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: 122–135 Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, 2018; 40(2): 154-162

Research Article Open Access

Joanna Hydzik-Wiśniewska*, Anna Wilk, Łukasz Bednarek, Sebastian OIesiak

Mixture of Crushed- Stone Aggregate as Material

For Substructure Layers
Journal xyz 2017; 1 (2): 122–135
received March 23, 2018; accepted May 29, 2018.
Ratio) [16,23]. Value of this bearing is a basis for planning
thickness density of road surface layers. The method was
The First Decade (1964-1972)
Abstract: One of the most important elements of road developed for road and airfield surfaces in the 40s of the
constructionResearch Article
is its substructure, which constitutes last century in the USA [2]. The advantages of designing
the base on which the next layers of road are placed. roads and soil substructure based on CBR method is high
Mixture of Max Musterman,
crushed-stone Paul
aggregate is Placeholder
very often used as compliance with thickness of existing that which are
as soon What Is So Different About
material for substructure. The most frequently used type still in good condition. It does not require complicated
of aggregate is magma rocks, due to its good physical- apparatus and may be as well applied for soils and
hout the
ion also mechanical properties. However, it is not always available, mixtures of aggregates. Indicator penetration testing is
Was ist so anders am Neuroenhancement?
so it is substituted by sandstone or even concrete conducted in conditions similar to substrate work after its
rubble aggregates. The bearing ratio CBR is a parameter proper compaction; moreover, the CBR method of marking
determining the suitability of a certain aggregate for road the indicator for material requires to conductit after four
substructure. andpopular
It is also one of the most Mental Self-transformation
quality tests days of soaking, in Ethic
which simulates unfavourable conditions
of aggregateComparison
as it does not require complex apparatus. This of water saturation. Unfortunately, the CBR test method is
paper analyses the results of physical
Pharmakologische und and geotechnical
mentale laborious and time
Selbstveränderung im consuming [22].
tests with particular focus on CBR bearing ratio of crushed This article analyses the geotechnical and physical test
ethischen Vergleich
aggregates and their application as substructure for road results with particular consideration of CBR of mixtures
construction. There has also been an attempt to find the of crushed aggregate assessed for their application in
orce and correlation between CBR bearing ratio and other physical road construction as subgrade layer. An attempt was also
received February 9, 2013; accepted March 25, 2013; published online July 12, 2014
ary por- and geometrical properties. made to find the correlation between CBR ratio and other
Abstract: In the concept of the aesthetic formation physical properties.
of knowledge Allasaggregate
and its soon tests were performed
Keywords: asmixture of crushed-stone
possible aggregate;
and success-oriented the
application, at ‘Laboratorium
insights and profits Badania
without theWłasności Skał i Wyrobów
California bearing
reference ratio (CBR);
to the road substructure.
arguments developed around 1900. Kamieniarskich AGH’ in Cracow.
The main investigation also
includes the period between the entry into force and the presentation in its current
Ning version. Their function as part of the literary portrayal and narrative technique.
1 Introduction 2 Requirements for substructure of
Keywords: Function, transmission, investigation, principal, period
crushed aggregate with continuous
his work is

Soil and mixture of aggregates compaction is one of the

methods of enhancing ground and road surface layers. granulation
Dedicated to Paul Placeholder

The compaction results in an increase of the bearing

capacity of particular layers of road surfaces in conditions The substructure is the lower part of road surface
1 Studies
similar to optimum moisture and
and its consequence construction to transfer the load of vehicle to the ground
is a guarantee of proper work of construction without base. Base substructure (single or double layer) and
distortions/deformations complying
The main investigation requirements
also includes of between
the period subbase. theThe
entrysubbase is and
into force a layer that enables proper
particular road traffic rules. A
the presentation inbasic test toversion.
its current evaluateTheir
soil or integration
function as partofof base substructure
the literary por- and protects the upper
substructure bearing
trayal is CBR ratio
and narrative test (California Bearing layers of road surface from the harmful influence of frost
and uneven distribution of stress of vehicle wheels. Single
layer base substructure is usually used for roads with a
*Corresponding author:
*Max Joanna Institute
Musterman: Hydzik-Wiśniewska, AGH University
of Marine Biology, lowOcean
National Taiwan load-bearing
University,capacity of traffic ( from KR1 to KR3 class
2 Pei-Ning
of Science and Technology,
Road Poland,Taiwan
Keelung 20224, E-mail:(R.O.C),
[email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]). Whereas, for the road surface from KR3 to KR7 class,
Anna Wilk, Łukasz Bednarek, Sebastian
Paul Placeholder: OIesiak:
Institute of MarineAGH University
Biology, of Taiwan Ocean University, 2 Pei-Ning
National it is required to use the double layer base substructure
Science and Technology,
Road KeelungPoland
20224, Taiwan (R.O.C), e-mail: [email protected]

