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J. Dairy Sci.

© American Dairy Science Association, 2004.

Effects of Corn Processing on Growth Characteristics, Rumen

Development, and Rumen Parameters in Neonatal Dairy Calves
K. E. Lesmeister and A. J. Heinrichs
Department of Dairy and Animal Science,
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802

ABSTRACT taining RC had similar body weight, feed efficiency, and

rumen development but increased structural growth
Neonatal Holstein calves were fed texturized calf and ruminal butyrate production when compared with
starters containing 33% whole (WC), dry-rolled (DRC), the other corn processing treatments.
roasted-rolled (RC), or steam-flaked (SFC) corn to in- (Key words: corn processing, neonatal dairy calves,
vestigate how corn processing method affects intake, Holstein)
growth, rumen and blood metabolites, and rumen devel-
opment. In the first experiment, 92 Holstein calves (52 Abbreviation key: ADG = average daily gain, DRC =
male and 40 female) were started at 2 ± 1 d of age and dry-rolled corn, DS = days scoured, FE = feed efficiency,
studied for 42 d. Starter dry matter (DM) intake was HEM = blood hematocrit, HG = heart girth, HH = hip
measured and fecal scoring conducted daily. Growth height, HW = hip width, PL = papillae length, PTP =
and blood parameter measurements were conducted plasma total protein, PW = papillae width, RC =
weekly. A subset of 12 male calves (3/treatment) was roasted-rolled corn, RWT = rumen wall thickness,
euthanized at 4 wk of age and rumen tissue sampled SFC = steam-flaked corn, WC = whole corn, WH =
for rumen epithelial development measurements. Ex- withers height.
periment 2 consisted of 12 male Holstein calves rumi-
nally cannulated at 7 ± 1 d of age. Rumen fluid and INTRODUCTION
blood samples were collected during wk 2 to 6. In the
first experiment, postweaning and overall starter and Mechanical and chemical alterations during pro-
total DM intake were significantly higher in calves fed cessing increase surface area exposure and improve
starter with DRC than RC or SFC. Postweaning and ruminal, intestinal, and total tract starch digestibility
overall starter and total DM intake were significantly of seed grains (Huntington, 1997; Owens et al., 1997).
higher in calves fed starter with WC than SFC. Post- Starch availability, and therefore digestibility, typi-
weaning average daily gain was significantly greater cally is highest in steam-flaked grains, followed by
in calves fed starter with DRC than SFC. Blood volatile finely-ground, then dry-rolled grains, and is lowest in
fatty acid concentrations were significantly higher in whole grains (Theurer, 1986; Huntington, 1997;
calves fed starter with SFC than in calves fed all other Crocker et al., 1998). However, some researchers have
treatments. Papillae length and rumen wall thickness reported no differences in starch digestibility between
at 4 wk were significantly greater in calves fed starter steam-processed and dry-rolled corn (DRC) (Joy et al.,
with SFC than DRC and WC, respectively. In experi- 1997; Reis and Combs, 2000). In addition, higher levels
ment 2, calves fed starter with WC had higher rumen of grain processing negatively influence dietary fiber
pH and lower rumen volatile fatty acid concentrations digestibility (Joy et al., 1997; Crocker et al., 1998).
than calves fed all other starters. Rumen propionate Previous studies indicated that grain processing level
production was increased in calves receiving starter influenced rumen VFA production, rumen pH, and ru-
with SFC; however, rumen butyrate production was men NH3. Murphy et al. (1994) reported increased total
higher in calves fed starter with RC. Results indicate VFA concentrations and decreased ruminal pH when
that the type of processed corn incorporated into calf whole corn (WC) was replaced with DRC in all-concen-
starter can influence intake, growth, and rumen param- trate diets. However, grain processing had less influ-
eters in neonatal calves. Calves consuming starter con- ence on total VFA production and rumen pH when for-
ages were incorporated into the ration (Joy et al., 1997;
Crocker et al., 1998). Heat processing of grains has been
shown to increase ruminal propionate production (Joy
Received February 6, 2004.
Accepted June 29, 2004. et al., 1997; Crocker et al., 1998), whereas ruminal
Corresponding author: A. J. Heinrichs; e-mail: [email protected]. butyrate production appears to be enhanced by physical


