HDSD - Almig-Varibale 35 - 355

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Operating manual

Screw compressor
VARIABLE 35 - 355
© 2009

All rights belong to:

ALMiG Kompressoren GmbH

Adolf-Ehmann-Straße 2
D - 73257 Köngen

2 Tel.: +49 (0)7024 9614-0

Fax: +49 (0)7024 9614-106

No part of this manual may be duplicated by mechanical or electronic means

without the express written permission from ALMiG Kompressoren GmbH.

ware documentation at any time without previous announcement.
Table of contents
1. Safety instructions.........................................................4 6. Correcting malfunctions ............................................. 40
1.1 Symbols in this manual.............................................4 7. Initial commissioning ..................................................42
1.2 Proper usage ............................................................5 .............................................. 42
...................................................5 .......................................... 42
1.4 General safety instructions .......................................6 7.3 Start-up lubrication of the compressor stage .......... 42
2. Functional description ..................................................8 ..................................... 43
3. Storage and transport .................................................12 7.5 Basic settings ......................................................... 44
4. Installation .................................................................... 14 7.5.1 Controlling the unit
4.1 Setting up ...............................................................14 by means of Air Control 3 .............................. 44
4.2 Ventilation ...............................................................14 .................... 45
...................................15 ............................................... 45
.......................................... 16 8. Service ..........................................................................46
............................. 46
..........................................16 .............................................. 46
.................... 17 ........... 47
4.7 Electrical connections .............................................17 8.4 Check for leakage................................................... 48
5. Displays and operating elements...............................18 8.5 Check the compressor temperature ....................... 48
.................................................... 18 8.6 Check the cooler for fouling .................................... 48
5.2 Emergency OFF .....................................................18 ............................................. 49
5.3 Air Control 3............................................................19
..................................................20 ..................................... 50
........................... 52
air generation.................................................20 ................................................... 53
................................................. 53
........................................ 21 ............................................................. 54 Capacity utilization .......................... 22 8.13 Relubrication of the electric motor .......................... 54
............................................ 22 ............................................... 55 LLC status .......................................23 9. Technical Data ..............................................................56 Compressor pass ............................ 23 9.1 Dimensions for connections ................................... 56 Diagram net pressure...................... 24 .................................. 57
............................. 57
compression temperature ...............24 ......................................................... 57
10. Service manual ........................................................... 58
.................... 24

.................. 25
5.3.4 Menu system .................................................26
.................... 27 Sub-menu Operating parameters.... 28
............ 29 Sub-menu Timer.............................. 30 Sub-menu Fault log ........................ 32 3 Sub-menu Display parameters........ 32
...34 Sub-menu Accessories.................... 34 Sub-menu Diagnosis .......................35
................................ 36
5.3.6 Malfunctions ..................................................37
1. Safety instructions

Safety instructions You are reading this manual in order to learn about the screw compressor.

usage may not fall under the conditions of guarantee!

access to it at any time.

of-the-art technology and considering all the current safety standards.

from the system if you comply with the stipulations of the service manual

out according to the regulations.

1.1 Symbols in this manual

This symbol is employed whenever personal damage can be incurred

by carelessness, or by ignoring the instructions.


This symbol is employed when damage to property can occur through

carelessness, or by ignoring the instructions.


Italic text is employed when we would like to draw your attention to particular

the user.
1.2 Proper usage The system is exclusively designed for

• the generation of compressed air and

• for operation in an environment without explosion risk.

The units are designed for a minimum pressure of 5 bar (operating over-

Any other utilization must be regarded as not in compliance with the design
The manufacturer/vendor is fundamentally not liable for damage incurred if
the system is not used according to its design purpose!

The generated compressed air may not be used for human respiration. In
case the compressed air is used for pharmaceutical or sanitary purposes, it
must undergo further treatment. The same is true when the compressed air
is used in production plants and comes into direct contact with foodstuffs.

individuals must read the chapter relevant to their duties.

Activities that are not described in this manual may only be carried out by
our customer service department or by authorized technical personnel.

1. Safety instructions
1.4 General safety instructions

Loss or decrease of compressor safety !

safety! The results could be serious personal, material or environmen-

equipment components from third party manufacturers must therefore


Loss of contact protection!