l xyz 2017; 1 (2): 122–135

Open Access. © Access.
Open 2018 Joanna
© 2017Hydzik-Wiśniewska et al., published
Mustermann and Placeholder, byDe
published by Sciendo.
Gruyter. Thiswork
This workis is licensed under the Creative
licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. 4.0 License.
Mixture of Crushed- Stone Aggregate as Material For Substructure Layers 155

[23]. Material for substructure layer are mixtures of Table 1: Ground characteristic according toPN-ISO14688-2:2006[4]
crushed-stone aggregates with continuous granulation indicator.

up to the grain size of 63 mm. The mixtures of aggregates

Granulation Uniformity Coefficient of
can be of variable quality, which results both from wide
coefficient CU gradation CC
variety of different rock properties and considerable
Multiple fraction soil > 15 1–3
discrepancy of rock material parameters within one bed
Moderate structure soil 6 – 15 <1
rock. Moreover, the properties of aggregates particularly
Even grain structure soil <6 <1
with continuous granulation are influenced by their
Non-continuous structure soil High value Mostly<0.5
geometrical properties. The parameters are evaluated
based on the concentration in particular fractions
and the shape of the grains. The base for obtaining the
proper bearing of a given substructure is its compaction, On the basis of the value of these coefficients, the standard
that is, mechanical stabilization. The aggregate for [4] specifies the soil types according to granulation and
mechanically stable substructure should be characterized ability to compact well embankment or road embankment
by continuous granulation with proper curve located on (Table 1).
the chart in the area of so-called proper granulation ( SDV It is usually assumed that only multiple fraction
lines in figure 1 and 2). It should guarantee that such a soil (CU> 15 i 1 ≤ CC ≤ 3) can compact well and obtain
mixture will compact very well, and as a consequence, it high bearing ratio. However, the analysis carried out by
will be characterized by high bearing ratio. The minimum Patakiewicza and Zabielska-Adamska [17] showed that
value of bearing ratio for base substructure according to non-cohesive soils with the above coefficients outside
the technical requirements is 80%, while for the subbase the scope of multiple fraction granulation may as well
it is 60% [23] with the compaction index of the mixture of characterize by good compaction.
Is = 1.0. Tests conducted by Saklecha et al. [18] and Taha et
The tests conducted by Sas et al. [19] on mixtures with al. [20] showed strong correlation between CBR ratio and
specially prepared grain composition with fraction of 0/31 particle-size distribution, optimum moisture content and
mm of concrete rubble showed very good compaction maximum dry density. The more tightly are the aggregate
and high CBR ratio, at the level of above 90% for material grains in the sample, the higher are compaction and CBR
with optimum moisture and 78%for material with fivefold bearing ratio. Such dependence makes sense only if the
compaction. According to the authors, the measure of good tested soil material has the same compaction and similar
compaction of the mixture and its high ability to compact mineral composition of the rock.
was non-uniformity graining coefficient CU and graining Physical properties that are sand equivalent, water
curve coefficient CC, which for the prepared mixtures were absorption, resistance to freezing and thawing, resistance
respectively 54.55 and 1.52. to wear and fragmentation as well as geometric properties
According to PN-EN ISO 14688-2:2006 [4], the have high impact on substructure bearing ratio. Węgliński
uniformity coefficient CU is marked as a ratio of substitute et al. [21] indicate that the fragmentation resistance
diameter of material grains at the amount of 60% and Los Angeles test method may be an effective quality
10%, as shown in equation (1): evaluation of material for road substructure. Assuming
that the mixture grain composition will remain in the area
(1) of so-called good granulation and the value of the sand
equivalent will remain at the level excluding the tendency
where: to frost heave (SE should be at least 40 for subbase and
d60 –diameter corresponding to 60% finer in the particle- 45 for base substructure). The value of sand equivalent
size distribution curve, mm, is highly influenced by the grains of less than 0.063 mm
d10 –diameter corresponding to 100% finer in the particle- content, the type of material that constitutes the aggregate
size distribution curve, mm. [3]. Technical requirements [23] specify the least class of
Whereas, the coefficient of gradation CC is calculated from crushing resistance Los Angeles for the material used for
equation (2): subbase LA40, whereas for the base substructure LA35.


where: d30 –diameter corresponding to 30% finer, mm.

