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Belia 7 (1) (2018)

Early Childhood Education Papers (Belia)

The Effectiveness of Interactive Learning Powerpoint Media to Increase Knowledge of

Dental Health in B Group of TKIT Permata Hati Ngaliyan Semarang

Denty Harditya, Amirul Mukminin

Department of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Faculty of Science of Education, Semarang State
University, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

Received April 2018 Dental health is an important part of overall health. In children, the disease and tooth decay can
Accepted May 2018 lead to adverse consequences for growth, for it takes considerable knowledge so that children can
Published June 2018 take care of their teeth. One great way to increase the knowledge of the child’s teeth in the current
era is to provide play activities and learning with technology is through interactive media power-
Keywords: point.The problem in this research is whether interactive learning media powerpoint effective in in-
dental health; interac- creasing knowledge of dental health of children at the age of 5-6 years. This study aims to determine
tive powerpoint media; the effectiveness of interactive learning powerpoint media increase knowledge of dental health in
children aged 5-6 years children at age 5-6 years. The research was conducted in TKIT Ngaliyan Semarang Permata Hati
using the form Pre-experimental design to approach one group pretest-posttest design. The samples
used were children aged 5-6 years as many as 32 children. The technique of taking samples in this
research is technique. purposive sample Analysis of the data used is the method Until Independent
t-Test. The calculation result data showed an increase in values mean originally became 126.3 88.13.
The amount of the increase that occurred at 38.25. Based on calculations using paired t-Test Sample
obtained values - ttable> t> ttable,namely (- 2,039> - 21 534 or 21 534> 2,039), with sig = 0.000. A
significant difference can be seen from two tailed sig <0.05 is 0.000 or Sig. (2-tailed) <0,05 so Ha
received and H0 is rejected. It can be concluded that by using interactive powerpoint media could
increase knowledge of dental health in children at age 5-6 years.

© 2018 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Corresponding author: ISSN 2252-6382
Gedung A3 Lantai 1 FIP Unnes
Kampus Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, 50229
E-mail: [email protected]
Denty Harditya / BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers 7 (1) (2018)

INTRODUCTION play while learning how to be more receptive to

be conveyed by the teacher. The lack of reinforce-
Early childhood is an age that has a ment in studying dental hygiene at Permata Hati
critical period of growth and development of TKIT This makes knowledge of children about
children, because this is the period of future de- dental health is still fairly minimal. The theme
velopment of the child’s most optimal both for of “Me” that would normally be included in the
intelligence and physical. According to that desc- sub-theme “Caring for my body” most forms of
ribed by (the Faithful, 2015) Health became a key activity just using worksheets, flannel boards,
condition for successful education, on the other beads for rmeronce puzzle and lego only.
hand; if education is achieved will support the Departing from the existing problems in
success of a person and their health status will the field, researchers concluded that the need for a
increase. Child health is not optimal due to a di- media game so that children can learn with more
sease that makes it obstructed one of which is fun because, learning media is one important
dental disease. Gum disease is a disease of the component in achieving success in the learning
highest complaints by the people (Pontonuwu et process (Hanifah, 2014) media to be used must
al., 2013). Gum disease affects most people, espe- be able to help children to increase knowledge of
cially in children is dental caries disease. dental health of children is by using interactive
Dental caries is a disease of dental hard powerpoint media.
tissues characterized by tissue damage, starting According to (Gerlach and Ely in Arsyad,
from the tooth surface extends in the direction of 2002: 11) explains the characteristics of the me-
the pulp that can lead to a sense of pain . Make dia proper education used are as follows: (a)
children experience dental caries chewing power Characteristics fixatives, An object that has been
and disruption of digestion, resulting in growth photographed (recorded) by a camera or a video
of less than the maximum. The need for the pro- camera can easily be reproduced easily whenever
vision of knowledge of dental health in children required (b) characteristics manipulatives, events
would make children aware that dental care is that took days can be presented to students wit-
very important for growth, because all this kno- hin two or three minutes with the technique of
wledge about dental health just be limited to the shooting time-lapse recording (c) characteristics
practice of the toothbrush and the teacher exp- Distributive, allowing objects transported via
lained that the toothbrush is important, including integrated displays and could well describe the
the TKIT Permata Hati Ngaliyan Semarang , same condition in children with the same stimuli
Giving worksheets media was one of the main relative experience.
learning that promote children feel bored becau- The author chose powerpoint as a program
se less varied so too monotonous for children. It to develop these media fit for use in a program on
has an impact on children have difficulty under- learning as it was powerpoint already very fami-
standing the learning so that knowledge is not liar with the world of education and the program
maximized because basically increasing teachers’ is very easy to find, so its not difficult to operate
skills in using technology, can create a variety of when you want to run the program. powerpoint
learning. Through a variety of learning can provi- is usually used in a presentation, but this program
de meaningful learning and can develop a variety has facilities that are sufficient to create an inte-
of potential intelligence of children (Astuti and ractive learning media become more attractive
Waluyo, 2014). because including text, sound, pictures, and even
According to Piaget’s theory which states videos at once if you can developed it. Slides
that children at the age of 2-7 years are in the or pages on PowerPoint specially designed with
pre-operational stage. At this age children need supplemented by buttons that will engage users in
the right stimulus to stimulate the growth and de- operate powerpoint. The format of the presenta-
velopment of optimal (Dina,2014). Kids at this tion powerpoint can also be removed in order for
stage are very pleased with the learning activities the user interaction with the media learning more
that include illustrations, models, pictures, and visible. Users can choose a menu that is already
activities that seem more real to others. Quoting available for the next process receives responses
from (Fatmawati, 2011) a teacher should be able from about at will if it was not yet understood. So
to provide appropriate direction and guidance that knowledge of children about dental health
for children so that they can explore their envi- can be increased directly due interactive learning
ronment through every stage of the development powerpoint media very easy to access and also
of meaningful and learn in the fun, interesting, fun because there are a lot of colors in it.
and relevant to their experience. With children to Levie & Lenzt (in Arsyad, 2013: 20) men-

