of the
practitioner, there is a huge demand for competent professors. These educators must be able to balance the
theory and practical based learning of the students.

Credentials Needed : Broker, Appraiser, Consultant, MBA, PhD.

PRC Accredited Lecturer : 10 years in Real estate education, 5 years in practice.
Accreditation as a Real estate lecturer by PRC-PRBRES.

BOOK AUTHORS ON REAL ESTATE – the professionalization of the industry was established fairly
recently with the RESA law. In this light, there are limited books available in the market that caters to the
local practice.

REAL ESTATE BOOK KEEPERS AND ACCOUNTANTS - the practice requires a lot taxation
management and monitoring. Bookeepers and accountant would be the profession that is intertwined in the
real estate industry.

REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY – not to mention the notarization requirements of all legal documents, a
real estate lawyer would guide the client through the legal process of the real estate transaction, handling
disputes between parties among others. They will review all paperwork in advance and advise on any
problems with the documentation.

Credentials Needed: Law Graduate, Board Passer

PROPERTY MANAGERS – they do the daily oversight of residential, commercial, or industrial real
estate by a third-party contractor, they take responsibility for day-to-day repairs and ongoing maintenance,
security, and upkeep of properties. They usually work for the owners of investment properties such as

PS 1 Fundamentals of Real Estate Management --- Lyceum of Alabang ---Prof Ann V. Villareal.
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apartment and condominium complexes, private home communities, shopping centers, and industrial
parks. Their main roles are to manage routine tasks delegated to them by the owners and to preserve the
value of the properties that they manage while generating income (source: Investopedia). To level up
credentials on being a property manager, there are certificate programs for the profession.


Civil Engineers conceive, design, build, supervise, operate, construct and maintain infrastructure projects
and systems in the public and private sector, including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges,
and systems for water supply and sewage treatment.

Geodetic Engineering is a professional and organized act of gathering physical data on the surface of the
earth with the use of precision instruments. It is also the scientific and methodical processing of these data
and presenting them on graphs, plans, maps, charts or documents.

ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNERS - does site planning analysis for residential, commercial, industrial
and other land uses. You will also acquire knowledge on the standards and requirements of government on
utilities and infrastructures for environmental considerations.

Bachelor's degree in Environmental Planning, Urban and Regional Planning, City Planning Town and
Country Planning and/or Human Settlements Planning, or it's equivalent, and with two (2) year on-the-job
training, as required under R.A. No. 10587.

PS 1 Fundamentals of Real Estate Management --- Lyceum of Alabang ---Prof Ann V. Villareal.
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Careers for Environmental Planners
• Urban Design & Architecture
• Property Development
• Nonprofit Organizations
• Law
• Local Government
• Research Firms

As we grow and hone our competence and skill in the business, the practitioner can explore and delve into
the different area of the practice. They may discover their own niche markets and become authorities to
these. The most highly successful real estate Brokers and agents have narrowed their marketing niche and
focus to specific geographical areas, type of property or even a category of customers. Selecting a niche
that appeals to you can be a lucrative strategy. Identify your expertise and passion and focus there.
Everything will become easy and take off like you have dreamt it to be.


PS 1 Fundamentals of Real Estate Management --- Lyceum of Alabang ---Prof Ann V. Villareal.
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