processing (Murphy et al., 1994). Some researchers (0.43 kg/L), or steam-flaked (SFC) (0.39 kg/L) corn (DM
have indicated that increased grain processing lowers basis) were fed to 92 Holstein calves. Roasted-rolled
rumen NH3 (Crocker et al., 1998); however, this is not corn was roasted at 131°C for 90 s, hot water condi-
always the case (Joy et al., 1997). tioned for 15 min, coarse rolled while still warm, then
Different methods and extent of grain processing also air cooled for 15 to 20 min. Steam-flaked corn was pro-
have been reported to influence DMI. Highest intakes cessed according to the procedure described by Theurer
have been observed in diets containing dry-rolled et al. (1999). Calves (52 male and 40 female) were sepa-
grains, followed by whole, steam-rolled, and steam- rated from their dams shortly after birth, randomly
flaked grains, with finely ground grains resulting in assigned by sex to treatment, blocked by birth date (23
the lowest intake (Owens et al., 1997). However, diet blocks/treatment), and placed on experiment at 2 ± 1 d
composition and/or forage level has been shown to alter of age. Abrupt weaning occurred at 28 ± 1 d of age, with
or diminish grain processing effects on intake (Chen et
calves maintained on the study until 42 ± 1 d of age.
al., 1994). Feeding whole, dry-rolled, or steam-rolled
Calves were housed in a naturally and mechanically
corn resulted in similar rates of gain in beef steers
ventilated barn in 1.2- × 2.4-m individual pens bedded
(Theurer, 1986; Owens et al., 1997). Feeding raw
roasted, or conglomerated sorghum grain to calves re- with wood shavings. Nose to nose contact between
sulted in no effects on calf performance or rumen and calves was minimized by pen arrangement. All calves
blood metabolites (Abdelgadir and Morrill, 1995). How- received 4 L of colostrum within 12 h of birth, followed
ever, similar average daily gain (ADG), coupled with by 4 feedings of colostrum. Calves received a 20% CP,
decreased DMI, indicates an enhancement in feed effi- 20% fat, nonmedicated milk replacer containing all-
ciency (FE) when grains are heat processed (Schuh et milk protein (Land O’ Lakes Animal Milk Products Co.,
al., 1970; Owens et al., 1997). Arden Hills, MN) from 3 d of age until weaning. Milk
In the preweaned dairy calf, solid food intake, espe- replacer was provided in 2 equal feedings per day at
cially concentrate or high carbohydrate diets, stimu- 10% of birthweight mixed at 12.5% DM (ME = 4.75
lates rumen microbial proliferation and VFA produc- Mcal/kg; NRC, 2001) until abrupt weaning. Texturized
tion, subsequently initiating rumen development (Har- calf starter was offered ad libitum, and intake was mea-
rison et al., 1960). Therefore, alterations in DMI due sured daily, beginning when calves were placed on the
to differences in grain processing may influence the study. Water was provided free of choice and changed
rate and extent of rumen development. Butyrate and, twice daily.
to a lesser extent, propionate are used as energy sources
by the rumen epithelium and subsequently have the
greatest influence on epithelial development (Tamate Starter Nutrient Composition and Particle Size
et al., 1962). Grain processing level and the concomitant Starter samples were analyzed in duplicate for mois-
effect on VFA production may therefore influence ru- ture (AOAC, 1990). Crude protein was analyzed using
men development. Furthermore, increased starch di- a Leco FP-528 Nitrogen Combustion Analyzer (Leco,
gestibility, resulting from processing, may be advanta- St. Joseph, MI) with soluble crude protein determined
geous in neonatal calf growth. Conversely, a possible
as described by Krishnamoorthy et al. (1982), where
negative relationship between processing level and ru-
insoluble protein was recovered on 7-cm diameter filter
men pH may decrease rumen development or epithelial
paper and introduced into a Leco FP-528 Nitrogen Com-
absorptive ability (Bull et al., 1965). However, the ef-
fects of corn processing level on calf growth and rumen bustion Analyzer for determination of crude protein.
development have not been elucidated. Most corn pro- Values for total digestible nutrients, net energy of main-
cessing studies have been conducted utilizing mature tenance, and net energy of gain were calculated using
ruminants, and extrapolation of these results to imma- the NRC (2001) model. Starter samples were analyzed
ture ruminants may be limited due to known differences for NDF, ADF, and crude fat (AOAC, 1990) using a
in digestion kinetics, microbial populations, and rumen Tecator Soxtec System HT 1043 extraction unit (Teca-
capacity (Vazquez-Anon et al., 1993). Therefore, this tor, Foss NA, Eden Prairie, MN). Ash and mineral con-
study was conducted to determine the effects of corn tent were determined (AOAC, 1990) utilizing a Perkin
processing method on intake, growth characteristics, Elmer 3300 XL ICP (Perkin Elmer, Shelton, CT). Starch
rumen development, and rumen parameters in neona- and sugar content were determined according to Holm
tal calves. et al. (1986) and Dubois et al. (1956), respectively. Val-
ues for nonstructural carbohydrates were calculated by
MATERIALS AND METHODS the addition of starch and sugar content. Particle size
Animals, Housing, and Diets distribution was determined utilizing an Analysette 3
Texturized calf starters containing 33% WC (den- PRO Vibratory Sieve Shaker (Fritsch, Oberstein, Ger-
sity = 0.72 kg/L), DRC (0.76 kg/L), roasted-rolled (RC) many). Approximately 330 g (DM) of starter were

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 87, No. 10, 2004


placed on a series of stacked sieves arranged in descend- Rumen Tissue Sampling

ing order and shaken for 2 min at an amplitude of
A subset of 12 male calves (3/treatment) was euthan-
0.7 mm. Following separation, retained particles were
ized at 4 wk of age using captive bolt stunning and
weighed to determine the amount and percentage of
exsanguination. Digestive tracts were harvested, emp-
DM retained on each sieve.
tied, and rinsed with cold water, and rumen tissue sam-
ples were collected for analysis of papillae length (PL),
Fecal Scoring, Health Monitoring, papillae width (PW), and rumen wall thickness (RWT)
and Experimental Measurements according to Lesmeister et al. (2004).

