Indian Standard: (First Revision)

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Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

भारतीय मानक IS 16014 : 2018

Indian Standard

यांत्रिक पद्धति से बुनी दोहरी-ऐठित,

ं षटकोणीय
तार मेष गेबियन, रिवेट मैट्रेस, रॉक फॉल नेटिंग
एवं सिविल इज ं ीनियरिंग प्रयोजनों के लिए
अन्य उत्पाद ( जस्तीकृत इस्पात तार अथवा
पॉलिमीयरकोटिंग जस्तीकृत इस्पात
की तार ) — विशिष्टि
( पहला पनु रीक्षण )

Mechanically Woven, Double-Twisted,

Hexagonal Wire Mesh Gabions,
Revet Mattresses, Rock Fall Netting
and Other Products for Civil
Engineering Purposes ( Galvanized
Steel Wire or Galvanized Steel
Wire With Polymer Coating ) —
( First Revision )

ICS 25.220.99;77.140.65

© BIS 2018

भारतीय मानक ब्रयू ो

मानक भवन, 9 बहादरु शाह ज़फर मार्ग, नई िदल्ली – 110002
NEW DELHI-110002

December 2018  Price Group 9

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HGIEL -
Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

Wire Ropes and Wire Products Sectional Committee, MED 10

This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Wire Ropes and Wire Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Mechanical Engineering
Division Council.
Gabions are widely used to protect land from erosion, channel lining, construction of earth retaining structures,
etc. It was, therefore, felt necessary to develop an Indian Standard on mechanically woven gabions due to large
use of the item for hilly areas, river beds, forest area as well as near sea beds for protection of land and minimize
land erosion. This standard also specifies the requirements for revet mattresses, sack gabions, soil reinforcement
facia units and rock fall netting. Based on their use, all the products may be galvanized with polymer coating
therefore, those requirements have also been added in this standard.
There is a separate Indian Standard which lays down requirements for welded wire fabric gabions and gabion
mattresses (metallic-coated or metallic-coated with PVC coating).
This standard does not intend to address all of the safety concerns associated with the use of gabions and gabion
mattresses and other products. It is the responsibility of the manufacturers and users of this standard to establish
and employ appropriate safety measures and also to ensure compliance to applicable regulations.
In the formulation of this standard, considerable guidance has been taken from ASTM A975-97 ‘Standard
specification for double-twisted hexagonal mesh gabions and revet mattresses [metallic-coated steel wire or
metallic-coated steel wire with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coating]’, EN 10223-3 ‘Steel wire and wire products —
Part 3: Hexagonal steel wire mesh products for civil engineering purposes’ and Section 2500 of MORTH — Fifth
revision, ‘Specifications for roads and bridges’.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex B.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised )’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HGIEL -
Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 16014 : 2018

Indian Standard
( First Revision )

1 SCOPE IS No. / Other Title

This standard covers gabions, revet mattresses, sack Standards
gabions, soil reinforcement facia units and rock fall 13360 (Part 3/ Plastics — Methods of testing: Part 3
netting produced from double-twisted galvanized Sec 10) : 2016 Physical and dimensional properties,
wire mesh, and galvanized wire for lacing wire, used Section 10 Determination of density
for manufacturing, assembling, and installation of of non-cellular plastics — Immersion
the product. This standard also covers gabions, revet method, liquid pyknometer method
mattresses, sack gabions, soil reinforcement facia units and titration method
and rock fall netting in which the wire mesh and lacing 13360 (Part 3/ Plastics — Methods of testing: Part 3
wire are polymer coated after the galvanizing. Double- Sec 11) : 2016 Physical and dimensional properties,
twisted wire mesh for gabions, revet mattresses, sack Section 11 Determination of density
gabions, soil reinforcement facia units and rock fall of non-cellular plastics — Density
netting is produced in different classes based on type gradient column method
of coating. 13360 (Part 3/ Plastics — Methods of testing: Part 3
Sec 12) : 2016 Physical and dimensional properties,
2 REFERENCES Section 12 Determination of density
of non-cellular plastics — Gas
The standards given below contain provisions which,
pyknometer method
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions 13360 (Part 5/ Plastics — Methods of testing:
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to Sec 1) : 2018 Part 5 Mechanical properties, Section 1
revision and parties to agreements based on this Determination of tensile properties —
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility General principles (  first revision)
of applying the most recent editions of the standards 13360 (Part 5/ Plastics — Methods of testing: Part 5
indicated below. Sec 11) : 2013 Mechanical properties, Section 11
Determination of indentation hardness
IS No. / Other Title
of plastics by means of durometer
(shore hardness)
280 : 2006 Mild steel wire for general engineering
13360 (Part 8/ Plastics — Methods of testing: Part 8
purposes (  fourth revision)
Sec 14) : 2018 Permanence/Chemical properties,
4454 (Part 1) Steel wires for mechanical springs — Section 14 Determination of the effects
: 2001 Specification: Part 1 Cold drawn of exposure to damp heat, water spray
unalloyed steel wires (third revision) and salt mist (  first revision)
4454 (Part 4) Steel wires for mechanical springs — ASTM A975-97 Standard specification for double-
: 2001 Specification: Part 4 Stainless steel twisted hexagonal mesh gabions and
wire (second revision) revet mattresses [metallic-coated steel
4826 : 1979 Specification for hot dipped galvanized wire or metallic-coated steel wire with
coatings on round steel wires (  first polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coating]
revision) EN 10223-3 Steel wire and wire products — Part 3:
12753 : 1989 Electrogalvanized coatings on round : 2013 hexagonal steel wire mesh products for
steel wire — Specification civil engineering purposes.

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Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 16014 : 2018

IS No. / Other Title 3.5.1 For structures with vertical facing (see Fig. 9),
Standards units are made with hexagonal wire mesh continuous
MORTH 2500 Specifications for Roads and Bridges base panel for the reinforcement and the facing portion
: 2013 (  fifth revision). of the structure.
ISO 4892-3 : Plastics — Methods of exposure to 3.5.2 for the structures with inclined vegetative facing
2016 laboratory light sources — Part 3: (see Fig. 10), units are made with hexagonal wire mesh
Fluorescent UV lamps base reinforcement, provided (or made) with a welded
ISO 37 : 2017 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — mesh panel for facing, a geotextile for soil retention
Determination of tensile stress-strain and metallic ties for installation procedures.
ISO 974 : 2000 Plastics — Determination of the 3.6 Double-Twisted Wire Mesh — A non-raveling
brittleness temperature by impact mesh made by twisting continuous pairs of wires
through three one-half turns (commonly called double-
twisted) to form hexagonal shaped openings which are
3 TERMINOLOGY then interconnected to adjacent wires to form hexagonal
For the purpose of this standard, following definitions openings.
shall apply.
3.7 Selvedge Wire — A terminal wire used to edge
3.1 Gabion — A wire mesh container of variable the wire mesh perpendicular to the double twist by
sizes, uniformly partitioned into internal cells, inter- mechanically wrapping the mesh wires around it at
connected with other similar units, and filled with least 2.5 times (see Fig. 1).
stone at the project site to form flexible, permeable
monolithic structures for earth retaining and erosion 3.8 Edge Wire — A terminal wire of the same diameter
IS 16014 : 2017
control purposes, such as retaining walls, sea walls, as the selvedge wire used to edge the wire mesh
channel linings, revetments, offshore bunds, dykes and Doc. No. MED
parallel 10to (the
12118 )Wtwist by continuously weaving it
weirs (see Fig. 1 to Fig. 5). mechanically into the wire mesh (see Fig. 1).

