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Millennium ®

Respirator Application
P100 Respirator
GME-P100 Respirator
Gas Mask Application
Chin-Type Canister
CS/CN Canister
CBRN Application
APR/CBRN Respirator
PAPR/CBRN Respirator


This manual must be carefully read and followed by all persons who have, or
will have, the responsibility for using or servicing Millennium APR Respirator.
These Millennium APR Respirators will perform as designed only if used and
serviced according to the instructions; otherwise, the respirator could fail to
perform as designed, and persons who rely on the Millennium APR Respirator
could sustain serious personal injury or death.

The warranties made by MSA with respect to the product are voided if the
product is not installed, used and serviced in accordance with the instructions
in this manual. Please protect yourself and your employees by following he
instructions, Please read and observe the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS inside.
For any additional information relative to use or repair, write or call 1-800-
MSA-2222 during regular working hours.

See separate insert for NIOSH Approval Information

P/N 10046605 (APR/CBRN), P/N 818373 (CS/CN), P/N 10035719 (P100, GME-
P100), P/N 817241 (Gas Mask), P/N 10080165 (PAPR/CBRN), 10071373 (PAPR)

For More Information, call 1-800-MSA-2222 or Visit Our Website at


TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 © MSA 2013 Prnt. Spec. 10000005389 (T) Mat. 430351
Doc. 430351


NIOSH Approval Information .....................................................................................................2

Instructions for Use and Care....................................................................................................7
General Description ...................................................................................................................9
Size Selection ..........................................................................................................................13
Respirator Fit Test....................................................................................................................13
Preparing the Respirator for Use .............................................................................................15
Negative Pressure Seal Test ....................................................................................................17
Donning the Butyl Coated Nylon Hod .....................................................................................18
Removing the Respirator .........................................................................................................21
Cleaning and Disinfecting ........................................................................................................23
Inspection ................................................................................................................................25
Other Respirator Configurations..............................................................................................32
Millennium Facepiece Assemblies...........................................................................................33

NIOSH APPROVAL INFORMATION Instructions for changing canisters.

CAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS M- All approved respirators shall be
selected, fitted, used, and maintained
Millennium Industrial and Gas Mask in accordance with MSHA, OSHA and
Applications other applicable regulations.
N- Never substitute, modify, add, or omit
Note: All cautions and limitations do not parts. Use only exact replacement
apply to all applications. Refer to the NIOSH parts in the configuration as specified
approval insert to verify the applicable cau- by the manufacturer.
tions and limitations. O- Refer to User’s Instructions, and/or
maintenance manuals for information
A- Not for use in atmospheres containing on use and maintenance of these res-
less than 19.5 percent oxygen. pirators.
B- Not for use in atmospheres immediate- P- NIOSH does not evaluate respirators
ly dangerous to life or health. for use as surgical masks.
C- Do not exceed maximum use concen- S- Special or critical User’s Instructions
trations established by regulatory stan- and/or specific use limitations apply.
dards. Refer to User s Instructions before
H- Follow established cartridge and can- donning.
ister change out schedules or observe BB Not for use for entry into atmospheres
ESLI to ensure that cartridges and immediately dangerous to life and
canisters are replaced before break- health.
through occurs. CC For entry, do not exceed maximum
I- Contains electrical parts that may use concentrations established by reg-
cause an ignition source in flammable ulatory standards.
or explosive atmospheres. FF Respirators are to be fit tested prior to
J- Failure to properly use and maintain use with the heaviest cartridges, canis-
this product could result in injury or ters, filters and/or accessories intend-
death. ed to be used. Fit testing should also
L- Follow the manufacturer’s User’s

TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 2


be conducted while wearing all per- ration as specified by the applicable

sonal protective equipment intended regulations and guidance.
to be used. See User's Instructions for X- Consult manufacturer s User’s
fit test requirements. Instructions for information on the use,
storage, and maintenance of these
APR/CBRN Application respirators at various temperatures.
A- Not for use in atmospheres containing Y- This respirator provides respiratory
less than 19.5 percent oxygen. protection against inhalation of radio-
I- Contains electrical parts that may logical and nuclear dust particles.
cause an ignition source in flammable Procedures for monitoring radiation
or explosive atmospheres. exposure and full radiation protection
J- Failure to properly use and maintain must be followed.
this product could result in injury or Z- If during use, and unexpected hazard is
death. encountered such as a secondary
L- Follow the manufacturer’s User’s CBRN device; pockets of entrapped
Instructions for changing canisters. hazard or any unforeseen hazard,
M- All approved respirators shall be select immediately leave the area for clean air.
ed, fitted, used, and maintained in CC For entry, do not exceed maximum use
accordance with MSHA, OSHA and concentrations established by regulato-
other applicable regulations. ry standards.
N- Never substitute, modify, add, or omit HH- Used when at defined occupational
parts. Use only exact replacement exposure limits, the rated service time
parts in the configuration as specified cannot be exceeded. Follow estab-
by the manufacturer. lished canister change-out schedules
O- Refer to User’s Instructions, and/or or observe End-Of-Service-Life
maintenance manuals for information Indicators to ensure that canisters are
on use and maintenance of these res- replaced before breakthrough occurs.
pirators. QQ- Use in conjunction with personal protec-
R- Some CBRN agents may not present tive ensembles that provide appropriate
immediate effects from exposure, but levels of protection against dermal haz-
can result in delayed impairment, ill- ard. Failure to do so may result in per-
ness, or death. sonal injury even when the respirator is
S Special or critical User's Instructions properly fitted, used, and maintained.
and/or specific use limitations apply. UU- The respirator should not be used
Refer to User's Instructions before beyond eight (8) hours after initial
donning. exposure to chemical warfare agents
T- Direct contact with CBRN agents to avoid possibility of agent perme-
requires proper handling of the respira- ation. If liquid exposure is encoun-
tor after each use and between multi- tered, the respirator should not be
ple entries during the same use. used for more than two (2) hours.
Decontamination and disposal proce-
dures must be followed. If contaminat- PAPR/CBRN Application
ed with liquid chemical warfare agents, A- Not for use in atmospheres containing
dispose of the respirator after decont- less than 19.5 percent oxygen.
amination. F- Do not use powered air-purifying respi-
V- Not for use in atmospheres immediate- rators if air flow is less than four cfm
ly dangerous to life and health or (115 lpm) for tight fitting facepieces or
where hazards have not been fully six cfm (170 lpm) for hoods and/or hel-
characterized. mets.
W- Use replacement parts in the configu- H- Follow established cartridge and car-

