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P L AY E R S G U I D E ’

Design: Beth Jones, Thomas Knauss, Ben McFarland, and Stephen Rowe
Cover Art: William O'Connor
Interior Art: Helge C. Balzer, Gabriel Cassata, Kremena Chipilova, Josh Hass,
Russell Jones, Guido Kuip, Marcel Mercado, Florian Stitz, Bryan Syme, Egil Thompson,
Piya Wannachaiwong, Damon Westenhofer, Michael Witmann
Development and Editing: Amanda Hamon Kunz
Art Direction: Marc Radle
Layout and Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Publisher: Wolfgang Baur

© 2018 Open Design

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A New World Awaits!
Enter the world of Midgard, a shared vision built over The 14 dwarven Ironcrag Cantons in the Ironcrag
many years by Kobold Press. It began with collaborative Mountains border the vampire realm of the Blood
adventures and supplements describing the trade city of Kingdom and the dwarves are stout enemies of the
Zobeck, and it soon expanded to detail territories outside undead in both the Blood Kingdom and the underground
the city. The setting now continues in a rich, fully detailed Ghoul Imperium residing below. While their axes are
world in this Midgard Player’s Guide, packed with options sometimes for sale, when danger threatens their cantonal
for players of the land's races and regions. But before you halls, all dwarves unite to drive away the common enemy.
explore all of the mechanical possibilities that this book Also in the Crossroads region is the Magdar Kingdom,
offers, take a moment to step into Midgard’s rich lore. a land of rolling grasslands, noble knights, fickle
Let your adventurers begin their tales and build their mercenaries, and massive war wagons, many of which
legends in one of Midgard’s realms! are built in Zobeck. To the east of Zobeck is the Duchy of
Perun’s Daughter, a realm renowned for the demigoddess
who rules there: Vasilka Soulay, daughter of the storm
WORLD OF god Perun. Just as important are its Amazonian archers,
MYSTERIOUS POWER and its schools for the learned and the wise. This small but
From the days of titanic struggles between giants and powerful duchy also hosts many elvish ruins from the days
dragons, to the time of warring gods, Midgard has been of the Valeran Empire.
a world of great powers and endless change, triumph, The Crossroads is rife for urban adventure and intrigue,
and conflict. Its primary races—dragonkin, dwarves, old-school dungeon delving, and the discovery of ancient
gearforged, humans, kobolds, minotaurs, ravenfolk, secrets long buried.
shadow fey, and trollkin—have each held vast kingdoms,
while just as many lesser races have fought to establish BLOOD KINGDOM
nations of their own, from goblin warbands to nomadic Black King Lucas, the vampire lord of the Blood Kingdom
gnolls. And even among those that have held sway over of Morgau, has recently seized the entire Kingdom of
entire realms, glory can be fleeting and no nation lasts Krakovar for himself, in a daring of lightning strikes with
forever. The giants rose and fell long ago. More recently, undead allies and malign magic to shatter and overwhelm
the elves have largely abandoned the mortal world, having that land’s rightful rulers. His troops have secured a new
retreated to the Summer Lands of the fey and the Shadow province, which they name “Krakovar,” and his vampire
Realm for darker courts and minions. and ghoul allies slaver at the thought of new feasts and
The world’s magic is powered by ley lines, rivers of pure new human peasants to grind beneath their heels.
magical energy that can fuel a wizard’s power, or can help While the new province suffers under the lash of evil
a villain’s plan unfold. This magic enables swift travel masters, all is not lost. A Sister Adelind, a shield maiden
along shadow roads and down catslide alleys, connecting of Sif, died in the defense of the realm, though not before
distant realms for those daring enough to find, unlock, stabbing the notorious vampire lord Otmar the Sallow
and travel on these roads. through the heart with her radiant spear, incinerating him
To understand those places and their connections, here utterly. Many of the decent folk of Krakova pray to Saint
is an overview of 10 great regions where adventure awaits, Adelind for help, and resist the efforts of the invaders to
with a quick summary of important places, events, and build the Red Temples of the Blood Goddess and feed her
history in each area. ever-hungering altars.
The Blood Kingdom is a place of terrors, but some of its
THE CROSSROADS people remain true-hearted, and surely someday, the rule
Here lies the heart of Midgard: The Free City of Zobeck, of King Lucas will end. Adventurers in its borders will find
whose revolt 90 years ago forged a thriving city ruled many opportunities to help the meek and innocent, and
by freepeople and gave birth to a trading hub famous strike down the ghost knights, the mercenaries and the
throughout Midgard for its alchemy, star and shadow dark priests of Marena who rule the realm.
magic, steamworks, and egalitarianism. Known for its
magical clockwork masterpieces, its unique magical ROTHENIAN PLAINS
traditions of gear mages and star mages, its magnificent Bold Centaurs, opportunistic and nomadic Kariv bands,
Arcane Collegium, and its status as a protectorate of fierce Kazzakh nomads, and even Baba Yaga’s dancing
Rava, the Gear Goddess, it is a bustling city of glorious hut wander the Rothenian Plains, a land of endless
achievements and dark, deadly alleyways. grasslands, river barons, and cities on horseback. The
inhabitants of the Plains are brave and bold, but there is The Northlands are home to many strange kingdoms:
much abyssal evil to be fought here. Bjornheim, the kingdom of Talking Bears, and Wolfheim,
From the nine cities of Niemheim, where infernal the gray kingdom of the Wolves Who Walk as People. Also
gnomes practice sacrificial rites to please the lords of the here are ancient dwarven halls, some inhabited by doughty
Eleven Hells, to the wizardly Master of Demon Mountain, dwarves, and some by the ghosts of their fallen ancestors.
whose motives are unknown, but who has a hand in In the mountains are Jotunheim, the city of the giants,
most plots and tragedies in the plains, to the kingdom of offshore lies the icebound Island of Loki, and the skies
the Ruby Despotate, ruled by the erratic and iron-fisted sometimes howl under the thunderstorm fortresses of the
Veltrin the Glittering King, a follower of the cruel White cloud giants. In the furthest north stands the icy lair of the
Goddess. Veltrin’s servants scour the grasslands, capturing God of the North Wind, Boreas, who wishes to spread his
slaves to work the kingdom’s fields, mines, or galleys’ oars; frozen halls and living glaciers across the face of Midgard.
and his strong navy controls much of the Ruby Sea with its Will you take up the axe and shield, and dare the fateful
infamous demon-prowed black ships. dangers and golden treasures of the Northlands?
Mystical magic, centaur steel, demonic servants, and
the gratitude of dragons await adventurers braving the GRAND DUCHY OF DORNIG
Rothenian Plains. Sometimes called the Domains of the Princes for its many
lesser nobles, the Principalities of the Grand Duchy of
THE SEVEN CITIES Dornig have a deep and troubled history. Here, petty
The clash of endless war rings eternal in the lands of the elfmarked lords squabble over the scattered northern
Seven Cities, which both revel in, and depend upon, the lands of the once great elven empire of Valera, abandoned
economies of war, even setting aside a season for it and hurriedly during the Elven Retreat. The elderly, elven
creating intricate rules and codes of siegecraft. Imperatrix of the Grand Duchy retained a tenuous throne,
Among the many warring fiefdoms adventurers will find while her great-great-great-grandchildren squabbled over
the August Republic of Valera, which commands feared every castle, honor, and knighthood in the Grand Duchy,
legions of humans and centaurs; the Green Duchy of and each hoping to be next in line to replace the ancient
Verrayne, where the druidical order of the Oaken Ring and Elf Queen. For a time, many thought she would never die,
the mighty heroes of the Black Band protect the East from but rule for centuries while keeping her courtiers dancing
invasions of goblins and the twisted monstrosities from to her tune. All that jockeying at the foot of the Golden
the Wasted West. Sphinx throne has recently taken a darker turn, since the
Here too, is the mighty Theocracy of Kammae Straboli, Imperatrix has fallen into a coma, from which none seem
led by a powerful Oracle, who has chained and imprisoned able to revive her.
Nethus, the former god of the sea, and now uses his deific The Grand Duchy is a place where an adventurer with a
powers for her own purposes. strong sword arm, a headful of spells, and a glib tongue
To the south, you will find the Maritime Republic of can win him or herself a fine, petty barony, rife with
Triolo with its magnificent navy and fierce privateers trouble. Enter both the dark forests and the glittering
and its ally, the minotaur-ruled Serene Isle of Kyprion, elvish courts of Dornig at your own precarious discretion,
besieged by the navies of the expanding Dragon Empire of however, for both are deadly dangerous, and many of the
the Mharoti. Most recently, it has been absorbing by a tide Grand Duchy’s most powerful are choosing sides for a
of refugees fleeing the fall of the Grand Duchy of Illyria, succession struggle that most await with dread—and a few
once an ally to Triolo, now another in the long string of with delight and bloody glee.
draconic conquests.
Adventures in this region include discovering ancient, DRAGON EMPIRE
elven secrets, restoring the glories of the imperial past, In the empire forged by the legendary dragon Mharot,
questing for fame, fortune and power, descending into the the Dread Sultan seeks to expand the borders of his
darkness under ancient imperial ruins, settling ancient desert realm into the lush farmlands of the Crossroads
rivalries, protecting trade routes against draconic raiders, to the north, the islands and coasts of the Seven Cities to
and fighting to free Illyria from the Mharoti yoke. the west, the vast plains of Khandiria and Ishadia, and
the magic-ridden riverlands of Nuria Natal to the south.
THE NORTHLANDS Ruled with a scaly fist by powerful dragon lords and their
The Northlands are a study in opposites. A land of deadly dragonkin descendants, this growing empire inspires
beauty, with sights that can be seen nowhere else on fear in all on their borders. Often the best solution for its
Midgard; but if you find yourself outside on a midwinter’s neighbors is to pay tribute, lest they fall to claw and fire.
night without fire, you are a frozen meal for wolves by Conquest, trade, and tribute have led to a Golden Age of
morning. Like the lands they inhabit, the people here are prosperity in the powerful young empire, and the markets
a mosaic of contrasts: fierce and fearful, honorable but of the empire’s cities are unrivalled. Masterwork jewelry,
cruel, hospitable but vengeful, fateful and furious. armor, and weapons are commonplace; golden treasures

are found in abundance here. Even mighty war oliphants Ancient treasures, magic, and technology can be found
and battle lizards are available for purchase, if you dare to here by brave adventurers, if they can survive the goblin
ride them! raiders, the warped and hellbound monsters, and worse,
The Empire’s most recent conquest is the Grand Duchy that dwell here.
of Illyria, once called Land of a Thousand Heroes, despite
its sky militias of hippogriff riders and stout defenders THE SOUTHLANDS
in hills and mountains. Clever dragon generalship and Deserts abound with forgotten tombs, swift sand skiffs,
overwhelming numbers eventually brought Illyria low, and nomadic spirit talkers. The tall grass of the savannahs
though at a price in blood and sorrow. To make up that hides lost cities and fierce warriors, and the dense jungles
cost, the newly conquered lands are being quickly turned swarm with living vines that choke the life from those who
into defensible towns and productive mines, the better to call these lands home and careless visitors alike.
feed gold, silver, and steel to meet the needs of the Mharoti Those who adventure into the Southlands or call it home
armies, and to fuel their next conquests. can find fierce jungles, wild coasts, and ancient cities
The Empire's wealth has led to an explosion of draconic beyond imagining—and perhaps even a spark of divinity
art and architecture. The largest building in Midgard, the itself, the remains of the divine magic of a race of titans.
Temple of Veles, is in Harkesh, the magnificent capital of The great ley line mages of the River Kingdom of Nuria
the Empire. Harkesh surpasses any other capitol, with its Natal are the oldest and most powerful arcane tradition
mighty elemental temples, its schools of philosophy, magic of Midgard, and their magics were taught to them by the
and theosophy, as well as fractious schools of brawling living gods who still walk among the cities of Nuria: Aten,
elementalists, where dragonkin Wind Palm devotees vie Bastet, Horus, Isis, and Ptah. Their magic is great, but
with scaly Fiery Fist monks for bragging rights. their rulers are divided, keeping the River Kingdom from
Adventurers can find draconic intrigues, unique overwhelming its neighbors. Some of those neighbors
treasures, and dragon hoards, and fabulous glory and are small free cities, such as the Free City of Siwal with its
fame fighting against (or for) the kobold and dragonkin sandships, or the Horus-bound legions of Makuria.
conquerors. Nearer the Seven Cities stands the remains of Roshgazi
and Cindass, great minotaur cities razed by dragon fire
WASTED WEST and then slowly, ever so slowly, rebuilt. Their power is
Once home to prosperous human kingdoms ruled by small, but the minotaurs are great seafarers and keep a
powerful mages, dotted with ivory towers and flying cities long memory. In time, their fallen kingdoms will surely
and fortresses, the western heartlands of Midgard fell to prosper once more.
warring among themselves. Raining acid on their enemies,
summoning mind-warping monstrosities, sacrificing THE SHADOW REALM
whole populations to bend ley lines and reality to their The Shadow Realm is a dark reflection of Midgard, a place
will, the great mage-kings reduced green forests and lush of flickering reality just on the other side of a planar door.
farmland to dry, blasted deserts, populated by twisted dust With dark reflections of the mortal world, it is haunted by
goblins and reduced to scrounging for ancient magics and shadow fey, undead, and creatures of strange temptations
lost science. and corruptions—as well as, truth be told, wellsprings of
The Wasted West is a howling wilderness with nothing enormous power and weapons of tremendous prophecies.
but goblin raiders and a few vastly powerful (and power Those who have visited and return tell of a charcoal sky,
mad) mage kingdoms, including the White Kingdom rich in stars and luminous clouds, but never true sunlight,
of Bourgund, known for its sweet perfumes and foul and never full dark.
corruptions; and the Mage Kingdom of Allain, home to Within the Shadow Realm, the shadow fey are strong
the powerful and victorious survivors of the Mage Wars. and their courts and kingdoms are a large part of the
Also to be found here is the Seat of Mavros, where the place. Their enemies, the bearfolk, are likewise far
god of war first trod the soil of Midgard and showed men more common in Shadow than in the mortal world. Fey
how to use fire and steel. Now it is a sprawling fortress creatures, darakhul, and hideous abominations best
shrine, where pilgrims from the Seven Cities and beyond forgotten are all part of the cities, nations, and tribes of
come to buy the favors of the war god. the Shadow Realm, always shifting, far more fickle than
Stalking through the wastelands are strange, enormous human or dwarven kingdoms.
Dread Walkers, creatures summoned by vile rituals and Rife with magic and ancient secrets, but also riddled
constrained to move slowly in time. These are the god- with pitfalls for both body and soul, the Shadow Realm
totems of the dust goblins, and the mere sight of them is a place where the lands and its magic follow different
sometimes shakes the courage of great heroes. No wonder, rules than most places. The rewards are also often highly
then, that many of the great magical treasures of the magical and entwined with fate and destiny—what better
region remain undisturbed. place for a hero to visit?
—Wolfgang Baur, Publisher
Table of Contents

1 2 3
CHAPTER 1: RACES.................................. 8 CHAPTER 2: CLASS OPTIONS.............36
Race Tables................................................... 9 Shadowsworn.............................................. 37
Major Races................................................ 11 New Shadowsworn Spells .......................... 42
Dragonkin................................................. 11 Archetypes.................................................. 44
Dwarves.....................................................12 Bloodlines................................................... 55
Elves and the Elfmarked............................. 13 Cavalier Order.............................................61
Gearforged................................................. 15 CHAPTER 3: DIVINE MAGIC...............62
Humans..................................................... 17 The Gods of Midgard...................................62
Kobolds.....................................................19 Pantheist Priests..........................................63
Ravenfolk.................................................. 20 Gods of Midgard........................................ 64
Shadow Fey................................................22 Domains.................................................... 66
Trollkin..................................................... 24 Inquisitions.................................................67
Minor Races................................................26 Mysteries....................................................68
Bearfolk.....................................................26 Paladin Codes..............................................72
Darakhul....................................................27 Saints’ Magic...............................................74
Gnomes.....................................................28 Spells........................................................... 78
Minotaurs................................................. 29
Tieflings..................................................... 31
Tosculi....................................................... 33


4 5 6
CHAPTER 4: ARCANE MAGIC............ 80 Duchy of Bourgund.................................. 159
Arcane Schools............................................ 81 Former Electoral Kingdom
Elven High Magic........................................ 85 of Krakova..............................................160
Ley Lines.................................................... 94 Free City of Siwal.....................................160
Lotus Magic ..............................................102 Gardens of Carnessa................................ 161
Rune Magic...............................................106 Magocracies............................................. 161
Shadow Magic........................................... 114 Principalities of Morgau and Doresh........ 162
Vril Magic ................................................. 122 The Seven Cities....................................... 162
The Wasted West......................................164
Mounts..................................................... 165
Racial Feats................................................133
Racial Gear................................................ 168
Metamagic Feats....................................... 148
Dwarf...................................................... 168
Regional Feats........................................... 150
Regional Traits...........................................151
CHAPTER 6: MAGIC ITEMS & Minotaur................................................. 171
Regional Gear........................................... 171
Regional Magic Items.................................157 Rothenian Plains...................................... 171
Dominion of the Wind Lords................... 158 The Magocracies...................................... 173
Duchy of Perunalia................................... 159


he world of Midgard is filled with a diverse array of peoples whose histories,
traditions, beliefs, and ways of viewing life continually shape society as a whole.
On Midgard, traditional fantasy races such as dwarves, elves, gnomes, and
others are certainly present, but their backgrounds and places in society are often
unique to the setting—and knowing these details will help players create characters
that are truly part and parcel of Midgard’s social fabric.
This chapter contains all of the details that players and Game Masters might wish
to know about the most prominent races on Midgard. The first part of this chapter
presents Midgard’s major races, which include humans, elves, and elfmarked (or
half‑elves, as they’re more traditionally known), dragonkin, dwarves, gearforged,
kobolds, ravenfolk, shadow fey, and trollkin. The second part focuses on races
whose members are still key to Midgard’s societies but are found in fewer numbers,
including darakhul, gnomes, minotaurs, tieflings, and tosculi.
For feats tied to many of these races, see Chapter 5. For information about even
more races found in Midgard, see Kobold Press’s Advanced Races Compendium.
Race Tables
Presented below are the random starting ages, aging effects, and random heights and weights of members
of the races detailed in this chapter.
Exceptions to the Norm
In Midgard, some races follow special rules for determining their starting ages, aging effects, or heights and weights.
The gearforged follow different rules for ages, as do the darakhul follow different rules for their physical aspects.
See page 16 or 28, respectively, for details.


Race Adulthood Intuitive1 Self-Taught2 Trained3

Dragonkin 36 years +3d6 years +5d6 years +7d6 years
Dwarf 40 years +3d6 +5d6 +7d6
Elf 110 years +4d6 +6d6 +10d6
Elfmarked (half-elf) 20 years +1d6 +2d6 +3d6
Human 15 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6
Kobold 10 years +1d4 years +1d6 years +2d6 years
Ravenfolk 15 years +1d4 years +1d6 years +2d6 years
Shadow fey 20 years +1d6 +2d6 +3d6
Trollkin 14 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6


Race Adulthood Intuitive1 Self-Taught2 Trained3

Bearfolk 15 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6
Gnome 40 years +4d6 +6d6 +9d6
Minotaur 15 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6
Tiefling 20 years +4d6 years +6d6 years +8d6 years
Tosculi 10 years +1d4 years +1d6 years +2d6 years
1 This category includes barbarians, oracles, rogues, and sorcerers.
2 This category includes bards, battle scions, cavaliers, fighters, gunslingers, paladins, rangers, shadowsworn, spell-less rangers, summoners, and witches.
3 This category includes alchemists, clerics, druids, inquisitors, magi, monks, shamans, theurges, white necromancers, and wizards.


Race Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age

Dragonkin 112 years 168 years 225 years 225 + 3d20 years
Dwarf 125 years 188 years 250 years 250 + 2d% years
Elf 175 years 263 years 350 years 350 + 4d% years
Elfmarked (half-elf) 62 years 93 years 125 years 125 + 3d20 years
Human 35 years 53 years 70 years 70 + 2d20 years
Kobold 20 years 30 years 40 years 40 + 1d20 years
Ravenfolk 35 years 53 years 70 years 70 + 2d20 years
Shadow fey 62 years 93 years 125 years 125 + 3d20 years
Trollkin 35 years 45 years 60 years 60 + 2d10 years

Race Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age

Bearfolk 35 years 53 years 70 years 70 + 2d20 years
Gnome 100 years 150 years 200 years 200 + 3d% years
Minotaur 35 years 53 years 70 years 70 + 2d20 years
Tiefling 35 years 53 years 70 years 70 + 2d20 years
Tosculi 20 years 30 years 40 years 40 + 1d10 years
1 At middle age, –1 to Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
2 At old age, –2 to Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
3 At venerable age, –3 to Str, Dex, and Con and +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.


Race Base Height Base Weight Modifier Weight

Dragonkin, female 5 ft. 6 in. 160 lb. +2d10 in. +2d8 lb. ×7 lbs.
Dragonkin, male 5 ft. 9 in. 180 lb. +2d10 in. +2d12 lb. ×7 lbs.
Dwarf, female 3 ft. 7 in. 120 lbs. 2d4 ×7 lbs.
Dwarf, male 3 ft. 9 in. 150 lbs. 2d4 ×7 lbs.
Elf, female 5 ft. 4 in. 90 lbs. 2d6 ×3 lbs.
Elf, male 5 ft. 4 in. 100 lbs. 2d8 ×3 lbs.
Elfmarked (half-elf), female 5 ft. 0 in. 90 lbs. 2d8 ×5 lbs.
Elfmarked (half-elf), male 5 ft. 2 in. 110 lbs. 2d8 ×5 lbs.
Gearforged, female and male as parent race as parent race as parent race +2d20 × 5 lbs.
Human, female 4 ft. 5 in. 85 lbs. 2d10 ×5 lbs.
Human, male 4 ft. 10 in. 120 lbs. 2d10 ×5 lbs.
Kobold, female 2 ft. 7 in. 25 lbs. 2d4 ×2 lbs.
Kobold, male 2 ft. 6 in. 22 lbs. 2d4 ×2 lbs.
Ravenfolk, female 3 ft. 10 in. 55 lbs. 2d6 2d6×3 lbs.
Ravenfolk, male 4 ft. 65 lbs. 2d6 2d6×3 lbs.
Shadow fey, female 5 ft. 0 in. 90 lbs. 2d8 ×5 lbs.
Shadow fey, male 5 ft. 2 in. 110 lbs. 2d8 ×5 lbs.
Trollkin, female 4 ft. 6 in. 110 lbs. 3d8 ×7 lbs.
Trollkin, male 4 ft. 10 in. 150 lbs. 3d8 ×7 lbs.

Race Base Height Base Weight Modifier Weight

Bearfolk, female 5 ft. 4 in. 130 lbs. 3d8 ×7 lbs.
Bearfolk, male 5 ft. 8 in. 160 lbs. 3d8 ×7 lbs.
Gnome, female 2 ft. 10 in. 30 lbs. 2d4 ×1 lb.
Gnome, male 3 ft. 0 in. 35 lbs. 2d4 ×1 lb.
Minotaur, female 6 ft. 215 lbs. 2d6 ×7 lbs.
Minotaur, male 6 ft. 3 in. 240 lbs. 2d6 ×7 lbs.
Tiefling, female 4 ft. 5 in. 85 lbs. 2d10 ×5 lbs.
Tiefling, male 4 ft. 10 in. 120 lbs. 2d10 ×5 lbs.
Tosculi, female 2 ft. 6 in. 25 lbs. 2d4 ×1 lb.
10 Tosculi, male 2 ft. 6 in. 25 lbs. 2d4 ×1 lb.

Major Races they also exude a commanding presence, a sense of destiny

that scalykind and non-scaly races alike find compelling.
The following races are the most populous or Dragonkin speak Draconic, the language of the Dragon
prominent—or both—in Midgard. Empire, as well as the Trade Tongue (Common).

DRAGONKIN The greater dragons and draconic gods are tied to
The dragonkin are the youngest race of Midgard, growing elemental forces, so is not surprising that Mharoti
quickly in the extent of their rule. They are common only dragonkin wizards, sorcerers, and other arcanists make
in the Mharoti Empire, and indeed they are a consequence outstanding elementalists. Their proficiency with the
of its founding; the dragonkin were unknown before the elements is more natural and comes at an earlier age than
unification of the dragons. They have spread beyond the it does for other races. As a result, all dragonkin arcane
Dragon Empire and now can be found throughout the and divine casters gain the ability to cast one extra cantrip
south and east of Midgard. with an elemental type (air, earth, fire, or water).
Dragonkin are considered a race of great presence and
ability, but driven by greed and arrogance. Such a young DRAGONKIN CHARACTERS
race should be more humble, or at least less demanding. All dragonkin have the following racial traits.
And yet, the dragonkin have fought and won so many +2 Strength, −2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma:
battles that their arrogance is justified. Their penchant Dragonkin are
for battle and their success at seizing plunder make strong and exude
many wonder whether they are especially favored by the presence, but they
World-Serpent Veles. The dragonkin are quick to claim his are not quick.
blessing, and the blessings of their inhuman gods.
Dragonkin are powerful scaled humanoids, clawed and
fearsome in size and strength. As might be expected,
the resilience and arrogance of humans fused with the
scaly magic and toughness of dragons is a powerful
combination. Most dragonkin have gray, brown, tan, gold,
silver, or black scales; rarely, some display red-orange,
green-yellow, or starlike blue-and-black scales.
The dragonkin divide themselves into the Four Elemental
Kinds, supposedly purebred lineages of dragonkin,
though there is a great deal of mixing among them as
well and hybrids are not uncommon. The flame or fire
dragonkin (who bear yellow, golden, or orange scales, with
red crests) are the most common, followed by wind or
storm dragonkin (blue, white, silver, or gray scales, with
black crests). The stone or cave dragonkin are relatively
uncommon (brown, gray, black, or rarely white scales, with
purple or white crests). Rarest of all are the wave or tide
dragonkin breeds, gold, blue, or green-scaled with bright
green or yellow crests. More common than the purebreds
and outside the traditional elemental divisions are the edjet
or soldier dragonkin, who sport brassy or tan scales with
black or rust‑colored crests.
Dragonkin men and women are distinct. All have
clawed hands and feet, their faces are dominated by
short snouts, and their eyes are deep and golden or black.
Beyond that, though, male dragonkin are larger, horned
or crested, and considerably heavier. Their tails are short
and often spiked. Female dragonkin are faster, smaller,
and wiry, with longer lashing tails. They sometimes have a
frill or collar of contrasting color.
Dragonkin wear armor normally, since their own scales
are only slightly more protective than human or dwarven
skin. All dragonkin are heavy and slow for their size, but
Slow Speed: Dragonkin have a base speed of 20 feet, and tightly in gold or copper wire; sometimes these beards
their speed is never modified by encumbrance or armor. are forked or braided as well. They serve a male mask of
Darkvision: Dragonkin can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Rava they call Ptah, and they build clockwork bodies they
call shabti, or servants. Their skin is dark as ebony, and—
Energy Resistance: Dragonkin must choose acid,
when not shorn—their hair runs to pure black, gold, or
cold, fire, lightning, or sonic energy at 1st level. They
red. The Southern dwarves are alchemists and mystics,
have DR 2 against that energy type.
with a particular hatred of dragons and the Mharoti
Armor: Dragonkin have a +1 natural armor bonus. Empire. They have served the King of Nuria Natal well
Presence: Dragonkin gain a +2 racial bonus on and faithfully as bodyguards and as his heavy infantry for
Intimidate and Diplomacy checks. Fly is always a class centuries, and as engineers who build his temples, city
skill for dragonkin. walls, and step pyramids.
Languages: All dragonkin begin with both the Trade
Tongue (Common) and Draconic as known languages.
Dragonkin who have high Intelligence scores can The tale of men and dwarves might be punctuated by feuds
choose any of the following bonus languages: Dwarven, and battles, but they are allies more often than not. At first
Elemental, Elven, Infernal, Kobold, Minotaur, Nurian, the dwarves mistook humans for a degenerate subrace
or Darakhul (Ghoulish/Undercommon). of elf, and later grouped them among the many “lesser
races” of Midgard. Gifts, familiarity, and common ground
eventually forged an alliance between the two races, a
DWARVES concord that grew stronger as the old gods gave way to the
new, but it was hardly an equal partnership. The dwarves
The dwarves of Midgard live in three great realms: the
raided into human lands at the least provocation, and their
Northern halls such as Tanserhall and Wolfheim, the
kingdoms claimed huge tracks of land occupied by other
cantons of the Ironcrags, and the Southern city of Nuria
races, which the dwarves either drove out or enslaved.
Natal. The dwarves of the three realms are distinct in their
Those who proved too troublesome were exterminated.
culture, strengths, and style.
In the Northlands, those who submitted to dwarven
The Northlands dwarves are keepers of the old ways
rule were required to
and the old gods, smiths and warriors, farmers and
supply tribute in the
traders, stout and strong and able to down a barrel of ale
form of gold and
at one sitting. They keep busy fighting the giants or the
slaves. The human
werewolves and worgs in the North, but sometimes the
tributes were put
Northern dwarves take to the sea in their longships and
to work laboring
raid the coasts, from Vidim through the Donnermark and
in mines or
Krakova to northern Dornig territories, but passing over
lowland farms.
the magocracy of Allain.
The Northern dwarves are especially accomplished at
ring‑making, smithwork, and (for some reason) berserk
shapeshifting. They have a society of
especially fearsome bear‑shirted
The cantonal dwarves are makers,
miners, and smiths, digging deep
into the Ironcrags for iron and gold
and forging items of great wonder,
primarily exceptional spears,
crossbows, and arrows, but also great
artistic works. Singular items are a lifetime’s
masterwork: a clockwork steed or wagon, an airship, a
returning hammer, or a suit of invulnerable armor. None
of these are beyond the grasp of a cantonal smith.
The cantonal dwarves serve no kings, but rule
themselves. They often serve as mercenaries in the Seven
Cities, among the Princes of Dornig, and even against the
Mharoti Empire, side by side with the Magdar knights.
The Southlands dwarves are distant relatives at best, with
different language, magic, and style. In the desert heat the
Southern dwarves shave their heads and wrap their beards

These client races first gave their masters the nickname Stonecunning: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Perception
“reaver dwarf.” As time passed and more dwarves were checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and
lost each generation to southern emigration, war, and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They
vendetta, humanity gained a more even footing. receive a check to notice such features whenever they
Much of dwarf culture was adopted (or forced upon) pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are
humanity and the other races of the North and (later) the actively looking.
Ironcrags, but mankind taught the dwarves the arts of Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with
restrained diplomacy, cooperation, and peaceful trade. battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any
Some say that the dwarves have mellowed over the years, weapon with the word "dwarven" in its name as a martial
but others claim that humans have simply learned to weapon.
weather the dwarves’ pride and temper. Certainly the
Languages: Dwarves begin play speaking the
name “reaver dwarf ” hasn’t been abandoned by the
Trade Tongue (Common) and Dwarven. Dwarves
dwarves themselves.
with high Intelligence scores can choose from the
following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and
The cantonal dwarves of Midgard are the only race with
access to gunpowder and airships. This is purely an
optional element of the setting, and gunpowder could ELVES AND THE ELFMARKED
be ignored entirely. If you choose to include gunpowder,
gunslinger PCs in Midgard will require some form of The elves are a people apart, as they are quick to remind
connection to the cantons to gain access to proper guns, others. They were not the first settlers of the forests and
powder, and related materials. fields, but they taught humans and dwarves and others
the arts arcane and the art of civilization. The empire they
Airships occupy a similar position. The dwarves built a
founded at Thorn and in the Arbonesse, which later spread
few of them in the canton of Templeforge, but the crafts
as far east as Sephaya and south to Valera, was a wonder for
are delicate and expensive. Most are used for high-value
the ages. Its magical roads, its slim towers, and its speedy
cargos and urgent military matters, and only a few cantons
and lethal armies maintained an age of peace that lasted
have an airship of their own.
until a few centuries ago.
For examples of some Midgardian dwarven equipment,
Now the elves are in retreat, and a splintered race.
see page 168.
Some few with elven blood—the so-called “elfmarked”
DWARVEN CHARACTERS humans—remain and can claim descent from the great
elves of old. The greatest of these is the Imperatrix of
All dwarves have the following racial traits.
the lands of the many princes, an aging queen without
+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma: a clear heir. But the elfmarked are as much human as elf
Dwarves are both tough and wise, but also a bit gruff. (see Elfmarked Characters on page 14). The true elves
Medium: Dwarves are Medium creatures and receive no are rarely seen, and are confined to three groups: the
bonuses or penalties due to their size. windrunner elves of the Rothenian steppes, the shadow
Slow and Steady: Dwarves have a base speed of 20 fey of the Realm of Shadow, and the reclusive river elves of
feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or the Arbonesse, who might be the strongest and wisest of
encumbrance. the three groups.
Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. The windrunner elves are simple nomads and herders,
weavers and masters of archery and the hunt, and quick to
Defensive Training: Dwarves gain a +4 dodge bonus speak with the sky spirits. In many ways, they are a fallen
to AC against monsters of the giant subtype. people who have abandoned civilization. The shadow
Greed: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise elves have kept a court and a king and queen, but their
checks made to determine the price of nonmagical remaining glory is slight, a reflection full of illusion and
goods that contain precious metals or gemstones. trickery and deceit. They no longer draw their power from
Hatred: Dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls Midgard, but from Shadow. Finally, the river elves are
against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid what remains of the elves of Thorn, with the River King
subtypes because of their special training against these retaining only slight contact with the Imperatrix on the
hated foes. throne of the Domains of the Princes. The Arbonesse
forest is their homeland and the river their highway, and
Hardy: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws
their borders include all the land where the leaves’ shadow
against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
falls. The river elves sometimes exile one of their number
Stability: Dwarves gain a +4 racial bonus to their to wander the world for a time (a span defined in decades),
Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush but otherwise, the other races rarely see the elves who built
or trip attempt while standing on the ground. so many castles, roads, and cities throughout Midgard.
primitives. When she married she added her husband’s
name—Reln, as is the human custom, and upon her
ascension to a noble state she took the vann Dornig title.
Not all elves in Midgard have maintained this tradition.
The windrunner elves (of whom the exiles of Arboness say
were the lower classes of Sephaya who ignored the Last
Horn) adopt the naming conventions of the plains, and
forget their lineages.
By Dornig law, only individuals with a clear elven heritage
might take an elven lineage name. There is a brisk trade
among up-and-coming gentry for genealogists that can
provide such a link.

All elves have the following racial traits.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution:
Elves are nimble, both in body and mind, but their forms
are frail.
Medium: Elves are Medium creatures and receive no
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans
in conditions of dim light.
Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep
effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against
enchantment spells and effects.
Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster
level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In
addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill
checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
Keen Senses: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on
Perception checks.
Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with
longbows (including composite longbows), longswords,
rapiers, and shortbows (including composite
shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word "elven"
in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Elves begin play speaking the Trade Tongue
ON ELVEN NAMES (Common) and Elven. Elves with high Intelligence
A true elf of the Arbonesse lineage has three names. scores can choose from the following: Celestial,
The first is a birth name given by parents, the second is Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.
a common name adopted by the elf upon maturity, and
the last is a lineage name, akin to a family name among ELFMARKED CHARACTERS
the humans, but taken from a list of a few hundred The elfmarked are similar to half-elves (though they have
great heroes of the Elflands known as the Wild Hunt, much less elven blood than half) and use the Pathfinder RPG
who harrowed the demons back to their hells. The most racial traits for half-elves, as detailed below. In addition,
common lineage names include Aynwyn, Sheoloss, some might have the elfmarked racial feats as presented
Kalthania, Derina, Dammung, Rexthathus, and Larentil. starting on page 137.
Elves with the same lineage name might not be related at All elfmarked have the following racial traits.
all, which leads to confusion among humans. Elves reveal
their birth names to their own kind and trusted friends, +2 to One Ability Score: Elfmarked characters gain a
and their common name to all others. +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to
represent their varied nature.
The Imperatrix was born Regia Kalthania, and took the
name Moonthorn when she first adventured among the Medium: Elfmarked are Medium creatures and have no
bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Elfmarked have a base speed of 30 feet. All gearforged were once other creatures, now
Low-Light Vision: Elfmarked can see twice as far as inhabiting standardized bodies with cylinders, springs,
humans in conditions of dim light. and articulated joints of varying quality. Each is made of
iron, brass, and steel and is as distinctive in appearance as
Adaptability: Elfmarked receive Skill Focus as a bonus
other people differ by their hair and eyes. The gearforged
feat at 1st level.
are thinking creatures and can serve as city watchmen and
Elf Blood: Elfmarked count as both elves and humans soldiers. Gearforged have free will that separates them
for any effect related to race. from other mechanical devices, which are no more than
Elven Immunities: Elfmarked are immune to magic simple servants responsive to orders and capable of little
sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus more than a limited amount of memorization.
against enchantment spells and effects. Gearforged mechanisms are more than mechanical,
Keen Senses: Elfmarked receive a +2 racial bonus on because all gearforged are machines with a soul. Their
Perception checks. arms and legs depend on actuators powered by everwound
springs. Their minds depend on memory gears, transverse
Multitalented: Elfmarked choose two favored classes
cognition gearing, and the marvel of a soul gem connected
at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point
directly to a maze of silver and mithral steam, spark, and
whenever they take a level in either one of those classes.
magical conduits. These elements are all held in a shell
Languages: Elfmarked begin play speaking the Trade of iron, brass, and steel, and the bulk of the things is
Tongue (Common) and Elven. Half-elves with high remarkable. A large and heavily armored gearforged can
Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want weigh 400 pounds, since its armor is built in.
(except secret languages, such as Druidic).
GEARFORGED The range of gearforged anatomy in all its variants is
remarkable, but all gearforged share some common parts.
The gearforged are the children of Rava, the Gear
Goddess of Fate and Industry. Her priests were the Everwound Springs
first to forge bodies of brass and copper with cunningly These magical springs provide energy over long periods,
wrought gears and well-balanced mechanisms to support effectively acting as the power sources for most of the
thought and action. Each such body is the safe harbor of gearforged’s limbs and fingers. A broken everwound
a soul that once lived in flesh; a special ritual (see page spring results in the loss of function in that digit or limb.
16) is required to transfer a living creature’s soul into
the housing that makes it gearforged. Once created, a Soul Gems
gearforged can in theory live forever, though in practice The mind of a gearforged creature is as sharp as that of
most wind down or are destroyed by the ravages of time any flesh-and-blood soul, but it is more portable. The
and the difficulty of surviving as a well-crafted machine. animating, vital principle of a gearforged—its will, its
personality, and its mind—are retained in one or (for an
MAKING A GEARFORGED extra 8,000 gp) two soul gems. These are the elements that
The most important moment for many gearforged is the retain an individual’s spirit or soul, and their destruction
moment of their remaking when they leave their flesh means the death of that gearforged.
body behind and enter their new, clockwork body of brass
Memory Gears
and steel. One can spend a fortune on these new bodies or
simply scrape together something that will work—though These delicate constructions are scroll-like ribbons pierced
only barely—if they are aging or deathly ill. The details with thousands of pin-sized holes, wound about with
don’t matter a great deal, since the iron body can be rebuilt. tiny enchantments of great complexity. The memory of
Without exception, the gearforged are shaped like a gearforged for all the days after its creation lives in the
humanoids, and the vast majority appears in one of two memory gears. Older gearforged have many such gears,
styles: roughly human-sized, with articulated joints, and the material component for the magic to create them
hands, feet, and magical eyes; or a stouter version made requires one new gear/two levels attained or every 10 years
by the dwarves. These dwarflike gearforged are more of life. Installing one requires one day’s work and 2,000 gp.
common in the cantons of the Ironcrags than in the Free Memory gears can be taken from a dead gearforged and
City of Zobeck but are accepted as receptacles for dwarf read by others. This is a lengthy process and viewed with
souls. In the South, minotaur gearforged are rare but some alarm by most gearforged, since it is peering into the
not entirely unknown. A few gearforged are built in even most private details of a creature’s life.
smaller sizes, intended for kobold souls, but these are Installing an existing, used memory gear in a new
subject to frequent failure and even the extinction of the gearforged requires a new ritual of soulforging and at least
souls they carry. one week for the recipient to remember and understand
the process. The process is dangerous, requiring a
Fortitude save (DC 10 + one-half level of dead gearforged GEARFORGED CHARACTERS
+ Cha modifier of dead gearforged) to succeed. If the All gearforged have the following racial traits.
Fortitude save fails, the gearforged is ill for two weeks as it Medium: As Medium creatures, gearforged have no
resorts its own memories, and the found memory gear is special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
rendered useless.
Normal Speed: Gearforged base land speed is 30 feet.
GEARFORGED HEIGHT AND WEIGHT Gearforged Constructs: Gearforged are constructs
Gearforged require a certain size in which to fit in all with the gearforged subtype. As such, gearforged
those whirling gears and tapes used in their operation. possess no Constitution scores and are immune to
Hence, all gearforged are at least Medium size (until an disease, poison, magical sleep effects, enchantment
enterprising clockworker manages to solve that problem, effects, paralysis, and effects that require a Fortitude
of course). Since the ritual of soulforging seems to work save (unless those effects can also affect objects). They
better when the new body is close in size to the original cannot become fatigued or exhausted. Gearforged do
body, gearforged tend to have the same or similar heights not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. As living creatures,
as their parent race—fangforged are as tall as dragonkin, though, they do not have any other immunities common
geardwarves as stocky as regular dwarves. However, small to constructs.
folk and those not content with their size have opted for Machine Healing: Gearforged cannot heal damage
the base height of humans as well, which oddly seems to on their own. Cure spells, wands, and potions heal
impose next to no problems for kobolds, halflings, and gearforged for the minimum amount per charge or
similar small folk. dose. The mending spell heals a gearforged for 1 point of
damage, while the make whole spell heals 2d8 points of
GEARFORGED AGE damage +1 per caster level (maximum +10).
As partially artificial creatures, gearforged suffer none
Routine Maintenance: Rather than sleep, gearforged
of the drawbacks and gain none of the benefits of aging.
must rewind their springs, repair gears, and oil and
They never die of natural causes, and they are immune
clean their parts each day for a 4-hour period to ensure
to any attacks or effects that might age a character. The
normal functioning. They are fully aware during this
whirling gears and preservative fluids keep what little may
period, but any interruption in their routine during
remain of the meek flesh just as strong as the clockworks
these 4 hours requires them to start again from the
powering their bodies.
beginning. Gearforged can function a number of days
equal to their character level without performing this
maintenance, but each day without such a repair period

School necromancy; Level 5th Failure After the first failed check, the subject’s soul is
Casting Time 5 hours removed from his or her body but not yet constrained
Components V, S, M (engraved gemstones worth at in the new one. The soul attacks you as a wraith
least 10,000 gp), F (a complete mechanical body made (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary). If a second skill
of actuators, springs, and gears worth at least 5,000 check fails, the incantation fails completely: you and
gp), SC (up to 4) any other casters suffer 3d8 damage (Fort DC 15 +
Skill Checks Craft (clockwork) DC 28, 3 successes; your Int modifier) and the subject dies. If the save is
Knowledge (arcana) DC 28, 2 successes (Priests of successful, the subject is either imprisoned in a gem (as
Rava may substitute Knowledge [religion]); see text per magic jar, if a 500 gp or better gem was prepared in
Range touch advance) or released to the world as a ghost or wraith.
Target one humanoid creature EFFECT
Duration permanent You and the subject chant and act in unison to trigger
Saving Throw Will negates; SR yes the soul’s migration into the waiting deathless, tireless
Backlash The unbound spirit attacks the primary body of iron and brass. If the incantation succeeds,
caster three times as a ghost (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary). the subject’s old body dies and the new clockwork
A cleric can use the Turn Undead feat to prevent the body is animated with life. The subject is effectively
ghost from attacking during the soul transfer process. reincarnated as a gearforged PC and continues
In this case, the ghost is simply docile and does not adventuring in that form.
attempt to flee during the ritual.


The humans of Midgard are among the most numerous
and thriving races, with kingdoms and duchies and small
settlements scattered from shore to steppes and from icy
vastness to searing sands.
The people divide themselves into seven main groups and
many smaller ones, based on their culture and languages.
Caelmarans: The descendants of the nine
magocracies—Allain, Andarre, Barsella, Caelmarath,
Carnessa, Cassilon, Molovosch, Uxloon, and Vael
Turog—are a pasty lot, with hair from rust-red to
moss-green as common as black or brown. Some claim
that the Caelmarans are all tainted by association with
demons and devils, pointing to the high prevalence of
tieflings among the shattered towns and deserts of the
West. Caelmarans speak the Trade Tongue (Common),
though many also speak the Northern Tongue.
Dornigfolk: The Dornigfolk of the Great Duchy
are numerous indeed. They have skin ranging from
pink‑white to a watery brown, and hair from brown
to blond, though red hair is largely unknown. The
Dornigfolk pride themselves on their hard work and
their elven empress, and consider themselves the last
bastion of the true Empire of Thorn. Those pretenders
in Valera arouse only their pity and scorn. Dornigfolk
speak Elven and the Trade Tongue (Common).
Kushites and Nurians: The people of the great
Southern bastion of Nuria Natal are the best known
of the Kushites, but hardly the only ones: the desert
folk, the Mharoti humans, and many of the Southern
reaches are Kushites. Both have mahogany skin, but
their rulers and customs are quite different. Kushites
take great pride in their status as the first and greatest
of the human kingdoms. They speak Nurian and often a
Southern dialect or Draconic.
Magdar: Dark-haired and customarily green-eyed, the
Magdar are beautiful and tall among humans. They have
rich, musical voices and an efficient way with horses and
applies a cumulative –2 penalty on all attack and damage oxen. Though many Magdar ride the Plains or wander
rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. If a gearforged far afield as mercenaries or adventurers, their kingdom
neglects his repair period a number of days equal to his is a strong one, and the Magdar are bold explorers and
character level, he becomes immobile and helpless until fighters. A few Magdar have a regrettable tendency to
repaired by someone else. One 4-hour repair period drunkenness. They speak the Trade Tongue (Common),
eliminates all accumulated penalties. and a few speak Draconic or the Northern Tongue.
Clockwork Savvy: Gearforged gain a +2 racial bonus Northlanders: Pale, tall and strong, the Northlanders
on Craft (clockwork) and Intimidate checks. Gearforged are a race of survivors and powerful warriors. Their hair
intimately understand how their own race works and runs to pale blond or even white, sometimes with golden
can apply that knowledge elsewhere, while most living or red streaks. Their eyes are often a piercing blue or
creatures find gearforged a little unsettling. purple. They speak the Northern Tongue, and many also
Languages: Gearforged begin play speaking the Trade speak Dwarven.
Tongue (Common). Gearforged with high Intelligence Roshgazi: Dark-skinned with powerful facial features,
scores can choose to speak Draconic, Dwarven, or Elven. the Roshgazi are associated with their friends the
minotaurs, and they wander the western deserts as
well as dwelling in small villages in Capleon, Kyprion,
and Cindass. They speak Roshgazi, a language closely Characters add their Charisma modifier to their starting
related to Minotaur. Speakers of either language can status. Status increases further by special actions (see the
understand the other. Midgard Campaign Setting).
Septimes: Dark-skinned and dark-haired, the people of GM Note: Status determines which player character
the Seven Cities, Illyria, and Kyprion call themselves most nonplayer characters (NPCs) will defer to. Note
the Manzaro, but most others call them the Septimes. which PC has the highest Status at the start of any given
They are a small and swift people, quick-speaking and game session, and have all NPCs address that character
sometimes too quick with a blade. They speak the Trade as the default party leader. The character with the highest
Tongue (Common) and a dialect they call Valeran. Status is always the best-known and most-respected PC of
the party in the eyes of others.
Smaller Peoples: Dozens of smaller groups of humans
consider themselves distinct from their neighbors, Some PC races or classes begin with a Status bonus
including the Kariv, Khazzaki, Mharoti, Morphoi, or penalty at the start of play. See Table 1-8: Starting
Khandirians, Olandska, Toar, and Vadi. Most speak the Status Adjustments. Classes and races not listed have no
Trade Tongue (Common) and have a private language of adjustment to starting status.
their own as well.

All humans have the following racial traits. For specific
racial feats available to the humans of Midgard, see page
+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters gain a
+2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at
creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and receive no
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of
30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one
extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an
additional skill rank at first level and
one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking the
Trade Tongue (Common). Humans with high
Intelligence scores can choose any languages
they want (except secret languages, such
as Druidic).


In Midgard, prestige or status is a matter
of public importance, and the setting
assumes that PCs will come from different
stations, social classes, and backgrounds.
This social standing is reflected in the
optional Status attribute. This attribute is
generated at character creation like ability
scores, but can fluctuate considerably more
than the other scores.
The Status attribute is rolled on 1d6+1 if
other statistics are rolled; it starts at a flat
score of 4 if a point-buy system is used.



Status Social Standing
Race Status
0 Slave
Aasimar +1
1 Thrall, bond servant
Dwarf +1
2 Serf, kobold, goblin, bandit
Elf +2
3 Peasant or farmer, laborer, huginn
Elfmarked +1
4 Commoner, adventurer, sailor, guard, centaur
Gnoll −1
5 Guild apprentice, journeyman, militia member, dwarf
Goblin −2
6 Master craftsman, artisan, miller, scout, elfmarked
Kobold −1
7 Merchant, soldier, watchman, archer, gearforged
Shadow Fey +2
8 Guild leader, bishop, bandit king, ranger, corsair
Tiefling −1
9 Master merchant, councilor, paladin, cleric, elf
Trollkin −1
10 Ship or army captain, mayor, clan chieftain, caravan master
11–12 Knight or petty noble, cult leader, court jester, senator Class Status
13–14 Noble heir, castle commander, master of spies, herald, dwarf chieftain Alchemist −2
15–16 Lord or lady, dragonkin edjet, merchant prince, noble, general, admiral Barbarian −1
17–18 Baron, earl, jarl, margrave, magnate, master duelist, wizard, ambassador Cavalier +1
19–20 Provincial governor, khan, keeper of treasury, dwarven hall lord Cleric +1
21–25 Prince, princess, count, commander of knightly order Oracle +1
26–30 Duke, duchess, royal heir, dragon morza, supreme swordsman Paladin +1
31–40 Hero of great renown, high priest of the faith, angel Rogue −2
41–50 King, queen, tsar, tyrant, court wizard Warlock −1
51–60 Emperor, imperatrix, high druid, archmage, divinely favored White Necromancer −1
60+ Legendary, mythic hero, demigod Wizard +1

KOBOLDS speed. They fight on their own terms, small and fierce,
Of the smaller races, the kobolds have adapted best to the and their weight of numbers helps them survive in places
changing world. Enslaved long ago by reaver dwarves, where larger but less numerous races cannot sustain a
kobolds quickly carved a niche for themselves as miners, settlement. They are great miners, good gearsmiths, and
scouts, and tinkerers—small enough to be useful and modest alchemists, and have a curiosity about the world
small enough to be dismissed as a threat. At first they were that frequently gets them into some trouble. They are
tolerated, then largely ignored. As a result, the shadows merchants to both the Underdark and the surface world,
of dwarven society are rife with kobold rogues and with their greatest cities hidden deep below the earth. Their
entrepreneurs (many of them secret worshipers of Loki), enemies are the diabolical gnomes and the dwarves, other
seemingly subservient but busily trading dwarven goods mining races that seek to overthrow the kobold dominance
for resources extracted from the dwarves’ own mines of dark, rich territories. The kobold King of Kings rules
and storehouses, right under the nose of their alleged from Harkesh, the capital of the Dragon Empire.
“masters.” Free kobolds defend their mines viciously, but Kobold society is exceedingly social and built around
otherwise maintain the ruse of a harmless and subservient the clan, matriarchal lines of descent, male kings, and the
little folk—at least until the opportunity to sheathe a crucial importance of clutch-mates (those who hatched
knife in someone’s kidneys presents itself. Many other about the same time, since kobolds are reptilian and hatch
small races have adopted the kobolds' strategy, including from eggs). Relatively few kobolds become adventurers,
the worship of Loki, embracing his cunning ways and the but those who do generally have either offended a kobold
advantages of guile and cunning over brawn and bravado. king (and been exiled from the mines as punishment) or
More than anything, kobolds are survivors. Their scaly have lost many or all of their clutch-mates. An adventuring
skin and keen night vision as well as their dexterous claws kobold wishes to leave his or her home to grieve and find
and sensitive snouts make them quick to sense danger, and new friends. In many cases, a kobold will “adopt” an
their clawed feet move them out of danger with a cowardly adventuring party as new clutch-mates.
Kobolds are deeply enamored of their tools, and some Small: Kobolds are Small and gain a +1 size bonus to
kobolds spend a great deal of effort to improve them. their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to
Mining picks, a mason’s hammer, jeweler’s loup, and even their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth
simple items like a kobold’s spear or dagger are all named checks.
and cherished. At the same time, kobolds tend to gnaw on Normal Speed: Kobolds have a base speed of 30 feet.
tool handles, forget to oil blades, or even pry out inlays or
Darkvision: Kobolds can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
decorative gems to improve them. As a result, most kobold
items are entirely distinctive and unlikely to be mistaken Armor: Kobolds have a +1 natural armor bonus.
for anyone else’s items. Some believe this decorative urge Crafty: Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft
may be a form of defense against theft. (trapmaking), Perception, and Profession (miner)
One category of tool deserves special note: traps. Kobolds checks. Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class
create wildly impractical traps and simple, deadly ones as a skills for a kobold.
hobby, and few kobolds leave home without string, springs, Weakness: Light sensitivity.
or other triggers for their traps. Kobolds are the only race
Languages: All kobolds begin with both the Trade
that recognizes “trapsmith” as a profession.
Tongue (Common) and Draconic as known languages.
Kobolds are closely allied with and related to dragonkin,
Kobolds who have high Intelligence scores can choose
drakes, and dragons. The kobold kings (and there are
any of the following bonus languages: Dwarven,
oh-so-many kobold kings, since no kobold ruler is ever
Infernal, Southern, and Undercommon.
satisfied with being merely a chieftain) admire the dragons
as the sources of wisdom, power, and proper behavior.
All kobolds have the following racial traits. Few races in Midgard live amid so much rumor, suspicion,
and outright falsehood as the ravenfolk. Known as heruti
–4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, –2 Constitution: in the South and huginn everywhere else, they make
Kobolds are fast but weak. their rookeries in every major city. Depending on whom
you ask, the ravenfolk might be condemned as solitary
wanderers bearing misfortune or praised as messengers
from the gods. They are loyal comrades and treacherous
thieves, brave warriors and contemptible cowards. They
are despised for their strange and secretive culture and
criticized for having no true culture of their own. These
truths, half-truths, and lies conceal a greater mystery that
very few outsiders know.
The ravenfolk of Midgard are an odd, avian race of
scoundrels, schemers, and sneaks—and they are much
more than that. Long ago when Wotan brokered the
truce that brought peace among the gods, the wily deity
magically created the ravenfolk from feathers plucked
from his ravens Huginn (Thought) and Muninn (Memory.)
He placed this new race into the world alongside elves,
dwarves, humans, and others to be his spies.

To this day, the ravenfolk are Wotan’s agents among the
races of Midgard and embody his thought and memory.
They are thieves of objects, yes, but primarily, they are
thieves of secrets.
If the ravenfolk have a homeland, it is in Beldestan to
the east, on a branch of Wotan’s tree in the north, or on a
high cliff of Horus’s hidden temple in the south. They have
settlements in Trollheim, Vidim, Domovogrod, Nuria
Natal, and the Dragon Empire, but none of these are large.
Their black feathers and long beaks are spotted on the
road from place to place, trading information or helping
to hatch plots. They are widely viewed as spies, informers,


thieves, and troublemakers, but when the ravenfolk

swear an oath, they abide by it. They avoid the West and
the Seven Cities most of the time and are most honored
in Nuria Natal, where they serve the temples of Horus as
sworn guardians, assassins, and seekers of lost arcana.
In the Northlands, the huginn are living
bridges between this world and the
realm of the gods. They share the
northern gods’ knowledge of
Yggdrasil’s paths and are
secret allies of the

dwarven Illuminated Brotherhood. To those who

dwell in the harsh, unforgiving lands of the
north, the huginn starkly symbolize both
the will of the gods and the reality of death
in battle.
Far to the south, the heruti hold their
heads high as they bravely serve gods who
wear their faces. The falcon god Horus’s most
fanatical believers are heru. They are wandering
desert mystics, sword masters, and dispensers
of the god’s fury and justice. The Talons of Heru
are holy slayers of the falcon god’s foes, and the
Wingless One is their grandmaster.
Some southern heruti become tomb-delving
wizards and rogues. Their patron is Thoth-Hermes,
the craneheaded god of knowledge and the arcane, and LANGUAGES
his ravenfolk followers preserve his ancient hermetic OF RAVENFOLK
traditions. Many of them claim that both Horus and The ravenfolk’s spoken language is called Huginn’s Speech
Thoth-Hermes are masks of Wotan. in the north and Ghuraab in the south. Given how far
The common ravenfolk is a bipedal humanoid with avian flung the ravenfolk are, it is remarkably consistent across
features, including a large beak, taloned hands and feet, regions. Its complex subtlety makes it attractive to rogues
and a thick covering of feathers. A huginn’s face resembles as a thieves’ cant.
that of a great raven or crow, but it lacks wings and has a The ravenfolk have another language which they may
much more solid frame. Most are pitch-black although use instead of, or in conjunction with, their spoken
a smattering have been seen with white and red flecks. tongue: the language of feathers, also known as Feather
Rumors of rare albinos appear to be just that—rumors. Speech or Pinion. Huginn and heruti can communicate
Huginn who have murdered another huginn, those volumes without speaking a word through the dyeing,
who abandon their roosting mates, and those who have arrangement, preening, and rustling of their plumage.
slain with their first cut or never made a cut could all find This language is inherent to ravenfolk and doesn’t require
themselves exiled or stuck on the very outskirts of huginn spending an extra language slot to use—it is considered
society. Exile from a huginn flock is extremely shameful, part of learning the language.
and these outcasts often become vengeful bandits among Some non-ravenfolk in the Northlands, Nuria Natal,
their own kind. and the Rothenian Plains understand at least a few
Heroic huginn favor defensive fighting styles while evil phrases in Feather Speech as do a handful of people in
huginn often employ more vicious and deadly tactics. The Zobeck. Shamans and high-level initiates in the secret
huginn are masters of words and have access to ancient and societies of the dwarf cantons are fluent in it and have
supernatural languages unknown to most. They can easily developed a sign language recognizable to ravenfolk as
decipher strange texts and translate foreign languages, Feather Speech. This lets them communicate with huginn
and since their ability to quickly pick up new languages is on roughly the same level. Non-huginn with access to
unrivalled among the humanoid races, they often serve as such a mentor may learn Feather Speech as a language via
translators. Huginn take great delight in learning strange linguistics.
and archaic languages not in common use. 21
ROOKERIES AND GHETTOES Tengu: Ravenfolk are humanoids with the tengu subtype.
Ravenfolk prefer to settle among or near other humanoid Medium: Ravenfolk are Medium creatures and receive no
races. Outsiders uncharitably claim that this is so that bonuses or penalties due to their size.
huginn don’t have to go far in order to steal, but in truth, Normal Speed: Ravenfolk have a base speed of 30 ft.
this is part of their nature as creatures of Wotan. The All-
Father learns more of events in Midgard if his agents live Senses: Ravenfolk have low-light vision.
among others—particularly in large settlements—than he Sneaky: Ravenfolk gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception
does if they keep to themselves out in the wilderness. and Stealth checks.
Rookeries are sprawling, complex structures built high Gifted Linguist: Ravenfolk gain a +4 racial bonus on
off the ground. They comprise individual nests, shops, Linguistics checks and learn two languages each time
shrines, and meeting places connected by bridges and they gain a rank in Linguistics rather than one language.
ladders made of wood and rope. If this is not possible, Swordtrained: Ravenfolk are trained from birth in
a rookery might be built on tall, strong poles, wooden swordplay and, as a result, are automatically proficient
beams, treetops, or on high rock formations. Currently, no with sword-like weapons (including bastard swords,
city or town in Midgard contains more than one rookery: daggers, elven curve blades, falchions, greatswords,
the cities aren’t large enough or the ravenfolk aren’t kukris, longswords, punching daggers, rapiers,
numerous enough. Some ravenfolk live outside their local scimitars, short swords, and two-bladed swords).
rookeries—usually exiles, hermits, and ne’er do wells.
Natural Weapon: A ravenfolk has a bite attack that
The ravenfolk design rookeries so that their full extent
deals 1d3 points of damage. If a ravenfolk is otherwise
isn’t obvious to ground-level dwellers: many humanoids
unarmed, it is a primary attack. Otherwise, it is a
who ascend into rookeries are astonished to see how
secondary attack.
strong a presence the huginn actually have in their city.
The ravenfolk’s habit of mimicking their host cultures Languages: Ravenfolk begin play speaking the Trade
sometimes extends to planning their rookeries. Zobeck’s Tongue (Common) and Feather Speech. Ravenfolk with
rookery, for example, is constructed in a shape that looks high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they
like a map of the city when viewed from above. want (except for secret languages, such as Druidic).
Whenever possible, ravenfolk use found materials to
build their rookeries. Anyone can buy lumber and nails, SHADOW FEY
but only highly intelligent and resourceful huginn can
build a fine home solely from things they’ve gotten for free. The enigmatic shadow fey dwell in their ebon spires and
Huginn in the midst of a building project will tirelessly moonlit keeps, encroaching on the mortal world in places
canvass a city looking for cast-off wood, metal, and where barriers between the planes are thin. They prowl
anything else they can use. They pester local tradespeople the darkest recesses of the forest, hunting mortal prey.
daily to see if they have anything lying around they’d They dance in the darkly luminous halls of their shadow
be willing to part with, and they sometimes “borrow” palaces, the lords and ladies of twilight. They keep their
materials that no one seems to want. history shrouded in mystery and their actions filled
The beauty of rookeries is not immediately obvious to with contradictions. They seek to throw their observers
non-ravenfolk. Huginn believe that every stick, pottery off‑guard, for anyone and everyone are potential enemies.
shard, and clump of hay has a particular place and find Although a beautiful race, they are often described as
it hard to rest until they’ve determined exactly where combining the worst features of elves and goblins. They are
that is. Working on the rookery is one of a huginn’s at turns benign and cruel, purposeful and whimsical. They
chief pleasures. Ravenfolk adventurers can drive their vanish from the world and reappear apparently at random,
companions to distraction by constantly moving things professing shock at the changes that have occurred in their
around in a campsite. absence. To some, their actions seem mad, but there is
Midgard’s largest rookeries exist in Vidim, Zobeck, always a method in them. They advance their goals subtly,
Domovogrod, the Khanate of the Khazzaki, Tanserhall, and their victims are overtaken before they become aware.
Thunder Mountain, the Free City of Siwal, and the River While the shadow fey are often antagonists and usually
Kingdom Nuria Natal, as well as Makuria, the Citadel of described as malevolent, they are not inherently evil.
Winged Truth in the Southlands. Neither are they inherently good. They are fey. Like all fey,
mortals must be wary with their interactions or pay a steep
RAVENFOLK CHARACTERS price. Loyalty. Devotion. Wealth. Memories. Lives. Souls.
All ravenfolk have the following racial traits. The shadow fey deal in all of these things. And the shadow
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, −2 Constitution: fey are stirring once more.
Ravenfolk are fast and observant but relatively fragile Even to most shadow fey, their history is secret, and
and delicate. many stories of their origins exist. The most prevalent
story says that the shadow fey were elves who made pacts

with forces of darkness centuries ago, most likely during Shadow fey are closely related to elves. Players may elect
the Black Sorceress’s Revolt when a group of beleaguered to use the standard racial traits and abilities for elves or
elves turned to those powers out of desperation. half-elves while altering their appearance to resemble
The official history of the Shadow Courts assumes this shadow fey. These characters are treated as elves or
version of events, and the Shadow Reckoning calendar half‑elves and have all of the options normally available
begins at that time. Sarastra, the Queen of Night and to other such characters. However, other game features
Magic, is featured as both the divine patron and the are restricted to the shadow fey race (such as racial traits,
founder of the shadow fey in this tale, a fact which she feats, and alternate racial features).
is pleased to exploit as necessary. It is certain that there Players can also elect to use the shadow fey racial traits
is some truth to this story. Both the records and the available here.
memories of ancient elves support this particular version
of those events as they are commonly recalled. SHADOW FEY CHARACTERS
While the submission to dark magics is acknowledged, Some shadow fey have the following racial traits.
other tales seem to deny this as the sole origin of the +2 Dexterity +2 Charisma, −2 Constitution:
shadow fey. The Queen of Night and Magic existed long Shadow fey are graceful and alluring but relatively frail.
before the once-elven princess Sarastra came to rule Fey: Shadow fey are creatures of the fey type.
the shadow fey, and stories of their exploits exist dating
centuries prior to the Black Sorceress’s Revolt. Indeed, Medium: Shadow fey are Medium creatures and have no
many shadow fey seem more closely related to fey than to
elves, despite the relatively short span of time since their
supposed separation. Mentions of alternate planes, chaos,
and time magic—particularly in the environs of Zobeck
and Castle Shadowcrag—only contribute to the confusion.
In the end, only the gods know the true origins of the
shadow fey. Speculation is rampant but not often shared.
As is commonly said in the Summer Court, it
is unwise to argue with a goddess. Sarastra’s
accounting of events suffices for most
Shadow fey resemble elves physically with a
few striking differences. Their skin color tends
toward alabaster white, ebon black, or subtle grays.
A few have scintillating, shimmering skin. Many
shadow fey have horns, from subtle nubs to large
and obvious protrusions, either satyr or fiend-like
depending on the chronicler. Some shadow fey have
dangerously sharp teeth. And while most shadow fey
are Medium, a few are Small. Most enjoy a long lifespan
similar to that of elfmarked, but a few others’ longevity is
closer to that of elves. Some rare shadow fey even appear to
be effectively immortal, showing no signs of aging.


