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Meta-Regression Analysis in

Economics and Business

Meta-Regression Analysis in Economics and Business is the first guide through

the rapidly expanding field of meta-analysis in economics and business. Have you
ever wondered, for example, whether a raise in the minimum wage really lowers
employment or if taxes will cause people to conserve water? Meta-analysis is the way
that science takes stock of our vast research output. Meta-analysis is a statistical and
systematic review of all relevant research. It produces the authoritative assessments
required for evidence-based practice in medicine, social sciences, economics, and
The purpose of this book is to introduce novice researchers to the tools of
meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis and to summarize the state of the art
for existing practitioners. Meta-regression analysis addresses the rising “Tower of
Babel” that current economics and business research has become. Meta-analysis
is the statistical analysis of previously published, or reported, research findings
on a given hypothesis, empirical effect, phenomenon, or policy intervention. It is
a systematic review of all the relevant scientific knowledge on a specific subject
and is an essential part of the evidence-based practice movement in medicine,
education, and the social sciences. However, research in economics and business
is often fundamentally different from what is found in the sciences and thereby
requires different methods for its synthesis—meta-regression analysis. This book
develops, summarizes, and applies these meta-analytic methods.
Meta-Regression Analysis in Economics and Business offers the first
comprehensive guide to conducting and understanding the type of meta-analysis
(meta-regression analysis) needed for econometric studies. Actual systematic
reviews of research are used throughout the book to illustrate the use of these
meta-analytic methods. Among other things, it contains the first theory of meta-
regression analysis, novel methods for correcting publication bias, and a rigorous
demonstration that study quality will not affect meta-regression analysis.

T.D. Stanley is Bill and Connie Bowen Odyssey Professor of Economics at

Hendrix College, Conway, AR, USA.

Hristos Doucouliagos is Professor in the School of Accounting, Economics and

Finance, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.
Routledge Advances in Research Methods

1 E-Research
Transformation in scholarly practice
Edited by Nicholas W. Jankowski

2 The Mutual Construction of Statistics and Society

Edited by Ann Rudinow Sætnan, Heidi Mork Lomell, and Svein Hammer

3 Multi-Sited Ethnography
Problems and possibilities in the translocation of research methods
Edited by Simon Coleman and Pauline von Hellermann

4 Research and Social Change

A relational constructionist approach
Sheila McNamee and Dian Marie Hosking

5 Meta-Regression Analysis in Economics and Business

T.D. Stanley and Hristos Doucouliagos
Meta-Regression Analysis
in Economics and Business

T.D. Stanley and

Hristos Doucouliagos
First published 2012
by Routledge
2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
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by Routledge
711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business
© T.D. Stanley and Hristos Doucouliagos 2012
The right of T.D. Stanley and Hristos Doucouliagos to be identified as authors
of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with sections 77 and 78
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Stanley, T. D., 1950–
Meta-regression analysis in economics and business/T.D. Stanley and
Hristos Doucouliagos.
p. cm.
1. Economics–Research–Methodology. 2. Economics–Research–
Evaluation–Statistical methods. 3. Economics literature–Evaluation–
Statistical methods. 4. Regression analysis. I. Doucouliagos,
Hristos. II. Title.
HB131.S73 2012

ISBN: 978-0-415-67078-4 (hbk)

ISBN: 978-0-203-11171-0 (ebk)
Typeset in Times New Roman
by Sunrise Setting Ltd

List of figures vii

List of tables viii
Acknowledgments ix

1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Tower of Research 1
1.2 A historical sketch of meta-regression analysis 5
1.3 Practical examples 9
1.4 Plan of the book 10

2 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 12

2.1 Identifying studies 13
2.2 What data to collect 20
2.3 Effect sizes in economics and their standard errors 22
2.4 Coding issues 29
2.5 The quality conundrum: should estimates be combined? 33
2.6 Summary 37

3 Summarizing meta-analysis data 38

3.1 Illustrating data 38
3.2 Summary measures 43
3.3 Statistical significance versus economic significance 48
3.4 Testing for heterogeneity 48
3.5 Recap: summarizing research 49

4 Publication bias and its discontents 51

4.1 Publication selection 51
4.2 Funneling research to identify and correct publication
selection bias 53
vi Contents
4.3 Simple meta-regression models of publication selection 60
4.4 Alternative approaches to publication selection 72
4.5 Recap: The FAT-PET-PEESE approach to publication
selection 78

5 Explaining economics research 80

5.1 Heterogeneity 81
5.2 Multivariate models of research 84
5.3 Illustrations of multiple meta-regression analysis 89
5.4 Robustness and dependence 99
5.5 Will the real meta-regression analysis model please
stand up? 102
5.6 Recap: explaining the heterogeneity of economics
research 104

6 Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis 106

6.1 The theory of meta-regression analysis 106
6.2 Improving meta-regression analysis with unbalanced
panel models 112
6.3 Meta-regression models of publication selection 117
6.4 In defense of simple statistical methods 120
Appendix: assumptions about error structures 123

7 Further topics in meta-regression analysis 125

7.1 Alternative applications of meta-regression analysis 125
7.2 Specification of the meta-regression analysis 130
7.3 Functional form of the meta-regression analysis 131
7.4 Exclusion restrictions 132
7.5 Evaluating predictions from meta-regression analysis 132
7.6 Effects with interaction and non-linear terms 135
7.7 Multiple effect size analysis 136
7.8 Meta-meta-analysis 140
7.9 Summary 145

8 Summary and conclusions 147

Notes 154
References 168
Index 180

1.1 Meta-analysis in economics over time 8

1.2 The exponential growth of meta-analysis in economics 8
3.1 Funnel plot of union-productivity partial correlations 40
3.2 Chronological ordering of data 43
4.1 Funnel plot of union-productivity partial correlations 53
4.2 Symmetric funnel plots 54
4.3 Funnel graph of price elasticity for water demand 55
4.4 Value of a statistical life 57
4.5 Asymmetrical funnel plots 58
4.6 Funnel graph of estimated minimum-wage effects 59
4.7 Schema for investigating and correcting publication bias 79
5.1 The value of a statistical life 90
5.2 Funnel graph of estimated minimum-wage effects 95
5.3 Schema for investigating research heterogeneity 105
7.1 Funnel plot of meta-estimates of income elasticity of VSL 142

3.1 Four illustrative meta-analyses 39

3.2 Vote counting 44
3.3 Unweighted and weighted averages 47
4.1 Simple meta-regression analysis of publication selection 62
4.2 PEESE estimates of corrected effect – MRA (4.3) 67
4.3 Panel and cluster MRA of publication selection among minimum
wage employment effects 70
5.1 Q-tests for heterogeneity 82
5.2 WLS and “random-effects” PEESE 83
5.3 Moderator variables for minimum-wage research 87
5.4 Moderator variables for hedonic estimates of the value of a
statistical life 87
5.5 General-to-specific multiple MRA of the value of a statistical life 92
5.6 Multiple MRA of minimum-wage research: WLS of model (5.5) 97
7.1 Structure of effect sizes 136
7.2 OLS versus SUR estimates of FAT-PET models 139
7.3 WLS-M2RA of the income elasticity of VSL 143
7.4 Learning from meta-analyses, the determinants of economic growth 144

We are especially grateful for comments and suggestions from Margaret Giles,
Jost Heckemeyer, Julian Higgins, Stian Skår Ludvigsen, Debdullal Mallick, Jon
Nelson, Geoff Pugh, Randy Rosenberger, and Hossam Zeitoun. Our research
collaborators over the years have been instrumental in the development of our
ideas: Janto Haman, Steve Jarrell, Patrice Laroche, Martin Paldam, Andrew
Rose, Randy Rosenberger, and Mehmet Ulubasoglu. Furthermore, we need to
acknowledge the ideas, feedback and support that we received from numerous
scholars during various seminars and MAER Network colloquia. Needless to
say, any errors or omissions are solely our responsibility.
1 Introduction

This is but the start of their undertakings! There will be nothing too hard for
them to do. Come, let us go down and confuse their language on the spot so
that they can no longer understand one another.
(Genesis 11: 6–7)

1.1 The Tower of Research

We live in a wondrous age. Information technology has given billions access to
the world’s accumulated scientific knowledge as well as this week’s viral video
of some kid dancing. Inexpensive hand-held devices bring us the contents of a
hundred libraries in seconds and the processing power of the best computers from
only a generation ago. But has society’s knowledge become thousands of miles
wide and mere nanometers deep? To some, these gigabytes, terabytes, and peta-
bytes usher in a Renaissance of human knowledge and creativity. To others, like
the Nobel econometrician, James Heckman, they represent a tsunami of noise
and misinformation that threatens to drown out genuine scientific knowledge and
informed policy action (Heckman, 2001). How will we be able to distinguish use-
ful information from mere exaggeration, ideology and even lies?
Our extraordinary era has seen the rapid expansion of research publications, the
meteoric rise in empirical economics and business research, and the proliferation
of increasingly narrow areas of academic research. Is this not another “Tower of
Babel,” one where these terabytes ensure “that [we] can no longer understand one
Worse than the sheer mass of information are the large differences in what
researchers report about a given phenomenon, treatment or effect. In social
science, economics, and business research, one always finds a large variation in
the reported estimates of a given parameter. The rising pressure to publish, with its
concomitant demand to uncover something novel, is sufficient to generate ample
conflict among empirical findings. Because economics and business ultimately
depend on human behavior, the empirical phenomena that we study will always
contain a great deal of natural variation; that is, a genuine heterogeneity that
depends on prevailing socio-political institutions and history. Often, it seems as if
researchers speak different languages.
2 Introduction
Incentives in the media, science, and the academy all seem to accentuate the
dissidence of reported research. Should science become too clear and uncontroversial
(e.g. the health effects of smoking, global warming or evolution), concerned groups
will fund researchers and spokesmen to manufacture uncertainty and controversy.
Yet, wide variation in research findings will likely occur without any outside
intervention. Even the best scientific practice will produce very disparate research
findings without resorting to anything ethically questionable. Science progresses
through critical discourse and by challenging what is believed. When virtually all
researchers agree about a given theory, empirical phenomenon, or policy effect,
scientific progress is likely to stagnate, and, ironically, we find larger, more
distorting biases in what researchers report (Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2012).1
Although we need not fear disparate scientific findings, practical policy
demands clarity. Without some intelligent summary of business and economic
research, understanding and informed policy actions are impossible. Yet,
conventional narrative reviews are fatally flawed. Because there are no objective
standards, conventional reviewers often dismiss studies or findings that do not fit
into their preconceived notions or theories (Stanley, 2001). “Believing is seeing”
(Demsetz, 1974: 164). Beliefs are often self-fulfilling. One can almost always
find research papers or a literature review that interprets past research through the
reader’s own priors or ideological lens. Yet, without the reliable coherence that a
good narrative review is meant to provide, conflicting research results overwhelm
any clear understanding of economic phenomena. The only informed and correct
conventional summary of the research record on nearly any important economic
phenomenon or policy question is: “it depends.”
What we need is some objective and critical methodology to integrate
conflicting research findings and to reveal the nuggets of “truth” that have settled
to the bottom. Meta-regression analysis (MRA), when replicable and conducted
properly, offers such methodology. We believe that it is economics’ best hope for
genuine empirical progress.
Meta-analysis is the statistical analysis of previously published, or reported,
research findings on a given hypothesis, empirical effect, phenomenon, or policy
intervention. It is a systematic review of all the relevant scientific knowledge
on a specific subject and is an essential part of the “evidence-based practice”
movement in medicine, education and the social sciences.
Medical researchers have long embraced meta-analysis to provide an objective
and comprehensive summary of the often conflicting results from randomized
clinical trials (RCTs) of some drug or medical procedure. Evidence-based medical
practice has changed how sick people are treated and saved 100,000 lives within
the first 18 months of its adoption (Berwick et al., 2006; Ayers, 2007). Because
RCTs tend to be very expensive and time-consuming, medical practice is often
based on only a few trials, trials which often report conflicting success and risks. To
economize on this limited and expensive scientific evidence, medical researchers
have been employing meta-analysis for over 30 years (Chalmers et al., 1977).
Often, when several RCTs are statistically combined, a clearer, more accurate
picture of a given treatment’s efficacy emerges.
Introduction 3
Meta-analysis is the most objective and statistically rigorous approach to
systematic reviews, which, in turn, provides the evidence for the evidence-based
practice movement. A systematic review differs from more conventional narrative
reviews by conducting exhaustive searches in a serious attempt to include all
studies meeting explicitly stated criteria. When conducted properly, a systematic
review is replicable by independent reviewers.
In economics, meta-analysis is almost entirely meta-regression analysis, and
it has a somewhat different focus than how it is applied in other fields. MRA
was initially proposed to correct known misspecification biases, endemic among
econometrics estimates (Stanley and Jarrell, 1989). Meta-regression analysis
is a multivariate empirical investigation, using multiple regression analysis,
of what causes the large variation among reported regression estimates or
transformations of regression estimates (e.g. elasticities, environmental values,
or partial correlations). Because econometrics is typically observational (i.e. non-
experimental), even the most rigorous econometric applications cannot eliminate
all the potentially confounding influences.2 By now, hundreds of MRAs have
confirmed that such misspecification biases are routinely found in all areas of
empirical economics research, and many of these are large enough to have a
significant practical effect on how we view the phenomenon in question or on
how a given policy intervention is evaluated.
Then there is the question of selection. Only a few of potentially millions of
econometric models are reported – “I just ran two million regressions” (Sala-i-
Martin, 1997).

Empirical results reported in economics journals are selected from a large set
of estimated models. Journals, through their editorial policies, engage in some
selection, which in turn stimulates extensive model searching and prescreen-
ing by prospective authors. Since this process is well known to professional
readers, the reported results are widely regarded to overstate the precision of
the estimates, and probably to distort them as well. As a consequence, statisti-
cal analyses are either greatly discounted or completely ignored.
(Leamer and Leonard, 1983: 306)

Each of these model specification choices affects the reported results, often by a
lot, and there is no reliable way to know which model specification is correct.3
Enter meta-regression analysis.
Meta-regression analysis can explicitly model the effects of observed model
specification variation and thereby directly estimate the associated misspecifica-
tion biases. Accommodating and correcting the biases associated with applied
econometrics is the central objective of MRA. Meta-regression analysis is a
systematic and comprehensive review of all existing, yet comparable, empirical
evidence. It allows the systematic reviewer to model and estimate any explana-
tory or biasing factor for which information or a proxy is available and thereby
filters out their influence on our scientific knowledge. This applies to selection
as well. Although MRA can accommodate the conventional sample selection
4 Introduction
biases that are often seen in empirical econometrics (Heckman, 1979; Stanley
and Jarrell, 1998), it can do much more.
Publication selection, as opposed to sample selection, arises if researchers,
editors, or reviewers use statistical significance as one model selection criterion.
Publication biases have been identified in the majority of economics areas of
research and often have important practical effects (Doucouliagos and Stanley,
2012).4 Because publication selection is caused by the process of conducting
empirical economic research itself, conventional econometrics is incapable of
correcting or estimating this effect. Hence, some “macro” perspective is required
that looks across an entire research field, and this is precisely what MRA provides.
Chapter 4 discusses how MRA can identify, estimate, and correct publication
selection bias, and subsequent chapters illustrate and explain how MRA can filter
out many other types of bias as well.
The purpose of this book is to introduce the tools of meta-analysis and meta-
regression analysis to business and economic researchers unfamiliar with their
use. Meta-regression analysis addresses the rising “Tower of Babel” that current
economics and business research has become. Evidence-based policy requires a
clear and objective assessment of the research record. Without a systematic and
objective way to summarize and understand current research, policy discussions
will be at the mercy of the subjective interpretation of our empirical knowledge.
Moreover, there is a real danger that vested interest or ideology will dominate the
discussion and thereby distort policy.
For example, it is clear that both of these forces dominated the anti-regulation
atmosphere in the USA that preceded the global 2008 financial meltdown. Alan
Greenspan, the former US Federal Reserve chairman, was a disciple of Ayn Rand
and a libertarian (Greenspan, 2007; Leonhardt, 2007). Greenspan has been
forthcoming about his free-market ideology. A case has been made that it was the
opposition to the regulation of derivatives by both Greenspan and the financial
industry that led to the worst recession in the USA since the Great Depression
(Public Broadcasting Service, 2009), and Greenspan admitted the error of his
ideology to the US Congress (Andrews, 2008).5
A more positive trend is that governmental agencies are funding dozens of
systematic reviews and meta-analyses of their programs and policies.6 In 2011,
the United Kingdom’s coalition government has renewed its pledge to protect
its international development aid from the spending cuts and to double its
international aid commitment. Needless to say, this puts the Cameron government
under considerable political pressure, not the least of which comes from their
party loyalists (Hennessy, 2011). In a climate of large cuts to domestic programs,
it is especially important to ensure that government policies and programs are
getting “value for money.” Here, too, MRA has an important role to play, because
it can offer an objective, comprehensive and rigorous summary and evaluation of
what is known, empirically, about a given intervention or policy.
In our view, we are at the dawning of a new era of empiricism in economics and
business. Even though the capacity of future empirical methods cannot be fully
known, there will remain conflict in what these methods reveal about specific
Introduction 5
business and economic effects. These phenomena are irreducibly contingent on
prevailing cultural and political institutions, and we live in dynamic societies.
Thus, an important role for meta-analysis is virtually assured.
If the past is any guide, future systematic reviews and meta-analyses will,
on occasion, find that strongly held economic theories are not supported by the
weight of empirical evidence. For example, minimum wage raises do not cause
lower employment in the US (Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009) – see Chapters 4
and 5. In other cases, intentionally weak governmental policy (i.e. non-mandatory
regulation) will be found to have their intended effects – for example, chief
executive pay and corporate performance (Doucouliagos et al., 2012a).7

1.2 A historical sketch of meta-regression analysis

One can begin the history of meta-analysis at several points. One choice is the
early twentieth-century contributions of the legendary statisticians, Karl Pearson
(1904) and R.A. Fisher (1932). Both sought a means to combine separate experi-
ments statistically and rigorously. Because experiments tend to be expensive,
the sample sizes employed are often too small to obtain statistically significant
results in individual studies. Thus, an obvious statistical solution to economize
scarce experimental knowledge is to combine several small-sample experiments
to increase their overall statistical power and thereby obtain that all-pervading
research goal, “statistical significance.”
Pearson’s solution was to average the correlation coefficients, while Fisher
developed a new statistic that combined p-values. Pearson’s approach is very
simple and obvious when we look back a hundred years. Nonetheless, weighted
averages of correlation coefficients are still used by meta-analysts (see Chapter 3).
The elegance of Pearson’s solution is that the correlation coefficient is a pure
number with no units of measurement, allowing different, but related, outcome
measures to be meaningfully compared and combined. This issue of which statistics
and measures can be meaningfully combined remains a central issue confronting
every meta-analysis. The second advantage of using correlation coefficients is that
they reflect the underlying magnitude of the empirical phenomenon in question,
not merely its statistical significance (Cohen, 1988).
Fisher’s approach is more complex, yet much less useful. It assumes, as the
null hypothesis, that all studies have no genuine underlying experimental effect.
By doing so, p-values become uniformly distributed and give the Fisher combined
probability test:

f = −2 ∑ ln P i (1.1)

where L is the number of statistical outcomes or studies in the literature, and Pi is

the p-value of the ith the study. This Fisher test is distributed as a chi-squared with
2L degrees of freedom under the joint null hypothesis of no effects.
Unfortunately, nearly all applications to economics and business research can
produce a significant Fisher test; thus, it has little informative value. Worse, it
6 Introduction
is likely to be misinterpreted as providing evidence that there is actually some
important empirical effect when there is merely excess heterogeneity. Assuming
that all individual effects are zero implies that there is no bias or heterogeneity in a
given research literature. As discussed above, there are too many misspecification
biases in applied econometrics and too much natural variation (or heterogeneity)
in economic and business phenomena for the null hypothesis of the Fisher test
to ever be true. Furthermore, when the null is rejected, nothing is said about the
true magnitude or practical significance of the effect in question. Perhaps, there is
simply excess variation among the reported results, and some of this variation is
selected? Although some researchers still use this test, we believe that it is fatally
flawed for meta-analyses in economics and business (see Chapter 3 for a further
By the 1970s, some fields of study were already swamped by conflicting
findings, and the modern era of meta-analysis was born to make sense of them.
Gene Glass (1976) is generally given credit for “meta-analysis” as he introduced
this term to contrast his synthesis of all relevant research on a given research
question with “primary” and “secondary” statistical analyses:

Meta-analysis refers to the statistical analysis of a large collection of results

from individual studies for the purpose of integrating the findings. It connotes
a rigorous alternative to the casual, narrative discussions of research stud-
ies that typify our attempt to make sense of the rapidly expanding research
(Glass, 1976: 3)

Glass was interested in showing that psychotherapy had a beneficial effect. For a
couple of decades, the effectiveness of psychotherapy had been in great dispute
and both sides resorted to “vote-counting” hundreds of relevant papers (Hunt,
1997). Glass understood that merely counting the number of studies that found a
significant treatment effect was not a valid way to accumulate scientific evidence.8
Rather, Glass offered the “effect size,” g, as a means to compare the magnitude of
the empirical effects reported across studies:
__ __
Xe – Xc
g = ______
S (1.2)

where the numerator of this ratio is the average difference between the experimen-
tal and control groups on some relevant measure of effect, and S is the standard
deviation of this measure as seen in the control group. Glass’s g is a standardized
measure of effect that has no dimensionality; that is, no units of measurement.
As such, studies that employ different outcome measures (e.g. different scales of
mental health) can be directly combined and compared. Note also that Glass’s g
preserves the magnitude of this effect, not merely its direction or significance. If
the measured mental health of treated patients improves a lot, on average, relative
to the background variation in what happens to similar, untreated subjects, g will
be correspondingly large.
Introduction 7
Now, it is standard practice to report “effect size” in education and psychology
as a way to focus on the practical importance of an empirical finding, not only its
statistical significance.9 Cohen (1988) offers widely accepted guidelines for the
practical interpretation of effect size. When .2 < g < .5, there is a small effect. A
medium effect has .5 < g < .8, and a large effect is found when g exceeds .8.
Smith and Glass (1977) summarize hundreds of studies of psychotherapy and
show that it has a beneficial, if moderate, effect on patients’ mental health – on
average, g = .68. After Glass (1976), the use and further development of meta-
analysis slowly blossomed in psychology and medical research, two fields where
experiments often give differing results. Meta-analysis is now the accepted method
to summarize scientific knowledge; its results are often regarded as “definitive.”
See Hunt (1997) for a more comprehensive, yet delightfully readable, history of
the development and application of meta-analysis.
Empirical econometrics employs a variety of multiple regression techniques
to isolate the marginal effect of price, income, some intervention, or other eco-
nomic variable, holding a myriad of other factors constant. These partial and
marginal effects are what typically interests economists. As discussed above,
different statistical methods, models, and sets of independent variables are used
to estimate the marginal effect in question; thus, we always find much misspeci-
fication bias and large heterogeneity among reported econometric estimates. To
accommodate and filter out these biases and genuine heterogeneity, Stanley and
Jarrell (1989) proposed using essentially the same statistical tools which pro-
duce econometric estimates, to summarize and explain the observed variation in
these reported estimates. “Meta-regression analysis” was always conceived as
a “multivariate” means to summarize and explain multiple regression estimates
or transformations of these estimates.10 Economic meta-analysts believe that
observed econometric estimates are the product of complex multifaceted forces,
much like the observed economic phenomena, themselves.
Another advantage of MRA is that it uses essentially the same tools and
statistical methods as do the econometricians who produce empirical economic
estimates. Thus, econometricians have no rational basis upon which to object to
the heightened scientific scrutiny that MRAs offer. If there is some fundamental
weakness or limitation in MRA, then econometrics will likely suffer from very
similar problems.
Economists produce millions of empirical estimates each year, and they are
used by policy makers to design critical interventions (e.g. a stimulus package to
moderate a recession). Meta-regression analysis takes empirical economics seri-
ously and seeks to improve it. The point of departure of MRA is that empirical
economic estimates represent an important phenomenon worthy of deeper exami-
nation. Unsurprisingly, economists have been slow to accept this added level of
scrutiny. After all, what producer embraces an objective and critical assessment
of his products? Nonetheless, MRA has been widely accepted in recent years just
as quality assurance is conventional practice in manufacturing.
To provide a rough sketch of the trajectory of the discipline’s adoption of meta-
analysis, we searched EconLit for “meta-analysis” or “meta-regression” in either
8 Introduction
































Figure 1.1 Meta-analysis in economics over time

the abstract or title among all papers that also concern “economics.” Figure 1.1
plots the growth of published meta-analyses in economics over its first 20 years,
while Figure 1.2 shows that a simple exponential growth model provides a rather
good fit (R2 = 0.88). The adoption of meta-analysis in economics is, on average,
growing at 18 percent per year. We know that these numbers of meta-analyses of







1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Figure 1.2 The exponential growth of meta-analysis in economics

Introduction 9
economics research represent a considerable underestimate because several of our
papers are not included and the same search of Business Source Premier uncovers
four times as many meta-analyses.11 In any case, there have been hundreds of
(perhaps as many as a thousand) meta-analyses conducted on empirical economics,
and there is sufficiently strong momentum and growing policy interest for this
trend to continue for the foreseeable future.
This book offers the first comprehensive guide to conducting and understanding
the type of meta-analysis (meta-regression analysis) especially designed for
econometric studies. Although there are a number of books on meta-analysis, they
all concern RCTs or similar types of research that are fundamentally different
than applied econometrics. Interest in econometric meta-analysis has sufficiently
matured to merit its own guide.

1.3 Practical examples

In order to ensure that this book remains practical and realistic, we frequently
illustrate these methods with examples of actual meta-analyses. In particular,
four published meta-analyses will be used consistently throughout the follow-
ing chapters to illustrate the issues, methods, and statistical analyses involved
in the meta-analysis of economics and business research. These are: the effects
of unions on productivity (Doucouliagos and Laroche, 2003), residential water
price elasticities (Dalhuisen et al., 2003), the value of a statistical life (Bellavance
et al., 2009), and minimum wage elasticities (Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009).
These four areas are selected for a variety of reasons. First, we must have access
to the full set research data employed; otherwise, a comprehensive range of meta-
analytical statistics could not be computed. Second, we wish to display a wide
range of meta-analyses from different areas of research. For example, union pro-
ductivity was selected because it is one of the best examples of the absence of the
distorting influence of publication selection, and we have access to the data. The
other three were thought to be especially important for their policy implications.
The magnitude of residential water price elasticities is critical to a city manager
or environmental planner who wishes to use price or taxes to conserve water. This
is a policy that is already important in many areas of the world and is likely to
become even more crucial in the not too distant future. The larger the magnitude of
this elasticity, the more effective price and/or tax rises will be in conserving water.
Unfortunately, as we demonstrate in Chapter 4, we find that water consumption
is quite insensitive to rises in prices and taxes once likely publication biases are
accommodated. Thus, such conservation policies are not likely to be as effective
as a conventional yet comprehensive reading of this research literature would lead
you to believe.
The value of a statistical life has even wider policy implications on almost
all health and safety policies, regulations, and projects. Regardless of one’s
subjective views about the value of a human life, practical choices must be made
concerning which health and safety laws and regulations to adopt and in which
health and safety projects to invest. In these necessary calculations, the value of
10 Introduction
life is often the most critical single parameter. For example, the acceptability
of environmental regulations is often decided by the number of lives saved and
the value of those lives. Rather than using some arbitrary or politically chosen
value, the value of a statistical life (VSL) is indirectly estimated by observing
how workers and citizens voluntarily accept higher risks, buy insurance, or reveal
their preferences on surveys.12 Bellavance et al. (2009) meta-analyze only one
general source of such VSL estimates, hedonic wage equations. A hedonic wage
equation estimates the risk–wage tradeoffs that workers make, and from these a
VSL may be imputed (Viscusi, 1993). Here, too, we find that selection bias has
a large practical effect on this important magnitude, inflating it by a factor of 5
(see Chapter 4).
Lastly, we use the employment effect of minimum wage increases as a
reappearing example, largely because its meta-dataset is so rich. We have collected
1,474 comparable minimum-wage elasticities all for the USA and have coded a
couple of dozen potentially relevant research dimensions to help explain the wide
range of employment effects reported in the research literature (Doucouliagos
and Stanley, 2009). Needless to say, whether or not minimum wage increases
have an adverse effect on employment also has clear policy implications. It is this
adverse employment effect that is used by opponents to block increases in the US
minimum wage as it comes up for a vote every few years. And minimum wage
laws are found across the world. Our MRA goes against conventional wisdom and
most of the reported research studies. We find robust evidence for the absence of
any practically significant adverse employment effect from minimum wages in
the USA (Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009) – see Chapters 4 and 5.
Needless to say, many other important research dimensions are found in these
four MRAs and discussed in detail below. Although these four areas of research
will be used throughout the book, we supplement them with many other tangible
meta-analyses to illustrate particular issues and statistical methods when they
are more revealing or more germane. Hundreds of meta-analyses have been
conducted in economics, and what is seen in these four meta-analyses is broadly
characteristic of this larger research literature.

1.4 Plan of the book

Meta-regression analysis is best seen from a broad perspective. It offers a
framework that can simultaneously be used to: summarize and qualifying esti-
mates of policy-relevant parameters; correct these estimates for any number of
potential biases inherent in observational economics research; test economic
theories; explain heterogeneity; model the research process itself; and give direc-
tion to future empirical investigation. The following chapters illustrate how MRA
can achieve each of these objectives.
Chapter 2 offers strategies for identifying and coding empirical economics and
business research. Conducting these activities in a way that is replicable by others
is crucial for the quality and scientific status of the resulting meta-analysis, and
they represent 90 percent or more of the effort involved.
Introduction 11
Chapter 3 discusses simple descriptive statistics and graphs that have been found
useful in summarizing research. Its purpose is to paint a clear, if coarse-grained,
picture of what empirical inquiry has thus far uncovered and thereby help generate
hypotheses that can be more rigorously tested and investigated by the full panoply
of statistical techniques.
Chapter 4 introduces meta-regression methods that identify and correct
publication selection bias. Most economics research exhibits “substantial” or
“severe” publication selection bias (Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2012). Yet,
conventional econometrics, no matter how rigorous or comprehensively applied,
can be overwhelmed by this bias and is powerless to correct it.
Chapter 5 shows how multiple MRA is often employed to explain economic
research and its excess heterogeneity. Like economic phenomena, economics
research cannot be accurately summarized or fully understood without explicitly
accounting for a multiplicity of complicating factors.
Chapter 6 offers a theory of meta-regression analysis and a rigorous demon-
stration that study quality need not affect the findings of a MRA. It more deeply
explores MRA models for within-study dependence and publication selection.
Chapter 7 further describes alternative objectives for performing systematic
reviews and how they shape the way MRAs are conducted or applied. It also
considers additional complexities to the structure of empirical research and how
to model them statistically.
Chapter 8 concludes and summarizes the book.
2 Identifying and coding
meta-analysis data

The commonly held belief that research progress will be made if only we
“let the data speak” is sadly erroneous. ... it would be more accurate to say
that the data come to us encrypted, and to understand their meaning we must
first break the code.
(Hunter and Schmidt, 2004: xxxi)

Empirical studies and their estimates are scattered throughout a complex research
landscape. Some are published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals; others
exist only in unpublished working papers, dissertations or online. Still others are
known only to the researcher who produces them, never to be seen by any other
scholar. Relevant empirical estimates are generated from sophisticated structural
econometric models, reduced-form models, and also simple bivariate compari-
sons. Studies differ widely in terms of the control variables, data sources, and
estimation techniques employed. This multidimensional nature of research makes
deriving clear inferences and policy advice difficult. What we need is an efficient
set of tools to summarize, integrate, correct, and evaluate research findings.
Enter meta-analysis. Like all statistical techniques, data fuels meta-analysis.
However, “data” in the meta-analysis context are the complex products of the
research process. Typically, meta-data will be comprised of estimates of some
economic association (also known as “effect sizes”) linked to key dimensions
of the research process that produced these effects. Like any good empirical
study, meta-analysis commences with a theory, or a group of theories, that predict
associations. These theories are next investigated empirically in a research
literature. While it is this empirical literature that meta-analysts explore, it is the
underlying economic theory that shapes this empirical inquiry that is of ultimate
interest to economists. Hence, an indispensable component of a meta-analysis is a
thorough understanding of the underlying economic theories. This understanding
will shape the meta-analyst’s search for studies, coding of research, subsequent
statistical analysis, and ultimately the interpretation of the meta-analytic statistics
produced. Meta-analysis begins neither with statistics nor data, but rather with a
clear understanding of economic ideas.1 Theory provides the topographical map
of the terrain to be explored, while meta-analysis provides the tools for extracting
the precious ores, should they be present.
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 13
This chapter focuses on the collection of the data that defines meta-analysis. In
particular, we discuss where to collect the data and what information to collect.
Chapter 3 explores alternative ways of summarizing research findings. More
complex statistical meta-analyses will be explored in subsequent chapters.

2.1 Identifying studies

Identifying studies to include in the meta-analysis means conducting a literature
search to identify empirical studies that offer estimates that are comparable both
within and between studies.2 A critical feature of this search is that it should be as
comprehensive as possible. It is very important that the meta-analyst herself intro-
duces no systematic bias into the data (Stanley, 2005a). In our view, the central
task of meta-regression analysis (MRA) is to filter out systematic biases, largely
due to misspecification and selection, already contained in economics research.
Thus, to systematically select the research literature runs the risk of defeating the
very purpose of meta-analysis in economics. We return to this important topic
below and in subsequent chapters.
Most researchers are familiar with conducting searches through traditional
qualitative literature reviews. Such reviews typically cover only a fraction of the
available studies, and often researchers merely re-review the studies that are most
commonly known. Meta-analysis, however, requires additional search efforts.
Meta-analysis should be conducted on the population of studies that satisfy a
set of search criteria, or at least a representative sample of them. Most meta-
analyses in economics we have reviewed have been conducted on a population
of studies, or as near the population as feasible.3 However, in their review of 140
meta-analyses in environmental economics, Nelson and Kennedy (2009) found
that most did not involve the population of studies, and the gray literature was
Identifying the population of studies is not a trivial matter. Where a literature
is known to be enormous, tighter exclusion criteria may reasonably be adopted.
For example, the empirical growth literature contains thousands of studies. When
conducting a meta-analysis of this literature, it might be more practical and cost-
effective to restrict the search to only those studies published after some year,
say 2000.4 Other restrictions are also possible. For example, the search can be
restricted to studies examining one specific growth effect, using panel data,
or to those modeling endogeneity. Another option is to take a random sample.
This approach is rare in economics, where the preference has been to code
the population of studies. Taking a random sample of studies might be worth
considering where there exist a very large number of studies. See Abreu et al.
(2005) for an application.
Existing narrative literature reviews offer a nice base from which to begin the
search for studies. There are numerous academic search engines. Searches in
economics typically commence with EconLit, supplemented with search engines
such as Google Scholar and Scopus or similar search services. Knowledge of
the underlying theory is indispensable to identify keywords for the search. As an
14 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
example, consider a search for the effects of economic growth on attracting
foreign direct investment (FDI). It will be insufficient to simply use the words
“growth” and “FDI”. It will be necessary to understand all the determinants of
FDI and include these too in the search. For example, a whole vein of studies
explores the effects of taxation on FDI, and includes growth as a control factor.
Limiting the search to “growth” and “FDI” may not reveal such veins of research,
potentially resulting in systematic bias.
Many relevant studies are detected by a careful reading of the primary studies
themselves,5 especially literature review sections of these studies and their
reference lists. Such careful reading often reveals studies that are missed by search
engines, usually because the papers’ title or abstract does not contain the keyword
that was searched. Citation is another useful avenue to find additional relevant
research studies. It is always a good idea to check the studies that have been cited
by an identified study, as well as the references found in these citations. Citation
searches can be conducted through search engines such as: Google Scholar, the
Social Science Citation Index, Scopus, or through Publish or Perish.6
Taking the time to detail the search strategy employed (e.g. as an appendix to
the paper) is important for independent validation. Meta-analyses in medicine
report the exact keywords and databases that were searched. More recent meta-
analyses in economics appear to be adopting this recommended practice.