3 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


tridge change schedules or observe hazard or any unforeseen hazard,

ESLI to ensure cartridges and canis- immediately leave the area for clean air.
ters are replaced before breakthrough BB- Not for use in entry into atmospheres
occurs. immediately dangerous to life or health.
I- Contains electrical parts that may CC- For entry, do not exceed maximum
cause an ignition source in flammable use concentrations established by reg-
or explosive atmospheres. ulatory standards.
J- Failure to properly use and maintain GG- Direct contact with CBRN agents
this product could result in injury or requires proper handling of the respira-
death. tor after use. Correct disposal proce-
L- Follow the manufacturer’s User’s dures must be followed.
Instructions for changing canisters. QQ- Use in conjunction with personal pro-
M- All approved respirators shall be tective ensembles that provide appro-
selected, fitted, used, and maintained priate levels of protection against der-
in accordance with MSHA, OSHA and mal hazard. Failure to do so may result
other applicable regulations. in personal injury even when the respi-
N- Never substitute, modify, add, or omit rator is fitted properly, used, and main-
parts. Use only exact replacement tained.
parts in the configuration as specified UU- The respirator should not be used
by the manufacturer. beyond eight (8) hours after initial
O- Refer to User’s Instructions, and/or exposure to chemical warfare agents
maintenance manuals for information to avoid the possibility of agent per-
on use and maintenance of these res- meation. If liquid exposure is encoun-
pirators. tered, the respirator should not be
R- Some CBRN agents may not present used for more than two (2) hours.
immediate effects from exposure, but VV- PAPRS with TC-23C approvals may
can result in delayed impairment, ill- NOT be used for escape from IDLH
ness, and death. atmospheres.
S- Special or critical User’s Instructions
and/or specific use limitations apply. CBRN Application
Refer to User s Instructions before don-
T- Direct contact with CBRN agents
requires proper handling of the respira- • This respirator provides LIMITED pro-
tor after each use and between multi- tection. It is NIOSH approved for res-
ple entries during the same use. piratory protection against atmos-
Decontamination and disposal proce- pheres containing CBRN (chemical,
dures must be followed. If contaminat- biological, radiological, and nuclear)
ed with liquid chemical warfare agents, warfare agents; however, it cannot
dispose of the respirator after decont- protect against all possible warfare
amination. agents.
Y- This respirator provides respiratory • Some CBRN agents may not present
protection against inhalation of radio- immediate effects from exposure, but
logical and nuclear dust particles. can result in delayed impairment, ill-
Procedures for monitoring radiation ness, or death.
exposure and full radiation protection • DO NOT use without a complete
must be followed. understanding of the instructions and
Z- If during use, and unexpected hazard is limitations for this respirator and
encountered such as a secondary proper training. Misuse can prevent
CBRN device; pockets of entrapped the respirator from providing the nec-

TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 4


essary protection. • DO NOT remove respirator until respi-

• CBRN agents may NOT be detectable rator and clothing are decontaminat-
by smell or sight. Don respirator ed; otherwise exposure to CBRN
before entering an area suspected of agent may result. Follow decontami-
containing CBRN agent. Follow pro- nation and disposal procedures estab-
cedures established by proper lished by appropriate authorities.
• DO NOT use this respirator beyond
eight (8) hours after initial use in an
atmosphere containing CBRN agents
or beyond two (2) hours after initial
use in an atmosphere containing
CBRN agents in liquid of mist form;
otherwise agent permeation may

5 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 6


c. You taste or smell the contaminant

d. You experience nose or throat irri-
1. An adequate respiratory protection
program must include knowledge of
e. Instructed by responsible individuals
hazards, hazard assessment, selec-
12. Use strictly according to the instruc-
tion of proper respiratory protective
tions, labels, and limitations pertain-
equipment, instruction and training in
ing to this device. Follow an estab-
the use of equipment, inspection and
lished canister/cartridge(s) change-
maintenance of equipment, and med-
out schedule.
ical surveillance.
13. This respirator may not provide a sat-
2. This respirator will perform as
isfactory seal with certain facial char-
designed only if used and maintained
acteristics, such as beards or large
according to the manufacturer’s
sideburns, that prevents direct con-
instructions. The Program
tact between the skin and the sealing
Administrator and the users must read
surface of the facepiece. Do not use
and understand these instructions
this facepiece if such conditions exist.
before using or servicing this product.
14. DO NOT wear eyeglasses under the
3. If the respirator does not perform as
facepiece. The temples or sidebars
specified in this manual, it must not
on eyeglasses will prevent an air-tight
be used until it has been checked by
seal. If you must wear glasses, install
authorized personnel.
the spectacle kit.
4. DO NOT alter, modify, or substitute
15. The user must perform a respirator fit
any components.
test (Quantitative Test or Qualitative
5. Inspect the respirator regularly and
Test) and follow all warnings and limi-
maintain it according to the instruc-
tations specified.
tions. Repairs must only be made by
16. Wear impermeable protective clothing
properly trained personnel.
to prevent exposure to gases and
6. This respiratory protective device
vapors which can poison by skin
does not supply oxygen. Use only in
adequately ventilated areas which
17. DO NOT use this full facepiece with
conform to the appropriate standard.
self-contained breathing apparatus
7. This respirator must be used in con-
junction with the proper chemical or
18. DO NOT use this respiratory protec-
particulate canister/cartridge(s) for
tive device in explosive atmospheres.
protection against specific contami-
19. DO NOT use for urethane paints or
nants. If you cannot determine that
other paints containing diisocyanates
the filter canister/cartridge(s) used
unless an appropriate cartridge
with this device is designed for the
change-out schedule is developed.
contaminant, or if you do not know
Due to their poor warning properties,
the identity of the contaminant, do
over exposure can occur without user
not use this device.
awareness and result in severe per-
8. Do not use when concentrations of
manent damage to the respiratory
contaminants are unknown.
system. If unable to develop an
9. Do not use when appropriate expo-
appropriate change-out schedule, use
sure limit (PEL, REL, TLV, etc.) is not
an air-supplied respirator or SCBA.
10. Leave the contaminated area immedi-
Failure to follow all warnings, instruc-
ately if:
tions, and established protective meas-
a. Breathing becomes difficult
ures can result in serious personal injury
b. Dizziness or other distress occurs
or death.