Denty Harditya / BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers 7 (1) (2018)

tions four functions and some of the benefits of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
learning media, namely (a). Attention functions,
which attract and direct attention to the students The results of data pretest show the level
to concentrate on the content of subjects related of knowledge of dental health of children begin-
to the meaning of visual display or text accom- ning as much as 28% on lower criteria which are
panying the subject matter. (b) affective function. at intervals of 42-84 number 9 children, then the
seen from the enjoyment level of students when percentage of 72% on the criteria of being at in-
learning (or read) the text display. Image or visu- tervals of 85-127 number of 23 children, and no
al symbol can arouse emotions and attitudes. (c) children at high criteria with the interval 128-169.
Cognitive Function. Cognitive function of visual In general, children have a level of understanding
media is visible from the research findings that that is in the knowledge of dental health, the
reveal that the visual symbol or image facilitate treatment or the treatment will be used so that
the achievement of the aim to understand and knowledge of dental health of children can be
remember information or messages contained improved from pretest state. Kids in general are
in the image. (d) compensatory function to un- active learners and curiosity high, experts ECD
derstand the text help students weak in reading believe that play is a learning tool is best for ear-
for organizing information in text and recall. In ly childhood learning because that way the child
other words, learning media serves to accommo- gain direct experience (play and learn) in accor-
date students who are weak and slow to accept dance with the theory put forward by Hasjiandito
and understand the contents of the lessons are (2015).
presented with text or presented verbally. After being given the treatment, posttest
The benefits of learning media is as fol- outcome data showing that no child has low crite-
lows: (a) The lesson will draw more attention ria in the level of knowledge of dental health. La-
so as to motivate students to learn (b) Learning ter with the criteria being numbered 12 children
materials will be quite vague so that it can be with a percentage of 37.5% and higher criteria
understood by students and enable it to master consist of 20 children with a percentage of 62.5%.
and achieve learning objectives. (c) Methods of Based on data collected pretest and
teaching will be more varied, not merely verbal posttest, it can be tested t-Test through trials dif-
communication through the narrative of words ference Paired Sample t-Test. In this calculation
by teachers, so students do not get bored and te- the researchers used SPSS 23.0 for Windows.
achers do not run out of steam, especially when The results of the t test output Test can be seen
teachers teach at every hour so childrens can in Table 1:
more learning activities because not only to hear
the teacher, but also other activities such as ob- Table 1. Paired Samples Test
serving, doing, demonstrates, plays, and others. Paired diferences
Mean tailed)
This study using a quantitative research
conducted this study which is in TKIT Ngaliyan Pre_Test-
Semarang Permata Hati. The study design used Pair 1 -38.250 -21.534 .000
is Pre-Experimental Design to approach one Post_Test
group pretest-posttest design.The study samp-
le consisted of 32 children with comprehension
level categories of low, medium, and high. The Based on the calculation results obtained
sampling technique in this research is purposive by value t test - ttable >t> ttable, namely (- 2,039> - 21
sampling. Methods of data collection in this stu- 534 or 21 534> 2,039), with sig = 0.000, conclu-
dy using the scale of the level of knowledge after sions derived are H0 is rejected and Ha accepted,
the dental health of children 5-6 years with the meaning that there is a significant influence of
number 42 valid items that have previously been the interactive media powerpoint child’s group B.
tested. This study uses descriptive data analysis A significant difference can be seen from sig two
and hypothesis testing techniques Paired Until t- tailed <0.05 is 0.000. In addition, the results of
test. the average (mean) children aged 5-6 years kno-