2.1.1 Selection criteria for studies included in meta-analysis

It is important that the meta-analyst adopts an explicit set of selection criteria. These
criteria define the population of studies that will be collected and analyzed.
These criteria should be stated explicitly and clearly in the published meta-analysis.
The studies included in the meta-analysis should be so similar that their differences
can be coded. Obviously, if more than one hypothesis is to be tested, then a separate
search might need to be undertaken for each hypothesis. Stroup et al. (2000) pro-
vide a useful checklist for the search strategy in particular, and meta-analysis more
broadly. Most of these are relevant also to economics. Several systematic review
and meta-analysis organizations (the Cochrane and Campbell Collaborations and
MAER Network),7 have established their own guidelines or will likely do so in
the near future. Higgins and Green (2008) give excellent guidance for systematic
reviews of medical research.
All meta-analyses should begin with an initial search for empirical studies:
studies that do not report an estimate cannot be statistically analyzed.8 Typically,
this will mean identifying applied econometric studies. That is, most of the time,
the meta-analyst of an empirical economic literature will search for regression-
based estimates of an effect. At the minimum, this will mean collecting studies
that report regression coefficients, sample size, standard errors and/or t-statistics.
This information enables the most basic statistical meta-analysis.
In some cases, however, it might be necessary to include non-regression empirical
studies. For example, an important area in leisure research is user satisfaction with
outdoor recreational facilities (Shinew et al., 2004). While some of the empirical
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 15
studies in this field report coefficients from logistic regressions, many do not.
An alternative approach is to use reported sample proportions. The focus of the
meta-analysis is then the proportion of satisfied recreational users rather than
estimates of some marginal effect estimated from econometric analysis.
It is essential that the collection of studies and the coding of findings cover
the same empirical relationship. In most cases, it will be necessary to add
additional exclusion criteria to ensure the comparability of empirical estimates.
Typically, only a fraction of the studies identified by this initial search can be
coded in a compatible manner and thereby included in the meta-analysis. In
general, it is the completeness and comparability of the reported research, rather
than the meta-analyst herself, that determines which findings will ultimately
be comparable and thereby able to be meta-analyzed. As an additional check,
the meta-analyst can list the criteria that need be satisfied by included studies.
Studies could then be ranked on the basis of satisfying these criteria, and the
robustness of the MRA can be assessed in the face of increasingly more stringent
subsets of comparability.

Incomplete reporting of research

It is critical that the way in which the research process was conducted is under-
stood, communicated, and coded. It is not uncommon for some studies to report
effect sizes but fail to provide enough information on the type of data used, on the
construction of key variables, or on the way in which critical modeling issues were
handled. These studies need not be omitted by the meta-analyst, but they will drop
themselves out in more complex MRA when the associated moderator variables
have missing values.9 Most critical is that the dependent and key explanatory vari-
ables are described fully and that measures of the effects are comparable. Most
primary empirical studies will adopt an established and reliable measure of the var-
iables of interest. However, some authors might construct their own measures, thus
calling into question whether these studies can be included in the meta-analysis.
At a minimum, such differences in measures need to be explicitly coded, and their
effect explored through MRA (see Chapter 5).

Non-English studies
Most authors will include only studies written in English. In other disciplines,
most notably in medicine, some effort is taken to include non-English studies.
We do not, in general, see this as a critical issue in economics. Most empirical
economics papers are actually written in English, so that any bias resulting from
omitting non-English studies should be of a second order. Moreover, it will be a
rare case where only the effect sizes and standard errors need to be identified in a
non-English study. Simply getting an English translation of the reported estimates
will be insufficient. It is critical that studies are understood clearly.
There are, of course, obvious exceptions. For example, if the aim was to
assess the effects of economic policy in say Latin America, it might be necessary
16 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
to access non-English papers. Likewise, if the study’s aim is to analyze labor
demand elasticities in France, then studies published in French would need to
be included.

Obscure studies
The same principle applies to hard-to-get studies. Some studies are published
through obscure journals or working paper series that are very difficult to access.
The inability to obtain and hence include these studies is unlikely to affect the
findings of a meta-analysis. Indeed, it is our experience that the central findings
of meta-analyses are remarkably robust to marginal changes to the definitions of
the population of studies, the data, or the coded moderator variables. However,
influential estimates, in a statistical sense, do occasionally exist. When influential
estimates are found in the “gray literature” their inclusion is suspect. Even when
contained in our best academic journals, the influence of any one estimate should
be minimized by employing robust statistical techniques. These recommendations
may seem strange to medical researchers, where one large randomized clinical trial
may be more reliable than all of the remaining research combined. In econom-
ics, even the most rigorous and sophisticated research study may have omitted a
critical variable or somehow misspecified the estimation model and thereby report
biased estimates due to unavoidable data or methodological limitations.

Binary dependent variables

Effect sizes need to be comparable. In general, it is not possible to combine estimates
from binary regressions (e.g. probit and logit studies) with estimates from continu-
ous variable studies (e.g. ordinary least-squares studies). Hence, these studies are
excluded from a meta-analysis of a continuous effect (which in most cases is the
larger group). However, where there are enough studies, a separate meta-analysis of
the binary regression results using the log-odds ratio can be undertaken.
An alternative strategy is to change the focus of the meta-analysis away from
an analysis of the effect size, to whether a certain type of result is found (e.g.
whether a statistically significant effect was reported). This then enables the meta-
analyst to combine all studies together using meta-probit analysis. Examples of
this approach include public subsidies and business research and development
(García-Quevedo, 2004) and the evaluation of active labor market policies (Card
et al., 2010).10 It is our view that a meta-logit/probit should be undertaken with
caution. Taking a continuous variable and arbitrarily dichotomizing it (e.g.
significant or not significant) is likely to introduce a spurious structure into the
data that does not correspond to any underlying reality. There is the danger that
the significant moderator variables identified by a meta-logit analysis will reflect
mere correlation with the publication selection process rather than any genuine
characteristic of the underlying economic phenomenon studied. See Chapters
4 and 5 for a discussion of publication selection bias and especially the use of
“K-variables” in multiple MRA (Chapter 5).
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 17
In some cases, there might be insufficient estimates from either binary or
continuous regressions, but there might be many studies that report whether a
certain result was found. A meta-logit/probit might then be applied to explore the
study characteristics that lead to certain results. For example, most of the studies
that have looked at the issue of collective action for natural resource management
have been case studies (see Poteete and Ostrom, 2008). Estimating a meta-logit for
this literature makes perfect sense because it uses, and preserves, all the available
information, and is less likely to produce artificial patterns where there were none.
A meta-analysis of such literatures may still be somewhat problematic because
the data, or the information, is so rough to begin with. But that is the nature of
qualitative (or case study) research.

Same estimates
Some studies have the same author(s), use the same data and report the same
estimates as previously published in an earlier paper. These should not be
included.11 Some studies are pure replications: they use the same data, the same
estimates, but are produced by different authors. Some meta-analysts choose
to exclude these, while others include them. If replication studies are included,
their replication status needs to be coded.

2.1.2 Unpublished papers

An important consideration is the treatment of unpublished papers and reports.
This is sometimes called the “gray literature” (Loomis and White, 1996). Many
meta-analyses have been conducted on published studies only. The main reason
given for this is that published studies have gone through the refereeing process
and, hence, should be of greater quality than unpublished papers. This is part of
the methodological quality issue, that is, the argument that meta-analysis should
include only those studies and estimates that are of high methodological quality.
The inclusion of low-quality estimates might taint the meta-analysis. We return to
this issue in Section 2.5 below.
As we see it, a downside of not including unpublished studies is that they tend to
be newer studies, using newer data and newer estimators. They thus might capture
structural changes in the effect or fresh thinking on how to best model the effect.
In such cases, ignoring unpublished studies might result in biased and inferior
estimates. In a large and mature literature that is free of publication selection bias,
the risks of omitting unpublished papers are probably minimal. However, in a
small, rapidly emerging field, it is prudent to consider unpublished estimates.
Furthermore, all studies, regardless of their quality, are helpful, and sometimes
essential, in the statistical identification of specific research dimensions that are
responsible for the wide variation found among the reported research results (Stanley
et al., 2008). Routinely, MRA uses independent variables that are indicators of the
observed differences in research methods, models and data, and hence quality. To
remove unpublished papers systematically that tend to be of lower quality or less
18 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
rigor might in some cases render MRA incapable of understanding the observed
variation of research results because there will be insufficient variation in the
independent variables that represent differences in research methods, models and
data. Basic econometrics recognizes that we always want the largest possible
variation in the explanatory variables to obtain reliable regression statistics. For
example, if we were to remove unpublished papers from the meta-analysis of the
efficiency-wage hypothesis, we would not be able to identify the importance of
including (or omitting) a measure of the capital stock in the production function.
Yet, this omission is revealed to have a practically large effect on the reported
magnitudes of the efficiency-wage effects when both published and unpublished
studies are included (Krassoi-Peach and Stanley, 2009).
Another downside to the unnecessary restriction of meta-data concerns the issue
of publication bias, which is the main topic of Chapter 4. Several authors have
justified the inclusion of unpublished papers on the basis that this will resolve the
issue of publication bias (e.g. Zelmer, 2003; Égert and Halpern, 2006). However,
it is not sufficient to merely include unpublished papers. It is typically necessary
to test publication selection bias formally and correct a literature for potential
publication bias, whether or not unpublished studies are included.12
In our experience, there is publication selection bias even among unpublished
papers and no detectable difference in quality between published and unpublished
papers as measured by the objective statistical criterion of precision. In more
cases than one might expect, the published research literature will contain too few
comparable estimates to conduct the needed multiple MRA. Examples include
efficiency wages (Krassoi-Peach and Stanley, 2009) and the effects of advertising
on the onset of alcohol consumption (Nelson, 2011). Thus, unpublished papers
should be routinely included in a meta-analysis. The meta-analyst can always
code for the publication status of the study and see whether the exclusion of
unpublished papers practically affects the meta-analysis results. When they do,
this is evidence for the inclusion of unpublished studies unless the meta-analyst
can make a strong case, on objective grounds, that the unpublished studies are
materially of lower quality.
Unpublished studies come in several varieties. At one end, there are studies
that are published in recognized and highly respected series, such as the NBER
working papers. After this come unpublished doctoral dissertations and numerous
departmental working paper series. At the lower end are unpublished manuscripts
presented as non-refereed conference papers.13 Depending on the research area,
studies by consulting firms and government agencies might also be considered.
Some of these are highly reputable (e.g. those from a national central bank) while
others might be mediocre. Hence, if unpublished studies are to be included, the
meta-analyst has to form some judgment as to which unpublished studies to
include. Again, these differences can all be coded, and their potential effects on the
meta-analysis can be objectively assessed through MRA (the topic of subsequent
One danger with the use of unpublished studies is that there is a risk that the
estimates in the published version might change. If the refereeing and review
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 19
process works well, these changes should improve precision and accuracy. Yet,
there is a paradox here. In a large, mature and well-established literature, such
changes are unlikely to affect inferences from meta-analysis, and the exclusion
of unpublished studies is unlikely to affect the results. In contrast, in a small and
emerging literature, the exclusion of unpublished studies might affect inference.
However, this also allows for the possibility that inference will be affected if the
results in the unpublished studies change in the published version of the study.14

2.1.3 Published papers

There is also the issue of which published papers to include. Academic journals
are deemed to be the warehouses and guardians of scientific knowledge. Hence,
it comes as no surprise that all meta-analyses conducted in economics so far have
relied heavily on academic journals. Estimates, however, can also be published
in research books, chapters of edited books, published doctoral dissertations,
published government reports and even professional journals. Hence, the meta-
analyst needs to decide if the search will be restricted to only refereed academic
journal papers, or whether it will be broadened to other publication outlets. Both
approaches have been adopted in the literature. Our advice, in all cases, is to err on
the side of inclusion. Differences suspected to be important can always be coded
and explicitly included in any MRA.

Does it make a practical difference?

In our experience, if a comprehensive search is conducted and the references
cited in the literature are included, then systematic bias in the overall corrected
effect from not including other less well-known and uncited studies is minimal. In
contrast, differences in the types of studies included can make a substantial differ-
ence in which research dimensions are found to make a significant contribution
to our understanding of the variation among reported research results. Therefore,
we believe that the extra effort of searching for unpublished studies is worth the
search and coding costs. First, the meta-analyst can take some comfort that she
has a comprehensive dataset of the literature.15 Second, when exploring bias in a
literature, particularly publication selection bias, it is important to employ a full
dataset.16 Third, the meta-analyst will have greater information and degrees of
freedom with which to explore the heterogeneity between estimates.
A priori, it is not obvious whether the inclusion of unpublished studies will
make a difference. If unpublished studies have been collected, it is probably wise
to undertake a sensitivity analysis of the meta-analysis, that is, conduct the meta-
analysis with and without unpublished studies.17 Many studies find no difference
in the results between published and unpublished papers. Examples include the
studies by Zelmer (2003), Fidrmuc and Korhonen (2006), and Klomp and de Haan
(2010). In contrast, Doucouliagos and Stanley (2009) find that published studies
report larger minimum wage effects, while Alston et al. (2000) find that journal
papers report lower rates of return to agricultural research and development.
20 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
Kluve and Schaffner (2008) find that papers published in journals report smaller
values of a statistical life in most of their meta-regressions. Note that if the meta-
analyst adopts some sort of a weighting scheme using journal quality, then the
unpublished studies will, by definition, be given a zero weight (see Chapter 3).
In order to exclude a study from a meta-analysis it must first be identified and
objective criteria established to justify the exclusion. Excluding a study from a
dataset means assigning a zero weight to it. Meta-analysts make a serious effort to
consider all empirical studies on a given topic. Thus, there must be good objective
reasons to exclude any class of studies.

2.1.4 How many studies to collect?

We aim for a comprehensive assessment of a literature for its own sake. The object
of the inquiry may be economics research itself (Stanley et al., 2008). If so, all
relevant research should be coded and included explicitly in the meta-analysis.
Hence, great effort needs to be taken to identify all studies that are relevant.
Doucouliagos and Stanley (2012) found that the average number of studies
included in the 87 meta-analyses they reviewed was 41, with the median being 35.
In some literatures, however, there will be literally hundreds of studies that need
to be collected. For example, in their extensive meta-analysis of gender wage dif-
ferentials, Weichselbaumer and Winter-Ebmer (2005) collected estimates from
236 studies, while Gallet (2010) collected 3,357 estimates from 393 studies.

2.2 What data to collect

The collection of data can occur at three levels. At the bare minimum, a meta-
analysis requires that data be collected on the association that is of central interest
and some variable that will be used to weigh the associated effect sizes, essential.
The effect size will be some measure that quantifies the association. In Section 2.3,
we list the common effect sizes used in economics. The second set of information
relates to details about the study and the research process, typical. The third set
involves the collection of study-invariant information, value-added.

The most basic meta-analysis will involve a simple weighted average and/or a
simple linear regression model. This requires that data be collected on effect sizes,
their sample sizes and standard errors. It will also be necessary to code the name(s)
of the author(s), the title of the paper and publication outlet.18

Most meta-analysts collect data on the types of data used in the study, the
estimation technique used and the econometric model structure. Examples of
data differences include: cross-sectional, panel, or single country and whether
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 21
establishment, firm or industry level data were used. Further data differences
involve: the country under investigation, the type of industry (e.g. manufactur-
ing or services), and the time period under investigation.19 Experience has shown
that the functional form (e.g. double log) and the exact model specification used
(the control variables included) are important dimensions of the original research
to code and to model. The estimator used can also be important. Does the study
use ordinary least squares? Does it control for endogeneity? If panel data are
used, does the study control for fixed effects? Where there are rival theories
regarding an effect size, it might be useful to include information on the theory
tested.20 It is also important to note omissions of relevant independent variables,
which can bias the original research findings, and the causal or error structures
(e.g. endogeneity) modeled in each primary study. Estimating and correcting
empirical economics for such potential biases was, in fact, the original intent
of MRA (Stanley and Jarrell, 1989). This topic is discussed in further detail in
Chapters 4 and 5.
Meta-regression analysis has the potential to correct the original econometric
research for a variety of misspecification, omitted-variable, and other biases. Thus,
it is very important to code studies and estimates for obvious omitted relevant
variables that might bias the original estimates. For example, omitting a measure
of capital in a production function is an obvious omission that might seriously bias
the remaining estimates. For the efficiency-wage effect on productivity, omitting
a measure of capital reduces the corrected estimate of the efficiency-wage effect
by nearly half of its typical value, making a practical and statistically significant
difference (Krassoi-Peach and Stanley, 2009).

One of the great advantages of meta-analysis over both the original econometric
research and conventional narrative reviews is that it can add new and relevant infor-
mation unavailable to the original study to explain variation in research findings. As
mentioned above, MRA can be used to control and correct for omitted-variable bias
(see Chapter 4). But these omissions may have been unavoidable in the original
study due to data limitations. In many economics databases, information on known
relevant variables simply does not exist. Often study results will be influenced by
factors that are “study-invariant.” That is, factors that are constant for a given study
but vary across studies. Only the meta-analyst can model and estimate the effects of
these factors on econometric findings because a given “study-invariant” dimension,
by definition, does not vary across the data within a given study.
An example of how study-invariant data may be added is found in Jarrell and
Stanley (1990), where the unemployment rate is added to the MRA that explains
the union-wage premium. Due to the largely cross-sectional nature of early
union-wage studies (Lewis, 1986), the unemployment rate or any other cyclical
indicator does not vary in most of the data used by this research literature.
However, from the perspective of a meta-analysis, the unemployment rate is
easily added and found to explain successfully some of the difference among
22 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
reported union-wage premiums (Jarrell and Stanley, 1990). A second example
adds study-invariant spatial data to the meta-analysis of the willingness to pay
for land preservation (Johnston and Duke, 2009). This information is unavailable
in the original studies because they involve surveys of willingness to pay for
preservation of a specific geographic site. Johnston and Duke (2009) find that
adding this study-invariant geographical data back into their MRA has practically
important effects on the estimates of willingness to pay. Furthermore, adding a
geographical dimension is especially important when meta-regression estimates
are used for benefit transfer to unstudied sites at new geographical locations
(meta-analysis for benefit transfer is discussed in Chapter 7).
It has become routine for meta-analysts to include the average year of the data
and/or the year that a study was published, and other study-invariant dimensions,
as a means to account for potential trends or path dependencies in research.21
Increasingly, it is becoming common to collect information on citations received
and journal impact factors.22 These are not collected from the study itself and
are again study-invariant. Further study-invariant measures may include more
“socio-economic” factors such as: the study’s authors, their gender (Stanley and
Jarrell, 1998), their funding sources (Doucouliagos and Paldam, 2010), and their
links with other researchers (Doucouliagos and Laroche, 2003).23 Meta-regression
analysis can be used to study the socio-economic process of economics research
itself (Stanley et al., 2008). The potential for meta-analysis to add value to existing
research is nearly limitless.
In the process of analyzing data, new directions and dimensions sometimes
emerge that the analyst would like to explore further and more objectively. This
data might not have been coded initially. Thus, it is not uncommon for the meta-
analysts to go back to the original studies. Furthermore, referees might require
added dimensions to be explored to ensure that the central findings of the meta-
analysis are robust, and this too might require additional data collection. So be
prepared to revisit your coding of the original research.
We provide concrete illustrations of the information needed to be coded when
we look at multiple meta-regression models in Chapter 5. All this coding, however,
can impose a heavy burden on degrees of freedom. We return to this challenge in
Chapter 7.

2.3 Effect sizes in economics and their standard errors

In the meta-analysis of areas like medicine, a wide range of effect sizes is used
including: Cohen’s d, the odds ratio, Glass’s g, log-odds, and log-risk ratios.
These are rarely used in economics and, hence, are not discussed further here.
The interested reader should consult anyone of a number of standard references
such as Sutton et al. (2000), Lipsey and Wilson (2001), Whitehead (2002), Hunter
and Schmidt (2004), and Borenstein et al. (2009).
What should the effect size measure? Ideally, we want a measure of the
economic effect of a particular variable thought to be conditionally invariant.
There is an important difference between statistical effects and economic effects.
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 23
Statistical effects, such as zero-order correlation coefficients and partial correlation
coefficients, are unitless measures of an association between two variables. An
economic effect, on the other hand, measures the main effect of economic interest.
These are typically elasticities, or some other measure that captures the percentage
change in the dependent variable or some measure of the marginal effect.
The most common approach to meta-analysis in economics is to extract effect
sizes from reported econometric models (see Stanley and Jarrell, 1989). A typical
econometric model (say, using panel data) takes the form of linear regression:

Linear functional form:

Yit = α0 + α1 Xit + ∑α Z
j jit + uit (2.1)

where Y is the dependent variable, X is the explanatory variable whose association

with Y is the main economic effect in question, Z is a vector of other variables that
might affect the dependent variable, u is the random error term and i and t index
the cross-section and time period, respectively.
Another common functional form is the log-log:

Log-log functional form:

lnYit = α0 + α1ln Xit + ∑ α lnZ

j jit + uit (2.2)

Log-linear functional forms are also frequently found in economics research:

Log-linear functional form:

lnYit = α0 + α1 Xit + ∑α Z
j jit + uit (2.3)

Interest, in all cases, lies in either the estimates of α1 or on the marginal effect
of X on Y, which is a function of α1. The search reveals the group of studies that
report estimates of α1 or the marginal effect of X on Y. Effect sizes in economics
are typically computed from regression coefficients. For these to be included in
the meta-analysis, they need to possess two important properties. First, the effect
should be a partial one; that is, it should measure the effect of one variable on
another, holding other factors constant (the familiar ceteris paribus assumption of
economics).24 Second, the effect should be comparable within and between differ-
ent studies (Stanley and Jarrell, 1989; Becker and Wu, 2007).

2.3.1 Regression coefficients

The fundamental requirement that effect sizes be comparable across estimates
will usually rule out the direct use of regression coefficients, unless the scale
and measures are identical.25 Exceptions include: where all studies use the same
scale (e.g. estimates of the marginal propensity to consume), elasticities from
24 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
double-log (log-log) econometric models, and in some cases semi-elasticities
where log-linear econometric models are standard – for example, the effect of
currency unions on trade (Rose and Stanley, 2005).

2.3.2 Zero-order correlations

The zero-order correlation coefficient (or the simple correlation) is widely used
outside economics (see Hunter and Schmidt, 2004). This is a measure of the degree
and direction of the association between two variables. It is the most widely used
effect size in management research (e.g. Tosi et al., 2000) and is used occasion-
ally in marketing (Brown and Stayman, 1992). It is not often used in economics
because it does not capture the main association of interest to economists – the
marginal effect. Indeed, it is possible for the simple correlation to give an entirely
false picture of the underlying association. It is not uncommon to find a positive
simple correlation when the actual association is inverse. As a consequence, simple
correlations are not widely reported in empirical economics research.
For example, in the context of a demand function, a simple correlation between
the own price and sales of a commodity could be positive, due to inflation or to
aggregate income growth, whereas the actual conditional association is inverse.
This arises because a simple correlation does not control for important effects
such as income, advertising and the prices of rival goods. This common economic
problem of aggregation is also well known among statisticians and meta-analysis
as “Simpson’s paradox.” Simpson’s paradox materializes when two conditional
correlations of some relation are positive (or negative) but reverse signs when the
unconditional correlation is considered (Pavlides and Perlman, 2009). This is, in
part, why econometricians focus sharply on conditional effects. Meta-regression
analysis goes a long towards removing Simpson’s paradox by including moderator
variables reflecting whether an important dimension has been omitted in the
original econometric analysis and by coding and adding study-invariant variables
to the MRA that the original study could not investigate.
Hence, if the simple correlation were chosen as the effect size, only a fraction
of the empirical studies can be included in the meta-analysis. Consequently, there
is the real risk of a biased meta-sample. The studies that choose to report the
zero-order correlation might not be representative of all the studies that have been
conducted on the economic effect in question.
Nonetheless, there are some fields where simple correlations are reported and
where meta-analysis can be conducted. Examples include Fidrmuc and Korhonen’s
(2006) meta-analysis of business cycle correlations in central and eastern European
countries and Tosi et al.’s (2000) meta-analysis of the chief executive pay–
performance association.

2.3.3 Partial correlations

The partial correlation coefficient is also a measure of the strength and direction
of the association between two variables, but it holds other variables constant.
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 25
That is, it provides a measure of association, ceteris paribus.26 Partial correlations
are rarely reported directly in primary economic studies. Hence, they need to be
calculated from the conventionally reported regression statistics.
The calculation of the partial correlation coefficient, r, is straightforward:
r = ______
______ (2.4)
√t2 + df
where t denotes the t-statistic of the appropriate multiple regression coefficient,
and df reports the degrees of freedom of this t-statistic.27 Sometimes, when there
is a negative effect, the t-statistic is imprecisely reported without its minus sign in
the primary literature; thus careful reading is essential.28 The standard error of the
partial correlation is given by √ (1−r2)/df .
The statistical significance of partial correlation coefficients can be tested by
using the same t-statistic used for its associated regression coefficient. However,
we are rarely interested in the statistical significance of an individual reported
effect, whether measured by a regression coefficient or by r. Rather, meta-
analysis seeks to identify patterns across studies and the underlying message of
our accumulated scientific knowledge.
The key advantage of using the partial correlation coefficient is that it is a
unitless measure, allowing the partial correlations from one field or study to be
readily compared to partial correlations in some other study.29 Secondly, partial
correlations can be calculated for a larger set of estimates and studies than
almost any other effect size measure. Indeed, the partial correlation enables the
most comprehensive dataset to be compiled on a particular economic subject.30
Moreover, there is the added benefit that most researchers are familiar with the
meaning and interpretation of correlations.
An important drawback of the partial correlation is that, like the simple
correlation, its distribution is not normal when its value is close to −1 and +1. For
many economics applications this will not be a problem, because no or few partial
correlations will be close to these limits.31 For other cases, the truncation might be
a problem, causing an asymmetry on its own. The most common solution to this
is to use Fisher’s z-transform32

( )
z = __12 ln ___
1−r (2.5)

This z-transformation also addresses the issue of the standard error of r not
being independent of the value of r. At least for the sake of robustness, the meta-
analysis can always be conducted using both the partial correlation and Fisher’s
z-transform. However, in past applications, we have found that these transforma-
tions make little practical difference to the central findings of a meta-analysis
(e.g. Doucouliagos and Laroche, 2003).
A second drawback of using the partial correlation is that it is not an economic
measure of effect. For example, partial correlations cannot be used in environmental
economics where the aim of the meta-analysis is benefit transfer. Hence, it might
be necessary to supplement the partial correlation with a measure of the economic
26 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
effect. This will invariably mean that the partial correlation is used for a larger
number of estimates than the economic effect. For example, Doucouliagos
and Laroche (2009) employed the partial correlation to examine the effects of
unions on profits using the results of 45 studies. For 12 of these studies, they also
calculated the economic effect, the percentage reduction in profits evaluated at the
average degree of unionization.

2.3.4 Elasticities
Elasticity is the most widely used and most commonly known measure of an
empirical economic effect. Elasticity measures the percentage change in some
important economic phenomenon, say demand or Y, arising from a percentage
increase in some stimulus, say price or X. It is a natural effect size to analyze
in economics, because there is so much economic discussion about elasticities,
and an elasticity is often the crucial magnitude used to gauge the likely effect of
a given policy intervention. Many meta-analyses have used elasticities, includ-
ing Dalhuisen et al. (2003) on price and income elasticities of residential water
demand, Knell and Stix (2005) on the income elasticity of money, Melo et al.
(2009) on urban agglomeration economies, and Doucouliagos and Stanley (2009)
on minimum-wage employment elasticities. Elasticities are the common effect
size used in meta-analysis of research in marketing (e.g. Tellis, 1988; Bijmolt
et al., 2005; Albers et al., 2010).
There are two drawbacks with elasticities. First, the elasticities cannot always
be calculated. When the econometric model estimated is in double-log form, the
regression coefficients are direct estimates of elasticities. In other functional forms,
however, elasticity needs to be imputed from the statistics reported.33 This is a
problem if the authors do not report sample means of independent and dependent
variables. While sample means might be approximated/estimated using outside
sources, doing so might also introduce a new source of measurement error. In
contrast, partial correlations can be directly calculated from routinely reported
regression statistics. In some cases, this can make a practical difference. For
example, Doucouliagos et al. (2012a) explore the links between chief executive
pay and firm performance in the UK. The key theoretical variable of interest here
is the elasticity of executive pay with respect to performance. However, the authors
were able to collect only 187 elasticities from 44 studies, compared to 511 partial
correlations. Meta-analysis of the elasticities indicated no link between pay and
performance. In contrast, the larger dataset of partial correlations suggested a small
but statistically significant positive association (a partial correlation of +0.08).34
A second hurdle is deriving standard errors. Standard errors are needed in
meta-analysis to calculate optimal weights when constructing meta-averages
(see Chapter 3), and they are needed to correct a literature for selection bias
(see Chapter 4). In a log-log form, this is simple: the regression coefficients are
elasticities and their standard errors can be used directly.35 In other cases, however,
the elasticities have to be calculated, usually evaluated at sample means. The
standard errors of the regression coefficients in these cases are not the standard
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 27
errors of the elasticity. The solution to this is to use either the delta method or the
Fieller method to estimate the standard error.36 This means that the number of
estimates that can be included will tend to be smaller than if the partial correlation
is used.37
In the linear form__regression
__ (2.1),
__ the
__ elasticity can be evaluated at the mean by
calculating η1 = α1 X / Y , where X and Y are the average values of the explanatory
and dependent variables, respectively.38 Using the delta method, the variance for
this is given by
__ __ __
2 2
var η1 = __
__ var α + α2 __
2 1 1
__ var Y
2 (2.6)

(see Valentine, 1979, for details). If sample means and variances are not reported,
then they might be estimated by using information from outside the study. If this
is not possible, then the delta and Fieller methods cannot be applied.
In practice, it is possible to bypass this issue altogether. First, because
standard errors are needed to weight the relative importance of each estimate,
it is possible to use a different set of weights. For example, instead of using
precision, which requires standard errors, it is possible to use sample size or
its square root.39 Second, it might in some cases be possible to approximate the
standard error for the elasticity by using the standard error of the regression
coefficient, though this might introduce a measurement error. Third, and most
important of all, in our view, the imprecision introduced from not using the
appropriate standard errors via, say, the delta method, is a second-order concern
compared to misspecification and publication selection biases. Most studies
that report regression coefficients from which elasticities must be calculated,
typically do not report the standard error of the elasticity. If they did, then the
issue of deriving the standard errors would no longer be relevant because they
would be reported. However, the vast majority of studies do report the statistical
significance of the regression coefficient. Hence, the process of selecting which
estimates will be reported works through the statistical significance of the
reported regression coefficient, rather than through the statistical significance
of the associated, but unreported, elasticity. Given that we wish to model the
research process and correct any distortions that might arise from it, we see it as
more important to use the t-statistics of the regression coefficients, rather than
the t-statistics of the elasticity. If publication selection is taking place, it is the
t-values of the reported regression coefficients that are being selected. From
this t-statistic, ti, it is very easy to compute a standard error for the elasticity
(η), SEη = η/ti.
It is worth noting that elasticity concepts vary. For example, while most
studies report long-run elasticities, many report short-run elasticities. In this case,
researchers may want to use only long-run elasticities or choose to convert all
estimates into long-run elasticities.40 Alternatively, this difference can be modeled
in the MRA by including a dummy variable that identifies short-run elasticities (see
Chapter 5).41 The latter approach has the advantage of quantifying the magnitude
of the change in responsiveness between the short run and the long run.
28 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
There is also the issue of how to treat different concepts of own-price
elasticity. Some elasticity estimates include the income effect (Marshallian or
uncompensated demand) while others represent the pure price effect (Hicksian
or compensated estimates). Some studies will report the conditional price
elasticity (demand is conditional upon a subset of the consumer’s budget and
not the entire budget), while others will report unconditional estimates. Smith
and Pattanayak (2002: 285) discuss three approaches to dealing with this issue:
(a) pool all estimates and control for differences in the multiple MRA; (b) adjust
estimates to “a common economic concept”; and (c) drop estimates that do not
use consistent measures. Smith and Pattanayak advocate options (b) and (c).
Separate meta-analyses can be conducted for different measures, and they can
be jointly estimated using a structural system of MRA equations (Smith and
Pattanayak, 2002) or seemingly unrelated meta-regressions (see Chapter 7).

