Grade 9 LO Exam Term 2 - 2019 June

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Jeppe High School for Boys

Grade: 9
Examination: Life Orientation

Date: 4th June 2019

Duration: 1½ Hours
Total Marks: 70
Examiner: J. De Lange
Moderator: B. Riskowitz / B. Kemp
Number of Pages: 7


▪ Complete the front cover of your answer booklet.

▪ Answer all questions in the answer booklet provided.
▪ Number in the middle of the page.
▪ Rule off after each section.
▪ The following are not allowed in the examination room: school bags, cell phones,
smart watches, tablets, books, dictionaries, notes, sketches or paper.

Only the official examination material distributed by the invigilator is allowed

Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Mid-Year Exam 2019 Grade 9


Answer ALL the questions in this section.


1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions.

Choose the most correct answer and write only the letter (A-D) next to the
question numbers (1.1.1 to 1.1.5) in the ANSWER BOOK, e.g. 1.1.6 B.

1.1.1 Which of the following are the best ways to manage your time effectively?

A. Chunking, prioritisation, procrastination.

B. Prioritisation, making lists, brainstorming.
C. Procrastination, making lists, chunking.
D. Making lists, chunking, prioritisation.

1.1.2 Setting goals:

A. Is a bad idea because if you do not achieve them you will feel bad.
B. Is a good idea because it will help to direct and focus your efforts.
C. Should always be done at the beginning of the year and not just adjusted.
D. Is done to make your parents and teachers happy.

1.1.3 Identify the national holiday that celebrates the day South Africa
held its first democratic elections.

A. Youth Day.
B. Heritage Day.
C. Freedom Day.
D. Reconciliation Day.

1.1.4 South Africa’s “Rainbow Nation” is an expression used to describe:

A. The colours of the rainbow.

B. The celebration of our diversity post-apartheid.
C. Our personal cultural heritage.
D. A form of discrimination based on highlighting differences.

1.1.5 The following influences every person in their upbringing:

A. Community.
B. Media.
C. Culture.
D. All of the above. (5X1) (5)
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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Mid-Year Exam 2019 Grade 9

1.2 Define the following terms. Write only the definition next to the question
numbers (1.2.1 to 1.2.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.

1.2.1 The Employment Equity Act. (1)

1.2.2 The Basic Conditions of Employment Act. (1)

1.2.3 The Skills Development Act. (1)

1.2.4 Laws. (1)

1.2.5 Acts. (1)


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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Mid-Year Exam 2019 Grade 9


Answer ALL the questions in this section. Write your answers in full sentences.


Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow:

Source: Anonymous. No date. Available from:


Keletso is in Grade 9 and will be completing this grade at the end of the year. He is
unsure as to what route he should take to further his education. He is very interested in
IT, but prefers practical work over theory. His school does not have a school counsellor
to advise him, so he approaches you in the hope that you can assist him in making an
informed decision regarding his future.

2.1 Explain to Keletso what an TVET college is. (1X2) (2)

2.2 Compare Keletso’s two options, namely the NCV and NSC by discussing
details of what each would entail. (2X2) (4)

2.3 Evaluate and comment on the implication of each option for Keletso’s
future. (2X2) (4)

2.4 Define the term NQF and identify which NQF level Keletso will achieve
once he completes Grade 9. (1+1) (2)

2.5 If Keletso prefers to learn practical IT work instead of theoretical IT work,

suggest which option (NCV or NSC) would best suit him. Provide TWO
reasons for your answer. (1+2) (3)

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Examine the image below and answer the questions that follow:

Source: Maistry, W. 2018. Available from:

3.1 Explain the term “Bantu education” and state why this would not work in
our “New” South Africa. (1+1) (2)

3.2 Provide THREE summarised points of the events that took place on 16
June 1975. (3)

3.3 What aspect of the ‘right to education’ were the learners protesting
against? (1+1) (2)

3.4 Why is it important for the government to listen to the youth of the
country? (2X2) (4)

3.5 Propose TWO ways you (in your personal capacity) could commemorate
this important national holiday. (2X2) (4)


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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Mid-Year Exam 2019 Grade 9


Answer any TWO questions in this section.

Your responses must consist of paragraphs. Marks will only be allocated for responses
written in full sentences.


Study the images below and answer the question that follows:

Source: Teenactiv. 2019. Available from:

Natalie du Toit had her leg Lucas Sithole lots both of his Ernst van Dyk is is a South
amputated after a car legs and his right arm in a African wheelchair racer and
accident when she was 17. train accident when he was hand cyclist who was born
She achieved a gold medal at 12. In 2013, he made without legs due to a
both the Paralympic and wheelchair tennis history by congenital birth defect.
Commonwealth Games. becoming the first African to Winning countless medals at
win a Grand Slam event by the Paralympics, he was also
taking the US Open title. awarded the Laureus World
Sports Award for
Sportsperson with a Disability
of the year for 2006.

Construct an essay on human rights specific to people with disabilities (please number
your paragraphs clearly).

Use the following as a guideline:

● Define the term paraplegic and give advice to a friend as to how you
could promote equality on the sports field. (1+2) (3)
● Explain to what extent events such as the Paralympics promote and
recognise the rights of people living with disabilities? (3X2) (6)
● Recommend TWO practical ways businesses can adapt their working
environments to allow greater freedoms for disabled people to fully enjoy
their rights. In your answers, also indicate what impact EACH of these
changes could make in the psychological well being of these people. (2X3) (6)

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Life Orientation Jeppe Boys Mid-Year Exam 2019 Grade 9


Read the extract below and answer the question that follows:

Source: Anonymous. No date. Available from:


A friend of yours has been dating an older man for two months. He says that he loves
her and wants to start having sex as a way of proving this to her. He says that he wants
to be her first sexual partner and if she really loved him then she would want this too.
She really likes him but she is not sure that she is ready to have sex. Before she met
him she was planning on waiting until she had finished high school because she does
not want to risk falling pregnant while she is still in school. However, she is worried that
he will break up with her if she does not have sex with him. She has come to you for

Construct an essay on Risky Sexual Behaviour (please number your paragraphs clearly).

Use the following as a guideline:

● Define the term “unhealthy sexual behaviour” and discuss TWO negative
influences that promote this unhealthy behaviour. (1+2) (3)
● Explain how THREE potentially (sexually) risky environments (other than
school) could have a negative impact on your sexual choices. (3X2) (6)
● Advise your friend on TWO ways that she can make the best decisions for
her life. In your answers, also indicate what impact these good choices
will have on her life. (2X3) (6)

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Study the advert below and answer the question that follows:

Source: Brooks, B. No date. Available from:


‘Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls’ and ‘Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different’ are two books
that seek to empower boys and girls. The stories emphasise overcoming obstacles and
persevering, especially in a world where one is faced with many stereotypical gender attitudes.
The emphasis is to encourage children to become an alternative type of hero: one who checks
their privilege; one who is kind and selfless; and one who is not afraid to stand up for right.

Construct an essay on role models and the constitutional values they uphold (please
number your paragraphs clearly).

Use the following as a guideline:

● Define the term “role model” and state TWO purposes of a role model. (1+2) (3)
● Discuss THREE ways that admiring popularity, wealth, and status may
have a negative impact on an individual’s personal development. (3X2) (6)
● Advise young children on TWO reasons why it so he important to have
role models in a millenial society. In your answers, also indicate what
impact good role models will have on their lives. (2X3) (6)


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