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Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

DOI 10.1007/s10209-016-0465-0


Ontology-based end-user visual query formulation: Why, what,

who, how, and which?
Ahmet Soylu1 • Martin Giese2 • Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz3 • Evgeny Kharlamov3 •

Dmitriy Zheleznyakov3 • Ian Horrocks3

Published online: 15 April 2016

 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract Value creation in an organisation is a time- relational databases rather than triple stores, and on the
sensitive and data-intensive process, yet it is often delayed other, visual query formulation has become more com-
and bounded by the reliance on IT experts extracting data pelling due to ever-increasing data size and complexity—
for domain experts. Hence, there is a need for providing known as Big Data. This article presents and argues for
people who are not professional developers with the flex- ontology-based visual query formulation for end-users;
ibility to pose relatively complex and ad hoc queries in an discusses its feasibility in terms of ontology-based data
easy and intuitive way. In this respect, visual methods for access, which virtualises legacy relational databases as
query formulation undertake the challenge of making RDF, and the dimensions of Big Data; presents key con-
querying independent of users’ technical skills and the ceptual aspects and dimensions, challenges, and require-
knowledge of the underlying textual query language and ments; and reviews, categorises, and discusses
the structure of data. An ontology is more promising than notable approaches and systems.
the logical schema of the underlying data for guiding users
in formulating queries, since it provides a richer vocabulary Keywords Visual query formulation  Usability  Data
closer to the users’ understanding. However, on the one retrieval  Ontology-based data access  Big Data
hand, today the most of world’s enterprise data reside in

1 Introduction
& Ahmet Soylu
[email protected]
In contrast to Web search engines, data access in tradi-
Martin Giese tional database systems heavily relies on complex struc-
[email protected]
tures and semantics with no tolerance to irrelevant and
Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz missing results. Consequently, in order to reach precise and
[email protected]
complete answers, information needs have to be specified
Evgeny Kharlamov exactly. Although approaches such as keyword-based,
[email protected]
form-based, and faceted search work well on the Web, they
Dmitriy Zheleznyakov per se fall short in formulating complex information needs
[email protected]
(cf. [89]). Structured query languages such as SQL and
Ian Horrocks XQuery are quite expressive, yet they require an array of
[email protected]
technical skills and knowledge on query language, syntax,
Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology, and domain schema. More precisely, they require users to
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjøvik, recall relevant schema and syntax elements and to com-
Norway municate their information needs in a programmatic way.
Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Such an approach makes database systems almost, if not
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, completely, inaccessible to the end-users, who do not
Oxford, UK possess necessary technical skills and knowledge

436 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

(cf. [112]). For instance, in an enterprise setting, this Specifically, the article answers and elaborates on (a) why
results in a situation where a group of IT experts acts as an visual query formulation and ontologies (Sect. 2); (b) what
intermediary in query formulation (aka query construction) visual query formulation is and its core aspects and
process between domain experts and databases. This comes dimensions (Sect. 3); (c) who benefits most from such
with a cost of turnaround time measured in hours to days systems (Sect. 3); (d) how feasible it is given a landscape
aside from the direct cost of IT experts. Thus, the challenge dominated by relational databases (Sect. 4); (e) which
is to enable end-users to construct queries on their own, by specific challenges and requirements there are (Sect. 5);
using the higher level of abstractions, instead of trying to (f) which approaches exist along with their pros and cons
articulate and explain their information needs to IT experts. (Sect. 6); and, (g) which research directions should be
In this respect, direct manipulation [150], as a human– considered by practitioners and researchers (Sect. 6).
computer interaction style, has a profound impact on the
successor query systems and languages. Direct manipula-
tion employs recognition, rather than recall, and direct 2 Motivation
manipulation objects, rather than a command language
syntax, to lead to easy to use and intuitive interactive The primary aim of an organisation is creating value such
systems. In this pursuit, in database domain, visual query as financial, social, cognitive, and political. The role of
formulation approaches (cf. [37, 61]) exploit the high information technology is indispensable particularly in the
bandwidth of visual interfaces through the visual repre- success of data-intensive value creation processes such as
sentations of domain of interest and information needs. The decision-making, sense-making, and intelligence analysis
matter is largely one of usability (cf. [36, 89]), albeit the (cf. [68, 132, 134]). However, there is often a large gap
underlying formal semantics have a role to play. A good between the people who interpret and use data and IT
deal of research that adopts various visual representations systems where data are stored and processed. This is
as well as interaction styles has been carried out (cf. [37]). mostly because (a) although domain experts are provided
The literature reports varying degrees of success including with data analysis tools, they often lack end-user tools for
different factors such as user type and the level of extracting data from databases, and (b) there is often no
expressiveness. However, existing approaches suffer from high-level conceptual vocabulary for end-users to formu-
the gap between the low-level domain models, such as late their information needs—database schemas are rather
database schemas, and end-users’ understanding of reality. low-level artefacts pertaining to implementation of the
In this respect, ontologies stand out as a natural commu- actual systems.
nication medium between end-users and databases
(cf. [145, 154]). 2.1 Data access bottleneck
Nevertheless, there are still issues standing against the
proliferation of ontology-based visual query formulation. Nunamaker et al. [132] break value creation efforts into a
First, today, most of the world’s enterprise data reside in tripartite model that capitalises on information technology
relational databases, and migrating data to triple stores is tools. The model consists of information assimilation,
not an option mainly due to legacy applications built on top group dynamics, and methodology. Each part builds on and
of existing relational databases. Ontology-based data contributes to each other. Information assimilation
access (OBDA) to relational data sources (cf. [101, 164]) addresses concerns regarding finding and understanding
has emerged as a promising response, as data stay where it information (i.e. data and communication infrastructure),
is by virtualising relational databases as RDF. Secondly, while group dynamics concern the collaboration of group
with the emergence of the Big Data phenomenon (cf. [107, members. The information assimilation and group
117]), the challenge has already been exacerbated dra- dynamics together form an intellectual bandwidth that
matically in terms of scalability. The scalability is con- bounds the value creation potential of an organisation. The
sidered in terms of human–computer dialogue (i.e. query third part, methodology, addresses the steps and guidelines
formulation) and performance (i.e. query evaluation). This required to leverage the intellectual bandwidth for value
is because Big Data does not only concern the perfor- creation (i.e. reason and action). Apparently, data access
mance, but also the usability of database systems, as larger (i.e. information assimilation) is a part of a larger process
and complex schemas with the current visual query for- [81], yet it is a principal component of intellectual band-
mulation approaches force the limits of human visual width and can easily turn into a bottleneck. In data-inten-
channel and cognitive capacity. sive industries (e.g. [85, 121]), end-users, who are domain
This article aims to offer a comprehensive look into experts needing to extract data from databases in their
ontology-based visual query formulation and reveal expertise domain [10], spend up to 80 % of their time on
insights into the development of successor systems. data access problems (cf. [69]).

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 437

This data access bottleneck is mostly due to the sharp The visual query formulation approach eliminates the
distinction between employees who have technical skills man-in-the-middle and allows end-users to extract and use
and knowledge to extract data (i.e. database/IT experts, data on their own. This first moves organisations and
skilled users) and those who have domain knowledge and individuals closer to fulfil their intellectual bandwidth; that
know how to interpret and use data (i.e. domain experts). is, a considerable time and resources could be freed-up and
End-users cannot interact with databases directly and are could be redeployed so as to contribute value creation.
unable to pose complex queries against data sources on Secondly, end-users could augment their intellectual
their own, since they usually do not possess necessary bandwidth as they can extract, combine, and interpret data
skills and knowledge on the database structure and query in previously unforeseen ways.
language. End-users are dependent on IT experts, who
either provide a set of predefined queries built into appli- 2.2 Impedance mismatch and reasoning
cations or collaborate with the end-users to develop ad hoc
queries—see Fig. 1. In both cases, decision support activ- Gruber [74] and Borst [25] define an ontology as a formal,
ities are hampered by data access problems. This is explicit specification of a shared conceptualisation, which
because, on the one hand, the use of predefined queries is is an abstract representation of a phenomenon in the world
inflexible, since it is not possible to anticipate every based on identification of relevant concepts (aka classes),
information need in advance. On the other hand, collabo- attributes (aka data type properties), relationships (aka
ration between end-users and IT experts is mostly based on roles, associations, and object properties), and constraints
the vague descriptions of information needs; hence, it is (cf. [169]). In a more precise language, a consensual (i.e.
generally time-consuming and often results in repetitive shared) conceptualisation, constituted by a specific
query reformulations. In many cases, the cost of query vocabulary and assumptions on the intended meaning
reformulation is high, since a query formulation phase is (cf. [75]), becomes an ontology only when it is explicitly
often followed by a potentially lengthy query evaluation formulated with an artificial machine-readable language
phase [89]. (i.e. formal). Ontologies are fundemental for the con-
The lack of possibility to directly reach reliable data in a struction of knowledge bases, which do not only contain
timely fashion indeed points to an accessibility challenge. terminological knowledge such as concepts and properties
Though the term ‘‘accessibility’’ is often linked to situa- but also their instances (aka individuals) as assertional
tions involving physical disabilities, there are more factors knowledge (cf. [72]). The purpose is to express and capture
that inhibit people from full access to technology, and in the domain structure and knowledge, and to apply rea-
the present context relates to knowledge and skill barriers soning over it (i.e. to derive conclusions that are implicitly
(cf. [178]). Direct manipulation is paramount in visual available in the knowledge base).
query formulation and promising to remove this accessi- Ontologies differ in expressiveness from lightweight to
bility barrier due to the closeness of the solution domain to heavyweight. A lightweight ontology, in the simplest case,
the reality, ability to handle large and complex information, describes a hierarchy of concepts with concept–subconcept
low memory load (i.e. recall vs. recognition), and low relationships; a heavyweight ontology employs complex
comprehension demand/immediate grasping. These bene- representation primitives, axioms (i.e. logical expressions
fits potentially lead to ease in learning, high efficiency rate, that are always true), and constraints to express more
reduced error rate, and satisfactory experiences (cf. [37, sophisticated relationships (cf. [72, 131]). The reasoning
150]). power of an ontology is constrained with the form of

