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Unit 3


Voice Your Mind in a Small Country Called a Class

English Fase F

Arranged by: Ririn Wulanjari, S.S.

Taken from "Pathway to English" and other references

Unit 3
Voice Your Mind in a Small Country Called a Class

Theme: The voice of democracy

Project-Based Learning

Learning Objectives:
After learning this Unit, students
Mutual Assistance,
are able to:
Critical Thinking,
grasp the contextof spoken English
and use English to respond to
Election, vote, argument
1. use various poInt of views
strategy to initiate and sustain
conversations and discussion;
2. use English to communicate
3. teachers, friends or others by
showing facts, quotes, research
to your argument
4. read an argumentative text
especially a graph to analyze
the basic structure of an
argumentative text;
5. understand the meaning of
certain vocabulary in context;


What is Argument Text?

An argumentative text is one of the most common types of text and is characterised
by trying to persuade the reader of an idea by providing arguments.

Argumentative text adalah teks yang isinya berupa pendapat-pendapat

yang dikuatkan dengan adanya bukti, alasan, dan contoh, supaya pembaca
dapat mempercayai argumen si penulis.

Argumentative text ini serupa dengan teks persuasif. Keduanya juga mengandung
unsur persuasif atau membujuk secara halus, supaya pembaca yakin terhadap
apa yang mereka baca. Lalu, sama-sama menyampaikan argumen inti, yang
kemudian dilengkapi argumen-argumen pendukung dan beragam bukti.

The purpose of argumentative text is to convince, influence, or invite readers to

understand and support the author's views or opinions on a particular topic
(untuk meyakinkan, memengaruhi, atau mengajak pembaca untuk memahami dan
mendukung pandangan atau pendapat penulis tentang suatu topik tertentu

struktur argumentative text ada 3 bagian, yaitu

1. Pendahuluan (Introduction)
Pendahuluan merupakan bagian awal dari teks argumentatif. Fungsinya untuk
memperkenalkan topik yang akan dibahas. Biasanya, pendahuluan berisi latar belakang
tentang topik, gambaran singkat masalah, dan pernyataan pendapat atau argumen utama
penulis (thesis statement).

2. Badan Teks (Body)

Bagian badan teks argumentatif terdiri dari beberapa paragraf yang mengembangkan
argumen penulis. Setiap paragraf biasanya berisi satu ide atau sub-argumen yang
mendukung pernyataan tesis. Termasuk bukti, data, fakta, contoh, atau alasan logis untuk
memperkuat argumen.

3. Kesimpulan (Conclusion)
Kesimpulan adalah bagian akhir teks argumentatif yang merangkum kembali argumen utama
dan menyajikan ringkasan keseluruhan. Tujuan kesimpulan adalah untuk memberikan
pembaca kesan akhir dan menguatkan argumen penulis.


1. Read the poster then discuss the questions

with your friends and your teacher.



Monday - Wednesday, February 12-14
08.00 - 14.00
School Hall

1 2 3

Your Choice Matters!

1. Do you know about a student council President election? How do you know about
this election?
2. How many times does your school conduct a student council President election?
3. Which aspect might have more problems when conducting a student council
President election, communication, media, or campaign? Why?
4. From the poster, we know that all candidates should ensure voters that they are
better than others. Do you still remember what the candidates did during the
election in your school to persuade voters to choose them?
5. Do you like the student council President election in your school? Why?

2. Compare the following texts by answering the questions.


Where Fantasia Land Get Their News

Womack stated that rather than depending on free material from our social media
feeds, we all needed to pay for and consume news from credible and dependable
sources. He also said that high-quality journalism was not cheap. If we, as consumers,
did not subscribe, news outlets would be forced to rely more on advertising income or
stop publication completely.

1) What is mass media in your life?

2) Mention types of mass media found in your daily life!
3) Read The Power of Media in Fantasia Land. Why do you think kids, young adults, and
elderly people choose different mass media to get their news?
4) If you want to get news, which one do you like? Free content or subscribing content? Why?
5) What will happen if many people prefer free content
to reliable ones?
6) In your daily life, how do you distinguish between
factual fact news and fake news?
7) Let's compare the following sentences!
- News One and All News are where Fantasia Land people get their news.
- "We all need to pay for and consume news from reputable and reliable sOurces rather
than only rely on free content from our social media feeds."
Do you think the messages in the first and second sentences are different or similar? Why?
8) How far do you understand the power of the media in your daily life?
9) Do you think mass media helps you learn how to argue politely? Why?