The “standard” shadow fey is a misnomer. The shadow fey
have had different statistics and descriptions over time as
editions have changed and the Midgard Campaign Setting has
evolved. The most recent stat blocks for the shadow fey can
be found in the Midgard Bestiary and the Courts of the Shadow
Fey adventure. While it may be appropriate for a high-level
game, that depiction of the shadow fey is too powerful
for a 1st-level player character in a typical game. Creating
a PC race based on these variables—a scaled‑down
iconic version and earlier depictions— provides players
many options as they progress in the world, eventually
developing into something like the “standard” shadow fey
or into a character entirely of their own making.
bonuses or penalties due to their size. a sudden hurry. They see it in the wide, sightless eyes of
Speed: Shadow fey have a base speed of 30 ft. fallen foes.
Trollkin are the spawn of unions between humanoids
Senses: Shadow fey have darkvision 60 ft. and low-light
and trolls, ogres, and other brutes that lurk in the shadows
of the world. Liaisons with dark fey creatures often lead
Light Sensitivity: Shadow fey are dazzled in areas of to trollkin offspring as well. This mixed heritage leaves
bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. many marks on the trollkin, the most obvious being
Secretive: Shadow fey are taught to conceal themselves their appearance. Though they may display a wide range
almost from birth. Bluff and Stealth are always class of specific features, the trollkin are generally larger and
skills for shadow fey. sturdier than human forebears. They grow taloned fingers
Sneaky: Shadow fey receive a +2 racial bonus on Stealth and toes and sharp fangs or oversized tusks.
checks. Beyond that, each individual is unique. Some have scales
or hair covering thick skin. Others sport bony ridges or
Spell-Like Abilities: Shadow fey can cast shadow jump
frills. Many have strangely colored eyes or speak with
once per day as a spell-like ability, using their character
disturbing voices. Skin tones most commonly range from
level as their caster level.
slate gray to pale green but can vary widely between muted
Swift as Shadows: Shadow fey can remain stealthy even hues. Not all trollkin inspire anxiety in an obvious sense.
when moving. Shadow fey reduce the penalty for using Some can be quite alluring or bear only minor outward
Stealth while moving by 5 and reduce the Stealth check marks of their heritage. Fear takes many forms.
penalty for sniping by 10. While trollkin can trace their ancestry back to a specific
Languages: Shadow fey begin play speaking the Trade inhuman creature, there has been so much intermarriage
Tongue (Common) and Umbral. Those with high and mingling of the various bloodlines that any
Intelligence scores can choose from the following: combination is possible. Even trollkin spending lives in
Caelmaran, Elven, Enochian, Gnome, Infernal, Mharoti. close-knit tribal groups may develop features out of the
ordinary for those families.
SMALL SHADOW FEY RACIAL TRAITS The fantastic variations in trollkin forms aren’t only
Although rare, some shadow fey are born Small sized. cosmetic. While the majority of the race shares similar
Most believe that these shadow fey have particularly strong traits, there are a number of offshoots. These variations
fey blood. Small shadow fey modify the standard shadow express some major feature inherited from a different kind
fey traits with the following. of monstrous ancestor. For instance, underwater bands
Small: Small shadow fey gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, of sleek-skinned trollkin inhabit the depths. They wend
a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a −1 penalty on combat through deep rivers, dark lakes, and coastal shoals. In the
maneuver checks and their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on far north, the trollkin breathe winter and relish the cold,
stealth checks. This replaces the standard shadow fey size. slaying foes with an icy grasp. Lean, slight trollkin huddle
Speed: Small shadow fey have a base speed of 20 ft. This in the shadows, their senses focused beyond the world. The
replaces the standard shadow fey speed. whispers are all they can hear—whispers of the dead and
of other, stranger spirits.
Spell-Like Abilities: Small shadow fey can cast vanish
Most fearsome of all, and thankfully the rarest, are the
once per day as a spell-like ability, using their character
ogreborn: trollkin whose giant blood runs thick. They
level as their caster level. This ability is in addition to the
are massive brutes with breathtaking strength, but their
shadow jump spell-like ability of the standard shadow fey.
tempers dull any civilized thought. When the ogreborn
Small shadow fey physically appear identical to their arise from a band of trollkin, they are likely to take control
Medium kin in all other ways, though they too have a wide of it or die in the attempt. Ogreborn bandit leaders and
variance in outward appearance. warlords inspire terrifying tales worthy of legend. Families
of ogreborn dominate the land surrounding their lair.
TROLLKIN Most trollkin exhibiting these variant traits hail from
groups of similar trollkin but exceptions occur. Like
The legacy of the trollkin is fear turned against the world. the trollkin physical characteristics, sometimes these
Brutish appearances and towering strength strike terror prominent features arise with no apparent cause. This
into any who see them. Warriors watch in horror as the often influences the trade a young trollkin takes up or their
trollkin’s near-mortal wounds heal in seconds. Nervous leadership roles in a community.
townsfolk scan the hills at dusk, trembling and praying Trollkin learn rejection at an early age. Their presence
that the bogeyman doesn’t come tonight. Whispered words inspires instant fear in more civilized races. Trollkin
from forgotten ages coax gifts from shadows but always at depend on each other, and they developed tribal families
a price. The trollkin don’t shrink from fear; they breathe
long ago for protection. This organization continued
it. They feel the truth when strangers cross the street in
through the ages with most trollkin living in tribal

settlements. Either the strongest warrior or the most gifted ability after which it ceases to function. This ability does
sage of the tribe leads. Succession is usually clear cut with a not function if the trollkin suffered acid or fire damage
second ready to rise when the current chieftain falls. More in the previous round.
rarely, a tribe sees a rival challenge the chieftain for the Fearsome: Trollkin gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate
right to lead. Regardless of who leads, ancestor spirits mark checks.
one member of the tribe, called the listener. This individual
Natural Armor: Trollkin have thick hide, fur, or scales,
interprets the will of the spirits and guides the tribe in
granting them +1 natural armor.
spiritual matters. In some cases, the listener also serves as
chieftain, but that practice is rare. Natural Attacks: Trollkin can make two claw attacks
Trollkin tribes are insular and distrustful of outsiders as primary natural weapons that deal 1d4 points of
with a small exception in the case of other trollkin. A damage and one bite attack as a primary natural weapon
tribe subsists on hunting, gathering, and, if its territory that deals 1d3 points of damage.
is fertile enough, some small amount of farming. Despite Languages: Trollkin begin play speaking the Trade
their rustic lifestyle, it is a mistake to think the trollkin are Tongue
simple. The trollkin have a keen understanding of crafts
which they use to forge their tools and weapons. Trollkin-
wrought blades can rival the great smiths of the dwarf
kingdoms. Fanciful tales ascribe this skill to some ancient
bargain with dark creatures.
In Midgard, the trollkin have one last but profound
source of allies—the shadow fey. Trollkin often have access
to shadow roads that others avoid like death itself. In
exchange, some shadow fey can call upon a band of trollkin
raiders in times of peril. Rumor suggests some ancient
bond between the two races that goes back to their
origins. If either the trollkin or the shadow fey
know the truth, they aren’t sharing with outsiders.
No matter where they make their living, the trollkin
never fully escape the fear they spread. Traders who earn
the trust of a trollkin settlement still make their deliveries
nervously. Regular customers at the blacksmith can’t help
but jump when the trollkin apprentice slams her hammer.
A trollkin thug’s longtime partner feels the familiar
squeeze in his chest when the brute’s temper flares. It’s a
glint in the eye. A set to the bulging muscles. The accidental
scrape of talon tips across the polished bar top. No outsider
ever feels truly at ease around the trollkin, and trollkin
never forget it.

All trollkin have the following racial traits.
+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, −2 Intelligence:
Trollkin are hardy and commanding but often resort to
savagery to deal with problems rather than think things
Trollkin: Trollkin are humanoids with the trollkin
Medium: Trollkin are Medium creatures and receive no
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Trollkin have a base speed of 30 ft.
Darkvision: Trollkin can see in the dark up to 60 ft.
Inhuman Vigor: As a swift action, trollkin can call upon
their inhuman nature to heal wounds with startling
speed. The trollkin gains fast healing 2 for 1 round. The
trollkin can heal up to 2 hp per level per day with this
(Common). Trollkin with high Intelligence scores Natural Weapons: Bearfolk have a bite attack that is
can choose from the following languages: Draconic, treated as a primary natural attack that deals 1d6 points
Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Sylvan. of damage.
Powerful Build: Bearfolk function as if their Strength
scores were 5 higher when determining their carrying
Minor Races capacity, and their maximum lifting and dragging
Some of Midgard’s more minor races are detailed below. weight. A bearfolk does not gain any of the other
benefits or penalties of a higher Strength. This ability
does not stack with any spell or effect that increases the
BEARFOLK bearfolk's Strength.
Although they typically eschew urban areas, bearfolk exist Ursine Talent: Bearfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on
in scattered enclaves throughout Midgard. A rare few Climb and Perception checks.
even live the life of an adventurer, defying the prejudices Languages: Bearfolk begin play speaking the Trade
and ignorance they face among populations that neither Tongue (Common) and either Northern or Umbral.
know about nor respect their kind. Bearfolk are typically Bearfolk with high Intelligence scores can choose
quiet and insular but devoted to their families and from the following languages: Dwarven, Elven, Giant,
communities. For adventurers, this translates into a fierce Gnome, Halfling, Northern, and Umbral.
loyalty to their companions. Bearfolk are often drawn to
a path early in life; whether it’s as a fighter, a barbarian,
a druid, an oracle, or another discipline, bearfolk often
find that they have a powerful connection to nature and to
their more primal natures.
There are two main subtypes of bearfolk in
Midgard. The bearfolk that were born in
the far north are known as Grizzlehides,
and they are thicker, hardier examples
of the race. Their fur ranges from black to
golden, and often has lighter gray or blond
tips. They are more likely to be tough and
ferocious in battle. These bearfolk have the bear
hug and thick coat alternate racial traits.
Rarer than their grizzlehide kin, Purifier bearfolk
often possess a strong affinity for nature, acting as
spiritual anchors in their communities. Purifiers are
usually slighter in build, with reddish or pale fur. A
recent branch of the bearfolk race, most Purifier bearfolk
originate in the Moonlit Glades as opposed to Bjeornheim
in Midgard. These bearfolk often have the nature's gift and
stalwart will alternate racial traits (see page 27).

All bearfolk have the following racial traits.
+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, –2 Dexterity: Bearfolk
are massive and possess deep resolve, but their bulk
sometimes slows them down.
Bearfolk: Bearfolk are humanoids with the bearfolk
Medium: Bearfolk are Medium creatures and have no
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Bearfolk have a base speed of 30 feet.
Scent: Bearfolk have the scent extraordinary ability, as
the universal monster rule (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Armor: Bearfolk have a +1 natural armor bonus.

ALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITS They are the darakhul, and they seek nothing less than to
The following racial traits may be selected instead of the devour the world.
standard bearfolk racial traits. Consult your GM before Attempting to identify the first darakhul is as hopeless
selecting any of these new options. as identifying the first lich or vampire. The modern
Bear Hug (Ex): Bearfolk are renowned for using their Imperium tracks progeny and heralds the great ancestors
bulk to overwhelm foes. They can attempt to bear hug an of the race, made easier by the fact that, as unliving
opponent of their size or smaller by making a bite attack creatures, some of its earliest champions still endure to
as a full-round action. If the bearfolk hits with its bite the present day. The Imperium has not always existed,
attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a though, and the first darakhul progenitors hail from
grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of millennia ago. Scholars of undeath debate whether the
opportunity. This racial trait replaces scent. first ghouls spawned spontaneously from starved corpses
or whether a demonic patron seeded the world with the
Nature's Gift: Many bearfolk develop an affinity for monsters, but the identities of the first darakhul remain
spiritual matters over physical strength and violence. shrouded in conjecture.
Bearfolk with this racial trait and a Wisdom score of The modern history of the race is less open to debate.
11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities once The Imperium began just under three centuries ago after
per day: guidance, know direction, speak with animals,
Tonderil the Bonebreaker fought a 23-year war to unite
and virtue. The caster level for these effects is equal to
the most powerful darakhul lieges under his own crown.
the bearfolk's character level. This racial trait replaces
Though his name is remembered with titles like First
natural weapons and powerful build.
among Necromancers and General of the Royal Bastards,
Stalwart Will: Some bearfolk possess nearly his reign was significantly shorter than his campaign to
unbreakable resolve and a deep self-awareness. If the claim it. In his ninth year as Emperor, he died leading
bearfolk fails save against a charm or compulsion effect the charge that broke the duergar lines in the Battle of
that that has a duration greater than 1 round, it receives the Dwarfvault near Gonderif. His great legacy includes
another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect. military unification of the People and the founding of the
This second save is made at the same DC as the first. If a Temple of the Hungry God.
bearfolk with this racial trait gains a similar ability from As Tonderil’s successors advanced the cause and
another source, they can only use one of these abilities maintained the Imperium, drow, duergar, and other cities
per round, but can try the other on the second round fell one after the other. The Empire of the Ghouls profited
if the first reroll ability fails. This racial trait replaces in coin, in land, in slaves, and in food. The forefathers
armor. who inherited the Imperium took stock of the race’s
Thick Coat: Bearfolk native to the northern climes of accomplishments and applied the principles of martial
Midgard can comfortably survive frigid temperatures. meritocracy to every darakhul. The People have produced
The bearfolk does not have to make Fortitude saves powerful champions in the many decades since. Haresha
and takes no damage due to cold environments. The Winterblood expanded the empire in every direction,
bearfolk does not gain resistance to cold damage from taking caverns just below the surface, delving deep to
non‑environmental sources. This racial trait replaces build strongholds in vast subterranean vaults, and sacking
ursine talent. cities everywhere. The infamous Sergival of the Shackles
forged an immense slave trade under the guise of the cave
dragon Dreadwing, feeding on mortal tributes from across
DARAKHUL the world. Arcanist Antovian Surmidus used illusion and
In the lightless depths beneath the ground, an empire of necromancy to forge the tradition of disguise now known
devouring ambition grows and plots and dreams. They call as the Cloak wherein hundreds of darakhul infiltrate every
themselves the People, but by those who know of them people and path, disguised as breathing mortals working
and their nefarious goals, they are called the Subterranean as soldiers and shepherds, butchers and bookbinders.
Lords, the Ghoul Imperium, or, simply, the Empire of The fourth and reigning Pale Emperor Nicoforus sought
Ghouls. Their cities lie out of sight, their agents infiltrate revenge on an alliance of drow and duergar whose best
the underworlds of a score of surface cities, and their assassins slew his predecessor. Nicoforus sent legions of
hunger knows no limits. ghouls to their cities and razed them. Every dark elf and
To them, those who are not the People are food— the every gray dwarf was eaten or turned to replace darakhul
living must be pacified and domesticated, so their breeding losses. Today, the two races sneer bitterly at the mention of
sustains a ruling class of cannibalistic undead. Their the Tide of Ghouls. Other races may hate or fear them, but
empire maintains complex social structures and forges
powerful alliances. They scheme and plot. They hunger for
the flesh of both living and dead.

at least, subterranean humanoids know the threat posed a humanoid infected with darakhul fever. Only darakhul
by the Imperium. Surface races remain blissfully unaware sires can inflict a creature with this disease, which burns
or unconcerned about the aggressive race of militant the life from its victims until a cold corpse rises to replace
ghouls. Their armies number in the thousands, and they the once-living subject. The resulting darakhul has the
can strike from any crypt or cavern. following traits.
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma: Darakhul are nimble and
DARAKHUL AGE, HEIGHT, social. As undead, they have no Constitution score, but
AND WEIGHT darakhul characters built using a point buy system must
Darakhul differ from most races because they don’t assign at least a score of 10 to their Constitution.
physically age after their conversion to undeath. As a Undead: Darakhul have the undead type, and possess
result, when determining the age and size of a darakhul all the traits and immunities described in the Pathfinder
character, use the tables provided for its original race. Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide. A darakhul
Darakhul gain the benefits to mental abilities scores for retains its humanoid subtype and gains the augmented
aging, but take no penalties to their physical scores once subtype as well.
they’ve risen as a ghoul. Choose how old the character
was when it became darakhul and apply all mental age Small or Medium size: Darakhul can be Small or
modifiers and any physical age modifiers up to that point. Medium creatures. If Medium, a darakhul has no
All darakhul weigh about 25% less than their original race. bonuses or penalties due to size. If Small, the darakhul
gains a +1 size bonus to AC, a +1 size bonus on attack
DARAKHUL CHARACTERS rolls, a −1 penalty to CMB and CMD, and a +4 size
Darakhul are not born but, instead, rise from the death of bonus on Stealth check. Regardless of size, the darakhul
retains some resemblance to its original humanoid
Bite Attack: A darakhul has a natural bite attack that
deals damage according to his size (1d4 for Small, 1d6
for Medium). This attack is a primary natural attack.
Channel Resistance: A darakhul gains a +2 bonus on
saves to resist the effects of channeled positive energy.
Hunger: Each day, a darakhul must consume at least a
small meal of fresh or rotting meat. A darakhul that does
not feed for more than 24 hours must make Charisma
checks to avoid starvation (see the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Core Rulebook). Damage from starvation is lethal
damage for darakhul. Once starvation sets in, only
a meal consisting of one full pound of flesh ends the
condition. Once a ghoul takes lethal damage, he must
make a Will save whenever he makes a Constitution
check. Failure indicates he obeys the compulsion to
feed on any creature available, including allies or even
himself. A starving darakhul must confirm a critical hit
with his bite attack in order to tear off enough meat to
satisfy this compulsion.
Light Blindness: Prerequisite: Darkvision or see in
darkness trait; Weakness: Abrupt exposure to bright light
blinds members of this race for 1 round. On subsequent
rounds, they are dazzled as long as they remain in the
affected area.

Found in small numbers throughout Midgard, gnomes
have a single primary home: the dark forest of Neimheim
and its surrounding territory. They have reputations as
terrible swindlers, kidnappers, diabolists, and charmers.
As individuals, the small men and women in their


amusing hats and pointy boots seem silly. However, as

a race they have struck one or more diabolical bargains
for power with Baba Yaga or archdevils, and this has led
them to turn inward. Their only close allies are the shadow
fey, though goblins and kobolds and gnolls are not too
particular in their choice of friends, either.

All gnomes have the following racial traits.
For specific racial feats available to gnomes of
Midgard, see page 139.
+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength:
Gnomes are physically weak but surprisingly hardy, and
their attitude makes them naturally agreeable.
Small: Gnomes are Small creatures and gain a +1 size
bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1
penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat
Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth
Slow Speed: Gnomes have a base speed of 20 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Gnomes can see twice as far as
humans in conditions of dim light.
Defensive Training: Gnomes gain a +4 dodge bonus
to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.
Gnome Magic: Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving
throws against illusion spells that they cast. Gnomes
with Charisma scores of 11 or higher also gain the
following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost
sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals. The caster
level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level. The
DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell's level + the
gnome's Charisma modifier.
Hatred: Gnomes receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls
against humanoid creatures of the reptilian and
goblinoid subtypes because of their special training
against these hated foes. covered with shaggy hair. Warriors braid their hair with
teeth or other tokens of fallen enemies. The thick hair
Illusion Resistance: Gnomes gain a +2 racial saving
covering their large bodies varies widely in color, from
throw bonus against illusion spells and effects.
bright white to medium red-browns to dark brown and
Keen Senses: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on black. Many minotaurs shave or dye their fur in patterns
Perception checks. signifying their allegiances and beliefs. Other methods
Obsessive: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft of decoration include brands, ritual scars, and gilding or
or Profession skill of their choice. carving their horns.
Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes treat any weapon with Adult men can reach a height of 6-1/2—7 feet, with
the word "gnome" in its name as a martial weapon. women averaging 3 inches shorter. Both genders have
a great deal of muscle mass even for their considerable
Languages: Gnomes begin play speaking the Trade
size, and physical prowess plays a large part in their social
Tongue (Common), Gnome, and Sylvan. Gnomes with
structure. Minotaurs can live as long as humans but
high Intelligence scores can choose from the following:
reach adulthood 3 years earlier. Childhood ends around
Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Orc.
age 10 and adulthood is celebrated at 15. However, most
minotaurs don’t form their own families until at least the
MINOTAURS age of 25. They spend those 10 years proving themselves to
their elders.
The bull-folk have many of the same characteristics as
Minotaurs are omnivores and consume large quantities
the bulls they resemble. Both genders have horned heads
of both meat and vegetation. Great banquets often mark
important social and religious occasions, and a successful 29
feast is often a point of regional pride; competition MINOTAUR HORNS
between regional cuisines is fierce, sometimes violent, The most valued accessories of any minotaur are his or
and eagerly anticipated. The minotaurs are particularly her horns. Grown by all minotaurs, horns display an
mindful of meals before great ceremonies or displays of individual’s status and strength, and they provide a ready
skill, and the hosts of such events can earn nearly as much weapon in battle. Those who lose part or all of a horn
honor as the champions by providing memorable feasts. suffer considerable stigma and must constantly prove
To fail as a host brings deep shame. themselves; the term “brokehorn” is a fighting insult.
Some temples will magically regrow a damaged horn for a
minotaur who completes a quest or series of trials, though
a few famous warriors have gone through life “broken”
as a mark of pride and resilience. Those minotaurs who
choose to keep a reminder of their failing are the most
driven among them.
Many minotaurs chronicle their victories with carving or
etchings on their horns. Warriors display representations
of defeated foes, and artisans mark theirs with accolades
their work has won. For instance, the killer of a cyclops


might have a square rune with an eye in the middle, and

the maker of the killer’s weapon might have an axe rune
with a crown above it. Others earn markings from the
great mazes they have solved.
All who honor their heritage take great care of their
horns, polishing and shining them. Some even gild their
horns with precious metals.

Minotaurs are masters of the school of labyrinthine
magic, which includes mazes and confusing
charms and glamers of various types, plus trap-
spells and wardings. They keep this magic to
themselves, never sharing it with non-minotaurs.

All minotaurs have the following racial traits.
+4 Strength, −4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution,
−2 Intelligence, −4 Charisma: Minotaurs are
powerful and sturdy, but also relative slow.
Medium: Minotaurs are Medium creatures and receive
no bonus or penalty due to their size.
Minotaur: Minotaurs are humanoids with the minotaur
Normal Speed: Minotaurs have a base speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: Minotaurs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Natural Cunning: Minotaurs are never caught
Fierce: Minotaurs are sharp-eyed survivors and gain
a +2 racial bonus on Perception, Profession (sailor),
and Survival checks. Survival is always a class skill for a tieflings—the demonmarked, the hellborn.
Early in their existence, entire families of demonmarked
Horns: All minotaurs have a natural attack to gore with were not uncommon in the nine magocracies. This
their horns for 1d4, even if otherwise unarmed. This is dark influence spread throughout the West’s humans.
considered a secondary natural attack. Those families that did not already carry a fiendish
Languages: All minotaurs begin with both the Trade taint often were open to partnering with hellspawn. To
Tongue (Common) and Southern as known languages. these crusading humans, including Zobeck’s infamous
Minotaurs with high Intelligence scores can choose House Stross, which so chafed against the elves’ rule,
from the following bonuses languages: Dwarven, any means of overthrowing their overlords was justified.
Ishadian (Enochian), Khandirian, and Kobold. Their freedom was achieved, but once the elves fled, these
powerful spellcasters quickly turned on each other.
As the magocracies vied for control of the land’s ley
TIEFLINGS lines, couplings with demons happened less frequently.
More than 2,000 years ago, as Caelmarath’s humans Spellcasters blighted the land while the tieflings’ numbers
experimented with their newfound arcane knowledge, slowly waned. Soon, even in the sole surviving magocracy
whispers began circulating about dark secrets in the West. of Allain, tieflings were a rare minority. By then, though,
Time passed, the magocracies grew in power, and fiendish genetics were irreversibly hardcoded into
generations later, the truth emerged: the West’s most many bloodlines, ensuring that tieflings could be born
ambitious spellcasters had entered into dark pacts with randomly to any tainted family. And so new demonmarked
certain denizens of the Eleven Hells. In exchange for infrequently surface, serving as reminders of their
breathtaking magical prowess, these corrupted humans ancestors’ greed, their blind ambition, and—as most
coupled with devils, demons, and other hellish beings, would agree—their utter foolishness.
ensuring their bloodlines would forever carry a fiendish
taint. The dark scions of these unions came to be known as
some hellborn have proven their worth elsewhere in spite
of their dark heritage. In some places, a tiefling’s mere
presence is considered sacrilege. They are particularly
vilified in the Seven Cities and in Magdar Kingdom, and
they are hunted as heretics in the Grand Duchy. In these
areas, the majority populations simply cannot see past the
fiendish characteristics that belie a simple reality: though
touched by demonic patrons, tieflings’ fates—like those of
humans—are theirs to decide.
Tieflings’ connections to their fiendish heritage are
unmistakable and typically manifest physically at birth
or, rarely, at the onset of adolescence. Owing to the
diversity of sires, no two tieflings carry the same dark
physical characteristics. One might bear goat-like horns
and blackened eyes. Another might possess wicked fangs
and reddish skin. Still another might boast cloven hooves
and stunted, leathery wings. For some tieflings, the only
indication of their otherworldly origins might be the
general feeling of dread they instill in goodly folk, their
unmistakably sibilant speech, or the faint smell of smoky
hellfire emanating from their skin.

Tieflings, with their drops of infernal heritage, have a
unique way of viewing certain other races.
Humans: Humans are, if not a noble race, a rich
bloodstock to spring from. Tieflings see in humans
many positive qualities: the facility for lying, the casual
approach to virtue, and the untroubled acceptance of
hypocrisy to name a few. Tieflings favor those who are
adaptable and those who have a flexible understanding
of morality—in short, humans.
Dwarves: Tieflings view the small races as usefully
pragmatic, if perhaps too much so. Dwarf
predictability—both their passion and their temper—is
a weakness to be exploited. Tieflings like the fact that
dwarves are easy to manipulate but seldom feel they have
much in common with this race. To a tiefling, a dwarf ’s
passion for gems and riches is crass and shallow, a sign
of their inability to defend themselves psychologically
from others. The other small races deserve little more
than condescension for their cowardly attachment to
their staid homebound lives.
Elves: It is the elves for whom tieflings reserve their
greatest scorn, even hatred. Tieflings have no use for
many aspects of elven culture: their sense of racial
TIEFLINGS IN MIDGARD purity, their obsessive love of nature and beauty, and
Even at the height of their population, tieflings in the their overall arrogance. The first strikes at the very
magocracies were considered foreboding harbingers of ill essence of a tiefling, the second is a weakness to not
fortune. Today, they are scattered throughout Midgard, see the cruel purpose of nature, and the third is just
but the only place tieflings are socially accepted, albeit undeserved when compared to the greatness and history
begrudgingly, is in Allain. The cities of Bemmea and of the tiefling past. Elves attempt to hide from the pain
Tintager are particularly friendly to tieflings. and suffering of the world. Tieflings openly and willingly
Tieflings are not tolerated outside of Allain, though embrace it. This, they maintain, makes them the

stronger, better bloodline. Arbeyach are even more draconian.

Other Races: It might seem natural for tieflings to A few drones do not fit seamlessly into the well-tuned
ally themselves with any of the various monstrous and social mechanics of the hive. Some resist the orders of
vile races that abound in the world. However, tieflings the queen and the thoughts of the hive mind. Others are
view most of them with utter contempt. In their eyes, physically unsuitable to the tasks for which they were
most of these races lack sophistication in one form bred. Whatever the reason, they do not conform, and
or another—too brutish, too crass, too base, or too nonconformity is not abided in tosculi society. Renegades
lacking in the refinements of pain, suffering, and evil. who aren’t killed are driven out or flee. Known as the
For a tiefling, it is only natural to rule and dominate hiveless, these outcasts attempt to thrive in a world where
these lesser brutes, to use them as pawns in their plans they are feared and reviled.
and schemes, and to exploit them for whatever gain and Tosculi resemble vaguely humanoid wasps. An average
amusement they can provide. specimen stands about 3 ft. in height and weighs 30 lb. As
drones, they are asexual and usually do not choose gender.
TIEFLING CHARACTERS They have large, compound eyes and small antennae. Their
All tieflings have the following racial traits. mouths sport insectoid mandibles, though the jaws of the
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, −2 Charisma: hiveless lack the strength to be used as natural weapons.
Tieflings are quick in body and mind but are inherently
strange and unnerving.
Native Outsider: Tieflings are outsiders with the
native subtype.
Medium: Tieflings are Medium creatures and receive no
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Tieflings have a base speed of 30 ft.
Darkvision: Tieflings see in the dark for up to 60 ft.
Skilled: Tieflings gain a +2 racial bonus on Bluff
and Stealth checks.
Spell-Like Ability: Tieflings can use
darkness once per day as a spell-like
ability. The caster level for this ability
equals the tiefling’s class level.
Fiendish Resistance: Tieflings have cold
resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire
resistance 5.
Fiendish Sorcery: Tiefling sorcerers with the
abyssal or infernal bloodlines treat their Charisma
score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.
Languages: Tieflings begin play speaking the Trade
Tongue (Common) and either Abyssal or Infernal.
Tieflings with high intelligence scores can
choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic,
Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling,
Infernal, Orc.

The tosculi are known to most in the Southlands as a
danger to be either avoided or destroyed. They are alien
beings, operating under a shared consciousness and
typically hostile to (or at best uncaring toward) all
but their own hive-mates. Their hive cities are run
with a ruthless efficiency and ruled by fearsome
queens. Any that do not conform to the hive’s
society, mentally or physically, are destroyed
or driven out. Those that follow the archdevil
Their bodies and angular-jointed limbs are covered in In some cases, tosculi become crafters, providing needed
a glistening, protective carapace. Carapace colors and goods. Other times, they function as defenders, using their
markings vary by region and by the hive to which they skills to protect their adopted community. Each tosculi
were born. Black and yellow or black and white patterns takes a role best suited to its abilities. Some tosculi do not
are common, as are tosculi of solid brown or black. Some find a community where they feel a sense of belonging, or
tosculi are brightly colored, sporting chitin of blues or they are simply aberrations who welcome a life of solitude.
greens. Their arms end in thin-fingered claws. Such hiveless are true exiles, wandering wherever their
Two pairs of wings—usually vestigial, as separation whims take them. Whatever path they choose, tosculi
from the hive can keep them from fully developing— are driven to make the most of whatever life they find for
sprout from their shoulders. Tosculi wings are translucent themselves as the lives of all drones are quite short.
and iridescent. They run a gamut of colors and patterns Tosculi find the industriousness and tradition of
from simple, pale yellow to a rainbow-like pattern akin to dwarves familiar and comforting. The hiveless readily
oil on water. make friends with them when possible. Likewise, they
The nub of a stinger at the base of a tosculi’s abdomen find affinity in the creative, industrial natures of the
has no offensive value. It is a weapon of warriors and
queens that never fully matures in drones.
Tosculi have little in the way of fashion sense, and most
humanoid clothing is not designed with their body shape
in mind. What they do wear is mainly for protection,
though a few grasp the concept that other races often
find nudity unappealing or wrong. Most tosculi clothe
themselves in whatever scraps and pieces of clothing and
armor are available and fit, with a preference for bright
colors. Tosculi have an affinity for jewelry, especially pieces
with large, colorful stones. Some take jewelry they cannot
wear, such as earrings, and affix them to whatever clothing
they have.
The hiveless are outcasts, cut off from both the hivemind
and their fellow tosculi. They lack the numbers to create
settlements of their own, so they usually attempt to
integrate into whatever community they can find that
tolerates their presence—or at least one that does not
actively drive them out. If several hiveless find their
way to the same settlement, they share living
quarters or adjacent rooms in an attempt to create
some semblance of community—shadows of
the hives they left behind. Many tosculi adopt
sets of gendered pronouns to fit in with
their new neighbors. Others answer to
any pronoun tossed their way. Social-
minded tosculi are driven to fit into
the community by providing it with
the benefits of whatever talents they


kobolds as well as their sometimes matriarchal society. TOSCULI CHARACTERS

They are wary of humans, never certain how they will All tosculi have the following racial traits.
react. Despite this, tosculi frequently find a community to +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, −2 Charisma: Tosculi are
join among humans, due to the race’s more cosmopolitan quick and possess excellent instincts, but most creatures
nature. Tosculi respect the strength and presence of find their verminous appearance repulsive.
dragonkin. Minotaurs tend to find tosculi particularly
repulsive, and the two races rarely have anything to Type: Tosculi are monstrous humanoids.
do with one another. More vicious‑minded tosculi get Size: Tosculi are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus
along well with gnolls, who respect their dangerous to their AC and on attack rolls, a −1 penalty to their
nature even if they are put off by the tosculi’s insect-like CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus to Stealth checks.
appearance. Tosculi rarely have contact with gnomes or Speed: Tosculi have a base speed of 30 ft.
halflings, relations being dependent upon the situation
Carapace: Tosculi gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC.
and individuals involved. Tosculi who encounter the
gearforged find them fascinating as they are living Claws: Tosculi receive two claw attacks as primary
examples of integration and order. natural attacks that each deal 1d3 damage.
The views on religion among tosculi outcasts vary from Stalker: Perception and Stealth are always class skills for
individual to individual. Some find solace in joining a tosculi.
spiritual community, feeling reaffirmed at being a part of Skittering: Tosculi are accustomed to living and
something larger once again. Others find faith in various fighting communally with other members of their race.
gods for their own reasons, their worship as independent Up to two tosculi can share the same square at once. If
and solitary as the tosculi themselves. Still others eschew two tosculi that are occupying the same square attack
religion entirely, seeking meaning through philosophy or the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe
simply forging their destiny through their actions. as if they were in two opposite-facing squares.
Tosculi alchemists are naturally attracted to the worship
Gliding Wings: Tosculi have vestigial wings that do not
of Bastet. Those living among humans and dwarves often
allow them to fly but provide additional options in the
turn to the worship of Aten. Tosculi who wander or find
air. They take no damage from falling (as if they were
fulfilment in academic pursuits often worship Thoth-
under a constant, non-magical feather fall effect). While
Hermes. Those hiveless of a darker bent sometimes turn
toward the gods of the Nurian cults—Set and Selket are in midair, a tosculi can move up to 5 ft. in any horizontal
common choices. Those rare tosculi found outside of the direction for every 1 ft. it falls, at a speed of 60 ft. per
Southlands often gravitate to whatever local gods suit round. A tosculi cannot gain height with these wings
their fancy, though Ariadne has a popular appeal to the alone. Instead, it merely coasts in other directions as it
hiveless as well as Ceres for her community aspect. falls. If subjected to a strong wind or other effect that
causes a winged creature to rise, it can take advantage of
The tension between tosculi and other humanoids often
the updraft to increase the distance it can glide.
makes it difficult for the hiveless to develop any true sense
of altruism toward others. Many are neutral in this aspect Hive Builder: Tosculi can use soften earth and stone once
of alignment with good tosculi being incredibly rare per day as a spell-like ability. Their caster level is equal to
and evil tosculi fairly common. How a tosculi adapts to their character level.
society outside the hive—finding a place in a new social Languages: Tosculi begin play speaking the Trade
hierarchy, embracing individuality, or falling somewhere Tongue (Common). Tosculi with high Intelligence scores
in-between—ultimately determines the other component can choose from the following: Abyssal, Aklo, Auran,
of its alignment. Renegade tosculi are equally likely to be Goblin.
lawful, chaotic, or neutral in this respect.
Tosculi Names: Berrvam, Klekazzi, Klikit, Remarra,
Tekrik, Vezzek, Zetarri, Zhurra.
A wandering lifestyle is often adopted by the mistrusted,
outcast hiveless, which leads many renegade tosculi to the
adventuring life. Some embrace their violent tendencies,
taking up lives as brawlers, fighters, and slayers. Others
use their natural mobility and agility to become rogues.
Some tosculi find the ascetic and ordered lifestyle of the
monk appealing. Certain tosculi fall into the practice
of alchemy, pushing the boundaries of their physical
development with their experiments. Others follow the
path of druidism, forming a bond with the natural world
and often focusing on the insects they resemble.

Class Options

he realms and regions of Midgard are teeming with individuals
who have trained in the lore, traditions, and secrets in which their
lives are steeped. This chapter contains many of the most common
or astounding such traditions, including the shadowsworn base class,
archetypes for nearly a dozen classes, bloodlines for sorcerers, and a
cavalier order. Some of these options are most appropriate for characters
hailing from or training in a specific area, so it’s a good idea to receive your
GM’s permission before your PC takes them.

Base Class
The following new class is appropriate for stealthy characters who use a bit
of shadowy magic to confound their foes.

SHADOWSWORN (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the planes)
(Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception
While rogues hide in shadows and wizards cast spells to (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int)
defeat opponents, amass treasure, or accomplish other and Stealth (Dex).
goals, shadowsworn use shadows and magic with the goal Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.
of becoming one with the shadows. It is said that the first
shadowsworn were elven agents of Sarastra, trained in the
Courts of the Shadow Fey. These original shadow mages CLASS FEATURES
have long since traded their mortal lives for a darker and The following are class features of the shadowsworn.
more powerful existence. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Shadowsworn
Role: With their mastery of darkness and shadow magics, are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand
shadowsworn can sneak about with ease, confound their crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. They
enemies, strike using spells or steel, and then escape aren’t proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor
unseen through their beloved shadows interferes with a shadowsworn’s movements, which can
cause his spells with somatic components to fail.
Alignment: Any nongood.
Darkvision (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, a shadowsworn
Hit Die: d8. gains increasingly powerful darkvision. If he has no
Starting Wealth: 4d6 × 10 gp (average 140 gp). darkvision, he gains it out to 30 feet. If he already has
Class Skills: The shadowsworn’s class skills are darkvision, he gains an additional 30 feet to his existing
Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft range. This range increases by another 30 feet at 6th,
(Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge 12th, and 18th levels. At 18th level, he also gains the
ability to see through deeper darkness.


Level BAB Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special

1st +0 +0 +2 +0 darkvision +30 ft., sneak attack +1d6
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 evasion
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 shadow talent
4th +3 +1 +4 +1 shadow familiar, sneak attack +2d6
5th +3 +1 +4 +1 command shadow
6th +4 +2 +5 +2 darkvision +60 ft.
7th +5 +2 +5 +2 sneak attack +3d6
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 shadow talent
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 summon shadow
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 sneak attack +4d6
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +3
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 darkvision +90 ft.
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 shadow talent, sneak attack +5d6
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +4
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 sneak attack +6d6
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 shadow talent
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6 darkvision +120 ft.
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6 sneak attack +7d6
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 shadow transformation

TABLE 2-2: TABLE 2-3:
Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st 1 0 — — — — 1st 3 2 — — — —
2nd 1 1 — — — — 2nd 2 2 — — — —
3rd 2 1 — — — — 3rd 3 2 — — — —
4th 2 1 0 — — — 4th 3 2 1 — — —
5th 2 1 1 — — — 5th 3 2 2 — — —
6th 2 2 1 — — — 6th 3 3 2 — — —
7th 3 2 1 0 — — 7th 4 3 2 1 — —
8th 3 2 1 1 — — 8th 4 3 2 2 — —
9th 3 2 2 1 — — 9th 4 3 3 2 — —
10th 3 3 2 1 0 — 10th 4 4 3 2 1 —
11th 4 3 2 1 1 — 11th 5 4 3 2 2 —
12th 4 3 2 2 1 — 12th 5 4 3 3 2 —
13th 4 3 3 2 1 0 13th 5 4 4 3 2 1
14th 4 4 3 2 1 1 14th 5 5 4 3 2 2
15th 4 4 3 2 2 1 15th 5 5 4 3 3 2
16th 4 4 3 3 2 1 16th 5 5 4 4 3 2
17th 4 4 4 3 2 1 17th 5 5 5 4 3 2
18th 4 4 4 3 2 2 18th 5 5 5 4 3 3
19th 4 4 4 3 3 2 19th 5 5 5 4 4 3
20th 4 4 4 4 3 2 20th 5 5 5 5 4 3

Spells: A shadowsworn casts arcane spells drawn from to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows.
the shadowsworn spell list (page 40). Unlike a wizard In effect, he loses the old spell in exchange for the new
or a cleric, a shadowsworn need not prepare his spells one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the
in advance. He can cast any spell he knows at any time, spell being exchanged. A shadowsworn may swap only a
assuming he has not yet used up his spells per day for single spell at any given level, and must choose whether
that spell level. or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains
To learn or cast a spell, the shadowsworn must have new spells known for the level.
an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell Sneak Attack: If a shadowsworn can catch an opponent
level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against when he is unable to defend himself effectively from his
a shadowsworn’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
shadowsworn’s Intelligence modifier. The shadowsworn’s attack deals extra damage any
A shadowsworn can cast only a certain number of time his target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to
spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus
allotment is given on Table 2-2 Shadowsworn Spells per or not), or when the shadowsworn flanks his target.
Day. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by
has a high Intelligence score. 1d6 every three shadowsworn levels thereafter. Should
A shadowsworn’s selection of spells is limited. the shadowsworn score a critical hit with a sneak attack,
A shadowsworn begins play knowing three 0-level this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can
spells and two 1st-level spells of his choice. At each count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
new shadowsworn level, he gains one or more new With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like
spells, as indicated on Table 2-3 Shadowsworn Spells a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a shadowsworn
Known. (Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage
shadowsworn knows is not affected by his Int score.) instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that
Upon reaching 5th level, and at every third level after deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak
that (8th, 11th, and so on), a shadowsworn can choose attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.

The shadowsworn must be able to see the target well not flat-footed when using Acrobatics to move along
enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach narrow surfaces. Shadow speed can only be used
such a spot. A shadowsworn cannot sneak attack while if at least part of the movement occurs in areas of
striking a creature with concealment. darkness or dim light.
Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, a shadowsworn Shadow Stretch (Su): The shadowsworn can alter the
can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great shadows in his vicinity in order to use the Stealth
agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw skill even while being observed and without cover
against an attack that normally deals half damage on a or concealment, as long as he’s within 5 feet of a
successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can shadow other than his own. If the shadowsworn has
be used only if the shadowsworn is wearing light armor a shadow familiar, the range is extended to 10 feet.
or no armor, and only if there are shadows large enough Sniper’s Eye* (Ex): A shadowsworn can apply his sneak
to cover his entire body that he can duck into. A helpless attack damage on ranged attacks targeting foes
shadowsworn does not gain the benefit of evasion. within 30 feet that benefit from concealment. Foes
Shadow Talents: As a shadowsworn gains experience, with total concealment are still immune.
he learns a number of talents that aid him and confound Stealthy Sniper (Ex): When a shadowsworn with this
his foes. Starting at 3rd level, a shadowsworn gains one talent uses the Stealth skill to snipe from an area of
shadow talent. He gains an additional shadow talent at darkness or dim light, he only suffers a –15 penalty on
8th, 13th, and 17th levels. A shadowsworn cannot select the Stealth check, instead of –20.
an individual talent more than once. Surprise Attack (Ex): During the surprise round,
The list of talents that a shadowsworn can choose are opponents are always considered flat-footed, even if
below. Talents with an asterisk next to them alter the they have already acted.
shadowsworn’s sneak attack.
Shadow Familiar (Su): If the shadowsworn has
Crippling Strike* (Ex): A shadowsworn with this ability the Improved Familiar feat, at 4th level, he can
can sneak attack opponents with such precision that conduct an all-day ritual that permanently releases
his blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent his own shadow to serve as a familiar for him. A
damaged by one of his sneak attacks also takes 1 shadowsworn cannot have a standard familiar
point of Strength damage. (gained from another class) and a shadow familiar;
Feather Step (Sp): A shadowsworn with this talent he can only have one familiar.
moving through an area of darkness or dim light can A shadow familiar has the statistics and abilities
ignore the effects of difficult terrain as if he’d cast the common to all wizards’ familiars, but it doesn’t grant
feather step spell (see the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game its master a special ability bonus. It is not undead,
Advanced Player’s Guide). This ability can be used as so cannot be commanded by a cleric. It can be
often as desired, up to a total number of minutes cured with normal curative spells. It’s incorporeal,
equal to 10 times the shadowsworn’s class levels. and cannot interact with physical objects. The
Improved Evasion (Ex): This works like evasion, except shadow familiar can move under doors and through
that while the shadowsworn still takes no damage on other tiny openings, can stretch to 10 times the
a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, he shadowsworn’s height, is invisible in partial or full
henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. darkness, and can hide completely by posing as its
A helpless shadowsworn does not gain the benefit of master’s normal shadow. The shadow familiar uses
improved evasion. the shadowsworn’s Stealth skill to remain hidden,
Off Balance* (Ex): When a shadowsworn with this and gains a +4 bonus to Stealth checks in dim
talent hits a creature with a melee attack that deals lighting but a –4 penalty in brightly lit areas.
sneak attack damage, for 1 round the shadowsworn The shadowsworn can communicate with his
gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC for each sneak attack unbound shadow normally as soon as he gains it. The
die rolled. alignment of the shadow familiar is the same as the
Powerful Sneak* (Ex): Whenever a shadowsworn with If his shadow familiar is killed, a shadowsworn
this talent takes a full attack action, he can elect to no longer casts a normal shadow. He may only create
take a –2 penalty on all attack rolls until the start of another shadow familiar after one month or after
his next turn. If an attack during this time is a sneak spending 24 continuous hours in complete darkness,
attack, he treats all 1s on the sneak attack damage replenishing his shadow.
dice as 2s. The shadowsworn cannot cast the shadow
Shadow Speed (Ex): This ability allows a shadowsworn projectionAPG spell if he has a shadow familiar.
to move at full speed using the Stealth skill without
Note: The shadowsworn can take Improved Familiar at
penalty. He can also move along narrow surfaces at
an early level when he’s not yet eligible to use the feat.
full speed using Acrobatics without penalty, and is
Command Shadow (Su): As a standard action, the 0-Level Shadowsworn Spells (Cantrips)
shadowsworn can channel negative energy through Illumination
his body to enslave undead shadows within 30 Douse: Douse a small source of natural light. ZG
feet. The shadows receive a Will save (10 + 1/2
shadowsworn’s class level + his Charisma modifier) Lengthen Shadows: Darkened area causes creatures to suffer
to negate the effect. Undead shadows that fail the a –2 penalty to Perception checks. ZG
save fall under his control, obeying his commands Shadow Bite: Prick creature with a needle of sharp pain. ZG
to the best of their ability, as if under the effects Shadow Blindness: Impair darkvision. ZG
of control undead. The shadows receive a new
Silhouette: Create shadow figures against a screen or wall. ZG
saving throw each day to resist the shadowsworn’s
command. He can control any number of shadows, Transmutation
so long as their total Hit Dice do not exceed his Resize Shadow: Alter the size of natural shadow. (see page
shadowsworn level. If an undead shadow is under 42)
the control of another creature, the shadowsworn
must make an opposed Charisma check whenever Universal
their orders conflict. Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune on an object or
creature (visible or invisible). CR
Summon Shadow (Sp): At 9th level, a shadowsworn can
summon undead shadows through nearby naturally Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks. CR
occurring shadows. He can do this as a standard 1st-Level Shadowsworn Spells
action once per day plus his Charisma modifier. He
can summon 1d3 shadows plus one for every three Evocation
shadowsworn levels above 9th. Once summoned, the Silent Sound: Inflict 1d6 points of sonic damage/level
shadows obey the shadowsworn’s mental commands, (5d6 max). ZG
although they can only actively communicate with him Illumination
when they are within 10 feet per shadowsworn level. The
Compelling Question: Compels creature to answer a
shadows last 1 round per shadowsworn level or until
question. ZG
destroyed or banished. The shadowsworn can dismiss
them as a free action. Light WardingM: Barrier of light wards against creature
After a shadowsworn reaches 15th level, he can type. ZG
substitute one greater shadow for every three shadows Orb of Light, Lesser: Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 points of
he would normally summon. positive energy/2 caster levels. ZG
Shadow Transformation: Upon reaching 20th level, Shadow Hands: Hands deal 1d6 points of cold damage/level
the repeated use of shadow energy overcomes the (max 5d6). ZG
shadowsworn and he is completely given over to shadow.
He must choose whether to permanently transform into
a greater shadow, a shae (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Shadow Weapon: Create a quasi-real masterwork
Bestiary 3), or a shadow fey (Midgard Bestiary). weapon. UM
The shadowsworn gains all the abilities and features of Transmutation
that creature type while keeping all of his class abilities Keen Senses: Subject gains +2 Perception, low-light
forever (this choice cannot be changed), and is treated as vision. APG
a native fey.
Light Blindness: Blind creatures that see in daylight. ZG
SHADOWSWORN SPELL LIST Rogue’s Stab: May sneak attack creatures denied Dexterity
Shadowsworn characters can learn the following spells. bonus to AC. ZG
Spell descriptions can be found in the following sources, Shadow Shape: Alter the shape of shadows, and cause pain
as indicated in the abbreviations listed after the spell to shadow creatures. (see page 42)
names: CR spells are found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying
2nd-Level Shadowsworn Spells
Game Core Rulebook; ZG spells are found in the Zobeck
Gazetteer for the Pathfinder RPG; APG spells are found in the Conjuration
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide; UC Dust of Twilight: Black particles extinguish light sources
spells are found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate within area. APG
Combat; and UM spells are found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Ultimate Magic.
Shadow Sight: See at a distance through an intervening
Note: A superscript “M” appearing at the end of a spell
shadow. (see page 42)
name denotes a spell with a material component not
normally found in a spell component pouch.

Evocation TerrorM: Panic one living creature. ZG

Darkness: 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow. CR
Protective Penumbra: Shadow protects the target from Darkvision, Communal: Divide darkvision benefits between
light. UM multiple creatures. UC
Illumination Ghostbane Dirge: Incorporeal creature takes half damage
Shadow Jump: Move through shadows within medium from nonmagical weapons. APG
range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). ZG Shadow Snare: Animate mundane shadow to entangle.
SlitherM: Become a two-dimensional shadow. ZG (see page 43)
Transmutation 4th-Level Shadowsworn Spells
Darkvision: See 60 ft. in total darkness. CR
Silent Combat: Subject of spell is rendered utterly silent. ZG Black Hand: Touch attack deals 1d3 Strength, Dexterity,
3rd-Level Shadowsworn Spells and Constitution damage. ZG

Deeper Darkness: Objects shed supernatural
shadow in 60-ft. radius. CR
Twilight Knife: Floating knife attacks with
you. APG
Compelling FateM: View actions
through the influence of stars. ZG
Orb of Light: Ranged touch
attack deals 1d6 hp positive
energy/level. ZG

Flickering Fate: Gain +4 insight bonus to attack rolls by The GM may grant up to +3 or –3 modifiers to Stealth
glimpsing foes’ future actions. ZG checks based on smaller or larger shadows, depending on
Starfall: Cast up to 3 bolts at different target (1 bolt/level), the situation.
which deal 3d12 points of damage. ZG
Illusion 1ST LEVEL
Shadow Conjuration: Mimics conjuration before 4th level,
but only 20% real. CR SHADOW SHAPE

Shadow Step: Teleport from one shadow to another. UM School transmutation; Level shadowsworn 1, sorcerer/
wizard 1
Necromancy Casting Time 1 standard action
Shadow Attack: Damage targets through their shadows. Components S
(see page 43)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Shadow Projection: Temporarily become a shadow. APG Effect one shadow
5th-Level Shadowsworn Spells Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
Illumination Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell
Resistance yes (harmless)
Solid Darkness: A cloud of darkness impedes movement
and sight. (see page 43) This spell can be used to change the shape of any shadow,
allowing the caster to depict an outline of his choosing
Starry VisionM: See the fate of all creatures up to 4-5-ft
accurately. The total area covered by the shadow is
squares/ level. ZG
unchanged, although if resize shadow is cast on the shadow
Wall of Darkness: Blocks sight and causes damage to those immediately before shadow shape, the caster can shape the
within. (see page 44) resized shadow until the duration of the former spell ends.
Illusion Shadow shape can cause 1d6 damage/level (maximum
Shadow Evocation: Mimics evocation before 5th level, but 5d6) against any one shadow-based creature or illusion
only 20% real. CR that fails its saving throw.

Transmutation 2ND LEVEL

Shadow Plane Adaptation: Resist harmful effects of negative
energy and the Shadow Plane. (see page 43) SHADOW SIGHT
School divination [shadow]; Level shadowsworn 2,
NEW SHADOWSWORN SPELLS sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
The following spells are available to shadowsworn and
other classes, as noted in their descriptions. Components S, M (black tar or oil rubbed on the eyelids)
Range touch
0 LEVEL Effect one touched creature
Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
RESIZE SHADOW Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell
Resistance yes (harmless)
School transmutation; Level shadowsworn 0,
sorcerer/wizard 0 This spell allows its subject to look into any mundane
Casting Time 1 standard action shadow within 30 feet + 5 feet/caster level and peer out
of the same shadow as if he was standing in that shadow
Components S
looking in any direction he chose. Therefore, he could
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
look into a nearby shadow and see out of another part
Effect one shadow of that shadow around a corner, beyond an obstacle,
Duration 10 minutes/level (D) behind himself, or at any distance so long as there is an
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell uninterrupted connection between the point in the shadow
Resistance yes (harmless) he’s looking into and the point he wants to look out from.
This simple spell changes the size of a natural shadow. While under the effect of the spell, the subject can shift
A shadow can be distorted to appear as small as 1/10 its back and forth between normal vision and shadow sight as
normal size or as large as 10 times its normal size. The a free action.
shape of the shadow is always the same as it was before;
only the size is altered. Resize shadow has no effect on
shadow-based creatures or illusions.

3RD LEVEL and all blows against a shadow inflict normal damage on
the shadow’s owner. Touch spells such as black hand can
SHADOW SNARE be transmitted through the target’s shadow, but he receives
all normal saving throws and spell resistance benefits to
School transmutation; Level shadowsworn 3,
any such magical attacks.
sorcerer/wizard 3
Shadow attack is especially deadly when used in
Casting Time 1 standard action
conjunction with other spells, such as resize shadow and
Components S shadow shape, which allow the caster to make an opponent’s
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) shadow more accessible to him.
Effect one animated shadow
Duration 1 round/level (D) 5TH LEVEL
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
When cast on a natural shadow, this spell transforms it into SHADOW PLANE ADAPTATION
a long, thick tentacle. The tentacle stays rooted to the object School transmutation [shadow]; Level shadowsworn 5
that cast it (or to the point on the wall or floor it originally Casting Time 1 standard action
fell on if there’s no direct connection to the casting object), Components V, S
but can extend 5 feet per level to attack an opponent.
Range touch
The tentacle is intangible. Attempts to physically sever or
Target creature touched
break it simply pass through it, while the shadow instantly
reforms itself or flows around interposing objects. Duration 1 hour/level (D)
When shadow snare is cast, the tentacle attacks the target Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell
indicated by the caster. A successful touch attack means Resistance yes (harmless)
the shadow has entangled a victim (the tentacle seems This spell conveys immunity to the harmful environmental
quite solid to the victim). An entangled victim suffers –2 effects of the Shadow Plane, including cold, darkness, and
to attack rolls and a –4 penalty to effective Dexterity. An the confusion the plane causes to those unfamiliar with it.
entangled spellcaster must make a DC 15 concentration Additionally, he gains immunity to negative energy effects
check to cast a spell. Since the animated shadow is (but the spell does not remove negative levels that the
considered anchored, it can hold a victim motionless, if subject has already gained, or their effects).
the caster so desires. Otherwise, the victim can move at If shadow plane adaptation is cast when on another plane,
half speed up to the length of the shadow away from the it grants resistance against the first 3 points of negative
shadow’s anchor point. A standard action allows the caster energy damage the affected creature would take from any
to indicate a new target. individual attack, but no other benefits.
If the victim is attacked by his own shadow, he cannot be
held motionless by it, but the penalty to attack rolls is –3
and to effective Dexterity is –6. SOLID DARKNESS
Strength and Escape Artist checks (DC 15 + caster’s level) School illumination (conjuration) [creation]; Level
can be used to break free of the entanglement. shadowsworn 5, sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
4TH LEVEL Components V, S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect darkness spreads in a 30-ft. radius
School necromancy [shadow]; Level shadowsworn 4, Duration 1 minute/level
sorcerer/wizard 4 Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Casting Time 1 standard action
A cloud of inky darkness billows out from the point the
Components S caster designates. The darkness completely obscures all
Range personal sight, including darkvision.
Target you A creature within the cloud is considered to have full
Duration 1 round/level (D) concealment: attacks suffer a 50% miss chance, and the
After casting shadow attack, a dark nimbus surrounds the attacker can’t use sight to locate the target.
caster’s hands, and he gains the ability to cause damage to Solid darkness is so thick that any creature attempting
others by attacking their shadows instead of their bodies. to move through it progresses at 1/10th normal speed
His targets’ shadows only need to be hit with touch attacks (minimum of 5 feet per round, although he cannot take a
(either with his bare hands or with handheld weapons), 5-foot step), and all melee attack and melee damage rolls

suffer a –2 penalty. The darkness prevents effective ranged
weapon attacks by physical objects, but immaterial magic Archetypes
rays and the like are unaffected. A creature or object that The following archetypes are available to characters of the
falls into solid darkness is slowed, so that each 10 feet of indicated classes.
darkness that the creature or object falls through reduces
the damage of a fall by 1d6 points, with a minimum damage AEROMANCER (WIZARD)
of 0. For example, if a creature falls 30 feet, then passes Aeromancers channel their arcane energies through
through 20 feet of solid darkness before striking the devices filled with mystic waters to produce air-themed
ground, the total damage of the fall is 5d6–2d6 (total fall of magical effects.
50 feet, with 20 feet of the fall being through solid darkness).
Skills: Sleight of Hand is a class skill for an aeromancer,
but Appraise is not.
WALL OF DARKNESS Spells: An aeromancer functions like an air
elementalist: a wizard who has specialized in the
School illumination (evocation) [shadow];
air elemental school of magic. Aeromancers must
Level shadowsworn 5, sorcerer/wizard 5
specialize in the air school, as some of the aeromancer’s
Casting Time 1 standard action
abilities replace air school powers.
Components S Aeromancers gain a bonus spell each level that must
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) be filled from the Aeromancer Bonus Spell List (see page
Effect wall up to 20 ft. tall and 10 ft. long/level or sphere 45). Additionally, aeromancers must take earth as
or hemisphere with a radius up to 5 ft. + 1 ft./level their opposition school.
Duration concentration plus 1 round/level (D) Distill Mystic Water (Ex): All aeromancers learn
Saving Throw see text; Spell Resistance yes to draw mystic water directly from local ley lines. At 1st
A wall of darkness cannot be seen through with any sort of level, an aeromancer learns a special ritual that takes
vision, magical or otherwise, including divination spells. 20 minutes and results in a small vial of mystic water.
While dimension door and similar spells can bypass the Despite its name, this substance is not water and does
wall, anyone who attempts to physically pass through it not quench thirst or fires. Unless it is used in one of the
immediately sustains 3d6 + 1 hp/caster level (maximum aeromancer’s special abilities, it instantly evaporates.
+20) of cold damage and must also make a Fortitude check This ability replaces the scribe scroll wizard ability.
or take 1 point of Strength damage. Construct Aerosphere (Ex): At 1st level, an
If the spherical or hemispherical construction of the wall aeromancer learns to construct a specialized device
is used to entrap a victim, then a Reflex save means he was called an aerosphere. These items can take any form,
able to avoid imprisonment. although they are often set atop a wand, staffs, or
A light spell can weaken a wall of darkness (increasing the rod, and these areospheres are filled with the mystic
illumination in the area to dim light, reducing damage water that powers their abilities. In the hands of an
sustained by those passing through it to 1d6 +1 hp/caster aeromancer, the aerosphere becomes the means by
level, and eliminating the Strength damage), but only for a which he can create, shape or control his spell casting.
single round. Daylight completely negates a wall of darkness All spells cast in this way by an aeromancer have an air
for 1 round. Sunburst dispels a wall of darkness. or wind theme. For example, when casting levitate, the
A wall of darkness can be made permanent with a aeromancer is held aloft by a swirling cyclone.
permanency spell by a caster of at least 13th caster level at a The magic properties of the aerosphere, including
cost of 11,000 gp. any magic abilities added to the object, only function for
the aeromancer who owns it. If the owner dies, or the
item is replaced, the object reverts to being an ordinary
masterwork item of the appropriate type.
The aeromancer begins play with one aerosphere at
no cost. If it becomes damaged, it is restored to full hit
points the next time the wizard prepares his spells. If the
aerosphere is lost or destroyed, it can be replaced after a
special ritual that costs 200 gp per aeromancer level plus
the cost of the masterwork item. This ritual takes 8 hrs.
to complete and requires a few drops of mystic water.
This ability replaces the arcane bond wizard ability.


Aerosphere Channeling (Su): At 1st level, an

aeromancer can channel a prepared spell into his
aerosphere in order to cast any spell of the same level The Aeromancer’s Origin
or lower from the Aeromancer Bonus Spell List (see Aerdvall in the Southlands is home of aeromancy,
below). and most wizards in the Sky Nation practice this art.
This ability replaces all of the wizard bonus feats. The mystical water that powers their abilities come
Windblast (Su): At 3rd level, an aeromancer can project from the Well of Urd, which is powerful indeed. Those
a 30-ft cone of wind as a standard action that acts as a who hail from outside Aerdvall may also become
bull rush against one foe in the area. The CMB for this aeromancers if they truly dedicate themselves to this
attack is equal to the aeromancer’s caster level plus esoteric magic.
his Intelligence modifier (minimum 0). This bull rush
does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and spell
resistance does not apply. Windblast can be used once
per day at 3rd level, and one additional time every 6 7th—control weather, elemental body IV, mass fly, planar
levels (to a maximum of 3 times at 15th level). adaptation, riding the thunder*, scouring winds
This ability replaces the air school’s lightning flash 8th—fire storm, greater shout, stormbolts, whirlwind
9th—gate, mass suffocation, storm of vengeance, winds of
Lightning Rider (Su): At 8th level, an aeromancer can vengeance
transform into living electricity, flash across a distance,
and reform in his normal form on the far side. Anyone BLESSED SCAMP (ROGUE)
standing in the path takes electricity damage equal to These rogues live a charmed life; they have a habit of
8d6 + 1 hp for every two wizard levels the aeromancer escaping every trap laid for them, and through seeming
possesses (Reflex half). This ability functions similar luck and incredible moxie they gain the upper hand in
to a lightning bolt (CL 8th) and has a range of 120 ft. The nearly all of their endeavors.
DC for the Reflex save is equal to 10 + the aeromancer’s Mischievous Strike (Ex): At 1st level, a blessed scamp
wizard level. At 15th level, this ability’s range increases gains the ability to apply a debilitating condition on
to 400 ft. those he attacks while the target is denied its Dexterity
This ability replaces the air school’s cyclone ability. bonus to AC (whether the target has one or not). At
Aeromancer Bonus Spell List higher level, these attacks also deal more damage to
the target. This ability acts as sneak attack, except that
All of the spells included in this list are considered to
the bonus dice to damage start at +1d6 at 5th level, and
be arcane. Spells marked with an asterisk are found in
reaches a maximum of +8d6 at 19th level. When the
Deep Magic. GMs who do not wish to use these spells can
use the normal air elementalist list; otherwise, this list
replaces that list.
0—float*, message
1st—alter winds, aspect of the four winds*, circle of wind*,
obscuring mist, shocking grasp
2nd—elemental surge (air only)*, glide, gust of wind, levitate,
point the way*, whistling whorl*, whispering wind
3rd—cloak of winds, fly, gaseous form, glacial wind*, lightning
bolt, liquefy air*, wind wall, wresting wind*
4th—air walk, ball lightning, detonate, elemental body
I, lift*, mighty gale*, river of wind, shout, solid fog
5th—call lightning storm, communal air walk,
control winds, curse of Boreas*, elemental body III,
exsanguinating cloud*, fickle winds, lesser suffocation,
overland flight
6th—chain lightning, elemental body III, fiery
sandstorm*, repulsion, sirocco, storm form*, wind

blessed scamp hits a target denied its Dexterity bonus to day. At 15th level he can do it three times per day. This
AC, he can apply one of the following mischiefs to the ability replaces trap sense.
target. The blessed scamp must choose the mischief that Advanced Talents: At 10th level, a blessed scamp can
affects the target when he first deals damage, and, once take any of the standard advanced rogue talents, as well
chosen, he cannot change it. The DC for all mischiefs is as the following advanced talents. This expands rather
10 + blessed scamp level + Dexterity bonus. than replaces or alters the blessed scamp’s class features.
Befuddle: The blessed scamp can confuse his opponent All of the following talents affect the mischief in the
with his strikes. The target must succeed on a Will mischievous strike class feature.
saving throw or suffer a 20% miss chance to all Improved Befuddle (Ex): The blessed scamp can use
attacks made before the start of its next turn, and the the befuddle mischief even on mindless creatures
target cannot make attacks of opportunity until the and those immune to mind-affecting effects. When
start of its next turn. This is a mind‑affecting effect. he does, the saving throw is a Reflex saving throw
Low Blow: The blessed scamp is able to strike where it instead of a Will saving throw.
really hurts. The target must succeed a Fortitude save Improved Low Blow (Ex): When the blessed scamp uses
or become dazed until the start of its next turn. the low blow mischief, and the target fails its saving
Shove: The blessed scamp is able to push himself into throw, he can choose to stun the victim instead.
the attack and knock his opponent backward. The
target must succeed on a Reflex saving throw or be CHOSEN OF THE SUN (THEURGE)
knocked 5 ft. away from the blessed scamp (scamp’s The clergy of sun deities such as Aten include an order of
choice of square as long as the target ends in an open magical practitioners who straddle both the arcane and the
space that is at least 5 ft. away from the scamp). divine. This is an archetype for the theurge class (see New
Paths Compendium).
Trip: The blessed scamp uses misdirection and some
element of the terrain or the field of battle to knock Bonus Languages: A chosen of the sun’s bonus
his opponent off its feet. The target must succeed a language options replace Infernal with Nurian. These
Reflex saving throw or fall prone. Until the start of are in addition to the bonus languages available due
the blessed scamp’s next turn, if the target gets up, it to the chosen of the sun’s race. If you do not use the
does not provoke an attack of opportunity from him. Midgard Campaign Setting, replace Nurian with Aklo.
This ability replaces sneak attack. By the Will of the God-King: At 2nd level, the
Scamp’s Favor (Su): At 1st level, once per day, the chosen of the sun gains the Diehard feat, even if
blessed scamp may receive a +2 modifier to a single unqualified to take it.
attack roll, gained before the result of the roll is This replaces the Scribe Scroll bonus feat.
revealed; additionally, once per day, when the scamp Bone and Fire (Ex): When the chosen of the sun
scores a critical hit threat he automatically confirms; reaches 3rd level, all necromancy spells are cast at +1
further, once per day, the blessed scamp may increase a caster level, and all evocation spells deal an additional
single spell DC by 2 (the scamp must choose to use this 1 hp of damage per die; this extra damage is not
ability when the spell is cast, but before the effects are multiplied in the case of critical hits.
determined). This replaces trapfinding. A Scythe on the Battlefield (Su): Starting with 5th
Rogue Talents: At 2nd level, a blessed scamp can level, the chosen of the sun can cast two prepared spells
take any of the standard rogue talents, as well as the in one round, either 1 arcane and 1 divine, or 1 evocation
following talents. This expands rather than replaces and 1 necromancy. If casting the second option, it
or alters the blessed scamp’s class features. All of the
following talents affect the mischief in the mischievous
strike class feature.
Improved Shove (Ex): When the blessed scamp uses the Theurges in Midgard
shove mischief, he can choose to move the target 10
ft. instead of 5 ft. Theurges in Midgard are purveyors of a complex
tradition, requiring both innate talent and careful
Improved Trip (Ex): When the blessed scamp uses the
study. As a result, they are found only in the greatest
trip mischief, if the target gets up at any time, it
and most learned societies. Such places include the
provokes an attack of opportunity from the scamp.
Valeran Empire before its fall, Ankeshel in its golden
Scamp’s Luck (Su): At 3rd level, once per day as an age, and Nuria Natal since its founding. Almost all
immediate action after rolling a saving throw, the Nurian theurges are followers of Thoth-Hermes,
blessed scamp can add his Dexterity bonus to the have studied for a decade or more in Laksor, and are
saving throw. At 9th level he can do this twice per devoted to the nation’s interests and stability.


doesn’t matter if the two spells are both arcane or both deep well. Wind and earth elementals are the easiest to
divine. summon consistently.
This ability adjusts the spell synthesis ability. This ability replaces divine health and aura of courage.
The Flame Within (Sp): At 6th level, when choosing Elemental Companion (Sp): At 5th level, the
a spell for the innate spells ability, the chosen of the elemental crusader gains the service of a Medium
sun may instead decide to pick one evocation and one elemental to serve him in his quests. However, drawing
necromancy spell, having either one available for the on this ability uses up the same power the elemental
use of the innate spell ability. This does not otherwise crusader uses to summon elementals. As a result, he can
alter the number times per day or the maximum level of only use this ability when he has no other summoned
the spells that may be chosen for the innate spell ability. creatures active. Once per day, as a full-round action, an
The chosen of Aten may do this again, every three levels elemental crusader may magically call him elemental
thereafter, with the same adjustment to the innate spells companion to his side. This ability is the equivalent of a
ability, choosing either 1 arcane spell or 1 divine spell, or spell of a level equal to one-third his elemental crusader
1 evocation and 1 necromancy spell. level (minimum 1).
Bonus Feats: Replace the 8th-level When the elemental crusader uses this ability, the
bonus feat for the chosen of the elemental immediately appears adjacent to the crusader.
sun with the Ley Line Magic feat
(see page 96). The bonus feat at
14th level is unaffected.
Chosen in this World
and the Next (Su): Upon
reaching 20th level, the chosen
of the sun undergoes a ritual,
transforming himself into a mummy.
The chosen of the sun does not lose any
theurge levels, and may choose to suppress either
of their despair and mummy’s curse abilities as a free
action. Once suppressed, activating either of those
abilities is a standard action.


