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NXDN Technical Specifications

Part 1:
Air Interface

Sub-part A:
Common Air Interface

NXDN TS 1-A Version 2.0

September 2016

NXDN Forum
Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0


1. General ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Overview................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. System Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 2
2.1. System Structure ...................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.1. Basic System Structure .................................................................................................................... 4 Elements of System Structure.................................................................................................. 4 Structure of Trunked Radio Systems ....................................................................................... 5 Structure of Conventional Systems .......................................................................................... 6 Structure of Lines ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Functions Defined by CAI ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1. Group Voice Call .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.2. Individual Voice Call ......................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.3. Interconnect Voice Call .................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.4. Data Call .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.5. Short Data Call ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2.6. Simultaneous Data Call .................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.7. Status Call ........................................................................................................................................ 9
2.2.8. Paging .............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2.9. Emergency Call & Alert .................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.10. Remote Monitor ................................................................................................................................ 9
2.2.11. Remote Stun .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.12. Late Entry ....................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.13. Registration .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.14. Group Registration ......................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.15. Site Roaming .................................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.16. System Roaming ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.2.17. Composite Control Channel ........................................................................................................... 10
2.2.18. Control Channel Switching ............................................................................................................. 10
2.2.19. Restriction Control .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.20. Failsoft............................................................................................................................................ 10
2.2.21. Call Queuing .................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.22. Priority Monitor ............................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.23. Intermittent Operation..................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.24. Traffic Timer ................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2.25. Authentication................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.26. Encryption ...................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3. Transfer Method ..................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4. Layer Structure ....................................................................................................................................... 12
3. Modulation....................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1. General Description ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2. Modulation Method ................................................................................................................................. 13
3.3. Symbol Mapping ..................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4. Baseband Filter for Modulator ................................................................................................................ 14

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated i

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

3.5. Baseband Filter for Demodulator ............................................................................................................ 14

3.6. Reference Deviation of 4-level FSK ........................................................................................................ 14
4. Basic Interface (Layer 1 Standard) .................................................................................................................. 15
4.1. Outline .................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2. Channel Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 15
4.2.1. Definition of RF Channel ................................................................................................................ 15 RF Control Channel ............................................................................................................... 15 RF Traffic Channel ................................................................................................................. 15 RF Direct Channel ................................................................................................................. 16
4.2.2. Definition of Functional Channel..................................................................................................... 16 Broadcast Control Channel .................................................................................................... 17 Common Control Channel...................................................................................................... 17 User Packet Channel ............................................................................................................. 17 User Data Channel ................................................................................................................ 17 Slow Associated Control Channel .......................................................................................... 17 Fast Associated Control Channel 1........................................................................................ 17 Fast Associated Control Channel 2........................................................................................ 18 Voice Channel........................................................................................................................ 18 Link Information Channel ....................................................................................................... 18
4.2.3. Relationship of the RF Channel and Functional Channel ............................................................... 18
4.3. Frame Structure ...................................................................................................................................... 19
4.3.1. Basic Frame Structure.................................................................................................................... 19 RCCH .................................................................................................................................... 19 RTCH ..................................................................................................................................... 21 RDCH .................................................................................................................................... 22
4.3.2. Mapping to Functional Channel ...................................................................................................... 23 Channel Mapping for RCCH .................................................................................................. 23 Channel Mapping for RTCH/ RDCH ...................................................................................... 23
4.4. Frame Format ......................................................................................................................................... 24
4.4.1. RCCH ............................................................................................................................................. 24
4.4.2. RTCH/ RDCH ................................................................................................................................. 25 Voice Communication on RTCH ............................................................................................ 25 Voice Communication on RDCH ............................................................................................ 26 Data Communication on RTCH.............................................................................................. 27 Data Communication on RDCH ............................................................................................. 27
4.4.3. Preamble ........................................................................................................................................ 28
4.4.4. Frame Sync Word .......................................................................................................................... 28
4.4.5. Information Elements of Post Field................................................................................................. 29
4.5. Channel Coding ...................................................................................................................................... 30
4.5.1. Channel Coding on the RCCH ....................................................................................................... 30 CAC (Outbound) .................................................................................................................... 30 Long CAC (Inbound) .............................................................................................................. 32 Short CAC (Inbound) ............................................................................................................. 34
4.5.2. Channel Coding on the RTCH/ RDCH ........................................................................................... 36 SACCH .................................................................................................................................. 36 FACCH1................................................................................................................................. 38 UDCH/ FACCH2 .................................................................................................................... 40

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated ii

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4.5.3. LICH ............................................................................................................................................... 42

4.5.4. Order of Transmitting Data ............................................................................................................. 44
4.5.5. CRC Code ...................................................................................................................................... 46
4.6. Scrambler Method .................................................................................................................................. 48
5. Transfer Control Method (Layer-2 Standard) .................................................................................................. 50
5.1. Outline .................................................................................................................................................... 50
5.2. Identification Information of LICH ........................................................................................................... 50
5.2.1. Configuration of LICH ..................................................................................................................... 50
5.2.2. LICH Settings ................................................................................................................................. 52
5.3. Frame Synchronization ........................................................................................................................... 53
5.3.1. Synchronization Conditions ............................................................................................................ 53 Frame Synchronization in Trunked Radio System ................................................................. 53 Capture of RCCH ................................................................................................................ 53 Capture of RTCH ................................................................................................................. 53 Frame Synchronization in Conventional System.................................................................... 54 Frame Synchronization in Direct Mode Operation (DMO) ...................................................... 54
5.3.2. Desynchronization Conditions ........................................................................................................ 54 Desynchronization in Trunked Radio System ........................................................................ 54 Desynchronization on RCCH ............................................................................................... 54 Desynchronization on RTCH ............................................................................................... 55 Desynchronization in Conventional System ........................................................................... 55 Desynchronization in Direct Mode Operation (DMO) ............................................................. 55
5.4. RF Channel Activation and deactivation ................................................................................................. 56
5.5. System Synchronization ......................................................................................................................... 56
5.5.1. Reference Timing ........................................................................................................................... 56
5.5.2. Transmission Conditions for the Trunking Repeater ...................................................................... 59
5.5.3. Transmission Conditions for the SU (Trunked and Conventional System) ..................................... 59 Standard Transmission .......................................................................................................... 59 Transmission Transient Response (Ramp Timing) ................................................................ 60
5.6. Random Access Control ......................................................................................................................... 63
5.6.1. Collision Control Field .................................................................................................................... 63
5.6.2. Operation Description..................................................................................................................... 64 Trunking Repeater ................................................................................................................. 64 Subscriber Unit ...................................................................................................................... 67
5.7. Quality Control ........................................................................................................................................ 73
5.7.1. RSSI Detection ............................................................................................................................... 73
5.7.2. BER Detection ................................................................................................................................ 73
5.7.3. Carrier Detection (Squelch Check) ................................................................................................. 73
5.8. Transmission Output Control .................................................................................................................. 73
5.9. Parameter for Layer 2 ............................................................................................................................. 74
6. Connection Control Method (Layer 3 standard)............................................................................................... 75
6.1. Overview................................................................................................................................................. 75
6.2. Message Format..................................................................................................................................... 75
6.2.1. Common Notation .......................................................................................................................... 75
6.2.2. Functional Channel Format of RCCH ............................................................................................. 77 Outbound RCCH .................................................................................................................... 77 Inbound RCCH....................................................................................................................... 78

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated iii

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

6.2.3. Functional Channel Format of RTCH & RDCH .............................................................................. 79 SACCH Format ...................................................................................................................... 79 FACCH1 Format .................................................................................................................... 79 UDCH Format ........................................................................................................................ 80 FACCH2 Format .................................................................................................................... 80
6.3. SR Information ........................................................................................................................................ 81
6.3.1. Structure Field ................................................................................................................................ 81
6.3.2. Radio Access Number Field ........................................................................................................... 81
6.3.3. Combining SR and Message.......................................................................................................... 82
6.4. Message Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 83
6.4.1. Call Control Messages ................................................................................................................... 83 Voice Call (VCALL) ................................................................................................................ 87 Voice Call Initialization Vector (VCALL_IV) ............................................................................ 88 Data Call (Header Format) (DCALL) ...................................................................................... 89 Data Call (User Data Format) (DCALL) ................................................................................. 90 Data Call Acknowledge (DCALL_ACK) .................................................................................. 90 Transmission Release (TX_REL)........................................................................................... 91 Transmission Release Extension (TX_REL_EX) ................................................................... 91 Header Delay (HEAD_DLY) ................................................................................................... 92 Short Data Call Request (Header format) (SDCALL_REQ) ................................................... 93 Short Data Call Request (User Data Format) (SDCALL_REQ).............................................. 95 Short Data Call Response (SDCALL_RESP)......................................................................... 96 Short Data Call Initialization Vector (SDCALL_IV) ................................................................. 97 Status Inquiry Request (STAT_INQ_REQ) ............................................................................ 98 Status Inquiry Response (STAT_INQ_RESP) ....................................................................... 99 Status Request (STAT_REQ) .............................................................................................. 100 Status Response (STAT_RESP) ......................................................................................... 101 Remote Control Request (REM_CON_REQ)....................................................................... 102 Remote Control Response (REM_CON_RESP) .................................................................. 103 Remote Control Request with ESN (REM_CON_E_REQ)................................................... 104 Remote Control Response with ESN (REM_CON_E_RESP) .............................................. 105 Voice Call Request (VCALL_REQ) ...................................................................................... 106 Voice Call Response (VCALL_RESP) ................................................................................. 108 Voice Call Reception Request (VCALL_REC_REQ) ........................................................... 109 Voice Call Reception Response (VCALL_REC_RESP)....................................................... 111 Voice Call Connection Request (VCALL_CONN_REQ) ...................................................... 112 Voice Call Connection Response (VCALL_CONN_RESP) .................................................. 112 Voice Call Assignment (VCALL_ASSGN) ............................................................................ 113 Voice Call Assignment Duplicate (VCALL_ASSGN_DUP)................................................... 115 Data Call Request (DCALL_REQ) ....................................................................................... 117 Data Call Response (DCALL_RESP) .................................................................................. 118 Data Call Reception Request (DCALL_REC_REQ)............................................................. 118 Data Call Reception Response (DCALL_REC_RESP) ........................................................ 119 Data Call Assignment (DCALL_ASSGN) ............................................................................. 120 Data Call Assignment Duplicate (DCALL_ASSGN_DUP) .................................................... 121 Idle (IDLE) ............................................................................................................................ 123 Disconnect Request (DISC_REQ) ....................................................................................... 123

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated iv

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Disconnect (DISC) ............................................................................................................... 124

6.4.2. Mobility Management Messages .................................................................................................. 125 Registration Request (REG_REQ)....................................................................................... 126 Registration Response (REG_RESP) .................................................................................. 126 Registration Clear Request (REG_C_REQ)......................................................................... 127 Registration Clear Response (REG_C_RESP) .................................................................... 127 Registration Command (REG_COMM) ................................................................................ 128 Group Registration Request (GRP_REG_REQ) .................................................................. 129 Group Registration Response (GRP_REG_RESP) ............................................................. 129 Authentication Inquiry Request (AUTH_INQ_REQ) ............................................................. 130 Authentication Inquiry Response (AUTH_INQ_RESP) ........................................................ 131 Authentication Inquiry Request 2 (AUTH_INQ_REQ2) ........................................................ 132 Authentication Inquiry Response 2 (AUTH_INQ_RESP2) ................................................... 132
6.4.3. Broadcast Messages .................................................................................................................... 133 Site Information (SITE_INFO) .............................................................................................. 134 Service Information (SRV_INFO) ......................................................................................... 135 Control Channel Information (CCH_INFO)........................................................................... 136 Adjacent Site Information (ADJ_SITE_INFO) ...................................................................... 139 Failure Status Information (FAIL_STAT_INFO) ................................................................... 141 Digital Station ID Information (DST_ID_INFO) ..................................................................... 141
6.4.4. Non-Standard Messages.............................................................................................................. 142 Proprietary Form (PROP_FORM) ........................................................................................ 142
6.4.5. List of Message Type ................................................................................................................... 143
6.5. Element Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 145
6.5.1. Message Type .............................................................................................................................. 145
6.5.2. Location ID ................................................................................................................................... 145 Category Bit ......................................................................................................................... 145 System Code ....................................................................................................................... 145 Site Code ............................................................................................................................. 145
6.5.3. Unit ID .......................................................................................................................................... 146 Source Unit ID...................................................................................................................... 146 Destination Unit ID ............................................................................................................... 146
6.5.4. Group ID....................................................................................................................................... 146
6.5.5. Electronic Serial Number.............................................................................................................. 147
6.5.6. Authentication Parameter ............................................................................................................. 147
6.5.7. Authentication Value .................................................................................................................... 147
6.5.8. Registration Option....................................................................................................................... 147
6.5.9. Group Registration Option............................................................................................................ 147
6.5.10. Authentication Option ................................................................................................................... 148
6.5.11. CC Option .................................................................................................................................... 149
6.5.12. Call Type ...................................................................................................................................... 150
6.5.13. Voice Call Option.......................................................................................................................... 150
6.5.14. Data Call Option ........................................................................................................................... 151
6.5.15. Status Call Option ........................................................................................................................ 151
6.5.16. Location ID Option........................................................................................................................ 152
6.5.17. Digit .............................................................................................................................................. 153
6.5.18. Speed Dial .................................................................................................................................... 153

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

6.5.19. Packet Information ....................................................................................................................... 154

6.5.20. Block Number ............................................................................................................................... 155
6.5.21. Packet Frame Number ................................................................................................................. 155
6.5.22. Response Information .................................................................................................................. 156
6.5.23. Error Block Flag............................................................................................................................ 156
6.5.24. Status ........................................................................................................................................... 157
6.5.25. Control Command ........................................................................................................................ 158
6.5.26. Control Parameter ........................................................................................................................ 158
6.5.27. Cipher Type .................................................................................................................................. 159
6.5.28. Key ID .......................................................................................................................................... 159
6.5.29. Delay Count ................................................................................................................................. 159
6.5.30. Cause ........................................................................................................................................... 160
6.5.31. Channel ........................................................................................................................................ 163
6.5.32. Call Timer ..................................................................................................................................... 164
6.5.33. Service Information ...................................................................................................................... 165
6.5.34. Restriction Information ................................................................................................................. 166
6.5.35. Channel Structure Information...................................................................................................... 168
6.5.36. Channel Access Information ........................................................................................................ 169
6.5.37. Adjacent Site Allocation................................................................................................................ 170
6.5.38. Adjacent Site Option..................................................................................................................... 170
6.5.39. Subscriber Type ........................................................................................................................... 171
6.5.40. Version Number ........................................................................................................................... 172
6.5.41. Initialization Vector ....................................................................................................................... 172
6.5.42. Station ID Option .......................................................................................................................... 172
6.5.43. Call Sign ....................................................................................................................................... 173
6.5.44. Bandwidth (BW) ........................................................................................................................... 173
6.5.45. Outbound/Inbound Frequency Number (OFN/IFN) ...................................................................... 173
6.5.46. Control Command 2 ..................................................................................................................... 173
7. Voice Coding Method .................................................................................................................................... 174
7.1. Outline .................................................................................................................................................. 174
7.2. Vocoder Test Signals............................................................................................................................ 175
7.2.1. EHR Vocoder ............................................................................................................................... 175 Tone Test Pattern ................................................................................................................ 175 Silence Test Pattern............................................................................................................. 175
7.2.2. EFR Vocoder ................................................................................................................................ 176 Tone Test Pattern ................................................................................................................ 176 Silence Test Pattern............................................................................................................. 176
8. Glossaries ..................................................................................................................................................... 177
9. Appendix ....................................................................................................................................................... 183
9.1. Dealing with Spare Field and Reserve Field ......................................................................................... 183
9.2. Emission Designator ............................................................................................................................. 183
9.3. Message CRC Calculation.................................................................................................................... 184
9.4. Conditions for Receiving a Message .................................................................................................... 184
9.5. Definition of Cause ............................................................................................................................... 185
9.5.1. Causes for Mobility Management Messages ................................................................................ 185
9.5.2. Causes for Call Control Messages in Voice and Data Calls ......................................................... 186
9.5.3. Causes for Call Control Messages in Status and Short Data Calls .............................................. 188

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated vi

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

9.5.4. Causes for Disconnect Request Messages .................................................................................. 191

9.5.5. Causes for Disconnect Messages ................................................................................................ 191
9.5.6. Common Causes.......................................................................................................................... 192
9.6. Detailed Classification of Services and Selectivity of Operation ........................................................... 193
10. Revision History ........................................................................................................................................ 195


Figure 1.2-1 Reference Point of Radio Interface..................................................................................................... 1

Figure 2.1-1 Basic Concept of NXDN Trunked Radio System ................................................................................ 3
Figure 2.1-2 Structure of NXDN Trunked Radio System ........................................................................................ 5
Figure 2.1-3 Structure of Conventional Systems (Communicating through a Repeater) ........................................ 6
Figure 2.1-4 Structure of Conventional Systems (Direct Communication) .............................................................. 6
Figure 3.2-1 Diagram of 4-level FSK Modulator.................................................................................................... 13
Figure 3.2-2 Diagram of 4-level FSK Demodulator ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 4.3-1 Frame Structure for RCCH (4800bps) .............................................................................................. 19
Figure 4.3-2 Frame Structure for RCCH (9600bps) .............................................................................................. 20
Figure 4.3-3 Frame Structure for RTCH (4800bps) .............................................................................................. 21
Figure 4.3-4 Frame Structure for RTCH (9600bps) .............................................................................................. 21
Figure 4.3-5 Frame Structure for RDCH (4800bps) .............................................................................................. 22
Figure 4.3-6 Frame Structure for RDCH (9600bps) .............................................................................................. 22
Figure 4.3-7 BCCH/ CCCH Channel Mapping ...................................................................................................... 23
Figure 4.3-8 SACCH Channel Mapping ................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 4.4-1 RCCH Frame Format ....................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 4.4-2 RTCH Frame Format for Voice Communication ............................................................................... 25
Figure 4.4-3 RDCH Frame Format for Voice Communication .............................................................................. 26
Figure 4.4-4 RTCH Frame Format for Data Communication ................................................................................ 27
Figure 4.4-5 RDCH Frame Format for Data Communication ................................................................................ 27
Figure 4.5-1 CAC Coding Flow ............................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 4.5-2 Long CAC Coding Flow .................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4.5-3 Short CAC Coding Flow ................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 4.5-4 SACCH Coding Flow ........................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 4.5-5 FACCH1 Coding Flow ...................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 4.5-6 UDCH/ FACCH2 Coding Flow .......................................................................................................... 41
Figure 4.5-7 LICH Coding Flow ............................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 4.5-8 SR Information Bit Structure ............................................................................................................. 44
Figure 4.5-9 L3 Bit Structure ................................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 4.5-10 Data Before Convolutional Encoding .............................................................................................. 44
Figure 4.5-11 Interleaving ..................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 4.5-12 Interleaved data .............................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 4.5-13 CRC Coder ..................................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 4.6-1 Scrambling Generator ...................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 4.6-2 Scramble Range ............................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 5.5-1 Timing for Transmitting and Receiving Frames (4800bps) ............................................................... 57
Figure 5.5-2 Timing for Transmitting and Receiving Frames (9600 bps) .............................................................. 58
Figure 5.5-3 Transmission Power on RTCH for Trunking Repeater ..................................................................... 59

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated vii

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Figure 5.5-4 Transmission Transient Response on RCCH for SU (4800 bps)...................................................... 60

Figure 5.5-5 Transmission Transient Response on RCCH for SU (9600 bps)...................................................... 61
Figure 5.5-6 Transmission Power on RTCH for SU (4800 bps) ............................................................................ 62
Figure 5.5-7 Transmission Power on RTCH for SUs (9600 bps) .......................................................................... 62
Figure 5.6-1 Collision Control Field and Coding Procedure .................................................................................. 63
Figure 5.6-2 Trunking Repeater (4800 bps).......................................................................................................... 65
Figure 5.6-3 Trunking Repeater (9600 bps).......................................................................................................... 65
Figure 5.6-4 Operation Flow of Trunking Repeater............................................................................................... 66
Figure 5.6-5 Operation Flow of SU ....................................................................................................................... 68
Figure 5.6-6 Collision Control for One Frame Transmission (4800 bps) ............................................................... 69
Figure 5.6-7 Collision Control for Two or More Frames Transmission (4800 bps) ................................................ 70
Figure 5.6-8 Collision Control for One Frame Transmission (9600 bps) ............................................................... 71
Figure 5.6-9 Collision Control for Two or More Frames Transmission (9600 bps) ................................................ 72
Figure 6.2-1 Layer 3 Message Format.................................................................................................................. 76
Figure 6.2-2 Outbound Dual Message Format ..................................................................................................... 77
Figure 6.2-3 Outbound Single Message Format ................................................................................................... 78
Figure 6.2-4 Inbound Short CAC Message Format............................................................................................... 78
Figure 6.2-5 Inbound Long CAC Message Format ............................................................................................... 78
Figure 6.2-6 SACCH Message Format ................................................................................................................. 79
Figure 6.2-7 FACCH1 Message Format ............................................................................................................... 79
Figure 6.2-8 UDCH Message Format ................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 6.2-9 FACCH2 Message Format ............................................................................................................... 80
Figure 6.3-1 SR Information Format ..................................................................................................................... 81
Figure 6.3-2 Combining SR and Message ............................................................................................................ 82
Figure 6.3-3 Procedure for Splitting SACCH and Adding SR ............................................................................... 82
Figure 6.4-1 Voice Call Format ............................................................................................................................. 87
Figure 6.4-2 Voice Call Initialization Vector Format .............................................................................................. 88
Figure 6.4-3 Header Format for Data Call ............................................................................................................ 89
Figure 6.4-4 User Data Format for Data Call ........................................................................................................ 90
Figure 6.4-5 Data Call Acknowledge Format ........................................................................................................ 90
Figure 6.4-6 Transmission Release Format .......................................................................................................... 91
Figure 6.4-7 Transmission Release Extension Format ......................................................................................... 91
Figure 6.4-8 Header Delay Format ....................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 6.4-9 Header Format for Short Data Call Request (UPCH) ....................................................................... 93
Figure 6.4-10 Header Format for Simultaneous Data Call Request (FACCH1) .................................................... 94
Figure 6.4-11 User Data Format for Short Data Call Request (UPCH) ................................................................. 95
Figure 6.4-12 User Data Format for Simultaneous Data Call Request (FACCH1)................................................ 95
Figure 6.4-13 Short Data Call Response Format (UPCH) .................................................................................... 96
Figure 6.4-14 Simultaneous Data Call Response Format (FACCH1) ................................................................... 96
Figure 6.4-15 Short Data Call Initialization Vector Format .................................................................................... 97
Figure 6.4-16 Status Inquiry Request Format ....................................................................................................... 98
Figure 6.4-17 Status Inquiry Response Format .................................................................................................... 99
Figure 6.4-18 Status Format for Status Request ................................................................................................ 100
Figure 6.4-19 Status Response Format .............................................................................................................. 101
Figure 6.4-20 Remote Control Request Format .................................................................................................. 102
Figure 6.4-21 Remote Control Response Format ............................................................................................... 103
Figure 6.4-22 Remote Control Request with ESN Format .................................................................................. 104

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Figure 6.4-23 Remote Control Response with ESN Format ............................................................................... 105
Figure 6.4-24 Voice Call Request Format for Group & Individual Call ................................................................ 106
Figure 6.4-25 Voice Call Request Format for Speed Dial ................................................................................... 106
Figure 6.4-26 Voice Call Request Format for Interconnect (1st Message) ......................................................... 107
Figure 6.4-27 Voice Call Request Format for Interconnect (2nd Message) ........................................................ 107
Figure 6.4-28 Voice Call Response Format ........................................................................................................ 108
Figure 6.4-29 Voice Call Reception Request Format for Individual .................................................................... 109
Figure 6.4-30 Voice Call Reception Request Format for Interconnect (1st Message) ........................................ 110
Figure 6.4-31 Voice Call Reception Request Format for Interconnect (2nd Message) ....................................... 110
Figure 6.4-32 Voice Call Reception Response Format ....................................................................................... 111
Figure 6.4-33 Voice Call Connection Request Format........................................................................................ 112
Figure 6.4-34 Voice Call Connection Response Format ..................................................................................... 112
Figure 6.4-35 Voice Call Assignment Format (Channel version) ........................................................................ 113
Figure 6.4-36 Voice Call Assignment Format (DFA version) .............................................................................. 113
Figure 6.4-37 Voice Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RCCH (Channel version) ........................................ 115
Figure 6.4-38 Voice Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RTCH (Channel version) ........................................ 115
Figure 6.4-39 Voice Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RCCH (DFA version) .............................................. 116
Figure 6.4-40 Voice Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RTCH (DFA version) .............................................. 116
Figure 6.4-41 Data Call Request Format ............................................................................................................ 117
Figure 6.4-42 Data Call Response Format ......................................................................................................... 118
Figure 6.4-43 Data Call Reception Request Format ........................................................................................... 118
Figure 6.4-44 Data Call Reception Response Format ........................................................................................ 119
Figure 6.4-45 Data Call Assignment Format (Channel version).......................................................................... 120
Figure 6.4-46 Data Call Assignment Format (DFA version)................................................................................ 120
Figure 6.4-47 Data Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RCCH (Channel version) ......................................... 121
Figure 6.4-48 Data Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RTCH (Channel version).......................................... 121
Figure 6.4-49 Data Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RCCH (DFA version) ............................................... 122
Figure 6.4-50 Data Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RTCH (DFA version) ................................................ 122
Figure 6.4-51 Idle Format ................................................................................................................................... 123
Figure 6.4-52 Disconnect Request Format ......................................................................................................... 123
Figure 6.4-53 Disconnect Format ....................................................................................................................... 124
Figure 6.4-54 Registration Request Format........................................................................................................ 126
Figure 6.4-55 Registration Response Format ..................................................................................................... 126
Figure 6.4-56 Registration Clear Request Format .............................................................................................. 127
Figure 6.4-57 Registration Clear Response Format ........................................................................................... 127
Figure 6.4-58 Registration Command Format..................................................................................................... 128
Figure 6.4-59 Group Registration Request Format ............................................................................................. 129
Figure 6.4-60 Group Registration Response Format .......................................................................................... 129
Figure 6.4-61 Authentication Inquiry Request Format ........................................................................................ 130
Figure 6.4-62 Authentication Inquiry Response Format...................................................................................... 131
Figure 6.4-63 Authentication Inquiry Request 2 Format ..................................................................................... 132
Figure 6.4-64 Authentication Inquiry Response 2 Format................................................................................... 132
Figure 6.4-65 Site Information Format (Channel version) ................................................................................... 134
Figure 6.4-66 Site Information Format (DFA version) ......................................................................................... 134
Figure 6.4-67 Service Information Format .......................................................................................................... 135
Figure 6.4-68 Control Channel Information Format (Channel version) ............................................................... 136
Figure 6.4-69 Control Channel Information Format (DFA version) ..................................................................... 137

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Figure 6.4-70 Adjacent Site Information Format (Channel version) .................................................................... 139
Figure 6.4-71 Adjacent Site Information Format (DFA version) .......................................................................... 140
Figure 6.4-72 Failure Status Information Format ................................................................................................ 141
Figure 6.4-73 Failure Condition Information ....................................................................................................... 141
Figure 6.4-74 Digital Station ID Information Format............................................................................................ 141
Figure 6.4-75 Proprietary Form Format .............................................................................................................. 142
Figure 6.5-1 Location ID Format ......................................................................................................................... 145
Figure 6.5-2 Registration Option Format ............................................................................................................ 147
Figure 6.5-3 Group Registration Option Format.................................................................................................. 147
Figure 6.5-4 Authentication Option Format ......................................................................................................... 148
Figure 6.5-5 CC Option Format .......................................................................................................................... 149
Figure 6.5-6 Voice Call Option Format ............................................................................................................... 150
Figure 6.5-7 Data Call Option Format ................................................................................................................. 151
Figure 6.5-8 Status Call Option Format .............................................................................................................. 151
Figure 6.5-9 Location ID Option Format ............................................................................................................. 152
Figure 6.5-10 Packet Information Format ........................................................................................................... 154
Figure 6.5-11 Response Information Format ...................................................................................................... 156
Figure 6.5-12 Error Block Flag Format ............................................................................................................... 156
Figure 6.5-13 Control Parameter Format ............................................................................................................ 158
Figure 6.5-14 Cause Format ............................................................................................................................... 160
Figure 6.5-15 Service Information Format .......................................................................................................... 165
Figure 6.5-16 Restriction Information Format ..................................................................................................... 166
Figure 6.5-17 Channel Structure Information Format ......................................................................................... 168
Figure 6.5-18 Channel Access Information Format ............................................................................................ 169
Figure 6.5-19 Adjacent Site Option Format ........................................................................................................ 170
Figure 6.5-20 Subscriber Type Format ............................................................................................................... 171
Figure 6.5-21 Version Number Format ............................................................................................................... 172
Figure 6.5-22 Station ID Option Format .............................................................................................................. 172
Figure 7.1-1 Diagram of Vocoder (Encoder) ....................................................................................................... 174
Figure 7.1-2 Diagram of Vocoder (Decoder) ....................................................................................................... 175
Figure 9.3-1 Message CRC Coder ..................................................................................................................... 184