Fig. 1 Traditional data access scenarios

438 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

representation and is mostly limited with tasks such as unnatural flattening and scattering approach built on nor-
subsumption (i.e. determines concept–subconcept rela- malisation/join notion (cf. [89]), leading to an impedance
tionships) and individual checking/realisation (i.e. deter- mismatch. Consequently, a visual query tool built on
mines whether a given instance belongs to a particular ontologies provides a closer representation of the problem
concept). This applies to representation formalisms based domain, hence enabling users to understand and commu-
on artificial intelligence (AI), where approaches based on nicate better. This is not limited with the human–machine
software engineering (e.g. UML), database engineering interaction, since ontologies have the potential to act as an
(e.g. ER, EER), and other models are very weak both in unambiguous communication medium for human––human
terms of reasoning and expressiveness (cf. [72]). dialogues, i.e. collaboration (cf. group dynamics), and
Expressiveness and reasoning, for ontologies, are two machine––machine dialogues, i.e. interoperability.
sides of a coin, for which a trade-off exists. This is due to Finally, the reasoning capability brings in the power of
the fact that, while increasing the expressiveness, it has to expressing more with less both in the query formulation
be guaranteed that all conclusions are still computable (i.e. stage and during the answering stage by relating the whole
completeness) and finish in finite time (i.e. decidability) set of implied information instead of what is explicitly
(cf. [111]). The combination of rules with ontologies is a stated. For instance, imagine a system where different
well-known way to increase the reasoning power of types of users exist, such as students, lecturers, and
ontologies (cf. [125, 157]). There are two possible ways: administrative employees. A user query, ‘‘give me all the
one is to build rules on top of ontologies, where rules persons who live in Oslo’’, is at a sufficient specificity in an
follow the vocabulary specified in the ontology; the other ontology-based system, as it can infer any student, lecturer,
way is to build rules on top of ontologies, where ontolog- and employee is also a person. This includes both the form
ical definitions are supplemented by rules (cf. [58, 166]). of reasoning attached to ontologies and various types of
These originate from the fundamental differences that exist logic rules, such as the followings proposed by Boley et al.
between ontologies and rules: ontologies, under the [24]: deduction, normative, and reactive rules to derive
knowledge representation (KR) paradigm, focus on content new information, to check the consistency and integrity of
to describe knowledge, while rules, under the logic pro- data, and to define automatic actions triggered by the
gramming (LP) paradigm, focus on form to arrive logical occurrence of data of interest, respectively. Moreover,
conclusions (i.e. reasoning). Therefore, the selection of ontologies carry a notable potential to provide causal
representation formalism is strictly dependent on the level explanations (cf. [19, 157]), which can be used for various
of support required for expressiveness and reasoning [157]. purposes such as for explaining the source of inferred data
The very same angle that crosses knowledge represen- and inconsistencies in data and user queries.
tation and logic reveals the role that ontologies have to play
not only for end-user data access, but also in usability at
large. Herein, from the knowledge representation per- 3 Visual query formulation
spective, one first needs to consider the existential differ-
ences between ontologies and models to reach a profound The purpose of a visual query formulation tool is to
understanding of the context. A model is defined as an facilitate retrieval of data that makes a value for an indi-
abstraction representing some view of a reality, by neces- vidual or organisation. Visual query formulation approa-
sarily omitting details, intended for a definite purpose [83], ches exploit the bidirectional and the multi-sensory
such as UML and EER models for software and database characteristics of visual representations. Collectively, they
design, respectively. Ruiz and Hilera [145] argue that, inform users about schema concepts, system affordances,
although there is a confusion between ontologies and and data, through a number of sensory variables such as
models due to examples where they are represented with texture, colour, size, and shape, and allow users to com-
the same language, ontologies are descriptive; that is, they municate their information needs by interacting with them
describe what already exists, while models are prescriptive; (cf. [36, 37]). The concern is essentially about the pro-
that is, they prescribe systems, which do not exist, and ductivity and the quality of human–machine interaction,
pertain to implementation of them (cf. [6, 64, 83, 157]). In rather than the functionality or the technology of software
other words, models are forward looking solution/imple- (cf. [36, 89]).
mentation domain artefacts, while ontologies are backward Shneiderman [150] elaborates on the syntactic/semantic
looking problem domain artefacts. Hence, ontologies are model of user behaviour to reach an understanding of what
essentially meant to be richer and closer to end-user makes an interactive system successful. The model dis-
vocabulary and understanding than database schemas tinguishes two types of knowledge: syntactic and semantic
(cf. [38, 154]). For instance, an ontology naturally connects knowledge. The former relates to the expertise of the
domain concepts, while a database schema relies on grammar/syntax of a system or language; this type of

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 439

knowledge is arbitrary and proprietary (e.g. command to semantic complexity) (cf. [12, 36, 37, 110]). However, in
capitalise a letter in a text editor). The latter is not system general, the realisation of certain tasks over a visual query
or language dependent; rather, it relates to the knowledge system or a language can still be complex (i.e. with a
of meanings in terms of high-level concepts and func- compromise in usability), such as, queries with cycles.
tionality (e.g. the process of moving a sentence from one In any case, certain data access efforts have to be sup-
paragraph to another). ported, that are understanding the reality of interest (i.e.
The syntactic/semantic model underpins the direct exploration), which relates to the activities for under-
manipulation approach and aims to realise user experiences standing and finding schema concepts and relationships
in which interactive systems are naturally embedded into relevant to information need at hand, and query construc-
the reality. This becomes possible by harvesting non- tion, which concerns the compilation of relevant concepts
volatile semantic knowledge, which is acquired through and constraints into formal information needs (i.e. queries)
general explanation, analogy and example, and common [37]. On these grounds, the choice of visual representation
skills for manipulating physical objects, which are acquired and interaction paradigms, along with underlying meta-
at the concrete operational stage (7–11 years) of human phors, analogies, etc., is of primary importance.
growth (cf. [150]). Catarci et al. [37] classify VQSs with respect to visual
representation and interaction paradigms in use—see
3.1 Characteristics and categorisation Fig. 2. This categorisation is not exhaustive and is only a
fragment of a classification derived by Lohse et al. [114]
A visual query formulation tool is a data retrieval (DR) for visual representations. The selected categories mostly
paradigm, which differs from information retrieval (IR) concern visual query tools that are used to access
and question answering (QA) (cf. [8, 102, 139]). In DR, an alphanumeric data. Visual representation paradigms are
information need has to be exact and complete and is categorised into:
defined over a deterministic model with the aim of
• Form-based representations, including menus and
retrieving all and only those objects that exactly match the
tables as specialisations of forms (e.g. [171, 172]),
criteria. However, in IR and QA (for most of the question
adopt conventional paper forms as a metaphor.
types), an information need is typically incomplete and
• Icon-based representations employ images or symbols,
loosely defined over a probabilistic model with the aim of
representing abstract and real objects by exploiting
retrieving relevant objects. In other words, DR systems
analogy, convention, etc., to serve domain knowledge
have no tolerance for missing or irrelevant results and a
and application functionality.
single erroneous object implies a total failure, while IR and
• Diagram-based representations utilise geometric sym-
QA systems are variably insensitive to inaccuracies and
bols and a spatial layout to depict relationships among
errors, since they often interpret the original user query and
schema concepts.
the matching is assumed to indicate the likelihood of the
• Hybrid representations are based on combination of
several visual paradigms.
As far as visual DR methods are considered, Epstein
[61] distinguishes between a visual query language (VQL) Regarding the interaction paradigm, it is viewed in twofold
and a visual query system (VQS). A VQL is a visual pro- with respect to understanding the reality of interest and
gramming language (cf. [31, 32]), and is based on a well- query construction. For the former, three categories are
defined formal semantics with a visual notation and syntax; considered:
there is an underlying textual language for which mostly a • The top-down technique breaks the concepts in a
one-to-one correspondence exists. The latter is a visual schema into a set of layers, with respect to a certain
programming environment (cf. [31, 32]) and is mainly criteria (e.g. level of importance—selective zoom,
based on a system of interactions, rather than a visual hierarchy—hierarchical zoom); each layer provides
formalism, which generates queries in target formal textual access to preceding and following layers.
form. A VQS may or may not use a VQL [61]; if it does • The browsing technique allows traversing the concepts
not, the system is likely to express only a subset of the of a schema and/or data (i.e. intension and extension),
underlying language. by exploiting the relationships between concepts.
The success of a visual query formulation tool varies • The schema simplification technique aims to generate
with respect to the visual representation and the interaction simpler user views, by aggregating and transforming
paradigms employed in relation to the frequency of inter- the concepts of a schema.
action (i.e. how often the tool is used), the variance of
query tasks (i.e. whether tasks have a repetitive nature), For the query construction, the following categories are
and query complexity (i.e. various dimensions such as size, suggested:

440 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

Fig. 2 Classification of VQSs with respect to representation and interaction paradigms

• The schema navigation technique lets users to construct and usually learn query languages by doing and are further
a query by starting from a central concept and classified into familiar and unfamiliar users with respect to
following the paths between concepts for including familiarity with the database semantic domain.
other concepts of interest. Dadzie et al. [51] considers two main types of users,
• The subqueries technique allows composing concepts which are lay/mainstream users, and tech users. Users of
or partial results provided by subqueries to realise the first category are computer literate and can find infor-
query construction. mation online and generally do not have in-depth domain
• The matching technique lets users to provide the knowledge. Users in the second category understand the
structure of a possible answer through an example or Semantic Web and other advanced technologies, can use
pattern to be checked against data. RDF, and understand an ontology. A third sub-category is
• The range-based technique allows users to manipulate proposed, namely domain experts who have in-depth
a set of input widgets, such as sliders and button to domain knowledge to interpret and understand relevant
instantly filter data. data, and might have knowledge on the Semantic Web
Finally, note that query formulation is an iterative process; technologies.
that is, a user explores the conceptual space, formulates a The categorisation provided by Dadzie et al. [51] could
query, inspects the results, and reformulates the query until be problematic, since a programmer without expertise in
he/she reaches to the desired query, and each iteration the Semantic Web technologies could be considered as a
could be considered an attempt. lay user, since the definition exclusively focuses on
expertise in Semantic Web. However, users with substan-
3.2 On user types tial technical background, regardless of their expertise in
the subject textual language, ontology language, and
The potential users of a visual query formulation tool could technology, possess semantic knowledge on programming
come from different backgrounds and have varying levels languages, systems, frameworks, and tools, which is non-
of expertise. Domain expertise (i.e. knowledge on a volatile and easily transferable while using a new one (cf.
specific subject matter such as medicine, fishery, and oil syntactic/semantic model [150]).
exploration) and technical expertise (i.e. technical knowl- In this article, users are considered in three categories,
edge and skills on design, programming, and modelling casual users, domain experts, and IT experts. Casual users
software artefacts) could be used to differentiate between use computers in their daily life/work for basic tasks, such
different types of users. as typing documents, e-mails, and Web browsing, without
Catarci et al. [37] distinguish between professional users any substantial knowledge in the domain of interest. They
and non-professional users. The former refers to users who have low tolerance on formal languages and are unfamiliar
possess a wide spectrum of skills on programming lan- with the technical details of an information system
guages, database management systems, etc. The latter (cf. [50]). Domain experts have an in-depth knowledge and
refers to users who cannot invest time in computer training an understanding of the semantics of their expertise