2.3.5 Semi-elasticities
The semi-elasticity measures the percentage change in Y when X changes by
one unit. This is a useful measure when the dependent variable is expressed in
logs or the equivalent and the explanatory variable is not. Examples include the
trade effect of forming a currency union (Rose and Stanley, 2005), the gender
wage gap (Stanley and Jarrell, 1998), and the effects of corporate taxation on
FDI (Feld and Heckemeyer, 2011). The semi-elasticity has the advantage of
not requiring additional information to calculate elasticities. Also, the standard
errors for the semi-elasticity are in this case derived directly from the regres-
sion output (the standard error for the regression coefficient). It is important to
note, however, that only those estimates that use the same scale for the explana-
tory variable can be combined, otherwise the semi-elasticities are not directly

2.3.6 t-statistics
Following Stanley and Jarrell (1989), many meta-analysts have used the reported
t-statistic.42 Like the partial correlation, this has the advantage of being compa-
rable across estimates and studies, and it can be calculated for all estimates that
report a significance level.
However, there are three disadvantages with using the t-statistic. First, like the
partial correlation, the t-statistic is a statistical measure rather than an economic
one. Second, it is not as easy to interpret t-statistics by themselves. Third, it is
also necessary to control for its predictable statistical power. Conventional MRA
begins with an effect size that is then converted into a t-statistic to correct for
heteroskedasticity by weighted least square – see equation (4.2) in Chapter 4.
A similar transformation must also be made to the right-hand side (RHS) of the
regression by dividing all of the moderator variables by the estimate’s standard
error (SE) and including 1/SE as an additional independent variable (Stanley and
Jarrell, 1989; Stanley, 2008) – again see equation (4.2). When specified correctly,
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 29
this meta-regression model can also identify and correct for publication bias
(Chapter 4). The coefficient on 1/SE in this weighted least-squares MRA can be
interpreted as the estimated effect size. That is, the effect size is measured not by
t-values but rather by the corresponding partial correlation or elasticity. However,
if the t-statistic is used as the dependent variable, without a corresponding
transformation of the RHS variables, the interpretation of the meta-regression is
not what one might expect. Rather, it concerns only the process of publication
selection and not the heterogeneity among true empirical effects.43 This topic is
discussed further in Chapters 4 and 5.

2.3.7 Other effect sizes

The most commonly used effect sizes in economics are elasticities, partial
correlations and t-statistics. There are other measures that might be of interest.
For example, Colegrave and Giles (2008) focus on optimal school size, Connor
and Bolotova (2006) analyze the size of the cartel overcharge, de Dominicis
et al. (2008) use the Gini coefficient, and 14 meta-analyses of the value of a
statistical life use dollar values (see Chapter 4).
Meta-analysis in environmental economics typically uses dollar values. For
example, Simons and Saginor (2006) use the decline in property values from
environmental contamination. Fischer and Morgenstern (2006) use the marginal
carbon abatement cost. Numerous environmental meta-studies have focused on
non-market valuations which are also measured in dollars (Smith and Kaoru,
1990a; Rosenberger and Loomis, 2000a, 2000b; Brander et al., 2006).
Meta-analysis of experimental economics has used various measures, such as
the cooperation rate in prisoners’ dilemma experiments (Sally, 1995), average
group efficiency in public good games (Zelmer, 2003), and shares offered in
ultimatum game experiments (Oosterbeek et al., 2004).

2.4 Coding issues

2.4.1 Research assistants
In our experience, it is not wise to use research assistants to code. The major
limitation with research assistants is that they may not be familiar with the
literature and, hence, fail to pick up key aspects and technical nuances. A
good meta-analysis is not merely an application of statistics. Rather, it is an
intelligent and knowledgeable review of an entire empirical research litera-
ture, which also happens to contain rigorous statistical analyses to ensure the
validity of the insights offered. Hence, meta-analysts must have a deep under-
standing of the relevant economics literature. The best way to acquire this
understanding is to study the literature, inside out. Even after intensive study
of the literature, it is still advisable to read the entire papers. Key information
may not be reported in tables. Often, essential details are contained in notes to
the tables, footnotes, appendices, or “buried” in the middle of the text.
30 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
Research assistants are often tempted to just jump to the tables and check
off categories on the coding forms.44 Typically, in economics they do not have
their names on the published paper, and hence do not have the same academic
incentives for the quality of the final product.
At the minimum, we highly recommend that there are at least two coders to
validate the coding. In our own work, we have found it useful to check coding
three times. With multiple, independent coders, percentage agreement and other
objective measures of reliability, and hence quality, can be calculated. When there
is a disagreement about a particular code assigned, it can be checked again to
ensure accuracy. Any remaining ambiguity can be arbitrated among the coders.
In our experience, no matter how tightly and rigorously one defines the
variables to be coded, rich research literatures will serve up some ambiguity.
For example, we coded whether or not the original econometric model included
experience in the equation of workers’ wages (Stanley and Jarrell, 1998; Jarrell
and Stanley, 2004). This seems clear and straightforward, right? Well, how do
you code a model that does not have an exact “experience” variable but rather
includes worker age, tenure, and age-18? Researchers claim that age-18 is a proxy
for experience, “potential experience,” assuming that workers’ employment is
not interrupted. But is this the same as other studies where the data includes an
explicit “experience” variable? Does the meta-analyst accept the claim made in
the primary literature that age-18 is an acceptable proxy for experience? Of course,
we could have two “experience” variables: one that codes for whether there is a
distinct variable for experience, and a second for potential experience. However,
this is a slippery slope. Having such fine-grained codes for all potentially relevant
research dimensions is not feasible. Academic economics rewards innovations;
thus, there are usually a greater number of combinations of model, data, and
technique variations that one can find in a research literature than estimates. Often
there are not sufficient degrees of freedom to code everything; thus, some choice
about what really matters will need to be made a priori by the meta-analyst.

2.4.2 Locating the data

In economics, most of the data on effect sizes (regression coefficients, standard
errors, t-statistics or p-values) will be reported in tables in the main text of a study
or in an appendix. Increasingly, some of the data is available via web addresses.
Much information, however, will also be buried in the text of the paper, including
important information on the measurement of the variables and the estimation
At times, the information may be presented in figures. For example, some
studies report the results from vector autoregression models in the form of impulse
response functions. While there is some degree of measurement error involved, it
is possible to extract precious data from the graphs themselves, converting plots
into effect sizes. Two meta-analyses of the impact of monetary policy have done
exactly this (Ridhwan et al., 2010; Rusnák et al., 2011).
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 31
2.4.3 Missing information
Reporting standards vary between journals and over time. As already noted, we
require, at a minimum, data on an effect size and its standard error. Effect sizes
are rarely reported in the manner we desire them by all studies; much of the time
partial correlations or elasticities have to be calculated from the reported statistics.
Fortunately, t-statistics of the regression coefficient are usually reported. As long
as the estimated regression coefficient and either its standard error or t-value are
reported, the other statistics are easily calculated from t = a1/SEa1, where a1 is the
estimated coefficient. However, we have a serious problem if neither the standard
error nor the t-statistic is reported.
Where the exact p-values and degrees of freedom are reported, it is possible
to work backwards to derive the t-statistics, exactly.45 In other cases, only the
level of statistical significance is reported, for example with *, **, and ***
denoting statistical significance at the 10 percent, 5 percent, and 1 percent levels,
respectively. In this case, the meta-analyst needs to decide whether to include
these estimates/studies at all. If the estimates are to be included, their standard
errors will need to be imputed from the t-value. However, to do so further requires
that the meta-analyst takes one of four approaches, and all four introduce some
measurement error into the meta-data.
The simplest is to assume that an estimate that is statistically significant at the
1 percent level has a p-value of 0.01. The t-statistic can then be established from
this assumption. Likewise, if a variable is statistically significant at the 5 percent
level, one might assume that the p-value is exactly 0.05. The second approach is
to follow Greenberg et al. (2003) and assume that the actual p-value lies at the
midpoint of statistical significance range. Thus, an estimate that is significant at
the 10 percent level is assumed to have a p-value of 0.075, an estimate that is
significant at the 5 percent level is assumed to have a p-value of 0.03, and an
estimate that is significant at the 1 percent level is assumed to have a p-value of
0.005. The third option is to use the distribution of estimates from those studies that
have reported exact p-values (or from those that reported sufficient information
to calculate exact p-values) and assume that the studies that report incomplete
information follow the same distribution. Fourth, we can omit these estimates
altogether, but this reduces the dataset.
Lastly, there might be an issue of how to handle estimates where the author
reports a coefficient and states that the estimate is not statistically significant,
without reporting any further statistics. Usually, such estimates are omitted from
the meta-analysis, and this is probably the best thing to do because any imputation
is likely to introduce a bias into the meta-analysis, perhaps a large one. If they are
to be retained, one approach is to assume that the p-value was 0.10, on the basis
that authors will try to get p-values as close to the 10 percent level of significance
as possible. Alternatively, a p-value of 0.5 can be assumed, but, of course, this is
just a wild guess. Greenberg et al, (2003) use 0.3, as this is the midpoint between
0.10 and 0.5.
32 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
2.4.4 Multiple estimates: all, best, independent and average datasets
There is always an issue about how to handle multiple estimates reported in a
given research study. Multiple estimates are much more common in economics
where editors and reviewers demand that applied econometric studies report mul-
tiple models, methods and estimates to ensure the robustness of the authors’ main
findings. In Chapters 4 and 5 we discuss statistical approaches to accommodate the
potential statistical dependence that might be lurking among multiple estimates in
the same study. However, there are also alternative approaches to collecting the
data that can remove the issue of within-study dependence. It is to these alternative
ways of defining the meta-dataset that we now turn.
The best-set of estimates consists of one estimate from each study, using the
key regression from each paper. Ideally, it is the one that is explicitly preferred
by the authors themselves. Unfortunately, it is not always clear what the authors’
preferred estimate is, so it becomes necessary for the meta-analyst to make some
judgment. In the absence of publication bias, the best-set might be preferred.
However, given the strong statistical evidence of widespread publication selection
(Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2012), it is possible that the authors’ preferred
estimate reflects greater selection than other reported estimates. Hence, the “best-
set” might not be the best dataset to use in a meta-analysis.
The average-set is constructed by taking an average of all effect sizes reported
by each study. Ideally, this should be a weighted average using optimal weights.46
Stanley (2001) recommends this approach to intra-study dependence, and
Krueger (2003) finds that when followed it makes a large difference to the overall
assessment of the effect of class size on student achievement. The disadvantage of
the average-set is, however, that it fails to take advantage of potentially relevant
information. The within-study variation can be very informative.
The all-set consists of all relevant estimates reported in each of the studies.
This often greatly increases the number of observations available for meta-
analysis, though it does result in added potential interdependence between data
points, which needs to be accommodated by appropriate statistical methods. The
advantage of using the all-set is that it offers more estimates to explain the large
variation (heterogeneity) typically found between studies and between estimates.
Furthermore, it does not contribute to selection bias, potentially inadvertently
introduced by the meta-analyst herself.47
The independent-set of estimates consists of only those estimates that are
deemed to be conceptually independent. Following Hunter and Schmidt (2004),
a study can be regarded as conceptually independent, in this context, if it uses
the same dataset as a previous study but involves different authors, or if the same
authors use different datasets. For example, some studies might report the effects
of an independent variable on the dependent variable for different groups of
countries, such as for the OECD, for African developing countries, and for Asian
developing countries. These could all be treated as independent as they all use
different samples.48
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 33
Many meta-analysts prefer to use the average-set, following Stanley (2001).
Some use two or more of the datasets. Multiple meta-datasets allow results to
be compared and their robustness explored. Conventional practice has evolved
to use the all-set as the standard dataset and to model potential within-study
dependence with multi-level, unbalanced panel and cluster-robust MRAs. For
the sake of robustness, it is also advisable to use one of these other datasets. The
average-set is a natural extension of the all-set, because it must be computed
from the all-set.

2.4.5 Systematic versus partial reviews

The greater majority of meta-analyses have been systematic. That is, they have
sought to identify the population of estimates for a particular literature, such as
the effect of X (advertising) on Y (alcohol consumption), and proceeded to pull
together all of this data. The studies reporting on X ’s effect will typically also
report estimates of other effects, say Z (price of alcohol) on Y. These estimates
can also be coded and a meta-analysis can then be conducted upon the effect of
Z on Y. While the meta-analysis of literature on X ’s effect may be regarded as
systematic, the meta-analysis of the literature on Z’s effect is only partial. Only
that part of the literature that explores the effects of both X and Z is surveyed and
analyzed. The effect sizes from the partial reviews of, say, Z on Y can then be com-
pared to the effect sizes from the systematic reviews of X on Y. This can help to
compare the relative importance of the main effect size that is under investigation.
Examples of this approach can be found in Doucouliagos and Ulubasoglu (2006)
and Doucouliagos and Laroche (2009).

2.5 The quality conundrum: should estimates be combined?

If certain studies are to be ruled out as being of low quality, meta-analysis

impels the researcher to enunciate and code the specific characteristics that
identif [y] the inferior nature of these studies. Studies should be omitted only
by objective criteria that are applied evenly across the entire literature.
(Stanley, 2001:147)

Meta-analysts typically try to be as comprehensive and inclusive as possible so

as not to distort their findings. Studies can easily be identified, their character-
istics and estimates can be coded, but does it make sense to combine estimates
from different studies? Studies differ in many respects. An oft-made criticism
of meta-analysis, especially by referees new to meta-analysis, is that it is inap-
propriate to combine the results from different studies when studies differ in
quality. Differences in the quality of studies might result in biased estimates
and invalid inferences, or so the old chestnut goes. In our view, this tired argu-
ment, repeated by referees, is a “red herring.” “Quality” is often in the eye of
the beholder and can be a thin chemise used to cover naked bias for one’s own
34 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
theory or for the conventional theory. Vague notions of quality, ascribed to some
selected methodological distinction, have often been used to select only those
results that fit into one’s preconceived views (Stanley, 2001).
Study quality differences can be perceived or real. Perceived differences in
study quality often take the form of a bias in favor of ranked or leading journals.
For example, many would subjectively expect that a study published in the
American Economic Review will be of higher quality than a study published
in, say, in a small regional journal. The issue for the meta-analyst, however, is
whether there are more objective measures of quality, such as the precision of the
estimates in question. Doucouliagos and Stanley (2008) compare the precision of
over 12,000 estimates against various measures of journal quality. No systematic
differences were detected – higher-quality journals did not report estimates that
possess greater precision. One explanation for this is that leading journals focus
more on the quality of the narrative and the introduction of new data, estimators
and methods. The precision of the estimate is often not considered to be the key
contribution nor a focus of papers published in these journals.49 Hence, it would
be inappropriate to dismiss a priori studies because they are published in a less
highly ranked journal.
As part of the coding of the studies, we recommend that information is collected
on study quality. Several measures of quality are available. First, we can use each
estimate’s precision as the indicator of quality. This is the most statistically valid
approach, as it is derived directly from the study’s estimate and does not rely on
any additional judgment. Precision is calculated as the inverse of the estimate’s
standard error. More precise estimates can then be assigned a higher weight.
Typically, this means that smaller studies are given less weight, as these tend to
report estimates with less precision (see Chapter 3 on summarizing meta-analysis
data). Second, we can use the impact factor of the journal in which the study
was published. The impact factors are reported in the Social Science Citation
Index (SSCI). Journals with larger impact factors might, arguably, be considered
to be of higher quality and, hence, assigned a larger weight. A disadvantage to
this approach is that impact factors are not available for all journals.50 Third, the
number of citations each study has received, as reported in the SSCI (or Scopus),
may be considered a “revealed quality preference.”
The impact factor rankings are based on a measure of the quality of the journals
in which the studies were published, rather than some measure of the quality of
the studies themselves. The citations data are based on the studies, rather than the
journals. The explicit assumption made is that studies that receive more citations
should be assigned more weight, as they have been more influential. Journal
impact factors and the number of citations can be considered to be measures
of what the profession deems to be important. We prefer the more traditional
approach in meta-analysis, which is to use the estimate’s precision (Hunter and
Schmidt, 2004; Stanley and Doucouliagos, 2010; Stanley et al., 2010). We take
the view that precision is the better weight, as it is based on objective statistical
information alone. A key advantage of precision is that it will be available for all
estimates included in our meta-data.51
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 35
Some meta-analysts only use estimates from the leading journals. In our
experience, this rarely makes a difference to the overall meta-analysis results.
However, it might be important to referees not already part of the meta-community.
Most studies that have explored this issue find that there are no discernible
differences in the estimates. Examples include Klomp and de Haan (2010) and
Disdier and Head (2008). In contrast, Gallet and List (2003) find differences in
both price and income elasticities between leading and non-leading journals.52
Where referees insist that only estimates from “leading journals” should be
used, or in anticipation of such a criticism, we recommend three options. First, a
simple regression of precision (the inverse of the standard error) against journal
quality can be run:

Precisioni = b0 + b1JournalQualityi + ui (2.7)

If b1 is not positive and statistically significant, then there is no evidence that

“leading journals” report more precise estimates. Hence, there is no need to focus
only on the estimates from these leading journals, and there is no objective reason
to discard the information contained in other journals.
Second, the meta-analysis can be conducted for all estimates and then repeated
with only the estimates from “leading journals”. Third, measures of study quality
can be included in the meta-regression models as another potential explanatory
In the majority of cases, perceived notions of journal quality and journal rankings
are unlikely to be an important conditioning factor. There is, however, one other
valid and important dimension of study quality: methodological rigor. Studies
do differ widely with regard to specification, data, estimators, etc. The great
thing about meta-analysis is that, by combining and coding these differences, the
analyst is able to quantify objectively and rigorously the effect of these observable
dimensions of quality on the reported estimates. Then the analyst is able to infer
“best practice” for the research literature in question.
Of course, meta-analysis can be conducted on only those studies that are
deemed to be “best practice.” This could be part of the data collection strategy.
However, why omit studies on questionable methodological grounds when such
observable methodological differences can be modeled explicitly in multiple
MRA? In this way, even the poorest studies, however defined, can help to identify
reported variations in effects due to differences in methods, data, and techniques.
From a pure statistical point of view, we should include all relevant estimates
and code for all observable differences in quality and methods. Then we can let
the research record itself reveal the importance and the effects of these research
dimensions on the reported findings. Our own preference is to cast the widest
net and test whether differences in quality or rigor make a difference. It is often
the case that what is conventionally perceived to be an important dimension of
“best practice” makes little practical difference to reported research, once the
other dimensions of the research process are fully incorporated.
36 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data
2.5.2 Data dependence
When more than one estimate per study or per author is employed, the meta-analyst
might encounter data dependence. That is, estimates reported within a single study
might not be statistically independent of each other. Such data dependence can take
three forms:53

• Study dependence. When studies report more than one estimate, estimates are
not strictly independent of each other.
• Author dependence. If authors publish more than one study, estimates between
these studies may not be independent of each other.
• Spatial dependence. When researchers receive direct feedback from each
other or are influenced by prior findings, this might cause data dependence.

In other areas of research (e.g. medical research and psychology) using experi-
mental trials, one estimate is likely to be independent of the next. In economics,
meta-analysis is often criticized on the grounds that the data are not independent.
Yet in some cases, they are. For example, when looking at the effects of unions
on productivity, studies often sample entirely different establishments. Similarly,
experimental economics uses entirely different samples of (typically) student
subjects. However, in many other areas of economics research, data dependence/
independence is likely to be more complex. Data dependence is particularly a
problem to the meta-analysis of macroeconomic data. Most applied econometric
studies draw from the same data sources (e.g. World Bank Development Indicators,
Penn World Tables, US Bureau of Economic Analysis, etc.), which implies that
the statistical results from the same data should be somewhat related.
So, where studies use the same data, is meta-analysis meaningful? If the studies
cannot logically be combined in a meta-analysis, then they cannot be combined in
a traditional qualitative literature review either. This would then mean that it would
not be possible to draw inferences from macroeconomic studies. However, unlike
conventional narrative reviews, the meta-analyst has two objective strategies at
her disposal.
First, it is routine to code for several of the dimensions of the original research,
including those potentially related to this dependence. For example, while all
studies might be drawn from the World Bank Development Indicators, they may
not include the same set of countries and time periods, and some may make
independent misspecification errors through the researchers’ idiosyncratic choices
of exact model specifications and methods. MRA routinely controls for the country
composition of the samples, the time periods used and other potentially dependent
dimensions of the research results.
Second, this problem of dependence is likely no worse in meta-analysis than in
macroeconomic research in general. Stanley and Jarrell (1989) argue that the issue of
data dependence is likely to be less problematic for MRA than for the typical econo-
metric applications where autocorrelation, path dependency, and non-stationarity
are ubiquitous and strong. Such potential dependence is routinely handled in applied
Identifying and coding meta-analysis data 37
econometrics by more sophisticated regression models or techniques. The same set
of tools, methods, and models available in conventional econometric studies are
also available to the meta-analyst. Thus, if dependence is thought to be a further
concern, we can use more sophisticated regression techniques to handle it. It has
become standard practice among meta-analysts to employ multilevel (or unbalanced
panel) MRA models to account for potential dependence explicitly and cluster-
robust standard errors to correct for its potential effects. These topics are discussed
in greater detail in Chapters 4, 5, and 6.

2.6 Summary
The coding of research is by far the hardest and most time-consuming step in
a meta-analysis. However, it is important because it provides the raw material
for meta-analysis. When coding, the meta-analyst needs to be as inclusive, com-
prehensive, yet insightful, objective, and as rigorous as is practically feasible.
Undertaking a meta-analysis is no shortcut to the “truth” or to an easy publication.
But it is likely to be the only path to a genuine understanding of contemporary
research in economics, business, social science and medicine.
A good meta-analysis is both an insightful, but short, narrative review and a
comprehensive and rigorous econometric analysis of the full research record.
When in doubt, we encourage meta-analysts to err on the side of being:

• inclusive in the research results collected;

• comprehensive in identifying and coding differences in research methods,
data, and models employed that might potentially explain the large variation
observed among reported research results;
• objective in defining clear criteria for study inclusion/exclusion and for
coding variables so that the resulting meta-analysis is independently replica-
ble, which is the hallmark of science (Popper, 1959);
• insightful and creative in identifying factors which might drive the reported
• transparent and explicit about how studies were selected and coded.

Large amounts of scarce intellectual and financial resources are invested in

producing economics research. It would be a great waste to fail to glean the
few nuggets of knowledge contained in our mountains of research results.
Econometrics provides the necessary tools needed to refine this raw research
ore, but it is up to economists and business researchers to take the time to
employ these tools on research itself.
3 Summarizing
meta-analysis data

In the previous chapter we discussed how to search and code research for a
meta-analysis. This chapter focuses on the description of these data, present-
ing alternative ways of summarizing research findings. It is important to note at
the outset that describing a literature is not the central aim of meta-analysis in
economics. Meta-analysis offers so much more than this. The main contribution
of meta-analysis is to make inferences about the state of economic and business
knowledge and to correct a literature for misspecification and selection biases
that typically plague empirical studies (see Chapters 4 and 5). This more analytic
and comprehensive meta-analysis enables meta-analysts to test rival theories and
to provide accurate and corrected estimates of policy-relevant parameters.
While not the central focus of meta-analysis, it is nevertheless extremely useful
to commence a meta-study with a close look at the data. We will illustrate all
aspects of meta-analysis, including descriptive summaries, using data from four
published meta-analyses: the effects of unions on productivity (Doucouliagos and
Laroche, 2003), residential water price elasticities (Dalhuisen et al., 2003), the
value of a statistical life (Bellavance et al., 2009) and minimum wage elasticities
(Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009). Table 3.1 summarizes some of the key features
of the data collection for each of these studies, and the nature of the meta-analysis.
The interested reader should refer to these studies for further details.

3.1 Illustrating data

Once the meta-data has been coded and the effect sizes calculated, the meta-data
can then be analyzed. While most meta-analyses are presented without descriptive
statistics, in our experience it has been very useful to commence with graphs.
Several types of graphs have been used in the meta-analysis of empirical
economics. Some are graphs that are widely used in statistics. Examples include
simple frequency distributions of either t-statistics or effect sizes (e.g. Doucouliagos
and Laroche, 2003; De Mooij and Ederveen, 2003; Bijmolt et al., 2005; and
Holmgren, 2007), box and whisker plots (e.g. Smith and Huang, 1995; Brander
et al., 2006), and stem and leaf plots (e.g. Verlegh and Steenkamp, 1999).1
A second group of graphs is more specific to meta-analysis, such as funnel
graphs, forest plots, Galbraith diagrams, and L’Abbé plots (see Sutton et al., 2000).
Table 3.1 Four illustrative meta-analyses

Field Search engines Type of data included Effect size Number of studies Countries Aim of study Explores
used (estimates) studied publication bias?

Unions and Numerous Published in English Partial 73 (73) Various Testing Simple test
productivity and French correlation theories
Water demand Numerous Published and Elasticity 50 (110) Various Parameter No
unpublished estimate
Value of a Numerous Published only Dollar value 37 (39) Various Parameter No
statistical life estimate
Minimum wage Numerous Published and Elasticity 64 (1,474) USA Testing Extensively
unpublished theories
40 Summarizing meta-analysis data
We have found the funnel graph to be the most useful of these (see Stanley and
Doucouliagos, 2010). The funnel graph does a nice job of displaying publication
selection bias, which is discussed in detail in the next chapter. Funnel plots and
frequency distributions appear to be the most common graphs used in economics
meta-analysis. Forest plots can be used to illustrate the distribution of estimates
by plotting each estimate and its associated confidence interval. They show both
the pooled mean as well as the variation (Lewis and Clarke, 2001). Examples in
economics include Capelle-Blancard and Couderc (2007) and Havránek (2010).

3.1.1 Funnel graphs

A funnel graph is a scatter diagram of all empirical estimates of a given phenomenon
against these estimates’ precisions (i.e. the inverse of the estimates’ standard errors,
1/SE).2 A clear example of the expected funnel shape can be seen among econo-
metric studies of the productivity effects attributed to unionization (Figure 3.1).
The main use to which funnel plots have been applied is to illustrate publication
bias in a literature. However, funnel plots are also a very useful way to identify
coding errors, outliers and potential leverage points in a literature. They may also
be used to identify heterogeneity. Further, they also show, rather vividly, the wide
variation in reported empirical results. In the case of Figure 3.1, we can see clearly
that there are many negative and many positive results reported and that there is
also a large cluster of observations around a zero effect. Using funnel graphs to
identify heterogeneity and publication selection bias is discussed in detail in the
next two chapters. Here we focus on the role that funnel graphs can play in double-
checking the accuracy of our meta-data.










-.8 -.6 -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6

Figure 3.1 Funnel plot of union-productivity partial correlations

Source: Doucouliagos et al. (2005).
Summarizing meta-analysis data 41
3.1.2 Detecting coding errors
In a handful of cases, we have correctly identified coding errors by merely looking
at the funnel graph. As the name suggests, the funnel graph should more or less
resemble an inverted funnel (see Figure 3.1).3 Publication selection may dis-
tort such a graph by removing many of the points on one side or the other. The
implausibly shaped funnels that we have identified come in two forms. In a few
cases, we have seen very high points, near the center, but very much higher than
any other estimate in the literature. Every time we have observed this, double-
checking the original papers uncovered that either the unusually large precision
in question was in fact an error or the estimate was not comparable to the other
studies. In one case, the mistake was as simple as adding an extra “0” to an
already very small standard error (of the order of 0.001).
The second way that a funnel graph discovers errors happens when there
are one or two points with relatively large precision, but not necessarily the
largest, and the associated estimates (measured on the horizontal axis) are much
different than the center of the funnel, as defined by all the other estimates in the
literature. In other words, one or two estimates are far to the right or to the left of
the rest of the funnel. Although this may also be a sign of genuine heterogeneity
and no mistake, it is nonetheless worth rechecking the coding. Obviously, if it is
an error, the error should be corrected. All meta-data points should be checked,
rechecked and verified. It is impossible to be too meticulous in validating the
accuracy of one’s codes. If the unusual point of the funnel graph is correct, it is
still useful to reread the paper and the other codes to see if there is something
genuinely unique about this estimate. If the estimate is coded accurately, then
there must be some research factor or dimension that explains this precise but
very different value. If this research point is correct, and no research factor
explains this difference, then our MRA will have a large amount of unexplained
heterogeneity, which can invalidate its summary findings.

3.1.3 Detecting outliers and leverage points

The funnel plot can also be an excellent way to detect outliers and leverage
points. Simply stated, outliers are extreme and implausible values of the depend-
ent variable, and leverage points are extreme values of the independent variable
that can exert great influence, even when correct, on the regression (or MRA)
relation. The definitions of independent and dependent variables come from
the conventional MRA model (see equations (4.1) and (5.5) in the following
chapters), where effect size is the dependent and its standard error is the inde-
pendent variable.4 Deciding what to do with outliers can be rather nuanced and
is likely to be different when applied to funnel graphs than to the raw economic
data used in econometric research. We can distinguish between two potential
types of “outliers.” Some outliers might involve effect sizes with low precision
but very large values of the estimates, either positive or negative. For exam-
ple, union-productivity correlations larger in magnitude than 0.4 or so might be
42 Summarizing meta-analysis data
seen as “outliers” (Figure 3.1). These relatively large but imprecise effect sizes,
whether technically classified as outliers or not, can be retained in our database
with little or no harm to (or effect on) our results. Standard meta-analysis is con-
ducted using some function of precision as weights (see the next two chapters);
thus, these very imprecise outliers will exert very little influence on any of the
meta-analysis results.
On the other hand, leverage points defined by having high precision can have a
correspondingly large effect on the results of meta-analysis. As discussed above,
unusually large precisions may be a sign of a coding error. When not in error,
however, they must be retained because they are genuinely informative about
the research literature in question. Such large precisions are not really outliers,
but rather leverage, or influential, points. Unless a valid and independent reason
for the removal of these leverage points can be found, such as that they come
from a distinct population or use a unique measure of effect size, they should be
retained in the meta-data. Robust meta-regression techniques are always a wise
choice in MRA and will minimize the undue influence of any one or few values
in the literature.

3.1.4 Chronological ordering of the data

The graphical representation of meta-analysis data using a chronological order-
ing may offer additional insight, as it can capture the evolution of the literature.
A key benefit of such ordering of the data is that it can trace the evolution of the
effect sizes, highlighting trends and possibly structural breaks in a literature. As
an example, consider Figure 3.2, reproduced from Doucouliagos and Paldam
(2008). The data here are partial correlations of the effect of development aid on
economic growth. The horizontal axis shows these reported effects in chrono-
logical order. A simple linear trend line can be fitted to this area of research and
represents a statistically significant decline in the reported size of the effect of
aid on growth. This downward trend potentially has an important economic
interpretation. Doucouliagos and Paldam (2008, 2009) argue that after 40 years
of development aid assistance, aid agencies should be getting better at choos-
ing successful aid projects. That is, partial correlations should be rising over
time, rather than falling. These authors point out that this declining trend may
be explained by publication bias. Researchers are reluctant to show that aid
does n’ot work, but, as more data accumulated, the reported estimates tend to
converge to their actual underlying empirical effect, which by several measures
seems to be zero.5
Such chronological orderings might not make sense in all fields. However, this
chronological graph may also help to identify a genuine trend in the underlying
economic phenomenon studied.6 For example, several meta-analyses have found
a clear trend among male–female wage differentials (Stanley and Jarrell, 1998;
Jarrell and Stanley, 2004; Weichselbaumer and Winter-Ebmer, 2005). Changing
social attitudes about gender roles and discrimination laws predict that there would
Summarizing meta-analysis data 43

Figure 3.2 Chronological ordering of data

Source: Doucouliagos and Paldam (2008).

be a decline in the actual amount of gender wage discrimination. Doucouliagos

and Stanley (2009) present a similar diagram for the minimum wage literature,
illustrating a significant linear trend showing a lessening of minimum wage’s
impact over time (0.04 less negative every decade). Although this chronological
graph can help to identify trends and path dependencies among research findings,
such effects can also be captured by multiple MRA. It has become routine to
include trend variables in multiple MRAs (see Chapter 5).

3.2 Summary measures

Many meta-analyses begin with a description of the distribution of the empirical
results. This sets the baseline of the typical reported effect size in the research liter-
ature in question and provides a context in which to understand more sophisticated
multiple MRA. Conventional summary statistics such as the weighted mean (fixed
effects and random effects), median, standard deviation and frequency distribution
should always be reported. Before looking at these, we first consider the usefulness
of vote counting and integrating p-values.

3.2.1 Vote counting

It is tempting to assess a literature by simply counting estimates and then, for
example, comparing the number of estimates that are positive to those that are
negative, or to compare those that are statistically significant to those that are not.
This vote-counting exercise is presented in Table 3.2 for the four meta-analyses.
44 Summarizing meta-analysis data
Table 3.2 Vote counting

Negative and Negative and Positive and Positive and

Field statistically statistically not statistically not statistically
significant significant significant significant

Unions and productivity 26% 14% 28% 32%

Water demand 83% 13% 3% 2%
Value of a statistical life 0% 0% 10% 90%
Minimum wage 42% 32% 18% 7%

One use of vote counts is that they present a rough summary of the distribution
of findings and the extent of apparent disagreement within a field. For our four
datasets, it appears that unions and productivity has the most disagreement. For
water price elasticities, it appears that there is agreement regarding a negative
effect. Readers and reviewers routinely carry out such vote counts by selecting
studies with conflicting estimates to illustrate that there is disagreement within a
given literature.
While fairly straightforward, vote counting has several disadvantages, all of
which stem from the deliberate loss of information; vote counting essentially means
taking a distribution of estimates and collapsing this into two to four categories.
The resulting loss of information is unnecessary and often misleading.
Vote counting can create problems where there were none. First, as Hunter and
Schmidt (2004) note, vote counting can be misleading because the vote counts
ignore the effects of sampling error. Sampling error creates variation in results
that makes them look like they disagree. When 95 percent confidence intervals are
constructed around the estimates, an entirely different conclusion might emerge.
A second problem with vote counting is that it does not provide an estimate
of an economic magnitude, such as an elasticity, that can be used for policy
making. Statistical significance is an important first step, but insufficient by itself.
Providing reliable estimates of economic parameters is critical for both policy and
economic understanding.
A third problem with vote counting is that by taking away the focus from
elasticities, it also takes away the focus from publication bias. We show in the
next chapter that the union-productivity literature is relatively free of selection
bias, whereas the literature on water price elasticities, the value of a statistical
life, and minimum-wage effects are highly contaminated by it. By focusing on
vote counts, the meta-analyst will entirely miss a key structural weakness in the
data and the need to correct the data before valid inferences and sensible policy
recommendations can be drawn.
A fourth problem is that we frequently require a clear understanding of the
source of variation between studies – not just whether estimates differ in terms of
the level of statistical significance. There are several cases of meta-analysis that
begin with vote counting and then proceed to use the vote counts as the dependent
variable in the MRA. As noted in Chapter 2, such meta-probit (or meta-logit)
models can be highly problematic.
Summarizing meta-analysis data 45
Lastly, vote counts have been shown to possess a statistically perverse property.
Due to the low power of many statistical tests, Hedges and Olkin (1985) show that
the probability that a vote count comes to the wrong conclusion actually increases
as research accumulates. It is an understatement to suggest that this is less than the
statistical ideal. Our recommendation is that vote counts be used very sparingly
or not at all. Although vote counts could be used as an alternative way to illustrate
the distribution of the meta-analysis data, they lose much information and thereby
are less useful than a simple funnel graph. Compare Table 3.2 to the relevant
funnel graphs in Chapter 4.