The side panelings of the system are part of the contact protection
system to protect personnel from fan impellers that start up automati-
cally, moving machine parts, hot surfaces and dangerous voltages!
DANGER Furthermore, they are required for sound insulation and cooling air
conduction. Therefore they must not be removed when the unit is in
For initial commissioning, it is required to remove the side paneling of
the system. Furthermore, in the process of the initial commissioning
of the plant, the mains switch must be turned on.
The initial commissioning, therefore, may only be carried out by quali-

Injuries caused by fan impellers that start automatically, moving ma-

Installation, service or repair work on the components of the system

must, if not otherwise described, be categorically carried out only on
system must be secured against an illicit or accidental switching-on.
The shut-off device for the compressed air net must be closed.
If measuring or testing work is required on the electrical components
6 while the system is in operation, they must be carried out by electri-
cians observing all the relevant safety regulations.

Damage to the sense organs!

Compressed air streams may not be directed towards persons. When
applying compressed air, dust particles can be raised by the air stream.
Therefore, when working with compressed air, protect your eyes with
DANGER safety glasses.
Loss or decrease of compressor dependability!
Only original spare parts and lubrications may be employed!
We recommend that a set of service parts subject to wear be kept on
stock, in order to guarantee high compressor availability. Our customer
NOTICE service would be glad to help you with your selection.

Damage to the system may result in environmental damage!

Before initial commissioning, the system must have been correctly
installed according to Chapter 6!
For the operation of the compressor (equipment in the sense of Pres-
sure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC) please observe national regulations
and laws. In Germany, operating equipment must be operated in ac-
cordance with the regulations laid down in the ordinance on industrial
safety and health (BetrSichV)!
Dispose of all used or defective materials in a proper way!
This is especially true for components/materials containing cooling
liquid. Please note that the accumulated condensation containing
cooling liquid may not enter the sewage system!

tion processing.

Compressed air receivers require regular technical inspections!

Please notify the commissioning of the system at the technical inspection
authority responsible for you. They will inspect the system and provide a
receiver test book.

Document all the activities carried out (e.g. in some table format).

Carry out the activities in all of the following chapters in the order given.
2. Functional description
2.1 Drive The frequency converter in the switching cabinet supplies the electric motor

refer to the instructions in the switching cabinet.


2.2 Air path

minimum pressure non-return valve into the compressed air aftercooler and
is cooled down to 10 - 15 °C above the ambient temperature before it leaves
the compressor through the compressed air connection.

The suction regulator opens shortly after the compressor has started up for
generating compressed air. It closes when the compressor changes over
to off-load operation and/or comes to a standstill and unloads the system
via the relief valve.

required. Otherwise, overheating and malfunction of the compressor

may occur.

• heat removal of the temperature increase caused by the compression
• sealing lubrication of the rotors to each other and to the housing with a

• bearing lubrication
• noise dampening

for example.

2.4 Cooling
cooled either by
• a built-in cooling air ventilator or
• water cooling.

The electric motor is always cooled by its own ventilator fan.

2. Functional description
2.5 Flow diagram

2.6 Components

20 01



19 03

01 06




19 01

17 06 02

2.7 Legend 01 Switching cabinet

02 Electric motor
03 Coupling
05 Suction regulator
06 Compressor level 20 Cooling air ventilator
21 Cooling water inlet
08 Safety valve
09 Drain air after-cooler

24 HCR water inlet

25 HCR heat exchanger
13 Minimum pressure 26 HCR thermostat
non-return valve 27 HCR water outlet
14 Relief valve 28 HCR thermostat valve
3. Storage and transport

For measurements and weights, see Chapter 9.

Observe the local regulations and other requirements pertaining to the

professional use of tools, lifting and transport equipment, as well as
the valid standards and regulations for accident prevention.


Always transport the system in its normal operating orientation in a pres-

sure-free state. Tilting or laying the system down is not allowed.

palette lifting trolley may be used.

4. Installation
4.1 Setting up
Install the system in locations with the following environmental condi-


4.2 Ventilation


Make certain that the place of installation is professionally ventilated.

Make certain that no circulating air short-circuit (the intake of the

NOTICE exhausted warm air) can occur.

VARIABLE 150-210

VARIABLE 260 - 355

4.3 Forced ventilation and
venting duct (optional)
4. Installation
4.4 Water cooling (optional)

For cooling water quantities, temperatures and connections,

see chapter 9.


4.5 Heat recovery for heating Compressors can be supplied with the optional heat recovery system
water / potable water (op- • for heating water or

The heat recovery is to be connected appropriately (see drawing in Chapter

• pressure of up to 10 bar

4.6 Connection to the com- -

pressed air net viced compressed air net.

Install an additional shut-off valve at the input of the compressed air net.
pressed air net. Length of the hose employed: max.1.5 m.

Unpredictable movements of the compressed air hose!

During load switching in the compressed air net, the hose can move
suddenly and with great force. Therefore the hose must be adequately
4. Installation
4.7 Electrical connections The unit is provided for connection to a three-phase supply system (clock-
wise). Properly dimensioned safety equipment (to protect personnel/the
unit) must be installed in the power supply lines.