3. Find out the meaning of these words.

congested addiction benefitting

prevalence reserved
grim development

4. Listen to arguments about various issues among your classmates.

Match the speaker's information with the right response. Draw a
line from the speaker to the responses. You may draw a line more
than once.

a. What's the problem with teenagers? Why do

they start smoking?
Speaker 1 b. Well, as a manager of a tobacco industry,
what are you going to do to overcome the
C. That's good news. Actually it's been a very
long dream since our first president.
d. I think it would be a good idea to talk with
parents whose children smoke.
e. l'm sorry, butI disagree with the movement.
Speaker 2
Opening a new city means destroying habitat
around it. Don't you think so?
f. Right! But it's worth nothing as it's the capital
that is moving, not the whole Jakarta with it's
10 million people.
g. Unfortunately, if we do it, the country's
economy will suffer. Jobs will be lost, incomes
Speaker 3 will fall, and tax revenues will plummet.
h. It's really serious. From a journal I read, it is
said that exposure to nicotine can have
lasting effects on adolescent brain

Tough Challenge

5. Listen to the recording once again. Fill in the table with the
information that you have just listened.

Speaker 1 Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Topic Topic
--------- ---------
--------- ---------

Arguments to support
Arguments to support
------------------------------ Arguments to support
------------------------------- ------------------------------
------------------------------- -------------------------------

6. Read and practice the dialogue with a partner.

Satria : Do you think ambitions and hopes are important?

Arjuna: Well, let me check the real meaning of ambitions
first. ..ambition.. okay I found it. Webster says an ambition
is a desire for success, honor, or power. It is something a
person hopes to do or achieve. For example my ambition
is to become a jet pilot. So we can say that there is a
hope in every ambition.
Satria : So an ambition is important, isn't it?
Arjuna: You bet! According to an economical expert, Peter, an
ambition drives us to advance and accomplish our goals.
He also claims that an ambition, when well-directed and
supported by values, represents a healthy self-esteem
and a greater capacity for abstraction and visualization
of the future. In my case to become a jet pilot, I have
been addicted to the word jet. You know I have collected
and read many books about jets. I think it's good as I am
able to combine my energy and ambition to make my
dream come true

Satria : I'm with you. From an article I read, researchers also support
ambitions. They say that a healthy amount of ambitions can help us
succeed in many ways. Driving ambition in healthy amounts can help
us grow as a person as well as become a stronger individual in mind
and body.
Arjuna: Right. However, ambitions can be achieved with adequate facilities so
we should control our ambition.
Satria : Are you serious? Sorry, but I disagree with that Poor will be poor if
we have no adequate facilities to achieve our ambition. I am sure if
we study diligently, many ways will be opened to us. Of course, we
have to try to do our best and never change our goals if there are
still possible ways. Wish on a star, reach for the sky.
Arjuna: Exactly! But still you have to change your goal if there are no
alternatives. Am I right?
Satria : I know what you mean but l'm afraid I disagree with you about this.
Above all, ambitions and hopes are important.

You can use the following expressions to argue politely
- I'm afraid I disagree with you about this.
- Sorry, but I disagree with that.
- I see what you're saying but...
- I understand where you're coming from, but....
- l'm not sure I agree with you about this.
7. Create a short dialogue with your friend to argue politely
followed by facts to encourage the speaker to continue
speaking in your conversation.
Do the following steps.
Choose one of the following topics to discuss
Listening to music is just a waste of time.
Watching YouTube too long can ruin your brain.
Men can survive without water in the desert.
We should sacrifice economic growth for the good of
the environment.
Consider any situations of your own.
Use some expressions to argue politely in the conversation.

