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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Integrated Poultry and Fish Farming System

This project is submitted to Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) Department.

Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology. Hamdard University Bangladesh in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical
and Electronic Engineering (B. Sc. in EEE).

This project was presented in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)

Bangladesh 2023


Hamdard City of Science, Education & Culture, Gazaria, Munshiganj-1510, Bangladesh
Submitted By
Name ID

Abu Hasan 555201024

Jahangir Alam 555201004


Nur Mohammad Molla


Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Hamdard University Bangladesh

December 2023
© Copyright 2023

Project/Thesis Assessment Committee:




Faculty of Science, Engineering & Technology

Hamdard University Bangladesh



Nur Mohammad Molla


Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Hamdard University Bangladesh



Asfaqur Rahman
Head of the department,

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Hamdard University Bangladesh


Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Candidate Declaration
This is to certify that the work presented in this project is the outcome of the investigation
carried out by the following student under supervision of Nur Mohammad Molla,
Lecturer of the Department Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), Faculty of
Science, Engineering and Technolog Hamdard University Bangladesh.
It also declared that neither of this project nor any part has been submitted anywhere else
for the award of any degree.

…………………….. …….……….………..
Abu Hasan Jahangir Alam
ID No. 555201024 ID No. 555192030

The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance
from many people and I am extremely privileged to have got this all along the completion

of our project. All that we have done are only due to such supervision and assistance and
we would not forget to thank them.

I would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to our supervisor Nur
Mohammad Molla, Lecturer, Department of EEE, Hamdard University Bangladesh, for
his brilliant advice, guidance and encouragement, co-operators and supervision at all to
complete this project.

I respect and thank to our department for providing us an opportunity to do the project
work and giving us all support and guidance, which made us complete the project duly.
We are extremely thankful to Asfaqur Rahman, Lecturer, Head of the Department of
EEE, Hamdard University Bangladesh.

We are thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and
guidance from all Teaching staffs of EEE which helped us in successfully completing our
project work. Also, we would like to extend our sincere esteems to all staff in laboratory
for their timely support.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents, friends for their kind
cooperation and encouragement which help me in completion of this project.

Finally, we would like to express our hearties gratefulness to Almighty Allah for heavenly
blessing without which its world not imaginable to complete this project successfully.

Abu Hasan
Jahangir Alam


his project introduces an Integrated Poultry and Fish Farming System, leveraging cutting-
edge technology for efficient resource management. Featuring components such as IoT-
controlled feed delivery, automated temperature regulation and advanced monitoring for
both poultry and fish farms, this system sets a new standard for precision and
sustainability. The presentation explores the seamless integration of technology,
envisioning a future where agriculture thrives in harmony with innovation, meeting the
needs of a growing population while preserving our ecosystems.

Title Page

Project/Thesis Assessment Committee Iii

Declaration Iv

Acknowledgement V

Abstract Vi

Table of Contents vii-viii

List of Figures & List of Tables ix-xi

Introduction 1

Project Objective 1

Project Methodology 1

Project Organization 1

Chapter 1 An Overview of Arduino Based Fire Fighting Robotics Car

1.1 Introduction 2-3

1.2 The Main Concept behind this project 3-4

1.3 Working of The Fire Fighting Robotics Car 4-5

1.4 The Future of Fire Fighting Robots 5-6

1.5 History of Fire Fighting Robots 6-7

Chapter 2 Hardware Development of this Project

2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Block Diagram 8

2.3 IR Flame Sensor 9

2.4 Arduino Mini 9-11

2.4.1 Physical Characteristics of Arduino 11-12

2.4.2 Block diagram 13

2.4.3 Pin Description 13-14

2.5 ATmega328 15

2.5.1 Pin Mapping of ATmega328 15

2.5.2 Block Diagram of ATmega328 16

2.6 Servo Motors 16

2.7 Submersible Mini Water Pump 16-17

2.8 L293D Motor Drive 17

2.9 I2C interface Adapter 17-18

2.10 Relay 18-20

2.11 BO Motors 20

2.12 Lithium-ion Battery 20-21

2.13 Breadboard 21

2.14 Circuit Diagram 22

2.15 Working Procedure and Flowchart of the Proposed System 22-23

2.16 Simulation Drawing of the Proposed System 24

Chapter 3 Programing of Access Control System

3.1 Introduction 25

3.2 Software Used 25

3.3 Algorithm 25-26

3.4 Proteus Design Suite 26-28

3.5 Arduino IDE 28-31

3.6 Libraries 31

3.7 Making Pins as Input or Output 31

3.8 How to Select Board of Arduino 32

Chapter 4 Result and Discussion

4.1 System Physical Appearance 33

4.2 System Physical Appearance Starting Mode 34

4.3 System Physical Appearance Standby Mode 34-35

4.4 System Physical Appearance Running Mode 35

4.5 Advantages 36

Conclusion 36

References 37

Appendix 38-42

List of Figures
Chapter No. Name of Figure Page

Chapter 1 Fig.1.1 Causes of Fire Accidents 2

Fig.1.2 2 IR Flame Sensor 3

Fig.1.3 IR Flame Sensor Position 4

Fig.1.4 Firefighting Robots 5
Chapter 2 Fig.2.1 Block Diagram of the Overall System 8