All the relevant data for the connections can be found

When using residual-current-operated circuit-breakers in conjunction

with a speed-controlled machine, install exclusively residual-current-
operated circuit-breakers that are suitable for this application!

Electrical voltage!
Only trained electricians may connect the system to the electrical
supply network.

Before making the connections according to the compressor nameplate,

determine if the available supply network is adequate. Voltage deviations
greater than 10 % are not allowed.
Lay the supply cables professionally. Make certain that the installation
cannot endanger individuals or property. Take into account the necessary
cable diameters, strain relief, and max. allowed cable lengths.
Connect the system according to the circuit diagram. The circuit diagram
is provided in the control cabinet of the system.

Damage to the system is possible!

Before switching on the generation of compressed air, initial commis-
sioning according to Chapter 7 must be correctly carried out!

Test the correct functioning of all safety facilities (protective grounding,
protective switch etc.).
Carefully lock the control cabinet after the connection work is completed.
5. Displays and operating elements
5.1 Plant main switch The unit‘s main switch that is installed on the control cabinet connects or
disconnects the unit to and from the power supply.

The compressor main switch must be switched off for all service or
installation work and protected from illicit or accidental switching

turned on)!

5.2 Emergency OFF The system may be stopped with EMERGENCY OFF in the case of a real

Enable the system only when the cause of danger has been profes-
sionally removed and a securely operating state is achieved.

Enable system:
1. switch main switch off and on.

to switch the system on again. 19

5. Displays and operating elements
5.3 Air Control 3 The operating / display desk of the Air Control 3

20 Integrated green LED


5.3.1 Basic display
3 will inform you about the plant condition.

Supplymentary information

Momentarily available net pressure
at compressed air output temperature

Service or malfunction messages with

service telephone number

Supplementary information:

Switching times are programmed

Compressor was switched off by
the timer
Symbol ON: Compressor was switched on by the
Pressure times are programmed

RESTART Automatic restart programmed

REMOTE Remote control mode programmed
Compressor OFF
Symbol ON:
LLC MODE On-load/off-load controlled by higher-level control
AUTOMATIC Meaning: Display of programmed off-load running
OPT. control
Motor running

Solenoid valve open

Additional heater switched on 21

5.3.2 ON/OFF switching of com- Switching ON: press .

pressed air generation The compressor is ready and can start up automatically at any time.

Switching OFF: press .

state and afterwards off.

5. Displays and operating elements
5.3.3 Function key reservation
in the basic display

Mode 1 = reservation 1

Capacity utilization Service

Lead lag control Plant pass


Mode 2 = reservation 2

Diagram Diagram
net pressure air amounts

Diagram Diagram
compression air amounts

returns to the basic display from all information screens. Capacity utilization
(Mode 1 - F1) in the form of bar diagrams. The respective current hour count is also dis-
Change of mode 5.3.3 played in the bars.


Total service hours

On-load oad hours

Off-load hours

Standstill hours

left and growing to the right. The sum of the on-load hours and the off-load
hours yields the total service hours.

The scaling units of this diagram are according to the service hours. If the

of the standstill hours will be cut off. In this case note the displayed hour
count in the bars. Service The Service diagram shows the remaining time in hours until the respective
(Mode 1 - F3) service interval is due.
Change of mode 5.3.3

Motor lubrication


5. Displays and operating elements LLC status
(mode 1 - F2)
ing “YES” in the Lead lag control menu (see Chapter
Change of mode 5.3.3

LLC mode.

Ready for operation
Fault Compressor pass The individual machine data stored in the compressor pass are required for
(Mode 1 - F4) our customer service.
Change of mode 5.3.3

24 Diagram net pressure In this diagram, the current process of the net pressures is displayed.
(Mode 2 - F1)
Change of mode 5.3.3

sion temperature is displayed.
(Mode 2 - F2)
Change of mode 5.3.3 Diagram compressed air In this diagram, the current process of the compressed quantity for a day
is displayed.
(Mode 2 - F3)
Change of mode 5.3.3

25 Diagram compressed air In this diagram, the current process of the compressed air quantity for a
week is displayed.
(Mode 2 - F4)
Change of mode 5.3.3
5. Displays and operating elements Modify diagram settings The scale divisions of the axis can be changed by editing the axis values.
X-AUTO settings

y-axis: - The values of the y-axis can be changed in every diagram.

The data in the diagram are continually updated even after
the edit function.

tinually updated.
X-AUTO: activates or deactivates X-AUTO

in the menu “Display parameter diagrams “(see Chapter manual editing x-axis values are deleted.