Table 2.2-1 List of Services ................................................................................................................................. 8

Table 2.3-1 Transfer Method Specifications ...................................................................................................... 12
Table 2.4-1 Layer Structure ............................................................................................................................... 12
Table 3.3-1 Symbol Mapping Table................................................................................................................... 13
Table 4.2-1 RF Channel Description..................................................................................................................... 15
Table 4.2-2 Description of Functional Channels ................................................................................................... 16
Table 4.2-3 Relation of the RF Channel and Functional Channel ......................................................................... 18
Table 4.4-1 Preamble ........................................................................................................................................... 28
Table 4.4-2 Frame Sync Word .............................................................................................................................. 28
Table 4.4-3 Post Field Information ........................................................................................................................ 29
Table 4.6-1 Default value of Scrambler Code ....................................................................................................... 48
Table 5.2-1 Configuration of LICH ........................................................................................................................ 51

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Table 5.2-2 LICH Settings .................................................................................................................................... 52

Table 5.9-1 Timer ................................................................................................................................................. 74
Table 5.9-2 Counter .............................................................................................................................................. 74
Table 5.9-3 Parameter .......................................................................................................................................... 74
Table 6.3-1 Structure Field on Outbound RCCH .................................................................................................. 81
Table 6.3-2 Structure Field on RTCH/RDCH with SACCH ................................................................................... 81
Table 6.3-3 RAN for Conventional Systems ......................................................................................................... 81
Table 6.3-4 RAN for Trunked Radio Systems ....................................................................................................... 81
Table 6.4-1 Messages Used on a RTCH & RDCH ............................................................................................... 83
Table 6.4-2 Messages Used for Supplemental Service ........................................................................................ 84
Table 6.4-3 Messages Used for Calling Procedure .............................................................................................. 85
Table 6.4-4 Other Messages ................................................................................................................................ 86
Table 6.4-5 Configuring ID of VCALL for each Call Type ..................................................................................... 87
Table 6.4-6 Configuring ID of VCALL_ASSGN for each Call Type ..................................................................... 114
Table 6.4-7 Configuring ID of VCALL_ASSGN_DUP for each Call Type ........................................................... 116
Table 6.4-8 Configuring ID of DISC for each Call Type ...................................................................................... 124
Table 6.4-9 Messages for Mobility Management ................................................................................................ 125
Table 6.4-10 Broadcast Messages ..................................................................................................................... 133
Table 6.4-11 Non-standard Messages................................................................................................................ 142
Table 6.4-12 List of Layer 3 Messages ............................................................................................................... 144
Table 6.5-1 Location ID Values........................................................................................................................... 145
Table 6.5-2 Unit ID Values .................................................................................................................................. 146
Table 6.5-3 Group ID Values .............................................................................................................................. 146
Table 6.5-4 Registration Option Values .............................................................................................................. 147
Table 6.5-5 Group Registration Option Values ................................................................................................... 147
Table 6.5-6 Authentication Option Values .......................................................................................................... 148
Table 6.5-7 CC Option Values ............................................................................................................................ 149
Table 6.5-8 Supplementary Parameter Values ................................................................................................... 149
Table 6.5-9 Call Type Values.............................................................................................................................. 150
Table 6.5-10 Voice Call Option Values ............................................................................................................... 150
Table 6.5-11 Data Call Option Values ................................................................................................................ 151
Table 6.5-12 Status Call Option Values .............................................................................................................. 151
Table 6.5-13 Location ID Option Values ............................................................................................................. 152
Table 6.5-14 Digit Values ................................................................................................................................... 153
Table 6.5-15 Speed Dial Values ......................................................................................................................... 153
Table 6.5-16 Packet Information Values ............................................................................................................. 154
Table 6.5-17 Block Number Values .................................................................................................................... 155
Table 6.5-18 Packet Frame Number Values ....................................................................................................... 155
Table 6.5-19 Class and Type Values .................................................................................................................. 156
Table 6.5-20 Response Information Values ........................................................................................................ 156
Table 6.5-21 Error Block Flag Values ................................................................................................................. 156
Table 6.5-22 Status Values ................................................................................................................................ 157
Table 6.5-23 Control Command Values.............................................................................................................. 158
Table 6.5-24 Control Parameter Values ............................................................................................................. 158
Table 6.5-25 Cipher Type Values ....................................................................................................................... 159
Table 6.5-26 Key ID Values ................................................................................................................................ 159
Table 6.5-27 Delay Count Values ....................................................................................................................... 159

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Table 6.5-28 Cause (MM) Values ....................................................................................................................... 160

Table 6.5-29 Cause (VD) Values ........................................................................................................................ 161
Table 6.5-30 Cause (SS) Values ........................................................................................................................ 162
Table 6.5-31 Cause (DREQ) Values................................................................................................................... 163
Table 6.5-32 Cause (DISC) Values .................................................................................................................... 163
Table 6.5-33 Channel Values ............................................................................................................................. 163
Table 6.5-34 Call Timer Values .......................................................................................................................... 164
Table 6.5-35 Service Information Flags .............................................................................................................. 165
Table 6.5-36 Restriction Information Values ....................................................................................................... 167
Table 6.5-37 Channel Structure Information Values ........................................................................................... 168
Table 6.5-38 Channel Access Information Values .............................................................................................. 169
Table 6.5-39 Adjacent Site Allocation Values ..................................................................................................... 170
Table 6.5-40 Adjacent Site Option Values .......................................................................................................... 170
Table 6.5-41 Subscriber Type Values................................................................................................................. 171
Table 6.5-42 Version Number Values ................................................................................................................. 172
Table 6.5-43 Station ID Option Values ............................................................................................................... 172
Table 6.5-44 Bandwidth Values .......................................................................................................................... 173
Table 6.5-45 Control Command 2 Values ........................................................................................................... 173
Table 9.1-1 Dealing with Spare Field and Reserve Field .................................................................................... 183
Table 9.6-1 List of Service Availability ................................................................................................................ 193

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

1. General

1.1. Overview
Common Air Interface specifications define the radio interface of a digital mobile radio
communications system which is compliant with the requirements for 6.25 kHz spectrum
efficiency defined in FCC Part 90 and enforced for frequency bands under 512 MHz (mainly the
150 MHz and 450 MHz bands), and also compliant with the requirements for existing 12.5 kHz
spectrum efficiency in frequency bands including the 800 MHz band.
An NXDN system supports a trunked radio system with FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple
Access) and conventional system including a direct mode communication by SCPC (Single
Channel Per Carrier), and offers wide range of Land Mobile Radio operations which provides a
set of features required for the Business & Industry applications as well as for the Public Safety
Trunking method includes Centralized Control Method with dedicated control channel and
Distributed Control Method without dedicated control channel, the former of Type-C trunked
system is distinguished from the latter of Type-D trunked system.
Unless otherwise noted, a trunked radio system addressed in this document is the former of
Type-C trunked system.

1.2. Scope
An NXDN system consists of Trunking Repeater Sites (TRS), Conventional Repeater Sites
(CRS) and Subscriber Units (SU) as shown in Figure 1.2-1. The CAI specifications define the
radio interface on Reference Point (Um) as shown in Figure 1.2-1. The network interface
specifications for connections among sites and the interface between Subscriber Unit and
peripheral equipment are outside of applicable scope of this CAI specifications.

Site-to-Site SU


Peripheral SU SU

Reference Point (Um)

Figure 1.2-1 Reference Point of Radio Interface

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

2. System Overview

2.1. System Structure

An NXDN system supports architectures for both trunked radio system and conventional
A trunked radio system is normally comprised of Trunking Repeater Sites and Subscriber Units,
and it can provide the following communication methods: SU to SU communications via a TRS,
TRS to SU communications, and SU to SU direct mode communications by use of the Talk
Around function in Subscriber Units.
A conventional system is normally comprised of Conventional Repeater Sites and Subscriber
Units, and it can provide the following communication methods: SU to SU communications via
CRSs, CRS to SU communications, and SU to SU direct mode communications by use of the
Talk Around function in Subscriber Units. Furthermore, in a system comprised of Subscriber
Units only that provides the most basic operation of a conventional system, direct mode
communications is possible.
Hereafter, SU to SU communications are described as a communication mode via TRSs or
CRSs, and SU to SU direct mode communications is described as communication that is not via
TRSs nor CRSs. There are 2 methods of transmission in the SU to SU direct mode
communications: direct mode communications using the Talk Around function in SUs and simple
direct mode communications in a group of SUs. When referring to SU direct mode
communications, both methods are included because it is difficult to distinguish the difference
between them.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Figure 2.1-1 shows a basic trunked radio system diagram.


Repeater Unit
Trunking Controller
Trunking Repeater Site



Site Coverage Area SU

Frequency Set
F1: Outbound RF Carrier Other Sites
F2: Inbound RF Carrier
F3: Outbound RF Carrier
F4: Inbound RF Carrier
F5: Direct Mode RF Carrier

Figure 2.1-1 Basic Concept of NXDN Trunked Radio System

Trunking Repeater Sites, are allocated pairs of inbound (uplink) frequency and outbound
(downlink) frequency (Figure 2.1-1 F1/F2, F3/F4) that are used as a control channel or a traffic
channel as necessary. The figure also explains the frequency used for direct mode
communications by Subscriber Units outside of the coverage area of the Trunking Repeater Site
(a frequency that is not used to access Trunking Repeater Sites; (F5) in this figure).

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

2.1.1. Basic System Structure

This section describes the elements, system type and line structure which comprise an NXDN
system. Elements of System Structure

The elements comprising an NXDN system are defined as follows:

Repeater Unit (RU)

A Unit comprised of a receiver and a transmitter, relaying received signals to a
transmitter in duplex operation.

Trunking Controller (TC)

Equipment having a centralized control function to manage the radio communication

Trunking Repeater (TR)

Equipment, being comprised of a Repeater Unit and Trunking Controller, to control the
line and/or relay signals by using 2 RF frequencies.

Trunking Repeater Site (TRS)

Equipment working as a centralized control facility that consist of 1 or more Trunking
Repeaters. At least 1 of the Trunking Repeaters is used as a control channel and others
are used as traffic channels to communicate with SUs or relay signals among the SUs in
the coverage area.

Conventional Repeater (CR)

Equipment, being comprised of Repeater Units, to relay a signal by using 2 RF

Conventional Repeater Site (CRS)

Equipment without the centralized control function comprised of 1 or more Conventional
Repeaters. Each Conventional Repeater works independently, and communicates with
SUs or relays signals among SUs in the coverage area.

Subscriber Unit (SU)

A SU is categorized as either a Mobile Station or Fixed Station.

Mobile Station (MS)

A Unit that usually moves around on land and communicates with other SUs. There
are 2 types of Mobile Stations: a vehicle mounted type and portable type.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Fixed Station (FS)

A fixed unit that communicates with Mobile Stations in order to mainly command
them from a dispatcher.

Equipment connected to a TRS or CRS to control the system or to convey messages. It
is also referred to as an Equipment connected to a Fixed Station to send commands from
a dispatcher. Structure of Trunked Radio Systems

Communication in a trunked radio system normally uses semi-duplex mode in SU-SU
communication via a TRS and simplex mode in a direct mode communication.
Structure of a trunked radio system is presented in Figure 2.1-2. This TRS is comprised of 3
channels (TR_1 to TR_3), at least 1 of which is for a control channel and the others for traffic


Repeater Unit
Trunking Controller TR_1

Repeater Unit
Trunking Controller TR_2

Repeater Unit SU (FS) Console

Trunking Controller TR_3

Site Coverage Area

Other Sites

Figure 2.1-2 Structure of NXDN Trunked Radio System

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 5

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Structure of Conventional Systems

Communication in a conventional system normally uses semi-duplex mode in SU-SU
communication via a CRS and simplex mode in direct mode communication.
Structure of a conventional system is presented in Figure 2.1-3 and Figure 2.1-4. This system,
only using direct mode communication shown in Figure 2.1-4, is also applied in case where the
SUs communicate with each other using Talk Around function when they are outside of the TRS
coverage area as shown in Figure 2.1-2, or if outside of the CRS coverage area as shown in
Figure 2.1-3.


Repeater Unit CR_1

SU (MS) Repeater Unit CR_2

Repeater Unit CR_3

SU (FS) Console


Figure 2.1-3 Structure of Conventional Systems (Communicating through a Repeater)



Figure 2.1-4 Structure of Conventional Systems (Direct Communication)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 6

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Structure of Lines

There are radio lines for radio communication and other lines for accessing another network as
a line required for an NXDN system.

RF Line
Radio channels used for communication can be categorized as control channels, traffic
channels and direct mode traffic channels.
At a TRS, 1 or more control channels and 1 or more traffic channels that are managed by
the control channels are combined to work together.
A control channel assigns traffic channels individually when each call request is placed.
The communication contains voice communication and non-voice communication such
as data communication.
The number of control channels and traffic channels varies from site to site.
A conventional system is comprised of 1 or more traffic channels.

Other Network Access

In TRSs and CRSs, the following fixed networks can be accessible. However, this
document does not define network access specifications.
- Private communication network
- Telecommunications facility (PSTN/ PSDN)
- IP network
Also, multiple TRSs can be interconnected by a network such as an IP network.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

2.2. Functions Defined by CAI

A list of service functions provided by the NXDN protocol is presented in Table 2.2-1, and the
details shall be specified in the next section. Sets of implemented services may vary depending
on the system. Refer to Section 9.6 for detailed classification of service functions.

Trunked System Conventional System

Categories Services
Multi-site Single Site Repeater Direct
Voice Broadcast Group Call Yes Yes n/a n/a
Service Conference Group Call Yes Yes Yes Yes
Individual Call Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interconnect Call Yes Yes Yes n/a
Data Data Call Yes Yes Yes Yes
Service Broadcast Data Call Yes Yes Yes Yes
Short Data Call Yes Yes n/a n/a
Broadcast Short Data Call Yes Yes n/a n/a
Simultaneous Data Call Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supplementary Status Call Yes Yes Yes Yes
Service Broadcast Status Call Yes Yes Yes Yes
Paging Yes Yes Yes Yes
Emergency Call Yes Yes Yes Yes
Emergency Alert Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote Monitor Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote Stun Yes Yes Yes Yes
Late Entry Yes Yes Yes Yes
System Registration Yes Yes n/a n/a
Service Group Registration Yes Yes n/a n/a
Site Roaming Yes n/a n/a n/a
System Roaming Yes Yes n/a n/a
Composite Control Channel Yes Yes n/a n/a
Control Channel Switching Yes Yes n/a n/a
Restriction Control Yes Yes n/a n/a
Fail Soft Yes Yes n/a n/a
Call Queuing Yes Yes n/a n/a
Priority Monitor Yes Yes n/a n/a
Intermittent Operation Yes Yes n/a n/a
Traffic Timer Yes Yes n/a n/a
Security Authentication Yes Yes Yes Yes
Encryption Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 2.2-1 List of Services

2.2.1. Group Voice Call

A SU or console can provide a group voice call intended for calls to multiple SUs. According to
group settings, this can provide a conference call for two-way voice calls between selected
groups or a broadcast call for one-way voice calls to the selected group.

2.2.2. Individual Voice Call

A SU or console can provide an individual voice call intended for calls to a specified SU.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

2.2.3. Interconnect Voice Call

TRSs or CRSs can be connected to telecommunication networks (PSTN/PSDN), which can
offer individual or group voice calls between SUs and the PSTN/PSDN.

2.2.4. Data Call

A SU or console can transfer data (e.g. text or AVL data) to an individual or group members. A
data call can be sent to one specified SU or a broadcast data call to a group can be selected.

2.2.5. Short Data Call

A SU or console can transfer a small amount of data to an individual or group members. The
size of transmission data has a limit because the control channel of a TRS is used. A short data
call can be sent to one specified SU or a broadcast short data call to a group can be selected.

2.2.6. Simultaneous Data Call

A SU or console can transfer data at a low speed simultaneously with a voice call during
individual voice calls or group voice calls. Separate addresses for voice communication and
data communication can be specified.

2.2.7. Status Call

A SU or console can transfer a simple and fixed message to an individual or group members.
There are 2 types of message formats: preconfigured particular status messages and user
defined free-style status messages. A status call can be sent to one specified SU or a broadcast
status call to a group can be selected. There are two types of means to tell the status: Status
Inquiry that tells the current status as an answer of inquiry and Status Notice that tells the
current status as needed.

2.2.8. Paging
A SU or console can notify the specified SU by audible sound or an indicator that a paging has
been placed. Paging is a part of a status call and uses a preconfigured special status

2.2.9. Emergency Call & Alert

When a SU is in emergency condition, an emergency voice call or emergency status message
can be sent to an individual or group members.

2.2.10. Remote Monitor

A SU or console can monitor status of a specified SU by remotely activating a transmission.

2.2.11. Remote Stun

A SU or console can set a specified SU to an inoperative state remotely. There are three kinds
of statuses, Stun, Revival and Kill, and any of them can be used depending on the situation.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

2.2.12. Late Entry

Late Entry enables those SUs that access a call after a group call is established to automatically
join the group call. This scenario could occur when a SU enters the region from outside the
coverage area, or if a SU is turned ON after a group call is established.

2.2.13. Registration
In a trunked radio system, a SU searches for another control channel when the unit is turned
ON, or if the receive signal becomes low in standby mode, to select another TRS with better
signal conditions, and the SU can register its Unit ID in the new TRS.

2.2.14. Group Registration

In a trunked radio system, a SU can register its group affiliation in the TRS.

2.2.15. Site Roaming

In a trunked radio system that has multiple TRSs, the location registration is updated and traced
in TRSs when a SU moves around sites. TRSs broadcast the adjacent site information so that
SUs can move among sites appropriately.

2.2.16. System Roaming

If a trunked radio system is constructed using multiple trunked radio systems that have different
configurations, the location data is updated and traced in the other trunked radio systems when
a SU moves among the different systems, and then the SU can make an outgoing call and take
an incoming call on the trunked radio system in which it is currently located.

2.2.17. Composite Control Channel

At a TRS, if a new transmission request is placed when all traffic channels in the site are busy, a
control channel may be assigned temporarily as a traffic channel to enable communication.

2.2.18. Control Channel Switching

At a TRS, control channels in the site can be changed periodically or occasionally due to the
system status.

2.2.19. Restriction Control

In a trunked radio system, a TRS may set communication restrictions such as a call request by
a SU or a talk time limit while communication is congested.

2.2.20. Failsoft
If a TRS fails and loses its channel control, the TRS behaves equivalent to a CRS by repeating
the received signal so that it provides minimum service to SUs and allows communications
between SUs within the service area.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

2.2.21. Call Queuing

At a TRS, if an SU sends a new call request when all traffic channels in the site are busy, the
TRS sets the SU queuing state and may keep the SU waiting until the call request is processed.

2.2.22. Priority Monitor

In the state where an SU is making a group call on a traffic channel of a TRS, when a priority
group call begins on other traffic channel or a call request of individual call addressing the SU
occurs, the SU drops out of the group call and can participate in the priority group call or the
individual call.

2.2.23. Intermittent Operation

While a SU is in idle state on a traffic channel of a TRS, it can stop the reception operation
during unnecessary frames to receive by determining whether a frame has to be received or

2.2.24. Traffic Timer

At a TRS, a TRS can configure the talk time limit for SUs on a traffic channel.

2.2.25. Authentication
Providing a unique Electronic Serial Number (ESN) to each SU, the ESN can be used to
authorize a SU and prevent unauthorized usage of the system.
Authentication is usually a function processed on the control channel to prevent an
unauthorized access to a trunked radio system. The function similar to this can be applied to a
conventional system, and it is called ESN Validation.

2.2.26. Encryption
Contents of voice communication and data communication can be encrypted.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

2.3. Transfer Method

The modulation method used in an NXDN system is Nyquist 4-level FSK and its transmission
scheme are presented in Table 2.3-1.

System Parameter Description

Modulation Scheme Nyquist 4-Level FSK
Access Mode FDMA for trunked radio systems
SCPC for conventional systems
Channel Spacing 6.25 kHz 12.5 kHz
Transmission Rate 4800 bps 9600 bps
Symbol Rate 2400 symbol/s 4800 symbol/s
Speech Codec Rate 3600 bps 3600 bps
(7200 bps option)

Table 2.3-1 Transfer Method Specifications

2.4. Layer Structure

A 3-layer structure as shown in Table 2.4-1 is used in the NXDN radio protocol. The call
connection manner of LMR operation is based on an immediate connection by using a PTT
switch so that the layer structure of a NXDN does not identify the OSI reference model.

Layer Layer Name Description

Layer 1 Basic Interface This layer is a layer for a basic structure of channels
specifies the channel definition and format.

Layer 2 Transfer Control Method This layer is a special layer for transmission control
between opposite stations and specifies the
synchronization and identification of the channel,
random access method and timing control.
Layer 3 Access Control Method This layer is a layer for signaling transmission between
end systems and specifies the procedures of messages
for RF Transmission Management, Mobility
Management and Call Control.

Table 2.4-1 Layer Structure

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

3. Modulation

3.1. General Description

This section defines the Modulation method for an NXDN system.

3.2. Modulation Method

The modulation method is 4-level FSK. By using 4-level FSK with nonlinear modulation, Class C
power amplifiers used for analog FM modulation can still be used. Furthermore, VCO direct
modulation circuits used for analog FM can be used for modulators and the frequency detectors
used for analog FM can be used as demodulators, hence most of circuitries of existing analog
FM equipment can be utilized in common.

An outline of a modulator and a demodulator using a 4-level FSK is presented in Figure 3.2-1
and Figure 3.2-2.

Binary data 4-level FSK

input Symbol Tx Filter Tx Filter Frequency Signal
Mapping H(f) P(f) Modulator

Figure 3.2-1 Diagram of 4-level FSK Modulator

Rx IF Signal Binary data

input Frequency Rx Filter Rx Filter Symbol output
Detector H(f) D(f) Demapping

Figure 3.2-2 Diagram of 4-level FSK Demodulator

3.3. Symbol Mapping

The serial binary data sequence is processed as dibits selecting every 2 bits from the start and
converted to 4 types of symbols corresponding to 4 types of dibits.
The relationship among dibit, symbol and frequency deviation are presented in Table 3.3-1.

Deviation Deviation
Dibit Symbol
for 4800 bps for 9600 bps
01 +3 +1050 Hz +2400 Hz
00 +1 +350 Hz +800 Hz
10 -1 -350 Hz -800 Hz
11 -3 -1050 Hz -2400 Hz

Table 3.3-1 Symbol Mapping Table

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

3.4. Baseband Filter for Modulator

The symbol sequence is limited the baseband bandwidth using a transmission filter and then
transferred to the modulator. Signals routed to the filter at 1/Symbol Rate intervals are impulse
signals that are scaled to the symbol level in the Table 3.3-1. For the baseband bandwidth limits,
the following formulas expressing H(f) as a square root raised cosine spectrum and P(f) as a
sinc function spectrum are used. H(f) and P(f) have linear-phase characteristics.

1 , 0 ≤ f < (1 − α ) / 2T

H ( f ) = cos (T / 4α )(2π f − π (1 − α ) / T ) ] , (1 − α ) / 2T ≤ f < (1 + α ) / 2T
 , (1 + α ) / 2T ≤ f

P ( f ) = sin (π f T ) π f T , 0 ≤ f ≤ (1 + α ) 2T

Where; T = 416.7μs (2400 symbol/s) or 208.3μs (4800 symbol/s); roll-off factor α= 0.2.

3.5. Baseband Filter for Demodulator

A frequency demodulated signal is limited the baseband bandwidth using a reception filter. For
the reception baseband bandwidth limits, the formulas expressing H(f) as a square root raised
cosine spectrum (same as for transmission filter) and D(f) as an inverse sinc function spectrum
are used. D(f) has linear-phase characteristics.

D( f ) = π f T sin (π f T ) , 0 ≤ f ≤ (1 + α ) 2T

Where; T = 416.7μs (2400 symbol/s) or 208.3μs (4800 symbol/s); roll-off factor α= 0.2.

3.6. Reference Deviation of 4-level FSK

The modulation sensitivity of the modulator shall be adjusted to have the nominal frequency
deviation as defined in Table 3.3-1. Under the condition, the reference frequency deviation is
acquired by feeding the following bit sequence to the modulator.
• • • 01 01 11 11 01 01 11 11 01 01 11 11 01 01 11 11 • • •

When the bit sequence is fed to the transmission baseband filter, the output signal should be
equal to a sine wave with the 1/4 symbol rate frequency. Therefore, according to the magnitude
response of the transmission baseband filter at the given frequency, the peak frequency
deviation can be calculated as follows:
4/ π x ±1050 = ±1337 Hz for 4800 bps
4/ π x ±2400 = ±3056 Hz for 9600 bps

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 14

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4. Basic Interface (Layer 1 Standard)

4.1. Outline
This section defines the basic interface (Layer 1) in an NXDN system. The definition of channel,
frame structure and signal format are described. Also the error correction method and scrambler
method are defined.

4.2. Channel Configuration

This section defines a RF channel categorized as a physical radio carrier and a functional
channel categorized as a logical function unit. For convenience, frequently used abbreviations
are also defined.

4.2.1. Definition of RF Channel

The RF channel expressed a physical carrier (channel allocated for the frequency) and has the
following types defined: RF Control Channel (RCCH) and RF Traffic Channel (RTCH) used in a
trunked radio system, and RF Direct Channel (RDCH) used in a conventional system.
Types of RF Channel are presented in Table 4.2-1.

RF Channel Type Abbreviation

RF Control Channel RCCH

RF Traffic Channel RTCH

RF Direct Channel RDCH

Table 4.2-1 RF Channel Description RF Control Channel

RF Control Channel is used for location registration, system information broadcasts, paging and
call request reception in a trunked radio system, and controls SUs to migrate to another RF
Control Channel or RF Traffic Channel.
The term "RF Control Channel" is abbreviated to "RCCH". Hereinafter, it is referred to as "RF
Control Channel" or "RCCH". RF Traffic Channel

RF Traffic Channel is used for speech data (voice-coding data) transmissions and user data
transmissions in a trunked radio system. The term "RF Traffic Channel" is abbreviated to
"RTCH". Hereinafter, it is referred to as "RF Traffic Channel" or "RTCH".
When an RF Channel is used not only for traffic but also control, the RF Channel is handled as
a composite control channel which the channel name is "RTCH_C".

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 15

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 RF Direct Channel

RF Direct Channel is used for speech data (voice-coding data) transmissions and user data
transmissions in a conventional system.
The term "RF Direct Channel" is abbreviated to "RDCH". Hereinafter, it is referred to as "RF
Direct Channel" or "RDCH".

4.2.2. Definition of Functional Channel

A functional channel is not specified as a channel on a physical frequency, but it is a logical
channel sorting transmission data by functional unit.
This section defines Functional Channel Types and their abbreviations.
Functional Channel Types are described in Table 4.2-2 .