Fig.2.2 IR Flame Sensor 9

Fig.2.3 Physical Configuration of IR Flame Sensor 9

Fig.2.4 Comparing the size of a standard Arduino Uno with 10

the (aptly named) Pro Mini

Fig.2.5 Physical Configuration of Arduino pro mini 12

Fig.2.6 Block diagram of Arduino Mini 13

Fig.2.7 ATmega328 Pin Mapping 15

Fig.2.8 Block Diagram of ATmega328 16

Fig.2.9 Servo Motors 16

Fig.2.10 Submersible Mini Water Pump 17

Fig.2.11 L293D Motor Driver 17

Fig.2.12 FTDI interface Adapter 18

Fig.2.13 Relay 18

Fig.2.14 Internal Design of Relay 19

Fig.2.15 BO Motors 20

Fig.2.16 Lithium-Ion Battery 20

Fig.2.17 Breadboard 21

Fig.2.18 Circuit Diagram 22

Fig.2.19 Project Interface 22

Fig.2.20 The flowchart of the proposed system 23

Fig.2.21 Simulation Drawing of the Proposed System 24

Chapter No. Name of Figure Page

Chapter 3 Fig.3.1 Flowchart of the Algorithm 25

Fig.3.2 Proteus IDE 26

Fig.3.3 Arduino IDE 28

Fig.3.4 Arduino IDE Contacts 30

Chapter 4 Fig.4.1 Project Internal Design 33

Fig.4.2 Project Starting Mode 34

Fig.4.3 Project Standby Mode 35

Fig.4.4 Project Running Mode 35

List of Tables
Chapter No. Name of Figure Page

Chapter 2 Table 2.1 Arduino Uno Technical Specifications. 11

Table 2.2 Arduino Uno Pin Description. 14

Table 2.3 16x2 LCD Display Pin Description. 18

Table 2.4 Single-Channel Relay Module Pin Description. 20


Welcome to an exploration of the future of farming a future where the synergy between
technology and agriculture redefines sustainability. Today, we delve into the Integrated
Poultry and Fish Farming System, a groundbreaking initiative that seamlessly blends
innovation with traditional farming practices. As we navigate through the components of this
system from IoT-driven feed delivery to advanced monitoring for fish farms we embark on a
journey towards precision, efficiency, and a harmonious coexistence with nature. Join us in
envisioning an agricultural landscape where technology not only meets the demands of a
growing population but also safeguards the delicate balance of our ecosystems.

The objectives of this project are follows:
To present and explain the Integrated Poultry and Fish Farming System, outlining its
technological components, showcasing their practical benefits, and encouraging discussion on
the transformative potential of this innovative approach to farming.

Research Methodology
The theme of this paper is to automatically sense the environmental fire and extinguish it
without human intervention. The methodology is divided into three parts. The first part is
on the design structure, followed by hardware description and the finally on the
programming design. All these three parts were assembled together and experiments were
then performed to build a system that can extinguish the fire that was carried out.

Project Organization
The contents of the thesis are organized into four chapters. In Chapter one it is described
the Overview of fire Fighting robotics car. Chapter two presents in brief hardware
development in Arduino (Mini), microcontroller system, ATmega328, power supply, flame
sensor, Relay and servo Motors. Chapter three described brief software development and
working system of Arduino IDE. In chapter four description is given of the Arduino based
Fighting robotics car. Finally, a brief conclusion of the entire project has been included and
future scopes of this project have been analyzed.

Chapter 1
An Overview of Fire Fighting Robotics Car

1.1 Introduction
One of the most important Parameter in fire disaster is life, i.e. lives lost in saving
someone else life. It is sometimes impossible for fire-fighters personnel to access the site
of a fire because of explosive materials, smoke, and high temperatures. A fast response to
detect the fire can avoid many disastrous things.
From the given statics (Fig.1.1), it is observed that fire can take place at domestic as well
as at industrial level. A normal spark can generate a massive fire breakout. Not only lives
of industrial people but also the lives of domestic’s people are at risk because of poor fire
management system. Fire can take many lives and can injure many people for their life
But it can be avoided using proper fire controlling methods.

Figure 1.1 Causes of Fire Accidents

For such environments, fire-fighting robot is proposed. In today’s generation a lot of

robots are proposed and designed to remove the human factor from dangerous and deadly
work. The use of robots is becoming very common that safely completes the labour
intensive or deadly work for human beings. A Fire Extinguishing Robot is based on IOT

In Fire
Extinguishing robot, we intend to build a system that could extinguish a small flame by
sensing and moving to the location itself.

It will automatically detect the fire with the help of flame sensors. Once it detects the fire
breakout location, it navigates itself accordingly to reach the fire source and extinguishes
the fire by using built-in fire extinguishing system. For fire detection it is using three flame
sensors. First one for the left direction, second one for the forward direction and third one
for the right direction. Fire extinguishing system will get activated when fire detection
system detects fire. It then reaches the breakout point and water pump will start ejecting the
water when it detects fire. The key features of this system is to provide surveillance of fire
so that major fire accidents can be prevented and loss of human lives gets minimized. [2]

1.2 The Main Concept Behind This Project

The main concept behind the Arduino based firefighting robotics car is very simple. The
main brain of this project is the Arduino, but in-order to sense fire we use the Fire sensor
module (flame sensor) which is shown in figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 IR Flame Sensor