Very few warriors have the dedication and connection
to the natural spirits to become elemental crusaders, but
those who do can raise whole squads of elementals to lead
into battle. They confront threats from outsiders as well as
rogue spirits within their borders.
Class Skills: Knowledge (planes) is a class skill for an
elemental crusader, but Knowledge (nobility) is not.
Summon Elementals (Sp): Starting at 3rd level, an
elemental crusader can cast summon monster II as a
spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to his
Charisma modifier. However, the only monsters that
he can summon are elementals. Elemental crusaders
can cast this spell as a standard action and the creatures
remain for 1 min. per level. At 5th level, and every 2
levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by
one spell level, allowing him to summon more powerful
elementals (to a maximum of summon monster IX at
19th level). The type of elemental summoned depends
on the elemental crusader’s location. It is extremely
difficult to summon water elementals into the
middle of the desert, for example, though
it might be done at an oasis or above a

An elemental crusader can use this ability once per day effects with the earth or fire keyword, domains, or
at 5th level, and one additional time per day for every 4 descriptions.
levels thereafter, for a total of four times per day at 17th This replaces resist nature’s lure.
level. When he gain this ability, he must decide which Whirlpool Attack (Su): Starting at 9th level, the druid
type of elemental answers his call. Once made, this can use the vortex ability, as per the water elemental
decision does not change unless his current elemental entry in the Pathfinder Bestiary. She may use this ability
companion perishes; then he can choose to summon a once per day per four levels of druid class attained.
different type. This replaces venom immunity.
However, if the companion dies, the elemental
Summon the Sea (Sp): Starting at 13th level, once per
crusader may not summon another for 30 days or until
day, as a full-round action the druid can summon up
he gains an elemental crusader level, whichever comes
to 15 HD of water elementals that she can mentally
first. During this 30-day period, he takes a –1 penalty
command to attack enemies or otherwise do her
on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 8th level, the
bidding. The druid can decide whether to summon
elemental companion grows to a Large elemental of
five Small elementals or one Huge elemental, and not
the same kind and its statistics change appropriately. At
all 15 HD have to be summoned at the same time. The
12th level, it becomes Huge. At 16th level, it turns into a
elementals remain until destroyed, bade to depart,
greater elemental. At 20th level, the companion evolves
or 3 hours, whichever comes first. There must be a
into an elder elemental.
significant source of water nearby to summon the water
This ability replaces divine bond.
elementals; they cannot be summoned in the middle of
a dry desert, unless there is a well or oasis nearby. The
NETHUSIAN MER-DRUID (DRUID) number of HD that can be summoned is increased by 2
The followers of Nethus have had a hard time since their for every two druid levels attained beyond 13th.
protean god was chained in Kammae, though they have This replaces a thousand faces.
not lost any potency or powers since the chaining. In
Water Mastery (Ex): At 20th level, the druid gains a +4
fact, their powers of divination appear to have increased
bonus to all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws
several-fold. The one thing they have been unable to
while in or touching a body of water. If the druid is in or
divine, despite many castings and quests for knowledge, is
touching a large body of sea water (a sea or ocean), she
the key to releasing their deity.
gains +4 to CMB and +4 to the DC of all their spells,
Seablooded (Su): At 1st level, the druid gains the spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities.
amphibious special quality: she can breathe as easily This replaces wild shape (at will).
underwater as she can on land. She moves at half base
speed in the water with a DC 10 Swim check and Swim
is always a class skill for her. She also gains the drench
extraordinary ability, as per the water elemental entry in (WITCH ARCHETYPE)
the Pathfinder Bestiary. The night herald serves the very spirit of the darkness, the
These abilities replace the nature sense and wild Devourer of Light, with an even greater devotion than —
empathy abilities. those who simply accept it as their patron. They fly on the
darkness and bring terror in their wake.
Seachild (Ex): At 2nd level, the druid can swim at her
base speed with a DC 15 Swim check and gains a +2 Ravenous Patron: The night herald must have the
bonus to all Stealth, Survival, and Perception checks Devourer of Light as her patron (see page 114).
made while in an aquatic environment. Additionally, a night herald replaces several of her
This ability replaces woodland stride. patron spells with the following: 4th—darkbolt (see page
117), 8th—shadow monsters (see page 119),16th—
Dolphin’s Grace (Ex): At 3rd level, the druid moves
wail from beyond (see page 120).
through the water as easily as she moves through the
This alters the witch’s patron spells.
air. She gains a swim speed equal to her base land speed.
She never takes a penalty on movement or for attack Darkness Calls (Su): Starting at 2nd level, the shadows
rolls or damage rolls for melee combat, ranged combat, give you the power to draw a small part of the Shadow
or spellcasting underwater. She is never considered off- Realm into the Material Plane. Three times per day as a
balance while underwater. standard action, you can force a creature within 30 feet of
This ability replaces trackless step. you to make a Will save (DC = 10 + half your witch level
+ your Intelligence modifier). Those that fail are blinded
Stormchild (Su): At 4th level, the druid gains a +4
until the end of your next turn by bits of the Shadow
bonus to saving throws against all spells and magical
Realm clouding their eyes. At 8th level, the duration of
effects with the aquatic, storm, wind, chaos, water, ice,
this ability increases to 1 round/2 witch levels.
or air keywords, domains, or descriptors. She take a –2
This ability replaces the witch’s 2nd-level hex.
penalty to saving throws against all spells and magical
Living Shadows (Su): Beginning at 6th level, the

shadows around you sometimes take on a life of gp or more in material components, and a DC 15 Craft
their own and defend you when you’re in danger by (jewelry) or Profession (blacksmith) check as well as
transporting enemies away through the Shadow Realm. appropriate equipment, such as an anvil or access to a
When you take hit point damage from a creature you blacksmith’s shop.
can see, you can spend an immediate action to transport Placing a ring on a bonded ring-staff is a full-round
that creature to an unoccupied space up to 30 feet away action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The ring
to which you have line of effect. The creature takes 2d6 warden can use any of the attached rings on his ring-staff
hp damage while it is transported. A successful Will as a focus for spells that use rings as a focus or material
saving throw (DC = 10 + half your witch level + your component (see the sidebar on page 50 for wizard
Intelligence modifier) halves the damage and negates spells that specifically use rings as a focus on material
the transportation. A creature may only be targeted by component). Spells cast in this manner are cast by a ring
this hex once per day. At 12th level, this ability deals 4d6 warden at +1 caster level, as are any spells with the word
total cold damage when transporting a target. This is a “circle” in their name. If a ring warden attempts to cast
teleportation effect.
This ability replaces the witch’s 6th-level hex.
Unshakable (Ex): Starting at 10th level, your patron
fortifies your mind against fear, letting you shake off
even the worst of its effects. You gain a bonus to saving
throws against fear effects equal to half your witch level,
and you cannot be shaken or frightened. At 18th level,
you are immune to fear effects.
This ability replaces the witch’s 10th-level hex.
Shadow's Vanguard (Su): Starting at 14th level, once
per day you can spend a standard action to summon a
shadow horror as if using an altered summon monster
spell (caster level equal to your witch level). The
shadow horror appears in an unoccupied space within
30 feet and uses the statistics of a chuul (see Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Bestiary), but it also looks like a
bestial form of yourself.
The summoned creature acts on your turn.
The shadow horror is friendly to you and obeys
your verbal commands. It remains for up to one
hour or until it’s reduced to 0 hit points. While
present, it obeys simple verbal commands from
you; if you give it no commands, it defends
itself or attacks the nearest creature that most
recently attacked you. You can dismiss this creature
at will as a free action, but you cannot summon it to
your side more than once per day.
This ability replaces the witch’s 14th‑level hex.


A ring warden infuses items with arcane energies,
most often in the form of magical rings that
they can use to great effect. A ring warden has
the following class features. Ring wardens are
nearly always dwarves, but in recent years, the
dwarven people have taught the tradition to
trusted members of other races.
Bonded Ring-Staff: A ring warden receives
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (ring-staff; see page
168) as a bonus feat at 1st level. He begins play
with a masterwork metal ring-staff, with which he
forms an arcane connection, and two mundane rings.
Creating additional mundane rings takes 8 hrs, 10
a spell without his ring-staff in hand, he must make a 136) as a bonus feat. At 15th level, a ring warden learns
concentration check or lose the spell. The DC for this Greater Imbue Ring (see page 136) as a bonus feat.
check is equal to 20 + the spell’s level. This ability replaces the wizard’s bonus feats at 5th,
Once per day beginning at 1st level, a bonded ring- 10th, 15th, and 20th levels.
staff can imbue a ring as if using the Imbue Ring
metamagic feat (see page 136). The ring warden does SERVANT OF THE REALMS BEYOND
not use a spell slot to imbue the ring using this ability, (WITCH)
and in effect has a free spell slot for use. The ring warden Some Wastelands witches have given themselves over
must follow the normal feat requirements for Imbue to, and gain their powers from, the powers of the realms
Ring. beyond. They see the Great Old Ones as demigods and the
For example, at 1st level a ring warden could use new rulers of Midgard.
this ability to imbue a cantrip, and at 3rd level he could
Patron: A servant of the realms beyond must select the
use this ability to imbue a 1st-level spell. At 10th level,
following patron.
the ring warden can imbue a ring with this ability as if
using the Improved Imbue Ring feat (see page 136) Realms Beyond: corrosive touchUM (2nd), frigid touchUM
and at 16th level as if using the Greater Imbue Ring feat (4th), ash stormUM (6th), fleshworm infestationUM (8th),
(see page 136). Only one ring can be affected by this plague carrierUM (10th), major curseUM (12th), scouring
ability at any time. The ring warden can dismiss the spell windsUM (14th), whirlwind (16th), cursed earthUM (18th).
imbued using this ability at will. Hexes: At 1st level, a servant of the realms beyond has
At 17th level, a ring warden can embed a magical ring access to the following hexes.
in his ring-staff and receive its effects, effectively gaining Coin Conjuring (Ex): The witch may look in a dark, unused
the ability to wear up to three magical rings. A bonded corner and serendipitously find 1d10 gp in mixed
ring-staff can be enhanced or replaced using the same coins, spell components, or semiprecious stones. She
methods used for an arcane bonded object. may do this once per week.
This ability replaces the wizard’s
Eye of Newt (Su): The witch gains the ability to see into
arcane bond and scribe scroll.
water as if it were still and clear even if it is turbulent
Master Metalsmith: At 5th level,
a ring warden adds half his level
to Craft or Profession checks used
to create metal items and to the
Spellcraft or appropriate Craft skill
used to create metal magic items. A ring
warden can create metal magical items in
the half the normal amount of time.
Ring Affinity: At 3rd level, a ring warden
learns Imbue Ring (see page 136) as a
bonus feat. At 7th level, a ring warden learns
Forge Ring as a bonus feat. At 11th level, a ring
warden learns Improved Imbue Ring (see page

Ring Magic Spells

The following ring magic wizard spells can be found
in Deep Magic’s Chapter 2: New Spells. For details of
those spells, see that tome.
Cantrip—hoarfrost; 1st Level—circle of wind; 2nd
Level—bitter chains, reverberate; 3rd Level—
innocuous aspect; 4th Level—spinning axes; 5th
Level—curse ring; 6th Level—call valkyrie,
enchant ring


and murky, effectively ignoring any concealment fighters, and the tradition has spread throughout Midgard.
effects due to water or other similar liquids. The Class Skills: Acrobatics and Knowledge
water’s surface doesn’t break line of sight for targeting (dungeoneering) are class skills for a tunnel fighter, but
spells. Ride and Handle Animal are not.
Familiar of the Realms Beyond: A servant of the A Serpent in the Tunnel (Ex): At 2nd level, tunnel
realms beyond has access to the following creatures that fighter gains a +1 bonus to Acrobatics and Escape Artist
can serve her as a familiar. Each familiar provides the skill checks. Every four levels thereafter, this bonus
indicated benefits for serving as the witch’s familiar. increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 14th level.
This replaces bravery +1 through +4.
Familiar Source Bonus Close-Quarters Fighting (Ex): A tunnel fighter
Giant hissing Bestiary 2 +2 to Fortitude can take an attack of opportunity whenever an enemy
cockroach saving throws attempts to grapple him, even if the enemy has a feat or
Crawling hand Bestiary 2 +3 to Stealth checks special ability that would normally not provoke an attack
of opportunity in that instance. If the tunnel fighter
Baboon Bestiary 2 +3 to Climb checks damages the attacker with this attack of opportunity,
Poisonous frog Bestiary +3 to Jump checks the enemy’s grapple attempt automatically fails unless
Reefclaw Bestiary 2 +3 to Swim checks it has the Improved Grapple feat or a special ability such
as improved grab. If the enemy has such an ability, the
tunnel fighter may add the damage dealt as a bonus to
Major Hexes: Starting at 10th level, a servant of the
his CMD to resist being grappled. This ability does not
realms beyond has access to the following major hexes.
provide extra attacks of opportunity during a round or
Cauldron of the Unliving (Sp): The witch can animate allow attacks of opportunity when one would be denied
one body per day as a zombie or skeleton (Pathfinder for being surprised, helpless, or in a similar situation.
Roleplaying Game Bestiary) for every two levels she This ability replaces the tunnel fighter’s 2nd-level
possesses. All other normal requirements and bonus feat.
restrictions for animate dead apply; the servant of
Master of Corridors (Ex): At 3rd level, the tunnel
the realms beyond uses her total character level as her
fighter may fight without penalty when squeezing or
caster level. She must have the cauldron hex to use
when sharing a space with another character with the
this hex.
master of corridors ability.
Greater Charm: This major hex works as charm hex, but This replaces the benefits of armor training gained at
the creature’s attitude improves two steps (three steps 3rd level.
at 16th level or higher).
At Impossible Angles (Ex): At 6th level, a tunnel
Grand Hexes: Starting at 18th level, a servant of the fighter may choose one ally as a flanking partner. So
realms beyond has access to the following grand hexes. long as the two characters attack the same enemy, they
Magnia Petra (Sp): The witch may use flesh to stone or stone are considered flanking, even if they are side by side.
to flesh by boiling a helpless creature or stone in her Once the tunnel fighter has chosen a flanking partner,
cauldron, as per the wizard spells of those names. The he cannot change this partner unless he spends 24
boiled creature takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage hours conferring with his new partner and studying his
from the process (a creature made of stone also takes movements.
this damage). The servant of the realms beyond must This ability replaces the tunnel fighter’s 6th-level
have the cauldron hex to use this hex. bonus feat.
Cauldron of Life (Sp): The witch may boil a recently No One Shall Pass (Ex): A 7th level, the tunnel fighter
deceased, mostly intact body to cast reincarnate or raise may brace a tower shield as a move action that provokes
dead upon it, as per the druid and cleric spells of those attacks of opportunity. Once he’s braced his shield, the
names. She must have the cauldron hex to use this hex. tunnel fighter adds his shield bonus to his CMD for bull
rush, grapple, and trip attempts. This increases the DC
TUNNEL FIGHTER (FIGHTER) to tumble past the tunnel fighter using Acrobatics by the
The dwarves have often learned lessons of tunnel-fighting same bonus.
paid in blood. Many young dwarves join the tunnel This replaces the benefits of armor training gained at
fighters’ ranks, but these dwarves also tend to venture out 7th level.
in search of adventure, keeping the numbers of tunnel Lessons from Dogmoles (Ex): At 11th level, a tunnel
fighters moderately low. Over time, the dwarves have fighter gains a burrow speed of 5 ft. This movement
trained trusted members of other races to become tunnel creates a small, open tunnel others can follow if they
This replaces the benefits of armor training gained at
11th and 15th level. spells through the miasma counts normally as an attack.
Armor Mastery (Ex): At 19th level, the tunnel fighter This ability replaces cantrips, but the vril adept gains
still receives armor mastery, but only gains DR 3/—. the detect magic, read magic, and mage hand cantrips and
This ability replaces armor mastery. places them in his spellbook. He can cast any of these as
1st-level spells.
Suggested Feats: Body ShieldUC, Bloody Vengeance
(Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods), Cleave, No School Like the Old School: The primal
Combat Expertise, Deepsight, Endurance, Fight OnAPG, manipulation of vril and the power it affords comes with
Improved Bull Rush, Improved Grapple, Power Attack, a cost. The vril adept forsakes three traditional schools
Toughness, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization. of magic that waver furthest from the purity of vril,
chosen from the following list: conjuration, evocation,
illusion, and necromancy. These opposition schools are
chosen at 1st level and cannot be changed later. A vril
A vril adept discards many traditional trappings of
adept who prepares spells from his opposition schools
spellcasting to harness the pure force of his underlying
must use two spell slots of that level to prepare the spell.
arcane might.
In addition, the vril adept takes a –4 penalty on any skill
Vril Blast (Su): By sacrificing a prepared spell checks made when crafting a magic item that has a spell
or unused spell slot of 1st level or higher, a vril from one of his opposition schools.
metaphysiologist can, as a standard action, create blasts This ability replaces arcane school.
of focused vril energy. This ray resolves as a ranged touch
attack with a range increment of 30 ft., and it can benefit VRILBOUND MAGUS (MAGUS)
from feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus. A vrilbound magus uses primordial magical force to
This attack deals 1d6 hp damage per spell level sacrificed damage foes, heal allies, augment attacks, and turn enemy
+1 hp per caster level. Alternatively, the blast heals 2 hp spellcasters’ energy against them.
damage for every level of the sacrificed spell or spell slot
Vril Augmenter (Sp): At 4th level, the vrilbound
+1 point per caster level.
magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as an
This ability replaces arcane bond.
immediate action after hitting a target with a slashing
Vril Miasma (Su): As a standard action, a vril adept or piercing weapon. If he does, he converts a prepared
can sacrifice a prepared spell or spell slot of 1st level spell into vril energy, dealing 1d6 hp damage per spell
or higher to create a silvery cloud of etheric fluid. This level sacrificed plus additional hp damage equal to
vapor is centered on and moves with the vril adept, his Intelligence modifier (minimum 0). 0-level spells
obscuring sight (including darkvision) for all creatures cannot be converted in this manner.
beyond 5 ft. It also provides concealment to creatures 5 This ability replaces spell recall.
ft. away and total concealment to creatures farther away
Vrilbound Magus Arcana: A vrilbound magus gains
(as obscuring mist). The vril adept can see normally within
access to the following magus arcana. He cannot select
the mist, and the vapors are not dispersed by wind or
any arcana more than once.
fire, although they can be dispelled. For each spell level
the vril adept sacrifices, the silvery miasma has a radius Vril Catalyst (Su): If the vrilbound magus successfully
of 10 ft. and a duration of 2 rounds. Furthermore, the saves against a single-target spell or a ray directed
vril adept can deliver spells with a range of touch to all at either himself or him gear, the magus can spend 1
creatures within the cloud in addition to the creature he point from his arcane pool as an immediate action to
touches (if that creature is also within the cloud). Using absorb the spell’s energy. He stores this energy for 1
the miasma this way gives the vril adept a +2 bonus on round. During that time, he can convert this energy
his melee touch attack roll, and attacking with touch to power any of his vril-based special abilities in
place of sacrificing his own prepared spells. Use the
absorbed spell’s level to calculate the ability’s effects.
The vrilbound magus can absorb, but not expend,
spell energy of levels greater than those he is capable
of casting. Any additional energy absorbed from spell
slots of higher level than he can cast immediately
Vril Magic dissipates. The vrilbound magic must still expend
Vril magic takes many forms, and over the years points from his arcane pool to activate the abilities as
spellcasters have weaved it into all manner of normal. This absorbed energy dissipates after 1 round.
traditions and techniques. For more about vril magic, Vril Exerter (Su): The magus can cast mage hand spell at
including feats, spells, and items, see page 122 in will. At 7th level, the magus can spend one point from
Chapter 4, and see the vril bloodline on page 59. his arcane pool as a swift action to sacrifice a prepared
spell and charge his own hand with telekinetic force.
A successful melee touch attack deals 1d4 hp force

damage per spell level sacrificed, and it acts as a bull movement.

rush with a CMB equal to the vrilbound magus’s This ability replaces the endurance ability.
caster level plus his Intelligence modifier. This bull Wastelands Guide (Ex): At 4th level, the seeker gains
rush does not provoke an attack of opportunity, and an extraordinary rapport with the Wastelands, enabling
spell resistance does not apply against this ability. A
successful Fortitude save negates the movement but
not the damage. The vrilbound magus can use this
ability with the spellstrike class feature. If he misses
with this attack, he can hold the charge for up to 1
min. before it dissipates.
Vril Surge (Su): The magus can spend 1 point from his
arcane pool as an immediate action to sacrifice a
prepared spell to heal 2 hp damage per spell level
sacrificed plus additional hp equal to the magus’s
Intelligence modifier.
Vril Wreathe (Su): The magus can expend 1 point from
his arcane pool as a swift action to convert prepared
spell slots into a crackling wreath of vril for a number
of rounds equal to the magus’s Intelligence modifier.
Adjacent creatures either take 1d6 hp damage per
sacrificed spell level or are healed for 2 hp damage
per spell slot sacrificed + 1 additional hp equal to the
magus’s Intelligence modifier. A successful save (DC
10 + 1/2 his magus level + his Intelligence modifier)
halves damage dealt.
Magus Arcana: The following magus arcana complement
the vrilbound magus archetype: critical strike, hasted
assault, pool strike, and spell shield.


Although they originate in Verrayne near the Seven
Cities, Wastelands seekers are most commonly
encountered patrolling the Goblin Wastes in pairs or
small platoons. Seekers are widely known and
respected for their skill in overcoming
the Wasteland’s deadly environs and
Wastelands Step (Ex):
At 3rd level, the seeker
ignores difficult terrain for

Rangers in Midgard Instead of spells, the spell-less ranger (New Paths

Compendium) relies on a host of specialized abilities,
Although there are a few exceptions in the most including ranger talents, nature’s healing, and a deadly
untamed wilds of Midgard, most rangers in this dark stealth attack that can be used within the spell-less
medieval world are spell-less rangers. Skilled trackers ranger’s various favored terrains or against his many
and deft skirmishers, spell-rangers are masters of favored enemies. The spell-less ranger is an alternate
weapon styles and skilled hunters of all manner of class to the ranger class. The wastelands seeker archetype
prey. They are cunning scouts with an unparalleled is valid for both the spell-less ranger and the ranger from
knowledge of their environment. the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

him to direct others across the deadly terrain. When fighter equal to her cleric level.
in the Wastes, the ranger can grant, as an immediate She may take any combat feat with fighter as a
action, all allies within line of sight and that can hear prerequisite as long as she is high enough level and
him a +2 bonus to Initiative checks, Perception checks, meets the feat’s other prerequisites. For purposes of feat
Stealth checks, and Survival checks. prerequisites that involve base attack bonus, treat the
This ability replaces the hunter’s bond ability. cleric’s level as her base attack bonus. The weapon-sworn
Lay of the Wastelands (Ex): At 7th level, the seeker can use only feats that apply to the use of a weapon, such
is considered to have total concealment from all as Improved Critical or Blinding Critical, when wielding
ranged attacks (including ranged touch and ray attacks) her deity’s weapon.
whenever in a desert or wastelands environment. Divine Weapon Training (Ex): Starting at 5th level,
This ability replaces woodland stride. as a standard action, a weapon-sworn can focus divine
Wastelands Immunities (Su): At 11th level, a seeker energy into her deity’s weapon for 1 minute per cleric
gains total immunity to all poisons and natural diseases. level. This grants the weapon a +1 enhancement bonus
The seeker is still subject to magic diseases. while this ability is in effect. For every 3 cleric levels
This ability replaces the quarry ability. beyond 5th, the weapon gains another +1 enhancement
bonus, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level.
Seeker’s Vision (Ex): At 19th level, the seeker is
These bonuses can be added to the weapon, stacking
considered to be under a continuous freedom of movement
with existing weapon bonuses to a maximum of +5, or
effect, as per the spell. The seeker also gains the Blind-
they can be used to add any of the following weapon
Fight feat as a bonus feat.
special abilities: axiomatic, chaotic, disruption, flaming,
This ability replaces the improved quarry ability.
flaming burst, frost, holy, icy burst, keen, shock, shocking burst,
unholy, and wounding. Adding these properties consumes
an amount of bonus equal to the property’s cost (see
The weapon-sworn cleric believes devotion comes through
Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities in the Pathfinder
the study and use of her deity’s favored weapon. This does
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook). A weapon-sworn
not necessarily include violence, since many weapon‑sworn
cannot enhance her weapon with a property based on an
achieve a meditative clarity through martial exercises. A
alignment contrary to her own or her deity’s alignment.
few weapon-sworn, especially those of evil deities, find
Once a weapon-sworn has chosen a special ability
dogmatic expression in the expert cut and the perfect
to add to her weapon using this ability, that special
kill. These weapon-sworn live to fight, especially by
ability cannot be changed (and her weapon always has
participating in duels against other weapon experts.
the special ability chosen while this ability is in effect),
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A weapon-sworn is although she can add more special abilities later if she
proficient only in her deity’s favored weapon. She is also chooses. These bonuses are added to any properties the
proficient in light armor, medium armor, and shields weapon already has, but duplicate abilities do not stack.
(except tower shields). This alters the cleric’s weapon If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement
and armor proficiency. bonus must be added before any other properties can
Single-Minded: The weapon-sworn cleric devotes her be added. The ability imparts no bonuses if the weapon
time to the study of her deity’s weapon. She may select is held by anyone other than the weapon-sworn, but
only one domain. However, the weapon-sworn does resumes giving bonuses if returned to her. These
not gain domain spells or spellcasting abilities, does not bonuses apply to only one end of a double weapon.
have a caster level, and cannot use spell trigger or spell A weapon-sworn can use this ability once per day
completion magic items. at 5th level, and one additional time per day for every
The replaces the weapon-sworn’s spells and orisons 4 levels beyond 5th, to a total of four times per day at
and alters the weapon-sworn’s domains ability. 17th level. If a weapon infused with divine energy is
destroyed, the weapon-sworn cleric loses the use of this
Favored Weapon (Ex): The skill with which a
ability for one week, or until she gains a level, whichever
weapon‑sworn wields her deity’s favored weapon makes
comes first.
her deadly in its use.
When wielding her deity’s favored weapon, the
weapon-sworn uses her cleric level as her base attack WHISPER (ROGUE)
bonus; this grants her iterative attacks at 6th, 11th, and Whisper rogues have dedicated their lives to the arts of
16th levels as normal. This also applies to her CMB deception, disappearing, and illusion. Somewhere along
and CMD when making or defending against combat that path, whisper rogues encounter something from
maneuvers with the weapon (such as disarm or sunder). the Shadow Realm that show them how to truly be one
with the shadows—or perhaps whisper rogues learn their
Martial Expert (Ex): The weapon-sworn studies the
best tricks from the shadows themselves. All whisper
ways of combat. She gains bonus combat feats as a


rogues have been touched by a shadow, performed a complement the whisper archetype: combat trick, fast
ritual to bind a shadow to themselves, or drawn in energy stealth, ledge walker, surprise attack, weapon focus.
from the Shadow Realm to enhance their stealth and to Advanced Talents: The following advanced rogue
become supreme thieves, assassins, or spies. (The whisper talents complement the whisper archetype: dispelling
rogue archetype is appropriate for rogues built using the attack, improved evasion, and slippery mind.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.)
Dark Trickery (Sp): Starting at 2nd level, a whisper
gains darkvision out to 60 feet if she did not already have
it. She also can use the douse light cantrip (see page 118) Bloodlines
3 times per day. This counts as the minor magic talent for Throughout Midgard, scions of ancient family lines brim
the purposes of taking later talents. with the magic of their forebears. Some draw power from
This ability replaces the rogue's 2nd-level rogue talent. their ancestors’ involvement with unspeakable horrors,
Fade Away (Ex): At 3rd level, once per day the whisper while others pull from the mystery of the shadows, harness
can attempt a Stealth check to hide while she is in dim the energy of the mechanical, or pull from the esoteric
light or darkness, even if she is being observed. The force known as vril. The following bloodlines are common
whisper can use this ability an additional time per day at among the sorcerers of the world.
6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 6
times per day at 18th level. Additionally, this whisper has GHOULISH
a +4 competence bonus to Stealth checks she makes to One of your ancestors was enslaved by ghouls or was
hide while not being observed. wounded by a darakhul but survived the sickness. That
This ability replaces trap sense. dark power now fortifies you.
Shadow Jaunt (Su): Starting at 8th level, the whisper Class Skill: Knowledge (dungeoneering).
can step from one area of dim light or darkness directly Bonus Spells: cause fear (3rd), command undead (5th),
into another that is no more than 60 feet away. Doing halt undead (7th), contagion (ghoul fever) (9th), waves of
requires a standard action that provokes attacks of fatigue (11th), create undead (13th), control undead (15th),
opportunity. The whisper must be able to see the create greater undead (17th), raise undead host (see Deep
destination or be familiar with its location to take this Magic ) (19th).
step. The whisper can use this ability once per day. She Bonus Feats: Combat Casting, Diehard, Endurance,
gains an additional use of this ability at 12th level and Iron Will, Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge
again at 15th level. [dungeoneering]), Still Spell, Toughness.
This ability replaces the rogue's 8th-level rogue talent. Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell against a
Become Shadow (Su): At 12th level, the whisper learns creature with the undead subtype/keyword, increase the
to harness Shadow Realm energy to vanish. While in DC by 2.
dim light or darkness, the whisper can spend a standard Bloodline Powers: The power of the undead courses
action to become invisible, as the spell, except she through your veins until, eventually, you gain mastery
remains invisible for 1 hour or until she attacks or casts over your life force itself.
a spell. If she enters an area illuminated with bright
light, she must make a successful DC 30 Stealth check to Ghoul Touch (Sp): At 1st level, you can make a melee
remain invisible. She can use this ability 3 times per day. touch attack that causes a living creature to become
At 16th level, she can use it 4 times per day. sickened for a number of rounds equal to half your
This ability replaces the rogue's 12th-level rogue talent. sorcerer level (minimum 1). If you touch a sickened
creature, it becomes nauseated for 1 round if it has fewer
Misdirection (Ex): When the whisper reaches 16th levels or Hit Dice than your sorcerer level. You can use
level, she can partially mimic the fetchlings’ trick this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your
of making themselves appear in a slightly different Charisma modifier. You also gain darkvision to 30 ft.
location. As an immediate action, she can activate this
effect and cause attacks against her to suffer a 30% miss Rigor Mortis (Su): At 3rd level, you gain resist cold
chance. If an attack hits her, this ability is disrupted 10, a +4 bonus to saving throws against poison, and
and stops functioning until the start of her next turn. immunity to disease. Unintelligent undead ignore
Maintaining this ability requires a swift action each you unless you attack them. You also gain Stealthy as a
round, and the whisper can use this ability a number of bonus feat.
rounds per day equal to her level. This ability also does Ghoulish Chill (Sp): At 9th level, you can make a
not protect the whisper while she is unconscious or melee touch attack that immobilizes a living creature
incapacitated. for a number of rounds equal to half your sorcerer level
This ability replaces the rogue's 16th-level rogue talent. (minimum 1; DC 10 + your sorcerer level). You can use
Rogue Talents: The following rogue talents this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your
Charisma modifier. Your darkvision also increases to min./level) at will.
60 ft. Escape the Flesh (Ex): At 9th level, you can become
Ghoul Spittle (Sp): At 15th level, you gain the ability to incorporeal for 1 round per sorcerer level. While in this
spray spittle infected with ghoul fever in a cone-shaped form, you gain the incorporeal subtype. You only take
area to a distance of 15 ft. three times per day. The spittle half damage from magical corporeal sources (you take
causes 1d8 hp damage, 1 Constitution damage, and 1 no damage from non-magic weapons and objects).
Dexterity damage immediately (a DC 16 Fortitude save Likewise, your spells deal only half damage to corporeal
negates the ability score losses). All affected targets that creatures. Spells and other effects that do not deal
fail their Fortitude saves become infected with ghoul damage function normally.
fever. (See the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary for You can use this ability once
details on ghoul fever.) per day.
Death’s Gate (Ex): At 20th level, your ghoulish nature
manifests itself fully. You no longer have a pulse or
a body temperature. You gain immunity to cold,
poison, paralysis, and sleep. Ghouls, ghasts, and other
intelligent undead consider you one of them unless
you attack them, although your creature type does not
change to undead. You also gain the stench ability of
ghasts (10-ft. radius, DC 15 Fortitude save negates,
sickened for 1d6+4 min.) and the ability to paralyze
elves with your bite.

The prismatic energy of the northern lights suffuses
your body. Your eyes constantly change color, shifting
between the seven colors of the rainbow.
Class Skill: Perception.
Bonus Spells: color spray (3rd), hypnotic pattern (5th),
searing light (7th), rainbow pattern (9th), prismatic ray
(see Deep Magic) (11th), planar ally (13th), prismatic
spray (15th), prismatic wall (17th), prismatic sphere
Bonus Feats: Acrobatic, Alertness, Arcane Blast,
Dazing Spel APG, Dodge, Ectoplasmic SpellAPG,
Eschew Materials, Fleet, Skill Focus
(Knowledge [planes]).
Bloodline Arcana: You become
immune to dazzle effects and illusion
(pattern) effects.
Bloodline Powers: You are infused
with the radiance of the northern lights,
slowly becoming a half corporeal and half
shimmering light.
Searing Ray (Sp): Starting at 1st level,
you can unleash a ray of burning light as a
standard action, targeting a foe within 30 ft. as
a ranged touch attack. This ray deals 1d6+1 hp fire
damage for every two sorcerer levels you possess.
You can use this ability a number of times per day
equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Incandescent Soul (Su): At 5th level you may
counterspell or dispel a darkness‑based spell or effect
by sacrificing a spell slot of equal level. You can make
your body glow with the equivalent of a daylight spell (10

Prismatic Protection (Su): At 15th level,

you gain spell resistance equal to your
sorcerer level + 10 and become immune to
prismatic rays, spheres, sprays, or walls.
Apotheosis (Su): At 20th level, radiance suffuses
your body. You become immune to sneak attacks,
critical hits, and poison, and you no longer have to eat,
sleep, or breathe. Close examination reveals that your
whole body is slightly translucent.

You have deep empathy with the mechanical devices
around you, and your physical form changes
dramatically over time until you are a magnificent
fusion of flesh, metal, and magic.
Class Skills: Knowledge (engineering) and Disable
Bonus Spells: analyze device (see Deep Magic) (1st),
shocking grasp (3rd), bullet shieldUC (5th), arcane sight
(7th), detonate (9th), rapid repai UM (11th), repulsion
(13th), control constructUM (15th), iron body (17th),
dominate clockwork (see Deep Magic) (19th).
Bonus Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Improved
Unarmed Strike, Irongut APG, Nimble Moves,
Power Attack, Skill Focus (Craft), Skill Focus
(Knowledge [engineering]), Toughness.
Bloodline Arcana: You gain a +3 bonus to
Will saves against spells in the charm and
compulsion subschools.
Bloodline Powers: Your bizarre abilities
come from the various—and usually quite
powerful—clockwork devices around you. At
the pinnacle of your power, you become one with
the very machinery you revere so deeply.
Launch Gears (Sp): At 1st level, you can replicate the
gear barrage (see Deep Magic) spell. You can use this ability
a number of times per day equal to 2 + your Charisma form of a clockwork giant. You increase by one size
modifier. class, gain a +4 natural armor bonus, +3 to Strength, and
construct immunities to mind-altering effects (charms,
Mechanical Empathy (Sp): At 3rd level, you can compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms),
speak with clockwork and other machines as per the bleed, disease, death effects, necromancy effects,
stone tell spell. You may use this ability for 1 min. per paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. Your fists
sorcerer level each day. Most machines will be limited become natural weapons equivalent to great clubs (2d8
to providing information relating to their purpose and hp base damage) and your adaptable limbs increase your
users. At 9th level, your mechanical bond allows you to melee touch attack range by 15 ft. without increasing your
affect clockwork constructs once per day as per the mass threatened area. You may use this ability once per day, for
charm monster spell. Duration of the charm is 1 hr./level. a number of rounds equal to your sorcerer level.
The Rebuild (Ex): At 9th level, your increasingly Clockwork Masterpiece (Su): At 20th level, the
mechanical form’s rather superior physical capabilities mechanical, magical, and biological form you can access
reveal themselves. Your base speed increases by +20 ft. at 15th level becomes permanent. You gain a +2 natural
and Strength by +2. You also receive a +10 competence armor bonus and the temporary construct immunities
bonus to Acrobatics checks for long or high jumps. ability at will.
These bonuses continue (+10 ft. base speed, +1 Strength,
and +10 Acrobatics check bonus) at 13th and 17th levels.
War Machine (Su): At 15th level, you can assume the
MINOTAUR Bloodline Arcana: When you cast a mind-affecting
Your bloodline surges with the power, cunning, and fury spell against a creature, increase the DC by 2.
of the minotaur nation, either due to a powerful minotaur Bloodline Powers: The fierceness and cunning of your
sorcerer in your lineage or due to a gift that a minotaur ancestors comes easily to you, providing bonuses in
deity or ruler gave an ancestor. combat and defense.
Class Skill: Perception. Pointed Negotiations (Sp): At 1st level, you can grow
Bonus Spells: stone fist (3rd), share language (5th),
APG APG horns as a free action for one round for every sorcerer
rage (7th), dimensional shove (see Deep Magic) (9th), level. Treat them as a natural weapon, and you can make
echolocationUM (11th), battlemind linkUM (13th), forcecage a gore attack as a full attack action using your full base
(15th), maze (17th), greater maze (see Deep Magic) (19th). attack bonus. This attack does 1d6 hp damage (1d4 if
Small), plus your Strength modifier. At 5th level, the
Bonus Feats: Combat Casting, Diehard, Endurance,
horns are considered a magic weapon for purposes of
Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Iron Will, Skill Focus
overcoming DR. At 7th level, the base damage increases
(Knowledge [dungeneering]), Toughness.
to 1d8 hp (1d6 if Small). At 11th level, the horns can be
used as flaming horns, adding 1d6 hp fire damage to each
hit. The fire damage is a supernatural ability. You also
gain darkvision 30 ft.
Bull’s Hide (Su): At 3rd level, you gain resist cold and
fire 5, and a natural armor bonus of +2 to your AC. At
9th level, your resistance to cold and fire increases to 10,
and the natural armor bonus increases to +4.
Auroch’s Strength (Sp): At 9th level, you gain a +2
bonus to Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 13th
level, and to +6 at 17th level.
Masters of the Maze (Sp): At 15th level, you can cast
maze as a spell-like ability three times per day.
Taurian Master (Ex): At 20th level, your brutish nature
becomes manifest. The flaming horns are permanent
and always available as a weapon, and you permanently
become one size larger (with all the bonuses that entails)
as well as gaining darkvision 60 ft.

Some may claim descent from the servants of gods or
dragons, but ravenfolk sorcerers have very carefully crafted
a line of powerful eldritch casters. Scholars believe the
ravenfolk must have learned or stolen these abilities from
the kobolds—or else made a nebulous bargain with a great
power, such as Baba Yaga or a demon lord. This bloodline
is available only to ravenfolk characters.
Class Skill: Disguise.
Bonus Spells: misleading shadows (see Deep Magic) (3rd),
misdirection (5th), clairaudience/clairvoyance (7th), shout
(9th), false vision (11th), chain lightning (13th), project image
(15th), moment of prescience (17th), wail of the banshee (19th).
Bonus Feats: Combat Casting, Deceitful, Defensive
Combat Training, Eagle Eyes, Improved Initiative,
Lightning Reflexes, Silent Spell.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell against
a creature that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC,
increase that spell’s DC by +2.
Bloodline Powers: You have a natural talent for
trickery, information gathering, and swordplay. As your


power increases, you discover ever more useful ways to walk (13th), project image (15th), greater shadow evocation
blend your magic with these talents. (17th), shades (19th).
Arcane Bladework (Sp): At 1st level and once every Bonus Feats: Blind-Fight, Dodge, Empower Spell, Fleet,
four levels thereafter (5th, 9th, 13th, 17th), you may Great Fortitude, Mobility, Skill Focus (Stealth), Spell
imbue your sword with a spell, as per the spell storing Focus.
ability. The spell must be one level lower (or less) than Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell of the
the highest level you can cast, and no greater than 4th shadow subschool, increase the spell’s DC by +1.
level. Imbuing the weapon consumes a daily use of that
Bloodline Powers: Shadows twitch and swirl at your
level spell (0-level spells still consume a 1st-level spell
bidding. As you grow in power, they cling to you in
slot), but the spell is expended only on a successful
ever‑increasing volumes.
attack. The imbued weapon loses this property if used
by someone else and the use of this power is expended. Lash of Shadows (Sp): Starting at 1st level, you can
If a natural 1 is rolled for the imbued weapon, it gains summon a shadowy whip for one round to attack your
the broken condition until repaired. An attack with an enemies as a standard action, targeting any foe within
imbued weapon with the broken condition that rolls a 1 30 ft. as a ranged touch attack. The lash deals 1d6+1 hp
destroys the weapon. cold damage for every 2 sorcerer levels you possess. You
can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 +
Illusory Disguise (Sp): At 3rd level, your illusion
your Charisma modifier.
spells augment your disguises. By sacrificing a daily use
of an illusion spell, you may add a bonus equal to 1+ Cloak of Shadows (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain resist
the sacrificed spell’s level to the Disguise check made cold 5 and a +2 bonus on initiative checks. At 9th level,
to conceal your nature. This benefit remains until you your resistance to cold increases to 10, and your bonus
actively remove the disguise, or until the next sunrise or on initiative checks increases to +4.
sunset—whichever occurs first. This benefit to Disguise Swirling Shadows (Sp): At 9th level, you can summon
does not radiate magic, nor can it be eliminated by less a swirling storm of shadows to engulf your enemies. The
than a greater dispel magic. swirling shadows cover a 20-ft. radius burst. Anyone in
Know the Weave of Fate (Sp): At 9th level, you may this area takes 1d6 hp cold damage per sorcerer level. This
cast divination once per day at your caster level. You power has a range of 60 ft. Those caught in the area can
gain an additional daily divination every three levels make a Reflex save for half damage. Those who fail the
thereafter (12th, 15th, 18th). Expending two daily uses save are blinded for 1 round. The DC of this save is equal
of this power at one time allows you to cast contact other to 10 + half your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier.
plane, and expending four daily uses allows you to cast The swirling shadows disappear after 1 round. At 9th
legend lore. These spells are not on your spell list unless level, you can use this ability once per day, then twice per
you add them by other means. day at 17th level and three times per day at 20th level.
Stormcrow (Sp): At 15th level, you may cast wind walk Shadowwalking (Su): At 15th level, you gain the ability
once per day at your caster level. Do not consider this to travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension
spell part of your spell list, however, unless you add it by door spell. This magical transport cannot begin or end
other means. in an area filled with bright light. You can walk between
shadows for up to 3,000 ft. each day in this way. This
Eldritch Weaponry (Sp): At 20th level, you may use
amount can be split among many jumps, but each one,
your arcane bladework power to imbue your weapon
no matter how small, counts as a 10-ft. increment.
with a spell as per the spell storing ability—however,
the spell may be up to one level lower (or less) than the Living Shadow (Su): At 20th level, shadows suffuse
highest level you can cast. your form. You gain immunity to cold, low-light vision
and darkvision 90 ft., and DR 10/— whenever you are
SHADOW in an area of dim light or darker. Once per day, you can
cast plane shift (to or from the Shadow Plane only) as a
Slivers of shadow taint your bloodline; perhaps a powerful
spell‑like ability using your sorcerer level as your caster
shade was one of your ancestors, or frequent exposure
to shadowstuff transformed you or your family forever.
Either way, the cold caress of shadow feels like a warm
embrace to you.
You carry the heritage of the earliest wielders of magic, the
Class Skill: Stealth. mysterious vril masters. Your parents bound your head to
Bonus Spells: shadow hands (see Deep Magic) (3rd), optimize the shape of your skull for remarkable mental
shadow jump (see Deep Magic) (5th), deeper darkness (7th), abilities; thus, you can manipulate the powerful life force
shadow conjuration (9th), shadow evocation (11th), shadow known as vril.
Class Skill: Knowledge (history).
Bonus Spells: hypnotism (3rd), levitate (5th), vril feedback
(see Deep Magic) (7th), confusion (9th), telekinesis (11th),
mass suggestion (13th), grasping hand (15th), clenched
fist (17th), crushing hand (19th).
Bonus Feats: Combat Casting, Persuasive,
Iron Will, Skill Focus (Knowledge
[arcana]), Silent Spell, Spell
Penetration, Still Spell,
Vril Amplification (see
page 122), Vril Healer
(see page 122), Vril
Maneuverist (see page
122), Vril Metabolist
(see page 122), Vril
Metamagician (see page
123), Vril Sculptor (see
page 123).
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever
you cast a spell of the compulsion
subschool, increase the spell’s DC
by +2.
Bloodline Powers: While your
oblong skull gives you an unusual
appearance, you can draw power
from the world around you to
manipulate the actions of others and
move objects and creatures with the
power of your mind.
Mind Shield (Su): Starting at 1st level,
you generate a mental shield around
your body that protects you from
physical attack. As a swift action, you
gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC for 1
round. This increases by +1 for every five
sorcerer levels you possess, to a maximum
of +5 at 20th level. You may do this a number
of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma
Telepathy (Su): Starting at 3rd level, you can
communicate telepathically with any creature within a
range of 30 ft. This range increases by 10 ft. every three
levels, to a maximum range of 180 ft. at 18th level. You
can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to may give up an uncast spell of 8th level or higher to cast
your level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. dominate monster.
Invisible Hand (Su): At 9th level, you can project a 30- Dominator (Su): At 20th level, your mental powers reach
ft. cone of force as a standard action that acts as a bull their zenith. You can cast any spell you know using the
rush against all creatures in the area. Your CMB for this Silent Spell and Still Spell feats without increasing its
bull rush is equal to your caster level plus your Charisma caster level 1/day. Also, you gain a +4 racial bonus to
modifier. This bull rush does not provoke an attack of resist enchantments and mind-affecting effects, and
opportunity, and spell resistance does not apply against when you cast a spell from the compulsion subschool,
this ability. You may do this 2/day at 13th level and 3/day you increase its DC by a total of +4.
at 17th level.
Imposition of Will (Sp): At 15th level, if you still have
an uncast spell of at least 5th level you may give up that
spell to cast dominate person instead. At 19th level, you

Cavalier Order Dragon Strike (Ex): At 15th level, the cavalier gains the
ability to make a spectacular charge and bring allies
The following cavalier order is appropriate for cavaliers with her. Once per day + Cha modifier, the cavalier
who hail from or receiving significant training in the can spend a standard action to make a full move and
Mharoti Empire. make a melee attack. All allies within 30 ft. of her
can make a full move and make a melee attack as an
ORDER OF THE FIREDRAKE immediate action. The attack may be a charge attack
With traditions that date back over four hundred years if the movement qualifies. All attack rolls and damage
to the founding of the Dragon Empire, the Order of the rolls are made with a bonus equal to the cavalier’s
Firedrake produces dragon- and drake-riding cavaliers. Charisma modifier (this stacks with any applicable
These fierce desert warriors swear a sacred oath to their bonuses for making a charge attack).
bloodthirsty elemental gods to give their lives in service Mount (Ex): Firedrake cavaliers may choose mounts
to the Dragon Empire without question or hesitation. from the reptilian or draconic subtypes with the GM’s
Riding out from their secret breeding fortresses, these permission. At 4th level, they may choose a Large
draconic cavaliers rain death and fire down upon their mount of this type; at 8th level, they may choose a Huge
enemies. They must obey all lawful imperial orders mount; at 12th level, a Gargantuan mount; and at 16th
without thought or hesitation, and they are level they may choose and ride a Colossal-sized mount
sworn to seek to expand the reach, might, with no penalties, as long as it is still of the
and wealth of the Dragon Empire. reptilian or draconic subtypes.
Challenge: Whenever a firedrake cavalier
issues a challenge, she receives a +1 morale
bonus to her damage rolls on attack rolls
against the target of her challenge. This bonus
increases by one for every four levels the
cavalier achieves.
Skills: An order of the firedrake cavalier can add
Knowledge (local) and Knowledge (nobility)
to her class skills. In addition, when the cavalier
makes a Ride check, she can add her Wisdom
bonus as well as her Dexterity bonus to the roll.
Abilities: An order of the firedrake cavalier receives
the following abilities as he increases in level.
Dragon’s Roar (Ex): At 2nd level, the cavalier gains
the ability to rally her troops. Once per day +
Cha modifier, as a swift action, she can issue a
rallying cry that grants all allies within a 60-
ft. radius a morale bonus against fear spells
and spell-like effects equal to the cavalier’s
Charisma modifier, for a number of rounds
equal to the cavalier’s level. Allies also gain
a +1 morale bonus to all damage rolls for
a number of rounds equal to the cavalier’s
Additionally, if any ally within the radius
is frightened, shaken, or panicked, he or she
can immediately make another saving throw
to remove the effect.
Sultan’s Command (Ex): At 8th level, the cavalier
gains the ability to inspire her troops. Once
per day + Cha modifier, as a swift action,
the cavalier can shout a command to grant a
morale bonus equal to her Charisma modifier
to attack rolls and damage rolls for all allies
within 30 ft. of her. This effect lasts for a number
of rounds equal to the cavalier’s Wisdom modifier.

he following chapter details the inner workings of the various
pantheons of Midgard. Additionally, it presents a host of new domains,
inquisitions, mysteries, paladin codes, a mythic path, and spells for
characters whose divine worship is key to their powers and abilities.

The Gods of Midgard

The gods of Midgard have a rich and strange history. Slippery and
demanding, they are much more than voices that answer pleas for healing,
blessings, protection, or gentle repose. The gods have their own goals. They
have their own needs. Most of all, they play a game among their own kind—a
game of power and deception—because gods, having once been made, can
also be unmade.

PANTHEIST PRIESTS Note: The dark gods are much too
jealous of one another’s followers to
Though the gods of Midgard are mysterious and permit a pantheist priest among their
sometimes distant, one way for any mortal to compel number. No pantheist priest may follow
their attention is to grant his or her small voice and more than one of the dark gods. If your campaign
modest sacrifices to another god. All gods of Midgard are permits evil PCs, a pantheist priest may substitute one
jealous to some degree, and this weakness can be turned dark god for a regional one at character creation.
against them.
Indeed, the pantheist priest knows that there is more HOW GODS USE MASKS
than one way to comfort the grieving, sick, and wounded. Behind their names and temples lies a secret of the
All gods might answer a plea. There is more than one set gods’ creation: gods are not individuals in Midgard, but
of revealed mysteries of the divine, and many roads lead to rather they are archetypes or instantiations of universal
the heavens and to the grace of the gods. Why not use all forces. They aren’t people in the same sense that a mortal
of them? individual is; rather, they arise from the strength of their
The pantheist priest worships not a single god, but a priests and the cosmos, and the same god can look and act
set of five related deities, good and evil, male and female,
various in their powers and their demands. In every
case, these are the gods of that priest’s region or city. As
a pantheist priest, you know and follow these gods, and
their differing wisdom sustains you and your flock in
different trials and different tests.


If you wish to play a pantheist priest, generate a normal
cleric, but rather than choosing a single god to worship
choose one of the regional pantheons for a state or polity
(City Gods, Crossroads, Dragon Empire, Northlands, or
Southern) or choose a city or nation. If the latter, see the
listing for the five gods listed as Great Gods for that place
in the Midgard Campaign Setting.
You are a priest of this pantheon, and each week you
choose one patron god from that pantheon. You must
fulfill the god’s demands that week, and in return you are
granted access to two of that god’s domains as a normal
cleric. These two domains or subdomains are always the
same for each of the five gods of this pantheist priest.
These floating domains are represented in the Pantheist
domain detailed below.

Deities: Any regional pantheon or the great gods of a city
or nation.
Granted Power: You represent many faces of divinity
rather than a single voice.
Many Roads to Wisdom (Su). The pantheist priest may
use the granted power of any god of his regional or civic
pantheon normally. Once that granted power is used,
no other granted power may be invoked or applied until
the next day.

entirely differently in different places. The beliefs of their THE VALUE OF CONFUSION
followers vary from place to place. Many gods of Midgard Why are the gods eager to disguise their identities? The
go by multiple names, have variant domains or local titles, exact reason is unknown, but three reasons have been
and even switch gender and appearance. given to their priesthoods.
As a result, the gods of Midgard are unknowable and First, adopting a new name and a slightly different avatar
mysterious, and their faiths embody shifting channels of helps the gods steal their way into new regions and absorb
power. Their forms are variable and protean. Stranger still, new followers. In this way, the gods of Midgard can be
only a few gods at a time hold sway in any city or region. worshiped under several names and avoid the difficulty
Savants believe there might only be room for five or six of overcoming regional or racial hostility and prejudice.
gods per city, and perhaps only three in a town, and one in Surely Ariadne is happy to have worshipers calling out to
a village. Shrines to more than a small number of divinities her as Rava, as long as her divine goals are met.
rarely prosper. But the human heart has room for many Second, it provides a form of insurance against the
gods. Faith is not a matter of choosing a single god in decline of any particular region or nation. If all the
Midgard, but choosing the right god for a particular need temples of Perun are burnt out by a rampaging horde from
or occasion. the East, and yet the fanes of Thor remain untouched in
The gods of Midgard are involved in the world, speaking the North, then the Thunder God is better off than if his
to their priests through oracles and visions. They are also worship had vanished entirely.
largely disassociated from mortals, because they rarely Third, the gods use avatars and masks for purposes
explain themselves, and their divine concerns seem of their own, and they want to retain some degree of
unrelated to mundane or mortal troubles. deniability. This is why the exact relationships of the
The gods seem eager to hide their true identity from various masks remain in doubt. They might use masks
worshipers, and sometimes pretend to be other gods to assassinate a god “behind the scenes” and take over
entirely. This deception is common: Wotan might also be his temples and worshipers wholesale, for instance. The
Horus, and Khors might also be Aten as well, and any fool deceased god’s worshipers still pray to a divinity and
can see that Perun, Mavros, and Thor are clearly brothers are happy with the results, even if, over time, the god’s
if not entirely the same divine wellspring with slightly demands shift somewhat.
different avatars.

Gods of Midgard
The following tables outline the major regional pantheons of Midgard and provide information about each god’s typical
worshipers and the domains to which they grant their followers access.


Name Typical Worshipers Domains
Baldur* Lovers, families. Charm, Good, Healing, Protection, Sun.
Thor Warriors, adventurers. Destruction, Protection, Strength, War, Weather.
Freyr and Freyja Druids, farmers. Animal, Charm, Magic, Plant, Water.
Loki Monsters, scoundrels. Chaos, Fire, Luck, Travel, Madness.
Sif Women warriors, archers. Community, Beer (see page 66), Glory, Protection, Rune,
Wotan Kings, jarls, wizards. Knowledge, Fate, Nobility, Runes, War.
* See Lada under “Crossroads Gods.”


Name Typical Worshipers Domains
Khors Knights, Magdar. Fire, Glory, Magic, Nobility, Sun.
Lada (Baldur) Women, centaurs, elves, children. Charm, Healing, Nobility, Strength, Sun.
Perun Soldiers, guards and watchers, Death, Healing, Strength, War, Weather.
Rava (Ariadne) Gearforged, merchants, kobolds. Artifice, Clockwork (see page 66), Knowledge, Luck,
64 Volund (Svarog) Dwarves, Kariv, smiths. Animal, Artifice, Community, Earth, Fire.


Name Typical Worshipers Domains
Azuran Dragonkin, kobolds, tengu. Air, Knowledge, Luck, Travel, War.
Northern Wind Sailors, travelers, farmers. Air, Travel, Weather.
Southern Wind Wizards, priests, artificers. Air, Knowledge, Void.
Eastern Wind Gamblers, merchants. Air, Luck, Scalykind.
Western Wind Soldiers, warriors. Air, Predator (see page 67), Strength, War.
Baal Mharoti, nobles, drakes. Fire, Nobility, Protection, Repose, Scalykind.
Khespotan Miners, builders, scholars, soldiers. Earth, Knowledge, Repose, Rune, Strength.
Seggotan Sailors, fishermen, healers. Healing, Prophecy (see page 67), Scalykind, Water,
Veles All dragons and drakes. Destruction, Earth, Magic, Rune, Scalykind, Strength, Water.
Name Typical Worshipers Domains
Anu-Akma The elderly, ghouls, gnolls. Death, Earth, Law, Protection, Travel.
Aten Humans, dwarves, Saph-Saph. Air, Glory, Law, Nobility, Sun.
Heretical Aten Blasphemers, iconoclasts. Air, Glory, Evil, Fire, Sun, Trickery.
Bastet Alchemists, dancers, gnolls, soldiers. Animal, Charm, Hunting (see page 67), Predator (see
page 67), Sun.
Horus Nomads, heruti, Natalese. Animal, Glory, Nobility, Protection, Weather.
Ninkash Dwarves, brewers, farmers. Beer (see page 66), Charm, Community, Liberation,
Thoth-Hermes Scholars, scribes, thieves, wizards. Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Travel, Trickery.


Name Typical Worshipers Domains
Ariadne (Rava)* Gearforged, merchants, kobolds. Artifice, Clockwork, Knowledge, Luck, Travel.
Ceres Farmers, merchants. Animal, Community, Plant, Protection, Travel.
Charun Soldiers, mourners, the grieving. Darkness, Death, Protection, Repose, Water.
Hecate Kammae, minotaurs, witches. Darkness, Knowledge, Magic, Moon, Luck.
Mavros Soldiers, watchmen. Death, Healing, Strength, War, Weather.
Nethus Sailors, fishermen. Chaos, Destruction, Water.
* See Ariadne (as Rava) under “Crossroads Gods.”


Name Typical Worshipers Domains
Addrikah Derro, dwarves, the insane. Chaos, Earth, Evil, Madness, Strength.
Boreas Giants, trolls, ogres. Air, Evil, Madness, Travel, Weather.
Chernobog Murderers, hags, dragons. Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Strength.
Goat of the Woods Goblins, giants. Chaos, Destruction, Madness, Magic.
The Hunter Hunters, the bloodthirsty. Animal, Death, Destruction, Hunting (see page 67),
Predator (see page 67), Strength.
Mammon Merchants, the greedy. Charm, Darkness, Earth, Luck, Madness.
Marena (Mara) Vampires, the vengeful, the lustful. Charm, Darkness, Death, Law, Magic, Travel.
Vardesain Darakhul, ghouls, vampires. Animal, Destruction, Healing, Strength.
The White Goddess Orcs, goblins, ogres. Death, Destruction, Fire, Strength, Sun.
The divine forces in Midgard include several domains not
seen in other realms, or at least not in exactly the same
way. These forces wax and wane, and some priests hold the
skeins of this divine net more tightly than others.
The use of these domains is entirely up to the GM and
players, but they provide both variety and depth to the
existing list. The alignment domains are
entirely optional in the Midgard
campaign setting.

Deities: Ninkash, Sif.
Granted Powers: Ninkash’s
sweet nectar invigorates your
mind even as it dulls those around you. The secrets
of Ninkash’s faith grant you a +2 sacred bonus to
Fortitude saves against ingested poisons. Also,
Profession (brewer) is now a class skill for you.
Blessed Brew (Su): Once per day, with a touch, you
may transform a container of non-magical liquids
into a number of draughts of blessed brew equal
to 3 + your Wisdom modifier, negating any special
attributes those liquids might have previously had.
Imbibers of this brew may choose to gain either a
number of temporary hp equal to half your cleric level
(minimum 1), gain a +2 sacred bonus to Charisma-
based skill checks, a +1 dodge bonus to AC, or a +1
to caster level to spells of the charm subschool. This
bonus lasts for an hour, then fades, leaving a warm
buzz behind. A creature may benefit from only one
such blessed brew within a 24 hour period.
Aura of Inebriation (Su): At 8th level, you may emit a 30-ft.
aura as an immediate action that does not provoke
attacks of opportunity. This aura grants allies a bonus
equal to your Wisdom modifier to Charisma‑based skill
checks and saves against fear effects. This aura may be
active for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level CLOCKWORK DOMAIN
and these rounds need not be consecutive, but must be Deities: Ariadne, Rava.
spent in 1-round increments. Dispelling this aura is a Granted Powers: You can speak with machines and
free action. magical or mechanical constructs, control constructs,
Domain Spells: 1st—bless water, 2nd—delay poison, and ultimately become metal-graced by Rava. You treat
3rd—cup of dust APG, 4th—neutralize poison, 5th—cleanse, Disable Device as a class skill.
6th—hero’s feast, 7th—vision, 8th—euphoric tranquility Mend Machines (Sp): You can cast make whole, using your
, 9th—miracle. character level as your caster level, as a spell-like ability a
number of times per day equal to half of your cleric level
(minimum 1).
Metal-Graced (Ex): At 8th level, Rava graces you, her
faithful, with a machine-like quality. A thin coating of
metal covers your back, torso, and appendages, granting
you a damage reduction 5/adamantine. This damage
reduction increases to DR 8/adamantine at 12th level.
At 20th level, you gain DR 10/adamantine.

