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Geal Editors: B. COMR I E, c. J. FI L LMOR E, R. LA SS, D. L IG HTFOOT,

In thi ses:
P. H. MATTHEWS Morphology
R. M. KEMPSON Seanti TMory
T. BYNON Hitorical Linistics
J. ALLWOOD, L.-G. ANDERSON, o. DAHL Logic in Linitics
D. B. FRY TI Physics of Spch
R. A. HUDSON Sociolinitis
J. K. CHAMBERS ad P. TRUDGILL Dalectology
A. J. ELL lOT Child Lana
A. RADFORD Tranfonational Synta
L. BAUER Enlsh Word-formation
s. c. LEVINSON Pramatics
G. BROWN ad G. YULE Dscors Analysi
R. HUDDLESTON Introduction to th Gramar of Enlih
R. LASS Phnology
w. K LE I N Scod Lang Acqiitio
A. J. WOODS, P. FLETCHER ad A. HUGHES Statistics in La Stuis
D. A. CRUSE Lexial Seatics
F. R. PALMER Mod a Modlty
A. RA 0 FORD Tranformational Grammar
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom
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Cambridge University Press 1985
This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without
the written permission of Cmbridge University Press.
First published 1985
Reprinted 1986, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1998, 2000
Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge
Library of Congress catalogue card number: 8423832
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Comrie, Bernard
Tense - (Cambridge textbooks in linguistics)
1. Grammar, Comparitive and general - Verbs
2. Grammar, Comparative and general- Tense
I. Title
415 P281
ISBN 0 521 23652 5 hardback
ISBN 0 521 28138 5 paperback
I. Sme theoretical and methoological preliminaries
1 . 1 Scope of the work
1. 2 Time and language
1 3 Location in time
14 Tense as grammaticalised location in time
15 Tense and deixis
1.6 Basic and secondary meanings
1 7 Meaning and implicature
1 . 8 Tense, grammar, and discourse
2. Absolute tense
2.1 Present tense
2. 2 Past tense
23 Future tense
24 Binary tense systems
25 Tenseless languages
2.6 Combinations of absolute tenses
3. Relative tense
3 1 Pure relative tense
3. 2 Absolute-relative tense
4. Degres of remoteness
s. Tense and synta
5. 1 Tense neutralisation
5. 2 Sequence of tenses
5. 3 Indirect speech in English and Russian
. .
1 8
1 02
1 02
1 04
.4 Future time reference in English subordinate clauses 117

Conclusion: Towards a formal ter of tense 122
Absolute tense 122
Relative tense 124
Combined absolute-relative tense 125
Degrees of remoteness 12
Tense combinations 1 2
Conclusion 130
References 131
Index of langages 134
Index of names 136
Index of subjects 138
My aim in writing this book has been to provide an i ntroduction to the
nature of tense in language. This has entailed two more specifc objectives:
frst, the defnition of tense ( Chapter I, especially section 1 . 4), and,
secondly, an account of the range of variation found in tense systems across
the languages of the world. Because of this second more specifc aim, I have
tried to make the book rich in illustrative material from a wide range of
languages. However, it should always be borne in mind that this material is
presented not solely as being of interest i n its own right or to specialists in
that particular language; rather, the language-specifc material is designed
to illustrate the range of variation found cross-linguistically and to suggest
the limitations which a general theory of tense must place on such
possibilities for variation.
I t is my belief that the best pedagogical approach is to present a coherent
account of some domain, rather than to attempt to describe in overview the
full range of theories and pre-theoretical statements that have been made
about that domain. I have not, therefore, felt myself obliged to take account
of the various competing approaches to tense that abound in the general and
language-specifc literature. I have striven rather to present and j ustify the
approach that I believe to be correct ; in a few instances, where I am
genuinely unsure as to the relative merits of competing viewpoints, I have
indicated this. As discussed in chapter I, I take tense to be defned as the
grammaticalisation of location in time, and I believe that at least much of
what has traditionally been called tense does fall under this defnition.
While I believe that this approach to tense is correct, clearly if the reader,
having worked through the various data and claims presented in this book,
can show that they can be accounted for more elegantly in a theor where
tense is not viewed in this way, then I still believe that the presentation of a
range of tense data in this book will have served a purpose in the
advancement of our science.
Unlike much recent work on tense, the present book contains little by
. .
way of formalism, nor is it written wi thi n the framework of any specifc
current theory of li nguistics. Thi s is not intended as a denigration of work i n
these areas, i n particular tense l ogic. Rather, I believe that there i s a certain
systematised set of facts about tense in human language that mU8t be taken
into account by any general theory of tense, and therefore by any general
theory of language that i ncorporates an account of tense. It is these facts that
I have attempted to systematise in the present work. I believe that this
should serve as a corrective to current formal approaches to the represen
tation of tense which do not take account of the range of variation found
across languages, or conversely predict a greater range of variation than i s
possible i n human language. I t i s therefore to be hoped that this book wil l
lead to a dial ogue between those i nterested in establishi ng the range of tense
oppositions made cross-li nguistically or i n individual languages, and those
interested i n constructing a formal theory of tense or in i ncorporati ng such a
formal approach into a formal theory of language overall . Some suggestions
as to how the material in this book might serve to foster a more formal
account are given in chapter 6.
The approach outl ined i n the previous paragraph is felt by many l inguists
to be un-theoretical ( a-theoretical , even anti -theoretical ) . This is not my
intention nor, I bel ieve, my achievement. My aim in this book is to present a
theory of tense, a theory which is sensitive both to the range of tense
oppositions found cross- l i nguistically and to the limitations on that vari
ation. My ultimate hope is, of course, that the ideas propounded in this
book will be incorporated i nto a more general theor) of language, but at the
very l east the ideas contained in this book will provide constraints on the
eval uation of such a theory in terms of its adequacy in handling material on
tense. When these i deas on tense are incorporated into a more general
theory, then the more general theory may well suggest further questions
about tense which have been overlooked in the present work. This is simply
the general interaction between work in a specifc sub-domain of linguistics
and the overall theoretical framework. I would be sad indeed if the present
book had exhausted all the interesting questions that could be asked about
tense . On the other hand, my hope for the future is somewhat tempered by
the fact that many current l i nguistic theories ( as opposed to theories
specifcally about tense) seem to have remarkably little of interest to say
about tense .
The main area of concentration of this book is the typolog of tense, i . e.
establ ishment of the range withi n which languages can var in the gram
matical i sed expression of locati on in time. There are many adj acent areas
which I have chosen not to discuss in this book, not because I feel that they
are uni nteresti ng, but because I am either not competent to discuss them
and evaluate the often conficti ng literature concerni ng them, or because
they would take me too far afeld from my main concerns . I have already
mentioned tense logi c, although I bel ieve that a thorough grounding i n
tense logic wil l prove an invaluable ai d i n trying to integrate the ideas
contai ned in thi s book into a more general formal theoretical perspective . I n
addition, I have not considered the acquisition of tense systems, whether by
frst or second language learners. I have not discussed in detail the use of
tense in di scourse : this decision is l i kely to be parti cularly controversial , and
I have therefore i ncl uded some justi fcation for my posi tion here in section
1 . 8. Finally, I have not considered i n any detai l recent work on the
psychology, phi losophy, or physics of ti me ; the discussion of conceptualisa
tion of ti me in section 1.2 is no doubt naive, but I bel ieve j ustifed by the
kinds of time locati on disti nctions found i n natural language. While I fnd
current phi losophical work on the nature of time fasci nating, it is not clear
to me that it provides any i nsight i nto the l i nguistic phenomenon of tense.
Examples from languages other than English are usual ly presented as
given i n the source cited, or transl i terated where a non-Roman alphabet is
used i n the source. While I have tried to keep to rel iable sources for all my
material , it should be borne in mi nd that the establ ishment of the correct
meani ng of a grammatical category l i ke tense is by no means straight
forward, so that even for a language as thoroughl y studied as Engl ish there
remains controversy concerni ng the defni ti on of the various tenses, and
statements that turn out to be erroneous can be found in \vhat are otherwise
rel iable and insightful sources. I hope that readers who fnd errors of
analysis in the examples presented will communi cate their obj ections to me .
While I have careful l y checked al l examples against original sources,
experience suggests that i n a book ci ti ng examples from a wide range of
languages typographical errors invariably sl i p past the author . I hope that
readers spotti ng such errors wi l l forgive me , and communicate the errors to
Portions of the material contained i n this book have been presented at
various fora, i n North America, Australia, Brazi l and the Netherl ands, and
I am grateful to al l those who have o
ffered me comments on these earlier
versions of this material . I am particularly grateful to the students and
guests in my semi nar on Tense at the Uni versity of Southern Cal i fornia.
For comments on a sl ightly earl i er draft , I am grateful to John Lyons, N. V.
Smith and Dieter Wunderl i ch. I have also benefted from general discus
sion with
sten Dahl . More specifc acknowl edgements are included in the
relevant footnotes. Preparation of the pre-fnal draft was carried out while I
was a guest at the Max-Planck-I nstitut fur Psycholinguistik in Nij megen.
In chapter I , I have attempted to discuss various theoretical and
methodological assumptions which underlie the body of the book ( chapters
) . Readers who are new to the area of tense may prefer, on frst readi ng,
to skim through chapter I and concentrate on the more central chapters ; the
reasons why some of the problems discussed i n chapter I are problems will
then be clearer after the more central material has been assimilated, and this
chapter can then more proftably be studied in detail .
Bernard Comrie
Some theoretical
and methodolo
1 .1 Sope of the work
The overall scope of this work is to provide an account of tense
from the viewpoint of language universals and linguistic typolog, that is, to
establish the range of variation that is found across languages in tense, and
what the limits are to that variation. In chapter I frst some preliminary
remarks are given concerning the notion tense and its relation to time, in
particular defning tense as the grammaticalisation of location in time ; this
necessitates some discussion of other expressions of time in language, in
particular of the conceptually distinct notion aspect , and of ways other than
grammaticalisation in which location in time can be expressed in langage
( sections 1 . 2-4). The discussion of deixis in section 1 .5 provides a frame
work of the logical possibilities for locating events in time, with discussion
of which of those possibilities are found, or at least are found recurrently,
across the languages of the world. Sections 1 . 67 provide further back
gound on the problems inherent in defning the meaning of a grammatical
category, with examples drawn from problems that arise in the defnition of
tense categories in various languages. Finally, section 8 j ustifes the
approach taken in this book whereby tense categories have meanings that
are defned independent of context , in particular discourse context , and
assesses the role of discourse as a tool in establishing the meanings of tense
The body of the book is composed of chapters 2 to 4, which discuss the
three maj or parameters that are relevant in the defnition of tense cate
gories : the deictic centre (whether this is the present moment , as in absolute
tense - chapter 2 - or some other point in time, as with relative tense -
chapter 3); whether the event referred to is located prior to, subsequent to,
or simultaneous \Tith the deictic centre (chapters 2 and 3) ; and the distance
in time at which the event referred to is located from the deictic centre
(chapter 4). This third parameter, incidentally, is one which is omitted
from most earlier accounts of tense as a grammatical category, no doubt
because grammati calisation of degrees of remoteness from the deictic centre
is not found in the major European languages ( e. g. di stinction of a recent
past from a remote past ) , although such disti nctions are widespread among
the languages of the world. At the end of each of the later chapters there is
also a section showi ng how the parameter discussed in that chapter interacts
with parameters discussed i n the earlier chapters.
Chapter 5 investigates the i nteraction of tense with syntactic properties of
various languages, showing how an adequate account of this interaction can
explain apparent anomalies in the use of tense, such as examples where a
given tense seems not to have its usual meani ng. Special attention is pdid to
sequence of tenses, including the use of tenses in indirect speech.
Finally, chapter 6 ties together the discussion of the body of the book and
suggests what features of this general discussion must be incorporated i nto a
formal theory of tense. Although this chapter is much more formal than the
other chapters, it is nonetheless i ntended as a prolegomenon to some future
theory of tense rather than as a formal theory in its own right .
1.2 Time and language
For the purpose of the present book, we wi ll assume that time
can be represented as.a straight line, with the past represented convention
ally to the left and the future to the right . The present moment wi l l be
represented by a point labelled 0 on that l ine (fgure I) . This representation
enables us to represent diagrammatically a range of ordinary-language
statements about time. For i nstance, to say that an event occurred i n the
past is to locate it diagrammatical ly to the left of 0; to say that one event
occurred after another is to say that it is located diagrammatically to the
right of the other event ; to say that one event occurred duri ng some other
process is to say that the location of the frst event is di agrammatical ly inside
the time-span allotted to the second process ( since a process necessari ly
takes up a certain span of time, it will be represented diagrammatically as a
certain section of the time l i ne , rather than just a poi nt) . llore importantly,
it will be claimed that this diagrammatic representation of time is adequate
for an account of tense i n human l anguage.
Figure I B Representation of time
I t should be noted that there are several things that are left vague,
unspecifed, in fgure I and intenti onally so, because they seem to have no
bearing on the analysis of tense as a li nguistic category ( or, more geUeral lyg
Time and language
on linguistic expressions of time) . Figure I is intended to leave open
whether the time line is bounded at either the left (i . e. in the past) or the
right (i . e. in the future) ; whatever stand one takes on this issue seems to be
irrelevant linguistically, although it is, of course, of maj or philosophical
importance. Figure I does not directly represent the fow of time, i . e.
whether the present moment is viewed as moving along a stationary time
line, or whether time is viewed as fowi ng past a stationary present reference
time point . While both of these metaphors turn out to be imporant sources
for time expressions across languages, 1 they do not seem to play any role in
the characterisation of grammatical oppositions cross-linguistically. It wil l ,
however, be important for the discussion of deixis i n section 1.5 and in the
body of the book to note that there is motion of the present moment relative
to the time l ine, i . e. what is now the present moment is a time point
subsequent to what was the present moment fve minutes ago.
Although fgure I will probably coincide with most readers' naive
conceptualisation of time, and is in accord with traditional Western
philosophy, it has been claimed that some societies have radically different
conceptualisations of time. Clearly, if our intention is to provide an account
of tense valid for any language, then this account must not be based on
culture-specifc concepts of time, but should rather be a general theory
appropriate to all cultures, and thus to all languages. I n fact , all such claims
about alternative conceptualisations of time known to me turn out either to
be inaccurate, at least in terms of the relatio

between the alleged alternative
conceptualisation and the content of fgure L or to be irrelevant , in that they
conceptual ise time on such a macroscopic scale that the alternative con
ceptualisation turns out to be i rrelevant in other than philosophical discus
sions about the conceptualisation of time.
The most extreme denial of fgure I would be to claim that some cultures
have absolutely no concept of time. When, however, one investigates the
substance of this claim, it turns out that what is actually being claimed is
considerably less than the apparent claim. One can easily see this by
imagi ning what it would be l ike l iterally to have no conceptualisation of
time. Given the conceptualisation of fgure I we can readily express the
different stages in the l ife of a human, i . e. that humans are frst born, then
grow to maturity, then age, then die. If one had no concept of time, then one
would fnd j ust as natural a development where humans frst appeared as
dead, then came to life as old people, then grew gradually younger and
eventually disappeared into their mother's womb. Equally, one would not
be surprised to see a certain individual frst as a grown man, then as a baby,
See, for instance, Traugott (1978).
then as a corpse, then as an adolescent . Needless to say, no human culture is
kown to have such a conceptualisation of time.
What is true of many cultures, however, is that they seem to lack any
conceptualisation of progress, i . e. in many cultures it is taken for granted
that today will be much the same as yesterday, and that tomorrow, or indeed
the day ffty years into the future from today, will be much the same as
today . Indeed, the idea of maj or qualitative changes associated with the
movement of time is probably a quite recent development even in Western
thought : it was cerainly not characteristic of most Europeans during the
Middle Ages. But it is one thing to lack any concept of (or interest in)
progess, and another to have no concept whatsoever of time: even if
tomorrow is exactly like today, it will still be characterised by a temporal
sequence whereby the sun frst rises in the east , then moves across the sky,
then sets in the west, rather than vice versa or arbitrarily j umping about the
sky. Moreover, even in many cultures that do lack any interest in progess,
there are still accounts that clearly refer to some past event , such as stories of
the creation of the world, of how ancestors arrived in the area occupied by
that culture, or of a golden age in the past which was considerably better
than the present, or even (though much less frequently) of promised golden
ages in the future.
In some instances, the claim that a certain culture lacks any concept of
time, or has a radically different concept of time, is based simply on the fact
that the language in question has no grammatical device for expressing
location in time, i . e. has no tense (see further section 2.5) . Perhaps the most
famous such equivocation is in Whorf's account of Hopi , where the absence
of straightforard past, present and future categories and the overriding
grammatical importance of aspect and mood is taken to be indicative of a
radically different conceptualisation of time. " I t would be equally logical to
assert that speakers of languages lacking grammatical gender categories
have a radically different concept of sex from speakers of languages with
such grammatical categories.
A more serious objection to the universality of fgure I is that some
cultures have concepts of time that are cyclic. Of course, on a limited scale
all cultures necessarily have some concept of cyclicity in time, given such
microscopic cycles as that of day and night, or that of the seasons of the year.
However, the cultures referred to here have a macroscopic concept of cyclic
time, such that the events that are happening at the present moment are
direct refections of events that occurred in a previous cycle, and will in turn
Z Carroll (1 956) ; for a th
rough refutation
f Whorf's views on Ho
i time, see Malotki
( 1 983).
Time and language
be refected by the events in each subsequent cycle. This might suggest
repl acing fgure I with a circle for such cultures, which include Australian
Aborigi nal cultures. This assumption would, however, be incorrect . The
most obvious reason, given our present concerns, is that no language has
been found i n which such a macroscopic concept of time cycles has any
relevance to the expression of tense as a grammatical category. I n the body
of this book various examples from Austral ian Aboriginal languages are
cited, and i n no single example do we fnd grammatical categories whose
meaning woul d be defnable in such terms as 'occurring at the present
moment or the equivalent point in any other cycle' , rather, we fnd
categories defnable i n such terms as ' occurri ng at the present moment' , j ust
as i n cultures which lack cyclic concepts of ti me on a macroscopic level . I n
fact , i n cultures which have such a cycl ic conceptualisation of time, the
cycles are i nvariably of such long duration that it makes no difference to the
activities of daily l ife that they are taking place in a cycle of tinle rather than
on a straight ti me l i ne . I n other words, this difference in conceptual isation
of time overall is no Uore relevant to a study of tense than would be the
difference between Eucl idean and nUn~ EULli dean geometry to a study of the
meani ng of terms l ike here and there . Moreover, even in societies that have a
cycl ic concept of ti me , the indivi dual cycles seem to be viewed as chrono
logically arranged, i. e . there are earlier cycles and later cycles, so that at best
the cyclicity \90ul d be superi mposed on d1 overall conceptual isation of time
that is l inear. The conLlUsiUn is, thus, that fgure I is an adequate
representation of time for the purpose of analysi ng expressi ons of time in
natural language .
Our interest i n thi s book wi l l be to rel ate various events, processes, states,
etc . , to the ti me l i ne represented in fgure I. Rather than repeati ng at each
ocLurrence the expression processes , events , states, etc . , it will be con
venient to have a si ngle term to subsume all of these , and this term wil l be
situation. I t should be noted t hat this is therefore a technical term, with a
considerably broader meaning than the corres
ondi ng word in ordi nary
Engl ish. Situations which are punctual , or at least which are conceived as
such, wi l l be repCsented by points on the time l ine . Si tuations which
occupy, or are conceived as occupyi ng, a certai n stretch of time wi l l be
represented as stretches of the ti me l i ne . Thus, in fgure 2 situation A
precedes si tuation B , hile situation C fol lows si tuation B; situations D and
. B C
Figure 2. Re
resentation of si tuations on the time-line
E overlap, as do F and G, and also H and I , although the precise natures of
the overlaps are somewhat different ( D and E cover exactly the same time
stretch ; F occurs hol ly withi n G; part of the time stretch of H is also part
of the time stretch of I, whi le there is also part of the time stretch of H that is
not part of I and part of I that is not part of H) . For easier legibility,
situations have been represented graphically above or below the time line,
but it should be borne in mind that more accurately they should be thought
of as on the line . I n fgure there is no specifcation of the present moment ,
so that we can talk about the location of situations A-I relative to each other,
but not i n more absol ute terms, relative to the present moment . Figure
adds specifCation of the prCsent moment , so that we can now say that A, B,
e, D, and E are i n the past; F, H and I i n the future ; while G includes the
presCnt moment, i . e. is currentl y ongoi ng.

o F I
Figure 3" Representation of situations relative to the present moment
There are basical l y two ways in which one can relate a situation to the
ti me line . One is to locate the situation somewhere on the time line,
neCessari ly in relati on to some other specifed point or segment of the line,
si nce i n one sense al l time location is relative, there being no absolutely
specifed poi nts . (The use of the term absolute tense to refer to locating
events relative to the present moment is merely a terminological conven
ti on. ) This concept of time location is essential to the li nguistic category of
tense, as wil l be made clearer in section I. 3.
The second possibi l ity for relating situations to the time line is that one
might be i nterested i n di sLussi ng the internal temporal contour of a
situati on, for instance i n discussing whether it is to be represented as a point
on the time line, or as a stretch of the time line. The i nternal temporal
contour of a situati on provides the conceptual basis for the notion of aspect ,
whi ch refers to the grammaticalisation of eXpression of internal temporal
constituency. Thus the di fference between John was singing and John is
singing i n Engl ish is one of tense, namely a location before the present
moment versus a location i ncl udi ng the present moment; while the dif
ference bet\een John was singing and John sang is one of aspect . The
phenomenon of aspect \i ll not be further treated, other than i ncidental ly,
i n thi s book. 3 The reader should, however, beware that i n many l iHguistic
works, especially tradi tional grammars, the term tense is rather mislead-

For thi S author's views on aspect, see Comrie (1976)"

Lcation in time
ingly used to cover both tense and aspect , as when SpaHish, for instance, is
sai d to disti ngui sh a preterite tense ( e . g. hable ' I spoke) from an imperfect
tense ( e.g. hablaba ' I used to speak, I was speaking ) . Given the current
idespread acceptance of the opposi tion between the terms tense and
aspect , it is advisable to make the termi nolOgical disti nction in order to
avoid conLeptual confusion. The problem is eXacerbated by the fact that
many languages have forms that incl ude specifcation both of location in
time and of i nternal tCmporal contour; thus Spanish hable is both perfective
aspect and past tense. Nonethel ess , it is cruci al to maintain the conceptual
distinction between tense and aspect , and to have a temi nology that is
capable of mai ntai ni ng thi s di sti nction. For the treatment of forms that
combine tense and aspect (or other category sets), refer to sectioU I.4.
I .3 Location in time
The idea of locating situations in time is a purely conceptual
notion, and is as such potenti al ly i ndependent of the range of distinctions
made in any particul ar language. It does, hoever , seem to be the case that
al l huHan languages have ways of l ocating i n ti me. They differ from one
another , however , on two parameters. The frst , and overal l less i nteresting
for our present purpose, is the degree of accuracy of teUporal location that
is achi evable in different languages. The second, and more important , i s the
way i n whi ch situations are located in time, in partiLular the relati ve eight
assigned to the lexicon and to the granlmar in establ i shi ng location in time .
In modern technologi cal societies , VC are accustomed to very accurate
speci fcati ons of time location and of other phenomena relati ng to time, so
that not only has the time uni t second become entrenched, but many
members of the cul ture are at home in talking of much sUal ler stretches of
ti Ueg such as nanoseconds. Given these possibil ities, very fne distincti ons
i n location of ti me are possible, and when the l ingUistic possibi l ities are
combined wi th those of standard mathematical notation an i nfnite dCgree
of precision is in princi pl e attainabl e . In many other cul tures , however,
such preci sion is not attai nable, at least not by Heanb other than di rect
borrowing of expressions fronl the languages of more technological
cul tures . Indeed, in some cul tures, very li ttle value is attached to precision