As you can see these sensors have an IR Receiver (Photodiode) which is used to detect
the fire. How is this possible? When fire burns it emits a small amount of Infra-red light,
this light will be received by the IR receiver on the sensor module. Then we use an Op-
Amp to check for change in voltage across the IR Receiver, so that if a fire is detected the
output pin (DO) will give 0V(LOW) and if the is no fire the output pin will be 5V(HIGH).
So, we place three such sensors in three directions of the robot to sense on which direction
the fire burning is shown in figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3 IR Flame Sensor Position

We detect the direction of the fire we can use the motors to move near the fire by driving
our motors through the L293D module. When near a fire we have to put it out using water.
Using a small container, we can carry water, a 5V pump is also placed in the container and
the whole container is placed on top of a servo motor so that we can control the direction in
which the water has to be sprayed. Let’s proceed with the connections now. [3]

1.3 Working of Fire Fighting Robotics Car

Fig. 1.4 shows the demo project of firefighting robotics car. To check the output of the robot
in steps rather than running it all together for the first time. It is recommended You can
build the robot up to the servo motor and check if it is able to follow the fire successfully.
Then you can check if the pump and the servo motor are working properly. Once everything
is working as expected you can run the program below and enjoy the complete working of
the fire fighter robot.

Figure 1.4 Firefighting Robots

The maximum distance to which the fire can be detected depends on the size of the fire, for
a small matchstick the distance is relatively less. You can also use the potentiometers on top
of the modules to control the sensitivity of the robot. I have used a power bank to power the
robot you can use a battery or even power it with a 12V battery.

1.4 The Future of Firefighting Robots

There’s no denying that firefighters work in a dangerous business. They put their lives on
the line every time they go to work — often running toward danger when everyone else is
running away. And the numbers back it up. According to the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA), 60,825 firefighter injuries occurred in the line of duty in 2019. Also
that year, 39% of all reported firefighter injuries occurred at the fire ground.

Despite the hazards of the job, firefighters selflessly serve a vital role in their communities,
and their safety is of the utmost importance. The future of firefighting is always evolving,
and new firefighting technology has helped keep firefighters safe and increased their ability
to more effectively put out blazes in many different settings.
Arguably, the most impactful and significant of these recent technological advances are
firefighting robots. Since they were first introduced by Howe & Howe Technologies,

firefighting robots have been a game-changer in helping battle blazes of all kinds. For
anybody looking to rise through the firefighting ranks, becoming familiar with all the new
technology to fight fires is crucial. [3]

1.5 History of Firefighting Robots

The first commercial firefighting robot in the U.S. was developed by Maine-based Howe &
Howe Technologies. Named the RS1-T2 Thermite, the initial firefighting robot was
unveiled in 2012 and was based on technology the company created for the U.S. Army.

The Thermite was designed to fight fires in environments where it is too dangerous for
humans to go, such as airplane fires, nuclear reactors and other high-hazard situations. In
addition to going into dangerous scenarios, the Thermite is also more mobile and agile,
which provides fire departments with an added tool in their arsenal.

Since the initial Thermite was developed by Howe & Howe, they expanded the technology
considerably. Look no further than the Thermite RS3, which boats a flow rate of 2,500
gallons per minute and has the strength to push vehicles from its path and pull up to 8,000

Although the Thermite was the original, it’s certainly not the only robot that has been called
into battle blazes. Firefighting robots became more well-known in 2019 when crews used
them to help battle the flames at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. The Paris Fire Brigade
used the Colossus robot. The tank-like technology navigated the centuries-old structure and
provided vital information to firefighters on the outside. In an interview with the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Cyril Kabbara, cofounder of Shark Robotics,
explained how important a role the Colossus played.

“Colossus acts as a kind of technical support station to the firefighting team by supplying
information from its sensors to both the remote pilot and the other firefighters in real-time,”
Kabbara said. “This is an essential function in the dangerous circumstances the workers face
when they enter an emergency scene, and it’s very important that all the information is in
the same place, as opposed to different sensors that the team has to carry with them into the

While not every fire department will encounter such daunting challenges, firefighting robots
provide many benefits. In 2020, the Los Angeles Fire Department became the first
department in the United States to debut this game-changing technology.

“I can afford to lose one of these wonderful machines. I cannot afford to lose a firefighter,”
Terrazas told the newspaper. Whether it’s the RS3, Colossus robot or any future technology,
it’s clear that firefighting robots have changed the industry and are helping keep firefighters
and citizens safe. [4]

Chapter 2
Hardware Development of this Project

2.1 Introduction
The hardware part is one of the crucial parts in the development of firefighting robot. It
includes Arduino MINI, IR flame sensors, servo motors, submersible water pump, motor
driver, mini breadboard, BO motors, and rubber wheels. Fig 3 shows the block diagram of
firefighting robot which consists of three IR flame sensors as the input of the system.
Arduino MINI is used as a micro-controller that connects other components. L293D Motor
driver is used to drive motors and is capable of running two DC motors (Left DC motor and
Right DC motor) at the same time. [4]

2.2 Block Diagram

The Block Diagram of the Overall System is shown in Fig.2.1.

Figure 2.1 Block Diagram of the Overall System

2.3 IR Flame Sensor
Fig. 2.2 shows the IR Flame Sensor. The IR flame sensor senses the environment and
detects the presence of fire or flame. The module is based on the IR receiver and basically
detects the presence of flammable and harmful gases likes nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon mono
oxide. The signal detection capacity is adjustable. The robot contains three flame Sensor [5]

Figure 2.2 IR Flame Sensor

The Physical Configuration of IR Flame Sensor is shown in Fig. 2.3.