Procedure for the scale division of the axis.

Axis value y-axis (Max)

Axis value y-axis (Min)

Axis value x-axis (time point 1) Axis value x-axis (time point 2)


26 and .
Moving the cursor with and .

„X/Y-Init“ is for resetting the scale division for the default values
preset in X-AUTO.

ldeletes the recorded measurement values of the currently

displayed time diagram.
5.3.4 Menu system All basic settings of the system can be viewed in the menu system. If the
Limit values



00000: View the basic settings

00001: View and change basic settings
and .
and .


and .The selection is


5. Displays and operating elements
changed as follows:

and .
and .
and .
ENTER. Sub-menu Limit values

ENTER Sub-menu
Operating parameters the compressor:
Selection of the menu position Run-on time Run-on time of the motors in automatic Display
ENTER Off time Run-on time of the motor for manual swit- Display
ching-off delay and for automatic restart
Star/delta time Star/delta time Display
Automatic restart Start after voltage return Can be edited
Operating mode: Behavior on load switching Setting range: Can be edited
Max. pressure loss Maximum pressure loss Display
Max. no. of motor Maximum switching cycles of the motor Display
starts per hour

Operating mode “Automatic”

The text “AUTOMATIC” is displayed in the basic display. After reaching the

time) for the duration of the run-on time and the basic display shows the
text “run-on time” with the respective residual time. At the conclusion of

automatically at any time after falling below the start pressure.

Operating mode “On-/off-load”

The text “ON-/OFF-LOAD” is displayed in the basic display. The compres-

run-on time is unlimited.

Operating mode “Automatic Optional”

The text “AUTOMATIC OPT.” is displayed in the basic display. After reaching

After 10 and after 40 seconds the net pressure is measured.

system is in the idling state for the duration of the run-on time. In the basic

switches off after completing the OFF time. 29

Max. no. of motor starts

then the compressor temporarily switches to the operation mode on-/off-

5. Displays and operating elements Sub-menu
Service intervals

respective service intervals (see Chapter 8.1) is reset.

Service interval ASF Display

Service interval OLF Display
Service interval OLAB Display
Service interval motor Service interval for motor lubrication Display
Service interval compr. Service interval compressor Display
Service hours Total operating hours (motor on) Display
Load hours Accumulated load hours Display
Standstill hours Accumulated standstill hours Display
(system on motor off)
Total delivery volume Accumulated delivery volume of the Display

30 Sub-menu Timer
processes dependant upon it are in this menu.

Selection of the menu position Date/time Setting the current date and time Edit
Attention: The adjustment is entered to
Compressor switching Branch to the sub-menu Edit
Compressor pressure Branch to the sub-menu Edit
Switching times LLC Branch to the sub-menu Edit
Pressure times LLC Branch to the sub-menu Edit
Switching times Branch to the sub-menu Edit

Switching times as well as pressure times can be programmed with the

timer independently of each other.

manually switched on and off. This is to prevent the possibility that the
compressor might for instance start up automatically at night in order to
compensate for loss in the compressed air net.
ter can be set for the start and stop pressure. In this way only the
minimal required operating pressure is always generated so that energy is

Switching times for compressor


set to “ON” in the highest menu line.

If the timer channel is set to “ON” and


Seven switching times with the channels K1 –K7 can be programmed.

the switching time should be set to 00:00.

5. Displays and operating elements

and . (In
4. Set the cursor with and and


If the timer for switching times is activated, then the compressor only
works during the switching times entered!

Compressor pressure times

pressure / decreasing pressure).

the timer channels must be set to “ON”.

(For switching times adjustment: see paragraph “Compressor switching

32 times”)
The channels are searched beginning with K1 to K7 to determine whether a

then the settings in the menu “limit values” are valid. In order to activate the

of 00:00 should be entered.

Switching times LLC / Pressure timesLLC / Switching times


Switching times or pressure times for operation in the lead lag control mode

The settings are to be carried out as described in “Compressor switching

times” or “Compressor pressure times” Sub-menu Fault log
indication of the date and time. Sub-menu
Display parameters

Selection of the menu position Pressure dimension Selection of the unit for the display of Edit
the line pressure
ENTER Temperature dimension Selection of the unit for the display of Edit

Volume unit Selection of the unit for indicating the Edit

delivery volume
Language Selection of the display language Edit
Pressure offset Readjustment possibility for the net Display
pressure sensor
Diagrams Settings for diagrams Edit
Texts Texts for the compressor pass Display

Diagrams for the diagrams can be set:

Saving interval

quanitiy. The control system always saves the most recent

8000 values. For a saving interval of 12s (basic setting) the-
re is a logging duration of 12s x 8000 = 96000s = 26.7h
Number of Number of the recorded values for function X-Auto on the
points X-auto time axis at a saving interval of 12 s and up to 300 points for
X-Auto a time axis scaling of 12s x 300 = 3600s =1h
Line pressure Lower scale value of the x-axis of the diagram
low “line pressure” (see
Line pressure Upper scale value of the x-axis of the diagram
high “line pressure” (see
Temperature low Lower scale value of the x-axis of the diagram
“Final compression temperature” (see
Temperature Upper scale value of the x-axis of the diagram
high “Final compression temperature” (see (basic 120°C)
Air quantity day Lower scale value of the x-axis of the diagram “Compressed
Air quantity day Upper scale value of the x-axis of the diagram
Air quantity Lower scale value of the x-axis of the diagram “Compressed

Air quantity Upper scale value of the x-axis of the diagram “Compressed
5. Displays and operating elements Sub-menu Machine type Display

Maximal pressure Maximum permissible machine pressure Display

Selection of the menu position
Delivered air quantity at maximum speed in Display
values on-load operation
Remote mode Operation of the compressor Edit

LLC operation Operation with external base load alternate Edit

Power fail Stop Switching-off when low voltage is recognized Display

Frequency converter Settings of the frequency converter Display

Communication Settings for serial communication Display

Heating Settings of the additional heater Display

Remote mode
Determines how the compressor is switched on or off.

Local operation: The compressor can only be switched on or off at the ope-

Remote operation: The compressor can be switched on or off with an elec-


If the unit was switched off by means of key , key must be

pressed for switching the compressor on, even if remote operation
NOTICE is active.

system to the compressor. (see also LLC Operation


LLC mode
The compressors are controlled by a higher-level control system. The
text “LLC MODE” (see also Remote Mode appears in the basic
display Sub-menu This menu contains the settings for the operation as the LLC Master.
Lead lag control (LLC)

Selection of the menu position

with an RS-485 interface.

The LLC master function may only be activated when the compressor
is actually used as master unit!

Lead lag control Parameter for the activation of the Display

LLC Master characteristics
(basic setting: NO)
Start pressure Lower pressure threshold for Edit
switching on a compressor
Stop pressure Upper pressure threshold for Edit
switching off a compressor
Cut out at Edit
below which slave compressors are
cut out
Cut in at Edit
above which slave compressors are
cut out
Start delay Minimal time between the Edit
switching on of two compressors
Stop delay Minimal time between the Edit
switching off of two compressors
Changeover interval Time between changeovers of LLC for Edit
Priority 1 compressors having priority 1
Changeover interval Time between changeovers of LLC for Edit
Priority 2 compressors having priority 2
Changeover interval Time between changeovers of LLC for Edit
Priority 3 compressors having priority 3
Priorities Assignment of sequencing priority Edit
(see also Chapter Sub-menu Accessories This menu contains the settings for the connection of accessories. 35

extension modules.

Accessories module Additional module for accessories availa- Display

Function of digital inputs Edit
Function of digital outputs Edit
Switching times output 1 Edit
Switching times output 2 Edit
Switching times output 3 Edit
Switching times output 4 Edit
5. Displays and operating elements
Switching times


of the timer channels must be set to “ON”.

Seven switching times can be programmed with the channels K1 –K7. One

ing times “ Chapter

set the switching time to 00:00.

The inputs 1 to 8 can be used in order to switch the compressor to malfunc-

tion or warning.

36 Sub-menu Diagnosis This menu describes the current states of digital inputs and outputs.
5.3.5 Warnings / maintenance
The compressor is not switched off.
The display contains the additional information:

• type of warning
• telephone number of the service hotline

Chapter 8.

Damage to the system is possible!

Necessary maintenance work appear as warnings.

NOTICE has actually been carried out!

Maintenance work not carried out degrades the service life and re-
liability of the system. Please note that damage because of improper
usage might invalidate the warranty!
Only original spare parts may be used.
Information on service: see Chapter 8.

menu Maintenance schedule.

and . 37

you will return to the basic display.

5. Displays and operating elements
5.3.6 Malfunctions A malfunction has occurred when the red light is permanently on.

The compressor is stopped automatically.

• type of malfunction
• telephone number of the service hotline

sionally repaired. Troubleshooting and repair should be done exclusively

in order to restart the compressed air generation.

5.3.7 Adjustment of the display The display contrast of the control was selected so that it ensures optimum
contrast readability under nearly all operating conditions. If it is nevertheless required
to adjust the contrast under certain conditions (e.g. unfavourable lighting

1. Make sure that the compressor is disconnected from the power

supply by actuating the master switch.