8. Read the monologue and dialogue then discuss ;with your friends.


Are you a user of social media? How long do you spend your time on
social media every day? If you are a frequent social media user, it's a good
idea to consider the negative effects of social media on you and your peers.
You might not agree with me but here are some facts why I say so.
According to a book I read, Fear of Missing Out or FOMO is a
phenomenon that emerged along with the growth of social media. FOMO is
a granddaddy of text slang because this phenomenon has been arund for
years. It is not surprising that FOMO is one of the most common negative
consequences of social media on society.
Just like it sounds, FOMO is a kind of anxiety that occurs when you are
afraid of missing out on a pleasant event that someone else is enjoying. For
example, you could continuously check your messages to see if someone has
asked you out, or you might spend all day scrolling through your Instagram
account to ensure that no one is doing anything exciting without you. You
can also see images of something great that your friends were able to do
and feel left out since you couldn't attend because of another commitment.
This anxiety is constantly fueled by what you see on social media. With
greater social network usage, you're more likely to notice that someone is
having more fun than you are right now. That is precisely what triggers
Anxiety, loneliness, and fear of missing out have a serious impact on
your mental health. From a recent statistic, it is forecast that there will be
around 3 billion active monthly users of social media. According to the
statistics, it is obvious that social media has become an essential component
of our lives. A wide variety of studies and experiments show that people
have become addicted to social media. It is said that it is potentially more
addictive than alcohol and cigarettes. So, are you with me?


Latif : Look at this article about social media.

Naila: Social media? What does it say?
Latif: Well, apparently, they've found that social media has a great
influence on human life.
Naila: I know that.
Latif: Yes, well, it says here social media has an impact on many factors of
human existence, including voting, individual perspectives and beliefs,
and skewing a person's understanding of a given issue owing to
misleading information.
Naila: Really? Information is facts about a situation. How could there be
false facts? I can't believe that's possible.
Latif: The survey says that there are 7 negative effects of social media on
people and users.
Naila: Seven?
Latif: Don't accept this? Continue reading for a list of negative
consequences of social media. If you identify any of these as concerns
in your own life, it may be time to minimize or perhaps discontinue
your use of social media.
Naila: Stop using social media? Are you kidding?
Latif: Why not? It's better than feeling sad due to social media.
Naila: Let me see the article! Depression and anxiety? How come?
Latif: I agree with this statement. You know Social media allows you to
witness the deliberately chosen greatest portions of other people's
lives, which you can then compare with your own problems. Then can
you guess what happens?
Naila: Let me read it for you. Comparing yourself to other people is a sure
path to anxiety and unhappiness, and social media has made this
much easier to do.
Latif: It's right, isn't it? I felt a complete failure after reading and
comparing my idol with my life. I dread to think what you will say
about all this.
Naila: Well, but I disagree with that. I read many articles about everyone
else's lives too. I learn a lot about how they achieved their careers.
You know I love to read articles about famous people in the world. I
feel happy and want to try some tips that made them successful.

9. Read the monologue and dialogue then discuss with your friends.

1) What are the monologue and dialogue about? What clue did you use to make the
2) What is the significant difference between the monologue and dialogue?
3) Why do the users of social media always want to check the other users activities?
What clue did you use to make the inference?
4) How is Naila's arqument about FOMO? What clue did you use to fiqure this out?
5) Who is the speaker in the monologue, a user of social media or a critic? What clue did
you use to fiqure this out?
6) Write down the words and phrases that help you infer the danger of social media in
both texts!
7) Write the tricks used by the speakers to persuade the listeners to agree with their
8) Write the expressions to tell you that the speakers in both texts are showing many
agreements and disagreements in the conversation.

Agreements Disagreements

Things to Remember
Ae argurment does not oniy refer to a disagreemnent. It is not only a conflict between
persons. It is a part of critical thinking. Critical thinking is a set of intellectual skills to
solve problenms or discover truths. Critical thinking is criteria-based judgment not
How do we think critically?

Idioms found in this unit:

According to (It is a preposition. It means as stated by)
According to an economical expert, Peter, ambitions drive us to advance
and accomplish our goals.
Above all (it means 'the most important thing')
Above all, ambitions and hopes are important.
Idread to think (it is used when something that might happen in the
future makes you feel anxious)
Idread to think what you will say about all this.