In the grammars of sonle languages, IT()feQVer, the term tense has an even wider range of
use. For instance, many Bantu languages are described as having special 'tenses' for use in
relative clauses, and special negative 'tenses', thus giving a fourfold multiplication of the
number of tenses (main clause, main clause negative, relative clause, relative clause
negative). Needless to say, the difference between corres
ondIng affrmative and negative,
or main clause and relative clause, forms is not one of tense, and it would be wise to avoid
this terminological confusion.
in temporal location, so that i n Yidiny, for exampleg it is impossible to
distinguish lexical ly between the concepts ' today and now.
Although, in
cultures where precise location in time is attainable, expressions can be
created for such pecise statements, it should be noted that such expressions
do not impinge at all on the grammar of the language in question, rather
they use existi ng grammatical patterns, at best creating new lexical items
(such as nanosecond), or even making use of existing l exical items and
MatheMatical expressions in order to gain precisi on ( e. g. IL seconds). No
language has gfammatical devices to make such fne locations, and indeed
the languages of the cultures that fnd it necessary to make such fne
discriminations characteristi cally have a very smal l range of grammatical
distinctions i n this area : thus, i n Englishg it is possible to locate a situation
before the present moment (by using the past tense), and even to locate a
further situation prior to that frst situation ( by using the pluperfect) , but
there is no way of quantifyi ng grammatically the time lapse between the frst
and second situations, or between either of them and the present moment .
The sum total of expressions for locating i n time can be divided, in terms
of their impoftance for the structure of the language, into three classes.
( The same classifcation i s, of course, possible for other notional opposi
tions, such as those of aspect or number. ) The largest set is that composed
of lexically compsite expressions, si nce this set is potentially infnite in a
language that has lingui stic means for measuri ng time intervals ; thi s gives
Engl ish expfessions of the type fve minutes after John left, IL seconds
after the Big Bang, which simply involve sl otting more accurate time
specifcations into the positions of a syntactic expressiona The second set is
the set of lexical items in the language that express location in time, and
would i nclude such items as now, today, yesterday. The pfeci se di viding
line between lexical ly composi te expressions and lexical items is different
from l anguage to language: thus, Engl ish last year is a lexical ly composite
expression, whose Heani ng can be cal cul ated compositional l y from the
meani ng of last and the meaning of year, whereas the Czech equivalent loni
is a si ngle lexical item. Si nce the stock of items l isted in the lexicon is
necessari ly fnite, the range of disti nctions possible lexically is necessaril y
smaller than that which is possible usi ng l exical l y composite expressions.
The third set is the set of grammatical categon'es, which turns out to be
the least sensi tive of the three. Thus English, for instance, has at most the
fol lo\vi ng grammati calised expressions of locati on in time : present , past ,
future, pl uperfect , future perfect , and many l inguists would even question
the inclusion of the future (and, presumabl
, the future perfect) in this list a
S Dixon (1977: 498499).
Tense as grammaticalised location in time
While many languages have more tense categories than English, in particu
lar languages that distinguish degrees of remoteness in past and future
(chapter 4) , even the maximal system would have at most tens of categories,
rather than the several orders of magnitude more possible in the lexicon.
The analog with number is interestiUg here . English has grammatically
only a two-way opposition (singular and plural) ; lexically there are aroUnd
thirty items (excluding those restricted to matheMatical or scientifc con
texts); whil for many speakers the possibilities for leXically composite
expressions are infnite.
1.4 Tense as grammaticalised loation in time
The basis of the discussion in the body of this book is that tense
is grammaticalised expression of loctioM in time. On the one hand, this can
be viewed as purely defnitional. In this way, we would look at a particular
form in language, decide whether it does in fact express location in time
and whether it is iUdeed a graMMatical category, and then pronounce it to
be tense or not. The defnition would enable us, for instance, to say that the
difference between John sang and John sings in English is one of tense,
whereas that betweenJohn sings and John is si is not , but rather of
aspect . However, there are two respects in which our view of tense as
grammaticalised lOcation in time is more than purely defnitional .
First, it is conceiVable that , Using the above defnition of tense, we might
examine graUMatical Lategories acrOss laUguages and fnd that there are
none which match the defnitioHg i . e. we might be forced to the conclusion
that tense does not exist , and should therefore not be part of linguistic
theory. It is therefore an empiriCal claim of this book that tense does exist ,
i . e. that there are language which express location in time by means of
gaMMatical categOriCs. I ndeed, given that no restrictions are placed by the
defnition on what kind of location in time is to be considered, it is probable
that most of the world's languages will turn out to have tense, although there
will still probably remain a smal l residue of languages that do not (section
2. 5) , j ust as there are some languages with no gIaMMatiCal category of
aspect or number.
Secondly, it will emerge from the discussion in the body of the book that
there are very heaYy constraints that l aMgUage imposes on the range of
eXpressions of location in time that can be grammaticalised. In fact , all clear
instances of tense cross- linguistically can be repesented i n tes of the
notions of deictic centre (sectioD 1.
), location at, befUrC, or after the deictic
centre, and distance from the deictiL centre; furthermore, the location of
the deictic centre relative to the present moment is constrained in the saMe
Prelinlinanoe s
way as the l ocation of a situation relative to the deictic centre. Gi ven the
wealth of logically conceivabl e contrasts i n time location, or even those that
are known to be lexicalised across languages, this is a very smal l range
i ndeed. Thus the defnition gi ven above permits a highly constrained theory
of tense.
Before examining further di fferences between kinds of location i n time
that can be grammatical ised versus those that can be lexical ised, it wi l l be
useful to i nclude some further discussion on the distinction between
grammatical isation and lexical isation in general . This discussion will not be
entirel y conclusive, since t here still remains considerable controversy
surroundi ng the preci se borderl i ne between grammatical and lexical cate
gories. 6 The si mpl est statement of the difference woul d be to say that
grammatical i sation refers to integration into the grammatical system of a
language, while lexical i sation refers merely to i ntegration into the l exicon of
the l anguage, without any necessary repercussions on its grammatical
structure . Whi l e this circular defnition is surprisingly successful in getting
people to appreciate the di sti nction between grammaticalisation and lexi
cal isati on, clearly some characterisation in i ndependent terms would be
preferable. l"he suggestion advanced here is that the difference can be
understood in terms of the i nteraction of two parameters : that of obl igatory
expression, and that of morphological boundness. The cl earest instances of
grammatical isation satisfy both these criteria (they are obl igatory and
morphologically bound) , the clearest i nstances of lexical isation satisfy
neither, whi le there wil l be many borderl ine cases which the criteria do not
assign unequivocal l y to grammaticalisation or lexicalisation. 7
The English past/non- past opposition is a clear instance of a grammati
cal ised opposition. I t is quite impossibl e to construct an Engl ish sentence
containing a fnite verb that is neutral as between the two poles of this
opposition, i . e. John rns is cl early non- past , andJohn ran is clearly past ,
and there i s no thi rd term that is neither . lloreover the expression of the
distinction is by means of bound morphemes (taken to include mor
phophonemic alternation, i . e. anythi ng that does not i nvolve a separate
word) . However, obl igatoriness is not in itsel f a suffcient criterion for
assigni ng an opposition grammatical status . I n Norwegian, for instance,
expression of the subject by means of a noun phrase is obligatory, as injeg
komnler ' I come' , du kommer ' you come' , han kommer 'he comes' , but it
Sec further Lyons (1977: 234-237).
The defnition is thus a prototype defnition, rather than a defnition in terms of necessary
and-suffcient conditions. Readers unfamiliar with this distinction should refer to section
Tense as grammaticalised location in time
would be a gross distortion of the traditional concept to argue that
Norwegian thereby has a grammatical category of person and number, since
Noregian verbs, unl ike those of English, do not change for the person and
number of the subject (cf. English I coe but he comes). The crcial
difference between Norwegian and English is that in English the person and
number of the subject do have repercussions on the grammar (via the rule of
subject-verb agreement) , whereas in Noregian there is no such interaction.
But morphological boundness is not i n itself a necessary criterion. In
Bamileke-Dschang, for instance, tense is expressed primarily by means of
auxiliaries, which are not bound morphemes, as in the distinction between
a ke taI' f ' he bargained yesterday' , a le taI' f ' he bargained some days ago' ,
and a le la? n'taI ' he bargained a long time ago' . 8 However, although the
Engl ish glosses use lexical items (like yesterday) and lexically composite
expressions ( like a long time ago), in Bamileke-Dschang it is obligator to
make the distinctions outlined above, whereas in English one could refer to
all of these situations by saying simply he barained; moreover, the
auxiliaries used in the Bamileke-Dschang examples are not separate lexical
items, so that one cannot account for the meanings assigned to the sentences
above in terms of composition of the meanings of separate lexical items.
The above was an attempt at a defnition of the difference between
grammaticalisation and lexicalisation, with special reference to location in
time. In addition, there is a maj or distinction between the kinds of location
in time concepts that are characteristically grammaticalised, versus those
that are characteristically lexicalised. The notions that are most commonly
grammaticalised across the languages of the world are simple anteriority,
simultaneity, and posteriority, i . e. with the present moment as deictic
centre, past , present and future. It is rare to fnd lexical items with such
general semantic characterisations, except for now in its relation to the
present . While adverbials like Englishfonerly might seem a good lexical
substitute for the past tense, further investigation shows that their distribu
tion is rather different , in particular fonerly cannot be used to refer to a
single event in the past ( i . e. one cannot say fonerly John hit Bill to mean
that on some occasion in the past , John hit Bil l ) -fonerly has, in addition to
past location in time, also a habitual aspectual component . English expres
sions like in the past, in thefuture, are merely parasitic on the metalanguage
of tense.
Conversely, it is rare to fnd tenses that are as specifc as lexical items with
time reference in language, again with the exception of present tense and
now. While there are some languages with a tense (yesterday past tense)
For the data, see Hyman ( 1980) .
corresponding exactly to the lexical item ' yesterday' (chapter 4) , such
specifcity in the grammatical system is unusual : even in languages with
different degees of remoteness in past and future, the boundaries between
the grammatical categories are usually much more fuid than those between
lexical items. And no language seems to have a special tense for last year,
comparable to the Czech lexical item loni mentioned aboYC.
Going beyond the synchronic analysis of languages, another striking
piece of evidence for the difference between grammaticalisation and lexi
calisation of location of time is that there are hardly any good attestations of
gammatical tense marking deriving from lexical items that express time
location (whereas there are numerous attestations, for instance, of tense
markers deriving from or giving rise to aspect and mood markers) . The only
examples known to me are the development of tense markers in some Kru
languages from time adverbials ; the development of a future tense marker
bai, baimbai, bambai, in New Guinea Pidgin English from the English
adverbial by and by ; and the development of the yesterday past tense suffx
-ngul from the lexical item ngul ' yesterday' in Kalaw Lagaw Y .
So far, we have spoken of tense as being a grammatical categor, but
without saying hat it is a grammatical category of. In most languages that
have tense, tense is indicated on the verb, either by the verb morpholog (as
with English past loved versus non-past loves ) , or by grammatical words
adjacent to the verb, as with the auxiliaries referred to above in the
Bamileke-Dschang eXamples. I n a few langUages, tense marking, or at least
some tense marking, takes place in the position reserved for sentence
particles ; thus in Warlpiri , tense is indicated as part of the auxiliary
complex that stands in sentence-second position. l o While much traditional
grammar regards tense as a category of the verb on the basis of its
morphological attachment to the verb, more rCcently it has been argued that
tense should be regarded as a category of the whole sentence, or in logical
terms of the whole proposition, since it is the truth-value of the proposition
as a whole, rather than j ust some property of the Verbg that must be matched
against the state of the world at the appropriate time point . 1 1
Even more recently, however, there have been suggestions that the
earlier analysis, assigning tense to the verb, may be correct, thogh for
reasons that were not considered by those who set up the original model . 1 2
For Kr languages, see Marchese ( 1 984) . For Kalaw Lagaw Ya (Mabuiag dialect) , see Bani
& Klokeid ( 1 972 : 98) ; note however that the suffx of the Mabuiag lat night past tense,
-bungel, bears no resemblance to the adverbial kubila ' last night' .
Hale ( 1 973) .
See, for instance, Lyons ( 1 977 : 678) .
En ( 1 98 1 ) .
1 2
Tense and deixis
The reason is that the noun phrase arguments of a verb are very often
outside the scope of the tense, whereas the verb is necessarily within the
scope of the tense. Thus, an exanlple l i ke by 1990, ever postgraduate
student will have met a pn'me minister is true if, by the stipulated time
point , everyone who is now a postgraduate student will have met someone
who before or duri ng 1 990 will have held the position of prime minister. I n
particular, it i s not necessary that the person meeting the prime minister
should be a postgraduate student at the time he meets the pri me minister ;
nor is it necessary that the person met by the postgraduate student should be
prime minister at the time of the meeting. One of the instances of a relevant
meeting would be that between John, who is now a postgraduate student ,
and 1lr Wi lson i n 1 979, even though John was then only an undergraduate
and Mr \Vilson was no longer prime minister . Under the tense as a
sentential category analysis, the tendency for tense indicators to adhere to
the verb has to be explained in terms of the verb' s being head of the
sentence, whereas under the analysis whereby tense is a categor of the verb
the adherence of tense to the verb fal ls out without any further specifcation.
Although tense i s primarily a category of the verb or of the sentence, one
occasionally fnds tense expressed elsewhere or with a different domain. I n
Malagasy, for instance, certain spatial and temporal adverbs obligatorily
agree in tense with the verb, so that the word for ' here' is ao in the present
but t-ao in the past , thus givi ng n-ianatra t-ao (ao) i Paoly omaly ' Paul
studied here yesterday' , where l~ is the past tense prefx on the verb. Note
that semantical ly, however, tense is not a property of these adverbs, but
rather of the verb or the sentence. ' I n Nootka, tense can be shown on noun
phrases, thus distinguishi ng ' the entity that was an X' from ' the entity that is
an X' , as in inikw-ihl- ' minih- ' is-it- ' i ' fre in : house plural diminutive past
nominal ' , i . e ' the former small fres in the house' . l 4 It should be noted,
however, that Engl ish expressions like ex-president have a narrower seman
tic range than person who was a president : the former, but not the latter,
excludes the possibility of this person sti l l being president .
1 . 5 Tense and deiis
Time itself does not provide any l andmarks in terms of which
one can locate situati ons. If time had a beginni ng, we do not know where
that begi nning was, so we cannot locate anythi ng else relative to that
beginning ( other than, trivial ly, by sayi ng that the situation is posterior to
that beginning) . I f time has an end, agai n we do not know its location, so
13 Randriamasimanana ( 198 1 :
367) '
4 Sapir ( 1 92 1 : 1
1 3
again no non-trivial location is possible relative to that endpoint . Therefore,
it is necessary to establ ish some arbitrary reference point , with reference to
which we can then locate situations in time . I n principle, C number of
logical posibilities for reference points are available, and for lexically
composite expressions many of these are used in language. Thus our own
calendrical system chooses as its arbitrary reference point the (traditional )
date for Christ's birh, and counts years backwards and forwards from this
time point ; in ancient Rome the equivalent reference point was the
(traditional ) date for the founding of the city of Rome (7
3 B . C. ) . One
possibility for a reference point is therefore a ' famous event' . Although this
possibility is actualised for lexically composite expressions, and even to a
cerain extent for lexical items ( cf. pre-Revolutionar, post-Refonation) , it
is apparently never used for tense as a grammatical category, or indeed for
gammatical categories of any kind.
What one rather fnds most typically is the choice of the speech situation
as the reference point , i . e. the present moment (for time) , the present spot
(for space) , and the speaker and hearer (for person) . As far as tense is
concerned, then, the reference point is typically the present moment , and
tenses locate situations either at the same time as the present moment (or
perhaps including the present moment - see section 2. I ) , or prior to the
present moment , or subsequent to the present moment , with further
potential categories if degrees of remoteness from the present moment are
distinguished gammatically.
A system which relates entities to a reference point is termed a deictic
system, and we can therefore say that tense is deictic. 1 5 ( By contrast , aspect
is non-deictic, since discussion of the internal temporal constituency of a
situation is quite independent of its relation to any other time point . )
The most straightforard i nstance of a deictic system is one where the
' here and now' , i. e. the speech situation, is taken as deictic centre. I n terms
of person, t,his defnes frst person as the speaker and second person as the
hearer, with everything else being third person. I n terms of place, the place
where the speech situation takes place is defned as here , everywhere else as
there . I n fact , the situation is somewhat more complex for place, since the
physical location of speaker and hearer can never be absolutely identical ,
and it is possible that there may be considerable physical separation
between them. I n English, here refers more specifcally to the location of the
speaker, so that if the hearer is physically separated from the speaker the
hearer's physical location will be referred to as there . Some languages make
a three-way disti nction, e. g. Tuscan Italian qui ' here' (by me) , cost; ' there'
5 For general discussion of deixi s, see Fillmore ( 1 975) , Lyons ( 1 977 : ch. 1 5 ) .
Tense and deixis
( by you) , la ' there' ( away from both of us) . I n Engl ish, the deictic verb
come , indicating motion towards the deictic centre, treats both the speaker's
location and the hearer's location as deictic centre, even when they are
physically separated, so that one can say both you will come to me and I will
come to you ; Spanish venir ' to come' , by contrast , can only treat the
speaker's location as deictic centre, so that the Spanish for ' I 'm coming' ( sc .
to you) is voy, literally ' I go' .
Although location i n time is i n many ways similar to location i n space, and
the expressions used in languages for l ocation in time are often derived
etymological ly from spatial expressions,
1 6 there are some crucial distinc
tions that should be noted at this point . Fi rst , as far as space is concerned,
not-here defnes a conti nuous area, i . e. everything which is not the l ocation
of the speech situation (or, more narrowly, of the speaker) . For location in
time, however, because of the one-dimensional nature of time, not-now
does not defne a continuous area, but rather the discontinuous area
consisting of past and future, but separated by the present moment .
Languages do often have lexical items referring to not-now, such as Engl ish
then ' at that time' , i . e. at some time other than now, but grammaticalisation
of not-now as a si ngl e tense seems not to exist as a possibi l ity, despite the
widespread grammaticalisation of now as present tense, and the existence of
past and . future tenses . ( Conversely, since space is three-dimensional , there
is no absolute spatial analogue to the past/future distinction i n time,
although to some extent the back/front distinction, even though dependent
on an arbitrar spatial orientation, has similar properties, including similar
lexical expression in many languages . )
A second distinction between deixis with regard to space and with regard
to time is that , in general , the present moment is the same for both speaker
and hearer, whereas for space it is possible for speaker and hearer to be in
different locations and still communicate - indeed, strictly, they must be in
different locations. While modern technology has vastly i ncreased the
possibilities for spatial dislocation of speaker and hearer, even pre
technological societies have frequent situations where speaker and hearer
are located in signifcantly different spots, e. g. when the speaker wants to
call the hearer to him, or when people are shouting to one another from one
hill-top to another ; it is therefore not surprising that many languages should
have separate grammatical categories or lexical items taking either the
speaker or the hearer as deictic centre.
For time, however, it is only the relatively recent invention of writi ng,
and the even more recent i nvention of sound recordi ngs, that have enabled
1 6 T
raugott ( 1 978) .
temporal dislocation of speaker and hearer, and human language apparently
still operates on the assumption that the teMporal deictic centre is the same
for both speaker and hearer. Apparently no language has two words for
' now' , one referring to the Homent when the writer is composing his letter
and the other to the oment when the reader is deciphering it , nor does any
laMguage have distinctions in tense system to specify this difference. On
road signs and other such notices, the deictic centre is simply taken to be
that of the hearer, as in you are now leaving "st Berlin, where the sign may
have been painted years before the traveller reading it leaves West Berlin.
For letters and similar communications, some cultures have dCveloped
rules as to which dCictic centre, the speaker's or the hearer's, should be
used, but these do not impinge upon the gramMar of the language. Thus
Roman society, presumably for reasons of politeness, recommended use of
the recipient's deictic centre, so that Cicero could write to Atticus cum mihi
diisset Caa.ius puerm se Romam mittere, haec scrpsi raptim ' since
Caecilius has told [literally : had told] me that he is sending a seIant-boy to
Rome, I write [literally . wrote] this in a hurry' , although it was apparently
not unusual to lapse into the speaker's deictic centre in the middle of the
letter. 1 7 But as far as the lexicon and the gamdr are concerned, langage
makes the assumption that there is only one deictic centre common to
speaker and hearer.
Although the speech situation, the ' here and now' , is the most basic
deictic centre, it is possible to have other deictic centres, proVided these are
clarifed by the context . Thus, with regard to spatial deixis in English, the
verb come usually refers to the location of either the speaker or the hearer.
However, if some other location is indicated as deictic centre, then this
location can serve as the end-point of the action referred to by come ; for
instance, in a description of a j ourMey to Canterbur one could say and at
last we came to Canterbur, even though this refers to the location of
neither speaker nor hearer. Indeed, one can even use this to refer to the end
of a j ourney being undertaken by some third person to a location where
Meither speaker nor hearer is located, as in and at last Marco Polo came to
Peking. The existence of deictic centres other than the present moment will
play a crucial role in the discussion of relative tense in chapter 3 . I n the
meantime, it may be noted that non-fnite verb forms in English often have
relative time reference, i . e. time reference relative to a deictic centre other
than the present moment . Thus, in those sitting on the benches were forced
to move, one possible intCrprettion of the time reference of sitting is b
1 7
Gildersleeve & Lodge ( 1895 : 252
1 6
Tense and deixis
simul taneous with (or overlappi ng) that of were forced to move , i . e. the
present participle indicates present time reference, but with respect to a
reference point whi ch is i n the past (given the past tense of were forced) .
What is crucial to all tense speci fcations, however, is the need for a deictic
centre or reference point . ( I n chapter 3 , it \vi l l be shown that some tenses
requi re specifcati on of more than one reference point . )
So far, we have assumed that the deictic centre for tense wi ll be a single
poi nt in ti me . The question therefore arises whether all tenses can be
descri bed in terms of such deictic centres ( or, possibly, coUbinations of
such deictic centres, for tenses requiring more than one reference point) .
Certai nl y, for most tenses in most languages, and for those tenses which
bCCU to be at the core of the tense system i n any language, this turns out to
be true . However, there are some forols on the periphery of tense systems
that should be di scussed, even though they wi l l not be incorporated into the
overal l structure of the body of the book. These are instances where some
si tuation i s located rel ati ve to some c
cl ical l y recurring event , of which the
ones known to me to be relevant are di fferent parts of the 24-hour cycle, i . e.
morni ng, afternoon, eveni ng, day, night Clearl y, l ocation relative to such
cyclical ly recurri ng events is possible by means of lexically composite
expressions, as when a certai n situation is said to take pl ace by day, Uf at
night , or ever' mori" g, or this moring. lI oreover, some languages do
i ndeed have bound morphemes , attachable to the verb, which indicate the
time of day at whi ch a situation holds : the precise interpretation (e. g. as
' thi s morni ng' , or some morni ng in the past ' , or ' every morni ng' ) will
depend on the tense and aspect of the verb, or on context if these are
i nsuffcient to make t his speci fcation. Such morphemes are found in a
number of Austral i an l anguages ( e. g. ''andruwandha, Tiwi ) , and in the
Vest African language Kom. I n all of these exampl es, the indicator of cyclic
time is cl early a bound morpheme, but in none of these i nstances is
expression of time of day obligatory. I n Tiwi there are several incorporated
forms of nouns whi ch oLcur only bound to a fol lowing verb stem, and such
incorporated forms are often quite disti nct from that of the closest cor
respondi ng separate lexical i tem, e. g. punifkapa ' meat ' , but ji-man-alipi
aukina ' he me meat steal ' , i . e. ' he stole my meat ' , so it is perhaps not too
surprising to fnd the bound morphemes ata- ' in the morni ng' and ka- ' i n the
eveni ng' , radical ly di fferent from the lexi cal i tems !apinli ( archaic :
wawa") ' morni ng' and tapini ' evening' . Yandruwandha and Kom,
however , do not otherwi se have such suppl etive incorporation, so it is all the
more surprisi ng L fnd the Yandruwandha suffxes -ina ' by day , -:lalka
( and perhaps -u'a1ka ) ' i n the tDorning' and -}, uka1a ' at night' , and the
Kom affx le ' i n the morning' . 1 8 Given the rarity of such morphemes across
the languages of the world, and the fact that they are always optional ,
whereas many l anguages ( i ncluding these languages) have obligatory tense
indication with non-cycl ic deictic centres, we shall assume that they occupy
at best a peripheral status in the overal l typology of tense, and leave them
out of account for the remai nder of the discussion. It remains an open
question whether a more adequate general account of tense could be
constructed including them.
I t is also worth noti ng at this point that there are apparently no l anguages
that have a specifc tense to refer to a culturally defned ' special period' , such
as a golden age, despite the importance of such special periods in many
cultures. Some cultures do have conventions as to which tense should be
used in speaki ng of events from such a special period - thus Gumatj requires
use of the more recent past tense in referring to events that took pl ace in the
dream-time 1 9 - but these are always tenses that have other uses in addition
to this culturally specifc use.
I . 6 Basic and secondar meanings
So far, we have spoken rather glibly about assigning meanings to
grammatical categories, and i t is now time to look more seriously into the
problems that arise i n attempting to carry out this programme. I n fact ,
these problems are far from trivial , and the discussion of the core of this
book wi l l largely stand or fal l by the appropriateness of the solution adopted
to this particular problem overal l and in individual cases .
The strongest theory woul d be to claim that , for each tense (and more
general ly, for each grammati cal category, lexical item, and perhaps syntac
tic construction) , one can establish a set of necessary and suffcient
conditions such that every permitted use of the form will be al lowed by
these conditions, and every rej ected use of the form wi l l be disallowed by
these conditions . I n different contexts, the form in question might be given
different interpretations, but these woul d always be predictable on the basis
of the i nteraction of the meani ng of the item (as gi ven by the necessary and
suffcient conditions) with features of the context , i . e. the meaning itself
would be invariable . Although this brave programme has been undertaken
with regard to the meani ngs of tense, speci fcal ly, i n the present work a
more fexible approach is adopted. "" Thi s is not because of a general belief
8 The source for the Tiwi material is Osborne ( 1 974 : 45-46, 47-50) ; for Y andruwanda,
B reen ( 1 976) ; and for Kom, H yman ( 1 980 : 234-235 ) " See also the discussion of B urera in
chapter 4"
1 9 J oyce Ross ( personal communication) "
For such an attempt , see loos ( 1 964) ; cf. the criticism by Woisetschl aeger ( 1 977 : 1 05-1 07)
1 8
Basic and secondar meanings
that less strict theories are preferable to stricter theories - quite the contrar
- but rather because of a belief that in the characterisation of the meanings
of tense (and probably many other linguistic categories and items) , the
more fexible approach provides a more accurate characterisation of the
linguistic system. The approach fol lowed in this book does, however, retain
the distinction between a context-independent meaning and interpretation
fostered by specifc contexts (see section 1 . 8) . However, it is acknowledged
that a given grammati cal category may have more than one meaning ( it is
thus logically possible that the auxiliary will in English might have both
temporal and modal meanings) ; that a grammatical category may have a
basic meaning and a number of peripheral meanings or uses (where these
are not predictable from the interaction of basic meaning and context) ; and
that the basic meaning of a lexical item may be defnable in terms of a
prototype, i . e. in terms of the most characteristic instance, rather than in
terms of necessary-and-suffcient conditions. These three points are often
interrelated, and wi l l be il lustrated by the fol lowing examples.
When an analysis of a given grammatical category as being tense is
advanced, it is often obj ected that this grammatical category has certain uses
which are not subsumed by, and may even be contradictory to, the
defnition in terms of location i n time. The English past will serve as an
example here. Although most uses of the English past tense do serve to
locate situations prior to the present moment , there are several uses that do
not . One is in counterfactuals, e. g. lf you did this I would be ver happy,
where did clearly does not have past time reference, but refers rather to a
potential action i n the present or future . For some speakers of English,
there is a di sti nction between the form of the verb be used in such
constructions and the form of the verb used with past time reference - cf .
John was here (past time reference) , but lf John were here ( counterfactual
present) - so that one might argue that here we are simply dealing with two
distinct but homophonous ( for most verbs, or , for some speakers, for all
verbs) forms . However, thi s cannot be appl i ed to the use of the past tense in
pol ite requests , as in I just wanted to ask you zf you could lend me a pound,
which in most circumstances is unl ikely to be intended or to be interpreted
as a report on the speaker' s desires in the past , but rather as an expression of
a present desire to borrow some money. The function of the past tense in
this example is to indicate politeness : the version given is more polite than I
just want to ask you lf you could lend me U pound. The existence of such
who, despite his general commitment to univocal ity ( i . e. assignment of a single meaning to a
single grammatical category) , modifes this principle to allow for a specifable list of
1 9
counterexamples to the general characterisation of the English past as
indicating past time reference does not invalidate this general characteris
tion, given the distinction adopted here between basic and secondar
meanings : past time reference is the basic meaning of the past tense, while
politeness is a secondary meaning (or, perhaps more accurately, use) of this
same form.
In order to abandon the characterisation of the English past as indicating
basically past time reference, it would be necessary to show that there is
some alternative characterisation of its meaning from which past time
reference, as well as politeness (and perhaps present counterfactuality)
would all fall out automatical ly as special cases. Suggestions that have been
made in the literature strike me as either incorrect ( if interpreted l iterally)
or as too vague to be testable. I n particular, this would cover attempts to
defne the overall meaning of the English past tense as non-actuality. First,
many instances of non-actual ity are not referred to using the past tense, as in
open conditions ( e. g. i you want to go, you can) , where there is no
commitment to your wanting to go as being actual . Secondly, many
instances of the past tense are not non-actual : the polite request above still
expresses an actual desire.
Other languages provide similar exaMplese I n NoIegian, for example, it
is possible to use the past tense to express a present sUrprise or other
affective connotation, e . g. detta smakte godt ' this tastes [literally : tasted]
good' . 21 I n German, it is possible to use the past tense in such expressions as
wer bekam die Gulaschsuppe ? , literally 'who received the goulash soup? ' ,
said by a waiter who has brought the orders to a table and wishes to be
reminded who ordered this particular dish ; clearly there is no sense in
which bekam received' has literal past time reference here, given that the
diner has not yet received his order of goulash soup. z But equally there is no
obvious way in which these Norwegian or German examples can be
integrated into a single more general account of the past tense other than
past time reference.
I n several languages, the past tense can be used for imminent future
events. Thus i n Russian, the usual expression for use when one is about to
leave isja posel , literally ' I left ' even though this is clearly not literally true.
I ncidentally, one cannot incorporate this example by saying that the deictic
centre for use of the past in Russian is a time point sl ightly after the present
moment , rather than the present moment itself , because this would then
work havoc with the rest of the tense system, maki ng it , for instance,
incomprehensible why the present , rather than the past , is used for
annebo ( 1979 : 1761 79) .
2 \' underl i ch ( 1 970 : 1 391 40) .
Basic and secondar meanings
currently ongoing processes. Rather, it seems that such uses of the past
should simply be treated as exceptions. It may be noted that English has
similar tense-time reference discrepancy here in the use of I'm coming in
response to a call before one has actually set out, a discrepancy which is even
greater in FrenchiY sMis , ' I'm there' , which would suggest literally that I
have not only set out already but already reached my destination. With
these examples, one can readily present a rationalisation for the non-literal
use of the past tense, as an indication of the imminence of the future
situation - it is as if it were already present - but this rationalisation does not
remove the discrepancy between the literal meaning of the utterance and the
context to which it is applied. This is not to belittle such rationalisations :
they certainly form part of the explanation as to why this discrepancy is
tolerated ( in conj unction with Gricean conversational principles - see
section 1 . 7) , and it would form an interesting study to ascertain how
grammatical categories and other linguistic items come to develop second
ary uses in addition to their basic meaning, but this falls outside the sope of
the present investigation.
The examples j ust discussed are instances where it is reasonably clear
which of the various uses of the given grammatical form should be taken as
the basic meani ng. There are other examples, however, where this distinc
tion is much less clear-cut . One such is the characterisation of the so-called
future tense in English, which can certainly be used to indicate future time
reference, as in it will rain tomorw, but can also be used to make
predictions about other times, e. g. the present, as in it will be raining
Ulready ( said by someone who had noticed the storm-clouds gathering, but
has not yet actual ly ascertained that it is already raining) , in addition to
various other modal uses, as in he will go swimNiNg in dangerus waters , i . e.
' he insists on going swimming' , will you do thisjor me?, i . e. ' are you willing
to do this for me ? ' . Great controversy has surrounded the question whether
the future ( i . e. the form with the auxiliary wil) should be given single
characterisation that captures both its temporal and its modal uses ; or
whether it should be considered basically a tense with secondar modal
uses, or basically a mood with secondary temporal uses ; or whether it
shoul d simply be said to have two sets of meaniUgs, temporal and modal ,
with neither being dominant . We retufn to this question in section 2. 3 ,
although without defnitively resolving the problem.
Another set of problematic instances conCerns the relationship between
absolute and relative time reference for many teMses ( sCe further section
3 . I ) . With the English non-fnite verb forms, it seems in general clear that
they have baiCally relative time reference, i . e. tiMe reference defned
2 1
relative to some deictic centre established by the context , so that the
primary i nterpretation of those sitting on the benches were asked to leave is
as ' those who were ( at that time) sitting on the benches were asked to leave' .
There is a secondary interpretation, as ' those who are ( now) sitting on the
benches were (then) asked to leave' , where the non-fnite verb form is
apparently interpreted absolutely, with the present moment as the deictic
centre. But in fact both these interpretations can be subsumed under
relative tense once one realises that one of the possible deictic centres for a
relative tense is the present moment, especially when the context does not
suggest any other reference point . I n l anguages which have j ust a single set
of forms, with no distinction between some forms that are invariably
absolute and those that are invariably relative, as with the distinction
between fnite and non-fnite forms in English, it is often diffcult to decide
whether the tenses are basically given absolute time reference, with relative
time reference a secondary interpretation for certain contexts ; or whether
the tenses should be analysed as basical ly rel ative tense, with the apparent
absolute time reference interpretation being a context-specifc interpreta
tion, in particular i n a context where no other deictic centre is specifed. The
Arabic tense-aspect system woul d be an instance in question ( see further
. 1 ) .
Related to the question of basic versus secondary meanings is the
question of whether the defnition of a category should be given in terms of
necesar-and-suffcient conditions or in terms of a prototype. The former
kind of defnition establ ishes strict criteria for deciding whether a given
entity belongs to the set being described or not , without differentiating
among entities that do belong to the set , i . e. it sets up a clear dividing l ine
between what is a member of the set and what is not a member of the set . By
contrast , a defnition in terms of prototypes characterises a most typical
member of the set , and other entities can then be classifed in terms of their
degree of similarity to or difference from this prototypical set-member . A
prototype defnition thus does not establ ish a clear boundary to set , si nce
set membershi p is a question of degree rather than an all -or-none decision ;
similarly, even among entities that are close to the prototypical member of
the set , there is sti l l differentiation in terms of more and less close
correspondence to the prototype. A good illustration of the need for a
prototype defnition of concepts is the defnition of colour terms : there is no
clear-cut boundary separating, for i nstance, blue from purle , but there are
colours that are clearly good values for each of these concepts, along with
many other colours that are not readily assignable to one or the other .
I n most of the discussion in this book, the difference between defnitions
Meaning and implicature
in terms of necessary-and-suffcient conditions and in terms of prototypes
will not play a signifcant role. There is, however, one area where the use of
prototype defnitions is crucial , namely in the characterisation of degrees of
remoteness i n past and future ( see further chapter
4) . If we look at complex
systems of degrees of temporal remoteness, as for instance in Bamileke
schang, then we often fnd that the characterisations of the various tenses
leave apparent temporal gaps, i . e. degrees of remoteness which it is
impossible to express in the language concerned. Thus, in Bamileke
Dschang one past tense, P 4, is described as referring to situations that
happened ' the day before yesterday or a few days earlier' , while the adj acent
past tense PS is described as referring to situations ' separated from today by
a year or more' . This apparently leaves a gap from a few days ago to a year
ago where there is no appropriate grammatical form in Bamileke-Dschang.
The absurdity of this conclusion disappears once one realises that the
characterisations given of the tenses are in terms of prototypes, rather than
in terms of necessary-and-suffcient conditions. The most prototypical
value of P4 is indeed ' day before yesterday ( or a few days earlier) ' , while the
prototypical value of
is indeed ' a year or more ago' ; but the intervening
period can be referred to by either of these tenses, in non-prototypical use,
depending on the subj ective remoteness that the speaker wants to assign to
the situation referred to.
I . 7 Meaning and implicatre
One of the maj or advances i n recent semantic theory has been
the recognition of the disti nction between the meaning of a linguistic item,
in terms of its conventionalised semantic representation, and the impli
catures that can be drawn from the use of a linguistic item in a particular
context . 23 Among the most famous examples is the use of it 's cold in here as a
request to get someone to close the window. The meaning clearly relates to
the temperature in a given space, but in a context , such as most normal
contexts, where refections on temperature are unlikely to be directly
germane to the conversation, the hearer can deduce that this sentence is not
intended literally, but rather that the speaker has some ulterior motive,
which by a chain of reasoning can be deduced to be the speaker' s desire to
have the temperature raised, for instance by closing the window.
The maj or test for distinguishing between what is part of the meaning of a
sentence and that sentence's implicatures is that the latter, but not the
former, can be cancelled. Thus, with our example it 's cold in here , when the
hearer goes to close the window, the speaker might continue please don 't
2 For the notion of conversational implicature, see Grice ( 1 975) , Lyons ( 1 977 : 592-596) .
close the window, I enjoy the coldg without contradi cting himselfa If,
however, he were to try to cancel the meaning of his sentence, for instance
by sayingplease don 't close the window, it 's hot in here , then he woul d be
contradicting himself.
Although the principled distinction between meaning and implicature is
crucial to a correct semantic analysis of linguistic items, carrying out the
distinction in practice is by no means easy, since it often requires the
constrction of subtle situations to distingUish between the meaning of a
form and its implicature. No doubt many instances remain where linguistic
items have been assigned as meanings that should more properly be
assigned as implicatures. I n the discussion of section 1 . 6, we mentioned
sme instances where there is controversy over the distribution of meaning
and implicature (even where a different terminology was used in earlier
discussions of this prObleM) . for instance, one could interpret the claim that
the English future is basically a mood, with specifc temporal interpreta
tions in context, as saying that the meaning of the English future is modal ,
but that in certain contexts this modal meaning will give rise to temporal
reference interpretations . Thus, if the basic meaning of the future were to
be prediction, then it would be quite natural for predictions to be typically
about the future, although it would also be possible for them to be about the
present (it will be raining already) , or even about the past (he w'"l have left
already) . In the remainder of this section, we will examine some eXamples
where the linguist ight wel l be misled by implicatures into giving an
incorrect analysis of the meaning of a tense, but where it is possible to
demonstrate that there is indeed a better analysis which aVoids these
The English past tense refers to a situation that held at some time prior to
the present moment . Often, it seems that the use of past tense forms also
carries. the information that the situation no longer holds, as inJohn used to
live in Lndon . I f this sentence were used without any disclaimer, then it
would probably be taken to carry the information that John no longer lives
in London. That this is only an implicature, and not part of the meaning,
can be seen from the ease with which this piece of information can be
cancelled, for i nstance by appending Und he 3till does , or and as fUfU3 I am
aware he still does (sCe further section 2. 2) .
I n comparing the English perfect , simple past , and pl uperfect , as i n the
following sentences : John has brken his leg, John brke his leg, and John
had brken his leg, one gets the impression of a steady movement backwards
in time, i . e. althoUgh all three refer to a situation in the past of John's
breaking his leg, the frst seems to be closest to the present moment , while
Meaning and implicature
the last seems most remote from the present moment . However, this is not
part of the meaning of these verb forms, and the apparent degrees of
remoteness can easily be shown to be illusory. The perfect indicates that the
past situation has current relevance ( i . e. relevance at the present moment) ,
while the simple past does not carr this element of meaning ( thus one
natural interpretation of the perfect in this example is that Johns leg is at the
moment broken) . 24 I t is more likely that recent events will have current
relevance than more remote events, whence the tendency, out of context , to
interpret the perfect as referring to a more recent event than the simple past .
However, if John's leg is currently broken, then the perfect can be used no
matter how long ago the break took place, as inJohn has brken his leg it
happened six weeks ago, and it still hasn 't healed. English has a rule
preventing occurrence of the perfect with a time adverbial referring to a
specifc time point in the past , so that if we want to locate John's breaking his
leg in time by means of such a time adverbial , then the simple past must be
used, even for referri ng to a very recent event , as inJohn brke/-has brken
his leg fve minutes ago, even though fve minutes ago is much more recent
than six weeks ago.
The meaning of the pluperfect (see furher section 3 . 2) is the location of a
situation prior to a reference point that is itself in the past , so that inJohn
had brken his leg before we amved a past reference point is defned by the
past tense adverb arved, and John's breaki ng his leg is located prior to this
reference point . Since there is necessarily a past situation prior to some
other past situation, the pluperfect does, other things being equal , receive
an interpretation of greater temporal remoteness. However, it is easy to
construct mini narratives where a pluperfect in fact refers to a situation
subsequent to some situation referred to in the simple past , as in John
arved an hour ago, but he had already left again before Jane am

ved; here
the pluperfect locates John's departure prior to Jane' s arrival , and since
Jane's arrival is subsequent to John's arrival , it is possible ( and indeed the
only coherent i nterpretation) to assume that John's arrival , expressed by the
simple past , i n fact antedates his departure, expressed by the pluperfect .
The separation of meaning from impl icature thus enables us frst to give a
more accurate characterisation of the meaning of a linguistic form, and
secondly, gi ven a theory of implicatures, to account for the implicatures
that are assigned to linguistic forms in the absence of any cancellation of
those implicatures. Another example discussed in the body of the book is
the future perfect , e. g. John will have fnished his essay by next Tuesday,
which carries an iOlplicature of future time reference, i . e. that John's
4 Cf. Leech ( 1 971 : 3
35) .
fnishing his essay wi l l take place in the future, although this is not part of its
meaning (section 3 . 2) . Before leaving this problem, it shoul d be noted that
in the historical development of languages, one possible change is for an
implicature to be reinterpreted as part of the meaning, or indeed as the
meaning. Thus in the history of many Romance languages an original
perfect , with a meaning at least similar to that of the English perfect , was
reinterpreted as a recent past tense (see chapter
) . I n modern Eastern
Armenian, an original pluperfect has been reinterpreted as a remote past . lS
I t may also be noted that speakers of West African languages with
grammatical distinctions of degrees of remoteness in the past often treat the
English pluperfect as a translation equivalent of their own remote past
tense. l6 This does not , however, affect the synchronic claim that remote
ness is not part of the meaning of the English pluperfect . Thus, it would not
be possible in Engl ish to say simply, out of context , the Romans had
conquered Bntain , even though the situation referred to is indeed remote.
1 . 8 Tense, grammar, and discourse
I n this book, the approach adopted is that tenses have meanings
defnable independently of particular contexts ; it is possible for a given
tense to have more than one meaning, in which case some of the meanings
may be more basic than others ; it is also possible that a tense wil l receive
particular interpretations in particular contexts, but these are always
explainable in terms of the interaction of context-independent meaning and
context , and do not therefore form part of the meani ng of the tense category
in question. This approach may be contrasted with an alternative, much in
vogue with respect to tense and, even more so, aspect , according to which
these categories should be defned primari ly in terms of their contextual
functions. l7 I n this section, we will examine in detail one particular example
to which this controversy applies, namely the interpretation of sequential
events assigned to perfective past verbs i n a narrative ; notice that the
interpretation of sequence, if i ndeed part of the meaning of the forms in
question, would mean that they should by defnition be assigned to the
category of tense, because sequencing is one way of locating situations in
time ( relative to other situations) . We wil l argue, however, that this
sequencing is an implicature, deducible from the context by general
conversational principles, and not part of the meaning of these forms . We
will then proceed to examine ways in which context can give insight into the
2 Fai rbanks & Stevick ( 1 958 : 243-244) .
2 Larry Hyman ( personal communication) .
27 For a recent defence of this discourse-based approach, see Hopper ( 1 982) .
Tense, grammar, and disLoufse
meaning of tense forms, in paricular through collocation with time
adverbials, though without compromising the basic claim that the defni
tion of tense is independent of context .
The illustrative example for the interaction of perfective aspect , context,
and sequential interpretation will be taken from Russian, since Russian has
an overt perfective/imperfective distinction. 2 It should be noted that the
English translation will serve equally well , once one excludes from con
sideration the possible habitual interpretation of the Engl ish simple past . I n
the Russian example, ( P) is placed after each verb i n the perfective aspect,
while the same symbol is placed after each translation equivalent verb in the
English version :
-Ja etogo ne govoril , -zasmejalsja ( P) Uzelkov. Vynul ( P) iz karmana svezuju
packu papiros, razorval (P) ee s ugla, vytrj as (P) na ladon' tri papirosy. Odnu zazal
(P) v zuba, dye protjanul ( P) name Pot om dostal ( P) spicki .
C l didn't sy that , ' laughed (P) Uzelkov. He tok out (P) from his pket a fresh packet
of cigarettes, tore (P) it open at the corer, shook out (P) onto his palm three cigarettes.
One he held ( P) in his teeth, two he held out ( P) to us. Then he got (P) the matches.
Clearly, the only coherent interpretation of this narative is that the linear
order of the clauses corresponds to the chronological order of the events
described, i . e. one does indeed assign an interpretation of sequencing such
that each event is located in time after the time location of the previously
mentioned event . However, it is quite possible to make up sequences of
clauses with perfective verbs where there is no necessary i nterpretation of
chronological sequence, if, for instance, the context makes it unlikely that
the speaker knows the actual sequence of events, or if the sequentiality is
explicitly denied ( for instance by adding but not in that order, or but not
necessarly in that order) .
Suppose, for instance, that someone is describing the results of a violent
storm that had taken place the previous night ; in such a context , it is quite
likely that the speaker will not know the exact order of events, but rather is
reporting the sum total of what happened, as in : 29
V ecenie noei veter sorval ( P) kryAu, razbil ( P) tri okna i razrubil ( P) jablonju.
During the night the wind tore off ( P) the roof, broke ( P) three windows and
brought down (P) the apple-tree.
I n fact , in this example, it is not even necessary that the three windows were
all broken at the same time - it is quite possible that one was broken before
the wind tore off the roof, one after the apple-tree was brought down, and
2 This example, from Nil i n's novel iestokost ' (Crlty) , is cited in this context by Forsyth
( 1 970 : 65)
29 Cf. Comrie ( 1 976 : 5 ) .
one between these two events. It is also possible that one single gst of wind
did all of this damage simultaneously. This is a classic illustration of an
interpretation which is an implicature, rather than par of the meaning of a
gammatical form: in an appropriate context, the implicature is cancelled.
It still remains to show in more detail how the implicature arises in more
neutral contexts. Since a perfective verb form, by defnition, encodes an
event globally, it is representable as a point on the time line. 3 Although it is
possible for a number of events to occur absolutely simultaneously, it is
relatively unlikely for such a coincidence to occur, therefore the more
natural interpretation is that the events did not occur simultaneously. If the
events did not occur simultaneously, then the most orderly presentation,
i . e. the one adhering to Grices maxim of manner (' be orderly' ) , 3 1 is for the
chronological order of events to be refected directly in the order of
presentation, if the speaker is capable of doing so ( i . e. if he knows the order
of events) . In a narrative, this maxim of clarity is in fact heightened by the
structure of the narrative itself : a narrative is by defnition an account of a
sequence of chronologically ordered events ( real or imagnar) , and for a
narrative to be well-formed it must be possible to work out the chronological
order of events from the structure of the Iarrative with minimal diffculty;
this constraint of minimal diffculty means that the easiest way to presnt
these events is with their chronological order directly refected in the order
of presentation. It is thus the interaction of the meaning of perfective
aspect, the context, and conversational principles that gives rise, in neutral
contexts, to the interpretation of sequentiality for a succession of perfective
verbs. Sequentiality (and more generally, time reference) is thus not par of
the meaning of the perective.
While the example of perfective aspect is an interesting theoretical
illustration of the danger of mistaking implicature for meaning, it also has
immense practicl importance, as we shall see in chapter 3 . Grammars of
many languages claim that the language in question has a special form for
indicating situations that occur in sequenceg or for distinguishing sequences
of situations from simultaneously occurring situations. However, in nearly
every case, it is impossible to tell from the limited range of examples given
whether the interpretation of sequentiality is indeed par of the meaning of
the form in questioMg or whether this is j ust an implicature following from a
basically aspectual distinction. This is one of the major defciencies of
descriptive work in this domain. More generally, the failure to distinguish
between meaning and implicature is one of the main problems in working
out an adequate characterisation of tenses.
3 Comrie ( 1 976 : 3-4) . 3
Grice ( 1 975) .
Tense, grammar, and discoure
The decision not to base the analysis of tense on discourse function does
not , however, mean that the study of tenses in discourse is not a relevant
study, indeed it is often the case that the investigation of the meaning of a
tense (or of some other grammatical category) can best be approached by
studying its use in discourse : rather, all that is argued here is that the
investigation of the use of a grammatical categor in discourse should not be
confused with the meaning of that categor; instead, the discourse func
tions should ultimately be accounted for in terms of the interaction of
meaning and context .
The importance of context as a tool in investigating meaning of tense can
be seen in a number of examples, including the following concerning
degrees of remoteness in past and future tense (see furher chapter 4). In
languages which distinguish degees of remoteness i n their tense system, it
is important to ascerain what the precise boundaries between different past
or future tenses are. I n some instances it turns out that the boundaries are
absolute, i . e. defned in terms of some boundary established relative to the
present moment . Thus with the past tenses in Haya, PI is used strictly for
situations that held earlier today, and may not be used for earlier situ a
tions ; 32 P2 is used strictly for situations that held yesterday, and may not be
used for earlier situations or later situations ; while P3 is used only for
situations that held before yesterday. This can be established by obsering
that P2 is compatible with the adverb nyeigolo ' yesterday' , but not with
mbweenu ' today' or io ' the day before yesterday' : tukoile nyeigolol
mbweenulio ' I tied (P2) yesterday/today/the day before yesterday' .
Even if one wants to create the impression of subjective remotenes or

closeness to the present moment, the meaning of P2, which includes

location in time restricted to the day before the speech event, precludes
combination of P2 with an adverbial specifying time location before or after
I n other instances, however, the boundaries for tenses separated by
degrees of remoteness are more fuid, so that choice of an atypical tense for a
given obj ective degree of remoteness is possible, in order to give a subj ective
impression of closeness to or remoteness from the present moment. I n
Haya, this fuid boundar characterises the division between the two future
tenses. Although the basic distinction is that FI is used for situations
holding later on today or tomorrow, while F 2 is used for events holding later
than tomorrow, it is possible to combine FI with a time adverbial of more
distant time reference to create the subj ective impression of imminence,
e. g. mwezy' ogulaia tu-laa-g-a Ktoke ' month coming we-go ( FI )
2 The Haya material is from unpublished work by Ernest R. Byarshengo.
Katoke' , i . e. ' next month we will go to Katoke' . Use of the F2 tense tu-li-g
a would also be possible with the same truth-functional meaning, but
without the subjective impression of imminence. ( I n Haya it is, however,
impossible to use F2 with reference to a situation holding later on today or
tomorrow; thus, with nyenkya ' tomorrow' , we have nyenkya tu-laa-g-a
( FI )/tu-li-g-a ( F2) Katoke ' tomorrow we will go to Katoke' . )
Although collocation of tenses with time adverbials can be an imporant
tool in investigating the meaning of tenses, it should again be emphasised
that this tool cannot be applied mechanically, since the interention of other
factors may upset any simple correlation between tense and time adverbial .
An English example may sere as an illustration of the complex relation that
may obtain between a time adverbial and location in time. At frst sight, it
would seem that an adverbial like at six o'clock would necessarily defne the
location in time of the situation referred to by the rest of the sentence.
However, the example the pnOme" minister wlmake a speech at six o'clock
demonstrates that this straightforard correlation does not hold invariably.
The rest of this sentence refers to the situation of the prime minister's
making a speech, but given that speeches are not instantaneous events, the
normal interpretation given to this sentence is that the time adverbial refers
to the beginning of the speech, i . e. in English it is sometimes possible to
collocate punctual time adverbials with durative situations in order to give
the time point of the beginning of the durative situation. But note that the
rest of the sentence does not refer to the beginning of the durative situation,
and there is in fact a subtle difference between the pnome minister will make
a speech at six o'clock and the prme minister wl ben to make a speech at
six o'clock, which becomes perhaps clearer if the sentences are put into the
past tense. I magine a situation where the prime minister did indeed begin
the speech at six o'clock, but was then arrested one minute later by the
ringleaders of a coup d'etat and prevented from completing the speech. It
would be perfectly natural to repor this as the prme minister began to make
a speech at six o'clock, but was prevented frm making the spech b the
rebels , but very strange to repor this as the prme ministermade a speech at
six o'clock, but was prevented fr making the speech by the rebels. In
particular, although the time adverbial six o'clock refers to the time of the
beginning of the speech in the prme minister made a speech at six o'clock
the situation described by the rest of the sentence is the whole of the prime
minister's speech, which thus leads to self-contradiction if we go on to say
that the prime minister did not make a whole speech.
Another example illustrating the problems that obtain in correlating
tense with time adverbials comes from languages where tense is normally
Tense, grammar, and discourse
not marked when there is lexical specifcation of the time location of a
situation. I n Mam, tense is indicated by sentence-initial particles, in
particular ma ' recent past' and o ' past ' , e. g. ma chinjaw tz' aq-a ' recent : past
I up slip 1 : singular' , i . e. ' I slipped (j ust now) ' , chinjaw tz'aq-a ' I slipped a
while ago' . I f, however, an overt adverbial of time occurs sentence-initially,
then the tense particle is obl igatorily omitted, e. g. eew tz-ul aaj nan yaa7
' yesterday he/she hither return ma'am grandmother' , i . e. ' grandmother
came yesterday' ; it is not possible to have both eew and o. The same is true
in the recent past : maaky ' f-jaw We 'a : while : ago he up stand' , i . e. ' he got
up a little while ago' , where it is impossible to insert ma. " A similar, though
less strict collocation restriction is found i n many Creoles. I n Jamaican
Creole, for instance, it is usual to omit tense markers when an overt
adverbial of time location is present : compare mi en a sing ' I anterior
progressive sing' , i . e. ' I was singing' , withyeside mi (?en) a sing ' yesterday I
was singing' . Such virtual complementary distribution between tense and
time adverbial means collocation cannot be used as a test for time location
values in tenses.
When one takes into account the i nteraction of tense with other facets of
the syntax of a language ( see further chapter
) , one can fnd a wide range of
examples where there is apparent confict between the time reference of a
tense and a co-occurring adverbial . Thus in Portuguese, the simple past
normally has past time reference, and this forms part of its meanin
However, i t i s possible to have sentences like quando voce chegar, euja sai
' when you arrive, I will already have left ' , where the verb in the second
clause is in the simple past , although it is interpreted as having future time
reference (cf . the future perfect in the English translation) . This can be
accounted for by a general rule of Portuguese, especially spoken Portu
guese, whereby future time reference is expressed by the present tense, and
correspondi ngly time reference that is anterior to some future reference
point ( expected tense equival ent : future perfect) is replaced by a form
normally indicating time reference that is anterior to the present moment ,
i . e. the simple past . The same explanation governs the possible uses of the
perfect in German i n sentences like bis morgen bin ich schon weggefahren
' by tomorrow I will already have departed' , literally ' . I have already
departed' . I n indirect speech in Engl ish, where the tense of verbs is
determined by a combination of the tense used in the original direct speech
and a rule of sequence of tenses putting verbs into a past tense after a main
verb in the past , it is possible (at least for some speakers) to get such
apparent conficts of tense and adverbial time reference as by next week
33 The l1am data are from Engl and ( 1 983 : 1 6 1 -1 64, 1 91 -1 92, 284-286) .
3 1
John will be claiming that he arved toorw, as a way of reporting John's
(predicted) actual words ' I arrived on Tuesday' , assuming that the report is
made on Monday (see further section 5 . 3) . What is crcial is that all such
apparent counter-examples to the meaning of tense forms can be given d
principled account in terms of the basic meaning of the tense in question
and independently j ustifed syntactic principles that interact with this basic
A particularly complex instance of the interaction of temporal location
reference and time adverbial is provided by the English perfect . Since I
would claim that the English perfect is not to be analysed simpl
as a tense,
in particular that it differs from other English past tenses in terms of
parameters other than tense, the perfect will not be analysed in detail in this
book, but some indication will nonetheless be gven of the problems that
arise if one tries to establish the time reference of the perfect by means of
collocation with time adverbials. Most recent analyses of the perfect agee
that the difference between perfect and (other) past tenses is that the former
carries an added semantic component of present relevance, i . e. John has
brken his leg indicates that the past situation of John's breaking his leg still
has present relevance. 34
I n general , the perfect is incompatible with time adverbials that have
defnite past time reference, i . e. time adverbials that refer to a specifc
moment or stretch of time located wholly in the past . Thus English excludes
sentences like John has brken his leg yesterday, and this constraint
crucially overrides even considerations of present relevance. This might
lead one to the conclusion that the perfect is not a past tense. However,