Functional Channel Type Abbreviation

Broadcast Control Channel
Common Control Channel
User Packet Channel
User Data Channel
Slow Associated Control Channel
Fast Associated Control Channel 1
Fast Associated Control Channel 2
Voice Channel
Link Information Channel

Table 4.2-2 Description of Functional Channels

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 16

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Broadcast Control Channel

This channel is a unidirectional channel used on RCCH and broadcasts control information from
a Trunking Repeater to a Subscriber Unit. The control information contains information about
location registration and the system structure.
The term "Broadcast Control Channel" is abbreviated to "BCCH". Hereinafter, it is referred to as
"Broadcast Control Channel" or "BCCH". Common Control Channel

This channel is a bidirectional channel used on RCCH, and temporarily transfers control
information or transmits any paging information from a Trunking Repeater to a Subscriber Unit.
This channel transfers some data transmission and information about call request in the
inbound direction from a Subscriber Unit to a Trunking Repeater.
The term "Common Control Channel" is abbreviated to "CCCH". Hereinafter, it is referred to as
"Common Control Channel" or "CCCH". User Packet Channel

This channel is a bidirectional data channel used on RCCH and transfers the control information
signal and user packet data. Inbound direction utilizes random access.
The term "User Packet Channel" is abbreviated to "UPCH". Hereinafter, it is referred to as "User
Packet Channel" or "UPCH". User Data Channel

This channel is a bidirectional data channel used on RTCH and RDCH and transfers the control
information signal and user packet data.
The term "User Data Channel" is abbreviated to "UDCH". Hereinafter, it is referred to as "User
Data Channel" or "UDCH". Slow Associated Control Channel

This channel is a bidirectional control channel associated with a voice call on RTCH and RDCH.
This channel is always used to transfer signaling information and other in formations at a low
The term "Slow Associated Control Channel" is abbreviated to "SACCH". Hereinafter, it is
referred to as "Slow Associated Control Channel" or "SACCH". Fast Associated Control Channel 1

This channel is a bidirectional control channel associated with a voice call on RTCH and RDCH.
This channel is temporarily used to transfer signaling information and other in formations at a
high speed by “stealing” a Voice Channel (VCH).
The term "Fast Associated Control Channel 1" is abbreviated to "FACCH1". Hereinafter, it is
referred to as "Fast Associated Control Channel 1" or "FACCH1".

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 17

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Fast Associated Control Channel 2

This channel is a bidirectional control channel associated with a data call on RTCH and RDCH.
This channel is used to transfer signaling information or a part of data at a high speed by
“stealing” a UDCH.
The term "Fast Associated Control Channel 2" is abbreviated to "FACCH2". Hereinafter, it is
referred to as "Fast Associated Control Channel 2" or "FACCH2". Voice Channel

This channel is a bidirectional channel used on RTCH and RDCH and transfers voice-coding
The term "Voice Channel" is abbreviated to "VCH". Hereinafter, it is referred to as "Voice
Channel" or "VCH". Link Information Channel

This channel is a bidirectional channel allocated on all RF channels and is designed to transfer
the information related to a radio link such as RF channel type and functional channel
The term "Link Information Channel" is abbreviated to "LICH". Hereinafter, it is referred to as
"Link Information Channel" or "LICH".

4.2.3. Relationship of the RF Channel and Functional Channel

Relation between Functional Channel and RF Channel is presented in Table 4.2-3.
As a matter of convenience, functional channels on RCCH are categorized as Common Access
Channel (CAC) and functional channels on RTCH and RDCH are categorized as a User
Specific Channel (USC).
CAC in the inbound signal can be clarified as Long CAC and Short CAC.
However LICH exists being apart from these categories.

RF Channel Type Functional Channel


Table 4.2-3 Relation of the RF Channel and Functional Channel

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4.3. Frame Structure

Transmission data is based on frame transmissions that allow transmission on every referential
unit of time. This section defines the frame structure for frame transmission.
An RF channel has a frame structure with 1 frame per 80 ms at 4800 bps and per 40 ms at
9600 bps.

4.3.1. Basic Frame Structure RCCH
A superframe is defined as N times of frame length and N can be determined arbitrarily.
Adoption of a superframe structure enables intermittent reception.
In a communication via a Trunking Repeater in 4800 bps, the processing offset between an
inbound and outbound frame applies 120 ms offset. When a SU receives a signal from the
Trunking Repeater and then sends a response to it, the time until the processing is completed
needs 200 ms.
In 9600bps, the processing offset applies 80 ms offset. The time of the processing from
reception to transmission completion in a SU needs 120 ms.

80ms×N Frames

Frame 80ms

Outbound #0 #1 #2 #3 #4


Inbound #0 #1 #2

Subscriber Receive Transmit Next Receive


Figure 4.3-1 Frame Structure for RCCH (4800bps)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 19

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

40ms×N Frames

Frame 40ms

Outbound #0 #1 #2 #3 #4


Inbound #0 #1 #2

Subscriber Receive Transmit Next Receive

Figure 4.3-2 Frame Structure for RCCH (9600bps)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 20

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 RTCH
For 4800 bps, the frame offset between the inbound and outbound frame is 40 ms.
Frame 80ms




Figure 4.3-3 Frame Structure for RTCH (4800bps)

Frame 40ms



Figure 4.3-4 Frame Structure for RTCH (9600bps)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 21

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 RDCH
When SU-SU communication via a Conventional Repeater in 4800 bps, the frame offset
between the inbound and outbound frame is 40 ms. Transmit and Receive frames offset during
direct mode communications is not defined.

Frame 80ms




Figure 4.3-5 Frame Structure for RDCH (4800bps)

Frame 40ms



Figure 4.3-6 Frame Structure for RDCH (9600bps)

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4.3.2. Mapping to Functional Channel Channel Mapping for RCCH

In the outbound direction of an RCCH in trunked radio system, each functional channel is
mapped as described below.
The RCCH has a superframe structure and the length of the superframe is a variable length.
The first frame of the superframe is determined by presence of BCCH.
When packet data is transferred on an RCCH, CCCH is substituted by UPCH.
A SU uses random access method on the inbound direction and may use CCCH or UPCH as

1 Super Frame (N frames)


Figure 4.3-7 BCCH/ CCCH Channel Mapping Channel Mapping for RTCH/ RDCH

When a SU makes a voice call on RTCH or RDCH, SACCH is mapped as described below. A
superframe structure in a 4-frame unit is adopted during transmission, and non-superframe
structure in a single frame unit is adopted at the beginning and end of transmission. Mapping for
any other functional channels is not particularly specified.
One superframe
(4-frames as one unit)

SA SA-1/4 SA-2/4 SA-3/4 SA-4/4 SA-1/4 SA-2/4 SA-3/4 SA-4/4 SA

(Single) (Single)

Beginning of Transmit End of Transmit

Figure 4.3-8 SACCH Channel Mapping

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4.4. Frame Format

This section defines the signal format in the frame of each RF channel.
The frame of each channel has a duration of 80 ms at 4800 bps and 40 ms at 9600 bps.

4.4.1. RCCH
Format of 1 frame (384 bits) on the RCCH is described below.

(1) Inbound Direction



20 16 252 96

(2) Outbound Direction



20 16 300 24 24


FSW: Frame Sync Word
LICH: Link Information Channel
G: Guard Time
E: Collision Control Field
Post: Post Field

Figure 4.4-1 RCCH Frame Format

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4.4.2. RTCH/ RDCH Voice Communication on RTCH

Format of 1 frame (384 bits) on the RTCH during voice communication is described below.

VCH 72 VCH 72 VCH 72 VCH 72
24 20 16 60
FACCH1 144 FACCH1 144

4800bps / 9600bps(Half Rate) System

VCH 144 VCH 144
24 20 16 60
FACCH1 144 FACCH1 144

9600bps(Full Rate) System

FSW: Frame Sync Word

LICH: Link Information Channel
SACCH: Slow Associated Control Channel
VCH: Voice Channel
FACCH1: Fast Associated Control Channel 1
P: Preamble (Additional conditions shall vary whether it is an initial transmission.
Details are explained later.)

Figure 4.4-2 RTCH Frame Format for Voice Communication

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 25

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Voice Communication on RDCH

Format of 1 frame (384 bits) on the RDCH during voice communication is described below.

VCH 72 VCH 72 VCH 72 VCH 72
24 or more 20 16 60
FACCH1 144 FACCH1 144

4800bps / 9600bps(Half Rate) System

VCH 144 VCH 144
24 or more 20 16 60
FACCH1 144 FACCH1 144

9600bps(Full Rate) System

FSW: Frame Sync Word

LICH: Link Information Channel
SACCH: Slow Associated Control Channel
VCH: Voice Channel
FACCH1: Fast Associated Control Channel 1
P: Preamble (Additional conditions shall vary whether it is an initial transmission.
Details are explained later.)

Figure 4.4-3 RDCH Frame Format for Voice Communication

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 26

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Data Communication on RTCH

Format of 1 frame (384 bits) on the RTCH during data communication is described below.



24 20 16 348

FSW: Frame Sync Word

LICH: Link Information Channel
UDCH: User Data Channel
FACCH2: Fast Associated Control Channel 2
P: Preamble (Additional conditions shall vary whether it is an initial transmission.
Details are explained later.)

Figure 4.4-4 RTCH Frame Format for Data Communication Data Communication on RDCH

Format of 1 frame (384 bits) on the RDCH during data communication is described below.



24 or more 20 16 348

FSW: Frame Sync Word

LICH: Link Information Channel
UDCH: User Data Channel
FACCH2: Fast Associated Control Channel 2
P: Preamble (Additional conditions shall vary whether it is an initial transmission.
Details are explained later.)

Figure 4.4-5 RDCH Frame Format for Data Communication

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4.4.3. Preamble
Preamble shall be appended at the start of transmission on an RDCH to facilitate an initial
synchronization capture in receivers. The use of Preamble on an RTCH is optional. The
Preamble pattern shall be as defined in Table 4.4-1.
The receivers can use this fixed pattern to detect a synchronization signal along with an FSW.
The length of Preamble is defined as 24 bits.
In the case of RDCH, a longer Preamble is also acceptable. A symbol pattern in this case shall
repeatedly employ the pattern of “+3 +3 -3 -3”.

Transmission Order
Arbitrary First 3 symbols Last 9 symbols
+3, +3, -3, -3 Symbol: +3, +3, +3 Symbol: -3, +3, -3, +3, +3, -3, -3, -3, +3
HEX : 5775FD

Table 4.4-1 Preamble

4.4.4. Frame Sync Word

Frame Sync Word shall be 10 symbols (20 bits) described in the following table.

Transmission Order→
Symbol -3, +1, -3, +3, -3, -3, +3, +3, -1, +3

Table 4.4-2 Frame Sync Word

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4.4.5. Information Elements of Post Field

Post Field is a fixed pattern comprised of 3 symbols (6 bits) in the first half and 9 symbols (18
bits) in the last half.
The receiver can use this fixed pattern of 9 symbols in the last half to detect a synchronization
signal along with an FSW.

Transmission Order→
First 3 symbols Last 9 symbols
Symbol: +3, +3, +3 Symbol: -3, +3, -3, +3, +3, -3, -3, -3, +3

Table 4.4-3 Post Field Information

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 29

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4.5. Channel Coding

This section describes channel coding for each functional channel. Channel coding represents
an error detection method, an error correction method, an interleave technique, and bit mapping.
Refer to Section 4.5.4 for the signal transmission order, and refer to Section 4.5.5 for the CRC

4.5.1. Channel Coding on the RCCH CAC (Outbound)

(1) Coding Procedure
As defined in Figure 4.5-1.

(2) Error Detection Code

16 bits CRC
Generator Polynomial: X16 + X12 + X5 + 1

(3) Fixed Bit Insertion

Four tail bits, all set equal to zero, shall be appended to the end of the bit sequence preceding
the error correction coding.

(4) Error Correction Code

The convolutional code shall encode the bit sequence after appending the tail bits as shown
The output bits must be read alternately in the order of G1, G2.
Convolutional code (Constraint Length K = 5) with Coding rate R =1/2
Generator Polynomial: G1 (D) = 1 + D3 + D4
G2 (D) = 1 + D + D2 + D4

(5) Punctured Coding

Punctured Coding shall process the bit sequence after convolutional encoding as shown below.
The output bits shall be erased according to the erase bit positions shown on the following
puncturing matrix.
Puncturing Matrix:

(6) Interleaving
Interleaving between frames is not used.
In the interleaving, the number of information bits is 155 bits and the interleaving depth is 25.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Coding Flow (Decoding is Reverse-Flow)

① L3 Data 144
8 SR:Refer to Chapter6.

② Null 152
3 N:Null “0”

③ CRC 155

④ Tail bit 171
4 T:Tail all “0”

⑤ Convolutional

⑥ Puncture 300

12 12 12
⑦ Dividing D1 D2 ・・・・・ D25


⑧ Interleave

1 D1
R 2 D2

25 D25

⑨ CAC Interleaved Data

Figure 4.5-1 CAC Coding Flow

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 31

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Long CAC (Inbound)

(1) Coding Procedure
As defined in Figure 4.5-2.

(2) Error Detection Code

16 bits CRC
Generator Polynomial: X16 + X12 + X5 + 1

(3) Fixed Bit Insertion

Four tail bits, all set equal to zero, shall be appended to the end of the bit sequence preceding
the error correction coding.

(4) Error Correction Code

The convolutional code shall encode the bit sequence after appending the tail bits as shown
The output bits must be read alternately in the order of G1, G2.
Convolutional code (Constraint Length K = 5) with Coding rate R =1/2
Generator Polynomial: G1 (D) =1 + D3 + D4
G2 (D) = 1 + D + D2 + D4

(5) Punctured Coding

Punctured Coding shall process the bit sequence after convolutional encoding as shown below.
The output bits shall be erased according to the erase bit positions shown on the following
puncturing matrix.
Puncturing Matrix:

(6) Interleaving
Interleaving between frames is not used.
In the interleaving, the number of information bits is 136 bits and the interleaving depth is 21.

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 32

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Coding Flow (Decoding is Reverse-Flow)

① L3 Data 128
8 SR:Refer to Chapter6.

② CRC 136

③ Tail bit 152
4 T:Tail all “0”

④ Convolutional

⑤ Puncture 252

12 12 12
⑥ Dividing D1 D2 ・・・・・ D21


⑦ Interleave
1 D1
R 2 D2

21 D21

⑧ CAC Interleaved Data

Figure 4.5-2 Long CAC Coding Flow

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 33

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Short CAC (Inbound)

(1) Coding Procedure
As defined in Figure 4.5-3.

(2) Error Detection Code

16 bits CRC
Generator Polynomial: X16 + X12 + X5 + 1

(3) Fixed Bit Insertion

Four tail bits, all set equal to zero, shall be appended to the end of the bit sequence preceding
the error correction coding.

(4) Error Correction Code

The convolutional code shall encode the bit sequence after appending the tail bits as shown
The output bits must be read alternately in the order of G1, G2.
Convolutional code (Constraint Length K = 5) with Coding rate R = 1/2
Generator Polynomial: G1 (D) = 1 + D3 + D4
G2 (D) = 1 + D + D2 + D4

(5) Punctured Coding


(6) Interleaving
Interleaving between frames is not used.
In the interleaving, the number of information bits is 106 bits and the interleaving depth is 21.

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 34

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Coding Flow (Decoding is Reverse-Flow)

① L3 Data 96
8 SR:Refer to Chapter6.

② Null 104
2 N:Null “0”

③ CRC 106

④ Tail bit 122
4 T:Tail all “0”

⑤ Convolutional

12 12 12
⑥ Dividing D1 D2 ・・・・・ D21


⑦ Interleave
1 D1
R 2 D2

21 D21


⑧ CAC Interleaved Data

Figure 4.5-3 Short CAC Coding Flow

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 35

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4.5.2. Channel Coding on the RTCH/ RDCH

Channel coding on VCH is described in another section. SACCH

(1) Coding Procedure

As defined in Figure 4.5-4.

(2) Error Detection Code

6 bits CRC
Generator Polynomial: X6 + X5 + X2 + X + 1

(3) Fixed Bit Insertion

Four tail bits, all set equal to zero, shall be appended to the end of the bit sequence preceding
the error correction coding.

(4) Error Correction Code

The convolutional code shall encode the bit sequence after appending the tail bits as shown
The output bits must be read alternately in the order of G1, G2.
Convolutional code (Constraint Length K = 5) with Coding rate R = 1/2
Generator Polynomial: G1 (D) = 1 + D3 + D4
G2 (D) = 1 + D + D2 + D4

(5) Punctured Coding

Punctured coding shall process the bit sequence after convolutional encoding as shown below.
The output bits shall be erased according to the erase bit positions shown on the following
puncturing matrix.
Puncturing Matrix:

(6) Interleaving
Interleaving between frames is not used.
In the interleaving, the number of information bits is 26 bits and the interleaving depth is 5.

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 36

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Coding Flow (Decoding is Reverse-Flow)

① L3 Data 18

SR:Refer to Chapter6.
② Dividing 26 26

③ CRC 26

④ Tail bit 32
4 T:Tail all “0”

⑤ Convolutional

⑥ Puncture 60

12 12 12
⑦ Dividing D1 D2 ・・・・・ D5


⑧ Interleave
1 D1
R 2 D2

5 D5

⑨ SACCH Interleaved Data

Figure 4.5-4 SACCH Coding Flow

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 37

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 FACCH1
FACCH1 is separated into two channels from one information data.
(1) Coding Procedure
As defined in Figure 4.5-5.

(2) Error Detection Code

12 bits CRC
Generator Polynomial: X12 + X11 + X3 + X2 + X + 1

(3) Fixed Bit Insertion

Four tail bits, all set equal to zero, shall be appended to the end of the bit sequence preceding
the error correction coding.

(4) Error Correction Code

The convolutional code shall encode the bit sequence after appending the tail bits as shown
The output bits must be read alternately in the order of G1, G2.
Convolutional code (Constraint Length K = 5) with Coding rate R = 1/2
Generator Polynomial: G1 (D) = 1 + D3 + D4
G2 (D) = 1 + D + D2 + D4

(5) Punctured Coding

Punctured coding shall process the bit sequence after convolutional encoding as shown below.
The output bits shall be erased according to the erase bit positions shown on the following
puncturing matrix.
Puncturing Matrix:

(6) Interleave
Interleaving between frames is not used, but a interleaving between two functional channels is
In the interleaving, the number of information bits is 80 bits and the interleaving depth is 9.

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 38

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Coding Flow (Decoding is Reverse-Flow)

① L3 Data 80

② CRC 80

③ Tail bit 92 T:Tail all “0”

④ Convolutional

⑤ Puncture 144

16 16 16
⑥ Dividing D1 D2 ・・・ D9


⑦ Interleave
1 D1
R 2 D2

9 D9

⑧ FACCH1 Interleaved Data

Figure 4.5-5 FACCH1 Coding Flow

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 39

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 UDCH/ FACCH2

(1) Coding Procedure
As defined in Figure 4.5-6.

(2) Error Detection Code

15 bits CRC
Generator Polynomial: X15 + X14 + X11 + X10 + X7 + X6 + X2 + 1

(3) Fixed Bit Insertion

Four tail bits, all set equal to zero, shall be appended to the end of the bit sequence preceding
the error correction coding.

(4) Error Correction Code

The convolutional code shall encode the bit sequence after appending the tail bits as shown
The output bits must be read alternately in the order of G1, G2.
Convolutional code (Constraint Length K = 5) with Coding rate R = 1/2
Generator Polynomial: G1 (D) = 1 + D3 + D4
G2 (D) = 1 + D + D2 + D4

(5) Punctured Coding

Punctured coding shall process the bit sequence after convolutional encoding as shown below.
The output bits shall be erased according to the erase bit positions shown on the following
puncturing matrix.
Puncturing Matrix:

(6) Interleaving
Interleaving between frames is not used.
In the interleaving, the number of information bits is 184 bits and the interleaving depth is 29.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Coding Flow (Decoding is Reverse-Flow)

① L3 Data 176
8 SR:Refer to Chapter6.

② CRC 184

③ Tail bit 199
4 T:Tail all “0”

④ Convolutional

⑤ Puncture 348

12 12 12
⑥ Dividing D1 D2 ・・・・・ D29


⑦ Interleave
1 D1
R 2 D2

29 D29

⑧ FACCH2 Interleaved Data

Figure 4.5-6 UDCH/ FACCH2 Coding Flow

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 41

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4.5.3. LICH
(1) Coding Procedure
As defined in Figure 4.5-7.

(2) Error Detection Code

1 bit even parity
Range of parity shall be 4 most significant bits.

(3) Error Correction Code


(4) Interleaving

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Encoding Flow (Decoding is Reverse-Flow)


① Control Data 7

② Parity 7 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

③ Dividing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

④ Dibit Conversion 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

⑤ LICH 16

Bit ←→ Dibit
Coding Decoding
Bit Symbol Symbol Bit

0 → 01 +3 +3 01 → 0

1 → 11 -3 +1 00 → 0

-1 10 → 1

-3 11 → 1

Figure 4.5-7 LICH Coding Flow

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

4.5.4. Order of Transmitting Data

This section describes the order of transmission data by referring to the outbound control
The bit structure of the SR information (R7 to R0) and the layer 3 message (D143 to D0) in the
layer 3 information are described in Figure 4.5-8 and Figure 4.5-9.
Data readout order shall be from Bit 7 (R7) in the SR information, and from Bit 7 (D143) of Octet
0 in the layer 3 message.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0

Figure 4.5-8 SR Information Bit Structure

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet0 D143 D142 D141 D140 D139 D138 D137 D136
・ ・
・ ・
・ ・
Octet17 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Figure 4.5-9 L3 Bit Structure

The following data sequence to which 3 null bits, CRC bits (S15 to S0), and 4 fixed tail bits are
appended, is the data sequence before convolutional encoding.

R7・・R0 D143・・・・・・・・・・・・D0 000 S15・・・S0 0000

Figure 4.5-10 Data Before Convolutional Encoding

In convolutional encoding, the data sequence starting from the R7 is entered to the generator
polynomials, G1(D) and G2(D) as described in Section, and then the generated
codeword X2i-1, X2i (i = 1 to 175) is read out in the order of X1, X2...

In punctured coding, the bits corresponding to the position of "0" in punctured matrix shall be
periodically erased from the convolutional encoded data sequence, X1, X2 ... X350.

X2i-1 X1 X3 X5 X7 X9 X11 X13 ... X349 1111111

X2i X2 X4 X6 X8 X10 X12 X14 ... X350 1011101

Therefore, X4 and X12 are erased in this case. The data sequence after punctured coding shall
be as follows: X1, X2, X3, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9, X10, X11, X13, X14 ... X350.
Assuming that the data sequence after punctured coding is Y1, Y2, Y3 ... Y300, they are
allocated as described in Figure 4.5-11, and bit interleaving is executed.

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The data sequence after bit interleaving is described in Figure 4.5-12.

As for punctured decoding, dummy bits shall be inserted to the bit position of the reception data
sequence corresponding to the bit position erased at the punctured encoding to make the
reception data sequence of the same bit length as the original code.

1 2 ・・・・・ 11 12
1 Y1 Y2 ・・・・・ Y11 Y12

2 Y13 Y14 ・・・・・ Y23 Y24


25 Y289 Y290 ・・・・ Y299 Y300

Figure 4.5-11 Interleaving

Y1 Y13 Y25・・・・・Y289 Y2・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Y288 Y300

Figure 4.5-12 Interleaved data

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4.5.5. CRC Code

This section describes each CRC code.
The order is determined in descending order from Bit 7 of Octet 0 in layer 3 message as the first
The encoder enters the data to the shift register from the highest order, and generates the shift
register value at the time when the last bit is entered. Default values of the shift register shall be
set to 1.

16 bits CRC
S15 S14 S13 S12 + S11 S10 S9 S8 S7 S6 S5 + S4 S3 S2 S1 S0

CAC Layer 3 155bits CRC 16bits
b154,b153,b152....................................................b1,b0 S15,S14....S1,S0

15 bits CRC
S14 + S13 S12 S11 + S10 + S9 S8 S7 + S6 + S5 S4 S3 S2 + S1 S0

FACCH2 Layer 3 184bits CRC 15bits
b183,b182,b181....................................................b1,b0 S14,S13....S1,S0

12 bits CRC
S11 + S10 S9 S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 + S2 + S1 + S0


FACCH1 Layer 3 80bits CRC 12bits

b79,b78,b77....................b1,b0 S11,S10...S1,S0

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6 bits CRC

S5 + S4 S3 S2 + S1 + S0


SACCH Layer 3 26bits CRC 6bits

b25,b24,b23....................b1,b0 S5,S4...S1,S0

Figure 4.5-13 CRC Coder

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4.6. Scrambler Method

Control data and voice data, except Frame Sync Word, Guard, Preamble and Post field shall be
Scrambling shall be done per symbol and multiply (i.e. sign inversion or noninversion) the
symbol sequence by the output from the scrambling generator that is converted the value of 0
into +1 or the value of 1 into -1.
The scrambling generator shall use the following PN code and calculate using the following
scramble codes as a default value. Scrambler Code shall be initialized with the default value per

Scramble register S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0
Default value 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

Table 4.6-1 Default value of Scrambler Code

Generator polynomial: X9 + X4 + 1
S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0


Figure 4.6-1 Scrambling Generator

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RCCH Inbound


20 16 252 96

RCCH Outbound


20 16 300 24 24

RTCH / RDCH for Voice Communication

VCH 72 VCH 72 VCH 72 VCH 72
20 16 60
FACCH1 144 FACCH1 144

4800bps/9600bps EHR System

VCH 144 VCH 144

20 16 60
FACCH1 144 FACCH1 144

9600bps EFR System

RTCH / RDCH for Data Communication


20 16 348

S0, S1, S2, S3............ ...........S179, S180, S181

Figure 4.6-2 Scramble Range

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5. Transfer Control Method (Layer-2 Standard)

5.1. Outline
This section defines the Transfer Control method (layer 2) in the radio interface in NXDN. Layer
2 specification shall define the frame and channel identification, transmission timing, random
access, etc. between opposite stations.

5.2. Identification Information of LICH

LICH has information for identifying RF channels, functional channels, and frame structures
related to the channels.

5.2.1. Configuration of LICH

LICH is comprised of 7 bits.
2 most significant bits are used for identification of the RF channel, the subsequent 2 bits are
used for identification of the functional channel, and the following 2 bits are used for
identification of the frame structure related to the functional channel. LSB specifies the direction
of radio communication (inbound/outbound).
The RF channel type is also used to judge a status of frame synchronization, and channel
coding is processed using information of the RF channel type.
Configuration of LICH is described in Table 5.2-1.

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Transmission Order →
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Signal Name RF Channel Functional Option Direction
Type Channel Type
RCCH 0 0 CAC Type Data Flag 0:Inbound
RTCH 0 1 USC Type Steal Flag 1:Outbound
RDCH 1 0 USC Type Steal Flag
RTCH_C 1 1 USC Type Steal Flag
(Composite Control Channel)

Functional Channel Type

CAC Type
4 3 CAC (Inbound) CAC (Outbound)
0 0 Reserved CAC
0 1 Long CAC Reserved
1 0 Reserved Reserved
1 1 Short CAC Reserved
USC Type
4 3
0 0 SACCH (Non-Superframe Structure)
0 1 UDCH
1 0 SACCH (Superframe Structure)
1 1 SACCH (Superframe Structure)/ Idle It is not mandatory to receive from the next

Data Flag
2 1 CAC (Inbound) CAC (Outbound)
0 0 Spare Normal Data Normal Data shows the normal control data
0 1 Spare Idle Data Idle Data shows data not required to receive.
1 0 Spare Common Data Common Data shows data to receive
optionally such as additional information.
1 1 Spare Reserved

Steal Flag
1 1 No steal No steal Spare
(VCH only) (UDCH)
1 0 2 VCHs of second half is Reserved Spare
0 1 2 VCHs of first half is Reserved Spare
0 0 Both are FACCH1 FACCH2 Spare

Table 5.2-1 Configuration of LICH

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5.2.2. LICH Settings

Based on LICH settings defined in the Section 5.2.1, the bit setting used for the actual operation
is defined in Table 5.2-2.

