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Skills test 4

READING 1 Read the article. Give short answers to the questions.

1 When did the court case start? _____________
Pop goes the till - $2.2 million and 2 How many number one hits has Amber Thorne had
up to now? _____________
counting 3 Who attended the couple’s wedding? _____________
Pop singer Amber Thorne, 23, was in court again 4 What was Amber Thorne’s reason for accepting $2
today arguing that photographs of her wedding a million for their photos? _____________
year ago to Rodrigo Cortez, 66, were published 2 points for each correct answer 8
against their express wishes by Snap! magazine. The
court case, which started a month ago in Florida, has
already cost in excess of $2.2 million in legal fees. 2 Read the article again. Select the correct answer.
Amber Thorne was discovered in Miami by Mexican- 1 Pop star Amber Thorne has a court case
born billionaire Cortez at the age of 19 as an amateur a against Mr. Rodrigo Cortez.
dancer, and was propelled to stardom by her b over the publication of her wedding photographs.
number one hit single (the first of twelve so far) c against the State of Florida.
titled Old Enough. Cortez financed Thorne’s solo 2 Amber Thorne was ___ when she met Rodrigo Cortez.
career and secured a record deal for her with media a living in Mexico
company Harmony. The couple became romantically b a pop star with a number one hit single
involved two years ago, and despite their best efforts c a 19-year-old dancer in Miami
to keep their plans secret, their wedding 3 The couple’s wedding plans
preparations were in the news continuously for a appeared frequently in the news.
several months. b started two years ago.
The current court battle began when Ms. Thorne c were kept secret.
married Mr. Cortez, who had made his fortune in the 4 Rodrigo Cortez became rich
construction trade, in a lavish ceremony attended by a as the head of a media company called Harmony.
some 200 close friends, including international b when he discovered Amber Thorne.
celebrities, on Mr. Cortez’s private island in the c from the construction business.
Caribbean. At the time of their wedding, which 5 Snap! published photos
involved a half-hour fireworks display, the couple a bought from another magazine.
were paid $2 million by another magazine for their b and paid $2 million to the couple for them.
official wedding photographs. However, Snap! c taken by one of the wedding guests.
published informal photographs that were taken by 6 Caroline Silvestri admitted that
one of the couple’s guests. a the photos appeared in another magazine.
Speaking in court, Ms. Thorne said that the b the photos were published without permission.
photographs in question showed her relaxing with c the wedding was a private event.
her guests and that the wedding was a private 7 Amber Thorne and Rodrigo Cortez were married
occasion. When she was asked why she and Mr. a at the time of the court case.
Cortez had accepted $2 million for the formal b at a private ceremony.
photographs taken at the ceremony, she replied, “I c for only half a year.
think my fans wanted to share my happiest day with 2 points for each correct answer 12
me. For these fans, those photographs will forever
remain a valuable treasure.” 3 Find the underlined phrases in the text that
The US magazine’s editor, Ms. Caroline Silvestri, match the definitions.
agreed that the photographs showed the bride and
groom at an all-night party and admitted that Snap! 1 clearly and definitely stated intentions express
had published them without permission. Ms. Silvestri wishes
apologized if this had hurt the feelings of the couple, 2 made quickly very famous ________
but she argued that they lived their life in the public 3 fell in love with each other ________
eye, and that their wedding was therefore news, not
4 a personal event ________
a private event. She reminded the court that Mr.
Cortez and Ms. Thorne divorced just six months after 5 often appearing in the media ________
the wedding and suggested that the current court 6 absolutely pointless ________
case was a complete waste of time. 1 point for each correct answer 5
The case continues.
Reading total 25

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Skills test 4
1 You went to a party at your friend’s house. Write a note to thank your friend.
 include a suitable greeting.
 say thanks for the invitation
 say what you enjoyed about the party
 suggest another occasion to meet
 find a suitable closing phrase
Write your message in 80–100 words.


shorter writing task 10

2 Your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Your essay must argue for or against the following
statement. “Finding research online is easy.”
Write your message in 140–180 words.
longer writing task 15

Writing total 25

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2016 2

Skills test 4
1 Listen to five people who saw a bank robbery. Match 5 The fifth witness took twenty dollars out of a cash
them with statements a–e. machine. ____
1 ______ 2 ______ 3 ______ 4 ______ 5 ______
a I saw four people who were involved in the robbery.
b I think it was the man in the hat who carried the 2 points for each correct answer 10
c There was somebody else with me when I saw the 3 Complete the police officer’s notes with the
robbery. missing information.
d When the robbery started, I was in the bank.
e The woman put the stolen money in the backpack. Incident: bank robbery on main square
2 points for each correct answer 10 1 Time of incident: around _____
2 Number of suspects: _____ people
2 Listen again. Write true (T) or false (F).
1 The first witness was reading a newspaper when the ( _____ male and _____ female)
robbery started. ____
2 The second witness didn’t know what time it 3 How they arrived at the scene: _____
happened. ____
4 What they stole: _____
3 The third witness spoke to one of the bank robbers.
____ 5 What they were carrying: _____
4 The fourth witnesses had finished his dessert when
the robbers arrived. ____

1 point for each correct answer 5

Listening total 25

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2016 3

Skills test 4
1 Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
1 What are your favorite childhood memories? Why?
2 Which city, town or place do you like best? Why?
3 Why do you go online? How much time do you spend
4 Do you enjoy the circus? Why? / Why not?
5 Who is your personal hero? In what way does he/she
inspire you?
max. 1 point for each topic 5

2 Look at the photos. Compare the different uses of

technology they show. Which is the most
max. 10 points 10

3 Discuss the statements. Do you agree or disagree?

1 “Television should educate and inform, as well as
2 “Rich people have a better chance to succeed in every
area of life.”

max. 5 points for each topic 10

Speaking total 25

Skills test 4 total 100

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