there are problems with this conclusion, apar from the general caveat
discussed above of mechanically applying collocation with time adverbials
as a test for time location reference of tenses.
The frst, and least signifcant , obj ection is that several other languages
have a perfect with more or less the same range of functions as the English
perfect , but nonetheless without the restriction against collocation with
time adverbials of past time reference, cf. Noregianjeg har sett ham for et
6yeblikk siden ' I saw [literally : have seen] him a moment ago' , i natt harjeg
sovet godt ' last night I slept [literally : have slept] well ' . "` This might simply
mean that the meaning of the perfect in English is different from that of the
perfect in these other languages, whence naturally one might expect
different collocation possibilities with time adverbials. It should, however,
be noted that the particular restriction found in English is cross
linguistically unusual for a grammatical category, and one might wonder
34 See, for instance, Comrie ( 1 976 : 52-1 ) 0 35 Vannebo ( 1 979 : 21 3) 0
Tense, grammar, and discoure
whether this paricular restriction in English should play so fundamental a
role in so many attempts at building up general theories of tense.
The second obj ection is that, with considerable dialectal and idiolectal
variation, some speakers of English do allow time adverbials referring to
specifc points or periods of time in the past to co-occur with the perfect . All
speakers allow collocation with the adverbial recently, e. g. I have recentl}'
met an interesting pt , even though the time reference of recently is wholly
in the past, albeit continuing up until infnitesimally before the present
moment ; recently is, of course, incompatible with the present tense, so that
it would be contradictor to argue that the perfect is a present tense on the
gounds that it cannot occur with past time adverbials (and can occur with
some present time adverbials - see below) , while disregarding the evidence
that it can co-occur with recently. Some speakers also allow collocation of
the perfect with time adverbials locating the situation in a time segent in
the ver recent past, for example earlier on the day in which the speech
situation takes place, e. g. I have seen him this moring, sid during the
afternoon ( i . e. when this moring refers to a time period in the past) . 36
There is also at least one idiom referring to the distant past where the perfect
is allowed, namely with long since, as in I hae long since gven up drnking,
where the adverbial long since clearly points to a ver remote situation of
giving up drinking, albeit with currently continuing results. 37
Just as the (alleged) non-collocation with past time adverbials would
seem to be an argument against assigning past time reference to the English
perect, the possibility of collocating this form with present time adverbials
might seem to be an argument in favour of asigning it present time
reference. However, the circumstances under which the perfect is feli
citously collocated with a time adverbial of present time reference are
remarkably restricted. The most natural uses of the perfect are in fact where
the time reference of the sentence incorporates both the present moment
and the time of the previous situation referred to in the sentence which has
continuing current relevance. 38 Thus, in the sentence I hae seen him
today, the time adverbial today includes both the present moment and the
point of time at which I saw him. The most natural interpretation for a
sentence like I have collected teN signatures today is that today incorporates
both the present moment (of course) and also the time period during which
I gathered those ten signatures, i . e. all of the signatures were collected
3 Leech ( 1 97 I : 41 ) .
I am gateful to R. van Oirsouw for this obsrvation.
This discussion is an expanded version of Comrie ( 1 981 ) .
Interpretations in which the time reference of the adverbial includes the
present moment but not the past situations that have current relevance are
usually more forced, requiring the presence of either specifc lexical items or
of contextual features that force this interpretation. The lexical item now
readily occurs with this interpretation, as in I have now collected ten
sigatures , where now receives the interpretation up to now, although the
adverbial itself strictly includes only the present moment , and not the time
during which the signatures were collected. However, use of adverbials
which are coreferential with now requires specifc circumstances for their
use, as in at six o'clock I have collected ten signatures , which suggests
someone looking at his watch at six o'clock, and simply using the adverbial
at six o 'clock as a more accurately recordable alternative to now.
Where the past situation that has current relevance is cumulative, as with
gathering sigatures, the most natural interpretation, as noted above, seems
to be that the past situation as well as the present moment are included
within the time adverbial , as in the interpretation suggested above for I
have collected ten sigNatMres today. There is, however, a possible alterna
tive interpretation, according to which ten is the cumulative number of
signatures I have gathered up to and including today, although some,
indeed all , of the signatures might have been gathered before today. This
interpretation becomes more salient if the context makes it unlikely that the
whole of the accumulation took place in one day, as in I have colected ten
million sigatures today, perhaps more natural if the adverbial is preposed
to give today, I have collected ten million signatures , although the use of an
expression like up to today or so far still seems much more natural , i . e. a
time adverbial which explicitly incorporates the time during which the
collection took place as well as the present moment .
Where the past situation is non-cumulative, then use of a time adverbial
with present time reference is highly dubious. Thus if in fact I met John in
1 970, and have not met him since, it would not be possible to say I haTe met
John today, although it would of course be possible to say I have met John .
Yet the claim that the perfect has present time reference because of its
collocability with present time adverbials would claim that I have metJohn
today should have the interpretation j ust outl ined, since the time adverbial
includes the present moment . Such examples suggest strongly, therefore,
that the time of the past situation is also relevant to the establishment of
collocation restrictions on time adverbials occurring with the perfect in
Engl ish.
The above discussion has not attempted to solve the problem of the time
reference of the English perfect , and since factors going beyond time
Tense, granzmar, and discourse
reference are involved (e. g. continuing relevance) we shall not pursue this
topic any further here, other than perhaps to note that an adequate sol ution
wi l l probably have to combine past and present time reference. The
discussion has , however, served to indicate how complex the i nteraction can
be between the time locati on part of the meaning of grammatical form and
the time adverbials with whi ch i t can co-occur , and to warn agai nst the
simpl istic applicati on of col 1 ocation tests in trying to establish the meaning
of tenses.
Al l of this should not be taken to denv that there are certain verb forms i n
some languages whose basic meaning includes a component of discourse. I n
French, for instance, the si mple past is used only i n ( written) narrative,
where it encodes events in the past ( or at least , which are presented as being
i n the past) . However, the discourse part of the meaning of this grammatical
category is not one of tense. This poi nt is not purely terminological ,
although it might seem to be so given our defnition of tense as the
grammaticalisation of location in time, which thus automatically excludes
such discourse factors. Rather, the cl aim is an existence claim: that there do
exist grammatical categories cross-lingui stically which encode (as at least
part of their basic meaning) location in time, and that thi s set of grammati
cal categories is suffciently coherent cross-l i nguistically to j ustify the
establ ishment of a general l inguistic category of tense defned i n thi s way.
To attempt a broader defnition would i n fact destroy the homogeneity of
the concept and therefore the possibi l ity of a general theory of tense.
Absolute tense
The term absolute tense is B traditional , though somewhat misleading term,
that has come to be used to refer to tenses which take the present moment as
their deictic centre. The term is misleading because, strictly speaking,
absolute time reference is impossible, since the only way of locating a
situation in time is relative to some other already established time point ; the
present moment is in principle j ust one of an infnite number of such time
points that could be chosen as reference point , although it does play a major
role in the defnition of tense systems across the languages of the world.
There is thus a real sense in which taking the present moment as the deictic
centre establishes the most basic tenses cross-linguistically, those in terms
of which it is often easier to understand deviations from absolute tense. We
shall continue to use the traditional term absolute tense, although it should
be borne in mind that this should be interpreted to mean a tense which
includes as par of its meaning the present moment as deictic centre ;
whereas relative tense (chapter 3) refers to a tense which does not include as
par of its meaning the present moment as deictic centre.
Given the present moment as deictic centre, it might seem trivial to
defne the three basic tenses that have formed the backbone of much
linguistic work on time reference in gammar, namely present , past and
future, as follows : present tense means coincidence of the time of the
situation and the present moment ; past tense means location of the situation
prior to the present moment ; future tense means location of the situation
after the present moment . The body of this chapter will be devoted to
demonstrating that , hile these characterisations are basically correct , it is
essential to mplify them somewhat to ensure a correct characterisation of
these three absolute tenses.
2. I Present tense
The time line diagram introduced in section 1 . 2 identifes the
present moment as a point in time on that line, and the basic meaning of
present tense is thus location of a situation at that point .
Present tense
However, it is rel atively rare for a situation to coincide exactly with the
present moment , i . e. to occupy, l iterally or in terms of our conception of the
situation, a si ngle point in time which is exactly commensurate with the
present moment . Situations of this rare type do, however, occur, and of
course the present tense is an appropriate form to use in locating them
temporal ly. One set of examples fal ling under this rubric would be
perforMatiVe sentences, i . e. sentences where the act described by the
seUtence is performed by uttering the sentence in question, e. g. I prise to
pay you ten punds (utterance of this sentence constitutes the promise to
pay ten pounds) g I NUD8 this ship the (Titanic' ( utterance of this sentence,
under the appropriate circumstances, constitutes the act of naming the
shi p) . 1 Although these situations are not strictly momentaneous, since it
takes a certain period of time to utter even the shortest sentence, they can be
conceptual ised as momentaneous, especially i n so far as the time occupied
by the report is exactl y the same as the time occUpied by the act , i . e. at each
point in the utterance of the sentence there is coincidence between the
present moment with regard to the utterance and the present moment with
regard to the act in question.
Another set of eXampl es where there i s literal coincidence between the
time location of a situation and the present moment is with simultaneous
reports of an ongoing series of events. Thus when a horse-racing commen
tator says Red Rover crsses the fnishing line , his utterance of this sentence
coincides, or at least is taken concCptually to coincide, with the event of Red
Rover' s crossing the fnishi ng line ; and si nce the report is simultaneous with
the situation being described, there is literal loction of a situation at the
present moment in ti me . However, situations of the kinds described are
relatively rare, and the more normal uses of the present tense, in languages
where this is a separate grammatical category, go far beyond this restricted
range. I t wi l l therefore be necessary to discuss further examples in order to
refne the defnition of the present tense, and our interpretation of this
A more characteristic use of the present tense is in referring to situations
which occupy a much longe period of time than the present moment , but
which nonetheless i ncl ude the present moment withi n them. I n particular,
the present tense is used to speak of states and processes which hold at the
present moment , but which began before the present moment and may well
conti Uue beyond the present moment , as i n the Eifel Towcstands in Pans
and the author is working on chapter two. I n each of these examples, it is
i ndeed true that the situation holds at the present moment , i . e. at this
1 For the term ' performat ive' , see Austin { 1962} .
Absolute tense
moment the Eiffel Tower does stand in Paris, at this moment the author is
indeed worki ng on chapter two, but it is not the case that the situation is
restricted only to the present moment . We must therefore ask whether the
existence of such examples requires us to modify the defnition of the
present tense .
The claim of this book will be that it is in fact not necessar to modify the
defnition. As far as the present tense is concerned, in its basic meaning it
invariably locates a situation at the present moment , and says nothing
beyond that . I n particular, it does not say that the same situation does not
continue beyond the present moment , nor that it did not hold in the past .
More accurately, the situation referred to by the verb i n the present tense is
simply a situation holding literally at the present moment ; whether or not
this situation is part of a larger situation extendi ng into the past or the future
is an impl icature, rather than part of the meaning of the present tense, an
implicature that is worked out on the basis of other features of the structure
of the sentence and one' s knowledge of the real world. Of other relevant
features of sentence structure, aspect wi l l be one of the most important in
deciding whether the larger situation is restricted j ust to the present
moment or not : thus, use of the progressive aspect necessarily requires that
the situation in question be not momentaneous, so that use of this
grammatical form wil l lead inevitably to an interpretation where the present
moment is j ust one moment among many at which the larger situation holds
- but this follows automatically from the meaning of the progressive, and
does not compromise the meaning of the present tense. In other examples,
it wi l l be our real-world knowledge that enables us to decide whether a
situation is literally to be located j ust at the present moment or over a period
encompassing the present moment . Since Russian lacks a progressive/non
progressive aspectual distinction, the Russian translation of the author is
working on chapter two, i . e. avtor rabotaet nad vtorj glavoj, does not
specify grammatically whether the situation is punctual or extended, but
our knowledge of the worl d, in whi ch work on a chapter of a book requires a
considerable span of time, leads to the interpretation that the present
moment is located within the larger situation of working on chapter two,
rather than exhausting this larger situation.
Our crucial claim is thus that the present tense refers only to a situation
holding at the present moment , even where that situation is part of a larger
situation that occupies more than j ust the present moment . I t is possible
that other time adverbials may express the duration of the larger situation,
as in the author is working on chapter two frm six o'clock until twelve
o 'clock today, but it does not compromise the defnition of present tense
Present tense
given above, rather i t i ndi cates that it is misleading to use collocation with
time adverbials as a mechanical test for establishing the meani ng of tenses
( see section 1 . 8) .
I n many l anguages , the present tense is also used with habitual aspectual
meaning, as in EnglishJohn goes to work at eight o 'clock (ever day) . This
might seem to be a clear contradiction to our defnition of the present tense,
since we can use thi s sentence to describe John's behaviour by uttering the
sentence at mi dday, when it is cl early not l iterall y true that John is going to
work at the moment at which the sentence is uttered. This has given rise, in
some accounts of tense ( especially of tense i n individual languages ) , to the
setti ng up of separate tense categories to refer to situations that actually hold
at the present moment ( such as the Eifel Tower stands in Pan's, the author
is workiHg on LhUpte two) versus situations that do occur habitually but do
not actuall y hold at the present moment , as i n the example introduced in
this paragraph. However, this distinction is not necessary. Sentences with
habitual aspectual meaHi ng refer not to a sequence of situations recurring at
interval s, but rather to a habit , a characteristic situation that holds at all
times. Thus , in our exampleJohn goes to work at eight o 'clock ever day, a
certain property ( namely, going to work at eight o'clock every day) is
assigned to John, and this property is of course true of John even if at the
moment he happens not to be on his way to work. I n other words, the habit
does hol d at the present moment , and that is why the present tense is in
principle an appropriate tense to use in describing this habitual situation.
Of course , it is quite possi bl e that a language might have some special
form other than the present tense for descri bi ng such habitual situations. I n
Dyirbal , for instance, there are two basic fnite forms of verbs. 2 One is used
for actual situations, i . e. situati ons that can be identifed as happening at the
present or havi ng happened in the past ; the other is used for situations that
are not subsumed by the frst form, i . e. situations that are predicted for the
future, and situat ions that are i nduced to be general even though they are
not observable as ongoi ng at the present moment or as havi ng occurred in
the past . I n Dyi rbal , then, thi s second form woul d be used for habitual
statements . However , despi te the terminology adopted for Dyirbal , which
i denti fes the two tenses as present-past and future respectively, the
di sti ncti on between them i s more accurate Iv described as one of mood,
namel y real i s versus i rreal i s CspeL ivel y. The real i s i s used for situations
2 Dixon ( 1 972 : 5 5) . Al though Di xon uses the terms unmarked tense referring to past or
present ti me' and future tense ' for referring to future ti me' , hi s di scussion makes clear that
the di sti nction is not one of time reference, si nce the so-cal led future ' can also carr a generic
meani ng
Absolute tense
that are ongoing or were observed in the past , the irrealis for all other
situations, including situations that are presented as inductive generalisa
tions from past observations to statements of general habit . Dyirbal
therefore does not contradict the account given above of present tense, since
one can say that Dyirbal has no tense distinction, and the distribution of
these moods is thus irrelevant to the account of tense : interpretations of
location in time are implicatures of the Dyirbal modal distinction, but not
part of the meaning of this opposition. 3
More generally, habitual meaning lies on the boundar of the three
systems of tense, aspect , and mood. I n principle, one could expect
habituality to be expressed by means of a tense, since it involves location of a
situation across a large slice of time ( perhaps across the whole of time)
rather than j ust at some single point . Habituality can also be aspectual , in
that it refers to the internal temporal contour of a situation, in particular in
that the situation must occupy a large slice of time. Habituality can also be
modal , since it involves induction from limited observations about the
actual world to a generalisati<n about possible worlds. Our claim, however,
is that no langage wi ll indicate habituality by means of a tense opposition,
and indeed the representations established in chapter 6 will not permit a
tense system to make such a distinction. I n part , this is defnitional , a
decision not to call habituality a tense, but there is also empirical content to
the clai m, namely that grammatical expression of habituality will always be
integrated into the aspectual or modal system of a langage rather than into
its tense system.
Just as we claim there can be no separate habitual tense, distinct from the
present , li kewise we are led to claim there can be no universal tense, i . e. a
tense that is used for truths that hold at all time. Thus, a sentence like cows
eat grass is claimed to refer only to the present moment , the interpretation
of this as a universal truth being on the basis of structural and extra
linguistic factors beyond the meaning of the present tense. The universality
can, of course, be made explicit by a time adverbial , as in cows always/
usually eat grass , but this does not impi nge on the meaning of the present
tense. Some languages are cl aimed to have a universal tense, for instance
Swahili , which is traditionally described as having a na-present tense (for
ongoing situations) , an a-universal tense ( for general truths not restricted
temporally) , and hu- habitual tense ( for customari ly recurring situ a-
3 Actually, this suggests that the meanings of verbs as lexical items are slightly, but
systematical ly, di fferent i n Dyirbal and i n, for i nstance, English. The meaning of the
English verb hit subsumes the i nterpretation of propensity to hi t , while its Dyirbal
translation balgal- excludes this i nterpretation, whence reference to the propensity to hi t in
Dyi rbal requires an irreal i s form of the l exical item.
Pat tense
tions) .

However, there is no reason for treating this as a distinction in tense
rather than in aspect or mood ; moreover, detailed investigation of the us of
the three forms suggests that much more is involved than j ust the simple
distinction given in elementary grammars, with pragtic factors in
particular playing an important role in the choice of tense. "
2. 2
Past tense
Referring again to the time line as presented in section 1 . 2, with
the present moment marked as a point on it, past tense locates a situation to
the left of that present moment time point . The meaning of the past tense is
thus location in time prior to the present moment, and any further
deductions about temporal location that are made on the basis of individual
sentences in the past tense are the result of factors other than simply the
choice of tense.
Note that the past tense simply locates the situation in question prioI to
the present moment , and says nothing about whether the past situation
occupies j ust a single point prior to the present moment , or an extended
time period prior to the present moment , or indeed the whole of time up to
the present moment, as in the following examples : at seven o'clock
yesterday John prised to gve me ten pounds ; John lived in Manchester
fr 1962 to 1982 ; up to this moment this diseae was incurable. Likewise,
the concept past time reference is neutral as between the interpretations
assigned to the following two English sentences : John wa in Pars ; John
ha been in Pars . The frst implies the existence of a specifc occasion on
which John was in Paris, the ability to refer to which is shared by speaker
and hearer ; and of course allows that at other times in the past John need not
have been in Paris ; the second siMply indicates that there is some time in the
past , not necessarily further identifable by speaker or hearer, at which the
propositionJohn be in Pans held. 6 All of these particular interpretations are
compatible with the meaning given for the past tense.
I t . should also be noted that use of the past tense only locates the situation
in the past , without saying anything about whether that situation continues
to the present or into the future, although there is often a conversational
impliature that it does not continue to or beyond the present . This last
point fol lows from Grice's maxim of relation ( relevance) , 7 in that , other
thi ngs being equal , statements about the present Uoment are more relevant
4 Ashton ( 1 947 : 37-39) .
I am grateful to Benj i Wal d for discussion on this question.
For discussion of the difference between perfect and simple past in Engl ish, see, for
instance, Comrie ( 1 976 : 52-1 ) , McCoard ( 1 978) .
7 Grice ( 1 975) .
Absolute tense
than those about other times, so that use of a form explicitly locating a
situation in the past suggests that that situation does not hold at the present ,
otherise the present tense would be used. One example of this kind was
introduced in section 1 . 7, namely John used to live in Lndon. Here, other
things being equal , an implicature will be derived that John no longer lives
in London. However, it is quite possible for the rest of the context to cancel
this implicature. For instance, let us suppose that it has been established
that John currently lives in London. Then i n reply to the question where
did he live ten years ago?, it would be possible to reply he used to live in
wndon then as well, where the context clearly indicates that the implicature
' no longer true at the present moment' is not to be derived. I n this example
the implicature is actually negated by the context . It is also possible for the
context to leave open whether or not the implicature is tre. Thus, in
answer to the question doesJohn live in Lndon?, one might answer he used
to, but I don't know If he still does , leaving it open whether or not he still lives
in London.
A similar phenomenon can be seen with past progressive constructions.
Thus EnglishJohn was eating his lunch (when I loked into his ro)states
that at a cerain period of time in the past ( namely, in this example, the time
point identifed as when I looked into John's room) , the propositionJohn be
eating his lunch was true. It says nothing about whether the situation still
continues at the present moment or not . Any implicature of present non
relevance can easily be cancelled contextually, so that if someone asks me
whether John is eating his lunch at th moment , I can reply he was eating
his lunch fve minutes ago when I loked into his rom, but he may have
fnished by now.
I t is also possible that other features of the sentence will indicate that the
situation re{erred to did indeed terminate in the past , but again this is
because of these other features, and not because of the meaning of the past
tense. I n Russian, for instance, the perfective past will necessarily indicate
that the situation in question was completed, since use of perfective aspect
and past tense locates the whole of the situation in past time, e. g. Kla
pfCtal etu knigu ' Kolya has read this book' . 8 Of course, at best this
indicates that the situation of Kolya's reading the book referred to has
terminated ; this Russian sentence is not incompatible with Kolya's re
reading the book at the present moment , i . e. from Kolia prcital etu knigu
one cannot logically deduce that the proposition Kolya be reading this bok
is untrue at the present moment .
The question may therefore arise as to whether a language can have a
8 See, for instance, Comrie ( 1 976 : 3-4) .
Future tense
grammatical form that encodes a situation which held in the past but does
not hold in the present . Clearly this meani ng can be expressed non
grammatically, for instance by coordinating two separate clauses (ohn was
reading this bok fve minutes ago but he is not reading it now) , or by use of
the lexical item no longer (ohn is no longer reading this bok) , which carries
a presupposition that he was reading the book in the past and a statement
that he is not doing so at the moment . I n section 2. 6 we will see that indeed
some languages do have tenses with this meaning, although such tenses are
extremely rare across the languages of the world. The implications of this
for general tense theory will be discussed in sections 2. 6 and 6. 5 .
Future tense
I n terms of the analysis of tense presented so far, it might seem
straightforward to defne future tense as locating a situation at a time
subsequent to the present moment , i . e. to the right of the present moment
on the diagram of the time line presented in section 1 . 2. One would then be
able to elaborate on this in precisely the same way as was done for the past
tense, in particular demonstrating that any deduction that the situation in
question does not hold at the present moment is at best an implicature,
rather than part of the meaning of the future tense. ThusJohN will be eating
his lunch when you call on him in fve minutes ' time does not exclude the
possibility that he may already have started eating his lunch. However, in
the light of the great controversy that has surrounded the concept of future
tense, both in general linguistic theory and in the analysis of individual
languages (including English) , it is necessary to examine a number of
phenomena before returning to this characterisation. We will in fact
conclude that this characterisation of the meaning of the future tense is
correct , but the controversy surrounds not so much the defnition of future
tense as whether such a category is j ustifed in linguistic theory in the frst
place, as a tense.
One of the objections raised to the notion of future tense is a conceptual
obj ection. The time line diagram proposed in section 1 . 2 is symmetrical
about the axis of the present moment , i . e. the future is presented as being
essentially the same as the past , only in the opposite temporal direction.
However, there is a sense in which the future is clearly different from the
past . The past subsumes what may already have taken place and, barring
science fction, is immutable, beyond the control of our present actions.
The future, however, is necessarily more speculative, in that any prediction
we make about the future might be changed by intervening events,
including our own conscious intervention. Thus, i n a very real sense the
Absolute tense
past is more defnite than the future. Following on from this, one might
arge that while the difference between past and present is indeed one of
tense, that between future on the one hand and past and present on the other
should be treated as a difference of mood rather than one of tens. 9
Notice that this conceptual objection simply says that the past and future
differ from one another in certain respects. It is not inconsistent with their
being similar to one another in other respects, perhaps even those crcial
respects that are relevant to tense. Therefore, the question of whether
future time reference is subsumed under tense or mood, whether in general
lingistic theory or in some specifc langage, is an empirical quetion that
can only be answered on the basis of the investigation of grammatical
expressions of future time reference across a number of langages. This task
will be adumbrated in the following paragraphs. For the m(ment, however,
it should be noted that the so-called future tense in English makes a clear
prediction about some future state of affairs, and is in this way clearly
distinct from modal constructions that make reference to alternative
worlds. '" Thus it will rain toorw is a very defnite statement about a state
of affairs to hold at a certain time subsequent to the present moment, and its
truth can be tested at that future time by seeing whether it does in fact rain
or not. This can be contrasted with it may rain tomorw, which is simply a
claim about a possible world in which there is rain tomorrow; the trth
value of this statement cannot be assessed by observing whether or not it
rains tomorrow (since both presence and absence of rain are compatible
with may rain) indeed, evaluation of the truth of such a modal statement is
extremely diffcult, involving demonstrating the existence or non-existence
of a certain possible world which may not coincide with the actual world. It
is thus possible to have future time reference which is not necessarily modal .
Another relevant obseration that might constitute an obj ection to the
symmetrical coneeptualisation of time is that many languages, including
most European languages, have a clear grammatical distinction between
past and non-past (the latter subsuming present and future time reference) ,
but either no grammatical distinction or a mueh less clear grammatical
distinction between future and non-future, in particular between future and
present . In many European languages, the so-called present tense is in fact
the normal verb form used to indicate future time reference, as for instance
in German ich gehe moren or Finnish mina menen huoenna ' I will go
[literally: I go] tomorrow' . These language do also have specifc construe-
9 For a reent study of the interaction between future time reference and mood, with
g8Hcu8ttclctcncc to the Romance langage, se Fleischman ( 1 982) .
omg8tc lhc discussion in McCawley ( 1 981 : 342-343) .
Future tense
tions with exclusively future time reference, e. g. German ich werde gehen ,
Finnish mina tulen menemaa" or mina olen meneva ' I will go' , but such
constructions are normally only used where there would otherwise be
danger of misunderstanding in the direction of present time reference,
especi ally in Finnish, where the so-called present tense is by far the most
usual form to express future as well as present time reference. I n these
languages, then, one might say that the only tenses distinguished grammati
cally are past and non-past (see section 2.
) . What this would demonstrate
is that these languages lack a future tense, but this would not in itself be
proof that the concept of future tense is not needed in general linguistic
theory : since the general theory must be able to deal with the tense system of
any language, it would be necessary to show that no language has a
grammaticalised future tense.
The converse of the above observation is that a number of languages do
not allow use of the same form for expressing present and future time
reference. This might seem to establish future tense as a separate grammati
cal category for such languages. This i s not , however, necessarily the case.
I n many such instances, the use of a distinct form for present and for future
time reference is not due to the tense system of the language i n question, but
rather to its modal system. As we saw in section 2. I some languages have a
basic modal disti nction between real is and irrealis, where realis refers to
situations that have actually taken place or are actually taking place, while
irrealis is used for more hypothetical situations, including situations that
represent inductive generalisations, and also predictions, including also
predictions about the future. We mentioned Dyirbal as one language of this
kind. Another example is Burmese, where the sentence-fnal particle -te/
thi/talhta is used for real is while the sentence-fnal particle -me/milhma is
used for irrealis (see further section 2.
) . 1 1 Since future time reference in
these languages is subsumed under irrealis, while present time reference (i n
the absence of any other modal value) is subsumed under realis, i t i s indeed
the case that present and future time reference will have different grammati
cal realisations, but without it being the case that these languages have a
distinct future tense. Rather, future time reference is j ust one of the
interpretations possi ble for the irrealis, and there is no reason to assume that
it is signifcantly more basic than any of the other interpretations of this
Finally, one might observe that expressions of future time reference
frequently derive diachronically from modal expressions, e. g. of
desiderativity, such as English will . However, thi b diachronic relation says
1 1 Okell ( 1 969 : 1
73 , 3
, 424
428) .
Absolute tense
nothing of the synchronic status of such forms. Further historical develop
ment may even separate them formally, as has happened in Chukchi : the
prefx re-Ira- together with the suffx -0 indicates either desiderative mood
or future tense, but several desiderative and future forms are now distinct,
for instance, in that the aspectual suffx -rka(n(i))- follows modal - 0 but
precedes temporal -0, e. g. re-nike-rkani- o- at ' they will do l ikewise' ,
re-nike-oa-rk-at ' they want to do likewise' .
We are therefore left with the problem of fnding a language in which
there is a separate grammatical form used for future time reference, but
where the use of this form cannot be treated as a special use of a grammatical
category with basically non-tense meaning. This considerably reduces the
number of candidates for future tense, and moreover requires a sophisti
cated analysis of the languages that are advanced as candidates, since a
superfcial examination will not reveal whether or not a given expression of
future time reference is in fact a distinct tense or j ust a form with more
general meaning subsuming future time reference. Nonetheless, there are
some languages which appear from the literature to illustrate the existence
of clear-cut future tenses. I n languages which distinguish different degrees
of remoteness in the future, i . e. have near and distant futures, especially if
there are several degrees of remoteness distinguished, it appears that at least
most of the relevant categories can only be used specifcally with future time
reference, i . e. they are future tenses (for the material , see chapter 4) . Thus
in Haya, the remote future tense can only be used in referring to a situation
which is located temporally subsequent to tomorrow, and collocation with
any other time reference ( e. g. past , present time reference, or reference to
tmorrow) is ungrammatical on any interpretation.
1 2 I n addition, there are
some languages lacking degrees of remoteness in the future but where
nonetheless there is a specifc future tense which does not have modal uses
with non-future time reference in addition to its temporal use : such is the
case with the future tense in Hua, a language with a basic tense distinction
between future and non-future (section 2.
) . 1
Some further discussion of the English system is appropriate at this
point . Traditional grammar usually presents English as having a future
tense, namely the form using the auxiliary wil (for some speakers, also
shall) and the citation form of the verb, as in John will leave tomorw.
There are two directions in which one could obj ect to this analysis. First ,
the auxiliary will has a number of other uses in addition to the expression of
future time reference, in particular modal uses which do not necessarily
1 2
I nformation on Haya is from Ernest R. Byarushengo.
3 Haiman ( 1 980 : 1 401 44) .
Future tense
have future time reference :
4 in particular, wl can be used to indicate
volition with present time reference (he wl go swimming in dangerus
waters) , and prediction with present time reference might well be sub
sumed under the latter of these modal uses, in paricular. From the other
direction, there are many instances of future time reference where it is not
necessary to use the auxiliar wll, but where rather the so-called present
tense suffces, as in the train depars at fve o'clock tomorw moring. Thus
future time reference is neither a necessary nor a suffcient condition for the
use of will in English.
Before abandoning the claim that English has a future tense, however, it
is necessary to ask the question whether the correlation between wll and
future time reference in English is explainable in its entirety in terms
independent of future time reference, or whether future time reference will
still have to play some explicit role in determining the circumstances under
which wll can be used or omitted. It is remarkable that, for a language as
thoroughly investigated as English, this question remains unanswered. We
will suggest that there is indeed need to refer indepCndently to future time
reference, but it is of course possible that subsequent work may lead to
revision of this claim, by showing that these instances of apparent relevance
of future time reference can in fact be subsumed under some more general
non-tense category.
I n main clauses, there is a heavy constraint on the use of the present tense
with future time reference, namely that the situation referred to must be one
that is scheduled. I n our example above, the train depars at fve o'clock
toorw moring, use of the present tense is j ustifed because the situation
referred to is indeed one that is scheduled.
l 5
However, the sentence it rains
tomorw is decidedly odd, indeed on asking naive native speaker of
English one would probably receive the reaction that the sentence is
unacceptable. The reason why the sentence is odd is that it requires an
interpretation under which the occurrence of rain tomorrow is scheduled,
and our knowledge of the world as it is today indictes that rain is not
schedulable in this way. The sentence would, however, be acceptable, if
14 See, for instance, the discussion in Leech ( 1 971 : 77-0) .
1 5
Note that the sentence the train dpars at fve o 'clock toor moring is not claimed to
have the same meaning as the train is scheduled to depar atfve o'clock tor moring;
the former does say explicitly that the train will depar at the said hour, and moreover that
this is the result of scheduling; the latter, hwever, says only that according to the shedule
fve o'clock is the train's departure time, but does not say that the train will in fact leave
according to that schedule. It is thus perfectly reasonable to say the train is schduld to
leave at fve o'clock tomorw mring, but in fact it wn 't leave til sx, while it would be a
self-contradiction to say the train depars at fve o'clock toorw moring, but in fat it
wn 't leave til sx.
Absolute tense
one imagined a context where rain is schedulable, e. g. if God is talking, or if
advances in meteorology made it possible for humans to schedule rain. This
suggests that, in accounting for the use of the construction with will, it will
be necesar to make explicit separate reference to scheduling and to future
time reference.
I n some subordinate clauses, in particular in temporal and conditional
clauses, the auxiliary will with future time reference is normally excluded,
even in instances where in main clauses will would be required because of
absence of schedul ing
. 1 6
Thus alongs
de it will rain toorw, we have i it
-wll rain/rains tomorw, we will get wt. In conditional clauses, wll with
modal meaning is permitted, e. g. i he will go swming in dangerus
waters, he will drwn. Thus future time reference uses of will are gammati
cally distinct from modal uses of will in such subordinate clauss, 8 that
again the grammar will have to refer directly to the feature of future time
reference. These examples therefore suggest (but do not , of cours, prove)
that English does have a separate grammatical categor of future time
reference, i . e. a future tense.
On the basis of the discusion in this section, we will asume in what
follows that the general theory of tense will need to be able to capture the
notion of future tense. Many languages, of course, lack this categor, but
this is in principle no different from most other categories in the general
theory, e. g. many languages lack number as a grammatical category, but the
general theory requires this category in order to handle those langages that
do have a category of number. I n European languages, in particular, the
future tense seems to be weak or non-existent as a grammatical category
(though substantiation of this point would require demonstration that
future time reference can be deduced from other features of the meaning of
the forms used to express future time reference) . It is not imposible,
however, that more detailed work on the tense systems of languages les well
studied to date, such as indigenous languages of Africa and New Guinea,
might lead us to change this assessment in favour of the more widespread
occurrence of the future tense as a separate grammatical category.
2. 4 Binar tense systems
I n the previous sections of this chapter, we have established the
validity of the notions present , past and future tense in general lingistic
theory. Although we have illustrated each of these with actual linguistic
examples, mainly though not exclusively from English, we have so far said
little about tense systems internal to specifc languages. While the general
See furher section 5 . 4 and Comrie ( 1 982) .
Binar tense systems
theory allows us a three-way distinction within absolute tense, many
languages in fact have a basic two-way split , with either an opposition
between past and non-past or between future and non-future.
Past versus non-past is, as mentioned in section 2. 3 , the basic tense split
in many European languages, with sub-divisions within non-past (especi
ally future as opposed to present) being at best secondary : thus the so-called
present tense in such languages is frequently used for future time reference,
and in such languages as Finnish is the basic means of expressing future
time reference ; conversely, the so-called future tense has modal uses which
do not require future time reference, as with German er wird schon da sein
' he will already be there' . Within languages that make a basic past versus
non-past distinction, it is worh distinguishing two sub-types, or at least two
types which defne end points on a continuum. The one would include
languages where the present can always be used with future time reference,
the only constraint on this use being avoidance of interpretations with
present time reference. From Grice's maxim of relation (relevance) , one
would expect a non-past tense, other things being equal , to be given the
interpretation of present time reference, since this is the interpretation most
relevant to the situation at hand. German and Finnish would fall into this
category. At the opposite extreme would be langages where, although the
present can be used with future time reference, there are severe constraints
on this use of that form, constraints that are not explainable purely as
strategies to avoid conversational implicatures. English would be an ex
ample of this category, since the present can be used with future time
reference only under highly specifc circumstances ; in main clauses, as
obsered in section 2. 3 , only where the situation in question is presented as
being scheduled.
Turning to the possibility of a future versus non-future binary split, it is
important to be able to distinguish this as a tense split from a split which is
occasioned primarily by mood, but gives the impression of a tense split
because of the implicature links between certain modal and time reference
oppositions. Thus, in Dyirbal , for instance, although it would at frst
appear that there is a split between future and non-future, investigation
suggests rather that there is a distinction between real is and irrealis, with
future and (most) present time reference happening to be on opposite sides
of the dividing line. Nonetheless, Hua, one of the few New Guinea
languages for which we have a real ly detailed description, does seem to
present an incontrovertible example of a language with a clear and basic
tense opposition between future and non-future ; while there are various
sub-divisions within the future, primarily of a modal nature, all have future
Absolute tense
time reference, and thus contrast with the non-future, which never has
future time reference. 1 7
Given the existence of binary past/non-past and future/non-future splits,
the question might arise as to whether it is possible to have a present/non
present split, with a single non-present categor covering time reference in
the past and future to the exclusion of the present. Although there are some
languages where there are similarities between the past and the future that
are not shared by the present , I am not aware of any example of a language
which has a clear-cut system opposing non-present as a single categor to
present . Thus in Buin, the same morphological form is used for both future
and recent past (today past) time reference ; in the former, however, the
paricle to; must be present, so there is a distinction between
kot; ' I saw
(earlier on today) ' and to;
kot; ' I will see' .
This would suggest a possible
universal of tense systems : in a tense system, the time reference of each
tense is a continuity. If this universal can be maintained in general , then it
would exclude the possibility of discontinuous tenses ; for a possible
exception, see the discussio of Burera in chapter 4.
2. 5 Tenseles languages
Our stated aim in this book is to provide a theor of tense which
is suffciently fexible to accommodate tense distinctions that recur across
the languages of the world, while being suffciently constrained to exclude
logically possible distinctions that are not in fact possible in human
language. Thus the universals established relate to the possibilities cross
linguistically, and do not imply that any given language has to make any of
the distinctions set up within the overall framework (although there must be
languages somewhere that make the distinction) . I n section 2. 4, we saw that
some langages do not make the present/future distinction, while other
langages do not make the past/non-past distinction. The question now
arises whether there are any languages which make neither of these
distinctions, i . e. which lack absolute tense altogether. One could then
generalise the question to relative tense, and ask whether there are any
languages that lack tense altogether.
I ndeed there are such languages. We will illustrate this point with
examples from one such language, Burmese. 1 9 I n this language, there are
7 Haiman ( 1 980 : 1 401 4) .
1 8
I am gateful to Donald C. Laycock for information on Buin.
1 9
Okell ( 1 969 : 1 73 , 354-357, 424-428) ; although the frst of these page references uses the
ters future and non-future, the more detailed discussion of the scond and third page
references clarifes the essentially modal , rather than temporal , distinction. I have benefted
from discussion of the Burmese data with Mar Cameron.
Tenseless langages
two sets of sentence-fnal particles that will be relevant to our discussion
(the choice of an individual particle within one of these two sets is
determined by considerations not germane to the present issue) : realis te/
thl/ta/hta and irrealis me/ml/hma. The realis paricle can only be used on
sentences that have present or past time reference (with no grammatical
distinction between past and present time reference) , and so might seem to
be an indicator of non-future tense, as in the following examples : sanetnei
tain mye? hpya?-te ' Saturday-every grass cut-te' , i . e. ' (he) cuts the grass
every Saturday' ; da-caunmou ma-Ia-ta ' that-because : of not-come-ta