Denty Harditya / BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers 7 (1) (2018)

wledge about dental health also suffered from the he understood than those who saw, or saw and
difference in the average pretest obtained is 88.13, heard. By learning the audio and visual shows
after being given treatment or treatments turn out simultaneously expected that children can recei-
to be 126.38. Then the results obtained explain ve the learning easily and all romantic. Likewise,
that the interactive media exerts powerpoint, kno- according to (Seels and Glasgow in Arsyad 2005:
wledge of children aged 5-6 years increased. 36) argues that interactive media is a media deli-
Dental health is important in the life of eve- very, which presents video footage with computer
ry individual, including children. Dental caries control to the audience (students) who not only
disease is a common dental diseases in children. hear and see the video and sound, but also to res-
As has been described (Fitrianti, 2017) Dental pond actively and the response that determines
caries is a disease in hard tissue of teeth, email, the speed and sequencing of the presentation.
dentin, and cementum which is characterized by So that at the conclusion of interactive media is
the occurrence of demineralization in hard tissue more effective because it can facilitate the lear-
of teeth, followed by damage to the pulp tissue as ning process
well as the spread of infection to the periapical Interactive powerpoint media is a right
tissues and cause a sense of pain. Lack of kno- choice to increase the knowledge of children
wledge of dental health of children makes them about dental health for media powerpoint is easy
less concerned with dental disease is headed. to operate. (Nurhidayat 2012) conducted a study
Explanation teachers about the importan- which is to determine the ratio between the effec-
ce of dental care for children is not enough to tiveness of the media powerpoint with flipchart
make children aware that toothbrushes and den- explained that the media powerpoint is more ef-
tal care from an early age is very important be- fective compared to the flipchart.
cause the explanation made by the class teacher Powerpoint is usually used in a presenta-
in nature tend to be monotonous make children tion, but this program has facilities that are suf-
become bored so what is described by teachers ficient to create an interactive learning media
are not well received by the child. Taking care of become more attractive because developers can
teeth is very important from an early age because include text, sound, pictures, and even videos
it provides prevention programs for children of at once. slides or pages on a PowerPoint speci-
primary school need to be intensified in order to ally designed to include buttons that will enga-
prevent the situation worse, which will most like- ge users in operating powerpoint. The format of
ly occur in adolescence and adulthood (Sundoro, the presentation powerpoint can also be removed
2005: 101) in addition to the (Gede et al, 2013: in order for the user interaction with the media
84-85) also argues that one cause of child neglect learning more visible. Users can choose a menu
dental and mouth health problems are due to lack that is already available for the next process re-
of knowledge about oral health. ceives responses from about at will if it was not
Educational model for early childhood yet understood. So that knowledge of children
should be adjusted to the time of their develop- about dental health can be increased directly due
ment which is still dominated by games as a me- interactive learning powerpoint media very easy
dium for knowledge transfer (Lusiana, 2014) and to access and also fun because there are a lot of
learning for young children should be packaged colors in it.
in a game that is fun for children always have ent- Interactive media Powerpoint is called
husiastic in participating in learning because as “Play and Learn Together Friends Gigi” to be clo-
described by (Suroningsih, 2013) because playing ser to children. Media containing predominantly
together with work in adults, the most important blue color theme contains about slide learning
aspect in the lives of children and is one of the and slide play, children can choose whichever
most effective ways to lower stress in children, as comes first activity is desired. In any slide given
well as important for mental and emotional wel- learning audio explaining the learning according
fare of children. Therefore, researchers are inte- to the picture which is a recording of the sound
rested in creating a media that is interesting and of the researchers themselves. slide The first there
fun to children so that children can play and learn is an explanation of the differences in the teeth
with interactive media given powerpoint related healthy and unhealthy showing a direct picture of
to dental health. According to (Jonah Arsyad how the results if the tooth treated well and were
2005: 16) Instructional media most influence to not hospitalized, and no explanation of the tips
the senses and better able to ensure understan- on maintaining healthy teeth that describes what
ding of the people who listen to just not the same is being done so that the teeth can be maintained,
level of understanding and duration survive what slide the next dental health education or know-