7 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


• Do NOT remove respirator in contam-

inated areas. The outer surface of the
• This respirator/filter provides LIMIT-
respirator MUST be treated as if it is
ED protection. It may help reduce
contaminated at all times. Tight-fit-
exposure to airborne biological
ting safety goggles, or a full-face-
agents, including H1N1 (swine) flu
piece respirator, may further help pre-
virus, avian (bird) flu virus, other types
vent transmission of influenza virus.
of influenza, SARS, or other bacterial
or viral biological agents and help
• The CDC recommends frequent hand
reduce the risk for influenza infection
washing and wearing gloves to help
during a pandemic, but will NOT elim-
prevent transmission of disease due
inate the risk of exposure, infection,
to exposure to surfaces where con-
illness, or death.
taminants may be present, and also
immediately following removal of the
• This respirator/filter is certified by
NIOSH to comply with the require-
ments specified for the designated fil-
• Do NOT reuse or share maintenance-
ter efficiency level; however, appropri-
free respirators. ALWAYS clean car-
ate authorities have NOT established
tridge-style respirators before reuse
a safe level of exposure to biological
in accordance with the instructions
agents. Therefore, the respirator may
NOT prevent transmission of influen-
za virus.
• This respirator/filter is NOT for use by
(a) children, or (b) people with a med-
• Refer to the Centers for Disease
ical condition that may be adversely
Control and Prevention (CDC) at
affected by using it. for guidance on the use
of respirators to help decrease expo-
Failure to follow all warnings and instruc-
sure to H1N1 virus or other airborne
tions can result in serious personal injury
biological agents in community,
or death.
home, and occupational settings. The
CDC recommends fit testing, medical
evaluations, and training for optimal
effectiveness when a respirator is
When using filters in an application that
used in a non-occupational setting.
produces sparks, ensure that they are
Neglecting these preparatory meas-
protected by a shield. Contact with
ures may cause an unsafe condition.
sparks can damage filters and reduce
Respirators used in an occupational
setting MUST be used in accordance
with a complete respiratory protec-
tion program as required by OSHA,
which includes proper selection,
training, fit-testing, and fit-checking.
Detailed information on a respiratory
protection program is available by
contacting OSHA or visiting

TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 8


The Millennium APR/CBRN Respirator is an P/N 10051287 (medium) with Clear Outsert
air purifying respirator intended for use in P/N 10051288 (large) with Clear Outsert
atmospheres which are not immediately P/N 10048811 (small) with Tinted Outsert
dangerous to life or health (non-IDLH). This P/N 10048800 (medium) with Tinted Outsert
respirator is intended for applications which P/N 10048812 (large) with Tinted Outsert
may require the user to enter or exit a haz-
ardous area, or work within the area for a Facepiece size is identified on the front of
limited time. the facepiece above the lens area.

Inhaled air is drawn through the canister/

cartridge, which is designed to remove, OTHER RESPIRATOR CONFIGURATIONS
neutralize, and/or trap specific contami-
nates as listed on the NIOSH approval This respirator can be used in other config-
insert. Exhaled air leaves the facepiece urations that stated in these User’s
through the facepiece exhalation valve. Instructions. Below is a list of these other
configurations and the part number for the
It is important that the user becomes famil- User’s Instructions. Review the NIOSH
iar with the application and operation of the matrix to verify the configuration that is
Millennium APR Respirator and ensures that being used is an approved configuration.
it fits properly before use.

When properly fitted to the user, the

Millennium full facepiece with nosecup and
head harness, combined with the appropri-
ate canister/cartridge, becomes a complete
respiratory protective device.
The respirator consists of the following sub-
• full facepiece (with nosecup)
The wearer must comply with the following
• filter cartridge/canister
MSA respirator use limitations:
Facepieces are available in three sizes:
not exceed any of the following:
P/N 10051286 (small) with Clear Outsert

9 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


1. Routine Use Hydrogen cyanide Phosphorous trichloride

a. 50 times the exposure limit for the Hydrogen selenide Stivine
contaminants present if using a quan- Methanol Sulfur chloride
titative fit test method. Using a quali- Methyl bromide Urethane or other
tative fit test may reduce the maxi- Methyl chloride diisocyanate
mum use concentration. See the Methylene chloride containin paints
Respirator Fit Test section. Nickel carbonyl Vinyl chloride
b. Immediately Dangerous to Life or Nitric Acid
Health (IDLH) concentration for any
contaminant present. D. MIXTURES OF CONTAMINANTS This
2. Escape (for Gas Mask only) gas mask can be used for protection
B. The limitations outlined in the applicable against a mixture of contaminants that
NIOSH approval are present simultaneously or alternately
C. Any applicable limitation contained in a against one contaminant then another
standard established by regulatory (using the same canister) if the mixture
agency (such as OSHA) with jurisdiction meets the following conditions:
over the wearer. 1. The canister/cartridge must be
approved for all contaminants present.
2. NIOSH permits mixing of the following
contaminants: organic vapors, chlorine,
An appropriate cartridge change-out chloride dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, acid
schedule must be developed by a quali- gases, ammonia, and carbon monoxide.
fied professional, unless the car- 3. Particulates can be mixed with any
tridge/canister utilizes an end-of-service- other particulate or any gas or vapor for
life indicator. The change-out schedule which the canister is approved.
must take into account all factors that 4. Contaminants present simultaneously
may influence respiratory protection must be below IDLH levels for the spe-
including specific work practices and cific contaminants. If any one contami-
other conditions unique to the workers nant in the mixture exceeds the IDLH
environment. If using against substances concentration, then the entire mixture
having poor warning properties, there is must be treated as IDLH and the respi-
no secondary means of knowing when to rator cannot be used (except for escape
replace the cartridge/canister. In such when using respirator in a gas mask
cases, take appropriate additional pre- configuration).
cautions to prevent overexposure, which 5. Mersorb-P100 cartridges can be used
may include a more conservative against a mixture of chlorine and mercu-
change-out schedule or using an air-sup- ry that are both present simultaneously,
plied respirator or SCBA. Failure to follow but cannot be used if alternating
this warning can result in serious person- between mercury-contaminated atmos-
al injury or death. As a reference, a par- pheres and chlorine-contaminated
tial list of substances having poor warn- atmospheres.
ing properties follows: E. TIME USE LIMITATION
1. Canister and cartridge with an N95 or
Acrolein Nitro compounds: R95filter shall be limited to 8 hours of
Aniline Nitrogen oxides use (continuous or intermittent) against
Arsine Nitroglycerin particulates. (Service time can be
Bromine Nitromethane extended by performing an evaluation in
Carbon monoxide Ozone the specific workplace setting that
Diisocyanates Phosgene demonstrates (a) that the extended use
Dimethyl sulfate Phosphine will not degrade the filter efficiency

TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 10


below 95%, or (b) that the total mass EXPOSURE LIMITS FOR MIXTURES
loading of the filter is less than 200mg
for a single canister application or less The American Conference of Governmental
than 100 mg each for a dual cartridge Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) publishes the
application). following information to determine the TLV
2. GMHF-C-P100 and Hydrogen of a mixture.
Fluoride/P100: Canister must be
replaced after each use against hydro- First, determine the total concentration of
gen fluoride (not to exceed 12 hours) to the chemical mixture (C ) from the individual
ensure the integrity of the P100 filter. contaminant concentrations (C1, C2, C3...)
F MULTI-USE LIMITATIONS (OptiFilter XL using the following formula:
1. Approved as a high efficiency particulate CMixture = C1+C2+C3+...
air filter on approved Powered Air
Purifying Respirators. Also, approved as The TLV of the mixture is found by using the
a P100 filter, but ONLY when used with following formula where T1, T2, T3, ... are
an approved negative pressure respira- the individual contaminant TLVs and C1,
tor. Do not exceed maximum use con- C2, C3... are the individual contaminant
centrations established by regulatory concentrations:
Tmixture Cmixture
C1 C2 C3
+ +

A listing of applicable exposure limits from Only use these equations if the contami-
the following sources is provided in MSA s nants present are actually mixed. Some
Response® Respirator Selector: available substances do not mix and may be present
online at separately, for example, in pockets or at dif-
- American Conference of Governmental ferent levels. In that case, the lowest TLV of
Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) the substances present must be used to
- Occupational Safety and Health determine the appropriate respirator cate-
Administration (OSHA) gory for protection against all contaminants
- National Institute for Occupational present.
Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- American Industrial Hygiene Association See MSA’s Response Respirator Selector
(AIHA) for additional information.

Contact MSA at 1-800-MSA-2222 for infor-


11 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 12


Regardless of facial dimensions and respi- RESPIRATOR FIT TEST

rator sizing charts, an actual respirator fit
test, either qualitative or quantitative must
be performed to ensure the correct respira-
tor size selected. The user must perform a respirator fit
test (Quantitative Test or Qualitative Test)
Fit test the respirator size relative to your and follow all warnings and limitations
facial features and dimensions. The Safety specified. Failure to do so can result in
Administrator or Program Manager might serious personal injury or death.
assist in selecting the initial size to try.
A qualitative or quantitative respirator fit test
Carefully don the respirator and conduct a must be routinely carried out for each wear-
negative pressure seal test. See donning er of this respirator to determine or confirm
instructions for procedure. the amount of protection that the respirator
provides. The fit test method chosen may
If the respirator does not pass the Negative impact the maximum use concentration.
Pressure Seal Test or feels uncomfortable,
try the next nearest size relative to your Quantitative Test: — If a quantitative fit
face. test is used:

Passing the Negative Pressure Seal Test For use in a CBRN application a fit factor of
does not verify the size is correct. The size at least 2000, based on ambient aerosol fit
selected must be verified by successfully test methods or equivalent, is required
passing a Respirator Fit Test, either qualita- before any type of respirator is assigned to
tive or quantitative. If the respirator passes an individual.
a Negative Pressure Seal Test but DOES
NOT pass a Respirator Fit Test, the next Qualitative Test — If a qualitative fit test is
nearest size relative to your facial features used, only validated protocols are accept-
and dimensions should be tried. able.

Once the proper size is selected, the respi- For use in a CBRN application only, the
rator must pass a Negative Pressure Seal individual must pass a test designed to
Test every time the mask is donned to assess a fit factor of at least 2000.
ensure proper fit before using the respirator.
Respirator fit tests are explained fully in the
If other than facial seal leakage is detected, American National Standard Practices for
the condition must be investigated and cor- Respiratory Protection, ANSI Z88.2-1992
rected before another test is made. which is published by the American
National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd
The respirator must also pass the tightness Street, New York, New York, 10036 and
test before the user attempts to enter an Occupational Safety and Health Standards,
toxic atmosphere. OSHA 1910.134, which is published by the
Occupational Safety and Health
The mask will not furnish protection unless Administration, 200 Constitution Avenue,
all inhaled air is drawn through a suitable NW, Washington DC, 20210.

13 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 14


CHECKPOINTS BEFORE USE 2. Remove canister/cartridge from its

1. Check that all parts of the respirator are 3. Inspect the canister/cartridge to be sure
complete and undamaged. See the that it is not damaged.
Inspection section for Inspections 4. Thread the filter canister/cartridge into
Procedures. the facepiece port and hand-tighten.
2. Check that the filter canister/cartridge
approval is appropriate and effective Use the canister/cartridge immediately upon
against the contaminant in the environ- opening the bag. For gas mask canister,
ment. refer to the shelf life section for storing the
canister outside the packaging. Discard
canister/cartridge after each use.
CANISTER/CARTRIDGE Replace the canister/cartridge after each
use. Follow the established canis-
ter/cartridge change-out schedules to
ensure that canister/cartridge are replaced
Know the contaminant(s) in the environ- before breakthrough occurs. When used at
ment before entering. Always check that defined occupational exposure limits, the
the filter canister/cartridge(s) is appropriate rated service time cannot be exceeded.
for use in the environment. A filter canis-
ter/cartridge which is not designed for the The GMT cartridge must not exceed a 60
contaminant present may not provide pro- minute use time.
tection. Failure to follow this warning can
result in serious personal injury or death. After using the respirator in a gas mask
application for escape, the canister must be
After verifying that the canister/cartridge replaced before reusing the respirator.
type is appropriate for use in the environ-
ment: For CBRN Applications Only
1. Verify shelf life expiration date on car- DO NOT use this respirator beyond eight (8)
ton, bag, and canister/cartridge(s) label hours after initial use in an atmosphere con-
has not been exceeded. taining CBRN agents or beyond two (2)
hours after initial use in an atmosphere con-
taining CBRN agents in liquid or mist form;
otherwise, agent permeation may occur.
DO NOT use an expired canis-
ter/cartridge. Failure to follow this warn-
ing can result in serious personal injury
or death. DO NOT replace canister/cartridge in a
contaminated area. Be sure to follow
applicable decontamination procedures.
Failure to follow this warning can cause
DO NOT use the canister/cartridge if the inhalation of contaminated air, resulting
bag is opened, damaged, or missing. The in serious respiratory injury or death.
canister/cartridge must be in its original
packaging prior to use in a contaminated When the mask is adjusted properly, the
environment. Do not reuse the canister/ wearer should not taste or smell the con-
cartridge. Failure to follow this warning taminant, or experience eye, nose, or throat
can result in serious personal injury or irritation. The wearer’s inhalation resistance
death. should be as experienced during training.