' because of that (they) didn't come' . For future time reference, the irrealis
series of particles must be used, as in : mane?hpan sa-me ' tomorrow begin
me' , i . e. ' (we) will begin tomorrow' . However, more detailed examination
of the functions of the me series shows that time reference is not its prime
function. It can be used with present or past time reference provided the
reference is not restricted to our actual world, i . e. provided there is modal
value to the particle : hman-Iein-me ' be : true-undoubtedly-me
, i . e. ' that
may well be true' ; macithi sa-hpu-me htti-te ' tamarind : fruit eat-ever-me
think-te' , i . e. ' ( I ) think ( he) must have eaten tamarinds before' . Note in
particular the use of both particles in this sentence, realis te to indicate what
I actually think, and irrealis me to indicate a supposition as to what he may
have done - even though the time reference of the irrealis me is in fact prior
to that of the realis te, indicating clearly that time reference is not basic to
the opposition between these paricles.
What Burmese shows us, then, is a language where time reference per se
is not grammaticalised, i . e. there is no tense. I t is, of course, possible for
time reference to be expressed in other ways (for instance lexically, by the
use of adverbials like mane?hpan ' tomorrow' ) , and for deductions about
time reference to be made from other aspects of the sentence, perhaps in
conj unction with knowledge of the world, as when sentences with the
irrealis particle are frequently interpreted to have future time reference. But
all of this is without reference to any grammatical category that has future
time reference as part of its meaning.
What has been said about Burmese could be extended equally to Dyirbal ,
where it seems that the usual time reference difference between the verb
form in -n(yu) and the verb form in -ny is derivative of a more basic modal
distinction between realis and irrealis respectively. It should be noted that ,
although we have used the same terms realis and irrealis in speaking both of
Burmese and Dyirbal , the precise dividing line between them is different in
the two languages. I n Dyirbal , present habitual is expressed using the
irrealis, whereas in Burmese it is treated as real is e What is common,
5 1
Absolute tense
however, to the two systems is that a basically modal opposItIon has
implications for time reference without this time reference being grammati
calised in the language ; differences between the modal systems of the two
languages is a problem for a theory of mood, rather than for a discussion of
So far, we have been speaking in this section of languages that lack tense
distinctions. A further question to arise is the possibility of particular
constructions that are tenseless in languages that basically do have tense
oppositions. I n many languages with tense distinctions, certain non-fnite
forms, in particular, lack tense oppositions. ( Perhaps even more frequently,
one fnds languages where fnite verb forms characteristically have absolute
time reference, while non-fnite verb forms have relative time reference ; the
theor propounded in this book treats both absolute and relative tense as
sub-cases of tense - see chapter 3 and we are therefore interested here
strictly in constructions which show no tense opposition, not even relative
tense distinctions. ) In English, for instance, derived nominals show no
tense distinction, so that the

nemy's destrction of the city can be expanded

as relating to either the enemy destrs the cty or the enemy destred the
city or the enemy wll destr the city. I n many instances, the precise time
reference of a tenseless construction will be deducible from the context .
Thus, in English the infnitive after the verb prise shows no tense
opposition, e. g. John prmised to gve me ten punds. However, it is
possible to deduce that the time reference of to gve me ten punds is to a
time subsequent to the time of John's promise, i . e. relative future tense.
This deduction has nothing, however, to do with the grammatical system of
English, in particular with the grammatical expression of time reference.
Rather it follows from our knowledge of promises, namely that they refer to
a future situationg i . e. one can only make promises about things that are to
happen in the future relative to the time of the promise. 20 This is not to deny
that there is an importnt research endeavour in this area, to investigate how
different facets of the structure of a sentence, the context , and knowledge of
the world combine to enable one to make deductions about the time
reference of situations. Much of this, however, is irrelevant to a theory of
tense defned as grammaticalisation of time reference : tense is only one
component in the overall expression of time reference, and while it has an
important role to play in languages with tense oppositions, it is crucial not to
Searle ( 1 969 : 57) . Actually, relative time reference is possible in the infnitive after prise,
as i nJohn prised to have fnished before we retured, where the perfect infnitive indicates
relative past time reference ; the past time reference is, however, relative to our returning,
not to John's promising.
Combinations of absolute tenses
confuse the study of tense with the overall enterprise of investigating how
information relating to time reference is conveyed ; equally, it is important
to realise that an accurate characterisation of tense oppositions is a crucial
component of this larger enterprise.
It is also possible that the grammar of a language may take advantage of
redundancies in time reference in order to provide simpler expressions.
Thus, in the English example with prmise , although the time reference of
the infnitive after prise is relative future, this is redundant , since this is
the only possible time reference for an infnitive after prise ; no informa
tion is thus lost by having a tenseless construction after prmise . While this
interaction between time reference, redundancies, and tenseless constrc
tions is, again, of geat potential interest , it falls outside the scope of a theory
of tense as such.
2. 6 Combinations of absolute tenses
So far, each of the tenses we have examined has located a
situation in a certain segment of the time line. Negative versions of these
tenses simply indicate that the negative situation, i . e. the absence of the
equivalent positive situation, holds a certain segment of the time line. Thus
John was not at the pary simply indicates that a cerain situation, namely
John not be at the pary (which happens to be the negation of John be at the
pary) , held at some time in the past . Crucially, it does not mean, nor imply,
that the situation John be at the pary held in the non-past ( present or
future) ; nor even does it exclude the possibility that at some other time in
the past, John may have been at the party, any more thanJohn wa at the
pary implies that John was at the party from the beginning of time up to the
present moment .
The question may therefore arise as to whether it is possible for a
language to have a tense, in the strict sense of a single grammatical category,
which indicates that a situation holds at one segment of the time line but
does not hold at certain other segments of the time line ; or a tense indicating
specifcally that a given situation holds at different segments of the time
line. While such tenses seem to be extremely rare cross-linguistically, they
are attested in a number of Bantu languages, the examples below being
taken from Luganda. Z
Note that in all of these examples, it is still the case
that the situation referred to occupies a continuous segment of the time line ;
the only difference is that explicit mention is made of the fact that this
continuous segment is partially located at the present moment and partial ly
at some other stretch of time continuous with present moment .
Ashton et al . ( 1 95 1 : 229, 230) .
Absolute tense
We may start our discussion with the ' stil l ' tense, so called because its
most natural translation into English is with the adverb still ; in Luganda,
takes the tense prefx kya- , as in mu-kya-tudde ' you sti l l sit' , i . e. ' you are
still seated' , ente tu-kya-gi-n-onya ' cow we-sti l l -it-seek' , i . e. ' we are still
looking for the cow' . The temporal reference of this form thus combi nes
past and present time reference : we were looking for the cow. Moreover, the
reference must be to a si ngle situation of looking for the cow, i . e. the ' still '
tense of Luganda cannot be used to refer to disti nct situations of searching
for a cow in the past and searching for a cow in the present .
Further insight into the semantics of this tense can be gleaned from an
examination of its negative form, e. g. te-mu-kya-tudde ' Neg-you-still -sit ' .
The precise meaning of this form i s ' you are no longer seated' , i . e. i t was true
in the past that you were seated, but at the present moment it is not true that
you are seated. The negation thus attaches only to the present reference of
the ' sti l l ' tense, but crucial ly does not negate the past time reference of this
form; whence the name ' no longer' tense for this form in Luganda. What
this clarifes is the distribution of presupposition and assertion in the ' still '
tense. ZZ Since negation affects only the present time reference part of the
overall meaning of the ' sti l l ' tense, this indicates that the present ti me
reference is the assertion of this tense, while the past time reference, which
remains constant under negation, is a presupposition. Thus a more accurate
semantic description of the ' stil l ' tense would be : it is presupposed that a
situation held in the past , and asserted that it holds at the present . Its
negative would therefore automatical ly receive the interpretation : it is
presupposed that a situation held in the past and asserted that it does not
hold at the present .
Given the possibi l ity of combining different time references in this way, a
host of logically possible tenses are created, although to date very few have
been attested in languages, and it may be that such forms are at the ver
edge of possibil ities in natural language, although only further research wi ll
answer this question. Luganda has one further verb form that fts into this
general pattern, namely the ' not yet' tense, as in tetu-HHU-geHda ' Neg-we
not : yet-go' , i . e. ' we have not yet gone' ; this tense occurs only in the
negative. The meaning of this tense is that certain situation ( in the
example given, our going) did not hold in the past and does not hold in the
present , i . e. that it still is the case that a certain situation does not hold. It
may seem that there i s an additional semantic component , namely that the
situation of our going will hold i n the future . However, further investiga
tion shows that this is only an impl icature, not part of the meaning of the
2 For the term ' presupposition' , see the discussion i n Lyons ( 1 977 : 606) .
Combinations of absolute tenses
verb form, as is equally the case with the Engl is

expression not yet. All that
is i ndi cated with regard to the future is the possibil ity of the situation
holding i n the future, and this pOssi bi l i ty may be demonstrated as unrealis
able by the rest of the context , as for instance with Engl ish I ha'en 't yet seen
him, and don 't ever expect to . For Luganda, one can compare tobala
nnyumba zitannazimbwa ' don't reckon i n the houses which have not yet
been bui l t ' , where one of the reasons for not i ncludi Ug those houses may
wel l be that they wi l l never be built .
Relative tense
3. I Pre relative tense
I n chapter Z we i l l ustrated absolute tense, whereby the
reference point for the locati on of a situati on in time is the present moment .
We now turn to relati ve tense, where the reference point for location of d
situation is some point i n ti me given by the context , not necessarily the
present moment . The phenomenon of relative tense wi l l frst be i l lustrated
by exampl es from Engl ish : although Engl ish fnite verb forms have absolute
time reference i n nearly all i nstances ( for exceptions , see chapter 6) , English
non-fnite verb forms characteristically have relative time reference .
sequently, examples will be cited from other l anguages, i n particular
languages where relative time reference pl ays a more substantial role in the
grammar overall , whether in non-fnite constructions ( e. g. Lati n) or in
fnite constructions as wel l ( e. g. Classical Arabi c) .
But before l ooki ng at relative tenses , i n particular i n contrast with
absolute tenses, i t wi l l be useful to look at the conceptual l y identical
disti ncti on \' ith time adverbi al s , since here it i s somewhat easier to see
precisely the factors i nvolved. Some ti me adverbials serve speci fcal ly to
locate a situation relative to the present moment , e . g. today ( the day
including the present moment ) , yesterday ( the day precedi ng the day
i ncl udi ng the present moment ) , tomonv ( the day fol l owi ng the day
incl udi ng the present moment ) ; in our terminology, these are al l i nstances
of absol ute ti me reference . } I n addition, there are ( i n general di sti nct )
adverbials whi ch l ocate a si tuati on relati ve to some reference point gi ven by
the context , such as H the same day, on the day before, on the next day ; in
our terminology, these are all i nstances o
rel ative time reference . I n a
sentence with an adverbial of relative ti me re
erence, such as on the next day
Jack loked out ofhis bedroom uindo'l , one' s natural reaction is to l ook for
The set of forms i ndi cat i ng, i n our termi nology, absol ute ti me reference are cal l ed ' shifters'
by J akohson ( 1 957) ; li kewise , our term I relat i , e t i me reference' corresponds to his term
I connectors' .
Pure relative tense
reference poi nt in terms of \1 hi ch this ti me adverbial can be interpreted -
the next day after what ? I n a sentence with an adverbial of absolute time
referenct, this question does not arise : the ti me reference of tomorw Jack
will lok oHt of his bedrom window is quite clear ( though there may, of
course, be problems in relati ng this ti tne adverbial to other, non-deictic
systems of time coordi nates : if you don' t know what day of the week, or
what date it is today, then you won't be able to work out what day or date it is
tomorrO\T ) .
As English il lustrati ve nlaterial , \' e shall take uses of the participles
correspondi ng to relative cl auses, such as the passengers awaiting fight 26
proceeded to departure gate 5 . One interpretation of this sentence i n
Engl ish is that the ti me reference of awaiting is simultaneous with the time
reference of the main verb proceeded. Si nce the time reference of prceeded
is past - as a fnite verb, it receives absol ute time reference - the time
reference of awaiting is interpreted b si mul taneous with that past moment
in time . I n many contexts, thi s sentence i s thus i nformationally equivalent
to the fol l owing sentence, with a fni te subordi nate cl ause : the passengers
who were awaiting fight 26 proceeded to deparure gate 5. I t is important ,
however, to note that thi s equi val ence is at best in i nterpretation : the
meani ngs of the t\\ 'O sentences are subtl y but crucial ly different . One
di fference is that the version with the part ici ple establishes si multaneity
between the ti me reference of the part iciple and the ti n1e reference of the
reference poi nt (which i n the i nterpretati on under discussion is taken to be
the t ime reference of the nlai n verb prceeded but for other possible
interpretati ons , 5CC bel ow) , whi l e the versi on with the fnite verb merely
locates the time reference of the a\vai ting as bei ng i n the ( absolute) past ,
without equati ng i t wi th any other poi nt of ti me i n the past . I t is thus
possi bl e, though pragmatical l y l ess l i kel y, that the past time points at which
Itt awaiting and proceeded are l ocated i n this sentence are different time
poi nts i n the past .
The second di fference i s t hat i dent i fcati on of the ti me reference of
aU' aiting \vit h that of proceeded is onl y onc possi ble i nterpretation of the
parti ci pial cl ause . . Another i nterpretati on is that the reference is to passen
gers \vho are now, at the present moment , awai ti ng fight 26, an i nterpreta
tion that is not avai l abl e for the supposed paraphrase \vith a fnite verb i n the
past tense . I n fact , the fnite cl ause paraphrase for this second i nterpretation
woul d be the passengers {ho UlL aUitingfi ht 26 proceeded to dcparure
gate ..
ne woul d need to bui l d up 3 more specifc context for this
i nterpretati on of the parti ci pi al construction to make sense, for i nstance a
context where it becomes rel evant to discuss the previous iti nerary of those
Relative tense
passengers who are now wai ting for fight 26, but once thi s extra context is
provi ded, the interpretation becomes perfectly natural .
This second interpretation might suggest that the English present
participle is ambiguous between rel ative time reference ( as in the frst
interpretation) and absolute time reference ( as in the second interpreta
tion) . There is evidence, however , that this analysi s is incorrect . It is
possible for the same sentence to be given an interpretation where the time
reference of the parti ci pl e is simultaneous neither with the assigned time
reference of the main cl ause nor with the present moment , if some other
time poi nt is given by the context as reference point . The easiest way of
establ ishing such a reference point is to insert an adverbial of temporal
location into the participial construction, as i n the passengers awaitingfight
26 yesterday prceeded to gate 5 the day before , where the adverbial
yesterday provides a reference point for the i nterpretation of the temporal
location of the partici pl e awaiti1lg. It is also possible that the reference point
might be given by the wider context . Thus, suppose someone asked about
the passengers who had been awaiting various fights yesterday, in order to
fnd out what gate they had proceeded to on their fight of the previous day.
I n this context , the partial answer tht passengers awaiting fight 26
pfocecded to gate 5 woul d receive as its only coherent interpretation the
passengers who were awaiting fight 26 yesterday proceeded to gate 5 the
day before .
This suggests that for relative tenses al l that is required is the identifca
tion of a reference point , the range of potential reference points being i n
principl e al l those compati bl e with the given context . Thus, the present
moment is, unless barred by context , always available as a reference point
for relative tenses . This means that a relative tense is quite strictly one
which is interpreted relati ve to a reference point provided by the context ;
since the context always provides the present moment ( unless some other
fe.ature of the context excl udes thi s i nterpretati on) , an interpretation is
always possibl e for relative tenses whereby they are apparently interpreted
absolutely, but thi s apparent absolute i nterpretation is illusory. The
difference between absol ute and relative tense is not that between the
present moment versus some other poi nt i n ti me as reference poi nt , but
rather between a form whose meani ng speci fes the present moment as
reference point and a form whose meaning does not speci fy that the present
moment must be its reference point . Rel ati ve tenses thus have the present
moment as one of thei r possi ble reference points , but this is a problem of
interpretation rather than of meaning.
Given that the most salient i nterpretation, barring contextual indications
Pure relative tense
to the contrary, for relati ve tense is si Hultaneity with the closest absolute
tense form, the relativity of time reference of English particIples can be
shown by varying independently the time reference of the closest fnite verb
and the time reference of the participlee The present participle is always
interpreted as simultaneous with the reference point , as in the fol lowing
informationally-equivalent paraphrases . the passengers awaiting fight 26
must prceed to gate 5 ( i . e . the passengers who are awaitingfight 26 e )
the passenge,s awaiting fight 26 will prceed to gate 5, staring next week
( i . e . the passengers who will be awaiting figh t 26 ) . 2
I f the parici ple i s changed to the past participle , e . g. active having
barded or passive (having been) denied boarding, then we get relative past
time location, as i n the passengers denied boarding on fight 26 proceeded to
gate 7 One interpretation takes the reference point to be defned by the time
location of prceeded, giVi ng the inforHationally equivalent paraphrase the
passengers who had been denied boarding prceeded to gate 7 , where the
pluperfect (see section
. 2) indicates that the denial of boarding preceded
the proceedi ng to gate 7. Other interpretations, with other contextually
given reference points, are also possible, for instance the passengers who
have (st recently) been denied boarding prceeded to gate 7 yesterday,
where the present moment i s taken as reference poi nt ; or the passengers who
had been denied boarding up to the day before yesterday proceeded to gate 7
yesterday, if the context provides information to make such an interpreta