Domain Spells: 1st—alarm, 2nd—gear barrage (see PROPHECY

Deep Magic), 3rd—explosive runes, 4th—stoneskin, 5th— Deities: Seggotan.
animate objects, 6th—guards and wards, 7th—control
Granted Powers: You see the future, for good or ill.
construct UM, 8th—mind blank, 9th—dominate clockwork
(see Deep Magic) Forewarned (Su): Your knowledge of the future allows you
to anticipate danger. You gain a +1 insight bonus to
HUNTING DOMAIN Perception checks and a +1 dodge bonus to AC. These
Deities: Bastet, the Hunter. bonuses increase by +2 at 8th level and every 3 levels
Granted Powers: You are master of the hunt. The
bounty of the land is yours for the taking. You gain Future Sight (Su): At 8th level, once each day you may
proficiency with the longbow and shortbow. declare that a standard action you have just taken did not
happen. You may then take a different action. You can do
Master Tracker (Ex): At 1st level, you gain a bonus equal this after the results of your initial reaction are known.
to your cleric level on Survival checks when following The mixing of future and present is disorienting. You are
tracks or hunting and foraging. shaken for 1d4 rounds after you use this ability.
Game Hunter (Ex): At 5th level, choose one type of creature This does not stack with other fear effects, but nothing
from the ranger’s favored enemy list. You gain a +2 can remove this condition.
bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls and on Bluff, Domain Spells: 1st—deathwatch, 2nd—augury, 3rd—
Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival locate object, 4th—divination, 5th—commune, 6th—find
checks against creatures of this type. the path, 7th—prying eyes, 8th—moment of prescience,
At every five levels thereafter, you can choose to 9th—foresight.
increase this bonus by +2 or you may select an additional
favored enemy, gaining a +2 bonus on weapon attack
and damage rolls and on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception,
Sense Motive and Survival checks against creatures of Inquisitions
the new type, but not both. The following inquisitions are common among Midgard’s
Domain Spells: 1st—hide from animals, 2nd—hold inquisitors.
animal, 3rd—snare, 4th—tiny hut, 5th—mage’s faithful
hound, 6th—tree stride, 7th—control weather, 8th—finger of FIRE INQUISITION
death, 9th—foresight Deities: Khors, Volund.
Granted Powers: Fire cleanses. It purifies the polluted
PREDATOR soul and scours the earth of the faith’s enemies.
Deities: Bastet, the Hunter, the Western Wind.
Fiery Engulfment (Sp): As a standard action, you can cause
Granted Powers: You excel at locating and efficiently a creature to burst into flames with a successful melee
dispatching creatures that you have designated as your touch attack. If the touch attack is successful, the
prey, whether they’re foes or hunting targets. creature takes 1d4 points of fire damage for 1d4 rounds.
Clean Kill (Sp): As a standard action, you can speak words of A burning creature can attempt a Reflex saving throw
counsel to one target creature within 30 feet to grant the as a full-round action to douse the fire. Dropping and
target a bonus on ranged attack rolls and ranged attack rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus to this saving
damage rolls equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum +1) throw. Creatures that hit a burning creature with natural
for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though
per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. hit by the burning creature and must make a Reflex save
Scent of Prey (Ex): At 8th level, as a swift action, you gain to avoid catching on fire.
use of the scent extraordinary ability (see the Pathfinder Fire Shield (Sp): At 8th level, you may cast fire shield once per
Roleplaying Game Bestiary) for a number of rounds per day as a spell-like ability. You may use only the warm
day equal to your cleric level. When you use this ability shield version of this spell.
to note the direction of a scent, you can do so as a swift
action instead of a move action. The rounds of this NATURE INQUISITION
ability’s duration do not need to be used consecutively, Deities: Porevit, Yarila.
but must be spent in 1-round increments. Granted Powers: You are the protector of the wild
Domain Spells: 1st—hunter's howl APG, 2nd—eagle eye and green world. Your allies are the natural forces of
, 3rd—hunter's eye APG, 4th—aspect of the wolf APG, 5th— the wood and the creatures who call the place home. All
expert hunter (see page 78), 6th—mass bull’s strength, druid spells are considered to be on your spell list.
7th—mass inflict serious wounds, 8th—finger of death, 9th— Nature Sense (Ex): You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge
power word kill. (nature) and Survival checks.
Greater Green Ally (Sp): Once per day at 8th level, when This group must include your deity’s favored weapon.
you summon a creature with a summon nature’s ally spell You gain proficiency with all these weapons. You also
or summon an animal with a summon monster spell, gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls with
the creature gains the advanced simple template. You your deity’s favored weapon, including any combat
must decide to use this ability while you are casting the maneuver checks made with this weapon. You also add
appropriate summon spell. this +1 bonus to your CMD when defending against
disarm and sunder attempts made against this weapon.
Deities: Lada, Porevit, Yarila.
Granted Powers: The music of the heavens inspires
mortals to action. Those who do not heed its call must
The following mysteries are common among Midgard’s
be shown the way, through force if necessary. You gain
Perform (sing) as a class skill.
Pious Tone (Su): You may use the countersong bardic CLOCKWORK
performance as a bard equal to your inquisitor level As clockwork creatures and devices enter the world, the
against abilities, spells, and effects employed by gods who oversee invention and artifice grow in power. An
creatures who possess an alignment opposite to yours oracle with the clockwork mystery can alter the workings
or that your church has designated as an enemy. You of machines and construct items out of thin air.
may do this for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 +
Class Skills: An oracle with the clockwork mystery
your Wisdom modifier.
adds Craft, Disable Device, Knowledge (arcana), and
Call of Heaven (Su): You may sing for a number of rounds Knowledge (engineering) to her list of class skills.
equal to your inquisitor level. When you do so,
creatures within 60 ft. of you must make a Will save or Bonus Spells: crafter’s fortuneAPG (2nd), clockwork timer
move in your direction using the most direct means (see Deep Magic) (4th), enter imag APG (6th), malfunctionUM
available. If the path leads the targets into a dangerous (8th), fabricate (10th), wall of iron (12th), control
area, such as through fire or off a cliff, that creature constructUM (14th), iron body (16th), time stop (18th).
receives a second saving throw to end the effect before Special: At 1st level, an oracle with the clockwork
moving into peril. Affected creatures can take no mystery gains access to spells with the word “cure” or
actions other than to defend themselves. A victim “inflict” in their title as usual. However, these spells heal
within 5 ft. of you stands and offers no resistance to or harm only constructs.
your attacks. The effect ends immediately after you Revelations: An oracle with the clockwork mystery can
or an ally attacks an affected creature. Beginning to choose from any of the following revelations:
sing and maintaining your singing requires a standard
Automatic Control (Su): At 1st level, you gain a +4 bonus
action each round. You need not use this ability's
to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made against
duration all at once, but it must be spent in 1-round
intelligent constructs. Enchantment and mind-affecting
increments. Stopping your singing is a free action.
spells you cast also affect constructs. At 7th level, you can
Creatures who make a saving throw against this ability
cast dominate monster on a construct once per day. This
or who are attacked by you or an ally are immune to call
effect lasts 1 round per oracle level. You can use this twice
of heaven for 24 hours.
per day at 13th level and three times per day at 17th level.
This is a sonic, mind-affecting charm effect.
Binding Chains (Su): As a standard action, you can cause a
WEAPONS INQUISITION 20-ft. radius of iron chains to burst from the floor and
Deities: Perun, Volund. wrap around any creature in the area. This acts as black
tentacles, except the chains are made of iron and have
Granted Powers: Only through weapons can the true hardness 10, 10 hp, and a break DC equal to 10 + the
faith be spread. chain’s CMB. You can use this ability once per day at 7th
Spiritual Weapon (Sp): You can cast spiritual weapon once level and an additional time per day for every 4 levels
per day as a spell-like ability using your inquisitor level thereafter. You must be at least 7th level to select this
as your caster level. You use your inquisitor level as revelation.
your base attack bonus when making attack rolls with Clockwork Engine (Su): Once per day at 11th level, you can
the weapon. You also add your Wisdom modifier to the imbue inanimate objects with life as animate objects for
damage inflicted by a successful hit. a number of rounds equal to your oracle level. These
Weapon Training (Ex): At 6th level, you can select one animated objects gain 1 additional CP. You can do this
weapon group from the list of weapon groups in the twice per day at 15th level. At 15th level, these animated
fighter class as found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game objects gain 2 additional CPs. You must be 11th level to
Core Rulebook. select this revelation.

Clockwork Incorporation (Ex): Your knowledge of steam and You may use any special, supernatural, or spell-like
brass allows you to replace body parts with mechanical ability the machine or construct possesses. You must be
devices. Choose one of the following options whenever at least 11th level to select this revelation.
you can select a new revelation. You can select each Steam Jet (Su): As a standard action, you can breathe a 15-ft.
option only once, but you can select a different option cone of steam. This cone deals 1d4 hp fire damage per
each time you are able to choose a new revelation. oracle level. A Reflex save halves this damage. You can
Mechanical Legs: You increase your base speed by 10 use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per
ft., and you are always considered to have had a day at 5th level and every five levels thereafter.
running start when making jump checks. At 11th Final Revelation: Upon reaching 20th level, you
level, your speed is never reduced by armor. Oracles become a clockwork creature. You gain immunity
with the lame curse cannot select this revelation. to bleed, disease, death effects, necromancy effects,
Mechanical Arms: You gain a +2 inherent bonus to paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. You are
Strength and a +4 racial bonus to all skills and also immune to fatigue, exhaustion, and nonlethal
checks based on Strength as well as your CMB. damage. Once per day, you can cast resurrection but only
At 11th level, your inherent bonus to Strength to return a construct to life.
increases to +4.
Steel Skin: You gain a +2 natural armor bonus and
resist fire and cold 5. This increases to a +4 natural
armor bonus and resist fire and cold 10 at 11th level.
Mechanical Eyes: You gain a +4 bonus to Perception
checks and darkvision 60 ft. If you already have
darkvision, the range increases by 30 ft. At 11th
level, you gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against
blindness. Oracles with the clouded vision curse
cannot select this revelation.
Clockwork Messenger (Su): You gain a clockwork familiar
as per the wizard’s arcane bond class ability. For this
familiar’s purposes only, your effective wizard level is
equal to your oracle level. The familiar gains all the
abilities of the animal it mimics, but it is a construct
instead of an magical beast. Your oracle levels stack with
any wizard levels you possess when determining the
powers of your familiar. This ability does not allow you
to have two familiars at one time.
Construct Expert (Ex): You gain a +4 bonus to Knowledge
checks regarding constructs. As long as you are of the
requisite caster level, you can build a construct even if
you do not meet the other prerequisites or can cast the
spells necessary to create a construct. You must expend
the necessary material components and you still must
succeed on the Craft DC to build a construct.
Instant Fortress (Su): You can conjure a structure of iron
and steel as a full-round action for a number of hours
per day equal to one-half your oracle level. This ability
otherwise acts as an instant fortress. You must be at
least 13th level to choose this revelation.
Soul of the Machine (Su): Once per day at 11th level,
you may move your soul from your body into a
construct or mechanical object as the spell magic
jar. Intelligent constructs receive a Will saving
throw to resist this effect. Since constructs and
machines have no soul to replace, you do not need
a receptacle to house the displaced soul. Once in the
machine, you may control it as if it were your own body.
The light and tides of the moon have their own magic,
strongest by night and changing over the lunar cycle.
Class Skills: An oracle with the moon mystery adds Fly,
Knowledge (arcana), and Knowledge (nature) to her list
of class skills.
Bonus Spells: darkness (2nd), confusion (4th), owl’s
wisdom (6th), river of moonlight (see Deep Magic, page 224)
(8th), mass daze (10th), control water (12th), lunar vei lUM
(14th), insanity (16th), meteor swarm (18th).
Revelations: An oracle with the moon mystery can
choose from any of the following revelations.
Cloak of Moonlight (Su): You conjure a cloak of shimmering
moonlight, which coalesces around you, granting a +4
dodge bonus to your AC. At 7th level, and every four
levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2. At 13th
level, this armor grants you DR 5/ slashing. You can use
this cloak for 1 hr. per day per oracle level. The duration
does not need to be consecutive; it can be used in 1-hour
Dazing Spells (Ex): Any time you score a critical hit against
an opponent with an attack spell, a split‑second burst
of shimmering moonlight also envelopes your target,
dazing him for 1 round.
Eyes of the Moon (Su): You gain darkvision 30 ft.
Guiding Moon (Su): Whenever you can see the moon, you
can determine your precise location. When the moon is
visible to you, you may also add your Charisma modifier
to your Wisdom modifier on all Wisdom-based checks.
In addition, once per night while under moonlight, you
can cast one spell with the Empower Spell, Extend Spell,
Silent Spell, or Still spell feat without increasing the
spell’s casting time or level slot. You must have taken the
desired feat to use this ability.
Mantle of Moonlight (Su): Your innate understanding of the
moon renders you immune to lycanthropy. Additionally,
you may disrupt a lycanthrope’s connection to the moon
with a successful touch attack. This action automatically
forces the lycanthrope into its humanoid form, which
it must remain in for a number of rounds equal to your
oracle level. Upon reaching 5th level, you can use this
ability to force others into a rage, as per the spell. Using
this ability is a melee touch attack. You can use this
ability once per day at 5th level plus one additional time
per day for every 5 levels above 5th.
Moonlight Bridge (Su): You summon a bridge of shimmering
moonlight. The 10-ft.-wide span touches the ground
at a point adjacent to your position. From this point,
it can extend in any direction for 10 ft. per oracle level.
The path persists until you have crossed over the bridge
or for 24 hrs., whichever is shorter. You may summon
a moonlight bridge a number of times per day equal to
your Charisma bonus. Should the bridge be attacked,
treat it as a wall of force.

Moonfire (Su): You can fire a blast of blazing moonlight at a Revelations: An oracle with the wine mystery can
single target within 30 ft. as a standard action. Moonfire choose from any of the following revelations.
deals 1d8 hp damage per caster level, and the target Courage in a Flask (Ex): A drink calms your nerves and
is dazzled for 1 round per two oracle caster levels. A imbues you with a steely demeanor. As a swift action,
successful Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your oracle you may imbibe an alcoholic drink to gain a morale
level + your Charisma modifier) reduces the damage bonus to saving throws against against fear effects equal
by half and negates the dazzle effect. You can use this to your Charisma modifier. If under the effects of fear,
ability once per day at 8th level, and one additional time you may instead gain a new save to negate the effect if
per day for every four levels beyond 8th. You must be 8th the effect permits a save. You may use this ability once
level to select this revelation. per day at 1st level, and one additional time per day for
Moon’s Favor (Sp): Once per day, you can spend 10 min. every four oracle levels you possess.
reveling in the moonlight and contemplating its Good for What Ails You (Su): You may touch a creature as
mysteries, granting you the effects of divination. You a swift action to immediately grant it a new save (if
must be 8th level to select this revelation. the effect allowed a save) against one of the following
Moonlight (Ex): You may illuminate an area with sparkling, conditions: blinding, confused, dazzled, deafened,
silver moonlight, blinding creatures and visibly exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked,
outlining hidden things. This acts as the spell glitterdust, shaken, or sickened. If the save succeeds, the effect
lasts 1 round/level, and may be used a number of times is suppressed for a number of rounds equal to your
equal to your Charisma modifier. You must be 8th level Charisma modifier. You may also grant the creature
to select this revelation. a new save if it is poisoned; a successful save counts
Moon’s Pull (Su): Your connection to the moon is so strong against those required for a cure, but a failed saving
that your feet barely touch the ground. At 1st level, you throw has no ill effect. You may use this ability a number
no longer leave tracks. At 5th level, you can hover up to of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
6 inches above the ground or even above liquid surfaces, Inebriate’s Wisdom (Ex): You gain a +2 bonus to saves
as if levitating. At 10th level, you gain the ability to fly, against charm and illusion spells and a +2 bonus to
as per the spell, for a number of minutes per day equal Diplomacy, Perception, and Sense Motive checks. These
to your oracle level. This duration does not need to be bonuses increase to +4 at 11th level.
consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-min. increments.
Insensate (Ex): Frequent drunkenness and the mystery of
Final Revelation: Upon achieving 20th level, your wine have inured you to physical harm. You gain the
mysterious connection with the moon is so complete Diehard feat and DR 2/—. This increases to DR 5/— at
that you are infused with the moon’s mystical power. 11th level. You must be at least 7th level to select this
You receive a bonus on all saving throws equal to your revelation. Once per day, you may also ignore the first 10
Charisma modifier. Once per day, you can bathe yourself damage from acid, cold, electricity, or fire.
in pure, mystical moonlight as a full-round action,
Invigorating Spirits (Su): You can imbue an alcoholic
granting you SR 21, DR 5/ silver and fast healing 5 for
beverage with life-enhancing properties. Once per day,
a number of rounds equal to your oracle level. These
you may turn a single alcoholic beverage into a curative
rounds do not need to be consecutive but must be spent
tonic that heals 1d6 hp damage for every 2 oracle levels
in 1-round increments. In addition, whenever you are
you possess. At 7th level, the drink also confers the
reduced to negative hp while in sight of the moon, you
benefit of a restoration spell. At 11th level, you may create
automatically stabilize. Should you die, you are reborn
two such drinks a day. This number increases to three
on the next full moon (as reincarnate).
at 15th level and also confers the qualities of greater
Great mysteries often are revealed to those in altered Lucky Drunk (Ex): Once per day as a free action, you may
states. Your special connection to the inebriated gods gain a +8 bonus to a Strength- or Dexterity-based check
comes through the view of reality perceived through the or your CMB. You may use this ability one extra time per
haze and stupor of wine. day for every 3 oracle levels you possess.
The Next Day (Su): You can make a creature suffer the
Class Skills: An oracle with the wine mystery adds
after-effects of a serious hangover. As a standard action,
Acrobatics, Bluff, Perform, and Sleight of Hand to her
you may target one creature within 30 ft. of you. It takes
list of class skills.
1d6 nonlethal damage per level and is also sickened.
Bonus Spells: remove fear (2nd), bear’s endurance (4th), A Fortitude save halves the damage and negatives the
glibness (6th), exalted chance (see Deep Magic) (8th), raise sickened condition. You also change its memory of
dead (10th), joyful rapture UM (12th), waves of ecstasy UM past events as modify memory, though you cannot make
(14th), euphoric tranquility (16th), freedom (18th). it recall an event with perfect clarity and the memory
modification is instantaneous. A Will save negates this
effect. At 10th level, creatures that fail their save are exhaustion, ability damage, and nonlethal damage. You
fatigued and sickened. At 15th level, creatures that fail can consume any drug or narcotic without ill effect or
their save are exhausted and sickened. You may use this the possibility of addiction.
ability once per day plus an additional time per day at
10th level.
Wild Nights (Su): You call upon the ecstatic revelries of the Paladin Codes
gods of wine to affect you and your allies. You gain a +1 Paladins in Midgard are paragons of holiness and
dodge bonus to AC, a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls righteousness, and all follow the strict codes that their
and damage rolls with melee weapons, and a +4 bonus deities set forth. The following are paladin codes for
to Constitution. The bonuses to AC, attack rolls, and Khors and Perun, two of the most popular deities among
damage rolls increase by +1 for every 5 oracle levels you Midgard’s paladins.
possess. Allies within 60 ft. of you who can hear or see
you may spend a move action to gain the same bonuses KHORS
to AC, attack, and damage rolls. At 7th level, allies The paladins of Khors are loud, brash, and utterly without
need only spend a swift action to gain these bonuses. pity for creatures of darkness—they despise liars and
The bonuses last for a number of rounds equal to your cheats, and the cruel and arrogant. Their mission is to
Charisma modifier. You may use this ability once per day protect the weak from the dark and the malevolent, and
at 1st level and one additional time per day for every 5 especially to protect the living from the undead and the
oracle levels you possess. This is a mind-affecting effect. creatures of night; they abhor corruption of the good
Final Revelation: Upon reaching 20th level, you and true. They may seek just as fiery a vengeance against
become a master of wine, revelry, and dissipation. swindlers and thieves as against raiders and lifestealers,
You are immune to poison, fatigue, but they all secretly dream of destroying a great vampire


lord or warlock sworn to serve darkness. They give PERUN

no ground against the dark, and their deeds blaze as The paladins of Perun are somewhat reserved in their
affirmations of their god’s light and truth. Their tenets daily life, and are ferocious hellions in battle. Most are
include the following affirmations. shieldmaidens among the dwarves and amazons of Perun,
• I will carry myself as a beacon and an example of serving in the order of the White Lion. They enjoy striking
righteousness. My song will be joyous and my hand “thunder-wise,” meaning by surprise, against evil and
will be steady against even the greatest darkness and malevolent forces. Both careful planning and a humble
the foulest spawn of the grave, for my soul is light, and demeanor are typical of their approach to life; they eschew
imperishable, and eternal. gaudy displays of gold and armor, preferring to spend their
• I will burn out all creatures of darkness, showing no wealth on a few fine things rather than many shoddy ones.
pity to creatures that embrace evil. My fires are hot, and Their tenets include the following affirmations.
my enemies shall fear their cleansing power. • I am a servant of the thunder, and not its master. My
• I will defend the weak and the small against tyranny humility is a sign of my strength.
and cruelty. Those who cannot defend themselves shall • My deeds are my armor, and I am not easily provoked.
always find shelter behind my shield. If anyone shall insult me, I shall laugh at their
• I go into battle with courage, standing in the front ignorance. If anyone shall insult my companions, I
ranks. I shall be the last of my companions to depart shall show them their error.
the field, as the last ray of the sun leaves the day. • I fight for truth and justice with sword and bow,
• I will not bargain with evil, nor accept the company of striking when I choose to strike, swift as lightning. My
those tainted by shadow or dark corruption. hammer shall be as a thunderclap, and confusion reign
• I will speak no ill of my companions or commanders, among my enemies.
unless they be tainted by shadow or dark corruption. • I drink with the gods and laugh with the valkyries, but
• I will honor the sacrifice of my fellows and of honest never shall I fail to stand my watch or pull my weight. A
folk, and shout down falsehoods and thievery, for lies woman must know her limits; a warden must never fail
as the tools of darkness. her duty.
• I will respect the true and proud work of humble • If my followers or my nation are threatened, I shall
people who provide the stuff of daily life, as the sun rally all those with ears to hear. We are stronger
provides us light and heat. Without the people in my together than we are alone. I shall never abandon my
charge, my oaths are empty. companions.
• I will never yield to temptation or corruption. My • My voice will not be silenced. I shall speak the truth to
charge is pure, and my actions are righteous. all. Evil lives in silent fear and isolation; virtue shouts
its friendship to all.
Divine Aspect • I am a woman of simple needs and straightforward
In addition to their paladin abilities and talents, paladins actions. I shall not deceive others, even in pursuit of a
of Khors have access to the following alternate ability. worthy goal. I shall not seek luxury or tolerate idleness
If chosen, this ability replaces the paladin’s divine bond in myself or others.
ability. Paladins of Khors must choose to take this ability • Wealth is as a cloud, coming and going as it wills; I do
at character creation, although they do not get access to it not seek it. What treasures come my way shall quickly
until they reach 5th level. find their way to others, to the worthy and the poor
Divine Aspect of Khors (Sp): Upon reaching 5th level, alike. Charity and courage are twins.
you radiate celestial light and warmth. You glow with the • My oaths are true and strong as mithral. Nothing but
light of a torch and gain a +2 sacred bonus on Perception my death shall keep me from the promises I make to
checks and a +2 sacred bonus on melee attack and another.
damage rolls against undead. Both of these bonuses • I am honest and uncomplaining. Hard work is my lot,
increase to +4 at 11th level and to +6 at 17th level. though others live as hard a life in fields and pastures,
At 11th level, you radiate light as a daylight spell and in great halls or humble huts. My work is defending
gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against gaze their lives and liberties.
attacks and blinding effects. • I am always ready and never late. My shield can shelter
At 15th level, whenever you score a critical hit with nations. My sword can banish giants. I fear no evil.
a melee attack, the target must make a Fortitude save
(DC = 10 + your paladin level) or become blinded for
1d4+1 rounds. A creature that saves is instead dazzled
for 1 round.
At 17th level, you are immune to cold.
Saints’ Magic significant obstacles. Even good deities cross paths, with
interventions designed to steer the soul of promise toward
From the spell-scorched dunes of the Wasted West to their particular domains.
the frigid currents of the Reaver Coast, from the arcane The forsaken period ends at a mythic tier of the GM’s
bazaars of the Mharoti Dragon Empire to the dark choosing (typically tier 6) when the soul of promise accepts
hollows of the Old Margreve Forest, in Midgard the a divine being and rejects the powers and temptations
emissaries of the gods most certainly walk among men of all others. The deity she ultimately chooses need not
and beasts. The living saint mythic path is designed with be the one from which she was forsaken. She becomes a
Midgard’s saints and living saints in mind, and they are living saint of her deity, or—if she chooses a consortium of
tied to specific divine events of that locale. deities, a force of nature, or another, non-deific power—
she becomes a saint of the pantheon, a saint of nature, or a
MYTHIC PATH: LIVING SAINT saint of the appropriate power.
A saint devotes herself, body and soul, to a deity or Once sainted, her mythic path only increases in difficulty.
pantheon. Her service is exemplary. Her commitment Mythic servants of rejected and opposing deities seek to
never wavers. She exudes confidence in divine wisdom, foil and discredit her deeds, destroy her, or recruit her to
and she never falls to temptation. When entrusted with a their side. Temptations persist, and more than one saint
divine mission, she eagerly and selflessly carries it out in has doomed their soul on to face the daunting prospect of
the name of her god, even if it requires her martyrdom. trying to redeem it again.
So say the scribes and evangelists.
The full truth is far less perfect, for the angelic mortal TABLE 3-7: LIVING SAINT
that evangelists describe is merely an excerpt from the Path Mythic
final chapter in the life of a saint. Earlier chapters are rife Tier Features Spells
with missteps, inner conflict, and nigh-impossible tests of 1st Bonus hp, fate’s blessing, path ability —
faith and commitment.
2nd Path ability 1
A divine spellcaster begins her mythic path not as a
saint but as a “soul of promise.” Blessed with nascent 3rd Path ability, forsaken, temptations 1
powers and cursed with temptations and difficulties, a 4th Path ability 2
soul of promise is a mortal whom fate has destined for 5th Path ability 2
legendary deeds in the service of the gods. Though she
6th Path ability, sainthood 3
may not realize her critical role at first, more powerful
(typically; see text)
forces certainly recognize the spark of potential greatness.
Angels watch over her. Devils lay pitfalls in her path. 7th Path ability 3
Serendipitous events and formative figures enter her life 8th Path ability 4
for a reason, and the fates watch her every step.
9th Path ability 4
During the early tiers of her path to sainthood, the
gods—both good and evil—regularly test her devotion. 10th Divine vessel, path ability 5
Even her selections of new path abilities are wrought
with temptation, for some are clearly rewards of lesser Living Saint Features
holy power, while others feature greater powers of darker
As you increase in tier, you gain the following abilities.
Starting at the third mythic tier, souls of promise Bonus Hit Points: Whenever you gain a tier, you gain 4
undergo a multi-tier test of devotion during which their bonus hp, which stack with themselves but do not affect
connection to their god ends. The GM decides the exact your overall Hit Dice or other statistics.
reason based on the campaign’s storyline, but it might be Mythic Spells: At 2nd tier, you may select one mythic
the intervention of other gods (e.g. the imprisonment of spell (see the Mythic Adventures chapter on mythic
her god), exposure to an artifact (e.g. a known or unknown spells and the Mythic Spells section of Deep Magic )
consequence of destroying the artifact), or even voluntary and expend your mythic power to cast that spell with
separation (e.g. to undertake transcendent missions for enhanced results. You must be able to cast the normal,
the pantheon itself). divine version of the spell or have it on your list of spells
During this “forsaken” period, other gods provide her known. At 4th tier and every two tiers thereafter, you
with access to their domain spells and powers in subtle and can select another mythic spell.
blatant bids for her allegiance. It is a small price to pay for Fate’s Blessing: Select one of the following abilities at
a renowned figure willing to perform great deeds for their 1st tier. Once chosen, you can only change it when you
causes and in their names. Of course, opposing deities become forsaken, achieve sainthood, or formally change
likewise attempt to undermine those gifts with equally deities.


Aura of Divine Favor (Su): You can expend one use of instead. The animal must be indigenous to your locale. It
mythic power to create a 20-ft. radius aura of divine arrives immediately after you regain your daily spells.
favor around your person for one hour per mythic tier. Your relationship with a god determines whether that
The aura affects all allies in range and grants them the god grants you access to his domains. When you become
benefits of the divine favor spell, cast at your caster level forsaken, gods that share your alignment are initially
and with a maximum luck bonus of +6. Allies remain friendly, gods of diametrically opposed alignment
affected only while in range. are unfriendly, and all others are indifferent. You may
Spontaneous Metamagic (Su): You can expend one use of endeavor to change these initial attitudes as described in
mythic power to spontaneously apply a metamagic the “Changing Deity Attitudes” sidebar on page 76.
feat of your choice to a spell you cast, whether you cast Only indifferent, friendly, and helpful gods grant you
the mythic version or not. This spell must be one that domain access. You add +1 to the DC of all saving throws
you prepared for the day or be from your list of spells granted to targets by domain spells and powers you
known (if you cast spells spontaneously). You need not receive from helpful deities. This stacks with the Spell
possess the metamagic feat you wish to apply. For each Focus feat. You take a –1 penalty on all saving throws
use of mythic power expended, application of the feat against domain spells and powers granted to an enemy
increases the spell slot of the spell by one less than the spellcaster by a deity that is hostile toward you.
metamagic feat normally would. If you do not expend Temptations (Ex): You gain one temptation spell
enough mythic power to reduce the slot increase to slot per spell level, even for spell levels you cannot yet
zero, application of the metamagic feat fails. If the spell cast. Each day any god (most often a hostile god) may
targets a single creature and and take the worse result. prepare a spell in some, none, or all of those slots for
Generate Spell (Su): Once per day, you can expend one use you. The GM chooses these temptation spells and may
of mythic power to cast any one divine spell, regardless apply metamagic feats to them without raising their slot
of whether you know it or have it prepared. This spell level. The GM may make you aware of the temptation
must be on one of your divine spell lists and must be spell names immediately, as an ominous foreshadowing
no greater than one level higher than spells you can of what the day will bring, or the GM may tell you the
normally cast using that divine spellcasting class. When names during some dire circumstance, just in time for
you cast a spell using this ability, treat your caster level you to cast one. The GM must also tell you the granting
as the minimal level required to cast the spell or two god’s name. If the spell has a verbal component, you
levels higher than your current level (whichever is must voice aloud the god’s name when casting the
greater). You cannot apply any metamagic feats to a spell. Having miracle at your fingertips can be quite
generated spell. tempting, regardless of the grantor. Each time you cast
a temptation spell from a hostile or unfriendly god,
Forsaken (Ex): At 3rd tier, your connection to your
god ends. You lose all spells and class features as if you
were an ex-cleric (or ex-druid, including your animal
companion if applicable). However, you need not atone.
Rather, the pantheon itself has plans for your potential
and immediately reinstates everything except your Living Saints
domain spells, domain powers, and animal companion.
Until you are no longer forsaken, you become a child of Other Classes
of the entire pantheon. Instead of just receiving power Although the living saint mythic path is geared
from multiple deities, however, the gods may also toward clerics and druids, it is possible for other
petition you, as well. For example, two gods may ask you divine spellcasters to embark on this journey. In the
to undertake two different, time-sensitive, and possibly case of paladins, inquisitors, oracles, shamans, and
conflicting missions. Which god will you disappoint? other divine spellcasters who seek to become living
Although you lose all access to domains of your saints, players should work with their GM to retool
original god, other gods steer you toward their causes this path as necessary. In particular, while the divine
with access to their domains. Each day you may choose spellcaster is forsaken, he or she should lose access
any two domains (or one domain if you are a druid), and to a key class skill that can be temporarily restored
you gain the corresponding domain spells and powers only by indifferent, friendly, or helpful deities.
for that day. You may not select your original domains Multiclassed PCs can access the living saint mythic
even if they also belong to another deity. For each path if they have class levels in a divine spellcasting
domain you choose each day, you must name and pray to class; characters with levels in cleric or druid will
a deity to which the domain belongs. This occurs during find this path more suited to them. Non-divine
the normal period when you regain your daily allotment spellcasters and martial characters can’t access this
of spells. If you are a druid, you may forego your daily mythic path.
domain selection to summon a daily animal companion
you lose favor with all helpful and friendly gods. For Path Ability: At 1st tier and every tier thereafter, select
more information, see the “Changing Deity Attitudes” one new path ability from the following list or from the
sidebar below. list of Mythic Adventures universal path abilities. Unless
Sainthood (Ex): Any deity to whom you have ever otherwise noted, you can select each ability only once
prayed may champion or oppose your sainthood. At a and cannot thereafter change your selection. You must
tier of the GM’s choosing, after completing a major trial meet the stated minimum tier requirement to select the
and in accordance with your campaign’s storyline, you path ability.
achieve sainthood. Minimum Tier 1
If you become a traditional saint by pledging yourself
to the service of a single helpful god, you are no longer Displaced Pain (Su): You may expend one use of mythic
forsaken. You lose access to all other gods’ domains in power as a standard action to gain DR 3/ epic or DR 5/
terms of domain powers or domain slot spells. If you epic for 1 hr. per tier. Electing the latter causes nearby
are a cleric, you may choose any three domains of your plants to wither and blacken and the critically infirm to
chosen god and gain the corresponding domain spells weaken and die as nature and non-combatants within a
and powers of each. Druids gain two domains or one 10-ft. radius share the damage you ignore. This DR does
domain plus an animal companion. All classes gain two not stack with any other form of DR.
domain spell slots for each spell level instead of one. Divine Blessing (Su): Whenever you cast a divine spell,
If you do not pledge yourself to one deity, the effects of you and your allies also receive the benefits of the bless
forsaken continue under your new title as “Saint of the spell, as if you cast that also.
Pantheon,” “Saint of Nature,” or another appropriate Faith’s Reach (Su): Whenever you cast a divine spell
title. Additionally, you gain two domain spell slots for with a range of touch, you can instead cast the spell with
each spell level instead of one, and you may select a a range of 15 ft. If the spell requires a melee touch attack,
bonus path ability for which you qualify (see below). it instead requires a ranged touch attack. If you deliver a
If you become an evil saint, you may wield incredible touch spell in this way, you receive a –2 penalty to your
power, but in your deity’s eyes, you are forever a tool, ranged touch attack.
never a partner, and you are always expendable.

Changing Deity Attitudes • Breaking any single vow to the god for any reason.
This worsens the god’s attitude toward you by one
Unlike shifting an NPC’s attitude with a charming
smile, quick wit, and a Diplomacy check, it is far more
difficult to improve a god’s attitude toward you. • Murdering a known worshipper of the god. This act
worsens the deity’s attitude toward you by at least
Actions that improve a god’s attitude toward you by
one step, at the GM’s discretion.
one step include:
• Refusing to undertake a divine mission that is
• Changing your alignment at least one step closer to
particularly important to the deity. This act worsens
the god’s alignment.
the deity’s attitude toward you by one step.
• Vowing to permanently revere and pray to the god
• Abandoning a divine mission you have already
agreed to complete. This act worsens the deity’s
• Destroying an artifact that the god opposes. attitude toward you by two steps (you are essentially
• Completing a mission that the god or his proxies both refusing a quest and breaking a vow).
assigned to you. • Foiling a worshipper’s divine mission. This act
• Casting miracle or performing an equally grand task worsens the deity’s attitude toward you by one step.
for the sole benefit of the god’s followers. • If the god is friendly or helpful, casting a temptation
• Inventing a spell or crafting a novel magic weapon or spell granted by an unfriendly or hostile god. This act
wondrous item related to the god’s domains. worsens the deity’s attitude toward you by one step.
Actions that worsen a god’s attitude toward you include: At the GM’s discretion, your alignment may gravitate
• Changing your alignment at least one step further toward the alignment of the deities to which you
from the god’s alignment. The god’s attitude consistently pray for domain spells and powers. This in
toward you worsens by one step for every step your turn can affect the attitudes that those deities and other
alignment moves away from the god’s alignment. deities have toward you.


Mythic Companion (Su): Your animal companion can Minimum Tier 3

call upon mythic power (as the base mythic ability) a Deliverance (Su): Whenever you would die as the result
number of times per day equal to your tier. This mythic of a failed save, you may expend one use of mythic power
power can be used only to add to a d20 roll, and uses the to automatically succeed on that save.
same type of die you use for your mythic power.
Divine Weapon (Su): You may sacrifice a spell to attack
Piercing Domain (Su): You add +1 per tier to the DC
a long-range target with a force weapon. The weapon
of saving throws made against spells you cast from your
takes the shape of the favorite weapon of the deity whose
domain spell slots. You also add +1 per tier to your caster
domain spells you most recently selected. The attack
level checks to overcome a target’s spell resistance when
requires a ranged touch attack and deals 4d6 hp damage,
you cast a spell from a domain spell slot. These bonuses
plus 1d6 hp damage per level of the sacrificed spell. The
stack with Spell Focus and Spell Penetration feats.
weapon determines whether the damage is slashing,
Sacred Boons (Su): Add your mythic tier to your class bludgeoning, etc.
level to determine the effects of your current domain
Domain Deflection (Su): You are immune to any
abilities. This does not grant you access to domain
harmful effects of spells granted by any of your current
abilities earlier, it simply increases the effect of domain
domains, even those of levels you are not yet able to cast.
abilities that you have access to. Additionally, once
If you are targeted by any of these spells you may, as an
per day you may expend one use of mythic power as a
immediate action, expend one use of mythic power to
standard action to regain the use of all of your domain
deflect the spell back to its caster as if with spell turning.
abilities as if you had rested for 8 hrs. If you are forsaken
and have not achieved sainthood, you regain the use of Domain Siphon (Su): If another spellcaster casts a spell
the same domain abilities you originally selected for that from one of your current domains, you may, as a free
day. If you selected an animal companion that day, you action, expend one use of mythic power to immediately
may summon a new (and possibly different) creature, transfer that spell effect to yourself, as if you were
provided that you first dismiss your current companion. the target of the spell, even if the spell had a range of
Servant’s Blessing (Su): Whenever you take at personal. If you do, the spell does not affect the original
least 8 hp damage/2 levels from an enemy’s single targets. The spellcaster must be within medium range
attack or effect, you gain a 1st-level domain spell slot. (100 ft. + 10 ft./level).
You may either select a domain spell to place in that Durable Companion (Ex): Your animal companion
slot immediately or you may “bank” the gained slot. (or any replacement) gains DR 5/epic. This ability can be
Whenever you bank a slot, the next time you take at least taken a second time at 6th tier or higher and a third time
8 hp damage from an enemy’s single attack or effect, at 9th tier or higher. Each additional time it is taken, the
you increase the banked slot by one level. Each time this DR increases by 5, to a maximum of DR 15/epic.
occurs, you must choose immediately whether to select Power Current (Su): Whenever you cast a cure or
a domain spell for the slot or bank it. You may continue inflict spell or use a class feature that uses positive or
banking as long as you can cast a domain spell of the negative energy (such as channel energy), treat any
next higher level. The domain spell you select for the slot natural 1s on the dice you rolled as 2s. This applies
may be one augmented with a metamagic feat. Damage only to dice rolled to heal or deal damage. This ability
inflicted by your allies does not count toward this ability. can be selected up to four times. Each additional time
Spontaneous Domain (Su): You may spontaneously it is selected, the range of natural results increased to
convert a non-domain spell into a domain spell of the next highest result goes up by one (for example,
the same level (or lower) in the same way a cleric can selecting this twice treats any natural 1s or 2s as if they
spontaneously convert spells to cure or inflict spells. were 3s).
Sustained by Faith (Su): If you spend at least 1 hr. of Spell Slot Accretion (Ex): You may sacrifice two spell
prayer or meditation, you require no food, water, or sleep slots of the same level to gain one spell slot of the next
for 24 hrs. This time can be the same time you use to level. You may repeat this process as often as desired.
prepare spells. You must still rest 8 hrs. to regain spells Thus you could sacrifice four 2nd-level spell slots to gain
but you are not subject to fatigue or exhaustion due to a two 3rd-level slots and then sacrifice those two 3rd-level
lack of sleep. Additionally, once per day you may expend slots to gain a single 4th-level slot. Any gained slot must
one use of mythic power as a full-round action to refresh be of a spell level you can cast.
yourself as if you had rested for 8 hrs. for the purposes of
regaining spells and healing heal hp and ability damage, Minimum Tier 6
including to your animal companion if you have one. Blessed Sanctuary (Su): An aura of protection
If you are forsaken and have not achieved sainthood, surrounds you. You and all allies within a 10-ft. radius of
you regain domain spell slots for the same domains you you gain the effect of the sanctuary spell. Furthermore,
originally selected for that day. Also, you may summon a as a free action, you can elect to take up to half of the hp
new animal companion, but only if the first has perished. damage that would otherwise be dealt to a creature in
your aura, as if you had cast shield other on that creature.
Any damage you receive as a result of shielding another Spells
creature is taken as nonlethal rather than lethal damage. The following new divine spells are available to characters
Endless Power (Su): You can cast spells without who can cast them.
expending your power. If you are capable of casting
divine spells of 5th level or higher, whenever you cast EXPERT HUNTER
a 1st-level divine spell, it is either not expended (if you School transmutation; Level druid 5, ranger 4
prepare spells) or doesn’t use up a spell slot (if you cast
Casting Time 1 standard action
spells spontaneously). You can select this ability more
than once. Each time you do, the level of divine spells Components V, S, DF
you can cast without expending the spell or using up the Range touch
spell slot increases by one, to a maximum of 3rd level. Target living creature touched
Greater Planar Ally (Su): Once per day, you may Duration 1 round/level (D)
call a greater planar ally (as the spell) or three lesser planar Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell
allies (as the spell). The allies refuse to perform any task Resistance yes (harmless)
exceeding 1 hr. per tier. The allies do not require a return The target gains an insight bonus on attack and damage
favor, but may request one. You may only select this path rolls with all of its natural weapons equal to +1 for every
ability if you have achieved sainthood. three caster levels you possess. When the target deals
Sudden Death (Su): Any time you confirm a critical damage with her natural weapons to a creature that is
hit on an enemy of your deity, that enemy must make flanked, the target doubles the bonus to damage that this
a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half your divine class level spell provides.
+ your mythic tier + your Wisdom modifier) or die
instantly. This is a death effect. PHOENIX FIRE
Divine Vessel (Ex): At 10th tier, whenever you cast a School conjuration (healing); Level druid 8
spell that affects one or more non-mythic creatures or Casting Time 1 full round
objects, those creatures or objects must roll any saving Components V, S, DF
throws associated with the spell twice and take the Range personal
worse result. In addition, whenever you are healed of
Target you
hp damage by a spell or effect, you are healed for the
maximum possible amount. You also gain DR 10/epic. Duration instantaneous and until discharged; see text
Once per round when an enemy inflicts more than 20 hp Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell
damage on you (after your damage reduction has been Resistance yes (harmless)
applied), you regain one use of mythic power. Damage You surround yourself with the latent cleansing energy
inflicted by your allies does not count toward this ability. of the sun, which protects you when you need it most.
After you cast this spell, the next time you are reduced to
0 hit points or fewer, as long as you are not dead, this spell
immediately restores an amount of hit points equal to 4d8

Lesser Trials • Foil Nemesis: Undermine the divine mission of

another mythic character of an opposing faith or
The GM decides upon the living saint’s greater trials
belief system.
as a function of the overall campaign and storyline.
Examples of lesser trials include: • Inspired Creation: Invent a spell or craft a novel magic
weapon or wondrous item related to one of your
• Convert Heathen: Convert a divine spellcaster of an
current domains.
opposing faith or belief system (and of equal or
higher level) to join your faith or cause. • Perform Miracle: With or without magic, save a village
or larger community from a natural disaster or other
• Disjoin Artifact: Destroy an artifact in the name of
form of assured destruction.
a god.
• Redeem Fallen: Help restore an uninterested ex-cleric,
• Fell Heretic: Reduce a well-known follower of an
ex-druid, or ex-paladin to her former standing,
opposing faith or belief system from full hp to dying
complete with full class features and powers.
or dead with a single domain spell or domain ability.


+ 1 for every 2 caster levels you possess. Once this spell

heals you in this way, its magic dissipates. This spell only
heals you if you fall unconscious due to hit point damage, School necromancy; Level druid 3, inquisitor 3, witch 3
and its healing does not trigger if you fall unconscious Casting Time 1 standard action
due to hit point damage or an effect or ability that doesn’t Components V, S, M (rat whisker)
reduce you to 0 hp or lower. You can only be under the Range 30 ft.
effect of one phoenix fire spell at a time; if you attempt to Area cone-shaped burst
cast this spell a second time, it fizzles.
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; see text; Spell
Resistance yes
School conjuration (creation); Level druid 0, With a mighty exhale, you unleash virulent spores that
cleric/oracle 0, ranger 1 cause any creature in the area of effect to become sickened.
Casting Time 1 standard action Targets that succeed at a Fortitude save reduce the
Components V, S, M (twig) duration to 1 round. This is a disease effect.
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
With a word and a gesture, you create a
simple, wooden club that deals 1d6 points of
bludgeoning damage. This club can be the target
of spells and effects that provide it with an
enhancement bonus (such as shillelagh) or other
effects, but such effects dissipate at the end of
this spell’s duration.


rom the hedge witches that populate myriad rural realms to the
mighty wizards of the magocracies to the ley lines that serve as the
world’s magical bones, Midgard crackles with living, breathing magic.
This chapter presents a wide variety of options for characters who dabble
in the arcane, from spellcasters seeking to unlock the world’s ley lines to
savvy adventurers who wish to harness the power of runes and lotuses to
magicians who wish to dabble in shadow magic or vril magic.
This chapter contains intricate details about clockwork magic,
illumination magic, necrophagy, elven high magic, ley lines, lotus magic,
rune magic, shadow magic, and many more wondrous and rich magical
traditions to help infuse your game in Midgard's distinct sense of the arcane.

Arcane Schools 60 ft., and construct traits for the
duration of the effect. The metal body
The following new arcane schools are prevalent adds 60 lbs. to your existing weight,
throughout the lands of Midgard. reducing movement as per full plate (30-ft.
movement rate becomes 20 ft.; 20-ft. movement rate
CLOCKWORK MAGIC becomes 15 ft.) and adds a –6 armor check penalty to
Most clockwork mages claim the magic of clockwork Dexterity- and Strength-based skills. The metal does
is derived from a divine gift. These mages say the not, however, affect arcane casting. At 12th level,
weaver goddess who became Rava of the Gears granted the AC bonus increases to +3 and the temporary hp
knowledge of these devices and automatons to one of increase to 1d6+1 per wizard level.
her earliest followers. Other explanations of this strange
school claim that the arcane power of clockwork magic In addition, the following spells belong to the clockwork
was discovered by an artificer who harnessed steam and school. Spells with asterisks are found in Deep Magic.
gearing to build the first device. This artificer, the stories Cantrips
say, animated this device with primitive enchantments—
analyze device*, mending, open/close, tick stop*
and a school of magic was born.
Regardless of the murky origins of their power, 1st Level
clockwork mages—or gear mages—are clearly masters of adjuring step UC, animate construct I *, armored shell *, corrosive
time manipulation, constructs, and mechanical devices touch, crafter’s fortune APG, detect secret doors, grease, hold portal,
of various kinds. Their school thrives in areas rich in jury-rig UC, mage armor, not so fast*, pendulum*, reinforce
automatons, golems, and other constructs. Their relatively armaments UC, tireless*, vocal alteration (only mechanical
few spells display a wide range of styles. qualities)UM, wind down*
The clockwork mages themselves possess an eye for
mechanisms, springs, gearing, and balanced forces. 2nd Level
Many have difficulty distinguishing these mages from greater analyze device*, animate construct II*, arcane lock,
gear grinders and clockworkers, though they usually wear clockwork timer*, chrono location*, defensive shock UM, gear
better clothes, and their tools include wands as well as barrage*, knock, locate object, lock armor*, make whole,
hammers and loupes. magic siege engineUC, masterwork transformationUM, minor
creation, pains of the past*, phantom trap, repair metal*, reverse
The School of Clockwork and Its Spells industry*, sculpt simulacrum (only mechanical qualities)UM,
The clockwork mage focuses on the study of combining telekinetic assemblyUC
magic with machines. A clockwork mage possesses the 3rd Level
following abilities.
animate construct III*, devolutionAPG, distracting cacophonyUM,
Clockworker’s Charm (Su): Whenever you cast an animate haste, hostile levitationUC, keen edge, pellet blastUC, possess
construct spell (see Deep Magic), increase the duration objectUM, sands of time UM, shrink item, slow, thousand darts*,
by a number of rounds equal to half your wizard tiny hut, winding key*
level (minimum 1). At 20th level, you can change the
duration of all animate construct spells to permanent.
You can have no more than one animate construct
spell made permanent in this way at one time. If you
designate another animate construct spell as permanent,
the previous spell immediately ends.
Repairing Touch (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch a
metal object or construct, sealing up rends and bending
steel back into place, repairing it for 1d6 hp damage
+ half your wizard level. You may repair up to 1 lb. of
metal per wizard level. You can do this a number of
times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
Clockwork Body (Sp): At 8th level, you can change your body
for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard
level into a construct body. This grants you +2 natural
armor, 1d4+1 temporary hp per wizard level, darkvision
4th Level The Nature of Illumination
absolute command*, animate construct IV*, calcific touch , UM
Star and shadow magic uses the power of the Shadow
dimension door, dimensional anchor, illusory wall, lesser age Realm to generate spell effects, in the same manner
resistance, malfunctionUM, greater repair metal*, secure shelter, that elementalists use the various elemental planes to
greater shatter*, steam blast* generate their magic. Its spells power force effects, light
and shadow spells, and limited forms of divination and
5th Level magical compulsion.
animate construct V*, bind guardian*, construct body, corrosive But all this misses the point. The school of illumination
consumptionUM, fabricate, major creation, mechanical union*, is a mystery much like summoning, divination, and
possess objectUM, rapid repairUM, secret chest, soothe constructUM, abjuration. Its practitioners believe that its wellsprings
unbreakable constructUM, wall of force of power come from an understanding of the stars, their
6th Level alignments, and the power they give an arcanist over every
living creature. Light and space are theirs to bend and
age resistance, animate construct IV*, catapult*, circle of death,
disintegrate, flesh to stone, guards and wards, stone to flesh
Day and Night Casting
7th Level
Star and shadow magic is popular among explorers
animate construct VII*, arcane cannonUC, control construct,
because of its power in the dark. Illumination matters
delayed blast fireball, greater age resistance, instant summons,
to the caster of star and shadow magic. Whenever a spell
mage’s magnificent mansion, reverse gravity, spell turning,
from this school is cast at night or in darkness, the DC for
temporary resurrectionUM, timeless engine*
its saving throw is affected as shown below.
8th Level The illumination at the caster’s location, not that of his
animate construct VIII*, binding, call construct, dimensional target, determines the effect. (See Pathfinder Roleplaying
lock, discern location, iron body, machine sacrifice*, temporal Core Rulebook for illumination sources.)
stasis, time jump*
9th Level DC
animate construct IX*, dominate clockwork*, foresight, time Illumination Change
stop, wooden phalanxUM Total darkness +2
Dim, moonlight, or shadowy light +1
Normal light, daytime forest, torchlight 0
The school of illumination includes the study of star and
shadow magic. This strange magic is rare outside the Bright light, daylight spell, sunlight –1
knowledge of a few elven wizards, who regard it as more a
curiosity than anything else. Special Cosmic Events
Indeed, it is considered a quirk to call it a separate school Stars surround nearly every known world that floats in the
at all. More properly called the school of illumination, dark expanse of the void, and star and shadow casters are
it is closely related to illusion and tangentially related particularly attuned to the universe’s cosmic events.
to creation, conjuration, and necromancy, but it stands The chart on the following page can be used to determine
apart from all of them. The shadow fey are said to be its random special cosmic events. Each month there is a 5%
inventors, though this may be an idle boast— certainly chance that a special cosmic event occurs. When it does,
shadow is the dark spring from which this magic flows. roll on the following chart. Special cosmic events marked
with an asterisk are spontaneous, and they cannot be
predicted without magical knowledge. Other cosmic
events can be predicted with a DC 20 Knowledge (arcana)
check. Such checks can be aided by accurate star charts and
texts on astrological occurrences. Such tools can grants
between a +2 to a +4 equipment bonus on the checks,
The Clockworker
Wizards obsessed with the inner workings of
clockwork are called clockworkers. Although often
quite strange and eccentric, clockworkers have access
to powers that are strange and intriguing. For details of
the clockworker archetype, see Deep Magic.


depending on their quality (as determined by the GM). with the light or good descriptor, they are cast at 2 caster
TABLE 4-2: SPECIAL COSMIC EVENTS levels lower. Eclipses last only an hour or two.
% Event The School of Illumination and Its Spells
01-40 Lunar Eclipse The illuminator focuses on the study of star and shadow
41-50 Solar Eclipse magic. An illuminator possesses the following abilities.
51-60 Planetary Conjunction Insight of the Stars (Su): The stars provide you glimpses of
fate, granting you a +1 insight bonus to initiative. This
61-65 Comet
bonus increases by 1 for every five wizard levels you
56-80 Meteor Shower possess to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
81-90 Meteor Strike* Orb of Light (Sp): As a standard action, you can unleash an
91-99 Alien Incursion* orb of light targeting any foe within 30 ft. as a ranged
00 Nova* touch attack. The orb of light deals 1d6 hp positive
energy damage + half your wizard level. You can use
this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your
The effect and the duration of those effects for casters Intelligence modifier.
with the Star and Shadow Casting (see sidebar) feat are
Bend Light (Sp): At 8th level, as a swift action, you
listed below.
can bend the light around your body, causing your
Alien Incursion: When creatures from the dark opponents to suffer a 50% miss chance as if you had
recesses of space invade a world, the world itself fights total concealment, for a number of rounds per day
back. Such aliens suffer a –2 penalty against spells
you cast. This effect lasts as long as the aliens have a
foothold on your world.
Comet: Comets are harbingers of instability. Each time
you cast a spell, roll a d4. On a roll of 1 your spell is cast Star and Shadow
at –1 caster level. On a roll of a 4 you cast your spell at +1
caster level. On a roll of 2 or 3, the spell is unaffected. A
Casting (Feat)
comet’s effects last 2d4 days. By keeping careful track of the stars and the spheres,
you can use their alignments and movements to
Lunar Eclipse: These eclipses weaken the power of enrich your spells.
lycanthropes and undead. These creatures suffer a -2
penalty to saving throws against spells you cast. A lunar Prerequisites: Caster level 1, Knowledge (arcana)
eclipse’s effects last for 24 hrs. 4 ranks.
Benefit: If you can spend at least 10 min. under a
Meteor Shower: Meteor showers interfere with called
clear night sky, for the next 24 hrs. you can use the
or summoned creatures. When casting such spells, you
knowledge of the celestial movements to enrich your
are considered one caster level lower when determining
spells. Three times during that 24-hr. period, as a free
the duration. A meteor shower’s effects last for 1d4 days.
action you can enrich a spell you are casting in one of
Meteor Strike: A meteor strike can cause great the following ways:
damage, but increases the potency of damaging • You can increase the DC of the spell by 1 for that
evocation spells. Evocation spells cast within the 24- hr. casting.
period after a meteor strike deal damage as if you were • You can treat your caster level as two levels higher
one level higher. to determine the spell’s duration.
Nova: A nova is of great importance to diviners. • You can treat your caster level as two levels higher
Divinations spells are cast as two caster levels higher, to determine that spell’s range.
and augury and divination spells never grant false • You can treat your caster levels as one level higher
results. A nova’s effect last for 24 hrs. to determine the damage that spell deals.
Planetary Conjunction: Planetary conjunctions Furthermore, you gain any benefits or suffer
affect the minds and behaviors of creatures. When the hindrances of any special cosmic events that are
casting mind‑affecting spells, you are considered two currently in effect. You gain these benefits and suffer
caster levels higher when determining those spells’ these hindrances whether or not you were able to
durations. study the night sky.
Solar Eclipse: These eclipses plunge the world into Special: You can take this feat more than once, up
darkness for a short time. While a solar eclipse is in to three times. Each time you do, you gain three extra
effect, you cast spells with the darkness or evil spells uses per 24 hrs.

equal to your wizard level. These rounds do not need 6th Level
to be consecutive. This ability otherwise functions as a antimagic field, black well*, disintegrate, elemental body II
displacement spell. (shadowfire elemental only), hardening, mislead, prismatic
fist*, repulsion, solid darkness*, starfall*, symbol of sealingUM,
In addition, the following spells belong to the illumination
transformation, true seeing, veil
school; they are considered part of star and shadow magic.
Spells with asterisks can be found in Deep Magic. 7th Level
elemental body III (shadowfire elemental only), ethereal
jaunt, forcecage, instant summons, phase door, limited wish,
dancing lights, douse*, flare, guidance, haunted fey aspect UC, prismatic spray, project image, greater shadow conjuration,
light, penumbra UC, shadow bite*, shadow blindness*, silhouette* simulacrum, starry vision*
1st Level 8th Level
anticipate peril, bungle UM, compelling question*, consume elemental body IV (shadowfire elemental only), maze, orb of
light*, dancing lantern, darkvision, dazzling blade, flare burst the void UM, prediction of failure UM, prismatic wall, rift of ruin,
, forced quiet UM, lighten object, lesser orb of light*, misleading scintillating pattern, greater shadow evocation, summon star*,
shadows*, pyrotechnics, shadow’s blessing*, shadow hands*, sunburst
shadow weapon UM, see alignmentUC, silent image (shadow
illusions only), stumble gap APG, snapdragon fireworks UM, 9th Level
unprepared combatant UM, vanish APG astral projection, etherealness, interplanetary teleport UM,
prismatic sphere, shapechange, shades, star’s heart*, weird, wish
2nd Level
continual flame, darkness, dust of twilight APG, light warding*,
mirror image, protective penumbra UM, scorching ray, shadow
Spellcasters who specialize in the school of necrophagy
jump*, see invisibility, slither*, starbolt*, staggering fall, symbol
are a twisted group, and they draw sustenance and
of mirroring UM, warding weapon UC
knowledge from the slain corpses of both their friends
3rd Level and foes. Called the necrophagi (literally “death eaters”),
twilight knife APG, compelling fate*, daylight, devouring these spellcasters utilize the remnant memories of the
shadow*, ioun storm*, mass dazzling blade, terror*, twilight flesh to augment their powers, and learn the secrets of
knifeAPG, scintillating lights*, unravel destiny APG their enemies, and they provide their ghoulish allies
with the might to rule subterranean realms and beyond.
4th Level Those who study this school’s origins and arcana claim
black hand*, elemental body I (shadowfire elemental only), that it is the source of all necromantic magic, and that its
flickering fate*, greater darkvision UM, intensifying force*, net touchstone encompasses the obvious realm of devouring
of comets*, orb of light*, phantasmal killer, rainbow pattern, flesh, blood, and viscera. They also claim that the magic
shadow conjuration, shadow projection APG, shadow step UM, devours hope, courage, and strength. As a result,
shadow walk, wandering star motes APG practitioners of necrophagic magic consider all curing
spells and raising of the dead an abomination. They
5th Level despise conjuration.
heavy burden*, mass lighten object, nightmare, nova*, planar In addition to the information provided here, a wide
adaptation APG, shadow evocation, shadow plane adaptation*, selection of necrophagy spells can be found in Deep Magic.
star burn*, suffocation APG, walk through spaceUC, wall of
darkness*, wall of force Focused Arcane School: Necrophagy
Associated School: Necromancy. A necrophagus
receives the power over undead supernatural ability, like
a necromancer specialist.
Replacement Powers: The following school powers
replace powers of the necromancy school as noted.
Undead Familiar (Su): At 1st level, a necrophagus may
The Emerald Spire choose a zombie version of an ordinary familiar. He
The details of the shadowfire elemental can be found calculates his wizard level as two lower for advancement
in the Pathfinder Module: Emerald Spire, which is the purposes. If selected, this replaces the ordinary familiar
largest official Pathfinder Roleplaying Game dungeon ability and counts as the Improved Familiar feat, so it
ever published. cannot be taken later. This ability alters the wizard’s
arcane bond class feature.


Memory of Flesh (Su): As a standard action, you may power again for 24 hrs. This ability can only affect a
consume the flesh of a living or recently slain creature. single living creature once per day unless a restoration
You gain a +1 profane bonus on all Knowledge checks, spell is cast on it (this allows the creature to be affected
as well as 1 temporary hp per HD and a +2 bonus to your an additional time per day). This ability can never affect
channel resistance. The bonus on Knowledge checks a dead creature more than once per day. This ability
increases by +1 for every 5 wizard levels you possess. replaces the life sight school ability.
These bonuses last for a number of rounds equal to
half your wizard level (minimum 1 round). The bonuses
and temporary hp are immediately dispelled if you enter
Elven High Magic
the area of a consecrate spell. You can use this ability a The ancient high magic of the elves is the thing of legend.
number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence These age-old rituals are said to have the power to enchant
modifier, but you can only consume the flesh of a entire cities, change fate, and even reshape worlds. It is a
particular creature once. This replaces the grave touch power that nearly infringes upon the authority of the gods.
school ability. Powerful practitioners of this school are rarely seen today,
however, and they guard their secrets so jealously that
Fruit of the Mind (Su): At 8th level, three times per day it's widely believed elven high magic has died out and its
you may consume the flesh of a living or recently slain power can no longer be found in this world. However, for
creature and gain the effects of a speak with dead spell those who look hard enough and devote themselves to the
(CL equal to the necrophage’s wizard level), even if the subject, a few secrets of elven high magic can yet be theirs.
creature is still alive or is undead. The targeted creature
makes a Will save against this effect at a –3 penalty. ELVEN HIGH WIZARD
If successful, the creature may not be affected by this
Elven high magic is very powerful, extremely rare, and
a closely guarded secret, and only elves and occasionally
shadow fey practice it. The following archetype is available
to elves; at the GM’s discretion, shadow fey PCs might
also take this archetype.
Favored Incantor: An elven high mage has two
additional options as favored class bonuses when
gaining levels. Each time she takes a level of elven high
wizard, she can gain a +1 competence bonus to checks
to learn incantations or occult rituals; this stacks with
other bonuses. Or, she can gain one-fifth of a bonus feat
or arcane discovery. Feats or arcane discoveries may not
be taken until a whole one is acquired.
Ritual Savant: The elven high wizard cannot select or
receive the universalist school as a specialty school.

In Midgard
In the realms of Midgard, high wizards are not
limited strictly to the elves. Some of the most
renowned wizards in Bemmea, Nuria Natal, and Vael
Turog were high wizards, including several members
of the long-lost Fulgurate Society. Some claim the
mysterious Enkada Pishtuhk knows these secrets or
the aeromancers of Aerdvall in the Southlands have
mastered this form; it would certainly explain a great
deal about how their enclave managed to escape and
establish itself so far away. Regardless, while it is
extremely rare, high wizards are not simply limited
to the remaining elven courts. For Midgard, at the
GM's discretion, ignore the racial requirement of
this archetype.

This ability alters arcane school. wizard’s specialty school.
Arcane Bond (Ex): An elven high wizard must select an Student of High Magic (Ex): At 1st level, an elven
item as her arcane bond. When the elven high wizard high wizard gains Craft Lesser Incantation (see page
has not expended the spell benefit associated with the 88) as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet its
arcane bond, she is considered to have the benefits of prerequisites.
the Adept Ritualist feat (see page 88), even if she Additionally, the elven high wizard can prepare high
would not otherwise qualify for this feat. She can always magic spells, as indicated in a spell’s description using
learn any feat that requires the Adept Ritualist feat as a the high magic descriptor (see page 93). These
prerequisite, although she must meet such a feat’s other generally have an additional effect that adds to or
prerequisites as normal. augments the primary effect when the caster expends
This ability alters arcane bond. her ritual focus.
Ritual Focus (Su): Starting at 1st level, once per day, Elven high magic spells always take up an additional
an elven high wizard can spend 10 minutes centering page in the elven high wizard’s spellbook than normal
her mental energy and create a ritual focus. When she (spells normally take up one page per level in a
does so, she can expend her ritual focus anytime within spellbook). Additionally, when an elven high wizard )or
the next 24 hours to create one of the following effects another character, at the GM’s discretion) researches a
when casting an incantation, occult ritual, or spell with a high magic spell independently (as opposed to gaining
ritual focus option, in addition to the effects expending high magic spells from leveling up or copying them
her ritual focus provides for the particular spell or from a scroll or another wizard’s spellbook), it costs an
incantation (see High Magic Incantations and High additional 500 gp to research.
Magic Spells on page 88 and 93). For example, a 3rd-level spell normally costs 3,000
While casting an incantation or occult ritual, an elven gp to independently research and requires 3 pages in a
high wizard who has expended her ritual focus gains a spellbook. In contrast, a 3rd-level high magic spell costs
bonus to all her skill checks equal to her caster level. 3,500 gp to independently research, and always requires
Additionally, while casting an incantation or occult 4 pages to record in the wizard’s spellbook.
ritual, an elven high wizard who has expended her This ability replaces scribe scroll.
ritual focus as a free action can also expend a spell slot Bound Magic (Su): At 5th level, an elven high wizard
that is one or more levels higher than the incantation's begins to master an understanding of elven high
level, reducing the incantation’s casting time. When magic. She may bind magic into the fabric of a place,
she does so, the incantation’s casting time is reduced by making it last without any concentration. Each day, an
10 minutes per level of the expended spell slot. If this elven high wizard can choose an incantation or occult
would reduce the casting time to 0 minutes, casting ritual she knows that targets an area. If she casts the
the incantation takes only a full-round action. (If the incantation that day and expends her ritual focus while
expended spell slot is equal to the incantation’s level + 1, burning expensive herbs worth 200 gp per level of the
she reduces the casting time from a full-round action to incantation, the incantation’s duration in the location
a standard action.) An incantation’s casting time cannot becomes a year and a day. If she pays 500 gp per level in
be reduced to any action that is faster than a standard specially prepared incenses, and burns them while she
action. If this spell is two or more levels higher than the casts the incantation every day for 30 consecutive days,
incantation, she reduces the casting time by 1 hour per the incantation becomes permanent in the location
level, not 10 minutes per level. She must still have any until it is dispelled or otherwise destroyed.
necessary material or focus items, and she still must This ability replaces the wizard bonus feat gained at
make all necessary skill checks, suffering backlash and 5th level.
potential failure effects as normal. When she uses a
Author of Incantations (Ex): At 10th level, an elven
spent ritual focus in this way, secondary casters cannot
high wizard gains Ceremonial Group Casting (see page
assist the elven high wizard unless they are also elven
88) as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet its
high wizards.
prerequisites. If she already has this feat, she may select
After she has expended her ritual focus and used its
a bonus feat normally.
benefit, an elven high wizard can't create a ritual focus
This ability replaces the wizard bonus feat gained at
until after she has rested for 8 hours. An elven high
10th level.
wizard cannot create or use the benefits of more than
one ritual focus at a time, and she cannot create another High Magic (Ex): Starting at 15th level, the time
ritual focus before she has used the benefits of an necessary to cast incantations or occult rituals is
expended one. automatically reduced by 50%, rounded up to the
This ability replaces the additional spell slots of nearest 10 minutes. This may never reduce the time
spell levels 1st through 7th gained from the elven high necessary to cast an incantation to less than 10 minutes.
Additionally, she gains an additional use of her ritual

focus before she must rest. An elven high wizard must Benefit: You gave one additional use of ritual focus
still spend 10 minutes to regain her ritual focus after before you must rest before regaining your uses of ritual
expending it. focus. Unless otherwise stated, you must spend 10 minutes
This ability replaces the additional 8th-level spell slot meditating in order to recover Ritual Focus after expending
gained from the elven high wizard’s specialty school. it.
Master of Incantations (Ex): At 15th level, an elven Special: You can take this arcane discovery multiple times.
high wizard gains Craft Incantation (see page 88) as Each time you do, you gain an additional use of ritual focus.
a bonus feat, even if she does not meet its prerequisites.
If she already has this feat, she may select a bonus feat
Additionally, an elven high wizard can add an insight
bonus equal to her Intelligence modifier to skill checks
made as part of casting an incantation or occult ritual
and to checks made to learn incantations or occult
Further, she gains an additional use of her ritual
focus before she must rest. An elven high wizard must
still spend 10 minutes to regain her ritual focus after
expending it.
This ability replaces the wizard bonus feat gained at
15th level.
Forger of Incantations (Ex): At 17th level, an elven
high wizard gains Experimental Ritualist
(see page 88) as a bonus feat, even
if she does not meet its prerequisites.
If she already has this feat, she may
select a bonus feat normally.
Additionally, she gains an additional
use of her ritual focus before she must
rest. An elven high wizard must still spend
10 minutes to regain her ritual focus after
expending it.
This ability replaces the additional 9th-level
spell slot gained from the elven high wizard’s
specialty school.

Elven high wizards can select the following as arcane
discoveries in place of a wizard bonus feat or a regular feat.