Netting — A wire 3.2 meshRevet

supplied in
Mattress — Revet 3.9 Lacing Wire — A galvanized wire or galvanized
Lacing Wirea wire— mesh
A galvanized wire or galvanized
partitioned into internal cells with wire withto polymer coating used to assemble and
ls which is used to prevent rocks and
ling on to roads, railways or anyuniformly
other wire with polymer coating used assemble
and interconnect interconnect empty
empty units, to close and secure units, to close and secure stone-
eds protection (seerelatively
Fig. 7). smaller height in relation to other dimensions,
having smaller mesh openings than the mesh used units, and for filled
internal units,
stiffeners and
(seefor internal
Fig. 2 stiffeners (see Fig. 2 and
bions – A cylindrical for
double twist steel
gabions, and Fig. 3).
revet mattresses are generally used for Fig. 3).
it with a lateral opening to allow
riverbank the
protection and channel 3.10 Spenax Fasteners/Overlapping Fasteners/Steel
r geotextile encased sand filling at 3.10linings (see Fig. 6).
Spenax Fasteners/Overlapping
8). Fasteners/Steel Rings — ARings — A or
galvanized galvanized
stainless or stainless-steel ring which is
3.3 Rock Fall Netting — A wire steelmesh supplied
ring which in theinstead
is used usedof,instead
or to compliment
of, or to compliment lacing wire for basket
nforcement unitsform for ofretaining
rolls which is used to lacing
prevent rocks
wire for and debris
basket assembly and installation
assembly (see (see Fig. 4).
and installation
Fig. 4). or any other area
Double twisted steelfrom fallingunits
wire mesh on to roads, railways
whichandneeds protection (see Fig. 3.11 Diaphragm — An internal partition made of same
nforced soil structures slope 3.117).
Diaphragm — An internal partition made of same
wire mesh panel in a gabion/revet mattress/sack gabion
wire mesh panel in a gabion/revet
3.4 Sack
ctures with vertical facing Gabions
(See Fig. 9), — A cylindrical double twist steel andmattress/sack gabionfacia units that is attached to the
soil reinforcement
and soil reinforcement facia units that is attached to the
made with hexagonal wire wire
meshmesh unit with a lateral opening to allow the bottom, the sides, and, after the units are packed with
ase panel for the reinforcement and bottom, the sides, and, after the units are packed with
stone filling or geotextile encased sand filling at site. stones, to the lid of the cage (see Fig. 5).
stones, to the lid of the cage (see Fig. 5).
tion of the structure.
(see Fig. 8).
structures with inclined vegetative 3.12 Bracing Wire/Stiffener —A length of galvanized
g. 10), units are made with hexagonal 3.12 Bracing Wire/Stiffener wire —A length of galvanized
or galvanized wire with polymer coating used for
3.5 Soil Reinforcement wireUnits for Retaining
or galvanized wire with polymer coating used
se reinforcement, provided (or made) support of facing by for
connecting the front panel to the
mesh panel for facing, — Double twisted
a geotextile steel of
support wire mesh
facing units
by connecting the front panel to the
back panel of a gabion and having the same diameter as
ion and metallic ties used for reinforced soil back
for installation structures
panel of aand
and having the same diameter
the lacing wire (see Fig. 11).
consolidation. as the lacing wire (see Fig. 11 ).

wisted Wire Mesh — A non-raveling

by twisting continuous pairs of wires
e one-half turns (commonly called
d) to form hexagonal shaped
hich are then interconnected to
s to form hexagonal openings.

Wire — A terminal wire used to edge

h perpendicular to the double twist by
wrapping the mesh wires around it at
s (see Fig. 1).

re — A terminal wire of the same

he selvedge wire used to edge the
parallel to the double twist by
Mesh W, ire
WIRE , Selvedge
and W IRE Wire

weaving it mechanically into the wire 2

g. 1).

3.8 Edge Wire — A terminal wire of the same
diameter as the Standard
selvedge provided
wire used by BIS
to edge the via BSB Edge Private Limited to HGIEL -
wire Badayun([email protected])
mesh parallel to the double twist by . 1 Mnon-commercial
continuously weaving it mechanically into the wire
mesh (see Fig. 1). IS 16014 : 2018


FIG. Lacing WIRE
Wire for
IS 16014 : 2017
Doc. No. MED 10 (12118)W

Lacing wire

FIG. 3 LACING . 3 Lacing
FOR WTYING Tying Adjacent
ire for PANELS Panels in Single
LOOP Fashion

STEEL RING fastner /
Steel Ring

150 MAX


Fig. 4 Rings for Joining Adjacent Panels Instead or With Lacing Wire

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Badayun([email protected]) PANELS INSTEAD ORnon-commercial
use only].

IS 16014 : 2018

IS 16014 : 2017
Doc. No. MED 10 (12118)W

IS 16014 : 2017
Doc. No. MED 10 (12118)W

a) Folded panels of gabion box b) fabricated gabion box

FIG. Gabion B


6 Revet Mattress

Fig. 7 Rockfall Netting



Doc. No. MED 10 (12118)W
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Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 16014 : 2018

1 filling
2 lacing wire
Key D diameter of the sack gabions
L length of sack gabions FIG. 8 SACK GABION
1 filling
2 lacing wire Fig. 8 Sack Gabion
D diameter of the sack gabions
L length of sack gabions



A base panel
B diaphragm
Key H Height
L Length
A base W Width
B diaphragm 5
H Height
L Length
W Width

Fig. 9 Facia Units for Vertical Facing Reinforced Soil Structures

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Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 16014 : 2018

IS 16014 : 2017
Doc. No. MED 10 (12118)W

α variable between 200 and 450
10 Facia FOR
Inclined FFACING

Fig. 11 Bracing Wire/Stiffner


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IS 16014
Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial : 2017
use only].
Doc. No. MED 10 (12118)W
IS 16014 : 2018

