Vocab - Short Test - Unit - 6A&6B

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Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________ Klasa: ________ Imię i nazwisko: _______________________________ Klasa: ________
1 W każdej kategorii zaznacz wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych. 1 W każdej kategorii zaznacz wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych.
1 Fish and seafood: tuna pork salmon 1 Meat: ham lettuce sausage
2 Vegetables: sausage cabbage lettuce 2 Fruit: spinach strawberry grapes
3 Snacks: nuts grapes crisps 3 Preparing food: fry slice sour
4 Preparing food: fry bowl peel 4 Kitchen equipment: pot roll bowl
___ / 4 ___ / 4
2 Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Niektóre litery brakujących wyrazów 2 Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Niektóre litery brakujących wyrazów
zostały podane. zostały podane.
1 Tommy, your dinner’s in the fridge. You just need to _ _ a _ it up in the oven. 1 Could you _ e _ _ the potatoes, please? They’re in the bag next to the fridge.
2 I like my coffee black and _ _ tt _ _, so I don’t take any milk or sugar in it. 2 This dish is too _ p _ _ y! How much chilli pepper have you put in it?
3 I’m on a diet. I’m trying to lose _ e _ _ h _. 3 I often eat some _ n _ _ k _ between meals, like nuts or crisps.
4 You can _ p _ _ _ d some butter or jam on the toast. It’s really good. 4 Hm, this soup needs more salt. You should _ _ d some.
5 We stopped at a baker’s to get some fresh bread and r _ _ _ s. 5 My favourite type of meat is _ _ _ f because I love a good steak!
6 When we go to a restaurant, my dad always pays the _ i _ _. 6 Don’t cut the vegetables on the table! Use a chopping _ o _ r _.
___ / 6 ___ / 6
3 Uzupełnij luki w tekście brakującymi wyrazami. Wybierz opcję: A, B 3 Uzupełnij luki w tekście brakującymi wyrazami. Wybierz opcję: A, B
lub C. lub C.
In my family we all like cooking, so we don’t eat (1) ___ very often. Besides, the My family like good food and there are some nice restaurants in the city, so we
good restaurants are always busy and you need to (2) ___ a table well in advance often (1) ___ out. When we go to a restaurant, me and my mum like to (2) ___ a
before you go there. My parents like dinner parties in our home and we often new dish, something we’ve never tried before. These are sometimes expensive, so
(3) ___ guests for a meal. My mum is a strict vegetarian, so she doesn’t eat any my dad doesn’t look very pleased when it’s time to pay the (3) ___. At home we
(4) ___ or fish. She makes delicious vegetable soups and salads. My dad’s often cook together, which is really great fun. I especially like baking cakes and
speciality is a Mexican dish called tacos. He likes to use quite a lot of chilli pepper, cookies with my mum because I love (4) ___ things. Unlike my older sister, who is
so his tacos are always very (5) ___ and makes you feel as if your mouth’s on fire! always trying to (5) ___ weight!
1 A outside B up C out 1 A cook B eat C take
2 A order B book C enter 2 A order B book C entertain
3 A entertain B please C add 3 A menu B special C bill
4 A sandwiches B meat C meal 4 A salty B sweet C sour
5 A sour B savoury C spicy 5 A miss B leave C lose
___ / 5 ___ / 5

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