Your ritual focus is particularly strong.
Prerequisite: Wizard (elven high wizard) level 9th.
Benefit: Once per day, you may expend two uses of ritual
focus at a time (without needing to rest between uses).
This still requires two uses of ritual focus; you must have at
least two uses to benefit from this arcane discovery.
Your inner arcane reserve is deep when it comes to
casting elven high magic and high magic incantations.
Prerequisite: Wizard (elven high wizard) level

You can more quickly center your arcane powers into a You understand the aspects of ritual magic; the full power
ritual focus. of incantations and ceremonial group casting is within
Prerequisite: Wizard (elven high wizard) level 10th. your grasp.
Benefit: You can now recover your ritual focus as Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Incantation*, Spellcraft 9
a standard action that does not provoke attacks of ranks.
opportunity. Benefit: You can craft incantations with a level of 6th
or higher, and with 10 or fewer participants. If you are a
HIGH MAGIC FEATS mythic character, you may craft incantations with mythic
The following feats are associated with elven high wizards, DCs, as detailed in Chapter 4 of Deep Magic. This feat
but other characters can learn them at the GM’s discretion. may be taken as an item creation feat.
Prerequisites with asterisks are found in this section.
ADEPT RITUALIST (RITUAL) You understand the basic aspects of ritual magic and can
You understand how to prepare a ritual space to make access greater power through ceremonial casting.
ceremonial magic easier. Prerequisites: Spellcraft 5 ranks.
Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Incantation*. Benefit: You can craft incantations with a level of 5th or
Benefit: When you prepare a ritual space for an lower. This feat may be taken as an item creation feat.
incantation, make a Spellcraft check (DC = 15 + the
incantation’s level). Success provides a +2 bonus to your EXPERIMENTAL RITUALIST (RITUAL)
skill checks, which stacks with the bonus for a ritual You understand how to modify an existing incantation
space. If a caster rolls a natural 1 on a skill check, all while keeping the end result.
secondary casters lose this benefit for the remainder of Prerequisites: Adept Ritualist*.
the incantation skill checks. Benefit: After you learn an incantation, you may spend
one week and 500 gp per the incantation’s level to adjust
CEREMONIAL GROUP CASTING (RITUAL) the mechanical aspects of a ritual. You may add or
You understand ritual magic, and you know how to create eliminate elements that may result in a higher or lower
incantations involving large numbers of people. skill-check DC. For more information, see the chart of
Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Incantation*, Spellcraft 7 modifiers in Deep Magic. After modifying an incantation,
ranks. you know the original incantation and the modified
Benefit: You can craft incantations with 10 or fewer incantation.
participants. If you have the Craft Incantation feat, you
can craft incantations with more than 10 participants. HIGH MAGIC INCANTATIONS
This feat may be taken as an item creation feat. The following incantations are rather esoteric, but are
most well known among elven high wizards. They have a
ritual focus element that can be accessed through elven
high wizards’ ritual focus ability.

High Magic Incantation List School necromancy; Level 9th
The following incantations are found in the High Casting Time 90 minutes
Magic Incantation section. Components V, S, M (a statuette carved in the likeness of
the victim worth 1,000 gp)
1st Level 6th Level
Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 26, 3 successes;
Guest Of Honor Encroaching Shadows Knowledge (local) DC 26, 4 successes; Heal DC 26, 2
Extract Foyson successes
7th Level
2nd Level Celebration Range long (400 feet + 40 feet/level)
Clearing The Field Target one living creature with the humanoid type and at
8th Level
Shadows Brought To Light least Intelligence 6
Bloom Duration permanent
3rd Level Desolation Saving Throw Fort negates (see text); SR yes
Song Of The Forest Cosmic Alignment Backlash The primary caster is exhausted.
4th Level 9th Level Failure The curse backfires, imposing its penalty on the
Shadowy Retribution Afflict Line primary caster. If the caster has no family, then it affects
three individuals closest to the caster, and becomes

hereditary for all affected. Choose one of the effects below to appear immediately:
EFFECT • A field planted with vegetables of your choice is ready
You invoke the darkest curses upon your victim and his for harvest.
or her descendants. This incantation does not require • A thick forest of stout trees and undergrowth appears.
you have a clear path to your target, only that your target • A grassland with wildflowers and extensive fodder for
is within range. Your target must make a successful grazing appears.
Fortitude saving throw or be cursed until the magic is
dispelled. The victim suffers a -4 to all ability scores and • An orchard of fruit trees of your choice grows in
saving throws. In addition, the target's firstborn offspring orderly rows and is ready for harvest.
is also targeted by the curse. The firstborn is allowed a RITUAL FOCUS
saving throw of their own if they currently live, or they If you expend your ritual focus, living creatures who rest
make one upon their 10th birthday if they're not yet born overnight within the area of a bloom incantation receive the
when the spell is cast. If the target's firstborn has already maximum hit points for recovery, and do not need to be
died, the curse passes to their next oldest offspring. tended by a healer to heal. Bloom counters the effects of a
RITUAL FOCUS desolation incantation (see page 90).
If you expend your ritual focus, the curse becomes
hereditary, passing from firstborn to firstborn for the CELEBRATION
length of the family's lineage until one of them successfully School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting];
saves against the curse. Level 7th
Casting Time 70 minutes
BLOOM Components V, S, M (a small party favor), F (obsidian
School conjuration (creation); Level 8th goblet worth 5,000 gp), SC (at least 4 and up to 10)
Casting Time 80 minutes Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 26, 2 successes;
Components V, S, M (a silver acorn worth 500 gp, which Knowledge (nobility) DC 26, 3 successes; Perform (dance
is consumed in the casting), F (a silver sickle worth 5,000 or song) DC 26, 2 successes
gp), SC (up to 10) Range close (25 feet + 5 feet/character level)
Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 24, 2 successes; Effect 30-foot radius burst, up to 2 characters/primary
Knowledge (religion) DC 24, 4 successes; Perform caster's character level
(dance or song) DC 24, 2 successes Duration 30 minutes + 5 minutes/character level
Range touch Saving Throw Will negates (see text); SR yes
Target an area in 1 mile radius Backlash All casters suffer 2d6 damage, and gain the
Duration 1 year exhausted condition and a negative level.
Saving Throw Fort negates (see text); SR yes Failure The targets enter a murderous rampage,
Backlash All casters are exhausted, suffer a negative believing that the Hells are going to overflow and the
level, and take 2d6 damage. This damage cannot be river Styx will inundate the area.
prevented in any way. EFFECT
Failure The casters suffer 3d6 Constitution drain and You create a 30-foot-radius area around a point that you
the intended target area suffers the effects of a desolation choose within range. Intelligent creatures that enter
incantation (see page 90). Anyone killed in this area, the area or begin their turn there and fail a Will saving
or who dies of deprivation or illness, during this effect throw engage in revelry: drinking, singing, laughing, and
rises as a wight on the next evening. People who die from dancing. Affected creatures are reluctant to leave the area
old age do not become wights. until the spell expires, preferring to enjoy the festivities.
EFFECT Affected creatures forsake appointments, cease caring
You plant a silver acorn in solid ground and spend an about their woes, and generally behave in a cordial (if not
hour chanting a litany of praises to the natural world, hedonistic) manner. This preoccupation with merrymaking
after which the land within 1 mile of the acorn becomes extends regardless of an affected creature's agenda or
extremely fertile, regardless of its previous state. Any alignment. Assassins procrastinate, servants join in the
seeds planted in the area of effect grow at twice the natural celebration rather than serve, guards abandon their posts.
rate. Food harvested regrows and ripens again within a The effect ends on creatures that are attacked, that take
week. After one year, the land slowly reverts to its normal damage, or that are forced to leave the area. Those who
fertility, unable to stave off the march of nature. make successful saving throws can enter or leave the area

without danger of being enchanted. A creature who failed Saving Throw none; SR no
the saving throw and is removed from the area must repeat Backlash Primary caster is exhausted.
the saving throw if they return to the area. Failure Primary caster suffers backlash and finds she must
make a caster level check (DC = 15 + spell level) every
time she wishes to cast a spell for the next three days.
If you expend your ritual focus, unaffected intelligent Failure means the spell is lost.
creatures must make a new saving throw every time
they begin their turn in the area of effect, even if they've
previously saved against the spell. You arrange the forces of the cosmos to your benefit.
Choose a cosmic event: conjunction, eclipse, or nova. You
CLEARING THE FIELD cast spells as if under the effect of the cosmic event until
the next sunrise or 24 hours have passed. This spell must
School transmutation (polymorph); Level 4th
be cast outdoors, and the casting of this spell is obvious
Casting Time 40 minutes to everyone within 100 miles of its casting when an
Components V, S SC (up to 10) appropriate symbol, such as a flaming comet, appears in
Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 26, 2 successes; the sky above your location while you are casting the spell.
Knowledge (geography) DC 26, 1 success; Knowledge Conjunction: DCs to resist any spells cast are increased
(nature) DC 26, 1 success by +1. This benefit stacks with any other ability which
Range short (25 + 5/character level) increases DC.
Effect 40-foot burst Eclipse: Any attempt to dispel or counter your spells
Duration 1 hour + 1 hour/character level suffers a -4 penalty on the check.
(maximum 12 hours) Nova: When rolling damage for your spells, all 1s, 2's,
Saving Throw none (see text); SR yes and 3's are considered 4's.
Backlash All casters are exhausted. RITUAL FOCUS
Failure The vegetation awakens, producing 1 treant for
If you expend your ritual focus, the caster level increase
every 3 hours of durations, which attacks until all casters
from a conjunction is doubled, or the penalties to dispel or
are dead.
counter checks from an eclipse are doubled, or for a nova
EFFECT 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s are considered 5s.
With a harsh word and a vicious chopping motion, every
tree, shrub, and stump within 40 feet of you sinks into DESOLATION
the ground, leaving the vacated area clear of plant life that
School necromancy; Level 8th
might otherwise hamper movement or obscure sight.
Overgrown areas that counted as difficult terrain become Casting Time 80 minutes
clear ground and no longer hamper movement. The Components V, S, M (an obsidian acorn worth 500 gp,
original plant life rises from the ground instantly when the which is consumed in the casting)
spell ends or is dispelled. Plant creatures are not affected Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 23, 4 successes;
by clearing the field. Knowledge (nature) DC 23, 4 successes
Range touch
Effect an area of land one mile in radius
If you expend your ritual focus, plant creatures within
the area of effect must make a successful Fortitude saving Duration 1 year; see text
throw or be affected as though a by a reduce person spell Saving Throw none; SR yes
that targets plant creatures instead of humanoids. Backlash The caster is exhausted, suffers 2d6 damage
and gains a negative level. This damage cannot be
COSMIC ALIGNMENT prevented in any way.
School divination; Level 9th Failure The caster suffers backlash and cannot cannot
heal naturally through rest for the next year. Anyone
Casting Time 90 minutes
casting a cure spell on the caster must make a successful
Components V, S, M (a piece of quartz), F (a mithral DC 15 caster level check; failure indicates the spell is cast,
armillary sphere worth 5,000 gp) but only cures 1 hp per level of effect.
Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 28, 5 successes;
Knowledge (planes) DC 28, 4 successes
Range personal You plant an obsidian acorn in solid ground and spend an
Target you hour chanting a litany of curses to the natural world, after
which the land within 1 mile of the acorn becomes barren,
Duration 24 hours

regardless of its previous state. Nothing grows there, and EXTRACT FOYSON
all plant life in the area withers and dies over the course of School transmutation; Level 1st
a day. Plant creatures are not affected. Spells that summon Casting Time 1 hour
plants, such as entangle, require a successful Fortitude Components V, S, M (a wooden bowl), SC (no more
saving throw (DC = 10 + primary caster's character level + than 2)
casting ability bonus; use Charisma if the primary caster is
Skill Checks Knowledge (nature) DC 26, 1 success
not a spellcaster). If the check fails, the spell is countered
by desolation. Range touch
After one year, the land slowly reverts to its normal Target foodstuffs necessary to sustain a creature for
fertility, unable to stave off the march of nature. three days or more
Duration permanent
Saving Throw Fort negates (harmless); SR yes
If you expend your ritual focus, living creatures who rest
Backlash All casters are exhausted and gain a negative
within the area of a desolation do not recover any hit points.
Desolation counters the effects of a bloom incantation (see
page 89). Failure All casters suffer the backlash and the food is
transformed into a black pudding, which attacks until
School illusion (illumination); Level 6th
Casting Time 60 minutes
Components V, S, M (a drop of blood smeared on a silver
rod worth 100 gp, rod is consumed) SC (up to 10)
Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 25, 6 successes
Range medium, 120 feet + 10 feet/character level
Effect 100 foot-radius; see text
Duration 6 hours + 1 hour/character level
Saving Throw none; SR no
Backlash All casters suffer 4d6 damage as the invading
shadows physically crack skin and bone.
Failure All casters gain the dazzled condition if they
are in any area with greater than dim illumination for
24 hours. This condition can only be removed faster
with a break enchantment.

You cause menacing shadows to invade an

area that is 100 feet in radius and 50 feet high.
Illumination in the area drops one step (from
bright light to dim, from dim light to darkness, and so
on). Any spell that creates light in the area and is cast
using a lower-level spell effect than encroaching shadows
is automatically dispelled, and spells that create light
don't function in the area if they are of a lower spell level.
Nonmagical effects can't increase the level of illumination
in the affected area.
Spells with “shadow” in their names and spells that
create darkness or shadow take effect in the area with +1
caster level.

If you expend your ritual focus, the spell's duration

increases by 12 hours and it cannot be dispelled by spells
that create light, unless they are three levels higher than
encroaching shadows.

EFFECT Components V, S
You extract the goodness in food, pulling all the Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 20, 2 successes
nutrition out of the meals and concentrating into about Range close (25 feet + 5 feet/character level)
a tablespoon of bland, flourlike powder which provides Target one living creature
three days of nutrition per three character levels of the Duration instantaneous
caster. The flour can be mixed with liquid and drunk Saving Throw Will negates (see text); SR yes
or baked into elven bread. Foyson used in this way still
Backlash The caster suffers 2d6 damage.
imparts all the nutritional value of the original food, for
Failure The caster suffers backlash and for three days,
the amount consumed.
cannot tell lies when asked.
The original food appears unchanged and though it's still
filling, it has no nutritional value. Someone eating nothing EFFECT
but foyson-free food will eventually starve. If the target fails a Will save, you cause the target’s shadow
RITUAL FOCUS to come to life and reveal one of the creature’s most
scandalous secrets: some fact that the target would not
If you expend your ritual focus, you can choose to have
want widely known (GM's choice). When casting the spell,
each day's worth of foyson take the form of a slice of
you choose whether everyone present will hear the secret,
delicious elven bread.
in which case the shadow speaks loudly in a twisted version
of the target’s voice, or if the secret is only whispered to
you. The shadow speaks Common, unless the target does
School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]; Level not speak Common, in which case it speaks in the target's
3rd native language.
Casting Time 30 minutes If the target creature does not have a scandalous secret
Components V, S, M (a signet ring worth 25 gp) or does not have a spoken language, the spell fails as if the
Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 22, 2 successes; creature's saving throw had succeeded.
Knowledge (nobility) DC 22, 1 success If the secret was spoken aloud, the target takes a −2
Range touch penalty to Charisma-based skill and ability checks with
anyone who was present when it was revealed, for the next
Target one living creature with the humanoid type and at
24 hours, in addition to any information you obtain or any
least Intelligence 6
scandal it provokes.
Duration 1 minute + 1 minute/character level
Saving Throw Will negates (see text); SR yes
Backlash The caster gains a negative level. If you expend your ritual focus, the target suffers −4
Failure The primary caster suffers backlash, and all party penalty to Charisma-based skill and ability checks and the
attendees must successfully save each round they begin target’s Status score is reduced by 1 with anyone who was
in the effect or suffer a 1d4 penalty to all Charisma-based present when it was revealed, for the next 24 hours (see
ability and skill checks made to influence the attitudes page 18 for more about Status rules). At the end of the
of others and considers the primary caster to have a -2 day, the target makes a Will saving throw. Use the primary
penalty to their status score (if used). caster's casting ability score to determine the DC; if they
do not have one, use Charisma. If this saving throw fails,
EFFECT rumors of the target's indiscretion become widespread
You whisper words of encouragement, and a target you and the loss of status is permanent.
touch gains confidence along with approval from strangers.
For the spell's duration, the subject puts their best foot SHADOWY RETRIBUTION
forward and strangers associate the target with positive
School necromancy; Level 6th
feelings. The target adds +1d4 to all Charisma-based ability
Casting Time 40 minutes
and skill checks made to influence the attitudes of others
and gains a +2 bonus to their status score (if used). Components V, S, M (a silver goblet filled with the
caster's blood), F (the primary caster's True Name), SC
(at least 2 and up to 6)
If you expend your ritual focus, the effect lasts for 1 hour Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 24, 4 successes;
+1 hour/character level of the primary caster. Knowledge (planes) DC 24, 2 successes
Range self (primary caster)
SHADOWS BROUGHT TO LIGHT Effect special (see text)
School divination; Level 2nd Duration 1 day + 1 day/character level
Casting Time 20 minutes Saving Throw Fort negates (harmless); SR no
Backlash All casters are exhausted and suffer any other

backlash effects; see text. 10 feet. In addition, you suffer no penalty on Perception
Failure A number of shadow demons (Pathfinder checks that rely on sound, unless they are beyond the range
Roleplaying Game Bestiary) equal to the number of of the spell, and then you determine your distance from
casters appears and each attacks. The demons remain on the sound as if you were standing on the edge of the effect.
the casters' plane until destroyed. Creatures which make no noise or that are magically silent
cannot be detected through this spell's effect.
Song of the forest only functions in natural environments;
You fill a silver cup with your own blood (taking 1d4 it fails if cast underground, in a city, or in a building that
piercing damage) while chanting vile curses in the dark. isolates the caster from nature (GM's discretion).
Once the chant is completed, you loudly declare your True
Name, which any secondary casters hear, and consume
the blood while swearing an oath of vengeance against any If you expend your ritual focus, the spell's effect is
who harm you. equivalent to blindsight with a range of 30 feet.
After you successfully cast this incantation, whenever
you are reduced to 0 hit points your curse is invoked; HIGH MAGIC SPELLS
blood pours from your mouth and steams away into a red The following spells use elven high magic, which elven
mist that transforms into a shadow demon. The shadow high wizards (see page 85) can access using their
demon attacks the creature that reduced you to 0 hit student of high magic ability.
points, ignoring all other targets, until it or the target is High Magic Descriptor: These spells require an
slain, at which point the shadow dissipates into nothing. additional page in a wizard’s spellbook per level of the
For every additional 4d6 damage you suffer in backlash, spell, and when independently researched (as opposed to
maximum 12d6, an additional shadow is created when gained via leveling up or copying from a scroll or another’s
you reach 0 hit points. If you are healed after the creatures spellbook), cost an additional 500 gp to learn.
are released, the shadows dissipate, but the shadow Other characters might also have access to these spells,
demon remains until slain or until the incantation's though GMs should take care to consider that PCs using
duration expires. You can command the demon, if you are elven high magic are almost always elven high wizards.
conscious and speak Abyssal. Characters that are not elven high wizards cannot access
these spells’ ritual focus element.
If you expend your ritual focus, the spell summons a
banshee instead of a shadow demon. If you also use
a higher-level spell slot, additional creatures are still School evocation (shadow) [high magic]; Level
shadows. sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 3, witch 3; Domain
Darkness 3; Subdomain Dark Tapestry 3
SONG OF THE FOREST Casting Time standard action
School transmutation (polymorph); Level 3rd Components V, S, M (a feather from a black swan)
Casting Time 30 minutes Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Components V, S, M (a dried leaf crumpled and released) Effect one 5-foot cube
Skill Checks Knowledge (nature) DC 24, 3 successes Duration 1 round + concentration, up to 1 minute (D)
Target self Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
Duration 30 minutes +10 minutes/character level You call forth a whirlwind of black, shadowy feathers
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); SR yes filling a 5-foot cube. The feathers deal force damage equal
Backlash Caster suffers 2d6 damage as tiny rootlets and to 2d8 + 1d8/2 levels (maximum 5d8 total) to creatures
leaves painfully grow throughout their skin inside the cube's area and radiate darkness, causing the
illumination level within 20 feet of the cube to drop by
Failure If the caster fails more than one skill check, the
one step (from bright light to dim light, from dim light
caster is blinded for the duration and suffers backlash.
to darkness, and so on). Creatures that make a successful
Only a remove enchantment or higher level effect can
Reflex save suffer only half damage but are still affected by
remove this blindness before the expiration.
the change in light.
EFFECT Ritual Focus: If you expend your ritual focus, then you
You attune your senses to the natural world, so you detect can move the whirlwind up to 15 feet by using a swift
every sound that occurs within 60 feet: wind blowing action on your turn. If the whirlwind moves more than
through branches, falling leaves, grazing deer, and more. 30 feet from you, the spell ends.
You can clearly picture the cause of each sound in your
mind. The effect gives you tremorsense with a range of

HARSH LIGHT OF SUMMER'S GLARE Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/ level (D)
School conjuration (summoning) [high magic]; Saving Throw Will negates; see text; Spell
Level bard 5, cleric/oracle 8, druid 8, sorcerer/wizard 8, Resistance no
summoner 6, witch 8; Domain Glory 8; You make a choking motion while pointing at a target,
Subdomain Rage 8 which must make a successful Will saving throw or
Casting Time 1 round become unable to communicate verbally. The target's
Components V, S speech becomes garbled; it suffers a -8 penalty on skill
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) checks requiring speech. The creature can cast a spell with
a verbal component only by making a successful Fortitude
Target one creature per caster level within range
save equal to this spell’s saving throw. If the Fortitude save
Duration 1 round/level fails, the spell is lost.
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance
Ritual Focus: If you expend your ritual focus, the
affected target also suffers 2d6 force damage every time it
Your visage radiates the wrath of the shadow fey, which tries to talk.
bears down oppressively upon your targets in a burst of
brilliant light. Only creatures capable of seeing you are
affected. Creatures with darkvision that fail a Fortitude
Ley Lines
Ley lines are the scales of Veles, the bones of the world,
saving throw gain the blinded and stunned conditions.
and the blood that makes Midgard live and makes its
Creatures without darkvision that fail a Fortitude saving
magic strong. They are invisible rivers of power, and the
throw gain the blinded condition. This is not a gaze attack,
connecting elements of fey roads and ancient wards as well
and it cannot be avoided by averting one’s eyes or wearing
as the spells of liches and the living.
a blindfold.
As power sources, ley lines empower magic both arcane
Ritual Focus: If you expend your ritual focus, affected and divine in most places across the face of Midgard.
creatures without darkvision gain the fascinated They are invisible to normal sight, but to experienced
condition instead of the blinded, and are susceptible to a spellcasters with the Nurian Mage feat (see page 96)
command from the caster as per the suggestion spell. they are visible as glowing strings or bands of light.
Despite their power, ley lines are not universal: some
HEARTACHE regions have no ley lines to speak of (such as the Western
School enchantment (mind-affecting) [high magic]; Wastes), and in others they can be difficult to find (ley lines
Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2, witch 2 are notoriously rare underground).
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a silver locket)
Ley lines come in three varieties: weak, strong, and titanic.
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Weak ley lines are found almost everywhere; they whirl on
Target one creature + 1 creature/4 levels the wind, burble along streambeds, and spring forth from
Duration instantaneous standing stones and ancient trees. Crossroads sometimes
Saving Throw Will half; Spell Resistance yes draw weak ley lines, as do bridges.
You force an enemy to experience pangs of unrequited Weak ley lines are not found inside consecrated holy or
love and emotional distress. These feelings manifest with unholy buildings or on freshly plowed earth, however. This
such intensity that creature suffers 2d6 damage + 1d6/2 suppresses their function for a time, but ley lines generally
levels (maximum 5d6 total) with a failed Will save, or half return when the temple falls or when rain or plant growth
damage with a successful saving throw. restores some vital element to the soil.
Ritual Focus: If you expend your ritual focus, targets Strong ley lines are found in places of magical
also gain the stunned condition until the end of your reputation, which often coincide with locations settled by
next turn if they fail the saving throw. elves, dragons, and other magical races. These are found
on hilltops, river confluences, stone circles, druid groves,
elven ruins, deep canyons, rocky spires, and similar places.
Titanic ley lines are very rare and sometimes fleeting.
School enchantment (mind-affecting) [high magic]; They are found in distant places, in the hearts of great
Level bard 3, cleric/oracle 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, temples, and in other special locations such as the Tower
summoner 3, witch 3; Domain Madness 3 of Boreas. Natural wonders such as the peaks of enormous
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature

mountains, towering cliffs, volcanoes, forest heartlands, are called “locked” ley lines and are the most common
or a glacier’s heart are often anchors. Greater demons, kind. For instance, a weak ley line might always provide
elder dragons and other creatures of awesome power will an Enlarge Spell effect, and a strong one might always
often make their lairs along titanic ley lines to further provide an Echoing Spell effect (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
augment their magical might. Advanced Player's Guide). Some such locked ley lines may
Each kind of ley line has a specific ratings and power sometimes have multiple effects or a smaller list to choose
levels. Weak ley lines can only empower or affect spells from, especially strong and titanic ley lines. For instance,
of level 0 to 3, strong ley lines can power up to 6th-level a strong ley line might be locked to Umbral Spell (Inner
spells, and titanic ley lines can empower all spells levels. Sea Magic), Spirit Art Spell (Inner Sea Magic), and Shadow
They enable the user to act as if they were using certain Grasp (Complete Advanced Feats) in a dark god’s tomb.
metamagic feats, many of them familiar to arcane The locking means that a ley line is always found in
casters, others entirely new. Though the effects resemble the condition you as the GM decide it is found in, and
metamagic feats, they are useful only when empowered by this generally means it suits the preference of groups
the hidden light of the ley lines themselves. or individuals living near it, who understand its power.
Newcomers must experiment to discover how it functions.
Locked and Unlocked Ley Lines Newly discovered or abandoned ley lines may sometimes
Most ley lines always provide the same effect. These be found unlocked and capable of any power on the table
for its strength. Use of the Ley Line Locking feat (see page

96) can set an effect for such a wild, unlocked ley line. Benefit: Once per day when you are within one mile of a
ley line, you may cast a spell as if it were affected by a single
LEY LINE FEATS metamagic feat you possess without altering its spell slot
Eight feats are known to be specific to ley line use. Many or having prepared it as a metamagic spell. You may not
of them are referred to as Nurian magic or Nurian use this to alter a spell such that it would be greater than
feats, because ancient Nurian wizards were the first to 9th level if the slot increase were applied.
understand ley line magic.
There has long been a suspicion that Nurian mages are LEY LINE LOCKING
somehow more in tune with the nature of raw magical You have learned the secrets of locking ley lines.
power than others, and to a certain extent this suspicion Prerequisite: Ley Line Magic*, Ley Line Channeling*,
is true. Some believe that the reason is their peculiar Ley Line Override*, Spellcraft 15 ranks, Int 17+
language, which is in some ways similar to Enochian, the Benefit: You have learned to perform a ritual that can
celestial language. Others believe it has more to do with lock a ley line (see the rules for ley lines below). This ritual
the way Nurian casters use ley lines in everyday spells, takes a full day to complete and requires 5,000 gp in spell
rather than merely in major ritual castings—this use of ley components. You can only lock a ley line to a metamagic
lines weakens the ley lines themselves while strengthening you know and which appears in the effects table for a
the caster’s spells. Prerequisites with asterisks after them ley line of its power level. You may also use this ritual to
are found in this section. unlock a ley line that is currently locked.
You can use ley lines to cast the same spell twice. You can tap the power of ley lines to strengthen your magic.
Prerequisite: Caster level 9+ Prerequisite: Ley Line Magic*, Spellcraft 5 ranks,
Benefit: A duplicate spell will manifest itself twice, Language (Enochian), Wis 11+, Int 13+
against two different targets (this feat cannot be used with Benefit: When you are within one mile of a ley line,
personal range spells). you may choose to strengthen a spell before you cast it
They cannot overlap in their area of effect or have the by taking a move action to draw the necessary power and
same targets, but in all other respects the spell happens expending 50 gp in material spell components. The next
twice. A duplicate spell uses up a spell slot twice its normal spell you cast will have a +1 bonus to its DC value and
level. gain +1 to each dice rolled for damage or effect. Only one
Nurian feat may be used when casting a spell.
You can tap the power of ley lines to lower the cost of your NURIAN SHIELD
metamagic. You can tap the power of ley lines to protect yourself.
Prerequisite: Ley Line Magic*, Spellcraft 5 ranks, Int Prerequisite: Ley Line Magic*, Nurian Mage*,
13+ Spellcraft 5 ranks, Language (Enochian), Wis 13+, Int 13+
Benefit: When you are within one mile of a ley line, you Benefit: When you are within one mile of a ley line, you
may reduce the increase in spell level of any metamagic may choose to gain divine protection before you cast it
cost by 1 spell slot. For prepared casters they must be near by taking a move action to draw the necessary power and
the line when preparing spells, while spontaneous casters expending 50 gp in material spell components. The next
must be near the line while casting them. spell you cast grants you a +4 divine bonus to Armor Class
and a +2 to all saving throws until the end of your next
LEY LINE MAGIC turn. Only one Nurian feat may be used when casting a
You can see ley lines and draw on their power. spell.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 3 ranks, Int 13+
Benefit: You can sense the presence of any ley line within NURIAN VITALITY
one mile of your current location. You can tap ley lines for You can tap the power of ley lines to heal yourself.
their inherent powers (see “Using Ley Lines” below for Prerequisite: Ley Line Magic*, Nurian Mage*,
details). Once per day, by making a successful caster level Spellcraft 5 ranks, Language (Enochian), Wis 13+, Int 13+
check within one mile of a ley line, you regain one spell or Benefit: When you are within one mile of a ley line, you
spell slot of your choice. may choose to heal yourself as you cast a spell. You must
declare this before you cast it by taking a move action to
LEY LINE OVERRIDE draw the necessary power and expending 50 gp in material
You can tap the power of ley lines to lower the cost of your spell components. The next spell you cast will heal you of
metamagic. 1d8 hp damage for every 4 spellcasting levels you have.
Prerequisite: Ley Line Magic*, Ley Line Channeling*, Only one Nurian feat may be used when casting a spell.
Spellcraft 9 ranks, Int 15+


USING LEY LINES be a terrible foe indeed!

To consciously tap the power of ley lines you must take To use a ley line you must make a caster level check as a
the Ley Line Magic feat. The feat may be learned either free action just prior to casting your spell. The DC of the
from someone already wise in the ways of ley lines or check is 10 plus twice the level of the spell being cast. So
by extended study and experimentation with a readily a 4th-level spell would require a DC 18 caster level check.
available ley line. Multiple casters tapping into a ley line can entangle the
Ley lines are commonly used to enhance spells with a aura: raise the DC by 1 for each other spell caster who has
variety of effects. Ley lines usually provide random powers successfully used the ley line during this combat.
to those tapping into them, but very powerful practitioners If the check is a success, the caster can roll on the table for
can lock ley lines into providing specific benefits when that ley line (or use the automatic effect of a locked line).
accessed. A spell caster with access to a locked ley line can On a critical success (natural 20), the caster chooses any
effect on the table for that type of ley line. This includes
choosing to roll on a more powerful table, but if that choice


D30 Feat Effect Source
1 Bouncing Spell You can direct a failed spell against a different target. APG
2 Clockwork Summoning Summon clockwork versions of the normal summons page 148
3 Concentration Spell Extend the duration of your spell through concentration page 149
4 Delay Spell Delay the effect of a spell page 149
5 Discriminating Spell Alter a spell to affect or not affect a chosen race or creature type page 149
6 Disruptive Spell Your magic clings to enemies, interfering with their spellcasting APG
7 Dormant Spell Cast helpful spell that remains dormant until activated page 149
8 Ectoplasmic Spell You spell breaches the planes, sending ghostly matter into the ether APG
9 Elemental Spell You can manipulate the elemental nature of your spell APG
10 Enlarge Spell Double spell range CRB
11 Extend Spell Double spell duration CRB
12 Flaring Spell Spell with fire, light, or electricity descriptor dazzles creatures it affects UM
13 Focused Spell When you cast a spell affecting multiple creatures, one foe finds it more APG
difficult to resist
14 Hardened Spell +5 bonus to spell DCs against dispelling and identification page 149
15 Heighten Spell Treat spell as one level higher CRB
16 Intensified Spell Increase maximum damage dice by 5 levels APG
17 Lingering Spell Instantaneous area-of-effect spell lasts for 1 round APG
18 Merciful Spell Spell inflicts nonlethal damage instead of lethal APG
19 Piercing Spell Affected spell treats creatures’ SR as 5 lower UM
20 Penetrating Spell Your spell overcomes energy resistance page 149
21 Reach Spell Increase spell range to 1 higher range category APG
22 Rime Spell Spell with the cold descriptor entangles creatures if damaged UM
23 Selective Spell Exclude targets from an area-of-effect spell APG
24 Silent Spell Cast spell without verbal components CRB
25 Still Spell Cast spell without somatic components CRB
26 Shadow Grasp Entangle creatures with spell you cast that has the darkness descriptor ISM
27 Spirit Art Spell Create spectral equipment when you summon or animate the dead page 149
28 Toppling Spell Spell with the force descriptor knocks targets prone UM
29 Transfer Spell Change the range of a spell from personal to touch page 150
30 Either roll for two effects on this table, or roll one effect on Table 4-4: Strong Ley Line Effects.

D12 Feat Effect Source
1 Duplicate Spell Your spell effect happens twice MCS
2 Empower Spell Increase spell variable by 50% CRB
3 Fast Spell Reduce full-round spell to a standard action CRB
4 Persistent Spell Creatures that saved against a spell must save again APG
5 Reach Spell Increase spell range to 2 higher range categories APG
6 Sickening Spell Sicken creature with spell damage APG
7 Strengthen Caster Caster regains hp from spellcasting MCS
8 Thanatopic Spell Death effects, energy drain, and negative levels affect undead UM
9 Threnodic Spell Change a mind-affecting spell so it affects undead, but not living creatures UM
10 Thundering Spell Deafen creature with spell damage APG
11 Umbral Spell Spell gains the darkness descriptor and target radiates darkness in 10-ft. radius ISM
12 Either roll for two effects on this table, or roll one effect on Table 4-5: Titantic Ley Line Effects



D10 Feat Effect Source
1 Dazing Spell You can daze creatures with the power of your spell APG
2 Echoing Spell Cast a spell a second time APG
3 Ley Line Channeling Spell becomes permanent page 96
4 Mass Effect Spell Single-target spells affect multiple targets page 149
5 Maximize Spell Maximize spell variables CRB
6 Nurian Shield Gain divine armor and bonuses page 96
7 Quicken Spell Cast spell as a swift action CRB
8 Reach Spell Increase spell range to 3 higher range categories APG
9 Widen Spell Double spell area CRB
10 Choose any one effect listed above


Ley lines burn out if overtaxed. When this happens, any spell being cast by a spellcaster drawing on the ley line fails and that
spell slot is expended without effect. The ley line vanishes for at least 24 hours (minimum, this is often longer for titanic ley
lines). The caster suffers a backlash effect, chosen by rolling d% on the Ley Line Backlash table. For a weak ley line, subtract
10 from the d% roll. For a titanic ley line, add 10.


D% Result
01-05 You get lucky and avoid any backlash.
06-10 You are sickened for 1 round.
11-20 You are dazed for 2 rounds.
21-25 You fall unconscious for 1 round.
26-30 You fall unconscious for 1 hour.
31-40 You suffer a –2 penalty to all saving throws for 1 day.
41-50 Your next spells fails and is lost.
51-60 Your base movement drops to 5 ft. for 1 hr.
61-70 You are blinded for 1 hr.
71-75 All your spells are weakened. Opponents gain a +4 bonus to all saving throws for 1 hr.
76-80 All your spells are weakened. Opponents gain a +4 bonus to all saving throws for 1 week.
81-85 All your spells have an additional 30% chance of arcane spell failure for 1 hr.
86-90 You lose 1 point of Wisdom or Intelligence (player’s choice).
91-95 You lose all but one of your prepared spells/spell slots (player’s choice).
96 You lose half your current hp from backlash. All current magic items in your possession are inert for 1 hr.
97 You lose all but 1 hp, and you fall unconscious for 1 day. When you wake, you have no spells available and must
recover them all.
98 You lose all 1st-level spells for the day. All potions, scrolls, and other expendable magic items in your possession
become non-magical.
99 You lose all highest-level spells for the day. All charged magic items in your possession become non-magical.
00 You lose all spells for the day. Ley line disappears, dealing 6d6 hp force damage to all creatures within 60 ft. of
you. All charged items in your possession are fully charged. You must make a DC 25 Will save or fall unconscious.

is made, roll normally on the next table (the caster cannot all such spirits still control terrible magic and manifest
choose twice). with furious tempers. The character becomes controlled
A failure other than a natural 1 means the spell functions by the GM for this period, awakening to discover they are
normally, but gains no boost from a ley line. A natural roll responsible for some very unusual events and no small
of 1 is a spectacular failure and leads to immediate ley line amount of carnage.
burnout and backlash (see below). The spell is lost and HISTORY
has no effect. The ley line vanishes for at least 24 hours,
In truth, the Diadem is a titan ring, now worn by those of
sometimes longer (GM’s choice).
much smaller stature. The fashion of the ring makes it a
The source of each feat in the tables below is indicated
suitable headgear, and the name of its maker and previous
in abbreviations that stand for the following publications
owners was lost with the collapse of the empire which once
from Kobold Press: Midgard Campaign Setting (MCS); and
ruled most of the Southlands. It was smuggled from the
Paizo Inc.: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s
heart of the Imperial court by a human official responding
Guide (APG), Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
to the plea of her titan mistress in a moment of lucidity,
(CRB), and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic
before the madness fully engulfed her.
From there, it was taken to the Kimvai Rift Valley, in one
LEY LINE ARTIFACTS of the monasteries, before being stolen and sold in Lignas
Proper. The third king of the Viper Throne wore it as part
Long ago, leaders of Midgard’s magocracies as well as
of the regalia, before the Diadem was lost in an expedition
mighty mages the world over toiled to craft mighty magic
to the Palace of the Heirs, when the Imperial Retinue was
items whose powers drew from ley lines and increased
overcome by an ambush of white apes. Since then, the
with time. These items are now minor artifacts, and entire
Diadem has been reported to be in Mhalmet or even worn
campaigns might be crafted around their emergence,
by an individual wandering the streets of Roshgazi.
retrieval, or destruction. In addition to information
about their statistics, descriptions, and destruction, these DESTRUCTION
artifacts contain information about their history to help The Diadem grows imperceptibly materially weaker as it
GMs incorporate them into campaigns. is brought to the place of its forging. Should it be taken
to the Artisans' Forge in the floating city of Gala'ikos, and
DIADEM OF GLORIOUS UMBUSO given to an awoken titan, it can be crushed with a simple
Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th Slot none; hammer blow.
Weight —
Aura strong conjuration; CL 20th Slot none; Weight
A clear crystal headpiece of intricate flowing curves
5 lbs.
surrounding an engraved, stylized sun, the Diadem of
Glorious Umbuso magically adjusts to fit the brow of any DESCRIPTION

who wears it. The diadem is weightless when worn, and Carved from mahogany now darkened by innumerable
appears impervious to scratches or damage from mundane hands, this arm-length baton resembles a high, flat‑topped
objects. It radiates a soft purple light when catching the tower with a staircase wrapping around its outer wall.
morning light at just the right angle, but has no other The stair stops at six doorways along the length of the
mystical behavior. baton, each set with a fire opal. At the very top of the
When worn by a caster who utilizes ley lines, the Diadem baton, five cold iron spikes jut outward, one for each
amplifies them to the next strength and makes them cardinal direction and a fifth going straight up. The Key
easier to access. Weak ley lines are treated as Strong ones, of the Walkers' Stair may be used as a +3 morningstar by any
and Strong ones are treated as Titanic. When accessing a wielder. The Key's true power lies in its ability to allow the
Titanic ley line, the caster may roll twice and choose which bearer to cast teleport without any chance of error to any
effect occurs. The wearer is treated as having the Nurian place where the bearer has successfully used a ley line.
Shield and Nurian Vitality feats (see page 96), even if This ability may be used at-will. Additionally, the Key can
they do not qualify for them. The Diadem gives a +8 bonus be attuned, as a standard action that does not provoke
to caster level checks to use a ley line. The wearer cannot attacks of opportunity, to up to six locations, one for each
cause a ley line to burn out when accessing it through the doorway on the rod. These sites need not be along ley lines,
Diadem. but can be teleportation destinations for the rod just once
A splinter of the terrible madness which destroyed a day. Travelers must be touching the Key; up to 15 people
Umbuso still lingers within the Diadem. Each time it may be transported in a single use.
is used to harness power of a Titanic ley line, there is The Key weakens the boundary between planes and
a 3% cumulative chance the wearer suffers a psychotic tends to draw strange extraplanar creatures to locations
episode, becoming possessed by the spirit of an insane where many people arrived by teleportation or where
titan trapped within the ley lines for 1d10 days. Almost frequent teleportation occurs. There is a 2% cumulative

chance per person teleported by the Key, plus 2% per line would offer the wearer AC 28. The effect protects
conjuration (teleportation) effect within a 100-foot radius against touch attacks and incorporeal foes, and renders
of the destination in the last week (presume this number the wearer immune to (1 +1/level of ley line) magic missile
is zero unless the area is frequented by casters capable of attacks per round.
teleporting. In these cases, add 2% per regular capable This field protects wearer from gases, provides fresh air
caster.) Success indicates one of the creatures detailed regardless of the outside environment, and provides a +5
below appears immediately. There is a 35% chance of competence bonus to saving throws against fire, acid, and
another incursion each day, until there has been no cold effects. The wearer is unaffected by effects of pressure
incursion for three straight days. After a week without from deep water or high altitudes. It acts as a ring of spell
teleportation, a site's chance of incursion returns to 0% turning, and once ten levels of effects have been reflected
per day, it provides SR 25, plus +2 per level of active ley line
Incursion Creatures in the area. A Strong ley line would provide the wearer SR
29. Deactivating the Yoke is a free action.
01 1d4 Phantom Fungus
Additionally, once per round as a standard action that
02 Shoggoth
does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the wearer may
03 Chaos beast
choose to fire a single blast of force as a touch attack,
04 Gibbering Mouther causing 3d4+3 damage, or fire three magic missiles, each one
05 1d3 Hounds of Tindalos doing 1d4+1 force damage. The damage die increases to d6
06 Blightspawn in Weak ley lines, d8 in Strong ley lines, and d10 in Titanic
HISTORY ley lines.
A rod from fabled Vael Turog rumored to have been used Once worn and activated, the Yoke is attuned to a user
in the incantation that brought the Great Old Ones into until twenty-four hours have passed and a new owner
Midgard, Enkada Pishtuk has been known to hunt for it in activates it. The aboleth's curse to the orichalcum means
numerous ruins. It has been recorded in the possession of the Yoke slowly warps and twists the wearer, eventually
three people since the Great Slumber: a huginn sorcerer stealing their mind and granting the degenerate creature
who was devoured by Hounds of Tindalos as he appeared template (see Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary). Each
in the Master of Demon Mountain's sparsely occupied day there is a 2% cumulative chance of the wearer gaining
Winter Court, a Nurian tiefling who attempted to use it a corruption point. Once a point is gained, this chance
to access the Lost Tower, and an elfmarked bard who lost returns to 2%. When the wearer has corruption points
it during a storm while traveling to Thorn. Its current equal to their Constitution modifier, they reset their
location is unknown, but suspected to be somewhere in number of corruption points to 0 and gain a corruption
the Arbonesse, as it is known to float. from the table below. When the wearer of the Yoke enters
the area of a Titanic ley lines, add one corruption point
for every partial day (longer than 6 hours) spent in the
The Key to the Walkers' Stair must be plunged into the living ley line and roll for random corruption every three
heart of Orosoholohux and then activated to teleport to a days, regardless of the number of corruption points
ley line nexus. This consumes the Key. possessed by the wearer. These random corruptions do
not affect corruption points gained through daily chances.
THE ORICHALCUM YOKE OF ANKESHEL Corruptions and corruption points can only be removed
Aura strong evocation; CL 20th Slot none; Weight 4 by a miracle or wish.
lbs. When the character has gained a number of corruptions
DESCRIPTION equal to their unadjusted Constitution modifier and for
every corruption gained thereafter, they must make a DC
Fashioned from the red-gold alchemical metal, the
(25+1 per corruption) or gain the Madness condition. This
Orichalcum Yoke is an exquisitely worked decorative collar
condition can be gained multiple times; its effects stack.
connected by a trio of cables to a set of five puzzle-like
Should a character's Wisdom reach 0 or less, they gain the
plates that hang down the wearer's chest. A chain loops
Thelassic template (where character level equals HD, see
around the wearer's midsection from the left side of the
Deep Magic) and become an NPC. Their transformation is
bottom-most plate, to attach to a ring on the right-hand
irreversible by mortal means.
side. A pair of cables runs down from the edge of the Yoke's
collar, across each of the wearer's shoulders and down to Madness (Ex) Lose 6 points of Wisdom and gain 6
a pair of bracelets. The orichalcum itself appears liquid, points of Charisma. The bearer of the Yoke uses their
or fluid, despite being solid to the touch. The glyphs and Charisma modifier on Will saves instead of their Wisdom
designs on the metal's surface change when unobserved. modifier, and are immune to insanity and confusion
When activated as an immediate action, it coats the effects. Only a miracle or wish can remove the wearer's
wearer in a shimmering field of force, providing AC 20, madness. If this occurs, the wearer gains 6 points of
+4 per level of active ley line in the area. A Strong ley Wisdom and loses 6 points of Charisma.
Corruptions the ley lines of Midgard and cause great havoc among the
(All effect stacks with other corruptions) aberrations' forces, blasting at enemies while remaining
immune the vile effects of close quarters combat with the
1 Blood turns blue (Stabilize on a 19 or 20)
aboleth. Unfortunately, the vile creatures found a method
2 Joints become knobby and painful (-1 to Dexterity for poisoning the nature of the metal, causing it warp
and -3 to Dexterity based skills) and destroy the wearer as it functioned. To their credit,
3 Eyes bulge, nose flattens, lips crack (-1 to the Vanguards never stopped their suicidal campaign
Charisma, +2 to Intimidate checks) against the aboleth, and many enchanted themselves with
4 Constant, wet, wracking cough (-2 to Stealth) mystical death‑effects, granting their fellow warriors with
the decision to end their lives should they go mad. Most
5 Oily skin sloughs off, revealing patches of scales (-1 Yokes were lost during the war and in the destruction of
to Charisma, +2 to Intimidate checks) the Empire, but tales among the sorcerers of the Linnorm
6 Occasional nausea or vomiting (+1 to Fortitude House of the Northlands claim one of their number
saves versus poison, can handle poison) found such a device, but disappeared on Loki's Island.
7 Eyes turn milky blue-white, with tiny worms Sailors in Barsella swear through grog-clouded lips, that a
visibly floating in them (gain darkvision 10 feet) skeleton wears the same sort of harness, pinned beneath
a stone at the bottom of a crystal-clear cove of a miserable
8 Bones begin to warp and thicken, jutting through
guano‑covered rock of an island in the Western Sea. A
the skin in places (+1 natural armor)
broken Yoke exists in the Academie Arcana in Bemmea,
9 All hair falls out, eyes move to side of head (+2 hanging in a museum display, unrecognized.
Perception checks)
10 Constant wet wheezing, occasional coughing fits.
An Orichalcum Yoke can be destroyed by boiling the harness
(double time to hold breath)
in the heart of an aboleth and then immersing it in five
11 Large pustules ooze small, harmless worms when draughts of universal solvent and then sundering it with an
ruptured (+2 to CMD versus grapple) adamantine maul at a ley line nexus.
12 Internal organs shift location (10% chance to
negate weapon-based critical hits)
13 Blood vessels thicken and harden, becoming Lotus Magic
visible ridges (–1 hp per die per cure spell) Lying in the shadow of Aerdvall, the marshes beneath the
14 Spine arches, forcing a hunchback appearance (–1 Celestial Waterfall nourish entire fields of lotus that are
Dex, –5 foot movement) steeped in the Well of Urd’s latent magic. No one is certain
who first discovered the flowers’ eldritch potential; rumors
15 Tongue elongates, voice becomes raspy croak (–1
attribute it equally to Kush’s demon cults, Nuria Natal’s
Cha, 15% spell failure for vocal component spells)
elite and their god-king, and Tamasheq mystics who
16 Slits appear on neck, gain a labored, wheezy followed the Wind Lords’ hushed whispers. Regardless,
breathing (–1 Con, no double moves or charges spellcasters across the northern deserts hunger for
unless underwater) prepared lotus blooms.
17 Fingers and toes elongate, grow a webbing (–1 Str,
18 Teeth fall out and the wearer gains a bony ridge; While each flower type provides useful benefits for arcane
food must be soft, boiled, or raw. and divine practitioners alike, each also has addictive
qualities and occasionally dangerous side effects. The
19 Constant clicking of tongue, forehead protrudes benefits last 24 hrs., and many casters develop a routine
(-1 Cha, gain 15-foot blindsight) to maximize the blooms’ efficacy. The first time any
20 Small fins emerge on arms and legs (+4 Swim caster ingests blooms of any color, he or she must make
checks, -1 CMD to grapple) a successful DC 25 Fortitude save or become addicted to
the blooms. Whether addicted or not, the caster gains
the benefits of the lotus in a number of minutes equal
Crafted in the distant past by the Ankeshelian Empire as a to 1d6 + the ingesting character’s Constitution modifier
weapon intended to take the battle to their terrible aboleth (minimum 1). Creatures immune to poison gain no
foes, the Orichalcum Yokes once numbered in the hundreds, benefit from prepared lotus blooms.
serving as the “glass panoply” that permitted the Imperial Once addicted, a creature must ingest the prepared
Cerulean Vanguards to strike deep beneath the waves. The lotus during the onset time as shown on Table 4-7: Lotus
ingenuity of the human designers allowed the wearer to Addiction or make an addiction check. (For example,
be sheathed in a velvet-smooth field of energy drawn from a wizard addicted to lotus who has failed 5 addiction


checks must take prepared lotus every 5 days, or make an Effect: lasts 24 hrs.; immediate damage (see damage line);
addiction check.) An addiction check is a Fortitude save, see below.
(DC 15 plus the number of missed doses beginning with 0). Damage: 2 points of Wisdom damage and the ingesting
Failure means the addicted character suffers one point of creature is nauseated for 2d4 hours.
Con damage, and each time the character fails an addiction Benefit: Provides a +2 bonus to caster level when casting
check, their addiction stage increased by one. enchantment (compulsion) or enchantment (charm)
If failing an addiction check reduces a creature to 0 Con, spells. The ingesting creature may ignore penalties to
it does not die, but it enters a comatose state for 1d4 days the DCs of cast spells that are language dependent.
and its Con is permanently decreased by 1. Nothing can If the ingesting creature does not cast spells, it allows
wake it from this state except a limited wish, miracle, wish, or the creature to roll a saving throw twice against an
similar powerful magics. After those days pass, the creature enchantment (compulsion) or enchantment (charm)
awakens with their Constitution restored to its new, lower spell and take the better result. This consumes the
maximum score and their lotus addiction reset to stage remaining lotus in the individual’s body, and they still
1. If a creature’s Constitution score is reduced to 0 by this suffer the damage of the drug.
process, they die. Nothing resets a creature’s addiction stage
except this comatose state or a greater restoration spell. Even
if cured of their addiction, creatures which begin using lotus Amber lotus has beneficial uses as a supplemental material
blooms again always resume at their previous stage. component for several spells. A prepared lotus can be used
as a material component for spells for 24 hrs. before its
Lotus Bloom Addiction magical properties disappear.
Type disease, variable; Save variable Crushing despair: This increases the penalty of the effect
Onset see Table 4-7: Lotus Addiction; Frequency 1/day by +1 and extends the cone by 15 feet.
Effect –1 penalty to Con; target cannot naturally heal ability Mind fog: This increases the DC of the spell by 2, and the
damage caused by the drug; Cure 3 consecutive saves duration extends to 2 hours.
Suggestion and mass suggestion: The caster need not make
Table 4-7: Lotus Addiction
the suggestion reasonable, although it still must not
Lotus addiction becomes more acute the longer the be immediately harmful to the targeted creatures. A
addicted individual goes without the prepared blooms and very reasonable suggestion imposes a -4 penalty on the
continues to fail addiction checks. See the below table. targets’ Will save.
Stage Onset # of Failed Effect Touch of idiocy: The targeted creature takes a 1d6+2
1 7 days 3 or less -1 Con penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. This
2 5 days 6 or less -1 Con still may not reduce scores below 1.
3 3 days 9 or less -1 Con CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
4 1 day 10+ failed -1 Con Craft (alchemy) DC 25; Cost 550 gp.
Prepared lotus may be taken as a drug or used as a Amethyst Lotus
supplemental material component (spells listed in the lotus
With shades ranging from lavender to a deep, vibrant
stat block with a DM superscript come from Deep Magic). It
is often illegal, but prepared lotus is so valuable that many
apothecaries and alchemists carry it for special, secret
customers. It creates long, bliss-like dream states, including
heady feelings of euphoria that amplify sensation and
improve certain kinds of spellcasting or resistance to certain
kinds of spells.

Specific lotus descriptions are below.
Amber Lotus
These small, golden flowers grow on delicate vines that
wrap around larger trees in flooded areas. Their fragrance
is subtle, like a mixture of honey and cinnamon, and they
grow in clusters with three leaves.
Type: Drug, ingestion.
Addiction: see Lotus Bloom Addiction.
Price: 1,100 gp.
purple, the amethyst lotus grows on thick vines found on individual’s body, and they suffer the damage of the drug.
large rocks in full sunlight. It has a pungent, lemony scent. POWER COMPONENT
Type: Drug, ingestion.
Black lotus has beneficial uses as a supplemental material
Addiction: see Lotus Bloom Addiction. component for several spells. A prepared lotus can be used
Price: 1,000 gp. as a material component for spells for 24 hrs. before its
Effect: lasts 24 hours; 2 points of Strength damage; see magical properties are exhausted.
below. Exsanguinating cloudDM: This increases the DC of the
Damage: 2 points of Dexterity damage, a -4 penalty to spell by +2.
initiative for 24 hours. False life: This increases the duration of the spell by six
Provides a +2 bonus to caster level when casting divination hours.
spells. If the ingesting creature does not cast spells, it Ghoul touch: This increases the DC of the effects by +2,
allows the creature, when targeted by a divination effect, and extends the radius of the stench effect by 10 feet.
to make a second saving throw with a +4 bonus. If this When used as an additional component in channeling
second saving throw is successful, the ingesting creature negative energy, it provides +2 hit points of damage
is given a vision of the spellcaster who targeted them. This per die.
consumes the remaining lotus in the individual’s body, and Undeath to death: This increases the maximum possible
they still suffer the damage of the drug. hit dice of an affected creature by 3.
Amethyst lotus has beneficial uses as a supplemental Craft (alchemy) DC 25; Cost 500 gp.
material component for several spells. A prepared lotus
can be used as a material component for spells for 24 hrs. Blood Lotus
before its magical properties disappear. The crimson petals of a blood lotus smell of mint when
Commune: The caster may ask two additional questions. bruised, but the flower has no other noticeable aroma.
Contact other plane: The caster gains a +3 bonus to It grows near running water, along the shore or hanging
Intelligence checks made to avoid Intelligence and from objects caught in the current.
Charisma damage as a result of this spell. Type: Drug, ingestion.
Divination: This increases the time frame the caster may Addiction: see Lotus Bloom Addiction.
ask about to two weeks, rather than one week. Price: 1,200 gp.
Scrying: Imposes a -4 penalty to targets’ Will saves. Effect: lasts 24 hrs.; 2 points Intelligence damage; see
Craft (alchemy) DC 25; Cost 500 gp. Damage: 2 points of Charisma damage.
Provides a +1 bonus to caster level when casting evocation
Black Lotus spells and a +1 to each die of damage rolled for evocation
The black lotus grows on decaying trees or rotting corpses, spells; this additional damage is not multiplied in the
and some casters claim that blooms gathered from dead case of a critical hit. If the ingesting creature does not cast
bodies have greater potency. A subtle, coppery fragrance spells, it provides the creature 20 temporary hp, which
accompanies the flower, even long after it’s been picked. can only be used for damage inflicted by spells. These
Type: Drug, ingestion. temporary hp last for the duration of the drug or until
Addiction: see Lotus Bloom Addiction. exhausted, which consumes the remaining lotus in the
Price: 1,000 gp. individual’s body, and they suffer the damage of the drug.
Effect: lasts 24 hrs.; 1 point of Charisma, Intelligence and POWER COMPONENT
Wisdom damage; see below. Blood lotus may serve as a supplemental material
Damage: 4 points of Strength damage, character is component for several spells. A prepared lotus can be used
sickened for 1d4 hours. as a material component for spells for 24 hrs. before its
Provides a +2 bonus to caster level when casting magical properties are exhausted.
necromancy spells, and undead created have +2 hp per Enlarge: This increases the speed of the enlarged creature
Hit Die. These bonus hp do not disappear when the by +15 feet for the duration of the spell.
lotus’s effects end. If the ingesting creature does not cast Rage: This increases the Constitution and Strength
spells, it provides a +2 bonus to saving throws against a bonuses provided by the spell by +2.
necromancy spell, or a +4 bonus to a saving throw against Vampiric touch: Touch attacks made by the caster also
a death effect. This consumes the remaining lotus in the inflict 2 bleed damage, and while the spell is active, the
caster gains fast healing equal to the sum of the bleed
damage on all creatures damaged by the spell.

Weapon of blood DM: The weapon created by the spell has Price: 500 gp.
the dancing quality. Effect: lasts 24 hrs.; 2 points Wisdom damage; see below.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Damage: After 24 hrs., the ingesting creature gains the
Craft (alchemy) DC 25; Cost 300 gp. blinded condition when in areas of bright light and the
dazzled condition when in areas of normal light.
Flesheater Lotus Provides a +2 bonus to caster level when casting illusion
Flesheater lotus is an orange flower with long, thin petals (phantasm) or illusion (figment) spells. If the ingesting
whose lovely fragrance makes eyes water, and its pollen- creature does not cast spells, it allows the creature to roll
laden stamens leave heavy welts if dragged across bare a saving throw twice against an illusion (phantasm) or
skin. The triangular bloom grows near insect hives and its illusion (figment) spell and take the better result. This
sap kills the bugs drawn to its scent, which the flower then consumes the remaining lotus in the individual’s body, and
encases in small, leafy pods for consumption. they suffer the damage of the drug.
Type: Drug, ingestion. POWER COMPONENT
Addiction: see Lotus Bloom Addiction. Indigo lotus has beneficial uses as a supplemental material
Price: 800 gp. component for several spells. A prepared lotus can be used
Effect: 24 hours; immediate damage (see damage line), as a material component for spells for 24 hrs. before its
see below. magical properties disappear.
Damage: 2 points of Dexterity damage and the ingesting Dream: This allows two-way communication during
creature suffers a -4 penalty to Perception checks for 24 the effect. The caster may deliver one touch spell cast
hours. within the dream, but he or she cannot cast the spell
Provides a +2 bonus to caster level when casting again until taking indigo lotus again.
transmutation (polymorph) spells. If the ingesting Nightmare: Imposes a -4 penalty to targets’ Will saves.
creature does not cast spells, it allows the creature to roll a Phantasmal killer: This increases the DC of the spell by 2.
saving throw twice against any effect that would alter the
Sleep or deeper slumber: Increases the number of HD
creature’s form and take the better result. Success indicates
affected by 5 and double the highest possible affected
the creature is immune to that effect from that specific
level or HD.
source for 24 hrs. This consumes the remaining lotus in the
individual’s body, and they suffer the damage of the drug. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS

Creatures under the effect of flesheater lotus find they Craft (alchemy) DC 25; Cost 375 gp.
can speak telepathically with any creature with the plant
type and an Intelligence greater than 3 within 10 feet. Ingqondi Lotus
Ingqondi lotuses display elliptical petals with a thorn
at the tip and yellow-brown veins. These blooms have
Flesheater lotus has beneficial uses as a supplemental a pungent, almost sulfuric odor to them, and handling
material component for several spells. prepared ingqondi lotus compote stains one’s fingers
Alter self: The caster gains all four of the abilities listed and lips an orange-brown for days afterwards. Usually
for the duration of the effect. discovered near pools of Urd water, it grows on tree
Baleful polymorph: This increases the DC of the spell by 2. trunks where its roots penetrate the bark and consume the
Excruciating deformationUM: The targeted creature takes wood beneath. Flowers begin near the ground and slowly
an additional 1d6 lethal damage, and the DC of the migrate upward over time.
effect is increased by 2. Type: Drug, ingestion.
Form of the dragon: This increases the natural armor of Addiction: see Lotus Bloom Addiction.
the form by +4, and the duration extends to 2 hours. Price: 2,000 gp.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Effect: 24 hours; immediate damage (see damage line),
see below.
Craft (alchemy) DC 25; Cost 400 gp.
Damage: 2 points of Constitution damage and the
Indigo Lotus ingesting creature is exhausted.
Found in shady pools of calm water, the indigo lotus grows Provides a +2 caster level for spells of the conjuration
on broad, flat-floating leaves, and it smells like spoilt milk. school in the calling, summoning, and teleportation
Unlike other lotuses, these can be brought to civilization subschools. It grants a +4 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy,
alive in sealed urns of water. It can fetch double or triple Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against creatures
the listed price in Shibai. with the outsider type, which stacks will all other bonuses.
Type: Drug, ingestion. If the ingesting creature does not cast spells, it grants the
Addiction: see Lotus Bloom Addiction. creature a +2 against abilities, spells, spell-like effects, and
supernatural abilities from a single, individual outsider Modify Memory: The caster may increase the length of
for 24 hrs. This consumes the remaining lotus in the the memory modified to 10 min. A very reasonable
individual’s body, and they suffer the damage of the drug. modification (GM’s discretion) imposes a -4 penalty on
the targets’ Will save.
Nightmare: This increases the DC of the spell by 2, and
Ingqondi lotus has beneficial uses as a supplemental the target suffers 2d8 damage instead of 1d10.
material component for several spells.
Sleep: The spell can affect up to 8 HD of targeted
Gate: Reduces the cost of opening a gate to call an creatures.
outsider to 3,000 gp.
Planar Ally (all): The called creature considers the task
strongly aligned with its own ethos, regardless of the Craft (alchemy) DC 25; Cost 750 gp.
nature of the task.
Planar Binding: This grants a +4 bonus to the Charisma Rune Magic
or caster level check made to entrap the outsider, or Legend says Wotan found, stole, or learned these runes
it provides a +4 bonus to a single opposed Charisma when he hung himself from Yggdrasil. His priests say
check to negotiate service. runes are tiny snatches of the Great Rune that makes up all
Summon Monster: The summoned creature receives the existence—the foundation of creation—but no one knows
advanced template for free. for sure.
Mastery of a rune requires more than just knowing how
to draw it. The rune master must understand the wider
Craft (alchemy) DC 25; Cost 1,000 gp. meaning of the rune and how its power is woven into the
Tchopho Lotus world. This study and wisdom requires the Rune Mastery
feat (see page 114), and a character with the Runic
With spade-shaped petals that range from a bright ivory
Spellcasting feat (see page 114) adds these spells to their
color to a deep blue at the tips, the potent tchopho lotus
spell list.
grows in shallow, shaded pools, where its thick roots and
Usually, mastering a rune also requires the would-be
stem anchor it to the silt. It has a heady, syrupy scent,
master to complete an appropriate sacred trial. This trial
and the bloom often expands to nearly two palms across.
typically involves a quest on behalf of a deity associated
Alchemists prize both the petals and the root ball for their
with the rune, slaying a monster that draws power from
the rune, or some other task representing the PC’s
Type: Drug, ingestion. mastery of the rune and what it represents.
Addiction: see Lotus Bloom Addiction. A mastered rune is like a clerical domain, but it is much
Price: 1,500 gp. more specific and its powers can be harnessed by any class.
Effect: 24 hours; immediate damage (see damage line), There are 24 commonly known runes. Each has a different
see below. meaning and power. Wotan certainly knows runes more
Damage: 2 points of Intelligence damage and the than these; additional runes or new powers for existing
ingesting creature is blinded for 2d4 hours. ones may also be discovered by rare or unique means.
For example, it’s said some esoteric runes are known
Tchopho lotus provides a +2 bonus to caster level when
by ancient trolls or jotuns, are found on bark tablets in
casting psychic spells or spells involving dreams or sleep.
forgotten barrows, or are bargained from the hungry
It is a powerful poison that erases memory; each stage
spirits of Ginnungagap.
of addiction also imposes a cumulative -1 penalty to
Intelligence-based skills. This penalty is reset to -1 when
the creature’s addiction resets to 1. The ingesting creature
Invoking one of a rune’s powers is a standard action that
may ignore penalties to the DCs of language-dependent
provokes an attack of opportunity from threatening
spells. If the ingesting creature does not cast spells, it
enemies. Treat this as a supernatural ability, except
grants the creature a +4 alchemical bonus against psychic
that the rune master must either create a physical
effects from a single caster or source. This consumes the
representation of the rune (in paint, blood, written in the
remaining lotus in the individual’s body, they suffer the
dirt or snow, etc.) or trace the path of an existing carving
damage of the drug, and they retain the bonus for the next
of the rune that was created to an exacting standard. In the
8 hours.
North, many common objects bear an appropriate rune
POWER COMPONENT for just this purpose. Creating a rune suitable for use in
Tchopho lotus strengthens several spells when used as a this way (or adding it to an item) requires a DC 20 Craft
supplemental material component. check. Runic tattoos also are common.
Dream: The spell’s recipient may respond to the caster, Breaking or destroying a rune-inscribed item cancels
with a single reply of 25 words or less. any power currently invoked upon it. Improvised runes

need only be marred or disrupted in order to have the transforms them into an elk or reindeer, as per beast
same effect. shape II. If used against an unwilling target, the rune
Unless otherwise noted, runic powers that duplicate master can instead use baleful polymorph on the target.
spell effects have the same duration as the spell, use
the rune master’s character level as the caster level. ANSUZ
Other effects have their duration detailed in the rune’s Meaning: Gods and outsiders.
Mastery Bonus: +1 insight bonus to
RUNE DESCRIPTIONS Knowledge checks made to identify the type,
Runes are listed below in the following format: powers, or weaknesses of outsiders.
Associated Spells: Spells that commune with
Name of the Rune
the gods, spells that grant divine favor or that summon,
Meaning: What the rune symbolizes and what powers it banish, or control outsiders.
Powers: Mastery of ansuz grants you the following powers
Mastery Bonus: Characters with the Rune Mastery feat as you increase in level:
(see page 114) for this rune gain the listed power, trait,
1st Level: When invoked upon an object, ansuz wards
or bonus.
off enemies of the gods, including giants and fey hostile
Associated Spells: Characters with the Runesmith feat (see to the Aesir. Such creatures must stay at least 5 ft. away
page 114) can craft magical items as if they could cast the from the rune and cannot touch or make melee attacks
spells listed here. against a creature presenting it forcefully toward them
Powers: A character with Deeper Rune Lore (see page (which requires a standard action each round). An
114) for this rune can harness its powers once per day. affected creature can overcome its revulsion and act
The character can select any power of the rune, provided normally if it makes a Will save each round. The DC
the character level is equal to the level of the power listed. for this save is 10 + half the rune master’s level + the
master’s Wisdom modifier. This power lasts 1 hr. per
ALGIZ level of the rune master.
Meaning: Elk and reindeer, evading danger; 7th Level: Inscribing ansuz on an area grants a prayer to
the god Heimdall. all worshipers of the Aesir within 40 ft.
Mastery Bonus: A +1 insight bonus to 11th Level: When invoked on the forehead of a willing
initiative checks. creature, ansuz sends them into a senseless trance for
one round, during which they receive a message from
Associated Spells: Dispel magic, dispel evil,
the gods; treat this effect as a divination. A creature can
expeditious retreat, guidance, jump, keen senses, reset* (see Deep
only receive this power once per week.
Magic), resistance, true seeing; spells with “protection from”
or “magic circle against” in the title; spells that transform BERKANAN
the target into an elk or reindeer.
Meaning: Birch tree, love, new beginnings;
Powers: Mastery of algiz grants the following powers as
the Bear Maiden.
you increase in level:
Mastery Bonus: +1 to Diplomacy checks and
1st Level: When invoked from an elk-horn wand, this
Craft checks that involve wood.
rune grants a +1 sacred bonus to saving throws against
magical effects and a +1 bonus to dispel magic attempts. Associated Spells: Barkskin, eagle’s splendor,
This power lasts for 24 hrs., but the wand must be enthrall, euphoric tranquilityAPG, good hope, warp wood; any
wielded for the benefit to be used (wielding it is a free spell with “charm” in the title.
action). At 10th level, you may also create elk-horn rods Powers: Mastery of berkanan grants the following powers
(See Northlands) and rods of enemy detection using all as you increase in level:
the normal rules for crafting magical items, except that
you count as having Craft Rod and any requisite spells 1st Level: When invoked for a living creature, this rune
for purposes of these items. allows that creature to reroll a single Diplomacy check
as a swift action in the next 24 hrs. A target can only be
5th Level: When inscribed upon the ground, living granted this benefit once per day.
creatures within 10 ft. of the algiz rune gain a +4 sacred
bonus to saves versus to sleep effects and a +2 bonus to 3rd Level: You can create elixirs of love. This follows all
Perception checks for the next 9 hrs. the normal rules for potion brewing, save that mastery
of the rune grants you the equivalent of the Brew
9th Level: When invoked onto a creature, algiz Potion feat and requisite spells for this elixir.
Plant: When invoked on a wooden object, berkanan’s Powers: Mastery of eiwaz grants the following powers as
power imbues it with the suppleness and malleability of you increase in level:
the birch, allowing you to warp wood. 3rd Level: Invoked on an otherwise unworked branch,
eiwaz creates a shillelagh.
9th Level: Sleeping beneath an object upon which
Meaning: Day and laying the dead to rest.
eiwaz has been invoked causes the target to dream of
Mastery Bonus: You always know how long the nine worlds. These dreams produce answers as
until the next sunset or sunrise. if the dreamer had cast contact other plane (the target
suffers any side effects). Unwilling targets can negate
Associated Spells: Continual flame, daylight,
the rune’s power with Will save (DC 10 + half rune
detect undead, gentle repose, hide from undead,
master’s level + the master’s Wisdom modifier)
final rest* (see Deep Magic), light, searing light, shieldlight* (see
Deep Magic), sunbeam, speak with dead, undeath to death. 11th Level: Invoked on the bark of a living tree, it
allows the rune master to travel between that tree and
Powers: Mastery of dagaz grants the following powers as
another also marked with the eiwaz rune, as if under
you increase in level:
the effects of tree stride.
3rd Level: A creature upon whom dagaz in invoked
is cured of mundane or magical blindness. They also FEHU
become immune to dazzle effects for 1 hr. per level of
Meaning: Cattle, livestock, and wealth.
the rune master.
Mastery Bonus: +1 insight bonus to Handle
5th Level: When invoked on an object, dagaz makes it
Animal checks made with domesticated animals.
glow with daylight.
Associated Spells: Ant haul, bull’s strength, calm animals;
13th Level: When invoked in an area, dagaz’s power
other spells used to control a domesticated animal.
surges out destroys undead creatures as per undeath to
death. Powers: Mastery of fehu grants the following powers as
you increase in level:
1st Level: Placing the rune on an object makes it easier
Meaning: Horses, freedom, the Nithing Pole. to lift or drag. For 1 hr. per level of the rune master, treat
the object as half its normal weight, and under “favorable
Mastery Bonus: A +1 insight bonus to Ride
conditions” if it is dragged.
and Escape Artist.
3rd Level: You mark an animal or beast with an arcane
Associated Spells: Bestow curse, expeditious
mark, which also grants you a +1 insight bonus per
retreat, freedom of movement, haste, jump, knock, longstrider,
character level to perceive or recognize the creature
mount, phantom steed, summon mounts* (see Deep Magic).
regardless of disguise, transformation, or invisibility.
Powers: Mastery of ehwaz grants the following powers as
7th Level: Placed on you, the rune gives you the power to
you increase in level:
fascinate animals and magical beasts that can see the rune
5th Level: When invoked on locks or shackles, ehwaz as per the animal trance spell.
causes them to open as if knock has been cast.
7th Level: When invoked on the ground, ehwaz
summons a phantom steed. Meaning: Generosity and hospitality, and gifts.
9th Level: You may create nithing pole (see Northlands), Mastery Bonus: +1 insight bonus to Appraise
using all the normal rules for item creation, except that checks. Appraise also becomes a class skill
you are counted as having Craft Wondrous Item and for you.
any required spells for this item.
Associated Spells: Spells that create items or food and
drink; spells that create a refuge (tiny hut, mage’s magnificent
mansion, sanctuary, etc).
Meaning: Yew tree or Yggdrasil.
Powers: Mastery of gebu grants you the following powers
Mastery Bonus: A +1 insight bonus to as you increase level:
Knowledge (planes) and this skill becomes a
1st Level: When invoked on an item, you can learn
class skill for you.
its name and properties if you handle the object for
Associated Spells: Contact other plane, miracle, Freya’s instant one full round (as identify, except that if necessary the
ballista* (see Deep Magic) speak with dead, shillelagh, tree character may make the Spellcraft check untrained).
stride; spells that provide passage to other planes.