ti on likely.
hanging the mai n verb i n tense , but keepi ng the past parti ciple, gives
sentences l ike pasengers denied boarding on fight 26 should prceed to gate
7 , with its most l i kel y i nterpretation passengers who have been denied
barding e , and passengers denied boarding on fight 26 will prceed to
gate 7 , with as its most l i kely interpretation passengers who will have been
denied boarding e , but also other i nterpretations, such as passengers
who have up to now been denied boarding . , rather than passengers who
have been denied boarding up to the time of proceeding to gate 7
Engl ish does not have straightforward non-fnite forms with future time
reference, although constructions l i ke about to come close . ( They differ
froM mere future time reference in that they refer to i mmediate future ,
Note that English al lows the present tense i n fni te relative clauses simultaneous with a
future main clause, i . e. the passengers uho are awaiting fight 26 wil prceed to gate 5,
staring next week ; for some discussion of such examples, which involve a furher
parameter i ndependent of the present discussion, see chapter 6.
3 I n more normal Engl i sh, thi s woul d read passengers who
have been denied oardi1'g . . ;
for the perfect rather than the future perfect , cf. the di scussion of the present rather than the
future i n footnote 2.
Rlative tense
rather than any future, and in that they indicate a propensity to a future
situation rather than strictly a future situation as such - see furher
. ) This gives examples like passengef abut to d8par on fight 2
prceeded to gate 5, with as one interpretation that the passengers were
about to depart on fight 26 when they proceeded to gate
, but also a
possible interpretation that those who are now about to depart on fight 26
proceeded at soe time in the past to gate 5 , or even that those who at some
other specifed time were or will be about to depar on fight 26 proceeded at
some time in the past to gate 5 . Changing the tense of the main verb gves
pUsengers about to depar on fight 26 should prceed to gate 5 (most likely
interpretation : those now about to depar . ) , and passenger abut to
depar on fight 26 will, frm next week, prceed to gate 5 ( most likely
interpretation : frm next week, those who will be abut to depar . . )
I n the following examples from other languages, we shall restrict our
selves to interpretations where the reference point is taken to be that
established by the tense of the closest verb ith absolute time reference, as
this is usually the most salient interpretation and also the one intended by
the particular examples given in our sources ; our claim, however, would be
that these sentences should have a range of interpretations similar to those
given for English.
I n Lati n, use of participles as substitutes for fnite subordinate clauses is
much more frequent than in English, and the richness of the system is
enhanced by the existence of a specifcally future participle, although
widespread use of this form in this way is mOl C characteristic of post
classical Latin. 4 While the Latin fnite verb forms receive absolute time
reference ( past , present , or future time reference - for the pluperfect and
future perfect , see section 3 . 2) , the partici ples receive relative time
reference, normally by reference to the time established by the main verb.
Thus, the present participle has relative present time reference, as in Sefio
Tullio regnante viguernt ( Cicero) ' Servius Tul lius reigning, they
fourished' , i . e. ' they fourished when Serius Tullius ruled' ; omnes aliud
agentes, aliud simulantes perdi ( Cicero) ' all other-thing done, otherthing
pretending treacherous' , i . e. ' all who drive at one thing and preteUd another
are treacherous' - in this second example the main clause has present time
reference, indicated by the zero copula, so the present participles most
natural ly receive the interpretation of simultaneity with this present
reference point established by the main clause.
The past participl e has relative past time reference : Manlius Gallur
caesum torque spoliavit ( Livy) ' Manl ius Gaul having-been-killed neck-
4 The Latin examples are from Gi l dersleeve & Lodge ( 1 895 : 664-670) .
Pure relative tense
chain-from stripped' , i . e. ' Manlius stripped the Gaul who had been killed of
his neckchain' ; si latet ars, prdest; afer deprensa pudorem ( Ovid) ' if
hides art , does-good ; brings having-been-detected shame' , i . e. ' if art hides,
it does good, if i t has been detected, it brings shame' . The future participle
has relative future tiMe reference : traiecturs Renum commeitum non
trtnsmiit ( Suetonius) ' about-to-cross Rhine provisions not sent-across' ,
i . e. ' when he was about to cross the Rhi ne, he did not send over the
provisions' ; quatiunt arla, rptun impen'um ni ducantur (Tacitus) ' clash
arms, about-to . break order if- not they-are-Ied' , i . e. ' they clash their arms,
ready to break orders if they are not led forward' .
I n I mbabura Quechua, main clause verbs receive absolute tiMe
reference, while most subordi nate clause verbs receive rel ative time
reference, as in the followi ng examples : s Mara Aatupi kawsajta
(present) krrkani ( past) I believed that Mary lived in Agato' ; 1ra
Aatupi kawsashkata ( past) krrkani ( past) ' I believed that Mary had l ived
in Agato' ; Mara Aatupi kawsanata ( future) kn'rkani ( past) ' I bel ieved
that Mary would live in Agato' ; yani ( present) 1ra mishu shimita
parlajta (present) ' I believe that Mar speaks Spanish' ; Juzika fuka kaya
llamata randinata (future) kno-n ' Joseph believes that I will buy a sheep
tomorrow' .
I n looking for exaMples of relative time reference, it is essential to ensure
that the relative time reference interpretation is part of the meaning of the
form in question, rather than an iUplicature derived from, in part , the
context . One area which is particularly confusing in this respect is narrative,
where one gains the impression of sequence of events which are located
temporal ly one almost iMUediately after the other, the chronological
sequence mirrored in the linear order of clauses . Thus one might be
tempted to think that this sequencing is part of the Ueaning of the verb
forms used, thus introducing a mening of ' i mmediate past' or ' immediate
future' relative time reference ( depending on whether one defned the time
reference of the preceding verb in terms of the following verb, or vice
versa) . However, as was shown in section 1 . 8, this sequencing of events is a
property of narrative itself, quite i ndependent of the verb forms used to
encode narrative, so that the mere fact that verb forms receive this
interpretation i n narrative is not suffcient evidence for assigning this
meaning to those verb forms. I ndeed, crucially one woul d need to look for
examples outside of narrative, where the context does not force the
Co le ( 1 982 : 34-37, 1 42-1 43) . Note that time interpretation in relative cl auses is absolute,
not relative. Note also that the suffxes for absolute and relative tense are distinct i n
I mbabura Quechua.
Relative tense
immediate succession interpretation, to demonstrate that this is actually
part of the meaning of the forms in question. For further discussion of
immediate past and immediate future, reference should be made to
chapter 4.
This property of narrative may also be used t o expl ain the immediate past
time reference interpretation often assigned to the Engl ish present parti
ciple in narrative contexts , although we have claimed that the meaning of
the Engl ish present participle is relative present time reference. An example
woul d be crssing the street, I entcred the superarket , where the only
possi ble interpretati on, given our knowledge of possibilities in the world
and relative locations of buildings and streets, is that I frst crossed the street
and then entered the supermarket , without any overlap between the two
situations. 6 The sequencing which is part of the defnition of narrative
provides a moving reference point of time, and thus the present participle in
narrative sequence is interpreted as simultaneous with the current reference
pint, i . e. immediately prior to the reference point defned by the next verbl
event in the narrative sequence. Languages which have explicit means for
indicating relative time reference may differ in the extent to which such
means are used where the context otherwise makes clear the chronological
relation : thus English allows after crssing [or : having cMssed] the street, I
tured nght, whereas French requires apres avoir trUverse la re, j'ai
toufe a drite.
I n the languages investigated so far, relative time reference has been
restricted to subordinate verb forms ( fnite or non-fnite) , while main clause
( and many subordinate clause) verb forms have received absolute time
reference. I t should be noted, however, that these correlations are by no
means absolute across the languages of the world. Taking frst the correla
tion between subordinate verbs and relative time reference, we have already
noted that subordinate fnite verb forms in English nearly always receive
absolute time reference. I n some languages even some non-fnite verb forms
receive absolute time reference. Russian, for instance, has imperfective past
participles in -vs- . While other participl es in Russian receive relative time
reference, much as in English, this participle receives absolute time
reference, as in Iudi, iitavsie zuraly, nicego ne zametili ' the people who
were reading [literally : having read] magazines noticed nothing' ; since the
present participle has relative present time reference, this sentence is
Note that the version having crssed the street, I entered the supenaret is also possible,
though rather pedantic for a narrative context where sequencing is expected, especially
given that the present participle could hardly be misinterpreted as i ndicati ng simultaneity in
this example.
Pure relative tense
informationally equivalent to the same sentence with substitution of the
present participle for the past participle : Iudi , citajuscie zuraly, nicego ne
zametili ' the people readi ng UagaZines noticed nothing' .
Turni ng now to the correlation between main clause verbs and absolute
time reference, there are some languages where even main clause verbs
receive relative time reference, for instance Classical Arabic. 7 Arabic has
morphologically an opposition between two verb tense-aspects, conven
tionally called i mperfect and perfect . I n addition to aspectual values, the
imperfect has the time reference meaning component of relative non-past ,
whi le the perfect has the time reference meaning component of relative
past . I n neutral contexts, i . e. where no reference point is given explicitly by
the context , the reference poi nt is taken to be the present moment , thus
givi ng the impression of absolute non-past meani ng for the imperfect but
past meaning for the perfect . However, if the context indicates some other
point as reference point , then the basic relative time reference meaning of
the verb forms surfaces, as in wa ttaba fu ( perfect) ma tatlu ( imperfect)
'l-saya{inu fala mulki sulaymana ' and they fol lowed what the demons used
to recite in Solomon's reign' , where the past time reference interpretation of
the imperfect verb tatlu is established by the time adverbial ' in Solomon's
reign ; ?ajiu-ka ( imperfect) ?iO 'mara ( perfect) 'l-busr ' I will come to
you when the unripe date ripens' , where the subordinate verb is perfect
because its time reference is past relative to that of the main clause ( i . e. frst
the date will ripen, then I will come to you) .
Si nce, as we have seen in various examples, relative tenses are often
interpreted with the present moment as the reference point , especial ly
where there is no other reasonable reference point given by the context , this
suggests a strategy for the analysis of single verb forms that receive both
apparent relative and apparent absolute time reference interpretations :
given that the apparent absol ute ti me reference i nterpretation can often be
subsumed as a special case of relative time reference, the strategy would be
to assume that the basic meaning of the form in question, indeed perhaps
the only meaning of the form, is relative time reference, with the apparent
7 W right ( 1 898 : 1 -2
) . It should be noted that the reference here is strictly to Classical
Arabic , and not to Modern Standard Arabic , in which, as generally in the vernaculars, the
so-cal led i mperfect has basically non-past ti me reference, and requires the auxi l iar verb
kaana be in the so-called perfect to be used for past imperfective ti me reference, even in the
presence of a time adverbial expl i ci tl y i ndicating past time. I n Modern Standard Arabic and
the vernacul ars fnite verb forms receive relative ti me interpretations only in very restricted
ci rcumstances, usual l y only when accompanying a main verb with absolute time interpreta
ti on ; see, for i nstance, the di scussion of Maltese i n section 3 . 2. For i nformation on Modern
Standard Arabic tense and aspect , I am grateful to llaurice Salib.
Relative tense
absol ute time reference j ust a contextually dependent interpretation
thereof . Of course, it woul d be necessary to check further the anal ysis that
rCsults from the appl ication of this strategy, for instance by seeing whether
the allegedly relative tense is compatible with time adverbials that would be
incompatible with it on its absol ute time reference interpretation . this is the
argument we used above for saying that Classical Arabic has rel ative tense
( the imperfect can col locate with adverbials indicating a specifc period in
the past) , while in Modern Standard Arabic and vernacular Arabic refexes
of this form have absolute tiMe reference.
The observation of the previous paragraph might suggest a re-analysis of
some problems that we discussed in section 1 . 8, Mamely the possibil ity of
the German perfect and the Portuguese preterite having future time
reference, as in German morgen bin ich schon abgefahren ' tomorrow I will
l ready have left' ( literal ly : ' tomorrow I am already lCft ) , Portuguese
quando voce chegar, eu ja sai when you arrive, I will already have left'
(l iterally : . . I already left ) . One might argue that these forms actually
have relative past time reference , with an absolute time interpretation being
assigned only where the context does not expl icitly specify some other
referenCe poi nt , as in ich bin a
bgefahren, sai I ve left' . More detailed
investigati on shows, however, that this suggested reanalysis is incorrect .
I n particular, it is only possible for the apparent relative time reference to
occur relative to a reference point in the future, but not to a reference point
in the past , where these verb forms simply receive their normal past tense
interpretations. Thus gester bin ich abgefahren, sai ontem can only receive
the interpretation I left yesterday' , where yesterday defnes the point of my
departure, and not yesterday I had left' , where yesterday defnes the past
reference point prior to which I had departed - in other words, it is not
possible to establ ish a past reference point contextual ly and then use these
verb forms to locate a situation prior to this past reference point . Thus our
earlier analysis sti l l stands, whereby the non-distinction of present and
future in German and Portuguese carries over to a non-disti nction between
future perfect and past , givi ng forms with basical l y past tense meaning
( absolute tense) , but a secondary Heani ng of location in time prior to a
reference point in the future, provi ded thC context defnes such a reference
point . Crucial ly, it is not the case that these verb forms can be used to
i ndi cate loLati on i n time prior to an arbitrary reference point .
3. 2 Absolute-relative tense
So far, we have examined tenses with absolute time reference,
where a situation is located at , before, or after the present moment ; and
.bso/ute-relative tense
relative tenses, where a situation is located at , before, or after a reference
point given by the context . The next question to arise is whether it is
possible for a single verb form to combi ne these t\VO ki nds of time reference,
in other \' ords, U have as part of its meaning that a reference point is
situated at , before, or after the present moment and in addition that a
situation is located at , before, or after that reference point . One of the most
i nteresti ng empi rical results of detailed work on tense is that such tenses do
exist , i ndeed are very widespread across the l anguages of the world. They
may be termed absolute-rel ative tenses, si nce their meaning combines
absolute ti me l ocation of a reference poi nt with relative time location of a
situation - although it shoul d be noted that thi s is not a traditional term.
(Traditional terminology, to the extent that it tal ks about absolute versus
relative time reference, tends to group strict relative and absolute relative
tenses together as ' relative' . ) Withi n the framework espoused here, the
possible absolute-relative tenses arc determined by a reference point bei ng
before or after the present moment , and by the situation being located
before or after that reference point . A reference point coincidi ng with the
present moment simply gives absolute time reference, not absolute-relative
time reference ; d situation being located at d reference point i n the past or
future is like\vise not distinguishable in terms of time location from absolute
time reference. 8
The notion of absolute-relative tense may be i l lustrated by examini ng the
pl uperfect in English. The meaning of the pl uperfect is that there is a
reference poi nt i n the past , and that the situation in question is located prior
to that reference point , i . e . the pluperfect can be thought of as ' past i n the
past ' . Note that all the tense means as far as reference point is concerned is
that there is a reference point in the past ; establishment of this reference
point has to be done by exami ni ng the context . Often, the reference point is
given by a time adverbial , b inJohn had arved by six o 'clock yesterday
evening, where the time adverbial by six o 'clock yesterday evening
establ ishes a reference point i n the past ( 6. 00 pm yesterday) , and John' s
arrival is l ocated prior to that time poi nt . The reference point may be given
by a main clause to which the clause containi ng the pl uperfect is subordi
nate, as in whelJohll had left , kla1)' emergedfrm the cupboard, where the
past tense of the main cl ause defnes a reference point in the past ( namely,
the time of l1ary' s emerging from the cupboard) , and John's leaving is
located prior to thi s . The clauses can also be in the inverse rel ation, as i n
For a confi cti ng viewpoi nt , reference shoul d be made to Reichenbach ( 1 947) . Some of the
reasons for my rej ection of Reichenbach's viewpoi nt are discussed below ( see also chapter
6) , and a more com
rehensi ve discussion i s given i n Comrie ( 1 98 1 ) .
Rlative tense
John had already left when Mar emergedfrm the cupboard, where once
again it is Mary's emerging from the cupboard that defnes a past reference
point relative to which John's leaving is located. Or the reference may be
given more generally by the context , as in d sequence of independent cl auses
like the clock strck ten; John had already left , where the frst clause defnes
the reference point in the past , and the pluperfect of the second cl ause
locates John's leaving prior to that reference point .
Although time adverbials often establ ish a reference point for the
pluperfect , it shoul d be emphasised that time adverbials co-occurring with
the pluperfect do not necessari ly establ ish a reference point , but may also
encode the time at which the situation is located. 9 Thus the time adverbi al
in a sentence like John had already left at ten o 'clock can receive two
possible interpretations : the frst , that ten o'cl ock is the reference point
prior to which John had left ; the second, that ten o'cl ock is the time at which
John left (in which case the reference point must be sought elsewhere i n the
context) . The broader context wi l l usually make cl ear which interpretation
is intended. In the fol lowing example, for instance, where the preceding
clause establ ishes a reference point of midnight , the adverbial at ten o 'clock
is forced to take on the interpretation of the time of John's departure : the
clock strck twelve; John had already depared at ten o 'clock . I n the next
example, however, for the text to make sense at ten o 'clock must be
interpreted as the reference point prior to which J ohn had left : Mar came
to visit John at ten 'clock; but John had already left at ten 'clock .
I t is important to note that , j ust as with pure rel ative tense, it is the
context that gives the reference point for an absolute-relative tense. All that
the meaning of the absolute-relative tense gives is the location of the
reference point relative to the present moment , whi le any fner specifca
tion, down to the identifcation of the precise time point in question, is left
to the context . Thus, while one can set up reasonable categories of where to
look for the reference poi nt of the pl uperfect , these are at best heuristics,
and not formal properties of the pl uperfect or its meaning. Even a slight
change in context can change the identifcation of the reference point .
Thus, the cl ause sequence John arved; Mar had already left wil l most
natural ly be given an interpretation where John' s arrival is the past
reference point rel ative to which Mary's departure is prior. Adding another
clause, however, shifts this interpretation : John am'''ed; .\ar had already
left before I arved. I n this example , my arrival in the past is more l i kely to
be taken as the reference point prior to \vhich Mary left . Since the time
relation between John's arrival and my arrival i s l eft unspecifed, it is not
9 Pace Reichenbach ( 1 947 : 294) .
Absolute-relative tense
possi ble to relate ll ary's departure to John' s arrival chronological ly. I f one
assumes that this is a narrative, then the past tenses are most likely to be
interpreted as sequential , i . e. J ohn arrived before I arrived. But si nce
Mary's departure preceded my arrival , this sti l l l eaves open whether Mary
left before John' s arrival , or between J ohn's arri val and my arrival , and
addi ti on of other context may favour either one of these i nterpretations.
The meani ng of the pluperfect is thus restricted to locati on in time before a
reference point that is located before the present moment , and everythi ng
beyond this is i nterpretation, and heavi l y context-dependent .
Si nce the pluperfect i ndi cates a ti me point before some other ti me point
in the past , it fol l ows that the situation referred to by the pluperfect is itself
located i n the past . Thus time points that can be referred to by the
pl uperfect can in princi ple al so be referred to by the past ; this is not ,
incidentally, true, mutatis mutandis, of al l absolute-rel ative tenses, and we
shall see below that there is no absol ute tense that can replace al l i nstances of
the future perfect , for i nstance . One might then ask, given that any past
time poi nt can be referred to by the past , why a pl uperfect , with its
relatively complex meaning, shoul d exist in addition i n so many languages.
The answer i s that , i n locating situations i n ti me, it is necessary not only to
relate situations relative to the present moment , but al so to relate them
chronologically to one another . A simple sequence of past tenses fai ls to do
thi s , e. g . 7ohn amOted; lr left , whi ch leaves open whether J ohn's arrival
preceded or fol l owed Mary' s departure . Gi ven the tendency for l inear order
of cl auses to fol l ow chronological order of events, the example j ust given is
most l ikely to be i nterpreted as meani ng that J ohn's arrival took place frst ,
then Mary' s departure . I f for some reason i t is desired to present events i n
other than chronol ogical order , the pl uperfect is an i deal mechanism for
i ndicati ng thi s, as when the previ ous example i s changed to John amoved;
llar had left .
Al though many l anguages are l i ke Engl ish i n havi ng a distinct pl uperfect ,
there are also languages whi ch l ack any form with thi s meaning. Russi an,
for i nstance, has onl y absol ute tenses ( with rel ative tenses for a very
restricted set of non-fnite parti ci ples) : present , past , and future . I n
Russi an, then, it i s necessary to use other devices to i ndicate that a given
past event is not i n its expected chronol ogical sequence, i . e. the chronologi
cal sequence that woul d be expectCd from its l i near position i n the text . I n
Russian, the sequence of past tenses Kola pnoexal; llasa uexala ' Kolya
arrived ; ll asha l eft ' wi l l , as \vi th past tenses i n Engl i sh, normally be
assigned the i nterpretation that frst Kol ya arrived, then Masha left . If it i s
desired to present the events i n thi s order l i ngui sti cal l y, but wi th the reverse
Relative tense
Lhronological i nterpretation, it is necessar in Russian to step outside the
gammatical system of indicating time reference, for instance by using the
adverb uze ' already' , to give Kla prexal ; Maa uze uexala, literally
' Kolya arrived ; Masha already left' , a tense col location that is rather j arring
in English, where, even with inclusion of already the pluperfect would be
preferred : Klya am'ved; J\asha had Ulready left.
I n defning the meaning of the pluperfect we have emphasised the
importance of the reference point i n the past for felicitous use of the
pluperfect . This is paricularly important in distingishing the pluper
from other verb forms that have often identical interpretations, but on the
basis of very different semantics, in particular remote past tenses (see
further chapter 4) . A number of languages have verb forms that are
structural ly reminiscent of the English pluperfect, by having the past tense
of an auxiliary verb and a past participle, but whose interpretation is not, or
at least is not necessarily that of locating a situation prior to reference point
in the past , but rather simply indicting that the time location of the
situation is in the remote, rather than the close, past . Such l anguages
include Hi ndi- Urdu and Armenian ( Modern Eastern
l O
also some of the
pidginized varieties of Engl ish spoken in West Africa. 1 1 As discussed in
section 1.7, the fact that the pluperfect locates a situation prior to a
reference point already in the past can often create an i mpression of a more
remote past than woul d the simple past tense ; however this is an implicature
that can easily be cancelled, as i n this paricle had been created IO seconds
before this other paricle was created O seconds ago . I n fact pluperfect
can be distinguished from remote past in two ways. Fi rst , the tCmporal
location of the pluperfect is not necessarily remote ; all that is required is a
reference point interveni ng between the past location of the situation
referred to by the plupCrfect and the present moment , and the intervals
involved can be infnitesimally smal l . Secondl y, the pluperfect does require
such an intervening reference point , whi le the remote past does not : it
simply indicates that a situation held at a consi derabl e temporal distance
from the present moment , without any need to specify any of what fl led the
interval between the situation and the present moment .
Thus despite simil arities between pl uperfect and remote past i n many
situations, there are al so situations where they are crucial l y distinct : in
Engl ish, use of a pluperfect to indicate temporal remoteness when there is
no i ntervening reference point available from the context wi l l simply
1 0
For Hi ndi , see Kel l o
g ( 1 893 : 790) ; for Arnleni an, Fai rbanks & Stevick ( 1 958 : 243-24) ,
1 1 M
y i nformation on West Afri can Pi dgi n Engl i sh i s from Larr
Hyman ( personal
communicati on) ,
Absolute-relative tense
disorient the Engli sh speaker. I n Engl ish, one cannot just point at the Great
Wal l of China and say they had built a magnicent wall, the length of the
elapsed interval between the buildi ng of the Wal l and the present moment
notwithstanding. I n Hi ndu- Urdu and Armenian, the form that most
closely corresponds formally to the English pluperfect seems to have two
meani ngs, related but distinguishable : on the one hand, it can indicate a
situation located prior to a past reference poi nt , and when used in this way it
corresponds to the English pluperfect . It can also be used, however, for a
remote past event even when there is UU intervening reference point , and
this clearly differs from the English use of the pl uperfect ; overuse of the
pluperfect , precisely to indicate remoteness without an intervening
reference point , is one of the sal ient characteristics of many varieties of
I ndian Engli sh, under the infuence of the broader range of uses of the
formally similar form in Hi ndi and some other languages of the
sub-continent .
The future perfect has a meaning similar to that of the pluperfect , except
that here the reference point is in the future rather than in the past . Thus I
wil have left indicates that there is a reference point i n the future, and that
my departure is located temporal ly prior to that reference point . Just as with
the pluperfect , the reference poi nt is to be deduced from the context : the
meani ng of the form says only that there must be such a reference point , and
gives no indication of where the reference point should be sought . The
reference point may be gi ven by a time adverbial , as in I will have fnished
this manuscrpt by the end of next month, where by the end of next month
establ ishes the reference poi nt pri or to which my fnishing the manuscript is
located. But equal l y, the reference point may be given more di ffusely by the
more general context as i n the fol l owi ng sequence of clauses : so you 're not
amOving he,'e until 7uesday; unrtunately, I will hate left - although it i s
always , of course, possi bl e to add further speci fcati on of the reference poi nt
i n the sanle cl ause as the future perfect , e . g. I will ha'e left by then.
Just as wi t h the pl uperfect , ti me adverbi al i ndi cati ng a specifc point or
peri od of ti me co-occurri ng wi th t he future perfect may i ndi cate the
reference poi nt , but may equal l y i ndicate the ti me of the situation, so that I
will have left at six o tlck recei ves two possi bl e i nterpretations : one where
six o' cl ock i s the time of my depart ure ( as i n If you don 't get here till seven
clLk@ you u'on 't see Ulc, because I will hat e left at six U'clock ) , the other
where si x o' cl ock i s the reference point i n the fut ure prior to whi ch my
departure i s l ocated ( as i n lf you don 't get here till six o Llock_ you won 't see
me, btcUuse I uill already hac' e left at six Uclock ) .
J ust as languages lacki ng a pl uperfect must sometimes resort to extra-
Relative tense
grammatical devices to clarify the time reference of situations that in
Engl ish could be encoded with the pluperfect , so too such languages, e. g.
Russian, must use similar devices where English can use the future perfect .
Thus English you will amove at seven, but I will have left , could be
rendered into Russian as ty pn"desl v semi , no ja ujdu do etogo, l iterally ' you
wi l l arrive at seven, but I will leave before that ' . However, as we will see in
the next paragraph, this Russian version is subtly different from the English
version, because the Russian sentence expl icitly locates my departure in the
future, whereas the English sentence at best does this by conversational
With the pluperfect , from its meaning of situation prior to a reference
point in the past , it is possible to deduce that the time reference of the
situation is also in the past relative to the present moment ( although there is
no need to include this as part of the meaning ; parallelism with the future
perfect would suggest indeed that this should not be included as part of the
meaning) . For the future perfect , no such assignment of absolute time
reference interpretation is possible. All that the future perfect indicates is a
situation prior to a reference point in the futUre, alloi ng the situation to be
located after the present moment , at the present moment , or before the
present moment , as is indicated in fgures 4-6. The truth of this claim may
not be self evident , and there is certainly some prima facie evidence against
the claim. 1 2 The future perfect combi nes readily with a time adverbial of
resent moment
oi nt
Figure 4" Future perfect wi th future i nterpretation of situation
resent moment
oi nt
si tuation
Figure 5 " Future perfect with present i nterpretation of situation
resent moment
oi nt
si tuation --
Figure 6. Future perfect with past i nterpretation of situation
1 2 Hornstein ( 1 977 : 522, 526, 528-529) claims that the only representation for the future
perfect is with the situation located between the present moment and the future reference
Absolute-relative tense
future time reference indicati ng the time of the situation ( rather than of the
reference point ) , as in John will have fnished tomorw ( said in answer to
the question whether or not John will be ready the day after tomorrow) ,
while collocation with a time adverbial of present or past time reference is
normally unacceptable, e. g. John wil havefnished at this moment , -John
will have fnished yesterday. (We are speaking, of course, of the temporal ,
not the modal use of will i n the latter use, these sentences are ful ly
acceptable. ) I n many instances, use of the future perfect in reference to a
sitlation that has already taken place is clearly unacceptable : thus, if I know
that John has already fnished his work, then it would be unacceptable for
me to say John will have fnished his work by tomorw; rather I should say
John has already fnished his work. We wi ll argue, however, that these
observations, though true in so far as they go, do not impinge on the
meaning of the future perfect , but can all be accounted for i n terms of
implicatures fol lowi ng from the meaning of the future perfect , the context ,
and general conversational maxims of a Gricean kind.
Let us start with the example John will have fnished his manuscrpt by
tomorw. Let us suppose moreover that I do not know whether or not John
has already fnished his manuscript ( or at least do not wish to reveal this
knowledge) , but I know ( and am prepared to divulge) that he will have
fnished it by tomorrow - say, because he made a promise to this effect
several days ago, and is j udged by me to be reliable. Then there are three
sets of circumstances in which I can fel icitously and truthfully utter this
statement . One set of circumstances is where John fnishes his manuscript
bet\veen the moment of my uttering this sentence and the reference point
' tomorrow' The second is where John is in fact fnishing his manuscript at
this very moment , but I am unaware (or wish to give the impression that I
am unaware) of this fact . The thi rd is where John has already fnished his
manuscript , but I am unaware (or wish to appear unaware) of the fact . Thus
the time reference of John's fnishing his manuscript is. left open as to
whether it i s future , present , or past relative to the present moment , the
only stipulation being that i t must be prior to the reference point in the
future, the sine qua non of the future perfect .
Si nce the speaker' s knowledge was introduced into the discussion, one
may legiti matel y ask precisel y what role this factor plays, since i n our
defnition of the future perfect we made no reference to the speaker's
point B However, i t is unclear to me whether Hornstein's notation makes claims about the
range of ti me location i nterpretations of the future perfect (in which case it is clearly
incorrect) , or j ust about collocation with time adverbials . In any even , I wil l suggest below
that even the adverbial collocat ion facts are less clear .
Relative tense
knowledge. This factor, as part of the context , comes i nto play, however,
when we consider not only the meaning of the future perfect but also its
implicatures. I f I say John wil have fnished his manuscnpt by tomorw,
then clearly my interlocutor is interested in (or is believed by me to be
interested in) whether or not Johns manuscript wi l l be ready tomorrow.
Now, if I know that he has already fnished hi s manuscript , then clearly the
most relevant information that I can give my i nterlocutor is that John has
already compl eted it - gi ven the relative uncertainty of the future, it is better
to be able to give a report on an already accompli shed fact than to rely on a
prediction, however frm. I n other words , by Grice's maxim of quantity
( more parti cul arl y : make your contribution S informative as is
requi red' ) , 1 3 if the speaker knows that John has al ready fnished his
manuscri pt , he should give this information. I f he gives less informationg as
he does in using the future perfect g then his i nterlocutor g assumi ng that the
conversation is between cooperating partners, wi l l naturally i nfer that the
speaker does not have the more specifc knowledge, i . e . wi l l draw the
implicature that Johns mnuscript i s not yet fnished. The claim that
absolute future time reference is an i mpl icature, rather than part of the
meani ng of the future perfect , means that the person who says John will
have fnished his manuscnpt by tomorw whi le knowing ful l wel l that John
has already fnished his manuscri pt is not , strictl yg lyi ng ( sayi ng something
that is fal se) g but i s bei ng devi ous ( al l owing the hearer to draw an
i mpl icature which i s, i n fact , false) a
. As with i mpl i catures in general @ it is possibl e for the i mplicature of future
time reference to be cancel l ed by the context . Thus, suppose someone asks
me will John have fnished his rlanuscnpt by tomo1ow? Suppose moreover
that I know that J ohn has al ready fnished hi s manuscript . Then I can reply
yes; in fact, he has already fnished it . The frst part of my reply, yes ,
indicates that I maintai n the truth of the proposi ti onJohn 'vill have fnished
his manuscnpt by tomorw. Now, if part of the meani ng of this proposi tion
were that J ohn's fni shing his manuscript i s located bet\1een the time of my
spedki ng and tomorrow, the fol l owing part of my repl y woul d be a
contradiction. However , it i s not , whence the absolute future ti me reference
cannot be part of the meaning of the future perfect . I n fact , the second part
of the repl y serves onl y to cancel the i mpl i cature, as the si mpl e answer yes
woul d engender the i mpl icature that the manuscri pt is not yet fni shed. One
can contrast the questi on ci ted above \" i th the fol 1 owi ng questi on, uttered i n
t he same circumstances : will John fnish his manuscnpt betvee1 now and
tomonow? Here , the answer yes woul d be i nappropriate , even i f the second
J ] Grice ( 1 975 ) .
Absolute-relative tense
par of the reply is attached - indeed, the second part of the reply would
directly contradict the yes , since the answer yes locates John's fnishing his
manuscript in the future, while the rest of the reply locates it in the past .
Under these circumstances, the best answer to the question would be
simply the statement he 's already fnished it , which does not accept the
factually incorrect presupposition of the original question that John has not
yet fnished_ his manuscript .
With certain sentences, cancel lation of the implicature may be extremely
diffcult , given the unlikelihood of the required context, but cancellation is
always possible. Thus, since people are normally supposed to be aware of
their own actions, the sentence I will haTe fnished my manuscrpt b
tomoTW would hardly ever be appropriate in circumstances where I have
already completed my manuscript , and one would have to imagine bizarre
circumstances to allow cancellation of the implicature - for instance, that
the speaker habitual ly works in a drug-induced stupor, and thus literally
may not know whether or not he has completed his manuscript . But the
oddity of the context does not militate against the validity of our analysis,
rather it confrms it : provided one can think up circumstances which cancel
the implicature, the implicature is indeed cancel led.
I t is, moreover, possible to contrive circumstances under which it is
acceptable to collocate an adverbial with past time reference with the future
perfect , i n its temporal interpretation, although the context is necessari ly
qUite complex, as it has to be reasonable to talk about a past situation i n
reference to a future deictic centre. Suppose that a group of people worked
yesterday on building a new dam. Their work is not yet completed, so it i s
crucial that it should not rai n before they cOMplCte the work, otherise
what they have built so far may be washed away. Unfortunately, rain has
been forecast for tomorrow. Under these circumstances, one of the workers
might remark iit rains tomorw, we 'll ha've wrked in vain yesterday 1 4
The use of the future perfect here is j ustifed i n that the situation i s located
in the past relative to a future reference point , since until tomorrow, when
we ascCrtin whether or not it rai ns
it wi l l he impossible to know whether or
not our work has been i vain. Te use o
te past t
me adverbial
yesterday is equally j ustifed, si nce our work took place yesterday. What i s
interesting about thi s example is that the temporal location of our work is
clearly in the past , namely yesterday, but the temporal loction of our work
in vain is less cl ear, si nce although the work took place yesterday, evaluation
of the work as in vain cannot take plce unti l tomorrow. But what is shown
crucially by this exampl e i s that the future perfect is in principle collocatable
1 4 For further discussion of such sentences, see Comrie ( 1 982 ) .
Relative tense
with a past time adverbial ; the fact that most instances of this collocation are
unacceptable says nothing about the meaning of the future perfect , but only
about its implicature.
In other languages I have investigated that have a future perfect , this
form behaves in exactly the same way as has j ust been described for English.
I n particular, the one form can have absolute future, present , or past time
reference, although conversational implicatures restrict the circumstances
in which the l ast two possibilities are realised. Moreover, there seems to be
no l anguage which has two or three distinct future perfects depending on
whether or not the absol ute time reference of the future perfect is future,
present , or past . The account we have given of the future perfect , namely a
meani ng ' past relative to a future reference point ' , predicts j ust thi s set of
facts, and this is therefore strong evi dence in favour of this analysis, in
paricular over an analysis that would analyse the future perfect as ambi
guous, or over one that woul d analyse i t as having only representations
where the situation is located between the present moment and the future
reference point .
I n section 6, a formal i sm wi l l be proposed that captures
this prediction.
I n both the pl uperfect and the future perfect , the situation is located in
the past relative to a reference point . On grounds of symmetry, one might
also expect to fnd verb forms where there is a situation located in the future
relative to a reference point , with this reference point being either in the
past or in the future. Although such grammatical forms seem to be rarer
than the pluperfect and the future perfect cross-linguistical ly, no doubt
refecting the greater incidence of grammati cal ised past time reference over
grammaticalised future time reference, such forms do nonetheless exist .
A future in the future can be formed i n Lati n by using the future
participl e of the lexical verb i n conj uncti on with the future tense of the
auxi l iary ' be' , e. g. daturs ert , l iteral l y ' about-to-give he-wi l l -be' . This
form refers to a situation of gi vi ng that is located i n the future relative to
some reference point that is itsel f i n the future. The future i n the future is
thus the mi rror image of the pl uperfect ; and j ust as the pluperfect can only
recei ve an interpretation where the situation is located in the absolute past ,
so the future in the future can only receive an i nterpretation where the
situation is located in the absolute future . The cl osest equi valents in English
are periphrastic constructions l i ke he will be about to g'ie , although these
are not merely future i n the future because of the di fferences already noted
1 5
Reichenbach ( 1 947) anal yses the future perfect as being three ways ambiguous ( see further
chapter 6) , while Hornstein ( 1 977) analyses it as havi ng only the representation where the
situation is located between the present moment and the future reference point .
Absolute-relative tense
between the about to construction and simple future ti me reference : about
to indicates i mmediate futurity, so the form is rather an immediate future in
the future .
llore frequent cross-l i nguistically is a future in the past , although here
there is the particularly acute problem of future forms having modal as wel l
as temporal values . Thus the English form would leave is probably more
often than not used with modal meani ng, whence its usual name condi
tional , but it can also be used purely temporal l y. 1 6 Apparent exampl es
woul d seem to be i ndi rect speech, as i n he said he would leave , where the
time reference of would leave is to a situation located i n the future relati ve to
a contextually establ ished reference point i n the past , here establ ished by
the tense of the verb of the main clause . However, we wil l see in section 5 . 3
that English indirect speech does not provide a good frame within which to
investigate crucial i nstances of absolute-relative time reference, so other
examples must be sought . The clearest examples are those where there is a
basic narrative sequence in the past , but some situation is then described
which fal ls outside this narrative sequence by being further into the future.
Thus the following example will serve : John left for the frnt; he would
never retur. Here, the frst clause establ ishes a reference point i n the past .
The second clause then refers to a situation located in the future rel ative to
that past reference point . Note that the absolute time reference of the verb
in the second clause i s not speci fed : in fact , the most reasonable i nterpreta
tion here is that it holds across all time from John's departure for the front
through the present moment to the end of time. Future in the past ti me
reference, though with added semantic parameters, can be obtained also by
usi ng other periphrases with future time reference, such asJohn was about
to leave , locating a situation of J ohn's leaving in the i mmediate future
relative to a past reference point .
Given that it is possible to locate a situation relative to a reference point
that is in turn located rel ative to the present moment , one might wonder
whether it is possibl e to build up more complex tenses with a chain of
reference points. The answer is that conceptually it is possible to do so, but
very few of these logical possibilities are grammatical i sed in languages . I n
addition to the future i n the past ( so-cal led conditional ) , English also has
ut the traditional nomenclature varies considerably even for European languages. Thus
French uses distinct terms conditionnel and futur au passe for modal and temporal uses,
respectively, and prescribes quite di re penalties for those who fai l to make the distinction. I n
Brazil , traditional grammar has decided on the apparently temporal term futuro do preterito
for both modal and temporal uses. llodal uses do seem to be more prevalent here than with
the future, where the temporal term future has been accepted wi thout question i n most
traditional grammars .
Relative tense
the conditional perfect which thus acquires a temporal interpretation of
[ [past in the future] in the past] (or future perfect in the past) , as can be seen
in the following example . John left for the frnt; by the time he should retur,
thefelds would have been burt to stubble . Here, the frst clause establishes
a reference point in the past , namely the time of John's departure. The
second clause then establishes a second reference point in the future relative
to the frst reference point . The fnal clause, in whose time reference we are
interested, locates a situation, namely the felds' turning to stubble, in the
past relative to that second reference point .
Apart from the conditional perfect in a number of European langages,
such more complex absolute-relative enses are exceedingly rare. For some
French speakers, it is apparently possible to go one further degree into the
past by using so-called temps surcomposes ' super-compound forms' ,
although native speaker judgements on these forms are not always
unequivocal , and not all logical possibilities receive the expected interpreta
tion. The following example is from Stendhal : 1 7 quand il avait eu rassem
ble les plus efrntes de chaque metier, il leur avait dit 'regnons ensemble '
'when he had gathered the most advanced of each trade, he had said to them
"let us rule together" ' . Here, the verb of the frst clause is one step further
back into the past than the pluperfect , i . e. is a past in the past in the past ,
expressing a situation located in the past relative to the situation described
in the main clause, which is itself in the pluperfect . In English, it is in
principle possible to build up a series of reference points using periphrastic
constructions, although it is hard to imagine circumstances in which one
would need or want to oscillate between past and future reference points as
inJohn would have been about to have just been abut to leave.
One formal characteristic of absolute-relative tenses in many languages is
their compositionality, i . e. one can identify morphological correlates of the
various time relations involved. I n English, for instance, if one takes the
morphological i ndication of the past/non- past distinction to be the outer
most layerg then this establishes the relation between present moment and
(frst) refefence point , while successively inner layers establ ish relations
between subsequent reference points leadi ng eventually to the relation
between the last reference point and the situation. Thus in the pluperfect
had gone we have past rel ation between reference point and present
moment , then past relation between situation and reference point . I n the
future perfect wil have gone we have future (will) reltion between
reference point and present moment , then past relation (have gone)
1 7
I m bs ( 1 960 : I3 I*I35) .
Absolute-relati'e tense
between situation and reference point . I n the future in the past would go, we
have past rel ation ( past tense morpheme in 'vould) establ ishing a reference
point before the present moment , then future (will) relation established
between the situati on and the reference point . I n the conditional perfect
would have gonc the morphological past tense of would establ ishes a
reference point in the past relative to the present moment ; the auxil iary will
establ ishes a reference point i n the future relative to the frst reference
point ; and the past tense form ha'e gone locates the situation in the past
relative to the second reference poi nt .
. similar pattern, though usi ng rather di fferent morphological means,
obtai ns i n Mal tese , with the auxi l i ary verb ' be' establ i shi ng the reference
poi nt and the tense of the l exical verb establ ishi ng the location of the
situati on relative to the reference poi nt . Ior the auxil iary, the relevant
forms are past kien ' he was' and future 3tjkun ' he \Ti l l be' ; for the lexical
verb ' ki l l ' , the relevant fornls are past qatel ' he ki l led' and future 5cjoqtol ' he
will ki l l ' . This gives pluperfect kien qatel , future perfect se jkun qatel
( where 5tjkun gi ves the reference poi nt i n the fut ure , and qate/ location in
the past relative to the reference poi nt ) , condi tional kien 5tjoqtol (where the
past reference point i s gi ven by kien , the future l ocation by 5t joqto/) . 1 8 The
formes surcomposees i n French are dependent on exploiti ng the possibi l i
ti es of compositionality one step further than i s done i n Engl ish, where he
had had gone is not possi ble . Even i n French, ho\ever, the composi tion
ality is not recursi ve, as it is not possi bl e to say il a'ait tH eu ,.assemble.
Thi s is one way i n \, hi ch ful l y grammatical i sed anal yti c constructions differ
from peri phrast i c constructi ons l i ke Engl i sh to be about to, to have just ,
whi ch can be conlbi ned recursively to give formal l y i mpeccable combi na
tions, even if it i s di ffcul t to compute thei r nleani ngs or fnd d use for them.
Absol ute-relati ve tenses are not , however, always compositional i n this
way. Thus, l iterary Portuguese has a si mpl e pl uperfect , for i nstancefalara
' he had spoken' , al though the spoken l anguage prefers the compound tz nha
falado (cl . tinha ' he had' , falado ' spoken' ) .
I n particular , gi ven these remarks on the compositional ity of absol ute
rel ative tenses in so Inany l anguages, and also the tradi tional terminology
with the term perfect , the question ari ses hO\T , if at al l , the perfect shoul d be
i ntegrated i nto the present di scussion. J ust as in many languages the
1 8
More generally in llaltese t he Q3SI and future of auxi liary ' be' enable si tuations t o be located
farther into the past or the future, respect i vel y . 'hus 'ed joqtol nleans 'he is killing' ; adding
the past of 'be' gives hien qedjoqtol 'he was killing', while adding the future gi ves se jkun Qed
joqtol 'he will be killing' . I anl grateful to Donna \\" agner for drawing the conditional form
hien se joqtol to my attention.
Relative tense
pluperfect consists of the past tense of an auxil iary plus a past form of the
lexical verb, so too the perfect often consists of the present tense of the
auxil iary with a past form of the lexical verb, as in English : pluperfect / had
gone, future perfect / will have gone , perfect / have gonC . Despite the
apparent formal similarity between perfect and absolute-relative tenses,
and despite the fact that many li nguists have treated all of these in a uniform
way, 1 9 it will be argued here that the perfect is in fact radically different
from the absolute-relative tenses, and should not be giveM a uniform
treatment with them.
First , the perfect is distinct conceptually from the absolute-relative
tenses. The latter serve to locate a situation in time relative to a reference
point which is itself located in time relative to the present moment (with
possible extensions for languages where chains of reference points are
possible) . I U terms of location in ti me, however, the perfect is not disti nct
from the past . The past tense locates an event in time prior to the present