15 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


If the respirator does not perform as Return to a non-contaminated area

specified, it must not be used until it has immediately if you experience unusual
been checked by authorized personnel. sensations (nausea, dizziness, eye irrita-
Failure to follow this warning can result tion, unusual odor or taste, excessive
in serious personal injury or death. fatigue, or difficulty breathing). Failure to
follow this warning can result in serious
personal injury or death.

TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 16


5. While holding the facepiece securely in

position, tighten one temple strap at a
DO NOT wear eyeglasses under the face-
time by pulling straight back (not out)
piece. The temples or sidebars on eye
with small jerks until mask feels snug on
glasses will prevent an air-tight seal. If
that side.
you must wear glasses, install an
approved spectacle kit listed on the
6. Tighten the other tem-
NIOSH approval matrix insert. Failure to
ple strap in same
follow this warning can cause inhalation
manner until both
of contaminated air, resulting in serious
sides feel the same.
respiratory injury or death.

Verify that the respirator is properly pre-

pared before donning. See Preparing the 7. Ensure facepiece is centered on face by
Respirator for Use section. Failure to fol- looking down at the nosecup, it should
low this warning can result in serious be uniform on each side of the face. If
personal injury or death. not, readjust the temple straps.

Note: Ensure that no hair is under the tabs

DONNING PROCEDURES and sealing surface. Also, the straps should
not cut into the ears.
1. Loosen the harness head straps on the
facepiece so that the strap end tabs are
approximately 1” from the buckles. 8. Evenly tighten the
neck straps by pulling
them straight back.
2. With the facepiece
lens facing away,
grasp the temple
straps and neck
straps in each hand. 9. Check that head pad
is centered in the mid-
dle of the back of the
3. Slightly expand the head.
harness straps, place
chin into the face-
piece, and pull the
harness over the back
of the head. 10. If necessary, tighten
the top straps for best
4. Support the weight of the mask by hold- visibility and fit.
ing the outlet valve assembly in the
palm of one hand. With the free hand,
adjust the facepiece securely to the
face, making sure the chin and nose are
seated securely.

17 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351



The Negative Pressure Seal Test must be
performed each time the facepiece is
donned. A good face-to-facepiece seal
must be verified before entering a haz- Ensure a complete Negative Pressure
ardous area. Seal Test is conducted and passed.
Failure to follow this warning can result
Perform the test as follows: in serious personal injury or death.
1. Ensure respirator is assembled properly.
2. Block off canister/cartridge inlet using 1. Position the hood so
the palm of the hand. that the lens opening
3. Inhale gently and hold breath for 10 sec- of the hood is facing
onds. If the seal is good, the facepiece forward. Be sure that
will collapse and remain collapsed the hood is right side
against face. Remove hand and breathe out with the draw-
normally. string exposed on the
4. If the facepiece did not remain col- outside of the hood.
lapsed during the test, or any leakage is
noticed, readjust straps and perform 2. Fold the back panel of
Negative Pressure Seal Test again. the hood upward to
5. If this does not correct the leak, the expose the inside of
mask will not provide protection. If the the hood at the lens
leakage is from the face seal, a different opening. Next, in each
size mask may provide a good seal. If hand, grasp the sides
other than face seal leakage is detected, of the hood at the lens
the condition must be corrected before opening.
performing another test.
3. Expand and slide the
lens opening of the
hood over the car-
This device may not seal properly with tridge/ canister com-
your face if you have a beard, gross side- ponent. Ensure the
burns or similar physical characteristics facepiece seal is
(see ANSI Z88.2). An improper facial seal maintained.
may allow contaminants to leak into the
facepiece, reducing or eliminating respi- 4. Using both hands,
ratory protection. Do not use this device grasp the back panel
if such conditions exist. The negative of the hood and pull it
pressure seal test must be conducted over the facepiece
and passed before each use. Never and head. The lens
remove the facepiece except in a safe, opening of the hood
non-hazardous, non-toxic atmosphere. should coincide with
Failure to follow this warning can result the lens opening of the facepiece. (Use
in serious personal injury or death. a buddy for assembly if situation

TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 18


5. Carefully tuck the 8. Tighten the drawstring

elastic lens opening of cord by securing the
the hood around the bottom of the cord
back of the facepiece and sliding the cord
lens rings, component tightener toward the
housing assembly, and front of the neck. The
applicable accessory. drawstring should
The rain shield of the hood should be provide a snug comfortable fit. Ensure
uniformly over the upper lens ring of the drawstring is not twisted or knotted.
facepiece. The elastic lens opening
should be in contact with the rubber
surface of the facepiece. Be sure to
smooth out any wrinkles or folds that Do not over-tighten the drawstring. Over
might exist along the edge of the elastic. tightening the drawstring can restrict
breathing. Failure to follow this warning
6. Conduct a successful Negative Pressure can cause serious injury or death.
Seal Test.
7. Attach each of the
arm straps to the front
of the hood shroud 9. Pull the shroud of the
using the Velcro hood uniformly over
attachment pads. the shoulders.
Adjust the arm strap,
using the buckle
slides, so that the arm straps provide a
snug fit, but still allow for easy move- 10. Repeat the Negative Pressure Seal Test
ment. to ensure a sufficient face-to-facepiece
seal is achieved before exposure to a
hazardous agent.

19 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 20




1. To remove the facepiece, insert your

DO NOT remove respirator until respira- thumbs under each of the harness head
tor and protective clothing are decon- straps end tab and fully extend the har-
taminated; otherwise, exposure to con- ness head straps.
taminants may result. Follow decontami- 2. Grasp the facepiece by the component
nation and disposal procedures estab- housing or bottom head harness straps
lished by appropriate authorities. Failure (not the exhalation valve or canis-
to follow this warning may result in seri- ter/cartridge).
ous personal injury or death.