3rd Level: When invoked on a willing living creature, it 3rd Level: Invoking hagalaz upon a creature grants
grants them sanctuary. The rune master cannot invoke them endure elements (cold).
this power on him or herself. 9th Level: When invoked on the ground beneath the
7th Level: Placed in a feasting hall where it’s clearly open air, hagalaz conjures a sleet storm or ice storm
visible, the rune master may activate this power with within the appropriate spell’s range.
a command word from anywhere within its range. It 14th Level: When invoked on the ground within the
produces calm emotions on all targets within 20 ft. area of a sleet storm, ice storm, or control weather (hail
and blizzards only), or in the area of similar magic,
hagalaz attempts to dispel it as if the rune master had
Meaning: Hail and winter weather. cast dispel magic. If the hail or sleet is not magical in
Mastery Bonus: +5 circumstance bonus to survival checks origin the rune instead functions as control weather,
made to determine future weather conditions. either removing hail and snow from the area or making
a blizzard or snowstorm worse (rune
Associated Spells: Endure elements (cold master’s choice).
only), flurry* (see Deep Magic), sleet storm, ice
storm; spells that produce wintry weather (for INGWAZ
example, snow or ice).
Meaning: Ancestors, Northmen; the god
Powers: Mastery of hagalaz grants you the Wotan or Odin.
following powers as you increase in level:

Mastery Bonus: +1 insight bonus to Knowledge (history). JERA
This skill becomes a class skill.
Meaning: Abundant harvest; the gods Freyr
Associated Spells: Divine favor, ethereal jaunt, heroism, greater and Freyja.
heroism, rage, righteous might, true strike, Wotan’s rede* (see
Mastery Bonus: +1 insight bonus to
Deep Magic).
Profession (farmer) and Knowledge (nature)
Powers: Mastery of ingwaz grants the following powers as checks. Both these skills become class skills
you increase in level: for you.
1st Level: When invoked upon a spear, the rune invokes Associated Spells: Plant growth, purify food and drink, warp
divine favor from the Aesir for the first character who wood; spells that create food or water enhance plants.
throws it over the head of an enemy force consisting of
Powers: Mastery of jera grants the following powers as you
nine or more opponents in the next 9 hrs.
increase in level:
5th Level: When invoked on the face of a willing
creature, it turns the creature into a berserker granting 1st Level: When invoked on the belly of a living
it the benefits of a rage spell, (caster level 3rd). creature, jera guarantees that any union in the next 24
hrs. proves fruitful. If invoked on a pregnant creature at
7th Level: When invoked on the flesh of a corpse, this least once per month during pregnancy, it guarantees a
rune acts as speak with dead spell (caster level 6th). successful birth and healthy baby. There also is a one in
eight chance of twins.
3rd Level: When invoked around food and drink,
Meaning: Ice, imprisonment, and paralysis; the gods jera makes spoiled, rotten, diseased, poisonous, or
Boreas and Mara. otherwise contaminated food and water pure and
Mastery Bonus: Whenever you take environmental suitable for eating and drinking (as purify food and drink).
damage from cold, you take 1 hp less than normal. 7th Level: When marked in the earth among grasses,
Associated Spells: Ghoul touch, hold person, imprisonment, weeds, vines, or produce, they swell in size or become
triumph of ice* (see Deep Magic); spells that imprison or bountiful, as per plant growth.
paralyze, spells that create ice.
Powers: Mastery of isaz grants the following powers as you
increase in level: Meaning: Flaming torch, enlightenment,
and ulcers.
1st Level: This rune is invoked on the ground. Slippery
ice spreads out from the rune in any pattern of Mastery Bonus: You gain low-light vision.
coterminous squares you designate, filling one 5-ft. If you have already have this, you gain
square per level of the rune master. This makes the area darkvision;
difficult terrain and raises the DC of any Acrobatics if you already have darkvision, you gain a +1 bonus to
checks in the area by five. Once created the ice is Perception checks.
non‑magical and melts as normal. Associated Spells: Remove disease; spells that produce fire
3rd Level: When invoked on a weapon, the rune makes or light.
it burn with an icy radiance, granting the frost quality Powers: Mastery of kaunan grants you the following
for up to 1 hr./level of the rune caster or for a number powers as you increase in level:
of successful strikes equal to the rune master’s level
1st Level: Traced on the ground, kaunan burns as
(whichever occurs first).This effect does not stack with
bright and hot as a campfire for up to 8 hrs. It counts
any similar qualities already present.
as magical fire, cannot be moved, and does 2d6 hp fire
5th Level: A shield marked with isaz glitters like frost in damage (Reflex save for half) to any creature in it.
the morning sun for 1 hr. When in daylight, opponents
3rd Level: Traced on a weapon, kaunan grants it the
in a 30-ft. cone in front of the shield are dazzled. Once
flaming quality for up to 1 hr. per level of the rune caster
per round you may focus its effects on an enemy within
or a number of successful strikes equal to the rune
30 ft., as if using snowblind stare* (see Deep Magic).
master’s level (whichever occurs first). This effect does
not stack with any similar qualities already present.
7th Level: Invoked on a creature, kaunan burns away
illness and ailments as per remove disease.


LAUKAZ stabilize as a spell-like ability.

Meaning: Water, the sea; the god Njord. Associated Spells: Aid, divine guidance, guidance, protection
from energy, repulsion, resistance, sanctuary, stabilize.
Mastery Bonus: You gain Aquan as a bonus
language. If you already know this language, you Powers: Mastery of naudiz grants you the following
get a +1 insight bonus to Diplomacy checks with powers as you increase in level:
creatures of elemental water. 3rd Level: Invoked on an item, naudiz grants guidance
Associated Spells: Calm the waves* (see Deep Magic), create or resistance to any creature that touches it (their
water, control water, elemental body IV (water only), elemental choice). Up to one creature per level of the rune master
swarm (water spell only), horrid wilting, locate water* (see may gain this bonus, but they can only benefit from it
Deep Magic), summon monster (water elementals only), water once per use of the power.
breathing. 5th Level: Invoking naudiz upon a creature grants them
Powers: Mastery of laukaz grants the following powers as aid.
you increase in level: 15th Level: When invoked on an item weighing no
1st Level: When invoked upon an object, laukaz helps more than 20 lbs., it allows you to call the object to
it float in water for up to 24 hrs. This grants a +4 item you, causing it to teleport into your hand as a swift
bonus to Swim checks made by its bearer. action. The maximum range of this effect is 400 ft. +
40 ft. per level of the rune master. If the object is in
7th Level: When invoked on a living creature’s chest, it
the possession of another creature, they may make a
grants them water breathing.
Will save in order to negate its effects. The DC for this
11th Level: When invoked on a lakebed, riverbed, or save is 10 + half the rune master’s character level + the
the bottom of the sea, laukaz allows the character to master’s Wisdom modifier. This power lasts for 24 hrs.
control nearby waters as per a control water spell. or until used.

Meaning: Humanoids, especially humans Meaning: The passage of time, the seasons,
and dwarves. and the phases of the moon.
Mastery Bonus: +1 bonus to saves against Mastery Bonus: A +1 insight bonus to
effects that petrify or transform you from Survival. This skill becomes a class skill.
your normal shape (lycanthropy, baleful polymorph, or flesh
Associated Spells: Control weather, endure elements, freeze*
to stone, for example).
(see Deep Magic), gust of wind, haste, ice storm, infernal
Associated Spells: Awaken, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, healingISWG (but targets do not detect as evil), longstrider,
calm emotions, cat’s grace, darkvision, eagle’s splendor, fox’s rusting grasp.
Powers: Mastery of nyköping grants the following powers
Powers: Mastery of mannaz grants the following powers as as you increase in level:
you advance in level:
3rd Level: When invoked on a creature, the rune inures
1st Level: When invoked upon a plant or animal, it them from harsh weather, as if they were protected by
awakens them. an endure elements spell.
5th Level: When invoked on an area, mannaz is famous 5th Level: When invoked on a creature, the rune grants
for calming berserkers; it produces calm emotions on all them magical healing, as if they were protected by an
living creatures within 20 ft. of the rune. infernal healing spell (but targets do not detect as evil).
7th Level: When invoked upon a creature, mannaz 7th Level: When invoked on an item, nyköping makes it
returns a lycanthrope to its humanoid form or attempts crumble as if with rusting grasp.
to dispel (as dispel magic) any polymorph effect the
9th Level: When invoked on a creature, nyköping grants
target is under. Creatures may resist this with a
them magical speed, as if they were under the effect of a
successful Will save. The DC for this save is 10 + half the
haste spell. The target is exhausted for 24 hrs. afterward,
rune master’s character level + the master’s Wisdom
even if they could not normally be exhausted.
11th Level: When invoked on the ground beneath the
NAUDIZ open sky, nyköping creates a strong breeze in the area as
per gust of wind.
Meaning: Necessity and need.
13th Level: When invoked on the ground beneath the
Mastery Bonus: Once per day you may cast
open sky, nyköping improves the weather in the area as
per control weather. Its effect is always the same, which is that mislead or create false perceptions.
to make the sun come out. Powers: Mastery of perto grants the following powers as
you increase in level:
3rd Level: When invoked on a creature, perto changes
Meaning: Property, inheritance, and family. its appearance, as per disguise self.
Mastery Bonus: Whenever you aid another, 5th Level: When invoked on two objects, one of which
the bonus is +3 rather than +2. you may hang around a creature’s neck to make them
Associated Spells: Blade of my brother* the subject, perto grants misdirection.
(see Deep Magic), deathwatch, imbue with spell ability, locate 7th Level: When invoked on the ground, objects within
object, major creation, minor creation, shield other, telepathic 10 ft. of the rune gain nondetection.
bond, teleport object.
Powers: Mastery of otalan grants the following powers as RAIDO
you increase in level: Meaning: Travel.
1st Level: When invoked on two related, living Mastery Bonus: Your speed increases by 5 ft.,
creatures touched by the rune master, the rune and you always know which way is north.
provides each target with knowledge of the other’s
health, as per deathwatch, over any range as long as both Associated Spells: Ant haul, floating disk, lift*
targets are on the same plane. This effect lasts 1 day per (see Deep Magic), purge pests* (see Deep Magic), repel vermin;
level of the rune master. Only one use of this power spells that increase speed or assist in overland travel.
may be active at a given time. Powers: Mastery of raido grants you the following powers
7th Level: When invoked on a reflective surface (a as you increase in level:
mirror, polished shield, or even on still water), otalan 1st Level: When invoked on an object, raido grants a
lets you scry on an object you have possessed for at least +5 enhancement bonus to Acrobatics checks made to
one week, or on any member of your immediate family ski, skate, or control a sled for 1 hr. per level of the rune
(within three generations of you). master. The bonus increases to +10 if the rune master is
13th Level: When invoked on an object, otalan’s power 10th level or higher.
lingers harmlessly in the item until its wielder is killed. 5th Level: When invoked on a living creature, raido
As soon as they are dead, the object teleports into the surrounds it with a barrier repellent to pests as repel
hands of an individual, who must be specified when vermin. This effect lasts 1 min.
the rune is invoked. This individual can be named or
7th Level: When invoked on a living creature, it allows
identified by a title or relationship (for example, the
them to hustle for 2 hrs. per day before starting to take
king of Noatun, my firstborn son, or other identifying
damage. A single use of this power allows the rune
phrases). This power functions over any range as
master to affect one creature per character
long as the object and target are on the same plane. If
another creature has the object when its owner dies,
the creature may make a Will save to negate the effect. SOWILO
The DC of this save is 10 + half rune master’s level + the
master’s Wisdom modifier. This power lasts until used, Meaning: The sun; the god Baldur.
but the rune master may only have a single use of this Mastery Bonus: You become immune to dazzle
power active at a given time. If inscribed on a new item, effects.
the effect ends on any others.
Associated Spells: Eagle’s splendor, suggestion; spells that
PERTO create non‑prismatic light, any spell with “charm” in the
Meaning: Things are not as they seem; the
god Loki. Powers: Mastery of sowilo grants the following powers as
you increase in level:
Mastery Bonus: A +1 insight bonus to
Wisdom checks to solve riddles or puzzles, 5th Level: When invoked on a creature, the rune grants
and to saves against illusions. it magical confidence and charisma, allowing it to
enthrall an audience.
Associated Spells: Disguise self, false vision, hallucinatory
terrain, Loki’s gift* (see Deep Magic), lullaby, major image, 7th Level: When invoked upon an item, sowilo makes it
minor image, mislead, mass suggestion, screen, suggestion; spells glow as if with the daylight spell.
13th Level: When invoked on the ground beneath the


open sky, sowilo improves the weather in the area as per the rune master.
control weather. Its effect is always the same; it
makes the sun come out. URUZ

Meaning: Wild ox, sacrifice to the gods,

and strength.
Meaning: Fearlessness assemblies or Mastery Bonus: For the purposes of
councils, the god Tyr. carrying capacity, treat your Strength score as if it were 2
Mastery Bonus: A +1 to saves versus fear effects. points higher.
Associated Spells: Charm animal (wolves only), heroism, Associated Spells: Bull’s strength, remove curse; other spells
remove fear, true strike; any spell with “hand” in the title. that grant blessings from the gods.
Powers: Mastery of tewaz grants the following powers: Powers: Mastery of uruz grants you the following powers
1st Level: When invoked on an object, tewaz drives off as you increase in level:
wolves, worgs, werewolves, and other lupine creatures. 3rd Level: When crafted on a shield, this rune invokes
Such creatures must stay at least 5 ft. away from the the power of the auroch’s charge. It grants a +20
rune and cannot touch or make melee attacks against circumstance bonus to the wielder’s next bull rush or
a creature presenting it forcefully toward them (doing overrun attempt. The bonus lasts for 24 hrs. or until
so requires a standard action each round). An affected used.
creature can overcome its revulsion and act normally if 5th Level: When invoked on a living creature, uruz
it makes a Will save each round. The DC for this save is grants them bull’s strength.
10 + half the rune master’s level + the master’s Wisdom
modifier. This power lasts 1 hr. per level of the rune 7th Level: When invoked on an appropriate sacrificial
master. beast, this rune amends offenses the sacrifice giver
may have made against the gods (treat as remove curse).
3rd Level: When invoked on a shield, tewaz grants it the Sometimes it may instead result in the
arrow-catching magical quality for 1 min. per character gods delivering a different blessing upon
level of the rune master. the sacrifice giver, such as geas/quest or
5th Level: When invoked somewhere clearly visible, it divine power.
acts as a calm emotions spell on all creatures in a 20-ft.
radius that can see it. WUNJO

Meaning: Happiness and joy.

Mastery Bonus: Whenever you receive a morale bonus, the
Meaning: Giants; thunder and lightning. bonus is increased by one additional point.
Mastery Bonus: You gain Giant as a bonus Associated Spells: Any spell that provides a morale bonus.
language. If you already know this language,
you get a +1 circumstance bonus to sense Powers: Mastery of wunjo grants you the following powers
motive checks against giants. as you increase in level:
Associated Spells: Spells that enlarge you, grant giant form, 1st Level: When invoked in an area, wunjo makes
or create thunder or lightning; any item that requires its nearby creatures happy and content. Affected creatures
creator or user to be a giant. gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy but a –4 penalty to
Perception and Sense Motive checks. The duration
Powers: Mastery of turisaz grants you the following is 1 min. per level and the effect spreads in a radius
powers as you increase in level: from the rune that is 10 ft./level of the rune master.
3rd Level: When inscribed on a weapon, turisaz grants Unwilling targets may make a Will save to resist (DC
it the shock quality for up to 1 hr. per level of the rune 10 + half the rune master’s character level + Wisdom
caster or for a number of successful strikes equal to the bonus). A successful save makes a target immune to the
rune master’s level (whichever occurs first). It does not same effect for 24 hrs.
stack with any similar qualities already present. 3rd Level: Invoking wunjo on a creature grants them
5th Level: When invoked on armor, it grants resist the effect of a remove fear spell. If the target is currently
electricity 10 and a +2 profane bonus to the wearer’s under the effects of crushing despair or another fear
Strength score. effect, the rune master may instead attempt to dispel it
7th Level: If placed on an area, turisaz acts as a glyph of as if they had cast dispel magic.
warding, exploding with a blast of thunder that inflicts 10th Level: Inscribed on an object held aloft, wunjo
1d8 hp sonic damage for every two character levels of provides allies with good hope.
USING RUNES Benefits: Select two runes or glyphs. You gain the
Accessing the magic inherent within glyphs and runes mastery bonus of each of these runes or glyphs and a +2
requires the Rune Mastery feat, which is detailed below. insight bonus when carving or scribing them onto an
In addition to mastering this feat, rune and glyph users item with the Craft skill. You may select this feat multiple
must accomplish other, story-related tasks as listed in each times. Each time you do, you gain the mastery bonus of
section’s description. More feats and traits for those who two additional runes or glyphs. The bonus when carving or
wish to use runes and glyphs can be found in Deep Magic scribing any runes or glyphs does not stack.
Prerequisites with asterisks are found in this section.
DEEPER RUNE LORE (METAMAGIC) Your mastery of runes is deeper than that of others.
You have mastered the secret powers of one of the sacred Prerequisites: Wisdom 15 or higher, Rune Mastery* or
runes or a glyph. Runic Blood*.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 12 or higher, Rune Mastery*. Benefit: You may invoke the power of any rune (if
Benefit: Choose one rune covered by your Rune applicable) you have mastered one more time each day.
Mastery feat. You may invoke one of the secret powers of You may take this feat more than once. The effects are
this rune once per day as a spell-like ability. You may take cumulative.
this feat multiple times. Each time you learn the secret
powers of a different rune.
Your know how to work mastered runes into your
RUNESMITH (ITEM CREATION) spellcasting, and to resist the magical effects of their
Runes you know provide prerequisite spells when creating associated spells.
magic items. Prerequisites: Rune Mastery*.
Prerequisites: Master Craftsman. Benefit: If you cast a spell associated with a rune or
Benefit: When creating magical items, you may use glyph you have mastered, you cast the spell as a caster of
a rune or glyph that you’ve mastered in place of a spell 1 level higher than normal. If you are targeted by such a
needed in its creation. See each rune’s description for the spell, the DC of any saving throw is lowered by 1.
spells associated with each rune.
Some northern creatures are born with a natural From the beginning of time, shadows have been respected
attunement to a rune whose nature is similar to their own. and feared. Darkness brings a tingle to the spine,
Prerequisites: Born in the frozen North. reminding us of a time when we felt trapped without light
Benefit: The creature gains all the benefits of Rune and the darkness itself seemed to prey on fear. Some of
Mastery (see page 114) for a single chosen rune, but nature’s deadliest predators hunt in darkness, and their
can invoke its power 3 times each day. The rune selected ability to see when we can’t makes us feel weak against
must fit thematically with the creature’s nature, origin or their power.
abilities. The dark and wondrous power of Midgard’s shadow
magic can lend a sinister feel to an NPC or cast a player
RUNIC COUNTERSPELL (METAMAGIC) character as a cursed hero who uses the power of darkness
You mastery of runes is such that you can deflect magic for good at the cost of his or her own soul. Spellcasters
that draws upon their universal power. who manipulate shadow draw this mysterious, unsettling
Prerequisites: Runic Spellcasting*, ability to cast energy from alien dimensions and turn it to their own uses.
arcane or divine magic.
Benefit: When targeted by a spell associated with a rune THE DEVOURER OF LIGHT
you have mastered, you may counterspell it by sacrificing (WITCH PATRON)
any spell that is one or more spell levels higher than the Instead of drawing power from a more traditional patron,
target spell. some witches control power that stems from a pact they’ve
Normal: Without this feat, you may counter a spell only made with a being from the Plane of Shadows—and this
with the same spell or with a spell specifically designated being’s goal is to plunge the world into unending darkness.
as countering the target spell. Such a witch may or may not share this ambition, but they
have nonetheless sworn loyalty to this entity.
RUNE MASTERY (METAMAGIC) Unlike fiends who seek to corrupt and destroy, the
You are wise in the lore of one or more runes or glyphs. Devourer of Light wants to make the Material Plane more
Prerequisites: Wisdom 12 or more. like its own Shadow Realm. Many of its most powerful
devotees were once liches, shadow dragons, death knights,
vampiric wizards, or other shadow beings that existed

long enough to amass great power before abandoning damage, or half damage with a successful Reflex saving
their former paths to pursue the glorification of the night throw (DC 20).
as an end in itself.
The Devourer of Light grants an expanded list of spells BLACK RIBBONS
as a witch patron. The following spells are added to the
witch spell list as the witch reaches the appropriate level School conjuration; Level alchemist 1, magus 1,
and are found later in this section. sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Devourer of Light: 2nd— claws of darkness, 4th— dark
path, 6th—legion, 8th— night terrors, 10th—dark dementing, Components V, S, M (a piece of ribbon)
12th—become nightwing, 14th—conjure shadow titan, Range close (25ft + 5ft/level)
16th—malevolent waves, 18th—umbral storm. Area 20-foot cube
Duration 1 minute/ level (D)
Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance no
You pull pieces of the Shadow Realm into your own reality,
The following spells are available to characters who can
causing a 20-foot cube to fill with inky ribbons that turn
cast them.
the area into difficult terrain and wrap around nearby
creatures. Creatures who fail their save gain the entangled
BECOME NIGHTWING condition. Any creature entering the area must save or
School transmutation; Level alchemist 6, magus 6, gains the entangled condition, as the shadow ribbons
sorcerer/wizard 6; Domain darkness 6, wrap around them, and end their movement. Entangled
Subdomain evil 6 creatures may attempt to break free as a move action,
Casting Time 1 standard action making a Strength or Escape Artist check (with a DC equal
Components V, S, M (a piece of nightwing hide) to the Reflex save of the spell).
Range personal Once a creature makes this saving throw successfully, it
can’t be restrained again by these black ribbons, but it’s still
Target you
affected by the difficult terrain.
Duration 1 minute/ level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no CALL SHADOW MASTIFF
By channeling the essence of the Shadow Realm into School conjuration (summoning); Level bard 5, cleric/
yourself, this spell imbues you with wings of shadow. For oracle 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, summoner 4, witch 5;
the duration of the spell, you gain a fly speed of 60 feet and Domain darkness 5; Subdomain dark tapestry 5;
a new attack option: nightwing breath.
Casting Time 1 round
Nightwing Breath: (30-ft. cone, 5d6 negative energy
damage, Reflex DC 20 for half, usable every 1d4+3 Components V, S, M (a dog’s tooth)
rounds). You exhale shadow-substance in a 30-foot Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
cone. Each creature in the area takes 5d6 negative energy Effect one summoned creature
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/ level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

Shadow Spells by Level

The following spells for various classes can be found in the Shadow Spells section.
Some spells on multiple spellcasting lists can be cast at varying levels depending on the casting character.

Cantrip 2nd Level 3rd Level 5th Level 7th Level

douse light cloying darkness legion dark dementing conjure shadow titan
1st Level dark path 4th Level call shadow mastiff 8th Level
darkbolt night terrors wail from
black ribbons 6th Level
negative image shadow monsters beyondmalevolent
claws of darkness shadow realm gateway
shadow puppets waves
cloak in shadow become nightwing
9th Level
umbral storm

You conjure a shadow mastiff from the essence of the Range personal
Shadow Realm. This creature obeys your verbal commands Target self
to aid you in battle or to seek out a specific creature. Duration instantaneous
The mastiff is friendly to you and your companions. Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
It obeys simple, verbal commands from you (giving a
command is a free action), within its ability to act. You siphon energy from the Shadow Realm to protect
yourself from a sudden threat. As an immediate action,
The mastiff disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or
you pull shadows around yourself to distort reality. The
when the spell ends.
attack against you suffers a 30% miss chance, and you have
DR 3/light until the start of your next turn.
School evocation; Level cleric/oracle 1, magus 1, CLOYING DARKNESS
shaman 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
School necromancy; Level cleric/oracle 2,
Casting Time 1 standard action
sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Components V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range self
Components V, S
Effect personal
Range close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
Duration 1 minute/ level (D)
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
Saving Throw Fortitude negates, see text; Spell
You shape shadows into claws that grow from your fingers Resistance no
and drip inky blackness. You can make melee attacks with
You reach out with a hand of decaying shadows. Make
these claws that deal 1d6 (+1/caster level, maximum +10)
a ranged touch attack. If the attack hits, the target takes
cold damage, and the claws have a reach of 10 feet. You
1d6/level (maximum 5d6) negative energy damage and
are considered proficient with these claws. Do not apply
must make a Fortitude save. If it fails, its visual organs are
Strength bonuses, if any, to the damage from this effect.
enveloped in shadow, causing it to treat all lighting as if
They have a critical hit multiplier of x2, a critical threat
it’s one step lower in intensity (it treats bright light as dim,
range of 19-20, and cannot be sundered or disarmed. They
dim light as darkness, and darkness as magical darkness).
are considered magic and cold iron for the purposes of
Undead creatures suffer damage and visual impairment
damage reduction.
from this spell. Creatures without visual organs are
unaffected by this spell. Multiple castings of this spell
CLOAK IN SHADOW stack, causing the level of lighting to be considered worse
School abjuration; Level cleric/oracle 1, for the target with each effect.
sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 immediate action CONJURE SHADOW TITAN
Components V, S School conjuration; Level cleric/oracle 7,
sorcerer/wizard 7, summoner 6
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (phase spider silk)
Range medium (100 feet + 10 feet per caster level)
Shadow Class Options Effect 1 summoned creature
Duration 5 minutes/ level (D)
For some spellcasters, their natural magical abilities
come from a place drained of color, where light fights Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
a losing battle against the relentless encroachment You summon a shadow titan, which appears in an
of darkness. In the distant past, these spellcasters’ unoccupied space that you can see within range. The
ancestors were touched by the Shadow Realm, shadow titan’s statistics are identical to a stone giant’s,
and this contact has left its mark on their family with two differences: its camouflage ability works in dim
bloodlines. See Deep Magic for more details about the light instead of rocky terrain, and the “rocks” it hurls are
shadow bloodline. composed of shadow-stuff and cause cold damage.
Additionally, other characters often manifest a deep The shadow titan is friendly to you and your
connection to shadow in other ways. For more about companions. Roll initiative for the shadow titan; it acts
the night herald witch archetype and the whisper on its own turn. It obeys verbal or telepathic commands
rogue archetype, see page 48 and 54 in Chapter that you issue to it (giving a command takes no action on


Effect one or more rays

your part). If you don’t issue any commands to the shadow
titan, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise Duration instantaneous
takes no actions. Saving Throw Fortitude partial, see text;
The shadow titan disappears when it drops to 0 hit Spell Resistance yes
points or when the spell ends. You say a quick invocation to create a black nimbus around
your hand, then hurl a ray of darkness at one or more
DARK DEMENTING targets in range. You may fire one ray, plus one additional
School enchantment (compulsion); Level cleric/oracle ray for every four levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of
5, sorcerer/wizard 5 three rays at 11th level). The rays can be divided between
targets however you like, but each target must be within
Casting Time 1 standard action
30 feet of each other and
Components V, S, M (a moonstone)
Range medium (100 +10 feet/level)
Target One creature
Duration 1 day/level or 1 round/level; see text
Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resistance yes
A dark shadow creeps across the target’s mind and leaves a
small bit of shadow essence behind, triggering a profound
fear of the dark. The target creature must make a Will save.
If it fails, the target gains the frightened condition anytime
they are in an area of dim illumination or darker for the
duration of the effect. If the saving throw succeeds, the
target instead gains the confused condition for 1 round/
level. The target may make another save each round, at
the beginning of their turn, against this effect; success
indicates the condition ends.

School conjuration; Level magus 2, sorcerer/
wizard 2, summoner 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a lodestone)
Range close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
Effect a path 10 feet wide, up to 50 feet
Duration 5 minutes + 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
You conjure a shadowy road between points to create
a bridge or path where there was none before. This can
bridge a chasm or create a smooth path through difficult
terrain to speed movement. The dark path is 10 feet wide
and up to 50 feet long. It can support up to 1,000 pounds
of weight at one time. A creature that adds more weight
than the path can support or does not suppress their
magic resistance for this effect sinks through the path as if
it didn’t exist.

School evocation [cold]; Level bloodrager 2,
magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 +5 feet/2 levels)
fired simultaneously. Make a ranged touch attack for each Area 30-foot
ray; each ray that hits does 3d6 cold damage. A target that Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)
was hit by any number of rays must make a successful Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Fortitude save or be unable to use an immediate action or
You create a hazy black miasma that fills the area within
make attacks of opportunity until the start of its next turn.
30 feet of you. The area of effect can move with you or be
made stationary. A number of creatures (1 per level) are
DOUSE LIGHT considered your allies for this effect; all others are your
School transmutation; Level cleric/oracle 0, enemies. Allies gain a +8 profane bonus to Stealth checks
sorcerer/wizard 0, witch 0 they make within 30 feet of you, and may make these
Casting Time 1 standard action checks to hide, even while being observed. All enemies
Components V, S within the area of effect must make a Fortitude save or
Range close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels) be poisoned (1/round for 8 rounds, 1d3 Constitution
damage, 1 save to cure). Once the poison effect has been
Target 1 light source
cured, a creature may no longer be poisoned by this casting
Duration instantaneous or 1d4 minutes (see text) of malevolent waves.
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
With a hand gesture and an incantation, you are able to NEGATIVE IMAGE
douse a single, small source of light within range. This School conjuration (teleportation); Level cleric/oracle
spell extinguishes a torch, a candle, a lantern, or a light or 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
dancing lights effect.
Casting Time 1 standard action
A creature with the fire subtype targeted by a douse light
Components V, S
spell takes 1d6 points of damage (no save allowed).
Alternatively, you can target the spell on a single magic Range medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
item that creates or controls flame. The item loses all Target you and one other creature
its fire-based magical abilities for 1d4 minutes unless it Duration instantaneous
succeeds on a Will save. Artifacts are immune to this effect. Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You create a shadow-tunnel between your location and
LEGION one other creature you can see within range. You and
School illusioin (shadow); Level cleric/oracle 3, the target creature instantly swap positions. If the target
sorcerer/wizard 3 is carrying another creature, the carried creature is left
Casting Time 1 standard action behind. Carried objects are never left behind. If the target
Components V, S, M (a tiny cold iron weapon) creature is unwilling to exchange places with you, it can
resist the effect by making a Will save. If the save succeeds,
Range medium (100ft + 10 feet/level)
the spell has no effect.
Area 10-foot cube
Duration 1 round/level (D) NIGHT TERRORS
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
School enchantment (compulsion); Level cleric/oracle
You call down a legion of shadowy soldiers in a 10-foot
4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
cube. They are conjured from the Shadow Realm, and
Casting Time 1 standard action
their features resemble a mockery of once-living creatures.
Whenever a creature starts its turn inside the cube, or Components V, S, M/DF (a crow’s eye)
enters the cube for the first time on its turn, the conjured Range medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
shades make an attack with an attack bonus equal to (caster Area 20-foot burst.
level + casting ability score modifier, minimum +1). If the Duration 1 round/ level (D)
attack hits, the target takes 3d8 negative energy damage. Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
The space inside the cube is difficult terrain.
You amplify the fear of darkness that lurks in the heart of
all creatures. Select a target point you can see within the
spell’s range. Every creature within 20 feet of that point
School conjuration; Level cleric/oracle 8, becomes terrified until the start of your next turn and
sorcerer/wizard 8 must make a successful Will save or gain the paralyzed
Casting Time 1 standard action condition. A paralyzed creature can repeat the saving
Components V, S, M/DF (a profane object that has been throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
bathed in blood) itself with a success. If the Will save succeeds, the creature
Range 60 ft. is shaken for one round. Creatures immune to being fear

effects are not affected by night terrors. Creatures entering SHADOW PUPPETS
the area after casting are not affected. School transmutation; Level cleric/oracle 2,
sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
School illusion (phantasm); Level cleric/oracle 4, Components V, S, M/DF (pinch of powdered lead)
sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4 Range close (25 feet + 5 feet/ 2 levels)
Casting Time 1 standard action Target one creature's shadow
Components V, S, M/DF (a doll) Duration concentration, up to 1 round/ level (D)
Range medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level) Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Target one or more creatures
You are able to animate the shadow of a creature within
Duration 1 round/ level (D) range, causing it to attack the creature who cast it. The
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no shadow attacks the creature with a bonus equal to your
Your spell targets 1 creature for every 4 caster levels within caster level plus your casting ability score modifier
range, creatures must be within 30 feet of each other. (minimum +1). If it hits, the target takes 2d8+(caster
Each creature must make a Will save. If the save fails, the level) negative energy damage and must make a successful
creature perceives its allies as hostile, shadowy monsters, Will save or be paralyzed until the start of your next turn.
and it must attack its nearest ally. An affected creature Creatures without shadows are unaffected by this spell.
repeats the Will save at the end of its turn, ending the effect Creatures which are not within 10 feet of a surface bearing
on itself with a successful save. their shadow are immune to this spell.

UMBRAL STORM frightened creature receives a new saving throw to end the
School necromancy; Level cleric/oracle 9, condition at the end of its turn after the first round this
sorcerer/wizard 9 spell is in effect, and the spell ends when this effect ends.
Casting Time 1 standard action Those who succeed on their initial saving throw take half
damage and aren’t frightened. This spell has no effect on
Components V, S
constructs and undead.
Range long (400 feet + 40 feet/level)
Area 20-foot radius sphere
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/ level (D)
The following occult ritual uses the rules from Pathfinder
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures.
You create a channel to a region of the Shadow Realm
that is inimical to life and order. A storm of dark, raging SHADOW REALM GATEWAY
entropy fills a sphere 20 feet in radius, centered on a point
School conjuration (calling); Level 6
you can see within range. Any creature that starts its turn
in the storm or enters it for the first time on its turn takes Casting Time 60 minutes
6d8 negative energy damage and gains one negative level; Components V, S, M (a piece of black chalk mixed with
a successful Fortitude save halves the damage and prevents diamond dust worth at least 500 gp), SC 0
the negative level. Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 24, 3 successes;
You can use a move action on your turn to move the area Knowledge (planes) DC 24, 3 successes
of the storm 30 feet in any direction. Range close (25 feet + 5/2 levels)
Target one 15-foot circle; see text
WAIL FROM BEYOND Duration 10 minutes (D); see text
School necromancy; Level bard 6, cleric 7, Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
sorcerer/wizard 8 Backlash The primary caster is exhausted.
Casting Time 1 standard action Failure The portal creates a temporary one-way link
Components V, S, M/DF (earth from a grave) with a random location, immediately delivering a hostile
Range 30 ft. shadow demon (Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary).
Area cone-shaped burst At the GM’s discretion, the creature may be accompanied
by 1d3 additional shadow demons.
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resistance yes
You emit a soul-shattering wail. Every creature within By drawing a circle of black chalk up to 15 feet in diameter
a 30-foot cone who hears the wail must make a Will and chanting for one hour as the sun sets, culminating as
save. Those that fail lose half their remaining hit points the last beams pass over the horizon, you open a portal
(rounded up) and gain the frightened condition; a directly into the Plane of Shadow. The portal fills the chalk

Level Effect
1 Suffer a -2 profane penalty to Wisdom and Charisma based skill checks made against non-shadow creatures.
Your skin becomes deathly pale.
2 Gains darkvision out to 30 feet, or increases existing darkvision by 30 feet. Your eyes become fully black, as
your pupils enlarge.
3 You suffer a -4 profane penalty to Perception checks and attack rolls made while in bright light. This stacks with
the penalty from level 1. Your eyes become bigger.
4 You suffer a -2 penalty to all saving throws made while in bright light. Your physical frame grows thinner and
slightly hunched.
5 Beginning your turn in sunlight or a daylight spell causes you to gain the fatigued condition and you must
make a DC 15 Will save every minute. The DC increases by 1 for each minute you’ve spent in sunlight. If you are
already fatigued, you gain the exhausted condition. If you are already exhausted, you take 1d4 points of damage
each round. When you gain a new condition, the DC of the Will saving throw resets to 15. If you make your save
when you would normally take damage, you take no damage that round. Once you take damage, you do not
stop taking damage until you spend two rounds out of sunlight.
6 Becomes a shadow thrall (see page 121)

circle and appears as a vortex of inky blackness; nothing week outside the Shadow realm.
can be seen through it. Any object or creature that passes Shadow corruption can be removed in two general ways:
through the portal instantly arrives safely in the Shadow • A corrupted creature who spends 1 week per current
Realm. The portal remains open for ten minutes or until level of shadow corruption outside the Shadow
you dismiss it, and it can be used to travel between the Realm reduces its level of shadow corruption by 1.
Shadow Realm and the chalk circle, in both directions, as If the creature casts or is affected by a shadow magic
many times as desired during the spell’s duration. spell during this time, the recovery is spoiled and the
recovery time starts over.
SHADOW CORRUPTION • A break enchantment, dispel evil, or dispel good spell cast on
The Shadow Realm pushes its tendrils ever farther into a creature reduces its shadow corruption level by 1.
places and creatures it can reach. Striking bargains with
Creatures of Shadow. A creature that is native to the
dark powers, lingering too long in places infused with
Shadow Realm, or possesses at least 1 level of shadow
shadow, and even simply eating the wrong food in the
corruption is considered a creature of shadow.
Shadow Realm confers lingering taint.
Creatures corrupted by shadow grow distracted and
withdrawn, shunning light in all its forms. At the most NEW CONDITIONS
severe levels, the corrupted creature gives itself over wholly At the GM’s discretion, PCs who spend significant time
to the Shadow Realm. Constructs, outsiders, and undead on the Shadow Plane or interacting with creatures native
aren’t susceptible to shadow corruption. Constructs to that plane may be susceptible to the following new
(other than gearforged, or similar construct-like creatures) conditions.
lack souls, and the essential nature of outsiders and Despondent: A creature that is despondent gains
undead are already spoken for by darkness of another sort. the fatigued condition. No amount of rest removes
Shadow corruption is measured in six levels, similar this condition (only the removal of the despondent
to exhaustion. An effect can give a creature one or more condition). Further, the creature suffers a -2 penalty on
levels of shadow corruption, as specified in the effect’s ability and skill checks. The creature gains a +2 profane
description (see table below). bonus on saving throws against being mind-affecting
If a corrupted creature suffers another effect that effects, and a -2 penalty on all other saving throws.
causes shadow corruption, its current level of shadow Calm emotions suppresses the despondent condition for
corruption increases by the amount specified in the the spell’s duration. Lesser restoration or more powerful
effect’s description. magic ends the condition.
A creature suffers the effect of its current level of shadow Shadow Thrall: A creature that has this condition
corruption as well as all lower levels. is considered a native denizen of the Shadow Realm,
An effect that removes shadow corruption reduces its and won’t willingly leave. If forced to leave, it gains
level as specified in the effect’s description, with all shadow the despondent condition until it returns. The thrall’s
corruption effects ending if a creature’s shadow corruption form becomes mottled with shifting patches of inky
level is reduced below 1. blackness. It automatically fails all Wisdom- and
For each week spent in the Shadow Realm, a susceptible Charisma-based skill checks and ability checks against
creature must make a DC 10 Will save. On a failure, the a non-shadow creature, with the exception of checks
creature gains 1 level of shadow corruption. On a success, meant to Intimidate. The thrall is considered charmed
the creature resists corruption for the time being, but the by any fey or shadow fey native to the Shadow Realm
DC of future saves made for this reason increase by 1. The who has an Intelligence or Charisma score higher than
DC returns to 10 when the creature gains one or more 14. This charmed effect can’t be removed as long as the
levels of shadow corruption, or when it spends at least one creature is a shadow thrall, but it can be suppressed.

Vril Spells by Level

The following vril spells for various classes can be found in the Vril Spells section beginning on page 124.
1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 5th Level
vril refraction vril converter vril feedback greater vril annexation
vril annexation vril transistor vril tulpa
vril vampirism

Vril Magic raw vril to attack foes and heal allies.
Prerequisites: Vril Heritage* feat, arcane spellcaster,
Vril is the mysterious, primal force that makes up the caster level 3rd.
underlying elements of arcane energy. First harnessed by Benefit: As a standard action, you can sacrifice a
antediluvian cultures and focused through vril staves and prepared spell or an unused spell slot of 1st level or higher
hollow rods, this raw magical power once allowed mighty and channel it as a blast of raw vril. Resolve this as a
arcanists to heal wounds, control the minds of others, ranged touch attack with a range increment of 30 ft. The
and raise incredible cities. Capable of both incredible vril ray can combine with feats such as Point-Blank Shot
destructive force and miraculous healing, vril flows and Weapon Focus. This attack deals 1d4 hp damage per
through the veins of all those capable of wielding arcane spell level sacrificed +1 hp per caster level. Alternatively,
power—whether they realize it or not. the blast heals 1 hp damage for every level of the sacrificed
The primitive essence of raw vril has long since been spell or spell slot +1 hp per caster level. Note that 0-level
harnessed and refined in history’s slow march toward spells cannot be converted in this manner.
magic as it is taught in magical academies and colleges.
There are still those, though, who abandon traditional VRIL HEALER
magic in favor of the raw power and purity of vril. Your vril healing is more potent.
These arcanists wield vril’s healing and destructive Prerequisites: Vril Channeler* feat or vril blast class
incarnations— as well as its telepathic and telekinetic feature, caster level 5th.
qualities—with incredible skill. Benefit: When using your vril for healing, add your
In addition to references to the bloodline and archetypes spellcasting class’s key ability score bonus (Intelligence for
found elsewhere in this book, this section contains wizards, and so on) to the hp total you heal.
vril feats and items. Ultimately, vril is a subsystem that
converts prepared spells and spell slots into raw destructive VRIL HERITAGE
or healing energy. All other modular mechanics, including Either through ritualistic head binding or ancient
spells and feats, blossom from this concept. ancestry, you have cultivated some of the mental powers of
Spellcasters who eschew a vril-related bloodline or primordial spellcasters.
archetype have other options available; the Vril Heritage Benefit: You can use mage hand as a spell-like ability
feat (see page 122), for example, represents the first a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma
step for such casters to explore the concept. This feat modifier.
provides a gateway to channeling and manipulating vril
blasts through feats rather than class abilities. Lastly, VRIL MANEUVERIST
dabblers may explore strictly spell-based options, granting You can manipulate your vril blasts to initiate combat
themselves the temporary use of vril blasts, and, again, the maneuvers.
augmenting spells that accompany the use of this force. Prerequisites: Vril Channeler* feat or vril blast class
feature, caster level 7th.
VRIL FEATS Benefit: When attacking using your vril blast, you
The following feats open up vril channeling to arcane can elect to forgo damage and instead initiate one of
spellcasters or allow vril users to create powerful new the following combat maneuvers: bull rush, disarm,
effects with vril. The Vril Heritage and subsequent Vril reposition, or trip. Your CMB for this attack is equal to
Channeler feats are the first steps of a vril feat chain your caster level + the level of the sacrificed spell + your
for arcane spellcasters who do not subscribe to a vril spellcasting class’s key ability score bonus (Intelligence for
archetype or bloodline. Prerequisites with asterisks wizards, and so on).
appear in this section.
VRIL AMPLIFICATION You can metabolize the failed spell energy of other casters
Your vril blasts are more potent. into vril energy to power your own blasts.
Prerequisites: Arcane spellcaster, Vril Channeler* feat Prerequisites: Vril Channeler* feat or vril blast class
or vril blast class feature, caster level 6th. feature, caster level 9th.
Benefit: The damage you deal with your vril blasts Benefit: Anytime you successfully save against a
increases by one damage dice (1d4 increases to 1d6, 1d6 to single‑target spell or a ray directed at either you or your
1d8, etc.). This feat can be taken once for every six levels gear, you can absorb the spell’s energy into your body.
the spellcaster possesses. For one round afterward, you can convert this energy to
power any vril abilities that rely on sacrificed spell slots.
You store this energy for 1 round, and during that time you
Though not as talented as those devoted to its pure study,
can convert this energy to power your vril‑based special
you can convert the arcane energy of spells into a blast of
abilities. Rather than sacrificing your own prepared spells

or spell slots, you use the absorbed spell’s level to calculate times per day equal to your spellcasting class’s key ability
the ability’s effects. You can absorb, but not expend, spell score bonus.
energy of levels greater than those you can cast, and any
additional energy absorbed from spell slots of higher level
than you can cast immediately dissipates. All the absorbed VRIL ITEMS
energy dissipates after 1 round if not used. Historically, vril is heavily associated with the flute-like
staves and rods meant to harness its magical energy. These
VRIL METAMAGICIAN two magic items are described below.
You are able to metamagically manipulate your vril blasts
with known metamagic feats. VRIL STAFF
Prerequisites: Vril Channeler* feat or vril blast class
Price 82,000 gp; Aura strong transmutation, faint
feature, caster level 7th.
enchantment; CL 13th
Benefit: You can apply metamagic feats you know
Slot none; Weight 5 lb.
to your vril blasts as a move action. There is no level
adjustment for this application of the metamagic to the DESCRIPTION
sacrificed spell or spell slot, but you can only manipulate This staff is a silver, hollow tube of metal capped at either
your vril blasts with a number of adjusted spell slots per end with copper plates and etched with indecipherable
day equal to your class’s key ability modifier (Intelligence glyphs. Small keys, like those of a flute, cover the length
for wizards, and so on). For example, a vril adept wizard of the staff and control its power. It allows the use of the
with an 18 Intelligence (+4 modifier) and the Empower following spells:
Spell metamagic feat (which has a spell slot adjustment of
• charm person (1 charge)
2) could apply that metamagic feat to his vril blasts twice
daily, at the cost of 2 uses per application. Alternatively, • mage hand (1 charge)
the same vril adept with Maximize Spell and Ectoplasmic • cure light wounds (1 charge)
Spell feats could apply each metamagic feat to his vril • cure moderate wounds (2 charges)
blasts only once daily (3 points for Maximized Spell, and 1 • telekinesis (2 charges)
point for Ectoplasmic spell).
• repulsion (3 charges)
VRIL SCULPTOR In the hands of a creature with at least a 15 Intelligence,
You are able to shape your vril blasts. the vril staff grants a +4 competence bonus to all Bluff and
Prerequisites: Vril Channeler* feat or vril blast class
feature, caster level 7th.
Benefit: As a full round action, you can sculpt the
energy of your vril blast’s normal ray attack into either a
10-ft.‑radius burst centered on you, a 20-ft. cone‑shaped
burst, or a 30-ft. line. You do not make a normal attack
roll. Instead, creatures caught in the area of effect take half
damage on a successful Reflex save. The DC versus this
effect is equal 10 + the level of the sacrificed spell + your
spellcasting class’s key ability score bonus (Intelligence for
wizards, and so on). You may use this ability a number of

Intimidate skill checks. Spellcasters capable of channeling blast as a standard action. You must make a ranged touch
vril blasts can use the vril staff in a sort of retributive strike, attack roll for this ray with a +2 bonus. This ray delivers the
which permanently destroys the staff. As a full-round effects of the sacrificed-touch range spell to the target. If
action, the wielder can sacrifice all of their prepared spells the converted energy of the spell is not used in 1 round, the
or available spell slots into a single, devastating blast, spell energy is wasted.
releasing a 120-ft. line of vril energy. Everything caught in
the line take 1d6 hp damage for each spell level sacrificed.
This damage bypasses the objects’ hardness. All affected
can make DC 17 Reflex saves to reduce the damage by half. School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components S
Craft Staff, charm person, eagle’s splendor, mage hand,
telekinesis; Cost 41,000 gp Range personal
Target you
HOLLOW ROD Duration 1 round
As vril annexation, but your blast delivers the converted
Price 33,000 gp; Aura strong (no school); CL 17th
touch spell and deals a normal amount of damage (1d6 hp
Slot none; Weight 5 lbs. damage per spell level sacrificed +1 hp per caster level) or
DESCRIPTION healing (2 hp for every level of the sacrificed spell of spell
Only those initiated in the subtleties of vril use can slot +1 hp/ccaster level). If the converted energy of the
distinguish a hollow rod from its immediate kin, the slightly spell is not used in 1 round, the spell energy is wasted.
longer vril staff. While the hollow rod can be wielded as a
+2 light mace, its true power lies in its manipulation of VRIL CONVERTER
vril force. Three times per day, the user may utilize the School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 2,
hollow rod in conjunction with a vril blast to augment magus 2
its destructive or healing capabilities. This is done by Casting Time 1 standard action
sacrificing any two available prepared spells or spell slots
Components S
to power the blast, calculating the damage or healing
Range personal
effects as normal based on this combined expenditure. It
is permissible to combine the rod’s augmented blast with Target you
feats possessed or spells used by the rod’s wielder. Duration 1 round/level
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS For the duration of this spell, you are able to convert
spell energy into searing rays of raw, primordial force
Craft Rod, Vril Metamagician (see page 123);
by sacrificing prepared spells or unused spell slots of 1st
Cost 16,500 gp
level or higher and channeling them into blasts of raw
VRIL SPELLS vril. This ray resolves as a ranged touch attack with a range
increment of 30 ft. This attack deals 1d6 hp damage per
The following spells use the power of vril to accomplish
spell level sacrificed +1 per caster level. Alternatively, the
powerful magic.
blast heals 2 hp for every level of the sacrificed spell or spell
slot +1 per caster level. 0-level spells cannot be converted
VRIL ANNEXATION in this manner.
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 swift action VRIL FEEDBACK
Components S School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 3,
Range personal magus 3
Target you Casting Time 1 immediate action; see text
Duration 1 round Components V, S
This spell allows you to convert a selected touch-range Range personal
spell into compatible vril energy, effectively delivering its Target you
effects at a range through a ray of vril rather than dealing Duration instantaneous
the vril blast’s normal damage or healing. When you cast You convert an enemy’s destructive spell energy into a vril
this spell, select any touch-range spell of 4th level or lower reservoir from which you can temporarily draw to power
that you can cast. This prepared spell or spell slot of the your own abilities. You can cast this spell as an immediate
appropriate level is converted into vril energy and stored action after successfully saving against a single-target spell
for 1 round, during which time you can unleash a vril or a ray directed at yourself or your gear. When you do, you

vril energy harvested from a sacrificed spell. When you

absorb that hostile spell’s energy into your body. You store
cast this spell, select any other prepared spell or available
this energy for 1 round, and during that time you can use it
spell slot of 1st-level or higher. You shape the harvested
to power any vril-based special abilities you can use, rather
vril energy of that slot into an adjacent thoughtform,
than sacrificing your own prepared spell slots. Use the
creating a silvery, quasi-real version of yourself. The tulpa
absorbed spell’s level to calculate the ability’s effects. You
is tethered to your body via a fine, mercurial umbilical
can absorb, but not expend, spell energy of levels greater
cord. The thoughtform looks like you but has a silvery
than those you are capable of casting. The spell level you
translucence, and it can be used just like an unseen servant,
can harness and expend through your vril-based ability is
with an effective Strength score of 2 (so it can lift 20 lbs.,
limited by the highest-level spell slot or prepared spell you
drag 100 lbs., exert 20 lbs. of force, and use skills that
can cast. Any additional energy absorbed from spell slots
can be used untrained with a DC no higher than 10). The
of higher level than you can cast immediately dissipates. In
tulpa has a base land speed equal to your own, and for each
any case, all the absorbed energy dissipates after 1 round if
level of the sacrificed spell, the tulpa has 4 hp, a duration
not used.
of 2 rounds, and an AC equal to 10 + the sacrificed spell’s
level. As a move action, you can direct the thoughtform
to move (it cannot fly, climb, or even swim, though it can
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 1 walk on water). The umbilical tether has a length of 10
Casting Time 1 swift action ft. per spell level sacrificed to create it, and if the tulpa is
Components S directed to move beyond this range, the tether snaps and
Range personal the tulpa is immediately dismissed. During your turn, you
can switch from using your senses to those of the tulpa,
Target you
or back again, as a swift action, and when doing so you
Duration 1 round/level
can see through its eyes and hear through its ears as if you
For the duration of this spell, you can refract your vril were standing where it is. While you are using its senses,
blasts, splitting your vril ray into two. Each ray attack is your body is considered helpless. The tulpa is primarily
resolved as a separate ranged touch attack, and each target a remote viewing thoughtform, easily directed around
takes half as much damage or healing as normal (round corners and into rooms within range of its umbilical
down). tether. For non-vril specialists, the tulpa cannot attack
in any way; it is never allowed an attack roll. It can be
VRIL TRANSISTOR attacked and targeted (it gets no saves against attacks and
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 2, cannot fight defensively), and it dissipates immediately if
magus 2 it takes damage equal to or greater than its hp. If the tulpa
is destroyed while you are sharing its senses, your senses
Casting Time 1 standard action
are shunted back to your body and you are staggered for 1
Components S round. Those proficient in manipulating vril (those capable
Range personal of producing vril blasts, either through an archetype,
Target you bloodline, feat, spell, or wizard school) can sacrifice spells
Duration 1 round/level and channel vril blasts through the umbilical tether when
This spell greatly enhances the damage and range of sharing the tulpa’s senses, with the blasts originating from
channeled vril energy. For the duration of the spell, any the thoughtform instead of from the caster. You must still
vril blast or special ability that inflicts vril-based damage roll an attack roll as normal.
is treated as if it were empowered, as the metamagic feat
Empower Spell. Increase all variable numeric effects by VRIL VAMPIRISM
half. In addition, the effect’s range or area increases by School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 3
50%. Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V, S
VRIL TULPA Range personal
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 3 Target you
Casting Time 1 standard action Duration 1 round
Components V, S Saving Throw special (see below); Spell Resistance
Range personal yes
Target you This spell allows you to augment your next vril blast by
Duration special (see below) drawing life energy from your target. On any round in
This spell creates a tulpa, or thoughtform, made of pure which you cast this spell as a swift action, you can sacrifice
spells or spell slots as normal to create vril blasts. If you

rom the dragonkin warriors of the Mharoti Empire to the trollkin
bruisers of the Southlands to the eclectic humans across the world,
Midgard is full of characters with specialized talents, skills, and
traditions. The feats and traits in this chapter are meant to help reflect
these diverse backgrounds, and to aid in the creation of player characters
who are as unique as the land from which they hail.
Presented are racial traits for dragonkin, dwarves, elfmarked,
gearforged, gnomes, humans, kobolds, ravenfolk, and trollkin. Metamagic
feats follow these options, followed by regional feats. Regional traits are
presented at the end of this chapter.

The feats in this chapter are summarized on the tables below, which are organized into racial,
metamagic, and regional feats. Feats with asterisks are found in this chapter.