1) Trunked Radio System

Type of RF Type of
RF Option Direction
TX RX Channel Functional Ch. Voice Voice State
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (Half) (Full)*
RCCH SU TR 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 CCCH Transmission using Short CAC
SU TR 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 UPCH or CCCH Transmission using Long CAC
TR SU 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 CAC Transmission
TR SU 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 CAC Transmission which has not to be received
TR SU 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 CAC Transmission which can be received arbitrarily
RTCH SU TR 0 1 1 0 1 1 0   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, VCH Only
SU TR 0 1 1 0 1 0 0   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, first half VCH & last half FACCH1
SU TR 0 1 1 0 0 1 0   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, first half FACCH1 & last half VCH
SU TR 0 1 1 0 0 0 0   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, two FACCH1s
SU TR 0 1 0 0 0 0 0   Voice Call Transmission: non-superframe SACCH, two FACCH1s
SU TR 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 UDCH Transmission
SU TR 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 FACCH2 Transmission
SU TR 0 1 1 1 0 0 0  Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, Idle State
TR SU 0 1 1 0 1 1 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, VCH Only
TR SU 0 1 1 0 1 0 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, first half VCH & last half FACCH1
TR SU 0 1 1 0 0 1 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, first half FACCH1 & last half VCH
TR SU 0 1 1 0 0 0 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, two FACCH1s
TR SU 0 1 0 0 0 0 1   Voice Call Transmission: non-superframe SACCH, two FACCH1s
TR SU 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 UDCH Transmission
TR SU 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 FACCH2 Transmission
TR SU 0 1 1 1 0 0 1  Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, Idle State
RTCH_C TR SU 1 1 1 0 1 1 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, VCH Only
TR SU 1 1 1 0 1 0 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, first half VCH & last half FACCH1
TR SU 1 1 1 0 0 1 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, first half FACCH1 & last half VCH
TR SU 1 1 1 0 0 0 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, two FACCH1s
TR SU 1 1 0 0 0 0 1   Voice Call Transmission: non-superframe SACCH, two FACCH1s
TR SU 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 UDCH Transmission
TR SU 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 FACCH2 Transmission
TR SU 1 1 1 1 0 0 1  Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, Idle State

* indicates optional supports

2) Conventional System

Type of RF Type of
RF Option Direction
TX RX Channel Functional Ch. Voice Voice State
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (Half) (Full)*
RDCH SU CR/SU 1 0 1 0 1 1 0   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, VCH Only
SU CR/SU 1 0 1 0 1 0 0   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, first half VCH & last half FACCH1
SU CR/SU 1 0 1 0 0 1 0   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, first half FACCH1 & last half VCH
SU CR/SU 1 0 1 0 0 0 0   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, two FACCH1s
SU CR/SU 1 0 0 0 0 0 0   Voice Call Transmission: non-superframe SACCH, two FACCH1s
SU CR/SU 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 UDCH Transmission
SU CR/SU 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 FACCH2 Transmission
SU CR/SU 1 0 1 1 0 0 0  Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, Idle State
CR SU 1 0 1 0 1 1 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, VCH Only
CR SU 1 0 1 0 1 0 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, first half VCH & last half FACCH1
CR SU 1 0 1 0 0 1 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, first half FACCH1 & last half VCH
CR SU 1 0 1 0 0 0 1   Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, two FACCH1s
CR SU 1 0 0 0 0 0 1   Voice Call Transmission: non-superframe SACCH, two FACCH1s
CR SU 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 UDCH Transmission
CR SU 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 FACCH2 Transmission
CR SU 1 0 1 1 0 0 1  Voice Call Transmission: superframe SACCH, Idle State

* indicates optional supports
In transmitting toward a mobile station from a console connected to the repeater in a conventional system, since a console is recognized as a mobile
station, the path of the console to the repeater is considered as inbound and the path of the repeater to a mobile station is considered as outbound.

Table 5.2-2 LICH Settings

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

5.3. Frame Synchronization

This section defines an acquisition and loss condition regarding frame synchronization. If the RF
channel type of LICH is part of the synchronization condition, it is subject to when the parity bit
of LICH does not indicate errors.

5.3.1. Synchronization Conditions Frame Synchronization in Trunked Radio System

Conditions of frame synchronization for a SU in a trunked radio system are defined as follows.
Conditions for a Trunking Repeater are not specified. Capture of RCCH

(1) Frame Synchronization
When a Frame Sync Word is received N1 times continuously, or a Sync Word combined with the
last 9 symbols in the post field is received N6 times continuously, and if the frame when
reception has completed under the said conditions represents RCCH as the RF channel type of
LICH, frame synchronization shall be established. If the RF channel type of LICH is RTCH or
RDCH, the receiver can determine to be channels other than the RCCH.

(2) Superframe Synchronization

After frame synchronization is established, superframe synchronization shall be established if
the number of frame in the superframe is determined through BCCH. Capture of RTCH

(1) Initial Synchronization
RTCH is normally activated only when a SU does channel switching from RCCH. Therefore, the
SU shall establish synchronization when the Frame Sync Word is received N2 times
continuously under retaining the acquired frame synchronization timing on RCCH. LICH is not
included in the synchronization condition.

(2) Resynchronization in Hold Time

If Hold Time is configured in a Trunking Repeater, the Trunking Repeater keeps transmitting
until the Hold Time expires after a SU terminates transmission. Therefore, the SU must
resynchronize after terminating the transmission. However, If the reception timing before the
transmission is retained in the SU, synchronization can be established when the Frame Sync
Word is received N3 times continuously, in the range of ±2 symbols in timing.

(3) Resynchronization in the case of timing lost or desynchronization

When the initial synchronization or the resynchronization after terminating the transmission are
not established under the said conditions, or when resynchronization occurs after a
desynchronized status, the SU may establish synchronization when the Frame Sync Word is
received N4 times continuously.

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 53

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Frame Synchronization in Conventional System

Conditions of frame synchronization for a SU via a Conventional Repeater in a conventional
system are defined as follows. Conditions for the Conventional Repeater are not specified. LICH
is not included in the condition of frame synchronization.
(1) Initial Synchronization
The SU shall establish synchronization when the Frame Sync Word is received N5 times
continuously. However, if a Sync Word combined with the last 9 symbols of the preamble is
detected, the SU can establish synchronization when the Sync Word is received N6 times

(2) Resynchronization in Hold Time

If Hold Time is configured in a Conventional Repeater, the Conventional Repeater keeps
transmitting until the Hold Time elapses after a SU terminates transmission. Therefore, the SU
must resynchronize after terminating the transmission. However, If the reception timing before
the transmission is retained in the SU, synchronization can be established when the Frame
Sync Word is received N3 times continuously, in the range of ±2 symbols in timing.

(3) Resynchronization in the case of timing lost or desynchronization

When the initial synchronization or the resynchronization after terminating the transmission are
not established under the said conditions, or when resynchronization occurs after a
desynchronized status, the SU may establish synchronization when the Frame Sync Word is
received N4 times continuously. Frame Synchronization in Direct Mode Operation (DMO)

Conditions of frame synchronization during direct mode in a conventional system are defined as
(1) Initial Synchronization
The SU shall establish synchronization when the Frame Sync Word is received N5 times
continuously. However, if a Sync Word combined with the last 9 symbols of the preamble is
detected, the SU can establish synchronization when the Sync Word is received N6 times
continuously. LICH is not included in the condition of frame synchronization.

5.3.2. Desynchronization Conditions Desynchronization in Trunked Radio System Desynchronization on RCCH

If a Frame Sync Word is undetected N7 times continuously or if a RF channel type of LICH
indicates anything other than the RCCH S1 times or more continuously, a desynchronization
shall occur. Behaviors after detecting the desynchronization are not specified.

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 54

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Desynchronization on RTCH

If a Frame Sync Word is undetected N7 times continuously or if a RF channel type of LICH
indicates anything other than the RTCH S1 times or more continuously, a desynchronization
shall occur. Behaviors after detecting the desynchronization are not specified. Desynchronization in Conventional System

When a Frame Sync Word is undetected N7 times continuously or if a RF channel type of LICH
indicates anything other than the RDCH S1 times or more continuously, a desynchronization
shall occur. Behaviors after detecting the desynchronization are not specified. Desynchronization in Direct Mode Operation (DMO)

Conditions are the same as that of Section

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5.4. RF Channel Activation and deactivation

(1) RCCH
RCCH in a Trunking Repeater is always activated as a common control channel. However, a
channel switch is executed in accordance with the upper layers procedure when RCCH is
switched or turns into a Composite Control Channel.
In a trunked radio system, a SU activates a control channel when the SU is activated (during
power-up or by a user operation), an RCCH switch occurs by Site Roaming or System Roaming,
or an RTCH is terminated. The control channel is automatically deactivated when an RTCH is
activated, an RCCH is switched to another RCCH, or a SU is turned off.

(2) RTCH
In a Trunking Repeater, an RTCH is activated by the RTCH activation request from layer 3, and
transmission and reception are activated at the same time. Reception activation completes after
analyzing a transmission signal from a SU and establishing synchronization.
In a SU, an RTCH activation is initiated by the RTCH activation request from layer 3 and
completes after analyzing a transmission signal from a Trunking Repeater and establishing
synchronization. Subject to activation from an RCCH, an RTCH cannot be activated unless
synchronization is established on an RCCH. In a SU that transmits during the initial RTCH
activation, RTCH activation completes when the transmission starts followed by reference
timing on RCCH. After a SU terminates the transmission, if the Hold Time does not expire, the
SU establishes synchronization with a transmission signal from a Trunking Repeater.
Deactivation is done by a disconnect request from a Trunking Repeater after the Hold Time
expiration, a desynchronization or a user operation, but details are not specified.

(3) RDCH
RDCH activation completes after analyzing a transmission signal from a Conventional Repeater
or another SU and establishing synchronization.
RDCH is deactivated by a disconnect request, a desynchronization or a user operation.

5.5. System Synchronization

5.5.1. Reference Timing

Figure 5.5-1 shows the transmission and reception timing in a trunked radio system and a
conventional system with a Conventional Repeater.
In a trunked radio system, all transmission and reception timings shall be based on a RCCH in a
Transmission timing of a Trunking Repeater used as a RTCH shall synchronize the timing of
RCCH. A SU shall transmit and receive by synchronization with the timing of the Trunking
In a conventional system with a Conventional Repeater, a transmission frame sent from a SU at
the beginning of call shall be applied as an initial timing, and then the SU transmits and receives,

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synchronizing on RDCH timing transmitted by the Conventional Repeater until the Hold Time
The timing in direct mode in a conventional system is not specified.

TR:RCCH Transmission

TR:RTCH Transmission
TR:RTCH Reception

SU-a:RTCH Transmission
SU-a:RTCH Reception

SU-b:RTCH Transmission
SU-b:RTCH Reception

(a) Trunked System

SU-a:RDCH Transmission Discard
SU-a:RDCH Reception

CR:RDCH Transmission
CR:RDCH Reception

SU-b:RDCH Transmission
SU-b:RDCH Reception

(b) Conventional System Hold Time

TR: Trunking Repeater SU: Subscriber Unit CR: Conventional Repeater

・・・ Frame for Timing Maintenance ・・・ Frame for Timing Master

Figure 5.5-1 Timing for Transmitting and Receiving Frames (4800bps)

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TR:RCCH Transmission

TR:RTCH Transmission
TR:RTCH Reception

SU-a:RTCH Transmission
SU-a:RTCH Reception

SU-b:RTCH Transmission
SU-b:RTCH Reception

(a) Trunked System

SU-a:RDCH Transmission Discard
SU-a:RDCH Reception

CR:RDCH Transmission
CR:RDCH Reception

SU-b:RDCH Transmission
SU-b:RDCH Reception

(b) Conventional System Hold Time

TR: Trunking Repeater SU: Subscriber Unit CR: Conventional Repeater

・・・ Frame for Timing Maintenance ・・・ Frame for Timing Master

Figure 5.5-2 Timing for Transmitting and Receiving Frames (9600 bps)

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5.5.2. Transmission Conditions for the Trunking Repeater

In a Trunking Repeater, the transmission start timing for the RCCH initial transmission is not
defined in detail, however the same condition as for RTCH is recommended.
The RTCH transmission starts by receiving an RTCH activation request from layer 3, and the
transmission power, as defined by the transceiver performance specification, shall be output at
the beginning of the FSW in the start frame required by layer 3. End of transmission is
controlled by a deactivation request from layer 3.

RCCH Outbound
Frame Timing

RTCH Outbound
Requested Frame
Frame Timing

Nominal power


Transmission Request from Layer 3

Figure 5.5-3 Transmission Power on RTCH for Trunking Repeater

5.5.3. Transmission Conditions for the SU (Trunked and Conventional System) Standard Transmission

In a trunked radio system, the transmission condition of SUs shall be subject to establishing
Standard Transmission timing in a trunked radio system shall be referenced to the received
symbol timing. The maximum impulse response of transmitted symbols shall have the same
timing as the determination timing of received symbols.
A SU starts transmitting the first symbol of the FSW after 279 symbols (375 symbols at 9600
bps) from the time when an outbound FSW is detected.
The accuracy of the standard transmission timing shall be the following:
Accuracy: -1 to +1 symbol

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The conditions for conventional systems are not specified except that SUs should apply the
same condition as a trunked radio system while they synchronize the outbound signal from a
Conventional Repeater Transmission Transient Response (Ramp Timing)

(1) RCCH
In the random access transmission of SU on the RCCH, the transmitter power ramps up/down
in the guard time.
The power levels for ramp-up/down within the guard time are based on the nominal transmit
power specified in transceiver performance specification.

RCCH Inbound G
Frame Timing CAC FSW

less than
18 ms

Nominal power

Nominal power -60dB

RCCH Inbound G
Frame Timing CAC FSW

less than
18 ms

Nominal power

Nominal power -60dB

Figure 5.5-4 Transmission Transient Response on RCCH for SU (4800 bps)

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RCCH Inbound G
Frame Timing CAC FSW

less than
9 ms

Nominal power

Nominal power -60dB

RCCH Inbound G
Frame Timing CAC FSW

less than
9 ms

Nominal power

Nominal power -60dB

Figure 5.5-5 Transmission Transient Response on RCCH for SU (9600 bps)

(2) RTCH
The RTCH transmission starts at the time when an activation request is received from layer 3,
and the transmitter power, as defined by the transceiver performance specification, shall be
output at the beginning of the FSW or the beginning of the Preamble in the start frame required
by layer 3. End of transmission is also controlled by the deactivation request from layer 3.
The timing of moving from RCCH to RTCH and transmitting the start frame is 40 ms after a
Channel Assignment Message is received.

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RCCH Outbound
Frame Timing Channel Assignment Message

RTCH Inbound
Frame Timing P Requested Frame


Nominal power

Transmission Power

without Preamble
with Preamble

Transmission Request from Layer 3

Figure 5.5-6 Transmission Power on RTCH for SU (4800 bps)

RCCH Outbound
Frame Timing Channel Assignment Message

RTCH Inbound
Frame Timing P Requested Frame

Nominal power

Transmission Power

without Preamble
with Preamble

Transmission Request from Layer 3

Figure 5.5-7 Transmission Power on RTCH for SUs (9600 bps)

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5.6. Random Access Control

On an inbound RCCH, a SU shall transmit using random access method.
This random access transmission uses the Slotted Aloha method, and its protocol is based on
the ICMA-PE (Idle-signal Casting Multiple Access with Partial Echo).
A frame normally represents a physical format and a unit represents data separation in layer 3,
but here they have the same meaning (the same length of information).

5.6.1. Collision Control Field

Collision Control Field (24 bits) is used in random access, and the structure and the coding
procedure shall be defined in Figure 5.6-1.
The bits of I/B, P/D, CK and R/N are converted to dibit respectively. The even parity bit (CK) is
calculated from the bits of I/B and P/D. No dibit conversion is applied for PE.
A Trunking Repeater transmits the 16 bits CRC after error correction decoding of Short CAC or
Long CAC as PE, and the SU receives PE within 2 bits error allowance. Details of I/B, P/D, R/N
and PE are described in the next section.


2 2 2 2 16

Bit ←→ Dibit
Encoding Decoding
Bit Symbol Symbol Bit
0 → 01 +3 +3 01 → 0

1 → 11 -3 +1 00 → 0

-1 10 → 1

-3 11 → 1

1: Idle (I)
I/B 0: Busy (B)

P/D 1: Permit to transmit continuously (P)

0: Don’t permit to transmit continuously ( D)

R/N 1: Receive (R)

0: No Receive ( N)

Figure 5.6-1 Collision Control Field and Coding Procedure

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

5.6.2. Operation Description Trunking Repeater

In the case of random access transmission in one frame or four frames, the behavior in 4800
bps is described in Figure 5.6-2 and the behavior in 9600 bps is described in Figure 5.6-3. For
description purposes, frame numbers are indicated as (#) or ($), but these frame numbers are
not actually used.
The received frames from a SU are indicated by shaded frames.
(1) A transmission of a Collision Control Field is done by timing of each frame.
(2) The Collision Control Field in outbound signal sends the following information:
For instance, the information of outbound frame #3 ($4 at 9600 bps) is shown as follows:
a) I/B (Idle/Busy): shows transmit possible/impossible in the next inbound frame #3 (the same
frame number as the outbound frame number, $4 at 9600 bps)
b) R/N (Receive/ Non Receive): shows receive success/fail in inbound frame #0 (the inbound
frame that has a number of subtracting 3 from an outbound frame number) or inbound
frame $0 (a number of subtracting 4 from an outbound frame number) at 9600 bps
c) P/D (Permit/ Don't Permit): shows continuous transmit permissible/impermissible from the
next inbound frame #3 ($4 at 9600 bps)
d) PE (Partial_Echo): shows decoding results of received CRC in inbound frame #0 ($0 at
9600 bps)
(3) When the signal from a SU is received, “R” shall be configured for R/N, and the decoding
result of received CRC is configured for PE.
(4) According to the information for message length of received messages, “P” is configured for
P/D, and “B” is configured for I/B if continuous transmission is permitted.

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#0 #1 #2 #3 #4
PE=0 PE=CRC(#0)

#0 #1 #2 #3

1 Frame Transmission

#0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
PE=0 PE=CRC(#0) PE=0 PE=0 PE=CRC(#3) PE=CRC(#4) PE=CRC(#5)

(Inbound) #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

4 Frame Transmission

Figure 5.6-2 Trunking Repeater (4800 bps)

$0 $1 $2 $3 $4
PE=0 PE=CRC($0)

$0 $1 $2 $3 $4

1 Frame Transmission

$0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10
P/D=D ($0) P/D=D P/D=D ($4) ($5) ($6)

$0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6

4 Frame Transmission

Figure 5.6-3 Trunking Repeater (9600 bps)

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Received a signal and N

CRC was correct ?
Counter represents the number of remaining frames.
Default is counter = 0

R/N = R R/N = N
PE set PE = 0

Reception=header frame N
and plural frames ?

Any reserved by other N

Subscriber Units ?

P/D = P
Received Data

Configure Reservation
P/D = D Counter = Number of Remaining Frame P/D = D

Counter = 0 ?

I/B = B

I/B = I
Counter = Counter - 1

Counter = 0 ?


Transmit Collision
control Field

Transmit Next

Figure 5.6-4 Operation Flow of Trunking Repeater

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Subscriber Unit

(1) A random access transmission is done by timing of each frame.
(2) If any send data exists, the first frame shall be transmitted in an inbound frame (the inbound
frame having the same number as received outbound frame) next to the frame representing I/B
= “I”. SUs shall not transmit if an error is detected by CK.
(3) The SU return to receive mode immediately after transmitting the first frame, and read the
information for the Collision Control Field of the outbound frame (the outbound frame having a
number of adding 3 to an inbound frame number, or the outbound frame having a number of
adding 4 to an inbound frame number at 9600 bps).
(4) The SU deems the 1st unit has been successfully transmitted when R/N = “R” and PE is 2
bits or less error compared to a CRC check bit transmitted by itself.
(5) If the transmission of the 1st unit does not satisfy the conditions as above, the 1st unit is
retransmitted after the random delay within the random delay time T2. Transmission fails when
the maximum retry times have been exhausted (Recycle Over).
(6) In the state of (4), if data consists of 1 unit or more, the remaining units can be transmitted
continuously when P/D = “P” as well as the detection condition of (4). The SU shall not transmit
the remaining units if an error is detected by CK.
(7) If a repeater does not correctly receive continuously transmitted data, a retry by upper layers
may be used.

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*1 : Random Delay Time (T2)
*2 : Random Access Timer (T1)
Transmit data *3 : Maximum Number of Re-transmissions (Ro)

A frame is

Timer starts. *2

I/B or
CK=NG N Receive next Random
CK Time out ? *2
frame delay *1
and Y
header frame
Transmission Y Recycle sequence
failure is over ? *3
next frame


PE match ?

P/D or
More units are Y CK=NG
remaining ?
End of Transmit

next frame

More units are Y

remaining ?

End of Transmit

Figure 5.6-5 Operation Flow of SU

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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Outbound from
Trunking I,D,N,0 I,D,R,2 I,D,R,x I,D,N,0 I,D,N,0 I,D,R,1

SU-A CRC:1 Start Random CRC:1 Start Random CRC:1 End of

Delay Delay Transmit

SU-B CRC:2 End of


SU-A started the transmission after receiving frame (1) because the frame (1) collision
control was I/B = “I”. But since SU-B started the transmission at the same time, a
collision was caused and the SU-B transmission data reached the TR. At the timing of
frame (2), TR notified of R/N = "R” and PE = “2” which is the same as the CRC
transmitted by SU-B.
Both SU-A and SU-B received the collision control data at the timing of frame (2), and the
state of SU-A went transmission failure while SU-B went transmission success.
At the timing of frame (3), SU-A retransmitted after the random delay time due to the
transmission failure. But since the transmitted signal did not reach TR again because of
the poor RF conditions, the TR notified of R/N = “N” and PE = “0” at frame (4).
SU-A recognized the transmission failure and retransmitted again at frame (5) after the
random delay time. Since the TR notified of R/N = “R” and PE = “1” which is the same
as the CRC transmitted by SU-A at frame (6), the state of SU-A went transmission
success and completed the random access.

Figure 5.6-6 Collision Control for One Frame Transmission (4800 bps)

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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Outbound from
Trunking I,D,N,0 I,D,N,0 I,D,N,0 B,P,R,11 B,D,R,31 B,D,R,21 I,D,R,12 I,D,R,13 I,D,R,14 B,P,R,21 I,D,R,22 I,D,N,x

SU-A CRC :11 CRC :12 CRC :13 CRC :14 End of

CRC :21 CRC :21 CRC :22 CRC :23 Transmission

SU-B Completed without

CRC :31 End of

SU-C Transmit

SU-A started the transmission after receiving frame (1) because of I/B = “I”. SU-A’s
transmission data indicates that the number of frames is 4 frames. SU-B started the
transmission after receiving frame (3) because of I/B = “I”. SU-B’s transmission data
indicates that the number of frames is 3 frames. TR received data from SU-A, and
configures the P/D = “P” at frame (4) and I/B = “B” in the following 2 frames because the
received data indicated continuous data (more than 1 frame).
SU-A transmitted 3 frames continuously because the P/D = “P” and PE was the same as
the CRC transmitted by SU-A at frame (4).
SU-B started the transmission after receiving frame (3) because of I/B = “I”, but activated
the random delay timer to retransmit because of P/D = “D”.
SU-A completed the transmission after transmitting all the data. (Regardless of the data
received. )
SU-B transmitted the 1st frame after the random delay time and then transmitted the
following 2 frames after receiving frame (6) because the P/D = “P” and PE was the same
as the CRC transmitted by SU-B. The last frame of SU-B did not reach TR. Although
R/N = “N”, SU-B completed the transmission since all the data were sent.
This example is the case that SU-B could receive the I/B = “I” at frame (5). But if it could
not receive the Idle (I), the reserved transmission is considered as a failure after the
random access timer expires, and SU needs to try another random access sequence. If
TR's response to the 1st frame was R/N = “N”, PE mismatching, or P/D = “D” for the
continuous transmission request, SU can recycle the random access automatically within
the maximum number of re-transmissions. In the case that a frame error occurs during
the continuous transmission and all frames do not reach TR correctly, SU must wait for
the retransmission request from TR and cannot carry out the recycle sequence.
Additionally SU-C transmits at frame (3) after receiving frame (2), but this does not affect
SU-A or SU-B activities.

Figure 5.6-7 Collision Control for Two or More Frames Transmission (4800 bps)

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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

from I,D,N,0 I,D,R,2 I,D,R,x I,D,N,0 I,D,N,0 I,D,R,1
Repeater ×

Start Random Start Random End of

Delay Delay Transmit

SU-B CRC:2 End of


SU-A started the transmission after receiving frame (1) because the frame (1) collision
control was B/I = “I”. But since SU-B started the transmission at the same time, a
collision was caused and the SU-B transmission data reached the TR. At the timing of
frame (2), TR notified of R/N = “R” and PE = “2” which is the same as the CRC
transmitted by SU-B.
Both SU-A and SU-B received the collision control data at the timing of frame (2), and the
state of SU-A went transmission failure while SU-B went transmission success.
At the timing of frame (3), SU-A retransmitted after the random delay time due to the
transmission failure. But since the transmitted signal did not reach TR again because of
the poor RF conditions, the TR notified of R/N = “N” and P/E = “0” at frame (4).
SU-A recognized the transmission failure and retransmitted again at frame (5) after the
random delay time. Since TR notified of R/N = “R” and PE = “1” which is the same as
the CRC transmitted by SU-A at frame (6), the state of SU-A went transmission success
and completed the random access.

Figure 5.6-8 Collision Control for One Frame Transmission (9600 bps)

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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

from I,D,N,0 I,D,N,0 I,D,N,0 I,D,N,0 B,P,R,11 B,D,R,31 B,D,R,21 I,D,N,0 I,D,R,12 I,D,R,13 I,D,R,14 B,P,R,21 B,D,N,0 I,D,N,0 I,D,N,0 I,D,R,22 I,D,N,x

SU-A CRC:11 End of

CRC:12 CRC:13 CRC:14

SU-B CRC:21 CRC:21 CRC:22 CRC:23 Transmission

without reception.

SU-C CRC:31 End of


SU-A started the transmission after receiving frame (1) because of I/B = “I”. SU-A’s
transmission data indicates that the number of frames is 4 frames. SU-B started the
transmission after receiving frame (3) because of I/B = “I”. SU-B’s transmission data
indicates that the number of frames is 3 frames. TR received data from SU-A, and
configures P/D = “P” at frame (4) and I/B = “B” in the following 2 frames because the
received data indicated continuous data (more than 1 frame).
SU-A transmitted 3 frames continuously because the P/D = “P” and PE was the same as
the CRC transmitted by SU-A at frame (4).
SU-B started the transmission after receiving frame (3) because of I/B = “I”, but activated
the random delay timer to retransmit because P/D = “D”.
SU-A completed the transmission after transmitting all the data. (Regardless of the data
SU-B transmitted the 1st frame after a random delay time and then transmitted the
following 2 frames after receiving frame (6) because the P/D = “P” and PE was the same
as the CRC transmitted by SU-B. The last frame of SU-B did not reach TR. Although
R/N = “N”, SU-B completed the transmission since all the data were sent.
This example is the case that SU-B could receive the I/B = “I” at frame (5). But if it could
not receive the Idle (I), the reserved transmission is considered as a failure after the
random access timer expires, and SU needs to try another random access sequence. If
TR's response to the 1st frame was R/N = “N”, PE mismatching, or P/D = “D” for the
continuous transmission request, SU can recycle the random access automatically within
the maximum number of re-transmissions. In the case that a frame error occurs during
continuous transmission and all frames do not reach TR correctly, SU must wait for the
retransmission request from TR and cannot carry out the recycle sequence.
Additionally the activity of SU-C does not affect both SU-A and SU-B.

Figure 5.6-9 Collision Control for Two or More Frames Transmission (9600 bps)

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5.7. Quality Control

5.7.1. RSSI Detection

A SU monitors the reception level at its own station and may use this level as information for
open-loop power control or site roaming. The calculation method of the RSSI value (such as
moving average or interval average) is not specified. The calculation method of reception level
in a Trunking Repeater is not also specified.

5.7.2. BER Detection

The estimation method of bit error rate in error rate detection is not specified. However, it is
recommended to calculate this value to facilitate interference detection.

5.7.3. Carrier Detection (Squelch Check)

It is recommended to use a carrier detection so that it will be possible to determine whether
input signal exists or not or it will be applicable to perform fast SCAN. Noise squelch or symbol
detection may be used for it.

5.8. Transmission Output Control

A SU may have 2 power control functions: a closed-loop power control that controls the transmit
power by a command from a Trunking Repeater and an open-loop power control that controls
its own transmit power.

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5.9. Parameter for Layer 2

Values of timers and values for counters used in layer 2 are presented in Table 5.9-1 and Table
5.9-2 respectively. Values of parameters presented in Table 5.9-3 are recommended value.