2. Open the control cabinet/control box of the compressor.

3. At the rear of the control you can see a small opening at the top.

Insert a small plain slot screwdriver through this opening to reach the ad-
justment screw for correcting the contrast.

5. Close the control cabinet/control box before recommissioning.

6. Correcting malfunctions

Error Cause Measures

Compression temperature Silencing hood not closed

too high (red lamp is on) hood

Ventilate compressor room

too high

Clean with compressed air. In the

fouled! case of extensive fouling: disassemble
Attention: Cooler screw should cooler and clean with high pressure
Attention: Danger of short circuit!
the cooler Do not put electrical elements under

Line pressure falls Compressed air consumption A compressor with larger delivery
greater than delivery quantity quantity is required
of the compressor

Relief valve blows air during compres-

sion replace seals

Suction regulator does not open

System pressure Line pressure set too high Adjust line pressure anew
released by safety valve
Safety valve defective

40 Exchange solenoid valve

fouled cartridge

“Malfunction over-
pressure” or “line pressure
too high” (red lamp is on) Higher external pressure in the Equalize outside pressure or remove
compressed air net from net
Error Cause Measures

Compressor does not Net pressure set too high Adjust net pressure anew
start automatically or
does not deliver air after Interruption in the control current
previous switching off circuit (only by a trained electrician)

pressure or from off-load

state. message compressor room at right temperature
temperature too low “

Switching times have been activated

in Air Control 3 times in Air Control

System does not start on Line pressure greater than start Note line pressure value
pressing the start button pressure

Remote control activated

Missing voltage at the compressor

Electrical error in the control system Inspect (only by an trained electrician)

Switching times have been activated

in Air Control 3 in the Air Control 3

Compressed air
containing large amount is congested


System stopped before Overtemperature or overpressure Rectify error as required

(red lamp is on) Interruption in the control current loop

(only by a trained electrician)

Water in the piping net Dryer switched off Switch on dryer

Condensation diverter Clean / exchange drain

is not functioning
Bypass open Close bypass

Dew point too high Demand customer service

Pressure decline
too great
7. Initial commissioning
7.1 Preparatory activities 1. Make certain that when the compressor main switch is switched off, no
illicit or inadvertent switching on can occur.

3. Make certain that the system is correctly connected to the compressed

air net. Make certain that when the shut-off valve on the pressure net
side is closed, illicit or inadvertent opening cannot occur.


After an extended standstill time, for example between factory delivery

compressor stage and commissioning or during a longer company vacation, there might no


of coolant into the compressor stage.



2. Rotate the air end only by hand in the correct direction of rotation until

the air end.

7.4 Rotational direction control The rotational direction of the compressor ventilators must be checked.
The rotational direction of the main motor is determined by the frequency

1. Remove the cover panels of the system, so that the electric motor of
the ventilator is visible.
2. Switch the compressor main switch on.
3. Switch the system on with key Switch the system off again with the
, when the ventilator starts running.

of the ventilator motors must concur with the rotational direction arrow.
In the case of incorrect rotational direction of the compressor ventilators,
a trained electrician should correct the phase sequence of the electrical
supply in the switching cabinet by exchanging the two supply phases. This
should be carried out in a switched-off state secured against accidental
switching on.

7. Initial commissioning
7.5 Basic settings -
pressor operating elements “.

7.5.1 Controlling the unit More precise instructions on the basic settings of the system can be found
by means of Air Control 3 in the following chapters :

• Chapter 5.3.1 Basic display

• Chapter 5.3.4 Menu system

The display parameters

• language

The limit values

• start pressure
• stop pressure

carry out settings as in point of the description.

7.6 Switch on compressed air -
generation dangered by doing so. The sound-insulation hood serves as a part of

of the compressor plant. It must be closed during operation.

2. Carefully open the shut-off valve after the compressed air connector
and between system compressed air net (receiver). The system is now
connected to the net.
3. Switch on the main switch.
to switch on the compressed air generation.

The line pressure will slowly rise if the compressed air consumption is less
than the quantities delivered by the compressors.

On blinking green LED, the compressor can start by itself at any


The compressor switches on automatically when

• the current line pressure drops below the preset start pressure

• or the Lead lag control (LLC) is activated.