3.13 Mesh Size — The average distance, measured at to IS 4826, heavily coated and soft type or IS 12753
3.11 Mesh Size — The average distance, measured at right
5.1.2 Class 2 double- twisted mesh shall be
right angles between twisted sides over 10 meshes (see (heavy coated).
angles between twisted sides over 10 meshes (see Fig. 12). manufactured from the same type of galvanized
Fig. 12).
5.1.2 Class 2 double-twisted
steel wire as Classmesh
1 withshall
an be manufactured
additional polymer
from the coating
type ofonto the galvanized
galvanized steel as
steel wire wire.
Class 1 The polymer
with an coating
additional shallcoating
polymer conform to the
onto therequirements in 7.2.The polymer coating
galvanized steel
shall conform to the requirements given in 7.2.
5.2 Gabions, revet mattresses, sack gabions and
facia units of reinforced soil structure shall be
5.2 Gabions, revet mattresses, sack gabions and facia
manufactured with all components mechanically
units of reinforced soil structure shall be manufactured
connected at the production facility with the exception
with all ofcomponents
the mattress lidmechanically connected
which is produced at the
separately from
production facility with the exception of the mattress
the base. All gabions, revet mattresses, rock fall
lid which is produced
netting, separately
sack gabions from
and facia unitsthe base. Allsoil
of reinforced
revet mattresses, rock in
shall be supplied fallthenetting,
collapsed sack
gabions either folded
and facia andofbundled
units or rolled
reinforced for shipping.
soil structure shall
be supplied in the collapsed form, either folded and
bundled 5.3
or rolled
Lacingfor shipping.
wire and stiffeners shall be made of wire
having the same coating material as the double-
inal Size ‘SIZE
D ‘D 5.3 Lacing wire wire
twisted and stiffeners shall beonmade
mesh furnished the of wireand
12 . 12 MeshTYPE
MESH Type and
NOMINAL conforming to IS material
4826 or as
IS the
12753 (heavy coated)
having the same coating double-twisted
and tensile strength conforming to 6.1.
wire mesh furnished on the order and conforming to
4 CLASSIFICATION IS 4826 or IS 12753 (heavy coated) and tensile strength
Double-twisted wire mesh gabions, revet mattresses, 5.4 to
conforming The spacing of the steel rings to compliment
Double-twisted wire mesh
rock fall netting, sack gabions,
gabion revet mattresses,
and facia rock
units of lacing wire during all phases of assembly and
netting, sack gabion and facia units of reinforced
soil structures are classified according to soil 5.4 The spacing of shall
installation the steel
be inrings to compliment
accordance lacing
with spacing based
structures are classified according to coating, as follows: wire on pull
during all apart resistance
phases of for mesh
assembly and when tested in
coating, as follows: with 13.1.2
a) Class 1 — Consists of double-twisted wire mesh shall beaccordance
in accordance with ofspacing
ASTM A975 withon
based a nominal
a) Class
— Consists
wire whichof double-twisted
is zinc or zinc wire
alloy mesh
spacing of 100 mm and not to exceed 150 mm.
apart resistance for mesh when tested in accordance
made from
before wire
being which is zinc into
double-twisted or zinc alloy
mesh. coated
Fasteners, with 13.1.2
ASTM A975 with a nominal spacing of
lacing being double-twisted
wire and stiffeners areinto mesh. Fasteners,
produced from zinc or 100 mm and not to exceed 150 mm.
lacing wirecoated
zinc alloy and stiffeners
wire; andare produced from zinc Fasteners made from galvanized steel wire of 3 mm
diameter shall
5.4.1 Galvanized Ringsbe used for products of Class 1 type
b) or zinc alloy
Class coated wire;
2 — Consists and
of double-twisted wire mesh, mesh. The galvanized steel wire for fastener shall
lacing wire and stiffeners as Class wire
b) Class 2 — Consists of double-twisted 1 and over
mesh, Fastenersconform
made tofromSM galvanized
Grade of IS steel
4454 wire
(Part of1) 3with
coated with polymer (PVC/PA6/other
lacing wire and stiffeners as Class 1 and over advanced mm diameter
minimum shall be used
tensile forofproducts
strength 1550 MPa ofand
Classshall1 be
polymershall be of stainlessadvanced
steel wire. galvanized with mass ofsteel
zinc wire
coated (PVC/PA6/other type mesh. The galvanized fornotfastener
less than
polymers). Fastener shall be of that given in Table 5.
Refer Annex A for the description of stainless steel of
environment shall conform to SM Grade of IS 4454 (Part 1) with
installation site, coating wire requirements for different types minimum tensile
5.4.2 strength
Stainless Steelof 1550 MPa and shall be
of galvanization and polymeric coatings. galvanized with mass of zinc coating not less than that
Refer Annex A for the description of environment of Fasteners made from stainless steel wire of 3 mm
given in diameter
Table 5. shall be used for products of Class 2 type
installation site,
5 MATERIALS AND coating wire requirements for different
types of galvanization and polymeric coatings. mesh. The stainless steel wire for fastener shall
5.4.2 Stainless
conformSteel Fasteners
to Grade 1 steel of IS 4454 (Part 4) with
5.1 The wire used in the manufacture of double-twisted
minimum tensile
Fasteners made from stainlessstrength ofsteel
MPa.of 3 mm
mesh ANDrevet
for use in gabions, MANUFACTURE
mattresses, rock fall netting,
sack gabions and facia units of reinforced soil structures diameter5.5shallThe
be used for products of Class 2 type mesh.
standard sizes of gabion boxes, revet
The wiretoused
IS 280 and
in the to the requirement
manufacture of 5.1.1 or
of double-twisted The stainless steel wire
mattresses, sackforgabions
fastener and
shall facia
unitsto of
meshas for
appropriate for the class
use in gabions, revet ordered except
mattresses, that
rock fallthe Grade 1 reinforced
steel of ISsoil
4454 (Part
rock 4) withare
fall netting minimum
given in tensile
Tables 1,
tensile strength shall conform to 6.1.
netting, sack gabions and facia units of reinforced soil strength 2of3,1550
4 andMPa.
5 respectively. Any other size as agreed to
between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
structures shall confirm to IS 280 and to the requirement
5.1.1 Class 1 double-twisted mesh shall be manufactured 5.5 The standard sizes of gabion boxes, revet
from 5.1.1ororzinc
of zinc 5.1.2 as appropriate
alloy coated steelfor theconforming
wire class ordered
to IS mattresses, sack gabions and facia units of reinforced
4826, that the
heavily tensileand
coated strength shall or
soft type conform to 6.1.
IS 12753 (heavy
soil rock fall netting are given in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
5.1.1 Class 1 double-twisted mesh shall be manufactured and 6 respectively. Any other size as agreed to between
from zinc or zinc alloy coated steel wire conforming the purchaser and the manufacturer.