Figure 2.3 Physical Configuration of IR Flame Sensor

2.4 Arduino Mini

Fig. 2.4 shows the comparison the size of a standard Arduino Uno with the pro Mini and
table 2.1shows the technical specifications of Arduino Uno. Arduino is an open-source
platform used for building electronic projects. Arduino consists of both a physical
programmable circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller) and a
piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on our computer,
used to write and upload computer code to the physical board.
The Arduino platform has become quite popular with people just starting out with
electronic, and for good reason. Unlike most previous programmable circuit boards, the
Arduino does not need a separate piece of hardware (called a programmer) in order to load
new code onto the board -- we can simply use a USB cable. Additionally, the Arduino IDE
uses a simplified version of C++, making it easier to learn to program. Finally, Arduino

provides a standard form factor that breaks out the functions of the micro-controller into a
more accessible package. [5]

Figure 2.4 Comparing the size of a standard Arduino Uno with the (aptly named) Pro
Table 2.1 shows the Arduino Uno Technical Specifications:
Microcontroller ollerATmega328P – 8-bit AVR family
Operating Voltage 5V

Recommended Input 7-12V

Input Voltage Limits 6-20V

Analog Input Pins 6 (A0 – A5)

Digital I/O Pins 14 (Out of which 6 provide PWM output)

DC Current on I/O Pins 40 mA

DC Current on 3.3V Pin 50 mA

Flash Memory 32 KB (0.5 KB is used for Bootloader)



Frequency (Clock Speed) 16 Hz

2.4.1 Physical Characteristics

The Arduino (MINI) is a micro controller board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog pins, a 16 MHz
ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. He
board can be supplied with power either from the DC power jack (7-12V), the USB
connector (5V), or the VIN pin of the board (7-12v). Suppling voltage via 5V or 3.3V pins
bypasses the regulator and can damage the board. The maximum length and width of the
Uno PCB are 2.7 and 2.1 inches respectively, With the USB connector and power jack
extending beyond the former dimension [6]
The physical configuration of Arduino Mini is shown in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5 Physical Configuration of Arduino pro mini

So, what differentiates the Arduino Pro Mini from the Arduino Uno? Well, the most
obvious difference is the form factor. The Pro Mini's, measuring in at just
1.3x0.70". It's about ⅙th the size of the Arduino Uno. The compact size is great for projects
where you may need to fit the Arduino into a tiny enclosure, but it also means that the Pro
Mini is not physically compatible with Arduino shields (you could still hard-wire the Mini
up to any Arduinoshield).

The Mini packs almost as much microprocessor-punch as the regular Arduino, but there are
a few major hardware changes you should be aware of before you start adapting your

project to the Mini. The first glaring hardware difference is the voltage that the Mini
operates at: 3.3V. Unlike the Arduino Uno, which has both a 5V and 3.3V regulator on
board, the Mini only has one regulator. This means that if you've got peripherals that only
work at 5V, you might have to do some level shifting before you hook it up to the Pro Mini
(or you could go for the 5V variant of the Pro Mini).

Another major variation from the standard Arduino lies in the speed at which the
ATmega328 runs. The Pro Mini 3.3V runs at 8MHz, half the speed of an Arduino Uno. We
put a slower resonator on the Mini to guarantee safe operation of the ATmega. That said,
don't let the slower speed scare you away from using the Mini; 8MHz is still plenty fast, and
the Mini will still be capable of controlling almost any project the Arduino Uno can. [7]
2.4.2 Block Diagram

The block diagram of Arduino Uno is shown in figure 2.6

Figure 2.6 Block diagram of Arduino Mini

The above Arduino block diagram shows the important modules on an Arduino UNO
board. When you think about the Arduino board that comes to your mind might be that of
an Arduino UNO or an Arduino Nano. That is because they are the most popular board
among the community. That doesn’t mean the Arduino is limited to the capabilities of an
ATMEGA328 chip. There are plenty of board variants available, with an entirely different
set of features like different microcontrollers, layout, number of I/O ports, etc.

2.4.3 Pin Description
Table 2.2 shows the pin description of Arduino pro mini. The Arduino Pro Mini is intended
for semi-permanent installation in objects or exhibitions. The board comes without pre-
mounted headers, allowing the use of various types of connectors or direct soldering of
The pin layout is compatible with the Arduino Mini. There are two version of the Pro Mini.
One runs at 3.3V and 8 MHz, the other at 5V and 16 MHz.
The Arduino Pro Mini was designed and is manufactured by Spark Fun Electronics.
Table 2.2 Arduino Mini Pin Description. [7]

Pin Pin Name Details

Power Vin, 3.3V, 5V, GND Vin: Input voltage to Arduino when using an
external power source.
5V: Regulated power supply used to power
microcontroller and other components on the
3.3V: 3.3V supply generated by on-board
voltage regulator. Maximum current draw is
GND: ground pins.

Reset Reset Resets the microcontroller.

Analog Pins A0 – A5 Used to provide analog input in the range of 0-

Input/Output Digital Pins 0 – 13 Can be used as input or output pins.

Serial 0(Rx), 1(Tx) Used to receive and transmit TTL serial data.