3.2.2 p-values
Arguably, meta-analysis began in the early twentieth century when R.A. Fisher
and Karl Pearson independently developed procedures to summarize the overall
effect of multiple independent tests (Fisher, 1932; Pearson, 1904). Some meta-
analysts still use Fisher’s method of combining p-values to see whether a research
literature, when seen as a whole, shows a statistically significant effect. Under the
null hypothesis that there are no genuine effects, p-values (Pi) will be uniformly

f = −2 ∑ ln P = χ
d 2
(2L) (3.1)

for a literature containing L studies. Fisher’s test is very generous in ascribing

statistical significance; hence, its popularity. In order for the Fisher test for
an overall effect to be valid, the research findings cannot have heterogeneity
or biases, conditions that are rarely, if ever, met in economics and business
The problem is that the underlying assumption for Fisher’s test is that the values
being estimated are all exactly zero. When different studies use different countries,
time periods, estimation techniques, or independent variables, this assumption is
very likely to be invalid. Some of these differences will produce genuine effects
(heterogeneity), even when the overall effect is actually zero. Also, many of
these variations in methods, models, and variables will produce non-zero biases.
Unfortunately, it takes only one bias for the null hypothesis of Fisher’s test to be
literally false and for the calculated test statistic to become statistically significant
when large enough. Thus, rejecting the null hypothesis of the Fisher test does not
actually mean that there is a genuine empirical effect, as it is usually interpreted,
but rather that there are either biases or heterogeneity. Unfortunately, both of these
are known to be common in economics and business research.
Worse still, if some of the studies in a given area of research select statistically
significant estimates to report, then Fisher’s test is virtually guaranteed to give
an indication of genuine empirical effect even where there is none. In the next
chapters, we discuss the commonplace nature of misspecification and selection
biases in economics research and how meta-regression analysis can identify,
accommodate, and correct these biases. In sum, Fisher’s test tests the wrong
46 Summarizing meta-analysis data
hypothesis (that all estimates come from a population with a zero mean) and is
quite likely to be misinterpreted. Consequently, we recommend that p-values are
not combined.

3.2.3 Descriptive statistics

A simple (unweighted) average is often reported to summarize the findings from a
literature. However, the weighted average effect size, say an elasticity, ηw,
∑w η
ηw = _____
i i
∑w i

is statistically the preferred choice, where the wi are the weights used, and ηi is the
measure of the estimated elasticity. The optimal weights have been shown to be the
inverse of the estimates’ variances (Hedges and Olkin, 1985; Cooper and Hedges,
1994). However, optimal weights might not always be practical. Hence, other weights
might at times be used. For example, the sample size can be used where standard
errors and, hence, variances are not available;7 journal impact factors can be used as
a measure of the quality of the journal in which the study was published; citations
can be used as a measure of the importance the profession has placed on the study;
and for survey-based studies, it might be possible to use the survey response rate.
Some authors use weights that take into account the number of effect sizes included
from each study, in order to ensure that no one study exerts an undue influence on the
results. While the inverse of the variance is optimal from a statistical point of view,
these other weights can be used as a sensitivity analysis or as a matter of practical
necessity.8 Nevertheless, preference should be given to the use of optimal weights.
The estimated standard error of ηw can be calculated as the square root of
the reciprocal of the sum of the optimal weights. This can be used to construct
confidence intervals and to test the statistical significance of the weighted mean.9
Averages can also be calculated for subsets of the data. For example, for
sensitivity purposes, we might want to report the weighted mean for certain
regions (or firms), certain time periods, for specific measures of effect, or for
those estimates published in what are deemed to be leading journals.

Fixed versus random effect estimates

There is much discussion in the meta-analysis literature about fixed- and random-
effects estimators (FEEs and REEs, respectively).10 FEEs weight each reported
estimate by the inverse of the square of its standard error (or equivalently its
precision squared). FEEs assume that all of the reported estimates are drawn from
the same population with a common mean. When estimates are drawn from sev-
eral populations (i.e. when there is heterogeneity), the REE becomes, technically,
the appropriate estimator. REEs weight each estimate by the inverse of a more
complex variance that contains two components, SE2i + Sh2, where Sh2 is an estimate
of the between-study or heterogeneity variance.
Summarizing meta-analysis data 47
The unweighted and weighted averages and associated 95 percent confidence
intervals for our four datasets are reported in Table 3.3. Note that the unweighted
average is greater than the weighted averages, with the exception of unions and
productivity. A simple unweighted average will in most cases give a misleading
measure of the effect size. Note also that the fixed-effects estimate often differs a
lot from the random-effects estimate, in some cases significantly so. The weighted
averages and the 95 percent confidence intervals suggest that: unions have no
effect on productivity; water is price inelastic; the value of a statistical life is
positive; and minimum wages have an adverse effect on employment.
Unfortunately, these conclusions are premature. The weighted effect will be
an unbiased estimate of the population effect, as long as the studies included
in the calculation are all the available estimates, or a random sample from the
population of all estimates (see Hunter and Schmidt, 2004). Where publication
selection bias is present, all averages, weighted or not, are distorted (Stanley,
2008). Even though the REE is the proper weighted average to use when there
is excess heterogeneity, likely publication bias reverses this conventional
judgment. Simulations show that the FEE is less biased in the presence of
publication selection (Stanley, 2008; see also Chapter 4 below). We show
in Chapter 4 that with the exception of the union-productivity effects, these
literatures suffer from significant publication selection bias, the effect of
which is to distort all averages. For example, publication bias greatly inflates
the value of a statistical life, and it also gives the impression that minimum
wages have an adverse effect on employment when they have no employment
effect (Chapter 4). Meta-analysts should refrain from drawing any inference
from these averages, weighted or unweighted, unless publication selection is
formally tested and found to be absent.

Simple linear regression

An alternative approach is to run the following simple linear regression:

effecti = β0 + ui (3.3)

Table 3.3 Unweighted and weighted averages

Field FEE 95% CI (FEE) REE 95% CI (REE)

Unions and +0.021 −0.0003 −0.009 to +0.023 −0.0009 to

productivity +0.008 +0.0463
Water demand −0.378 −0.116 −0.12 to −0.11 −0.29 −0.32 to −0.27
Value of a statistical 9.5 1.8 1.6 to 1.9 5.7 4.6 to 6.8
life (US$ million)
Minimum wage −0.191 −0.037 −0.03 to −0.04 −0.105 −0.11 to −0.10
48 Summarizing meta-analysis data
This has much appeal, as it falls naturally within the regression framework
adopted by most empirical economics, and it can be a springboard for much
more complex multiple MRAs (see Chapters 4 and 5). Equation (3.3) is a fixed-
effects model that assumes that the effect sizes vary randomly around a single
value, β0. If all estimates are to be treated equally and given an equal weight,
then equation (3.3) may be estimated using ordinary least squares. If estimates
are to be treated unequally, then weighted least squares must be used. For exam-
ple, using the inverse variance as weights gives the FEE. In either case, β̂0 is
the estimate of the effect size and the associated t-statistic provides a test for
whether this is statistically significant. Random-effect weighted averages can
be calculated from a regression model that adds an independent random term to
equation (3.3). The next three chapters discuss more sophisticated versions of
these models in greater detail.

3.3 Statistical significance versus economic significance

The calculated weighted average from equation (3.2) provides an estimate of
the underlying parameter of interest. These estimates can be thought of as meta-
averages but should be interpreted with caution because of likely biases and
heterogeneity. Furthermore, McCloskey (1985, 1995) highlights the importance
of economic significance, as opposed to statistical significance. That is, instead of
just focusing on the statistical significance of any meta-average, it is important to
note also the economic meaning, if any, of the size of the estimated effect. Some
meta-averages might be statistically significant, but so small as to be of little eco-
nomic meaning. This is precisely what we find among the nearly 1,500 estimated
employment effects of minimum wages (Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009). The
fixed-effects estimate of the minimum-wage elasticity of employment is −0.037.11
Although this is statistically highly significant (t = −16.6; p <.001), it is too small to
make much of a practical difference. This estimate implies that the $0.70 per year
rise in the US federal minimum wage experienced over the period 2007 to 2009
caused less than a 0.5 percent decline in teen employment in each of these years.
For the purpose of distinguishing statistical from practical significance, Cohen
(1988) offers the following well-known rough, yet plausible, guidelines: 0.2σ for
a small effect, 0.5σ for a medium effect, and anything larger than 0.8σ is a large
effect. By this criterion, there is a small adverse employment effect on teenage
employment from raising the minimum wage.12 However, the magnitude of the
effect size will depend on the subject matter. Hence, Cohen’s guidelines might
be modified according to the field and potential policy intervention investigated
(see Welkowitz et al., 1982).

3.4 Testing for heterogeneity

When there is important heterogeneity, any measure of average effect size will
not capture the true nature of the economic phenomenon in question. Because
economics is largely a non-experimental science, where modeling and method
Summarizing meta-analysis data 49
choices have a large effect on reported outcomes, heterogeneity is always a serious
issue. The conventional meta-approach is to test explicitly for heterogeneity. The
standard, widely accepted, test for heterogeneity is Cochran’s Q-test, which has a
chi-squared distribution with degrees of freedom L − 1, one fewer than there are
estimates being summarized. See standard references such as Cooper and Hedges
(1994), Sutton et al. (2000) and Borenstein et al. (2009) for details of the complex
formula needed to calculate the Q-test. However, a much simpler method, one
that is more natural for econometricians, is available to calculate this Q-test and
to test for excess heterogeneity. When a simple MRA is run with t-values (depend-
ent variable) on precision, 1/SE, with no intercept, the sum of squared errors is
the calculated Q-test and is distributed as a chi-squared with L − 1 degrees of
This leads to a very logical, research-driven way to meta-analyze economic
research. First, the meta-analyst begins with the naïve assumption that the
reported research results are homogeneous and thereby uses simple univariate,
descriptive statistics to summarize the research record. Next, this naïve assumption
of homogeneity is directly tested by the Q-test. In our experience, homogeneity
is always rejected in economics research. When heterogeneity is found, meta-
analysts must attempt to explain it by using all coded moderator variables in a
multiple MRA (Chapter 5). If significant heterogeneity still remains, then a
random- or fixed-effects multilevel, multiple MRA should be explored to ensure
that unexplained heterogeneity is not distorting previous multiple MRA results
(see the schema reported in Chapter 5).13 In this way, meta-analysis proceeds in a
very structured and logical manner, dictated by the actual research record itself.
Surely this is the goal of any empirical inquiry.
However, there is a statistical problem with this straightforward, logical process
of choosing the proper meta-analysis model. The Q-test is widely known to have
low power (Sidik and Jonkman, 2007; Sutton and Higgins, 2007); thus, finding
no heterogeneity may only reflect the limitation of the test rather than the true
homogeneity of the research record. As a result, a case can be made to abandon
the Q-test altogether and just proceed as if there is heterogeneity in all cases. This
is our advice. In our experience across several dozen meta-analyses of economics
research, the Q-test always indicates heterogeneity, in spite of its low power.
Thus, it is unlikely to matter in practice whether or not the Q-test is calculated.
Regardless of the outcome of the Q-test, multiple MRAs need to be employed to
explain potential heterogeneity (Chapter 5).

3.5 Recap: summarizing research

All empirical analysis should include descriptive summaries of the data used.
Meta-analysis is no different. Graphs such as funnel plots and frequency distribu-
tions can be used to illustrate the distribution of reported empirical findings and
should be reported routinely. In doing so, they give a vivid picture of the state of
empirical knowledge in a given area of research and assist with detecting coding
errors, outliers, and overly influential studies. In addition to graphs, weighted and
50 Summarizing meta-analysis data
unweighted averages can be routinely reported but cannot be relied upon due to
likely distortion from publication bias and systematic heterogeneity.
Even though these descriptive statistics are quite elementary, they can impart
surprising insight into an area of research. However, any investigation of simple
descriptive statistics must be regarded as exploratory. The insights gleamed
from these simple summaries must be confirmed by formal statistical analysis
and multivariate explanatory MRA, which are the topics of the next several
chapters. Nonetheless, these simple descriptive statistics can be subtle, containing
important nuances for the meta-analysis of economics and business research,
when interpreted with caution and insight. We recommend:

• using simple graphs to reflect the distribution of reported research;

• checking for outliers and leverage points;
• avoiding vote counting and combining p-values altogether;
• reporting fixed-effects and random-effects averages with caution or not at all.

Meta-analysts should note that statistical significance of the overall effect size is
a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for empirical relevance or for policy
importance. True empirical importance further requires that the overall estimated
(and corrected) effect be large enough to have a notable economic impact.
4 Publication bias and
its discontents

[P]ublication bias is leading to a new formulation of Gresham’s law – like

bad money, bad research drives out good.
(Bland, 1988: 450)

The house of social science research is sadly dilapidated. It is strewn among

the scree of a hundred journals and lies about in the unsightly rubble of a
million dissertations.
(Glass et al., 1981: 11)

Understanding economic phenomena requires an unbiased assessment of the

state of our scientific knowledge. Politics, ideology, and vested interests routinely
distort or selectively interpret the “facts.” Do we need a mere reflection of pub-
lished research? Or rather, is an unbiased assessment of the underlying empirical
phenomenon what we require? If the motivation of our review is to evaluate the
effectiveness of some social policy or economic program, then it is the latter. Or,
if we seek to assess the validity of a given economic theory, it is not sufficient to
merely reflect current practice but to probe a bit deeper to see whether the theory
actually holds. “[E]ven a careful review of the existing published literature will
not provide an accurate overview of the body of research in an area if the literature
itself reflects selection bias” (De Long and Lang, 1992: 1258).

4.1 Publication selection

Publication selection is a widely accepted fact in the social and medical sciences
and a severe threat to statistical inference and scientific practice (Sterling, 1959;
Tullock, 1959; Feige, 1975; Rosenthal, 1979; Glass et al., 1981; Lovell, 1983;
Hedges and Olkin, 1985; Begg and Berlin, 1988; De Long and Lang, 1992; Card
and Krueger, 1995a; Sterling et al., 1995; Copas, 1999). Publication selection
is largely the process of choosing research papers, or their results, for statistical
significance. As a result, larger, more significant, effects will be overrepresented
in the research record.
Card and Krueger (1995a: 239) identified three sources of publication selection
in economics:
52 Publication bias and its discontents
1 Reviewers and editors may be predisposed to accept papers consistent with
the conventional view.
2 Researchers may use the presence of a conventionally expected result as a
model selection test.
3 Everyone may possess a predisposition to treat “statistically significant”
results more favorably.

When the majority of reported findings are selected for statistical significance,
empirical phenomena can be manufactured. For example, the efficacy of a par-
ticular pharmacological treatment or the adverse employment effect of raising the
minimum wage is seen by many researchers as established fact, yet these effects
may be nothing more than the outcome of publication selection (Krakovsky, 2004;
Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009).
“It is a fact of life that people polish their goods to make them as shiny as
possible to attract customers” (Doucouliagos and Paldam, 2009: 445). In reviewing
the effectiveness of development aid, Doucouliagos and Paldam (2009) identify a
“reluctance” on the part of researchers to go against the prevailing view. “To find a
negative effect of aid is to question this ‘do-good’ enterprise; hence the ‘reluctance’”
which they argue arises out researchers’ priors “to be seen as ‘good’, and their
activity to have a ‘good’ purpose” (Doucouliagos and Paldam, 2009: 445). Most
researchers and reviewers wish to make a positive contribution to the laudable
enterprise of development aid. Publication bias need not arise from any nefarious
motive. Rather, it is often the unintended consequence of good intentions or sound
scientific practices. That is, publication selection is likely to be unavoidable – all
the more reason to be aware of it and to correct its adverse effects.
The real problem of publication selection is not its existence, but the large
biases that it can impart upon any summary of empirical economic knowledge,
when uncorrected. For example, the average reported value of a statistical life
(VSL) is likely to be biased by a factor of 5 or more (Doucouliagos et al., 2012b),
and the adverse employment effect of minimum wage is exaggerated manyfold
(Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009). Doucouliagos and Stanley (2012) document
how publication selection may represent a serious problem (“substantial” or
“severe” publication selection) in nearly two-thirds of the empirical areas of
Publication selection has also been found to be widespread within other
sciences: the natural sciences (Sterling et al., 1995), political science (Gerber
et al., 2001; Gerber and Malhorta, 2008), and medical research (Hopewell et al.,
2009). After the widely publicized discoveries that Paxil and Vioxx have known,
but unreported, life-threatening side effects, the best medical journals changed
their publication policies to require the prior registration of all clinical trials
(Krakovsky, 2004). When ignored, publication selection can distort any literature
review, whether it is a conventional narrative review or a meta-analysis (Laird
and Mosteller, 1988; Stanley, 2001). Systematic reviews of medical treatments
now routinely use funnel graphs to discuss potential publication bias (see the
Cochrane Reviews).
Publication bias and its discontents 53

Box 4.1 A biased misnomer?

Publication selection bias is somewhat of a misnomer because editors and reviewers
need not actively select papers or their findings to produce this bias. Often the
authors themselves will report only those findings they believe to be ‘correct’,
more rigorous, or more likely to be published at some later date. It would be more
descriptively accurate to call this problem “selective reporting bias.”

As we discuss in the next chapter, heterogeneity may also cloud and distort
research. However, the effects of heterogeneity are usually less one-sided, less
biased, than publication selection. It is the selection of random misspecification
biases, heterogeneity, and sampling error that generates publication bias.

4.2 Funneling research to identify and correct publication

selection bias
The simplest and most commonly used method to detect publication selection
is an informal examination of a funnel plot.
(Sutton et al., 2000: 1574).

A funnel graph is a scatter diagram of all empirical estimates of a given

phenomenon and these estimates’ precisions (i.e. the inverse of the estimates’
standard errors, 1/SE). A clear example of the expected funnel shape can be seen
among econometric studies of the productivity effects attributed to unionization
(Figure 3.1, repeated below as Figure 4.1). Because a measure of the variability










-.8 -.6 -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6

Figure 4.1 Funnel plot of union-productivity partial correlations

Source: Doucouliagos et al. (2005).
(a) Unions and profits, non-US studies (b) Aid allocations and democracy



Precision (1/se)
Precision (1/se)


-.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6
Partial Correlations - Non-US Studies Partial Correlations

(c) FDI and growth (d) Hospital ownership and costs



Precision (1/se)

Precision (1/se)

-1 -.5 0 .5 1 -.2 -.1 0 .1 .2 .3
Partial Correlations Cost Difference

Figure 4.2 Symmetric funnel plots

Publication bias and its discontents 55
of each estimate (1/SE) is placed on the vertical axis, those estimates at the
bottom have larger standard errors and will, therefore, be widely dispersed. In
contrast, the more precise estimates (i.e. those at the top) will be more com-
pactly distributed. The union-productivity literature (Figure 4.1) provides a
rough approximation to the expected inverted funnel shape that the reviewer
should expect to see when there is no publication selection. Unfortunately, such
approximately symmetric funnel plots are the exception. Nonetheless, a few
other areas of economics research have more or less symmetric funnel graphs
(see Figures 4.2).1
More typical is Figure 4.3, which plots the reported price elasticities for
residential water demand (Dalhuisen et al., 2003). Figure 4.3 shows an elongated
left tail with a largely missing right-hand side. Researchers who find a positive
price elasticity will be unlikely to report it, thinking that it must be in error (i.e.
number 2 on Card and Krueger’s list of sources of publication selection, in Section
4.1 above). The asymmetry of the funnel graph is the antecedent of bias; therefore,
funnel asymmetry is the key to identifying when a given area of research suffers
from publication selection.
Clearly Figure 4.3 is asymmetric, reflecting publication bias and that negative
price elasticities are preferentially reported. But how large is this bias and will
it make any practical difference? Here, the average reported price elasticity of
residential water demand is −0.38; whereas the top of the funnel is about −0.1.










-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -.5 0 .5 1

Figure 4.3 Funnel graph of price elasticity for water demand

Source: Dalhuisen et al. (2003).
56 Publication bias and its discontents

Box 4.2 Selection paradox

Many economists have difficulty seeing that the suppression of positive price
elasticities is somehow “bias.” After all, we all know that raising the price of
water will not increase its consumption. Surely an estimate of price elasticity that
is positive must be in error. Random sampling errors will occasionally cause an
estimate to be positive even when price elasticity is negative, and the likelihood
of such a “bad” estimate increases for small samples, noisy data, and misspecified
models of demand. This likelihood increases, the smaller is the effect. Thus, would
not the economist who finds a positive price elasticity, but fails to report it, only be
doing economic science a favor?
Publication selection may result from the best of motives. It is individually
rational, or at least defensible, for economists to suppress positive price elasticity
estimates, especially if they have any reason to suspect their data. Doing so will often
improve the accuracy of the alternative negative price elasticity that the researcher
chooses to report.
However, such behavior can lead to an interesting paradox and another economic
example of the fallacy of composition. When the entire community of researchers
suppresses positive price coefficients, the average reported elasticity, however
calculated, will be biased and much larger than true price responsiveness. Although
it is possible that each resulting estimate is improved when a positive estimate of
price elasticity goes unreported, our collective understanding of price responsiveness

The most accurate, or precise, estimates are at the top of a funnel graph. These
estimates will be least affected by publication selection because their high precision
make them less likely to be statistically insignificant. But how can we identify the
“top” of a funnel graph? Simulations show that averaging 10 percent of the most
precise reported estimates goes a long way towards correcting publication bias
(Stanley et al., 2010). For water elasticities, the average of the top 10 percent is
−0.105, −0.106 for the top four, and the most precise price elasticity is −0.122.
Publication selection bias distorts price responsiveness by a factor of three to four.
The manager of the local Water Board who doubles the water rate, seeking a 38
percent conservation of water, will be quite disappointed to find that this has little
effect on water use.
Our third focused example involves the value of a statistical life. These values
make no claim to quantify the multifaceted joys, meanings and tragedies of the
human condition. Rather, researchers observe people’s behavior as they engage in
voluntary risky behavior, such as choosing occupations, purchasing extra safety
devices, and buying insurance. Such behaviors allow economists to impute the
value that people are placing on their own lives. Needless to say, such a VSL
can be controversial but is also essential for the planning of many governmental
programs such as reducing toxins in our environment, improving the safety of
transportation, or the construction of public infrastructure. So useful, in fact, that
there have been 14 meta-analyses on the subject.2
Publication bias and its discontents 57

Box 4.3 Symmetry exceptions

The symmetry of a funnel graph follows from the symmetry of the statistical
estimates being graphed. When researchers report t-values of their estimates, they
have already assumed that these estimates are independent of their standard errors.
Otherwise, the t-statistics would not be valid. Nonetheless, there are exceptions to
this idea that estimates will be independent of their standard errors and symmetrically
distributed around the true population parameter. If a non-linear transformation of
statistical estimates is used, symmetry is no longer guaranteed. For example, this
can happen for non-market environmental values that are derived from estimates
of demand or large partial correlations which are non-linearly transformed from
regression coefficients (Stanley and Rosenberger, 2009; Stanley and Doucouliagos,
2010). Another exception is the AR(1) coefficient for a non-stationary time series,
which is well known to have a non-standard and skewed distribution.

Figure 4.4 displays 39 VSL estimates, in millions of US dollars (2000 base year),
calculated from the coefficients of a variable that represents the probability of death
in a hedonic wage equation. Clearly, these values are highly skewed to the right,
indicative of publication bias.3 Note that there are no negative VSLs. It appears that
researchers use a positive VSL or, equivalently, a positive coefficient on the probabil-
ity of death as a model selection criterion. Negative values are just not economically
plausible – recall number 2 of Card and Krueger’s sources of publication bias.
Precision (1/Se)
4 2
0 6

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Value of a Statistical Life

Figure 4.4 Value of a statistical life (in millions of 2000 US dollars)

Source: Bellavance, Dionne, and Lebeau (2009).
(a) Beta convergence (b) Common currency




Precision (1/se)

-.1 0 .1 .2 .3 0
Beta Convergence -1 -.5 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Estimates of gamma

(c) Tobacco price elasticity (d) Alcohol price elasticity




Precision (1/se)

Precision (1/se)


-3 -2 -1 0 1 -2 -1.5 -1 -.5 0 .5
Elasticity Elasticity

Figure 4.5 Asymmetrical funnel plots

Publication bias and its discontents 59
The top of a funnel graph is less susceptible to selection bias and is therefore a
better indicator of VSL. The top of Figure 4.4 is somewhat less than $2 million.
The VSL as estimated by the most precise hedonic wage estimate is $1.2 million,
while the average of three most precise values is $1.1 million. In any case, the top
is much less than the mean of all 39 estimates, $9.5 million. Other clear examples
of highly asymmetric funnel graphs are given in Figures 4.5.4
Our last example concerns the employment effect of the minimum wage.
Recall that Card and Krueger (1995b) created quite a controversy by reporting
evidence, both quasi-experimental and econometric, that minimum wage raises
do not have adverse employment effects. We expand and update Card and
Krueger’s (1995a) meta-analysis by adding 50 studies and more than 1,400
estimated employment elasticities of US minimum wages raises (Doucouliagos
and Stanley, 2009). Although the funnel of minimum-wage employment
elasticities is roughly funnel-shaped, the left-hand side has many more points,
especially at lower precision. This is exactly what selection for statistical
significance should look like. Although positive employment elasticities
are reported, they are seen less frequently (24 percent). Given the historical
dominance of the competitive labour market model in economics, the preference
to report significant adverse employment effects should come as no surprise.
Card and Krueger’s (1995a) accusation of publication bias in the minimum-
wage literature seems well justified and is corroborated by objective statistical
tests (see the next section).5
Note that the top of the minimum-wage funnel (Figure 4.6) is not much
different than zero, implying that raising the minimum wage in the USA had lit-
tle effect on employment. Averaging the top 148 elasticities (10 percent) gives an







-1.25 -1 -.75 -.5 -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 1.25

Figure 4.6 Funnel graph of estimated minimum-wage effects (n = 1,424)6

Source: Doucouliagos and Stanley (2009).
60 Publication bias and its discontents
average of −0.02, which is not practically different than zero, the top four have an
average of −0.008 (again, not significant), and the most precise estimate is nega-
tive but not significantly different from zero. Just looking carefully at this simple
scatter diagram corroborates Card and Krueger’s controversial finding that there
is publication bias in minimum-wage research. Without publication selection, no
evidence of an adverse employment effect remains. However, such issues are too
important to be decided by the subjective interpretation of any graph.
“Believing is seeing” (Demsetz, 1974: 164). Thus, we need other means to
assess publication selection bias more objectively. Next, we turn to objective
statistical tests that corresponds to these funnel graphs. These MRA tests can
identify publication selection and a genuine effect beyond publication selection
should it exist.

Box 4.4 Topping out at zero?

It is important to note that the top of a funnel graph can be anywhere. It is not
constrained to be around zero. In the examples that we selected, it is just a
coincidence that their tops seem close to zero. The corrected price elasticity of water
demand is definitely not zero; however, its top seems near zero (−0.1; see Figure
4.3), likewise for the VSL. In the absence of publication selection bias, estimates
should be randomly and symmetrically distributed around the true population
parameter, whatever its value.

4.3 Simple meta-regression models of publication selection

“[T]esting of hypothesis” is frequently merely a euphemism for obtaining
plausible numbers to provide ceremonial adequacy for a theory chosen and
defended on a priori grounds.
(Johnson, 1975: 92)

With publication selection, researchers who have small samples and low preci-
sion will be forced to search more intensely across model specifications, data, and
econometric techniques until they find larger estimates. Otherwise, their results
will not be statistically significant. In contrast, researchers with larger studies need
not search so hard from the practically infinite model specifications to find sta-
tistical significance and will thereby be satisfied with smaller estimated effects.7
When publication selection is present, the reported effect is positively correlated
with its standard error, ceteris paribus; otherwise, estimates and their standard
errors will be independent, as required by the conventional t-test and guaranteed
by random sampling theory.
Such considerations suggest that the magnitude of the reported estimate will
depend on its standard error, or

effecti = β0 + β1SEi + εi (4.1)

Publication bias and its discontents 61
where effecti is an individual estimate and SEi is its standard error.8 β1SEi models
publication selection bias, and estimates of β0 serve as corrections for publication
bias (as SEi → 0, E(effecti) → β0). However, simulations have shown that it is
somewhat better to use the variance, SE2i , in equation (4.1) rather than the standard
error to estimate the genuine effect, corrected for publication bias.9
The error term, εi, in equation (4.1) is not expected to be independently
and identically distributed. When effecti is an estimated regression coefficient
from a large sample, it will be approximately normal and independent of other
estimates. See Chapter 6 for a more detailed theoretical discussion of how
the structure of MRA is derived from econometric theory and the assumptions
made in the research papers that provide the values for effecti. However,
we know that the variance of effecti, and hence εi as well, will typically
vary from one estimate to the next. Thus, meta-regression model (4.1) has
obvious heteroskedasticity and should never be estimated by ordinary least
squares (OLS). Recall that SEi is the standard error of the estimated effect,
the dependent variable in equation (4.1); thus, effecti has different estimated
variances, typically very much so. In practice, the differences among the
reported variances are often several orders of magnitude. Consequently,
weighted least squares (WLS) is routinely employed. Most statistical software
calculates the WLS version of (4.1) by weighting the squared errors with the
inverse of each estimates’ variance (i.e. 1/SEi2). Equivalently, we can divide
equation (4.1) through by SEi:

ti = β1 + β0(1/SEi) + vi (4.2)

where ti is the t-statistic of each individual estimated empirical effect, 1/SEi is its
precision, and vi = εi /SEi, which should make its variance approximately constant.
When we begin with the variance in equation (4.1), WLS becomes

ti = β1SEi + β0(1/SEi) + vi (4.3)

Note that there is no intercept in this meta-regression model.10 Estimates of β0

from either equation (4.2) or (4.3) have been shown to be among the best in com-
prehensive simulations of alternative corrections for publication bias (Stanley,
2008; Stanley and Doucouliagos, 2007, 2011; Moreno et al., 2009a). Moreno
et al. (2009a) call these estimators Egger and Egger var, respectively, even though
“Egger var” is not found in Egger et al. (1997). The idea of using the variance
rather than the standard error in equation (4.1) came from a “thought experiment;”
see Box 4.8 below and Stanley and Doucouliagos (2007).

4.3.1 Funnel-asymmetry testing

Table 4.1 reports the results of meta-regression model (4.2) for our example meta-
datasets. First, we employ MRA to identify the presence of publication selection.
62 Publication bias and its discontents
Testing H0: β1 = 0 serves as a test of whether or not there is publication selection.
This test may be considered as a test of whether the funnel graph is asymmetric,
hence it is called the funnel-asymmetry test (FAT).

Box 4.5 FAT, graphically derived

To visualize how the MRA coefficient, β1, could represent funnel asymmetry,
first “invert” a funnel by plotting SEi, rather than precision, on the vertical axis.
Next, reverse the axes by placing the estimates on the vertical axis and SEi on the
horizontal. To this scatter MRA model (4.1) fits a least squares (or WLS) line. If
there were too many points on the right-hand (left-hand) side of the original funnel
graph, there will now be excess points on the high (low) side. To minimize the
sum of the squared errors, a line will now be pulled up (down), giving it a positive
(negative) slope and a positive (negative) β1.

With the exception of the symmetric funnel graph of union-productivity

research, all these intercepts are statistically different from zero. We see clear
evidence that water price elasticities are skewed towards negative values (reject
H0: β1 = 0; t = −7.27; p < 0.001), VSLs are selected to be positive (reject H0:
β1 = 0; t = 6.67; p < 0.001), and adverse minimum-wage employment effects are
preferentially reported (reject H0: β1 = 0; t = −4.49; p < 0.001). For minimum-
wage employment effects, water price elasticities and the VSL, we now have
objective evidence that there is publication selection bias, confirming our previ-
ous visual impressions of these funnel graphs (Figures 4.2, 4.4 and 4.6). What
appears to the eye to be asymmetric and skewed is confirmed by statistical tests.
But is there any statistical evidence for these conventional economic effects
once we make due allowance for publication selection bias? To answer this
question, we turn to the precision-effect test.

4.3.2 Precision-effect testing

Next, notice the coefficients on 1/SEi in Table 4.1. Testing H0: β0 = 0 serves as a test
of whether or not there is genuine underlying empirical effect beyond the potential
distortion due to publication selection (Stanley, 2005a, 2008). Because β0 is the

Table 4.1 Simple meta-regression analysis of publication selection

(dependent variable = t)

Variables Union- Water elasticity Statistical Minimum wage

productivity life

Intercept: β̂1 0.65 (1.72)* −2.86 (−7.27) 3.20 (6.67) −1.60 (−4.49)
1/SEi: β̂0 −0.0179 (−1.06) −0.0817 (−5.34) 0.808 (3.56) −0.0094 (−1.09)
n 73 110 39 1,474
t-values reported in parentheses are from heteroskedastic-robust standard errors.
Publication bias and its discontents 63
coefficient on precision in equation (4.2), this test is called the precision-effect test
(PET). Notice further that only the price elasticity of water demand and the value of
a statistical life have statistically significant β̂0s (reject H0: β0 = 0; t = {−5.34; 3.56};
p <.001); see Table 4.1. Even though these two research literatures are the most
asymmetric and skewed thereby imparting the largest relative amount of publication
bias ( β̂1 = {−2.86; 3.20}),11 we can still see through this fog of preferential selection
to identify a genuinely negative price effect on residential water consumption and
an authentic positive VSL. That is, we have reason to believe that raising the price
of water will, in fact, reduce water consumption, but not by very much, and that
workers do need to be compensated in the form of higher wages to take, voluntarily,
higher risks. For our other examples, we find no statistical evidence of any adverse
minimum-wage effect (accept H0: β0 = 0; t = −1.09; p >.05) nor evidence of any
productivity effect from union membership (accept H0: β0 = 0; t = −1.06; p >.05).
Thus, only water price elasticities and the VSL pass the PET.
Once we allow for publication selection bias, what are the overall empirical
effects in these important areas of economics research? Often, it is the magnitude
of the empirical effect, say an elasticity, that embodies many the important
economic questions. The estimate of β0 is such a corrected estimate of empirical
effect, but this estimator has its problems. When there is no effect, it is biased
upward, in magnitude, and when there is an effect, its bias is downward (Stanley,
2008). Consequently, we are better off just assuming that the effect is zero if a
research area fails to pass the PET (i.e. accept H0: β0 = 0).