(1) Timer
Notation Name Minimum Maximum
T1 Random Access Timer 1s 5s
T2 Random Delay Timer 0 6
(Number of Frames)

Table 5.9-1 Timer

(2) Counter
Notation Name Minimum Maximum
Ro Maximum Number of Retry 1 15
for Random Access

Table 5.9-2 Counter

(3) Parameter
Notation Name Default
N1 Synchronization 2
Establishment Parameter (2 bits error allowance)
N2 Synchronization 1
Establishment Parameter (2 bits error allowance)
N3 Resynchronization (while 1
holding the timing) Parameter (2 bits error allowance)
N4 Resynchronization Parameter 2
(2 bits error allowance)
N5 Synchronization 2
Establishment Parameter (2 bits error allowance)
N6 Synchronization 1
Establishment Parameter (3 bits error allowance)
(Synchronization including the
Preamble or the last 9
symbols of the post field)
N7 Synchronization Error 5
Parameter (2 bits error allowance)
S1 Synchronization Error Counter 5

Table 5.9-3 Parameter

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6. Connection Control Method (Layer 3 standard)

6.1. Overview
Layer 3 in the Common Air Interface defines the configuration, maintenance, switching and
restoring methods for radio channel connections, and defines the location registration method
for a SU. These transactions are applied to messages exchanged via RCCH, RTCH and RDCH
used in an NXDN system, and this section intends to specify the characteristics, procedures
and messages required in RF transmission management, mobility management and call control.

6.2. Message Format

This section provides the basic configuration of messages used in layer 3.
A layer 3 message basically uses a fixed length format containing a single message.

6.2.1. Common Notation

This section describes the notation of layer 3 message format.
Figure 6.2-1 shows the basic format. Layer 3 messages are represented in Octet, which
expresses information of 8-bit length, and Bit within the octet. The first Octet 0 includes the
message type. The message type determines the information elements included in Octet 1 and
the subsequent Octets. Therefore, the length of Octets represented by n + 1 varies according to
the message type.

The order of transmitted bit is from Bit 7 of Octet 0 to Bit 0 of Octet 0, and the same bit ordering
is repeated in Octet 1 and the subsequent Octets.
Since the length of Octet varies by message, residual Octets are filled with Null if a short
message does not fill all Octets by its information elements.

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
• • • Elements

Figure 6.2-1 Layer 3 Message Format

Flag 1 (Octet 0; Bit 7)

Used as a flag for each message. Refer to each message for the usage.

Flag 2 (Octet 0; Bit 6)

Used as a flag for each message. Refer to each message for the usage.

Message Type (Octet 0; Bit 5 to Bit 0)

Indicates the type of layer 3 messages. A maximum of 64 message types can be identified
for an inbound control channel, an outbound control channel and a traffic channel

Elements (Octet 1 to Octet n)

Various information elements are embedded according to message types. Refer to Section
6.5 for the details of information elements.

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6.2.2. Functional Channel Format of RCCH

This section describes the layer 3 message format used in a functional channel of RCCH.
On a RCCH, a layer 3 message is embedded in the CAC. The data capacity of the CAC in
outbound is 18 octets, while the CAC in inbound is 12 octets or 16 octets. Outbound RCCH

The functional channels used on an outbound RCCH are BCCH, CCCH and UPCH.
BCCH is used to inform of various broadcast information from a TC to SUs.
CCCH is used to inform of various control information from a TC to SUs.
UPCH is used on RCCH to make short data calls. While BCCH and CCCH carry the layer 3
messages completed with single frame (aside from some exceptions), UPCH uses multiple
frames to send user data. As described in Section and in Section, the layer 3
information is contained in the first UPCH and the other UPCH is mainly used to carry the user
data. The first and other UPCHs have different formats for Octet 0 and the area following Octet

On the outbound RCCH, two formats are defined for efficient transmission. One is to carry two
layer 3 messages in one CAC, and the other is to carry one message per CAC.
Since many layer 3 messages comprise 9 octets or less, such short messages should use the
Dual Message format shown in Figure 6.2-2, while a standard message of 9 octets or more
shall use the Single Message format shown in Figure 6.2-3. When the Dual Message format is
used, it shall always contain two layer 3 messages. There is no limitation for the combination of
these two messages, except that the same message shall not be embedded.
UPCH shall use the Single Message format only.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 1st Message Type

••• Elements for 1st Message

9 F1 F2 2nd Message Type

••• Elements for 2nd Message


Figure 6.2-2 Outbound Dual Message Format

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
••• Elements

Figure 6.2-3 Outbound Single Message Format Inbound RCCH

The function channels used on an inbound RCCH are CCCH and UPCH.
CCCH is used to inform of control information such as request-to-call from a SU to a TC.
UPCH is used on RCCH to make short data calls. While CCCH carries the layer 3 messages
completed with a single frame (aside from some exceptions), UPCH uses multiple frames to
send user data. As described in Section and in Section, the layer 3 information
is contained in the first UPCH frame and the other UPCH is mainly used to carry the user data.
The first and other UPCHs have different formats for Octet 0 and the area following Octet 1.

An inbound CAC has two formats, and most messages use the Short CAC format of 12 octets
length. When a long message does not fit in the Short CAC Format, it uses the Long CAC
format of 16 octets length. UPCH shall use the Long CAC format only.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
••• Elements

Figure 6.2-4 Inbound Short CAC Message Format

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
••• Elements

Figure 6.2-5 Inbound Long CAC Message Format

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6.2.3. Functional Channel Format of RTCH & RDCH

This section describes the layer 3 message format of the functional channels on RTCH/ RDCH.
On the RTCH/ RDCH, the layer 3 messages are embedded in the functional channels of
SACCH, FACCH1, FACCH2 and UDCH, and the information capacity of each functional
channel is different. SACCH Format

The SACCH, which always associates the VCH for voice call, is mainly used to carry the control
information for call such as ID information. SACCH has the capacity to carry 9 octets.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
••• Elements

Figure 6.2-6 SACCH Message Format FACCH1 Format

FACCH1, which is used by replacing the VCH for voice call, is mainly used to temporarily send
user data during voice call or to carry control information during voice call on RTCH. FACCH1
has the capacity to carry 10 octets.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
••• Elements

Figure 6.2-7 FACCH1 Message Format

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 UDCH Format

UDCH is used for data call on a traffic channel. UDCH has the capacity to carry 22 octets.
As described in Section and in Section, the layer 3 information is contained in
the first UDCH and the other UDCH is mainly used to carry the user data. The first and other
UDCHs have different formats for Octet 0 and the area following Octet 1.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
••• Elements and/or User Data

Figure 6.2-8 UDCH Message Format FACCH2 Format

FACCH2, which is used by replacing UDCH for data call or is used independently, is mainly
used to carry the control information at the end of data call or to make status call on traffic
channels. FACCH2 has the capacity to carry 22 octets.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
••• Elements

Figure 6.2-9 FACCH2 Message Format

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6.3. SR Information
The 8-bit SR information contains the information to identify each channel structure and the
Radio Access Number.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Structure Radio Access Number

Figure 6.3-1 SR Information Format

6.3.1. Structure Field

The 2-bit Structure field indicates the structure information of radio channels and functional
channels. The setting of Structure field depends on radio channels and functional channels.

Bit 1 Bit 0 Description

0 Not head of superframe
1 Head of superframe
0 Single Message Format
1 Dual Message Format

Table 6.3-1 Structure Field on Outbound RCCH

Bit 1 Bit 0 Description

0 0 4/4 SACCH (last) or single SACCH
0 1 3/4 SACCH
1 0 2/4 SACCH
1 1 1/4 SACCH (head)

Table 6.3-2 Structure Field on RTCH/RDCH with SACCH

Except for the above radio channels and functional channels, this field is spare.

6.3.2. Radio Access Number Field

In a conventional system, the 6-bit Radio Access Number (RAN) is used to determine a whether
a signaling matches in a direct mode, or to identify the access code to a CRS. In a trunked radio
system, it is used as a color code for each TRS.

Value (Hex) Description

00 Unmute on any RAN in Receiver
01 - 3F User definable

Table 6.3-3 RAN for Conventional Systems

Value (Hex) Description

00 - 3F The value obtained with calculation (Site Code) mod (64)

Table 6.3-4 RAN for Trunked Radio Systems

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6.3.3. Combining SR and Message

This section describes how to combine the SR and messages.
Except for FACCH1, the SR is added to the head of each message on functional channels. For
the SACCH with superframe structure, the 72-bit message is divided into four 18-bit data, and
the SR is added to the head of each 18 bits. For the SACCH without superframe structure, the
bit length of the message is substantively 18 bits but not 72 bits and the SR is added to the
head of 18-bit message.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Figure 6.3-2 Combining SR and Message

SACCH 72bits
18 18 18 18

SR Addition 8 18 8 18 8 18 8 18

Figure 6.3-3 Procedure for Splitting SACCH and Adding SR

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6.4. Message Definitions

This section describes the definition of each layer 3 message.
It is defined which functional channel each message uses and what type of control information
each message sends, and the messages are grouped into the following three categories
according to its purpose.

 Call Control message used during a call to control or terminate the calls.
 Mobility Management message used to register a subscriber location.
 Broadcast message used to broadcast information of a trunked radio system.

The following section describes the detailed definition such as function of each message, the
functional channel used and the radio system type applied. The M/O symbol at the right of each
message format indicates whether that information element is Mandatory or Optional.

6.4.1. Call Control Messages

Call Control message is used for voice call service, data call service or additional services such
as status call. Call Control message can be subdivided as described in Table 6.4-1 to Table

Message Name Description In/Out CH Trunk Message

(Alias) Conv. Type
Voice Call It indicates during Voice Call Both SA Both 00 0001
Voice Call Initialization Vector It indicates a transmission of Both SA Both 00 0011
(VCALL_IV) an initialization vector FA1
Data Call (Header format) It indicates during Data call Both UD Both 00 1001
Data Call (User Data format) It indicates during Data call Both UD Both 00 1011
Data Call Acknowledge It indicates a response to Data Both UD Both 00 1100
Transmission Release It indicates transmission Both FA1 Both 00 1000
(TX_REL) released FA2
Transmission Release It indicates transmission Out FA1 Trunk 00 0111
Extension released FA2
Header Delay It indicates a delay time until Both FA2 Both 00 1111
(HEAD_DLY) 1st frame is sent out

Table 6.4-1 Messages Used on a RTCH & RDCH

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Message Name Description In/Out CH Trunk Message

(Alias) Conv. Type
Short Data Call Request It indicates a request of Short Both UP Both 11 1000
(Header format) Data Call or Simultaneous FA1
(SDCALL_REQ) Data Call
Short Data Call Request It indicates a request of Short Both UP Both 11 1001
(User Data format) Data Call or Simultaneous FA1
(SDCALL_REQ) Data Call
Short Data Call Response It indicates a response to Both UP Both 11 1011
(SDCALL_RESP) Short Data Call or FA1
Simultaneous Data Call
Short Data Call Initialization It indicates a transmission of Both UP Both 11 1010
Vector an initialization vector in Short FA1
(SDCALL_IV) Data Call or Simultaneous
Data Call
Status Inquiry Request It indicates a request of Status Both CC Both 11 0000
(STAT_INQ_REQ) Inquiry FA1
Status Inquiry Response It indicates a response to Both CC Both 11 0001
(STAT_INQ_RESP) Status Inquiry FA1
Status Request It indicates a sending of Both CC Both 11 0010
(STAT_REQ) Status FA1
Status Response It indicates a response to Both CC Both 11 0011
(STAT_RESP) Status Request FA1
Remote Control Request It indicates a request of Both CC Both 11 0100
(REM_CON_REQ) Remote Control FA1
Remote Control Response It indicates a response to Both CC Both 11 0101
(REM_CON_RESP) Remote Control Request FA1
Remote Control Request with It indicates a request of Out CC Trunk 11 0110
ESN Remote Control using ESN
Remote Control Response It indicates a response to In CC Trunk 11 0111
with ESN Remote Control Request

Table 6.4-2 Messages Used for Supplemental Service

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 84

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Message Name Description In/Out CH Trunk Message

(Alias) Conv. Type
Voice Call Request This indicates a request for In CC Trunk 00 0001
(VCALL_REQ) Voice Call
Voice Call Response This indicates a response to Out CC Trunk 00 0001
(VCALL_RESP) Voice Call Request
Voice Call Reception Request This indicates a paging Out CC Trunk 00 0010
(VCALL_REC_REQ) request for Voice Call SA
Voice Call Reception This indicates a response to a In CC Trunk 00 0010
Response paging of Voice Call
Voice Call Connection This indicates a connection In CC Trunk 00 0011
Request request for Voice Call
Voice Call Connection This indicates a connection Out CC Trunk 00 0011
Response response for Voice Call
Voice Call Assignment This indicates an assignment Out CC Trunk 00 0100
(VCALL_ASSGN) of traffic channel to Voice Call FA1
Voice Call Assignment This indicates a existence of Out CC Trunk 00 0101
Duplicate assigned traffic channel to SA
Data Call Request This indicates a request for In CC Trunk 00 1001
(DCALL_REQ) Data Call
Data Call Response This indicates a response to Out CC Trunk 00 1001
(DCALL_RESP) Data Call Request
Data Call Reception Request This indicates a paging Out CC Trunk 00 1010
(DCALL_REC_REQ) request for Data Call SA
Data Call Reception This indicates a response to a In CC Trunk 00 1010
Response paging of Data Call
Data Call Assignment This indicates an assignment Out CC Trunk 00 1110
(DCALL_ASSGN) of traffic channel to Data Call FA2
Data Call Assignment This indicates a existence of Out CC Trunk 00 1101
Duplicate assigned traffic channel to SA

Table 6.4-3 Messages Used for Calling Procedure

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 85

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Message Name Description In/Out CH Trunk Message

(Alias) Conv. Type
Idle This indicates an Idle status Both CC Both 01 0000
Disconnect Request This indicates a request for In CC Trunk 01 0001
(DISC_REQ) disconnecting or canceling FA1
service FA2
Disconnect This indicates a disconnecting Out CC Trunk 01 0001
(DISC) or canceling service FA1

Table 6.4-4 Other Messages

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 86

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Voice Call (VCALL)

This message is used during voice call on a traffic channel.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Cipher Type Key ID

Figure 6.4-1 Voice Call Format

Call Type value (Octet 2; Bits 7-5) indicates the type of call. Setting values for Octets 3 to 6 for
each Call Type are presented in Table 6.4-5.

Call Type Source ID Destination ID

Group Call Caller’s Unit ID Group ID
Individual Call Caller’s Unit ID Called Unit ID
Interconnect Call Subscriber Unit ID PSTN ID
(Call initiated by SU)
Interconnect Call PSTN ID Subscriber Unit ID
(Call initiated by PSTN)
Group Call PSTN ID Group ID
(Call initiated by PSTN)

Table 6.4-5 Configuring ID of VCALL for each Call Type

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 87

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Voice Call Initialization Vector (VCALL_IV)

This message is used to send an initialization vector in DES and AES encrypted voice call and
used with VCALL message.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type M
4 Initialization Vector M

Figure 6.4-2 Voice Call Initialization Vector Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 88

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Data Call (Header Format) (DCALL)

This message is used on a traffic channel for confirmed or unconfirmed types of data call. Data
call uses two formats. The Header format consists of a Header part to carry layer 3 information
and the User Data format consists of a User Data part to carry user data. The Header format is
only used at the first UDCH, while all other UDCHs use User Data format.
By checking the header part of the Header format, the called party can identify the number of
UDCH following the first UDCH, the user data information length and retry information, and
reconstruct the user data correctly.

The Header format for a data call is presented in Figure 6.4-3. Initialization Vector is an optional
information element specified by Cipher Type and is used in DES and AES encryption.
The setting values for Octets 3 to 6 shall conform to the Table 6.4-5.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Cipher Type Key ID
9 Packet Information
••• Initialization Vector O

Figure 6.4-3 Header Format for Data Call

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 89

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Data Call (User Data Format) (DCALL)

This message is used in a data call to carry user data subsequent to the Header format as
presented in Section Except for the first UDCH, this User Data format is used for all
other UDCH.
This format only contains information of the UDCH transmission sequence and data block
sequence. Message CRC calculated using the entire User Data is included in User Data area of
the User Data format used to send the last block.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type M
1 Packet Frame Number Block Number
••• User Data Area M

Figure 6.4-4 User Data Format for Data Call Data Call Acknowledge (DCALL_ACK)

This message is used as a response to the reception of confirmed data calls. The called party
replies the result of a received data call, and the calling party will retry according to the

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
8 Response Information
10 Error Block Flag

Figure 6.4-5 Data Call Acknowledge Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 90

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Transmission Release (TX_REL)

This message is used to terminate a transmission on a traffic channel. This message is used in
the last transmission frame to notify the called party at the end of the transmission.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type spare M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID

Figure 6.4-6 Transmission Release Format Transmission Release Extension (TX_REL_EX)

In a trunked radio system, this message is used by a TC on a traffic channel when the traffic
channel is released. This message is used on the outbound traffic channel and a SU that
received this message can recognize that no SU is transmitting on the traffic channel.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 Flag 2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type spare M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 TX spare

Figure 6.4-7 Transmission Release Extension Format

This message is an extensive version of the TX_REL message, and differs only Octet 7 added
to the original TX_REL message.
Transmission Flag (Octet 7, Bit 7)
Flag used for indicating the right of transmission (permit / inhibit) on a traffic channel
TX = 0 : Transmission inhibited.
TX = 1 : Transmission permitted.

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 91

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Header Delay (HEAD_DLY)

This message is used to inform of a delay time until the valid first frame is transmitted when a
non-voice communication such as a data call is carried out on a traffic channel.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type spare M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
8 Delay Count

Figure 6.4-8 Header Delay Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 92

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Short Data Call Request (Header format) (SDCALL_REQ)

This message is used in a short data call and simultaneous data call. The short data call uses
UPCH on a control channel in a trunked radio system and the simultaneous data call uses
FACCH1 on a traffic channel.
There are two formats: the Header format consists of a Header part to carry layer 3 information
and the User Data format consists of a User Data part to carry user data. The Header format is
only used at the first UPCH or FACCH1, while all other UPCH or FACCH1 use User Data
By checking the header part of the Header format, the called party can identify the number of
UPCH or FACCH1 following the first UDCH or FACCH1, the user data information length and
retry information, and reconstruct the user data correctly.

When using UPCH, the format represented in Figure 6.4-9 shall be applied. Location ID is an
optional information element specified by CC Option.

When using FACCH1, the format represented in Figure 6.4-10 shall be applied.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Cipher Type Key ID
9 Packet Information
-/10 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/11 Location ID O
-/12 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-9 Header Format for Short Data Call Request (UPCH)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 93

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Cipher Type Key ID
9 Packet Information

Figure 6.4-10 Header Format for Simultaneous Data Call Request (FACCH1)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 94

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Short Data Call Request (User Data Format) (SDCALL_REQ)

This message is used in a short data call or simultaneous data call to carry user data
subsequent to the Header format as defined in Section Except for the first UPCH or
FACCH1, this User Data format is used for all other UPCH or FACCH1.
This format only contains information of the UDCH or FACCH1 transmission sequence and data
block sequence. Message CRC calculated using the entire User Data is included in User Data
area in the User Data format used to send the last block.

The format represented in Figure 6.4-11 is applied when using UPCH. When an outbound
RCCH which is 18-octet length in UPCH is used, since this format is 16-octet length, the last 2
octets of UPCH shall be invalid and set to null.
The format represented in Figure 6.4-12 is applied when using FACCH1.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type M
1 Packet Frame Number Block Number
••• User Data Area M

Figure 6.4-11 User Data Format for Short Data Call Request (UPCH)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 Flag 2 Message Type M
1 Packet Frame Number Block Number
••• User Data Area M

Figure 6.4-12 User Data Format for Simultaneous Data Call Request (FACCH1)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 95

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Short Data Call Response (SDCALL_RESP)

This message is used as a response to the reception of confirmed short data calls or
simultaneous data calls. The called party responds the result of a received data call, and the
calling party will retry according to the response.

When using UPCH, the format represented in Figure 6.4-13 shall be applied. Location ID is an
optional information element specified by CC Option.
When using FACCH1, the format represented in Figure 6.4-14 shall be applied.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
7 Cause (SS)
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-13 Short Data Call Response Format (UPCH)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
7 Cause (SS)

Figure 6.4-14 Simultaneous Data Call Response Format (FACCH1)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 96

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Short Data Call Initialization Vector (SDCALL_IV)

This message is used to send an initialization vector in a short data call and a simultaneous
data call using DES and AES encryption and used with SDCALL_REQ (Header) message.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type M
4 Initialization Vector M

Figure 6.4-15 Short Data Call Initialization Vector Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 97

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Status Inquiry Request (STAT_INQ_REQ)

This message is used to inquiry a current status of other SUs. When this message is received,
the SU sends back its status.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option. When Location ID is in
the message, the CCCH is the only functional channel to be used.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Status Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
-/7 Location ID Option Category Bit first
-/8 Location ID O
-/9 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-16 Status Inquiry Request Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 98

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Status Inquiry Response (STAT_INQ_RESP)

A SU uses this message to send back its current status in response to the Status Inquiry
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option. When Location ID is in
the message, the CCCH is the only functional channel to be used.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type spare M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
7 Cause (SS)
8 Status
-/9 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/10 Location ID O
-/11 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-17 Status Inquiry Response Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 99

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Status Request (STAT_REQ)

A SU uses this message to send its current status.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option. When Location ID is in
the message, the CCCH is the only functional channel to be used.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Status Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 spare
8 Status
-/9 Location ID Option Category Bit first
-/10 Location ID O
-/11 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-18 Status Format for Status Request

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 100

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Status Response (STAT_RESP)

This message is used to answer the acknowledgment to the Status Request from a SU.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option. When Location ID is in
the message, the CCCH is the only functional channel to be used.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type spare M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
7 Cause (SS)
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-19 Status Response Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 101

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Remote Control Request (REM_CON_REQ)

A SU uses this message to remotely control other SUs.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option. When Location ID is in
the message, the CCCH is the only functional channel to be used.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 G/U spare D Control Command M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
8 Control Parameter
-/9 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/10 Location ID O
-/11 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-20 Remote Control Request Format

3 flag settings for Octet 2 are described as follows.

G/U (Group ID or Unit ID)
This represents the information element configured for Octets 5 to 6.
G/U = 0: Group ID
G/U = 1: Unit ID
D (Delivery)
This represents that this message is transacted as an unconfirmed or confirmed delivery.
D = 0: Unconfirmed type without the response from the destination
D = 1: Confirmed type requiring the response from the destination (This is used only if
G/U = Unit ID.)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 102

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Remote Control Response (REM_CON_RESP)

This message is used to answer the acknowledgement when a Remote Control Request is
received from other SU, TRS, or CRS.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option. When Location ID is in
the message, the CCCH is the only functional channel to be used.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 G/U spare spare Control Command M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
7 spare
8 Cause (SS)
-/9 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/10 Location ID O
-/11 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-21 Remote Control Response Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 103

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Remote Control Request with ESN (REM_CON_E_REQ)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel to remotely control a
SU designated by ESN.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 1 spare 1 Control Command 2 M
4 Destination Unit ID
6 Authentication Parameter
10 Authentication Value
-/14 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/15 Location ID O
-/16 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-22 Remote Control Request with ESN Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 104

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Remote Control Response with ESN (REM_CON_E_RESP)

In a trunked radio system, a SU uses this message on a control channel to answer the
acknowledgment when it receives a Remote Control Request from a TC and its ESN coincides
with the designated ESN.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 1 spare spare Control Command 2 M
4 Source Unit ID
5 spare
6 Cause (SS)
-/7 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/8 Location ID O
-/9 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-23 Remote Control Response with ESN Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 105

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Voice Call Request (VCALL_REQ)

In a trunked radio system, a SU uses this message on a control channel to request a traffic
channel for a voice call. When this message is received, a TC assigns a traffic channel
according to the content in the information elements.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option.

VCALL_REQ has three formats depending on the Call Type.

When the Call Type is Group Call or Individual Call, the format defined in Figure 6.4-24 is used.
For Group Call, Octets 5 to 6 are set to the called Group ID, and for Individual Call, Octets 5 to
6 are set to the Unit ID of the called SU.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
-/7 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/8 Location ID O
-/9 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-24 Voice Call Request Format for Group & Individual Call

If Call Type is Speed Dial Call, the format defined in Figure 6.4-25 is used. In this case, Octets 5
to 6 are set to the Unit ID representing the PSTN, and Octet 7 is configured for the destination
speed dial predefined for a dial number.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
7 Speed Dial
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-25 Voice Call Request Format for Speed Dial

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 106

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

If the Call Type is Dialing Call, the formats defined in Figure 6.4-26 and Figure 6.4-27 are used
and sent in the inbound Long CAC format. Only the first message or both the first and second
messages are used according to the number of digits in the dial number, and the status is
indicated by CC Option. Octets 5 to 6 of the first message are set to the Unit ID representing the
PSTN, and Octets 7 to 15 or Octets 10 to 15 are configured for the destination dial number.
Digit 1 is set to the first digit of the dial number, and a dial number with a maximum of 18 or 12
digits can be sent. If the number of digits in the dial number is less than these maximum
numbers, the remaining Digits shall be filled with Filler. If the number of digits in the dial number
is too long to fit into the first message, the remaining digits are sent in the second message.
When two messages are used, a dial number of up to 46 or 40 digits can be sent.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
-/7 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/8 Location ID O
-/9 (except for Site Code)
7/10 Digit 1 Digit 2
8/11 Digit 3 Digit 4 M
••• ••• •••
15/15 Digit 17/11 Digit 18/12

Figure 6.4-26 Voice Call Request Format for Interconnect (1st Message)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Digit 19/13 Digit 20/14 M
3 Digit 21/15 Digit 22/16
••• ••• •••
15 Digit 45/39 Digit 46/40

Figure 6.4-27 Voice Call Request Format for Interconnect (2nd Message)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 107

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Voice Call Response (VCALL_RESP)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel to send back the
processing result of the TC or the condition of a called SU to a voice call request.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
7 Cause (VD)
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-28 Voice Call Response Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 108

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Voice Call Reception Request (VCALL_REC_REQ)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control or a traffic channel to check
whether the called SU is ready for a voice call. When the SU receives this message, the SU
responds whether it can accept the voice call.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option. When this message has
a Location ID, using this message in SACCH is prohibited for the capacity restriction of
functional channel.

VCALL_REC_REQ has two formats depending on the Call Type.

If the Call Type is Individual Call, the format defined in Figure 6.4-29 is used. In this format,
Octets 3 to 4 are configured for the Unit ID of the calling SU and Octets 5 to 6 are configured for
the Unit ID of the called SU.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
-/7 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/8 Location ID O
-/9 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-29 Voice Call Reception Request Format for Individual

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 109

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

If the Call Type is Interconnect Call, the formats defined in Figure 6.4-30 and Figure 6.4-31 are
used. Only the first message or both the first and second messages are used according to the
number of digits in the dial number, and the status is indicated by CC Option. Octets 3 to 4 of
the first message are set for the Unit ID representing the PSTN, and Octets 5 to 6 are
configured for the Unit ID of the called SU. As an option, Octets 7 to 17 or Octets 10 to 17 may
be configured for the originating dial number. If the dial number is less than 22 or 16 digits, the
remaining Digits shall be filled with Filler. If the number of digits in the dial number is too long to
fit into the first message, the remaining digits are sent in the second message. When two
messages are used, a dial number of up to 54 or 48 digits can be sent.
The outbound CCCH shall use the Single Message format. When SACCH is used, only Octets
0 to 6 of the first message are used. When FACCH1 is used, only Octets 0 to 6 (Octets 0 to 9
when the Location ID is included) are used.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
6 Destination Unit ID
-/7 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/8 Location ID O
-/9 (except for Site Code)
7/10 Digit 1 Digit 2
8/11 Digit 3 Digit 4 M
••• ••• •••
17/17 Digit 21/15 Digit 22/16

Figure 6.4-30 Voice Call Reception Request Format for Interconnect (1st Message)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Digit 23/17 Digit 24/18 M
3 Digit 25/19 Digit 26/20
••• ••• •••
17 Digit 53/47 Digit 54/48

Figure 6.4-31 Voice Call Reception Request Format for Interconnect (2nd Message)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 110

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Voice Call Reception Response (VCALL_REC_RESP)

In a trunked radio system, a called SU uses this message on a control channel to respond its
condition for a voice call. When a TC receives this message, it executes the necessary
operation according to the response.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option.
In this format, Octets 3 to 4 are configured for the Unit ID of the called SU and Octets 5 to 6 are
configured for the Unit ID of the calling SU.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
7 Cause (VD)
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-32 Voice Call Reception Response Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 111

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Voice Call Connection Request (VCALL_CONN_REQ)

In a trunked radio system, a called SU uses this message on a control channel to send a
connection request for a voice call. When this message is received, a TC assigns a traffic
channel according to the contents of the message.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
-/7 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/8 Location ID O
-/9 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-33 Voice Call Connection Request Format Voice Call Connection Response (VCALL_CONN_RESP)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel to send back the
processing result of the TC for a connection request from a called SU for a voice call.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
7 Cause (VD)
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-34 Voice Call Connection Response Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 112

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Voice Call Assignment (VCALL_ASSGN)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel to assign a traffic
channel to a voice call request. When SUs receive this message, they move to the assigned
traffic channel. This message comes in two types of formats that are specified by the RCN flag
of the Channel Access Information.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option. The Channel version can
be used in CCCH and FACCH1. Only in the case of a control channel communication operation,
a TC may send this message using FACCH1. When using FACCH1, only Octets 0 to 8 are used.
The DFA version uses only CCCH.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Call Timer
8 Channel
-/9 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/10 Location ID O
-/11 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-35 Voice Call Assignment Format (Channel version)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Call Timer BW
11 IFN
-/12 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/13 Location ID O
-/14 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-36 Voice Call Assignment Format (DFA version)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 113

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

The setting values of Octets 3 to 6 for each Call Type are defined in Table 6.4-6.