moment . I f one were to provide an analysis of the perfect analogous to that
of the pluperfect and the future perfect , then one would say that the
reference point for the perfect is simultaneous with the present moment ,
rather than being before the present moment ( as for the pluperfect) or after
the present moment ( as for the future perfect) . The situation in question
would then be located in time prior to this reference point . I n terms of
location in time, however, thi s would give precisely the same result as the
past , which also locates a situation as prior to the present moment . Thus,
however perfect differs from past , it is not in terms of time 10cation. 20
Moreover, once we look i n more detai l at simi larities and differences,
across languages, between the perfect on the one hand and absolute-relative
tenses on the other, it soon becomes clear that the differences are at least as
pronounced as the formal parallelism.
This can be illustrated ini tially for English. One of the characteristics of
the perfect in Engl ish is that it cannot collocate with a time adverbial
referri ng to a specifc time point or peri od in the past , e . g. -/ have arved
yesterday. Although this sentence clearly locates the time of my arrival as in
the past by means of the perfect , yet still i t is not possible to have a time
adverbial referring specifcally to the single point or period at which this
event took place. It is important to note that the claim is not that no time
adverbial is possible referring to the ti me of the situation in questi on. I f the
time adverbial is i nterpreted habitual l y, i . e . as referring to a class of time
1 9 See, in particular, the literature stemming from Reichenbach ( 1 947) .
For a more positive characterisation of the meani ng of the perfect , see, for i nstance, Comrie
( 1 976 : ch. 3 ) .
Absolute-relative tense
points/periods rather than j ust to a specifc time point or period, then
col location is possible, as inI have arved at two o 'clock ( i . e. there has been
at least one instance in my life when I arrived at two o'clock) , or whenever I
get here at tw o 'clock the bss has always left at one-thiry for lunch ; in the
frst of these examples, it is not possible to interpret the sentence with at tw
o 'clock referring, for instance, specifcally to two o'clock today. As was
noted above, it is possible for the perfect to co-occur with a time adverbial
havi ng present time reference, or more accurately having time reference
including the present moment , e. g. the boss has now left , or the bss ha
gone out this afteron.
This constraint on the perfect in Engl ish does not , however, cary over to
the absolute-relative tenses, in particular the pluperfect and the future
perfect . 21 With the English pluperfect and future perect , as already
discussed on pages 65-, it is possible for time adverbials to refer to the
specifc point or period of time at which the situation is located (in addition
to being able to refer to the reference point) e Thus John had amoved on
Tuesday can be interpreted to mean either that Tuesday was the time of
John's arrival ( the rest of the context giving a reference point between
Tuesday and the present moment) , or that Tuesday is the reference point
prior to which John's arrival is located. The frst of these interpretations
clearly distingUishes adverbial col location possibilities of the pluperect
from those of the perfect in English. The future perfect behaves like the
pluperfect, as in John will have arved on Tuesday, where Tuesday is
either the day of John's arival g or the reference point prior to which John
Although the col location restriction against perfeLt with time adverbials
referring to specifc times in the past seems to be rather idiosyncratic to
English, so that this particular test does not necessarily generalise to other
languages, it does still provide an instance of non-correspondence between
the perfect and the absolute-relative tenses, especially given the extent to
which English has been used as an example of a language providing
parallelism between perfect and absolute-relative tenses. The instances of
lack of parallelism between perfect and absolute-relative tenses discussed
This observation undermines one of the main arguments given by Reichenbach ( 1 947) for
parallel treatment of perfect and absolute-relative tenses. Reichenbach claims that the
perfect, pluperfect , and future perfect have, respectively, present, pat, and future
reference points, and that time adverbials must be construed a identifying the reference
point, not the time of the situation. For the perfect this is correct (at leat if one maes the
corrective addition that only those adverbials referring to specifc times, rather than class
of times, are at issue) , but for the pluperfect and future perfect it is an unforunate factual
Relative tense
below using data from languages other than English are more readily
One piece of evidence against the parallelism of perfect and absolute
relative tenses is that some languages have a distinct perfect while lacking a
distinct pluperfect and future perfect , while others have a distinct plu
perfect and future perfect but no perfect, while in yet others the formation
of perfect on the one hand and absolute-relative tenses on the other does not
show parallelism of compositionality. I n Swahili , for instance, there is a
perfect, e. g. amesoma ' he has read' , where the prefx me- before the verb
stem som indicates the perfect (U^ is class prefx, indicating a third person
singular human subject , while -a is a mood suffx) , but no pluperfect or
future perfect . I n Maltese, pluperfect (e. g. kien qatel ' he had killed' ) and
future perfect ( e. g. se jkun qatel ' he will have killed' ) exist , but there is no
distinct perfect ; the simple past tense qatel translates both English ' he
killed' and ' he has killed' . 22 I n Luganda, the perfect is a simple verb form,
e. g. tulabe ' we have seen' (where tu- , tw- before a vowel , is the frst person
plural subj ect prefx) , while the pluperfect and future perfect are com
pounds, e. g. twali tulabye ' we had seen' . Thus, although Luganda makes
roughly the same distinction as English here, there is no formal parallelism
between the perfect on the one hand and the absolute-relative tenses on the
other. 23
Another piece of evidence is that , even where one has apparent foral
compositional parallelism between perfect and absolute-relative tenses, the
function of the two series is sometimes radically different . A good example
here is provided by Portuguese. I n Portuguese, the pluperfect and future
perfect , as in English, simply locate a situation prior to a reference point in
the past or future, respectively. Both are formed with the auxiliary ter
' have' , in the past and future respectively, with the past participle of the
lexical verb. 24 This gives examples like ele ja tinha saido quando eu cheguei
Some Maltese speakers apparently have a formjkun qatel , with an interpretation smething
like ' he is habitually in the state of having killed' , using the present habitual of the verb 'be'
(except for the habitual , Maltese has a zero copula in the present tense) ( Schabert 1 976 :
1 3 1 -1 32) . Since some speakers do not have this form, their variety of Maltes still seres as
an instance of a language having pluperfect and future perfect but lacking a perfect . Even for
speakers who do havejkun qatel as a perfect , its meaning does not exactly parallel that of the
pluprfect and future perfect , since only the perfect is necessarily habitual .
Z Ashton et al . ( 1 95 1 : 1 23 , 293 ) .
Literary Portugese also has a simple pluperfect , e g falara ' he had spoken' , in addition to
the compound pluperfect . Literary Portuguese can also use either ter or haver as auxiliary in
the pluperfect and future perfect , but only ter in the perfect . Thus, in literar Portugese
not even formal parallelism of compositionality holds. I n the spoken language, however,
one does have this formal parallel ism, since only forms with the auxi l iary fer exist , e. g. ele
Absolute-relative tense
' he had already left when I arrived ; eleja Iai ter saido quando eu chegaf he
will al ready have left when I arrive' . Compositionally parallel to this, one
can use the present tense of the auxil iary ter with the past participle of the
lexical verb, to give ele tem estudado, literally ' he has studied' . However,
the meaning of this last form is completely distinct from that of the absolute
relative tenses. It refers to a situation that is habitual for a period of time
starting in the recent past and continuing up to (but not necessarily
including) the present moment ; thus, ele tem estudado muito ultimamente
would translate into Engl ish as ' he has been studying a lot recently' . This
complex time reference plus habitual ity is not part of the meaning of the
pluperfect or of the future perfect . I n Portuguese, if one simply wishes to
refer to a situation in the past that has present relevance, without including
the complex of habituality and continuation of the situation up to the
present moment , then the only possibility is to use the simple past, the
notion of present relevance being given either contextually or by lingistic
means other than the verb form. Thus, both ' I studied Portuguese' and I
have studied Portuguese' wil l translate into Portugese as eu estudei
_ 5
One can also add d diachronic dimension to this discussion, by showing
that distinct diachronic changes frequently affect the perfect on the one
hand and the absolute-relative tenses on the other . Good illustrative
material is provided here by the historical developmeUt of the original
perfect in spoken French and in spoken German (especially the spoken
language of southern Germany and Austria) . Originally, these languages
had an opposition similar to that of EUgl ishg with a distinction between a
simple past ( Frenchje chantai, German ich sang ' I sang' ) and a compound
perfect ( Frenchjai chante, German ich habe gesungen ' I have sung' ) . and
pluperfect and future perfect forms parallel in composition to the perfect
( French j'avais chante, German ich hatte gesun
en ' I had suMg' ; French
tinhafa/ado 'he had spoken' , e/e Iemfa/ado ' he has been speaki ng' , e/e vai terfa/ado 'he will
have spoken' . Note that for expl icit future ti me reference the spoken language prefers the
auxil iary ir ' go' ( cf. 'ai ' he goes' ) , rather than the l iterary synthetic future ( e. g. tera ' ( he)
wi l l have' ) .
25 I n the subj unctive mood, the form ele tenha fa/ado, with the present subjunctive of the
auxi liary (er, is closer in meaning range to the English perfect , e. g. sinto que ele tenha saido
' I regret that he has left ' . However, the tense system of the Portuguese subjunctive is in
general radi cally di fferent from that of the indicative, so that where the indicative has the
three-way opposition preterite e/e fa/ou 'he spoke' , i mperfect e/e fa/ava ' he used to speak' ,
and perfect ele tem fa/ado ' he has been speaking' , all with past time reference, the
subj unctive has only a two-way opposition between so-called imperfect ele fa/asse and
perfect ele lenha fa/ado , the di fference between these two being conditioned largely by
sequence of tenses rather than by semantics.
8 1
Rlative tense
j'aurai chante orje vais avoir chante, German ich werde gesungen haben ' I
will have sung' ) . 2 I n the course of time, however, the original perfect
usurped the functions originally covered by the simple past , so that je
chantai and ich sang have fallen out of use, withj'ai chante and ich habe
gesungen covering both English ' I sang' and ' I have sung' . This radical
change in the relation of simple past and perfect has had no repercussions on
the pluperfect and future perfect, which continue with their same form and
function. Thus, diachronically, the perfect and the absolute-relative tenses
Interestingly, this gives rise to a synchronic system closely paralleling the
meaning we have assiged to past, pluperfect and future perect, as will be
illustrated using the German forms. The past ich habe gesungen consists of
the present tense of the auxiliary (giving a present reference point) and the
past participle ( locating the situaion prior to that present reference point) ;
the pluperfect uses the past tense of the auxiliary, giving a past reference
point, while the past participle locates the situation prior to this past
reference point ; the future perect uses the future of the auxiliary (giving a
reference point in the future) , with the past participle locating the situation
prior to that reference point . Thus there is no reason to suppose that
compositionality would link the perfect with the absolute-relative tenses
rather than linking the past with them. Latin, incidentally, has a system
ver similar to that of spoken French and German both in terms of
compositionality and meaning, e. g. canttvi ' I sang, I have sung' , can
ttveram ' I had sung' , cantter I will have sung' ( for the infections of the
last two, compare imperfect eram ' I was' and future er ' I will be' ) ; although
the form canttvi is called perfect in traditional Latin grammar, it covers the
range of spoken French j'ai chante rather than of English I have sung.
Diachronically, the Latin so-called perfect represents the merger of earlier
non-perfect past and perfect , in both form and function, whereas French
j'ai chante represents the merger of these two functions, but consistently i n
the form of the earlier perfect .
I n sum, then, apparent arguments in favour of treati ng the perfect as
parallel to the absolute-relative tenses evaporate on closer examinationg and
give way to a number of arguments in favour of not analysing these two sets
of verb forms in parallel fashion.
The French situation is slightly more complex because in the non- perfect system there is an
opposition between imperect je chantais ' I used to sing and preterite je chantai ' I sang' ,
but since the imperfect does not participate in or interact with the change discussed it may
safely be left out of account .
Degrees of remoteness
The tense oppositions discussed so far enable us to locate a situation
temporally either at , before, or after reference point , and in turn to locate
that reference point at, before, or after the present moment . So far,
however, we have not discussed possibilities of locating situations more
accurately before or after a given reference point , although in principle the
elapsed time between the reference point and the situation could be either
very short or very long. Lexically, and by using lexically composite
expressions, it is, of course, easy to express such distinctions, as in John
amoved fve minutes ago ; this star went nova fve million years ago. I n
principle, given the use of lexically composite expressions, one can locate
the situation with infnitesimal accuracy. The question that now arises is : to
what extent is it possible to carry out more accurate time location by means
of grammatical categories ?
A large number of languages have no grammatical means of carrying out
more accurate location in time . I n German, for instance, there is no
grammatical opposition that will gi ve di stinctions in remoteness i n the past
or i n the future. There is also, however, a large number of languages where
such distinctions are possible by grammatical means. I ndeed, one can fnd
languages from all parts of the world which make such distinctions,
including western European languages, although prolifc systems dis
tinguishing several different degrees of remoteness tend to be more restric
ted in occurrence. Examples wi l l be cited below, however, from l anguages
of sub- Saharan Africa ( especially Bantu languages) , from Aboriginal
languages of Australia, and from native languages of the Americas, in
addition to less prol ifc systems of oppositions from European languages.
I n studying degrees of remoteness i n tense systems, it is essential to
ensure that the distinction under discussion has degree of remoteness as
part of its meani ng, rather than j ust as an implicature deriving from other
I n the preparation of this chapter g I have benefted greatly from consultation with
Dahl ; see also in paricular D ahl ( 1 984)
Degrees of remoteness
features of its meaning. Thus, in section 1 . 7, we noted that there is often an
implicature derivable from the perfect that this grammatical form has more
recent time reference than other past tenses, although this is not part of the
meaning of the perect but rather derivable as an iMplicature from its
meaning of present relevance of a past situation. Likewise, we observed that
the pluperfect is often interpreted as referring to a situation more distant i n
the past than other past tenses, but again this i s merely an implicature
deriving from part of the meaning of the pl uperfect , which requires a
situation to be located prior to a reference point which is itself in the past ,
thus giving the impression of a more distant past . Many grammars of less
well-studied languages, unfortunately, do not make clear whether the
degrees of remoteness systems they posit for the language in question are
really part of the meaning of the gramHatical form, or j ust usual interpreta
tions, in which case they might wel l be impl icatures. I n this chapter, we
shall cite, as the main examples, l anguages which have been suffciently
deeply studied with regard to time reference so that we can be reasonably
certain that the claims abou degrees of rCmoteness in the tense system are
accurate, although occasionallyg for comparative purposes, less ful ly sub
stantiated examples from the l iterature wil l be cited.
I n this connection, it should be noted that it is also possible for a temporal
distance interpretation to be one of a number of meanings of a grammatical
form, i . e. for this interpretation to be a separate meaning that is not
deducible from any of the other meani ngs of the given form, either
individually or in combination. I n such cases, we shall say that temporal
remoteness is one of the meanings of the form in question, and concentrate
for present purposes on that meaning. Once agai n, the relation between
perfect and recent past turns out to be relevant a I n many languages, there is
a form, which we shall cal l perfect , which has as one of its meanings present
relevance of a past situation, but which also has an additional meaning of
recentness. It is important to note that this is not the same as saying that
recentness is an impl icature of the present relevance meaning. I f the l atter
were the case, then we woul d Cxpect languages wi th perfects having the
meaning of current relevance to behave al ike with regard to impl icatures of
recentness, since the implicature should, by defnitiong be derivable auto
matically from the combination of the meani ng of the grammatical form and
the context . However, this i s not the case .
I n English, for instance, the perfect can be combi ned with onl y a handful
of time adverbials referri ng to a specifc moment of time in the past , al l of
which denote the very recent past , as i n I ha'' e just seen John, I have
recently made John 's acquaintance. I n sonle Romance l anguages ,
Degrees of remoteness
however, such as Spanish ( at least for some speakers) and Limouzi , an
Occitanian dialect , 2 the perfect can be used for situations that hold today
without any necessary additional semantic value of current relevance, as in
Spanish 10 he visto hoy a las seis de la maiana ' I saw [literal ly . have seen]
him at six o'clock i n the morning today' - note that the English version with
the perfeLt is ungrammatical . I n Spanish, then, the one form (perfect) has
two meani ngs : current relevance of a past situation, and recent past . Very
often the two will be equivalent informationally (as in most accounts of
events that took place earlier on today) , but it is possible to distinguish
them: the perfect can be used for events that took place much longer ago
than today provided they stil l have current relevance, and the perfCct can be
used for events that took place earlier on today even if they no longer have
current relevance, e. g. hoy he abierto la ventana a las seis y la he cerado
las siete ' today I opened [ literal ly : have opened] the window at six o'clock
and closed [literally : have closed] it at seven o'clock' , even though the act of
opening the window no longer has current relevance.
Before looking at specifc examples of degrees of remoteness in tense
systems, it will be useful frst to outlineg in more abstract terms, the possible
range of distinctions that can be made in this area, and the parameters that
are necessary to a subtheory of temporal di stance as part of a general theory
of tense.
Si nce simultaneity by defnition excludes distinctions of temporal dis
tance - if two time points coincide, then one can say nothing other than that
they coincide - temporal distance is relevant only with respect to the
parameters of ' before' and after e Thusg in principleg one woul d expect to
fnd di stinctions of temporal distance among past tenses and among future
tenses. Below, we wi l l see exmples o
both of these, although it turns out
that the more prolifC sets of distinctions are more widespread in the past
than in the future, i n accord with the general tendency of languages to have
a better developed past than future system; there are, however, some
languages which have symmetrical systems with several oppositions of
temporal distance in both past and future.
I t is also necessary to speci
y the reference poi nt from which the temporal
distance is measured. For most languages with degees of remoteness
distinctions , it seems that the reference point is taken as the present
moment , namely the usual deictic centre for tense systems. There are,
however, examples attested where some other deictic centre is necessary.
Thus, i n Bamileke- Dschang, although the various tenses are normal ly
2 I nformation on Li mouzi is from Javanaud ( 1 979) .
Degrees of remoteness
interpreted with absolute time reference, 3 they can be used with relative
time reference, at least suggesting that the absolute time reference may be
an implicature rather than part of the meaning ; at any rate, measurement of
temporal distance from a foating reference poi nt is an attested possibility.
With absolute-relative tenses, such as the pluperfect , the number of logical
possibilities increases exponentially. I f a language makes basically, for
instance, three disti nctions of temporal distance, then this three-way
opposition could be applied to the distance between the reference point and
the present moment , and to the distance between the situation located and
the reference poi nt , giving an opposition of 32 , i . e. nine terms. We are not
aware of any such prol ifc systems, indeed it seems to be the case that , in
languages with absolute-relative tenses and degrees of remoteness, the
range of combi nations is considerabl y restricted, often with only opposi
tions concerni ng the distance between the situation and the present moment
being relevant . I n Sotho, however, it is apparently possible to make specifc
reference to the temporal distance between situation and past reference
point in the pluperfect , giving rise to an opposition between ha letsatsi
le like la rene retsoa tloha Maser ' at sunset we had j ust left Maseru' and ha
letsatsi lelikela rene retlohile Maser ' at sunset we had left Maseru' , where
in our frst example our departure from Maseru is located at a short distance
in time from the sunset , whereas in the latter i t is located further away from
that sunset, with no necessary distinction in the temporal distance of the
sunset ( i . e. the reference point) from the present moment . 4
Bami leke-Dschang has an even richer system for indicating relative
temporal distance. I n Bami leke-Dschang, it is possible to have sequences of
auxiliaries i ndicati ng time reference, though apparently two is the maxi
mum number permitted in sequence. I n such a sequence, the frst auxiliary
establ ishes time reference relative to the present moment , while the second
auxiliary locates the situation relative to the reference point established by
the meani ng of the frst auxiliary. Although not all logically possible
combinations are actually allowed by the language, and some combinations
receive special interpretations, this still leaves some ffteen combinations
which are allowed and given the meani ngs predictable from the above
account . Thus, combination of the tomorrow future ( F
) with the later
today future ( F 2) indicates a situation that wil l hold soon after some
reference point tomorrow, i . e. ' he wi ll bargain later tomorrow' for aa I JUU
IpiU I f tau ; the combination of remote past ( Ps ) followed by remote future
( FS ) indicates a poi nt in time well subsequent to some point in time well
3 I nformation cited here and below on Bamileke-Dschang is from Hyman ( 1 980) .
4 I nformation cited here and below on Sotho is from Morolong ( 1 978) .
Degrees of remoteness
into the past , as in a le la? nfu ntaO ' he long ago bargained a long time
afterards' .
A third parameter is the number of distinctions made with regard to
temporal distance. The most common systems make a small number of
distinctions, often two or three, but , as will be seen below, there are
languages with more prol ifc systems : fve-way oppositions are attested
from Africa, Austral ia, and the Americas, while one Amerindian language,
Kiksht , has ben claimed as having a system of around seven oppositions. s
Temporal distance oppositions are, as already noted, more frequent in the
past than in the future, so that Haya, for i nstance, has a three-way
distinction in the past but only a two-way distinction in the future, although
there are also languages li ke Bamileke-Dschang and Bamileke-Ngyemboon
with symmetrical systems of, respectively, fve and four degees of remote
ness in both past and future. 6 I t should be noted that even closely related
languages, even dialects of the same l anguage, can differ on this parameter,
as in the different number of such tenses in Bamileke-Dschang and
Bamileke- Ngyemboon, the different number of tenses in Haya and
Luganda (closely related Bantu languages) , the rich tense system of Kiksht
versus the paucity of tenses in other forms of Chinookan, and between the
Mabuiag and Saibai dialects of Kalaw Lagaw Ya ( the latter lacks a
correspondent to the ' last night' tense of Mabuiag) 7 - for details, see below.
I n relation to the number of distinctions, it is also necessary to specify
precisely what the cut-off points are for the various distinctions, e. g. a
distinction between ' recently' and ' longer ago' , or between ' today' and
' earlier today' , or a distinction between ' this year' and ' before this year' , etc.
I t turns out that only a very small number of such cut-off points are used
with any frequency across the languages of the world with grammaticalisa
tion of temporal distance. The commonest cut-off point seems to be that
between ' today' and ' before today' , to which we can give the Latinate names
hodiernal and pre-hodiernal . Another common cut-off point is that between
' recently' and ' not recently' , i . e. between recent and non-recent . For
languages with more distinctions in the past , a cut-off point between
' yesterday' and ' before yesterday' is common, but apparently only in
conj unction with a cut-off point between ' today' and ' yesterday' ; we might
I nformation cited here and below on Ki ksht is from Hymes ( 1 975) .
6 I nformation cited here and below on Haya is from unpublished work by Ernest R.
Byarushengo ; information on Bamileke- Ngyemboon, except where otherwise stated, is
from Anderson ( 1 983) .
7 I nformation cited here and below on Kalaw Lagaw Ya is, for the Mabuiag dialect , from
Bani & Klokeid ( 1 972) , and for the Sai bai dialect from my own notes supplemented by
discussion with Rod Kennedy.
Degrees of remoteness
refer to the terms disti nguished by the former cut-off poi nt by the Latinate
names hesternal and pre- hesternal . Another cut-off point found recurrently
in the past is beteen 'a few days ago' and ' more than a few days ago' , i . e.
non-remote versus remote. Other cut-off points seem to be language
specifc . Thus the Mabuiag dialect of Kalaw Lagaw Ya has a special tense
for ' last night' . Di sti nctions with cut-off poi nts prior to ' a few days ago' are
al so found : one especially prol i fc system is that of Ki ksht g where in
addition to cut-off poi nts based on the change of days (e. g. ' today' versus
' yesterday' ) , there are al so cut- off points based on the change of years (e . g.
' this year' versus ' before thi s year ) ; but so far, thi s example stands unique.
The range of distinctions made i n the future is simi lar, with the distinction
between ' today-tomorrow' versus 'after tomorrow' beiMg particularly com
mon, i n addition to disti nctions beteen ' immediate future' and ' non
immedi ate future' and between ' next few days' versus ' after the next few
1 t wi l l be noted that many of the cut-off points refer to cyclically recurring
changes , such as the succession of dys , and one might therefore wonder, in
the l ight of the discussion in section 1 .
, whether this might i ntroduce
notions of cycli c time reference . For a few languagesg cyclicity does seem to
be introduced in such instances , i n the following way. The examples are
from Burera, although si mi lar systems have been reported for a few other
Austral ian Aboriginal languages, and the tense system of Kiksht works in a
simi lar , though more prol i fc, way. 8 Burera has a two-way formal opposi
tion, namely one tense with the suffx -nga ( for one class of verbs) , and
another with the suffx -de for this class of verbs, which includes ngupa
' eat ' , i . e . ngupa-nga versus ngupa-de. The form ngupa-nga can mean either
' I a01 eati ng' , i . e . present time reference, or ' I ate within the past few days
(but excl udi ng today) ' ; the time reference of thi s form is thus discon
ti nuous, si nce i t can be used for ongoi ng situations or for situations that
happened before today but withi n the last few days ; it cannot be used for
situations hol di ng earlier on today. The ti me reference of ngupa-de is
l i kewise di sconti nuous : it can be used with reference to situations that held
earl ier on today ( i . e. ' I ate today' ) , and with reference to situations that held
more than a few days ago ( i . e . ' I ate long go' ) . There are thus two
8 The Burera materi al is presented by Gl asgow ( 1 964) ; cf . also the di scussion of frames of
reference for temporal adverbi al s i n Austral i an l anguages by Dixon ( 1 977 : 498500) .
Al though Hyman ( 1 980 : 235 ) uses a feature [ +NEAR] for the Bami leke-Dschang tense
system whi ch gi ves ri se to di sconti nui t ies - i f the past tenses are numbered 1 to 4 from most
to least recent g PI and P3 are bot h [ + NEAR] , disti nguished thereby from P2 and P 4
respect ivel y, whi ch are [ NEAR] , he does not give any reason ( other than the elegance of
binary features) for groupi ng P I and P3 together versus P2 and P 4-
Degrees of remoteness
remarkable features of this system: each of the two tenses has discontinuous
time reference (contrary to the universal posited in section 2.4) ; the two
alternate cyclically, with ngupa-nga for the present moment , ngupa-de for
situations earlier on today, then ngupa-nga again for situations up to a few
days ago, then ngupa-de agai n for situations in the more distant past . This
can be analysed by assuming that Burera has a basic distinction between
' close' and ' remote' which is superimposCd on a cut-off point between
' today' and ' earl ier than today' . Ngupa-nga is the close tense, and within the
' today' frame receives present time reference, whi le within the ' not today'
frame it receives an interpretation as the most recent time period that is not
today, i . e. the last few days . Similarly, ngupa-de is remote ; within the
' today' time frame it receives the interpretation ' as remote as possible but
still today' , i . e. at some time other than the presCnt moment today, while
within the not today' frame i t receives the interpretation ' remote and not
today' i . e. more than a few days ago. The cyclicity thus arises from the
combination of two oppositions, one an absolute cut-off point between
today and earlier than today, the other between recent and remote within
each of these two time frames. This kind of tense opposition does not ft well
within most current conceptins of tense,. although its existence must be
acknowledged ; at best , one could appeal to its rarity as an excuse for
according it marginal status within the overall theorya
Although we have so far referred to cut-off points, we have not yet
indicated how rigidly these cut-off points are to be iUterpreted - certainly,
some of the suggested distinctions (e. g. between ' a few days ago' and ' more
than a few days ago' ) are relatively vague . I n fact , there are two probl ems
involved here. One is the precise establi shment of the cut-off poi nt. Whi le a
disti nction l ike ' today' versus ' yesterday' might at frst seem to be clearcut , it
soon turns out that , whi le there are cl ear instances of today and clear
instances of yesterday, there is also an area i n between subj ect to consider
able cultural and even individual variation, namely the establishment of the
precise dividing l i ne between the days. While European technological
culture has established an arbitrary cut-off point at midnight , this does not
correspond to most people' s ordinary language usage in English, where last
night continues up to the time of waki ng up i n the morning as prelude to the
new day, i . e. as far as ordinary usage is concerned the day begins in the
morni ng. I n many other cultures, however , the new day begi ns rather from
the preceding sunset , so that the night j ust past is part of today rather than
of yesterday. Where a tense opposition exists correl ati ng with the change of
days , it seems that this is simply taken to correspond with the i ndividual' s or
the culture's conception of the divi di ng line between the days, and there
Degrees of remoteness
seems to be no evidence for sayi ng more on this topic with regard to the
linguistic refection of this cut-off point .
What is, however, of l i nguistic interest is the rigidity with which the cut
off point is interpreted, and here there are clear differences between
languages . Thus , in some l anguages with a hesternal (, yesterday' ) past
tense, that tense must be used for situations that held yesterday and can only
be used for situations that held yesterday, thus giving rise to clear ungram
maticality if an inappropriate time adverbial i s inserted. I n other languages,
while the most frequent division is between situations that held yesterday
and those that held before yesterday or after yesterday, the dividing l ine is
more fuid, in the sense that a literally i nappropriate tense can be used in
order to give a subj ective impression of greater or smaller temporal
distance. Haya, in the past tense series, has rigid cut-off points in this sense.
The relevant past tenses, which enter into a three-way opposition, are
hodiernal (, earlier on today' , e . g. twakoma ' we tied up' ) , hesternal
(, yesterday' , e. g. tukomile) , and remote (, before yesterday' , e. g.
tukakoma) . Relevant time adverbials are mbweenu ' today' , ny
' yesterday' and io ' two days ago' , and ijweeli ' three days ago' . 9 The dividing
l ine between the three tenses is strict , and in particular improper colloca
tions of verb form and time adverbial are rej ected outright as ungrammati
cal . Thus , ' we tied up today' can only be twakoma mbweenu, and not
tukomile/tukakoma mbweenu ; 'we tied up yesterday' can only be
tukomile nyeigolo, and not twakoma/tukakoma mbweenu ; ' we tied up the
day before yesterday' can only be tukakom IjO, and not twakom' /tukomile
io. Although the uses of the verb forms are i l lustrated here using collocation
with adverbials, it should be noted that the constraints are not simply on
col location with adverbial s : even if there is no adverbial present , it is
impossible i n Haya to use the hodiernal past tense to refer to yesterday's
situation, and simi larly for other combinations .
I n Sotho, however, it seems possible in principle to combine any past
tense with any past time adverbial without givi ng rise to ungrammaticality,
since distinctions of temporal distance are subj ective rather than obj ective.
An apparently incorrect combination will be interpreted to mean that the
situation in question, though obj ectively at a certain temporal distance from
the reference point , is being presented as subj ectively closer or more distant
than that literal distance. Thus, in Sotho we have sentences l ike Morena
The adverbs io and iiweeli can also refer to, respectively, ' two days from today' and ' three
days from today' , i . e. have both past and future time reference. This does not apply to
nyeigolo, which contrasts with nyenkya ' tomorrow' I n the verb forms, tu- (tw- before a
vowel ) is the frst person plural subject prefx, while kom- is the verb stem ' tie' .
Degrees of remoteness
Moshoeshoe o/alletse Thaba Bosiu ka-1824 ' Chief Moshoeshoe moved to
Thaba-Bosiu in 1 824' with a recent past tense, the speaker's intention being
to emphasise the subj ective recency of the situation, even though the
adverbial obj ectively situates the situation in the distant past . Similarly in
Bamileke-Dschang, one would expect the time adverbial el zS. ' tomorrow'
to co-occur with the vefb form aa ' /i' u (or : ' si?' e) tau ' he will bargain
tomorrow' , i . e. the verb form that is normally used for situations holding
tomorrow, but it is also possible to use the tense normally meaning 'within
the next few days after tomorrow' , as in al a la? I tau el zS., with the
implication that sUbj ectively the time of his bargaini ng is further into the
future than would be indicated by the obj ective designation ' tomorrow' .
Conversely, one can use the ' tomorrow' past tense with the adverbial alt?
zet ' day after tomorrow' to indicate the subj ective closeness of an objec
tively more distant situation, as in aa ' li' u tau alt? ztt ' he will bargain
( already) the day after tomorrow' . It should be noted that in langages with
such fuid boundaries between tenses expressing different degrees of
remoteness, it is not j ust the case that the speaker is playi ng with extended
meanings of items, as when in English one talks of the movie stars of
yesterday referring to a time more distant than l iterall y yesterday : in these
Sotho and Bamileke-Dschang examples, the time adverbials continue to be
used in their literal meanings, so there is no metaphorical extension - rather
the difference between these languages on the oHe hand and Haya on the
other indicates that languages differ on the parameter of the rigidness of
interpretation of temporal distance boundaries in tense systems.
Finally, it should be noted that even closely related languages may differ
in the rigidity with which temporal distance cut-off points are interpreted
( and it is possible that further investigati on may even uncover idiolectal
distinctions) . As already noted, in Bamileke- Dschang the cut-off points are
not i nterpreted figidly ; in the closely-related and mutually intelligible
BaMi leke- Ngyemboon, however, they are so interpreted, so that the
combinations of tense and time adverbial discussed in the previous
paragraph would not be possible in Ngyemboon. l O
Before looking at specifc tense systems distinguishing degrees of remote
ness, it is worth examining a possibi lity that arises from the existence of
recent past and immediate future cut-off poi nts. This is the possibility that
there may be languages where the basic pivot of the tense system is not the
present moment , but rather some such recent past or immediate future
pivot , so that there woul d be d basic tense opposition between, say distant
past and everything else, or between distant future and everything else . For
1 0
Stephen C. Anderson ( personal communication) .
Degrees of remoteness
one language, essentially this claim has been made, namely for Nenets,
although the data are not suffciently detailed to permit an exact assess
ment . 1 1 I n Nenets, for the non-future there are two categories, often called
present and past , but perhaps more accurately referred to as indefnite and
past . The past is used with past time reference, but only for more distant
past situations. For more recent situations, as for ongoing situations, the
indefnite is used ; thus it is quite possible for the indefnite ti? xadav to
mean ' I killed a reindeer' , where xadav is the frst person singular of the
indefnite tense. Somewhat similar groupings of recent past with present are
found in some other languages. Thus, in BamilekeNgemboon, the so
called present tense has an iMperfective/perfective aspectual distinction.
The present imperfective indicates an ongoing action, but the present
perfective is used specifcally to indicate a recent past situation. 1 2 Similar
aspectual oppositions between present and recent past are noted for Kom
and Noni . 1 3 In the West African languages cited, for which the data are
much more rel iable in their detai l than for Nenets, this seems to be the
maximal utilisation of the intersection of tense and aspect : since the
imperfective aspect is rarely needed for recent past situations, and the
perfective aspect is rarely needed for currently ongoing situations, the
assignment of the appropriate time relation difference to the aspectual
opposition gains maximum economy while not violating the basic meaning
of the aspectual opposition. It may even be academic whether the tense that
overlaps recent past and present is called present or recent past , or a
combination of the two. 1 4
A more puzzling relevance of recent past and immediate future cut-off
points is found in Kalaw Lagaw Ya. 1 S Here there is one tense that is used to
refer to ' events that have j ust been completed or that are going on at
present' , and another that is used to refer to ' events in the immediate future,
and often events going on ight now' . Both tenses are compatible with the
adverbial kedha thonara ' at this time' , and there is no separate present tense
in addition to these two. Thus it seems that one tense covers recent past and
present , while the other covers present and immediate future, with overlap
between them. One possible i nterpretation of this is that the frst of these
tenses indicates present relevance of a ( recent) past situation, while the
second indicates present relevance of an ( immediate) future situation, with
1 Tereienko ( 1 965 : 895-896) .
1 2
nderson ( 1 983) .
3 Hyman ( 1 980 : 235-236) .
4 Cf. the different sol utions suggested by Hyman ( 1 980 : 235236) and Anderson ( 1 983) .
5 Bani & Klokeid ( 1 972 : 1 001 01 ) ; their examples, and those cited below, are from the
Mabuiag dialect , but the Saibai system is identical on this score.
Degrees of remoteness
present time reference being essentially an implicature : thus the frst tense
would be used with present time reference where the current situation is the
result of some previous event , while the second tense would be used rather
where the current situation is leading up to some future event . t 6 It is
possible that the N enets indefnite tense should be interpreted in a way
similar to the interpretation suggested for the Kalaw Lagaw Ya recent past/
present . Kalaw Lagaw Ya examples are ngau umai ngaikia thoeidhi ( recent
past/present) kedha thonara ' my dog has bitten me at this time' ; ngath nin
iman ( recent past/present) kedha thonara uuzi pagan ( recent past/present)
' I see you at this time spearing a stonefsh' ; senub glaigau ubinga
Mabuia pathaika kasa kedha nui pathika ( present/immediate future)
kedha thonara ' this captain didn't want to go to Mabuiag, but he is going at
this time' ; ngath nin imaik (present/immediate future) kedha thonara uuzi
pagaik (present/immediate future) ' I ' ll watch you at this time spearing a
stonefsh' .
We may now turn to an examination of the temporal distance systems that
various languages have, rather than j ust looking at the isolated parameters
that can be combined to make up such systems. I n most langages with
oppositions of temporal distance in the past , one of the cut-off points is
between today and yesterday ( with eventual modifcations for more and less
fuid cut-off points, as discussed above) . This dividing line is found, for
instance, in the Romance languages that have a near/remote past tense
distinction. For French, this distinction apparently held in the seventeenth
century, 17 although in the modern language the tendency for the compound
past to oust the simple past has led to loss of this distinction : thus, in
modern French there is no temporal distance difference betweenj'ai ecn't
and j'ecn'vis ' I wrote' , whi le in seventeenth-century French the former
would have indicated a less remote situation than the latter, as in the
contrast beteen j'ai ecn't ce matin ' I wrote [literally : have written] this
morning' andj'ecnvi hier ' I wrote yesterday' . Although this distinction of
temporal remoteness no longer survives in French, it does survive in ( some)
Occitanian dialects, such as Limouzi , as with recent i m'an letsa ( l iterally :
' they me have released' ) , remote i Nt latseren ' they released me' . This same
cut-off point is found in the binar past tense system of Luganda, e. g.
i badda
o ( hesternal ) ewaabwe }jo ku nkya ' the visitors returned
home yesterday morning' , omulenzi nnamulabye ( hodiernal ) ku nkya ' I
1 6
I am gateful to Rod Kennedy for suggesti ng this interpretation,
1 7
Lancelot & Arnauld ( 1 66o : 1 3-1 4) , I ncidental ly, it seems that the relevant distinction
as with other langages with this distinction - is ' today' versus ' before today' , rather than
'within the last twenty-four hours' versus ' more than twenty-four hours ago' .
Degrees of remoteness
saw the boy this morning' ; 1 8 and in Ancash Quechua, e. g. Lmatam
aywarquu ( hodiernal ) ' I went to Lima ( earlier today) ' , Lmatam aywarqaa
( pre-hodiernal ) ' I went to Lima ( before today) ' . 1 9
The rarer bi nary opposition in the future also seems characteristically to
have a less rigid cut-off point , with . the closer future tense often covering
today and tomorrow, while the more distant future tense covers all time
after tomorrow, but with vaci llation in one or both directions across this
cut-off point . I n section 1 . 8 we noted that in Haya, where the temporal
distance oppositions in the past have rigid cut-off points, there is much
more fuidity in the future. I t is, however, interesting that the more remote
future tense cannot be used to refer to situations that hold later on today or
tomorrow, i . e. for ' tomorrow we will go to Katoke' one can say nyenkya
tulaaga ( close future) Ktoke , and not nyenkya tuliga ( remote future)
Katoke. The close future can, however, be used with any future time
reference, but when used for situations holding after tomorrow it indicates
subj ective nearness : mwezy' ogulalja tuliga ( remote future) /tulaaga
(close future) Ktoke ' next month we will go to Katoke' . I t is interesting to
note that , to the extent that Haya does have a cut-off point here, that cut-off
point is the division between tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, rather
than between today and tomorow, which would have been the mirror image
of the usual cut-off point in the past .
Although the division between today and yesterday seems to be the most
widespread cut-off point for binary past tense oppositions, and i ndeed a
component of all more prolifc systems, there are also some languages in
which an opposition exists between recent past , where ' recent' means the
immediate past , and non-recent past . Examples are not so clear as with the
today/yesterday opposition, and often i nvolve oppositions that are less
clearly grammaticalised than those that express the today/yesterday opposi
tion. Thus in French, which does not otherwise distinguish degrees of
remoteness in the past , there is a distinct construction for the recent past
using the auxi liary venir ' to come' and the infnitive of the lexical verb
preceded by the preposition de ' of, from' , as inje viens d'am"ver ' I have j ust
arrived' , literally ' I come from to-arrive' . Likewise, Poruguese uses the
auxiliary acabar ' to fnish' in acab de ch ega r , literally ' I fnish from to
arrive' . ( Spanish has the same construction, e. g. acabo de llegar, but since
Spanish also has today/yesterday as a dividing line in its past tense system,
this is not as part of a binary system. ) However, use of the special recent past
construction is not obl igatory, so that in reference to the recent past one can
say in French je suis am've, in Portuguese cheguei, j ust as one can in
1 8
Ashton et al . ( 1 95 1 : 1 22) .
Degrees of remoteness
reference to more distant past events. Therefore the identifcation of these
constructions as grammaticalised devices remains questionable. Even in
Engl ish, the immediate past/more distant past division is relevant in
characterising the use of the perfect , which can be used with reference to a
small number of time adverbials referri ng to the immediate past , such as
just and recently. Again, however, this use is optional , and the simple past is
equally possible with these adverbials ; moreover, the relevant factor is the
occurrence of a particular adverbial , rather than recent ti me reference per
se, since a different adverbial , even if expressi ng immediate past time, does
not permit col location with the perfect , as in -/ have seen him a second ago .
Whether the clearly grammatical opposition between indefnite and past
tense i n Nenets, discussed above, should be included here remains open,
awaiting a more detailed discussion and i nvestigation of the N enets tense
ikewise in the future, many languages have constructions with ( as part
of their meaning) immediate future time reference, but without it being
clear that these constructions shoul d be analysed as grammaticalisation of
time reference. I n Engl ish, for instance, the constructions to be about to and
to be on the point of contain immediate future time reference, as inJohn is
about to jump of the clif. 20 However, immediate future time reference does
not exhaust the meani ng of this construction, which differs from the future
not only in range of time reference but also i n that it expresses d present
propensity to a future situation that may, however, be blocked by interen
i ng factors. Thus John will jump of the clifis untrue if John does not , in
fact , j ump off the cl iff, while John is about to jump of the clif is sti l l true if
someone rushes over and prevents him from doing so. For the relevance of
an immediate future cut-off point in languages which otherwise lack
distinctions of temporal di stance in the future, one might compare the
discussion i n section 1 . 6 concerning use of the past for immediate future
events, as in Russian ja posel ' I ' m off' , literally ' I left' ; these forms,
however, are idiomatic rather than grammaticalised.
For three-term systems in the past , the frst division is usually between
today and yesterday, but the second division is more variable within the
time period before today. I n Haya, as we have already seen, there is a rigid
second division between ' yesterday' and ' before yesterday' . I n Hixkaryana,
the most recent past tense is used for situations that held earlier on today
( i ncl uding the previous night) , e. g. kahatakano ' I came out' . 21 The middle
term is used for recent events that took place before today, including the
previous day but potentially goi ng back up to several months, e. g.
Cf . Comrie ( 1 976 : 64-65 ) .
2 1
erbyshi re ( I 979 : 1
8-1 39) .
Degrees f remtenes5
ninikyak ' he went to sleep' . The most remote past tense is described as
referring ' to actions done any ti me earlier' , though with the proviso that
' sometimes an event of only a few weeks ago will be expressed with the
distant past suffx' , e. g. wamaye ' I fel led it' . Although Kamba is genetical ly
related to Haya ( though not particularly closely so within Bantu) , the
Kamba system is structural ly more reminiscent of that of Hixkaryana : the
least remote of the three past tenses is used for earlier on today ( ev gv
ningotie ' I pul led' ) ; the mi ddle form is used for ti me from yesterday back to
a week ago ( e. g. ninina:kotie ' I pulled' ) ; while the third, most remote
term g is used typically for actions not earl ier than some months previously
( e. g. maia: tua ' they did not live' ) . 22 What does, however, seem to be
common to clearly grammatical ised three-way systems is that the second
division breaks up the time-span before today g rather than the time-span of
today. The only potential counterexample I am aware of would be in
Spanish, if one takes the acabar de construction as indicati ng immediate
past and the perfect as indicating situations that hold earlier on today ;
however , the optional ity of the frst of these divisions makes Spanish a much
less clear example than the other languages discussed. Note that even
Burera, with its strange cyclic tense system, sti l l gives the divisions of the
past as earl ier on today, withi n the past few days, before that .
Examples of four-term systems are not particularly frequent , so any
generalisation made here is necessarily particularly provisional . One ex
ample of a four-term system is Mabuiag g provided one treats the recent past/
present distinction as not bei ng part of the past tense system. I f one accepts
this analysis, then there is a four-term opposition between a- today past ( for
situations earlier on today) , a ' l ast night' past ( for events taking place last
night , and thus col locati ng wi th the adverbial kubila ' at night ' to give the
i nterpretation ' last night ' ) g a yesterday past tense, and a more remote past
tense . For the verb ' see' the si ngular forms are, respectively, imanu,
imanbungel, imangul_ imadhin ( compare also the recent past/present
iman) . The Saibai di alect of Kalaw Lagaw Ya, incidental l y, lacks the ' last
night' past tense , givi ng overal l a system more l ike that of Haya ( apart from
the compl i cation of the recent past/present tense) . Bami l eke- Ngyemboon
also has a four-tem system, though \1 i th one compl ication al ready dis
cussed : for one tense, the i mperfective has present ti me reference, but the
perfective has recent past time reference . I n the imperfective there are
clearly four distinct past tenses , with ti me reference : earlier on today ;
yesterday ; withi n the last few days ; 3 l ong ti me ago, e . g. a year or more . I n
the perfecti ve these same four occur , suppl emented by the ' recent past ' , or
2 \1 hi tel ey & Mul i { 1 962} .
Degrees of remoteness
perhaps more accurately perfective present . I n the future, however,
Bamileke- Ngyemboon has unequi vocally a four-term opposition, since
there is no interaction between aspect and time reference comparable to that
found in the past tenses. The forms cited below are ' he cut the meat' in the
various tense-aspects ( note that there is considerable tone sandhi ) :
Perfective I mperfective
P4 a la la
' mb
b a la hi
P3 a l a za
mbab a laa nz