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 441

domain, while IT experts have technical knowledge and VQS and VQL, effectiveness is rather measured in terms of
skills on a wide spectrum of topics, such as programming a binary measure of success (i.e. correct/incorrect query),
and databases. This categorisation is neither complete nor which could be accompanied with a fuzzy measure (i.e. the
mutually exclusive; for example, a domain expert could be rate of accuracy and completeness) weighting and com-
also an IT expert. bining different types of query errors (cf. [94, 185]). As far
Casual users and domain experts with no technical as SPARQL is concerned, the measure of correctness could
background could benefit the most from visual query for- be built on the semantic similarity between the user query
mulation and the ultimate benefit of it questionable for IT and correct query (cf. [55]). Since query formulation is an
experts, since in many cases they might find working on a iterative process, allowing and incorporating multiple
textual language more efficient and non-limiting (cf. [37, attempts into account are also a sensible approach.
150]). Therefore, casual users and domain experts (without User studies are typically realised by means of query
technical expertise) are the focus of this article and are writing and query reading tasks (cf. [37, 168]) to evaluate
further classified into a parent category, end-users. End- the tool itself alone or to compare it with others either with
users cannot/do not desire to use textual languages to a summative or formative perspective; various other studies
retrieve data due to the lack of technical knowledge and and measures (e.g. learnability [128]) can be defined as
skills and might have domain knowledge on the subject well. However, consulting users only at the end (i.e.
matter. Visual query formulation is an end-user develop- summative evaluation) does not help much (cf. [36, 89]).
ment paradigm, which is defined as a set of methods, The active participation of users at every cycle of devel-
techniques, and tools that allow users of software systems, opment, grounded on a user-centred design [130] approach
who are acting as non-professional software developers, to with intermediary reflective assessments (i.e. formative
create, modify, or extend software artefacts [112]. This evaluation), is the true contributor.
very paradigm underlies the definition of end-user in this Wilson et al. [182] employ evaluation as a part of the
context. overall design process to inform the design refinements and
argue that, particularity in comparative evaluation, taking
3.3 Evaluation: usability and expressiveness user interface as a sole independent variable would reveal
very little about why one outperforms another. In this
Usability and expressiveness are the two interplaying respect, the authors propose a formative evaluation
dimensions of visual query formulation. The usability framework by using three established information-seeking
(cf. [21]) of a tool reflects whether it is competent of models, namely stratified, episodic, and strategic models,
meeting its identified aim, while expressiveness (cf. [37, among others in the literature (cf. [182]). The first model
61]) defines the ability and breadth of a tool to characterise forms the basis of evaluation framework in the form of
the domain knowledge and information needs. abstraction levels used to evaluate the design, while the
Usability is characterised in terms of effectiveness, effi- latter two correspond to these abstraction levels. The epi-
ciency, and user satisfaction. Effectiveness (cf. [21, 36]) sodic model defines a set of information-seeking scenarios,
measures the accuracy and completeness that users can and the strategic model defines different tactics for inter-
achieve (i.e. ‘‘doing the right things’’). Efficiency (cf. [21, acting with the information, which are then mapped into
36]) reflects the cost associated with the level of effec- the episodic model. The evaluation framework includes the
tiveness achieved and is mostly measured in terms of the identification of features (e.g. filtering, grouping, keyword
time spent to complete a query (i.e. ‘‘doing the things search) in each subject interface with the number of moves
right’’). User satisfaction (cf. [113]) refers to the perceived (e.g. scroll and select) required to realise each tactic with
quality of dialogue and user interface and plays a deter- each feature. The results are used to find and compare the
mining role in the attitudes of users, such as trust, en- amount of user effort required to realise each tactic, fea-
gagement, acceptance, and comfort, against the tool. It ture, and search scenario with each interface.
usually has considerable potential to cause failure, if not Regarding the expressiveness of a VQSs and VQLs, a
taken seriously. User satisfaction is usually measured by formal evaluation is required. However, the formal evalu-
questioning the attitude of users after experiencing with the ation of a VQS is not as straight forward as of a VQL.
subject system or language through surveys, interviews etc. A VQL has clear formal semantics that allow a rigorous
(e.g. [42, 113]). computational evaluation (cf. [66, 155]), while on the
Note that, typically, in IR systems effectiveness is contrary, a VQS is built on an arbitrary set of user actions
measured in terms of precision, recall, and f-measure that effectively capture a set of syntactic rules specifying a
(harmonic mean of precision and recall) over the result set; (query) language. Thus, the formal evaluation of a VQS is
however, as stated earlier, for a DR system, a single a considerably harder problem. Indeed, for didactic pur-
missing or irrelevant object implies failure. Therefore, for a poses, one could establish an analogy with Protégé [99],

442 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

which is an interactive system for ontology editing. The systems, such as object-oriented databases, object-rela-
assessment of Protégé’s ability to cover all ontology con- tional databases, and object-relational mappings (cf. [59,
structs remains ad hoc, while the expressiveness of the 133]), emerged to bring the representation capabilities of
underlying ontology language, such as Web Ontology databases closer to the richer object-oriented applications
Language (OWL) (cf. [166]), has a clear formal grounding. (e.g. type system, class hierarchy). On the other hand,
A formal framework for evaluating the expressiveness of approaches dealing with the integration of LP and database
VQSs could borrow techniques and approaches from for- systems (cf. [48]), for the sake of combining formal rea-
mal software verification domain. Particularly static soning with the capability of handling large amounts of
approaches for interactive systems (e.g. [35, 53]) could data, led to deductive databases; a prominent example is
allow the construction of mathematical models for user Datolog language [123] and its extensions (e.g. [33]). This
actions and system behaviour. has been followed by a hybrid approach, referred to as
In most cases, a VQS is intentionally kept less expres- object-deductive databases, which combines the represen-
sive than the underlying language due to the expressiveness tation capabilities of object-oriented databases and the
and usability trade-off (cf. [168]). Complex semantics reasoning power of deductive databases; F-logic [98] is a
expressed with visual constructs and operations may result well-known example.
in inefficiency for IT experts and difficulty in use for end- Despite the relative success of deductive and object-
users (cf. [37, 150]). Therefore, expressiveness is quite deductive databases, approaches based on description logic
often sacrificed for the sake of usability. (DL) hold a leading and active role in OBDA (cf. [101]).
DL is a family of knowledge representation languages and
aims to reach a profitable compromise between expres-
4 Ontology-based data access siveness and reasoning by weaving logic-based semantics
over structured knowledge. The activities and standards of
The fact that today relational databases hold a significant the Semantic Web, particularly with the OWL and its
amount of the world’s enterprise data is a strong barrier profiles that are built on DL, foster this line of research
against the adoption of ontology-based visual query for- (cf. [17, 22]). Notably, OWL 2 QL, which is based on DL-
mulation approaches. However, the emergence of OBDA Lite, is particularly meant for applications for query
technologies (cf. [101, 164]) raised ontology-based visual answering with a large amount of instance data and in this
query formulation as a viable and promising approach for profile query answering can be implemented by rewriting
querying a variety of structured data sources. queries into a standard relational query language [73, 124].
OBDA built on data virtualisation enables in-place
querying of legacy relational data sources over ontologies. 4.1 Techniques and practice
That is, data stay where it is and in its original structure, and an
ontology comes in as an additional layer with appropriate A prominent direction for integrating DL ontologies and
mechanisms to virtualise underlying data into RDF. As databases is founded on mappings and query rewriting
stressed by Kogalovsky [101], with the OBDA approach, a (cf. [101, 144, 164])—see Fig. 3. The approach is back-
traditional database system is transformed into a knowledge ward compatible, preserves existing traditional databases
base, with a multilayer architecture coherent with the data (e.g. SQL databases) as data sources, and utilises ontolo-
independence principle (cf. [59]). The database system is gies as external higher-level structures (i.e. super structure)
employed for the assertional knowledge (called Abox in DL) over the database schemas (cf. [69]). This is realised
and query evaluation (i.e. retrieval of stored facts), and through a set of mappings, which describe the relationships
ontology is employed for the terminological knowledge between the terms in the ontology and their representations
(called Tbox in DL) and query answering (i.e. retrieval of in the data sources (i.e. data and database schema).
implicit and explicit facts). There already exist various OBDA The approach is analogous to the object-relational
frameworks and systems such as OntoQF [126], Mastro [44], mappings, where two common techniques exist. In the first
Ontop [143], Ultrawrap [149], and Morph [138]. technique, a mapping between domain concepts and data-
OBDA systems fall into the category of ontology-driven base schema is provided (e.g. Relational Persistence for
information systems (cf. [75, 145]), under which ontologies Java and .NET—Hibernate1); it provides high trans-
are used as external run-time artefacts. However, the parency, though it is difficult to realise for complex cases.
marriage of ontologies and database systems is built on the In the second technique, the domain concepts are linked to
long-standing legacy of a plethora of interrelated approa- the parameters and results of SQL queries (e.g. iBatis2);
ches aiming at improving the semantic level of databases
(cf. [101, 120]) grounded on the relational model [46]. On
the one hand, object-oriented approaches for database

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 443

Fig. 3 Visual query formulation and ontology-based data access

it is easier, but requires more effort and a good under- simplified example is given in Fig. 3; for more technical
standing of database schema and system. The second information on existing technologies, interested readers are
technique is employed by many OBDA solutions referred to [101, 126, 141, 142, 144, 164].
(e.g. [142, 144]), while recent examples for the first tech- A key benefit of the mapping and rewriting approach is
nique are also available (e.g. [126]). avoiding the representation controversy (cf. [120])
In any case, queries are formulated with ontological between ontologies and relational databases (i.e. impe-
terms (e.g. in SPARQL), and, once submitted, they are dance mismatch), centred on their semantic and syntactic
transformed. Two rewrites take place in this context differences (cf. [157]), by separating transactional and
(cf. [143]); in the first one, the query is rewritten by taking domain perspectives. That is, while exploiting ontologies
ontology constraints into account. That is, it uses Tbox for data access and reasoning, one could also enjoy the
axioms and unification to generate more specific queries benefits of well-established query optimisation and evalu-
from the original, most general query [142]. This is ation support available for traditional database systems
because automated reasoning could be computationally without migrating or duplicating any data (i.e. materiali-
very expensive and most standard reasoning techniques sation [164]). Another benefit is federation, that is the
would need to interleave operations on the ontology and ability to integrate distributed data sources with differing
the data, which may not be practically feasible if the data schemas by relating each to a common ontology. Also, the
are stored in a relational database [69]. In the second use of the Semantic Web technologies and standards makes
rewrite, the query is transformed into the language of the it possible to apply and integrate the approach into a
underlying relational database system (e.g. SQL) by the broader context, such as for public data available on the
OBDA framework through available mappings. At this Web (e.g. linked data [22]) and for semantic interoper-
stage, the query could be further optimised in order to ability (e.g. semantic service mashups and data mashups
improve execution performance (cf., [141]). A highly [163, 174]). From a wider perspective, the approach also

444 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

opens up the possibility of automatically deriving database concepts. Generally, the need and the borders of user skills
schemas and mappings, even the portion of application and knowledge define the confines of expressivity, while
code, from the subject ontologies (e.g. [157]). This relates the latter being a highly determining factor.
to the design time use of ontologies, namely ontology- The usability of an interface concerns the way it utilises
driven design of information systems (cf. [75, 145]). human natural capabilities, particularly communication,
motor, perception, and cognitive skills (cf. [176]), and
knowledge (cf. syntactic and semantic knowledge [150]).
5 Challenges and Requirements The first two relate to user control, while the last two pertain
to the visual and semantic aspects of presentation and
Expressiveness and usability span the challenges and application behaviour. The ground challenge is to provide
requirements for a visual query formulation tool. One can familiar metaphors and interaction styles so as to increase the
reach a reified sphere of analysis by projecting main data magnitude of preconscious processing (e.g. recognition vs.
access activities, exploration, and construction (cf. [37]), recall) and to foster innate user reactions (e.g. clicking vs.
into this frame—see Fig. 4. For each activity, the qualities typing). These are built on natural visual elements and cues
of presentation and interaction are of focus as employed and are spanned by common human skills and knowledge,
visual representation and interaction paradigms and how for representing domain knowledge, application behaviour,
they are put together, where alternatives are widely avail- and constructive and manipulative functionalities.
able, are of importance. Here, the notion of presentation Apart from traditional design considerations, one needs
not only concerns the representation of domain knowledge, to deal with scalability problems that come with Big Data.
but rather every possible graphical aspect of a user inter- Big Data refers to the collection of data sets characterised
face, and interaction refers to a two-way effect (i.e. con- by high volume, velocity, variety, and complexity (cf. [69,
trol-feedback loop) between a user and an application, 107]). These four dimensions do not only concern data but
which could be addressed in terms of control (i.e. of user) also schemata; therefore, one should consider scalability
and behaviour (i.e. of application). In the following, gen- both in terms of query evaluation and query formulation—
eral requirements are discussed in terms of graphical and see Fig. 5). The former concerns the cost of executing
interaction design perspectives, and in subsections more queries against data sources (cf. [117]), while the latter
specific challenges and requirements are discussed. refers to the user effort for finding and using relevant
Likewise, in this context, the expressiveness and usability elements of ontology to form the desired query. In this
are bidirectional in nature. One is from a system or language article, the query formulation is of concern and the scala-
to user point of view, pertaining to the ability, extent and bility issues could be better described in relation to the
quality of a language or system for representing domain dimensions of Big Data:
knowledge and elicited information needs. For instance, one
• Complexity: ontologies with varied and sophisticated
might be concerned whether a system or language is able to
relationships and constraints (e.g. a deep and large class
visually represent subsumption and disjointness between
hierarchy) are harder to represent, comprehend, and
domain concepts and at what level of quality. The second one
construct queries from (cf. [69, 93]).
is from a user to system or language point of view, pertaining
• Volume: large ontologies are hard to visualise and
to the ability, extent, and quality of a language or system for
explore on a finite display, and a large data size makes
enabling users to articulate their information needs. For
it difficult to spontaneously interact with the underlying
example, one might be concerned whether a system or lan-
data (cf. [68, 93, 118]).
guage allows users to visually express conjunctive and dis-
• Variety: ontologies spanning varying types of data and
junctive queries and at what level of quality.
data sources are harder to represent and interact with
Concerning the expressiveness, primarily, a presentation
generic representation and interaction paradigms
should encode all relevant information [116]), pertaining to
(cf. [57, 173]).
domain and information needs, and only that information.
• Velocity: rapidly changing data sources (e.g. stream)
However, the expressiveness of an interface not only relies
are difficult to exploit with passive visual query
on static visualisations, but also on interaction. A query
formulation tools (i.e. non-proactive and non-reactive)
interface should provide necessary affordances and means
(cf. [69, 183]).
to explore domain and to construct and manipulate queries,
under user direction, over time (cf. potential expressive-
ness [18]). Yet, user control commands and application 5.1 Expressiveness
behaviour have to be restricted to the constraints of
domain; for instance, no user action or application beha- An ontology construct, feature, or functionality provided
viour should lead to a state that overlaps two disjoint by a VQS or VQL makes value only if users need,