Adapted from English Language Programs by U.S. Departmnent of State

10. From each of the following groups, choose two words or phrases that
describe the heading.

disorder realm misplaced roughly

an illness an area of forgot where not violently

of body interest to put not evenly
not well a very poor lost not exactly
organized area something
tidiness a piece of couldn't help
condition land

verbal jargon plethora temptation

wish you know

special more than
face to face you shouldn't
proverbs you need
virtual do
special words very large
directly regrets to do
special amount
phrases the amount
something that
we can use
makes you do

11. Work in groups to read and compare the following texts.

Text 1
IGD, or Internet Gaming Disorder, is a relatively new diagnosis. The internet is an
essential aspect of people's life all around the globe for business, education, and
recreation. Nevertheless, it has gone beyond typical use to what some people view as
addictive behavior, especially in the realm of online gaming. Here are the latest surveys
conducted in several countries.
According to statistics, more than 2 billions people worldwide play video games,
including 150 millions in the United States. Moreover, according to several polls, Internet
Gaming Disorder (IGD) affects between 1-10% of people in Europe and North America
In a survey of individuals in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and
Germany, research suggests that 0.3 percent to 1 percent of the general population met
the criteria for an IGD diagnosis. In Japan, a nationwide study of "internet addiction" was
conducted, and the samples that showed indicators of IGD varied from 0.7 percent to 27.5
percent. Another research on Norwegian gamers found that 1.4 percent of the sample
might be categorized as addicted, while 7.3 percent were problem gamers.

Text 2

How did you feel

when you
misplaced your



Text 3
Life Without Gadgets

Were your parents born before t the 1980's? They must remember very well how their life
before the information age. The life without access to internet or personal gadgets
actually had created different behavior, experiences and characters.
Here are some facts found in a life without gadgets.
Outdoors, children played together and engaged in a lot of physical activities.
People communicated with each other more often, and face-to-face was at its maximum.
There was no chat jargon, and individuals understood their spellings better as they read
more books.
People preferred to spend more time outside with family and friends.
Getting the news through the newspaper or radio was common.
Board games, sports, going to the movies, watching video cassettes, and other activities
provided entertainment.
Writers often utilized a type-writer or a word processor computer.
Computers were both pricey and large.
Conducting research was difficult; several trips to the library or searching through a
plethora of documents, books, and so on were required.
Communication was delayed.

Text 4

Blaire Lent, a Family Education's Teen expert, a founder of The Complete Student,
and a private school for middle and high school children elaborates that while YouTube
may be a fun alternative for teenagers, there are some inherent risks. There is little to
no content control, and the software encourages users to lose track of time by
repeatedly presenting more and more information that is only loosely linked to the initial
item seen.
Teens and adults may discover that what started as a one-minute video has expanded
into 30 minutes of continuous films that are becoming more unrelated to the initial
material. The risk for young users is that they will be exposed to improper videos without
having requested access to such content. What starts off innocently might quickly turn
into something improper.
Due to the nature of its platform, YouTube is unquestionably a time-sucker. It's almost
tough to sit down and watch just one video. Cooper, 13 stated that he likes to watch
YouTube because it is entertaining, amusing, and gets him to learn a lot. YouTube holes
may be incredibly difficult for young kids to manage. It's difficult to quit watching when
a similar video starts playing as soon as the one you're viewing finishes. While a video is
playing, recommended videos are offered along the sidebar. With so many options and
the temptation to keep viewing so clearly featured, it would be difficult to expect kids to
be able to establish their own boundaries and self- regulate the emotional demands that
YouTube now fulfills.

12. After reading the texts, do you find something new or interesting?
What are they?

Something new Something interesting

Do you

You might find that internet English is different from casual English.
There are many strange phrases, abbreviation and words on the Internet
such as OMG, LOL.
Social media and online forums, for example, use English that may be
unfamiliar to you. That's because communicating through the Internet differs
greatly from communicating in person or even over email. Online English is
informal and personal, with a lot of slang.

