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Opinion essays are formal pieces of writing where you present your point of view on a specific issue,
supported by reasons and/or examples. You should also include the opposing viewpoint and
counterargument to the opposing viewpoint.

It clearly establishes the topic to be discussed.
It grabs attention and invites to continue reading.
The writer’s opinion is clearly established here.
Two equally developed paragraphs.
The topic is developed with relevant facts, details and
CONTENT Supporting examples (by ‘relevant’ you must understand that they clearly
SELECTION AND paragraphs (6) contribute to the topic and your opinion).
ORGANIZATION The relationship of each paragraph to the previous and
following paragraphs must be clearly established by means of
15 MARKS the corresponding connecting words.
You only support one point of view.
It must restate the writer’s opinion (as in the introduction, with
different words).
Closing paragraph It must summarize the main arguments mentioned above. No
(4.5) new ideas.
It contributes to convincing the reader.
It must include a call to action.
Grammar (10) Candidates must demonstrate mastery of A1, A2 and B1
USE OF grammar topics.
ENGLISH Candidates must use a wide variety of topic-related words.
20 MARKS Vocabulary
(10) Words draw pictures on the reader’s mind and linger there.
Vocabulary use is accurate, natural and not forced.
Spelling (3) Already acquired words (A1, A2 and B1) must be correctly
MECHANICS Common punctuation marks must be correctly used.
5 marks (1)
Capitalization Capital initial letters are used correctly.

The writing part is worth 40 points if you write between 150 and 175 words. You can exceed the number
of words (not recommended more than 200 words) without scoring penalty. If you write 120-149 words, you will
get a maximum of 30 out of 40 points. If it is shorter than 120 words, you will not get more than 20 marks.
Therefore, the number of words is of the uttermost importance.

Opinion Essay IES Licenciado Francisco Cascales D. Fernando de las Heras López
Excerpt from EBAU scoring rubric:

I found the book easily at the library yesterday


DAYS BEFOR YOUR EXAM, study some expressions from the summary of your unit (I strongly/completely
agree/disagree with the issue at stake/with this statement …).


1.1) Decide whether your position is going to be for OR against the issue under discussion (E.G. Topic:
‘Female footballers should earn as much as male footballers.’ You may agree or disagree. Once you decide
one position, focus on that.

1.2) Carefully think of addition, purpose, contrast and result clauses that you can include, with their
corresponding connectors.

1.3) Make a list of arguments. The stronger the arguments, the better: The main aim of this writing is TO

1.4) Design the introduction and conclusion at the same time: different words for same ideas. The only
difference in content must be a sentence in the conclusion with the summary of second and third
paragraphs (topic sentence of each paragraph in other words) and a sentence, quotation or question that
will call the reader to action.

1.5) Given the topic, can you use a great structure you learnt throughout this year? ‘No sooner... than...’
‘Had they known..., they would probably have done...’. In which paragraph? You must be either 100% sure
you are going to make no mistake or simply forget about it. You can get a great mark without it as well.


Opinion Essay IES Licenciado Francisco Cascales D. Fernando de las Heras López
2.1) Think before you start each paragraph. What connectors and words did you use before? You do not
want to repeat any of them.

2.2) Write a topic sentence at the beginning of the second and third paragraphs. It should be a simple,
strong, straightforward sentence that clearly states what the paragraph is going to be about.

2.3) Each sentence must smoothly take the reader to the next. It is a continuous flow of interconnected

3) AFTER YOU WRITE, check your typical mistakes (yes, those you usually made along the year):

3.1) Punctuation (commas, full stops, question marks...)

3.2) Capital letters

3.3) Spelling

3.4) Grammar and vocabulary

Remember: This is formal writing (as the descriptive and argumentative ones). Hence, you must not use
any contractions (don’t, isn’t) or slang (wanna, gotta).

You must clearly know the difference between opinion and argumentation:


Our opinion in the introduction Our opinion is NOT in the introduction, neither in the
second and third paragraphs.
One side is presented in the introduction. Both sides are presented in the introduction.
Second and third paragraphs are meant to convince Second and third paragraphs have a balanced
the reader for OR against. number of arguments for AND against, evidence and
examples. The reader cannot imagine whether the
writer is for or against the issue at stake.
The conclusion restates the issue and repeats the Even though we say our opinion with justification in
arguments (with other words) in order to convince the conclusion, the main aim is NOT to convince, but
the reader and invite them to do something. In order to review the main points for and against in a
to convince, we must express we are 100% sure that balanced manner. We may even state that we are
we all should be completely for OR against. We not 100% for or against, or even put forward a third
cannot be in the middle, as in the for-and-against option in the middle.
If you are asked to write an opinion writing and you follow the model on the right, the task will not be
accomplished. Therefore, your mark will be 0.