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 445

Fig. 4 A basic requirements framework for visual query formulation

Fig. 5 Visual query formulation, OBDA, and scalability issues

understand, and use it. Hence, it is appropriate to approach such information leaves users confused or in vacuum. A
expressiveness from a user perspective (cf. [36]). That is, user may either purely explore to gain some insights with/
a) a visual query formulation tool should primarily span the without a concrete formulation task in mind or to seek for
types of information needs and ontology constructs needed more knowledge for the next step at any point of an active
by users in their context and a) the inclusion criteria should task.
be the user perceived complexity (i.e. the accessibility of a Katifori et al. [93], in their survey, provide a compara-
construct, feature, or functionality) rather than the formal tive analysis of ontology visualisation methods with
aspects of the underlying language. respect to their ability, efficiency, and effectiveness to
The user perceived complexity is a crucial factor in represent class taxonomy (i.e. class/subclass hierarchy),
determining the confines of expressiveness. Therefore, one multiple inheritance, instances, attributes, and relation-
should be aware that a visual query formulation tool aimed ships. However, among others in OWL, enumerated clas-
for end-users is not expected to have one-to-one corre- ses, disjointness, subproperties, inverse properties, and
spondence with the underlying textual language (i.e. full multiple ranges are also important to aid users. Remaining
expressivity) or be rigidly formal and comprehensive like constructs are not deemed to be essential (i.e. of OWL 2
ontology editors and visualisation tools used for ontology [166]), such as role chains and transitivity, since they are
design and management (e.g. [93, 106]). mostly valuable at query answering stage in terms of
classification, inference, and consistency checking.
5.1.1 Exploration For instance, on the one hand, consider a transitive
property ‘‘subRegionOf’’ for representing part-whole rela-
Exploration is indeed a continuous activity, since query tionships between geographical regions. Knowing about
formulation demands users to actively engage with the the transitivity of this property is not of any help for users
domain knowledge and semantics; an inadequate supply of in constructing queries for retrieving the subregions of a

446 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

city, since users are interested in the intended meaning, not 5.1.2 Construction
in how it is realised. On the other hand, consider two
disjoint classes or an enumerated class. The information on A query basically describes a subgraph of an ontology.
the nature of these classes aids users in selecting the class Such descriptions are typically composed through select,
types and values effectively, by not allowing the selection join, and projection functions (cf. [59]). The select opera-
of two disjoint classes or of an inappropriate value, tion is meant for specifying conditions on concepts and on
respectively. Nonetheless, multiple inheritance, disjoint- their mergers for filtering down the result set (e.g. where
ness, subproperties, inverse properties, and multiple ranges clause in SQL), while the project operation determines
are comparatively harder to communicate, while others are attributes that are to be displayed (i.e. select clause in
mostly well established in many ontology visualisation SQL). The join operation represents the traversal of adja-
methods and tools (cf. [93]). cent elements through binary relationships to relate two or
Ontologies have a propagative effect on the amount of more concepts. The select and projection operations are
information to be presented. This case is considered in comparatively easier, while the join operation is problem-
two forms, namely the top-down and bottom-up propa- atic for many users (cf. [89]). Although ontology-based
gation of property restrictions. The first form emerges approaches introduce a more natural way of joining con-
from the fact that, in an ontology, explicit restrictions cepts, there are still issues, which are discussed below.
attached to a concept are inherited by its subconcepts. For A fundamental distinction between queries depends on
instance, consider an ontology that includes a supercon- how query conditions are connected and is considered in
cept ‘‘Person’’, its subconcepts ‘‘Lecturer’’ and ‘‘Student’’, twofold: conjunctive and disjunctive queries. The former
and a data type property ‘‘hasID’’ with domain ‘‘Person’’. are basically realised by merging query conditions with
It may be of use to explicitly present ‘‘hasID’’ property, logical ‘‘AND’’ connectives (cf. [40, 71]), while the latter
while viewing the subconcepts of ‘‘Person’’, although the are formed with logical ‘‘OR’’ connectives (cf. [45]).
connection is not explicit. The second form is rooted from Queries can be seen in several topological categories, such
the fact that the interpretation of an OWL concept also as linear queries, queries with branching and cyclic quer-
includes the interpretations of all its subconcepts. There- ies. The first refers to queries that are basically serial joins
fore, for a given concept, it may also make sense to of concepts, while the second category of queries are
suggest the (potential) restrictions of its subconcepts. For composed of path expressions with branching (cf. [7]).
instance, for the same ontology, assume an object type The latter refers to queries that have at least a path
property ‘‘teaches’’ whose domain is ‘‘Lecturer’’. It may (undirected) in the query graph whose first node corre-
be of use to present ‘‘teaches’’ property, while viewing sponds to the last. An example cyclic query would be ‘‘find
the superconcepts of ‘‘Lecturer’’. Yet, largely due to the all persons who work in the city that they were born’’
lack of provenance and the destruction of hierarchical (‘‘bornIn’’ and ‘‘worksIn’’ are relationships, while ‘‘per-
view, such information, albeit useful, is harder to son’’ and ‘‘city’’ are concepts). Queries including disjunc-
represent. tion and cycles are more problematic compared to linear
An often employed mechanism for exploring ontologies and tree-shaped conjunctive queries, and cycles are usually
is navigation approach. An ontology could be considered as addressed through node duplication approach (cf. [36,
a graph, whose nodes are mainly hierarchically organised 93])—i.e. by duplicating the city node in the previous
concepts and edges are relationships. However, in many example.
cases, an ontology is more than a network of hierarchies There are query types that cannot purely fit into the
and it is not always straightforward to represent an ontol- aforementioned topological forms, such as queries with
ogy in terms of a graph. For instance, OWL 2 axioms are quantification, negation, and aggregation. Two funda-
not well suited for a graph-based navigation. Indeed, note mental forms of quantification are existential quantification
that OWL 2 axioms do not have a natural correspondence and universal quantification (cf. [95, 126]). Existential
to a graph. In this respect, a technique for extracting graph- quantification is interpreted as ‘‘there exists’’, ‘‘there exists
like structures from OWL 2 ontologies is employed by at least one’’, ‘‘for some’’, and in OWL ‘‘some values
Soylu et al. [161]. To realise the idea of ontology-guided from’’ (cf. [10, 166]); an example query would be ‘‘find all
navigation, the visual query formulation tool needs to lecturers who teach at least one math course’’. Universal
conform to the navigation graph in the sense that the quantification is interpreted as ‘‘for all’’, ‘‘for every’’,
presence of every element on the interface is supported by ‘‘only’’ and, in OWL ‘‘all values from’’ (cf. [166]); an
a graph edge. In this way, it is ensured that the tool mimics example query would be ‘‘find all lecturers who only teach
the structure of (and implicit information in) the ontology Introduction to Computing course’’. Negation is an opera-
and data and that the interface does not contain irrelevant tion that may be applied on a proposition, truth value etc.
(combinations of) elements. and in the simplest terms is used to reverse a condition; an

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 447

example query would be ‘‘find all students who do not take and cognitive levels. Nonetheless, one should also realise
Introduction to Computing course’’ (e.g. [10]). Aggrega- that ontology and the query that is reflected back, in many
tion functions such as count, sum, and max are used to cases, need to be oversimplified for end-users. Database/IT
group values of multiple attributes to form a single value. experts, given the complexity of an ontology, might con-
While the use of existential quantification remains implicit, sider this ambiguous; however, the reference point should
queries that include universal quantification, negation, and be the end-users.
aggregation are quite esoteric for end-users; this even End-user visual query formulation comes with a con-
applies to skilled users, particularly for universal quanti- siderable gap between tasks and users in terms of required
fiers (cf. [95]). and possessed competence. However, simpler visual
Finally, query manipulation and query reformulation are interfaces are expected to suffice for the majority of end-
often expected situations. However, query manipulation, as user queries. End-users make very little use of advanced
opposed to query reformulation from scratch, needs special functionalities and are likely to drop their own require-
attention. This is due to the fact that while revising a part of ments for the sake of having simpler ways for basic tasks
an existing query, the overall semantic consistency has to (cf. [36, 110]). A complex interface is likely to be rejected
be maintained (cf. [7]). For instance, assume that a user by the end-users; however, some end-users might be more
wants to specialise a relationship; this change does not advanced with respect to others. A possible approach could
have any global effect. However, on the contrary, assume be dividing the functionality into layers, where a user could
that the user wants to alter a relationship to one of its start using a system with minimal functionality and unlock
siblings, where its sibling and the current relationship range complex functionalities as his/her competence progresses
on two disjoint classes, respectively, or the user wants to (cf. [150]).
specialise one of the classes. Such cases require the Indeed, there is no infinite usability; therefore, the main
remaining of the query to be altered as well. Another goal should be to address frequently occurring query for-
example could be the deletion of a node from the middle of mulation tasks that are reasonably complex. Therefore, a
a path expression; in such a situation, the rest of the path visual query formulation tool is often limited in expres-
could be deleted automatically. For the convenience of the siveness with respect to the underlying formality; however,
user; however, a better approach would be suggesting new the expressiveness of the underlying language is important
connections, which is not always straight forward, and a (e.g. relational completeness [5, 37, 47, 61]), since queries
delete option. The consequences of the query manipulation that cannot be addressed at the end-user level are likely to
have to be taken care of by the query formulation tool be delegated to users who directly work with the target
rather than the user, yet the semantics and reasoning behind textual language. A complex query construct should either
the subsequent changes done by the interface could be hard be completely discarded or delegated to users with IT
to communicate and explain to the user. skills, if it is found to be very complex for end-users.
Alternatively, its simple/restricted forms should be sup-
5.1.3 Discussion ported and complex forms should be delegated to skilled
users—e.g. a purely disjunctive or conjunctive set of path
The user perceived complexity of above-mentioned ontol- expressions vs. a nested set of path expressions connected
ogy constructs and query types ranges with respect to with disjunctions and conjunctions.
representation and interaction paradigms; for instance, It is important to gather a catalogue of example queries
while list-/menu-based approaches are good for represent- categorised into a set of prototypical classes. This is of help
ing class taxonomies, they are not well suited for repre- for finding an appropriate compromise between the need
senting relationships (cf. [37, 93]). One should also see and complexity, while selecting the representation and
that, a system-based approach (i.e. VQS) could provide interaction paradigms. In this article, queries are cate-
more possibilities in terms of expressivity than a language- gorised into three levels according to the need and com-
based approach (i.e. VQL), since there are no rigid formal plexity. The first level, ground queries [168], refers to
boundaries for a VQS. For instance, in a VQS, aggregation simple linear and tree-shaped conjunctive queries, while
functions could be handled with tabular data view, which is the second level refers to queries with disjunctions,
actually meant for result display. aggregation, and cycles. The third level refers to queries
The amount of information a paradigm can communi- with universal quantifiers, negation, and query manipula-
cate, the amount of information a user is able to discern tion support. It is postulated that, in many cases, the
from it (i.e. perceptual level), and the amount of load a majority of end-user queries are to be centred around the
paradigm places over the user (i.e. cognitive level) are first level. This categorisation largely relies on personal
among the selection criteria. Therefore, one could rightly experience and insights gained from the literature; a rigid
assert that expressivity should be considered at perceptual classification could be performed through end-user studies.