Fecal scoring for determination of fecal fluidity, con- Rumen Cannulation Experiment
sistency, odor, and days scoured (DS) was conducted
utilizing the procedure of Larson et al. (1977). Scoring Twelve male Holstein calves were ruminally fistu-
was as follows: for fecal fluidity, 1 = normal, 2 = soft, lated with 28 mm (i.d.) rubber cannulas (Macam Rubber
3 = runny, or 4 = watery; for fecal consistency, 1 = Pty. Ltd., Baulkham Hills, Australia) at 7 ± 1 d of age,
normal, 2 = foamy, 3 = mucous, 4 = sticky, or 5 = consti- randomly assigned to the 4 treatments, and blocked
by birth date (3/treatment). Experimental procedures
pated; for fecal odor, 1 = normal, 2 = slightly offensive,
were approved by the Penn State Animal Care and
or 3 = highly offensive. A scour day was recorded if fecal
Use Committee.
fluidity = 3 or 4, fecal consistency = 3, and fecal odor =
In an attempt to equalize early starter intake, starter
2 or 3. During this study, an additional procedure (Hein-
was manually inserted into the rumen in an amount
richs et al., 2003) for monitoring calf health was used.
equal to the calf within the block having the highest
Scoring for the new procedure was as follows: for scour
intake until voluntary intake occurred. At least one calf
scoring, 1 = normal, 2 = soft to loose, 3 = loose to watery, per treatment required manual starter insertion during
4 = watery, mucous, slightly bloody, 5 = watery, mucous, wk 2 of the experiment, after which voluntary intake
and bloody; for respiratory scoring, 1 = normal, 2 = was sufficient enough to make starter insertion unnec-
slight cough, 3 = moderate cough, 4 = moderate to severe essary.
cough, 5 = severe and chronic cough; and for general Rumen fluid (15 mL) was obtained via the cannula
appearance scoring, 1 = normal and alert, 2 = ears using a small metal tube fitted with a 1-μm filtering
drooped, 3 = head and ears drooped, dull eyes, slightly screen attached to a 20-mL syringe. Blood samples (20
lethargic, 4 = head and ears drooped, dull eyes, lethar- mL) were collected via jugular catheter into evacuated
gic, 5 = severely lethargic. For the new calf monitoring tubes containing EDTA for plasma BHBA determina-
procedure, a scour day was considered if the scour score tion. Rumen fluid and blood samples were obtained 1
was >3. Calf fecal consistency was monitored daily us- d/wk during wk 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Sampling was per-
ing both procedures to determine scour occurrences, formed at 0 and 6 h post-a.m. milk feeding during wk
with results for DS from the new procedure compared 2 and every 2 h over a 22-h period during wk 3, 4, 5,
with the Larson et al. (1977) procedure for validation and 6. Rumen fluid pH was immediately determined
purposes. (pH meter, model M90, Corning, Inc., Corning, NY).
Weekly measurements of BW, withers height (WH), Ruminal fluid (15 mL) was then placed into bottles
hip height (HH), hip width (HW), and heart girth (HG) containing 3 mL of 25% metaphosphoric acid and 3 mL
were recorded. Blood samples (25 mL) were collected of 0.6% 2-ethyl butyric acid (internal standard) and
weekly at 4 h post-a.m. milk feeding via jugular veni- stored at −20°C until VFA and NH3 analyses were con-
puncture into evacuated tubes containing EDTA for ducted. Samples were later centrifuged 3 times at 4,000
blood hematocrit (HEM), plasma total protein (PTP), × g for 30 min at 4°C to obtain clear supernatant. Super-
plasma BHBA, and blood VFA determination. Blood natant was analyzed for rumen NH3 using a phenol-
samples from wk 4 and 5 were analyzed for acetate, hypochlorite assay (Broderick and Kang, 1980) and mo-
propionate, butyrate, and total blood VFA concentra- lar concentration of VFA by gas chromatography (Yang
tion, as described by Quigley et al. (1991), using ion and Varga, 1989). Plasma BHBA for calves used in the
exchange cleanup and gas chromatography. Plasma cannulation experiment was determined for wk 5 and
BHBA was determined on wk 3 through 6 samples us- 6 according to the same methods used in the growth ex-
ing the Stanbio β-hydroxybutyrate LiquiColor kit (pro- periment.
cedure no. 2440, Stanbio Laboratory, Boerne, TX).
Blood HEM and PTP were determined according to Statistical Analyses
Naylor and Kronfeld (1977) and McBeath et al. (1971), Data for intake, growth, and blood parameters were
respectively, for wk 0 to 6. analyzed as a randomized complete block design with