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Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 16014 : 2018
Table 1 Mesh and Box Characteristics for Gabions
( Clauses 5.5, 8.1, 8.2, 8.9 and 12.4 )

Sl. No. Characteristics Mesh Type

10 × 12 8 ×10
D = 100 mm D = 80 mm

Zinc / Zinc
Only Zinc / Zinc Alloy2 coated Alloy2 + Polymer Only Zinc / Zinc Alloy2 coated Zinc / Zinc
coated Alloy2 + Polymer

(1.0) (2.0) (3.0) (4.0) (5.0) (6.0) (7.0) (8.0)

i) Mesh wire dia, mm 2.70 3.00 2.70/3.70 1)
2.70 3.00 2.70/3.701)

ii) Edge/Selvedge wire dia, mm 3.40 3.90 3.40/4.401) 3.40 3.90 3.40/4.401)
iii) Lacing wire dia, mm 2.20 2.20 2.20/3.201) 2.20 2.20 2.20/3.201)
Polymer coating thickness,
iv) N. A Nominal — 0.50 NA Nominal — 0.50
Minimum — 0.40 Minimum — 0.40
v) Typical sizes
Length × Width × Height (m) 4 × 1 × 1 (3 Nos.), 3 × 1 × 1 (2 Nos.), 2 × 1 × 1 (1 No.), 1.5 × 1 × 1 (0 No.), 2 × 1 × 0.5 (1 No.),
(Number of diaphragms) 3 × 1 × 0.5 (2 Nos.), 4 × 1 × 0.5 ( 3 Nos.), 2 × 1 × 0.3 (1 No.), 3 × 1 × 0.3 (2 Nos.), 4 × 1 × 0.3 (3 Nos.)
vi) Tolerances in size of Length and Width... ± 5 percent; Height > 0.3 m... ± 5 percent and
gabion boxes Height < 0.3 m... ± 10 percent
Internal diameter/External diameter of polymer coated wire.
Zinc Alloy shall consist of 90 percent Zinc + 10 percent Aluminium or 95 percent Zinc + 5 percent Aluminium
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Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

Table 2 Mesh and Box Characteristics for Revet Mattresses

( Clauses 5.5, 8.1, 8.2, 8.9 and 12.4 )
Sl. No. Characteristics Mesh Type

D = 60 mm

Only Zinc / Zinc Zinc / Zinc

Alloy coated

(1.0) (2.0) (3.0) (4.0)

i) Mesh wire dia, mm 2.20 2.20/3.201)

ii) Edge/Selvedge wire dia, mm 2.70 2.70/3.701)

iii) Lacing wire dia, mm 2.20 2.20/3.201)

Polymer coating thickness,

iv) N.A Nominal — 0.50

Minimum — 0.40

v) Typical sizes

4 × 2 × 0.17 (3 Nos.), 3 × 2 × 0.17 (2 Nos.), 2 × 2 × 0.17 (1 No.), 4 × 2 × 0.23 (3 Nos.), 3 × 2 × 0.23 (2 Nos.),
Length × Width × Height (m)
2 × 2 × 0.23 (1 No.), 4 × 2 × 0.30 (3 Nos.), 3 × 2 × 0.30 (2 Nos.), 2 × 2 × 0.30 (1 No.)

(Number of diaphragms)

vi) Tolerances in size of Length and Width... ± 5 percent; Height < 0.3 m... ± 10 percent and

Revet mattresses
Internal diameter/External diameter of polymer coated wire.
Zinc Alloy shall consist of 90 percent zinc + 10 percent Aluminium or 95 percent Zinc + 5 percent Aluminium

IS 16014 : 2018
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HGIEL -
Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

Table 3 Mesh and Box Characteristics for Sack Gabions

IS 16014 : 2018
( Clauses 5.5, 8.1, 8.2, 8.9 and 12.4 )
Sl. No. Characteristics Mesh Type

10 × 12 8 × 10
D = 100 mm D = 80 mm

Zinc / Zinc Zinc / Zinc

Only Zinc / Zinc Alloy2 coated Alloy2 + Polymer Only Zinc / Zinc Alloy2 coated Alloy2 + Polymer
coated coated

(1.0) (2.0) (3.0) (4.0) (5.0) (6.0) (7.0) (8.0)

i) Mesh wire dia, mm 2.70 3.00 2.70/3.70 1)

2.70 3.00 2.70/3.701)

ii) Edge/Selvedge wire dia, mm 3.40 3.90 3.40/4.401) 3.40 3.90 3.40/4.401)

iii) Lacing wire dia, mm 2.20 2.20 2.20/3.201) 2.20 2.20 2.20/3.201)

Polymer coating thickness,

iv) N. A Nominal — 0.50 NA Nominal — 0.50

Minimum — 0.40 Minimum — 0.40

v) Typical sizes

Length × Diameter (m) 1.5 × 0.74, 2 × 0.96

Length and Diameter... ± 5 percent; Height > 0.3 m... ± 5 percent and
vi) Tolerances in size of units
Height < 0.3 m... ± 10 percent
Internal diameter/External diameter of polymer coated wire.
Zinc Alloy shall consist of 90 percent zinc + 10 percent Aluminium or 95 percent Zinc + 5 percent Aluminium
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HGIEL -
Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 16014 : 2018

Table 4 Mesh and Unit Characteristics for Vertical Facing Units of Reinforced Soil Structures
( Clauses 5.5, 8.1, 8.2, 8.9 and 12.4 )

Sl. No. Characteristics Mesh Type

10 × 12 8 × 10
D = 100 mm D = 80 mm

Zinc / Zinc Alloy2 + Polymer coated Zinc / Zinc Alloy2 + Polymer coated

(1.0) (2.0) (3.0) (4.0)

i) Mesh wire dia, mm 2.70/3.701) 2.70/3.701)

ii) Edge/Selvedge wire dia, mm 3.40/4.401) 3.40/4.401)

iii) Lacing wire dia, mm 2.20/3.201) 2.20/3.201)

iv) Polymer coating thickness, mm Nominal — 0.50 Nominal — 0.50

Minimum — 0.40 Minimum — 0.40

v) Typical sizes

Length × Width × Height (m) 3 × 2 × 0.5 (1 No.), 3 × 3 × 0.5 (2 Nos.), 4 × 2 × 0.5 (1 No.), 4 × 3 × 0.5 (2 Nos.), 5 × 2 ×
0.5 (1 No.), 5 × 3 × 0.5 (2 Nos.), 6 × 2 × 0.5 (1 No.), 6 × 3 × 0.5 (2 Nos.)