448 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

The complexity does not purely originate from the in node–link and tree approaches, a set of interconnected
inherent difficulty of ontology and query constructs; it is nodes represent the taxonomy and properties of an ontol-
also bound to the size. For instance, Catarci [36] cate- ogy (cf. diagram-based approaches). Zoomable approaches
gorises queries into close-acyclic, far-acyclic, far-cyclic, present the nodes on lower levels of hierarchy nested inside
very far-acyclic queries, in which not only the structural their parents, and zooming changes the viewing level (cf.
form, but also the lengths of queries matter. Yet, at this top-down interaction style). The space-filling approaches
point, the matter becomes largely a usability issue, pre- use the screen as a whole by subdividing the space avail-
sented in what follows, for which the representation and able for a node among its children, and each subdivision
interaction paradigms should be tailored to provide gradual corresponds to a property of the node assigned to it (cf.
access and construction mechanisms for large ontologies diagram-based approaches). The focus ? context or dis-
and queries. tortion is based on the notion of distorting the view of the
presented graph in order to combine context and focus,
5.2 Usability where the node on focus is usually the central one and the
rest of the nodes are presented around it (cf. schema sim-
The usability of a visual query formulation tool concerns plification). In 3D information landscapes, nodes are
the selection and intertwining of representation metaphors, placed on a plane as colour-coded and size-coded 3D
visual attributes, and interaction styles that require less objects (cf. diagram-based approaches).
knowledge, skills, and learning effort, and allow users to As both Katifori [93] and Catarci [37] suggest, each
discern, comprehend, and communicate a maximum representation paradigm has its advantages and disadvan-
amount of information effortlessly (cf. [140]). In general, tages; for instance, while indented lists are better at rep-
in order to meet these goals, the tool should be intelligible, resenting hierarchies, node–link trees are better at
intuitive, succinct, and stimulating, while providing instant, representing relationships between concepts. However,
gradual, iterative, and reversible experiences. It should with any interface, there are technical limits on what can be
also be integrated and adapted to context (cf. [49, 156]), presented on a finite display space and perceptual limits on
such as personal, data related, task related, organisational, how much the user can take from the visual representation
and environmental. (cf. [93, 177]). Here, the first challenge is to diminish the
A visual query formulation tool needs to provide a wide effect of increasing volume and complexity of domain
support ranging from situating and orienting users in the knowledge to prevent users being lost in the conceptual
conceptual space to helping users in understanding and space.
using data. However, the Big Data effect impedes the use Exploration with large numbers of concepts, relation-
of any visual query tool. Primarily, volume and complexity ships, and attributes in a highly complex domain is a hard
hinder human perception and cognition, respectively, while problem, since the presentation could easily become
variety and velocity require going beyond generic repre- overcrowded and cluttered and prevent users to reach an
sentation and interaction paradigms and on-demand overall understanding or to find particular information
querying approaches. (cf. [93, 137, 171]). In query formulation, the volume and
complexity largely matter in terms of schemata rather than
5.2.1 Exploration the data, since users interact with the system primarily at a
conceptual level. The challenge is to mitigate generating
Exploration is not only a continuous but also an om- large and incomprehensible visualisations (cf. [137]). The
nipresent activity. At any phase of a user experience, the very first approach to scale against the complexity and
display medium presents a portion of the domain, which volume is to provide intuitive interaction styles that allow
basically means either an active or passive exploration, users to gradually explore and access domain knowledge.
where the user intention is mainly explorative or con- Shneiderman [152] defines seven tasks for visual
structive, respectively. For this reason, ontology visuali- information access, namely overview, zoom, filter, details
sation is an integral part of query formulation. on demand, relate, history, and extract. This categorisation
Katifori et al. [93] categorise ontology visualisation is of help for classifying required interaction types. The
methods into indented list, node–link and tree, zoomable, overview and zoom tasks are of use for forming a global
space-filling, focus ? context or distortion, and 3D infor- understanding and changing vertical focus within the
mation landscapes with a hybrid perspective of interaction conceptual space, respectively (cf. top-down). The zoom-
style (for understanding the reality of interest) and repre- ing task is not meant to be a geometrical rescaling; rather, it
sentation paradigm (cf. the classification of Catarci [37]). allows focusing on a specific part of the presentation, while
Indented list approaches represent the taxonomy of an increasing the depth and the magnitude of detail (cf.
ontology as a tree (cf. menu-/list-based approaches), while semantic zooming [135]). A complementary task could be

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 449

viewpoint movement, which changes the focus horizontally representations that suit best to the nature of data at hand,
to another part of presentation (cf. [93]). Filter and details- along with generic presentation facilities, are required to
on-demand tasks are meant to isolate a fragment of better communicate and interact with different types of
knowledge that is of interest. The relate task enables users data. This may include specific presentations for data
to roam the conceptual space by pursuing the relationships fragments ranging from atomic facts, such as time and
among nodes (cf. browsing). This could be realised through location, to high-level concepts, such as people and places,
expansion and retraction of nodes, which results in an which may also include atomic facts (cf. [173]). Two very
orderly change in the viewpoint. The history task supports prominent examples are spatial and temporal data sources,
users to control and reflect on their previous actions (e.g. where the use of domain-specific presentations is reported
undo, replay, develop experience), while extract task cor- to be more effective (e.g. [39, 57]). The presentation ele-
responds to query construction actions and is discussed in ments used in such scenarios are mostly analogous to real
the following subsection. life, such as maps, which lead to immediate grasping by
Schema clustering and summarisation are two concrete increasing the magnitude of preconscious processing
means to increase comprehensibility and communicability. (cf. [65]).
Schema clustering approaches aim at automatically adding
abstraction layers to conceptual schemas (e.g. [34]), after 5.2.2 Construction
which users are not first confronted with hundreds or
thousands of concepts, rather with high-level clusters that The transition between exploration and construction is
they could drill down. Schema summarisation is meant to mostly obscure and needs special attention due to their
provide a visual overview of the entire domain to aid user adverse, though complementary roles. The goal of a user at
understanding (e.g. [110, 186]). A simple meta-level visu- the query construction stage is to travel all the paths that
alisation, for instance, could reflect the number of instan- form the intended query as quickly as possible, unlike the
ces associated with each concept and the number of exploration stage where the aim is to discover the con-
relationships between concepts by using variable size ceptual space to a large extent. Hence, for the sake of
thickness for shapes and lines representing concepts and exploration, visual query formulation tools need to bring in
relationships, respectively. More advanced visualisations a range of concepts and relationships to the attention of
are possible through network visualisation techniques that users, while on the contrary, at the construction stage, they
can handle high numbers of concepts and use different need to keep users focused and raise only concepts and
pattern identification approaches (cf. [108]). relationships that are relevant for the query task.
Another promising direction is to employ adaptivity and The challenge for query construction is to guide users to
customisation (i.e. adaptability) techniques (cf. [29, 146]). their targets with a minimum amount of deviations and
Adaptivity allows a system to automatically alter/adapt its backtracks. Large domain knowledge, together with top-
content, behaviour, and presentation with respect to down and bottom-up propagation of property restrictions,
changing context dimensions, where customisation is a user- increases the number of possibilities enormously. At any
managed process of altering software to his/her particular step of query construction, users are confronted with a high
context such as needs and preferences. Context is a broad number of concepts and properties to choose from. This
notion that encompasses any information that characterises reduces the ability of users to quickly decide on the next
the computing context including entities involved (e.g. user, action.
devices, time, location) and relationships among them As a solution, adaptivity and customisation are of sub-
(cf. [20, 54]). Although the potential of adaptivity and cus- stantial help in pruning the irrelevant concepts, paths, and
tomisation for enriching the usability of visual query for- properties by taking contextual factors into account
mulation tools is already apparent, it is not yet truly exploited (cf. [88, 119]). It goes without saying that every user is
(cf. [36, 89]). An example could be the physical environ- unique, yet common traits weave through them. These
ment; if a user is working on two or more screens, the part of differences and commonalities could be addressed in a way
the visualisation can be delegated to other display units to fit data access systems to the context of each user and
(cf. [78]). Another example could be the device; if the user is user group. For instance, in an oil company, there could be
on the field and accessing the tool from a mobile device, the different groups of users such as chemists and geologists;
tool could alter its presentation to the screen characteristics therefore, depending on the role of the user in an organi-
of the device and provide a more natural interaction mech- sation, a user could only be interested in one part of the
anism, such as haptic control [109], which complements the domain. An example would be the analysis of query logs
direct manipulation approach. on individual and group basis to derive points of interest in
The high variety and velocity also have implications on the conceptual space for each user and user group and to
visual query tools at the exploration stage. Specific present the most relevant concepts, attributes, and