Denty Harditya / BELIA: Early Childhood Education Papers 7 (1) (2018)

ledge of dental health, 5 easy steps teeth healthy media to dental health knowledge of children in
and strong, then there is an explanation of how group B. Hypothesis test obtained H0 is rejected
the toothbrush is good and right, slide the last les- and Ha accepted, the conclusion after being given
son taken from the conclusion of each title. treatment using interactive powerpoint media
In the slide playing there are 4 options knowledge of dental health of children group B.
that can be chosen by the child that is playing The results of the average score of 88.13 was in
seek trail or the maze that is still associated on before given treatment after being given treatment
the teeth. Kids can find the right path according increased to 126.37, resulting in an increase in the
to the rules in order to the place of destination. average score as much as 38.25.
Before children play each slide by the norm of It can be concluded children in group B
the game so that children fully understand how experienced giving a enhancement knowledge of
to play. The next games, children can play loo- dental health because it can be a significant dif-
king for the lost object in which the child is asked ference between the results of scores the pretest
to find the missing objects in the room were very and scores posttest results. Interactive powerpoint
messy. After that the child can complete a quiz of media are used for the study were able to impro-
10 questions related to dental health study have ve dental health knowledge of children in group
previously been studied. Finally, the child can B. It is shown from the average results posttest
choose to watch a video on how to care for your higher than the average yield of the pretest. It can
teeth properly. The scope of the material intro- be concluded that the use of interactive power-
duced into the game in interactive powerpoint point media effectively used to improve the dental
media are deliberately simple and limited as in health of children knowledge of group B.
this study researchers only help children to get to
know the base of the tooth health. CONCLUSION
Powerpoint interactive media that has
been made has been tested with a media expert. Based on the research that has been imple-
In addition, prior to conducting research in TKIT mented then be concluded that the level of know-
Permata Hati Ngaliyan Semarang to test the vali- ledge of dental health of children aged 5-6 years
dity and reliability to determine whether the me- after being given a interactive powerpoint media
dia will be a tool for the treatment or treatment is increasing and there is a difference significant-
is feasible or not. This study is the final activity ly, with this it can be said that the provision of
in which researchers use the same method with interactive powerpoint media effective in increa-
pretest activities at the beginning of the study, to sing knowledge of dental health of children aged
determine the level of knowledge of dental health 5-6 years. This is indicated by the difference in the
of children in group B. After treatment given 12 average value of the level of knowledge of dental
times the results indicate no children are showing health of children in TKIT Ngaliyan Semarang
low criteria, 12 children with the criteria of being Permata Hati before and after a given treatment
at the level of classification capability of 37.5% or treatment that is given interactive powerpoint
and 20 respondents with high criteria of 62.5%. media, namely from 88.13be 126.3. The amount
So in general we can conclude the level of kno- of the increase that occurred at 38.25. Hypothesis
wledge of dental health of children in group B test results also show that the Sig. 0,000 <0,05
after given interactive powerpoint media in the and tcount> ttable (2,039> - 21 534).
high category with an index of 62.5% percentage.
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