External 2, 3 To trigger an interrupt.

PWM 3, 5, 6, 9, 11 Provides 8-bit PWM output.

SPI 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), Used for SPI communication.
12 (MISO) and 13

Inbuilt LED 13 To turn on the inbuilt LED.

TWI A4 (SDA), A5 Used for TWI communication.

AREF AREF To provide reference voltage for input voltage.
2.1 ATmega328
ATMEGA328P is high performance, low power controller from Microchip. ATMEGA328P
is an 8-bit microcontroller based on AVR RISC architecture. It is the most popular of all
AVR controllers as it is used in ARDUINO boards. The ATmega328 is a single chip
microcontroller created by Atmel in mega AVR family (later microchip Technology
acquired Atmel in 2016). It has a modified Harvard architecture 8-bit RISC processor core.
The Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC- based microcontroller combines 32 KB ISP flash memory with
read-while write capabilities, 1 KB EEPROM, 2KB SRAM, 23 general purpose I/O lines, 32
general purpose working registers, three flexible timer/counters with compare moods,
internal and external interrupts, serial programmable USART, a byte-oriented 2-wire serial
interface, SPI serial port 6channel 10-bit A/D converter (8-channels in TQFP and QFN/MLF
packages), programmable watchdog timer with internal oscillator and five software
selectable power saving mood. The device operates between 1.8-5.5 volts. The device
archives throughput approaching 1MIPS per
MHz’s. [8]

2.1.1 Pin Mapping of ATmega328

When ATmega328 chip is used in place of Arduino Mini, or vice versa, the image below
shows the pin mapping between the two shown in figure.2.7. [9]

Figure 2.7 ATmega328 PinMapping
2.1.2 Block Diagram of ATmega328
The block diagram of ATmega328 is shown in figure 2.8

Figure 2.8 Block Diagram of ATmega328

2.2 Servo Motors

Fig 2.9 shows the Servo Motors. Servo Motors are electronic devices that are mainly used
for providing specific velocity and acceleration. [10]

Figure 2.9 Servo Motors

2.3 Submersible Mini Water Pump

Fig 2.10 shows the Submersible Water Pump. Submersible Water Pump is ideal for making
automatic watering system using Arduino. The water pump is an important part of the robot
as it will pump water to extinguish the fire. [10]

Figure 2.10 Submersible Mini Water Pump

2.4 L293D Motor Driver

Fig 2.11 shows the L293D Motor Driver. L293D is a Motor Driver or Motor Driver IC
which is responsible for the movement of DC motor on either direction. L293D is a 16-pin
IC through which we are able to run two DC motors simultaneously in any direction [11]

Figure 2.11 L293D Motor Driver

2.5 FTDI Serial Interface Adapter

Table 2.3 shows the pin description of FTDI Interface adapter and Fig. 2.12 shows the FTDI
Interface Adapter the Atmega16U2-based USB-to-Serial converter, and the USB connector
that goes with it. All of the USB circuitry had to be eliminated for us to make the Pro Mini
as small as possible. The absence of this circuit means an external component, the FTDI
Basic Breakout or any USB-to-serial converter, is required to upload code to the Arduino
Pro Mini.

Note: Besides the FTDI that is used in this tutorial, there are other USB-to-serial converters
Mini. Make sure to check out the board and install the respective driver for your USB-to-
serial converter. [11]

Figure 2.12 FTDI interface Adapter

Table 2.3 FTDI Interface Adapter Pin Description

Pin No Pin Name Wire Colour Function
1 GND Black Ground Pin
2 CTS Brown Control input used to clear the send
3 VCC Red Connection with supply

4 TxD Orange Output data transmission

5 RxD Yellow Input data reception
6 Control output to make requests in
RTS Green sending the data

2.6 Relay
A power relay module is an electrical switch that is operated by an electromagnet. The
electromagnet is activated by a separate low-power signal from a micro controller. When
activated, the electromagnet pulls to either open or close an electrical circuit. A simple relay
connection is shown in figure 2.13.

Figure 2.13 Relay

A simple relay consists of wire coil wrapped around a soft iron core, or solenoid, an iron
yoke that delivers a low reluctance path for magnetic flux, a movable iron armature and one
or more sets of contacts. The movable armature is hinged to the yoke and linked to one or
more set of the moving contacts. The internal design of relay is shown in the figure 2.14.

Figure 2.14 Internal Design of Relay

Held in place by a spring, the armature leaves a gap in the magnetic circuit when the relay is
deenergized. While in this position, one of the two sets of contacts is closed while the other
set remains open. When electrical current is passed through a coil, it generates a magnetic
field that in turn activates the armature. This movement of the movable contacts makes or
breaks a connection with the fixed contact. When the relay is de-energized, the sets of
contacts that were closed, open and breaks the connection and vice versa if the contacts
were open. When switching off the current to the coil, the armature is returned, by force, to
its relaxed position. This force is usually provided by a spring, but gravity can also be used
in certain applications. Most power relays are manufactured to operate in a quick manner.
Table 2.4 shows the pin description of single channel relay module.

