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Solution to Questions based on Computer Networks

1. International Tour and Travels company has set up its new branch office in Jaipur where different
buildings are spanned over in the radius of 900 meter in Jaipur. Name the network formed in the
following situations :
(i) The branch office is connected with the regional office in New Delhi.
(ii) All the buildings of branch office are connected to each other.

Ans : (i) WAN (ii) LAN

2. Ms. Shabnam wants to prevent unauthorized access to/from her company's local area network.
Write the name of a system (software/ hardware), which she should install to do the same
Ans : Firewall

3. ABC is a company with design unit and market unit 135 metres away from each other. The
company recently connected their LANs using Ethernet cable to share the stock related information.
But after joining their LANs, they are not able to share the information due to loss of signal in
between. Which device should you suggest to be installed for a smooth communication?
Ans : Repeater

4. Identify the type of Topologies from the following:

(i) If each node is connected with the help of independent cable with the help of a central switching
(communication controller)
(ii) If each node is connected with the help of a single co-axial cable.
Ans : (i) Star Topology (ii) Bus Topology

5. It’s an era of networking! Almost everyone and everything is connected through one way or the
other, hats off to the technology. We have never been so much linked as we are today. Daniel has
just started his hands on practice of networking. Help him in the following:

I. He has just connected 10 computers of his resource room to establish a network. Name the
network (LAN/MAN/PAN/WAN) which will be formed. Mention any two main benefits which
Daniel could achieve by establishing a network.

II. Help him in identifying the correct topology which has following characteristics:
 Its very easy to diagnose the fault in this topology.
 Failure of central hub/switch leads to failure of the entire network.

Depict the topology by drawing the diagram showing 4 interconnected computers through central
Ans : i. LAN
Benefits of Networking:
 Resource sharing
 Cost saving

ii. Star Topology

6. What happens to the Network with Star topology if the following happens :
(i) One of the computers on the network fails ?
(ii) The central hub or switch to which all computers are connected, fails ?
Ans : (i) The Network will not be effected, rest of the computers will remain working.
(ii) The whole network fails and all computers in the network are deprived from using the
7. (i) Why is a switch called an intelligent hub?
(ii) When is a repeater used in a computer network?
Ans (i) A switch is called an intelligent hub as it forwards the data packets only to the intended nodes.
(ii) A repeater is used when the signals get weakened or distorted by transmission over long

8. How do Computer networks reduce hardware costs of an organization? Explain with the help of
Ans Computer network allows sharing of hardware resources thereby reducing hardware costs of an
organization. For example, a printer can be shared among the users in a network so that there’s no
need to have individual printers for each and every computer in the network.

9. How is it easier to diagnose fault in Star topology than in Bus topology?

Ans In Star topology each node is directly connected to a central hub / switch, hence fault diagnosis
becomes easy. In bus topology all the nodes are connected to the backbone cable. The signal
travels through the entire length of the backbone and is received by the node for which it is intended.
Hence, fault diagnosis is difficult.

10. Which of the following are valid IP addresses? Give reason(s) if invalid.

11. Compare BUS topology with STAR topology. Give example.

Ans :

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