Box 4.6 Science is not democratic

The majority should not rule in science. Many reviews count the number of studies
or results that are positive (or significantly positive), negative (or significantly
negative) and insignificant. This practice is seriously flawed in even the best of cases.
Hedges and Olkin (1985) show that the probability of a majority count coming to the
wrong conclusion increases as more research accumulates. With the possibility of
publication bias, majority (or plurality) rule will often come to the wrong assessment
of a scientific field of inquiry. The vast majority, 76 percent, of reported minimum-
wage elasticities are negative (46 percent significantly so), while only 7 percent
are significantly positive. Conventional reviewers come down on the side of these
negative employment effects, even though a systematic review that acknowledges
known publication selection finds no adverse employment effect (Doucouliagos and
Stanley, 2009). As in politics, the majority is easily manipulated.

In our examples, VSL and water elasticities pass the PET. The precision coeffi-
cients are only $0.808 million and −0.082, which are 8.5 percent and 22 percent
of the unweighted average VSL and price elasticity, respectively. In other words,
78 percent of the average reported price responsiveness is publication bias, and
−0.082 is very inelastic demand. To achieve, say, a 50 percent reduction in resi-
dential water consumption, our corrected elasticity implies that prices would
64 Publication bias and its discontents
need to be raised by 610 percent, which is a lot more than the 136 percent price
increase implied by the average elasticity. The point is that publication selec-
tion can make a huge practical difference to even our most widely accepted
economic phenomena. This difference is even larger for the VSL.
As well as being statistically insignificant, the other two areas of economics
have practically insignificant precision coefficients as well. Take, for example,
the corrected estimate of the minimum-wage elasticity (−0.009). This implies that
a doubling of the minimum wage would cause less than 1 percent of employed
teenagers to lose their jobs.12 Even if this effect were statistically significant, it is
negligible from any practical policy perspective.13

4.3.3 Limitations
Thus far, we have discussed how publication selection can be identified and
how the presence of a genuine effect, robust to publication selection bias, can be
tested using meta-regression analysis. However, these tests do have their weak-
nesses. The FAT, which identifies the presence of publication selection, is known
to have low power (Egger et al., 1997; Stanley, 2008). The PET, which identi-
fies whether there is actually an empirical effect beyond the bias of publication
selection, is usually powerful enough, but it can have inflated type I errors and
mistakenly detect effects that are not there (Stanley, 2008). These inflated type I
errors occur when there is much excess unexplained heterogeneity in the meta-
regression model.

Box 4.7 Statistical software

Meta-analysis is not software dependent. Any statistical software package will be
just fine for funnels, a simple scatter diagram, and for all MRA models, which
are basic linear regressions. However, some of the canned meta-analysis routines
should be avoided. In particular, the metafunnel command in STATA can be
counter-productive and potentially misleading. True, it automatically produces a
funnel graph, of sorts, with the 95 percent confidence limits indicated. However, the
main problem is that it uses the fixed-effect estimator (FEE) to establish its center,
and we know this estimator is highly biased when there is publication selection
(Stanley, 2008). The whole point of a funnel graph is to get a visual sense whether it
is symmetric and its approximate top. But both of these funnel functions are easily
perverted when the eye is drawn to the wrong place (REE is worse than FEE).
Another canned STATA routine is metareg. It is a weighted regression that contains
a random-effects component. Because the standard error, or precision, is always
one of the independent variables in our MRA models, a random-effects model is
likely to be invalid. In order for a random-effect regression to be appropriate, the
random components need to be independent of all of the independent variables. In
economics and business applications, this is unlikely to be the case. We recommend
that meta-analysts do not use these canned meta-routines but rather basic regression
routines and scatter graphs.
Publication bias and its discontents 65
Simulations show that PET is reliable unless there is strong evidence ( p < 0.001)
that the majority of the MRA error variance is unexplained heterogeneity (reject
H0: σ2e < 2) (Stanley, 2008). When detected (i.e. if we reject H0: σ2e < 2; p < 0.001),
we should not rely on these simple MRA models of publication selection alone
but rather use a “multivariate” MRA to explain systematic heterogeneity. Such
“multiple” MRAs (multiple in the sense that more than one independent variable
is used) are routinely reported in economics and are expected to be part of any
competent meta-analysis, regardless of any auxiliary test. These multiple MRAs
are the subject of the next chapter.
However, it should be pointed out that these limitations do not affect our
assessments of the four example economics literatures, because the weaknesses of
our MRA methods favor the opposite of what we found. Even with the lack
of power for the FAT, we found significant publication bias in three of the four
examples. If anything, this limitation would suggest that the remaining area of
research, union-productivity, might have unidentified publication selection.
However, whether it does or does not is not really scientifically important. The
funnel graph shows publication bias is, if anything, in both directions (Stanley,
2005a). Approximately balanced selection gives the meta-analyst little concern,
because it has only a small effect on summary measures of overall empirical
effect. The corrected effect of unionization on productivity (−0.02) is practically
negligible. So what would it matter for our current assessment that unionism has
no economically meaningful productivity effect if there were also undetected
publication bias, in one or both directions?14
The PET’s Achilles heel is that it can find a genuine effect too often. Only
water demand and VSL have potential type I errors, because only they pass the PET
(i.e. reject H0: β0 = 0). But who would wish to deny either that there is some positive
value to life or some, albeit small, price effect on residential water consumption?
The great thing about our meta-analysis is that magnitudes of these effects are
much reduced, thereby permitting decision makers to avoid a disappointing water
conservation policy or unnecessarily high protection costs. These MRA methods
for publication selection bias and its correction are not perfect or “bullet-proof.”
However, for all of the areas of economics that we investigate here, their potential
limitations only make our findings more conservative.15

4.3.4 PEESE: Correcting publication selection bias

As discussed above, the coefficient on precision in equation (4.2) gives a biased
estimate of empirical effect when there is publication selection, but then so do all
other approaches. Although simulations have shown that this estimator is often an
improvement and among the least biased estimators (Stanley and Doucouliagos,
2007; Moreno et al., 2009a), we still wish to do better. Stanley and Doucouliagos
(2007, 2011) offer an improved correction for publication selection that uses the
variance (i.e. the square of the standard error) in MRA model (4.1). Recall equation
(4.3). This estimator has been dubbed the precision-effect estimate with standard
error (PEESE), due to the form of its WLS-MRA model (4.3). The PEESE is the
66 Publication bias and its discontents
MRA coefficient on precision (1/SEi) from MRA model (4.3). Recall that there is
no intercept in (4.3). Meta-analysts may also use the estimated intercept, β̂0, from
the following equation if they use a WLS routine with 1/SE2i as the weights:

effecti = β0 + β1SE2i + εi (4.4)

Box 4.8 A thought experiment

There is a more intuitive reason why the PEESE parabola will fit the data better than
a line. If there were no selection for statistical significance, then reported estimates
will vary randomly around β0, regardless of the standard error, represented by a
horizontal line: E(effect | No PB) below. On the other hand, if there were no actual
effect ( β0 = 0) but every reported estimate were statistically significant, then the
expected effect would be a little larger than 2SE, regardless of SE, represented by
the ray from the origin; see E(effect | PB) below. For very precise studies when
there is actually an empirical effect, the expected effect will be many times its
standard error without pub-
lication selection, and the
horizontal line will domi-
nate. But as SE gets larger, 12
the demand for statistical
significance will gradually 10
become more dominant, and E(effect/PB)

the ray, E(effect | PB), will 8

exert increasing attraction

upon the reported effects.
It is this gradual dominance
of publication selection that
allows a parabola (i.e. SEi ) 2
E(effect/No PB)
to approximate the rela-
tionship between reported 0
0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
effects and their standard SE

Simulations show that the PEESE provides a better estimate of the underlying
“true” effect when there is an effect (Stanley and Doucouliagos, 2007, 2011;
Moreno et al., 2009a). However, this is not true when there is no empirical
effect and only publication selection. When the true effect or population param-
eter is zero (i.e. α1 = 0),16 we can show that the linear MRA model (4.1) is
correctly specified, and its WLS estimate of the precision coefficient in MRA
model (4.2) is less biased (see Section 6.3). Nonetheless, when there is no
effect (i.e. α1 = 0), but publication selection, both MRA corrected estimators are
biased upward. To be conservative, we recommend that the PEESE corrected
estimate of β̂0 from (4.3) be used only if we have reason to believe that there is
a non-zero effect (i.e. rejecting H0: β0 = 0 using (4.2) and thereby passing the
Publication bias and its discontents 67
PET).17 See the flowchart (Figure 4.7) at the end of this chapter for a summary
and visual representation of how these meta-regression methods are interrelated
and should be employed.18
In spite of our own advice, we report the PEESE estimates for all four of our
example areas of economics research (see Table 4.2). Recall that only two of these
areas of research have robust evidence of a genuine empirical effect. The PEESE
estimate of water price elasticity is −0.115, which as expected is somewhat larger,
in magnitude, than the precision coefficient, −0.082, for MRA model (4.2). Still,
the PEESE correction for publication bias lowers the simple average elasticity
by 70 percent, and there is little practical difference between these two corrected
estimates. Our visual estimate of the top of the funnel graph for water elasticities
(−0.1) is well within the confidence intervals of both corrected estimates. Using
the PEESE confidence interval (−0.086, −0.145) seems quite appropriate for this
Turning to VSL, the PEESE estimates the value of a statistical life to be
$1.67 million, which is also consistent with a visual inspection of the top of
the funnel graph (Figure 4.4). This corrected estimate is merely 18 percent of the
unweighted average VSL. Needless to say, reducing the VSL more than fivefold is
likely to have practical consequences for many areas of public policy. As a result,
some programs that seek to reduce environmental or safety hazards will no longer
be cost-effective.
In the case of union-productivity effects, the PEESE is virtually zero; thus,
there is no conflict with our previous evaluations. The only potential exception is
the minimum-wage literature, which fail to show evidence of a genuine adverse
employment effect using robust standard errors. As expected, the PEESE is
somewhat larger (−0.036) than the PET coefficient (−0.0094). Admittedly, this
corrected effect, −0.036, is somewhat closer to being practically significant. On
the other hand, this estimate implies that the $0.70 rise in the US federal minimum
wage over the last three years (2007–09) caused less than a 0.5 percent decline
in teen employment for each of these years. Note also that this corrected estimate
of the employment elasticity of minimum wage is only one-fifth the average
reported estimate. No matter how we measure it, there is a lot of publication bias
in the minimum-wage literature. Once one accounts for likely misspecification
biases, our best evidence indicates that there is no practically meaningful adverse
minimum-wage effect (Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009).

Table 4.2 PEESE estimates of corrected effect – MRA (4.3) (dependent variable t)

Union- Water elasticity Statistical life Minimum wage


SEi: β̂1 2.14 (1.00)* −0.917 (−0.22) 0.325 (2.81) −0.857 (−4.58)
1/SEi: β̂0 −0.0034 (−0.24) −0.115 (−7.76) 1.665 (5.50) −0.036 (−10.11)
n 73 110 39 1,474
t-values reported in parentheses are from heteroskedastic-robust standard errors.
68 Publication bias and its discontents
4.3.5 Dependence
Thus far, we have discussed simple OLS MRA models of publication selection.19
It is our view that simple methods are often more robust and resilient to random
data problems and misspecification biases than more sophisticated maximum
likelihood methods. Nonetheless, when we have specific empirical evidence of a
threat to validity, it is necessary to use those methods that explicitly address this
threat, if for no other reason than to ensure that the simple OLS MRA’s central
findings are, in fact, robust. In this section, we consider the effects of dependence
among the reported estimates. In the next chapter, we discuss explicitly the issues
of heterogeneity and how to model systematic and random heterogeneity. Suffice
it to say that although heterogeneity needs to be explored, it does not necessarily
invalidate the results of these simple MRA models (see Section 6.4.1).
A common assumption that underpins all regression analysis is that the data
are independent or, more technically, that the errors terms are independently and
identically distributed. Violations of this assumption are common in conventional
econometric applications (e.g. autocorrelation). Meta-analysts have long
acknowledged the potential dependence among reported research estimates and
have sought methods to accommodate dependence (Stanley and Jarrell, 1989;
Stanley, 2001; Florax, 2002). Although there are several potential sources of such
dependence, this issue is especially acute when multiple estimates from the same
study are coded. There is always a possibility that the estimates reported in a given
study share some common effect (perhaps due to the researchers’ idiosyncratic
choices of data or methods) missed by the meta-analyst (perhaps even unreported
in the study) and thus omitted from the MRA.

Box 4.9 MRA autocorrelation?

More conventional autocorrelation is also possible in MRA. However, time trends
and adjustment lags are more likely to be seen in macroeconomic data than meta-
data. Nonetheless, dependence over time can occur in meta-data. For example, if
an area of economics research is very contentious, recently published findings that
support one side of a debate may stimulate supporters from the other side to conduct
new research to bolster their side. When the data are arranged chronologically, this
pattern of research may be seen as negative autocorrelation. Doucouliagos et al.
(2005) find evidence of such a research pattern among estimates of union-productivity
effects (recall Figure 4.1). Meta-analysts concerned about autocorrelation may test
and accommodate it in the usual ways. In general, meta-regression analysis can use
the full arsenal of econometric techniques and methods.

When multiple estimates from the same study are collected, they can be averaged
across each study, eliminating the issue of dependence (Stanley, 2001). Doing so,
however, reduces the degrees of freedom available to the MRA and its statistical
power. Furthermore, some of the multiple estimates may be essential in statisti-
cally identifying the effect of a specific important research dimension. To account
Publication bias and its discontents 69
explicitly for potential within-study dependence, unbalanced panel models can be
used (Rosenberger and Loomis, 2000b; Bateman and Jones, 2003).
The unbalanced panel version of MRA (4.1) becomes

effectis = β0 + β1SEis + vs + εis (4.5)

for the ith estimate in the sth study. vs represents an unobserved study effect,
which traditionally is assumed to be either “random” or “fixed.”20 The “fixed-
effect” term can be estimated by replacing vs with δD (where D is a matrix of
study dummy variables).21
The unbalanced panel version of WLS-MRA (4.2) is

tis = β1 + β0(1/SEis) + μs + vis (4.6)

In effect, the meta-regression model (4.6) assumes that study effects operate
largely through an unobserved differential propensity to select for statistical sig-
nificance. To see this, multiply (4.6) by SEis. The result is entirely the same as
(4.5) with the exception that study effects are now interacted with the standard
errors, μs · SEis. It remains a question for future research whether MRA (4.6) or the
WLS version of (4.5) better reflects typical economics and business research.
We prefer to use panel models in the context of the WLS panel model
(equation (4.6)) or to weight MRA (4.5) by precision squared (1/SEis2 ) using a
WLS statistical package (“analytic” weights in STATA).22 Beyond correcting
for heteroscedasticity, precision serves as an indicator of quality. Weighting by
precision in either of these two ways limits the influence of widely dispersed and
sometimes implausible effect estimates that lie at the bottom of the funnel graph.
In our previous examples, only the minimum wage meta-analysis has the full
multidimensional data structure required for panel analysis. Here, we found 64
studies containing 1,474 minimum-wage estimates and their standard errors.
Studies contain anywhere from 1 to 96 estimates and average 23 per study.
Columns 1 and 2 of Table 4.3 reports both the “random”- and “fixed-effects” panel
(or multilevel) FAT-PET-MRA results for the minimum-wage literature using
(4.6). In this application, there are no practical differences between the random-
effects (REML) and fixed-effects (FEML) multilevel MRAs. The corrected
elasticity estimates are virtually the same, approximately −0.01. Although now
statistically significant, as we discussed previously, such a small elasticity remains,
nonetheless, practically negligible.
REML critically assumes that the unobserved study effects are independent of
the included independent variables, SE or 1/SE. Researchers who select findings
for their statistical significance will likely experiment with econometric model
specifications and techniques to achieve their goal. These efforts are expected to
be correlated with SE, because larger standard errors require larger selected study
effects to achieve statistical significance. Thus, this critical assumption will be
routinely violated in economic MRA applications. As a consequence, we prefer to
use “fixed-effects” panel MRA models. The researcher who wishes to test which
Table 4.3 Panel and cluster MRA of publication selection among minimum wage employment effects (dependent variable t)

REML:1a FEML: 2 Cluster-Robust:3 FE-Cluster: 4 FE-WLS: 5 Average: 6

Intercept: β̂1 −1.71 (−5.62)* −1.59 (−20.5)* −1.60 (−4.49)* −1.59 (−11.8)* −1.15 (−11.4)* −1.25 (−2.61)*
1/SEi: β̂0 −0.0099 (−4.17) −0.0097 (−4.06) −0.0094 (−1.09) −0.0097 (−1.64) −0.0072 (−1.05) −0.0151 (−1.08)
k 64 64 64 64 64 64
n 1,474 1,474 1,474 1,474 1,474 64
t-values are reported in parentheses.
REML conventionally stands for “restricted maximum likelihood.” Here, it can also stand for “random-effects multilevel” because restricted maximum likelihood
may be used to estimate the random-effects multilevel MRA model (4.6).
Publication bias and its discontents 71
of these multilevel models is appropriate for her meta-analysis can conduct a
Hausman test to decide. In a multiple MRA context, Chapter 5, it is even more
likely that the unobserved study effects will be correlated with some independent
The issue of dependence concerns efficiency, rather than bias. Not correctly
accommodating the proper error structure in one’s MRA can cause the MRA
standard errors and t-values to be calculated incorrectly. In such cases, the usual
worry is that simple methods will be too generous in calculating these statistics
and might give a false appearance of statistical significance. This is not the case
in the minimum-wage literature because both REML and FEML find the MRA
coefficients to be statistically significant. Furthermore, efficiency is a second-
order concern compared with bias. As we have seen above, publication bias is
a much greater threat to understanding a given economic phenomenon, often
biasing average reported effect manyfold. Efficiency issues pale in comparison to
the often overwhelming effect of publication and misspecification biases.
For a more conservative assessment of the MRA coefficients, the meta-analyst
can use cluster-robust standard errors. Treating each study as a cluster and
thereby allowing potential dependence among the reported estimates within each
study to calculate the standard errors is another sensible way to handle potential
dependence. Column 3 of Table 4.3 presents the MRA results for minimum-wage
employment effects using cluster-robust standard errors. Non-robust, conventional
OLS standard errors make β̂0 statistically significant (t = −3.55; p < 0.01; not
reported in the tables). As expected, cluster-robust standard errors provide a
more conservative assessment than OLS standard errors (t = −1.09; p > 0.05;
reported in Table 4.3). Whether the standard errors are conventional or cluster-
robust, the estimated MRA coefficients will be identical; thus, either approach
furnishes an identical, practically insignificant, corrected estimate of the effect of
minimum wage on employment. To err on the conservative side, meta-analysts
should routinely use cluster-robust standard errors whenever multiple estimates
are coded per study.
A potential criticism of fixed-effects panel methods is that they tend to give
smaller standard errors and are thus likely to exaggerate the significance of
estimated MRA coefficients. But this too is easy remedied by calculating cluster-
robust standard errors within a fixed-effects panel model context. Calculating
cluster-robust standard errors is a menu option in STATA, and we report these
fixed-effects cluster-robust findings in column 4 of Table 4.3. Note how the
signal of publication selection remains very strong, but the existence of a genuine
minimum wage effect becomes questionable. When the fixed-effects WLS
version of MRA (4.5) is used (column 5), the exact estimated MRA coefficients
are somewhat different, but the overall results are essentially the same as cluster-
robust and FE-robust (columns 3 and 4).
Lastly, this potential dependence may be accommodated by running an MRA on
the average study estimate and their standard errors. That is, we can easily calculate
the average of all estimates, t-values, and standard errors in each study and run our
MRA across studies. Doing so will typically result in many fewer observations
72 Publication bias and its discontents
and thereby a loss of efficiency (64 vs. 1,474 for the minimum-wage literature),
but it has the additional benefit of weighting each research study equally. When
each estimate is coded and analyzed, studies reporting a large number of estimates
(e.g. 96 vs. 1) can have an undue influence on the statistical assessment of the entire
research literature. As a simple approach to potential within-study dependence and
to avoid any undue weighting of a literature’s findings, Stanley (2001) advocates
meta-analyzing study averages. Differences in how one weights each research
study can reverse the overall assessment of a research literature, for example class
size effects on study achievement (Krueger, 2003; Mishel and Rothstein, 2002).
We still advocate this approach because it offers a more conservative and often
more realistic assessment of the MRA’s statistical significance. Nonetheless, we
also suggest using multiple estimates with multi-level models and cluster-robust
standard errors to ensure the robustness of central MRA findings.23
When calculating averages for each study, researchers need to consider whether
they should be using a simple average or a weighted average. Hunter and Schmidt
(2004) recommend strongly that a weighted average should be constructed for
each study, using sample size as weights. Precision can also be used, or some
other set of weights can be used depending on the circumstances.
Our recommended menu of MRA methods may seem a little eclectic or even
bewildering to the uninitiated. We view the running of multiple MRA models
and approaches as a sensitivity analysis, a way to ensure the robustness of our
findings. In our experience, the central findings (whether there is a genuine effect
and its approximate magnitude) are robust to MRA method. Our approach is to
look for common patterns across several plausible models. For those who seek
the “correct” model, we are agnostic. The correct model will depend on nuances
in the structure of research in the specific area under investigation. Of course, one
can use a battery of econometric specification tests to see which MRA model is
appropriate. However, these specification tests are subject to type I errors and tend
to have low power. Because multiple specification tests are required, there will be
a high probability of making some error. Nonetheless, several of these tests are
discussed in the next chapter. Our approach is a pragmatic compromise. Aside
from the irreducible ambiguity of econometric specification testing, referees and
editors will ask the meta-analyst to perform such robustness checks because this
is the accepted practice in conventional econometrics.

4.4 Alternative approaches to publication selection

This chapter has introduced and illustrated basic meta-regression methods for
publication selection detection and correction that center on the standard error,
its square, or its inverse, precision. Needless to say, there are alternatives to
the approaches advocated here. It is our judgment that those discussed above
are best suited for applications in economics. Nonetheless, at the risk of being
too brief and dismissive, we review other strategies for addressing publication
selection bias.
Publication bias and its discontents 73

Box 4.10 Root n for the MRA model

There are some cases where the standard errors are either unavailable or inappropriate.
For example, when demand coefficients are non-linearly transformed to non-market
environmental values, these values and their standard errors will be correlated even
if there is no publication selection (Stanley and Rosenberger, 2009). In such cases,
the square root of the sample size serves as a proxy for precision. The standard
errors, or their inverse, are more accurate and complete measures of an estimator’s
precision than any function of the sample size alone, because sample size does not
contain information on many other factors that affect variation. Nonetheless, the
square root of the sample size can serve as rough proxy for precision in our FAT-
PET-MRA when the standard errors are either unavailable or inappropriate (Stanley
and Rosenberger, 2009).

4.4.1 Rosenthal’s failsafe N

Rosenthal (1979) is an insightful early contributor to meta-analysis and in its con-
nection to publication selection bias. He coined the term “file drawer problem” to
describe colorfully the preference for statistically significant results. When there
is publication selection for statistical significance, he reasoned, many unpublished
and insignificant results must be languishing in researchers’ file drawers.
To address this issue, Rosenthal (1979) offers a formula for the number of
unpublished and insignificant papers that would need to be contained in these
“file drawers” in order to reverse an overall assessment of statistical significance
given by the published papers in an area of research. More precisely, this “failsafe
N ” calculates the number of studies with a zero effect that must be hidden away to
bring down the average overall effect to statistical insignificance. If this “failsafe
N ” is an implausibly large number, say thousands (or perhaps even hundreds), then
the reviewer concludes that there is in fact a genuine empirical effect, regardless
of publication selection.

Box 4.11 Statistical vs. Economic Significance

In a series of papers spanning two decades, McCloskey (1985) has emphasized the
distinction between statistical significance and economic importance (or practical
significance) (McCloskey, 1995; Ziliak and McCloskey, 2004). Economic impor-
tance entirely hinges on the magnitude of an empirical effect, not merely on its sign
or statistical significance. Practical significance answers the question: How large
does this empirical effect need to be before anyone notices or before it makes any
meaningful difference to the lives of consumers, businesses or policy makers? The
failure to recognize this distinction fully has caused debates throughout the social
sciences, notably psychology (Thompson, 1996, 2004; Harlow et al., 1997). This is
another weakness of Rosenthal’s failsafe N. One estimate with a large bias (perhaps
through misspecification) might easily be sufficient to make the average standard-
ized effect statistically significant, regardless of its practical significance.
74 Publication bias and its discontents
Unsurprisingly, there are a number of problems with Rosenthal’s approach. For
example, other analysts have shown that his formula is wrong (Begg and Berlin,
1988; Iyengar and Greenhouse, 1988; Scargle, 2000). Yet, more importantly for
empirical economics, the logic behind Rosenthal’s failsafe N is flawed. It is impor-
tant to realize that Rosenthal is a psychologist who thinks in terms of experiments.
When the failsafe N is in the thousands, it is reasonable to suppose that there could
not be such a large number of unpublished experiments lying around somewhere.
Such a large number of experiments would take too much time and resources to
go unnoticed.
However, in economics, it takes almost no time or resources to produce yet
another empirical estimate. Applied econometric research is largely observational,
that is, the researcher does not need to spend her time collecting or creating the data.
Rather, governmental and business data are downloaded and submitted to some
statistical software. While doing so, econometricians are free to choose among
many different independent variables to include along with the variable of interest
in their econometric models, alternative measures of the dependent phenomenon,
many combinations of data or data ranges, several different functional forms of
the underlying relationship, and dozens of estimation techniques and approaches.
Together, millions of estimates are easily generated about most key economic
parameters (Sala-i-Martin, 1997). Worse still, econometricians can program their
computers to generate and select among these millions of estimates to find the
“best” or most significant one. As a result, economics has no finite “failsafe N.”
A calculated “failsafe N” as high as a million gives no guarantee that the reported
statistical significant phenomenon is anything more than publication selection.

4.4.2 Trim and fill

A widely employed strategy to correct for publication bias in medical research
is “trim-and-fill” (Duval and Tweedie, 2000). It begins with a funnel graph and
attempts to impute a corrected estimate by “trimming” the excess reported studies
on the “preferred” side of the funnel graph and “filling” in the missing, unreported
studies on the other side. The central weakness of this approach to correcting publi-
cation bias is the crucial issue of how to identify these two sides of the funnel graph.
Sides of a funnel graph are defined relative to the true underlying empirical effect
being investigated. That is, before we can either trim or fill in the funnel graph, we
must first have an idea where the true empirical effect is located. Yet, this is exactly
what we are seeking from trim and fill. How can this vicious circle be broken?
Duval and Tweedie (2000) use a random-effects weighted average of all reported
estimates as the first approximation to the true underlying effect. However,
it is widely known that such weighted averages are highly biased when there is
publication selection (Stanley, 2008; Moreno et al., 2009a). From this poor starting
point, they estimate the number of missing, unreported studies and trim this number
from the preferred side of the funnel graph. This produces a second estimate of
the true effect, and this process is repeated until convergence is reached. Typically,
the successive rounds of this algorithm do produce less biased estimates. However,
Publication bias and its discontents 75
the central weakness of trim-and-fill is that confidence intervals of the corrected
estimate often do not contain the true parameter being estimated. In comprehensive
simulations conducted by medical researchers sympathetic to trim-and-fill, the meta-
regression methods discussed above (PET and PEESE) are found to be superior.
“In conclusion, several regression-based models for [publication bias] adjustment
performed better than” trim-and-fill (Moreno et al. 2009a: 15).

4.4.3 Hedges’ maximum likelihood, publication selection estimator

Larry Hedges is another early and influential contributor to meta-analysis. Hedges
and Olkin (1985) is the classic statistical text on meta-analysis. Hedges (1992)
offers a more sophisticated econometric model of the publication selection proc-
ess along the lines of a Heckman correction for selection. As discussed before,
the first stage of the conventional Heckman method is unavailable, because we
do not observe the unreported estimates. Instead, Hedges’ approach assumes that
the selection process is a function of an estimate’s p-value, and nothing else. In
particular, the likelihood of publication is an increasing step function of the com-
plement of a study’s p-value.24

ω1 if −σi Φ−1(a1) < effecti ≤ ∞

w(effecti, σi) = ωj if −σi Φ−1(aj) < effecti ≤ −σi Φ−1(aj−1) (4.7)
ωk if −∞ ≤ effecti ≤ −σi Φ−1(ak−1)

where 1 < j < k, and Φ−1(a1) is the inverse cumulative normal (Hedges and Vevea,
1996: 304). The ajs are arbitrary cut points, such as 0.10, 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001,
which are chosen a priori. The weights of these arbitrary cut points, aj, can be
estimated from the data. After fully parameterizing this selection model, Hedges
(1992) derives the joint likelihood and uses a multivariate Newton–Raphson
method to find its maximum.
Hedges’ maximum likelihood, publication selection estimator (MLPSE) has
been applied to several areas of economic research but with mixed success; see
Ashenfelter et al. (1999), Florax (2002), Abreu et al. (2005), Nijkamp and Poot
(2005), and Huang et al. (2009). The MLPSE has been problematic in many of
these applications. For example, Florax (2002) finds that the MLPSE does not
converge for estimates of the price elasticity of water demand, which is one of the
examples we have been using. Worse still, Florax (2002) unearths the “awkward”
implication that the probability of publishing a statistically insignificant elasticity
is greater than that of publishing a statistically significant one. Likewise, Abreu
et al. (2005) obtain implausible weights for publishing estimates of economic
convergence. They find that studies with insignificant p-values between 0.05 and
0.10 are more likely to be published than statistically significant ones. We believe
that such patterns of selected p-values provide evidence that Hedges’ publication
selection model is misspecified. The story is similar for Huang et al. (2009). They
find that highly significant social trust and social participation effects ( p < 0.01)
are less likely to be published than marginally significant ones (0.01 < p < 0.05),
76 Publication bias and its discontents
and the corrected effect of social trust is virtually the same as the unadjusted mean
even though there is strong evidence of publication selection for a positive social
trust effect (Huang et al., 2009: 460).
We suspect that Hedges’ assumed selection model misspecifies publication
selection in economics. We are dubious that there are multiple steps of p-values
that should be given different weights in economics. Selection is likely to be more
complicated than any function of p-values alone. Rather, selection for publication
in economic journals will depend on whether or not an effect is statistically
significant but also on other unrelated features concerning the perceived quality
of the analysis. For example, methodological innovation is often prized over mere
statistical significance. Or selection may be related to the author’s reputation or
the novelty of the data she uses. In any case, only a portion of any economics
research literature is likely to be selected for statistical significance.25 In the
simulations used in our research, we assume varying fractions (from 0 to 75
percent) of a literature are selected for statistical significance while the remaining
portions are assumed to be selected for unrelated reasons (Stanley, 2008; Stanley
and Doucouliagos, 2007). Multiple FAT-PET-MRAs can explicitly model a more
complex publication selection process, allowing it to be affected by any observed
study characteristic. These more complex MRA models of publication selection
and heterogeneity are the subject of the next chapter and are discussed in detail
there. Maximum likelihood methods are highly sensitive to small changes in data
and model specification. Thus, in practice, the results obtained using Hedges’
MLPSE are less likely to be reliable.

4.4.4 Meta-significance testing

The decisive characteristic that identifies a genuine empirical effect from ran-
dom misspecification biases and publication selection is that the associated
standardized effect (i.e. a t- or z-value) increases with larger samples or greater
precision. Statistical power guarantees that t-values increase with the square
root of the sample size (or precision), ceteris paribus. Card and Krueger (1995a)
were the first to use this insight explicitly in meta-regression analysis. Recall
that a t-value is:

ti = (effecti − α1)/SEi (4.8)

where α1 is the associated “true effect” (population parameter) and is assumed to

be zero as the null hypothesis. Thus, we would expect that the estimated t-values
would increase with precision (1/SE ), assuming of course that there is some genu-
ine effect. Whether the effect is a regression coefficient or something simpler,
basic statistics tells us that SEi will be proportional to 1/√n, further implying that
the estimated t-value should be proportional to √n.26 Thus, the signature of a genu-
ine underlying empirical effect is this power trace.
However, when there is no genuine effect, estimates of α1 will vary randomly
around zero, and the t-value will be independent of sample size. Because the
Publication bias and its discontents 77
probability of the type I error is constant for all sample sizes, standardized test
statistics automatically adjust for differences in sample size. Therefore, when
there is no underlying empirical effect, large t-values will be observed rarely and
randomly, regardless of n. Of course, this all assumes that there is no publication
selection bias to dilute the effect of statistical power. Alternatively, when there is
a genuine empirical effect, statistical power will cause the t-value to be positively
associated with the square root of its sample size. This positive relationship can
be expected regardless of the size of the effect (assuming that it has a non-zero
effect) and irrespective of contamination from random misspecification biases.
This trace of statistical power identifies a genuine empirical effect across a given
research literature.
These considerations suggest the following MRA model:

E(log|ti|) = γ0 + γ1 log(ni) (4.9)

γ1 will be zero if there is no effect, and γ1 = 1/2 when there is a non-zero effect.
This trace of statistical power has been used as a test for a genuine effect beyond
publication selection and has been called “meta-significance testing” (MST: Card
and Krueger, 1995a; Stanley, 2001, 2005a).
Like all tests, MST has its limitations. When there is publication selection the
relationship between the t-statistic and its sample size washes out. But worse,
MST often has type I error inflation (Stanley, 2008). In this context, the type I
error is the mistake of finding that there is a genuine empirical effect when there
is really none. Because scientific inference is designed to be conservative, the
type I error is the worse error to make. This problem arises from the use of the
absolute value before taking the logarithm of the t-value. This causes both very
positive and very negative values to be large and positive. When there is excess
heterogeneity, ubiquitous in economic applications, such large t-values (positive
or negative) will be found more often in large samples.

Box 4.12 What might prevent the t ratio from rising with sample size?
Card and Krueger (1995a: 239) erroneously use the absence of the relation
between the logarithm of a study’s reported t-value and the logarithm of its sample
size (or degrees of freedom) as evidence of publication bias in minimum wage
research – recall equation (4.9). However, there is a second, equally valid, cause
of an insignificant estimated γ1 in equation (4.9). Perhaps, there is simply no
actual empirical effect. In the absence of an empirical effect, t-values will not rise
with their sample size, regardless of whether or not there is publication selection
(Stanley, 2005a). Unfortunately, this oversight has been repeated several times
by economists. MST should not be used as a test for the presence of publication
selection. The simple answer to Card and Krueger’s rhetorical question: “What
might prevent the t ratio from rising with sample size?” (Card and Krueger,
1995a: 239) is that the minimum wage has no employment effect (Stanley and
Doucouliagos, 2009).
78 Publication bias and its discontents
Due to MST’s type I error inflation, we reluctantly do not recommend its use.27
Nonetheless, this idea of searching for the trace of statistical power is central
to differentiating genuine empirical phenomena from publication selection bias.
Fortunately, this same fundamental statistical relationship, statistical power, is
also embedded in the FAT-PET-MRA model (4.2). Note how MRA model (4.2)
is a regression of t-values on precision. Precision is literally part of a t-statistic
(recall equation (4.8)); thus, it must be a better measure of statistical power than
the square root of the sample size. Also, MRA model (4.2) does not need to use
absolute values and is thereby much less vulnerable to type I error inflation. Lastly,
the FAT-PET-MRA has more power than MST (Stanley, 2008). Thus, MRA model
(4.2) dominates MST.