Feat Type Prerequisites Benefits
By The Color Of The Combat Dragonkin, Draconic Aspect*, Increase the benefits of the Draconic Aspect*
Scales Dragon Skin Style*, base attack feat
bonus +9
Draconic Aspect General Dragonkin or Kobold Gain some resistances according to your
scales’ color
Draconic Aspect, General Dragonkin, Draconic Breath*, Shift color of your scales to gain different
Improved character level 5th resistances and breath weapon
Draconic Avarice General Dragonkin, Appraise 1 rank +2 racial bonus to Perception checks to locate
valuable items and locate valuable items easier
Draconic Breath General Dragonkin, Draconic Aspect* or +2 to saving throws against sleep and paralysis
dragon-scaled racial trait effects and gain a breath weapon
Dragon Skin Style Style Dragonkin, Draconic Aspect*, Increase your natural armor bonus and take a
natural armor racial quality, base small penalty to Reflex saving throws
attack bonus +3
Guttural Roar Combat Dragonkin, Draconic Breath*, Use your breath weapon to demoralize foes
Dragon Skin Style*, Intimidate
8 ranks
Militant Combat Dragonkin, any 4 teamwork feats, Gain ability to use some teamwork feats solo
Commander base attack bonus +11, Cha 18+
Spiked Tail General Dragonkin, base attack bonus+6 Gain +4 racial bonus to CMD
Vocal Blast Combat Dragonkin, Guttural Roar* Inflict sonic damage with your breath weapon

Feat Type Prerequisites Benefits
Cantonal Crossfire Combat, Dwarf, Point-Blank Shot, proficiency Shoot an enemy within 30 feet as an
Teamwork with firearms immediate action when an ally with this
feat shoots that enemy
Dragon's Dance Combat Dwarf, Dex 15, Dodge, Step Up, base Gain +4 dodge bonus to AC against
attack bonus +5 dragons, and take a 5-foot step when a
dragon’s melee attack misses you
Imbue Ring Metamagic Dwarf or Ring Warden archetype*, Place a spell with a target of creature or
3rd-level sorcerer or wizard object touched into a nonmagical ring
for your use later
Imbue Ring, Metamagic Dwarf or Ring Warden wizard Imbue a spell with a target of creature
Improved archetype*, Imbue Ring*, 9th-level or object touched or personal into a
sorcerer or wizard nonmagical ring
Imbue Ring, Metamagic Dwarf or Ring Warden wizard Imbue any known spell into a
Greater archetype*, Imbue Ring*, Improved nonmagical ring
Imbue Ring*, 15th-level sorcerer or
Ring’s Bond General Dwarf or Ring Warden wizard Know the direction and distance to any
archetype*, Imbue Ring*, 3rd-level ring you’ve imbued
sorcerer or wizard
Ring’s Master General Dwarf or Ring Warden wizard Activate an imbued ring even if you’re
archetype*, Imbue Ring*, Ring’s not wearing it
Bond*, 5th-level sorcerer or wizard
Stone Book General Dwarf, spellbook class feature Carve a spell onto a stone for other
casters to copy
Stone Reader General Dwarf, Stone Book* Automatically succeed on Spellcraft
checks to copy a spell that was written
on a stone


Feat Type Prerequisites Benefits
Diplomatic Measure General Elfmarked, Diplomacy 1 rank, Detect a creature’s attitude toward you with
Sense Motive 1 rank a Sense Motive check
Elfmarked Noble General Elfmarked Gain proficiency with longbows, and an
elven racial trait or an extended lifespan
Secret Language Teamwork — Communicate covertly with an ally who also
has this feat
Shadow Guide General Elfmarked, Knowledge (arcana) Learn the walking the shadow road
5 ranks, Knowledge (nature) incantation and sense the distance to the
5 ranks, Knowledge (planes) shadow road’s nearest starting point
5 ranks



Feat Type Prerequisites Benefits
Aquatic Explorer General Gearforged, water susceptibility Operate underwater for as long as you like,
racial trait and gain a +2 bonus to Swim checks
Armor Upgrade Combat Gearforged Increase your natural armor bonus by +2
Construct’s Bane Combat Gearforged Gain +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge
(arcana) checks related to constructs and
gearforged, Knowledge (arcana) is a class
skill, and gain +1 circumstance bonus on
melee and ranged attacks against constructs
and gearforged
Echoes Of Former General Gearforged Gain racial heritage racial trait
Echoes Of Lives Past General Gearforged Gain +1 competence bonus on four Int-based
skills, and they are class skills for you
From The Crucible General Gearforged Gain fire resistance 2 and +2 racial bonus on
saves against fire spells and effects
Gearforged Utility Combat Gearforged A piece of equipment becomes grafted to your
body and is masterwork
Gorgeous Gearforged General Gearforged The attitudes of intelligence, non-hostile
creatures toward you is increased by one step
Jury-Rigged General Gearforged, rewind the gears Reduce the penalties you take for going with
racial trait maintenance
Limb Lock Combat Gearforged Gain +4 racial bonus to CMB checks to
maintain a grapple or pin
Magnet Snatch General Gearforged Make a disarm attempt after an opponent
strikes you with a metallic weapon


Feat Type Prerequisites Benefits
Con Artistry Teamwork Gnome, Bluff 3 ranks Support an ally’s lie if they also have this feat
Devil's Deal General Gnome, base attack bonus +3 Reroll a saving throw once per day but make
it more difficult for you to be resurrected
Grandmother's Ire General Gnome Gain an oracle’s curse and benefits
Invisible Spell General Gnome, Masked Spell*, Spell Remove visible effects from your
Focus (illusion), Bluff 7 ranks, instantaneous spells
Spellcraft 7 ranks
Masked Spell General Gnome, Spell Focus (illusion), Alter the visible effects of your instantaneous
Bluff 3 ranks, Spellcraft 3 ranks spells
Resilient Illusion Metamagic Gnome, Spell Focus (illusion) Your illusions are more difficult to disbelieve
Ritual Sacrifice General Gnome, Sacrifice* Perform a special coup de grace to cast
nondetection as a spell-like ability and effect
multiple creatures
Sacrifice General Gnome Perform a special coup de grace to cast
nondetection on yourself as a spell-like ability
Magnet Snatch General Gnome Make a disarm attempt after an opponent
strikes you with a metallic weapon

Feat Type Prerequisites Benefits
Clockwork Shift Combat, Style Human, Int 17, Clockwork Ready a full-round action while in clockwork style
Steps*, Clockwork Style*,
Improved Unarmed Strike,
Knowledge (engineering) 9 ranks
Clockwork Steps Combat, Style Human, Int 15, Clockwork Ready a move, swift, or free action while in
Style*, Improved Unarmed clockwork style
Strike, Knowledge (engineering)
5 ranks
Clockwork Style Combat, Style Human, Int 13, Improved While using this style, your initiative is not
Unarmed Strike, Knowledge changed when you ready an action
(engineering) 3 ranks
Elemental General Human, Improved Counterspell, Counterspell spell-like abilities of air, earth, fire,
Counterspell Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks or water outsiders
Ink Stained General Human, Scribe Scroll, Spellcraft Add spells with “glyph” and “symbol” in their
1 rank, caster level 1st name to your spell list
Paranoid General Human, Alertness Automatically receive a Will saving throw to
Observer disbelieve illusions and gain a +5 bonus to see
through magical disguises
Unscaled Combat, Human, Duck and CoverAPG You and an adjacent ally with this feat can fall
Legionnaire Teamwork prone or be staggered to gain evasion against a
breath weapon


Feat Type Prerequisites Benefits
Bank Shot Combat Kobold, Precise Shot Take a penalty to ranged attack rolls with
slings to ignore partial or soft cover
Bank Shot, Improved Combat Kobold, Bank Shot* Make bank shots without a penalty to attack
Battlefield Scavenger Combat Kobold, Combat Expertise Retrieve an adjacent unattended item as a
swift action
Black Swan General Kobold When you resist a fear effect or a demoralize
attempt, make the opponent flat-footed
Cheap Shot Combat Kobold Deal extra damage to an opponent denied
its Dex bonus to AC
Climbing Claws General Dragon, dragonkin, drake, or Gain a +4 competence bonus to Climb
kobold checks and climb faster
Collapse Crawler General Kobold, Dex 15 Gain +4 competence bonus to some Escape
Artist checks
Draconic Aspect General Dragonkin or Kobold Gain some resistances according to your
scales’ color
Eye Gouge Combat Kobold, Cheap Shot* Blind an opponent denied its Dex bonus to
Hobbling Strike Combat Kobold, Cheap Shot* Entangle an opponent that’s denied its Dex
bonus to AC
Kobold Trap Crafter General Kobold Gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Craft
checks involving traps in kobold settlements
Language Of Magic General Kobold, ability to cast arcane Mask verbal component of arcane spells
spells, Draconic speaker

Little Nipper General Kobold, must be taken at 1st level Gain a bite attack
Low Blow Combat Kobold, Cheap Shot* Sicken an opponent that’s denied its Dex
bonus to AC
Miasma Immunity General Kobold, Con 13, miasma tolerance Gain immunity to nonmagical inhaled
racial trait, Profession (miner) 5 poisons
Run The Ghetto’s General Kobold Use Acrobatics to tumble past traps more
Gauntlet effectively
Safety In Numbers General Kobold Gain morale bonuses to saving throws
against fear when other kobolds are within
30 feet
Sling Anything Combat Kobold Use improved ammunition in slings without
Small But Fierce Combat Kobold Use Dex modifier on attack and damage
rolls with light one-handed weapons and
Swift Bypass General Kobold, trapfinding class feature Disable and bypass traps faster
Tall Tail Combat Kobold, Improved Trip Make additional trip attempts against foes
after a successful trip
Tooth And Claw Combat Kobold, Little Nipper* Increase your bite attack’s damage
Trap Savvy General Kobold, Dodge Gain +4 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves
against traps
Triumphant Malice Combat Kobold Gain temporary hp when you reduce a
helpless opponent to below 0 hp


Feat Type Prerequisites Benefits
Born Of Huginn General Ravenfolk Re-roll a failed saving throw against an
Born Of Muninn General Ravenfolk Re-roll a failed saving throw against a
transmutative effect
Carrion Crow General Ravenfolk Gain a +2 competence bonus to Knowledge
checks related to undead, and a +2 racial
bonuses to saving throws against necromancy
Dwarf-Friend General Ravenfolk Gain +2 bonus to Craft and Diplomacy checks
involving dwarves
Ironclaw Dance Combat Ravenfolk, Ironclaw Style*, Expend ki to take a 5-foot-step after hitting with
ki pool class feature an attack in ironclaw style
Ironclaw Reaver Combat Ravenfolk, Ironclaw Dance*, Apply two critical feats to damage deal while in
base attack bonus +7 ironclaw style
Ironclaw Style Combat Ravenfolk, ironclaw alternate Your claw attacks are treated as unarmed attacks
racial trait, unarmed strike and do more damage
class feature
Scion Of Horus General Ravenfolk Gain +2 bonus to Knowledge
and attacks against aberrations
Spy Among The General Ravenfolk Gain +2 to Knowledge, Bluff, and Diplomacy
Scaly Folk skills checks dealing with draconic creatures

Feat Type Prerequisites Benefits
Deny Weakness General Trollkin, Endurance, inhuman vigor Ignore some conditions for 1 round
racial trait
Effortless Horror General Trollkin, Terrifying*, Intimidate 3 Use Intimidate to temporarily change a foe’s
ranks attitude
Fear Eater General Trollkin, Effortless Horror*, Do not reduce your healing pool from
Terrifying*, Intimidate 5 ranks, inhuman vigor if you’re near an enemy
inhuman vigor racial trait suffering from fear
Hulking Build General Trollkin, Str 16 Wear equipment sized for larger creatures
and increase your carrying capacity
Inhuman Resilience General Trollkin, Deny Weakness*, Suppress additional conditions affecting you
Endurance, inhuman vigor racial
Rapid Scarring General Trollkin, inhuman vigor racial trait Regain more hp from inhuman vigor when
you take a critical hit or precision damage
Reactive Healing General Trollkin, Dex 13, inhuman vigor Activate your inhuman vigor as an
racial trait immediate action
Regenerate General Trollkin, Deny Weakness*, Diehard, Reattach severed body parts and you cannot
Endurance, Inhuman Resilience*, die as long as your inhuman vigor continues
inhuman vigor racial trait function
Shadewalker General Trollkin, Stealth 5 ranks Cloak yourself in shadows to gain +2
circumstance bonus to Intimidate and
Strain The Limit General Trollkin, Con 13, inhuman vigor Increase your fast healing from inhuman
racial trait vigor
Terrifying General Trollkin, Intimidate 1 rank You count as one size category larger for


Feat Prerequisites Benefits
Clockwork Summoning Spell Focus (conjuration) Summon clockwork versions of the normal
Concentration Spell — Extend the duration of your spells through
Delay Spell — Delay the effect of a spell
Discriminating Spell Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks Alter a spell to affect or not affect a chosen
race or creature type
Dormant Spell — Cast helpful spells that remain dormant
until activated
Hardened Spell Spell Focus +5 bonus to spell DCs against dispelling
and identification
Mass Effect Spell — Single target spells affect multiple targets
Penetrating Spell — Your spells overcome energy resistance
Spirit Art Spell Spellcraft 5 ranks Create spectral equipment when you
summon or animate the dead
Transfer Spell — Change the range of a spell from



Feat Type Prerequisites Benefits
Barge Freighter General, Endurance Push or drag more and easier than your
Crossroads normal maximum
Galloping Attack Combat, Base attack bonus +5, Attacks during charges are made at +3
Rothenian Plains Quick Draw
Nature’s Sibling General, — Speak with animals using your character
Rothenian Plains level as your caster level
Painful Blow General, Base attack bonus +5, Deal a painful blow that nauseates an
Rothenian Plains Power Attack opponent for 1 round
Whirling Dervish Combat, Siwal Perform (dance) 3 ranks Use Perform (dance) to feint
Improved Whirling Combat, Siwal Perform (dance) 6 ranks, Perform a feint as a move action
Dervish Whirling Dervish*
Dance Of The Dervish Combat, Siwal Perform (dance) 9 ranks, Affect more opponents when you feint
Combat Reflexes, Improved
Whirling Dervish*
Voice Of The Desert General, Siwal Cha 15, Perform (sing) 3 ranks Use Perform (sing) to adjust a creature’s
Flower attitude or make a request and gain a +2
bonus to such attempts


You possess some qualities of your dragon ancestors.
The following feats are available to the indicated races. At Prerequisite: Dragonkin or kobold.
the GM’s discretion, members of other races might have
Benefit: Your scales take on the color and some of the
access to these feats, as well. Prerequisites with asterisks
resistances of one type of dragon. Choose one of the
are found in this chapter.
following dragon types: black/copper/green (acid), blue/
bronze (electricity), red/brass/gold (fire), or white/ silver
DRAGONKIN FEATS (cold). Your scales take on the color of that dragon, and
Dragonkin have access to the following feats. you gain resistance 5 to the dragon color’s corresponding
energy type.
Special: Your scale color does not have to change
Your dragon-like skin becomes even tougher and more
(subject to GM approval). If you have the goldscale or
resistant to energy damage.
dragon‑scaled trait, you also gain an additional +1 natural
Prerequisites: Dragonkin, Draconic Aspect*, Dragon armor bonus.
Skin Style*, base attack bonus +9.
Benefit: By concentrating for a brief moment while DRACONIC ASPECT, IMPROVED
in Dragon Skin Style, you can infuse your scales with a You have learned to tap into your diverse heritage,
fraction of the potency of that of your forebears. As an changing the color of your scales along with the benefits
immediate action, you may have your scales increase the they grant.
vibrancy of the color chosen upon taking the Draconic Prerequisites: Dragonkin, Draconic Breath*, character
Aspect feat. Until the end of your next turn, you increase level 5th.
your energy resistance granted by the Draconic Aspect Benefit: Each time you take this feat, you select a scale
feat by +15. Additionally, until the end of your next turn, color you have not yet chosen with the Draconic Aspect
you further increase the natural armor bonus granted by feat. You may change your scales into this new color as a
Dragon Skin Style by a further +2, but you also increase full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
the penalty to your Reflex save by 1. You may use this feat After changing colors, you receive all the benefits granted
a number of times per day equal to 3 +your Constitution by the Draconic Aspect and Draconic Breath feats for
modifier (minimum 1). This feat may be taken up to three the new scale color, including breath weapon energy
times. Each time you take this feat, you may use it an and shape and energy resistance, but you also lose all the
additional 3 times per day. benefits granted by your old color. Breath weapons of all
colors draw from the same pool of daily uses.

Special: This feat may be taken up to two times. Each DRACONIC BREATH
time, it applies to a new scale color. Each time you take You possess powerful draconic defenses and a draconic
this feat, you increase the number of times per day you can breath weapon.
use your breath weapon gained from the Draconic Breath Prerequisites: Dragonkin, Draconic Aspect* or
feat by +1. The second time you take this feat, the required dragon‑scaled racial trait.
character level increases to 10th. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against
DRACONIC AVARICE sleep and paralysis effects. You gain a breath weapon
Your instinctual ability to find treasure borders on the that is determined by your scale coloration by either the
supernatural. Draconic Aspect or your dragon-scaled racial trait. Using a
breath weapon is a standard action that does not provoke
Prerequisites: Dragonkin, Appraise 1 rank.
attacks of opportunity. You can use your breath weapon
Benefit: You receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception a number of times per day equal to your Constitution
checks to locate any valuable items as long as they are not modifier (minimum 1). Creatures within the area of
concealed in an area that also requires a Perception check your breath weapon that succeed with a Reflex saving
to locate (for example, a secret compartment or panel). As throw (DC 10 + your character level + your Constitution
a standard action, you are made aware of valuable metal modifier) take only half damage.
coins in quantities of 50 gp or more within 20 ft. that is
Black or Copper (Su): You breathe a 30-ft. line of acid that
not blocked by 1 ft. of stone or metal. This applies only to
deals 2d6 hp acid damage.
currency and not unrefined ore, and you have no sense of
the type of metal or the quantity. Finally, you may make Blue or Bronze (Su): You breathe a 30-ft. line of
an Appraise check as a swift action and select the most electricity that deals 2d6 hp electricity damage.
valuable item from a treasure hoard as a standard action. Brass (Su): You breathe a 30-ft. line of fire that deals 2d6
Normal: Appraise checks are standard actions and hp fire damage.
selecting the most valuable item from a treasure hoard is a Green (Su): You breathe a 15-ft. cone of acid that deals
full-round action. 2d6 hp acid damage.
Red or Gold (Su): You breathe a 15-ft. cone of fire that
deals 2d6 hp fire damage.
White or Silver (Su): You breathe a 15-ft. cone of cold that
deals 2d6 hp cold damage.
Special: Kobold sorcerers with either the draconic or


kobold bloodline can use their Charisma modifier instead STURDY TAIL
of their Constitution to determine the number of times Your tail is particularly thick and sturdy, helping you
per day they can use this breath weapon and the DC of this maintain your balance during combat.
breath weapon. Prerequisites: Dragonkin, base attack bonus +6.
DRAGON SKIN STYLE (STYLE) Benefit: Your sturdy tail helps you to hold your ground
in combat. You gain a +4 racial bonus to your Combat
You can concentrate, rendering your skin thicker, harder,
Maneuver Defense when resisting bull rush, overrun, or
and more resistant to damage, like a true dragon’s scales.
trip attempts while standing on the ground.
Prerequisites: Dragonkin, Draconic Aspect*, natural
Special: If you take this feat, you may not take the Spiked
armor racial quality, base attack bonus +3.
Tail feat.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can concentrate to shift
your scales into a less flexible but tougher position. Upon VOCAL BLAST (COMBAT)
entering this style, you increase your natural armor bonus Your roar can rip the flesh from your enemies.
by +2, but you also incur a −1 penalty to Reflex saves. Upon Prerequisites: Dragonkin, Guttural Roar*.
reaching 5th character level and every 5 levels thereafter, Benefit: When using your Guttural Roar feat with your
the penalty increases by −1 and the bonus to natural AC breath weapon granted by the Draconic Breath feat, you
increases by +2. may inflict sonic damage instead of the usual damage of
GUTTURAL ROAR (COMBAT) your breath weapon. If your sonic breath weapon kills at
least one enemy, you receive a +5 circumstance bonus to
You can combine your deadly breath weapon with fierce
your Intimidate check made to demoralize targets with
promises of pain.
the Guttural Roar feat. Upon emitting this roar, you
Prerequisites: Dragonkin, Draconic Breath*, Dragon immediately cease to be in Dragon Skin Style.
Skin Style*, Intimidate 8 ranks.
Benefit: When using your breath weapon granted by DWARF FEATS
the Draconic Breath feat, you can supplement the blast as Dwarves have access to the following feats.
a free action with a fearsome roar harkening back to full-
blown dragons. When you do, you can make an Intimidate CANTONAL CROSSFIRE (COMBAT,
check to demoralize all foes within a 30-ft. radius that can TEAMWORK)
hear the roar. Upon emitting this roar, you immediately You can coordinate shots with gun-wielding allies.
cease to be in Dragon Skin Style. Prerequisites: Dwarf, Point-Blank Shot, proficiency
Normal: Entering and switching styles are swift actions. with firearms.
MILITANT COMMANDER (COMBAT) Benefit: When an ally with this feat makes a ranged
attack with a firearm against a creature that is within 30
Your intimidating presence and proven prowess in battle
feet of you, you can, as an immediate action, attempt a
precedes you when interacting with the simple soldiers
ranged firearm attack against that creature at your highest
and those beneath them.
base attack bonus. You must be wielding a loaded firearm
Prerequisites: Dragonkin, any 4 teamwork feats, base to attempt an attack in this way. If you attempt this attack,
attack bonus +11, Charisma 18+. on your next turn, you can only take a single move action,
Benefit: Choose up to your Charisma modifier in a swift action, an immediate action, and any free actions,
teamwork feats. For the purpose of these teamwork but you cannot take a standard action or a full‑round
feats, you are treated as if you had the inquisitor’s solo action.
tactics ability but only if the allies in question are reptilian
animals, dragons, or humanoids with the reptilian DRAGON'S DANCE (COMBAT)
subtype. You've learned tactics for facing down the dragons of the
Mharoti Empire.
SPIKED TAIL Prerequisites: Dwarf, Dex 15, Dodge, Step Up, base
The spikes on your particularly strong and agile tail are as attack bonus +5.
sharp as blades.
Benefit: You gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against
Prerequisites: Dragonkin, base attack bonus +6. creatures of the dragon type. Once per round, if a creature
Benefits: You receive a secondary natural tail slap attack with the dragon type misses you with a melee attack by 5 or
with a base damage of 1d6. more, you can take a 5-foot step as an immediate action,
Special: If you take this feat, you may not take the Sturdy but only if you have not already taken a 5-foot step during
Tail feat*. the round. If you take a 5-foot step in this way, you cannot
take another 5-foot step during your next turn. If you take
an action to move during your next turn, subtract 5 feet
from your total movement.
IMBUE RING (METAMAGIC) Benefit: When you imbue a ring with one of your spells,
You have mastered the art of transferring and keeping your you can also choose spells with a range of personal and
arcane spells into mundane rings, which others can use to a target of you. A spell placed within a ring with this feat
activate your magic. uses a spell slot two levels higher than the spell imbued.
Prerequisite: Dwarf or ring warden wizard archetype Improved Imbue Ring can be used to prepare a spell to
(see page 49), 3rd-level sorcerer or wizard. imbue a magical ring.
Benefit: A spell prepared with Imbue Ring is placed RING’S BOND
into a nonmagical ring for use by the ring’s wearer. The
You maintain a close connection to rings you imbue with
spellcaster must have the spell components available at
the time of imbuing and provides any material or focus
requirement. A spell used with Imbue Ring must have a Prerequisites: Dwarf or ring warden wizard archetype
target of a creature touched, object touched, or both (not (see page 49), Imbue Ring*, 3rd-level sorcerer or
personal). Once imbued, the spell can be cast by the ring’s wizard.
wearer. Casting the spell from the ring uses the same Benefit: You are aware of the direction and distance to
casting time as the original spell. All characteristics of the any ring you have imbued with a spell (per the Imbue Ring
spell are treated as if the spellcaster cast the spell at its metamagic feat). There is no distance limitation to this
original unmodified level, including duration and DC. ability, but the ring must be on the same plane of existence
The ring is activated using a command word; rings worn as you. If a ring with an imbued spell is on a different plane
by your allies magically impart knowledge of the imbued than you are, you know that it is on another plane, but not
spell and command word to its wearer. Your enemies can which plane or where. You can dismiss a spell imbued in
use rings you have imbued that fall into their hands, but a ring (and regain the spell slot) after 24 hours as a free
this requires a detect magic spell and Spellcraft check (DC action.
15 + the spell’s level).
The wearer does not suffer from an arcane spell failure
You may command the magic imbued into rings at a
chance when using the ring. An imbued ring detects as the
same type of magic as the spell imbued. A ring can contain
only a single imbued spell. An imbued ring uses a wearer’s Prerequisites: Dwarf or ring warden wizard archetype
magic item ring slot. Once discharged, the ring becomes (see page 49), Imbue Ring*, Ring’s Bond*, 5th-level
non-magical again and can be reused in the same manner. sorcerer or wizard.
A spell prepared to imbue a ring uses one spell slot one Benefit: You can speak the command word of a ring
level higher than the spell imbued. you've imbued with a spell to cast the spell, even if you are
Once the spell has been used to imbue a ring, the not wearing the ring. To activate the imbued ring you must
spellcaster loses that slot until the ring is discharged. If be able to see the ring, and it must be worn by a creature,
one week passes, the spellcaster may dismiss the spell and though the creature need not be aware that the ring is
regain the spell slot. The spellcaster does not need to be imbued with a spell. You determine all variables of the
near the ring to dismiss the spell. If a spell within a ring is imbued spell as it is cast. As an immediate action, you can
not dismissed, it remains within the ring indefinitely. automatically counterspell any spell you have imbued into
a ring as it is cast. You must be able to see the ring’s wearer,
IMBUE RING, GREATER (METAMAGIC) but do not need to ready an action or cast a spell.
You can transfer any spell you know or have prepared into
your non-magical rings. STONE BOOK
Prerequisites: Dwarf or ring warden wizard archetype You’ve learned from the Foundry of the Fathers to carve
(see page 49), Imbue Ring*, Imbue Ring, Improved*, communal spells upon lasting stone.
15th-level sorcerer or wizard. Prerequisites: Dwarf, spellbook class feature.
Benefit: When you imbue a ring with one of your spells, Benefit: Any time you could add a spell or spells to
you can imbue any spell known. A spell placed within a your spellbook, you can instead carve the spell onto a
ring using this feat that does not have a range of creature permanent stationary stone wall, monument, or structure.
touched, object touched (or both), or personal uses a spell It takes the same amount of time to carve a spell into
slot three levels higher than the spell imbued. stone as it would to add the spell into your spellbook. Any
spellcaster capable of preparing spells from a spellbook
IMBUE RING, IMPROVED (METAMAGIC) can use the carving as a borrowed spellbook or copy the
You can transfer spells meant only for you into your non- spell into their spellbook. Any number of spellcasters
magical rings. capable of viewing the carving may use it to prepare or
Prerequisites: Dwarf or ring warden wizard archetype copy the spell simultaneously. The writing in the stone
(see page 49), Imbue Ring*, 9th-level sorcerer or is magical but resilient, and removing it requires casting

dispel magic (the DC for the dispel check is equal to 15 + against any of you or your allies’ Bluff checks, the creature
plus your caster level). Any spells are ruined if the stone can tell that you are covertly communication, but it cannot
surface the spell is placed upon is ever moved. understand the message. You can also communicate with
allies with this feat by using written correspondence. An
STONE READER examining creature attempting to decipher your writing’s
You can hear the stone's voice echoing the words of magic true meaning must succeed against you on an opposed
written on its surface. Linguistics skill check.
Prerequisites: Dwarf, Stone Book*.
Benefit: When attempting to prepare or copy a spell into SHADOW GUIDE
your spellbook that was carved on stone by a spellcaster As a creature of two worlds, you have an easier time
with the Stone Book feat, you automatically succeed on walking the Niflheim Road than most.
any required Spellcraft checks. Prerequisites: Elfmarked, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks,
Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, and Knowledge (planes) 5
Benefit: You learn the walking the shadow road
Elfmarked have access to the following feats.
incantation (Midgard Campaign Setting). By spending 1
DIPLOMATIC MEASURE hour in meditation and succeeding on a DC 25 Knowledge
Telling friend from foe is not always easy, but you’re a
quick study by necessity and you’ve learned to read the
subtlest cues.
Prerequisites: Elfmarked, Diplomacy 1 rank, Sense
Motive 1 rank.
Benefit: After at least 1 round of interaction with a
creature, you can attempt a Sense Motive skill check
against a DC equal to 10 + half the target’s Hit Dice + its
Wisdom modifier. If this check is successful, you learn
the creature’s attitude toward you and your allies (per the
Diplomacy skill). If the creature is hostile, the DC of this
check increases by 5.
You are a nobleborn elfmarked, and able to trace your
lineage directly back to the true rulers of Midgard.
Prerequisite: Elfmarked.
Benefit: You gain proficiency with longbows (including
composite longbows). Additionally, you may select either
of the following elven racial traits, which represent the
strong signs of your ancestry: elven magic or weapon
familiarity. Or, in place of an elven racial trait, you may
choose for your lifespan to increase by 3d20 years
(adding that number to when you reach the middle age,
old, venerable, and maximum age thresholds).
You’ve worked out a system of hand signals, cyphers, and
code words to let you communicate surreptitiously with
Prerequisites: Elfmarked, Bluff 1 rank, Linguistics 1
rank, Sense Motive 1 rank.
Benefit: Whenever you and an ally with this feat can see
or hear each other, you may communicate without others
understanding your true meaning. If a creature observes
you or your allies communicating together in this way, you
and all allies participating in the communication that the
creature can see must make Bluff checks. The creature can
make an opposed Sense Motive check, and if it succeeds
(nature) check, you can sense the direction and distance to ECHOES OF FORMER FLESH
the nearest starting point to the shadow road. You gain a Your soul-link to your gearforged chassis is strong,
+4 bonus on the required Knowledge skill checks for the recalling the essential nature of your past life.
walking the shadow road incantation (as a fey creature) and Prerequisite: Gearforged.
the Knowledge (planes) check to determine the duration Benefit: You gain the racial heritage racial trait and do
the road remains open. You may alter the destination of not lose it if your gear points increase.
the shadow road as a creature with fey blood.
Special: If you also have the Echoes Of Lives Pastfeat*,
you may choose favored class options of your original race.
GEARFORGED FEATS You may choose which of the favored class options you
Gearforged have access to the following feats. take every level.
Design and training have made you far more effective in Your memory gears can draw on distant memories of a
water than your gearforged fellows. Your lower body acts flesh-and-blood life long past.
as a powerful and graceful propulsion system and your Prerequisite: Gearforged.
functioning is not impaired by long periods of submersion. Benefit: You gain a +1 competence bonus on four
Prerequisite: Gearforged, water susceptibility racial Intelligence-based skills, and the selected skills become
trait. class skills for you.
Benefit: You may operate underwater for as long as Special: If you also have the Echoes Of Former Flesh*
you like (though maintenance cannot be performed feat, you may choose favored class options of your original
underwater and penalties from foregoing maintenance race. You may choose which of the favored class options
still apply). You gain a +2 bonus to Swim checks and you you take every level.
are no longer fazed by rain or being drenched.
Normal: Water susceptible gearforged may spend a FROM THE CRUCIBLE
number of hours underwater or drenched in water equal You are highly resistant to heat and fire thanks to the alloys
to their Strength score before grinding to a halt, and they that comprise most of your body.
take a −2 penalty to Swim checks. Prerequisites: Gearforged.
Benefit: You gain fire resistance 2 and a +2 racial bonus
on all saves made against fire-based spells and effects.
With a bit of time and expense, you are able to upgrade
your mechanical form’s natural armor. GEARFORGED UTILITY (COMBAT)
Prerequisite: Gearforged. A tool of your trade was reborn with you.
Benefit: You upgrade your natural armor bonus by +2. Prerequisites: Gearforged.
This is an involved procedure costing 1,000 gp and taking Benefit: Choose one piece of your equipment: a
1 week with at least a 3rd level expert armorer. You may not single weapon, your armor, or a shield. This item is of
take this feat at a level at which you receive a natural armor masterwork quality and was forged as part of your body. As
bonus from a class feature. You may take this feat up to 4 such, its weight does not count against your encumbrance
times, each time the minimum character level required and resting in the armor does not potentially cause
increases by +2. The feat costs an additional 3,000 gp each fatigue. Since the item is grafted to your body, it may
time you take it after the first. not be subject to disarm attempts or taken away. If it is
successfully sundered, it may still be taken away. Because it
was designed to fit only you, it performs as if broken when
To know your own structure is to know that of the used by any other creature, even if it was repaired after
enemy—or at least that of some of them. You have had being sundered.
some clockwork-mechanisms implanted into your skull.
Note: Because this feat allows a character to start with a
Prerequisite: Gearforged. masterwork item, the GM’s permission is needed before
Benefit: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on your selecting Gearforged Utility at 1st level.
Knowledge (arcana) checks related to constructs and
humanoids with the gearforged subtype, and Knowledge GORGEOUS GEARFORGED
(arcana) is always a class skill for you. You also gain a +1 Your entire body is a unique objet d’art thanks to welding
circumstance bonus on your melee and ranged attacks techniques, acid etchings, gilding patterns, or other
made against constructs and humanoids with the features.
gearforged subtype. Prerequisite: Gearforged.
Special: These bonuses stack with the favored enemy Benefit: You increase the starting attitude of all
class feature of the ranger and similar abilities. intelligent, non-hostile creatures you encounter by one


The ability to lock your mechanical limbs and joints into
place makes you a formidable grappler.
Prerequisite: Gearforged.
Benefit: You gain a +4 racial bonus to your CMB to
maintain a grapple or pin.
You’ve learned to manipulate your own magnetic field for
short periods of time, such that you sometimes are able to
claim metallic weapons from attackers.
Prerequisite: Gearforged.
Benefit: A number of times per day equal to 3 or your
Constitution modifier, whichever is higher, you may make
a disarm attempt as an immediate action after a successful
attack by an opponent using a metallic weapon. This does
not provoke an attack of opportunity. If you succeed, the
weapon is briefly magnetized to your body. The weapon
drops to the ground at the beginning of your next turn
unless you have a free hand and use a free action to grasp
and then wield it.

Gnomes have access to the following feats.


You know how to use your own silver tongue to better sell
a friend’s deceptions.
Prerequisites: Gnome, Bluff 3 ranks.
Benefit: Whenever an ally within 30 feet with this feat
uses the Bluff skill to lie, you can join the deception to try
to convince the target that your ally is telling the truth. If
you do, when your ally attempts her Bluff roll to lie, your
ally’s modifier due to the lie’s believability improves by one
step (a lie that is impossible becomes far-fetched, a lie that
is far-fetched becomes unlikely, and so on). A lie that the
target wants to believe gains no additional bonus to the
Bluff attempt. You can take no other actions while you are
supporting an ally’s lie using this feat.
You can stave off disaster by gambling with your soul.
Special: You must invest at least 2,500 gp to enhance Prerequisites: Gnome, base attack bonus +3.
your whole appearance upon taking this feat. Benefit: Once per day as an immediate action, you can
reroll a saving throw and take the better result, even if you
JURY-RIGGED have already revealed the initial result. However, if you die
Thanks to your repertoire of quick fixes and stopgaps, you within 24 hours of using this feat, the Eleven Hells claim
can operate longer and more efficiently than most without your soul, and you cannot be magically resurrected except
performing your daily 4-hour maintenance. by a miracle or wish spell.
Prerequisite: Gearforged, rewind the gears racial trait.
Benefit: You only take a −1 cumulative penalty on attack GRANDMOTHER'S IRE
and damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for each Baba Yaga knows your name or the name of your family
day without a 4-hour maintenance period. line, and her focused indignation manifests as one or more
minor curses.
Normal: Gearforged with the rewind the gears racial
trait take a −2 cumulative penalty. Prerequisite: Gnome.
Benefit: Select one oracle's curse from the following list:
clouded vision, deaf, haunted, lame, tongues, or wasting see invisibility or true seeing) cannot penetrate a resilient
(all found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced illusion unless the caster succeeds on a Will save to
Player’s Guide). This curse cannot be a curse you already disbelief. If the illusion does not normally require a Will
have. You gain the first-level curse benefit and hindrance save to disbelief, then the save DC is equal to 10 + the
for the selected curse. spell's level + your spellcasting ability score modifier. A
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects resilient illusion spell uses up a spell slot one level higher
do not stack. Each time you take this feat, you gain a than the illusion spell's actual level.
different oracle's curse. Special: This metamagic feat can only be applied to spells
of the illusion school.
You can conceal your other magic with illusions, rendering RITUAL SACRIFICE
some spells invisible. You can perform a longer sacrificial ritual to the Eleven
Prerequisite: Gnome, Masked Spell*, Spell Focus Hells to protect an entire community from Baba Yaga's
(illusion), Bluff 7 ranks, Spellcraft 7 ranks. wrath.
Benefit: You remove the visible effects of any Prerequisite: Gnome, Sacrifice*.
instantaneous duration spell as you cast it. This requires Benefit: To perform a ritual sacrifice, you must spend
a move action in addition to the normal casting time of at least 1 minute chanting while adjacent to a helpless or
the spell. The spell's direct effects are treated as invisible unconscious living humanoid. At the end of the ritual,
(as the invisibility spell) for the purposes of observation. you must then perform a coup de grace attack against the
Any effects of the spell on creatures, objects, or the humanoid as per the Sacrifice feat. If the humanoid dies,
environment remain visible. For example, a fireball would you can cast nondetection as a spell-like ability (using your
still make a sound and cause visible burns. Observing character level as your caster level), except you can target a
creatures cannot attempt Spellcraft checks to identify number of creatures equal to your character level within 30
the spell as it is cast unless they have a method of seeing feet, and the duration is increased to 1 month.
or sensing invisible targets (such as blindsight or the see
invisibility spell). SACRIFICE
You can kill in the name of the Eleven Hells to temporarily
MASKED SPELL shield yourself from divination.
You can weave illusions in with other magic to disguise the Prerequisite: Gnome.
nature of some spells Benefit: You can perform a special coup de grace attack
Prerequisite: Gnome, Spell Focus (illusion), Bluff 3 against a helpless living humanoid to invoke your people's
ranks, Spellcraft 3 ranks. bargain with the Eleven Hells. You must declare you are
Benefit: You alter the visible effects of any using this ability before you make the coup de grace.
instantaneous duration spell as you cast it. This requires If the humanoid dies due to this coup de grace attack
a swift action in addition to the normal casting time of (which is resolved as normal), you gain the benefits of the
the spell. You dictate the visual thematic effects of the nondetection spell cast as a spell-like ability. You use your
spell, which must still represent the spell's effects, but character level as your caster level.
can conceal its exact details. For example, you could
make a magic missile appear to be flaming rocks, but not
a harmless flying animal. This does not otherwise alter
Humans have access to the following feats.
the spell's effects in any way. When masking a spell in this
manner you make a Bluff skill check. If the result of the CLOCKWORK SHIFT (COMBAT, STYLE)
check is higher than the Spellcraft DC to identify the spell Your ability to influence time becomes overt, allowing you
as it is being cast, the result of your Bluff check becomes to steal a few precious seconds.
the Spellcraft DC to identify your spell. Creatures with Prerequisites: Human, Int 17, Clockwork Steps*,
the ability to see through illusions (due to the true seeing Clockwork Style*, Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge
spell or similar effects) always attempt Spellcraft checks at (engineering) 9 ranks.
the normal DC.
Benefit: While using this style, you can ready a
RESILIENT ILLUSION (METAMAGIC) full‑round action as part of a single readied action.
You can create layers of illusionary deceptions capable of You must still specify the actions you will take and the
befuddling even magically augmented senses. condition under which you will take them. Readying an
Prerequisite: Gnome, Spell Focus (illusion). action still requires a standard action. If you come to your
next turn and have not yet performed your readied action,
Benefit: An illusion spell with this metamagic feat
you may take an additional full-round action on your turn.
applied becomes resistant to magic that would normally
This action cannot be used to cast a spell, use a spell-like
see through it. Any divination spell or effect (such as
ability, or activate a magic item.


Your mastery of exacting movements allows you to subtly
manipulate time.
Prerequisites: Human, Int 15, Clockwork Style*,
Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge (engineering) 5
Benefit: While using this style, can ready a move action,
swift action, or free action in addition to a standard action,
as part of a single readied action. You must still specify
the actions you will take and the condition under which
you will take them. Readying an action still requires a
standard action. If you come to your next turn and have
not yet performed your readied actions, you can take an
additional standard action at the start of your turn. This
action cannot be used to cast a spell, use a spell-like ability,
or activate a magic item.
Inspired by the clockwork mages, your martial art uses
precise timing and coordination to alter awareness of time.
Prerequisites: Human, Int 13, Improved Unarmed
Strike, Knowledge (engineering) 3 ranks.
Benefit: While using this style, your initiative is not
changed when you ready an action. If you come to your
next turn and have not yet performed your readied action,
you can take an additional move action on your turn.
Normal: Readying an action changes your initiative
result to immediately before the action triggering your
readied action.
Dealing with elemental outsiders within the Dominion of
the Wind Lords has taught you how to counter their innate
elemental magic.
Prerequisites: Human, Improved Counterspell,
Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks.
Benefit: You can counterspell the spell-like abilities
of outsiders with the air, earth, fire, or water subtypes.
Counterspelling a spell-like ability functions as if it was
the equivalent spell. You cannot counterspell active or
constant spell-like abilities.
Normal: Without this feat, you cannot counterspell
spell‑like abilities.
You know enough ink magic to undo the careful work of
a scrivener, but you might be labeled a heretic for your
dabbling. triggering conditions, including any available password or
phrase. You can disarm glyph and symbol spells as if you
Prerequisites: Human, Scribe Scroll, Spellcraft 1 rank,
had the trapfinding class feature. When disarming magical
caster level 1st.
glyphs and symbols, you can use the Spellcraft skill instead
Benefit: You add all spells with “glyph” or “symbol” of the Disable Device skill.
in their name to your class spell list. You may read and
identify symbol spells with the read magic spell without PARANOID OBSERVER
triggering them by succeeding on a Spellcraft check (DC Surviving the infernal gnomes of Neimheim taught you to
10 + spell's level) as an immediate action. If you succeed never absolutely trust the evidence of your eyes.
on the check by 5 or more, you additionally identify all
Prerequisites: Human, Alertness. BATTLEFIELD SCAVENGER (COMBAT)
Benefit: You are adept at noticing flaws in nearby You collect a bit of battlefield debris to aid yourself.
illusion spells, and do not need to carefully study or Prerequisite: Kobold, Combat Expertise.
interact with an illusion to disbelieve the effect. You Benefit: You may retrieve an unattended item in a square
automatically receive a Will saving throw for disbelief if adjacent to you as a swift action.
you are adjacent to the illusion. You also gain a +5 bonus to Normal: Picking up an unattended item is a move action.
Perception checks made to see through a disguise (per the
Disguise skill) that is magically enhanced with an illusion BLACK SWAN
spell. You stand as a rare example of courage among your more
timid peers, and your stoutheartedness serves as a surprise
to foes who expect you to flee from them.
Prerequisite: Kobold.
You trained as an expendable jambuka foot soldier in the
Mharoti Empire, and learned to avoid the breath of your Benefit: When you resist an opponent’s fear-based
merciless masters. spell or effect or an attempt to demoralize you using the
Intimidate skill, that opponent becomes flat-footed until
Prerequisites: Human, Duck and Cover (Pathfinder
the end of your next turn.
RPG Advanced Player’s Guide).
Special: This feat only applies the first time you resist
Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also
a fear effect or the Intimidate skill during an encounter.
has this feat, and either of you are required to make a
Opponents who are already familiar with your demeanor
Reflex saving throw against a breath weapon, you can both
may not be affected.
choose to be knocked prone (or be staggered on your next
turn, if you are already prone or cannot be knocked prone). CHEAP SHOT (COMBAT)
If knocked prone or staggered, you gain the benefits of the You’ll use any underhanded trick in combat.
evasion rogue class feature against the breath weapon. If Prerequisite: Kobold.
you already possess the evasion ability, you instead gain
Benefit: When you successfully attack an opponent
the benefits of the improved evasion rogue advanced
denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, you may expend a swift
talent. In addition, you receive a +2 cover bonus to Reflex
action to deal bonus precision damage equal to half your
saves as long as your adjacent ally is wearing a shield. You
base attack bonus (minimum 1). This extra damage is not
receive this bonus regardless of the point of origin for an
multiplied on a critical hit.
attack, but do not gain the benefit against spread effects.
KOBOLD FEATS Your tough and powerful claws give you advantages when
Kobolds have access to the following feats. climbing.
Prerequisites: Dragon, dragonkin, drake, or kobold;
BANK SHOT (COMBAT) Climb 5 ranks.
Cover is no protection. Benefit: You gain a +4 competence bonus to Climb
Prerequisite: Kobold, Precise Shot. checks. You can climb at half your land speed without
Benefit: By taking a −2 penalty to your ranged attack roll taking the accelerated climbing penalty. If you climb at an
with a sling, you can bounce a sling stone off a hard object accelerated rate, you still take the −5 penalty but can move
or armored creature to attack a target behind cover or not your full base speed if you succeed your Climb check.
in your direct line of sight, ignoring partial and soft cover. You retain your Dexterity bonus (if any) and opponents
Additionally, you may use this feat to attack targets in total gain no circumstance bonuses to attack you while you are
cover. The 50% miss chance for total concealment still climbing.
applies. A hard object is required for this attack.
BANK SHOT, IMPROVED (COMBAT) You’ve crawled out from your fair share of tight spaces.
Your trick shots are almost as good as your straight ones. Prerequisites: Kobold, Dexterity 15.
Prerequisite: Kobold, Bank Shot*. Benefit: You gain a +4 competence bonus to your
Benefit: You make Bank Shot sling attacks without Escape Artist checks to move through tight spaces and
taking a −2 penalty to your attack roll. Additionally, when escape from grapples, and you may ignore any penalties to
using Bank Shot to attack targets with total cover and total movement speed due to squeezing.
concealment, you only incur a 20% miss chance.
Normal: You can’t shoot targets with total cover without
You possess some qualities of your dragon ancestors.
Bank Shot. With Bank Shot, the targets still benefit from a
50% miss chance. Prerequisite: Dragonkin or kobold.
Benefit: Your scales take on the color and some of the

resistances of one type of dragon. Choose one of the

following dragon types: black/copper/green (acid), blue/
bronze (electricity), red/brass/gold (fire), or white/ silver HOBBLING STRIKE (COMBAT)
(cold). Your scales take on the color of that dragon, and Your cheap shots impede the movement of adversaries.
you gain resistance 5 to the dragon color’s corresponding Prerequisites: Kobold, Cheap Shot*.
energy type. Benefit: When you successfully attack an opponent
Special: Your scale color does not have to change (subject denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, you may expend a
to GM approval). If you have the Goldscale or Dragon- swift action to attempt a dirty trick combat maneuver to
Scaled trait, you also gain an additional +1 natural armor entangle your opponent. Using the Hobbling Strike feat to
bonus. perform the combat maneuver does not provoke attacks of
EYE GOUGE (COMBAT) Special: If you also have the Improved Dirty Trick feat,
You’re skilled at blinding opponents. you increase the bonus that feat grants to dirty trick
Prerequisite: Kobold, Cheap Shot*. attempts via the Hobbling Strike feat to +4. Additionally,
Benefit: When you successfully attack an opponent who the target must spend a standard action to remove the
is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, you may attempt a entangled condition incurred by this feat. If you also have
dirty trick combat maneuver a swift action to blind your the Greater Dirty Trick feat, you increase the time it takes
opponent. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity. your opponent to remove the entangled condition to a
Special: If you also have the Improved Dirty Trick feat, full-round action.
you increase the bonus that feat grants to dirty trick
attempts via the Eye Gouge feat to +4. Additionally,
You conceive and install traps in your home cave, ghetto,
the target has to spend a standard action to remove the
or mine.
blinded condition incurred by this feat. If you also have the
Greater Dirty Trick feat, you increase the time it takes your Prerequisite: Kobold.
opponent to remove the blinded condition to a full-round Benefit: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to your Craft
action. (alchemy), Craft (carpentry), Craft (stonemasonry), and
Craft (traps) skill checks dealing with traps while in any sicken your opponent. This does not provoke an attack of
settlement with a sizeable kobold population (subject to opportunity.
GM approval). You only receive a +2 circumstance bonus Special: If you also have the Improved Dirty Trick
elsewhere. feat, you increase the bonus that feat grants to dirty
trick attempts via the Low Blow feat to +4. Additionally,
the target has to spend a standard action to remove the
Your fluency in a dialect of the draconic language allows sickened condition incurred by this feat. If you also have
you to interweave spells while speaking, casting them the Greater Dirty Trick feat, you increase the time it takes
without appearing to do so. your opponent to remove the sickened condition to a full
Prerequisites: Kobold, ability to cast arcane spells, round action.
native speaker of Draconic.
Benefit: You may mask the verbal component of MIASMA IMMUNITY
arcane spells you cast by speaking in Draconic. Your Your unusually hardy constitution and long days spent in
clear enunciation is so pompous and infused by draconic the depths of mines amidst poison gases and ores has left
megalomania, it has to be interrupted at just the right time you virtually impervious to their effects.
to hamper your spellcasting. An opponent has to succeed Prerequisites: Kobold, Constitution 13, miasma
a Linguistics check (DC 15 + double spell level or DC 15 tolerance racial trait, Profession (miner) 5 ranks.
+ your ranks in the Linguistics skill, whichever is higher) Benefit: You gain immunity to nonmagical inhaled
in order to execute an attack of opportunity against you poisons.
when you are casting a spell that does not contain somatic
or material components. If you use this feat to cast RUN THE GHETTO’S GAUNTLET
bloodline spells of the draconic or kobold bloodline, you You are from a civilized kobold settlement and can easily
cast them at +1 caster level. navigate across a trap-filled terrain.
Special: A creature in earshot with knowledge of Prerequisites: Kobold.
Draconic may identify a spell being cast with this feat by Benefit: Whenever you use Acrobatics to tumble
succeeding on a Linguistics check (DC 15 + double the through squares containing the triggers of traps, you
spell level or DC 15 + your ranks in the Linguistics skill, do not set
whichever is higher): the creature may promptly tell allies them off
when to strike as a free action. You cannot use Language
of Magic in conjunction with Silent Spell or while in any
way restrained from talking in a clearly audible voice.
You gain a bite attack.
Prerequisites: Kobold, must be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: You gain a bite attack as a primary natural
weapon with a base damage of 1d4.
You are a sneaky combatant, skilled at
delivering blows beneath the belt.
Prerequisite: Kobold, Cheap Shot*.
Benefit: When you successfully
attack an opponent denied his
Dexterity bonus to AC, you may
expend a swift action to attempt a
dirty trick combat maneuver to


whenever your Acrobatics check is equal to or exceeds Normal: Disabling simple devices and locks takes a full
the Perception DC necessary to spot the trap. This does round action and disabling complex devices takes 1d4 to
not allow you to bypass trapped doors and similar solid 2d4 rounds.
objects but would allow you to move over a concealed pit
in front of a trapped door and open it without triggering TALL TAIL (COMBAT)
the concealed pit. You can trip multiple enemies with your tail.
Special: If you also have the Kobold Trap Crafterfeat, you Prerequisite: Kobold, Improved Trip.
gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Acrobatics checks made Benefit: As a standard action, you can make a single trip
to bypass traps. attempt against an adjacent foe. If you hit, you resolve the
effects normally and make a free 5-ft. step that does not
SAFETY IN NUMBERS provokes attacks of opportunity, nor does it count against
The presence of your kin stirs a fervent courage in your your movement this round. At the end of this movement,
breast as more targets means you are now far less likely to you gain an additional trip attempt (using your full base
personally suffer injury. attack bonus) against a foe that is adjacent to the first and
Prerequisite: Kobold. also within reach. You can only make one additional trip
Benefit: For every other friendly kobold within 30 ft., attempt per round with this feat. When you use this feat,
you receive a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against you take a −2 penalty to your AC until your next turn. You
fear as well as a cumulative +1 to the DC of Intimidate no longer take a size-penalty to trip attempts.
checks to demoralize you.
SLING ANYTHING (COMBAT) You have learned how to put your strong jaws and sharp
You can use any on-hand item as a sling projectile. claws to good use in combat.
Prerequisite: Kobold. Prerequisites: Kobold, Little Nipper*.
Benefit: You suffer no penalties when using slings with Benefit: Your bite attack’s damage increases to 1d6 and
improvised ammunition. You receive a +1 circumstance you gain two secondary natural attacks with your claws.
bonus to attack rolls when slinging improvised Your claws have a base damage of 1d3.
SMALL BUT FIERCE (COMBAT) Your aptitude and experience with all manner of traps
As a kobold, you can stab them where it hurts most. allows you to more readily avoid and extricate yourself
Prerequisites: Kobold. from their effects.
Benefit: Surviving among stronger and larger races, Prerequisites: Kobold, Dodge.
kobolds have learned to be vicious and cunning in their Benefit: You gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex
tactics. When using a light one-handed weapon made saving throws against traps.
for a creature of your size category with which you are
proficient, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead
of your Strength modifier on attack and damage rolls. If Having long suffered oppression, you feel a dark and giddy
you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your glee whenever you have the opportunity to turn the tables
attack rolls. If you have a penalty to attack and damage and crush a helpless foe.
rolls due to a low Strength score, you still apply this Prerequisite: Kobold.
penalty your damage rolls. Benefit: Whenever you reduce a helpless opponent with
Special: Treat this feat as Weapon Finesse for the Hit Dice equal to 1/2 your character level (rounded down)
purposes of feat prerequisites and abilities. Its effects do or more to 0 hp, you gain temporary hp equal to your
not stack with Weapon Finesse. character level, and you gain a +1 morale bonus to AC,
attack rolls, and damage rolls for 1 round/level. This bonus
SWIFT BYPASS increases by +1 at 5th level and again every 5 character
You are skilled at disabling traps. levels up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. If you activate
Prerequisites: Kobold, trapfinding class feature. the feat a second time while still under its effects, the
Benefit: You may disable and bypass simple devices and duration of the feat’s benefits resets.
normal locks as a standard action and complex devices as a
full round action. RAVENFOLK FEATS
The ravenfolk have access to the following feats.

You trace your lineage back to Huginn, Wotan’s raven who
embodies thought. You are not easily lulled or controlled
by magic that affects the mind.
Prerequisite: Ravenfolk.
Benefit: Once per day, you may re-roll a failed saving
throw against an enchantment spell or effect.
Special: You may not take this feat if you have taken the
Born Of Muninn* or Scion Of Horus* feat.
You trace your lineage back to Muninn, Wotan’s
raven who embodies memory. Your sense of self is
unshakeable, even when assailed by powerful magic.
Prerequisite: Ravenfolk.
Benefit: Once per day, you may re-roll a failed
saving throw against a transmutation spell or effect.
Special: You may not take this feat if you have taken the
Born Of Huginn* or Scion Of Horus* feat.
At one time, you embraced the aspect of ravens as heralds
of death and went to dwell among undead. You returned
with terrible knowledge.
Prerequisite: Ravenfolk.
Benefits: You gain a +2 competence bonus to
Knowledge skill checks related to undead, the
Morgau and Doresh, and the Ghoul Imperium.
You also gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws
against necromancy spells and effects.
You have spent much time among the dwarf secret societies
and learned some of their mysteries.
Prerequisite: Ravenfolk.
Benefits: You gain a +2 insight bonus to Craft skill
checks and a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks
when dealing with dwarves. You may also treat a weapon
of your choice with the word “dwarven” in its name as a
martial weapon.
Your ironclaw martial arts may inflict horrible wounds.
Prerequisites: Ravenfolk, Ironclaw Style*, ki pool class
Benefit: If you successfully execute an attack with your
ironclaw while in ironclaw style, you may expend 1 point
of ki as a free action to make a free 5-ft. step that does not attack bonus +7.
provoke attacks of opportunity and does not count against Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with your
your movement. Additionally, you may spend 1 point of ironclaw while in Ironclaw Style, you may apply two
ki as a free action before executing an attack with your critical feats in addition to the damage dealt.
ironclaw. If you successfully hit your target, you deal +1 Special: This feat is treated as the Critical Mastery feat
bleed damage to the target in addition to the damage dealt for the purpose of prerequisites. Its effects do not stack
by the attack. with Critical Mastery.
Special: This feat does not stack with itself, but does Normal: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat
stack with the effects of the Bleeding Critical feat. to a given critical hit in addition to the damage dealt.


Your ironclaw strikes can be truly devastating. You’ve learned to blend your deadly claw with martial arts.
Prerequisites: Ravenfolk, Ironclaw Dance*, base Prerequisites: Ravenfolk, ironclaw alternate racial

trait, unarmed strike class feature. EFFORTLESS HORROR

Benefit: Upon entering this style, your claw attacks You terrify creatures with barely any effort.
granted by the ironclaw alternate racial trait are treated Prerequisites: Trollkin, Terrifying*, Intimidate 3 ranks.
as an unarmed attack for purposes of feats and abilities. Benefit: You can use Intimidate to change an opponent’s
The base damage of your ironclaw increases as if it were an attitude with 1d4 rounds of conversation. You can
unarmed attack. For example, 4th-level monks increase demoralize an opponent as a move action.
the base damage of their ironclaw to 1d10.
Special: You still only have one ironclaw. Your other FEAR EATER
limbs adhere to the regular base damage scaling of the You can drink in your foe’s fear to heal your wounds.
unarmed strike class feature. Prerequisites: Trollkin, Effortless Horror*, Terrifying*,
Intimidate 5 ranks, inhuman vigor racial trait.
Benefit: When using a swift action for the inhuman vigor
You claim kinship with the hawk-headed god Horus, ability, you do not reduce your available pool of healing if
princely foe of ancient abominations and their cults. you are within 30 ft. of an enemy creature suffering from
Prerequisite: Ravenfolk. any fear condition.
Benefits: You gain a +2 insight bonus to Knowledge skill
checks related to aberrations and a +2 sacred bonus to HULKING BUILD
attacks against aberrations. You are massive compared to others of your race.
Special: You may not take this feat if you have taken the Prerequisites: Trollkin, Strength 16.
Born of Huginn* or Born of Muninn* feat. Benefit: You can wear armor, wield weapons, and use
equipment sized for creatures one size category larger
SPY AMONG THE SCALY FOLK than your own without penalty. You can carry double the
As an agent of the warm-blooded, you infiltrated the lands normal load for your Strength score for the purpose of
of dragons, learning their ways and collecting their secrets. your carrying capacity and for determining your thresholds
Prerequisite: Ravenfolk. for light, medium, and heavy load.
Benefit: You gain a +2 insight bonus to Knowledge skill
checks related to dragons and reptilian creatures such as INHUMAN RESILIENCE
drakes and lizardfolk. You also gain a +2 circumstance You can ignore otherwise crippling weakness.
bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks when dealing Prerequisites: Trollkin, Deny Weakness*, Endurance,
with draconic creatures and creatures with the dragon type inhuman vigor racial trait.
or reptilian subtype. Benefit: When using the Deny Weakness feat, you can
Special: You are treated as if you had the reptilian suppress any of the following additional negative status
subtype in addition to the tengu subtype for the purpose conditions for 1 round: disabled, exhausted, nauseated,
of spells and effects. If a spell or effect would usually affect pain effects, poison, staggered, stunned.
scales, it instead affects your plumage.
Your flesh knits together quickly in thick knots before
TROLLKIN FEATS smoothing out later.
Trollkin have access to the following feats. Prerequisites: Trollkin, inhuman vigor racial trait.
DENY WEAKNESS Benefit: Whenever you suffer a critical hit or any amount
Your inhuman vigor allows you to shrug off weakness. of precision damage (such as a precise strike or sneak
attack), you automatically regain double the normal
Prerequisites: Trollkin, Endurance, inhuman vigor
hp from inhuman vigor on your next turn, and the hp
racial trait.
regained do not count against your daily limit of fast
Benefit: As a swift action, you can ignore the following healing. This rapid healing leaves thick but temporary
negative status conditions for 1 round: dazed, dazzled, scars, granting a +1 bonus to your natural armor for 1 hour.
deafened, disease, fatigued, sickened. When ignoring
a negative status condition in this manner, you merely REACTIVE HEALING
suppress it for 1 round. This counts against rounds of Your regenerative powers happen on instinct.
duration for ongoing effects. You can only ignore one Prerequisites: Trollkin, Dexterity 13, inhuman vigor
negative status condition each round. A swift action spent racial trait.
ignoring a negative status condition in this manner counts Benefit: You can activate your inhuman vigor as an
as using the inhuman vigor ability to gain fast healing for immediate action. When you do, you regain your normal of
the purposes of the maximum hp you can heal each day. allotment of fast healing immediately. If you use this feat in
You do not gain regain hp from fast healing in the round
you use this ability.
response to taking damage, the healing may prevent you Prerequisites: Trollkin, Intimidate 1 rank.
from falling unconscious or dying. Benefit: You count as one size category larger for the
purposes of the Intimidate skill. If you have 10 or more
ranks in Intimidate, you count as two size categories
Your trollkin heritage allows you to survive and heal larger for the purposes of the Intimidate skill.
almost any wound.
Prerequisites: Trollkin, Deny Weakness*, Diehard,
Endurance, Inhuman Resilience*, inhuman vigor racial METAMAGIC FEATS
trait. Midgard is rich in metamagic, particularly tied to
Benefit: You may reattach a severed body part (such the ley lines and amplifying some magic directly for
as fingers, toes, hands, legs) with 1 round of inhuman those who know how to master it.
vigor use if the severed member is present and you are
touching it. Otherwise, it takes 2d10 rounds of inhuman CLOCKWORK SUMMONING (METAMAGIC)
vigor use to completely regrow a severed body member, You summon clockwork beasts instead of those of flesh
which may be spread out over multiple days. You cannot and bone.
die as long as your inhuman vigor continues functioning. Prerequisites: Spell Focus
If your negative hp are equal to or greater than your (conjuration).
Constitution, you fall unconscious but do not die. Benefit: Clockwork
You automatically regain hp each round as if using Summoning can only be used
the inhuman vigor ability. If you run out of healing with summon monster spells.
from inhuman vigor or are subject to acid or fire
damage, you die. If you regain consciousness,
you must begin using a swift action each turn if
you wish to heal using inhuman vigor.
You are at home in the
shadows and can draw
darkness around you
like a shroud.
Trollkin, Stealth 5 ranks.
Benefit: Three times per day, as a full-round action
that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, you can
draw shadows around yourself for 1 minute. While so
cloaked, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate
and Stealth checks. When within an area of shadowy
illumination, you can attempt a Stealth check to hide even
while you are being observed.
At great cost to your stamina, you can push your rapid
healing to extreme lengths.
Prerequisites: Trollkin, Constitution 13, inhuman
vigor racial trait.
Benefit: When you activate your inhuman vigor, you
can choose to increase your fast healing to 2d10, and
you become fatigued at the end of your turn. Using
inhuman vigor in this manner does not count toward
your daily limit of fast healing. Using the ability again
while fatigued renders you exhausted. You cannot use this
ability if you are exhausted.
Your trollkin heritage makes you seem far larger and more
frightening than you might truly be.


Creatures summoned with such a clockwork summon is not considered spellcasting), at which time the spell
monster spell lose their normal creature type and gain effects take place on its original targets even if they are no
the construct creature type. Combat statistics, abilities, longer in the normal range of the spell. Once activated, the
and skills remain unchanged, but all other immunities effects persist as if the spell had just been cast.
and limitations of the construct type apply. A Clockwork When you replenish spells, any dormant spells you
Summoning spell uses up a spell slot 2 levels higher than have cast are lost. A dormant spell uses a spell slot 1 level
the spell’s actual level. higher than the spell's actual level.
You may delay the effect of a spell you cast. Your spells are difficult to counter or dispel.
Benefit: When you cast a delayed spell, you may specify Prerequisite: Spell Focus
1–5 rounds. When that number of rounds has passed, the Benefit: Choose a spell school for which you have the
spell takes effect at the beginning of your turn. You may Spell Focus feat. Your spells of that school have gain a +5
cause the spell to take effect earlier than initially selected bonus to the DC needed to identify and to dispel them.
by taking a standard action that provokes an attack of Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time
opportunity. Only area, personal, and touch spells can be you take this feat, it applies to a different school of magic.
Any decisions you would make about the delayed spell, MASS EFFECT SPELL (METAMAGIC)
including attack rolls, designating targets, or determining Your spells can affect more targets.
or shaping an area, are decided when the spell is cast. Any Benefit: A spell that normally affects a single target now
effects resolved by those affected by the spell, including affects 1 target/caster level, no two of which can be more
saving throws, are decided when the delay period ends. than 30 ft. apart. A mass effect spell uses up a spell slot 4
A delayed spell can be dispelled normally during the levels higher than the spell’s actual level.
delay and can be detected normally with spells or abilities Special: If used with a touch spell, all targets must be in
that can detect spell effects. A delayed spell takes up a spell physical contact with one another. This feat does not work
slot 2 levels higher than the spell’s actual level. on spells with a range of “personal.”
You can protect or target one race or creature type from Your spells can overcome energy resistance.
the effects of your spells.
Benefit: A penetrating spell ignores all energy resistance
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Knowledge (arcana). when dealing damage. A penetrating spell takes up a spell
Benefit: You can select one race or creature type, chosen slot 1 level higher than the spell's actual level.
at the time of casting, to be completely immune to the
effects of your spell. Alternatively, you can elect to target SPIRIT ART SPELL (METAMAGIC)
your spell against a chosen race or creature type, causing You create spectral equipment when you summon or
only that specific race or creature type to be affected by animate the dead.
your spell. A discriminating spell uses up a spell slot 2 Prerequisite: 5 ranks in Spellcraft
levels higher than the spell’s actual level. Benefit: Spirit Art Spell can be used with any spell that
Special: You cannot name specific individuals, only summons or animates undead. A spirit art spell creates
races and creature types recognized by the game or GM. ghostly weapons and armor for the undead you summon.
For instance, you cannot name Zandor the dragon over The undead are considered proficient with weapons and
there by the hill, but you could name dragons—or white armor created in this way.
dragons. You must use names or types commonly used in The equipment vanishes when the undead are slain or
the rules or approved by your GM. if taken from the undead, but in other respects, it acts as a
non-magical item of the same name. Each undead must be
DORMANT SPELL (METAMAGIC) equipped identically as determined at the time of casting.
You can cast helpful spells that remain dormant until A spirit art spell takes up a spell slot a number of levels
activated. higher than the spell’s normal level as determined by the
Benefit: Spells enhanced by the Dormant Spell feat sum of the following modifiers:
(or dormant spells) can be cast only on willing targets.
Spell Slot Effect
Dormant Spell cannot be used with area of effect spells.
When a dormant spell is cast, the effects upon the +0 purely decorative equipment
targets are suppressed until a later time when the spell is +1 non-exotic weapons or shields
“activated.” (including unlimited ammunition)
Activating a dormant spell requires a standard action +1 light armor
by its caster (which provokes an attack of opportunity but

+2 medium armor your bonus to the attack increases to +3.
+3 heavy armor Normal: You gain a +2 bonus to an attack made while
+2 one ballista or catapult charging.
+3 one ram or siege tower NATURE’S SIBLING (ROTHENIAN PLAINS)
Special: Incorporeal undead cannot be equipped using You communicate easily with your plains allies.
Spirit Art Spell. Benefit: You have the ability to speak with animals a
number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier.
TRANSFER SPELL (METAMAGIC) Your caster level is equal to your character level.
You can change the range of a spell from personal to touch.
Benefit: You can use Transfer Spell with any spell that PAINFUL BLOW (ROTHENIAN PLAINS)
has a range of personal to change its range to touch. You have been trained to deliver painful blows in combat.
The target of the spell must accept the spell voluntarily Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +5, Power Attack.
or it has no effect. A transfer spell takes up a spell slot 1 Benefit: A number of times daily equal to your
level higher than the spell's actual level. Constitution modifier, you may deal an especially painful
blow to an opponent with a melee attack. You must declare
you are using this ability before the melee attack roll is
REGIONAL FEATS made. If the blow damages the foe, the opponent must
make a Fortitude Save (DC = 10+ half your level + your
Throughout their myriad travels, characters across Con modifier) or be nauseated for 1 round by the pain. An
Midgard often pick up special skills or training in regions opponent that makes a succesful saving throw against this
where they adventure or spend time. ability is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

The following feats are available to characters who hail The following feats are available to characters who hail
from or spend significant time in the Crossroads, at the from or spend significant time in Siwal, at the GM’s
GM’s discretion. discretion.


You are or were someone who hauls barges and all kind of You can use dance to catch foes off guard.
ships upstream the rivers. Prerequisite: Perform (dance) 3 ranks.
Prerequisite: Endurance. Benefit: You use Perform (dance) instead of Bluff to
Benefit: You can push or drag along the ground as much perform a feint in combat.
as seven times your maximum load. Favorable conditions
can triple these numbers, and bad circumstances never IMPROVED WHIRLING DERVISH
reduce them. (SIWAL, COMBAT)
Normal: A character can push or drag along the As your footwork becomes faster, so does your feinting.
ground as much as five times his maximum load. Prerequisites: Perform (dance) 6 ranks, Whirling
Favorable conditions can double these numbers, and bad Dervish*.
circumstances can reduce them by half or more. Benefit: You can perform a feint as a move action.


The following feats are available to characters who hail Your dancing in combat can quickly confound multiple
from or spend significant time in the Rothenian Plains, at foes.
the GM’s discretion. Prerequisites: Perform (dance) 9 ranks, Combat
Reflexes, Improved Whirling Dervish*.
GALLOPING ATTACK (ROTHENIAN PLAINS, Benefit: You can affect a number of opponents equal
COMBAT) to your Dexterity modifier when you feint, as long as the
The creatures of the plains strike as fiercely and swiftly as opponents are within 30 feet. Roll your feint attempt once
the wind. and check each opponent’s DC separately.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +5 or higher, Quick
Benefit: When attacking on a charge while mounted, Your masterful performances are soothing to the djinn
and have earned you great renown.


Prerequisites: Cha 15, Perform (sing) 3 ranks. the critical hit multiplier.
Benefit: You may substitute Perform (sing) for Haunt Hunter (Haunted Lands): You have seen the
Diplomacy when attempting to adjust a creature’s attitude specters of the lands around you and know their secrets.
or making a request and receive a +2 bonus to such checks. Gain a +2 trait bonus to Perception checks to notice
Your starting attitude with any djinn you meet is friendly haunts and a +2 bonus to initiative checks when a haunt
provided you agree to perform for them. This attitude does is triggered in your area.
not necessarily extend to your allies. Spirit Talker (Haunted Lands): Dark whispers of
the deceased reveal themselves in your presence. Gain
a +2 trait bonus to Knowledge (religion) or Knowledge
REGIONAL TRAITS (history) checks to properly identify haunts and discover
The following regional traits are available to characters the means of their ultimate destruction. One of these
who have spent at least a year living in the indicated skills is always considered a class skill for you, and you
location. These traits follow the normal restrictions on must choose when you select this trait.
trait selection as outlined in the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Advanced Player’s Guide. Additionally, the table MAGOCRACY OF ALLAIN
on page 152 summarizes the traits available for each The following traits are available to characters who have
region. spent at least a year living in the indicated city in the
Magocracy of Allain.
GRAND DUCHY OF BOURGUND Aberrant Alchemy (Maillon): You incorporate fluids
The following traits are available to characters who taken from aberrations in your alchemical creations.
have spent at least a year living in the Grand Duchy of Gain a +2 trait bonus to either Craft (alchemy) or
Bourgund. Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks. One of these skills
is always considered a class skill for you, and you must
Goblin Slayer (Grand Duchy of Bourgund): You choose when you select this trait.
patrol the wastes, and you have learned the weaknesses
of its inhabitants. Gain a +1 trait bonus on melee Arcane Academic (Bemmea): The arcane academies
and ranged attacks made against creatures with the have prepared you well. You gain a +1 trait bonus on
goblinoid subtype. Spellcraft checks or Knowledge (arcana) checks, and one
of these skills is always a class skill for you.
Ivory Squire (Grand Duchy of Bourgund): Your
service to the White Knights left you well educated. Efficient Brewer (Maillon): Constant brewing and
You are or were an aide to a White Knight of Bourgund potion‑crafting has taught you to be thrifty and efficient.
and gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Knowledge When brewing potions or creating alchemical extracts,
(nobility). One of these skills is always considered a class reduce the gp cost of any required materials by 10%.
skill for you, and you must choose when you select this Fey Slayer (Tintager): Fey are a menace that must be
trait. eradicated. Gain +2 trait bonus to attack rolls made to
Steadfast (Grand Duchy of Bourgund): Despite confirm critical hits against all fey and humanoids with
the strangeness of your surroundings, something about the elf subtype.
you is reassuring. Allies within 15 feet of you gain a +2 Student of Ancient Technology (Cassadega):
trait bonus to saving throws against fear effects. You understand vril items. Gain a +2 trait bonus to
Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (engineering), or Use
THE HAUNTED LANDS Magic Device checks. Select in which skill you gain this
The following traits are available to characters who have bonus at the time of choosing this trait.
spent at least a year living in the Haunted Lands. War Mage (Tintager): Rigorous training in the art of
Corpse Tender (Haunted Lands): The risen dead magical warfare has taught you frighteningly destructive
of the Haunted Lands must be put to rest, and you are powers. Pick one damage-dealing spell when you
the one to do it. When you score a successful critical hit choose this trait. Whenever you cast that spell, its effects
with a weapon on a creature with the undead type, you manifest as one caster level higher. Once you’ve chosen
deal additional damage equal to your weapon’s critical the affected spell, you cannot change this choice.
hit modifier as a trait bonus to damage. This additional
damage is added to the final total and not multiplied by NORTHLANDS
The following traits are available to characters who have
spent at least a year living in the Northlands.