Once the protective equipment has been 3. Pull it up and away

decontaminated, proper disposal of affected from your face.
equipment must be performed. Disposal is
to be performed as required by federal,
state, and/or local laws.
Note: Before the next use, check the respi-
rator facepiece and if necessary, clean and
disinfect. Always use a new canis-
ter/cartridge(s). Do not reuse the canis-

21 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 22


and seat.
c. Rinse the facepiece and components
DO NOT use alcohol as a germicide
in clean, warm (110˚F), water (prefer-
because it may deteriorate rubber parts.
ably running and drained).
Depending on the cleaning policy adopted,
either a designated person or the user
should clean the respirator after each use.
If not rinsed thoroughly, cleaning agent
Non-sudsing Confidence Plus® Cleaning
residue may irritate the wearer’s skin.
Solution (P/N 10009971) from MSA is rec-
ommended. It is a germicidal cleaner that
d. Allow the facepiece to air dry. Do not
cleans and disinfects in one operation. It
dry the parts by placing them near a
retains its germicidal efficiency in hard
heater or in direct sunlight. The rub-
water to inhibit the growth of bacteria. It will
ber will deteriorate.
not deteriorate rubber, plastic, glass, or
e. Operate the exhalation valve by hand
metal parts. Refer to the label for use
to be sure it works properly.
instructions. A solution as effective as
f. Harness (straps and buckles)
Confidence Plus Cleaning Solution and
g. The facepiece and components
compatible with MSA respirator compo-
should be air-dried or hand-dried with
nents may be substituted. ANSI suggests
a clean lint-free cloth.
that users be trained in the cleaning proce-

DO NOT force-dry the parts by placing

them in a heater or in direct sunlight. The
Be careful not to breathe or touch the
rubber will deteriorate. When facepiece
contaminant in handling the respirator or
is thoroughly dried, store the facepiece in
its parts. If necessary, use equipment
the clam shell in which it was shipped.
disposal to protect you from the specific
contaminant. Failure to follow this warn-
ing can result in serious personal injury

1. Preparing Solution Occasionally, Millennium Facepieces may

a. Follow the instructions with the experience a “fogging” of the lens. Usually
Confidence Plus Cleaning Solution. this fogging is caused by a wax that is part
b. If the Confidence Plus Cleaning of the urethane lens formulation. This wax
Solution is not used, wash in a mild serves as a mold release when the lens is
cleaning solution, rinse thoroughly, manufactured. Under conditions of high
and submerge in a germicide solution temperature or low atmospheric pressure,
for the manufacturer’s recommended the wax can migrate to the surface of the
time. lens and cause the fogging. The wax can be
2. Clean and Disinfect the Facepiece removed with VM&P Naphtha or Stoddard
a. Remove the canister/cartridge(s) from Solvent. The VM&P Naphtha and Stoddard
the facepiece. Solvent should be available in a paint store.
b. Thoroughly wash the facepiece (and
nose cup) in the cleaning solution. A 1. To remove the wax, pour a small
soft brush or sponge can be used to amount of VM&P Naphtha or Stoddard
clean the soiled facepiece. Be sure to Solvent onto a clean soft cloth.
include cleaning the exhalation valve

23 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


Apply VM&P Naphtha or Stoddard VM&P Naphtha and Stoddard Solvent

Solvent to the lens ONLY. Do NOT apply have a distinct solvent odor that could be
the VM&P Naphtha or Stoddard Solvent objectionable to respirator wearers.
to the entire facepiece. If it contacts Individuals cleaning the facepieces
parts other than the lens those compo- should follow the use directions that
nents must be replaced. Failure to follow come with the solvents, work in a well
this warning can result in serious person- ventilated area, and use proper personal
al injury or death. protective equipment. Failure to follow
this warning can result in serious person-
2. Gently rub the lens to remove the wax. al injury or death.
It may take several applications to
remove all of the wax.
3. Once the lens becomes wet from the
solvent it is difficult to see where the If the respirator is not properly cleaned
lens was rubbed and where it was not. after using VM&P Naphtha and Stoddard
4. The number of repeat procedures will Solvent the wearer may experience dis-
depend on the amount of wax present. comfort.
5. After wiping the lens to remove the wax,
the facepiece should be cleaned with a
respirator cleaner such as MSA
Confidence Plus Germicidal Cleaner.
This will help to remove residual solvent
from the facepiece.

TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 24


INSPECTION type may lead to greater cracking or sepa-

(Before and After Each Use) ration under the greater stress applied dur-
• Inhalation valve disc ing donning or doffing of the mask.
• Exhalation valve disc
• Harness straps 4. Check the lens for cuts, scratches, or
• Lens damage which would impair vision.
• Cartridge/canister Squeeze the lens. It should collapse
• Facepiece blank easily between your fingers. Check that
• Accessories the lens is secured in the facepiece.
5. Look at the shape of the facepiece for
distortion due to improper storage.
INSPECTION PROCEDURES 6. Unthread the car-
tridge/ canister (if
1. Look for breaks or tears in the facepiece installed), and check
head-strap material. that the spider gasket,
inhalation valve, and
deflector nose cup are
2. Make sure all straps, installed and undam-
fasteners, and aged.
adjusters are in place 7. Grasp the spider gas-
and not damaged. ket by the raised tabs
and pull it gently out
of the facepiece. The
3. Check the facepiece for dirt, cracks, gasket must be free of
tears, or holes that penetrate the rubber cracks, tears, dirt, and
surface. distortion. The gasket
must be soft and flexible.
Note: Some superficial, surface cracks 8. Reach into the face-
may become noticeable, when the rubber is piece and remove
significantly stretched, and are expected deflector and inhala-
during the normal aging process. Rubber tion valve. The deflec-
surface imperfections may be observed tor and inhalation
upon closer inspection of the mask and do valve must be free of
not affect the performance of the mask. cracks, tears, dirt, and
These imperfections are also noticeable due distortion. The inhala-
to a "streaking" appearance where the tion valve must be soft and flexible.
white residue wax additive does not come 9. Set these parts aside in a clean location.
through the rubber. This rubber surface
change is a result of the aggressive rubber 10. Insert the P/N 461828
primer used during the lens bonding spanner wrench into
process. It is required by the design the side voicemitter
to ensure a robust lens bond is made. retaining ring. Turn the
These superficial, surface cracks are typical ring counter-clockwise
and acceptable due to the design. to unthread.