(Number of diaphragms) 3 × 2 × 1 (1 No.), 3 × 3 × 1 ( 2 Nos.), 4 × 2 × 1 (1 No.), 4 × 3 × 1 (2 Nos.), 5 × 2 × 1 (2 Nos.),

5 × 3 × 1 (2 Nos.)
3 × 2 × 1 (1 No.), 6 × 3 × 1 (2 Nos.)
3 × 2 × 0.8 (1 No.), 3 × 3 × 0.8 ( 2 Nos.), 4 × 2 × 0.8 (1 No.), 4 × 3 × 0.8 (2 Nos.), 5 × 2 × 0.8
(2 Nos.), 5 × 3 × 0.8 (2 Nos.), 3 × 2 × 0.8 (1 No.), 6 × 3 × 0.8 (2 Nos.)

vi) Tolerances in size of Units Length and Width... ± 5 percent; Height > 0.3 m... ± 5 percent and
Height < 0.3 m... ± 10 percent
Internal diameter/External diameter of polymer coated wire.
Zinc Alloy shall consist of 90 percent zinc + 10 percent Aluminium or 95 percent Zinc + 5 percent Aluminium

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IS 16014 : 2018

Table 5 Hexagonal Wire Mesh and Unit Characteristics for Inclined Facing Units of
Reinforced Soil Structures
( Clauses 5.5, 8.1, 8.2, 8.9 and 12.4 )

Sl. No. Characteristics Mesh Type

10 × 12 8 × 10
D = 100 mm D = 80 mm

Zinc / Zinc Alloy2 + Polymer coated Zinc / Zinc Alloy2 + Polymer coated

(1.0) (2.0) (3.0) (4.0)

i) Mesh wire dia, mm 2.70/3.701) 2.70/3.701)

ii) Edge/Selvedge wire dia, mm 3.40/4.401) 3.40/4.401)

iii) Lacing wire dia, mm 2.20/3.201) 2.20/3.201)

iv) Polymer coating thickness, mm Nominal — 0.50 Nominal — 0.50

Minimum — 0.40 Minimum — 0.40

v) Typical sizes

Length × Width × Height (m) 3 × 2 × 0.63 (45), 3 × 2 × 0.76 (60), 3 × 2 × 0.83 (70), 3 × 3 × 0.63 (45), 3 × 3 × 0.76 (60),

(face angle) 3 × 3 × 0.8 (65), 3 × 3 × 0.83 (70),

4 × 2 × 0.63 (45), 4 × 2 × 0.76 (60), 4 × 2 × 0.80 (65), 4 × 2 × 0.83 (70), 4 × 3 × 0.63 (45),

4 × 3 × 0.76 (65), 4 × 3 × 0.83 (70),

5 × 2 × 0.63 (45), 5 × 2 × 0.76 (60), 5 × 2 × 0.80 (65), 5 × 2 × 0.83 (70), 5 × 3 × 0.63 (60),

5 × 3 × 0.8 (65), 5 × 3 × 0.83 (70),

6 × 2 × 0.63 (45), 6 × 2 × 0.76 (60), 6 × 2 × 0.80 (65), 6 × 2 × 0.83 (70), 6 × 3 × 0.63 (45),

6 × 3 × 0.80 (65), 6 × 3 × 0.83 (70),

vi) Tolerances in size of Units Length and Width... ± 5 percent; Height > 0.3 m... ± 5 percent and
Height < 0.3 m... ± 10 percent
Internal diameter/External diameter of polymer coated wire.
Zinc Alloy shall consist of 90 percent zinc + 10 percent Aluminium or 95 percent Zinc + 5 percent Aluminium

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Table 6 Mesh and Roll Characteristics for Rockfall Netting

( Clauses 5.5, 8.1, 8.2, 8.11 and 12.4 )

Sl. No. Characteristics Mesh Type

10 × 12 8 × 10 6×8
D = 100 mm D = 80 mm D = 60 mm

Zinc / Zinc Zinc / Zinc Only Zinc / Zinc / Zinc

Only Zinc / Zinc Only Zinc /
Alloy2 + Polymer Alloy2 + Polymer Zinc Alloy2 Alloy2 + Polymer
Alloy2 coated Zinc Alloy2 coated
coated coated coated coated

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

i) Mesh wire dia, mm 2.70 3.00 2.70/3.701) 2.70 3.00 2.70/3.701) 2.2 2.2/3.21)

ii) Edge/Selvedge wire dia, mm 3.40 3.90 3.40/4.401) 3.40 3.90 3.40/4.401) 2.7 2.7/3.71)

iii) Lacing wire dia, mm 2.20 2.20 2.20/3.201) 2.20 2.20 2.20/3.201) 2.20 2.20/3.201)

iv) Polymer coating thickness, mm NA Nominal — 0.50 NA Nominal — 0.50 NA Nominal — 0.50

Minimum — 0.40 Minimum — 0.40 Minimum — 0.40

v) Typical size of rolls

Length × Width (m) 25 × 2, 25 × 3 and 25 × 4

vi) Tolerances in size of Length and Width... ± 5 percent; Height > 0.3 m... ± 5 percent and
netting rolls Length + 1.0m to -0.0m, width + “D”
Internal diameter/External diameter of Polymer coated wire.
Zinc Alloy shall consist of 90 percent zinc + 10 percent Aluminium or 95 percent Zinc + 5 percent

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IS 16014 : 2018
Table 7 Strength Requirements of Hexagonal Wire Mesh Panel for all Relevant Products
(Clauses 6.2 and 11.2)

Sl. No. Characteristics Mesh Type

10 × 12 8 × 10 6×8
D = 100 mm D = 80 mm D = 60mm

Only zinc / Zinc Zinc / Zinc Only Zinc / Zinc / Zinc Only Zinc / Only Zinc /
Alloy2 coated Alloy2 + Polymer Zinc Alloy2 Alloy2 + Polymer Zinc Alloy2 Zinc Alloy2
coated coated coated coated coated

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

i) Mesh wire dia, mm 2.70 3.00 2.70/3.701) 3.00 2.70/3.701) 2.20 2.2/3.21)

ii) Tensile Strength Parallel to twist, kN/m 32.00 40.00 32.00 51.00 42.50 33.50 34.00

iii) Tensile Strength Perpendicular to twist, kN/m 15.50 20.50 15.50 26.50 20.50 13.00 13.00

iv) Selvedge Strength, kN/m 10.20 11.22 10.20 20.40 16.32 10.20 10.20

v) Punch Strength, kN 17.80 19.58 17.8 26.70 21.36 17.80 17.80

vi) Panel to panel connection (lacing wire/ 10.20 11.22 10.20 20.40 16.32 10.20 10.20
fasteners), kN/m
Internal diameter/External diameter of Polymer coated wire.
Zinc Alloy shall consist of 90 percent zinc + 10 percent Aluminium or 95 percent Zinc + 5 percent
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IS 16014 : 2018