Call Type Source ID Destination ID

Group Call Unit ID Group ID
Individual Call Calling Unit ID Called Unit ID
Interconnect Call Calling Unit ID or PSTN ID PSTN ID or Called Unit ID
Group Call PSTN ID Group ID
(Call initiated by PSTN)

Table 6.4-6 Configuring ID of VCALL_ASSGN for each Call Type

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 114

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Voice Call Assignment Duplicate (VCALL_ASSGN_DUP)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control or traffic channel to periodically
inform of the availability of traffic channels assigned for a voice call.
When SUs receive this message on the control channel, they move to the specified traffic
channel and are able to join the ongoing voice call. If SUs receive this message on the traffic
channel, they can join the ongoing voice call of other groups. This message comes in two types
of formats that are specified by the RCN flag of the Channel Access Information.
On a control channel, the format defined in Figure 6.4-37 or Figure 6.4-39 is used. Location ID
is an optional information element specified by CC Option.
On a traffic channel, the format defined in Figure 6.4-38 or Figure 6.4-40is used. This message
is used for a group call only on a traffic channel. The format of the DFA version does not include
the Source Unit ID, and can be used only in FACCH1.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Call Timer
8 Channel
-/9 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/10 Location ID O
-/11 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-37 Voice Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RCCH (Channel version)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Group ID
7 Call Timer
8 Channel

Figure 6.4-38 Voice Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RTCH (Channel version)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 115

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Call Timer BW
11 IFN
-/12 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/13 Location ID O
-/14 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-39 Voice Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RCCH (DFA version)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Voice Call Option M
4 Group ID
5 Call Timer BW

Figure 6.4-40 Voice Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RTCH (DFA version)

The setting values of Octets 3 to 6 for each Call Type are defined in Table 6.4-7.

Call Type Source ID Destination ID

Group Call Unit ID Group ID
Individual Call Calling Unit ID Called Unit ID
Interconnect Call Calling Unit ID or PSTN ID PSTN ID or Called Unit ID
Group Call PSTN ID Group ID
(Call initiated by PSTN)

Table 6.4-7 Configuring ID of VCALL_ASSGN_DUP for each Call Type

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 116

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Data Call Request (DCALL_REQ)

In a trunked radio system, a SU uses this message on a control channel to request a traffic
channel for a data call. When this message is received, a TC assigns a traffic channel
according to the content in the information elements.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option.

Octets 5 to 6 are set to the called Group ID when the Call Type is Group Call and are set to the
Unit ID of the called SU when the Call Type is Individual Call.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
-/7 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/8 Location ID O
-/9 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-41 Data Call Request Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 117

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Data Call Response (DCALL_RESP)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel to send back the
processing result of the TC or the condition of a called SU to a data call request.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
7 Cause (VD)
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-42 Data Call Response Format Data Call Reception Request (DCALL_REC_REQ)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control or traffic channel to check
whether the called SU is ready for a data call. When the SU receives this message, the SU
responds whether it can accept the data call.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option. When this message has
a Location ID, using this message in SACCH is prohibited for the capacity restriction of
functional channel.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
-/7 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/8 Location ID O
-/9 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-43 Data Call Reception Request Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 118

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Data Call Reception Response (DCALL_REC_RESP)

In a trunked radio system, a called SU uses this message on a control channel to respond its
condition for a data call. When a TC receives this message, it executes the necessary operation
according to the response.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option.
In this format, Octets 3 to 4 are configured for the Unit ID of the called SU and Octets 5 to 6 are
configured for the Unit ID of the calling SU.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Unit ID
7 Cause (VD)
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-44 Data Call Reception Response Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 119

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Data Call Assignment (DCALL_ASSGN)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel to assign a traffic
channel to a data call request. When SUs receive this message, they move to the assigned
traffic channel. This message comes in two types of formats that are specified by the RCN flag
of the Channel Access Information.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option. The Channel version can
be used in CCCH and FACCH2. Only in the case of a control channel communication operation,
a TC may send this message using FACCH2. When using FACCH2, only Octets 0 to 8 are used.
The DFA version uses only CCCH.
The setting values of Octets 3 to 6 shall be conform to Table 6.4-6.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Call Timer
8 Channel
-/9 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/10 Location ID O
-/11 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-45 Data Call Assignment Format (Channel version)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Call Timer BW
11 IFN
-/12 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/13 Location ID O
-/14 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-46 Data Call Assignment Format (DFA version)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 120

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Data Call Assignment Duplicate (DCALL_ASSGN_DUP)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control or traffic channel to periodically
inform of the availability of traffic channels assigned for a data call.
When SUs receive this message on the control channel, they move to the specified traffic
channel and are able to join the ongoing data call. If SUs receive this message on the traffic
channel, they can join the ongoing data call of other group. This message comes in two types of
formats that are specified by the RCN flag of the Channel Access Information.
On a control channel, the format defined in Figure 6.4-47 or Figure 6.4-49 is used. Location ID
is an optional information element specified by CC Option.
On a traffic channel, the format defined in Figure 6.4-48 or Figure 6.4-50 is used. This message
is used for a group call only on a traffic channel. The format of the DFA version does not include
the Source Unit ID, and can be used only in FACCH2.

The setting values of Octets 3 to 6 shall be conform to Table 6.4-7.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Call Timer
8 Channel
-/9 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/10 Location ID O
-/11 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-47 Data Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RCCH (Channel version)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Group ID
7 Call Timer
8 Channel

Figure 6.4-48 Data Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RTCH (Channel version)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 121

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Call Timer BW
11 IFN
-/12 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/13 Location ID O
-/14 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-49 Data Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RCCH (DFA version)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type Data Call Option M
4 Group ID
5 Call Timer BW

Figure 6.4-50 Data Call Assignment Duplicate Format for RTCH (DFA version)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 122

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Idle (IDLE)

This message is used when there is no specific information to deliver such as idle transmission
on a traffic channel of a Trunking Repeater or on a Conventional Repeater.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type M

Figure 6.4-51 Idle Format Disconnect Request (DISC_REQ)

A SU uses this message to request a call disconnect on a traffic channel or to cancel a service.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option and can be configured
only on CCCH.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type spare M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Cause (DREQ)
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-52 Disconnect Request Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 123

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Disconnect (DISC)

This message is used to release the traffic channel of a Trunking Repeater or to abort a service.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by CC Option and can be configured
only on CCCH.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 CC Option
2 Call Type spare M
4 Source Unit ID
6 Destination Group or Unit ID
7 Cause (DISC)
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-53 Disconnect Format

The setting values of Octets 3 to 6 for each Call Type are defined in Table 6.4-8.

Call Type CH Source ID Destination ID

Group Call RCCH TC ID Unit ID
RTCH Unit ID Group ID
Individual Call RCCH Calling or Called Unit ID Called or Calling Unit ID
RTCH Calling Unit ID Called Unit ID
Interconnect Call RCCH PSTN ID Calling or Called Unit ID
RTCH Calling Unit ID or PSTN ID PSTN ID or Called Unit ID

Table 6.4-8 Configuring ID of DISC for each Call Type

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 124

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

6.4.2. Mobility Management Messages

Mobility Management Messages are used for subscriber unit’s location registration,
authentication and group affiliation.

Message Name Description In/Out CH Trunk Message

(Alias) Conv. Type
Registration Request This indicates a request of In CC Trunk 10 0000
(REG_REQ) registration
Registration Response This indicates a response to Out CC Trunk 10 0000
(REG_RESP) Registration Request
Registration Clear Request This indicates a request to In CC Trunk 10 0010
(REG_C_REQ) clear registration
Registration Clear Response This indicates a response to Out CC Trunk 10 0010
(REG_RESP) Registration Clear Request
Registration Command This indicates a command of Out CC Trunk 10 0011
(REG_COMM) registration
Group Registration Request This indicates a request to In CC Trunk 10 0100
(GRP_REG_REQ) register group
Group Registration Response This indicates a response to Out CC Trunk 10 0100
(GRP_REG_RESP) Group Registration Request
Authentication Inquiry This indicates a request to Out CC Trunk 10 1000
Request inquire for authentication
(AUTH_INQ_REQ) during location registration
Authentication Inquiry This indicates a response to In CC Trunk 10 1001
Response Authentication Inquiry
(AUTH_INQ_RESP) Request during location
Authentication Inquiry This indicates a request to Out CC Trunk 10 1010
Request 2 inquire for authentication
(AUTH_INQ_REQ2) Both FA2 Conv.
Authentication Inquiry This indicates a response to In CC Trunk 10 1011
Response 2 Authentication Inquiry Both FA2 Conv.
(AUTH_INQ_RESP2) Request

Table 6.4-9 Messages for Mobility Management

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 125

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Registration Request (REG_REQ)

In a trunked radio system, a SU uses this message on a control channel to register its

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Registration Option ← Category Bit first
2 (Subscriber Home) Location ID M
3 (except for Site Code)
5 Source Unit ID
7 Group ID
9 Subscriber Type
10 Version Number

Figure 6.4-54 Registration Request Format Registration Response (REG_RESP)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel to respond to a SU
registration request.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Registration Option ← Category Bit first
2 (Subscriber Home) Location ID M
3 (except for Site Code)
5 Destination Unit ID
7 Group ID
8 Cause (MM)

Figure 6.4-55 Registration Response Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 126

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Registration Clear Request (REG_C_REQ)

In a trunked radio system, a SU used this message on a control channel to clear the registration
information of the SU.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Registration Option ← Category Bit first
2 (Subscriber Home) Location ID M
3 (except for Site Code)
5 Source Unit ID

Figure 6.4-56 Registration Clear Request Format Registration Clear Response (REG_C_RESP)

In a trunked radio system, a TC used this message on a control channel to respond to a request
to clear the registration information from the SU.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Registration Option ← Category Bit first
2 (Subscriber Home) Location ID M
3 (except for Site Code)
5 Destination Unit ID
6 Cause (MM)

Figure 6.4-57 Registration Clear Response Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 127

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Registration Command (REG_COMM)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel to command a SU to
perform its registration.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Registration Option ← Category Bit first
2 (Subscriber Home) Location ID M
3 (except for Site Code)
5 Destination Unit ID

Figure 6.4-58 Registration Command Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 128

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Group Registration Request (GRP_REG_REQ)

In a trunked radio system, a SU uses this message on a control channel to register its affiliate
Location ID is an optional information element specified by Group Registration Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Group Registration Option
2 M
3 Source Unit ID
5 Group ID
-/6 Spare ← Category Bit first
-/7 (Subscriber Home) Location ID O
-/8 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-59 Group Registration Request Format Group Registration Response (GRP_REG_RESP)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel to respond to a group
registration request from a SU.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by Group Registration Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Group Registration Option
2 M
3 Destination Unit ID
5 Group ID
6 Cause (MM)
-/7 Spare ← Category Bit first
-/8 (Subscriber Home) Location ID O
-/9 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-60 Group Registration Response Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 129

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Authentication Inquiry Request (AUTH_INQ_REQ)

This message is used to inquire authentication information to confirm the validity of a SU during
location registration.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by Authentication Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Authentication Option
2 M
5 Destination Unit ID
7 Authentication Parameter
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-61 Authentication Inquiry Request Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 130

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Authentication Inquiry Response (AUTH_INQ_RESP)

This message is used to notify the authentication information to confirm the validity of a SU
during location registration.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by Authentication Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Authentication Option
2 M
3 Source Unit ID
9 Authentication Value
-/13 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/14 Location ID O
-/15 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-62 Authentication Inquiry Response Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 131

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Authentication Inquiry Request 2 (AUTH_INQ_REQ2)

This message is used to inquire authentication information to confirm the validity of a SU.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by Authentication Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Authentication Option
2 M
3 Source Unit ID
5 Destination Unit ID
7 Authentication Parameter
-/8 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/9 Location ID O
-/10 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-63 Authentication Inquiry Request 2 Format Authentication Inquiry Response 2 (AUTH_INQ_RESP2)

This message is used to notify the authentication information to confirm the validity of a SU.
Location ID is an optional information element specified by Authentication Option.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M/O
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Authentication Option
2 M
3 Source Unit ID
5 Destination Unit ID
9 Authentication Value
-/13 Location ID Option ← Category Bit first
-/14 Location ID O
-/15 (except for Site Code)

Figure 6.4-64 Authentication Inquiry Response 2 Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 132

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

6.4.3. Broadcast Messages

Broadcast Messages are used to inform of system and control channel information for a trunked
radio system to a SU.

Message Name Description In/Out CH Trunk Message

(Alias) Conv. Type
Site Information This broadcasts site Out BC Trunk 01 1000
(SITE_INFO) configuration information
Service Information This broadcasts service Out BC Trunk 01 1001
(SRV_INFO) information which site CC
provides FA1
Control Channel Information This broadcasts information of Out BC Trunk 01 1010
(CCH_INFO) site’s control channel CC
Adjacent Site Information This broadcasts information of Out BC Trunk 01 1011
(ADJ_SITE_INFO) control channel for adjacent CC
site FA1
Failure Status Information This notifies that the site is in Out FA1 Trunk 01 1100
(FAIL_STAT_INFO) failure. FA2
Digital Station ID Information This notifies station Out CC Trunk 01 0111
(DST_ID_INFO) identification.
Both FA1 Both

Table 6.4-10 Broadcast Messages

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 133

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Site Information (SITE_INFO)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel to inform SUs of
various kinds of site configuration information. This message comes in two types of formats that
are specified by the RCN flag of the Channel Access Information.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
2 Location ID (for current site)
5 Channel Structure Information
7 Service Information
9 Restriction Information
12 Channel Access Information
14 Version Number
15 Adjacent Site Allocation
16 1st Control Channel
17 2nd Control Channel

Figure 6.4-65 Site Information Format (Channel version)

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
2 Location ID (for current site)
5 Channel Structure Information
7 Service Information
9 Restriction Information
12 Channel Access Information
14 Version Number
15 Adjacent Site Allocation
17 Spare

Figure 6.4-66 Site Information Format (DFA version)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 134

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Service Information (SRV_INFO)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel to inform SUs of
service information which the site provides.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
2 Location ID (for current site)
5 Service Information
7 Restriction Information

Figure 6.4-67 Service Information Format

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 135

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Control Channel Information (CCH_INFO)

In a trunked radio system, a TC used this message on a control channel or a traffic channel to
inform SUs of information about the control channel in this site or about change of the control
channel in a specific site. This message comes in two types of formats that are specified by the
RCN flag of the Channel Access Information.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
2 Location ID (for certain site)
4 Curr New Add Del spare spare
5 Control Channel 1
6 spare spare spare spare spare spare
7 Control Channel 2

Figure 6.4-68 Control Channel Information Format (Channel version)

The format of the Channel version is shown in Figure 6.4-68. This message can notify a
different type of information as described below:
(1) Notifying of the channel number of the first and the second control channels used in this
(2) Notifying of the channel number of the new control channel when changing the control
channel in this site
(3) Notifying of the channel number of a radio channel added in a specific site that can be a
candidate for control channel
(4) Notifying of the channel number of a radio channel deleted in a specific site that is one of
candidate for control channels

Each information is specified by 4 different flags. At least one flag shall be asserted and multiple
flags shall not be asserted at a time.
Current (Octet 4, Bit 7)
This flag notifies the control channel currently used in this site. If this flag is asserted,
both fields for Control Channel 1 and Control Channel 2 are valid.
Curr = 0: Invalid.
Curr = 1: The current control channel is being notified
New (Octet 4, Bit 6)
This flag notifies a new control channel in this site. This flag is used when a control
channel is changed. If this flag is asserted, only Control Channel 1 field is valid.
New = 0: Invalid.
New = 1: The new control channel is being notified

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Add (Octet 4, Bit 5)

This flag represents that a candidate for control channel has been added to the site
specified by the Location ID. If this flag is asserted, only Control Channel 1 field is valid.
Add = 0: Invalid.
Add = 1: Addition of the corresponding Channel number is being notified
Delete (Octet 4, Bit 4)
This flag represents that a candidate for control channel has been deleted from the site
specified by the Location ID. If this flag is asserted, only Control Channel 1 field is valid.
Del = 0: Invalid.
Del = 1: Deletion of the corresponding Channel number is being notified

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
2 Location ID (for current site)
4 spare New spare spare Curr1 Curr2 BW (1)
6 OFN of Control Channel 1
8 IFN of Control Channel 1
9 spare spare spare spare spare spare BW (2)
11 OFN of Control Channel 2
13 IFN of Control Channel 2

Figure 6.4-69 Control Channel Information Format (DFA version)

The format of the DFA version is shown in Figure 6.4-69. For FACCH1, a format up to Octet 8 is
used. This message can notify a different type of information as described below.
(1) Notifying of the frequency number and bandwidth of the first and the second control
channels used in this site
(2) Notifying of the frequency number and bandwidth of the new control channel when
changing the control channel in this site

Each information is specified by 3 different flags. The combination of New flag and Current 1
flag or Current 2 flag shall not be used at the same time.
New (Octet 4, Bit 6)
This flag notifies a new control channel in this site. This flag is used when a control
channel is changed. If this flag is asserted, only the parameters for the first control
channel are valid.
New = 0: Invalid.
New = 1: The new control channel is being notified

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Current 1 (Octet 4, Bit 3)

This flag notifies whether the first control channel currently used in this site is valid or
invalid. As the first control channel is valid at all times, Curr1 = 1 is used except when the
control channel is changed.
Curr1 = 0: Invalid.
Curr1 = 1: Valid
Current 2 (Octet 4, Bit 2)
This flag notifies whether the second control channel currently used in this site is valid or
invalid. If invalid, the parameters for the second control channel are ignored.
Curr2 = 0: Invalid.
Curr2 = 1: Valid

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Adjacent Site Information (ADJ_SITE_INFO)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel or a traffic channel to
notify of the control channel information for an adjacent site to a SU. This message comes in
two types of formats that are specified by the RCN flag of the Channel Access Information.

For the Channel version, one adjacent site information can be sent in CCCH (Dual Message
format) or FACCH1. A maximum of 3 adjacent sites information can be sent in CCCH (Single
Message format) and a maximum of 4 adjacent sites information can be sent in FACCH2. If the
number of adjacent sites to be broadcasted does not reach a maximum number, Location ID
and Channel field are set to null to fill the unused fields.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
2 Adjacent Site Location ID (1)
4 Adjacent Site Option (1)
5 Adjacent Site Control Channel (1)
7 Adjacent Site Location ID (2)
9 Adjacent Site Option (2)
10 Adjacent Site Control Channel (2)
••• •••
17 Adjacent Site Location ID (4)
19 Adjacent Site Option (4)
20 Adjacent Site Control Channel (4)

Figure 6.4-70 Adjacent Site Information Format (Channel version)

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For the DFA version, one adjacent site information can be sent in CCCH (Dual Message format)
or FACCH1. A maximum of 2 adjacent sites information can be sent in CCCH (Single Message
format) and a maximum of 3 adjacent sites information can be sent in FACCH2. Only the
frequency number for the outbound control channel is notified. If the number of adjacent sites to
be broadcast does not reach the maximum number, Location ID field is set to null to fill the
unused field.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
2 Adjacent Site Location ID (1)
4 Adjacent Site Option (1) BW (1)
6 Control Channel OFN of Adjacent Site (1)
8 Adjacent Site Location ID (2)
10 Adjacent Site Option (2) BW (2)
12 Control Channel OFN of Adjacent Site (2)
14 Adjacent Site Location ID (3)
16 Adjacent Site Option (3) BW (3)
18 Control Channel OFN of Adjacent Site (3)

Figure 6.4-71 Adjacent Site Information Format (DFA version)

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 140

Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0 Failure Status Information (FAIL_STAT_INFO)

In a trunked radio system, a TC uses this message on a control channel or a traffic channel to
notify a SU that the site has been out of service. The information about failure and its relevant
information are indicated in Failure Condition Information.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
2 Location ID (for current site)
6 Failure Condition Information

Figure 6.4-72 Failure Status Information Format

Fail-soft Mode
4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Call Timer
7 spare

Figure 6.4-73 Failure Condition Information Digital Station ID Information (DST_ID_INFO)

In a trunked radio system and conventional system, this message is used to send a station
identification. A Message CRC follows the last letter of Call Sign.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 F2 Message Type
1 Station ID Option
2 1st letter of Call Sign
3 2nd letter of Call Sign
••• …
n-1 (n-2)th letter of Call Sign
n (n-1)th letter of Call Sign

Figure 6.4-74 Digital Station ID Information Format

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6.4.4. Non-Standard Messages

Non-Standard Messages are messages without definition for usage of the information elements.

Message Name Description In/Out CH Trunk Message

(Alias) Conv. Type
Proprietary Form Manufacturer-defined Both Any Both 11 1111
(PROP_FORM) messages

Table 6.4-11 Non-standard Messages Proprietary Form (PROP_FORM)

When a manufacturer wishes to add its proprietary functions, this message can be defined
freely with any information elements. The Manufacturer Number field is set to the manufacturer
number used in the ESN. Octet 2 and following can be defined freely, and the octet length “n”
depends on the functional channel used.

Flag1: Spare
Flag2: Spare

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 F1 Flag 2 Message Type
1 Manufacturer Number
••• Manufacturer definable

Figure 6.4-75 Proprietary Form Format

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6.4.5. List of Message Type

This section describes the list of message types and layer 3 messages.


Outbound Inbound Outbound Inbound
00 0000
00 0110
00 0111 TX_REL_EX
00 1000 TX_REL ←
00 1011 DCALL (User Data) ←
00 1100 DCALL_ACK ←
00 1111 HEAD_DLY ←
01 0000 IDLE IDLE ←
01 0010
01 0011
01 0100
01 0101
01 0110
01 1000 SITE_INFO
01 1101
01 1110
01 1111

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Outbound Inbound Outbound Inbound
10 0001
10 0011 REG_COMM
10 0101
10 0110
10 0111
10 1000 AUTH_INQ_REQ
10 1100
10 1101
10 1110
10 1111
11 0000 STAT_INQ_REQ ← ← ←
11 0001 STAT_INQ_RESP ← ← ←
11 0010 STAT_REQ ← ← ←
11 0011 STAT_RESP ← ← ←
11 0100 REM_CON_REQ ← ← ←
11 0101 REM_CON_RESP ← ← ←
11 0110 REM_CON_E_REQ
11 0111 REM_CON_E_RESP
11 1000 (SDCALL_REQ) ← ← ←
11 1001 (SDCALL_REQ) ← ← ←
(User Data)
11 1010 SDCALL_IV ← ← ←
11 1011 SDCALL_RESP ← ← ←
11 1100
11 1101
11 1110
11 1111 PROP_FORM ← ← ←

Table 6.4-12 List of Layer 3 Messages

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6.5. Element Definitions

This section describes the definitions of various information elements embedded in layer 3

6.5.1. Message Type

6-bit Message Type indicates the type of layer 3 messages.

6.5.2. Location ID
24-bit Location ID is composed of Category Bit, System Code and Site Code to identify the
category and location of a trunked radio system.
The values of Category Bit and System Code are collectively managed by a management
organization, and proper values are assigned to respective trunked radio systems by the
management organization. A system operator can define the value for Site Code within a valid
range of the specified Category.

Bit 23 – 22 21 to n n-1 to 0
Category System Code Site Code

Figure 6.5-1 Location ID Format

Category Category Bit System Code Site Code

Global 00 1 to 1022 (10 bits) 1 to 4094 (12 bits)
Regional 10 1 to 16382 (14 bits) 1 to 254 (8 bits)
Local 01 1 to 131070 (17 bits) 1 to 30 (5 bits)
reserved 11

Table 6.5-1 Location ID Values Category Bit

2-bit Category Bit indicates the scale or location of a trunked radio system. This value
determines the number of systems and sites to be configured. System Code

System Code is a value uniquely assigned to each trunked radio system to identify trunked
radio systems.
Category = Global System Code has 10-bit length.
Category = Regional System Code has 14-bit length.
Category = Local System Code has 17-bit length.

The values of System Code set to all "0" or all "1" are reserved. Site Code

Site Code is a value uniquely assigned to each site of trunked radio system to identify sites
within a trunked radio system.

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Category = Global Site Code has 12-bit length.

Category = Regional Site Code has 8-bit length.
Category = Local Site Code has 5-bit length.

The values of Site Code set to all "0" or all "1" are reserved.

6.5.3. Unit ID
16-bit Unit ID is a value uniquely assigned to each Unit in a system to identify units within a
trunked radio system.

Value (Hex) Definition Description

0000 Null Unit ID Used as Filler without specifying unit
0001 to FFEF Standard Unit ID Unit ID that can be defined uniquely within a
FFF0 TRS TC ID Special ID to indicate a TC in a TRS
FFF1 TRS PSTN ID Special ID to indicate PSTN connection in a TRS
FFF2 to FFF4 Special IDs Reserved as special ID
FFF5 CR PSTN ID Special ID to indicate PSTN in CR
FFF6 to FFFE Special IDs Reserved as special ID
FFFF All Unit Special ID to indicate all Units

Table 6.5-2 Unit ID Values Source Unit ID

Source Unit ID used in layer 3 messages indicates the Unit ID of the SU which is the sender of
the message. Destination Unit ID

Destination Unit ID used in layer 3 messages indicates the Unit ID of the SU which is the
recipient of the message.

6.5.4. Group ID
16-bit Group ID is a value uniquely assigned to each group in a system to identify groups within
a trunked radio system.

Value (Hex) Definition Description

0000 Null Group ID Used as Filler without specifying group
0001 FFEF Standard Group ID Group ID which can be defined uniquely within a
FFF0 reserved Reserved to avoid confusion with TRS TC ID
FFF1 FFFE Special IDs Reserved as special ID
FFFF All Group Special ID to indicate all groups

Table 6.5-3 Group ID Values

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6.5.5. Electronic Serial Number

Electronic Serial Number (ESN) is a unique 48-bit number written into each unit by its

6.5.6. Authentication Parameter

16-bit Authentication Parameter is a variable used for the authentication process.

6.5.7. Authentication Value

56-bit Authentication Value is a authentication value used for authentication process.

6.5.8. Registration Option

5-bit Registration Option indicates additional information for location registration messages.

Bit 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 Em spare G/P spare spare

Figure 6.5-2 Registration Option Format

Field Description and Value

Emergency Indicates if the message is for an Emergency.
0: Non-Emergency message (Normal)
1: Emergency message
General / Priority Indicates if the SU doing a location registration is a priority mobile
station. This flag is valid for REG_RESP.
0: General mobile station
1: Priority mobile station

Table 6.5-4 Registration Option Values

6.5.9. Group Registration Option

8-bit Group Registration Option indicates a supplementary information for group registration.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 Em H/V ← spare →

Figure 6.5-3 Group Registration Option Format

Field Description and Value

Emergency Indicates if the message is for an Emergency.
0: Non-Emergency message (Normal)
1: Emergency message
Home/ Visitor Indicates if the Location ID field is included in the message.
0: No (Usable when registered at Home or in Single System)
1: Yes

Table 6.5-5 Group Registration Option Values

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6.5.10. Authentication Option

8-bit Authentication Option indicates additional information for authentication.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 Em LID ← spare →

Figure 6.5-4 Authentication Option Format

Field Description and Value

Emergency Indicates if the message is for an Emergency.
0: Non-Emergency message (Normal)
1: Emergency message
Location ID Indicates if the Location ID field is included in the message.
0: No (Reserved)
1: Yes
0: No (Authentication inquiry at Home or in Single System, or
Conventional System)
1: Yes (Authentication inquiry for visitor in Multi-System)

Table 6.5-6 Authentication Option Values

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6.5.11. CC Option
8-bit CC Option indicates additional information for Call Control messages.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 Em H/V Priority spare spare Supplementary Param.