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 87, No. 10, 2004


23 blocks, whereas the rumen development data were Table 1. Ingredient composition of texturized calf starter containing
whole, dry-rolled, roasted-rolled, or steam-flaked corn.
analyzed as a completely randomized design. A re-
peated measures analysis was conducted using the Ingredients % DM
MIXED procedure of SAS (1999), with block and calf Corn grain 33.29
used as the random effect for the growth and rumen Cane molasses 5.08
development analyses, respectively. Differences were Oats 15.54
Premix pellet
noted at P < 0.05 and P < 0.10 for the growth and rumen Wheat midds 17.09
development analyses, respectively. The statistical Soybean meal 23.92
model used for analyses was: Calcium carbonate 2.35
Dicalcium phosphate 1.26
Salt 0.94
yptc = μ + αp + βt + (αβ)pt + eptc, Vitamin A premix1 0.02
Vitamin B-122 0.001
Deccox3 0.06
where yptc = an observed value for BW, DMI, FE, HH, Vitamin E4 0.009
WH, HW, HG, HEM, PTP, BHBA, blood VFA, PL, PW, Vitamin D5 0.008
Magnesium oxide 0.09
or RWT taken from calf c receiving corn processing Riboflavin6 0.009
method p at time t; μ = the overall mean of the popula- Selenium7 0.11
tion; αp = the fixed effect of corn processing method p, Calcium propionate 0.05
Trace mineral premix 0.016
where p = WC, DRC, RC, or SFC; βt = the random effect Flavor 0.16
of the measurement taken at time t, where t = 1 to 42 1
812,500,000 IU/kg.
d for intake analysis from the growth experiment; 0 to 2
1.36 mg/kg.
6 wk for growth, HEM, and PTP analyses; 3 to 6 wk 3
Decoquinate (Alpharma, Inc., Fort Lee, NJ).
for plasma BHBA analysis, and 4 or 5 wk for blood VFA 4
500,000 IU/kg.
analyses; (αβ)pt = the effect of the interaction between 5
44,000,000 IU/kg.
corn processing method p and the measurement taken 6
165 mg/kg.
at time t; eptc = the error associated with the measure- 7
ment taken from calf c receiving corn processing method
p at time t; eptc ≈ N(0,σe2).
RC, or SFC; βh = the fixed effect of hour h, where h =
Birth weight was included in the model as a covariate 0 to 22 h post-a.m. milk feeding; χw = the fixed effect
for preweaning and overall ADG analyses, and weaning of week w, where w = 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 wk for rumen
weight was the covariate for postweaning ADG analy- parameter analyses and wk 5 or 6 for plasma BHBA
sis. Initial measurements for HH, WH, HG, and HW analysis; (αβ)ph = the interaction effect between corn
were included in the model as covariates for their re- processing method p and hour h; (αχ)pw = the interac-
spective analyses. For the HEM analysis, PTP was in- tion effect between corn processing method p and week
cluded as a covariate. The model for analysis of rumen w; ephwc = the error associated with the measurement
development parameters did not include a time (β) or taken from calf c receiving corn processing method p
treatment × time interaction (αβ) effect. Starter DMI id
during week w at hour h; ephwc ≈ N(0,σe2).
was used as a covariate for all rumen development anal-
yses. A sex effect was included in all models, except for Analysis of starter DMI for calves used in the cannu-
rumen development, but was not significant. lation experiment was conducted in the same manner
Data from the cannulation experiment were analyzed as in the growth experiment. Due to the known interac-
as a randomized block design with 3 blocks. Double tions between starter DMI, rumen development, and
repeated measures (week and hour) analysis was con- rumen VFA production, starter DMI was used as a
ducted using the MIXED procedure of SAS (1999), with covariate in all cannulation experiment analyses.
block used as the random effect. Differences were ob-
served at P < 0.05. The statistical model used was: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Diet Composition
yphwc = μ + αp + βh + χw +(αβ)ph + (αχ)pw + ephwc,
Starter ingredient composition was identical for all
where yphwc = an observed value for rumen pH, NH3, texturized calf starters by design (Table 1), and nutrient
VFA, or plasma BHBA from the calf c receiving corn compositions were similar between the starters (Table
processing method p taken during the week w at hour 2). Starter containing DRC had higher P and K content
h; μ = the overall mean of the population; αp = the fixed than SFC starter. The DRC and SFC were obtained
effect of corn processing method p, where p = WC, DRC, from different sources, so the effect of processing

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 87, No. 10, 2004

Table 2. Nutrient composition and particle size distribution of texturized calf starter containing whole
(WC), dry-rolled (DRC), roasted-rolled (RC), or steam-flaked (SFC) corn.1

DM % 90.83 90.42 90.05 89.92 —
CP % 21.13 21.45 20.93 21.03 0.27
Soluble CP, % CP 16.18 16.30 17.15 17.25 1.21
TDN, %2 75.22 75.71 75.60 75.82 0.14
NEM, Mcal/kg2 2.24 2.26 2.25 2.26 0.01
NEG, Mcal/kg2 1.70 1.72 1.71 1.72 0.01
ADF, % 7.70 7.80 7.98 7.56 0.29
NDF, % 17.78 17.85 18.48 17.63 0.43
Ash, % 10.65 10.13 10.05 10.08 0.35
Starch, % 30.95 30.65 31.00 31.83 0.77
Sugar, % 6.18 6.55 6.65 5.93 0.30
NSC, % 37.18 37.20 37.65 37.75 0.57
Ca, % 1.61 1.55 1.69 1.63 0.08
P, % 0.91ab 0.96a 0.92ab 0.87b 0.02
Mg, % 0.32 0.36 0.34 0.34 0.01
K, % 1.19ab 1.23a 1.21ab 1.14b 0.04
Na, % 0.379 0.375 0.407 0.386 0.015
Fe, ppm 285 309 313 296 12
Mn, ppm 85 90 93 94 10
Zn, ppm 110 116 112 113 9
Cu, ppm 17 18 18 20 2
Particle size, % retained
6.70 mm 20.70 0.86 21.88 10.48 —
4.75 mm 14.68 14.16 13.17 12.33 —
3.35 mm 42.51 63.46 39.72 39.73 —
2.36 mm 17.27 17.05 18.19 20.78 —
1.70 mm 2.94 3.19 4.38 6.66 —
1.18 mm 0.75 0.52 1.01 2.73 —
0.60 mm 0.60 0.41 0.93 3.73 —
pan 0.56 0.23 0.71 3.60 —
Means within a row without common superscripts are different at P < 0.05.