450 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

relationships at every stage. The approach could be with no results or with a massive number of results.
improved through recommendations (cf. [104]); that is, Regarding the active construction phase, the redundancy of
rather than forcing users towards one system defined affordances (e.g. different means to navigate to next con-
direction, users could be guided through suggestions, while cept) has the potential to improve user experiences and the
still being able to reach out other possibilities. accessibility of interface functionality by providing alter-
A notable example is called reachability in the context native options. Provenance is also worth mentioning in this
of this article. The navigation of conceptual space might context; if a user loses the sense of state and track of
turn into a tedious process, particularly when the source navigation, this could have fatal implications in the user
concept and the target concept(s) of an intended path are experience, which necessitate such information to be con-
considerably distant from each other, leading to an expo- tinuously available.
nential increase in the number of choices. Barzdins et al. Collaborative query formulation, or collaborative
[10, 11] and Popov et al. [137] address this matter by search in a broader context (cf. [119, 188]), and query
suggesting possible paths for given source and target reuse (cf. [97, 177]) are among other possible directions.
concepts, i.e. shortest path, which is called non-local The collaboration could take place among different types
navigation in this article. A better approach would be of users; however, in the present context, domain expert–IT
taking previous query logs into account and ranking paths expert and domain expert–domain expert type of collabo-
accordingly, since the shortest path approach does not rations are of particular interest. This is because queries
guarantee relevance. Soylu et al. [159] propose an above a certain level of complexity could be realised either
approach, which exploits a query history to rank and sug- exclusively by IT-skilled users or with the help of IT-
gest ontology elements with respect to an incomplete query skilled users. The collaboration between domain experts
that a user has constructed so far. may make sense in situations where the transfer of
Various heuristic approaches should be considered to knowledge between peers is of importance. Still, one could
prevent any confusion that users might encounter during anticipate that the medium and way of collaboration for
the navigation of a conceptual space. Ontology-based these two types to be distinct; for instance, in domain
navigation might not be always intuitive for the end-users, expert–IT expert case, a domain expert is likely to work on
if it is not tailored adequately. For example, Soylu et al. visual level, while a database expert is likely to work at
[162], in their work regarding ontology-based Web navi- textual level, which he/she is potentially more comfort-
gation, show that navigational chains could be shortened able and efficient with. Such situations require interface to
with the help of a set of heuristics derived from the be able to manage both perspectives simultaneously.
available data, such as skipping the range concept if there Query reuse is another form of knowledge transfer, i.e.
is only one instance available for the selected relationship passive collaboration (cf. [119]), which allows users to
(i.e. pseudo cardinality). From a generic perspective, modify previous queries to fit them to the current task.
observing what concepts and properties really occur at the Query reuse saves user effort and has a didactic role in the
data level is of help to eliminate the irrelevant elements at training of end-users. Having said that, however, query
the presentation level. One could also use sanctions at the reuse should be carefully utilised as it might lead to poorer
ontology level as suggested by Bechhofer and Horrocks quality query results and greater overconfidence in the
[13], which are annotations that are semantically separate correctness of results (cf. [3]). From another perspective,
from the ontology and indicate for which concepts showing existing queries could be abstracted as concepts for the use
certain relationships or subconcepts is reasonable, valid, of end-users; such an approach not only has potential to
and natural. simplify the realisation of complex tasks, but is also
Combination of various search approaches could be promising in providing extensions to the ontology on the
leveraged to aid users in every phase of construction pro- fly (cf. [69]).
cess. For instance, keyword search and tag clouds Finally, given the increasing size and velocity of data,
(e.g. [105, 110]) could be employed to inform users about attention turns out to be a precious and limited resource
concepts, relationships, and attributes, which are not (cf. [132]); therefore, a visual query formulation tool needs
immediately available, and about possible attribute values, to address proactive and reactive scenarios, where data are
respectively. Auto-complete facilities could serve for the automatically detected, assessed, and acted upon (cf. [69]).
same purpose. A similar approach comes from faceted The challenge is to drive user attention within the large
search (cf. [175]), where users are provided with possible streams of data, so that valuable data fragments could be
numbers of results at every step of the construction. Such exploited. This also applies for non-stream scenarios,
approaches enable users to have a sense of what to expect where new data come in at arbitrary times. In such cases, a
and what direction to take, and ultimately prevent the push-based approach is preferable over a pull-based
construction of queries that are not sound—e.g. queries approach (i.e. on-demand) for the users due to low

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 451

cognitive load and high time-efficiency. The query con- his/her query accordingly. Instance-level navigation could
struction is similar to that of a normal case, though the also happen during query formulation by providing cues
execution and result handling differ, since the matching (cf. [147]), which are example results from the partial
data fragments and predictions based on them (i.e. proac- query.
tive) are expected to cause automated actions at data or Concerning the communication of extracted data, two
application level (i.e. reactive) (cf. [24]). Hence, query primary notions, namely data with context and data in
interfaces should provide intuitive means to associate context, are introduced in this article. The former empha-
queries with possible actions. This fact, along with the sises the need for meta-information associated with the
variety in data (e.g. temporal and spatial data), necessitates data, called data provenance, i.e. where it comes from (e.g.
domain-specific interaction elements and modalities as data federation), why (e.g. reasoning), its history.
well, such as range sliders and switches with haptic control, (cf. [89]). It is also an essential practice for dealing with
to trigger innate user reactions. ontology evolution (cf. [103]) to identify the source of data
with respect to the changes among ontology versions.
5.2.3 Discussion Regarding the latter, it concerns data delivery and inter-
action in a natural form, for instance on a map for
A foundational issue in the development of VQSs and geospatial data. These lead us to the fact that a query
VQLs is to drive the capabilities of the output medium and formulation tool is indeed a member of a large tool port-
human visual system at an optimum level, while bridging folio, which includes other tools addressing a variety of
the gap between the application and the user mental model purposes such as analysis, sense-making, and collabora-
(cf. [116, 140]). Primary points of attention are over per- tion. Interaction and data flow among these applications are
ceptual, cognitive, and interactional aspects of the pre- as essential as collaboration between human actors for
sentation. As evidenced by the literature, a singular increasing the value creation potential. These applications
approach is not sufficient to meet the diverse requirements could share a common framework that ensures data
and needs (cf. [36, 93]). For this reason, multi-paradigm interoperability and application interoperability. Facilities
and multi-perspective approaches are promising to address that allow extraction of data in different formats may be
diverse type of users, tasks, and contexts. In the former, provided to reach an integrated work environment as well
multiple representation and interaction paradigms, each (cf. [163, 179]).
associated with the task(s) and knowledge that it is best Lastly, for an ontology-driven user interface (cf. [14]),
suited to, are combined, and in the latter different query the challenge is not only the usability of the interface, but
formulation approaches, such as keyword search, natural also the usability of the ontology, which steers the inter-
language, and formal textual query editing, are combined face. Yet, the usability aspects of ontologies remain
with visual query formulation. However, a multi-paradigm unnoticed to a large extent; the mismatch/gap between a
and multi-perspective approach is not sufficient alone. user’s understanding of domain and an ontology could
Although the adaptivity approach, which has an established easily hamper the success of a well-designed interface.
research legacy, closes the gap, it should be used with care. Examples are available from a small number of studies—
The excessive use of automation could cause users to lose e.g. users expect a relationship to be an attribute or get lost
the sense of control and awareness and lead to frustration— while seeking a concept (e.g. [137, 162]).
i.e. perceived user control and situation awareness In an OBDA scenario, particularly in large industrial
(cf. [157, 165]). settings, ontologies are possibly to be obtained with an
A query formulation interface should not be considered ontology bootstrapping process (cf. [148, 164]), where
in isolation; it should be well integrated into the organi- existing documentation and database schemas are auto-
sational context with respect to the data flow and life cycle. matically harvested into ontologies. The result of the
A notable example is instance-level navigation (cf. [137, bootstrapping process is not always expected to be of high
147]), with which users are able to navigate data, i.e. the quality, since the underlying resources do not necessarily
result set of an executed query, by following links between capture the rich semantics of the domain and automatic
individual instances. The particular use of instance-level approaches have their limits. A considerable manual
navigation is data curing and basic analysis; however, it is effort is required to enrich and fine-tune a bootstrapped
also part of iterative and exploratory search (cf. [177, ontology. Usability metrics for ontologies should also be
180]). In many cases, a query needs to be reformulated developed to aid ontology design and presentation, for
several times (i.e. iterative), where all iterations before the example the ratio of the length of an expected path to the
final query have an exploratory character. That is, after length of an observed path that a user takes to reach from
inspecting the result set (i.e. interacting with data), a user a source concept to a target concept while navigating
gains more insights about the domain and data and revises (cf. [162]).

452 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

6 Research landscape and directions perspective. Then, with respect to the current research
trends, a set of directions is suggested.
Visual query formulation is a viable alternative to complex
formal textual languages and is preferable over keyword 6.1 Research context
(cf. [23]) and natural language interfaces (NLI) (cf. [52,
115]), which do suffer from the incapability of expressing Existing ontology-based visual query formulation approa-
complex information needs and natural language ambigu- ches could be considered in three lines of research. The
ities, respectively, for querying structured data. The first line of research is purely language oriented (i.e.
research on ontology-based visual query formulation is a VQLs—e.g. [1, 63, 76, 80, 84, 155]). The second line of
multi-front endeavour situated on a set of interrelated research is system oriented and utilises formal visual lan-
research fields, which is highlighted throughout this article guages (i.e. VQSs with a VQL—e.g. [10, 38]). The third
and overviewed in Fig. 6. line of research is purely system oriented (i.e. VQSs
Indeed, research on visual query formulation is long- without a VQL), and existing approaches largely focus on
standing; however, early approaches such as QBE (Query semantic data browsers and search interfaces for the Web
by Example) [189], QBD* (Query by Diagram) [4], Vi- (e.g. [27, 79]).
sionary [15], TableTalk [61], HVQS [41], VKQS [153], The first line (i.e. VQLs), such as Nitelight [155] and
VISUAL [9], X-VIQU [43], Xing [62], and XQBE [26] QueryVOWL [76], is out of interest in the context of this
employ database schemas, object-oriented models, semi- article due to their high level of formality. They are not
structured models (e.g. XML), proprietary graph-based adequate for end-users as they demand high-level knowl-
models, etc. Experimental research shows that approaches edge and skills to understand syntax and semantics behind
that rely on logical models (e.g. database schemas) are not a given visual notation—an example is depicted in Fig. 7
as effective as conceptual approaches, where interaction is for QueryVOWL. Therefore, in the rest of the article, the
in terms of real world concepts [154]. focus is mainly on the second and third lines of research.
An ontology-based approach has a lot to offer in this Semantic data browsers and search interfaces are consid-
respect. However, its applications to visual query formu- ered in terms of VQSs, since they indeed do generate
lation are comparatively recent (e.g. [10, 11, 38, 106]) and queries without disclosing them to users. The focus is
existing ontology-based data access approaches are rarely particularly on the notable approaches meant for the Web
supported with visual query formulation tools (e.g. [70]). In although they are meant for browsing rather than querying,
what follows, notable ontology-based or ontology-suited since they are widely used and better embraced, query and
approaches (e.g. generic approaches for graph-based data information retrieval interfaces have considerable com-
structures) are presented and discussed first; the goal is not monalities, and the bulk body of research belongs to the
to provide an extensive review, but to provide a meta- Semantic Web community.

Fig. 6 Ontology-based visual query formulation as a multi-front endeavour

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 453

Fig. 7 An example fragment of

QueryVOWL—a visual query
language for linked data

Faceted search (cf. [175]) and query by navigation achievable instances upon a possible selection of a facet or
(QbN) (cf. [171]) are two salient approaches in the Web in facet option is sometimes called numeric volume indicators
terms of their suitability for ontology-based query formu- (NVIs) and is an integral part of faceted search [181]. In
lation and their inherent compatibility. An advanced view-based search, a view corresponds to a facet and the
combination of form-based and menu-based representation difference from the earlier work is the use of hierarchical
styles and largely range selection interaction style charac- facets, while the work on instantaneous response interfaces
terise the faceted search, with which projection and relies on the idea of providing instant suggestions at
selection operations could easily be applied over a concept. schema level and data level to the user as he/she interacts.
The determining characteristic of QbN is the navigational Research-wise, Flamenco [184], RB?? (Relation Brow-
interaction style, which offers an intuitive way for joining ser) [187], mSpace [147], and Exhibit [87] are well-known
concepts through pursuing the links in between. There is a examples.
natural fit between these two approaches, as there is a fair Flamenco3 (see Fig. 8) combines keyword and faceted
share of primary query operations (i.e. select, join, and search. Initially all facets are shown and, after selecting a
project). In the following, the harmony between faceted facet or executing a keyword search, the results are pre-
search and QbN is discussed with respect to ontologies and sented and facets are displayed in a column next to the
ontology-based examples. result area. If the selected facet has subcategories, they are
shown and if it has a hierarchical structure, the subcate-
6.1.1 Faceted search gories of the selected option are shown. RB?? lists all
facets and their entire values at the top part of the interface,
Faceted search is based on a series of orthogonal dimen- and the result set is displayed at the bottom part. Facets can
sions that can be applied in combination with filter the be reordered; however, this has no effect on filtering.
information space. Each dimension, called facet, corre- mSpace provides keyword search support and presents
sponds to a taxonomy; that is, each instance of a concept is four panels. The first panel, facet browser, displays active
classified with respect to multiple explicit dimensions (i.e. facets in a linear form. The order of facets matters, since
faceted classification). A taxonomy, i.e. facet, could have a the filtering is done left to right. A user can make multiple
hierarchical structure, named hierarchal facets. Constraints selections within a facet, which are combined with logical
associated with different facets are mostly combined with ‘‘OR’’. The second panel, interests, serves as a bookmark
logical ‘‘AND’’ (cf. [175]). For example, for a concept that facility, with which the user can retain instances of interest.
describes ‘‘cars’’, facets could be the ‘‘brand’’, ‘‘type’’, The third panel, information, presents information about
‘‘year’’, ‘‘mileage’’, etc. The ideas that drive faceted search the last selection, i.e. instance or facet. The last panel,
likely emanate from the work on dynamic queries [151] preview cue, provides example instances during the search.
and view-based search [136], and inspire the work on in- Exhibit is similar to commercial faceted search inter-
stantaneous response interfaces [127]. faces; it consist of two panels: browse panel and view
The work on dynamic queries is based on the interactive panel. The browse panel presents a set of facets, while the
control of visual query parameters leading to a rapid dis- view panel presents the search results. The view panel is
play of search results. The idea is further improved by configurable; that is, different view options are possible
taking the relationship between data distribution and user such as lists and maps. All faceted search interfaces
selections into account in a proactive way in order to limit described here are accompanied with NVIs and the trail of
the user to a set of satisfiable parameter combinations selections (aka breadcrumbs) for user awareness and
(cf. [2, 56]). For instance, given a movie database, upon the control.
selection of a particular actor, all the dates, for which the
selected actor has no movie, are excluded from available
options and/or the number of available instances is dis-
played next to each possible date option. The number of