Table 2.4 Single-Channel Relay Module Pin Description:

Pin No Pin Name Description

1 Relay Trigger Input to activate the relay

2 Ground 0V reference

3 VCC Supply input for powering the relay coil

4 Normally Open Normally open terminal of the relay

5 Common Common terminal of the relay

6 Normally Closed Normally closed contact of the relay

2.7 BO Motors

Fig 2.15 shows the BO Motor. BO Motor is a dual shaft motor having 300rpm.It converts
electrical energy into mechanical energy. It is the replacement to our metal gear DC motors.
Our robot uses four dual shaft motors. [11]

Figure. 2.15 BO Motors

2.8 Lithium-Ion Battery

Fig. 2.16 shows the Lithium-Ion Battery. A battery is a device that can be used to store
energy. The way the battery works is when the battery is in the process of charging, the
battery will

convert electrical energy into chemical energy and when used the battery will convert the
stored chemical energy into electrical energy.

Figure 2.16 Lithium-Ion Battery

2.9 Breadboard
A breadboard is a widely used tool to design and test circuit. Do not need to solder wires
and components to make a circuit while using a bread board. It is easier to mount
components & reuse them. Since, components are not soldered we can change our circuit
design at any point without any hassle. It consists of an array of conductive metal clips
encased in a box made of white ABS plastic, where each clip is insulated with another clips.
There are a number of holes on the plastic box, arranged in a particular fashion. A typical
bread board layout consists of two types of regions also called strips. Bus strips and socket
strips. Bus strips are usually used to provide power supply to the circuit. It consists of two
columns, one for power voltage and other for ground. Socket strips are used to hold most of
the components in a circuit. Generally, it consists of two sections each with 5 rows and 64
columns. Every column is electrically connected from inside is shown in figure.2.17.

Figure 2.17 breadboard

2.10 Circuit Diagram
The following fig. 2.18 shows the circuit diagram of the Arduino based Firefighting robotics

Figure 2.18 Circuit Diagram

2.11 Working Procedure and Flowchart of the Proposed System

To check the output of the robot in steps rather than running it all together for the first time.
It is recommended You can build the robot up to the servo motor and check if it is able to
follow the fire successfully. Then you can check if the pump and the servo motor are
working properly. Once everything is working as expected you can run the program below
and enjoy the complete working of the fire fighter robot. The maximum distance to which
the fire can be detected depends on the size of the fire, for a small matchstick the distance is
relatively less. You can also use the potentiometers on top of the modules to control the
sensitivity of the robot. I have used a power bank to power the robot you can use a battery or
even power it with a 12V battery. Project Interface is shown in Fig.2.19.

Figure. 2.19 Project Interface

After making the necessary connections as per the circuit diagram, upload the code to
Arduino and turn on the power supply. The following fig.2.20 shows the flowchart of the
Arduino based firefighting robots.

Figure.2.20 The flowchart of the proposed system

2.12 Simulation Drawing of the Proposed System
Figure 2.21 Shows the simulation drawing of the proposed system

Figure 2.21 Simulation Drawing of the Proposed System

Chapter 3 Programing of Access

Control System

3.1 Introduction
Fire Fighting Robot has developed to reduce human life lost and to develop such a device
that automatically sense fire and extinguish it without human intervention. In this the
fireplace is detected using the IR Flame sensors and are connected to Arduino UNO, which
control the movement of Motor drive that helps the robot to reach the fireplace and
extinguishes it with the pumping mechanisms. In the industry if any fire accident occurs,
there is a need of person to monitor continuously and rectify it. In this process if any time
delay takes place irreparable loss occurs in industry. The firefighting robot continuously
monitors the surrounding and helps in extinguishing the fire.

3.2 Software Used
For this Project we use 2 Software:
• Arduino IDE
• Proteus 8.6

3.3 Algorithm
Algorithm is the logic for this working process of the Controller. Different condition &
loops applied in the algorithm. It is expressed as flowchart is shown in Fig.3.1.

Figure 3.1 Flowchart of the Algorithm

3.4 Proteus Design Suite 8.6

Fig. 3.2 shows the Proteus Design Suite 8.6 is a proprietary software tool suite used
primarily for electronic design automation. The software is used mainly by electronic design

engineers and technicians to create schematics and electronic prints for manufacturing
printed circuit boards.

It was developed in Yorkshire, England by Lab center Electronic Ltd and is available in
English, French, Spanish and Chinese languages.
The first version of what is now the Proteus Design Suite was called PC-B and was written
by the company chairman, John Jameson, for DOS in 1988. Schematic Capture support
followed in 1990, with a port to the Windows environment shortly thereafter. Mixed mode
SPICE Simulation was first integrated into Proteus in 1996 and microcontroller simulation
then arrived in Proteus in 1998. Shape based auto routing was added in 2002 and 2006 saw
another major product update with 3D Board Visualization. More recently, a dedicated IDE
for simulation was added in 2011 and MCAD import/export was included in 2015. Support
for high-speed design was added in 2017. Feature led product releases are typically
biannual, while maintenance-based service packs are released as it is required.

Figure 3.2 Proteus IDE

The micro-controller simulation in Proteus works by applying either a hex file or a debug
file to the microcontroller part on the schematic. It is then co-simulated along with any
analog and digital Electronic connected to it. This enables its use in a broad spectrum of
project prototyping in areas such as motor control, temperature control and user interface
design. It also finds use in the general hobbyist community and, since no hardware is
required, is convenient to use as a training or teaching tool. Support is available for
cosimulation of Proteus 8.6 is a Virtual System Modelling (VSM) that combines circuit

simulation, animated components and microprocessor models to co-simulate the complete
microcontroller-based designs. This is the perfect tool for engineers to test their
microcontroller designs before constructing a physical prototype in real time.
This program allows users to interact with the design using on-screen indicators and/or LED
and LCD displays and, if attached to the PC, switches and buttons.
One of the main components of Proteus 8.6 is the Circuit Simulation a product that uses a
SPICE3f5 analogue simulator kernel combined with an event-driven digital simulator that
allow users to utilize any SPICE model by any manufacturer.