All values reported on DM basis.
TDN = Total digestible nutrients, NEM = net energy of maintenance, NEG = net energy of gain; Calculated
using National Research Council (2001).

method on mineral composition may be confounded Growth Experiment

with differences in corn variety and environmental con-
ditions. Intake and weight gain. Table 3 presents least
Particle size analysis revealed that particles retained square means for initial, weaning, and final BW, ADG,
on the top 2 screens were predominately WC and whole FE (feed:gain), and milk replacer, starter, and total DM
pellets for the 6.70- and 4.75-mm screens, respectively. intake. Values for ADG, DMI, and FE are presented
Retained particles on the 3.35-mm screen were frag- for preweaned (wk 1 to 4), postweaned (wk 5 and 6),
mented corn kernels and pellets, with oats being re- and overall (wk 1 to 6) periods. Initial BW, and there-
tained on the 2.36-mm screen. Particles retained by fore, milk replacer DMI were not different between
the remaining screens consisted of severely fragmented treatments. During the preweaning period, no treat-
corn and pellet particles, minerals, and ration fines. ment differences were detected for DMI, ADG, or FE,
Dry-rolling corn reduced corn particles retained by the and weaning BW was similar for all treatments. Post-
6.70-mm screen but increased corn particles on the weaning, DRC calves consumed more starter than RC
3.35-mm screen, a result expected due to the processing and SFC calves. In addition, calves receiving WC
method used during dry-rolling. Steam-flaking corn starter had greater starter DMI than SFC calves and
also decreased corn particles retained by the 6.70-mm tended to have greater starter DMI than RC calves (P =
screen. Smaller particles in calf starters can negatively 0.10). Calves receiving SFC starter exhibited the lowest
influence rumen epithelial health due to their limited ADG during the postweaning period, gaining less BW
ability to physically remove dying epithelial cells and than DRC calves and tending to gain less than WC
their tendency to become trapped between papillae, re- calves (P = 0.06). In addition, FE was lower for SFC
sulting in rumen parakeratosis (Beharka et al., 1998). calves than DRC and WC calves during the postwean-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 87, No. 10, 2004


Table 3. Least square means for intake and BW of Holstein calves receiving whole (WC), dry-rolled (DRC),
roasted-rolled (RC), or steam-flaked (SFC) corn in a texturized calf starter.


BW, kg
Initial 92 41.69 41.79 43.08 42.40 0.95
Weaning 92 51.76 51.70 53.31 52.27 1.28
Final 80 62.36 61.29 62.83 60.31 1.58
Daily gain, g/d
Wk 1 to 4 92 354 358 354 345 26
Wk 5 and 6 80 721ab 743a 644ab 555b 62
Wk 1 to 6 92 469 474 455 433 25
Predicted daily gain,1 g/d
Wk 1 to 4 — 370 380 370 360 —
Wk 5 and 6 — 380 460 310 310 —
Wk 1 to 6 — 380 420 350 350 —
DMI, g/d
Milk replacer
Wk 1 to 4 92 519 521 536 528 12
Wk 1 to 4 92 164 172 131 126 18
Wk 5 and 6 80 1253ab 1354a 1148bc 1119c 50
Wk 1 to 6 92 551ab 589a 503bc 479c 24
Wk 1 to 4 92 683 693 665 654 21
Wk 1 to 6 92 885ab 923a 847bc 819c 25
Wk 1 to 4 92 2.05 2.33 2.20 2.08 0.22
Wk 5 and 6 80 1.89a 1.88a 2.07ab 2.33b 0.14
Wk 1 to 6 92 1.88 2.03 2.03 2.14 0.11
Means within a row without common superscripts are different at P < 0.05.
Predicted using National Research Council (2001).
Feed efficiency, expressed as a ratio of kilogram of feed to kilogram of gain.

ing period. However, observed treatment differences for nant calves are forced to rely more on postruminal nu-
postweaning ADG and starter DMI did not result in trients due to ruminal immaturity. Therefore, calves
final BW differences between treatments. In addition, receiving RC or SFC starter may have been more likely
during the postweaning period, ADG was not different to meet their nutrient requirements for growth than
between DRC and RC calves, despite the greater starter calves receiving WC or DRC starter, possibly explaining
DMI of DRC calves. Coupling this observation with the the differences in feed efficiency observed in the current
similar postweaning FE observed between DRC and study. Previous research conducted with mature rumi-
RC calves may indicate an increased ability for calves nants has indicated similar BW gains when rations
receiving starter containing RC to convert ingested nu- contained either DRC or SFC (Theurer, 1986; Owens
trients into BW gain. Overall, starter DMI was lowest et al., 1997). Results from the current study either do
for calves receiving SFC starter. However, overall ADG not support these findings or indicate a difference be-
and FE were not different between treatments, al- tween mature and immature ruminants in their ability
though calves receiving SFC starter tended to require
to use processed corn. In addition, trends for FE are in
more feed per kilogram of gain than WC calves (P =
contrast to those previously reported (Theurer, 1986;
Owens et al., 1997). In the current study, calves receiv-
Starter DMI in the current study was highest in
calves receiving DRC starter, followed by WC, then RC ing WC starter were most efficient, followed by DRC,
calves, with SFC calves consuming the least starter, and RC calves, with SFC calves being least efficient.
supporting previously reported intake trends found in Observed ADG from the current study was compared
mature ruminants (Owens et al., 1997). Intake differ- with predicted ADG (NRC, 2001). The NRC (2001) iden-
ences observed in the current study were carried over tified a void in the literature for calorimetric and/or
into postweaning ADG differences between calves re- comparative slaughter research conducted with
ceiving DRC and SFC starters. Heat processing has weaned, ruminant calves weighing less than 100 kg. In
been shown to increase postruminal energy availability addition, Blaxter (1967) indicated decreases in energy
(Huntington, 1997; Crocker et al., 1998), and prerumi- and protein use efficiencies for growth as calves aged,

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 87, No. 10, 2004

Table 4. Least square means for structural growth measurements of Holstein calves receiving whole (WC),
dry-rolled (DRC), roasted-rolled (RC), or steam-flaked (SFC) corn in a texturized calf starter.