P2 a ka za
mbab a kaa nz

PI a ne nz
b a k nza
a mbab
Present a zi? mb
b a nza
a mbab
FI a ge z
b a ge z
F2 a t
za' m b
b a o z a m a
F3 " I
b " b a u za m a a Hi z

F4 .. I
b a a za m a
I" ? 10
b a a za am a
Five-term systems are also rare, so it is equally diffcult to make
generalisations likely to stand up to the test of further investigation. The
fve-term system discussed in most detail in the literature, and for which the
discussion is most rel i able, i s that of Bami leke-Dschang. What is particu
larly unusual about thi s language i s that it has the fve-way opposition i n
both the past and t he future ( cf. t he almost equally symmetrical system in
Bamileke-Ngyemboon) . The relevant forms for the verb ' bargain' are as
fol lows ; note that for the F 3 tense there are two alternative forms :
PI aa ' tal FI a' a tal
P2 a aa ntal F2 aa ' pll' r tal
P3 a ke tall r F3 aa l ) il
U tal/aa I sQ
l e tal
P4 a le tal' r F4 al a la
e I tal
i le la
n I tal
a' a fu ' tal
The interpretation of numerals is symmetrical : thus the numeral I means
' immediate' , i . e. PI is i mtnediate past and FI is immediate future ; the
numeral 2 implies ' today' , i . e. P2 i s used for si tuations earlier on today and
F2 for situations later on today ; the numeral 3 impl ies ' one day from today' ,
i . e. P3 impli es ' yesterday' and F3 impl ies ' tomorro\T ' ; th.umeral 4 implies
' within a period from two days to several days from today' ; i . e. P 4 implies
' the day before yesterday or a few days earlier' and F 4 impli es ' the day after
tomorro\v or a few days later' ; the numeral S indicates further remoteness,
e. g. ' separated from today by a year or more' , givi ng Ps ' a year or so ago' , FS
' a year or more hence' .
Degrees of remoteness
Before leaving the Bami leke- Dschang system, i t should be noted that
most ( though not al l ) of the auxil iaries used in forming this prolifc system
of tenses also exist as regular verbs in the language. However, although the
time reference meaning can often be related to the meaning the correspond
ing verb has as a separate lexical item, these two sets of meanings are by no
means identical , and some sentences are clearly ambiguous according to
whether the item in question is interpreted as an auxi liary marking time
reference or as a main verb. I n fact , the sentence aa ' fii piUf tau has four
quite distinct interpretations . If taken as a sequence of F3 and F2 , i t will
mean ' he will bargain later tomorrow' (cf. p. 86) ; if the second word is
interpreted as a tense auxi liary and the third as a lexical verb, it wil l mean ' he
will return tomorrow and bargai n' ; if the second word is interpreted as a
lexical item and the third as an auxil iary, i t wi ll mean ' he is about to get up
and later today bargai n' ; if both are interpreted as lexical items it will mean
'he is about to get up and return and bargai n' . 23
Of the other fve-term systems reported in the literature, we may cite that
of Yandruwandha, where there is suffcient detail to make it reasonably
clear that this is indeed a j ustifed analysis in terms of a fve-way tense
opposition in the past . 24 The suffxes, with their meanings, are :
very recent past
within the last couple of days
within the last few days2S
weeks or months ago
distant past
While these characterisations clearly defne oppositions in terms of degrees
of remoteness - the source cited notes that there is little i nconsistency in
native speakers' use of these forms in terms of temporal distance, except
between pna and lkara - more specifc i nformation woul d be required
in order to test out some of the hypotheses advanced in the body of this
chapter, e . g. whether there i s a basic today/yesterday distinction withi n the
F or completeness, I will note two fve-term systems in the past that have
been drawn to my attention from South American I ndian languages.
Araona is reported to have the fol lowing system ( although the remarks in
23 Note that the F 3 tense auxiliary lu redundantly requires the preceding word to be in F 1
form; tonal indications are of surface tones, and there are considerable alternations by tone
sandhi .
24 Breen ( 1 976 : 755-756) .
Z okara is also a ti me adverbial .
Degrees of remoteness
parentheses suggest that time reference may not be the only relevant
parameter) .
0 &
-l qUl
recent past , the same day
recent past , from one day to several weeks ago
past ( from several weeks to several years ago ; also may
i ndicate multiple events)
distant past ( possibly also indicates a specifc event)
remote past
Yagua has the fol lowing fve-term system .
-j ada
proximate- I (within a few hours)
proximate- 2 (one day ago)
within a few weeks
within a few months
distant or legendary past
I t is interesting that the rich systems of Bamileke- Dschang, Bamileke
Ngyemboon, and Mabuiag on the one hand make fne disti nctions relatively
close to the present moment , while Yandruwandha, Araona, and Yagua
seem to make fner discriminations for more remote events.
Finally, we may consider what is to date the richest reported system of
tense distinctions in the past , namely that of Kiksht . Kiksht has basically a
four-way opposition in terms of tense prefxes in the past , 2 with ga(/)- as
the most remote form for events from one year ago back ; ni(
)- for
situations from the preceding week to a year ago ; na(/)- for situations
holding most typically yesterday, but conceivably extending back to the day
or a few days before yesterday ; and i(g)- for situations holding earl ier today.
However, cross-cutting this fve-way distinction is a further two-way
distinction, using the prefxes H~ and t - . The time periods defned by the
prefxes ga(/)- , ni(g)- , and perhaps i(g)- (but not na(/)- ) , are each sub
divided into an earl ier portion, marked by the prefx U~ and a later portion,
marked by the prefx t- . This gives overall a six- or seven-way distinction
within the past (the uncertainty concerns the possibi lity of making the u-It
distinction within the i( g)- set) , as fol lows .
2 Pitman ( 1 980) .
27 Doris Payne ( personal communication) .
Z There is also a prefx na- , whose meaning does not , however, seem to be (exclusively) of
time reference.
29 The same formal opposition also occurs i n the present , with zero basic tense prefx : the
interpretation of the distinction here is more complex ( Hymes 1 975 : 3 1 932 1 ) with at least
aspectual overtones, though surprisingly given the usual temporal rel ation . 0 u
seems to
Degrees of remoteness
ga( l ) o
ga( l )
ni (g)
ni (g)
na(l )
i (g) -
. U remote past
t- from one to ten years ago
. u - froln a week to a year ago
t- last week
yesterday or preceding couple of days
earl ier today : ? i (g) u- earlier on today,
but not j ust now
? i (g) t- j ust now
I t is perhaps interesting that this most prolifc system results from the
intersection of two distinct systems, one the four-term system for indicating
remoteness, the other the two-term system for distinguishing earlier and
later time, always ithin one of the time periods defned by the fve-term
system. Like the Burera system discussed above, the different frames
intersecting with the u-It- opposition give rise to a discontinuity in the
temporal reference of each of u- and t- . The u-It- opposition carries into the
future, which is not otherwise subdivided for remoteness, giving a(l)
N^ (immediate and near fUture) versus a(l) t- ( distant futUre) ; this
confrm, incidentallyg that the u-It- opposition is one of later versus earlier
time (within a given time space) , rather than one of remoteness per se,
otherwise one would expect the values of the two futUre tenses to be
To conclude this chapter, we will examine how the Various parameters
discussed in the body of the book can be combined in the defnition of the
temporal reference of one particularl y complex form, the perfect in Portu
guese. Despite the name ' perfect' , the Heaning of this form is radically
different from that of the English perfect , or the French compound past .
The PortuguesC perfect indicates a situation that is aspectually habitual
( and to this extent fall ing outside our discussion of tense) , that started in the
recent past , and that continues up to (but not necessarily including) the
present moment a It frequently co-occurs with the adverb ultimamente
recently' and its synonyms . I n form, the Portuguese perfect uses the
present tense of the auxi l i ary ter ' to have' and the past partici ple of the
lexical verb. 30 Thus the sentence ele tem estudado muito ultimamente
indicate present conti nuous or generic , whi l e 0. l indicates ' a time anterior to the
present , perhaps with a connotation of continuation into, or conti nued relevance to [the
present) '
Note that the Portuguese perfect , though formally part of the same system as the compound
pluperfect ( tinha estudado ' he has studi ed' ) , stands functionally outside this system. Even
the formally correspondi ng subj unctive ( tenha estudado) does not have the usual semantics
of the perfect indicative tem estudado.
1 00
Degrees of remoteness
indicates that he started studyi ng in the not too di stant past , establ i shed d
habit of studyingg and that this habi t has conti nued up to the present
moment - although it may be that the habit has now come to an end, j ust
before the present moment . 3 1 Thus the time reference of the Portuguese
perfect is past ; we need to i dentify a point i n time in the not too distant past
(the verb form does not further specify whi ch point i n ti me) , and a point in
time infnitesimally prior to the present moment ; the ti me reference of the
Portuguese pefet then covers the whole span frOIl one of these time poi nts
to the other.
3 1
I f it is desired t o indicate explicitly that the habi t does include the present moment , then
Portuguese requi res use of the present tense, i . e. ele estuda muito ultimamente . Both the
sentence i n the text and the sentence j ust cited translate most naturally i nto English as ' he
has been studying a lot recently' , but it is i mportant to notice that this is a translation
equivalent rather than an analysis - the two Portuguese sentences differ i n meaning, albeit
sl ightly- The version with the perfect does not include extension of the situation described
to the present moment , al though equal ly it does not explicitly exclude extension to the
present moment ; the version with the present tense ex
l icitly extends the situation to the
present moment .
1 0 1
Tense and syntax
At various points i n the discussion so far, and especially in chapter I we
have mentioned in passing that apparent exceptions to the use of a given
tense as defned by its meaning can be accounted for i n terms of the
interaction of the meaning of that tense with independently j ustifable
syntactic rules of the language in question. To j ustify this position, of
course, i t is necessary to specify what these syntactic rules are, and to show
how their interaction with the meanings of tenses does i ndeed give rise to
the observed apparent anomal ies i n tense usage . I n this chapter, we shal l
look in greater detail at some examples of this interaction, to i l l ustrate the
way i n which such apparent anomalies should be handled within an
integrated approach to the description of a language. The i nterplay between
the semantics of tense and syntax i n fact predicts that the observed apparent
anomalies in tense usage shoul d occur ; if they di d not , it would be necessary
to revise the theory. That is why such anomal ies are referred to as apparent
anomal ies : the independently j ustifed meaning of a tense interacts with an
independently j ustifable syntactic principle in order to produce a use of the
tense which, superfcially, seems to contradict the meani ng of that tense.
5 . 1 Tense neutralisation
I n several languages , there is a rule whereby within what would
otherwise be a sequence of l ike tenses withi n a sentence, only the frst verb
shows the expected tense, while al l subsequent verbs are in a single tense
category, irrespective of the tense of the frst verb ( and thus the time
reference of the later verbs) . Thi s may be compared with the way in which
other categories may be neutralised if they woul d take i dentical values
across a series of cl auses withi n a single sentence, as when in English I must
go out and buy some bread the debi ti ve ( obl igative) modality is expressed
overtl y in the frst clause by must which then carries across , without overt
expression, to the second cl ause, i . e . the interpretation is that I must buy
some bread.
1 02
Tense neutralisation
I n Bahinemo, the neutralised tense verb forms in question have overtly
the form of the present , as in the followi ng exampl e, where the frst verb is
in the remote past tense, all following verbs in the present : 1
Nem na ya-tagiya- m,
we sago eat-satisfy-remote : past
neutral -repeat-get : up : present
niba la-hi na-fanel , de-tenowa-u,
neutral -ascend -present ridge immediate-upstream-arrive : present
idu du-wei
to : right neutral -walk : along : ridge : present
' After we ate sago until we were satisfed, we got up again, we
ascended, immediately we went up the stream bed and arrived at the
ridge, we walked along the ridge to the right . '
A similar situation has been reconstructed for Proto- I ndo-European, for
the so-called inj unctive , although the attested data from early I ndo
European languages, such as Vedic Sanskrit , are not as clear-cut as those
from Bahinemo above. 2 I n the reconstructed system, however, the so-called
augment , Proto- I ndo-European t~ indicates past time reference, cf.
Ancient Greek e-Iy-omen ' we used to free' , i . e. ' past free frst : plural ' . I n a
sequence of past time reference verbs, however, the past time reference is
marked overtly only on the frst of these verbs, i . e. this verb takes the
augment but fol lowing verbs are in the same form but lacki ng the augment
(the so-called inj unctive) ; thus these following verbs are not explicitly
marked for past time reference . This would then give a situation similar to
that outlined above for Bahi nemo, where tense is marked overtly only on the
frst verb in a sequence of verbs with like time reference .
It is important , in order to avoid confusion, to clarify exactly what the
similarity is between the verbs in sequence that permits tense neutralisation
to take place. At frst sight , one might think that the only relevant
consideration is identity of tense. However, it seems not to be possible to
have constructions with tense neutralisation where the tenses of all verbs
would be the same ( if, for instance, the di scourse were presented as a series
of independent sentences , rather than as a single whole) , but where their
actual time references are radically different , for instance with one situation
holding a considerable period before another . Thus more accurately one
I Longacre ( 1 972 : 47-48) .
2 Kiparsky ( 1 968) .
1 03
Tense and syntax
should say that the verbs in question must have the same time reference for
this neutral isation to be possible . This might seem to be in confict ith the
chronological sequenci ng that normally forms part of the interpretation of
such a construction, as in the Bahinemo exampl e cited : strictly, the verbs do
not have the same ti me reference , since the events i n que5tion happen in
sequence, rather than si mul taneously. However, if we bear i n mind that
narration of an event establ ishes covert reference poi nt correspondi ng to
the end of that event , such that the next event narrated can freely be
interpreted as starti ng at the completi on of the previously narrated event ,
then the problem disappear5 : the ti me reference of a tense-neutral i sed verb
i s that establi shed by the immedi ately preceding sentence- i nternal context .
The above discussion enables us to solve two apparent problems i n tense
semantics. Fi rst , there is the problem ( as i n Bahinemo) that one tense, the
present , has some uses that apparently contradict its meaning of present
time reference ; the rule neutral isi ng tenses in sequence to the present
provides a syntacti c pri ncipl e whi ch accounts for this apparent anomaly.
Secondly, we can give a chracterisation to categories that apparently have
no tense value, such as the Proto- I ndo- European i nj unctive : its time
reference is simply l ocation at the time "establ ished by the immediately
precedi ng sentence- internal context ; the requi rement that there be a
precedi ng sentence-i nternal context excl udes this category from occurring
sentence-i nitially.
5 . Z Sequence of tenses
I n Ful a, there i s a rul e very si mi l ar to that operating i n
Bahi nemo and Proto- I ndo-European, whereby tense is neutral ised i n a
sequence . 3 However, i n Ful a there are two di sti nct sets of verb forms that
can occur i n the posi ti on of neutral i sati on, the so-cal l ed reltive past and the
subj uncti ve . The di stri buti on of these two forms i n such sequences is
determi ned enti rel y by the syntax : i f the i ni t i al verb i s one of the past tenses ,
then t he neutral ised verbs stand i n the rel ati ve past ; i f the i nitial verb i s a
non past tense , then the neutral i sed verb stands i n the subj uncti veg as i n the
fol lowi ng exampl es : teenl a 'o nan ( emphati c past ) sonnyo mab 'b 'e, 'o-wan
( relati ve past ) ndaarki b 'e perhaps he heard the : sound ofthem, he came
to : l ook : at t hem' ; jaffgo mi yahay ( general fut ure) , mi-foonda-ki ( sub
j uncti ve.) , mi-ndaara ( subj uncti ve) tomorlow I wi l l : go, I wi l l : test it , I
wi l l : see' e I n Ful a , theng VYL see operat i ng exact l y the same process as i n
Bahi nemo, but superi mposed on t hi s process i s a syntacti c rul e of sequence
3 Arnott ( 1 970 : 3 263 3 2 ) . The data are from the Gombe di al ect ( nort hern igeri a) . I have
repl aced Arnott ' s s
eci al symbol s for t he i mpl osi es by b ' and d ' .
Sequence of tenses
of tenses, which requires different neutralised tenses dependi ng on the
tense of the initial verb. I n these examples, it would be misleading- to argue
for a difference in time reference between the relative past and the
subj unctive in tense-neutralised environments. Rather, they have the same
time reference - location in time at the time point identifed by the
immediately preceding sentence-internal context - the difference between
them being conditioned by a purely syntactic rule.
Turning to a different construction, namely indirect commands ( i . e.
commands expressed i n indirect speech) , we fnd d similar rule of sequence
of tense in a number of European languages. I n an indirect command, such
as I told John to go away or I wil tel John to go away, the time reference of
the verb contained within the command ( i . e. go in these examples) is
invariably future relative to the time reference of the main verb. ( It is not
always possible to determine its absolute time reference : thus, in the frst
example, my intention may have been that John should have gone before
the present moment - or I may even have intended to leave it quite open
when he should go away, rel ative to the present moment . ) Thus, in general ,
there can be no contrast in tense expressi ng a contrast in time reference in
this position, 4 and indeed English uses j ust one form here, the infnitive ,
irrespective of the tense of the main verb.
I n some other languages, ho\?ever, the tense of the verb expressing the
content of the command does vary, not , however, in terms of its own
independent time reference, but on the basis of a syntactic rule of sequence
of tenses. Thus, in Spanish, the content of an indirect command is normally
expressed by d clause with its verb in the subj unctive mood, the past
subj unctive being used if the main verb is in one of the past tenses, and the
present subj unctive if the main verb is in one of the non- past tenses, as in the
fol lowing examples : 5 dije que Juan se fuese ( past subj unctive) ' I told Juan
I n a langage which makes grammatical disti nctions of degrees of remoteness, there coul d
be a tense distinction depending on the elapsed ti me between the moment of my issui ng the
i nstruction and the moment at which I want John I0carry it out . I n l anguages with relative
tense distinctions, there coul d be a relati ve tense disti nction rel at i ng to some reference poi nt
other than of the command , as in Engl ish I toldJoh" I0 hat'efnished his homewrk before I
retunzed, where John's fnishi ng his homework i s located anterior to my returning, though
still subsequent to the t i me of my issui ng the i nstruction. Some speakers of English
margi nal ly al low sentences l i ke I told John Il0I l0ha' : worked ill vain , with the i nterpreta
tion ' I told J ohn not to do anythi ng that \voul d render his previous work i n vain' , where
John's work is no doubt prior to the moment at whi ch the instruction is issued, but the
eval uation of whether or not it is i n vain can only be subsequent .
Note, however, that from the use of the subj unctive i n other constructions one can isolate
past versus non-past ti me reference as bei ng part of the meaning of these subj unctive forms
in the absence of sequence of tenses, as for i nstance when used with the adverb quizas
' perhaps' to i ndicate a si tuati on whi ch IS possible but , in the speaker's estimation, unli kely :
1 05
Tense and syntax
to go away' , l iteral l y ' I -said that Juan go-away' , digo (siempre) que Juan se
vaya ( present subj unctive) ' I ( always) tel l J uan to go away' , dire/voy a decir
que Juan se 'aya ' I wi l l tell J uan to go away' . I t makes no sense to ask about
the difference i n time reference between the present and past subj unctive
here. I ndeed, it is even conceivable that they coul d have the same ti me
reference, as i n the fol lowi ng pair of examples : dlje que Juan se fuese
mafana ' I tol d Juan to leave tomorrow' , voy a decir que Juan se vaya
manana I wi ll tel l Juan to leave tomorrow' : the time reference of Juan's
leaving is tomorrow in both sentences, what is different is the time at which
I issue the i nstructi on, and this , coupled with the sequence of tenses rule,
conditions the di fferent tenses of the subj unctive . Thus we conclude that
the only way i n whi ch the different uses of the two tenses of the subj unctive
can be accounted for i n i ndi rect commands is by a rule of sequence of tenses,
which overrides other considerations of time reference .
There is one sl ight compl i cation to the rule of sequence for tenses i n
Spanish, which \vi ll be treated here not onl y for completeness but also
because similar phenomena arise in the discussion of i ndi rect speech in
section 5 . 3 . Even where the main verb is in a past tense, it is possi bl e
(though not obligatory) to use the present subj unctive provided the
command issued sti l l has val i dity, i . e. provided it can sti l l be compli ed with.
This can be seen by contrasti ng the fol l owing two situations . I n the frst
situation, I issued an i nstruction to Juan yesterday that he shoul d leave
yesterday. I n other words , for Juan to compl y with thi s instructi on, he
woul d have had to l eave yesterday ; leaving today is not suffcient , because
the instruction cl early no longer has vali dity. I n this situation i n Spanish,
only the past subj uncti ve is possibl e : diie que Juan se fuese ayer ' I told Juan
to leave yesterday' Suppose, however, that although I i ssued the order to
Juan yesterday, it related to hi s departure tomorrow ( i . e . two days after I
issued the order, and one day after the present moment ) . I n thi s case , at the
present moment the order sti l l has val i di ty, and in Spanish one can say
either dzje que Juan se fuese mafana, usi ng the past subj unctive as by the
sequence of tenses rule, or dlje queJuan se vaya raiana , usi ng the present
subj uncti ve as the i nstruction sti l l has val i di ty.
I n this latter situation, where the instructi on sti l l has val idity, it would
also be possi bl e to use the perfect in pl ace of the preteri te i n the main cl ause ,
to make expl i ci t the continui ng relevance of the i nstruction he dicho que
Juan 3c vaya manana ' I have tol d Juan to l eave tomorrow' , though for
some speakers of Spani sh thi s is not possible if the main clause contains an
Juan este ( present ) quizts en Ls Angeles J uan is perhaps i n Los Angeles' , Juan estu'iese
( past ) quizts en Ls Angeles
Juan was perhaps i n Los Angel es' .
1 06
Indirect speech in English and Russian
adverb referri ng to a past time prior to today, i . e. not all speakers of Spanish
accept he dicho ayer que Juan se juese/vaya manana. ( I n English, the
literal translation ' I have told Juan yesterday to leave tomorrow' is, of
course, ungrammatical because of the general restriction in English against
collocating the perfect with adverbials referring to a specifc time in the
past . ) This last j udgement makes it clear that what is relevant in the
examples of this paragraph is not the tense of the verb in the main clause as
such, but rather the continuing validity of the instruction. 6 Thus we may
summarise the Spanish sequence of tenses rule in indirect commands as
fol lows : past subj unctive after a main verb in the past tense, except that
where the content of the subordinate clause has continuing validity the
present subj unctive may be used ; otherwise, present subj unctive. We shall
now see that a ver simi lar rule, interacting in interesting ways with tense
meanings, exists in English for indirect speech.
5 . 3
Indirect speech in English and Russian
The purpose of this section is to illustrate further sequence of
tenses by means of detailed consideration of one particular construction,
namely indirect speech in English. Since the rules for i ndirect speech in
Russian are different from those in English, as far as the use of tenses is
concerned, Russian data have been included to provide contrast with the
English material . To provide for easy comparability and to keep the
discussion within manageable proportions, it is restricted to examples of
indirect statements after the main verb say ( Russian imperfective govort l ,
perfective skazat ' ) .
I n both English and Russian, there is a clear distinction between direct
and indirect speech. 7 I n di rect speech, the original speaker's exact words are
6 In Latin the perfect g which covers the semantic range of both the Spanish preterite and the
perfect , can belong either to ' primary sequence , i . e. take a following present subj unctive, or
to ' secondar ( historic) sequence' , i . e. take a fol lowing past subjunctive, according to the
same principles as described for Spanish. While this might seem to be a criterion for treating
the Latin perfect as the superfci al syncretisation of two distinct underlying verb categories,
say ' perfect' and ' preterite' , the discussion i n the text demonstrates that this is not necessary :
the difference between primary and secondary sequences can be handled in terms of the
interpretations of sentences without the need to invoke distinct covert categories. Moreover,
the fact that in Spanish, which has a distinction between perfect and preterite, the
distinction between primary and secondary sequences does not correspond necessarily to
that between perfect and preterite in the main clause suggests that even less motivation
exists for the covert opposition analysis of the Lati n data.
7 Some languages lack a clearcut distinction between di rect and indirect speech, but what is
crucial for our present purposes, where indirect speech serves only as an illustration of the
i nteraction of tense meanings and syntactic rules, is that English and Russian do have such a
distinction. I n Engl ish there is, i nci dentally _ one set of adverbials that seems to behave
1 07
Tense and syntax
reproduced, without any change whatsoever, as inJohn said yesterday, Cl
shall leave tomorw'. Note in particular that in this example the pronoun I
refers to the origi nal speaker, i . e. John ; the adverb tomorw is interpreted
from the viewpoint of the origi nal speaker's deictic centre, i . e. the time
reference of tomorw is the day after John's utterance. I n indirect speech,
two obvious changes take place. The frst , which is optional , is that the
speaker' s original wording may be changed, as long as the same content is
expressed as in the original utterance ; in the example above one might , for
i nstance, replace leave by depar, as in John said that he would depar
More important for present purposes is the shift in deictic centre,
although for the moment we will specifcally exclude tense from our
discussion. Apart from tense, all the other elements sensitive in the
speaker's original utterance to his deictic centre are shifted to correspond to
the deictic centre of the person reporting this utterance. Thus, in the
example above, in indirect speech we fnd he for I of the original , and today
for tomorw of the original . I t is important to note that what is relevant in
going from direct to indirect speech is the shift in deictic centre, and not any
mechanical procedure for replacing one set of forms by another. Thus,
imagine that John says to Mary : you are intelligent. Now, if I report this to
Harry I will replace you by she , to give John said to M ar that she was
intelligent. If, however, I report this back to Mary, then you wil l remain
unchanged : John said to you that you were intelligent. I f Mary reports this
to me, thenyou will be replaced by I : John said to me that I was intelligent.
What these examples show is that any attempt to set up a mechanical
procedure for changing pronouns and adverbials in indirect speech would
require so many conditions that it would be hopelessly cumbersome ;
whereas the simple instruction to change the deictic centre automatically
produces the required deictics.
I n Russian, the same shift in deictics takes place in indirect speech. Thus,
if John's origi nal words yesterday were ja ujda zavtra ' I wil l leave
tomorrow' , then I can report this by saying Dzon skazal, eto on ujdet
anomalously with respect to the shift in deictic centre in indirect speech, namely adverbials
with a
o. Outside indirect speech, an expression l i ke ten years a
o invariably takes the here
and- now as deictic centre, and cannot be used with reference to any other deictic centre ; cf. I
am'ved here ten years ago, but I left that cty last year, havin
arved there ten years bfore/
earlier, where the ten years are to be counted from my leaving that city, not from the present
moment . I n indirect speech, however, one can have John said that he had am'ved ten years
o, which allows both the i nterpretation where the ten years are counted from the here
and- now and the interpretation where the ten years are counted from the time of John's
1 08
Indirect spetch in English and Russian
segodnja John said that he would leave [l iterally : will leave] today' . A
simpler eXampl e, in which the deictic of the reported speech changes from a
shifter ( absolute time referCHce) to a connector ( relati ve time reference) is
il lustrated by the fol l owing Russian eXamples with their Engl ish versions :
Dion skazal: 'a ujdu zavtra ' ; John said, 'I will lea'e tomorw' ; Dion
skazal, cto on ujdet na sledujuscij den ; Johl said that he wuld leave on the
following day. ThCre is, however, one crucial difference between English
and Russian indirect speech, and this concerns precisely the tense of the
verb in the indirect speech. In Russian, the verb i n indirect speech remains
in the same tense as in the corrCspondi Ug direct speech, i . e. there is no shift
whatsoever. This means that tenses i n indirect speech in Russian are
interpreted not from the viepoint of the deictic centre of the here-and
now, but rather with the deictic centre of the original speaker. This
therefore contrasts with the shift in the deictic centre for all other deictics in
Russian, as also in English.
I n English, clearly there is a ( possible) change in the tense of the verb in
the shift from direct to indirect speech, as we can see in the replacement of
wil leave (with future time reference) by would leave i n the examples j ust
cited. At frst sight , it might seem that this follows from the general change
of deictic centre already obserVed for other deictics . With this particUlar
eXample, this would i ndeed be compatible with the meaning of the future in
the past ( conditional ) would leave : a reference point i s establ ished in the
past ( namel y, the ti Ue of John's utterance) , and the time reference of the
situation located ( i . e. John's departure) is subsequeUt to this reference
point . Below, however, we shaH see that this is not the correct analysis of
tense in indirect speech in EHglish, since there is a different analysis which
gives correct predictions in a number of i nstances where the shift of deictic
centre aHalysis gives the wrong prediction for use of tense in indirect
speech ; it j ust happens that in the exampl e discUssed both analyses give the
same prediction.
Before leaVi ng the Russian example, it shoul d be noted that the inter
action of the rule reqUiri ng shift of deictics other than tense and the absencC
of any shi ft in tense, between di rect and indirect speech, can lead to
apparent conficts between ti me reference of the verb and of adverbials . (As
we shall see bel ow, si mi l ar conficts can arise in Engl i shg so further
discussi on of the Russian data is appropriate for coUparatiVe purposes even
in the context of di scussing the English Uaterial . ) Let us i magine that today
is the ffteenth of ll a
. I H our frst scenari o, Kol ya UttCred the fol lowi ng on
the eighth of May : ja pn'du cetynzadcatogo maja ' I i l l arrive on the
fourteenth of lla
' I f I eport thi s today i n Russian, then I wi l l say Kola
1 09
Tense and syntax
skazal, cto on pnOdet cetyradcatogo maja ' Kolya said that he would arrive
[l iterally : will arrive] on the fourteenth of May' . The tense in this sentence
is future pnOdet , although from the deictic centre of the reporter it has past
time reference, given its collocation with the adverbial cetyradcatog maja,
which has pat time reference. This Russian example is fully acceptable.
Similarly, if one takes a second scenario where Kolya's utterance is in the
future, i . e. on the' twentieth of May he will claim to have arrived on the
sixteenth of May, Kolya's actual words wi l l then be ja pnJel sestnadcatogo
maja ' I arrived on the sixteenth of May' . I f I report this claim today, then
the form will be : Kolja skazet, cto on prsel sestnadcatogo maja ' Kolya will
say that he arrived on the sixteenth of May' . Here the tense of prsel is past ,
although relative to the reporter's deictic centre it has future time reference,
as is clear from the adverbial sestnadcatogo maja, which has future time
reference. Thus it is possible i n Russian to combine past tense with future
time reference and future tense with past time reference, and indeed these
combinations are predicted by the generalisation that says that tense is not
changed in moving from direct to indirect speech.
Of course, if today is the ffteenth of May, then it would be possible to
refer to the fourteenth of May simply as yesterday, Russian vcera, and to
the sixteenth of May as tomorw, Russian zvtra. Thus we might expect to
be able to rephrase the above Russian sentences with indirect speech as
fol lows : -Kolja skazal, cto on prdet vcera ' Kolya said that he would arrive
yesterday' , -Kola skazet, cto on pnJel zavtra ' Kolya wil l say that he arrived
tomorrow' . For at least a wide range of Russian speakers, these two
sentences are ungrammatical , even though the principles outlined so far
would suggest that they should be ful ly grammatical , with the meanings and
interpretations intended. 8 I t seems therefore that Russian (or at least ,
Russian for many of its speakers, should it turn out that there is variation i n
j udgements on such examples) has a constraint preventing collocation of a
given tense with an adverbial whose meani ng is i ncompatible with the
meani ng of that tense . Thus it is impossi bl e to collocate the past tense
(which has past time reference as its meaning) with zavtra ' tomorrow' ,
because the meaning of zavtra ( ' day after today' ) includes future time
reference and is thus incompatible with past time reference. Likewise, it is
i mpossible to col locate pn'det ( future tense, future time reference as its
meaning) with vcera ' yesterday' , since the meaning of vcera ( ' day before
today' ) is incompatible with future time reference. The unacceptability of
For some Engl ish-speakers with whom I have consul ted, the gloss to the second Russian
sentence i s unacceptabl e ( i , e . K
ya wil say that he am" ved tomorw) , although the gloss to
the frst sentence is acceptable to all speakers, I return to this point belowo
1 1 0
Indirect speech in English and Russian
the examples discussed in this paragraph, in contrast to the acceptability of
the examples discussed in the previous two paragraphs, is, incidentally,
strong evidence for the need to distinguish between meaning and interpre
tation, not least in the discussion of tense and time reference. The verb form
pnOdet ( future tense) in Kola skazal, cto on prdet vcera ' Kolya said that he
would arrive yesterday' has past time reference, but what is crucial for the
rule restricting collocations of adverbials and tenses is not the actual time
reference, but rather the meaning of this gammatical category, which is :
future time reference. I n the informationally equivalent Kia skaal, cto on
prdet cetyradcatogo maja ' Kolj a said that he would arrive on the
fourteenth of May' , there is no violation of this collocation restriction :
although the adverbial cetyradcatogo maja has past time reference in this
example, this is not part of the meaning of the adverbial (when used on the
thirteenth of May, this adverbial would have future time reference) . The
rule restricting collocation refers crucially to the meaning, not the time
reference, of expressions.
Let us now return to indirect speech in English. If we take a sentence like
John said that he wuld leave, there are (at least) two ways in principle in
which one could account for the future in the past in the subordinate clause.
First , it might be the case that the verb is in this form because of its time
interpretation relative to the present moment, i . e. the reporter's deictic
centre would be the determinant . Secondly, it might be that English simply
takes over into indirect speech the tense of the frst speaker's original words,
however superimposing on this a sequence of tense rule whereby after a
main clause verb in the past tense the verb in the subordinate clause must be
shifted back into the past relative to the tense used in direct speech ; on this
analysis, English would be like Russian except for the addition of the
sequence of tenses rule. At the beginning of this section, we saw that other
deictics in indirect speech in English require the frst of these two analyses.
We shall now argue, however, that for tense the second analysis is correct,
i . e. the future in the past in the above example is determined not by the
speaker's deictic centre, but rather by a syntactic rule which takes the tense
of the original speaker's words (I will leave) , and puts them into the
corresponding past tense : here, the correspondent of the future is the future
in the past . The analysis will be j ustifed by showing examples where the
frst analysis fails to make correct predictions, or even makes incorrect
predictions, whereas the second analysis makes correct predictions in all
such cases, as well as in those cases where the frst analysis by chance gets
things right . The two analyses will be referred to as, respectively, the deictic
centre analysis and the sequence of tenses analysis.
Tense and syntax
One piece of evidence separating the two analyses is indirect speech after
a main verb in the future tense. Under the deictic centre analysis, a present
tense in direct speech should appear as a future in such indirect speech ;
under the sequence of tenses analysis, the tense would remain unchanged,
since the main verb is not a past tense. I n fact , to report John's words I am
singng in indirect speech one getsJohn will say that he is sinng, and not
John will say that he will be sinng. The latter sentence is, of course,
perfectly acceptable, but it differs in meaning from what is intended : it
refers to a situation where John's singing is subsequent to the time of his
utterance, i . e. where John's actual words are I will be sinng. The
acceptability of this second sentence shows that the exclusion of the future
from John will say that he is singng has nothing to do with possible
restrictions on the occurrence of the future tense in subordinate clauses in
English (see section
5 .
Under the deictic centre analysis, the incorrect
prediction would be made that both I am sinng and I wlbe singng should
have the same form in indirect speech after a mai n verb in the future tense,
namely John will say that he will be singng.
Even more compelling is a second piece of evidence, which concerns the
interpretation of past tenses in indirect speech after main verbs in the future
(or more generally with future time reference) . Let us return to a situation
used above in the discussion of Russian. I magine that today is the ffteenth
of May. I make a prediction that John will utter the following words on the
twentieth of May : I afoved on the sixteenth of May. The deictic centre and
the sequence of tenses analyses make clearly different predictions here.
Under the deictic centre analysis, since the sixteenth of May is in the future
relative to the present moment , at which I am reporting John's words, the
verb in the indirect speech should be in the future. Under the sequence of
tenses analysis, since the tense in John's original words is past , and since
there can be no shift in tense given that the main verb is non-past , the past
tense of direct speech should be retained. Of course, the correct form is
John wll say on the twentieth of May that he arved on the sixteenth of
May, thus vi ndicating the sequence of tenses analysis. With this interpreta
tion, it is quite impossible to say John will say on the twentieth of May that
he will amove on the sixteenth of May, since the tense of the indirect speech
indicates that John's arrival will be subsequent to the time of his utterance,
but this is contradicted by the time adverbials, given that the sixteenth of
May comes before the twentieth of May ( assuming that we are restricting
ourselves to a single year) .
Since, in the given example, the sixteenth of May and tomofw are
coreferential , we might try replacing the date by the time adverbial with the
1 1 2
Indirect speech in English and Russian
present moment as deictic centre ( bearing in mind that this is the general
principle for deictics other than tense in indirect speech) . This would give
the sentenceJohN will say on the twentieth of May that he amoved tomorw.
For some speakers of Engl ish, this sentence is fully acceptable (at least once
the i nterpretation is grasped) . For other speakers, it is marginal or totally
unacceptable. 9 Speakers who rej ect this sentence seem to have a constraint
similar to the one discussed above for Russian, namely that it is impossible
for them to collocate a tense which has a certain time reference meaning
with an adverbial that has a time reference meaning incompatible with the
meaning of that tense. Thus, in our example, arved ( past tense) has past
time reference as part of its meaning, while tomorw has future time
reference as part of its meaning, and this violates the collocation restriction.
e fact that arved is actually assigned a future time reference interpreta
tion is irrelevant . The version with the sixteenth of May is acceptable, since
future time reference is not part of the meaning of the adverbial , only an
interpretation that is assigned in this context . I n English, incidentally, for
speakers who rej ectJohn wlsay that he amOved tomorw, the restriction is
only against temporal uses of the past tense. The past tense in hypothetical
conditionals, which have non-past time reference, is perfectly compatible
with adverbials having future time reference as part of their meaning, e. g. 'f
John arved tomorw I'd be really happy.
Another set of data where the deictic centre analysis makes an incorrect
prediction but the sequence of tenses analysis makes the correct prediction
concerns the tense of verbs in indirect speech that happen to have present
time reference ( from the viewpoint of the reporter) , but are embedded
under main verbs with past or future time reference. Let us suppose that
John's actual words are I will be absent on the ffteenth of May, and that he
sai d this about a week ago ( and bearing in mind that we are imagining that
today is the ffteenth of May) . Under the deictic centre analysis, since today
is the ffteenth of May, this should be reportable as John said that he is
absent on the ffteenth of May/today, but in fact this is impossible with the
intended i nterpretation. Similarly, if a week from now John says I was
absent on the ffteenth of May, according to the deictic centre analysis this
should be reportable as John u'll say that he is absent on the ffteenth of
May/today. Agai n, this sentence is in fact impossible in the i ntended
interpretation. According to the sequence of tenses analysis, the second of
9 It may be that for at least some of these speakers the problem is rather one of constructing a
plausible situation upon hearing a collocation that is apparently i nternally contradictor,
rather than strictl y a case of ungrammaticalityo I am not sure at the moment how to
distinguish empirically between these two possibilities .
1 1 3
Tense and syntax
these sentences will involve no change in the tense used in indirect speech,
since the main verb is not a past tense, thus giving correctly John wil say
that he was absent on the ffteenth of May/today. ( Note that the adverb
today is compatible with all of present , past , and future tenses, since today
encompasses not only the present moment but also a number of preceding
and following time points. ) For transposition into indirect speech of John
said, 'I will be absent on the ffteenth of May' , the sequence of tenses analysis
predicts that the future tense of the direct speech will be shifted to future in
the past after the main verb in the past tense, givingJohn said that he would
b absent on the ffteenth of May/today, correctly.
To conclude the discussion of data relating to the distinction between the
deictic centre and sequence of tenses analyses of tense in indirect speech, we
should also consider the example John said that he would arve
(yesterday) , as a report of John's actual words 1 will amOve on thefoureenth
of May. The sequence of tenses analysis correctly predicts the future in the
past here : the main verb is in a past tense, therefore John's actual words
must be shifted into the past tense corresponding to the future, i . e. the
future in the past . The occurrence of the future in the past is not
incompatible with the deictic centre analysis, since, as was noted above, this
example of indirect speech establishes a reference point in the past (John's
saying) and then locates a situation in the future relative to that reference
point . However, under the deictic centre analysis the past tense should also
be possible, since John's arrival is located in the past relative to the present
moment ( recall that we are imagining that it is the ffteenth of May) , so that
with the same interpretation it should also be possible to say John said that
he amOved yesterday. However, this sentence, while fully acceptable, does
not have the same meaning as the sentence with the future in the past : in
paricular, it is compatible with a situation where John's arrival preceded
his utterance, which is not possible when the future in the past is used. This
thus gives a further piece of evidence in favour of the sequence of tenses
analysis and against the deictic centre analysis. We therefore conclude that
in English, the tense of direct speech is retained in indirect speech, subject
to an added requirement that if the main verb is in a past tense, the tense of
the original speech is shifted back into the past . The remainder of this
section will be concerned with refnements of this statement .
The English sequence of tenses rule, like that discussed above for
Spanish, is subj ect to one i nteresting modifcation. Even when the main