Proteus VSM comes with extensive debugging features, including breakpoints, single
stepping and variable display for a neat design prior to hardware prototyping. In summary,
Proteus 8.6 is the program to use when we want to simulate the interaction between
software running on a microcontroller and any analog or digital electronic device connected
to it.

3.5 Arduino IDE

Fig 3.3 and 3.4 shows the Arduino IDE and the Arduino IDE contacts respectively. The
Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a cross platform Application (for
Windows, macOS, Linux) that is written in functions from C and C++.It is used to write and
upload programs to Arduino compatible boards, but also, with the help of third party cores,
other vendor development boards.

The source code for the IDE is released under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
The Arduino IDE supports the languages C and C++ using special rules of code structuring.
The Arduino IDE supplies a software library from the Wiring project, which provides many
common input and output procedures. User-written code only requires two basic functions,
for starting the sketch and the main program loop, that are compiled and linked with a
program stub main() into an executable cyclic executive program with the GNU toolchain,
also included with the IDE distribution. The Arduino IDE employs the program argued to
convert the executable code into a text file in hexadecimal encoding that is loaded into the
Arduino board by a loader program in the board's firmware.

In October 2019 the Arduino organization began providing early access to a new Arduino
Pro IDE with debugging and other advanced features.

The IDE environment is mainly distributed into three sections

• Menu Bar
• Text Editor
• Output Panel
A bar appearing at the top, it is called Menu bar. The menu bar has five different options as

Figure 3.3 Arduino IDE

File- we can open a new window for writing the code or open an existing one. The file
option has 12 different subdivisions:

• NEW- used to open new text editor window to write our code.
• OPEN- used for opening existing written code.
• OPEN RECENT- used for opening recently closed written code.
• SKETCHBOOK- stores the list of codes we have written for our project. •
EXAMPLES- shows the examples which is already stored in the IDE.

• CLOSE- used for closing the main screen window of recent tab.
• SAVE- used to save the recent program.
• SAVE AS- used to save the recent program in our desired folder.
• PAGE SETUP- used for modifying the page with portrait and landscape options.
• PRINT- used for printing our program.
• PREFERENCES- it is page with number of preferences we may want to setup for

our text editor page. • QUIT- it will quit the whole software at once.
Edit– Used for copying and pasting the code with further modification for font.

Sketch– For compiling and programming.
Tools– Mainly used for testing projects. The Programmer section in this panel is used for
burning a bootloader to the new microcontroller.

Help– In case we are feeling skeptical about software, complete help is available from
getting started to troubleshooting.

The Six Buttons appearing under the Menu tab are connected with the running program as
follow Fig.3.4.

Figure 3.4 Arduino IDE Contacts

The check mark appearing in the circular button is used to verify the code. Click this once
we have the check mark appearing in the circular button is used to verify the code. Click
this once we have
• The arrow key will upload and transfer the required code to the Arduino board.
• The dotted paper is used for creating a new file.
• The check mark appearing in the circular button is used to verify the code. Click this
once we have written our code.
• The arrow key will upload and transfer the required code to the Arduino board.
• The dotted paper is used for creating a new file.
• The upward arrow is reserved for opening an existing Arduino project.
• The downward arrow is used to save the current running code.

The button appearing on the top right corner is a Serial Monitor – A separate pop-up
window that acts as an independent terminal and plays a vital role for sending and receiving
the Serial Data. we can also go to the Tools panel and select Serial Monitor pressing
Ctrl+Shift+M all at once will open the Serial Monitor.

The Serial Monitor will actually help to debug the written Sketches where get a hold of the
program is operating. our Arduino Module should be connected to our computer by USB
cable in order to activate the Serial Monitor.

Need to select the baud rate of the Arduino Board we are using right now. For my Arduino
Uno Baud Rate is 9600, as right the following code and click the Serial Monitor, the output
will show as the image below.

The bottom of the main screen is described as an Output Pane that mainly highlights the
compilation status of the running code: the memory used by the code, and errors occurred in
the program. we need to fix those errors before we intend to upload the hex file into our
Arduino Module.

More or less, Arduino C language works similar to the regular C language used for any
embedded system microcontroller, however, there are some dedicated libraries used for
calling and executing specific functions on the board.

3.6 Libraries

Libraries are very useful for adding the extra functionality into the Arduino Module. There
is a list of libraries we can add by clicking the Sketch button in the menu bar and going to
Include Library. As we click the Include Library and Add the respective library it will on
the top of the sketch with a #include sign. Suppose, Include the EEPROM library, it will
appear on the text editor as #include <EEPROM.h>.

Most of the libraries are preinstalled and come with the Arduino software. However, can
also download them from the external sources.