454 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

Fig. 8 Flamenco—a faceted

search interface

6.1.2 Query by navigation closeness to the real world compared to the Entity-Rela-
tionship (ER) models (cf. [59]), and employ QbN to enable
QbN exploits the graph-based organisation of data to allow the user to navigate hyperindex and construct linear paths.
the user to construct queries by traversing the relationships Although the resulting branches, with pure QbN, are con-
between concepts. The type of a relationship could be a nected with logical ‘‘AND’’, the authors provide a structure
simple is-a relationship (i.e. concept–subconcept) or more editor, with which the user could combine linear paths in
general. An early attempt for the application of QbN comes advanced ways including negation and logical ‘‘OR’’.
from Ter Hofstede et al. [171]; their work combines Concerning the present research, QbN is typically realised
stratified hypermedia (cf. [30]) and QbN, which are par- in two forms, which are characterised with menu-based and
ticularly well known in document retrieval domain, and diagram-based representation styles, respectively. Examples
applies it to traditional database systems by exploiting the of QbN with menu-based representation style are usually the
parallels in information disclosure between document semantic data browsers developed for querying and brows-
retrieval systems and traditional database systems. ing linked data (cf. [22]). Particular examples are Tabulator
Stratified hypermedia is an architecture in which infor- [16], TcruziKB [122], and SWC [162]. Tabulator provides an
mation is organised via several layers of abstraction. The instance-level navigation experience and employs a tree-
base layer contains the actual data (i.e. hyperbase), while based approach (i.e. indented lists), where a user can expand
other layers contain the abstraction of these data (i.e. hy- and retract nodes and follow relationships by selecting tree
perindex) and enable access to the base layer. In a docu- elements. Unlike Tabulator, TcruziKB does not display the
ment retrieval system, the abstraction layer is composed of whole hierarchy and the goal is query construction; a user
hierarchically organised keywords; an indexing process is starts with a keyword search to find a kernel concept (i.e.
required to construct the abstraction layer and to charac- starting concept) and, once found, system suggests rela-
terise the documents (i.e. identification of documents with tionships. The selection of a relationship is followed by a
respect to the abstraction layer). The characterisation pro- selection of a range concept; then, the system moves focus to
cess is known to be a hard problem; however, in traditional the selected concept; this process is continued, until the
database systems, the characterisation of data is directly query of interest is complete. The operation of moving from
given by a reference model [171]. Ter Hofstede et al. [171], one concept to another (i.e. changing focus) is known as
in their work, built their abstraction layer on the top of pivoting operation and the active/focus concept is called
Object Role Modelling (ORM) (cf. [77]), due to its pivot (cf. [100, 137]).

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 455

SWC4 is for instance-level mobile navigation (see 6.1.3 Hybrid approaches

Fig. 9) and initially provides a flat list of concepts; upon
selection of a concept, the tool presents the list of sub- Faceted search is widely used in commercial websites, such
concepts or list of available instances. Once an instance is as eBay and Amazon, for listing and filtering products and
selected, available relationships are shown, with which the menu-based navigation is the backbone of Web browsing;
user can change focus to another instance. therefore, a typical Web user is expected to be familiar
Examples of QbN with diagram-based representation with faceted search and QbN. Besides, faceted search and
style are TAMBIS [167], SEWASIE [38], GQL (Graphical QbN have a natural harmony with ontologies, since the
Query Language) and ViziQuer [10, 11, 190], and Visor representation of taxonomies and associations between
[137]. TAMBIS has a diagram-based pane, where a user concepts are in the core of ontologies. However, consid-
query is represented as a tree. The user starts with a kernel ering each approach in isolation, faceted search, in its most
concept, as a root node, and continues construction by common form, breaks down as soon as a join between
expanding nodes through their properties. The user can several concepts is required. Ontologies are richer and
type in his constraints for an attribute directly on the cor- represent more complex relationships between concepts
responding leaf node. The tool developed within the con- than child–parent relationships. Similarly, QbN is good at
text of SEWASIE project has a query manipulation pane, exploring such links between domain concepts, yet it needs
which provides a graph-based representation of the con- facilities to accommodate the selection and projection
structed query. The query manipulation pane maintains the operations. In this respect, the amalgamation of faceted
focus and suggests the user possible concepts and rela- search and QbN is a very sensible direction.
tionships with drop-down menus. Indeed, faceted search includes a navigational flavour;
GQL is a graphical query language built on SPARQL this is mostly due to fact that it allows the user to drill
and OWL, while ViziQuery is a query system driven by down within hierarchical concept and facet taxonomies.
GQL. Similar to SEWASIE project, ViziQuer also offers a For this reason, it is sometimes called faceted navigation or
graph-based pane for query manipulation; the tool firstly faceted browsing. Tunkelang and Marchionini [175] dis-
presents a list of concepts, so that the user can select a tinguish faceted search and faceted navigation to highlight
kernel concept. Upon the selection of a kernel concept, the the difference between the navigational and range-based
user can add a subordinate concept from the list. The aspects of faceted search. However, such a distinction is
system offers the shortest or the most likely paths between inherently redundant, since every selection within a facet
the kernel concept and the subordinate concept, or the user results in a search and the navigational aspects of faceted
can draw links between any concepts to receive path rec- search are not truly dominant.
ommendations. It is possible to navigate from concept to Structurally, query construction on a hybrid of QbN and
concept by directly following relationships as well, though faceted search corresponds to a navigation and pruning
the mechanism is not clearly exemplified or explained. For process within a network of hierarchies; an example is
the selection and projection operations, ViziQuer provides given in Fig. 10. There are two concepts in this example,
a form-based dialogue. namely ‘‘Student’’ and ‘‘Course’’, which are associated
Visor initially provides a list of all concepts (flat or through ‘‘takes’’ relationship. Each concept has a set of
hierarchical views are available) and a diagram-based facets, for instance ‘‘Type’’, ‘‘Title’’, ‘‘Year’’, and ‘‘Status’’
query pane. User-selected concepts are moved to the query for the ‘‘Course’’. These facets are derived from attributes,
manipulation pane. The user can select as many concepts and they could also be derived from relationships as shown
as needed (called multi-pivot approach). The tool auto- in Fig. 10 for the ‘‘takes’’ relationship acting as a facet for
matically links all the concepts. A blue circle, with a ‘‘Student’’ over the representative ‘‘Title’’ attribute of
number in it, is displayed in the middle of each edge; this ‘‘Course’’ concept. The same relationship is also used for
number represents the number of relationships that link two navigating from ‘‘Student’’ to ‘‘Course’’ concept or vice
concepts. If there are no relationships that link two con- versa. One should realise that deriving facets from a con-
cepts, the first shortest path is found and intermediary cept is not always straightforward; one may require some
nodes are added. These facilities are used for ontology processing, for instance for the discretisation of numeric
exploration and to derive a subgraph of interest, while full attributes (e.g. GPA). Hybrid approaches in the current
query construction is handled through a form- and menu- literature could be considered in twofold, which are built
based approach with respect to the derived subgraph of the on menu-based and diagram-based representation styles as
ontology. well.
Menu-based hybrid approaches are mostly built by
introducing pivoting into faceted search interfaces, so that
4 the user can navigate between related data sets. Examples

456 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

Fig. 9 SWC—an instance-based mobile data browser

Fig. 10 QbN and faceted

search—a network of

of menu-based hybrid approaches are Parallax [86], relationships and grouped by type. There could be various
Humboldt [100], Rhizomer [27], VisiNav [79], and tFacet relationships between two concepts; however, rather than
[28]. Parallax and Humboldt are generic approaches for deriving a facet for each relationship, only a single facet is
graph-based data structures with applications on Web data. derived per associated concept. Such an approach results in
In Parallax, the user starts with a keyword search, after a decrease in the number facets, while introducing ambi-
which a set of matching concepts and instances are offered guity. The approach also provides a mechanism for navi-
to the user. Upon selection of a particular concept, all gating between concepts, which is supported with an
available instances are displayed along with a set of facets. animation to prevent user confusion.
The interface also displays a set of relationships, with Rhizomer5 (see Fig. 11) is a tool for exploring semantic
which the user can browse from one set of instances to Web data and is similar to Parallax; it follows overview,
another. zoom, and filter mantra and uses techniques, such as nav-
In Humboldt, as soon as a data source is loaded, all igation menus, tree maps or sitemaps, to provide an over-
available instances are presented as a list, and types of view of the dataset. VisiNav is built on four operations,
these resources are listed in a tag cloud to filter the
resources. Differently, in Humboldt, facets are based on

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 457

Fig. 11 Rhizomer—a tool for exploring semantic data

namely keyword search, object focus, path traversal, and result set is continuously displayed at the top part of
facet specification. The keyword search provides an initial interface; the user can add/remove attributes for the result
set of results and with object focus the user can view a set by using a dialogue activated with ‘‘visible properties’’
single result. The path traversal allows the user to reach out button. Although a tree-based approach can represent a
other concepts either through a single instance or concept, large number of direct and indirect facets for a concept, for
while with facet specification the user can filter down the large ontologies the depth of the tree is an issue. This is
result set. because each tree item is expected to have a high number
tFacet6 is a tool for hierarchical faceted exploration of of children hindering the usability (cf. [93]).
RDF data. The user first needs to select a base concept, for An important problem with menu-based hybrid
which the exploration is to be limited to, then the interface, approaches is their inability to aggregate information from
as shown in Fig. 12, displays facets at the left-hand side in different concepts (i.e. result set is formed by a single
a tree form (i.e. indented list). The first level of the tree concept). Another problem is poor support for overview
represents the facets derived from the direct relationships (i.e. a global view of connected concepts, constraints
and attributes of the base concept, while the children of a imposed, and attributes selected for the output).
tree item represent the facets of another concept associated Concerning the diagrammatic approaches, notable ex-
through the relationships that the parent tree item repre- amples are OZONE [170], MDDQL [92], gFacet [82], and
sents (e.g. in Fig. 10, ‘‘Student’’ being the base concept, OptiqueVQS [160]. In OZONE, the user first searches for a
‘‘takes’’ property would be a direct facet, while ‘‘Year’’ kernel concept from a hierarchical list of concepts. Once a
attribute would be a child of it). Selected facets appear in concept is selected, it appears in the diagram-based query
the bottom middle part of interface along with possible manipulation pane in the form of a rectangle. Each node is
options. Options selected within a facet are connected with the aggregation of a concept name and its properties. The
the ‘‘OR’’ connective, while options selected from different navigation from one concept to another happens through
facets are connected with the ‘‘AND’’ connective. The the expansion of relationships. OZONE mainly uses a
form-based representation style; that is, a user has to type
6 in constraints for attributes. However, the user can