Hip height
Initial, cm 80 79.47 79.12 80.43 79.70 0.50
Final, cm 80 85.76 85.66 86.77 85.66 0.53
Change, cm/d 80 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.14 0.01
Wither height
Initial, cm 80 75.79b 75.79b 77.22a 76.49ab 0.47
Final, cm 80 82.42ab 82.36ab 83.50a 82.14b 0.44
Change, cm/d 80 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.01
Hip width
Initial, cm 80 17.89ab 17.61b 18.24a 18.21a 0.15
Final, cm 80 20.34ab 20.15b 20.65a 20.27ab 0.19
Change, cm/d 80 0.06a 0.06a 0.06a 0.05b <0.01
Heart girth
Initial, cm 80 76.94 76.78 78.20 77.70 0.59
Final, cm 80 86.96ab 86.14b 88.29a 86.07b 0.70
Change, cm/d 80 0.23ab 0.21b 0.25a 0.21b 0.01
Means within a row without common superscripts are different at P < 0.05.

body weight and fat deposition increased, and diet different between treatments. However, daily HG
changed. change was significantly greater in calves receiving RC
Observed preweaning ADG was slightly lower for all starter than DRC or SFC starter. Due to increased HG
treatments than ADG predicted by the NRC (2001) growth, calves receiving RC had a significantly greater
model. During the postweaning period, observed ADG final HG than calves receiving DRC or SFC starter.
was greater for all treatments than predicted by the No other treatment differences were observed for HG
NRC (2001) model, indicating more efficient starter nu- measurements, and these observed differences were bi-
trient use than assumed by the model. Comparisons ologically quite small.
between actual and predicted ADG for the postweaning Results for structural growth observed in the current
and overall periods must be interpreted carefully and study indicate that processing method may influence
may not be valid due to weaning age, BW, gut fill, and partitioning of intake nutrients to bone or fat deposi-
dietary differences between the current study data and tion, likely due to differences in postruminal nutrient
NRC (2001) data. availability between processing methods (Theurer,
Structural growth. Least square means for initial, 1986; Owens et al., 1997). This was especially evident
final, and average daily change of HH, WH, HW, and for calves fed RC starter, as they consumed less starter
HG are presented in Table 4. There were no significant DM and had similar ADG and greater structural growth
treatment differences observed for initial, daily change, when compared with calves fed DRC starter. The same
and final HH. Initial WH was greater in calves receiving was partially true for calves fed RC or SFC starter when
RC starter than WC or DRC starter. Daily WH change compared with calves fed WC starter. Therefore, it is
was not different between these 3 treatments, but a possible that intake nutrients are partitioned to skele-
greater initial WH carried over into a tendency for tal or fat deposition when calves consume starters con-
greater final WH in RC calves than WC (P = 0.09) or taining heat processed or physically processed corn,
DRC (P = 0.07) calves. Calves receiving DRC starter respectively. Previous work with processed sorghum,
exhibited the lowest initial HW and were narrower however, showed no differences in growth of calves
across the hips than RC or SFC calves. However, a (Schuh et al., 1970; Abdelgadir and Morrill, 1995), with
greater daily HW change for DRC than SFC calves a tendency for calves fed flaked sorghum to eat more
resulted in no difference for final HW between these 2 of the grain.
treatments. In contrast, daily HW change was similar Blood parameters. There were no treatment effects
between calves receiving DRC starter and RC starter; for blood parameters measured over time; therefore,
therefore, final HW was greater for RC than DRC Table 5 presents overall least square means for HEM,
calves. Higher daily HW change for WC and RC calves PTP, plasma BHBA, and blood VFA concentrations.
when compared with SFC calves was not sufficient to Blood concentrations of acetate, propionate, butyrate,
result in differences for final HW between these treat- and total VFA were higher in calves receiving starter
ments. Initial HG measurements were not significantly containing SFC than in calves receiving starters con-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 87, No. 10, 2004


Table 5. Least square means for blood parameter measurements, days scoured, respiratory score, and
general appearance score of Holstein calves receiving whole (WC), dry-rolled (DRC), roasted-rolled (RC), or
steam-flaked (SFC) corn in a texturized calf starter.

Hematocrit 80 32.95 32.58 33.64 33.23 0.48
Plasma total protein, g/dL 80 5.48 5.50 5.47 5.48 0.06
BHBA,2 mmol/L 80 0.209 0.205 0.188 0.191 0.015
Blood VFA, mmol/L
Total VFA 40 0.481b 0.465b 0.425b 0.682a 0.041
Acetate 40 0.446b 0.430b 0.392b 0.635a 0.039
Propionate 40 0.008b 0.007b 0.007b 0.010a 0.001
Butyrate 40 0.028b 0.028b 0.026b 0.036a 0.002
Days scoured3 80 4.30** 4.10** 3.35** 3.50** 1.00
Days scoured4 80 7.15 8.70 8.10 7.40 1.07
Respiratory score5 80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 <0.01
General appearance6 80 1.09 1.07 1.07 1.08 0.02

**Indicates difference between scour scoring procedures at P < 0.05.

Means within a row without common superscripts are different at P < 0.05.
Blood hematocrit volume − percent of whole blood.
Plasma β-hydroxybutyrate.
Larson et al. (1977).
Scour scoring: 1 = normal, 2 = soft to loose, 3 = loose to watery, 4 = watery, mucous, slightly bloody, 5 =
watery, mucous, and bloody. Scour day considered if score > 3.
Respiratory scoring: 1 = normal, 2 = slight cough, 3 = moderate cough, 4 = moderate to severe cough,
5 = severe and chronic cough.
General appearance scoring: 1 = normal and alert, 2 = ears drooped, 3 = head and ears drooped, dull
eyes, slightly lethargic, 4 = head and ears drooped, dull eyes, lethargic, 5 = severely lethargic.