7.7 Concluding activities -



should neither remain below approx. 75 °C nor exceed 105 °C

°C a warning is output is automatically shut
We recommend:

between 75 and 90°C

than 90°C

5. Carry out all service intervals according to Chapter 8 “Overview of

maintenance intervals”.
cording to Chapter 8 “Overview of maintenance intervals”
8. Service
8.1 Overview Necessary service work appears in the display as warnings (see Chapter
Maintenance intervals 5.3.5)
Preparatory activities 8.2 Service activities Chapter After the After the Every
week operating h.
operating operating but at least
Check for leakage 8.4 hours hours once a year
Check the compressor
temperature 8.5 8.3
Check the cooler for fouling 8.6
Check for condensate 8.7 Check for leakage 8.4

Check compressor
temperature 8.5

Check cooler
Check safety valve 8.11 8.6
Check drive 8.12 for fouling
Lubrication of electric motor 8.13 Check for
Concluding activities 8.14 condensate


Replace cooling liquid

Check safety valve 8.11

Check drive 8.12

Lubrication of motor 8.13

General compressor
– normal industrial atmosphere

When ALMiG synthetic oil is used, the replacement intervals for both coolant and the

– normal industrial atmosphere

– Use of ALUB Syn S synthetic oil

8.2 Preparatory activities 1. Press key in order to switch off compressed air generation. Please
46 wait until the compressor has been switched off after a run-on or venti-
lation phase. The symbol “M” for the main motor is then no longer visible
in the display.
2. Switch the compressor main switch off and make certain that it cannot
be turned on by mistake or intentionally (e.g. warning signs prohibiting

Use only original spare parts!


3. Remove the side panels of the system.

cannot be opened accidentally or intentionally.

Carry out the “Preparatory activities”

Preparatory activities 8.2

Concluding activities 8.14

settled down after the running phase.

added as follows:




Carry out the “Concluding activities”.

8. Service
8.4 Check for leakage Carry out the “Preparatory activities”.
Preparatory activities 8.2
Concluding activities 8.14

Carry out the “Concluding activities”.

8.5 Check the compressor

temperature be between 75 °C and 105 °C.

Too high or too low compressor temperature can lead to damages to

the compressor.

8.6 Check the cooler for fou- Carry out the “Preparatory activities”.
Preparatory activities 8.2
Concluding activities 8.14

blown outside).

Carry out the “Concluding activities”.

8.7 Check for condensate The absorption capacity of water humidity in the air
Preparatory activities 8.2 • falls with increasing pressure
Concluding activities 8.14
• rises with increasing temperature.

midity does not precipitate as condensation. Frequent switching on and off
of the compressor can result in the compressor not achieving the required
operating temperature.

the compressor. If you have determined that there is condensation in

the seperator tank, immediately get in touch with after-sales service!
NOTICE Condensation damages are not covered by the warranty!

It can be simply drained off by the discharge drain.

Carry out the following activities only when the system has been turned
off at least overnight.

Carry out the “Preparatory activities”.

1. Open the drain and carefully observe the escaping liquid. Close the

Carry out the “Concluding activities”.

8. Service

Preparatory activities 8.2

Concluding activities 8.14

With appropriate precautions, make certain you are not burned or


Carry out the “Preparatory activities”.

vessel and then close the drain again.


Carry out the “Concluding activities”.

8. Service
Preparatory activities 8.2 separator.
Concluding activities 8.14

Carry out the “Preparatory activities”.

2. Lightly oil the new seal(s) of the separator.

Carry out the “Concluding activities”.

Carry out the “Preparatory activities”.


separator vessel.

4. Mount the cover of the separator vessel and reconnect the lines.


Carry out the “Concluding activities”.

Carry out the “Preparatory activities”.
Preparatory activities 8.2
Concluding activities 8.14

Damage to the system by intake dust!


Carry out the “Concluding activities”.

8.11 Check safety valve Carry out the “Preparatory activities”.

Preparatory activities 8.2
Concluding activities 8.14
1. Remove the safety valve and remove residues at the threaded connec-


4. If the adequate functionality of the old safety valves can no longer be

Carry out the “Concluding activities”.

8. Service
8.12 Check drive Carry out the “Preparatory activities”.
Preparatory activities 8.2
Concluding activities 8.14
1. Test manually whether the coupling might have some radial play.

coupling element.
3. Mount the cam ring again on the coupling half and test manually whether
the coupling now has no more radial play.

Carry out the “Concluding activities”.

8.13 Relubrication of the elec- Carry out the “Preparatory activities”.

tric motor
Preparatory activities 8.2
Concluding activities 8.14

2. Carry out the required relubrication with a grease gun.

capsulated permanently greased bearings. These motor bearings must be

replaced when they are worn out.

Carry out the “Concluding activities”.

8.14 Concluding activities
2. Switch the compressor main switch on.
to switch the compressor on.

7. Finally mount the side panels of the system.

Chapter 5.3.5 for Air Control 3.

ployed cleaning materials should be considered hazardous waste and
disposed of in an environmently friendly way.