6 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES zinc/zinc alloy by rubbing with bare fingers, the use of
finger nails being not allowed.
6.1 Tensile Strength
7.1.3 Ageing and Corrosion Resistance
The tensile strength of wire used for double-twisted
mesh, lacing wire, and stiffener, when tested shall a) 95 percent Zn + 5 percent Al
be in accordance with the requirements of IS 280 for When subjected to test in sulphur dioxide
soft wire (350-550 MPa) at a minimum elongation of environment according to procedures in
10 percent, performed on a gauge length of test EN ISO 6988 after 28 cycles of discontinuous
specimen as 200 mm. test, the test samples shall not show more than
5 percent of DBR (Dark Brown Rust)
6.2 Mesh Panel Strength
b) 90 percent Zn + 10 percent Al
The minimum strength requirements of the mesh, when
tested in accordance with 12.1, shall be as shown in When subjected to test in sulphur dioxide
Table 7. environment according to procedures in
EN ISO 6988 after 56 cycles of discontinuous
When the mesh is provided with organic coating, a test, the test samples shall not show more than
sample shall be tested (According to 12.1) at 50 percent 5 percent of DBR (Dark Brown Rust)
of nominal tensile strength without showing cracks in
the organic coating within the double twist region 7.2 Polymer for Coating
The initial properties of polymer coating material shall
7 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES conform to the following requirements:
7.1 Zinc/Zinc Alloy Coating a) Specific gravity — In the range from 1.30 to 1.35
when tested in accordance with IS 13360 (Part 3/
7.1.1 Mass of Zinc/Zinc Alloy Coating Sec 10, 11 and 12) : 2016.
The coating mass shall conform to the requirements b) Tensile strength — Not less than 20.6 MPa when
of IS 4826 heavily coated and soft type. The zinc tested in accordance with IS 13360 (Part 5/Sec 1).
alloy shall consist of 90 percent Zinc + 10 percent c) Hardness — Shore ‘D’ between 50 and 60, when
Aluminium (or) 95 percent Zinc + 5 percent Aluminium. tested in accordance with IS 13360 (Part 5/Sec 11).
See Table 7 for the minimum mass of zinc/zinc alloy
d) Resistance of polymer coating to sodium chloride
coating for different wire sizes.
solution — When polymer coated wire is tested in
Table 8 Minimum mass of Zinc/Zinc Alloy coating accordance with 12.4 there shall be no loss of mass.
for Heavily Coated, Soft Type for Different
e) Salt spray exposure — The PVC shall be subjected
Wire Sizes Used in Gabion, Sack Gabions,
to 3 000 h of salt spray exposure in accordance
Revet Mattresses, Rockfall netting and
with IS 13360 (Part 8/Sec 14). After the salt spray
facia units for reinforced soil structures
test, the PVC Coating shall not show cracks nor
(Clause 5.4.1 and 7.1.1) noticeable change of colour, or blisters or splits.
In addition, the specific gravity and tensile
SI Nominal Diameter Mass of Permitted
No of Galvanized Wire Zinc/Zinc Tolerances on
strength shall not change more than 6 percent and
mm Alloy coating wire diameters 25 percent respectively from their initial values.
g/m2 mm f) Modulus of Elasticity — Not less than 18.6 MPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) [2700 psi] when tested in accordance with Test
Methods ISO 37 : 2017.
i) 2.00 240 ±0.05
g) Brittleness Temperature — Not higher than −9°C
ii) 2.20 240 ±0.06 [15°F], or lower temperature when specified by
iii) 2.40 260 ±0.06
the purchaser, when tested in accordance with Test
Method ISO 974 : 2000 (see Note).
iv) 2.70 260 ±0.07
Applicability of this note needs to be checked
v) 3.00 270 ±0.08 based on ISO 974.
NOTE — The maximum brittleness temperature should be at
vi) 3.40 270 ±0.09
least 8°C [15°F] below the minimum temperature at which the
vii) 3.90 280 ±0.10 gabions will be filled.
h) Resistance to UV rays — Polymer mechanical
7.1.2 Adhesion of Zinc/Zinc Alloy Coating characteristics (elongation and tensile strength) of
The Zinc/Zinc Alloy coating shall remain adherent the base compound after a UV rays exposure of
to the steel wire and conform to IS 4826 such that 2 500 hours QUV-A (ISO 4892-3 : 2016 exposure
zinc/zinc alloy coating does not flake off, nor crack to mode 1) cannot change more than 25% from the
such an extent that there is possibility of removing any initial tests.

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IS 16014 : 2018

8 DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES gabions, vertical and inclined facing units of reinforced
soil structure sizes are shown in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
8.1 The diameter of galvanized steel wire shall conform respectively.)
to the values as per Table 1 for gabions, Table 2 for
revet mattresses, Table 3 for sack gabions, Table 4 8.10 The height of the gabions, revet mattresses, sack
for vertical facing units of reinforced soil structures, gabions, vertical and inclined facing units of reinforced
Table 5 for inclined facing units of reinforced soil soil structure as manufactured shall not differ more than
structure and Table 6 for rock fall netting. The diameter +10 percent, if the height is less than or equal to 0.3 m
of the wires shall also conform to the tolerance values and shall not differ more than ±5 percent if the height is
as shown in col 4 of Table 5 as per IS 280 for galvanized more than 0.3 m from the ordered size prior to filling.
steel wire.
8.11 The tolerance on the roll length of rock fall netting
8.2 The minimum and nominal thickness of polymer shall be +1 m to 0 m. The tolerance on the width shall
coating uniformly applied in a quality workmanlike be ± D (mesh size). See Table 6 for the typical sizes of
manner shall be as shown in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. netting rolls.

8.3 Gabions shall be manufactured with a 10 × 12 or 8.12 Mesh Opening Tolerances

8 × 10 mesh type (see Fig. 5) having a nominal mesh Tolerances on the hexagonal, double-twisted wire mesh
opening size as per Table 9. Dimensions are measured opening shall not exceed +10 percent to –10 percent on
at right angles to the centre axis of the opening and the nominal dimension D values mentioned in Table 9.
parallel to the twist along the same axis.
8.4 Revet mattresses shall be manufactured with a 6 × 8
mesh type (see Fig. 6) having a nominal mesh opening Wire of proper grade and quality, when fabricated in
size as per Table 9. Dimensions are measured at right the manner herein required, shall result in a strong,
angles to the centre axis of the opening and parallel to serviceable mesh type product have substantially
the twist along the same axis. uniform openings. It shall be fabricated and finished
with good workmanship as determined by visual
Table 9 Mesh Types and Sizes inspection and shall conform to this standard.
( Clauses 5.4.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.8 and 8.9 )
Sl Mesh Type ‘D’ Nominal Tolerances
No. Size 10.1 Samples for determining the mechanical and
(1) (2) (3) (4) physical properties of double-twisted wire mesh shall
i) 10 × 12 100 be in accordance with the samples, dimensions, and
ii) 8 × 10 80 +10 percent to – 10 percent
requirements described in 12.
iii) 6×8 60 10.2 Samples for determining the mechanical and
physical properties of coated steel wire used for mesh,
8.5 Rock fall netting shall be manufactured with a lacing wire and stiffeners shall be selected at random
10 × 12, 8 × 10 or 6 × 8 mesh type (see Fig. 7) having a from wire coils used for manufacturing.
nominal mesh opening size as per Table 9.
8.6 Sack Gabion shall be manufactured with a 10 × 12,
8 × 10 mesh type (see Fig. 8) having a nominal mesh 11.1 The tensile strength, galvanizing weight, and
opening size as per Table 9. polymer coating thickness of the coated steel wire used
in the fabrication of mesh, lacing wire and stiffeners
8.7 Vertical facing units of reinforced soil structure
shall be certified by the steel wire/Polymer coated steel
shall be manufactured with a 10 × 12, 8 × 10 mesh type
wire producers for conformance to the requirements of
(see Fig. 9) having a nominal mesh opening size as per
6, 7 and 8.
Table 9.
11.2 A minimum of three tests each for conformance to
8.8 Inclined facing units of reinforced soil structure
strength of galvanized steel wire mesh parallel to twist
shall be manufactured with a 10 × 12, 8 × 10 mesh type
and perpendicular to twist shall be performed. A retest
(see Fig. 10) having a nominal mesh opening size as
for conformance with the aforementioned strength
per Table 9.
tests shall be required when changes of the physical
8.9 The width and length of the gabions, revet characteristics of the mesh products occur.
mattresses, sack gabions, vertical and inclined facing For galvanized steel wire with polymer coating, follow
units of reinforced soil structure as manufactured shall the same requirements as for the galvanized steel
not differ more than ±5 percent from the ordered size wire mesh. The results of all three tests shall meet the
prior to filling. (Typical gabions, revet mattresses, sack requirements of Table 4.