156 Joanna Hydzik-Wiśniewska et al.

3 Geometrical and physical proper-

ties of mixtures of crushed-stone
Mixtures of crushed-stone aggregate are granulated
materials obtained by the mechanical crushing of solid
rock, and according to grain composition, they may be
divided as sorted (classified) and so called unsorted.
Mixtures are in a type of crushed-stone aggregates with
continuous structure with the size of grains from 0 to
maximum 63 mm. Unfortunately, not all aggregates are Figure 1: The curves of grain composition of the mixtures of 0/31.5 mm
suitable for road surface base, because they do not comply with the area of good granulation for subbase (SDV acc. to WT-4 [23]).

the basic requirements of the classification standards for

particular units [12,12,16,23].
Nine mixtures of crushed aggregate with 0/31.5 mm
and 0/63 mm fractions were tested. The aggregate for
the test came from different regions of southern Poland.
Mixtures of crushed sandstone aggregate came from
Klęczany and Lipowica quarries. Dolomite aggregates
came from Dubie and Żelatowa quarries, whereas granite
aggregate mixture came from Rogoźnica quarry, basalt
from Winna Góra mine, limestone from Czatkowice
mine, magnesia-serpentinite from Grochów quarry, and
serpentinite aggregate from Nasławice mine. Tested
mixtures significantly varied for their mineralogical and Figure 2: The curves of grain composition of the mixtures of 0–63
pectrographic type of rock material, which resulted in a mm with the area of good granulation for subbase (SDV acc. to WT-4
wide variety of physical-mechanical properties of both [23]).

material and the aggregate.

In mixture, with expected high bearing ratio, the share CU for all materials, it was above 15, while the coefficient
of particular grain fractions should be optimal. Too high of gradation CC was in an extremely wide range. According
content of grains of less than 0.063 mm and fine grains may to [4,17], a dolomite from Dubie with fraction 0/63, a
not favour good bearing, and additionally, when soaked in limestone and both basalt aggregate mixtures can obtain
water, such mixture may soften. While too high content of high compaction. Granulation of dolomite Dubie and
coarse grains may hinder proper compaction. The grain basalt with fraction of 0/31.5 is relatively close to the
composition of aggregate mixtures to ensure uniformity established range. However, granulation of basalt mixture
and continuity must be in the area of so called good with fraction of 0/63 mm show completely different results.
granulation and/or CU and CC should be within the area Table 2 summarises the remaining physical properties
presented in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the curves of grain of the tested mixtures of the aggregates. The tests were
composition of the mixtures of 0/31.5 mm, while Figure performed according to the applicable testing standards
2 shows the mixtures of 0/63 mm. The curves of range of (Table2) selected on the basis of the standards and
good granulation of material for subbase (as the ones with requirements of the qualification standard for unbound
lower requirements) were additionally indicated on both aggregate mixtures [13]. Volcanic rock with the exception
figures [23]. Table 2 shows values of CU and CC coefficients of granite mixtures for which the LA was above 30,
(2) calculated based on grain composition and relation (1). characterized with the highest values of mechanical
Analysing the curves of grain composition, only the parameters of aggregates tested for crushing and abrasion.
limestone and dolomite aggregates from Żelatowa were Limestone of Czatkowice and dolomite of Dubie mine from
within the area of good granulation SDV, according to the sedimentary rock type characterized with very good
[23] for the mixtures of 0/31.5, while for the mixtures of properties. Both types of tested sandstone and dolomite
0/63 mm, there were the aggregates of both sandstone and from Żelatowa were materials with the lowest values of
limestone. Analysing the values of uniformity coefficient mechanical parameters, which is mostly demonstrated by
Table 2: Average values of mixtures of crushed aggregate properties with granulation of 0/31.5 mm and 0/63 mm.