taining WC, DRC, or RC. Increased blood VFA concen- The RWT in calves receiving SFC starter was greater
trations in calves receiving SFC starter may indicate than in WC calves (P < 0.07). However, the SFC ration
increased rumen epithelial metabolic activity and/or had more fine particles that may have become trapped
increased rumen VFA concentrations. However, the re- by rumen papillae or were less effective in removing
lationships between peripheral blood VFA, rumen epi- dying epithelial cells, subsequently resulting in keratin
thelial metabolic activity, and rumen VFA concentra- buildup and rumen mucosa thickening (Beharka et al.,
tions have not been completely elucidated. 1998). No differences were observed between treat-
Calf health. Least square means for DS, respiratory ments for PW.
score, and general appearance score are presented in
Table 5. Calves were generally healthy; no significant Rumen Cannulation Experiment
treatment differences for DS, respiratory score, and
general appearance score were observed utilizing the Starter intake. Least square means for average
new procedure. However, the new procedure indicated daily starter DMI treatment × week effects from wk 2
more DS than the Larson et al. (1977) procedure, sug- through 6 are presented in Table 7. No differences in
gesting that the new procedure may be more sensitive. starter DMI were detected in the cannulated calves,
Results for treatment comparisons were similar be- but calves receiving DRC starter consumed numerically
tween the 2 procedures, indicating that both procedures more starter DMI during wk 3 to 6 as observed in the
are effective in determining treatment effects. growth experiment. However, due to the low number
Rumen development. Least square means for PL, of calves per treatment (3), differences in starter DMI
PW, and RWT from the subset of calves used to deter- failed to reach significance.
mine the influence of grain processing on rumen devel- Rumen pH. Least square means of rumen pH for
opment parameters are presented in Table 6. Papillae treatment × week are presented in Table 8. Although
were longer in calves receiving SFC starter than in rumen pH was greatest in WC calves throughout the
calves receiving DRC starter, despite lower starter in- study, differences between processing methods were
take for SFC calves. Rumen absorptive surface area inconsistent. Significant treatment × week interactions
increases as PL and PW increase. Therefore, the in- were observed during wk 4, 5, and 6.
creased PL for SFC calves may explain the higher blood Higher rumen pH in WC calves may indicate a moder-
VFA concentrations observed in calves receiving SFC. ate buffering effect of unprocessed grains, when concen-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 87, No. 10, 2004

Table 6. Least square means for rumen development measurements of Holstein calves (4 wk of age) receiving
whole (WC), dry-rolled (DRC), roasted-rolled (RC), or steam-flaked (SFC) corn in a texturized calf starter.


ab b ab a
Papillae length, cm 12 0.87 0.71 0.80 0.89 0.07
Papillae width, cm 12 0.57 0.54 0.51 0.61 0.07
Rumen wall thickness, cm 12 1.06b 1.10ab 1.14ab 1.21a 0.05

Means within a row without common superscripts are different at P < 0.10.

trates are fed at a high percentage of the diet. Similar cessing on rumen NH3 concentrations. Rumen NH3 con-
processing effects on rumen pH were reported by Mur- centrations did appear to decrease as starter intake
phy et al. (1994), who found decreased ruminal pH in increased, indicating ruminal microbial proliferation
feedlot steers fed diets containing DRC when compared and increased incorporation of NH3 nitrogen into micro-
with steers consuming diets with WC. Calves in the bial protein.
current study did not receive forages in their diets; Rumen VFA concentrations. Least square means
therefore, solid feedstuffs entering the rumen consisted of total and individual VFA concentrations for treat-
primarily of rapidly degradable concentrates. However, ment × week are presented in Table 9. Total rumen
rumen pH levels observed in the current study were VFA, acetate, and propionate concentrations were gen-
not dramatically low for young dairy calves, and similar erally lowest in calves receiving WC starter and highest
rumen pH levels for calves of comparable age have been in calves receiving SFC starter. Total VFA, acetate, and
previously reported (Vazquez-Anon et al., 1993). Ru- propionate concentrations increased linearly (P < 0.01)
men pH decreased linearly (P < 0.01) as calves aged in as calves aged in the current study.
the current study. Total rumen VFA concentration results support find-
Rumen NH3 concentration. Least square means ings in feedlot steers and in vitro studies (Trei et al.,
for rumen NH3 concentrations by week are presented 1970; Murphy et al., 1994). Conversely, others have
in Table 8. Although significant treatment × week inter- reported no differences in total rumen VFA production
actions for rumen NH3 concentration were observed when steam-flaked, steam-rolled, dry-rolled, and
during wk 2, 4, and 6, changes were inconsistent and coarse-ground grains were fed to lactating cows
highly variable. Rumen NH3 concentration changed (Crocker et al., 1998). However, no forages were offered
quadratically (P < 0.01) as calves aged in the current to calves in the current study, possibly explaining dif-
study. fering results between the current study and those uti-
Crocker et al. (1998) reported decreasing rumen NH3 lizing lactating cows.
concentration as SFC replaced DRC, attributing this Ruminal acetate and propionate concentrations ap-
effect to increased microbial use of available NH3. In peared to increase as the extent of processing increased,
addition, others have reported a tendency for decreas- with calves receiving SFC starter having the highest
ing rumen NH3 concentrations as starch degradability concentrations. Similar results for propionate have
increased (Aldrich et al., 1993). Rumen NH3 concentra- been reported in lactating dairy cows, with SFC increas-
tions observed in the current study fluctuated drasti- ing ruminal propionate at the expense of acetate and
cally across all treatments and do not indicate any butyrate (Crocker et al., 1998). Conversely, ruminal
definite effect of heat processing or mechanical pro- propionate production decreased when DRC replaced
WC in feedlot steer rations (Murphy et al., 1994). Ace-
tate production results from the current study contra-
Table 7. Least square means for average daily starter DMI (g/d)
treatment by week effect from ruminally cannulated Holstein calves dict previously reported results in lactating cows and
receiving whole (WC), dry-rolled (DRC), roasted-rolled (RC), or steam- feedlot steers (Joy et al., 1997). Conflicting results may
flaked (SFC) corn in a texturized calf starter. be explained by dietary forage incorporation in previous
Treatment studies and reported differences in rumen dynamics
Week WC DRC RC SFC SEM between mature and immature ruminants (Vazquez-
Anon et al., 1993).
2 11 8 6 15 7
3 49 56 21 48 28
Rumen butyrate concentration was higher in calves
4 89 112 63 111 70 receiving RC starter than in calves receiving DRC or
5 388 675 424 361 237 SFC starter during wk 5. No other treatment effects
6 687 1286 1033 904 219
were observed. However, rumen butyrate concentration