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IS 16014 : 2018

12 TEST METHODS by stripping, care to be taken, not to remove any of the

metallic surfaces.
12.1 Tensile Strength of Wire Mesh Panel
12.5 Polymer Coating — Resistance to Sodium
The wire mesh specimens shall be representative
Chloride Solution
of proper field construction as to materials, mesh
geometry, and workmanship, and shall be as large as 12.5.1 Apparatus
practical to minimize the effect of variations. The tests
shall be run with the load applied parallel to the axis of Chamber or room, where the temperature is
the twist and repeated on a separate test specimen with between 5°C and 30°C.
the load applied perpendicular to the axis of the twist. Scales, accurate to within 0.1 mg.
12.1.1 Place the mesh into the machine grips such
that the gripped mesh will be maintained in the mesh Test tube
geometry characteristic of field use. The specimen of 12.5.2 Reagents — Saturated sodium chloride solution.
approximately 0.8 m width and 0.5 m height shall be
tested. The effective width to be considered for test 12.5.3 Preparation of Test Specimen
specimen shall be the distance between two extreme Bend a 200 mm long piece of polymer coated wire into
gripping points. The specimen should extend by at a U-shaped that it can fit in to the test tube.
least one mesh repetition beyond the extreme gripping
points on either side. However, specimen should not 12.5.4 Procedure
extend more than two mesh repetitions beyond extreme Weigh the test specimen and put it in the test tube. Fill
gripping points. The mesh shall be pre-loaded to the test tube with the sodium chloride solution such that
10 percent of the specified minimum strength and the ends are 5 mm above the solution. After at least 60
machine head travel stopped. The mesh gauge dimensions h remove the test specimen from the solution, wash it,
shall be recorded at this time and taken as the initial dry it and reweigh it. Check for compliance to 7.2 (d).
dimensions of the specimen where such dimensions
are required. The loading shall then continue uniformly 13 MARKING
maintaining the displacement rate of 75 to 100 mm/min,
until first fracture or unwrapping of an individual wire 13.1 Each finished product shall be marked legibly and
in the system occurs. The distortion of the mesh or indelibly with the following details on a metal tag:
changes in gauge length shall be measured to accuracy
a) Name of manufacturer;
consistent with reporting the percent elongation to the
nearest 0.5 percent. b) Product type (gabions, revet mattresses, sack
gabion, soil reinforcement facia units or rock fall
12.2 Punch Test netting);
Perform punch tests as specified in APPENDIX 2500/I c) Mesh type (10 × 12, 8 × 10 or 6 × 8);
clause no. 5.2 Punch Test of MORTH 2013 d) Class of coating;
‘Specifications for Roads and Bridges’.
e) Mesh wire size, in mm;
12.3 Metallic Coating Mass f) Size, in m (length × width × height — For gabions,
Perform coating mass tests and adhesion tests as revet mattresses and soil reinforcement facia
specified in IS 4826 or IS 12757 as applicable. units, length and diameter for sack gabion and
length × width — for netting rolls);
12.4 Polymer Coating Thickness g) Batch No. or date of manufacturing; and
The thickness of the Polymer coating shall be h) Any other information as specified by the
determined on a randomly chosen individual piece of purchaser.
wire removed from the coil at 3 places 1 m apart. 13.2 BIS Certification Marking
Measure the diameter of the galvanized steel wire The details available with the Bureau of
with Polymer coating with a micrometre. Determine Indian Standards.
the thickness of the Polymer coating by stripping
the Polymer coating from the wire and measure the 13.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the
reduced diameter with a micrometre. The thickness provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016
of the coating is the difference between the diameter and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
of the galvanized steel wire with Polymer coating and
the measured diameter of the galvanized steel wire The details of the conditions under which the licence
divided by two. The average value of thickness of the for use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
coating, shall be in accordance with 8.2 and Tables 1, manufacturers or producers, may be obtained from the
2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. When removing the Polymer coating Bureau of Indian Standards.

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IS 16014 : 2018

13.3 The following information shall be supplied by 14 CERTIFICATES

to the purchaser/indenter: When specified in the purchase order or contract, a
a) Gabions, revet mattresses, sack gabions, soil manufacturer’s certificate shall be furnished to the
reinforcement facia units or rock fall netting; purchaser that the material has been manufactured,
tested, and inspected in accordance with requirements
b) Mesh type (10 × 12, 8 × 10 or 6 × 8);
of this standard and has been found to be conforming
c) Class; to the requirements. When specified in the contract or
d) Mesh size and mesh wire diameter, in mm; purchase order, reports of the test results for each batch
e) Size, in m (length × width × height — For Gabions, supplied shall be furnished.
revet mattresses, soil reinforcement facia units,
length and diameter for sack gabions and length × 15 INSTALLATION MANUAL
width — for netting rolls); The manufacturer shall supply installation manual for
f) IS number and year of issue; installation of the product.
g) Quantity (number of units) for each class and size;
h) Manufacturer’s certificate, if required (see 14);
j) Any other requirement.