Figure 6.5-5 CC Option Format

Field Description and Value

Emergency Indicates if the message is for an Emergency.
0: Non-Emergency message (Normal)
1: Emergency message
Home / Visitor Indicates if the Location ID field is included in the message.
When processing an originating and incoming call on the control
channel of a Visitor SU in a Multi-System, it is necessary to
include the Location ID in the message.
0: No (Home System, Single System, messages without
Location ID field, etc.)
1: Yes (mainly RCCH in Visitor System)
Priority Indicates priority of a paging
0: Normal paging
1: Priority paging
Supplementary Usage varies according to each message as shown in Table
Parameter 6.5-8. Except for the messages in the table, this field is spare.

Table 6.5-7 CC Option Values

Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Setting Description
spa Bit 2 is spare
0 0 Single message (First message only)
0 1 First message of multiple messages
1 0 Second message of multiple messages

Table 6.5-8 Supplementary Parameter Values

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6.5.12. Call Type

3-bit Call Type is a value to identify the call type for paging.

Value (Bit) Definition Description

000 Broadcast Call Unidirectional group call
This value is used only in a trunked radio system.
001 Conference Call Bidirectional group call
010 Unspecified Call Call type is not specified.
This value is used only in a TX_REL message.
011 reserved
100 Individual Call Indicates an individual call
101 reserved
110 Interconnect Call Indicates PSTN call
111 Speed Dial Call Indicates PSTN call with speed dial

Table 6.5-9 Call Type Values

6.5.13. Voice Call Option

5-bit Voice Call Option indicates additional information for a voice call.

Bit 4 3 2 1 0
Duplex spare Transmission Mode

Figure 6.5-6 Voice Call Option Format

Field Description and Value

Duplex Indicates access method
0: Half Duplex (SU is in Simplex)
1: Duplex
Transmission Mode Indicates communication parameters including bit rate, Vocoder
000: 4800 bps/EHR
010: 9600 bps/EHR
011: 9600 bps/EFR
Others: reserved

Table 6.5-10 Voice Call Option Values

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6.5.14. Data Call Option

5-bit Data Call Option indicates additional information for a data call.

Bit 4 3 2 1 0
Duplex spare Transmission Mode

Figure 6.5-7 Data Call Option Format

Field Description and Value

Duplex Indicates access method
0: Half-duplex (SU is in Simplex)
1: Duplex
Transmission Mode Indicates communication parameters including bit rate
000: 4800 bps
010: 9600 bps
Others: reserved

Table 6.5-11 Data Call Option Values

6.5.15. Status Call Option

5-bit Status Call Option indicates additional information for a status call.

Bit 4 3 2 1 0
spare Delivery spare Format Indication

Figure 6.5-8 Status Call Option Format

Field Description and Value

Delivery Indicates confirmed or unconfirmed delivery
0: Unconfirmed type without a response from destination
1: Confirmed type with a response from destination
Format Indication Indicates the content of Status messages
00: Status
Others: reserved

Table 6.5-12 Status Call Option Values

The values for Status Call Option in each message shall be set as follows.
STAT_INQ_REQ Status Call Option = 01000
STAT_REQ in confirmed type Status Call Option = 01000
STAT_REQ in unconfirmed type Status Call Option = 00000

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6.5.16. Location ID Option

5-bit Location ID Option indicates additional information on the Location ID included in
messages for authentication and Multi-system.

Bit 4 3 2 1 0
Related Unit ID spare spare spare

Figure 6.5-9 Location ID Option Format

Field Description and Value

Related Unit ID Indicates whether Location ID is related to Source Unit ID or to
Destination Unit ID. The range of the intended Unit ID is the
Standard Unit ID and All Unit ID.
If the related Unit ID is specified in each message, the Location
ID shall be set in accordance with the designation.

11: reserved
10: Location ID of Source Unit ID (used in AUTH_INQ_RESP)
01: Location ID of Destination Unit ID
(used in AUTH_INQ_REQ)
00: Common Location ID

Table 6.5-13 Location ID Option Values

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6.5.17. Digit
4-bit Digit is a value to represent digit of dial number and DTMF codes.
A value for Extended DTMF Code is used as a Digit sent subsequent to the extension of DTMF

Value (Bit) DTMF Code Extended DTMF Code

0000 Filler reserved
0001 “1” “A“
0010 “2” “B”
0011 “3” “C”
0100 “4” “D”
0101 “5” reserved
0110 “6” reserved
0111 “7” reserved
1000 “8” reserved
1001 “9” reserved
1010 “0” reserved
1011 “*” reserved
1100 “#” reserved
1101 reserved reserved
1110 reserved reserved
1111 extension not used

Table 6.5-14 Digit Values

6.5.18. Speed Dial

8-bit Speed Dial is a value to represent the speed dial number.

Value (Hex) Definition Description

00 Null Dial Used as Filler without specifying a particular speed
01 to FF System definable System definable speed dial

Table 6.5-15 Speed Dial Values

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6.5.19. Packet Information

24-bit Packet Information indicates the configuration of transmission packet in a data call. In
SDCALL_REQ, only Octet 0 and Octet 1 are used and TX Fragment Count is not used.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 Deli spare S/R spare Block Count
Octet 1 Pad Octet Count Start Circu.
Octet 2 TX Fragment Count

Figure 6.5-10 Packet Information Format

Field Description and Value

Delivery Flag Indicates confirmed or unconfirmed delivery
(Octet 0; Bit 7) 0: Unconfirmed type without a response from destination
1: Confirmed type with a response from destination
(Octet 0; Bit 6)
Selective Retry Flag Indicates if selective retry transmission packet.
(Octet 0; Bit 5) 0: Normal transmission packet (Fixed to 0 in SDCALL_REQ)
1: Selective retry transmission packet
(Octet 0; Bit 4)
Block Count Indicates the number of User Data blocks in the transmission
(Octet 0; Bits 3-0) packet.
Valid range is 1 to16 blocks (0000 to 1111)
Pad Octet Count Indicates the number of Null octets of the last block in the
(Octet 1; Bits 7-3) transmission packet
Valid range is 0 to 20 Octets (00000 to 10100) in UDCH
Valid range is 0 to 14 Octets (00000 to 01110) in UPCH
Valid range is 0 to 8 Octets (00000 to 01000) in FACCH1
Start Fragment Flag Indicates the first fragment
(Octet 1; Bit 2) 0: Not first
1: First (Fixed to 1 in SDCALL_REQ)
Circular Fragment Flag Indicates if the TX Fragment Count circulates
(Octet 1; Bit 1) 0: Not circulate (Fixed to 0 in SDCALL_REQ)
1: Circulate
TX Fragment Count Indicates the number and sequence of fragments
(Octet 1; Bit 0 to If Circular Fragment Flag = 0:
Octet 2; Bit 0) In the first fragment, it is set to (The Number of Fragments - 1)
and in the last fragment it is set to 0
If Circular Fragment Flag = 1:
In the first fragment, it is set to the max value (all bits set to 1),
then in each fragment it is decremented using mod 9

Table 6.5-16 Packet Information Values

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6.5.20. Block Number

4-bit Block Number indicates the block sequence when fragments are divided into multiple

Value (Bit) Definition Description

1111 Block No. 15 Represents a Block No. 15
1110 to 0001 Block No. 14 to No. 1 Represents Block No. 14 to No. 1
0000 Block No. 0 Represents a Block No. 0 (last)

Table 6.5-17 Block Number Values

For selective retry, the Block Number corresponding to the block to which retransmission is
required is reused as the Block Number of the User Data format in the selective retry packet.

6.5.21. Packet Frame Number

4-bit Packet Frame Number indicates the frame transmission sequence of a User Data format
included in the transmission packet.

Value (Bit) Definition Description

1111 Frame No. 15 Represents a Frame No. 15
1110 to 0001 Frame No. 14 to No. 1 Represents Frame No. 14 to No. 1
0000 Frame No. 0 Represents Frame No. 0 (last)

Table 6.5-18 Packet Frame Number Values

A transmission packet includes a maximum of 16 User Data formats. In that maximum case, the
first Header format is deemed as Frame No. 16, and No.15 to No. 0 values are sequentially
used in Packet Frame Numbers of the following User Data formats.

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6.5.22. Response Information

16-bit Response Information indicates the configuration of response packet in data call. Unused
value is reserved in Class and Type.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 spare spare Class Type
Octet 1 RX Fragment Count

Figure 6.5-11 Response Information Format

Class Type Description

00 001 ACK (Reception Successful)
01 001 ACK_S (Request for Selective Retry)
11 001 NACK (Request for Full Retry)
010 NACK (Memory Full)
011 NACK (abort)

Table 6.5-19 Class and Type Values

Field Description and Value

spare Spare
(Octet 0: Bit 7)
spare Spare
(Octet 0: Bit 6)
RX Fragment Count Indicates received TX Fragment Count
(Octet 0: Bit 0 to
Octet 1: Bit 0)

Table 6.5-20 Response Information Values

6.5.23. Error Block Flag

16-bit Error Block Flag used in a response message for data calls indicates the blocks required
to be retransmitted by reception failure.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 F15 F14 F13 F12 F11 F10 F9 F8
Octet 1 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0

Figure 6.5-12 Error Block Flag Format

Field Description and Value

Fx Successful reception for each Block Number 15 to 0 is presented.
0: Reception success or unused block
1: Reception failure

Table 6.5-21 Error Block Flag Values

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6.5.24. Status
8-bit Status indicates the status of a user or a SU. The Status is comprised of user or system
definable Status (1 to 207) and Status predefined in this document (208 to 255).

Value (Hex) Definition Description

00 Null Status Used as Filler without specifying a Status
01 to CF User definable User definable Status
D0 Paging Status Paging
D1 to DF reserved Reserved for predefined Status
E0 Emergency Status Emergency
E1 Emergency Status Emergency by Man-down
E2 Emergency Status Emergency Termination
E3 Emergency Status Emergency by Stationary Detection
E4 Emergency Status Emergency by Motion Detection
E5 Emergency Status Emergency by Lone Worker
E6 to FF Reserved Reserved for predefined Status

Table 6.5-22 Status Values

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6.5.25. Control Command

5-bit Control Command indicates a remote control command used in REM_CON_REQ/RESP.
ID Type (Group ID or Unit ID) that can be used for REM_CON_REQ is limited depending on
Control Command value.

Value (Bit) Definition ID type Description

00000 Stun Both Makes a SU to be in the Stun state.
00001 Revival Both Makes a SU to be released from the
Stun state.
00010 Kill Both Makes a SU to be in the Kill state.
00011 Reserved Reserved
00100 Remote Monitor Unit ID Makes a SU to automatically transmit.
Other values reserved Reserved

Table 6.5-23 Control Command Values

6.5.26. Control Parameter

2-bit Control Parameter indicates a control parameter corresponding Control Command
information element.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 Parameter 1
Octet 1 Parameter 2

Figure 6.5-13 Control Parameter Format

Command Definition of Parameter 1 Definition of Parameter 2

Stun Bit 7: Mode Bit 7 to 0: spare
0: Tx Inhibition
1: Tx & Rx Inhibition
Bit 6 to 0: spare
Revival Bit 7 to 0: spare Bit 7 to 0: spare
Kill Bit 7 to 0: spare Bit 7 to 0: spare
Remote Bit 7: Mode Bit 7 to 0: Transmission Duration
Monitor 0: Normal Mode 00h : reserved
1: Silence Mode 01 to FFh: 1 second to 255 seconds
Bit 6 to 0: spare

Table 6.5-24 Control Parameter Values

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6.5.27. Cipher Type

2-bit Cipher Type indicates the encryption method.

Value (Bit) Definition

00 Non-ciphered Mode
01 Scramble Mode
10 DES Mode
11 AES Mode

Table 6.5-25 Cipher Type Values

6.5.28. Key ID
6-bit Key ID indicates the encryption key used in encryption.

Value (Hex) Definition

00 Non-ciphered Mode Default or Unspecified
Key ID (Ver.1.2 or before)
Non-ciphered Mode Default or User
definable (Ver.1.3 or later)
01 to 3F User definable

Table 6.5-26 Key ID Values

6.5.29. Delay Count

16-bit Delay Count indicates the number of remaining frames before a valid frame being sent

Value (Hex) Definition

0000 The number of remaining frames = 0 (last)
0001 The No. of remaining frames = 1
0002 The No. of remaining frames = 2
••• •••
03FE The No. of remaining frames = 1022
03FF The No. of remaining frames = 1023
Others reserved

Table 6.5-27 Delay Count Values

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

6.5.30. Cause
8-bit Cause has the following 5 formats for different message types.
Although all 5 formats can be used in a trunked radio system, some formats are required for a
conventional system.

Cause (MM) is the information element in the response message for mobility management. It is
used to inform of a reception result for request messages including the location registration
request message.
Cause (VD) is the information element in the response message for call control in voice or data
call. It is used to inform of a reception result or status for request messages.
Cause (SS) is the information element in the response message for call control in status call or
short data call, simultaneous data call and remote control. It is used to inform of a reception
result for request messages.
Cause (DREQ) is the information element in the disconnect request message (DISC_REQ). It is
used to inform of a reason of disconnect when a SU disconnects.
Cause (DISC) is the information element in the disconnect message (DISC). It is used to inform
of a reason of disconnect when a TC disconnects.

Values that are not used for Type and Indications are reserved.

Bit 7 6 to 4 3 to 0
spare Type Indication

Figure 6.5-14 Cause Format

Type Indication Definition

000 0001 Registration is accepted.
Normal 0100 Location is accepted, but Group is failed.
0101 Location is accepted, but Group is refused.
0110 Registration is failed.
1000 Registration is refused.
010 0001 Registration is accepted (valid ESN)
Normal 2 0100 Location is accepted, but Group is failed (valid ESN)
0101 Location is accepted, but Group is refused (valid ESN)
1000 Registration is refused (invalid ESN)
101 0001 Network failure
Resource 0010 Temporary failure
Unavailable 0011 Equipment congestion
1111 Other class for resource unavailable
110 0000 Request for unavailable service
Service 1111 Other class for service unavailable or unsupported
111 0000 Lack of mandatory information elements
Procedure error 0001 Undefined information element or Invalid contents
1111 Other class for procedure error

Table 6.5-28 Cause (MM) Values

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

Type Indication Definition

001 0000 Accepted normal
Normal 1 0001 Called group is not permitted for the service
0010 Calling SU is not permitted for the service
0011 Called SU is not permitted for the service
0100 Called SU has not done the registration yet
0101 No response from the called SU
0110 Incoming call rejection for a called SU
1000 Called SU is in busy
1001 Called group is in busy
1010 Calling SU is in busy
1100 SU has not been registered yet
1101 Group has not been registered yet
1110 Queuing interruption
010 0000 Calling SU is not permitted for use
Normal 2 0001 Called SU is not permitted for use
0010 Group is not permitted for use
011 0000 All channel resources are in use
Normal (Queue) 0001 All phone line resources are in use
0010 Called unit is being alerted
0011 Phone line is being alerted
1000 Called SU is in busy
1001 Called group is in busy
1111 Other queue without a specific reason
101 0000 Channel unavailable
Resource 0001 Network failure
Unavailable 0010 Temporary failure
0011 Equipment congestion
1111 Other class for resource unavailable
110 0000 Request for unavailable service
Service 0001 Request for unsupported service
Unavailable 1111 Other class for service unavailable or unsupported
111 0000 Lack of mandatory information elements
Procedure error 0001 Undefined information element or Invalid contents
1111 Other class for procedure error

Table 6.5-29 Cause (VD) Values

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Type Indication Definition

000 0001 ACK (Receive success) [1]
Normal 0010 ACK (Send success)
(data response) 1000 NACK (Request for full retry) [1]
1001 NACK (Memory Full) [1]
1010 NACK (Abort) [1]
001 0000 Accepted normal
Normal 1 0001 Called group is not permitted for the service
0010 Calling SU is not permitted for the service
0011 Called SU is not permitted for the service
0100 Called SU has not done the registration yet
0101 No response from the called SU
0110 Incoming call rejection for a called SU
1000 Called SU is in busy
1001 Called group is in busy
1010 Calling SU is in busy
1100 SU has not been registered yet
1101 Group has not been registered yet
010 0000 Calling SU is not permitted for use
Normal 2 0001 Called SU is not permitted for use
0010 Group is not permitted for use
101 0000 Channel unavailable
Resource 0001 Network failure
Unavailable 0010 Temporary failure
0011 Equipment congestion
1111 Other class for resource unavailable
110 0000 Request for unavailable service
Service 0001 Request for unsupported service
Unavailable 1111 Other class for service unavailable or unsupported
111 0000 Lack of mandatory information elements
Procedure error 0001 Undefined information element or Invalid contents
1111 Other class for procedure error

[1]: Only these Causes are required in a conventional system.

Table 6.5-30 Cause (SS) Values

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Type Indication Definition

001 0000 Disconnected by a user
Normal 0100 Disconnected by timer
1111 Other disconnect request

Table 6.5-31 Cause (DREQ) Values

Type Indication Definition

001 0000 Disconnected by a user
Normal (SU) 0001 Disconnected by PSTN
0100 Disconnected by timer
1111 Other disconnect from SU
010 0000 Disconnected by timer of TC
Normal (TC) 1111 Other disconnect from TC
101 0000 Channel unavailable
Resource 0001 Network failure
Unavailable 0010 Temporary failure
0011 Equipment congestion
1111 Other class for resource unavailable
110 0000 Request for unavailable service
Service 0001 Request for unsupported service
Unavailable 1111 Other class for service unavailable or unsupported
111 0000 Lack of mandatory information elements
Procedure error 0001 Undefined information element or Invalid contents
1111 Other class for procedure error

Table 6.5-32 Cause (DISC) Values

6.5.31. Channel
10-bit Channel is a value to determine the carrier frequency used for control channels or traffic
channels of a TRS in the Channel version.

Value (Hex) Definition

000 Null
001 Channel No. 1
••• •••
3FF Channel No. 1023

Table 6.5-33 Channel Values

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6.5.32. Call Timer

6-bit Call Timer indicates the transmission duration that allows a SU to continuously transmit on
a traffic channel in a trunked radio system.

Value (Bit) Definition

00 0000 Unspecified (SU dependent)
00 0001 15 seconds
00 0010 30 seconds
••• In steps of 15 seconds
00 1100 180 seconds
00 1101 210 seconds
••• In steps of 30 seconds
01 1010 600 seconds
01 1011 Reserved
••• •••
11 1110 Reserved
11 1111 Reserved

Table 6.5-34 Call Timer Values

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6.5.33. Service Information

16-bit Service Information indicates the services supported by a TRS.
The service is indicated by 16 flags where the available service is indicated with the flag set to

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 1 SIF9 SIF10 SIF11 SIF12 SIF13 SIF14 SIF15 SIF16

Figure 6.5-15 Service Information Format

SI Flag Description
SIF1 Multi-site Service
SIF2 Multi-system Service
SIF3 Location Registration Service
SIF4 Group Registration Service
SIF5 Authentication Service
SIF6 Composite Control Channel Service
SIF7 Voice Call Service
SIF8 Data Call Service
SIF9 Short Data Call Service
SIF10 Status Call & Remote Control Service
SIF11 PSTN Network Connection Service
SIF12 IP Network Connection Service
SIF13 spare
SIF14 spare
SIF15 spare
SIF16 spare

Table 6.5-35 Service Information Flags

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6.5.34. Restriction Information

24-bit Restriction Information indicates restriction of functions and a restricted SU in a TRS.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 Mobile station operation information Access cycle interval
Octet 1 Restriction group Restriction Information
Octet 2 Rest. group ratio Delay extension spare ISO

Figure 6.5-16 Restriction Information Format

Mobile station operation information (Octet 0, Bits 7 to 4)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Setting Description
0 No access restriction
1 Access restriction
0 No restriction for maintenance
1 Restriction for maintenance
spa spa Bit 5 and Bit 4 are spares.

Access cycle interval (Octet 0, Bits 3 to 0)

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Setting Description
0 0 0 0 No restriction
0 0 0 1 20 frames
1 1 1 1 300 frames

Restriction group specification (Octet 1, Bits 7 to 4)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Setting Description
spa Bit 7 is spare
0 0 0 Lower 3 bits of Unit ID = 000
0 0 1 Lower 3 bits of Unit ID = 001
1 1 0 Lower 3 bits of Unit ID = 110
1 1 1 Lower 3 bits of Unit ID = 111

Restriction Information (Octet 1, Bits 3 to 0)

Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Setting Description
0 General mobile station; No location registration restriction
1 General mobile station; Location registration restriction
0 General mobile station; No call restriction
(except Short Data Call)
1 General mobile station; Call restriction
(except Short Data Call)
0 General mobile station; No Short Data call restriction
1 General mobile station; Short Data call restriction
spa Bit 0 is spare

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Restriction group ratio specification (Octet 2, Bits 7 to 6)

Bit 7 Bit 6 Setting Description
0 0 Not specified
0 1 50% restriction (Lower 1 bit coincides)
1 0 75% restriction (Lower 2 bits coincide)
1 1 87.5% restriction (Lower 3 bits coincide)

Delay time extension specification (Octet 2, Bits 5 to 4)

Bit 5 Bit 4 Setting Description
0 0 Timer T2 max x 1 (6 frames x 1)
0 1 Timer T2 max x 2 (6 frames x 2)
1 0 Timer T2 max x 3 (6 frames x 3)
1 1 Timer T2 max x 4 (6 frames x 4)

Field Description and Value

Temporarily Isolated Site Indicates the site is temporarily isolated from the network due
(Octet 2, Bit 0) to trouble such as failure in a Multi Site Service system.
This is valid only if the SIF 1 of Service Information is set to
0: Normal Condition
1: Isolated Condition

Table 6.5-36 Restriction Information Values

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6.5.35. Channel Structure Information

16-bit Channel Structure Information indicates the RCCH structure of a TRS and the frames to
page a SU.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 Bn Gn ← Pn
Octet 1 → Mn In

Figure 6.5-17 Channel Structure Information Format

Field Description and Value

Bn Number of BCCH
Specifies the number of BCCH frames per superframe
00: Reserved
01 to 11: 1 frame to 3 frames
Gn Number of Grouping
Specifies the number of groups per RCCH
000: Reserved
001 to 111: Group 1 to Group 7
Pn Number of Paging Frames
Specifies the number of CCCH/ UPCH frames for paging
0000: Reserved
0001 to 1111: 1 frame to 15 frames
Mn Number of Multipurpose Frames
Specifies the number of multipurpose CCCH/ UPCH frames following the
paging frame
000 to 111: 0 frame to 7 frames
In Number of Iteration
Specifies the number of iterations of groups within one superframe
0000: Reserved
0001 to 1111: 1 to 15

Table 6.5-37 Channel Structure Information Values

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6.5.36. Channel Access Information

24-bit Channel Access Information indicates the access method of SUs to RCCH of a TRS or
acquisition condition to the control channel.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 RCN Step Base Frequency
Octet 1 Spare
Octet 2

Figure 6.5-18 Channel Access Information Format

Field Description and Value

Radio Indicates if Channel or DFA (Direct Frequency Assignment) is to be used
Channel as the radio channel expression.
Notation 0: Channel version
(RCN) 1: DFA version
Step Indicates the frequency steps. Valid only when RCN = 1.
(ST) 00 to 01: System definable
10: 1.25 kHz
11: 3.125 kHz
Base Indicates the base frequency. Valid only when RCN = 1.
Frequency 001: 100 MHz
(BF) 010: 330 MHz
011: 400 MHz
100: 750 MHz
111: System definable
Others: reserved

Table 6.5-38 Channel Access Information Values

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6.5.37. Adjacent Site Allocation

4-bit Adjacent Site Allocation indicates the number of adjacent TRSs.

Value (Hex) Definition

0 0 site for Single Site
1 to F 1 site to 15 sites for Multi-Site

Table 6.5-39 Adjacent Site Allocation Values

6.5.38. Adjacent Site Option

6-bit Adjacent Site Option indicates additional information on adjacent TRSs.

Bit 5 4 3 2 1 0
Spare Spare Site Number

Figure 6.5-19 Adjacent Site Option Format

Field Description and Value

Site Number No. of adjacent sites.
0000: reserved
0001 to 1111: Site No.1 to Site No.15

Table 6.5-40 Adjacent Site Option Values

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6.5.39. Subscriber Type

16-bit Subscriber Type identifies the type and maximum transmission power of a SU.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 Classification Tx Power Access
Octet 1 Bit Rate Codec spare

Figure 6.5-20 Subscriber Type Format

Field Description and Value

Classification Type of SU
00: Mobile station
01: Fixed station
10 to 11: reserved
Tx Power Maximum transmission power of SU
000: Not specified
001 to 111: reserved
Access Access method which a SU uses
000: FDMA Simplex
001: FDMA Duplex
Reserved for others
Bit Rate Bit rate which a SU uses
001: 4800 bps
010: 9600 bps
011: 4800 bps & 9600 bps
Reserved for others
Codec Vocoder which a SU uses
01: AMBE+2 EHR
11: AMBE+2 EHR & EFR
Reserved for others

Table 6.5-41 Subscriber Type Values

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6.5.40. Version Number

8-bit Version Number indicates the NXDN version or software version for a TC and a SU.

Bit 7 to 0

Figure 6.5-21 Version Number Format

Field Description and Value

Version Version of an NXDN system or software is presented.
However, the notation is not specified.

Table 6.5-42 Version Number Values

6.5.41. Initialization Vector

64-bit Initialization Vector is an information element used to initialize DES and AES encryption.
The value of all "0" shall not be used.

6.5.42. Station ID Option

8-bit Station ID Option indicates additional information on Digital Station ID Information

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Octet 0 Start End Number of Letters / Sequence

Figure 6.5-22 Station ID Option Format

Field Description and Value

Start Indicates whether it is a first message. The content of Bit 5 to Bit 0
(Bit 7) depends on this Flag.
0: Not first (Bit 5 to Bit 0 = Sequence)
1: First (Bit 5 to Bit 0 = Number of Letters)
End Indicates whether it is a last message.
(Bit 6) 0: Not last
1: Last
Number of Letters Indicates the number of letters of Call Sign.
(Bit 5-0) Valid range is 1 to 32 letters (000001 to 100000)
(Valid range does not include 4-octet Message CRC added to the
string of Call Sign.)
Sequence Indicates an order of message from 2nd message and expresses as
(Bit 5-0) follows; 2nd message = 000001, 3rd message = 000010, and so on.
Valid range in CAC is 2nd to 3rd message (000001 to 000010)
Valid range in FACCH1 is 2nd to 5th message (000001 to 000100)
Valid range in FACCH2 is 2nd message (000001)

Table 6.5-43 Station ID Option Values

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6.5.43. Call Sign

8-bit Call Sign indicates each letter of a station identification expressed by ASCII code. The
usable range of ASCII code is 20hex to 7Ehex.

6.5.44. Bandwidth (BW)

2-bit Bandwidth indicates the channel bandwidth or the bit rate in the DFA version.

Value (Bit) Definition

00 6.25 kHz bandwidth (4800 bps)
01 12.5 kHz bandwidth (9600 bps)
10 reserved
11 reserved

Table 6.5-44 Bandwidth Values

6.5.45. Outbound/Inbound Frequency Number (OFN/IFN)

16-bit Outbound FN and Inbound FN indicate the outbound and inbound frequency numbers
respectively in the DFA version.
In the DFA version, frequency is calculated as follows.
When ST = 10b, BF = 001b, FN = 1001 1100 0100 0110b (40006d):
100MHz + 1.25kHz x 40006 = 150.0075 MHz

6.5.46. Control Command 2

5-bit Control Command 2 indicates a remote control command used in REM_CON_E_REQ and

Value (Bit) Definition Description

00000 Stun (Tx&Rx Makes a SU to be in the Stun state (Tx&Rx
Inhibition) Inhibition)
00001 Revival Makes a SU to be released from the Stun state
00010 Kill Makes a SU to be in the Kill state
00011 Stun (Tx Inhibition) Makes a SU to be in the Stun state (Tx Inhibition)
Other values reserved Reserved

Table 6.5-45 Control Command 2 Values

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

7. Voice Coding Method

7.1. Outline
The voice coding method used in NXDN is AMBE+2, which is an improved and an advanced
Multi-band excitation (MBE) method, developed by Digital Voice System, Inc. in the USA.
Voice-coding rates are EHR (3600 bps) and EFR (7200 bps).
In EHR, the voice coding is processed at 2450 bps by generating 49-bit voice-coding data at 20
ms intervals. This 49-bit data is converted to 72-bit VCH data by adding 23-bit redundancy bit
through error correction.
In EFR, the voice coding is processed at 4400 bps by generating 88-bit voice-coding data at 20
ms intervals. This 88-bit data is converted to 144-bit VCH data by adding 56-bit redundancy bit
through error correction.