Rock material Mine/deposit/ Uniformity Coefficient of Water Frost Flakiness Mass fraction Sand Los Angeles Resistance to
mixture coefficient gradation CC [-] absorption resistance, index of passing equivalent coefficients wear micro-
CU [-] WA24 [%] loss of weight Fl [%] 0.063mm SE [-] LA [-] Deval
F [%] f [%] MDE [-]
14688-2 [4] 1097-6 [5] 367-1 [6] 933-3 [8] 933-1 [7] 933-8 [9] 1097-2 [10] 1097-1 [11]
dolomite Dubie 0/31.5 158.3 29.5 1.2 2.3 29.0 10.7 20.0 23 bd

Dubie 0/63 22.0 2.0 1.1 1.7 22.3 4.9 39.0 24 bd

Żelatowa 0/31.5 250.0 14.4 4.2 0.31 30.9 10.9 17.8 30 29

Żelatowa 0/63 192.3 11.4 3.7 0.35 28.7 8.6 15.6 30 30

limestone Czatkowice 0/31.5 86.7 2.7 1.5 3.2 13.0 7.6 26.4 23 16.5

Czatkowice0/63 50.0 2.1 1.4 0.8 16.0 4.8 24.6 25 17

sandstone Klęczany 0/31.5 96.7 4.9 1.7 2.5 17.5 10.7 22.8 24 36

Klęczany 0/63,5 54.5 3.9 1.6 0.7 7.9 5.4 29.4 23 40

Lipowica 0/31.5 91.7 4.4 1.7 1.5 14.4 10.4 28.2 21 32

Lipowica 0/63 93.3 4.3 1.3 0.9 13.2 6.5 27.6 21 33

basalt Winna Góra 0/31.5 18.0 1.4 1.3 0.7 49.4 4.4 50.5 15 16

Winna Góra 0/63 18.7 1.3 1.3 0.6 35.0 2.4 33.7 16 15

granite Rogoźnica 0/31.5 60.0 8.7 0.5 0.12 15.3 3.6 35.6 33 8

Rogoźnica 0/63 43.5 0.1 0.5 0.09 12.9 2.7 33.7 34 7

serpentinite Nasławice 0/31.5 126.3 9.6 1.8 2.75 18.4 9.4 11.1 19 13

Nasławice 0/63 53.3 3.9 1.8 2.42 27.5 7.0 15.6 20 11

magnesia- Grochów 0/31.5 36.7 6.7 2.50 0.86 14.8 5.7 16.8 19 25
Grochów 0/63 50.0 4.1 2.33 0.64 13.0 6.1 19.4 19 26
Mixture of Crushed- Stone Aggregate as Material For Substructure Layers
158 Joanna Hydzik-Wiśniewska et al.

Table 3: Optimum moisture content and maximum dry density for tested samples.

Type of aggregate Mine Mixture of 0/31.5 mm Mixture of 0/63 mm

Optimum moisture Maximum dry density Optimum moisture Maximum dry density
content [%] [g/cm3] content [%] [g/cm3]
dolomite Dubie 5.8 2.205 6.2 2.155

Żelatowa 6.3 2.066 5.6 2.040

limestone Czatkowice 4.4 2.190 7.1 2.240

sandstone Klęczany 6.4 2.290 5.0 2.360

Lipowica 6.8 2.280 4.8 2.390

basalt Winna Góra 6.5 2.230 3.9 2.223

granite Rogoźnica 3.1 2.080 6.5 2.052

serpentinite Nasławice 4.3 1.962 4.6 2.050

magnesia – Grochów 6.9 2.020 7.3 1.980


low abrasion resistance. In spite of the high LA resistance 4 Values of CBR ratio for mixtures
values, all the materials were technically suitable for
of 0/31.5 mm and 0/63
Material approved for road surface layers, according
Indicator penetration test to establish the bearing ratio
to WT-4 [23], should characterize with absorbability of
is performed on the compact material (Is = 1.0) with
maximum 2% and loss of weight of aggregate after 10
optimum moisture content according to the standards
freeze/thaw cycles in water of not more than4%. The
PN-EN 13286-47:2007 [15]. In connection with the fact that
value of absorbability was exceeded only for the mixtures
granulation of the tested material was 0/31.5 mm and 0/63
of dolomites from Żelatowa and magnesia-serpentinite
mm and the applied method of testing CBR ratio relates to
aggregate. Despite a relatively high value of absorbability,
the material with a maximum dimension of 22.5 mm, the
none of the materials showed loss of weight of boundary
samples were supposed to be properly prepared. Method
value of 4%. The highest loss of weight was noticed for
standards PN-S 06102:1997 [16] were used for this purpose,
the dolomite from Dubie, limestones and serpentinite;
and for each material, grains above 20 mm were screened
while in the other cases, the values did not exceed1% of
out and replaced with an equivalent material of dimension
aggregate weight. The evaluation of material sensitivity
from 6.3 mm to 20 mm. An American method AASHTO
to the frost was tested on the basis of sand equivalent SE.
Designation T 193-99 [1] has also similar requirements
Table 2 shows SE values for fivefold material compaction.
concerning material preparation, according to which, the
Analysing the tested mixtures, only basalt mixture of
grains above 19 mm are replaced with material of 4.75/19
0/31.5 mm has a sand equivalent at the level of SE = 50
mm. Material prepared in such a way was tested both for
and is suitable for substructure. Other mixtures, while
optimum moisture and CBR ratio. Mixtures of crushed
constituting the road surface, may show a tendency
aggregates were compacted according to the Proctor
for destruction in frosty conditions. While analysing
method standards PN-EN 13286-2:2010 [14]. Compaction
mixtures for grains below 0.063 mm content, only the
of the aggregates was done in three layers with 2.5 kg
dolomite mixtures with fraction 0/31.5 from Dubie and
rammer (rammer A) in a big mould (B) of a diameter 150
Żelatowa do not comply with the requirements for base
mm and height of 120 mm. Table 3 summarises the values
substructure(maximum content of 9%) but only for
of optimal moisture and maximum dry density for all the
subbase (maximum content of up to 12%).
tested aggregate samples.
Next, the mixtures of aggregates were tested for CBR
indicator directly after concentration of the material
in cylinder and after four days of water soaking. Table
4 summarises the average values of bearing ratio of
mixtures of aggregates, obtained from the test of at least
two identical samples.
Mixture of Crushed- Stone Aggregate as Material For Substructure Layers 159