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IS 16014 : 2018

( Informative )
Table A.1 Description of environment of installation site, coating wire requirements
Site Environment levela Organic coating Coating Classb Assumed Working
(in accordance with ISO 9223, Table 1) material (EN 10244-2) Life of the Product
Low Aggressive: (C 2)
Dry conditions — Zinc A 25
Temperate zone, atmospheric environment
with low pollution, e.g. rural areas, small Zn 95 percent/Al
towns (over 100 m above see level). Dry — A >50
5 percent alloy
or cold zone, atmospheric environment
with short time of wetness, e.g. deserts, Zn 95 percent/Al
— A >120
sub-arctic areas 10 percent alloy

— Zinc E 10
Zn 95 percent/Al
— A 25
Medium aggressive: (C 3) 5 percent alloy
Dry conditions Zn 95 percent/Al
— A >50
10 percent alloy
Temperate zone, atmospheric environment
with medium pollution or some effect of Polyvinyl Chloride
Zn 95 percent/Al A
chlorides, e.g. urban areas, coastal areas (PVC) 120
with low deposition of chlorides, e.g. 5 percent alloy
Polyamide (PA6) E
subtropical and tropical zone, atmosphere
with low pollution Polyvinyl Chloride
Zn 95 percent/Al A
(PVC) >120
10 percent alloy
Polyamide (PA6) E
Zn 95 percent/Al
— A 10
High aggressive: (C 4) 5 percent alloy
Wet conditions Zn 95 percent/Al 10
— A 25
percent alloy
Temperate zone, atmospheric environment
with high pollution or substantial effect Polyvinyl Chloride
Zn 95 percent/Al 5 A
of chlorides, e.g. polluted urban areas, (PVC) 120
industrial areas, coastal areas, without percent alloy
Polyamide (PA6) E
spray of salt water, exposure to strong
effect of de-icing salts, e.g. subtropical and Polyvinyl Chloride
tropical zone, atmosphere with medium A
(PVC) Zn 95 percent/Al 10
pollution industrial areas, coastal areas, >120
shelter positions at coastline. percent alloy
Polyamide (PA6) E

Polyvinyl Chloride
Very High aggressive: (C 5) A
(PVC) Zn 95 percent/Al 5
Wet conditions 120
percent alloy
Temperate and subtropical zone, Polyamide (PA6) E
atmospheric environment with very
Polyvinyl Chloride
high pollution and/or important effect of A
(PVC) Zn 95 percent/Al 10
chlorides, e.g. industrial areas, coastal >120
percent alloy
areas, shelter positions at coastline Polyamide (PA6) E

Extreme aggressive: (C X) Polyvinyl Chloride

Subtropical and tropical zone (very high (PVC)
time of wetness), atmospheric environment
with very high pollution SO2 (higher than Zn 95 percent/Al 10
250 μg/m3) including accompanying and >120
percent alloy
production ones and/or strong effect of Polyamide (PA6) E
chlorides, e.g. extreme industrial areas,
coastal and off shore areas, occasionally
contact with salt spray.

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IS 16014 : 2018

Working life (Product): The period of time during which the performance of a product will be maintained at a level that enables a properly
designed and executed works to fulfill the essential requirements (i.e the essential requirements of a product meet or exceed minimum
acceptable values without incurring major cost of repair and maintanence). The working life of a product depends on the inherent durability
and normal installation and maintanance.
A clear distinction has to be made between the assumed economically reasonable working life for a product (also called: design working
life), which underlies the assessment of durability in technical specifications, and actual working life of product in a works. The latter
depends on many factors beyond the control of producer, such as design, locationof use (Exposure), installation, use and maintanance.
The asssumed working life can thus not be interpreted as the guarantee given by the producer.
Technical specifications writers will have to view about the “normal” working life of the products that they deal with. The assumed working
life of a product should take account of the assumed working life of the works, ease and cost of repair or replacement of the product,
maintanance reuirements and exposure conditions.
Note: The table is not applicable for mesh used for paving reinforcements.
 Gabion products immersed in water (saline and/or polluted water) and/or in contact with alkaline solutions, or gabions which are subject to

abrasive conditions (sand storms, metal particles etc) shall be metallic coated with plastic coating or shall be made from stainless steel wire.
 There exists more advanced metallic coatings with superior corrosion protection. In terms of salt spray performance (EN ISO 9227), it means that
the mesh samples shall not show more than 5 percent of DBR (Dark Brown Rust) after 2 000 h of exposure on the surface. When subjected to
test in sulphur dioxide environment (ISO 6988), mesh samples shall not show more than 5 percent of DBR (Dark Brown Rust) after 56 cycles of
discontinuous test on the surface. So, assumed working life values will be improved depending on the prevailing conditions.

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IS 16014 : 2018

( Foreword )

Wire Ropes and Wire Products Sectional Committee, MED 10

Organization Representative(s)

Directorate General of Mines Safety, Dhanbad Shri D. B. Naik (Chairman)

Shri Vijay Kumar Kavali (Alternate)
Bharat Coking Coal Limited, Dhanbad Shri K. K. Sinha
Shri R. K. Munshi (Alternate)

Bharat Wire Ropes Limited, Mumbai Shri Sumit Nadak

 Shri Sanjeev Rai (Alternate)
Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad Dr Manoj Kumar Singh
Dr Debasish Bssak (Alternate)

Directorate of Quality Assurance, New Delhi Col K. Manjunath B. J.

 Lt Col R. D. Mishra (Alternate)

Directorate General FAC Advice Service and Lab Shri S. N. Borkar

INSTT, Mumbai  Shri B. N. Jha (Alternate)
Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance, Shri S. Chawla
New Delhi  Shri Rishi Kumar (Alternate)
Eastern Coalfields Limited, Kolkata Shri Chaterjee
Shri Kapil K. Rai (Alternate)
Amzone International, Mumbai Shri Shubho Ghosh
Shri Ajit Vikram Singh (Alternate)
Maccaferri Environment Solutions Pvt. Limited, Shri Rudra Budhbhatti
Navi Mumbai Smt. Minimol Korulla (Alternate)
Ministry of Shipping, New Delhi Shri B. Poiyaamzhi
Shri D. J. Basub (Alternate)
National Test House, Kolkata Shri Angad Verma
 Shri Suresh Parwal (Alternate)
Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Dehradun Shri S. S. Ali
Shri A. K. Aggarwal (Alternate)
Orient Wire Ropes, Indore Shri Sameer Golwelkar
Shri Shishir Akarte (Alternate)
South Eastern coal fields Limited, Bilaspur Shri S. K. Mishra
Shri G. Ramaswami (Alternate)
Tata Steel Limited, Dhanbad Shri A. N. Bhagat
Shri Tanmay Bhattacharya (Alternate)
The Shipping Coporation of India Limited, Mumbai Shri G. S. Bhalla
Capt. R. Modi (Alternate)

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IS 16014 : 2018

Organization Representative(s)

The Singreni Collierries Co. Limited Shri A. G. Rao

Shri N. V. K. Vishwananda Raju (Alternate)
Usha Martin Industries Limited, Ranchi Shri Subrata Dutta
Shri Sandeep Jaiswal (Alternate)

Member Secretary
Shri Sandeep Keshav
Scientist ‘B’ (MED), BIS

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HGIEL -
Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to HGIEL -
Badayun([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: MED 10 (12118).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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