So to help you keep up, here is a list of famous slang terms you might see

13.. Are you familiar with

Internet slang Abbreviation
these abbreviations? Let’s
find out!
BRB Be right back
LOL Laughing out loud
IDK I don't know
LMK Let me know OTW
G2g Got to go BTW
DM Direct message DIY
RT Retweet AKA
AMA Ask me anything ILY
IIRC If I recall correctly B4
IMHO In my humble opinion
FAQ Frequently asked question
Totes Totally
ASAP as soon as possible

14. Read the texts again then find some facts about IGD and gadgets.
Draw a line to the correct answers. You may draw a line more than once.
1. It refers to Internet Gaming Disorder.
2. It is an addictive behavior in online gaming.
3. 2,000,000 gamers are living in the US.
Fact about IGD 4. It affects 1-10% European and American gamers.
5. A national survey of IGD was also done in
6. The worst fact of online game addiction was found
in Japan.

1. Fast communication.
2. Children do a lot of physical activity.
Fact about gadgets 3. Users can talk to each other directly.
4. People read less.
5. Doing research is very easy.

15. Read the texts again and answer these questions. You can choose
more than one option.

1) According to the survey in Text 2, how did the feel when they forgot where
they had put their smartphones?
All felt worried and frightened.
Some people felt happy.
Even though some people felt happy, more people felt very sad.
The situation affected some people physically or mentally.
For most people, the situation didn't influence their activities.

2) What is Text 1 about?

The latest survey of IGD.
The meaning of Internet Gaming Disorder.
Facts about IGD in several countries
3) What is the purpose of showing the survey in Text 1?
To display a specific information about IGD.
To present a logical argument to the readers.
To show the plan to overcome IGD.
4) What is Text 2 about?
The survey of people's reaction when they misplaced their phones.
The latest survey of smartphone's owners.
People's feeling when they lost their phones.

5) What is the aim of showing the survey in Text 2?
To support the writer's argument.
To report a real fact of the importance of smartphones in people's life.
To rebut a false information about the function of smartphones.

16. Write numbers in the box according to the information given by the writer
in Text 3 and 4.

Text Paragraph

Gadgets influence people's behaviors, experiences, and


The danger of watching YouTube among children.

Recommendation videos will automatically play so it's

impossible to watch only one video.

Only few people could afford to buy computers to make

their life easier.

YouTube is fun for teenagers as it offers interesting and

funny contents.

Entertainment was limited. You had to go to the cinemas

to watch a movie.

17. Read the texts once again, then complete the following columns.
See the examples.

Do this Don’t do this

Text 1: Do a survey in your class! Text 1: Don’t play too many online

Text 2: ............................................................ Text 2: ............................................................

Text 3: ............................................................ Text 3: ............................................................
Text 4: ............................................................ Text 4: ............................................................

18. Can you express your denial o the argument in the texts? Write
your answers. See the example.


Text 1: ........................................................................................
Text 2: ......................................................................................

Text 3: ......................................................................................

Text 4: That’s not entirely true. My older

sister has become one of famous chefs in this
city because of YouTube. She has been
watching YouTube since 5 years old and she
found her passion in cooking from YouTube.

19. Pay attention to some words or phrases used in the texts.

Match them with their meanings

Sentence Meanings
1) However, it has gone beyond typical use to what some a) time consuming
people view as addictive behavior, especially in the realm
of online gaming.
2) .....and among this group, roughly half say their child b) uncovered
does this on a daily basis.
3) Doing research was hard; frequent visits to the library or c) brainlessly
scouring through a plethora of papers, books, etc. were
4) Teens and adults can find that what began as a one- d) obviously
minute video, has mindlessly turned into 30 minutes of
continuous videos that are increasingly less related to the
original content.
5) The danger for teen users is that they will be exposed to e) can’t stop
videos that are inappropriate without requesting access to
such material.
6) Also, there are tons of YouTube holes you can go down f) a 24-hour need
to find millions of videos on a certain subject.
7) YouTube is definitely a time-sucker due to the nature of g) searching
its format. It's nearly impossible to sit down and just watch
one video.
3) With so many choices and with the temptation to keep h) reach
watching so blatantly displayed, it would be hard to expect
teens to be able to set their own limits and self-regulate
the emotional needs that YouTube is fulfilling at the


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