The purpose of an introduction is to inform the reader of what to expect in the main body of the essay. A
good introduction should contain a catchy opening and a clear presentation of your opinion:

Opinion Essay IES Licenciado Francisco Cascales D. Fernando de las Heras López
- Catchy opening techniques:
o Reference to striking image, idea or situation: e.g. ‘What a monotonous world it would be
without the internet’.
o Background information (how this issue came about), for instance: ‘The face of the
communications industry has changed because of the development of new technology’.
o A thought-provoking question (address the reader), such as ‘Have you ever considered what
life would be like without technological advances?’
o Rephrase the title that was given to you, e.g. Topic: Technology positively influences
people’s behaviour. Paraphrase: ‘It is apparent that technology can have beneficial effects
on society’, ‘The benefits of technology in our daily lives are crystal clear’.
- A clear presentation of your opinion using expressions such as: ‘To my mind, the World Wide Web
can function as an important source of knowledge in everyday life’.


A good conclusion leaves the reader with a clear image of the arguments and tries to convince the reader.
Hence, it should contain:

- A direct presentation of the writer’s opinion: ‘In conclusion, it is my belief that the number of active
Internet users will continue to grow in the future’.
- An interesting ending using:
o A thought-provoking statement e.g. ‘We cannot succeed unless we embrace technological
o A prediction for the future e.g. ‘Maybe one day the Internet will become obsolete’.
o A thought-provoking rhetorical question e.g. ‘After all, is it really possible to make true
friends on social media sites?’
- Call to action! The aim is not simply to express your opinion but to convince the reader.
Consequently, we must try to make the reader do or consider something. E.g. ‘Therefore, next time
meet someone in the internet, ask yourself whether it is safe’, ‘If you are looking for future job
opportunities, give robotics a chance!’.

Opinion Essay IES Licenciado Francisco Cascales D. Fernando de las Heras López

Topic: Will technology replace humans in all future workplaces?

Can you imagine a world where all types of work are carried out solely by machines? It is commonly
feared that workers will be redundant in the future. Nonetheless, I do not share this concern since I
strongly believe that technology will not take over humans’ jobs for many reasons, including people’s
supervision of machines, and creativity.

Firstly, not only do new machines change the way we work, but they also need workers to create,
control and repair them. In order to produce a car, a large number of employees was needed in factories
some decades ago. However, strong robots carry out hard work nowadays and it is the humans’ task to
operate these robots, check they are correctly adjusted and solve any problems that may arise.

Secondly, there are some fields in which humans will never be replaced. Though it is true that
computers help artists in the making of a picture, book or statue, they cannot understand feelings and
emotions. They may play chess better than us, but they are incapable of creating the rules of chess.

All things considered, being afraid of losing one’s job is understandable. Yet, it is my firm conviction
that even though new technologies will change future workplaces, they will not displace human workers
owing to the fact that machines lack the imagination of humans, and people will be needed to make and
oversight machines. Therefore, next time you see a new technological advance at work, be at ease with it!

Opinion Essay IES Licenciado Francisco Cascales D. Fernando de las Heras López
To-do list:


Did you clearly establish the topic?

Did you grab the attention of the reader?

Did you clearly state your opinion for or against?


Did you write two paragraphs?

Did you write a topic sentence as first sentence in these two paragraphs?

After each topic sentence, did you give facts, details and/or examples?

Did you use a wide variety of connectors of sequence, result, cause...?


Did you summarize the main arguments?

Did you add any new ideas? DON’T!!!

Are you convincing?

Did you call the reader to action?

Opinion Essay IES Licenciado Francisco Cascales D. Fernando de las Heras López

We will practise one opinion writing in class before the exam. However, if you would like to write more, this is what
you can do:

1) Log into and click on INTERMEDIATE level. Then look for an opinion title that you
like. If you can’t find any, go to page 15 and choose this one:

First of all, write the topic in pen on the template you will find on AV. Secondly, typewrite it on ‘Write & improve’.
Then, check your own writing in a different colour (if you wrote your composition in blue, use black or green) but do
not use red! Finally, you hand in your composition to your teacher at school.


Opinion Essay IES Licenciado Francisco Cascales D. Fernando de las Heras López

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