Trait Region Trait Region
Goblin Slayer Grand Duchy of Skraeling Heritage Northlands
Bourgund Thrall’s Tenacity Northlands
Ivory Squire Grand Duchy of Touch of the Wolf Northlands
Trylleri Heritage Northlands
Steadfast Grand Duchy of
Bourgund Wotan’s Gift Northlands

Corpse Tender Haunted Lands Heritage of the Seat of Mavros

Warrior Kings
Haunt Hunter Haunted Lands
Weathered Pilgrim Seat of Mavros
Spirit Talker Haunted Lands
Waste-Scarred Seat of Mavros
Aberrant Alchemy Magocracy of Allain,
Maillon Aberration Hunter Seven Cities

Arcane Academic Magocracy of Allain, Brutalizer Seven Cities

Bemmea Deck Devil Seven Cities
Efficient Brewer Magocracy of Allain, Expert Diver Seven Cities
Maillon Four Elements Seven Cities, Kyprion
Fey Slayer Magocracy of Allain, Land Lover Seven Cities, Friula
Mason Seven Cities, Melana
Student of Magocracy of Allain,
Nest Robber Seven Cities, Illyria
Ancient Technology Cassadega
Salt and Spice Seven Cities, Capleon
War Mage Magocracy of Allain,
Tintager Sea Legs Seven Cities
Baldur’s Gift Northlands Shadows of the Empire Seven Cities
Born in Stannasgard Northlands Tavern Brawler Seven Cities
Born in Tanserhall Northlands Attuned to the Great Old Ones Wasted West
Born in Wolfheim Northlands Corrupted Summoner Wasted West
Fate Not Woven Northlands Danger from the Dunes Wasted West
Kissed by the Valkyries Northlands Dust Scavenger Wasted West
Raised by Berserks Northlands Tinkerer Wasted West
Raised by Monsters Northlands Visions from the Far Beyond Wasted West
Reaver Slave Northlands

Baldur’s Gift (Northlands): Faith in Baldur brings

Born in Tanserhall (Northlands): You were born
with it a relentless dedication to helping others, and
near the Cradle Cave, birthplace of dwarvenkind, and
consequently you’re well regarded throughout the
you have walked the blessed caves and corridors of the
North. Gain a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy and Heal
First Citadel. Many dwarves hold you in awe. Gain a +1
checks, and one of these is always a class skill for you.
trait bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks made when
Choose which becomes a class skill when you take this
interacting with dwarves, and Knowledge (religion) is
always a class skill for you. You must be a dwarf to select
Born in Stannasgard (Northlands): You grew up this trait.
in the great smithy-citadel of Stannasgard, surrounded
Born in Wolfheim (Northlands): You were raised
by the greatest artisans of the North. Gain a +1 trait
among the wolf-wrestling heroes and savage raiders of
bonus to Craft (armor and weapons) checks, and one
Wolfheim, where winter worgs prowl the halls. Gain
of your starting items (weapon, armor, or shield) is
a +1 trait bonus to Handle Animal checks with wolves
of masterwork quality. You need not pay the normal
and a +1 trait bonus to CMD or saving throws against
additional cost for this masterwork item. You must be a
special attacks by wolf-like creatures (such as a wolf ’s
dwarf to select this trait.

trip attempts or saves against a winter wolf ’s breath rolls you make after successfully attacking on a charge.
weapon). Additionally, gain a +1 trait bonus to Fortitude Raised by Berserks (Northlands): You spent your
saving throws. formative years around berserkers, a rough time that
Fate Not Woven (Northlands): By accident or left its mark on you both physically and mentally. Gain
design, your fate has been woven only loosely by the +1 hit point at 1st level and at each level thereafter, and
norns. Neither man nor god can divine your future Intimidate is always a class skill for you.
easily. Gain a +4 trait bonus to Will saves against Raised by Monsters (Northlands): You were raised
scrying. Once per day, when you would fail a saving by a monster or clan of monsters. Perhaps they took you
throw against a scrying spell, you can reroll the saving in after slaughtering your former family, or maybe you
throw and take the better result. were given to them as a hostage or sacrificial offering.
Kissed by the Valkyries (Northlands): You Choose a monster race such as trolls or werewolves
know that a heroic death leads to a glorious afterlife (subject to GM approval). You gain that creature’s
in Valhalla, and so you rush fearlessly into battle. primary language as a bonus language, and a +1 trait
Whenever you charge, gain an additional +1 trait bonus bonus to Sense Motive and Diplomacy checks when
to your attack roll, but the penalty to AC also increases interacting with creatures of this monster type.
by 1 point. Additionally, gain a +1 trait bonus to damage Reaver Slave (Northlands): You’ve toiled in
thralldom to the reaver dwarves. You gain Dwarven

as a bonus language. Additionally, you can make a Weathered Pilgrim (Seat of Mavros): You have
Perception check to notice unusual stonework, such as completed the difficult pilgrimage to visit the Seat of
traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors, Mavros. Gain a +1 trait bonus on your Knowledge
whenever you pass within 10 feet of them, whether or (religion) and Survival checks, and one of these is always
not you are actively looking for them. a class skill for you. You must choose when you select
Skraeling Heritage (Northlands): Growing up this trait.
in the icy wastes, you swiftly learned the value of a Waste-Scarred (Seat of Mavros): You have walked
well- kindled fire. Once per day you can use the spark the wasteland alone and survived its horrors. Your skin
cantrip as a spell-like ability (treat your character level stands witness to the rigors of the wasteland. You gain a
as the caster level). When you wield a torch or other +4 trait bonus to Intimidate checks made to demoralize
nonmagical flaming object as a weapon, you get a +1 opponents.
trait bonus to damage.
Thrall’s Tenacity (Northlands): A life of back- SEVEN CITIES
breaking labor and rough treatment means you can The following traits are available to characters who have
survive on relatively little food, and are not easily tired spent at least a year living in one of the Seven Cities. Some
by long exertions. Treat your strength score as 2 points of these traits are tied to a specific city in this region. In
higher for the purposes of your carrying capacity, and this case, the specific city is listed in parentheses, and
you gain a +1 trait bonus to Constitution checks to characters who choose these traits must have spent at
avoid the effects of starvation or becoming fatigued or least a year living in that city.
exhausted. Aberration Hunter (Verrayne): Verrayne is
Touch of the Wolf (Northlands): You’ve spent too menaced by aberrations, but hunters like you keep a
long in the Vagrrike, or perhaps there’s a lycanthrope constant watch. Gain a +1 trait bonus on melee and
lurking somewhere in your family tree. You smell ranged attacks made against aberrations.
like a wolf. Wild animals that aren’t predators are Brutalizer (Seven Cities): You have been schooled in
automatically unfriendly toward you, but this attitude the cruelest methods of interrogation and punishment.
can be improved. You may use the Intimidate skill Gain a +1 trait bonus to Intimidate checks, and you deal
against animals to improve their attitude. an extra 1d6 points of precision damage when you strike
Trylleri Heritage (Northlands): Your family has a helpless, living target. You cannot select this trait if
a long history of worshiping the old elven gods, and so your alignment is good.
their servants react more agreeably toward you. Gain a Deck Devil (Seven Cities): You are one of the fiercest
+1 trait bonus to Charisma-based skills when interacting sea dogs to walk a deck. Gain a +1 morale bonus to all
with fey and elementals. Knowledge (religion) is always melee attacks made on the deck of a ship. When a ship’s
a class skill for you. deck is difficult terrain, treat the first 15 feet of your
Wotan’s Gift (Northlands): Fate demands that movement on it as if it were normal terrain.
you’re killed outright rather than linger bleeding. Gain Expert Diver (Seven Cities): Your long experience
a +1 trait bonus to Constitution checks when rolling to diving gives you great stamina and agility underwater.
stabilize while dying. Gain a +4 bonus to Escape Artist and Swim checks while
underwater. You can hold your breath for a number of
SEAT OF MAVROS rounds equal to three times your Constitution score,
The following traits are available to characters who have and this is not reduced when you take standard actions
spent at least a year living in the Seat of Mavros. while underwater.
Heritage of the Warrior Kings (Seat of Four Elements (Kyprion): The alchemists of Kyprion
Mavros): You are an heir to the legacy of the valiant have mastered techniques known to few outsiders. Gain
and respected warriors that tend the Seat of Mavros. a +1 trait bonus to Craft (alchemy) checks and always
Gain a +1 trait bonus to Intimidate and either Bluff or treat Craft (alchemy) as a class skill.
Diplomacy checks. One of these skills is always a class Land Lover (Friula): Many sea-dwellers—as well
skill for you. You must make these choices when you as some denizens along the coasts—have tried to lure
select this trait. you to your doom and failed. Gain a +4 trait bonus to
your Will saves against the extraordinary, special, and
supernatural abilities of the following creatures: harpy,
kelpie, nereid, and siren.
Mason (Melana): You have studied building in Melana
and are rightfully proud of your craft. Gain a +2 trait
bonus on your Craft checks related to buildings or the
154 components of a building (such as statuary or glass-

work). monster and planar ally that would normally apply the
Nest Robber (Illyria): You have tried to steal an egg or celestial or fiendish simple templates instead gain the
bring back a young dragon from a nest, and lived. Gain waste-warped simple template (see the Waste-Warped
a +2 trait bonus on your Knowledge (arcana) related to Simple Template sidebar in the Midgard Campaign
dragons and Climb is always a class skill for you. Setting).
Salt and Spice (Capleon): You work or worked for Danger from the Dunes (Wasted West): The
the Salt and Spice Bank of Capleon, an occupation badlands have taught you to be ever alert, night and day.
that brings its own rewards. You have received a small Gain a +1 trait bonus on your Perception checks and a
fortune in salt and spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger, +1 trait bonus on your initiative checks. Perception is
pepper, saffron, and so on) worth 500 gp, in addition to always a class skill for you
your character’s starting wealth. Dust Scavenger (Wasted West): You have a knack
Sea Legs (Seven Cities): You have learned all the arts for finding and identifying things long buried. Gain a
needed to be called a sailor. You can use Profession +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Perception
(sailor) instead of Acrobatics, Climb, or Craft (carpentry, checks, and one of these is always a class skill for you.
cloth, ships) when aboard a naval vessel. You must choose which skill is a class skill when you
select this trait.
Shadows of the Empire (Seven Cities): You know
many facts about the former empire of the elves. Gain Tinkerer (Wasted West): You have learned that a good
a +3 trait bonus to any Knowledge (history, local, and jostling of ruin-recovered magic devices usually does the
geography) checks related to the Elven Empire and the trick. Gain a +1 trait bonus to Use Magic Device checks,
Seven Cities region. which increases to +2 when attempting to activate a vril
device. Use Magic Device is always a class skill for you.
Tavern Brawler (Seven Cities): After a hearty drink,
there’s nothing like a good fight to finish off the evening. Visions from the Far Beyond (Wasted West):
Gain a +1 trait bonus to unarmed damage but only when Within the Western Wastes, the boundaries between
dealing non-lethal damage. the planes grow thin, and you gaze between the gaps of
reality to view its secrets. Gain either a +1 trait bonus
THE WASTED WEST to Will saving throws or a +1 trait bonus to initiative
The following traits are available to characters who have checks (you must choose which benefit you gain when
spent at least a year living in the Wasted West. you select this trait). Knowledge (planes) is always a class
skill for you.
Attuned to the Great Old Ones (Wasted West):
Ignoring the malevolence of the Great Old Ones, you
instead use their presence to guide you. You gain a +1
trait bonus to Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks
made within the Wasted West and you always know the
direction of the nearest Great Old One. One of these
skills is always a class skill for you, and you must choose
which skill when you select this trait.
Corrupted Summoner (Wasted West): Your
summoned creatures are devolved and profane.
Creatures you summon with spells such as summon


s much as the cultures and backgrounds of Midgard’s peoples
define their outlooks, so do the items they carry with them guide
their day-to-day experiences. From magic items with ties to
specific regions to weapons and armor whose use is generational among
specific races, gear is an inescapable part of life in all corners of Midgard.
The following chapter presents a wide variety of regional magic items, as
well as some unique mounts and racial gear. Just because a magic item or
piece of equipment is closely associated with a specific region or species,
however, does not mean that it's never found with other characters or
in other parts of the world. GMs should always use their own discretion
when populating their Midgard campaigns with items. Roshgazi humans
who spent their early days with minotaurs might naturally carry minotaur-
centric weapons, for example.

Regional Magic Items
The origin of the following magic items traces to the indicated regions, although these items
can often be found in markets scattered across the globe.


Item Region of Origin Slot Cost
carpet of stone Dominion of the Wind Lords none see page 158
enchanted ink The Magocracies none see page 161
stormrider's darts Duchy of Perunalia none 750 gp
duelist's scent Duchy of Bourgund none 1,200 gp
gravebinder's oil Free City of Siwal none 1,400 gp
death's head torch Electoral Kingdom of Krakova none 2,000 gp
sentinel's surcoat Wasted West shoulders 2,500 gp
amulet of sustaining health Wasted West neck 5,000 gp
bed of nails Dominion of the Wind Lords none 6,000 gp
filterthorn mask Gardens of Carnessa head 6,000 gp
TALKING HEADS Wasted West none 10,000 gp
experimental primer The Magocracies none 12,000 gp
dimensional net Seven Cities none 18,320 gp
trident of Nethus Seven Cities none 24,315 gp
ever-bound lamp Dominion of the Wind Lords none 30,000 gp
harnessing belt Dominion of the Wind Lords waist 30,000 gp
ghost knight's saddle Morgau and Doresh none 32,000 gp
ghoulbane rod Seven Cities none 35,300 gp
imperial nightingale Seven Cities none 45,000 gp
pocket oasis Dominion of the Wind Lords none 50,000 gp
bearhide rug Dominion of the Wind Lords none 52,000 gp
assassin’s flight Dominion of the Wind Lords none 55,000 gp
rift glass The Magocracies none 55,000 gp
amulet of Nethus Seven Cities neck 65,000 gp
librarian’s robe Seven Cities body 68,000 gp
dimensional staff Wasted West none 104,000 gp

THE WIND LORDS Price 6,000 gp; Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
The jinnborn and roaming peoples of the Dominion of Slot none; Weight 4 lbs.
the Wind Lords value their independence and traditions DESCRIPTION
highly, and the items they’ve created reflect that milieu.
This sheet of interconnected steel chains is covered in
sharp spikes. When rolled out it acts as caltrops within a
ASSASSIN’S FLIGHT 5-ft.-by-5-ft. square. The bed of nails has a +5 bonus to attack
Price 55,000 gp; Aura moderate transmutation; CL rolls, deals 2d6 damage, and the Heal check to remove the
10th movement penalty is DC 20.
Slot none; Weight 8 lbs. If a Small- or Medium-sized living creature rests upon
a bed of nails for at least 8 hours, they must make a DC
14 Fortitude save or gain the fatigued condition. On
Although this rug is expertly woven, the pattern is humble a successful save the creature gains the benefits of the
and non-descript. It functions as a 5-ft.-by-5-ft. carpet of Diehard feat for 24 hours. Creatures with the Endurance
flying, but when commanded as a swift action it transforms feat gain a +4 bonus to the Fortitude save.
into a simple cloth garment such as a turban, sash, or veil.
A second swift command returns it to carpet form. While
in garment form it is indistinguishable from a mundane Craft Wondrous Item, false life, spike growth; Cost 3,000
item. Anyone examining it with divination effects must gp
succeed on a DC 21 caster level check to determine
anything about its magical properties. True seeing reveals CARPET OF STONE
the item’s true form without a check.
Price 7,000 gp (5 ft. x 5 ft.); 20,000 gp (5 ft. x 10 ft.),
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 40,000 (10 ft. x 10 ft.); Aura faint transmutation; CL
Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate, nondetection, overland flight; 5th
Cost 27,500 gp Slot none; Weight —
This sheet of shale and viscous clay is able to burrow with
Price 52,000 gp; Aura moderate transmutation; CL riders as if affected by a burrow (Ultimate Magic) spell of
11th unlimited duration. The size, carrying capacity, and speed
Slot none; Weight 15 lbs. of the different carpets of stone are shown on the table
below. The speed of the carpet is reduced when burrowing
through stone. Each carpet has its own command word
Bearhide rugs are crafted from the hides of grizzly or polar to activate it—if the device is within voice range, the
bears, but the intact head and claws are more than merely command word activates it, whether the speaker is on
ornamental. The carpet functions as a 5-ft.-by-5-ft. carpet of the rug or not. The carpet is then controlled by spoken
flying, except while flying the rug can charge and make one directions.
attack when its owner gives a separate command word.
The bearhide rug has a Strength score of 18 and uses the
statistics block below, but it only attacks on a charge (the Craft Wondrous Item, burrow; Cost 3,500 gp (5 ft. by 5
bonus for attacking on a charge is included). A successful ft.), 10,000 gp (5 ft. by 10 ft.), 20,000 gp (10 ft. by 10 ft.)
grab allows the bear to snatch (as if the rug had the Snatch
feat) a Medium or smaller creature and carry it below the EVER-BOUND LAMP
Price 30,000 GP; Aura strong conjuration; CL 14th
The bear has the following statistics: Melee bite +9
Slot none; Weight 3 lbs.
(1d8+4), 2 claws +9 (1d6+4 plus grab); BAB +5; CMB +13;

CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS On occasion, when a summoner with the janni master

archetype (Southlands) dies due to the intrigues of its janni,
Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, overland flight; Cost
he curses the janni to stay linked to its lamp until the
26,000 gp
janni’s death. This magic item functions like the lamp of a
dead janni master, but the janni remains inside it, and the
janni never manifests more than 14th level no matter the
level of the creature summoning it. If the janni reaches its
negative its Constitution modifier in damage, the janni is

finally released and this lamp become nonmagical. DUCHY OF PERUNALIA

The noble and literate archers of the Duchy of Perunalia
Craft Wondrous Items, banishment, must have the bonded are fond of the following magical ammunition, which is
janni class feature; Cost 15,000 gp usually reserved for the most honored and accomplished
of the nation’s women warriors.
Price 30,000 GP; Aura faint necromancy; CL 5th STORMRIDER'S DARTS
Slot waist; Weight 1 lbs. Price 750 gp; Aura faint evocation; CL 5th; Slot none;
DESCRIPTION Weight 1/4 lb.
Also called a spirit belt or an akasha belt, this metal DESCRIPTION
belt features designs depicting the merging of the four These arrows have carved ivory heads affixed with copper
elements. As a standard action, you can merge your form wire, shafts of pale yew wood, and fletching of charcoal
with a willing or summoned outsider of your size or larger falcon pinions. Measuring nearly two feet long, they smell
(such as an elemental) for the duration of the summoning of ozone and throw faint, deep-blue sparks when nocked
spell or 5 rounds, whichever is greater. and drawn.
While merged, you cannot use any of your own abilities Considered magical weapons for the purposes of
and instead assume full control of the outsider. Only determining damage reduction, stormrider's darts have
attacks with a mind-affecting component affect you; all no enhancement bonus but can be the target of a magic
other attacks strike the outsider instead of you. If the weapon or greater magic weapon effect. When a stormrider's
outsider dies while you are merged, you are forcibly ejected, dart strikes a target, it creates a loud thunderclap, inflicts
suffering a quarter of the total damage that the outsider 4d6 points of electricity damage to the target, and staggers
took. During the merge, you must use the outsider’s the target for 1 round (a DC 18 Fortitude save negates the
Fortitude and Reflex saves but you use your own Will save. staggered condition). On a critical hit, a stormrider's dart
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS creates a 10-foot radius burst of electricity, inflicting 2d6
Craft Wondrous Item, marionette possessionUM, meld into points of electricity damage to all creatures in the area
stone; Cost 15,000 gp (DC 18 Reflex save halves). A successful hit consumes
the arrow; arrows that miss are not damaged and may be
recovered and reused normally.
A quiver of 50 stormrider’s darts costs 37,500 gp.
Price 50,000 gp; Aura strong conjuration; CL 12th CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Slot none; Weight 3 lbs.
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, lightning bolt, shocking grasp,
DESCRIPTION sound burst; Cost 375 gp
Once per day this 5-foot-by-5-foot square of black cloth
can be thrown into the air as a standard action; this creates
a portal to an oasis hidden within an extra dimensional DUCHY OF BOURGUND
space. The oasis has the traits of a conjure oasis spell The citizens of the gleaming jewel of Bourgund consider
(Southlands) created by a 12th-level caster, but when the following item quite common in their homeland.
creatures enter the extra-dimensional space, they are
protected from effects and creatures outside the oasis, as if DUELIST'S SCENT
they were in the space created by a rope trick.
The effect lasts for 24 hrs. or until all creatures leave the Price 1,200 gp; Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
extra-dimensional oasis, whichever occurs first. Slot none; Weight 1/2 lb.

Craft Wondrous Item, conjure oasis, rope trick; Packaged in sturdy crystalline phials complete with long,
Cost 25,000 gp sea-sponge tipped stopper rods, these magical concoctions
remain extremely popular among professional prize-
fighters, bodyguards, and bellicose aristocrats who are
quick to take slights. There is fierce competition between
the alchemists of Maillon and Bourgund to see who makes
the best, most potent, subtle, and long-lasting duelist's
scent, such that some actually sponsor gladiators to test
their creations.
The scent is complex and varies depending on the maker, wrapped with their death shrouds and repeatedly dipped
granting the wearer insights to how to act and react to in alchemically treated pitch, these torches burn with an
others, and opening their perceptions and allowing them odd, sickly yellow flame. The torch emits a heavy, honey-
to respond much more effectively in combat situations. sweet aroma that lasts for 8 hours once lit (a standard
After applying this perfume as a full-round action that action that provokes attacks of opportunity). This duration
provokes attacks of opportunity, the wearer gains the must be used in one increment; if the torch is extinguished
following benefits for one hour: early, the magic is lost. The torch cannot be doused except
• +2 insight bonus to initiative checks. through magical means. If wielded as a weapon, the torch
is considered a +1 flaming morningstar.
• +10 enhancement bonus to base speed.
A lit torch provides light as if it were a sunrod with a
• +3 circumstance bonus to Bluff checks.
radius of 40 feet. If an undead creature enters the torch’s
• +3 circumstance bonus to Sense Motive checks. initial radius, the torch begins smoking, releasing a fine
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS white smoke that lingers until the undead creature leaves
Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts, Cost 600 gp the radius. This smoke provides a +2 alchemical bonus to
saving throws against effects and abilities from an undead
source (such as ghoul paralysis or a vampire's gaze). It
FORMER ELECTORAL also coalesces and pools around incorporeal undead in
the area, giving attacks from mundane sources a 50%
KINGDOM OF KRAKOVA chance of hurting those creatures as if they were ghost touch
The hardy folks of Krakova have developed many weapons, and a 50% chance of permitting magical effects
techniques for resisting and fighting intelligent undead— and weapons to do full damage as if they were force effects.
especially vampires—including use of the following magic (Roll percentile to determine whether an attacks or spell
items. Unfortunately, the Krakovans have been losing this affects the undead creature in this way before resolving
fight, as Krakova is now a province of Morgau. each individual attack or spell.)
DEATH'S HEAD TORCH Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic, faerie fire, resistance;
Price 2,000 gp; Aura moderate divination and Cost 1,000 gp
CL 7th; Slot none; Weight 3 lbs.
The people of the lush city of Siwal nonetheless face many
Fashioned from the thigh bone of evil necromancers, threats, and the item below helps them even the odds.

Price 1,400 GP; Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th
Slot none; Weight 1 lb.

A viscous, opalescent liquid which glows a dim white when

kept in a clear vial, gravebinder's oil smells faintly of mint
and frankincense. It leaves the fingers and skin slightly
greasy, but cleans very easily. Objects coated with it do not
glow as a result of application.
When treating a Large or smaller sized corpse, the oil
immediately absorbs into the flesh and prevents it from
being animated as an undead creature for 1 week, either
corporeal or incorporeal. If the creature was killed by an
attack or effect which would cause the body to rise as a
form of undead, the individual is permitted a DC 10 Will
saving throw to prevent such a transformation. Two doses
will affect a Huge-sized corpse.
If gravebinder's oil is used as a ranged weapon, it inflicts
3d6 points of good-aligned damage to undead creatures
with a successful ranged touch attack. Against incorporeal
creatures, it must be poured into some kind of spraying

device, or splashed from the vial on undead adjacent to the practical utility, the wise are willing to turn a blind eye to
bearer. In either case, it still requires a ranged touch attack their origins. The magical properties of enchanted ink are
to affect the targeted creature. usable only once.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Invisible Ink: Writing in invisible ink remains unreadable
until it is exposed to a condition determined when the
Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose, lesser restoration, searing
ink is created (such as alcohol or a command word).
light, Creator must have 5 ranks in Knowledge (religion);
Cost 700 gp Self-Erasing Ink: Writing in self-erasing ink becomes erased
(as the erase spell) 1 minute after being exposed to a
condition determined when the ink is created (such as
GARDENS OF CARNESSA light or air).
Those brave and strong enough to survive in the realms of Sovereign Ink: When used to inscribe magical writing,
intelligent plants find the following magic item useful. sovereign ink adds +2 to the DC of any caster level check
to erase (as the spell) or dispel the magical writing.

Price 6,000 gp: Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th Craft Wondrous Item, arcane mark, read magic; Cost 75 gp
Slot head; Weight 1 lb. (invisible), 12.5 gp (self-erasing), 125 gp (sovereign)
This mask is made from the fleshy, thorny, thick-skinned
fruit pods common in the Gardens of Carnessa. After Price 12,000 gp; Aura faint divination; CL 3rd;
wearing the mask for 24 hours, the wielder temporarily Slot none; Weight 1 lb.
becomes immune to nonmagical inhaled poisons. DESCRIPTION
Additionally, the mask provides a +5 alchemical bonus to
This spellbook is sealed with mithral and the interior is
saving throws made against magical inhaled poisons and
always half-filled with variable self-writing notes on proper
poison-like effects, such as the cloudkill spell.
arcane procedures. The experimental primer functions as
Once the mask prevents the wearer from being exposed
a spellbook with 50 available pages. Once per week, a
to 5 nonmagical inhaled poisons, the mask crumbles into
wizard can attempt to add a spell to the spellbook through
independent research. The book's assistance reduces the
While it is actively providing benefits, the wielder can time required to 1 hour per level of the spell, the cost to
expend one use of the mask as a standard action to use one 100 gp per level of the spell, and only need to make a single
of the following abilities. Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell's level). Any or all spells
• Gain the effects of water breathing for 16 hours. written into the experimental primer can be erased (as the
• Cast entangle as a spell-like ability (caster level 5th). erase spell) on command.
• Exhale a 15-foot cone of thorns that deals 2d4 points of CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
damage to all creatures in the area (Reflex DC 14 half). Craft Wondrous Item, detect thoughts, erase, silent image;
Craft Wondrous Item, entangle, neutralize poison, water
breathing; Cost 3,000 gp RIFT GLASS
Price 55,000 GP: Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th
MAGOCRACIES Slot none; Weight 1 lb.
The fallen magocracies of Midgard nonetheless produced DESCRIPTION
fantastic and powerful magic items in their heydays. This flat shard of dark crystal dimly reflects disturbing
Many, including the items below, are still made and used landscapes and creatures instead of its surroundings.
to this day. Harvested from the sunken tower of the Fulgurate Society,
a rift glass can be used to permanently summon strange
ENCHANTED INK outsiders through holes torn in reality.
Price 150 gp (invisible), 25 gp (self-erasing), 250 gp Once per day on command, the bearer can summon
an alien monster. This functions as the summon monster I
(sovereign); Aura faint divination; CL 1st; Slot none;
through summon monster IX spells used to summon a single
Weight —
creature, with the level of the spell chosen when the rift
DESCRIPTION glass is activated.
Enchanted inks were originally created by scriveners, The summoned creature gains one of the following
causing a stigma associated with their use. Given the inks’ abilities: all-around vision, amorphous, compression,
frightful presence, grab, lifesense, negative energy affinity, to a heavy horse (See the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
see in darkness, telepathy (100 ft.), or unnatural aura Bestiary) with a bit and bridle, saddlebags (Pathfinder
(whichever the wielder prefers). Creatures summoned Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment), and the following
in this manner do not count as summoned creatures for modifications.
the purposes of spells and effects. The creature cannot The horse’s type changes to undead and it gains the
be dismissed or dispelled, and does not disappear when incorporeal subtype. Do not recalculate its statistics, but
killed or at the end of the effect’s duration. After a number apply the horse’s Dexterity modifier (normally +4) instead
of rounds equal to 10 – the summoning spell’s level, of its Strength modifier to its melee attacks and CMB. The
the bearer can no longer command the creature and it horse gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet and its base
becomes hostile to the summoner and any allies. The speed is 50 feet. Although the horse has no Strength score,
bearer immediately loses control over the summoned it can carry up to 1,500 pounds. The horse is considered
creature if they or an ally take any hostile action toward the trained for combat and gains the following ability.
creature summoned. Undying Service (Su): A ghostly mount can support its rider
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS as if it were corporeal. It continues to do so even if it
Craft Wondrous Item, planar binding, summon monster IX; passes through another corporeal creature (although
Cost 22,500 gp a corporeal rider cannot pass through other corporeal
objects while atop the steed).
The heavy horse is summoned in the owner’s space,
PRINCIPALITIES OF and the full-round action to activate the saddle and
MORGAU AND DORESH summon the horse also shunts the owner in the saddle
and atop the steed. The horse remains for 1 hour or until
The ghouls, vampires, and intelligent undead of Morgau the owner deactivates the saddle by touching it as a free
and Doresh are intimately familiar with the following action. If the horse is slain before it is dismissed or the
magical saddle. saddle’s duration ends, the saddle cannot be used to
summon it again for 24 hours.
GHOST KNIGHT'S SADDLE While summoned, the mount understands all
commands given by its rider. Once summoned, any
Price 32,000 gp; Aura moderate conjuration; CL 6th
creature can ride the horse, but the saddle’s owner must
Slot none; Weight 20 lbs. touch the saddle to activate or deactivate it.
This slate-colored saddle is riveted with cold iron and Craft Wondrous Item, phantom steed, summon monster III,
trimmed with bronze fittings. Three times per day, the creator must have 5 ranks in Handle Animal; Cost
owner can touch the saddle as a full-round action to 16,000 gp
activate it. This immediately summons a steed equivalent


These martial-focused cities have a unique relationship
with their elven-tinged history, the chaining of the sea god
Nethus, and the threat of the undead, and they use the
following magic items to help make life easier.

Price 45,000 gp; Aura moderate illusion; CL 10th
Slot none; Weight 1/4 lb.

A delicate automaton of copper and brass, occasionally

trimmed with silver or gold, each imperial nightingale has
differently colored gemstone eyes, depending on which
artisan crafted it. Able to stand in a child's palm, these
small bird constructs float and flutter around their owner's
head like ioun stones, landing in their hand or on their
shoulder upon command. Relics of the Elvish Imperial
era, they are rarities in the modern Seven Cities, but

always relished. capture, or kill monsters of the outsider or aberration

After the wielder wears it for a 24-hour attunement subtypes. They are most commonly found in use in areas
period, the nightingale provides the following benefits. bordering the Wasted West, such as Verrayne or Bemmea.
• +3 circumstance bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, or Handle If such a creature is successfully entangled with the net, it
Animal checks. is considered to be under the effect of a dimensional anchor
spell (DC 24) as well as a slow spell (DC 18). The normal
• +3 additional rounds per day of bardic performance or
rules and penalties for being entangled in a net apply
raging song (if applicable).
as well. The net has a hardness of 10 and 36 hit points;
• Negate the penalties from attempting to affect it requires a successful DC 35 Escape Artist or DC 40
a deafened creature or a creature who does not Strength check to escape or break free of the net.
understand the performer's language.
• Increase the DC of a language- or sound-dependent
class ability or spell effect by 2; such as bardic Craft Magic Arms and Armor, dimensional anchor, slow;
performance's fascinate, a charm person spell, or a Cost 9,320 gp
ventriloquism spell.
Additionally, characters possessing an imperial
nightingale gain a +2 bonus to Status in the Elven Court of Price 35,300 gp; Aura moderate necromancy; CL 7th
Arbonesse and the Grand Duchy of Dornig, +3 to Status Slot none; Weight 4 lbs.
in Fey Courts and the Movable Feast of the Imperatrix.
However, they may find themselves the targets of theft and
intrigue, as imperial nightingales are highly coveted by those This rod is indistinguishable
seeking favor among the fey. from a knobbed +1 club,
except for the activation
glyphs along the side, which
Craft Wondrous Item, major image, creator must be a bard can be read with read magic,
or skald; Cost 22,500 gp comprehend languages, or a DC
25 Knowledge (arcana) check.
AMULET OF NETHUS When the rod is planted in the
ground and the primary keyword
Price 65,000 gp; Aura strong evocation; CL 17th
pronounced, the rod detects any
Slot neck; Weight — undead within 120 ft. of it for
DESCRIPTION up to 4 hours once per day. When
This ancient bronze medallion engraved with Elven runes undead are detected, the rod begins
has an amber centerpiece that has clouds swirling within it to emit a low moaning wail (that can be
when examined closely. heard within 30 ft.) to alert the possessor
When the wearer touches the stone, he can activate and her companions. When the second
one of the following spell effects, each once per day: alter keyword is pronounced, the rod begins to emit
winds, cloak of winds, hydraulic pushAPG, river of windAPG, and a sickly blue light for 10 minutes once per day
slipstreamAPG. (equivalent to torchlight) that has the effect of ray
of enfeeblement on any undead that come within 30
The following spell effects can be evoked once per week:
ft. of the rod, and slow on any ghouls that come
sirocco and seamantleAPG.
within the 30-ft. radius (the two effects stack for
The following spell effects can be evoked once per
ghouls). The 4 hours and 10 minutes need not
month: winds of vengeanceAPG and world waveAPG.
be consecutive, and the effect can be dismissed
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS with a second pronouncement of the appropriate
Craft Wondrous Item, alter winds, cloak of winds, hydraulic keyword.
push, slipstream, river of wind, seamantle, sirocco, winds of CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
vengeance, world wave; Cost 32,500 gp
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, detect undead,
light, magic mouth, ray of enfeeblement, slow;
Price 18,320 gp; Aura moderate abjuration; CL 8th
Slot none; Weight 6 lbs.

Woven from the hair of otherworldly creatures, this

shimmering, emerald-green +1 net is used to subdue,
Cost 17,800 gp THE WASTED WEST
The once-verdant land ravaged by the Great Mage Wars
LIBRARIAN’S ROBE has become a difficult place in which to survive. Those who
Price 68,000 gp; Aura moderate enchantment; CL 11th do so often employ the following items.
Slot body; Weight 1 lb.

This unassuming embroidered brown robe conceals a Price 2,500 gp; Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
wealth of powers. It has many small pockets along the Slot shoulders; Weight 4lbs.
front of the belt line and concealed in the voluminous DESCRIPTION
sleeves. These extradimensional pockets function as a
This is a fine surcoat of heavy silk that is embroidered
bag of holding, with all the normal powers and restrictions
with the heraldry of the Order of Mavros, the knightly
of that item. The wearer can also use these effects at will
organization of faithful warriors who patrol within the
as spell-like abilities: comprehend languages and erase. The
Wastes, monitoring pilgrims' travels and recovering the
following can be used once per day as spell-like abilities:
remains of those who do not survive. The surcoat feels
detect secret doors, identify, unseen servant, arcane lock, locate
pleasantly cool to the touch, as if it had sat on a cool
object, knock, and make whole. The following can be used
windowsill overnight, and leaves a lingering sense of safety
once per week as spell-like abilities: illusory script and secret
and reassurance.
page. The following can be used once per month as spell-
While worn, the surcoat allows the wearer to cast the
like abilities: fabricate and mnemonic enhancer.
following spell-like abilities (CL 3rd).
2/day—create water
Craft Wondrous Item, arcane lock,
1/day—endure elements, protection from chaos
comprehend languages, erase, detect
secret doors, fabricate, identify, CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS

illusory script, knock, locate object, Craft Wondrous Item, create water, endure elements,
make whole, mnemonic enhancer, protection from chaos; Cost 1,250 gp
secret chest, secret page, unseen
servant; Cost 34,000 gp AMULET OF SUSTAINING HEALTH

TRIDENT OF NETHUS Price 5,000 GP; Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th

Slot neck; Weight —
Price 24,315 gp; Aura moderate various; CL 8th
Slot none; Weight 8 lbs.
Created for the clerics of Mavros of the Wastelands,
wearers of these amulets need to sleep only 2 hours a
This enchanted trident appears to have night, need to eat and drink only once a week, and gain a
a shaft made of straightened driftwood +2 bonus to all Fortitude and Constitution saving throws
and tines made from hardened green made against poison, starvation, dehydration, sickening,
ghostlight coral. It is a +2 bane weapon and nauseating effects.
against creatures with the animal type,
and the wielder can also use each of the
following as spell-like abilities once per Craft Wondrous Item, create food and water, resistance; Cost
day: dancing lights, daze, flare, light, and ray of frost. 2,500 gp

Craft Magic Arms and Armor,

dancing lights, daze, flare, light, ray of
frost; Cost 12,315 gp


DIMENSIONAL STAFF cannot sustain speed overland any more than a normal
horse, they can run at 5 times their base speed (rather
Price 104,000 gp; Aura strong abjuration; CL 18th than 4 times) for a number of rounds equal to their
Slot none; Weight 6 lbs. Constitution score. Almost all of these horses are from
racing bloodlines.
These shimmering greenwood staves are used to subdue, Courier horses are common throughout Midgard
capture, or kill monsters of the outsider or aberration and bred for speed. They can hustle for 4 hours without
subtypes. They are most commonly found in use in areas nonlethal damage, and they have a base speed of 55 ft.
bordering the Wastelands, such as Verrayne or Bourgund. Crag ponies are beloved by the dwarves in both the
The staves can be used to cast the following spells: Ironcrags and the distant North. They are sure-footed
• Dimensional anchor (1 charge) and have a base speed of 45 ft. rather than 40 ft., and
can carry a base light load of 150 pounds rather than
• Mind blank (1 charge)
the usual 100, with medium load up to 300 pounds,
• Protection from spells (1 charge) and heavy load up to 400. They can drag up to 1,800
• Dimensional lock (2 charges) pounds. Dwarven muleskinners and wagon masters
• Power word stun (2 charges) swear by them.
• Dominate monster (3 charges) Dornig heavy warhorses are a bloodline founded by
the elves, and ridden especially against the undead and
other supernatural horrors. Their attacks are equivalent
Create Staff, dimensional anchor, dimensional lock, dominate to magic weapons, and these attacks cause +3 additional
monster mind blank, power word stun, protection from spells; damage against undead, aberrations, and shadow
Cost 52,000 gp creatures. They also have tougher coats than usual,
gaining an additional +1 natural armor.
Price 10,000 gp; Aura moderate enchantment; CL 9th
Slot none; Weight 4 lbs.
DESCRIPTION Name Type Price (gp)
These shrunken goblin heads are the enchanted remains Arbonesse Star Light 5,000+
of illustrious and cunning ancestors. Once per week, Bourgundian Destrier Heavy war 1,200
the goblin shamans and witches of the Wastes can cast Capleon Quarterhorse Light 2,000+
commune by talking to the heads.
Courier Horse Light 300
Crag Pony Pony 75
Craft Wondrous Item, commune; Cost 5,000 gp
Dornig Heavy Heavy war 1,500
Fey Walker Light war 3,000+
Mounts Griffon Monster 7,000+
The following mounts are common in Midgard. Hippogriff Monster 500
MIDGARDIAN HORSE BREEDS Kariv Cart Horse Heavy 200
Though hundreds of horse lines exist in Midgard, here Khazzak Pony Pony 150
are more than 20 of the most common and the most Krakovan Dappled Light war 400
sought‑after breeds.
Magdar Gray Dancer Light war 750
Arbonesse star mares are beloved by the elfmarked of
Morgau Ghost Horse Heavy war 1,500
Dornig as marks of status. They have an excellent speed
(base speed 60 rather than 50 feet), but their outrageous Nightmare Monster 9,500
price is primarily driven by their connection to the old Pegasus Monster 3,000
empire. Rhoetian Pony Pony 50 to 250+
Bourgundian destriers are entirely resistant to fear. Redbelly Heavy war 2,400
No fear effect ever startles them, and they cannot be
spooked. They also gain +3 hp compared to normal Sleipnir Monster 50,000+
heavy horses. Sun Stallion Light war 1,800
Capleon quarterhorses are never warhorses; they Valeran Whitemane Light war 750
are high-strung and supremely fast. Though they Winterborn Light war 3,500
Fey walkers are a remarkable breed that both shadow ability draining attacks. It is believed that the sun god
fey and elves ride on occasion. They are somewhat Khors might have taken a hand in creating the breed.
magical, because fey walkers can both find the entrances Valeran whitemane are reserved for officers of
to fey roads and travel them without elaborate rituals Trombei. This breed is extremely responsive to a rider,
or keys of Veles. For this reason, they are never found and no Ride checks are required for fighting with a
outside the Elflands, though a few are kept by the combat‑trained mount or for spurring a whitemane to
elfmarked in Dornig. greater speed.
Kariv cart horse are fine and even-tempered horses, Winterborn these snow-white horses from the Plains
hard to shift from their goals. Some Kariv teach them are said to have been sired by the dark god Boreas
tricks. Kariv cart horses gain +2 on all Will saves. Stories himself. The Winterborn are steeds unlike any others.
say they speak when they wish. They are unaffected by snow and cold weather, grant
Khazzak ponies are called kergal or tamit out on the their rider resistance to cold, and move at a speed of 100
Rothenian Plains. These tough small horses are rarely ft. in snow and ice conditions. In warm weather they are
shod and they can hustle for up to 8 hours without difficult to handle and move a base 40 ft. Highly valued
taking lethal damage (they take nonlethal instead). They for their ability to carry messages in the dead of winter.
gain a +2 bonus to all Fortitude saves. Even in winter,
they are steady goers.
Krakovan dappled are beautiful white horses dappled Taller than a man and bred for combat, this bird has a
in grays—and they are ferocious. They gain a +1 bonus round body covered in full, black feathers, a long neck
to both bite and hoof attacks, and are exclusively used by and powerful legs ending in sharp claws. War ostriches
Krakovan nobles for their warhorses. are common in the Southlands, especially in the wild
Magdar gray dancers are warhorses that require Southern Fringe.
careful handling. If the rider makes a successful DC 25
Ride check in each round of combat, the gray dancer WAR OSTRICH CR 2
attacks with a +4 to its BAB and +1 damage. If the Ride
check fails, the dancer does not attack, and the rider XP 600
does not control his mount’s movement that turn: N Large animal
it “dances” where it pleases. On a Ride check of 1, it Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8
attacks an ally.
Morgau ghost horses are sometimes thought to
be undead: they certainly look it, in flecked gray or all
black, with wild red eyes and white manes. However, the
ghost horse is a living animal, and capable of turning
incorporeal once each day if its rider makes a DC
25 Ride check. It returns to corporeality on
the rider’s command or when 3 rounds
have passed.
Redbellies are the heavy warhorses that
all hussar prefer; their name comes from the
custom of dying their belly with red clay or henna
prior to battle. They are fierce fighting animals; apply
the advanced simple template twice rather than once
for these heavies.
Rhoetian ponies were once raced by halflings for the
amusement of the Elven Emperors. The Rhoetian
ponies have a base speed of 45 ft. rather than 40 ft. They
can also hustle without taking lethal damage during
overland movement for up to 4 hours.
Sun stallions are a prized breed developed first by the
knights of the Order of the Undying Sun, and since
spread to Illyria, Grisal, and Perunalia. The horses
channel holy energy somehow, and their attacks count as
holy weapons. In addition, they are immune to fear and



AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, -1 Size)

hp 17 (2d8+8)

Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +1


Speed 60 ft.
Melee claw +7 (1d8+7)

Str 25, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +9; CMD 18
Feats Endurance, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+16 when jumping), Perception +8
SQ combat-trained

Combat Trained The war ostrich is trained for combat (as

per Handle Animal); its kicks are not treated as secondary

This creature looks like desiccated
unicorn, its skeleton visible beneath
its taut flesh. Shadhavars are common
wherever there are large concentrations
of shadow fey. Shadhavars are horse-like
natives of the plane of shadow. Although
they are living creatures, their true form
resembles undead unicorns. They are highly intelligent
creatures and use their hollow horn to play captivating
2/day—darkness (centered on self only)
sounds for defense or to draw in prey. They hunt when
they must and are not discriminating about their quarry. STATISTICS

Shadhavars are largely carrion eaters, however, and Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12
despite their fearsome appearance, they are not naturally Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 19 (23 vs. trip)
evil. Feats Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Skills Perception +6, Stealth +12; Racial Modifier +4 Stealth
XP 600 Environment any forests, planar (shadow realm)
N Large magical beast Organization solitary, triad, or herd (6–12)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Treasure standard
Perception +6
Aura innocuous aura (DC 12)
Innocuous Aura (Su) A shadhavar can choose to resemble
either a horse or unicorn. While the aura is active, an
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 observer at or more than 60 ft. away must succeed on a DC
natural, −1 size) 12 Will save to see the creature’s true appearance. This DC is
hp 22 (3d10+6) Charisma based. This illusion is a supernatural effect that a
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +1 shadhavar can begin or end as a free action.
Magical Strike (Ex) A shadhavar’s gore attack is treated as a
OFFENSE magic weapon for the purposes of damage reduction.
Speed 50 ft. Plaintive Melody (Su) A shadhavar’s horn is hollow. As a free
Melee gore +5 (1d8+1), 2 hooves +0 (1d6+1) action, a shadhavar can use its horn to play a captivating
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. melody. Creatures within 60 ft. must make a DC 12 Will save
or become fascinated as long as the shadhavar plays. This
Special Attacks plaintive melody
DC is Charisma based. The shadhavar can use this ability
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd) a number of rounds per day equal to its Hit Dice. These
rounds do not need to be consecutive. This is a sonic, mind-
affecting effect. The Nordmansch greataxe is a two-handed weapon built
Shadow Cloud (Su) A shadhavar can use darkness centered to sunder other weapons. Its edge is hardened especially
on itself as a spell-like ability twice per day. The caster level for this purpose, and its haft is likewise set with trapping
for this ability is equal to the shadhavar’s Hit Dice. prongs to catch and hold a foe’s weapon.
If you have the Improved Sunder feat,
Racial Gear the Nordmansch greataxe provides a +2
circumstance bonus on all sunder attempts,
The following mundane weapons and other gear are in addition to the usual +4 for using a
common among the indicated races. At the GM’s two‑handed slashing weapon in a sunder
discretion, members of other races might also have access attempt.
to this gear.
A ring-staff typically resembles
DWARF a metal quarterstaff. One end
of the staff is shaped into a
In addition to the dwarven urgrosh and waraxe, dwarves
circle from which a number of rings dangle
of the cantons and far North developed two other
loosely, creating a distinctive sound when
specialized weapons, the Nordmansch greataxe and
used. A ring-staff usually has six, nine, or
Tijino poleax, and are expert at the use of a third, the
12 rings attached, either with leather strips,
estoc. Additionally, ring wardens (see page 49) are
woven adamantine, or some other suitably
masters of ring-staffs, even if they’re not dwarves.
durable material.
A hand-and-a-half sword designed to pierce heavy armor
and sharpened only on the tip, an estoc is 4 feet long,
sometimes with a second crossguard. It is said to have
been used first by the knights of Vael Turog and Balinor

against the elves, but now is used by dwarven mercenaries

and human knights who expect to fight other heavily
armored warriors. Its anti-armor properties make it
popular with monster hunters and dragon slayers as well.
Sometimes it is called the “tuck.”

Nordmansch Greataxe
The Nordmansch greataxe likely originated with the
foresters and lumberjacks of the Ordenn forest, who
found a secret way of making axe heads they continue to
keep secret. The Nordmansch make more axes than their
woodsmen actually need.


Two-Handed Melee
Martial Weapon Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Crit Range Weight Type Special
Tijino Poleax 25 gp 2d4 2d6 ×3 — 12 lb. S Reach
Estoc 40 gp 1d8 1d10 ×2 — 3 lb. P armor-piercing,
Nordmansch Greataxe 50 gp 1d10 1d12 ×3 — 8 lb. S
Ring-Staff 50 gp 1d4/1d4 1d6/1d6 ×2 — 5 lbs. B or P blocking , double

Tijino Poleax 1/round for 10 rounds; Effect shaken 1 round; Cure 3

The Tijino poleax bears a long axe blade in front, with a consecutive saves; Craft DC 23; Price 600 gp.
long, looping backhook designed to unhorse riders. The
Tijino poleax has reach. You can strike opponents 10 feet TROLLBONE AND TROLLHIDE
away with it, but you cannot use it against an adjacent foe. Long ago, trollkin discovered a process to treat the bones
When you use a Tijino poleax and strike a mounted rider, and hides of creatures with regenerative properties. Most
the rider must immediately make a DC 25 Ride check or often, these bones and skins come from actual trolls, but
fall from his mount. Even if he succeeds, he suffers a –5 other monsters or fey creatures can yield the same results.
penalty on all other Ride checks until the beginning of Trollkin treat the materials in a jealously guarded secret
his next turn. You can use the Tijino poleax to make trip process. Under specific phases of the moon, the trollkin
attacks. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, combine alchemical reagents with mundane chemicals. The
you can drop the Tijino poleax to avoid being tripped. resulting materials regenerate most damage they suffer.
An item constructed of trollhide leather or trollbone
repairs 2 points of damage per round. The object can
TROLLKIN remove the broken condition by rising to above half its
normal hp total. Even an item reduced to 0 hp regenerates.
Trollkin are often feared, and superstitions about this
While this makes such objects difficult to destroy, they
brutal people abound. Trollkin crafters have a relentless
are not invulnerable. Trollbone or trollhide leather that
approach to the art of warfare and have developed gear
suffers acid or fire damage cannot restore its hp on the
and equipment with this outlook in mind.
next round. If the object is at 0 hp and does not restore hp,
then the object is destroyed and no longer repairs itself.
The following alchemical items are common among the Trollbone
trollkin. Properly treated trollbone makes an excellent material for
certain weapons and armor. Any weapon primarily made
Steelspine: The trollkin brew this bitter, salty draught
of metal can be crafted from trollbone as can scale mail,
to steel the nerves of their allies. Steelspine grants the
breastplates, banded mail, and wooden shields. Equipment
drinker a +5 alchemical bonus on saves against fear
made of trollbone naturally repairs most damage it suffers.
effects for 1 hour.
A trollbone item regains 2 hp every round. Trollbone has
Trollblood Unguent: This thick, greenish brown hardness 5 and 10 hp per inch of thickness.
paste helps the recipient’s blood clot instantly. The Items made of trollbone are considered masterwork
recipient is immune to bleed damage and effects and quality (this is included in the price modifier). Trollbone
automatically stabilizes if reduced to 0 hp. Additionally, cannot be used to create objects and weapons with a lot of
bladed weapons are slightly less effective. The recipient intricate, moving parts like firearms.
gains DR 1/bludgeoning. The effects of trollblood
unguent last for 10 minutes. After applying the paste, Trollhide
the recipient’s skin bears mottled green stains that fade Trollhide leather is a thick, knobby, off-colored leather
after 8 hours. that can be worked into leather armor, studded leather,
hide armor, or any other piece of clothing or equipment
TABLE 6-4: TROLLKIN ALCHEMY primarily made of leather. Trollhide leather repairs 2
points of damage every round, and otherwise functions as
Special Substance Cost DC Weight
Steelspine (vial) 50 gp 12 — Items made of trollhide leather are considered
Trollblood Unguent (jar) 250 gp 25 1/2 lb. masterwork quality (this is included in the price modifier).
Trollhide cannot be used to create objects and weapons
TROLLKIN POISON with a lot of intricate, moving parts like firearms.
Trollkin often use the following poison.
Terror Dust: This poison is a black faintly glittering
powder of minerals, molds, and certain fungal spores.
When breathed, terror dust causes mild but unnerving Type of Item Price Modifier
hallucinations. Shadows stretch and seem to move. Weapon +2,000 gp
Objects twist in the corner of the eye. Creatures distort Shield +1,000 gp
in grotesque and nightmarish ways. When thrown into
the air, a packet or tube of terror dust creates a 10-ft. Medium Armor +2,000 gp
cube that lasts for 1 round. Heavy Armor +4,000 gp
Type poison, inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 15; Frequency Other Item +600 gp
Trollhide from the javelin’s shaft. As long as it remains within 30
ft. of the wielder, the target must succeed on a combat
Type of Item Price Modifier maneuver check against the wielder’s CMD to move
Light armor +1,000 gp farther away from the wielder. The wielder may attempt a
Medium Armor +2,000 gp special bull rush maneuver against the target. The result of
this bull rush pulls the target closer rather than pushing it
Other Item +600 gp
away. The cord is AC 10 with 5 hp.
TROLLKIN A pulverizer is a massive maul. The great, tapered head
WEAPONS focuses a tremendous impact onto a small area, delivering
Trollkin weapons are crushing force. A creature that suffers a critical hit from
not subtle, but are quite a pulveriser must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or
effective. Some are forged have one of its limbs (of the attacker’s choice) crippled.
with a particular look simply A crippled arm suffers −2 to attack rolls and has a 20%
to instill fear. chance to drop any object held at the start of the creature’s
turn. A crippled leg causes the creature to fall prone, and
Axe, Eviscerator reduces it to 1/2 speed. Against a winged target, a crippled
An eviscerator axe is a greataxe wing reduces the creature’s fly speed to 0. A crippled limb
with jagged, tearing teeth is restored to normal function by any amount of magical
pointing down along the edge healing or by successful long term care with the Heal skill.
of the blade. A critical hit from
an eviscerator axe tears horrible
lacerations in the flesh of its target TOSCULI
dealing 1d6 bleed damage and 1 point
The following gear is common among the tosculi.
of Charisma damage. Any amount of
magical healing or a DC 15 Heal check Blinding Powder
stops the bleeding.
This reddish powder, an alchemical mixture of ground
Javelin, Flesh-Hook dried peppers, fine sand, and the hair of a particular
species of tarantula, causes great distress and visual
Flesh-hook javelins sport wicked impairment when exposed to the eyes of living creatures.
barbs along the entire head designed A packet of blinding powder is a splash weapon with a
to hook into the armor or flesh of its range increment of 10 ft. Anyone directly hit by the attack
target. The shaft ends in a metal ring to must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save to resist the
accommodate a cord or wire. A creature powder while those in adjacent squares must make a DC
damaged by the javelin is snared by 10 Fortitude save. Creatures failing the save are dazzled
the barbs. Until removed, the target is and, on their turns each round for the next minute, must
entangled. The flesh-hook can be removed succeed at a DC 14 Will save to resist rubbing their eyes
as a standard action. A successful DC 15 to try to relieve the pain and discomfort. Those that fail
Heal check removes the weapon with no damage. The exacerbate their condition and gain the blinded condition
flesh-hook can be wrenched out as a move action with a for 1 round. Flushing out the eyes with water for 1 round
DC 10 Strength check, causing 1d4 piercing damage to reduces the duration of the powder by half and decreases
the target. If a flesh-hook javelin hits its target in the first the DC of any further saving throws by 2. Crafting this
range increment, the thrower can grasp a cord trailing item is a DC 30 Craft (alchemy) check.
Price 120 gp; Weight 2 lb.


Exotic Weapons
Two-Handed Melee Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Crit Range Weight Type Special
Axe, Eviscerator 200 gp 1d10 1d12 ×3 — 12 lb. S —
Pulverizer 450 gp 1d10 2d6 ×3 — 15 lb. B —

Ranged Weapon Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Crit Range Weight Type Special
Javelin, Flesh-Hook 150 gp 1d4 1d6 ×2 30 ft. 2 lb. P —


Weapon Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Dmg (L) Critical Range Weight Type Special
Rungu 8 gp 1d4 1d6 1d8 ×2 10 ft. 3 lb. B —
Labrys 70 gp 1d8/1d8 1d10/1d10 2d6/2d6 ×2 — 25 lbs. S double weapon

Tosculi Paper
Wood, reeds, or other suitable plant materials pulped
Regional Gear
with tosculi saliva and treated with certain alchemical The pieces of gear detailed in the following section
reagents becomes a durable, resistant material. While no originated from or are most common in specific regions
stronger than ordinary paper or parchment, tosculi paper of Midgard.
has fire resistance 1. Ink is trapped within the fibers of
tosculi paper, which makes the writing resistant to age, ROTHENIAN PLAINS
smearing, and water damage. An hour of water exposure
or 30 minutes of full immersion is required to make ink The following gear is common on the Rothenian Plains.
run or smear into illegibility. Items composed primarily
of tosculi paper cost double their normal price. POISONS
The following poisons are found on the Rothenian Plains.
MINOTAUR Bloodsick Poison
The following gear is common among minotaurs. Type poison, contact; Save Fortitude DC 18
Onset 1 min.; Frequency 1/min. for six min.
MINOTAUR WEAPONS Initial Effect 1 Con drain; Secondary Effect 1d2 Con damage
Minotaur weapons tend to be large, heavy and deadly. Cure 2 consecutive saves
Though most think of centaur blood sickness as a
disease, it is a special poison made with centaur blood
A labrys is a symmetrical double headed axe, only and infusions of harmful spirits. Its ability to reduce
practical for warriors with great strength and superior movement of a target makes it especially valuable for
balance. A wielder with a Strength or Dexterity capturing prey or prisoners.
score under 13 suffers a nonproficiency penalty due
to the weapon’s thickness and great bulk.
Proficiency: Exotic, Two-Handed Melee

This is a hunting and fighting club. Rungus
used by minotaurs are typically over 2
ft. in length with a long narrow
shaft for a handle and heavy
knob or bulb at each
end. They are usually
made of wood and
are well balanced for
Martial, One-
Handed Melee

Dragon’s Blood Puzzle Box
Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 19 Many Kariv clans are known for their woodworking, and
Frequency 1/round for six rounds in particular for the intricate puzzle boxes and boxes with
Initial Effect 1 Str drain; Secondary Effect 1d2 Str damage concealed compartments that they make. A Perception
Cure 1 save check is required to find a box’s secret panel, and a Disable
Device roll is required to unlock a puzzle box or a locked
This poison is common among the Kariv, who infuse it
secret panel (Disable Device DC 15). These boxes are
with foul earth and the blood of stillborn foals. Since it
popular with minotaur customers, especially the sliding
requires a secret shrive curse known to none but the Kariv,
maze puzzle boxes.
only the Kariv can create it and they rarely sell it.
Cost: 30 gp.
The following equipment is common on the Rothenian
Plains. Centaurs dose themselves with painkilling, hypnotic
ridegrass before long journeys without pauses for food
Kariv Climbing Cymbals or sleep. Ridegrass has no effect whatever on two-legged
Used for rapid percussive accompaniment, these finger creatures, but equine creatures such as horses, mules,
cymbals are commonly used in Kariv dances. When oxen, griffons, hippogriffs, and pegasi can also benefit
smeared with the gummy sap of the guar tree, however, from it, gaining a +4 bonus to Constitution checks
they become sticky suction cups useful for climbing (required for nonstop journeys, which are considered
walls and other smooth surfaces. Kariv climbing cymbals forced marches) for 24 hours after consumption.
provide a +2 competence bonus to all Climb checks. Ridegrass also allows equine creations to hustle without
ill effect for four hours.
Cost: 250 gp.
Cost: 150 gp.
Kariv Sash
The Kariv are known for wearing colorful sashes, but many
non-Kariv do not realize these garments serve utilitarian Also called the “wine of the raven,” this potent drink has
purposes, as well. In fact, they can conceal small messages a particular medicinal value. Drinking a single cup of
and scrolls as well as small, flat knives and lock-pick sets. sbiten provides the drinker with a +1 bonus on Fortitude
The sashes can also be knotted to make small ropes for checks against cold and exposure, and it prevents the first
climbing or for tying up portals or prisoners. Sashes can 1d4 hp of nonlethal damage incurred by such conditions
have coins sewn or knotted on them, which look and for one hour.
sound impressive when twirling and shimmying during Cost: 25 gp.
Kariv dances—and make, an effective sap for silencing
guards and quieting kidnap victims. When used in any Steppe Pears
way as described, a kariv sash provides a +2 circumstance These flowering plants are rare, and they have only a
bonus to the requisite skill check. passing similarity to true pears. They don’t taste very
Cost: 400 gp. good but they are nourishing and contain water. Two are
equivalent to a week’s rations.
Kariv Strangling Scarf Cost: 10 gp.
These innocuous-looking scarves have cunning wires
worked into them that allow the scarves to be cast at TABLE 6-8: ROTHENIAN
opponents and extended with a 10-ft. reach that allows PLAINS EQUIPMENT
grapple attacks. Instead of pinning, the Kariv may choose Item Price
to strangle the opponent (See the suffocation rules in the
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook). The victim may break this Kariv Climbing Cymbals 250 gp
strangle the same as it would break a grapple. It is not Kariv Sash 400 gp
unusual for one Kariv to pin the opponent with a scarf, Kariv Strangling Scarf 45 gp
while the other strangles. The victim can decide which
Puzzle Box 30 gp
grapple to break first. As always, these grapple attacks
provoke attacks of opportunity, unless the Kariv has a Ridegrass 150 gp
compensating feat. This is considered an exotic weapon Sbiten 25 gp
for proficiency. Steppe Pears 10 gp
Cost: 45 gp.



One-Handed, Martial Weapon Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Dmg (L) Crit Range Weight Type Special
Poniard Sword 40 gp 1d6 1d8 2d6 19/x2 — 4 lbs. S —

WEAPON Breathable: The clothing is altered to be supremely

permeable, and to attract any available air toward the
The following weapon is common on
wearer. This helps mitigate the effects of high altitude as
the Rothenian Plains.
if the wearer were acclimated to living in such conditions.
Poniard Sword Conductive: The clothing directs electrical currents into
Common in the Rothenian Plains region, this grounded footwear. The wearer gains a +2 cover bonus
standard‑looking longsword or rapier has a concealed, on any Reflex saves against non-spread spells and effects
spring-loaded poniard in its hilt, which quickly extends with the electricity descriptor. The wearer is always
when the hilt is gripped in a particular way (this requires treated as not wearing metal armor for the purposes of
a swift action). When the poniard is revealed in a combat any spell or effect.
round, it can be used for a rogue’s sneak attack in that Insulated: The clothing is altered to be a near-perfect
same round, as long as swift action to extend the poniard insulator. The wearer gains a +2 cover bonus on any
happens before an attack is made. The sword can be used Reflex saves against non-spread spells and effects
as a one-handed double weapon once extended, with all with the cold descriptor and a +5 circumstance bonus
the usual restrictions and penalties. The poniard can be on Fortitude saving throws against exposure to cold
used against a grappling opponent normally. Kariv of a weather (as a cold-weather outfit).
crueler bent have been known to poison the secondary Mesh: The clothing is interwoven with fine strands of
blade. alchemically strengthened metal, protecting the wearer
from light but continual impact damage. The wearer
THE MAGOCRACIES gains DR 5/—, but only against ongoing damage dealt
over time periods longer than a round (such as by large
In addition to the wondrous magic items that trace to hail or boneshard sleet).
the magocracies, those states also developed an array of
nonmagical equipment for daily use. Below are some Repellant: The clothing repels fine dust and sand. The
examples. wearer does not take nonlethal damage due to dust or
sand storms, and it is never at risk of choking due to
these hazards.
The mages of Allain originally developed alchemical Retardant: The clothing is nearly fireproof. The wearer
treatments for clothing to protect foot soldiers from the gains a +2 cover bonus on any Reflex saves against non-
environmental hazards of the Western Wastes. However, spread spells and effects with the fire descriptor and
they also found the techniques useful in shielding allies cannot catch on fire.
from less discriminating spells. Chronometer
Any outfit can be alchemically treated for an additional
Chronometers are always constructed in pairs. This
250 gp. Alchemical clothing can also be designed for
clockwork time-keeping device has two sets of hour and
mounts. It costs twice as much for a Medium-sized mount
minute hands. One registers the passage of time through
or four times as much for a Large-sized mount. An outfit
ordinary gears and springs. The other set possesses
can have only one alchemical treatment, and a creature can
a slight sympathetic connection to its twin, showing
only wear one alchemically treated outfit at a time.
the passage of time for that chronometer. This allows
Abrasion: The clothing is abnormally coarse, causing a creature holding separated chronometers to note
greatly increased friction. The wearer gains a +2 divergences in time (such as those caused by time storms
competence bonus on Climb skill checks and any Reflex or time magic). Each chronometer costs 500 gp (or 1,000
saves to avoid falling. gp for a pair).
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The Advanced Races Compendium is a full-color, deluxe hardcover that gives you
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Midgard and the Kobold Press logo are trademarks of Open Design. Pathfinder and associated marks and
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Kobold Press logo is a trademarks of Open Design. Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing,
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Dan Dillon, Richard Green, Jeff Grubb, Chris Harris, Brian Suskind.
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