3.7 Making Pins as Input or Output

The digital Read and digital Write commands are used for addressing and making the
Arduino pins as an input and output respectively. These commands are text sensitive i.e., we
need to write them down the exact way they are given like digital Write starting with small
“d” and write with capital “W”. Writing it down with Digital write or digital write won’t be
calling or addressing any function.
3.8 How to Select Board of Arduino

In order to upload the sketch, we need to select the relevant board we are using and the ports
for that operating system. As we click the Tools on the Menu, it will open like the figure

• Just we go to the “Board” section and select the board we would like to work on.
Similarly, COM1, COM2, COM4, COM5, COM7 or higher are reserved for the
serial and USB board. we can look for the USB serial device in the ports section of
the Windows Device Manager. Following figure shows the COM4 that we have
used for my project, indicating the Arduino Uno with COM4 port at the right bottom
corner of the screen.
• After correct selection of both Board and Serial Port, click the verify and then
upload button appearing in the upper left corner of the six-button section or we can
go to the Sketch section and press verify/compile and then upload.
• The sketch is written in the text editor and is then saved with the file extension. ion.
It is important to note that the recent Arduino Modules will reset automatically as

we compile and press the upload button the IDE software, however, older version
may require the physical reset on the board.
• As we upload the code, TX and RX LEDs will blink on the board, indicating the
desired program is running successfully.
• The amazing thing about this software is that no prior arrangement or bulk of mess
is required to install this software, we will be writing our first program within 2 mi-
nuties after the installation of the IDE environment.

Chapter 4
Result and Discussion
4.1 System Physical Appearance
Fire Fighting Robot has developed to reduce human life lost and to develop such a device
that automatically sense fire and extinguish it without human intervention. In this the
fireplace is detected using the IR Flame sensors and are connected to Arduino MINI, which
control the movement of Motor drive that helps the robot to reach the fireplace and
extinguishes it with the pumping mechanisms. In the industry if any fire accident occurs,
there is a need of person to monitor continuously and rectify it. In this process if any time
delay takes place irreparable loss occurs in industry. The firefighting robot continuously

monitors the surrounding and helps in extinguishing the fire. Fig 4.1 shows the overall
prototype of Fire Fighting Robot

Figure 4.1. Project Internal Design

4.2 System Physical Appearance Starting Mode

The below image is showing the total system is in Starting mode. There is given power
supplied. The Fig 4.2 shows the project Starting mode.

Figure 4.2. Project Starting Mode

4.3 System Physical Appearance Standby Mode

The below image is showing the total system is in standby mode. There is given power
supplied and we can set the charging time. The Fig 4.3 shows the project standby mode.

Figure 4.3. Project Standby Mode

4.4 System Physical Appearance Running Mode
The below image is showing the total system is in Working mode. There is given power
supplied. The Fig 4.4 shows the project Working mode.

Figure 4.4. Project Running Mode

4.5 Advantages

• Providing safe interior fire operations on large commercial fires

• Tackling blazes on wood-framed structures under construction
• Establishing a structural defense against wildfires
• Completing the rescue of large animals
• Helping to extinguish fuel tanker fires
• Fighting auto storage fires


This model of Fire Extinguishing Robot aids to share out the burden of fire fighters in
firefighting task. Our project aims to build a real time firefighting robot which moves in a
constant speed, identify the fire and then extinguish it with the help of pumping
mechanism. The detection and extinguishing was done with the help basic hardware
components attached with the robot. Firstly, IR Flame sensors are used for the detection
of fire. Secondly, BO Motors and Rubber wheels are used to navigate the robot to reach

the fireplace. Finally, the robot extinguishes the fire with the help of submersible water
pump and servo motors.

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The code for the project Arduino based Fire Fighting Robotics Car is given below.


<Servo.h> Servo

myservo; int pos =


boolean fire = false;

/*-------defining Inputs ----- */

#define Left_S 9 // left sensor

#define Right_S 10 // right sensor

#define Forward_S 8 //forward sensor /*-------

defining Outputs ----- */

#define LM1 2 // left motor

#define LM2 3 // left motor

#define RM1 4 // right motor

#define RM2 5 // right motor

#define pump 6

void setup ()

pinMode(Left_S, INPUT);
INPUT); pinMode(LM1,

myservo.write(90); }

void put_off_fire()

{ delay (500); digitalWrite(LM1,

HIGH); digitalWrite(LM2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(RM2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(pump, HIGH); delay(500);

for (pos = 50; pos <= 130; pos += 1)

{ myservo.write(pos); delay (10);

for (pos = 130; pos >= 50; pos -= 1)

{ myservo.write(pos); delay(10);




void loop ()

myservo.write(90); //Sweep_Servo();

if (digitalRead(Left_S) ==1 && digitalRead(Right_S)==1 && digitalRead(Forward_S)

==1) //If Fire not detected all sensors are zero

//Do not move the robot

digitalWrite(LM1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(LM2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(RM2, HIGH);

else if (digitalRead(Forward_S) ==0) //If Fire is straight ahead


//Move the robot forward

digitalWrite(LM1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(LM2, LOW);

digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(RM2, LOW);

fire = true;

else if (digitalRead(Left_S) ==0) //If Fire is to the le


//Move the robot left

digitalWrite(LM1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(LM2, LOW);

digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(RM2, HIGH);

else if (digitalRead(Right_S) ==0) //If Fire is to the right

//Move the robot right


digitalWrite(LM1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(LM2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(RM2, LOW);

Delay (300); //Slow down the speed of

robot while (fire == true)

{ put_off_fire



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