Table 4: Values of CBR ratio for mixtures after compaction and after four days of soaking in water.

Type of aggregate Mine Mixture of 0/31.5 mm Mixture of 0/63 mm

CBR directly after CBR after four days of CBR directly after CBR after four days of
compaction [%] soaking in water [%] compaction [%] soaking in water [%]
Dolomite Dubie 39.6 30.9 26.0 24.1

Żelatowa 29.5 22.7 23.2 21.0

Limestone Czatkowice 47.0 24.8 31.2 29.6

Sandstone Klęczany 37.6 34.2 43.3 36.9

Lipowica 34.3 28.8 51.0 49.8

Basalt Winna Góra 42.3 38.7 40.1 37.0

Granite Rogoźnica 37.7 41.5 18.1 20.1

serpentinite Nasławice 51.7 40.3 59.6 -

magnesia-serpentinite Grochów 36.5 33.2 43.2 31.1

It can be noted that the highest values of bearing increase of material moisture, softening and the change of
ratio directly after compaction of above 50% are for consistency. Only the mixtures of granite after compacted
serpentinite aggregate mixtures both of 0/31.5 and 0/63 material saturation showed an increase of CBR with an
mm and for sandstone mixture of 0/63 from Lipowica. This increase of moisture by about 0.5%.
is due to the fact that the granulation is proper. High CBR
values may be as well expected for dolomite mixture of
0/31.5 from Żelatowa due to good granulation. However, it 5 Analysis of an influence of
has the lowest bearing ratio, which may be resulting from
low crushing and abrasion resistance and high content of
geometrical and physical properties
flat and irregular grains. It could have been also expected on CBR ratio
to obtain high values of bearing for aggregate samples
of volcanic rock with high mechanical parameters, that The correlation dependencies between CBR ratio and
is, basalt and granite. In both the cases, the reason for other aggregate parameters were specified to state which
obtaining low values of bearing ratio was improper grain geometrical and physical properties of aggregates have the
composition, in spite of the fact that CU and CC coefficients highest influence on obtaining high compaction, which
for basalt showed high suitability for compaction. means high substructure or subbase layers’ bearing.
However, the modification of grain composition caused Mechanical properties of aggregates, that is, resistance
a sudden increase in the content of grains above 6.3 mm to fragmentation LA were tested first. Linear correlation
and modification of CU and CC coefficients. An increase between the value of CBR ratio and LA coefficients (Fig. 3)
of the curves of grain composition coefficient CC and was observed. It is clear to notice that lower the crushing
decrease of graining curve coefficient CU occurred in most resistance, lower is the CBR ratio. It means that aggregate
cases. This may indicate that mixtures prepared in such grains with LA coefficient of above 35 may get damaged
way are more difficult to compact and at the same time, by compaction. However, there is practically no influence
it is harder to obtain a high value of CBR ratio. Additional on abrasion resistance values of CBR ratio for aggregates
reason for low values of bearing ratio in case of basalt (Fig. 4).
mixtures was high content of irregular grains, and in case Second part of proprieties analysed for CBR values
of granite mixtures, low crushing resistance. None of the are geometrical properties represented by the uniformity
tested mixtures complied the required minimum values of coefficient CU and coefficient of gradation CC. Figures 5
bearing ratio. and 6 show charts of correlation between bearing ratio
Values of CBR ratio after water soaking in case of most and respectively CU and CC. Presented correlation does not
analysed samples decreased at a very large range from directly show the influence of coefficients connected with
few percent to even over 20%. It was caused mostly by an the mixture of aggregate granulation on CBR value, which
160 Joanna Hydzik-Wiśniewska et al.