4.5 Recap: The FAT-PET-PEESE approach to publication selection

This chapter introduces publication selection and how meta-regression analysis
can accommodate and correct for its bias. We believe that the best available
models of publication selection are FAT-PET-MRA and PEESE. The FAT-PET-
MRA is:

ti = β1 + β0 (1/SEi) + vi (4.2)

where ti is the reported estimate’s t-value, and SEi is its standard error. This meta-
regression model (4.2) contains tests for publication bias (funnel-asymmetry test,
H0: β1 = 0), and for the presence of a genuine effect beyond publication selection
(precision-effect test, H0: β0 = 0).
The precision-effect estimate with standard error (PEESE),

ti = β1SEi + β0(1/SEi) + vi (4.3)

provides a better estimate of the actual empirical effect corrected for publication
bias, when there is one. Although there are other methods to deal with publica-
tion selection, FAT-PET-PEESE are the best available meta-analytic methods for
economic and business applications.
All economic and business research literatures should be assumed to contain
publication bias, regardless of one’s assessment of the funnel graph. In our
experience over dozens of areas of economic and business research, the clear
majority possess substantial publication selection bias. Although the funnel-
asymmetry test is a valid test for the presence of publication selection under
typical conditions, it is widely known to have low power. Thus, the failure to
find explicit evidence of publication selection is no guarantee that its bias is not
a serious problem.
Regardless of the outcome of the FAT (node 1 in the schema shown in Figure 4.7),
we recommend using the PET to test for the existence of a genuine effect beyond
potential contamination from publication bias (node 2). Lastly, PEESE should
Publication bias and its discontents 79

1: Conduct FAT; H0: β1 = 0 in

ti = β1 + β0(1/SEi) + νi

2: Conduct PET; H0: β0=0 in

ti = β1 + β0 (1/SEi) + νi
Accept H0 Reject H0

4: We fail to find sufficient 3: Estimate β0 using PEESE:

evidence of an empirical effect. ti = β1 SEi + β0 (1/SEi) + νi

Figure 4.7 Schema for investigating and correcting publication bias

be used to estimate the magnitude of the empirical effect if there is evidence

that one exists (i.e. reject H0: β0 = 0) – node 3. After the corrected estimate is
calculated, the meta-analyst should evaluate its size for practical economic or
policy significance. If there is no evidence of a non-zero empirical effect beyond
publication selection (i.e. accept H0: β0 = 0), the meta-analyst must accept that
the research literature in question has failed to provide evidence of a genuine
empirical effect. In the following chapter we turn to multivariate versions of these
simple MRA models.
5 Explaining economics

Economic phenomena are complex and nuanced. Even where there is a simple
underlying phenomenon, unforeseen economic and political events easily over-
whelm the most stable and fundamental economic relation. For example, the
added uncertainty caused by the 2008 global financial crisis broke down the nor-
mally stable relation between income and consumption expenditures and between
interest rates and the demand for new loans, or at least those versions of these
relationships that fail to incorporate the full effects of unobserved uncertainty.
Likewise, economics research is complex and nuanced. Even when applied
econometrics is estimating a clear, meaningful and stable parameter (e.g. a price
elasticity), the econometric technique employed (e.g. structural equations), the
type of data (e.g. panel) or whether relevant explanatory variables are omitted
(e.g. income) often has a dominating impact on the estimated coefficient. Past
meta-analyses routinely find wide differences among the reported estimates of
purportedly the same economic parameter. Great disparities among research
finding are ubiquitous. For example, the reported minimum-wage elasticity of
employment ranges from −19 to nearly +5, with a standard deviation of 1.1.
Note that this variation, however measured, overwhelms the reported average
elasticity, −0.19. Similarly, the price elasticity of residential water demand has
an implausibly large reported range (from −2 to +0.8), implying that demand is
anywhere from quite price elastic to highly inelastic or even upward-sloping!
For these price elasticities, the average (−0.38) is also dominated by the reported
variation (standard deviation 0.41).
In previous chapters, we have focused on describing and summarizing research
findings for any given area of research. However, the most common finding among
the hundreds of meta-analyses conducted on economic subjects is that there is
excess heterogeneity. That is, the observed variation in any area of economics
research is always much greater than what one should expect from random
sampling error alone. Such excess variation begs explanation. Furthermore,
the failure to account for such excess variation can invalidate any simple meta-
analysis. Like conventional econometric analysis, the omission of a relevant
explanatory variable might possibly cause bias in the simple meta-analysis. In
this chapter, we discuss how to accommodate and explain this excess research
variation using “multivariate” (or “multiple”) meta-regression analysis.
Explaining economics research 81
5.1 Heterogeneity
The “problem” of heterogeneity arises from the fact that the expected value of a
reported estimate will often depend on many other factors: country or region, time
period, presence (or absence) of other relevant variables in the original economet-
ric model, dependent variable measure, functional form used and the econometric
technique employed, among others.
If unaccounted, heterogeneity can bias any simple MRA estimate.
Econometricians are well aware of omitted-variable bias. When a relevant
independent variable that is correlated with an included independent variable
is omitted from a regression (conventional or meta), the estimated regression
coefficients will be biased. Systematic heterogeneity, not explicitly accommo-
dated, may bias simple MRA estimates.
The most obvious approach to addressing excess heterogeneity is to explicitly
model it by coding any research dimension thought to have a potential effect on
the reported effects, including the standard deviation or its inverse, precision.
It is standard – and highly recommended – practice to model systematic
heterogeneity using a multivariate or multiple MRA.1 Multiple MRA is the
central topic for this chapter. A further advantage of meta-regression analytic
explanation of research heterogeneity is that it is based on theory. This theory
is statistical theory and need not be assumed by meta-analysts because the
researchers of the primary empirical literature themselves must have made the
necessary assumptions if their results are to be taken at face value. We discuss
the theory of meta-regression analysis and the more technical aspects of the
MRA in Chapter 6, while extensions to MRA, including multiple MRA equation
systems, are discussed in Chapter 7. In this chapter, we first briefly evaluate the
random effects approach to dealing with heterogeneity and then discuss how to
use MRA to explain heterogeneity.

Box 5.1 MRA of t versus precision

To visualize this connection between excess heterogeneity and a simple MRA
between a t-value and its precision, consider what homogeneity implies. With
homogeneity, each estimate will be randomly distributed around its true value, β0,
effecti = β0 + εi (recall equation (3.3)). However, we know that different estimates
of effect are likely to have widely different sampling errors, SEi, and we need to
compensate for this heteroskedasticity. The simplest way to do so is to use a WLS
version of (3.3), which also represents the fixed-effects weighted average. The WLS
version of (3.3) may be obtained by dividing (3.3) by SEi, giving: ti = β̂0 /SEi + νi,
which is an MRA of t versus precision, 1/SEi. Because νi is the former error, εi,
divided by SEi, it must have a variance of 1, unless there is excess heterogeneity
coming from some source other than measured sampling error, SEi, alone. Thus,
the sum of squared errors from this simple of MRA of t vs. precision 1/ SEi gives a
simple chi-squared test, called the Q-test, for excess heterogeneity.
82 Explaining economics research
5.1.1 Is there excess heterogeneity in economics research?
The short answer is: yes, most definitely. In our experience, all areas of research
contain excess heterogeneity; that is, greater variation than what would be expected
by measured sampling error, SEi, alone. As noted in Chapter 3, the conventional
test is Cochran’s Q-test, which has a chi-squared distribution with degrees of free-
dom one fewer than the number of estimates (Cooper and Hedges, 1994; Sutton
et al., 2000). The easiest way to calculate Q is to use the sum of squared errors
from a simple MRA of the t-value on precision forced through the origin (Higgins
and Thompson, 2002). This MRA is the same as the WLS version of the FAT-PET-
MRA, except that there is no intercept.2 Table 5.1 reports the calculated Cochran’s
Q for our four example meta-analyses. In all of these areas of research, there is
strong evidence of excess heterogeneity ( p < 0.001).

5.1.2 Random-effects meta-regression analysis

One approach to dealing with heterogeneity is to assume that excess heterogeneity
is random and independent of all of our moderator variables, including the stand-
ard error. Such “random-effects” MRAs incorporate an additional term to the
MRA model, which allows for any between-study (or between-estimate) random
variation. For example, STATA has a routine, metareg, that includes random
effects along with weighted least squares where the weights include both a meas-
ure of the between-estimate variance and the square of the standard error (the
within-estimate variation).3 Random-effects models are more familiar to econom-
etricians in the context of cross-section/time series panel data. As discussed in
the previous chapter and again below, random-effects multilevel (REML) panel
models are one way to address within-study dependence.4 Multilevel models can
also be structured over different sources of data, authors or other potential data
A crucial assumption in any random-effects model is that these added random
effects need to be independent of all of the explanatory variables. However, as
discussed in Section 6.2.1 below, this is not likely to be true for MRA models of
publication selection because imprecise studies (i.e. those with larger standard
errors) require greater effort to find statistical significance. Thus, the random
effects will be routinely correlated with the standard error when there is publication
selection. Random effects are then, in part, the result of these greater efforts to
select and report desired estimates.

Table 5.1 Q-tests for heterogeneity (dependent variable t)

Variables Union Water Value of Minimum

productivity elasticity statistical life wage

Q 347 2,533 558 14,528

df 77 109 38 1,473
Explaining economics research 83
Preliminary simulations using the same design as Stanley (2008) confirm a
positive correlation between random, yet selected, heterogeneity and the estimate’s
standard error. As expected, this correlation increases with the incidence of
publication selection. These simulations also suggest that random-effects MRA
models discussed in Chapter 4 cause larger biases than “fixed-effects” MRA, and
these differences can be of practical importance.5 Thus, we do not recommend the
use of random-effects MRAs.
To see this, recall from Chapter 4 that we found evidence of genuine non-zero
empirical effects in two of the economics research examples, the price elasticity of
residential water demand and the value of a statistical life. When there is evidence
of such a genuine effect, the PEESE provides a better (less biased) estimate. Table
5.2 reports the previous WLS-PEESE estimates from MRA (4.4) versus the same
model that employs a random effect to allow for excess heterogeneity.
Note that in both cases, the random-effects MRA greatly increases the estimated
effect in the same direction as the observed publication bias; hence, we believe
that the random-effects MRA increases bias. Our interpretation is based on the
comparison of the “corrected” estimates in Table 5.2 with the known biased
weighted averages (FEE and REE; recall Chapter 3) that are reported in Table
3.3. To see this, first recall that both of these literatures contain strong evidence
of publication selection (Table 4.1). Simulations clearly reveal that both fixed-
effects (FEE) and random-effects (REE) weighted averages are biased when there
is publication selection, and this is especially true for REE (Stanley, 2008; Moreno
et al., 2009a; Stanley et al., 2010). Yet, the below “random-effects” PEESE-MRA
estimates the “corrected” effects for both of these areas of research to be as large as
or larger than REE and much larger than FEE. It seems clear that the reason for the
large difference between the WLS and “random-effects” PEESE-MRA in Table
5.2 is that the random effects are picking up much of the publication selection
bias. For both areas of research these differences are about threefold and have
practical policy significance for any number of public projects and regulations.
Medical research does not have a culture of systematically explaining
heterogeneity. Because most of their estimates come from controlled experiments,
their priors are to assume that research variation is entirely random, and there
are often too few comparable experiments to undertake a serious statistical study
of heterogeneity. Nonetheless, there are differences in populations, strength of
stimulus (dosage or treatment protocols), and experimental design that have
systematic effects on the targeted health outcomes. Yet, medical researchers

Table 5.2 WLS and “random-effects” PEESE

Variables Statistical life Price elasticity

WLS of MRA (4.4) 1.665 (5.50)* −0.115 (−7.76)

Random effects 5.70 (5.90) −0.321 (−12.32)
n 39 110
t-values are reported in parentheses.
84 Explaining economics research
tend to ignore these systematic effects and assume that any observed excess
heterogeneity is random. This is the reason why STATA’s metareg routine
automatically includes random effects. However, in economics and business
as well as in medical research, random-effects MRAs are likely to reintroduce
publication biases that were carefully filtered by our simple WLS-MRA models
of publication selection. Although this area of research merits further study, we
believe that it is unwise to use random effects in meta-analysis.

5.2 Multivariate models of research

5.2.1 Meta-regression of publication selection
Publication selection causes incidental truncation from the population of estimates
(Wooldridge, 2002). It is “incidental” because the estimates themselves are not
directly selected, but rather their sign and statistical significance. The problem
of incidental truncation and hence publication selection may be regarded as a
special case of sample selection (Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004: 486–9).
The conventional solution to this selection bias is to employ a “Heckman” two-
equation system:

e = Zβ + ε (5.2)

P = 1[Kδ + u ≥ 0] (5.3)

where e is a vector of estimated effects, and Pi = 1 if ei is reported in the literature

and zero otherwise (Wooldridge, 2002: Chapter 17; 2006: 618–20). Z and K are
matrices of exogenous variables. K affects the likelihood of selecting an empiri-
cal estimate, and Z models the heterogeneity and misspecification biases of the
reported estimate. ε and u are assumed to be normally distributed with correlation
ρ (Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004: 486–9). In typical economics applications,
equation (5.3) is estimated by a probit using the entire sample of selected and
non-selected observations. However, in the case of publication selection, we do
not generally have access to unreported estimates.6 Thus, step one of the conven-
tional Heckman (1979) two-step method cannot be estimated for the publication
selection of empirical economic research.7 As a result, conventional Heckman
selection corrections are not possible for application to publication selection.
Instead, incidental truncation gives an expected value quite similar to the
conventional “Heckman” regression:

E(effecti | truncation) = α1 + σi · λ(c) (5.4)

where λ(c) is the inverse Mills ratio, c = a − α1/σi, α1 is the “true” regression coef-
ficient or empirical effect, a is the critical value of the standard normal distribution,
and σ is the standard error (see Section 6.3 for a more detailed explanation and rigor-
ous derivation of this and related relations). Replacing the inverse Mills ratio term in
(5.4) with β1SEi gives our previously reported FAT-PET-MRA:
Explaining economics research 85
effecti = β0 + β1SEi + εi (4.1)

Recall that β1SEi represents systematic selection for statistical significance and
provides a linear approximation of this truncation relation. The telltale signal of
publication selection is a systematic relation of reported effects with their stand-
ard errors as revealed by meta-regression analysis (Card and Krueger, 1995a;
Stanley, 2005a, 2008).
Both selection and authentic empirical effect are likely to be more complex
than the simple models introduced in Chapter 4. Both terms in the simple FAT-
PET-MRA (4.1) can be expanded to allow for greater complexity. The true effect,
α1, may be replaced by β0 + ∑ βkZki to allow for heterogeneity and/or large-sample
misspecification biases. Again, Chapter 6 discusses these issues in greater detail.
Simple publication bias, β1SEi, may also be given a multivariate form, β1SEi +
∑ δj SEi Kji . Exploding MRA model (4.1) to allow both types of effects gives
effecti = β0 + ∑β Z k ki + β1SEi + ∑ δ SE K j i ji + εi (5.5)

As a result, there will be no single “true effect”, and publication selection will no
longer be represented by a single term, but rather all the terms β1SEi + ∑ δj SEi Kji .
SEi Kji represents any factor that might affect the researchers’ decision to report
a given estimate. No doubt such factors will include the perceived quality of
the econometrics used, such as whether the model includes obvious important
variables (e.g. income in a demand relation), whether suspected econometric
problems (e.g. non-stationarity) are properly accommodated, and whether
appropriate econometric methods are employed. These K-variables may include
any observable dimension of “quality.” Recall our discussion of research quality
in Chapter 2. The Z- and K-variables in MRA model (5.5) can be employed to
accommodate the effects of research quality on both the magnitude of the actual
empirical effects, Z, and the propensity to report an estimate, K.
Of course, as discussed in Chapter 4, MRA model (5.5) will also have heteroske-
dasticity. Either a WLS statistical routine should be used with precision squared,
1/SE2i , as the “analytic” weights, or OLS can be applied on the MRA model that
results from dividing equation (5.5) by the estimated standard errors, SEi.,

t i = β1 + ∑δ Kj ji + β0 /SEi + ∑ β Z /SE + u
k ki i i (5.6)

where ti is the reported t-value of the ith reported effect.

This multiple MRA model provides a flexible framework in which to explain
the wide variation routinely found among reported research results. However, the
structure of incidental truncation does not constrain (5.5) or (5.6) to be linear in
SE, and simulations have show that using SE2i provides a less biased, corrected
estimate in a simple MRA; recall PEESE from Chapter 4. Thus, we will also
investigate the alternative WLS-PEESE version of this multiple MRA model:8

ti = β1SEi + ∑ δ K SE + β /SE + ∑ β Z /SE + u

j ji i 0 i k ki i i (5.7)
86 Explaining economics research
5.2.2 Multiple meta-regression of economics research
The above MRA models offer a broad framework to investigate the heterogeneity
and selection of reported research results. Below, we discuss typical moderator
variables found useful in past meta-analyses with particular focus on the employ-
ment effect of minimum wages and the value of a statistical life from hedonic
wage equations.

Moderator variables
In Section 2.2, we discussed the typical dimensions of research that are routinely
coded in meta-analyses. Chapter 2 identifies the standard error (precision) or the
sample size as essential moderator variables to weight the reported estimates of
effect and to correct for publication bias. Typical moderator variables include
omitted relevant variables, alternative measures of key variables, econometric
model and methods employed, and the data source used, among others. These
typical moderator variables become “essential” if the MRA is to avoid potential
misspecification biases due to omission of important explanatory variables.
Meta-regression analysis was originally conceived to quantify objectively
the magnitude of likely misspecification biases in econometric applications
(Stanley and Jarrell, 1989). Central among such biases is omitted-variable
bias. Because economics and business research is typically observational,
using pre-existing databases, researchers are often forced to exclude important
explanatory variables from their models. Consequently, there is the real risk
of misspecified studies. Fortunately, MRA can quantify the extent of likely
misspecification bias.
For example, in a meta-analysis of the gender wage gap, whether the worker’s
wage equation accounted for the workers’ age, experience, industry, and private/
governmental job status were all found to affect the reported estimated wage
gaps (Stanley and Jarrell, 1998). For minimum-wage studies, Doucouliagos and
Stanley (2009) coded for whether the original model included workers’ education
(School ), the unemployment rate (Un), a time trend (Time), year-specific
effects (Yeareffect), and regional effects (Regioneffect) – see Table 5.3 for the
full list of variables.9 Bellavance et al. (2009) find that whether compensation
and endogenous risk are taken into account in the hedonic wage equation has
important effects on the estimated value of a statistical life, while the omission
of injuries does not seem to have a noticeable effect. See Table 5.4 for a list of
moderator variables used in the meta-analysis of the VSL. Further discussion of
these coded moderators is given below.

Alternative measures
Often the most important explanatory variables in a meta-analysis concern alterna-
tive ways that key variables are measured by the researcher. In the estimation of
gender wage discrimination, the most important research dimension is how workers’
Table 5.3 Moderator variables for minimum-wage research

Moderator Definition Mean (standard

variable deviation)

SE standard error of the reported estimated elasticity 0.16 (0.39)

Panel = 1 if estimate relates to panel data with time series as 0.45 (0.50)
the base
Cross = 1 if estimate relates to cross-sectional data 0.13 (0.34)
Adults = 1 if estimate relates to young adults (20–24) 0.14 (0.35)
Male = 1 if estimate relates to male employees 0.07 (0.26)
Non-white = 1 if estimate relates to non-white employees 0.05 (0.22)
Region = 1 if estimate relates to region-specific data 0.10 (0.30)
Lag = 1 if estimate relates to a lagged minimum-wage effect 0.13 (0.34)
Hours = 1 if the dependent variable is hours worked 0.07 (0.25)
Double = 1 if estimate comes from a double-log specification 0.42 (0.49)
AveYear the average year of the data used, with 2000 as the −19.17 (11.90)
base year
Agriculture = 1 if estimates are for the agriculture industry 0.01 (0.11)
Retail = 1 if estimates are for the retail industry 0.08 (0.27)
Food = 1 if estimates are for the food industry 0.13 (0.34)
Time = 1 if time trend is included 0.37 (0.48)
Yeareffect = 1 if year-specific fixed effects are used 0.30 (0.46)
Regioneffect = 1 if region/state fixed effects are used 0.34 (0.47)
Un = 1 if a model includes unemployment 0.56 (0.50)
School = 1 if model includes a schooling variable 0.15 (0.35)
Kaitz = 1 if the Kaitz measure of the minimum wage is used 0.40 (0.49)
Dummy = 1 if a dummy variable measure of the minimum wage 0.17 (0.38)
is used
Published = 1 if the estimate comes from a published study 0.85 (0.35)

Table 5.4 Moderator variables for hedonic estimates of the value of a statistical life

Moderator Definition Mean (standard

Variable deviation)

SE the standard error of VSL in millions of 2000 US dollars 3.02 (3.91)

AveIncome the average income in thousands of 2000 US dollars 29.30 (9.50)
LnIncome the logarithm of average income 10.20 (0.50)
Death the average probability of death times 10,000 2.05 (2.52)
Year year of publication, with 2000 as the base year −9.56 (7.92)
EndoRisk = 1 if the hedonic wage eq. uses an endogenous measure 0.13 (0.34)
of risk
Comp = 1 if the wage eq. includes compensation insurance 0.21 (0.41)
US = 1 if the study used US data 0.54 (0.51)
UK = 1 if the study used UK data 0.10 (0.31)
White = 1 if VSL estimate relates to white workers 0.11 (0.31)
Union = 1 if VSL estimate relates to union workers 0.16 (0.37)
SOA = 1 if the data come from the Society of Actuaries 0.11 (0.31)
88 Explaining economics research
wages are measured: hourly wages, weekly earnings, annual salary or computed
from annual salary. A third of the observed variation in reported gender wage gaps
can be explained by how workers’ wages are measured (Stanley and Jarrell, 1998).
Likewise, how the minimum-wage variable is measured (using the Kaitz index,
which accounts for changes in the effective minimum wage) is also found to be
important – see below and Doucouliagos and Stanley (2009). Other measurement
variables coded for the minimum-wage literature include hours worked (Hours)
rather than employment, measuring the minimum-wage by a dummy variable
(dummy), or using a lagged minimum-wage effect (Lag) – see Table 5.3.

Econometric model and methods

Often there are differences in the specification of the econometric model employed
or in the econometric methods used to account for various dimensions of the causal
structures or error terms. In economics research, there are usually differences
in the functional form of the econometric model. Typically, meta-analysts code
for whether or not a logarithmic specification is used (e.g. Double in Table 5.3).
Models of panel data can be considered a different model specification (Panel,
Table 5.3) or a difference in the type of data. Among estimates of the efficiency-
wage effect on productivity, models that accounted for the likely simultaneity
between wages and productivity were found to be much larger (Krassoi-Peach
and Stanley, 2009). Studies that used Heckman selection correction methods in
the gender wage literature were also found to be associated with much larger esti-
mates (Stanley and Jarrell, 1998).

Data sources
Virtually all meta-analyses in economics have coded for the obvious potential
heterogeneity caused by nuances in different sources of data. Surprisingly, dif-
ferent data sources do not always cause a noticeable difference to the reported
estimate of effect, for example among estimated gender wage gaps (Stanley and
Jarrell, 1998). However, differences in data and particularly subpopulation are
found to be important in minimum-wage and VSL research, see below. Because it
is conventional scientific practice, business and economic researchers are almost
always careful to state and describe the source of their data. Thus, meta-analysts
would be remiss if they did not code these data differences. One should be espe-
cially careful to denote the subpopulation, country or region, time period and
industry from which the data are drawn, because these dimensions often contain
unobservable, but important, differences in socio-economics or institutional set-
tings not fully incorporated into the econometric model employed.

Value added
Unlike conventional narrative reviews or conventional applied econometric
research, meta-analysis can add new and relevant information, unavailable
Explaining economics research 89
to the original study. It is now conventional practice among meta-analysts to
include several such moderator variables. Examples are legion. Take the value
of a statistical life. Bellavance et al. (2009) recognize that the average income
level of the workers studied (AveIncome, Table 5.4) may have an important
effect on their willingness to accept higher risks of death. More affluent workers
may be expected to hold out for greater compensation to increase their occu-
pational risks. The average income of workers between different studies can be
considerable because these studies involve different samples of workers from
different jobs, countries, regions, or time periods. Such variation in average
income cannot be controlled by the individual econometric study, because it
does not vary within a study but only varies across studies. If a meta-analysis
did nothing more for our understanding of the VSL than account objectively and
systematically for this one important dimension, it would make an important
contribution. Other study-invariant factors coded by Bellavance et al. (2009)
are the year a study was published (Year) and the average probability of death
(Death). For the minimum-wage effect on employment, the average year of
the data (Aveyear) is coded because it has been alleged that there have been
structural changes to the relationship between minimum wage and employment
(Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009).
Because economic and business research is a socio-economic enterprise, meta-
regression has the potential to account for these factors as well. For example,
Stanley and Jarrell (1998) found that the gender of the researcher is correlated with
the reported estimate of the gender wage gap.10 Funding source and professional
associations have also been found to be important (Doucouliagos and Laroche,
2003; Doucouliagos and Paldam, 2008). Regardless of the judgment of meta-
analysts, meta-analysis is empirical; thus, the research record itself will decide
which research dimensions are relevant. As we have discussed earlier (Chapter 2),
it is important to err on the side of inclusion and code any research dimension that
is suspected to have an important effect of the reported results.

5.3 Illustrations of multiple meta-regression analysis

There have been hundreds of multivariate meta-analyses conducted in economics
and business.11 We have chosen to focus on only two of the previously discussed
illustrations, the VSL and the employment effect of minimum-wage increases,
due to considerations of space and the richness of the moderator variables that
have been coded. The discussion of the MRA of the VSL literature in Section
5.3.1 draws heavily from Doucouliagos et al. (2012b), and the investigation of
the minimum-wage literature in Section 5.3.2 draws heavily from Doucouliagos
and Stanley (2009).

5.3.1 The value of a statistical life

Bellavance et al. (2009) investigate the sources of the wide variation observed
among the reported estimates of the value of a statistical life from hedonic wage
90 Explaining economics research
equations. Among the explanatory variables that they code are the endogenous
nature of risk, the presence of compensation insurance, the average income of
the sample used, and the population from which the sample is taken. However,
they did not test or control for publication selection. Accommodating and cor-
recting for potential publication bias is the central contribution of Doucouliagos
et al. (2012b) to this important literature. As we have shown in Chapter 4, there
is strong evidence of publication bias among these reported estimates of VSL.
The estimated β1 from the simple FAT-PET-MRA (Table 4.1) is quite large, 3.2,
easily allowing us to reject the null hypothesis of no publication selection (reject
H0: β1 = 0; t = 6.67; p < 0.001). Clear publication selection is also seen in the
associated funnel graph (see Figure 4.4 or Figure 5.1).12 Thus, publication selec-
tion must also be included in any explanatory multiple MRA. Otherwise, the
explanatory MRA would itself be subject to omitted-variable bias. Because this
omitted-variable bias places Bellavance et al.’s (2009) findings in question, we
conduct our own multiple meta-regression analysis.
Table 5.4 lists the coded moderator variables that might potentially explain
the large variation in reported VSL. If each variable is allowed to be either a Z-
or K-variable, we have 23 variables to explain 39 VSL estimates. For multiple
MRA, we recommend using a general-to-specific (G-to-S) approach, or backward
selection. There are always many research dimensions that might potentially affect
the magnitude of the reported results. Thus, the number of possible MRA models
routinely exceeds the number of observations, and the inflation of type I errors
virtually guarantees that several research dimensions will be seen as statistically
significant even if the results were only random noise (Sala-i-Martin, 1997).
Precision (1/Se)
4 2
0 6

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Value of a Statistical Life

Figure 5.1 The value of a statistical life (in millions of 2000 US dollars)
Source: Bellavance et al. (2009).
Explaining economics research 91
When a mere 10 moderator variables are coded and are allowed to be either Z- or
K-variables, there will be more than a million possible models. Only coding
10 moderators represent a rather modest meta-analysis in economics.
The G-to-S approach begins with all explanatory variables included in the
equation. Then the least statistically significant variable is removed, one at time,
until only statistically significant variables remain. Yes, this too is less than ideal,
but some choice of moderator variables is necessary. “The strength of general
to specific modeling is that model construction proceeds from a very general
model in a more structured, ordered (and statistically valid) fashion, and in this
way avoids the worst of data mining” (Charemza and Deadman, 1997: 78). The
only other sensible approach is to report only the MRA model that includes
all coded moderator variables. Any other model has to be regarded as having
“negative” degrees of freedom (hence essentially worthless), because the number
of meta-regressions considered and the selection mechanism could be anything.
Unfortunately, this general, all-inclusive, MRA model also has great limitations.
Assuming that there are sufficient degrees of freedom to run the all-inclusive MRA,
the fog of high multicollinearity and low statistical power virtually guarantees the
obscuring of much of the existing pattern of research.
Returning to the VSL example, three variables (LnIncome, Year, and Death)
that are constant for each study are selected to be only Z-variables (i.e. research
dimensions that explain the variation among reported estimates) because it is unlikely
that researchers were selecting across these dimensions to obtain significantly
positive VSL estimates. Meta-analysts may restrict some of the MRA coefficients
in equation (5.6) to be zero when they have reason to do so. Here, we have so few
observations of VSL available (39) that we believe that it is prudent to reduce the
number of Z-/K-variables. Adding dozens of interaction terms (K-variables) will
almost certainly create high multicollinearity and thus obscure individual conditional
effects. We suggest that meta-analysts constrain some of the δj coefficients in MRA
(5.6) to be zero whenever there is a “theoretical” reason to do so.
The remaining moderator variables are entered as both Z- and K-variables
(i.e. those that allow for a differential propensity to report a given VSL estimate).
Beginning from a multiple MRA that contained 20 moderator variables and the
WLS-MRA version of equation (5.5), the G-to-S approach identifies four variables
as statistically significant (see Table 5.5). Note that Table 5.5 is reported in the
form of MRA model (5.5) and is estimated by using a WLS statistical package
with 1/SE2i as the analytic weights. The OLS version of MRA model (5.6) will
give the same results.13
Although many variables were allowed to be K-variables, G-to-S modeling
identifies SE alone to be related to publication selection. The MRA coefficient
for SE, 3.07, is in millions of US dollars and suggests that if the standard error
of the VSL estimate increases by $1 million, reported VSL will increase by
$3.07 million, ceteris paribus. This is a huge effect, practically and statistically,
inflating the average estimate of VSL by $9.15 million and explaining nearly half
of the observed variation among reported VSL estimates.14 Selection dominates
the reported hedonic wage estimates for the value of a statistical life.
92 Explaining economics research
Table 5.5 General-to-specific multiple MRA of the value of a statistical life
(dependent variable = VSL in millions of 2000 US dollars)

Moderator variables WLS-MRA (5.6) Robust MRA (5.6) PEESE

Intercept −15.8 (−2.11)* −31.6 (−2.58)* −31.5 (−3.99)*

LnIncome 1.86 (2.28) 3.36 (2.70) 3.63 (4.20)
Year 0.19 (3.36) 0.18 (3.76) 0.21 (3.18)
Comp −1.88 (−2.20) −1.52 (−2.45) −2.71 (−2.71)
SE 3.07 (5.12) 2.80 (6.55) −
SE2 − − 0.28 (2.78)
n 39 39 39

Adj R2 0.58 − 0.40

Standard Error 1.3 − 1.6
t-values are in parentheses.
Source: Doucouliagos et al. (2012b).