Also, if there is any rubber cracking or sep- 11. Remove the side voicemitter (smaller
aration greater than 1/16" along the edge of port on the side of the facepiece) from
the mask, the mask should be removed the port. The voicemitter may need
from service. Cracking or separation of this pushed from inside of facepiece to

25 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


12. Inspect the side voicemitter for signs of 21. Thread the retaining ring into the port
damage which would let contaminant and tighten using the spanner wrench.
enter the facepiece. 22. Place the deflector (with the inhalation
13. Inspect the front voicemitter (large port valve in place on the post) into the face-
in the center of the facepiece below the piece.
lens) for signs of damage which would Guide Tabs
let contaminant enter the facepiece. 23. Line up the deflector
14. Carefully remove the so that it is between
voicemitter gasket the guide tabs molded
from the port. Gasket into the facepiece.
must be free of
cracks, tears, dirt, and
distortion. The gasket 24. While holding the deflector in place,
must be soft and flexi- press the spider gasket on to the post
ble. from outside the facepiece.
15. Set the gasket aside in a clean location. 25. Insert the gasket
16. Remove the rubber groove into the port
cover from the exhala- so that the groove
tion valve. Lift the captures the lip of the
valve and inspect the port completely. Run
seat and valve for your finger around the
cracks, tears, dirt, and gasket to be sure the
distortion. The valve gasket lays flat.
must be soft and flexi- 26. Thread the cartridge/canister into the
ble. port. (see Preparing the Respirator for
17. Reinstall the rubber Use section)
cover. Be sure that the 27. If any part is damaged or deteriorated, it
cover lip surrounds must be replaced. Store only undam-
the valve completely aged respirators for further use. When
and that the tab is not in use, store the respirator in cool,
inserted through the dry, and clean ambient air. Keep new fil-
cover. ters in their packing.
18. Check the drink tube for cuts, abra-
sions, or other signs of damage. Grasp Note: Some cosmetic changes may
the knurled surface and pull the tube become noticeable and are expected during
out of the cover to check it for signs of the normal aging process. White residue
damage. Be sure the tube is reinstalled may appear and is caused by an FDA
in its port completely. approved wax additive that is in the rubber
by design. This wax was chosen because it
is not harmful should it contact the user's
19. Reinstall the voicemit- skin. The wax affords the rubber the
ter gasket in the side required protection it needs during expect-
port. Be sure that it is ed product use. It is normal for this wax to
flat. come to the surface and can be cleaned by
using MSA Confidence Plus (P/N
10009971). Rubber surface imperfections
20. Place the voicemitter into the port. may be observed upon closer inspection of
the mask and are typically caused by the
Note: The voicemitter’s crimped side faces white wax residue. These imperfections are
out (up).

TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 26


also noticeable due to a "streaking" appear-

ance where the wax does not come through
the rubber. This rubber surface change is a
result of the aggressive rubber primer used
during the lens bonding process. It is
required by the design to ensure a robust
lens bond is made.

27 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 28


Store only undamaged respirators for fur- Storage and Shelf Life for Canister Part
ther use. When not in use, store the respira- Numbers 10067491, 10059903, 10067469,
tor in cool, dry, and clean ambient air. and 10067470 Stored Outside the Original
Foil Packaging:
Do not distort the facepiece during storage.
When disposing of the respirator or its com- These canisters have a 5 year shelf life with
ponents, do so in accordance with local, the expiration date printed on the foil bag.
state, and federal regulations. The canisters may be stored outside the
original factory packaging by using the fol-
Discard the canister/cartridge if the original
lowing procedure:
bag or carton is opened or damaged. For
gas mask application only, see Storage and
Approved Storage Configurations
Shelf Life information below.
Outside the Original Foil Packaging
Storage for CBRN Application Only Storage using the supplied cap/plug com-
Cartridge/Canisters must be stored in ONE • Remove the canister from the box and
of the configurations listed: bag.
• Cartridge/Canister must be stored in • Locate the white block on the canister
original, unopened foil bag and in the label.
extended clamshell (P/N 10046578), or • Mark on the canister, in the white block,
• Cartridge/Canister must be stored in an expiration date of 1 year (for
original, unopened foil bag and in the formaldehyde canister an expiration
original, unopened carton. date of 6 months) from the date the
canister was removed from the packag-
Facepiece must be stored in ONE of the fol- ing. This expiration date must not to
lowing clamshells: exceed the original expiration date print-
• Extended clamshell (P/N 10046578), or ed on the foil packaging.
• Standard clamshell (P/N 10017571) The
clamshell is provided as a convenient
storage container to protect the face-
piece and cartridge/canister. Replace
the clamshell if it becomes damaged.
• Using the enclosed
cap and plug assem-
SHELF LIFE bly, as shown in Figure A
Figure A, place the
Follow the shelf life expiration date stamped cap end over the
on the carton, bag, and/or canis- threaded outlet of the
ter/cartridge as applicable. The expiration canister, as shown in
date will only apply if factory sealed and Figure B.
undamaged or the proper procedure is fol-
lowed, otherwise the canister must be dis-
carded. Figure B

• Insert the plug end in

DO NOT use an expired canis- the inlet of the canis-
ter/cartridge. Failure to follow this warn- ter as shown in Figure
ing can result in serious personal injury C.
or death.
Figure C
29 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351

• Using thumbs, press in the center of • The respirator must be placed upright in
both the cap and the plug ends to the plastic case.
ensure the cap/plug is firmly in place • 10075204 Phosphine/Ammonia/
and the canister is sealed. Chlorine/P100
• Discard cap/plug after each use. • 10075205 Hydrogen Flouride/P100
• 10075206 Formaldehyde/Acid Gas/
Storage in user supplied case Chlorine Dioxide/Escape
• Remove the canister from the box and from Hydrogen
bag. • 10075207 Organic Vapor/P100
• Locate the white block on the canister • Ensure the lid is snapped tight and the
label. case is closed.
• Mark on the canister, in the white block,
an expiration date of 1 year (for
formaldehyde canister an expiration
date of 6 months) from the date the DO NOT store the canister above 120˚F.
canister was removed from the packag- Failure to follow this warning can alter
ing. This expiration date must not to the performance of the canister and
exceed the original expiration date print- result in serious personal injury or death.
ed on the foil packaging.
• The canister must be attached to the
facepiece with the plug side of the cap
and plug component secured into posi-

TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 30


The facepiece may be equipped with the

following accessories: 2. Grasp the knurled sur-
1. ESPII Communication System face of the tube and
2. Lens Shield(tinted), in small, medium, or pull the tube out of its
large cover (part of the
3. Spectacle Kit exhalation valve
4. Butyl Coated Nylon Hood cover)
3. Hold the tube with its inlet end up.
• Lens Outsert User’s Instructions for
installation and use of the ESP II
Communication System and Spectacle
Kit are enclosed with the accessory. 4. Push the tube inlet
into the “NATO” can-
teen inlet.