Figure 3: Correlation between CBR and Los Angeles coefficie. Figure 5: Correlation between CBR value and uniformity coefficient
CU value.

Figure 4: Correlation between CBR and micro Deval coefficient, Figure 6: Correlation between CBR value and coefficient of gradation
values. CC value.

directly influences the bearing of substructure layers. The charts in figures 7 and 8 show a symptomatic
These coefficients help only to evaluate the aggregate tendency that lower the optimum moisture content of
mixture ability to compact and obtain tight structure. compacted mixture, higher is the value of bearing ratio
However, there is only a complete consistency of limestone The optimum moisture content in the mixture required
aggregate mixtures to the recommended grain content [23] to its maximum compaction is connected mostly with
for the substructure, while comparing the values of CU and water demand of particular grains and its grain content.
CC (Table 2) coefficients. The lower the fraction, more is the water it requires to
The last part of analysed properties are parameters of properly moisture the grains. The less popular tendency
compacted mixture prepared to the established CBR ratio. is to notice, for relation to maximum compaction of
The parameters are optimum moisture content (Fig. 7) and soil skeleton. It means that the level of grains’ content,
maximum dry density (Fig. 8). moisture, and volume density influence the volume of
Mixture of Crushed- Stone Aggregate as Material For Substructure Layers 161

The remaining physical and geometrical parameters

of aggregates indirectly influenced the substructure
bearing, but for such different mineralogical-petrographic
aggregates, it is difficult to evaluate. Series of tests of
multiple identical samples of aggregates of one rock type
should be performed.

6 Conclusion
Mixtures of crushed rock aggregate with continuous
grain are widely used for digging and road construction.
However not all types of aggregates are properly prepared
and suitable for this kind of work. Nine types of crushed
rock aggregate with continuous grain of fraction 0/31.5
mm and 0/63 mm from different bed rocks were tested. On
the basis of the results of analysis of comprehensive tests
Figure. 7: Correlation between CBR value and optimum moisture of the mixture, the following conclusions were reached:
content value. –– Values ofCBR ratio were in a wide range from about
20 to 60 %. None of the tested mixtures complied to
the required minimum bearing ratio for road subst-
–– The aggregate of rock with high mechanical proper-
ties is not always a suitable material for road surface
construction. The grain content of crushed aggregate
will have a substantial influence on bearing ratio.
–– Uniformity coefficient CU and coefficient of gradation
CC constitute a quick way of establishing the mixtures’
suitability for compaction. However, it is not possible
to clearly state if the mixture with low suitability for
compaction will characterize with low bearing and
vice versa.

CBR ratio test, according to PN-EN 13286-47:2007, refers

to the material that entirely passes through a sieve of
22.5 mm. Unfortunately, there is no precise information
concerning the preparation method of the sample, nor
how to interpret the results of the tests for aggregates
containing bigger grains. PN-S-06102:1997 and AASHTO
Figure 8: Correlation between CBR value and maximum dry density.
T 193-99 (2003) methods present the way of sample
modification but do not explain how the modification of
grain composition influences CBR ratio.
mixture density after compaction. However, higher the
density, higher is the CBR. The similar results of statistical
analysis were obtained in studies [18], [20]. The coefficient
of determination R2 in case of the influence of optimum
moisture content was at the similar level, but to obtain [1] AASHTO Designation T 193-99 (2003) Standard Method of Test
maximum dry density of soil it was R2 = 0,464 [10] and R2 for The California Bearing Ratio
= 0,848 [20]. It is to note that in both cases, the samples [2] Gonzalez C. R., Barker W. R., Bianchini A. Reformulation of the
were taken from soil substructure of road construction. CBR Procedure Report II: Design, Construction, and Behavior
162 Joanna Hydzik-Wiśniewska et al.

Under Traffic of the Pavement Test Sections.US Army Corps of [15] PN-EN 13286-47:2007 Mieszanki niezwiązane i związane
Engineers Washington, DC 2013. spoiwem hydraulicznym -- Część 47: Metoda badania
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