Damage to the system is possible!

Only acknowledge those services actually carried out!
Services not carried out degrade the service life reliability of the
NOTICE system. Please note that damages caused by improper usage are not
covered by the guarantee!

9. Technical Data


9.1 Dimensions for connections

Compressor L B H Compressed Heat

air connection recovery
mm mm mm l G / DN G
VARIABLE 35 2.090 1.080 1.600 25 1 1/2 1
VARIABLE 37 2.090 1.080 1.600 25 1 /2 1
VARIABLE 55 2.090 1.080 1.600 25 1 1/2 1
VARIABLE 65 2.090 1.080 1.600 30 1 1/2 1
VARIABLE 70 2.090 1.080 1.600 30 1 /2
VARIABLE 90 2.300 1.400 1.860 60 2 /2 1
VARIABLE 115 2.300 1.400 1.860 60 2 1/2 1
VARIABLE 130 2.300 1.400 1.860 60 2 1/2 1 1/2
VARIABLE 150 2.390 1.510 1.800 80 80 1 1/2
VARIABLE 210 2.390 1.510 1.800 80 80 1 1/2
VARIABLE 260 3.950 1.650 2.025 160 100 1 1/2
VARIABLE 315* 3.950 1.650 2.025 220 100 1 1/2
VARIABLE 355* 3.950 1.650 2.025 262 100 1 1/2

* Only water-cooled

9.2 Data air-cooled compressors

Compressor Weight Cooling air Intake air Diameter ex-

kg m3/h m2 m2
VARIABLE 35 940 5.600 0,65 0,40
VARIABLE 37 980 5.800 0,70 0,40
VARIABLE 55 1.160 7.500 0,70 0,45
VARIABLE 65 1.240 9.300 1,15 0,65
VARIABLE 70 1.270 9.600 1,20 0,70
VARIABLE 90 2.050 17.100 1,90 1,10
VARIABLE 115 2.200 17.100 1,90 1,10
VARIABLE 130 2.200 18.000 2,00 1,10
VARIABLE 150 3.200 23.400 2,60 1,50 57
VARIABLE 210 3.450 25.200 2,80 1,60
VARIABLE 260 4.500 30.000 1,70 1,70
9. Technical Data
9.3 Data water-cooled compressors

Compressor Weight Cooling air Connection

10/40 °C 25/40 °C 35/45 °C water
kg m3/h m3/h m3 /h m3/h G
VARIABLE 35 920 3.000 0,90 1,90 2,60 1
VARIABLE 37 960 3.000 1,30 2,60 3,46 1
VARIABLE 55 1.140 3.000 1,85 3,60 4,80 1
VARIABLE 65 1.220 3.000 2,90 5,70 7,60 1
VARIABLE 70 1.250 3.000 2,90 5,70 7,60 1
VARIABLE 90 2.050 3.000 3,20 6,40 8,50 1
VARIABLE 115 2.200 3.000 3,68 7,90 9,80 1 1 /2
VARIABLE 130 2.200 3.000 4,40 8,50 11,30 1 1 /2
VARIABLE 150 3.200 6.000 5,60 10,90 14,80 1 1 /2
VARIABLE 210 3.450 6.000 6,90 14,00 18,00 1 1 /2
VARIABLE 260 4.500 6.000 8,40 16,00 21,00 1 1 /2
VARIABLE 315* 4.800 6.000 9,60 18,10 29,00 1 1 /2
VARIABLE 355* 4.900 6.000 10,80 21,70 32,60 1 1 /2

* Only water-cooled

9.4 Electrical data

Compressor Motor
power 400 V / 50 Hz
kW A A gL
VARIABLE 35 40 61 80
VARIABLE 37 50 71 100
VARIABLE 55 60 95 125
VARIABLE 65 80 126 160
VARIABLE 70 85 145 200
VARIABLE 90 100 159 200
VARIABLE 115 115 190 250
VARIABLE 130 130 207 250
VARIABLE 150 150 262 315
VARIABLE 210 210 330 400
VARIABLE 260 260 480 630
VARIABLE 315* 315 570 630
VARIABLE 355* 355 600 2 x 355

* Only water-cooled
IN = Nominal Current
IFuse = backup fuse in building
Compressor type:

Please quote on queries, orders and correspondence.

Date of commissioning:

Coolant change Filter change*
Operating Date Name Operating Date Name

Further maintenance and repair work
Operating Date Spare parts Name

10. Service manual

Further maintenance and repair work

Operating Date Spare parts Name

Further maintenance and repair work
Operating Date Spare parts Name


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