Refer to the NIOSH Approval Matrix for a

complete list of Approved Accessories. If
you must wear corrective eyewear, install
an approved spectacle kit, listed on the 5. Turn the canteen
NIOSH approval matrix insert. upside down. Its
contents will flow by

Know the contaminant(s) in the environ-

ment before entering. Always check that 6. Grasp the exhalation valve cover and
the filter canister/cartridge(s) is appropri- press in at the top while pushing out at
ate for use in the environment. A filter the bottom of the cover. This positions
canister/cartridge(s) which is not the drink tube outlet toward your lips.
designed for the contaminant present 7. After drinking, disengage the tube from
may not provide protection. Failure to fol- the canteen and stow it in the exhalation
low this warning can result in serious valve port.
personal injury or death.


Install an outsert over the facepiece lens.

The hydration system is NOT approved in 1. Line up the outsert

a CBRN application and must NOT be tabs and centerline
used. Failure to follow this warning can mark with the face-
result in serious personal injury or death. piece lens.

In an Industrial application only:

1. Return to an uncontaminated area 2. Slide the outsert tabs down over the top
before using the hydration system. of the facepiece lens.

31 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


Note: The spark arresting material inside

the spark cover is optional.
3. Stretch the band
down and under the 5. To remove the spark cover, gently
facepiece voicemitter. squeeze the outside of the cover, twist,
and pull the spark cover off.
6. Check the spark cover before each use
to ensure no sparks have created holes
Spectacle Kit or warped the part. If holes are created
Spectacle kits are available for the Millennium or the part is warped, replace the spark
(P/N 454819 and 816137). The kit includes cover with a new one.
the support assembly, a rubber block, and
the spectacle frame. Prescription lenses can Gas Mask Application Only
be obtained locally or through MSA.
Attaching the Gas Mask Chin Canister to
Adjusting the Spectacles the Belt
1. To move the spectacles closer to your
face, pull the frame prongs out of the This conversion kit consists of:
rubber block.
2. To move the spectacles farther from Qty Item Part Number
your face, push the frame prongs into 1 Belt Clip 10068195
the rubber block.
1 Breathing Tube 10068129
3. To move the spectacles up or down,
1 Belt 473902, 9961,
slide the rubber block up or down on
the support arms.
1 Spark Cover 10068152
Spark Cover (P/N 10068152)
1. Remove canister and spark cover from Installation Instructions
the packaging. 1. Attach the male thread end of the
2. Attach the canister to the facepiece or breathing tube securely to the facepiece
breathing tube depending on the config- coupling nut.
uration being used. 2. Slide the belt clip over the neck of the
3. Once the canister is 3. Securely fasten the female end of the
attached, align the breathing tube to the male end of the
feet of the spark cover canister.
with the inlet hole of 4. Attach the belt around the waist and
the canister. attach the belt clip to the belt.
motion for attaching
spark cover User Instructions
Approved Respirator Part Number
4. Grasp the outside of
the canister, twist and Spark Arresting
OptimAir 6HC PAPR 10045100
push on the spark OptimAir 6A PAPR 490883
cover. The spark OptimAir MM2K PAPR 10020949
cover will snap in
OptimAir TL PAPR 10077289
check for spark
arresting optional

TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 32

15 16






Refer to separate insert

for NIOSH Approval

305049 Air Deflector

10068152 Spark Cover

33 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351


Mine Safety Appliances Company

General Express Warranty and
warranty concerning components or

Terms of Sale
accessories not manufactured by MSA,
but will pass on to the Purchaser all
warranties of manufacturers of such
1. Express Warranty - MSA warrants that components. THIS WARRANTY IS IN
the product furnished under this order is LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,
free from mechanical defects or faulty EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY,
workmanship for a period of one (1) year AND IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO THE
from first use o eighteen (18) months TERMS HEREOF: MSA SPECIFICALLY
from date of shipment, whichever DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF MER-
occurs first, provided it is maintained CHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A
and used in accordance with MSA’ PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
instructions and/or recommendations.
This warranty does not apply to expend- 2. Exclusive Remedy - It is expressly
able or consumable parts whose normal agreed tat the Purchaser’s sole and
life expectancy is less than one (1) year exclusive remedy for breach of the
such as, but not limited to, non- above warranty, for any tortious conduct
rechargeable batteries, filament units, of MSA, or for any other cause of
instrument filters, lamps fuses, helmet action, shall be the repair and/or
suspensions, limited-use clothing, replacement, at MSA’s option, of any
gloves, etc. or to products whose life is equipment or parts thereof, that after
controlled by government regulation examination by MSA are proven to be
such as cylinders. Safety Products defective. Replacement equipment
Division rubber products including, but and/or parts will be provided at no cost
not limited to, facepieces, head har- to the purchaser, F.O.B MS plant.
nesses, and nosecups are warranted Failure of MSA to successfully repair
against defects in workmanship for dry any non-conforming product shall not
rotting of the rubber for a period of 5 cause the remedy established hereby t
years from the date of manufacture. fail of its essential purpose.
Replacement parts and repairs are war-
ranted for ninety (90) days from the date 3. Exclusion of Consequential Damages
of repair of the product or sale of the - Purchaser specifically understands
replacement part, whichever occurs and agrees that under no circumstances
first. MSA shall be released from all will MSA be liable to Purchaser for eco-
obligations under this warranty in the nomic, special, incidental or consequen-
event repairs o modifications are made tial damages or losses of any kind what-
by persons other than its own or author- soever, including but not limited to, loss
ized service personnel or if the warranty of anticipated profits and any other loss
claim results from misuse of the prod- caused by reason of the nonoperaton of
uct. No agent, employee or representa- the goods. This exclusion is applicable
tive of MSA may bind MSA to any affir- to claims for breach of warranty, tortious
mation, representation or modification of conduct or any other cause of action
the warranty concerning the goods sold gainst MSA.
under this contract. MSA makes no

TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351 34


35 TAL 1311 (L) Rev. 24 - 430351

For More Information, call 1-800-MSA-2222 or Visit Our Website at


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