Table 5.5 finds three Z-variables (LnIncome, Year and Comp) related to the
observed heterogeneity among these reported VSLs, and their coefficients are
quite reasonable. We would expect that life is a normal good and that workers
value their lives more highly as their income increases. This is confirmed by our
meta-regression ( p < 0.01). The positive coefficient on LnIncome corroborates
this expectation, and its value implies that if average income were to increase
by 1 in natural logs, or 2.72 times, workers behave as if their lives are worth
$1.86 million more. We also find a trend among these estimates that increases
VSL by $190,000 per year. Note that both of these variables (Year and LnIncome)
constitute “value added” by the meta-regression. That is, these moderator variables
are study-invariant; thus, their influence on VSL cannot usually be investigated by
conventional econometric analysis.15
The MRA coefficient on Comp is also quite sensible. Studies that control for
worker’s compensation insurance (Comp = 1) tend to report $1.88 million lower
VSL estimates. Thus, we corroborate the common understanding in this research
literature that the failure to account for workers’ compensation insurance can
cause a significant exaggeration to the VSL.16
Lastly, the estimated intercept may seem somewhat absurd. How can the value
of a life be nearly negative $16 million? This meaningless number represents
an extrapolation of the MRA estimated equation to an average income of $1
(recall that the natural log of 1 is 0), well outside the observed range of average
income ($3,000 to $49,000). Needless to say, intercepts of economic relations
are often meaningless or misleading because they refer to very implausible
and irrelevant circumstances. If the intercept were recalibrated to the average
observed LnIncome (10.2), it would become 4.3, implying that VSL would be
$3.3 million at the average log income for the year 2000 when the hedonic wage
equation did not account for worker compensation.
Explaining economics research 93
Because economics and business research is conditional, determining a
representative estimate of effect requires some judgment on the part of the
meta-analyst and some notion about what constitutes “best practice” research
(Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009). Recall that when we ignore the multidimensional
nature of VSL research, our corrected estimate, of VSL is $1.67 million with a 95
percent confidence interval of (1.05, 2.27) – see PEESE Table 4.2. However, this
simple MRA does not allow for the effects of the other moderator variables found
important above. But what values should we substitute into this multiple MRA for
these moderator variables? In conventional econometric applications, researchers
will often use the sample means of the independent variables to avoid making
such judgments. However, this makes no sense in the context of meta-analysis.
Using the sample means for all of our moderator variables will just give us back
the average reported VSL. But we already know that this average contains much
publication bias and perhaps misspecification biases as well. Surely meta-analysis
can do better.
First, we need to remove identified publication selection bias by setting SE = 0.
Recall that, as SE → 0, a study approaches perfection with no estimation error and
no publication bias. Selecting a year is easy and simply depends on the year for
which we wish to estimate or to use as an arbitrary benchmark. We choose 2000
because it is a nice round number. Less obvious professional judgment is required
to choose the appropriate values of Comp and LnIncome. As discussed above, it is
widely argued in this research literature that omitting worker compensation biases
results upward. Thus, following best practice in this literature, we substitute 1.0 for
Comp. Alternatively, using the sample mean, 0.21, would bias the estimated VSL
upward by about $395,000. Lastly, what is the most appropriate value of worker
income? The answer depends on the specific group of workers that one wishes
to use as a reference group. For our current purposes, we use the sample average
worker log income, because we seek only to provide a generally representative
VSL estimate corrected for identified biases.
Next, we substitute these values into the WLS multiple MRA model reported
in column 1 of Table 5.5. Doing so “predicts” VSL to be $1.36 million, with
95 percent confidence interval ($34,000, $2,693,000).17 This prediction is quite
close to the simple PEESE estimate that did not explicitly control for these other
dimensions of research. Even the downwardly biased PET coefficient (Table 4.1)
is well within this confidence interval, and vice versa. In Section 6.4.1 we argue
that the simple MRA models of publication selection introduced in Chapter 4 may
reflect the total publication bias despite potential omitted-variable bias, and their
estimates often adequately summarize a research literature. This interpretation is
consistent with the multiple MRA of the value of a statistical life.
It is customary in applied econometrics to run a few “robustness checks,” and
meta-analysts will likely be forced to follow this practice if they expect their
research to be published in top economic journals. Especially worrisome is that
one study (Sandy and Elliott, 1996) reports a VSL more than twice that of any
other, approximately $54 million. Because this study also has the largest standard
error, these MRA models will give it a small weight and a larger publication bias
94 Explaining economics research
correction – recall our discussion in Chapter 4. Nonetheless, it would be prudent to
use robust regression methods that minimize the influence of any one potentially
influential outlier. Column 2 of Table 5.5 reports the robust regression version of
our WLS-MRA and give virtually the same results, except that the effect of higher
income is notably larger.18 The MRA robust regression coefficients predict VSL
to be $1.15 million in 2000 for a worker with the sample of average income when
worker compensation has been included.
As a further check, we also report the multiple PEESE-MRA (recall model (5.7))
in column 3 of Table 5.5. Using the variance, β1SE 2, to approximate publication
selection bias gives very similar statistical results. However, a corrected VSL
based on this PEESE-MRA is somewhat higher, $2.74 million ($1.30 million,
$4.18 million), but like our other estimates is much smaller than the simple
average reported in this research literature ($9.48 million).
When there are multiple estimates reported per study, other MRA models are
needed to control for the potential dependence with studies and to ensure the
robustness of simpler MRA structures. Because Bellavance et al. (2009) did not
collect multiple estimates from each study, there is no need to accommodate
potential dependence among these VSL estimates. However, the minimum-wage
research literature routinely reports many estimates per study, and we discuss
the use of appropriate multiple MRA models of within-study dependence in the
next section. Before we move on to the minimum-wage literature, we should
note that there has been much consistency among the simple MRA models of
publication bias for VSL and their multiple MRA counterparts. The central
findings are that VSL is greatly reduced when identified publication selection
is filtered from the reported estimates, rises with income, and is reduced further
by nearly $2 million when worker compensation is included. See Doucouliagos
et al. (2012b) for a further discussion of this meta-analysis of VSL estimates and
its policy implications.

5.3.2 The employment effect of raising the minimum wage

Doucouliagos and Stanley (2009) extend Card and Krueger’s (1995a) controver-
sial meta-analysis of the minimum wage and corroborate their central findings:
the minimum wage has no genuine adverse employment effect and there is much
selective reporting of an adverse effect. Recall the minimum wage’s asymmet-
ric funnel graph (Figure 4.6, repeated as Figure 5.2, below) and the clear MRA
evidence of publication bias (reject FAT, H0: β1 = 0; t = −4.49; p < 0.001 – see
Table 4.1). Yet, the most important finding of this extensive meta-analysis of the
minimum wage’s employment effects is that after proper allowance for publica-
tion selection is made no adverse employment effect remains.
As discussed earlier, Table 5.3 lists the 22 coded Z-/K-variables that can be used
to explain the large variation of minimum-wage effects. This list of MRA moderator
variables was determined purely by the type of data available and by debates
in the minimum-wage literature. Because some estimates are industry-specific,
we control for possible industry differences in employment effects (Agriculture,
Explaining economics research 95






-1.25 -1 -.75 -.5 -.25 0 .25 .5 .75 1 1.25

Figure 5.2 Funnel graph of estimated minimum-wage effects (n = 1,424)

Source: Doucouliagos and Stanley (2009).

Retail, and Food) for estimates relating to agriculture, retail, and food (mainly
restaurants). Typical subpopulation concerned the differences between males and
females (Male), whites and non-whites (Non-White), and teenagers and young
adults (Adults). Some estimates relate to a specific region, and the variable Region
is included to control for any differences between region-specific and US-wide
elasticities. Although most estimates relate to the contemporaneous employment
effects of a minimum-wage rise, many estimate the lagged effect of minimum
wage rises (Lag).
There is some debate in the literature about the need to control for cyclical
effects (Un) and school enrollment (School ). These are included to investigate
whether omitting them creates any noticeable “bias” or differences. The vast
majority of estimates relate to employment, but some relate to hours worked
(Hours); such differences in the measure of employment might affect the
estimated elasticity. Time allows for any effect of including a time trend in the
specification of the employment equation. A large group of estimates (696)
come from studies that use panel data (Panel ), while 210 use cross-sectional
data (Cross). Two related variables are Yeareffect and Regioneffect, which
control for the inclusion of period and cross-section (region/state) fixed effects,
The majority of minimum-wage elasticity estimates have been reported in
published academic journals (Published), while others come from working papers
and have yet to be published. Two final controls relate to further differences in the
measurement of the minimum wage – the use of the Kaitz index (Kaitz) and the
use of a dummy variable (Dummy) for the presence of minimum wage.
96 Explaining economics research
As before, we used a G-to-S approach, and the resulting multiple MRA is
reported in Table 5.6. With 1,474 estimates of the employment elasticity of the
minimum wage, there are ample degrees of freedom for this G-to-S modeling
approach; thus, we allowed all of these moderator variables to be both Z- and
K-variables. Furthermore, we did not have a priori reasons to constrain any of the
possible effects to be zero. The G-to-S process resulted in 14 variables remaining
statistically significant, 12 Z-variables and two K-variables, and explaining
41 percent of the reported variation among minimum-wage elasticities.19
Of special note are the significant time trend, Aveyear, which suggests that
adverse employment effects, if any, are smaller each year, and the large MRA
coefficient on Panel. The latter suggests that studies using panel data find employ-
ment elasticities to be approximately 0.18 more negative, or adverse, than those
using time series data. However, this must be seen in the full context of the mul-
tiple MRA reported in Table 5.6. Note that the intercept, 0.12, suggests that a 10
percent increase in the minimum wage actually increases employment by 1.2 per-
cent, assuming of course all the other MRA moderator variables are zero. When
a study uses panel data and nothing else is coded “1”, the WLS-MRA estimates
the minimum-wage elasticity to be −0.062, which is much less than the average
reported elasticity, −0.19. But this assumes that all of the other moderator varia-
bles are zero, and this is not consistent with a high-quality research study. To have
only Panel = 1 implies that study did not include any year effects (0.069), did not
use the Katz index (0.052) or a log-log specification (0.064), among many other
things. One could easily argue that the better studies include year effect, uses the
Katz index and a double-log specification. When included with a panel study,
these research dimensions predict a positive employment effect from minimum
wage raises (0.123).20

Publication selection
For the minimum-wage literature, in a multiple MRA context, neither publication
bias nor authentic effect is represented by any single MRA coefficient. These
effects are themselves multivariate. In particular, the MRA coefficient on SE is no
longer a measure of the magnitude of the average publication bias by itself. Rather,
it is the combination of this MRA coefficient and all the K-variables (Un·SE and
Double·SE). We can easily test the joint hypothesis that all of the associated MRA
coefficients are zero. Doing so gives clear evidence that publication selection
remains in this multiple MRA (F(3, 1459) = 84.2; p < 0.0001).21
Estimated MRA coefficients from these K-variables can be used to calculate the
average estimated publication bias for a given research literature, which is −0.218
for the minimum-wage literature (calculated in terms of employment elasticity).
This is quite comparable to the value, −0.256, obtained from the simple MRA
(Table 4.1).22 Subtracting either of these estimated publication biases from the
reported minimum-wage elasticities converts the average minimum-wage
elasticity (−0.190) to a small positive value. Regardless of its sign, this positive
value is so small that it is of no practical import.
Table 5.6 Multiple MRA of minimum-wage research: WLS of model (5.5)

Moderator variables Column 1: WLS Column 2: Cluster-robust Column 3: REML Column 4: FEML Column 5: Robust

Heterogeneity (Z-variables)

Intercept (β1 ) 0.12 (10.45)* 0.12 (4.39)* 0.11 (7.03)* 0.10 (6.04)* 0.084 (8.78)*
Panel −0.18(−18.60) −0.18 (−4.72) −0.15 (−12.38) −0.15 (−10.48) −0.19 (−23.59)
Double 0.064 (8.90) 0.064 (3.20) 0.044 (5.98) 0.041 (5.42) 0.033 (5.45)
Region 0.040 (3.28) 0.040 (0.92) 0.087 (6.36) 0.090 (6.34) −0.065 (−6.43)
Adult 0.024 (4.27) 0.024 (2.68) 0.021 (3.75) 0.021 (3.72) 0.019 (4.04)
Lag 0.026 (4.46) 0.026 (1.60) 0.012 (2.08) 0.010 (1.59) 0.010 (2.13)
AveYear 0.004 (11.86) 0.004 (4.34) 0.003 (7.44) 0.003 (6.38) 0.003 (9.20)
Un −0.042(−6.47) −0.042 (−3.04) −0.041 (−6.15) −0.042 (−5.79) −0.020 (−3.82)
Kaitz 0.052 (8.76) 0.052 (3.06) 0.034 (4.51) 0.032 (3.88) 0.025 (5.05)
Yeareffect 0.069 (8.61) 0.069 (1.98) 0.068 (7.84) 0.067 (7.44) 0.106 (15.80)
Published −0.041(−7.85) −0.041 (−2.69) −0.039 (−5.63) −0.037 (−4.89) −0.028 (−6.48)
Time −0.022(−3.95) −0.022 (−2.08) −0.020 (−3.10) −0.017 (−2.46) −0.013 (−2.85)
Publication selection (K-variables)
SE −0.36 (−0.26) −0.36 (−0.11) −1.21(−3.86) −1.37 (−5.94) 0.11 (0.96)
Double·SE −1.48 (−8.52) −1.48 (−3.23) −1.09 (−4.33) −1.07 (−3.90) −1.01 (−6.97)
Un·SE −0.84 (−4.53) −0.84 (−1.87) 0.84 (2.61) 1.16 (3.08) −0.98 (−6.36)
No. of obs. (n) 1,474 1,474 1,474 1,474 1,474
No. of studies (k) 64 64 64 64 64
t-values are reported in parentheses.
Source: Doucouliagos and Stanley (2009).
98 Explaining economics research
Heterogeneity of minimum-wage elasticities
Like publication bias, genuine heterogeneity is multivariate. Rather than any
single overall minimum-wage effect on employment, there are many. The moder-
ator variables Panel, Double, Region, Adults, Lag, AveYear, Un, Kaitz, Yeareffect,
Published and Time all have a noticeable impact upon reported minimum-wage
effects beyond publication selection. Testing whether all of these MRA coefficient
are jointly zero, along with the intercept, β1, finds easy rejection (F(11, 1459) = 50.8,
p < 0.0001). There are genuine, systematic patterns among reported minimum-
wage research findings.

Box 5.2 Descriptive vs. explanatory MRA

There are alternative interpretations of what meta-regression does. One view
considers the reported results to be the population of research in a given area of
inquiry and seeks merely to describe this research population. By this view, it is
enough to record the fact that research findings vary due to specific choices of
methods, models, variables and data; reporting a descriptive summary of research and
the associated response surface discharges the meta-analyst’s scientific obligations.
The second view is that reported research results are a sample from a virtually infinite
population of possible findings that might be produced for a given phenomenon.
From this second perspective, the purpose of MRA is to make inferences to
the population of possible research results and to estimate what the conditional
population mean would be under given research specifications. The obligation
of the meta-analyst is then to explain the systematic variation observed among
the reported findings and thus to identify the underlying response surface. But
with inference as the objective, the obligations of the meta-analyst go further—to
estimate the associated empirical effect for what might be regarded as best scientific
practice. We take this second view, because we know that the reported findings in
economics are a selected sample from a much larger set of produced results (Sala-
i-Martin, 1997).

Estimating the corrected effect from a multiple MRA

So which of these significant effects represents the “true” employment effect of
minimum wage? No single effect may be regarded as the authentic one, but by
exercising some professional judgment the meta-analyst can determine the mes-
sage of “best practice” research. As discussed previously, first we must filter out
the publication selection, which implies that SE is zero. This makes the effect
of all of the K-variables zero. Next, we need to substitute specific values for the
Z-variables into the estimated MRA. To minimize any effect from potentially
questionable judgment on our part, we first substitute the sample means of the
Z-variables and use the current year (2012) for the average year of the data.23
Doing so gives a corrected estimate of the employment elasticity of the minimum
wage of +0.10 with 95 percent confidence interval (0.08, 0.12). Ironically, the
consensus in the field is that the minimum-wage employment elasticity is about
Explaining economics research 99
the same magnitude, but negative (−0.1). When proper allowance for publication
bias is made, a small adverse employment effect becomes a small positive effect
on employment!
To some, a positive employment effect might seem impossible because it
flies in the face of a downward-sloping demand for labor that is taught in every
introductory economics class. However, such a positive employment effect is an
implication of efficiency wage theory (Akerlof, 1982; Card and Krueger, 1995b;
Stanley and Doucouliagos, 2007). Furthermore, a separate meta-analysis of
the empirical literature on efficiency wages strongly corroborates its existence
(Stanley and Doucouliagos, 2007; Krassoi-Peach and Stanley, 2009). The findings
from one meta-analysis may point to the need for further research to explain any
unconventional or surprising finding by conducting another meta-analysis. Such
learning by refutation and corroboration is how science is often described to
progress (Popper, 1959, 1963). Nonetheless, we do not wish to claim that there
is a genuine positive employment effect from raising the minimum wage. It is
sufficient to find a clear and robust absence of an adverse employment effect to
reject the applicability of the conventional theory of competitive labor markets to
the US labor market.
A critic might correctly point out that using the sample mean values of the
reported research base does not represent best practice in economics research.
Fair enough, but what might represent the “best practice” research in this area?
A case could be made that a published paper that uses panel data (including year
fixed effects) and the Kaitz index is at least a part of “best practice.”24 When
doing so, our MRA model (columns 1 and 2 of Table 5.6) predicts a reduction
of the above positive employment effect to +0.060, with confidence interval
(0.040, 0.081). What constitutes “best practice” in minimum-wage research
is, however, somewhat debatable. For example, Burkauser et al. (2000) argue
against the use of including fixed year effects in minimum wage studies. If these
effects are removed from the best-practice calculation, our MRA model predicts
a practically and statistically insignificant effect of −0.012 (−0.039, +0.015). On
the other hand, Card and Krueger (1995b) argue for the inclusion of fixed effects
but against the use of the Kaitz index. Adapting this definition of “best practice”
to our MRA model predicts a very small positive, but insignificant, employment
effect of +0.008 (−0.007, +0.024). Regardless of one’s view of “best practice,”
no practically significant, adverse employment effect remains for the US labor
market after correcting for publication selection bias.25

5.4 Robustness and dependence

Even if the weighted least-squares MRA specification were entirely correct, review-
ers and editors will demand that its central findings be robust to reasonable model
variations. Thus, robustness checks must always be conducted. Furthermore, as
we discussed in Chapter 4, there is potential dependence among estimates of the
same study when multiple estimates are reported by a given study. This potential
dependence must be explored to ensure the WLS-MRA findings are valid.
100 Explaining economics research
We recommend two general modeling strategies to accommodate dependence
among estimates and to correct the MRA’s standard errors accordingly: cluster-
robust and multilevel (or equivalently, unbalanced panels).26 Reported estimates
can be clustered by any dimension within which reported estimates are thought to
be correlated. The dataset used by a study, the author of the study, and the study
itself are reasonable dimensions upon which to cluster. After deciding on the
clustering variable, statistical packages will calculate the cluster-robust standard
errors from a generalized least-squares approach. Note that a cluster-robust MRA
should give exactly the same MRA coefficients as the simple WLS-MRA (see
Table 5.6). The only difference is that the standard errors are computed in a
manner to account for any potential dependence among the estimates within the
specified clusters.
Of the four example meta-datasets we have used thus far, only the minimum-
wage literature has the full multidimensional data structure needed for panel
or cluster analysis. Recall that we found 64 empirical studies that estimate the
US minimum-wage employment elasticity, which jointly report 1,474 estimates
along with their standard errors. Thus, the typical study in this literature engages
in much robustness checking and reports 23 estimates of the minimum-wage
elasticity. For our MRA of minimum-wage effects, we clustered by study.
Clustering has little practical effect on the MRA of minimum-wage effects (see
column 2 of Table 5.6). Of course, all of the MRA coefficients have different
and generally smaller t-values, but the same research dimensions remain
statistically significant with two exceptions, Region and Lag. Yet, even this
slight difference has no effect on our central findings. We still find there to
be important publication bias and systematic heterogeneity, and the restrictions
tests still confirm this assessment. The only notable difference is that studies
that use regional data and those that report a lagged employment effect may not
be so different from the rest of this research literature. However, our “takeaway
points” are not concerned with any specific factor that might affect reported
minimum-wage effects, except perhaps SE. Rather, we wish merely to be sure
that potential systematic heterogeneity is accounted for and thereby not allowed
to bias our overall findings.
Multilevel modeling is equivalent to an unbalanced panel model, which is quite
familiar to econometricians, in general, and especially those economists who
estimate minimum-wage effects. Recall that 45 percent of the minimum-wage
estimates come from panel models (Table 5.3). Rosenberger and Loomis (2000b)
were the first to recommend the use of unbalanced panel methods to account
for within-study dependence in the context of MRA, and this method has been
advocated by many others (e.g. Bateman and Jones 2003). In the minimum-wage
meta-data, the Durbin–Watson statistic, 0.94, reflects the presence of within-study
In Chapter 4, we discussed the structure and motivation for using multilevel
models. Here, we include unobserved study effects in our Z/K multiple MRA
(equation (5.6)),
Explaining economics research 101

tis = β1 + ∑ δK
j jis + β0 /SEis + ∑β Z
k kis /SEkis + vs + uis (5.9)

for the ith estimate in the sth study. vs represents an unobserved study effect and
can alternatively be replaced by a “fixed-effects” term, δD (where D is a matrix of
study dummy variables). Equation (5.9) may also be regarded as a generalization
of the multilevel MRA model discussed in Chapter 4 (equation (4.5)), but one
that allows for heterogeneity and a more complex structure of publication selec-
tion. An alternative approach is to model unobserved study effects explicitly using
WLS in the context of MRA (5.5); recall Chapter 4.
Table 5.6 reports both the random-effects multilevel (REML) MRA (column
3) and the fixed-effects multilevel (FEML) MRA (column 4), for minimum-
wage research. REML is more accurately described as a mixed-effects model
because it contains both the fixed effects of all Z- and K-variables along with
random normal unobserved study effects. Although Table 5.6 is reported in the
form of MRA model (5.5), the WLS-MRA, equation (5.6) or (5.9), is used in all
cases. Here, too, the findings are largely the same as the previously discussed
multiple WLS-MRA findings. Again, the overall results of large publication bias
and of considerable systematic heterogeneity remain; however, their specific
structure changes somewhat. All of the Z-variables, which map the structure of
heterogeneity, remain statistically significant with the same signs, though their
coefficients change a little. The only notable difference is that the K-variable,
Un·SE, changes signs but remains statistically significant. Although we are not
particularly interested in any individual effect of a moderator variable, this change
poses a curious puzzle worth investigating further.27
The WLS-MRA finds that those minimum-wage studies that add the
unemployment rate to the employment equation are more likely to select for adverse
employment effects, ceteris paribus. This tendency is reversed when study-level
effects are allowed. The explanation for this reversal comes from the existence of
large outliers reported by a few studies. One study contains a dozen elasticities
between nearly −5 and −10; a second study reports four elasticities approximately
+2 and larger. Such large elasticities, whether positive or negative, are simply not
plausible. When unobserved study effects are allowed, these outliers dominate
the estimation of the study effects. Recall that the average reported elasticity is
−0.19. One of the beauties of the WLS-FAT-PET-MRA is that estimates with
large standard errors are given little weight, while precise estimates are given a
much larger weight. All of the studies with implausibly large elasticities also have
corresponding large standard errors; thus, the WLS-MRA automatically discounts
them. FAT-PET-PEESE-MRAs are remarkably resilient to such outliers.
Nonetheless, to ensure our findings are robust to the influence of a few outliers,
column 5 of Table 5.6 reports the associated robust multiple MRA. Robust
regressions are designed to be resilient to outliers and leverage points. Note that
robust regression MRA finds a significantly negative Un·SE coefficient, consistent
with the WLS-MRA. But most importantly, the overall findings of significant
publication bias and heterogeneity are confirmed.
102 Explaining economics research
5.5 Will the real meta-regression analysis model please stand up?
Thus far, we have been very optimistic about the prospects of employing meta-
analysis to identify the major patterns in economic and business research. We
have seen how meta-regression analysis can identify and correct for publica-
tion selection bias, and identify and estimate genuine empirical effects and
misspecification biases in both theory and practice. However, we are less san-
guine that MRA can accurately identify the full complex structure of economics
or business research. Because there is an indefinite number of potential MRA
models, even mature areas of research will have insufficient degrees of free-
dom to investigate them all fully. Furthermore, the research literature is likely
to contain idiosyncratic research choices that influence the reported results.
If some of these choices go unreported and are coincidentally correlated with
moderator variables, a given moderator’s MRA coefficient may represent some
other unobserved research dimension. Thus, it is unlikely that the values of
each reported empirical estimate can be fully understood by estimated MRA
coefficients. Needless to say, even if we estimate the “true” MRA model, there
would remain random unexplained research variation. But these limitations are
not unique to meta-analysis; they also apply at least as fully to applied econo-
metrics. Business and economic research is limited by the observational data
available, which are likely to be influenced by unobserved, but important, vari-
ables, and the number of potential economic models is routinely larger than the
number of observations (Sala-i-Martin, 1997).
Nonetheless, we remain confident that meta-regression analysis can adequately
identify a few of the important characteristics of a research literature whether or
not there is a practically significant effect. Recall that in the four meta-analysis
examples used, two (the value of a statistical life and the price elasticity of the
demand for water) found a genuine empirical effect in spite of strong publication
selection bias. With union-productivity correlations, there is little sign of
publication selection or genuine effect, and we find no adverse employment effect
from the minimum wage after allowing for publication selection. All of these
general findings are robust and confirmed by multiple MRA. Furthermore, much
of the shape of research is revealed by MRA. In the hedonic wage estimation of
VSL, average income, the presence of worker compensation for injuries and a time
trend were robustly identified as important. All of these factors are consistent with
theory. For minimum-wage research, many factors such as: the use of panel data,
year effects, the Kaitz index, a double-log model, data from young adults, lagged
effects and whether the study was published all had robust and consistent effects
on the reported minimum-wage elasticity. Obtaining such a clear and objective
understanding of any area of research is an important achievement.
But then, what is the best MRA model of economic research and how can
we decide? In our view this is the wrong question to ask. The right question is:
What research dimensions are robust to MRA model specification? However,
econometric training will cause many researchers to search for the “best” model.
Fortunately, there are objective criteria for MRA selection.
Explaining economics research 103
To illustrate the issues at stake, we return to our richest example of meta-analysis,
minimum-wage employment effects. Recall that this example has a multilevel
structure where many estimates are typically reported by each of the 64 studies.
Due to concerns of dependencies among estimates within a study, best econometric
practice would suggest that we use either cluster-robust or a panel model. But
which one?
First, let us consider whether there are significant study-level effects. For this
purpose, one can use the Breusch–Pagan Lagrange multiplier (LM) test. STATA
calculates this to be 1,272 for the minimum-wage literature, which is significant
at any level.28 Clearly, there are study-level effects. But are they “fixed” (FEML)
or “random” (REML)?
To answer this second question, the generic Hausman specification test can be
used (Hausman, 1978). As with all applications of the Hausman test, it is able
to differentiate between an estimator that is consistent under both alternative
specifications (FEML for this application) and a second estimator that is consistent
but also efficient only under one specification (REML). Recall that all “random-
effects” models assume that the random effects are uncorrelated with the independent
variables. However, as we discussed previously in this chapter, publication selection
is likely to make selected random effects correlated with the standard error, which
is one explanatory variable needed to be investigated in any MRA application. This
correlation is easily seen in Monte Carlo simulations and can, in effect, be tested
by the Hausman test. Returning to the minimum-wage example, the Hausman test
gives χ2(13) = 36.62 ( p < 0.001) and clearly rejects the random-effects MRA in favor
of the fixed-effects version. As expected, a random-effects multilevel MRA is
misspecified. The interested reader should consult Feld and Heckemeyer (2011),
especially Figure 2, for a more comprehensive diagram and discussion of model
specification testing for MRA. Feld and Heckemeyer (2011) also give an excellent
comprehensive discussion of the econometric issues at stake in MRA modeling.
What might surprise some applied researchers, especially medical researchers,
is that the fixed-effects model is a generalization of the random-effects models
because it allows the study-level effects to be correlated with the independent
variables (Mundlak, 1978). Thus, our general advice is to use “fixed-effects” and
not “random-effects” multilevel MRAs.29 In the case of minimum-wage research,
there is no practical consequence to a preference for fixed-effects MRA. The
MRA results for FEML and REML are identical with respect to direction and
significance of all moderator variables. As we discussed above, the FEML and
REML differ from the WLS and robust MRAs in finding that the inclusion of the
unemployment rate is correlated with selection against an adverse employment
effect, but this effect is not robust. In all other ways, FEML is practically identical
with both the WLS-MRA and the REML-MRA. Most importantly, our central
findings are robust to plausible variations in MRA model specifications.
We recommend that meta-analysts focus on those results that are consistent
across the multiple WLS, FEML, and cluster-robust MRAs along with the
simple FAT-PET-PEESE-MRAs. In our experience, all of these MRA models
give consistent results with respect to the existence of publication selection and
104 Explaining economics research
a genuine effect beyond publication bias. As far as explaining the large variation
observed among reported research results, the consistently significant moderator
variables identified across multiple WLS, FEML and cluster-robust MRAs should
be regarded as important revealed research dimensions. Lastly, a successful meta-
analysis will find consistent overall results between the simple FAT-PET-PEESE
models and the multiple MRA models regarding the presence of publication
selection, the existence of a practically significant empirical effect (or not), and
the approximate magnitude of the corrected effect.

5.6 Recap: explaining the heterogeneity of economics research

This chapter discusses approaches to explaining the large variation of empirical
economic results routinely reported in the research literature. In our experience,
the simple MRA models of publication selection provide an adequate overall
estimate of empirical effect corrected for publication bias. However, reviewers
and editors will likely demand that any such simple statistics be confirmed by
more sophisticated multiple MRAs, which account for potential econometric
problems. In addition to minimizing omitted-variable bias, multiple MRAs are
needed to understand the large variation of economic and business research find-
ings. Explaining prior research, objectively and comprehensively, is a worthy goal
for any research study.
We recommend that meta-analysts take a G-to-S approach to multivariate
modeling in order to minimize the potential of identifying spurious research
dimensions through data mining (see Figure 5.3).30 WLS-MRA model (5.6) allows
for research dimensions that explain both the reported heterogeneity among
results, Z-variables, and the propensity that a given finding will be reported and
published, K-variables.31 Recall that it is given by

ti = β1 + ∑ δK
j ji + β0 /SEi + ∑ β Z /SE + u
k ki i i (5.6)

where ti is the reported t-value of the ith reported effect, and SEi is the standard
error of this effect.
To ensure the robustness of the relevant explanatory research dimensions,
a number of alternative MRA model specifications and methods need to be
explored and reported (see Figure 5.3). When multiple estimates are typically
reported per study, MRA methods that explicitly accommodate potential within-
study dependence must be investigated. The best models are cluster-robust and
the fixed-effects panel or multilevel (FEML) MRA. We believe random-effects
(REML) models will be routinely invalid in meta-analysis due to likely correlation
between the unobserved study effects and the moderator variables. But this topic
requires further research. If researchers wish to be sure of the validity of their
chosen MRA model and thereby to convince reviewers and editors, a Hausman
specification test can be used to differentiate between “fixed” and “random”
effects, and a Breusch–Pagan Lagrange multiplier test can determine whether a
multilevel model is needed in the first place.
Explaining economics research 105

Conduct general-to-specific modeling of MRA (5.6)

ti = β1 + ∑ δ j K ji + β 0 / SEi + ∑ β k Z ki / SEi + ui

Are there multiple estimates per study?

No Yes

Does a Breusch–Pagan LM test

Report robust and PEESE versions find study level effects?
of the G-to-S MRA model No Yes

Run cluster-robust, FEML and REML

MRAs. Use the Hausman test to
identify the correct specification

Report all MRA model specifications and focus on

those research dimensions that have consistent
findings across alternative MRA model specifications

Figure 5.3 Schema for investigating research heterogeneity

A successful meta-analysis is one where the overall findings – in terms of the

overall degree of publication bias and the existence of a genuine empirical effect –
found by the simple FAT-PET-PEESE-MRAs are consistent with those contained
in the more complex multiple MRAs. Those research dimensions consistently
identified across different multiple MRA models may be regarded as principal
drivers of the reported variation of empirical research results. Robustness is
the key characteristic of a genuine understanding of economic research. In the
following chapter, we present a more formal, theoretical and technical discussion
of the MRA models.
6 Econometric theory and
meta-regression analysis

Thus far, we have introduced and applied the conventional battery of statistical
methods and approaches to meta-regression analysis. The purpose of this chapter is
to delve a bit deeper into the statistical foundation of MRA. This book is intended to
be a practical guide for researchers who wish to conduct meta-analyses in econom-
ics and business; thus, we have avoided non-essential mathematics and associated
technicalities. In this chapter, we present: a theory of MRA directly derived from
econometric and statistical theory; a more mathematical and detailed representation
of the typical MRA models needed for economic and business applications; a more
careful derivation of our MRA models of publication selection; and further technical
details about the use of panel (or multilevel) methods in meta-analysis. In the proc-
ess, we will show how MRA results are entirely unaffected by issues of observed
and unobservable study quality when properly modeled. Applied researchers may
wish to skim the cream of this chapter.