458 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

Fig. 12 tFacet—a tool for hierarchical faceted exploration of RDF data

specialise and generalise concepts in a fashion similar to representation and interaction paradigms for graph navi-
the faceted search, by clicking on a node and selecting a gation and facet refinement. A graph-based widget is meant
more general or more specific concept type. to provide an overview, while a menu-based widget and a
MDDQL comes with four panes: a diagram-based pane form-based widget deal with navigation and facet manip-
for representing queries in tree form, a suggestion pane ulation and provide view/focus. The diagrammatic query
listing possible terms (e.g. concepts and properties), and representation is informal, free off SPARQL jargon, and
two other panes for attributes that are constrained and simplified (i.e. unidirectional and tree-shaped)—cf. Fig. 14
selected for the output, respectively. A user can start with a vs. Fig. 7.
kernel concept, as the root node of a query tree, and keep The problem of inability to aggregate information from
expanding nodes by selecting a property from the sugges- different concepts generally persists for diagram-based
tion pane. hybrid approaches, while a better overview is provided,
gFacet7 (see Fig. 13) is a tool for exploring semantic since diagram-based approaches are naturally good at
data and is similar to OZONE. The search process starts providing a global view. However, this time the problem is
with a keyword search for finding a kernel concept; once a usually poor support for focus, that is ability to channel
kernel concept is selected, it appears on a diagram-based user to a specific part of an active task.
query manipulation pane. The facets in gFacet are only the
ones derived from relationships between concepts (e.g. 6.2 Discussion and directions
‘‘takes’’ for ‘‘Student’’ in Fig. 10); the user can keep
linking concepts and filtering the result set by expanding A good deal of existing work, with the rise of the Semantic
relationships into new nodes and selecting values for them. Web technologies, targets semantic data browsing and
The result set attributes only come from the kernel concept searching on the Web. Although early approaches, such as
and the concepts added to query graph by navigation are Tabulator, are mostly suitable for IT-skilled users, suc-
merely used for filtering the result set. However, the user cessor approaches address end-users and provide valuable
has the opportunity to change the kernel concept. techniques and insights into the use of ontologies for
OptiqueVQS (see Fig. 14) relies on a widget-based enhanced end-user experiences in data access.
architecture so as to exploit multiple coordinated However, firstly, these approaches are mostly very
minimalistic in expressivity both in terms of queries and
7 domain knowledge they can express. In many cases, even

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 459

Fig. 13 gFacet—a tool for exploring semantic data

Fig. 14 OptiqueVQS—an ontology-based visual query system

conjunctive queries are not well established and available domain knowledge and queries should be addressed or IT
domain knowledge is very poor, since it is extracted from expert support should be possible to enable end-users to
instances (i.e. instance oriented) rather than an ontology. In closely describe and find data of interest within Big Data
a traditional scenario, as discussed earlier, certain types of sources.

460 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

Secondly, semantic data browsing on the Web is highly and querying on the Web, in industry, information needs
exploratory and requires instant and continuous interaction are more sophisticated; therefore, complex analysis and
with data (i.e. database intensive). This is contrary to tra- processing on extracted data are required. Presented
ditional data access systems, where a user first constructs approaches mostly rely on one or two different represen-
the information need with the terms coming from a schema tation paradigms for result visualisation, exploration, and
and then retrieves the associated data. As discussed earlier, construction, with one paradigm being highly dominant.
interaction with the real data at every phase of query for- Often, a naked object approach is employed (cf. [79]) for
mulation is of use for understudying the organisation of presenting results (i.e. without any type specific styling).
underlying data and for improved user experiences. Yet, However, an extensible architecture is crucial for the
the problem with this approach in a traditional system, incorporation of alternative and complementary paradigms
particularly in an industrial setting, is linked with the sheer as well as for introducing various other tools, such as
volume and velocity of data. It is not always feasible to scratchpads, bookmarks, and domain-specific visualisation
maintain a constant and frequent contact with voluminous components, for different purposes.
and stream data sources. The same applies to NVIs for A user-interface mashup (UI mashup) approach (cf. [60,
faceted search interfaces; indeed, every possible facet 163]) is promising for the construction of extensible and
selection and every possible join with a new concept mean flexible query formulation tools. The mashup idea, in the
a new partial query, which should be run against the data present context, is grounded on the possibility of combin-
sources to provide the user with the number of results for ing the functionality and data of a set of individual appli-
each possibility. This situation opens up yet another cations in a common graphical space and underpins the
research challenge, for which not only exact solutions, but multi-paradigm and multi-perspective approaches. Wid-
also approximations could be of a great use. gets8 are the building blocks of UI mashups, where each
As evidenced by the presented hybrid approaches, the widget corresponds to a standalone application with less
combination of faceted search and QbN is a promising and complex functionality and presentation compared to full-
natural direction. However, there are certain issues to be edged applications. In query formulation scenario, a set of
addressed for its applicability in a traditional query for- widgets could be employed, for instance one for QbN and
mulation setting. Presented approaches are mostly proto- one for faceted search for handling query construction, one
typical, and none of them is scalable to an industrial for representing results in a table, and one for visualising
setting. There are no means provided to tackle large the results in a graph.
ontologies. Query formulation remains very implicit and Soylu et al. [163] propose an architecture for widget-
limited due to their high exploratory nature, and the line based UI mashups. A widget environment that provides
between query construction and exploration is not clear. basic communication and persistence services to the wid-
For a data browsing scenario, this blurry line may not be a gets manages widgets. The orchestration of widgets relies
problem while tackling with data in small sizes, where data on the requirement that each widget discloses its func-
are instantly provided at every phase of interaction; how- tionality to the environment through a client side interface
ever, in a traditional data access setting, the user focus is on and notifies other widgets in the environment and/or the
the formal description of information need, which neces- widget environment upon each user action. Then, either
sitates a clear distinction between explorative and con- each widget decides on what action to execute in response,
structive actions. In contrast with data browsers, existing by considering the syntactic or semantic signature of the
query formulation tools have a strong focus on construc- received event, or the environment decides which widgets
tion, while leaving exploration almost non-addressed. to invoke with which functionality. The core benefits of
Exploration and construction should be addressed and such an approach are: it becomes easier to deal with the
intertwined clearly and user evaluations should assess both complexity, since the management of functionality and
perspectives, for instance by not only using exactly defined data can be delegated to different widgets; each widget can
queries (i.e. for query writing and reading tasks), but also employ a different visualisation paradigm that best suits its
involving vaguely described information needs (i.e. ex- functionality; widgets can be used alone or together, in
plorative tasks) to assess the exploration support. different combinations, for different contexts and experi-
Similarly, a possible adaptation for traditional data ences (e.g. widgets running on distributed devices—dis-
access systems would also necessitate a strong support for tributed user interfaces [67]); and the functionality of the
view and overview; that is, the user should be able to keep overall interface can be extended by introducing new
a constant possession of the overall state with respect to widgets (e.g. for result visualisation).
task at hand and at the same time should be able to
maintain a focused engagement with the system for the
active phase of the task. Compared to the data browsing

Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467 461

As stated earlier, the usability of underlying ontology literature. In this context, the article addresses a broad
also matters. The fact that data browsing approaches for audience of researchers and practitioners interested in
the Web rely on instances rather than a particular schema intuitive end-user visual query formulation interfaces.
or ontology introduces an advantage for ontology-based As the discussions suggest, there are two main pillars of
data access systems. From an end-user perspective, the visual query formulation, namely expressiveness and
availability of an ontology implies that indeed end-users usability; however, even the expressiveness should be
can interfere with the ontology in order to align it with considered with a usability perspective. General usability
their own understanding of the domain and keep it up to challenges, concerning the common perceptual and cog-
date with respect to their needs. One possible way could nitive issues, are mostly a matter of innovative design,
be through IT experts, who could incorporate the feed- where appropriate paradigms should be selected with a
back from end-users in the design of the ontology. multi-paradigm perspective. The expressivity, usability,
However, direct end-user involvement may be also pos- and Big Data effect, at conceptual and data level, should be
sible, through an approach called query-driven ontology handled with various approaches such as adaptivity and
extensions (cf. [69]). The goal is to enable end-users to customisation, collaboration, and intelligent support. A
propose/extend an ontology by using the facilities query formulation tool should not only scale against data
attached to a query formulation interface, such as adding and conceptual model, but also against the personal and
synonyms and basic extensions; an example could be the organisational context, which necessitate a flexible and
incorporation of a query into ontology hierarchy as a new modular architecture.
concept. However, necessary caution has to be taken in It has been also been argued that the matter is not only
order to avoid overloading the ontology and to ensure usability of the query formulation system or language, but
safeness (e.g. [90, 91]). also the underlying ontology, for which necessary mea-
Such a user-driven perspective could be employed for sures should be taken for addressing possible problems and
improving the different aspects of a visual query formu- needs with an active end-user involvement. Concerning the
lation tool as well, which is called user-driven evolution in present research, the combination of faceted search and
this article. For instance, it is a good practice for a VQS or QbN is quite promising; however, current examples
VQL to supplement its vocabulary, coming from an diverge in terms of their goals and context (i.e. data
ontology, with end-user targeted labels, descriptions, and browsing at instance level on the Web). Hence, it is nec-
icons. Obviously, this is a tedious and long process, if not essary to realise a set of adaptations, before these approa-
endless, for large ontologies. However, in a user-driven ches could be used for traditional systems with success.
scenario, a visual query formulation tool may initially One should be aware that the research on end-user visual
include icons, labels, descriptions, etc. for a limited set of query formulation is inevitably a usability challenge. The
most commonly used vocabulary elements, while enabling early pioneers (e.g. [36, 89]), in the database domain,
end-users to incorporate their own supplementary content report their experiences on how underestimating the con-
to ontology (e.g. tagging). This approach considers a visual tribution of users drove them into failure. Researchers,
query formulation tool and ontology as an output of work particularly coming from the Semantic Web domain,
process, over years of use, rather than a mere input. should be aware of this and not to relearn the same old
lesson. A user-centred design practice, in which many tests
with small groups of users are conducted in different
7 Conclusions contexts (cf. [129]), is the key in this respect.
The insights gained as a result of this article are distilled
Much work has been carried out on visual query formu- into a set of quality attributes and features [158] and uti-
lation; early attempts rely on low-level abstractions and lised in the development of OptiqueVQS. It is evaluated
logical models such as schemas and object role modelling, both with casual users [160] and domain experts [161] and
yet they successfully establish the fundamentals of research acquired positive results. OptiqueVQS is part of an end-to-
domain. Recent approaches, with the emergence of the end semantic data access platform, namely Optique, which
Semantic Web and OBDA, employ ontologies as a natural includes components for query formulation support, on-
medium of access to traditional and open data sources tology and mapping management, query transformation,
available on the Web. However, the ever-increasing vol- times and streams, and distributed query execution [69, 70,
ume, complexity, velocity, and variety of data, called Big 96].
Data, render the end-user data access problem even more
challenging. In this regard, the current work is an attempt Acknowledgments This research is funded by the Seventh Frame-
work Program (FP7) of the European Commission under Grant
to provide a broad meta-overview on ontology-based visual Agreement 318338, ‘‘Optique’’.
query formulation, challenges, directions, and the related

462 Univ Access Inf Soc (2017) 16:435–467

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