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 87, No. 10, 2004


Table 8. Least square means for rumen pH and NH3 treatment by week effect from ruminally cannulated
Holstein calves receiving whole (WC), dry-rolled (DRC), roasted-rolled (RC), or steam-flaked (SFC) corn in
a texturized calf starter.

pH 2 6.81 6.49 6.56 6.77 0.18
3 6.58 6.16 6.50 6.13 0.19
4 6.31a 6.18ab 6.13ab 5.66b 0.22
5 5.81a 5.45bc 5.37c 5.78ab 0.16
6 5.66a 5.41b 5.43b 5.44b 0.12
NH3, mmol/L 2 4.204b 10.084a 11.414a 7.797ab 1.930
3 4.314 5.805 7.398 7.068 1.845
4 4.967b 8.933ab 8.454ab 12.659a 2.230
5 9.100 3.626 8.572 5.007 2.189
6 3.742ab 3.985ab 4.692a 1.302b 1.473
Means within a row without common superscripts are different at P < 0.05.

tended (P = 0.06) to be greater in calves receiving DRC the current study partially supports these previous
starter when compared with calves receiving WC findings but make explanation of increased rumen de-
starter during wk 2 and tended (P = 0.10) to be higher velopment in these calves difficult. It is possible that
in WC than SFC calves during wk 6. Butyrate concen- the decreased ruminal butyrate concentration observed
tration tended to increase quadratically (P = 0.07) as in SFC calves is a result of increased butyrate use for
the calves aged with higher concentrations observed epithelial growth and/or an increased uptake of ruminal
during wk 3, 4, and 5. butyrate evidenced by a higher blood butyrate concen-
Roasting of corn appears to slightly influence ruminal tration for these calves.
butyrate concentrations in ruminally developing calves, Plasma BHBA. During wk 6 plasma BHBA was
and may indicate a possible advantage in using this higher in calves receiving WC (0.261 ± 0.038 mmol/L)
processing method in starter rations. Previous research or DRC (0.279 ± 0.038 mmol/L) starter than in calves
has indicated decreased butyrate production with SFC receiving RC (0.141 ± 0.038 mmol/L) or SFC (0.160 ±
(Crocker et al., 1998). Numerically decreased rumen 0.038 mmol/L) starter, with no other differences de-
butyrate production in calves receiving SFC starter in tected.

Table 9. Least square means for total rumen VFA, acetate, propionate, and butyrate concentrations from
ruminally cannulated Holstein calves receiving whole (WC), dry-rolled (DRC), roasted-rolled (RC), or steam-
flaked (SFC) corn in a texturized calf starter.
Total VFA, μmol/L 2 5.357 b
29.836 a
22.507 ab
3 40.369b 58.037ab 47.601ab 70.748a 9.606
4 56.749b 66.472ab 72.238ab 77.916a 8.486
5 91.896 90.767 99.755 83.492 10.252
6 98.410 90.540 109.780 114.240 13.304
Acetate, μmol/L 2 4.138b 17.604a 15.681a 13.880a 3.558
3 18.943b 28.666ab 24.987ab 35.241a 4.703
4 27.484b 34.005ab 37.253ab 41.966a 4.317
5 43.317 48.101 49.094 42.552 4.808
6 49.158 50.053 56.520 55.023 6.047
Propionate, μmol/L 2 1.092b 8.346a 6.214ab 7.123a 2.263
3 15.139b 21.241ab 17.093b 27.741a 4.520
4 20.117 25.260 24.699 29.162 4.178
5 35.146 34.491 37.391 33.563 5.565
6 39.434b 33.779b 44.645ab 52.694a 6.862
Butyrate, μmol/L 2 0.137 3.878 1.743 1.520 1.399
3 5.993 7.858 5.227 7.484 1.775
4 8.906 6.938 9.985 6.634 1.930
5 9.551ab 8.276b 13.296a 7.385b 1.962
6 9.894 7.300 8.989 7.089 2.256
Means within a row without common superscripts are different at P < 0.05.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 87, No. 10, 2004


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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 87, No. 10, 2004

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