A diagram of encoder for Vocoder is represented in Figure 7.1-1 and a diagram of decoder for
Vocoder is represented in Figure 7.1-2.

Refer to the AMBE+2 technical documents supplied by DVSI for detailed specifications, and the
following sections define the test patterns used in various tests.
Data sequences provided shall be written in hexadecimal number (hex) and the transmission
order is sent from the left side of the data sequence, and is sent the right side finally.

4400 bps 7200 bps EFR

Analysis FEC
A/D Converter Gain Frame Composition
MBE Encoder

2450 bps 3600 bps EHR

Figure 7.1-1 Diagram of Vocoder (Encoder)

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4400 bps 7200 bps EFR

Synthesis FEC
D/A Converter Gain Frame Separation
MBE Decoder

2450 bps 3600 bps EHR

Figure 7.1-2 Diagram of Vocoder (Decoder)

7.2. Vocoder Test Signals

7.2.1. EHR Vocoder Tone Test Pattern
Tone Test Pattern is a 1031 Hz single tone with -22 dBm0.
Following are 49-bit data sequence generated by the voice coding and 72-bit data sequence
after the FEC processing.

Voice coding data (49 bits) FEE2 1212 1210 0 (first 49 bit are valid.)
Voice coding data with FEC (72 bits) CEA8 FE83 ACC4 5820 0A Silence Test Pattern

Silence Test Pattern is a signal having a level of less than the -90 dBm0 in the audio frequency
Following are 49-bit data sequence generated by the voice coding and 72-bit data sequence
after the FEC processing.

Voice coding data (49 bits) F801A99F8CE08 (first 49 bits are valid.)
Voice coding data with FEC (72 bits) B9E8 8152 6173 002A 6B

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7.2.2. EFR Vocoder Tone Test Pattern
Tone Test Pattern is a 1011 Hz single tone with -22 dBm0.
Following are 88-bit data sequence generated by the voice coding and 144-bit data sequence
after the FEC processing. Each data sequence shall be alternately sent in the order of #1 and

Voice coding data (88 bits) #1 09B0 880C C621 F680 A826 00
Voice coding data (88 bits) #2 09B0 880C C621 F680 A826 00

Voice coding data with FEC (144 bits) #1 3892 8490 D433 C0BE 1B91 844F F058 A589 D839
Voice coding data with FEC (144 bits) #2 3892 8490 D433 C0BE 1B91 844F F058 A589 D83B Silence Test Pattern

Silence Test Pattern is a signal having a level of less than -90 dBm0 in the audio frequency
Following are 2 voice-coding data sequence generated. Each data sequence shall be
alternately sent in the order of #1 and #2.

Voice coding data (88 bits) #1 040CFD7BFB7DF27B3D9E44

Voice coding data (88 bits) #2 040CFD7BFB7DF27B3D9E45

Voice coding data with FEC (144 bits) #1 6C42 E85D E2E8 2693 63D9 81F9 BE23 B18A E004
Voice coding data with FEC (144 bits) #2 6C42 E85D E2E8 2693 63D9 81F9 BE23 B18A E006

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8. Glossaries

Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH)

A functional channel to broadcast various configuration information of the trunked radio
system on RCCH.

Broadcast Data Call

One-to-many data communication.

Broadcast Short Data Call

One-to-many data communication with limited size of data on the control channel.

Broadcast Status Call

One-to-many communication for simplified and preconfigured message transmission.

Common Access Channel (CAC)

This is one of category of functional channels and includes the functional channels used
on RCCH. CAC is used on outbound RCCH, and two types of CAC, which are Long CAC
and Short CAC, are used on inbound RCCH. Sendable information length and channel
coding procedure differ among 3 CAC.

Common Air Interface (CAI)

The specification of the radio communication interface at a reference point, Um.

Common Control Channel (CCCH)

A functional channel to transfer the control information required for mobility management
and call controls on RCCH.

An equipment used for controlling the system or sending the communication control

Control Channel
A general name for the bidirectional channel to transfer the control information required for
mobility management and call control.

Conventional Repeater (CR)

An equipment, which is comprised of repeater unit, that uses 2 radio channels to relay a
signal and to extend the communication range among SUs.

Conventional Repeater Site (CRS)

A facility that is comprised of multiple conventional repeaters. Each repeater works
independently to relay a signal.

Conventional System
An LMR system that does not have any functions to allocate a channel automatically and
the user must select a channel manually for communication. There are 2 operating modes:
Direct mode and Repeater mode.

Data Call
One-to-one data communication.

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Information data unit processed 2 bits at a time.

Direct Mode Operation (DMO)

An operating mode to directly communicate between SUs. This operating mode includes
the Talk Around function for the SUs.

An operator or facility to control the tasks of the fleet in the field.

A communication mode in which transmission and reception occur simultaneously.

Electronic Serial Number (ESN)

ESN is a unique number written into each Subscriber Unit by its manufacturer.

Enhanced Full Rate (EFR)

An operating mode of AMBE+2 Vocoder that has 7200 bps voice coding rate (including
error corrections).

Enhanced Half Rate (EHR)

An operating mode of AMBE+2 Vocoder that has 3600 bps voice coding rate (including
error corrections).

Fast Associated Control Channel 1 (FACCH1)

A functional channel to transfer the control information at high speed by interrupting the
voice data on RTCH/RDCH.

Fast Associated Control Channel 2 (FACCH2)

A functional channel to transfer the control data together with packet data or independently

Fixed Station (FS)

A SU installed and operated at a fixed location without any movement.

A minimum unit of data transmission to distinguish a block for a radio carrier.

Frame Sync Word (FSW)

A fixed bit pattern used to synchronize frames.

Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)

Access method to divide a channel on frequency domain in order to share the channel by
multiple users.

Group Call
One-to-many (Point to multi-point) voice communication. There are 2 modes: Broadcast
Call in unidirectional and Conference Call in bidirectional.

Hold Time
Duration to hold the repeater's transmission when the inbound signal is lost.

Inbound Signal
A direction or signal that is transmitted toward a Repeater from a SU.

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Inbound Message
Layer 3 message that is transferred toward a Repeater from a SU.

Individual Call
One-to-one (point-to-point) voice communication

Interconnect Call
One-to-one or one-to-many voice communication using a telephone line.

IP Network
Network using the Internet Protocol.

Layer 1 (L1)
Basic interface
This layer deals with the basic structural layer of radio channels and provides the channel
definition and format.

Layer 2 (L2)
Transmission control
This layer specializes in the transmission control between stations, and provides the
channel identification and timing.

Layer 3 (L3)
Connection control
This layer deals with data transmission between end systems and provides the method of
call control, mobility management and RF transmission management.

Link Information Channel (LICH)

A functional channel to transfer control information to identify the radio channel or functional

Mobile Station (MS)

A vehicle or portable type transceiver, which is a kind of Subscriber Unit, used in mainly
mobile environment.

Nyquist 4-Level FSK (4LFSK)

FSK modulation method that has levels of 4 symbol and uses a Nyquist filter as the
baseband filter.

Nyquist Response
A filter to limit the frequency bandwidth without generating intersymbol interference. This
filter has an odd symmetry characteristic as the attenuation curve.

Unit of information consisting of 8 bits.

Outbound Signal
A direction or signal that is transmitted toward a SU from a Repeater.

Outbound Message
Layer 3 message that is transferred toward a SU from a Repeater.

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Partial Echo (PE)

Signal to notify a SU that the transmission has succeeded by sending back a part of
inbound signal received successfully by Trunking Repeater as outbound signal in random
access control on RCCH.

Fixed bit pattern to be sent prior to a frame transmission in order to establish the bit

Private Branch Exchange (PBX)

Telephone exchange facility installed in an office building for the purpose of business
communication within the office or with the external lines.

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)

The public circuit-switched telephone network.

Radio Access Number (RAN)

ID information equivalent to CTCSS/CDCSS of analog FM in conventional system. This
information is used as color code to detect the co-channel interference in a trunked radio

Repeater Unit (RU)

Transmitter/receiver equipment that can relay a radio signal.

RF Control Channel (RCCH)

RF carrier to transfer the control information in a Trunking Repeater Site. At least one
carrier of Trunking Repeater is used for this channel within a site.

RF Direct Traffic Channel (RDCH)

RF carrier to transfer the communication information of the user in a conventional system.

RF Traffic Channel (RTCH)

RF carrier to transfer the communication information of the user in a Trunking Repeater
Site. At least one carrier of Trunking Repeater is used for this channel within the site.

Roll Off Factor

This is expressed as a letter of “α” and represents the characteristics of a Nyquist filter.
The smaller the value is, the narrower the output spectrum becomes. However, the
transmission degradation to an error of timing increases.

Root Nyquist Response

Square root of the Nyquist characteristics.

A communication mode in which one of the stations is in simplex mode and the other station
is in duplex mode.

Short Data Call

One-to-one data communication with limited size data on the control channel.

A communication mode in which either transmission or reception occurs separately, not

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Simultaneous Data Call

Slow data communication processed simultaneously with voice communication.

Single Channel Per Carrier (SCPC)

A communication method allocating 1 carrier to a channel for transferring information.

Site Roaming
A SU moves to another site in a trunked radio system comprised of multiple sites.

Slow Associated Control Channel (SACCH)

A functional channel to transfer control information at slow speed along with voice data on

Status Call
One-to-one communication for simplified and preconfigured message transmission.

Subscriber Unit (SU)

A generic name to indicate all types of transceivers including portable, vehicle and fixed

A collection of frames consisting of multiple frames.

Unit of signal used in the modulation process. In 4-level FSK, the signal consists of 2-bit

Symbol Rate
A rate of change of the state of a carrier modulated by a baseband signal, or modulation

System Roaming
A SU moves to another system in a trunked radio system comprised of multiple systems.

Traffic Channel
A general name to indicate a bidirectional channel used for information transfer regarding
voice or data communication.

Trunked Radio System

An LMR system that has a facility to automatically allocate RF channels to effectively utilize
the spectrum.

Trunking Controller (TC)

A control equipment for a radio line control.

Trunking Repeater (TR)

Equipment that processes a line control or relay operation by using 2 radio channels, and
comprises a Repeater Unit and Trunking Controller.

Trunking Repeater Site (TRS)

A facility that provides a minimum unit of service area in a trunked radio system, and
comprises multiple Trunking Repeaters.

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Type-C Trunked System

A trunked radio system which uses a centralized control method with dedicated control

Type-D Trunked System

A trunked radio system which uses a distributed control method without dedicated control

User Data Channel (UDCH)

A functional channel to transfer packet data on RTCH/RDCH.

User Packet Channel (UPCH)

A functional channel to transfer packet data on RCCH.

User Specific Channel (USC)

This is one of category of functional channels and includes the functional channels used on

Voice coding processing
An encoder converts analog voice signals into compressed digital data. A decoder converts
digital voice signals back into analog voice signals.

Voice Channel (VCH)

A functional channel to transfer voice data on RTCH/RDCH.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

9. Appendix

9.1. Dealing with Spare Field and Reserve Field

This section describes the definitions of bit patterns shown as Spare or Reserved in this
Spare or Reserved area is reserved field or value for future use and shall be treated as follows:

Area Transmission Reception

Spare area Uses Null pattern unless Ignored
otherwise specified
Reserved area Prohibited to use this reserved bit Processed as invalid field or
pattern message

Table 9.1-1 Dealing with Spare Field and Reserve Field

9.2. Emission Designator

This section shall define the Necessary Bandwidth used for emission type in an NXDN system.
Since an NXDN system uses 4-level FSK, Necessary Bandwidth Bn shall be represented using
the formula of Multilevel Frequency Shift Keying as defined in CFR Title 47 2.202. Bn =
(R/log2S) + 2DK
R = bit rate
S = number of signaling states
D = peak frequency deviation
K = numerical factor

For 4800 bps, Necessary Bandwidth is calculated in the following manner:

Bn_4800 = (4800 / log2 4) + 2 x 1471 x 0.516 = 3918 ≈ 4000 Hz i.e. 4K00

For 9600 bps, Necessary Bandwidth is calculated in the following manner:

Bn_9600 = (9600 / log2 4) + 2 x 3361 x 0.516 = 8269 ≈ 8300 Hz i.e. 8K30

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

9.3. Message CRC Calculation

In data calls, CRC is used as a method to verify that a packet data has been received properly.
Message CRC is a 32-bit CRC and it can be obtained by calculating the User Data included in
one packet data.
Calculation method of Message CRC is described using Figure 9.3-1. The shift register is
sequentially entered from the first bit of User Data consisting of N bit, and then the value of shift
register at the time when the last bit is entered shall be a generated value of 32-bit CRC. One
packet data is constructed by adding this 32-bit CRC to bits followed by the last bit of User Data.
The default value of shift register is set to 1.

Generator Polynomial: X32+X26+X23+ X22+X16+X12+ X11+X10+X8+ X7+X5+X4+ X2+ X1+1

S31 S26 + S25 S23 + S22 + S21 S16 + S15 S12 + S11 + S10 + S9 S8 + S7 + S6 S5 + S4 + S3 S2 + S1 + S0


User Data (N bits) CRC 32bit
bN-1,bN-2,bN-3 ............................................... b1,b0 S31,S30....S1,S0

Figure 9.3-1 Message CRC Coder

9.4. Conditions for Receiving a Message

If the received message contains undefined Message Type, the message shall be ignored.
If the length of the received message is longer than the expected message length, unnecessary
information elements shall be ignored and the message shall be processed using information
elements in the expected message length.
If the received message does not contain even a part of necessary information element, the
message is ignored.
If the received message does not contain even a part of optional information element, the
message shall be ignored.
If necessary information element in the received message is invalid, the message shall be
If optional information element in the received message is invalid, the message shall be

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

9.5. Definition of Cause

This section provides the minimum definition of 5 different Causes.

9.5.1. Causes for Mobility Management Messages

Type = Normal
Indication Definition
0001 Registration is accepted.
This represents that the location registration request or group registration request is

0100 Location is accepted, but Group is failed.

This represents that the location registration request is succeeded, but the group
registration request is failed.

0101 Location is accepted, but Group is refused.

This represents that the location registration request is succeeded, but the group
registration request is refused.

0110 Registration is failed.

This represents that the location registration request or group registration request is failed.

1000 Registration is refused.

This represents that the location registration request or group registration request is

Type = Normal 2
Indication Definition
0001 Registration is accepted (valid ESN)
This represents that the authentication, location registration request and group registration
request are succeeded.

0100 Location is accepted, but Group is failed (valid ESN)

This represents that the authentication and location registration request are succeeded, but
the group registration request is failed.

0101 Location is accepted, but Group is refused (valid ESN)

This represents that the authentication and location registration request are succeeded, but
the group registration request is refused.

1000 Registration is refused (invalid ESN)

This represents that the location registration request is refused due to the failure of

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9.5.2. Causes for Call Control Messages in Voice and Data Calls
Type = Normal 1
Indication Definition
0000 Accepted normal
This represents that the request is accepted.

0001 Called group is not permitted for the service

This represents that service requested by the calling SU is not permitted to the called

0010 Calling SU is not permitted for the service

This represents that the service requested by the calling SU cannot be permitted. For
example this is used if the requested service is not entitled to the calling SU.

0011 Called SU is not permitted for the service

This represents that the service requested by the calling SU is not permitted to the called
SU. For example this is used if the requested service is entitled to the called SU.

0100 Called SU has not done the registration yet

This represents that no location registration information of the called SU is available and it
is out of a system.

0101 No response from the called SU

This represents that there is no response from the called SU to the reception request.

0110 Incoming call rejection for a called SU

This represents that the called SU rejects the incoming call request.

1000 Called SU is in busy

This represents that the called SU is in busy. For example this is used if the called SU is
engaging in other calls when the Individual Call request is placed.

1001 Called group is in busy

This represents that the called group is in busy. For example this is used if the Group ID is
in use for other calls when the Group Call request is placed.

1010 Calling SU is in busy

This represents that the Unit ID of the calling SU is in use. For example this is used when a
call to own Unit ID is made.

1100 SU has not been registered yet

This represents that no registration information of the Unit ID is available. A SU that
received this cause activates processing the Registration.

1101 Group has not been registered yet

This represents that no registration information of the Group ID is available. The SU that
received this cause activates processing the Group Registration.

1110 Queuing interruption

This represents that the queue state is paused and the call processing is terminated by the
timer of the TRS or disconnect request from a SU during the queue state by Channel Busy
(Cause = 011 0000, etc.).

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Type = Normal 2
Indication Definition
0000 Calling SU is not permitted for use
This represents that the Unit ID of the calling SU is prohibited from accessing to the system.
For example, this is used when a SU sends a service request that contains a Unit ID that
has been erased from a system or has been changed to an access prohibition.
Since this cause has the same meaning as the refusal of Cause (MM) in location
registration, a SU that received this cause initiates a control channel hunt.

0001 Called SU is not permitted for use

This represents that the Unit ID of the called SU is prohibited from accessing to the system.
For example, this is used when a SU sends a service request that contains a Unit ID that
has been erased from a system or has been changed to an access prohibition.

0010 Group is not permitted for use

This represents that the Group ID is prohibited from accessing to the system. For example,
this is used when a SU sends a service request that contains a Group ID that has been
erased from a system or has been changed to an access prohibition.
Since this cause has the same meaning as the refusal of Cause (MM) in group registration,
a SU that received this cause initiates a control channel hunt.

Type = Normal (Queue)

Indication Definition
0000 All channel resources are in use
This represents that all RTCHs are in use. The SU that received this cause becomes in the
queued state.

0001 All phone line resources are in use

This represents that all PSTN lines are in use. The SU that received this cause becomes in
the queued state.

0010 Called unit is being alerted

This represents that the called SU is being called. The SU that received this cause
becomes in the queued state.

0011 Phone line is being alerted

This represents that the PSTN line is being called. The SU that received this cause
becomes in the queued state.

1000 Called SU is in busy

This represents that the called SU is in busy. For example this is used if the called SU is
engaging in other calls when the Individual Call request is placed. The SU that received this
cause becomes in the queued state.

1001 Called group is in busy

This represents that the called group is in busy. For example this is used if the Group ID is
in use for other calls when the Group Call request is placed. The SU that received this
cause becomes in the queued state.

1111 Other queue without a specific reason

This is a common cause for queued status and it does not specify the reason. The SU that
received this cause becomes in the queued state.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

9.5.3. Causes for Call Control Messages in Status and Short Data Calls
Type = Normal (data response)
Indication Definition
0000 ACK (Receive Success)
This represents that reception in Destination Unit ID is properly completed.

0010 ACK (Send Success)

This represents that reception is properly completed in the TRS.
In the unconfirmed type, this is treated in the same manner as Indication = 0000 and
represents that the procedure is completed, and in the confirmed type, this represents that
the procedure is in the process. This value is used by SDCALL_RESP.

1000 NACK (Request for full retry)

This represents that reception in Destination Unit ID is failed.

1001 NACK (Memory Full)

This represents that no free memory space in Destination Unit ID is available.

1010 NACK (Abort)

This represents that a unit with Destination Unit ID aborts a reception operation.

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Type = Normal 1
Indication Definition
0000 Accepted normal
This represents that the request is accepted.

0001 Called group is not permitted for the service

This represents that service requested by the calling SU is not permitted to the called

0010 Calling SU is not permitted for the service

This represents that the service requested by the calling SU cannot be permitted. For
example this is used if the requested service is not entitled to the calling SU.

0011 Called SU is not permitted for the service

This represents that the service requested by the calling SU is not permitted to the called
SU. For example this is used if the requested service is entitled to the called SU.

0100 Called SU has not done the registration yet

This represents that no location registration information of the called SU is available and it
is out of a system.

0101 No response from the called SU

This represents that there is no response from the called SU to the reception request.

0110 Incoming call rejection for a called SU

This represents that the called SU rejects the incoming call request.

1000 Called SU is in busy

This represents that the called SU is in busy. For example this is used if the called SU is
engaging in other calls when the Individual Call request is placed.

1001 Called group is in busy

This represents that the called group is in busy. For example this is used if the Group ID is
in use for other calls when the Group Call request is placed.

1010 Calling SU is in busy

This presents that the Unit ID of the calling SU is in use. For example this is used when a
call to own Unit ID is made.

1100 SU has not been registered yet

This represents that no registration information of the Unit ID is available. The SU that
received this cause activates processing the Registration.

1101 Group has not been registered yet

This represents that no registration information of the Group ID is available. The SU that
received this cause activates processing the Group Registration.

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Type = Normal 2
Indication Definition
0000 Calling SU is not permitted for use
This represents that the Unit ID of the calling SU is prohibited from accessing to the system.
For example, this is used when a SU sends a service request that contains a Unit ID that
has been erased from a system or has been changed to an access prohibition.
This cause has the same meaning as the refusal of Cause (MM) in location registration.

0001 Called SU is not permitted for use

This represents that the Unit ID of the called SU is prohibited from accessing to the system.
For example, this is used when a SU sends a service request that contains a Unit ID that
has been erased from a system or has been changed to an access prohibition.

0010 Group is not permitted for use

This represents that the Group ID is prohibited from accessing to the system. For example,
this is used when a SU sends a service request that contains a Group ID that has been
erased from a system or has been changed to an access prohibition.
This cause has the same meaning as the refusal of Cause (MM) in group registration.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

9.5.4. Causes for Disconnect Request Messages

Type = Normal
Indication Definition
0000 Disconnected by a user
This represents that termination process is activated by a user of a SU disconnecting.

0100 Disconnected by timer

This represents that termination process is activated by the timer in a SU.

1111 Other disconnect request

This is a common cause for a disconnect request and it does not specify the reason.

9.5.5. Causes for Disconnect Messages

Type = Normal (SU)
Indication Definition
0000 Disconnected by a user
This represents that termination process is activated by a user of a SU disconnecting.

0001 Disconnected by PSTN

This represents that termination process is activated by PSTN end.

0100 Disconnected by timer

This represents that termination process is activated by the timer in a SU.

1111 Other disconnect from SU

This is a common cause that is used when a SU starts the disconnect process and it does
not specify the reason.

Type = Normal (TC)

Indication Definition
0000 Disconnected by timer of TC
This represents that disconnecting process is activated by the timer of a TC.

1111 Other disconnect from TC

This is a common cause that is used when a TC starts the disconnect process and it does
not specify the reason.

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9.5.6. Common Causes

This section describes commonly used Type for 5 different Causes. However, the Type and
Indication to be applied vary depending on Cause, hence refer to Section 6.5.30 for details.

Type = Resource Unavailable

Indication Definition
0000 Channel unavailable
This represents that a channel cannot be processed due to restricted state, etc.

0001 Network failure

This represents that processes cannot be properly executed since the network is
functionally failed.

0010 Temporary failure

This represents that processes cannot be properly executed since temporary failure
occurred on the connection to the network.

0011 Equipment congestion

This represents that processes cannot be properly executed since equipment on the
network are congesting due to heavy traffic.

1111 Other class for resource unavailable

This is a common cause for resource unavailable status and it does not specify the reason.

Type = Service Unavailable

Indication Definition
0000 Request for unavailable service
This represents that the requested service is unavailable.

0001 Request for unsupported service

This represents that the requested service is unsupported.

1111 Other class for service unavailable or unsupported

This is a common cause for service unavailable or unsupported status and it does not
specify the reason.

Type = Procedure error

Indication Definition
0000 Lack of ,mandatory information elements
This represents shortage of necessary information element in the received message.

0001 Undefined information element or Invalid contents

This represents that contents of information element of the received message are undefined
or invalid value.

1111 Other class of procedure error

This is a common cause for procedure error and it does not specify the reason.

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

9.6. Detailed Classification of Services and Selectivity of Operation

This section provides detailed service classification for functions provided by CAI defined in
Section 2.2, and corresponding level for each system is also clarified.

Services Trunked Conventional

Voice Services Vocoder Half Rate M (4800 bps) M (4800 bps)
M (9600 bps) M (9600 bps)
Full Rate SO (9600 bps) SO (9600 bps)
Unaddressed Voice Call N/A M
Group Call Broadcast M N/A
Conference M SO
Individual Call M SO
Interconnect Call Speed Dialing SO N/A
Dialing SO SO
All Call M SO
Data Services Short Data Call Broadcast SO N/A
Individual SO N/A
Long Data Call Broadcast SO SO
Individual SO SO
Simultaneous Data Broadcast SO SO
Individual SO SO
Supplementary Status Message SO SO
Services Status Inquiry SO SO
Remote Control Function SO SO
Paging SO SO
Emergency SO SO
Encryption SO SO
Late Entry On Traffic Channel N/A M
On Control Channel M N/A
ESN Validation N/A SO
System Mobility Management Registration M N/A
Services Registration Clear SO N/A
Registration Command SO N/A
Group Registration SO N/A
Authentication SO N/A
Multi-System Operation System Roaming SO N/A
Multi-Site Operation Site Roaming M N/A
Restriction control SO N/A
Call relevant function Priority Monitor SO N/A
Time Out Timer M N/A
Call Queuing SO N/A
Transmission Trunking M N/A
Message Trunking SO N/A
Others Cont. CH Communication SO N/A
Intermittent operation SO N/A
Switching the Control CH SO N/A
1st and 2nd Control CHs SO N/A
Fail Soft SO N/A
Color Code M N/A
Other Service Proprietary Format OP OP

Table 9.6-1 List of Service Availability

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

M (Mandatory) represents that the service is mandatory in all systems. SO (Standard Option)
represents that the service is optionally supported in each system. OP (Option) represents that
the service is optionally supported in each system and its specifications are definable for each

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Part 1-A Common Air Interface Ver.2.0

10. Revision History

Version Date Revised Contents

1.0 Oct 26 2007 Version 1.0 release
1.1 Feb 12 2008 Section 3 and 5: incorrect descriptions revised.
Section 6: the association between message and function channel
changed, 4 messages modified (STAT_INQ_RESP, STAT_RESP,
IDLE, ADJ_SITE_INFO), the abbreviation of FAIL_STAT_INFO added,
some information elements added “reserved” value, 4 information
elements modified (Call Type, Status Call Option, Call Option, Service
Section 8: some terms revised.
1.2 Jul 7 2008 Copyright added
Section 6: the association between ASSGN messages and functional
channels changed, DCALL_ASSGN message modified, HEAD_DLY
message added, 3 information elements modified (Location ID,
Response Info, Cause), Delay Count element added
Section 9: some Causes added.
1.3 Nov 11 2011 Section 1.1: Add description about Type-C and Type-D.
Section 2.2: Correct mismatch against Section 9.6.
Section 5.2.2: Modify contents of RCCH in LICH setting.
Section 6: Add VCALL_IV, SDCALL_IV, Initialization Vector element
and some setting values in Status and Cipher Type. Modify
DCALL(Header) format, SDCALL_RESP format, S/R Flag in Packet
Info, the description about Error Block Flag and the definition of Key
ID. Delete ACK_S in Cause(SS).
Section 8: Add descriptions about Type-C, Type-D and ESN.
Section 9.6: Modify contents of Service Availability.
Various errors in writing are corrected.
1.4 May 27 2014 Section 6.4.3: Add DST_ID_INFO message.
Section 6.5.42&43: Add the information element for DST_ID_INFO.
2.0 Sep 16 2016 Section 2.2.16: Changed description in System Roaming.
Section 4.4.2: Added Preamble to RTCH frame. Section 4.4.3:
Changed description.
Section Changed description. Section Added
conditions for use of Preamble.
Sections and Changed description related to CCCH.
Section 6.4: Deleted description on Visitor ID and Temporary Unit ID.
Added Location ID to VCALL_RESP, VCALL_REQ,
GRP_REG_XXX. Added second message to VCALL_REQ and
VCALL_REC_REQ. Added DFA version format to VCALL_ASSGN,
Changed the target functional channel and the message contents of
REM_CON_E_REQ/RESP. Changed Table 6.4-5, Table 6.4-6 and
Table 6.4-7.
Section 6.5: Changed Registration Option, Group Registration Option,
Authentication Option, CC Option, Location ID Option,
Cause(MM),Restriction Information and Channel Access Information.
Added Bandwidth, Outbound/Inbound Frequency Number and Control
Command 2.
Section 9.5.1: Added description for Normal 2.

Copyright © 2007-2016 JVC KENWOOD Corporation and Icom Incorporated 195

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