verb is in a past tense it is possible ( though not obligatory) to avoid i nvoking
the shift to past sequence in the subordinate clause provided that the
content of the indirect speech still has validity. Thus I can report John's
Indirect speech in English and Russian
actual words I am ill, spoken in the past , either asJohn said that he was ill or
dsJohn said that he is ill. I n the former version, no commitment is made as
to whether John's ( actual or al leged) illness is a state continuing up to the
present . I n the second version, however, it is necessarily the case that I am
reporting a ( real or imaginary) ill ness which I believe stil l has relevance.
One could use this version, for instance, if someone asked why John is not at
work today, in which case the question makes clear that whatever answer is
given must have current validity. The same failure to apply of the sequence
of tenses rule can be seen with other tenses in the subordinate clause, e. g.
John said that he would/will leave tomorw; one cannot , of course, have
John said that he will leave yesterday, where the time reference of the
subordinate clause clearly has past time reference, not continuing val idity.
A more complex exampie is reporting I will leave before Jane returs , as
said by John in the past . I t is possible to leave both subordinate verbs in the
non-past , i . e. John said that he will leave before Jane returs , with the
implication that John's leaving and Jane's return are possible future events.
I t is also possible to leave j ust the last verb in the non-past , i . e. John said
that he wuld leave before Jane returs , which leaves open the possibility
that John has already left , but implies that Jane has not yet returned - this
version could naturally be fol lowed by . and he has/did, which cannot
be appended toJohn said that he will leave beforeJane returs . The version
with both verbs shifted to past sequence, i . e. JohH said that he would leave
beforeJane retured, is the only version possible if John has in fact already
left and J ane has already returned - this version could be followed by
and he has/did.
I 0
The fact that one can retain non-past tenses i n sentences like John said
that he is ill, where the content of the reported speech has continuing
val idity, might seem to be an argument in favour of the deictic centre
approach to tense in indirect speech in Engl ish : given that the ill ness is
reported as holding at the present moment , the present tense is the obvious
tense to use. However, adoption of the deictic centre analysis, quite apart
from all the wrong predictions already di scussed, does not account for the
range of data found here , in particular since it is stil l possibl e to use the past
tense ( i . e. John said that he was ill) even if John's i l l ness sti ll has present
It is not possible to leave j ust the frst verb in the non- past , i . e. -John said that he will leave
beforeJane retured. I f the option of leaving a given verb in the non- past is exercised, then
this option must be extended to all subordi nate verbs. The relative time reference of the
verbs is irrelevant , cf . John said that he wuld/-will leave after Jane retured, John said
that he wuld/-will sing while I was here. The versions with asterisks become acceptable if
the fnal clause verbs also remain in the non-past , i . e. replacing retured by returs and was
by am.
l I S
Tense and syntax
time val idity (although, of course, i n this case the present validity is not
made explicit) . I t is therefore preferabl e to maintain the sequence of tenses
analysis, supplemented by the relaxation for verbs that have continuing
validity, in preci sel y the same way as was done i n section 5 . 2 for the
subj unctive in Spanish.
The fact that Engl ish has a sequence of tenses rule leads to an i nteresti ng
observation concerning the sentence John said that he would arve
yesterday, where the temporal reference of the subordinate verb is future
relative to a reference point in the past , established by John's utterance, and
also past with reference to the present moment . I n this sense , the sentence is
a mirror-image to John will say that he arved tomorw, where the
temporal reference of the subordi nate verb is past relative to a reference
point in the future, establ ished by John's utterance, and also future with
reference to the present moment . Above, we noted that the second sentence
is unacceptable for some speakers of English. Such speakers do not ,
however, have any similar problems with the frst sentence. I n Russian,
literal translations of both entences are unacceptable . Above, we accoun
ted for these unacceptabi l ity j udgements in terms of a restriction against
collocating tenses and adverbials whose meani ngs confict in ti me reference .
Crucially, while this constraint rules out both Russian sentences and the
second Engl ish sentence di scussed in this paragraph, it does not exclude the
frst English sentence with the future in the past in the subordi nate clause .
Although the Engl ish future i n the past does not necessari ly have ( absolute)
past time reference, its meani ng (future relative to a reference point in the
past) is not incompatible with past ti me reference , i . e . there is no confict
between the meaning of the future i n the past and the meaning of a past time
adverbial like yesterday. We thus predict that thi s sentence should be
acceptable even for speakers of English who have the constrai nt against
col locating tenses and adverbials with conficting time reference meanings .
This correct prediction is further evidence i n favour of the various claims
made i n this chapter, as here they i nteract i n a parti cul arl y i ntricate way.
I n stating the sequence of tenses rule, we noted that a verb i n a non- past
tense must be replaced by the correspondi ng past tense hen the main verb
is a past tense (subj ect to the option of not doing so when the situation
referred to by the subordi nate verb has conti nui ng val i di ty) . What happensg
however, if the verb in di rect speech i s al ready i n the past tense ? Here ,
English allows two possibi l i ties . Thus, if one wants to repOrt Jhn said, '[
amOved on FnOday ' in i ndi rect speech, ei ther one can replace the si mpl e past
by the pl uperfect to giveJohn said that he had amOved on FnOday , or one can
simply l eave the verb in the si mpl e past John said that he amOved on
1 1 6
Future in subordinate clauses
Fnday. 1 1 This suggests that there are in fact two slightly different versions
of the sequence of tenses rule, either of which may be applied. I n the frst
variant , a tense in di rect speCch must be put into the corresponding past
tense, so that a past tense in direct 5peech simply remains in the past , given
that the past corresponds to itself across the non-past/past dichotomy. I n
the second variant , a tense in direct speech must be put into the past tense
expressing one added degree of anteriority. F or most tenses in direct
speech, the two rules have the same effect , but for a past tense in direct
speech they produce, respectively, the simple past and the pluperfect . I n
fact , the second variant must be supplemented by a restriction ' provided
such a tense exists' . Thus, if the pluperfect occurs already in direct speech,
it simply remains in indirect speech, as in reporting I had seen her befofe
yesterday asJohn said that he had seen her before yesterday, since English
does not have any tense that would express antCiority to the pluperfect
(.. . that he had had seen
) .
I n this section, we have attempted to show how the interaction of a small
number of siUple principles leads natural ly to the i ntricate and at times
seemingly contradictory behaviour of tenses i n indirect speech in English.
Crucially, one of the principles i nvolved is the meanings assigned to the
various tenses, mCanings that remai n constant , but interact with and are
crucially referred to by other principles to give time reference interpreta
tions which at frst sight seeU to contradict the Meanings of those tenses.
. 4
Future time reference in English subordinate clauses
I n this section, we shall examine one very specifc set of data
from English, as an illustration of the complexity of interaction that can
obtain between meanings of tenses and other aspects of the syntax of a
3 As al ready discussed, in general English requires overt gram
matical representation of future time reference, for instance by means of the
future tense, or close paaphrases ( buch as going to) . Thus, in English one
1 1
The two versions seem to be disti nguished styl i stical l y, the version with the pluperfect
being more l iterary, the version with the simple past more colloquial .
1 2
I n fairness, i t should be noted that the alternation of pluperfect and simple past here could
be treated as an argument in favour of the deictic centre analysis of tense in indirect speech in
Engl i sh, and agai nst the sequence of tenses approach : the past tense would be j ustifed here
since the ti me reference is i ndeed prior to the present moment , the pluperfect since the time
reference is prior to the reference point established by the time reference of the main verb in
the past . However, given that the deictic centre analysis makes so many incorrect
predictions, it is preferable to continue to maintain the sequence of tenses analysis, albeit
with a slight wri nkle to account for the alternation of pluperfect and simple past .
3 The discussion of this secti on is essentially a condensation of the material presented in
Comrie ( 1 982) , which also includes some comparison with other langages.
1 1 7
Tense and syntax
can say it will rain tomorw or it 's going to rain tomorw but not , under
normal interpretations, it rains tomorw, even though the time adverbial
makes the future time reference clear lexically. Only where reference is to a
scheduled event can the present be used with future time reference, as in the
train leaves tomorw moring at seven o'clock . This generalisation holds
for mai n clauses and some subordinate clauses. I n a wide range of
subordinate clauses, however, we fnd that the future tense is either
impossible, being replaced by the present with future time reference even in
the absence of scheduling, or exists only as an alternative to the present
tense, as in the foll owing examples : 1 4
Ifyou golwill go out in the rain, you 'll get wet.
Wen you golwil go out in the rain, you 'll get wet.
And then you 'll come to an eagle which islwill be killing a snake.
I n what follows, we shal l concentrate on conditional clauses, as these
provide the most interesting interplay of factors, especially in so far as they
permit a wide range of temporal relations between the situations referred to
in the two clauses.
Fi rst , it should be noted that the restriction applies to the future tense,
i . e. the form using the auxiliary willlshall . Other expressions of future time
reference are not affected, in particular the going to periphrasis, so that one
can say 'f you 're going to go out in the rain, you 'll get wet . We may therefore
formulate a preliminary rule according to which in certain subordinate
clauses, in paricular conditional and temporal clauses, the future tense is
replaced by the present tense. This rule overrides the meanings of the
forms, so that even though you go out in the rain cannot be assigned future
time reference (i n the absence of scheduling) , this time reference is possible
for the present tense i n the appropriate subordinate clauses. We thus have a
further instance where a syntactic rule accounts for an apparently
anomalous use of a tense, relative to the time reference meaning of that
I n fact , it turns out that the precise nature of this rule is more complex, as
can be seen if we consider the time relation between the situation referred to
in the subordinate clause and the situation referred to in the main clause. I n
our frst example, i . e. i you go out in the rain you 'll get wet , the time
reference of the subordinate clause is anterior to that of the main clause.
1 4
Some of the asterisked sentences here and below have other interpretations, irrelevant to the
issue at hand, for instance modal rather than temporal interpretations of wl. Some of the
conditional clause examples also have possible interpretations involving more complex
temporal and other relations, as discussed below and in Comrie ( 1 982) .
1 1 8
Future in subrdinate clauses
One can construct similar examples where the time references of the two
clauses are the same (or overlap) g as in i you're still here at six o'clock we 'll
talk then, where the time reference of both clauses is at six o'clock.
Suppose, however, that the time reference of the subordinate verb is
subsequent to that of the main verb. Such situations are possible, though no
doubt less frequent in actual language use, and all one needs to do is think
up some situation where something that happens in the relatively close
future can be made dependent on something, or at least the promise of
something, that will happen in the more distant future. Thus I may promise
to give you some money in advance on condition that thereafter you do some
shopping for me (sayg with the inducement of your being able to keep the
change) . It is impossible to report this in EUglish by using the present tense
in the subordinate clause, i . e. i you do the shoppingforme I'lgve you some
money, which can only be used ( excluding habitual interpretation) to report
a situation where the transfer of money is anterior to or simultaneous with
the shopping eXpedition. To express the required time relation between the
clauses, one can either use the going to periphrasis or the futufe tense, i . e.
either i you're going to do the shopping for me, I'll gve you some moNey or if
you'll do the shopping for me, I'll gve you some money. Since the rle
restricting the future tense in subordinate clauses makes no reference to the
going to periphrasis, there is no problem about its occurrence here - this
periphrastic for is possible wherever its meaning is appropriate.
l 5
This might suggest amending the earlier rule to say that replacement of
the future tense by the present tense takes place where the verb in question
has absolute future time reference and also non-future time reference
relative to the verb of the main clause. This states correctly that where the
temporal relation between the two clauses is subordinate before or
simultaneous with main, then the present tense is possible and the future
tense is impossible. When the time relation is subordinate after main, it
correctly predicts that the present tense is impossible (unless, of course, it is
permitted by other factors, in particular scheduling) . However, it also
predicts that under this last set of circumstances the future tense would
always be possible. Unfortunately, this is not invariably the case. Imagine
the following set of circumstances : I bel ieve that at some time i n the
reasonably near future it is going to rain ; I notice that you are about to go
5 It follows from this that the going to constrction expresses nothing about the relative
temporal relation between main and subordi nate clauses, but only an absolute time relation
to the presnt moment . Thus the example sentence i you 're going to d the shopping for me
I'Ige yu soe money is possible whether the addressee's doing the shopping is prior to,
simultaneous with, or subsequent to the speaker's transfer of money to the addresse.
1 1
Tense and syntax
out ; I feel that you should take your umbrella with you in order to avoid
getting wet should it start raining. Then, with the going to construction, it is
easy to construct a conditional clause with the required temporal relations
between the two clauses and between each clause and the present moment :
i it 's going to rain, you should take your umbrella. However, even given this
set of temporal relations, it is not possible to say i it 'l rain, you should take
your umbrella.
Thus under certain circumstances, in a conditional clause with future
time reference, neither the present nor the future tense is possible. It is
necessary to specify what those conditions are, in particular the conditions
that permit If you'll do the shopping for me I'll gve you U8 money g but not
i it 'll rain you should take your umbrella. The crcial difference is that in
the frst example there is a causal relation between my giving you some
money and your doing the shopping: the sentence is acceptable only if this
causal interpretation is assigned. I n the second example, there is no such
causal relation. Or rather, it is implausible that there should be a causal
relation between your taking your umbrella and the subsequent occurrence
of rain. I n fact , if one accepts such a causal relation, i . e. if one believes that it
is possible to make it rain by taking an umbrel la, then the second sentence
becomes perfectly acceptable. Thus what is crucial is a causal relation going
from the main clause to the subordinate clause.
We can now summarise by formulating the rule for the occurrence of
tenses (present tense and future tense, excluding the going to construction)
in conditional clauses with future time reference. If the time reference of the
subordinate clause is not subsequent to that of the main clause, then the
present must be used in the conditional clause. If the time reference of the
subordinate clause is subsequent to that of the maiM clause and there is
causal relation from the main clause to the subordinate clause, then the
future tense must be used in the conditional clause. If the time reference of
the subordinate clause is subsequent to that of the main clause and there is
no such causal relation, then neither present nor future may be used in the
conditional clause. The i nteraction of factors in this example is particularly
complex, perhaps even surprising ( e . g. as to why the causal relatioU
between clauses should be relevant to tense use) , but it is precisely thi
coMplexity which indicates how the interaction of various principles can
lead to uses of tenses which at frst sight go counter to their time reference
This chapter has attempted to add fesh to the claim that apparent
exceptions to the meanings of tenses can often be accounted for in terms of
the interaction with other factors, rather than simply abandoning a given
Future in subrdinate clauses
proposed meaning for a tense as soon as an apparent counter-example is
found. In some instances the principles that interact with the meanings of
tenses are of geat generality, such as the sequence of tenses rules found in
many languages. In other instances, they may be ver specifc, such as the
use of tenses in conditional clauses in English. An even more specifc
example in English concerns the use of the present tense of verbs of
reporing, such as say, with past time reference, provided that the context
of the report has continuing validity. Thus, in reporting John's past
utterance I am ill it is, of course, possible to say John said that he wa ill (or
. is ill) , but it is also possible to say John says that he is ill, even though
his utterance is clearly in the past . The necessity for continuing validity can
be seen in that one can say John said that he was il, but now claims to have
recovered, but not John says that he is ill, but now claims to haTe
recovered. This is a ver specifc piece of information about a narrowly
restricted range of lexical items in English, but still illustrates the general
principle that apparent counter-examples to tense meanings can often be
accounted for by interaction with other principles.
1 2 1
Conclusion :
Towards a formal
theory of tense
The aim of this chapter is to draw together the major claims set out in
chapters 2-5, in particular showing how the generalisations established in
those chapters should constrain any formal theory of tense. The aim of this
chapter is thus not to build up such a formal theory, but rather to indicate
what results of the cross-language study of tense should be taken into
account by those who do wish to set up such a foral account. . The
presentation follows overall the order of presentation of the earlier chapters.
6. 1 Absolute tense
In order to establish formal representations of absolute tense, it
is necessar to specify the present moment , which we shall henceforh
abbreviate as S (for moment of speech) . In addition, we need to specify a
time point or interval which is occupied by the situation to be located in
time ; we shall refer to this time point or interval as E (for moment of event ,
though without restricting the use of this abbreviation specifcally to events,
rather than to situations in general ) . Notice that E is simply the time at
which the situation is located, and is therefore neutral as to whether this is a
point or an interval of time longer than a point . Finally, we need to establish
some temporal relations that enable us to relate S and E to one another
(more accurately, E to S, since we take S as given) . The relations in
question are before, after, and simul(taneous}. The relations before and
after have essentially their ordinar-language meanings, i . e. on the time line
an interval X is before an interval Y (X before Y if and only if each time
The representations are similar to those suggested by Reichenbach ( 1 947) , but with crcial
modifcations introduced by Comrie ( 1 98 1 ) ; the latter article compares the two systems
comprehensively. For absolute and absolute-relative tense, our representations turn out to
be conceptually very close to those proposed by J espersen ( 1 924: 254-257) , though with the
addition of the possibility of multiple reference points. Bull ( 1 963 : 2033) provide a
shema that allows for two reference points, and thus can represent the tempral value of the
English conditional perfect , but does not make the generalisation to an indefnite number of
reference points.
1 22
Absolute tense
point within X is to the left of each time point within Y; X after Y means
that each time point within X is to the right of each time point in Y. The
relation simul is defned as follows : X simul Y means that each time point in
X is also in Y and vice versa. 8imul is, of course, a symmetrical relation, i . e.
X smul Y is equivalent to Y simul X. As far as tense as a grammatical
categor is concerned, fner distinctions within the simul relation are not
required, i . e. languages do not have distinct grammatical categories of tense
indicating location in time at a particular point versus location in time
surrounding a paricular point . The relations before and after are, of course,
converses of one another, i . e. X before Vis equivalent to Y after X. Only one
of them need therefore be specifed as a primitive of the theory, though it
sems to be arbitrary which one is chosen. It will become clearer in later
sections why both relations are needed.
Given these two time points (8, E) and the three relations (simul, bfore,
afer) , we can now represent the three absolute tenses present, past, and
fUture, as follows :
Esimul 8
Ebefore 8
E after 8
From a formal viewpoint, the decision to write E to the left of 8 is arbitrar,
i . e. one could equally well write 8 simul E, 8 after E, and 8 bfore E,
respectively, although the choice of one set of statements rather than the
other should be made consistently; if the alternative formulation is chosen,
it will be necessar to invert all other formulae in the same way. The order of
presentation above does, however, have a certain intuitive appeal , since it
10cates E, the variable, in terms of the fxed point 8, rather than vice versa.
Note, incidentally, that in order to incorporate a separate universal tense,
it would be necesar to enlarge the theoretical apparatus, since our terms
non-universal present and universal would both be represented as E simul
S. If the claim of chapter 2 is correct, that natural languages do not
distingish universal tense, then this is strong point in favour of the
content of the representations suggested in this section : they permit
representation of those distinctions that are made in natural langages,
while disllowing representations of those distinctions of tense that are not
Before leaving absolute tense, it is necessar to consider the represen
tations of tenses like non-past and non-future, especially gven the wide
spread incidence of the forer among the languages of the world. One
slution would be to present a disjunctive defnition:
1 23
E simul 8 or E after 8
E before 8 or E simul 8
However, such a disjunctive defnition effectively denies the unity of
representation of a single grammatical category, and should therefore be
avoided in the absence of strong evidence in its favour . We therefore prefer
to increase the theoretical apparatus slightly by allowing, in addition to the
relations before and after, their negatives not-bfore and not-after, thUs
representing non-past and non-future as follows :
E not-before S
E non-ater 8
If the claim of chapter 2 is correct that no language has a nonpresent tense,
then we should not defne a relation non-simul, being the negative of simul.
In the represntations j ust gVen, one might wonder why a relation of not
before (and likewise not-after) is developed, rather than j ust negating the
representations for past and future to give, respectively : not (E before S) ;
not (E after 8) . These representations, however, are crucially not
equivalent to those suggested above as the correct representations. The
correct representation for non-past, for instance, says that the situation is
located within the time interval defned as not-bfore 8, and this correctly
locates the situation in this time interval , without saying anything about
what situation may have held in the past ( i . e. in the time interval defned as
before S) . The incorrect representations introduced for discusion in this
paragraph, however, say only that the situation in question is not located
before 8, without saying anything about where it is located, or indeed
whether it took place at all . Thus, not (E before 8) is consistent with E being
a non-existent situation, whereas E not-before 8 says explicitly that E is an
actual situation, located temporally at some time within the time interval
that is not before 8, i . e. which includes 8 and all time points after 8.
6. 2 Relative tense
The representations in section 6. 1 capture absolute tense dis
tinctions by relating the situation (E) to the present moment (8) . I n order to
captUre distinctions of relative tense, all that is necessary is to establish a
further time point , namely the reference point , symbolised R. We can then
relate the location in time of the situation as simultaneous with, falling
before, or falling after this reference point, as follows :
relative present Esimul R
1 24
Combined absolute-relative tense
relative past
relative future
E before R
Eafter R
Similarly, formulae can be derived mechanically for relative non-past and
relative non-future from the parameters already discussed :
relative non-past
elative noU-future
E not-before R
E not-after R
The maj or characteristic of all these representations for relative tense is
that there is a reference point R which is not anchored, i . e. which is not itself
located in time relative to any deictic centre, such as the present moment .
This corresponds to the observation made in chapter 3 that the reference
point for a relative tense is given by the context (and perhaps, by default in
the absence of any other contextual indication, taken to be the present
moment) , but that the meaning of a relative tense does not contain any
reference to the anchoring of the reference point a
6. 3 Combine absolute-relative tense
Here we consider the representations for tenses like the English
pluperfect and future perfectg in which, as discused in section 3 . 2, a
reference point is established relative to the present momentg and a situation
is then located in time relative to that reference point . For the pluperfect g
there is a reference point i n the past ( i . e. before the present moment) , and
the situation is located prior to that reference point, giving the
representation :
pluperfect E before R before S
This representation is to be interpreted as ' E before R and R before S' . A
number of important properties of this representation should be noted.
First, E is located relative to R, and R is located relative to S, but there is no
direct relation established between E and S. Since the relation before is
transitive (i e. if X is before Y and Y is before Z, then necessarily X is before
Z) , one can deduce E before S from the representation of the pluperfect , but
this is not part of the formal represeUtation of the pluperfect ; the import
ance of this observation will become clear when we discuss the future
perfect . Secondly, the ordering of E, R, and S in the representation is such
that R stands between E and S: this is true of all instances of combined
absolute-relative tense, and corresponds to the intuition that with such
combined tenses a situation is located relative to a reference point which in
turn is located relative to the present moment .
The genral structure of a tense representation within this framework can
therefore be symbolised as E (relative R) (relative S) , where relative is
cover-symbol for all the permitted relations (simul, before, after, not-before,
not-after) . The formula covers the following special cases :
E relative S
E relative R
E relative R relative S
Other possibilities, such as a direct relation between E and S when there is
also an R present , are not allowed by this system, which thus accords with
the account given in the body of the book. Of the four scheMatic representa
tions j ust given, E relative S corresponds to absolute tense, E relative R to
relative tense, and E relative R relative S to combined absolute-relative
tense. The representation E is allowed by the schema, but has not so far
been discussed : it would, however, be appropriate for the representation of
the temporal location of a situation in a language lacking tense altogether -
such a situation is simply not located temporally by the grammatical system
of the language in question.
Within this same system, the representation of the future perfect will be
as follows :
future perfect E bfore R after S
The only difference between this and the pluperfect is that the reference
point is in the future, rather than in the past, i . e. there is a sub
representation Rafter S corresponding to R before S in the pluperfect . Note
once again that there is no direct relation established between E and S, and
indeed all possible relations are compatible with the future perfect (i . e. E
before S, E simul S, E afterS) ; as was noted in section 3 . 2, the preference for
interpretations where E after S holds is pragmatic, a conversational
implicature, rather than part of the meaning of the future perect. The
representation given here has the great advantage that the future perfect
does not turn out to be ambiguous, according to the relative temporal
location of E and S, as is the case with Reichenbachs system.
The representation for the future perfect provides justifcation for a
number of the characteristics of the kind of representation advocated in this
chapter. First, it enables a relation to be established between E and R and
between R and S without establishing a relation between E and S, and as
was discussed in section 3 . 2 this is correct for the future perfect. In fact, the
representation system advocated here would not permit a direct relation to
1 26
Cobined absolute-relative tense
be expressed between E and S where there is also an R present in the
representation, and this correlates with the obseration that no language
distinguishes distinct ' future perects' according to the relation between E
and S. With the representation for the future perfect , unlike that for the
pluperfect, it is not possible to deduce the temporal relation between E and
S, since no relation between E and S can be deduced from the conjunction
of E before R and R after S; this suggests the correctness of our represen
tation of the pluperfect , where the fact that E before S is true is not part of
the formal representation, but rather is derived by general logcal principles
given the transitivity of the relation before.
Secondly, the representation for the future perfect demonstrates that
both of the relations before and after are needed in order to represent
adequately the range of tenses found cross-linguistically. If one were jst to
use a single relation, say X-V, meaning 'X is before Y' , as is done by
Reichenbach, then there would be no way of indicating E-R and S-R in a
single representation without also establishi ng a relationship between E and
S: and this is precisely the relationship that Reichenbach is forced to
establish, with his three distinct representations for the future perfect :
E--R; S-E-R; E, S-R (where the comma indicates simultaneity) .
The only possibility within Reichenbach's system avoiding this prolifer
ation of rCpresentations would be a conj unctive formula of the type (E-R)
f!(S-R) , which effectively loses the concept of a unifed representation for
this gammatical category.
It is, of course, possible, as discussed in section 6. 1 , to invert all of the
representations given in this chapter, replaciUg before by after and vice
versa, i . e. there are equivalent representations :
future perfect
S after R after E
S before R after E
The inversion must , however, be carried out consistently, so that in the
future perfect representation E before R after S it is not possible to invert
only the frst pair to give Rafter E . . Consistent inversion simply means
replacement of the abstract schema E (relative R) (relative S) by (S
relative) (R relative) E.
One diagrammatic disadvantage of the representations suggested in this
chapter is that left-right ordering, unlike in Reichenbach's system, does not
mirror chronological order. In terms of capturing all and only the distinc
tions that are relevant cross-linguistically to tense systems, however, the
present suggestion is clearly superior. It is possible to develop a visually
more direct system, combining Reichenbach's notation with that used here,
1 2
such that simultaneous situations are represented as separated by commas,
and the dash is used to indicate chronological precedence (earlier situations
stand to the left of the dash) , while time points not linked by either a comma
or a dash are unspecifed as to their relative chronological order. In this
system the representation for the future perfect would be as follos .
future perfect
While this representation is perhaps more direct visuallyg it is formally
equivalent to the notations in our system, not to those in Reichenbach's, as
can be seen crucially in the fact that the representation is no longer one
dimensional g as for Reichenbach. There is also a visual disadvantage in that
one must not read this diagam to mean that S and E are simultaneous, i . e.
left-right ordering does not correspond i n all cases literally to chronological
Using the same representation schema, it is now easy to give represen
tations for the future in the future and the future in the past (conditional ) :
future in the future
future in the past
E after R after S
E after R before S
These representations are thus similar to those for the pluperfect and the
future perfect , only replacing the frst before by after. For the future in the
future, it is possible to deduce E after S from the transitivity of after, but
this is not part of the formal representation. With the future in the past, j ust
as with the future perfect , it is not possible to deduce the chronological
relation between E and S, and indeed all three of the following are
compatible with the representation given : E before S; E after S; E simul S.
A minor extension of the formalisation enables one to represent even
more complex instances of time location, as when a situation is located
relative to a reference point which is in turn located relative to a reference
point which is located relative to the present moment . Thus, temporal uses
of the conditional perfect ( i . e. the future perfect in the past) can be
symbolised as follows :
future perfect in the past E before R
after Rz before S
We can incorporate the possibility of multiple reference points in our
general schema by replacing (relative R) by (relative R)n . The general
formula is thus E (relative R)n (relative S) . I n principle, the use of multiple
reference points provides an infnite number of possibilities, j umping from
1 28
Tense cobnation
one reference point to another. Of course, few of these are grammaticalised
in any language. However, it is equally true that there is rarely need for such
More complex representations - it soon becomes extremely diffcult to
compute the time location of a situation that involves several reference
points so it may well be that the non-existence of such referentially
complex tenss has to do with practical restrictions, rather than with
restrictions that should be built into the formal system. The formal system
does have the advantage that tenses that are more complex cognitively are
also given more complex representations.
6. + Dege of remotenes
So far, our representations have made no mention of degees of
remotenes. In principle, all that needs to be introduced to permit such
specifcations is replacement of the undifferentiated relations before and
after by relations where quantity is specifed as well as quality, i . e. where
magnitude can be assigned to before and after. This could be done, for
instance, by indicating the temporal distance between the two time points
alongside the relation, as follows :
yesterday past tense E bfore S one day
Before making any more specifc proposals, however, it would be necesar
to establish the cross-linguistic constraints on grammaticalisation of degees
of remoteness, a research endeavour that has only just been initiated. For
the moment, then, all that can be said is that it will be necessary to have the
mechanism to specify the magnitude of the relations before and after; we use
the abbreviation mag to indicate such a specifcation of magnitude.
6. 5 Tense combinations
Finally, we may consider tenses like those discussed in section
2. 6, which involve reference to situations holding at more than one point in
time, e. g. the ' still' and the ' no longer' tenses in some Bantu languages.
Since the references to the two times are distributed between presuppo
sition and asserion, we propose provisionally representations of the follow
ing kind.
' still' tense presupp : El before S
asser: El simul S
' no longer' tense presupp : El bfore S
assert : not (El simul S)
1 29
(The indexing of E is simply to indicate that the sme situation is referred to
in both pars of the forula. )
6. 6 Cncluion
The fnal conclusion to this chapter, and to this bok, can be
gven W a ver succinct forula :
1 30
tens E (relative R)" (relative S)
map ma
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For each language, I have specifed its genetIc classifcation in terms of genetic groupings
of increasing size (separated by commas) and, after the semi-colon, its geogaphic
Ancash Quechua (Quechua; Peru), 94
Arabic (Semitic, Afroasiatic; Middle East
and North Africa)
22, 56, 63, 64
Araona (Tacana, Pano-Tacana; Bolivia),
Armenian (Indo-European; Armenia,
U .S.S.R.), 26, 68.
Australian languages, s, 17, 83, 88
Bahinemo (Sepik Hill; Sepik area, Papua
New Guinea), I03.
Bamileke-Dschang (Banl i leke, Grassfelds
Bantu, Niger-Congo; Cameroon) , 1 I,
12, 23, 85-7, 88n., 91, 97f., 99
Bamileke- N gemboon (Bamileke,
Grassfelds Bantu, Niger-Congo;
Cameroon), 87, 91, 92, 96.? 99
Bantu languages (NigerCongo; Africa),
7n., 83
Buin (Bougainville; Bougainville, Papua
New Guinea), 50, 53
Burera (Australian; northcentral
Australia), 18n., 88., 100
Burmese (Lolo-Burmese, Tibeto-Burman,
Sino-Tibetan; Burma), 45! 502
Chukchi (ChukotkoKamchatkan; eastern
Siberia), 46
Czech (Slavonic, Indo-European; western
Czechoslovakia), 8, 12
Dyirbal (Australian; northern
Queensland), 39f., 45, 49, 5If.
English (Germanic, I ndo- European;
British Isles, North America,
Australia, New Zealand), ix
abut to, 74.,95
adverbials, 30, 3 If.
compositionality, 76f.
conditional perfect, 7Sf., 122n.
uture in the past, 7 S
future perfect, 2Sf., 6974
future tense and time reference, 19, 21,
- passim, 59., 117-21
indirect speech, 31., 107f., 109, lIon.,
111-17, 121
lexicon, Sf., 1013 passim, 40
past tenses, 10, 19f., 24f, 26, 4d.
perfect, 32-5, 41, 7
., 84,
pluperfect, 65-
7, 68f., 1I6f.
relative tense, 16., 21., 52f., 560,
62, I04n.
remoteness, degrees of, 8f., 59. , 84, 95
spatial deixis, I 4.
tenseless constructions, 52, 105
Finnish (Balto-Finnic, Finno-Ugic,
Uralic; Finland), 4., 49
French (Romance, Italic, Indo-European;
France, Belgiunl, Switzerland,
Quebec), 21,62,76
,77, 8I
., 9
3, 94f
Fula (\est Atlantic, Niger-Congo; West
Africa from Mauritania to Cameroon),
German (Germanic, Indo-European;
Germany, Austri a, Switzerland), 20,
3 I
44f., 49, 64, 8 If., 83
Greek (Indo-European; Greece), 103
Gumatj (Yolngu, Australian; Arnhemland,
Northern Territory), 18
Haya (Bantu, Niger-Congo; Tanzania),
9f., 46, 87, 90, 91, 9
, 95f.
Hindi-lJrdu (Indo-Aryan, Indo-European;
India, Pakistan), 68f.
Hixkaryana (Carib; Nhamunda River,
northern Brazil), 95.
Hopi (Uto-Aztecan; Arizona), 4
Hua (Yagaria; East New Guinea
Highlands), 46, 49f.
Imbabura Quechua (Quechua; Ecuador),
Italian (Romance, Italic, Indo-European;
Italy), 14f.
Jamaican Creole (Germanic, I ndo
European; Jamaica), 31
Kalaw Lagaw Ya (including dialects:
Mabuiag, Saibai) (Australian; Torres
Strait, Queensland), 12,87, 92f., 96,
Kamba (Bantu, Niger-Congo; Kenya), 96
Kikht (Chinookan; north-western
U.S.A.), 87, 99, 99
Kom (Grassfelds Bantu, Niger-Congo;
Cameroon) t 17" 92
Kru languages (Niger-Congo; Liberia and
Ivor Coat), 12
Latin (Italic, Indo-European; formerly
Rome and Roman Empire), 16, 56,
60f., 74, 82, 107
Limouzi (Occitanian, Romance, Italic,
Indo-European; Limousin, France),
85, 93
Luganda (Bantu, Niger-Congo; Uganda),
53-5, 80, 87, 93f.
Malagasy (West Indonesian, Austronesian;
Madagascar), 13
Maltese (Arabic, Semitic, Afroasiatic;
Malta), 77, 80
Mam (Mayan; Guatemala and Mexico), 3 I
N enets (Samoyedic, U ralic; northern
U.S.S.R.), 91f., 93
New Guinea Pidgin English (also called
Tok Pisin) (Germanic, Indo
European; Papua New Guinea), 12
Noni (Beboid Bantu, Niger-Congo;
Cameroon), 92
Index of Lnguages
Nootka (Wakashan; Vancouver Island),
Norwegian (Germanic, Indo-European;
Norway), 10f., 20, 32
Portugese (Romance, Italic, Indo
European; Portugal and Brazil), 31,
64, 77, 80f., 94, 100f.
Proto-Indo-European (Indo-European),
103, 104
Romance languages (I talic, I ndo
European; southern Europe and
Central and South Arnerica), 2
4n., 93
Russian (Slavonic, Indo-European;
U.S.S.R.), 20f., 9
aspect, 27., 38,42
indirect speech, 107-1 I
relative tense, 62., 67f., 70
Sanskrit (Indo-Aran, Indo-European;
formerly northern India), 103
Sotho (Bantu, N iger-Congo; Lesotho and
adjacent South Africa), 86, 90.
Spanish (Romance, Italic, Indo-European;
Spain and Central and South
America), 7, 15, 85,
, 9
Swahili (Bantu, Niger-Congo; East
Africa), 40., 8
Tiwi (genetic affliation uncertain;
Bathurst and Melville islands,
Northern Territory, Australia), 17.
Warlpiri (N gaya, Australian; Central
Australia), 1 2
West African Pidgin English (Germanic,
Indo-European; West Africa), 26,68
Yagua (Peba-Yaguan; Peru and Peru
Brazil-Colombia border), 99
Yandruwandha (Dieric, Australian; South
Australia), 17f., 98, 99
Yidiny (Australian; northern Queensland),
Andersn, S. c., 87n., 9In., 92n.
Arnauld, A., 93n.
Arnott, D. W., 104n.
Ashton, E. 0., pn., 53n., 80n., 94n.
Austin, J. L. 37n.
Bani, E., 12n., 87n., 92n.
Breen, J. G., 18n., 98n.
Byarshengo, E. R., 29n., 46n. , 87n.
Bull, W. E., 122n.
Cameron, M., 50n.
Carroll, J. B., 4n.
Cole, P., 61n., 94n.
Comrie, B., 6n., 27n., 28n., 32n., 33n.,
4In., 42n., 48n., 65n., 73n., 78n.
, 9
1 17n., 118n., 122n.
Dahl, 0., ix, 83n.
Derbyshire, D. C., 95n.
Dixon, R. M. W., 8n., 39n., 88n.
En, M., 12n.
England, N. C., 3 I n.
Fairbanks, G. H., 26n., 68n.
Fillmore, C. J., 14n.
Fleischman, S., #n.
Forsyth, J., 27n.
Gildersleeve, B. L., 16n., 60n.
Glasgow, K., 88n.
Grice, H. P., 23n., 28n., 4I n., 72n.
Hai man, J., 46n. , son.
Hale, K., 12n.
Hopper, P. J., 26n.
Hornstein, N., 70n. , 74n.
Hyman, L. M., I In. , 18n., 26n., 68n.,
86n., 88n., 92n.
Hymes, D., 87n., 99n.
Imbs, P., 76n.
J akobson, R., 56n.
Javanaud, P., 85n.
Jespersen, 0., 122n.
., 18n.
Kellog, S. H., 68n.
Kennedy, R., 87n., 93n.
Kiparksy, P., 103n.
Klokeid, T. J., 12n., 87n., 92n.
Lancelot, C., 93n.
. C., son.
. N., 25n., 33n., 47n.
Lodge, G., 1 6n., 6n.
Longacre, R. E., 103n.
Lyons, J., ix, I on., 12n., 14n., 23n., 54n.
McCawley, J. D., 4n.
McCoard, R. W., 41n.
Malotki, E., 4n.
Marchee, L., 12n.
Morolong, M., 86n.
Muli, M. G., 96n.
Mulira, E. M. K., 53n., 80n., 94n.
Ndawula, E. G.
., 53n., 80n., 94n.
Oirsouw, R. van, 33n.
Okell, J., 45n., son.
Osborne, C. R., 18n.
Payne, D., 99n.
Pitman, D., 99n.
Randriamasimanana, C., 13n.
Reichenbach, H., 65n., 66n., 74n., 78n. ,
79n., I 22n., 126 passim
Ross, J., 18n.
Salib, M., 63n.
Sapir, E., 13n.
Schabert, P., 80n.
Searle, J. R.,
Smith, N. V., ix
Stevick, E. W'j 360., 60.
Tereeno, N. M., 92n.
Traugtt, E. C . 3n., Isn.
Tucker, A. N., S3n., 80., 9.
Vanebo, K. I., 20n., 33n.
Index of Names
Waer, D., 77
Wald, B., 410.
Whteley, W. H . 96n.
Whor, B. L., 4
Woisthlaeger, E. F., 18n.
Wright, W., 63n.
Wuoderlich, D., i, zon.
absolute tens, I, 6, 36-55t 58, 63f., 85f.,
I 22- 126
acquisition of tense, ix
adverbials, colloation with, 2935, 38f.,
2 pas
m, 73f., 78f., 90f.,
I of., 101 I, I I 2f.
aspect, I, 6f., 11, 14, 26 pas, 38,40,
63, see aso indivdual ascts
binar tens system, ., 46, 4850, 123f.
boundaries, 87-101 pas
rigd and fuid, 2
f., 81
calendar, 14
cognitive complexity, 129
combinations of tenss, 53-5, 129
compitionality, 762
conditional, see future in the pat
conditional clauss, I 1820
connector, 56n.
context, see discourse
continuing validity, I 06f., I 14-16
cyclic tense, I 7f., 88f., 99f.
defnition of tens, I, 6, 9, see aso
individual tenses
deixis, I, 3, 9f., 13-18, 36, 107, see also
reference point
spatial, 14-16
desiderative, 46
discontinuous tense, 50, 53, see also cyclic
discourse, ix, I, 18f., 26-35, 52, 57, see
also adverbials, implicature, narrative,
reference point, relative tense
event,s, 122, see also situation
formalism, viif., 2, 74, 122-30
future in the future, 74., 128
future in the past, 75, 77, 128
future perfect 25., 67, 6974, 762
passm, 12(.
future perect in the pat, 75f., 77, 128
future tense and time reference, 19, 21,
24, 36, 39f., 43-7, 49f., 5052,
83-10 pasim, I 17-21, 123
gammatical categor, I, 7, 8f., 9I 3, I 7f. ,
77, see aso meaning and individual
habitual, 3941, 5If.
implicature, 21, 23- passm, 38, 4If., 43,
49,51, 54f, 57f., 6If., 63f., 71-4,
83f., 126
incorpration, I 7f.
indirect spech, 2, 3If., 75, 105, 107-17
ireais, 19f.
, 3
f., 45, 4
, 5
lexicon, 7f., 1
12, 40n., 51, 56., 83
meaning, ix, 1835 pasm, 102, see also
disours, gammatical categories,
implicature, tens and synta and
indual categrs
mod, see future tens and time reference
and indal mo ds
narrative, 28, 6If., 67, 102-5
necesar and suffcient conditions, Ion.,
18, 22f., 47
negation, 53-5 passm, 124
neutralistion, 52., 102-7
'no longer' tens, 42f., 54, 129
'not yet' tense, 54.
origin of time expresions, 3, 12, I S, 26,
45f., 81., 98
past tens, 19f., 24, 36,41-3, 83-101
pass, 123, see also perfect
t, 24f., 32-5, 77-2, 8+., lO.
perective, 27f., 42, 92, 96.
performative, 37
pluperfect, 24., 65-, 762 pasm,
125-7 pasm
prent tense, 3641, W.,
, 4
prent moment, 2, 14, 15

., 22, 36, 58,

91-3 passm, 122, 125, see also
abslute tens
preupposition, 54
proresive, 38f.
prototype, Ion., 19, 22.
realis, 39f.,
reference pint, 5676 pasm, 8Sf., I22n.,
124, 128n., see also relative tens
relative clause, 6In.
relative tens, I, I6f., 2If., 52, 562,
n., 124
abslute-relative, 64-2, 86, I 22n.,
pure, 564
, 1
Index of Subjects
sope of tense, I 2f.
sequence of tens, 2, 104-7, I I 1-17
squentiality, 26, 61f., 102-5
shifter, 56n.
situation, Sf., 1
'still' tense, 54, 129
subordinate claus, 48, 61, 62, 117-21, see
als indirect spech
tens and syntax, 2, 102-21
tens loc, viii, ix
tensles constrction, S2f.
tensles langage,
, 9, 40, 503
time, ix, 1,2-, 15

cyclic, 4., I7., 88.
loation in, 5-, 28
universal tens, 4of., 143
variation across langages, viif., I

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