6.1 The theory of meta-regression analysis

The theory of MRA is firmly established by statistical theory. For empirical eco-
nomics, econometric theory mathematically and rigorously derives the properties
and distribution of statistical estimates, which are typically regression coeffi-
cients. Because reported statistical estimates are the dependent phenomenon of
MRA, the statistical properties of these econometric estimates entail a structure,
hence theory, for the associated analysis.
Conventional economic theory typically begins with some generic objective
function and derives general behavioral relations from the first-order conditions of
the associated optimization problem. However, these derived economic relations
rarely specify particular functional forms of the key economic relations, and they
are also silent about the required random errors. Arguably, the most important
part of an empirical economic model concerns the properties of these random
errors such as whether they are independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.)
and uncorrelated with the explanatory variables. To complete the necessary
specification of an empirical economic relation, conventional practice assumes
arbitrary functional forms and tacks on ad hoc error terms that possess the needed
statistical properties without referring to the underpinning economic theory.
Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis 107
In contrast, econometric theory derives distributional properties of empirical
estimates from weak assumptions about the structure of the data used, the
underlying relationship, and their connections to the unobserved random errors.
When applied econometricians report any statistics, say the t-value, for a given
empirical estimate, they have implicitly or explicitly made all of the necessary
assumptions about the structure of the underlying economic relationship and the
error terms.1 Otherwise, the applied researchers’ reported estimate would have
unknown properties, and their reported statistics (t-values, p-values, etc.) would be
invalid. Taking applied econometric research at face value implies, at a minimum,
that the asymptotic distribution of a reported estimate is known and well behaved.
From the perspective of meta-analysis, applied empirical work (our meta-data) is
assumed to represent what it claims, much as applied econometricians assume that
their data represents what the associated governmental agency, which collected
the data, purports. Of course, it is the responsibility of the meta-analyst, like the
econometrician, to identify important errors or omissions in their data and to
accommodate those deficiencies when possible. However, to make progress,
all empirical researchers must first assume that their data are valid, at least
provisionally. With data validity as the null hypothesis, deviations from the ideal
may be carefully traced, modeled and empirically tested. Tracking these deviations
from ideal econometric properties provides much of the structure of MRA.
Recall from elementary econometrics that regression estimates, α̂k, will have an
asymptotic normal distribution under very general and weak conditions.2 We have:

Y = Xα + u and α̂ = (XtX)−1XtY (6.1)

where α̂ is a K × 1 vector of estimated regression coefficients, α̂ k, Xt is the trans-

pose of an n × K matrix, X, of exogenous explanatory variables, Y is the economic
phenomenon investigated and u is a vector of random errors. As long as the errors
are i.i.d., X is of full rank, and plim (n − 1)XtX is also of full rank, then a law of
large numbers will ensure that α̂ will be consistent (asymptotically unbiased) and
have an asymptotic normal distribution (Davidson, 2000). In practical samples,
the t-distribution usually gives an acceptable approximation. These widely appli-
cable econometric properties establish known distributions for MRA’s dependent
variable, at least in large samples.3
However, the potential econometric violations of this simple and clear picture
are legion. The vast majority of econometrics concerns complications, exceptions
and weaknesses of the assumed statistical properties of econometric estimates
(equation (6.1)). Econometric theory and practice clearly map the many weaknesses
of conventional econometric theory for specific applications and difficulties. This
map identifies relevant moderator variables for the MRA model and thereby gives
structure to the resulting multiple MRAs. Exceptions and complications to the
simple econometric story of well-behaved estimates will give theoretical structure
to our MRAs.
In MRA, our dependent variable is often an estimated regression coefficient
(say, α̂ 1), and it will be asymptotically normal with estimated variance SE 2.
108 Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis
Furthermore, (α̂ 1 − α1)/Sα̂1 has a t-distribution (Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004:
140–1). Otherwise, the reported econometric research results would be invalid,
not representing what applied researchers claim. In practice, the t-distribution is
likely to be a good approximation as long as the residuals are not highly skewed.
In the empirical literature, the ratios of regression estimates to their standard errors
are almost always assumed to have a t-distribution under the null hypothesis that
α1 = 0. In any case, these coefficients will be asymptotically normal. For the
purposes of meta-analysis, it is sufficient that the sampling distributions of the
empirical estimates are approximately symmetric and that the estimated regression
coefficients divided by their standard errors to be approximately t-distributed
under the null hypothesis that α1 = 0. These properties of estimated regression
coefficients are sufficient to establish the independence and asymptotic normality
of MRA errors and hence the validity of MRA estimation and hypothesis testing –
see equations (6.2)–(6.4) and the discussion below.
These statistical properties of regression coefficients also imply that a funnel
graph will be symmetric. Funnel symmetry requires only that the regression
estimates be symmetrically distributed around the true effect, α1, and independent
of their standard errors. Both of these conditions follow directly from the fact
that (α̂ 1 − α1)/Sα̂1 has a t-distribution. If the magnitude of an estimated effect is
independent of its standard error, and hence precision, then there will be no pattern
to the funnel graph other than predictable heteroskedasticity.4 When regression
estimates are independent of their standard errors, only random sampling errors
cause estimates to vary for any given level of precision (or standard error).
Importantly, the independence of α̂ 1 − α1 from the standard error of α̂ 1 is a well-
known property of the t-distribution (Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004: 140–1),
as well as its symmetry. Thus, the symmetry of the funnel graph, centered on
α1, derives from the well-known and widely assumed statistical properties of
regression estimators.
A potential exception to this simple derivation of a symmetric funnel might
occur if some estimates contain systematic bias, or equivalently sample a
population with a different underlying empirical effect. This exception means that
the set of reported estimates will have heterogeneity. Explaining this heterogeneity
is the central role of multiple MRA (recall Chapter 5), and all meta-analyses in
economics will need to explicitly model potential heterogeneity using multiple
MRA. Meta-analysts must always control for likely disparities from such a
simple, unbiased view of the reported empirical estimates. These complications
are explicitly addressed by multiple MRAs and discussed further below.
A second potential exception to funnel symmetry resulting directly from
conventional econometric theory is small-sample biases. In some applications
(e.g. estimating the regression coefficient of a lagged dependent variable)
the reported estimates are known to have small-sample biases but nonetheless
remain consistent. In such cases, the source of a funnel’s asymmetry cannot be
unambiguously identified as either publication selection or small-sample bias. This
dilemma is recognized and discussed in Stanley (2004). For practical purposes,
however, this issue is largely irrelevant. Because both publication selection and
Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis 109
small-sample bias decrease with sample size and therefore with precision, the
publication selection correction methods introduced in Chapter 4 can track and
correct for both types of bias. Obviously, we seek to minimize all biases in a
research literature, regardless of their source. The only remaining ambiguity is
whether to label the identified bias, “publication selection” or “small-sample.”
A skeptic might still point out that this approach is naïve because it assumes
that the reported empirical estimates have desirable statistical properties that they
are widely known not to possess in many actual applications. A lake of ink has
been used to document how various econometric problems (omitted-variable bias,
simultaneity bias, incorrect functional forms, heteroskedasticity, nonstationarity,
etc.) often invalidate the reported statistics by altering their expected values,
consistency, and/or variance–covariance matrix. However, this observation
is nothing new to this book or to MRA. Recall that the estimation of these
misspecification biases was precisely the motivation for developing MRA in the
first place (Stanley and Jarrell, 1989).
The nice thing about misspecification bias is that, by definition, it adds a term
to the expected value of a reported estimate. For example, omitted-variable bias
adds a term, γ1α2, to the expected value of the estimated regression coefficient, α̂ 1.
When variable X2 is omitted from an applied econometric model, E(α̂ 1)= α1 + γ1α2.
Note how the magnitude of this bias, γ1α2, is the product of population parameters,
where α2 is the regression coefficient of the omitted variable, X2, and γ1 is the
regression coefficient from an auxiliary regression of X2 on X1. Both γ1 and α2
represent population values of regression coefficients, which will be independent
of other variables and research dimensions. Such a shift of expected values can
be represented by a dummy variable to denote the omission of a relevant variable,
which, in turn, enables the MRA to estimate γ1α2, or its equivalent, when other
types of misspecification biases are considered. Other forms of misspecification
will also cause additive biases, and their presence should be identified by other
moderator variables, which may also be included in the MRA.5 The well-
established and widely known structure of econometric misspecification biases
provides a theoretical basis for MRA models.
To understand the typical properties of reported empirical estimates, the resulting
meta-regression models used to explain them and potential deviations from these
simple cases, we turn to a more formal representation of meta-regression models.
Suppose we are interested in summarizing and explaining the observed variation
of some estimated regression coefficient (perhaps, an elasticity), ei. The basic
form of the meta-regression model is

e = Mβ + ε (6.2)

Here e is an L × 1 vector of all the reported empirical effects in an empirical

literature of L estimates, which are often regression coefficients, α̂ 1i.6 M is an
L × K matrix of moderator variables, the first column of which contains 1s. In
Chapter 5, we grouped moderator variables into Z- and K-variables. Here, for
the sake of simplicity, M can be either or both. β is a K × 1 vector of MRA
110 Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis
coefficients, the first of which represents the “true” underlying empirical effect
investigated.7 ε is an L × 1 vector of residuals representing the estimation errors of
the reported empirical effects. Recall from previous discussions that the moderator
variables will include dummy variables that allow for any likely misspecification
or selection bias. Likely heterogeneity and potential violations of the symmetry of
reported effects are explicitly modeled by M in (6.2).
Let us return to the theory of this MRA model (6.2). Like all regression models,
including conventional econometrics, the entire theoretical structure is contained
in two substantively distinct components: the random error terms (ε) and the
explanatory, deterministic structure (Mβ). The proper structure of these errors
is critical for reliable estimation. Unlike conventional applied economics, MRA
does not require additional ad hoc, atheoretical assumptions about these regression
errors. In MRA, εi is the estimation error of our targeted empirical finding, and its
statistical properties are well known and fully specified in the research literature
investigated – advantage meta-analysis.
Next, consider the explanatory deterministic structure of our MRA model,
Mβ. Here too, statistical theory (e.g. omitted-variable, publication and other
misspecification biases) provides theoretical structure. We know that these biases,
by definition, impart additive terms on an expected value of the associated estimate,
which is the dependent variable in (6.2). In other cases, economic and measurement
theories will give additional structure to an MRA. Further moderators are required
when we have theoretical reasons to believe that differences in how estimates
are measured or calculated might systematically affect them (e.g. compensated
price elasticities or those calculated from alternative demand functions). Practical
issues of measurement and data often have important effects on observed research
results. Needless to say, such issues also plague conventional applied econometric
For example, our greater knowledge of the structure of MRA advises us to
use weighted least squares (WLS) in all cases. Unlike conventional econometric
regression models, MRA residuals, ε, can never be assumed to be i.i.d., because
the standard errors of the reported effects vary widely. That is, meta-analysts
directly observe large heteroskedasticity among reported estimates of effects,
which define the dependent variable in their meta-analyses. Thus, simple ordinary
least squares (OLS) is never the preferred approach for any MRA model, but
rather weighted least squares. WLS should always be used, at least for a baseline
(Stanley and Jarrell, 1989).8 The WLS estimate of MRA (6.2) is

β̂ = MtΩ−1M)−1 MtΩ−1e (6.3)


σ21 0  0


0 σ22 0 0
0 0  σ2L

Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis 111
and σ2i is the variance of the ith estimated effect, ei, and its sampling error, εi
(Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004; Green, 1990).
Equation (6.3) is a generalized least squares (GLS) estimator. WLS is a special
case of GLS where the variance–covariance matrix, Ω, has this specific diagonal
structure noted above.9 When the parameters in Ω are known, GLS is the best linear
unbiased estimator (Green, 1990). More relevant to empirical work is the fact that
this approach still has very desirable properties when consistent estimates of σ2i are
used in their place. With consistent estimates of σ2i , this feasible GLS version of
(6.3) will itself be consistent, asymptotically efficient, and asymptotically normal
(Wooldridge, 2002: 160–2).10
Here too, meta-analysts are in a better position than conventional econometricians.
By coding the statistical results of an entire empirical literature, they have ready
access to the informative content of ni observations from each of the L estimates
reported in the literature. That is, rather than using estimated squared residuals from
(6.2) and some skedastic function as a rough estimate of an individual variance
(Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004), each study in the research literature provides a
direct estimate of the needed variance, SE2i , from the ni observations used in that
study. By the assumptions made in each research study, the square of the standard
error of the reported estimate will be a consistent estimate of σ2i and often unbiased
as well. Our WLS estimation strategy (6.3) is easily implemented by most statisti-
cal packages using analytic weights = 1/SE2i in a WLS routine.11
With L estimates of σ2i , SE2i , we can also divide MRA model (6.2) by SEi to get
the entirely equivalent WLS-MRA in the form:

ti = (1/SEi)Miβ + (1/SEi)εi (6.4)

where ti is the t-value of reported effect i (Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004: 261;
Wooldridge, 2002). Estimating MRA (6.4) by OLS is equivalent to the feasible
GLS that uses SE2i to estimate σ2i in (6.3).
This form of the WLS-MRA, equation (6.4), makes the role of precision (1/SEi)
quite clear. However, some applied researchers have difficulty interpreting the
MRA coefficients from (6.4) correctly. Thus, in applications, we recommend
estimating WLS-MRA model (6.2), which calculates (6.3), and specifying 1/SE2i
as the analytic weights in standard statistical packages. Recall our previous
discussions of MRA models (4.1) vs. (4.2) and (5.5) vs. (5.6).
Hedges and Olkin (1985: 174) and Konstantopoulos and Hedges (2004: 293)
have argued that the standard errors of the WLS statistical packages are wrong for
meta-analysis and need to be divided by the square root of the mean square error
(MSE). This point has been repeated by many other meta-analysts. We do not agree.
What is at issue is whether σ2 in the variance–covariance matrix, σ2(MtΩ−1M)−1,
must be constrained to be equal to 1 or not. If we assume that there is no between-
study heterogeneity and that σ2i fully reflects the uncertainty of each individual
estimated effect, then the WLS variance–covariance matrix does reduce to
(MtΩ−1M)−1 and σ2 = 1, as Hedges and Olkin (1985) and Konstantopoulos and
Hedges (2004) suggest. Their point is technically correct, when the “fixed-effects”
112 Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis
model is used and we assume that there is no between-study heterogeneity (τ2 = 0
in conventional meta-analysis notation). However, in economics research, we
have not seen a case where there is no excess heterogeneity and therefore see no
need to constrain σ2 = 1. Allowing the research record to determine the best value
of σ2 permits the WLS standard errors to accommodate this overall heterogeneity.
Forcing σ2 = 1, as implied by Hedges and Olkin’s (1985) recommendation,
typically reduces the size of the WLS confidence intervals, making these estimates
seem more precise and their t-values larger. But with excess heterogeneity, these
“fixed-effects” WLS coefficients will likely have more variation than these
formulas suggests. This is the central weakness of “fixed-effects” MRA compared
to “random-effects” MRA; that is, “fixed-effects” MRAs tend to report standard
errors that are too small for the actual uncertainty involved. Thus, we see no reason
to make this weakness worse by overriding standard WLS reported results by
forcing σ2 to be 1. Our view is to allow standard WLS packages to use the data to
determine σ2 and to compensate for at least some of the likely excess heterogeneity.
See the Appendix to this chapter for a further discussion of this issue.
The weakness of our MRA model resides in the case where the original regression
models (6.1) are misspecified in a manner that biases the estimated variances.
Recall that the design matrix, M, accounts for potential biases, but it does not
further correct for inconsistent estimates of the standard errors. An alternative
approach for potential inconsistencies in estimating the standard errors is to use a
conventional feasible GLS estimate of the WLS-MRA given in (6.3); that is, one
that uses the estimated individual residuals to estimate σ2i . The real possibility that
SE2i may be biased suggests that we should be conservative in calculating MRA
standard errors. We recommend that meta-analysts use heteroskedasticity-robust
and/or cluster-robust standard errors in conjunction with MRA model (6.4) as
additional insurance.12
This statistical theory of MRA has been corroborated in simulations where
dummy variables are used in MRAs to estimate and accommodate misspecification
biases as represented by M in MRA model (6.2) (Koetse et al., 2010). In these
simulations, both random unobserved effects on individual estimates and
regression misspecifications were introduced, and yet the WLS-MRA model (6.4)
that uses dummy variables to identify the presence of potential misspecification
bias outperformed a mixed-effects estimator that explicitly allows for individual
random effects. Our WLS-MRA is found to do a remarkable job in estimating both
the misspecification bias and the underlying true empirical effect.13 Thus, MRA
has its foundation in well-established econometric and statistical theory. Because
MRA models are derived from statistical theory, they can easily be corroborated
and modified, when necessary, by Monte Carlo experiments.

6.2 Improving meta-regression analysis with unbalanced panel models

Although it is econometric theory that imbues meta-regression with its theo-
retical structure, more practical econometrics provides further specification
of MRA models. In particular, when multiple estimates of some economic
Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis 113
phenomenon are reported by research studies, this fact alone offers meta-
analysts a great opportunity to improve their MRA estimates and thereby more
accurately depict research. When there are several estimates per study, they
may jointly be influenced by some common unreported or unobservable factor:
the quality of the study, the ideology of the researcher, the authors’ funding
source, or even some unique interpretation (or misunderstanding) of the associ-
ated economic and econometric theories. Regardless, such a multiple estimate
research structure induces potential dependence among the reported estimates
in each study, and this dependence must be addressed to ensure the validity of
the MRA results.
Because referees and editors often demand robustness checks for any empirical
finding, a multiple-estimate research structure is quite common in empirical
economics. However, only one of our selected examples, the employment effect
of the minimum wage, has the full multidimensional data structure required for
panel analysis. Recall that we found 1,474 estimates of the employment effect of
raising the US minimum wage in 64 studies.
In Chapters 4 and 5, we reported the unbalanced-panel (or multilevel) findings
for the minimum-wage research. In the case of minimum wages, the MRA results
from pooled ordinary least squares (POLS) are very similar to what the more
sophisticated panel methods find. However, this consistency need not be the
case, and when there are differences, econometric theory clearly favors panel
methods. The purpose of this section is to present a more formal unbalanced
panel model for MRA and to explore in greater detail its implications for business
and economics research.
By including study-level effects, Ss, in our previous MRA model (6.2), we can
accommodate potential dependence among estimates within a given study:14

eis = β0 + ∑ βM j jis + Ss + εis, i = 1, 2, ..., ms, s = 1, 2, ..., K (6.5)


Here ms is the number of estimates in study s, and K is the number of studies.

This MRA model has an “unbalanced” panel structure because ms varies across
studies. Although econometricians are most familiar with panels that are pooled
time-series and cross-sectional data, any multidimensional data structure may
be regarded as a panel. Rosenberger and Loomis (2000b) were the first to
recognize that the typical data structure encountered in meta-econometrics
may be interpreted and analyzed as an unbalanced panel. MRA model (6.5)
can be estimated using either “fixed” or “random” effects panel or multilevel

6.2.1 Fixed vs. random-effect panel MRAs

There is considerable misunderstanding about the meaning of “fixed” vs. “ran-
dom” effect panel methods. According to Wooldridge’s (2002) view, all panel
models are “random,” and the conventional distinctions between them are just
114 Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis
In modern parlance, “random-effect” is synonymous with zero correlations
between the observed explanatory variables and the unobserved effects. ...
[T]he term “fixed-effect” does not usually mean that [Ss] is being treated as non-
random; rather it means that one is allowing for arbitrary correlation between
the unobserved effect [Ss] and the observed explanatory variables [Mjis].
(Wooldridge, 2002: 252)

“Fixed-effects” panel methods can be considered the more general approach that
allows for correlation between the study-level effects and the moderator variables.
To better understand why “fixed-effects” methods are more general and robust,
we first consider the “fixed-effects” approach to estimation. MRA model (6.5)
can be estimated by a “fixed-effects” panel model in two equivalent ways, both
of Kwhich use OLS. The most obvious is to replace Ss by K dummy variables,
∑ s=1δsDis, assuming that one omits the intercept. This least-squares dummy vari-
able (LSDV) approach also allows us to 1/SE2i as the analytic weights.16 A second
equivalent approach to “fixed-effect” panel estimation subtracts study averages
from all observed values (Wooldridge, 2002: 267):

edis = ∑ βM j
jis + εisd ,
i = 1, 2, ..., ms, s = 1, 2, ..., K (6.6)
__ ___ __ ___
where edis = eis − e s, Mdjis = Mjis − M js, and the bar variables, e s and M s, are the sth
study average of the reported effect and moderator variables, respectively. Note
that the study-level effects, Ss, disappear from this model entirely, because Ss is
constant within each study. Moderator variables that do not vary at all within stud-
ies will also drop out, and their effects cannot be estimated by fixed-effects __ panel
methods. Subtracting the study average of Ss makes each difference (Ss − S s) equal
to zero. No part of Ss will be contained in the error terms; hence correlation of Ss
with the moderator variables causes no bias or inconsistency. Further, note that all
influences from any observed or unobservable variable that is constant for each
study, such as study quality, is entirely eliminated by this model. This fact has
important implications for the quality of our MRA inferences, which are explored
further in Section 6.2.2.
In conjunction with panel models, the meta-analyst should also use cluster-robust
standard errors and the WLS multiple MRA(equation (5.6)). Unlike conventional
econometric panels, it is very unlikely that estimates within studies will exhibit
the type of dependence routinely seen in time series. However, the variance within
studies might well differ from study to study even after the systematic variation is
fully accounted for. Thus, it is prudent to use cluster-robust standard errors.
In contrast, “random-effects” panel methods replace Ss with a random effect, vs,
and a feasible GLS strategy is employed to estimate a rather complex variance–
covariance matrix, Ω (Wooldridge, 2002).17 However, one must further assume
that the study-level effects, Ss, and moderator variables, Mjis, are independent,
if the resulting estimates are to be consistent and unbiased. If Ss and Mjis are
correlated, “random-effects” panel estimates become biased. To see this, define a
new composite error term, vis = vs + εis, and (6.5) becomes:
Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis 115

eis = β0 + ∑ βM j jis + vis, i = 1, 2, ..., ms, s = 1, 2, ..., K (6.7)


Note that if Mjis is correlated with vs it will also be correlated with the composite
error term in (6.7), vis. As discussed in every econometrics textbook, whenever
the independent variable of a regression model is correlated with the regression’s
error terms, estimates will be biased and inconsistent. Essentially, the overlap
between the random and deterministic components of the regression model does
not permit a clean separation or estimation.
Because there is no reason to rule out correlations between moderator variables
and study effects in a meta-regression context, meta-analysts should use “random-
effects” unbalanced panel models with great caution. Conventional “fixed-effects”
panel methods are the more general and robust approach, thus they earn the
preferential position unless there are good reasons to the contrary.18 Or, as discussed
in Chapter 5, one can use the Hausman test to test for this correlation and thereby
to choose between fixed- and random-effects models (recall Figure 5.3). However,
we have further reasons to suspect widespread correlations between study-level
effects and moderator variables in MRA. In most cases, unobservable study
quality will be correlated with observed and coded research choices of methods
and variables, which will induce bias if a “random-effects” model is used.

6.2.2 A note on study quality

For decades, labor economists have called for the collection and greater use of
longitudinal (or panel) data as a way to accommodate unobservable ability. For
example, the omission of worker ability in the conventional log-wage equa-
tion has long been recognized as a bias in the estimated returns to education
(Griliches, 1977). Because education and unobserved ability are almost certainly
positively correlated, the omission of ability biases the estimated returns to educa-
tion. To cope with this serious problem, labor economists use proxies for ability,
instrumental variables, and panel methods when longitudinal data are available.
Fortunately, longitudinal data sources have long been available, such as the panel
study of income dynamics and the national longitudinal survey of youths. With
such data, panel methods can do much to correct for the bias of omitting worker
ability, assuming that ability does not change much over time.
In a meta-analysis context, study quality is likely to play a similar role as worker
ability, and like ability, study quality is probably correlated with important explana-
tory variables, potentially biasing any MRA results. A contaminating correlation
is likely to exist between unobserved study quality and observed methodological
and model specification choices. That is, study effects, Ss, are likely to reflect study
quality, at least in part, and study quality should be correlated with some of the
moderator variables that code for the types of econometric techniques, models, and
data used, the precision of the estimate, and the important variables omitted from
the original regression relation. Thus, the omission of study quality could bias MRA
coefficients as the OLS estimates of the returns to education were biased.
116 Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis
Within-study differences in econometric techniques, omitted variables, precision,
etc., by definition, cannot measure study-level quality. They are also observable
and should, therefore, be explicitly included in the MRA.19
Fortunately, fixed-effect panel methods can render unobserved study quality
harmless. As discussed in Section 6.2.1, any study-level effect can be filtered
out of the model, ensuring that the rest of the model can be adequately estimated.
To demonstrate this, return to our MRA model (6.5) but add a study quality
variable, Qs:

eis = β0 + ∑ βM j jis + Ss + γQs + εis, i = 1, 2, ..., ms, s = 1, 2, ..., K (6.8)


Here, we expect that Qs will be correlated with some of the moderators, Mjis,
perhaps highly so. After all, if “study quality” is to deserve this name, it should be
correlated with, for example, the precision of the reported empirical effects, the
choices of econometric models that researchers make or whether researchers fail
to include obvious important variables into their models.
Without loss of generality, we can embed unobserved study quality into the
study effect. Define vs = Ss + γQs, and replace this in (6.8):

eis = β0 + ∑ βM j jis + vs + εis, i = 1, 2, ..., ms, s = 1, 2, ..., K (6.9)


This MRA model is now identical to our previous equation (6.5), and fixed-effects
panel methods can consistently and unbiasedly estimate the MRA regression coef-
ficients by entirely filtering out the study-level effects, whether vs or Ss. Recall that
fixed-effects panel methods work even when these study-level effects (including
quality here) are correlated with the included moderator variables. However, this
is not true for “random-effects” panel methods or with pooled OLS. If OLS is
used to estimate (6.8) but Qs cannot be observed, then we have the classic case of
omitted-variable bias. Only fixed-effects panel models can fully avoid the poten-
tial bias from omitting study quality.20
This brief note is meant to complement our previous discussion of research
quality in Chapter 2. It is our view that objective and observable dimensions of
study quality should be coded and included in MRA. Potentially more pernicious
are those aspects of research quality that are more difficult or impossible to measure
objectively. Nonetheless, we find it quite comforting that such unobservable factors
will not contaminate MRA panel estimates, even under the worst circumstances
where they are highly correlated with the estimated MRA effects.
It may also be worth pointing out that these desirable properties of panel MRAs
hold for a broader class of unobservable and “unmentionable” study effects such
as researcher ideology, research funding source, their institutional affiliation and
the strength of the commitment that researchers have for a given theory. Because
such potentially contaminating influences do not vary across estimates within
a study, they are swept up into the study effect, vs in (6.9). Regardless of the
strength of the influence that such factors might have on research, like study
quality, they can be folded into the study effects, and fixed-effect panel methods
Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis 117
can estimate the remaining observable and objective dimensions unbiasedly.
Even the most “politically sensitive” issues of economic and business research
can be accommodated without contaminating the remaining MRA estimates when
multiple estimates are reported per study.

6.3 Meta-regression models of publication selection

In previous chapters, we introduced simple meta-regression models of publica-
tion selection, where the reported empirical effect is some function of its standard
error. The simplest of these models is the FAT-PET-MRA. Recall that:

effecti = β0 + β1SEi + εi (4.1)

This meta-regression of an estimate and its standard error was first introduced
by Egger et al. (1997) to serve as a test for the presence of publication bias. This
Egger meta-regression is itself a generalization of the well-known Galbraith dia-
grams (Galbraith, 1988) that adds a constant term to the WLS version of (4.1):

ti = β1 + β0(1/SEi) + vi (4.2)

In spite of the intuitive appeal of these relations, they lack a rigorous statistical
foundation. Although it seems apparent that smaller studies with correspondingly
larger standard errors would need to search harder over different data subsets, alter-
native specifications and methods in order to achieve statistical significance when
the underlying phenomenon is small or non-existent, this connection between a
reported estimate and its standard error begs for a more rigorous grounding. The
purpose of this section is to provide a mathematical argument for this dependence
of a reported estimate and its standard error when there is publication selection for
statistical significance. In the process, we hope to provide a better understanding
of this relation and its limitations.
Publication selection is analogous to the better-known bias that arises through
sample selection, famously addressed by Heckman (1979).21 Take the example
of gender wage discrimination. The gender wage gap is estimated by comparing
the estimated returns to worker productivity measures from samples of male
and female worker wages (e.g. Oaxaca, 1973; Jacobsen, 1994). A problem
arises because wages are only observed for employed workers, those who have
reservation wages lower than the observed market wage rate. The decision to
participate in the labor market is itself a function of wages, but wages might
be differentially affected by gender discrimination. Therefore, a regression on
just employed workers may provide biased regression estimates. Observing a
worker’s wages and discrimination may be endogenously related. To address this
issue, labor economists have long employed a Heckman correction for this sample
selection bias, and a meta-regression of the gender wage gap finds that using a
Heckman correction greatly increases (by approximately 18 percentage points)
the reported gender wage discrimination (Stanley and Jarrell, 1998).
118 Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis
Publication selection involves a similar case of incidental truncation. It is
“incidental truncation” because the magnitude of the reported effect (like worker
wage) is not directly selected but rather some other variable, the estimate’s t-value
(labor market participation); see Wooldridge (2002: 552). Incidental truncation
differs from censored sampling where the dependent variable is itself selected and
there is data on the independent variables for both the selected and the unreported
samples (Heckman, 1979; Wooldridge, 2002: 552).
With publication selection for directional statistical significance, we observe an
estimated effect only if effecti/SEi > a, where a is the critical value of the standard
normal distribution. By referring to the well-known conditional expectation of a
truncated normal distribution, it is easy to show that observed effects will depend
on the population (or “true”) effect plus a term that reflects the selection bias,
which is equal to the standard error times the inverse Mills ratio:

E(effecti | truncation) = α1 + σi · λ(c) (6.10)

where λ(c) is the inverse Mills ratio, α1 is the “true” effect, which is the expected
value of the original distribution, σi is the standard error of the estimated effect, and
c = a − α1/σi. Because effecti is asymptotically normal with mean α1 and standard
deviation σi, equation (6.10) follows directly from Theorem 21.2 of Green (1990)
(see also Johnson and Kotz, 1970). Relation (6.10) has the same general form as
a Heckman regression (Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004: 488).
When we replace sample estimates for the population values in (6.10) we get

effecti = α1 + SEi · λ(c) + εi (6.11)

If one further assumes that the inverse Mills ratio is constant, we have our FAT-
PET-MRA equation (4.1). Like (6.11), the more familiar Heckman regression
adds a term containing the inverse Mills ratio and σi. Thus, statistical models of
truncation and selection offer a simple meta-regression relation between observed
effect and its standard errors, giving us a rigorous foundation for the publication
selection methods described and applied in Chapter 4.
However, the linear MRA defined by equation (4.1) further assumes that λ(c)
is approximately constant with respect to σi. Unfortunately, we know better. In
general, λ(c) is not constant, and variations of λ(c) can cause the MRA estimate of
the mean of the full distribution of effects, β̂0, to be biased and inconsistent. This
complication causes considerable difficulty in finding an unbiased and consistent
corrected estimate of the empirical effect in question.
To understand this problem in context, consider how the conventional
correction for sample selection works. When we have data on the explanatory
variables for both the selected and unreported samples, the conventional Heckman
regression consistently estimates the corrected effect using a two-step method,
where the first step models the probability of being selected, and in the second
step, estimates from the selection equation are used to calculate the inverse Mills
ratio in a Heckman regression. In effect, the estimated selection relation gives a
Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis 119
sample estimate of the selection bias term, σi · λ(c).22 To state the obvious, this
conventional approach is not available to the meta-analyst, because we have no
information on the characteristics of the unreported values; thus, no direct way to
model the selection process or to estimate the Heckman regression.
So what is the “second” best strategy? Somehow we need to estimate the
publication bias term, σi · λ(c), however crudely, using information contained only
in reported research findings. Further, we know that λ(c) is itself a function of σi,
but, unfortunately, it is not a simple function of σi.
To see what type of relation we must approximate, take the derivative of (6.10)
with respect to σi:

∂E(effecti | truncation) ∂σi = λ(c) + σi · ∂λ(c)/∂σi

= λ(c) + σi · (∂λ(c)/∂c) · (∂c/∂σi) (6.12)

However, Heckman (1979: 159) shows that ∂λ(c)/∂c = λ(c)2 − cλ(c), which gives

∂E(effecti | truncation) ∂σi = λ(c) + (α1/σi) · (λ(c)2 − cλ(c)) (6.13)

In general, this expression is a rather complex non-linear function of σi; thus,

some rough approximation such as the power series will need to be employed
to estimate the expected empirical relation between a reported estimate and its
standard error. Using a power series to approximate this conditional expectation
is the starting point of PEESE-MRA model (4.3):

effecti = β0 + β1SEi + β2SE2i + εi (6.14)

Inspection of the limiting relations suggests that the bottom of this parabola should
occur when SEi =0 (recall Section 4.3.4 and Box 4.8). Constraining a second-
order power series to have its perigee at SEi = 0 implies that β1 = 0, removes the
linear term from (6.14), and gives the PEESE-MRA (4.4):

effecti = β0 + β2SE2i + εi (4.4)

Two separate simulation studies have confirmed the viability of using β̂0 from
the WLS version of (4.4) as a corrected estimate of empirical effect. Stanley
and Doucouliagos (2011) compare simple and weighted averages (recall FEE
and REE from Chapter 3) to both the linear and quadratic FAT-PET-PEESE-
MRAs and find that PEESE has the smallest bias and MSE when there is a
genuine empirical effect. These simulations also show that quadratic or cubic
power series that are not constrained to have β1 = 0 have large bias and MSEs.
Unconstrained power series are clearly dominated by PEESE (4.4). Secondly,
a team of medical researchers report a “comprehensive simulation study” on
14 different approaches, including “trim-and-fill,” to estimating effect when
there might be publication bias (Moreno et al., 2009a). Their simulations find no
120 Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis
better approach to publication bias correction than β̂0 on a combination of four
criteria (bias, MSE, variance and coverage percentage).23 When Moreno et al.
(2009b) apply these publication correction methods to randomized clinical trials
of antidepressants, they use PEESE and found it to be the best way to correct for
publication selection bias.
There is an important special case for the relation between the expected value
of a reported effect and its standard error that must be mentioned. When the
underlying empirical effect is zero, β0 = 0, equation (6.13) simplifies to λ(c).
Recall that c = a − β0/σi, and ∂E(effecti | truncation) / ∂σi reduces to the inverse
Mills ratio evaluated at critical value of the standard normal distribution, a, which,
of course, is just a constant. Thus, when there is no genuine empirical effect, the
expected reported effect will be a multiple of its standard error, and the linear
MRA model used in Chapter 4, MRA (4.1), will be correct.24 This observation is
important because it further validates the precision-effect test (H0: β0 = 0), which
tests for the presence of a genuine underlying empirical effect beyond publication
selection bias. The PET’s null hypothesis assumes that β0 = 0; thus, the FAT-
PET-MRA is correctly specified as a linear relation for testing whether there is
a genuine non-zero empirical effect. As a result of this special case, simulations
further confirm that the PET estimate from (4.1) is superior to PEESE (4.4) when
we accept H0: β0 = 0, but that PEESE (4.4) is statistically more accurate when this
hypothesis is rejected (Stanley and Doucouliagos, 2011). As a result, one should
only use the PEESE correction if there is first evidence of some genuine effect
(i.e. reject H0: β0 = 0).

6.4 In defense of simple statistical methods

Although Chapter 5 and this chapter focus largely on complex and rigorous sta-
tistical methods of meta-analysis, we advocate very simple statistical approaches
whenever possible. Our experience suggests that simple meta-analytic methods
are usually adequate to summarize a research literature. Often these simple statis-
tics are more revealing than sophisticated multivariate analyses. Nonetheless, we
acknowledge the need to also employ more complex and econometrically rigor-
ous methods, if for no other reason than to be sure that simple findings are robust.
Below we argue that very simple meta-analytic techniques should be reported and
that they might possibly do a better job summarizing an empirical literature than
more rigorous and complex methods.
To take an odd but revealing example, in a recent American Statistician article
we demonstrate how it might be better to throw out 90 percent of the research
literature and just average the rest (Stanley et al., 2010). Simulations also show
that this top 10 estimator compares well to simple and weighted averages (FEE
and REE) and to β̂0 from the linear MRA model (4.1). The secret is that the 10
percent of the research that is retained are those estimates that are the most
precise – top 10. Our top 10 estimator is not meant to offer a genuine applied
approach to meta-analysis but only as a statistical paradox that highlights the
Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis 121
seriousness of publication selection. Nonetheless, it also demonstrates how
the intelligent use of the simplest statistical methods (a mean) can be more
enlightening and statistically valid than the mechanical use of seemingly more
rigorous and efficient estimators (such as REE).

6.4.1 Selected heterogeneity and the simple FAT-PET-PEESE-MRA

A sensible case can be made for the preference of the estimates from the simple
MRA models (4.1) and (4.4) over more complex multiple MRA models. How
is this possible when it is widely known that omitting relevant variables biases
the remaining estimates? The answer depends upon how we interpret these sim-
ple MRA estimates of publication selection bias. When heterogeneity is largely
selected, simple MRAs may correctly filter this selected heterogeneity as well as
selected random errors.
To explore this issue, we return to our simple MRA model (4.1) and assume the
worst case – that some other factor, X, affects the reported estimates and is also
correlated with the standard error (SE).25 This gives

effecti = β0 + β1SEi + β2 Xi + εi, E(Xi) = γ0 + γ1SEi (6.15)

When MRA model (4.1) is estimated without including Xi, E(β̂1)= β1 + γ1β2.
One interpretation of this second term, γ1β2, is omitted-variable bias; another is
the portion of publication bias operating more indirectly through the variable X.
β1 may be seen as the “direct” publication bias that results from resampling
and re-estimation when the researcher’s first estimate proves insignificant or
of the “wrong sign.” However, more typical in econometrics, researchers will
respecify their econometric models by using a different set of independent
variables, a different functional form, some new econometric technique, etc.
Variations in such research dimensions create heterogeneity and are repre-
sented by X. When a study is imprecise (i.e. has a high SE), greater effort will
likely be needed to obtain statistical significance. In these cases, a researcher is
more likely to use some highly influential research dimension, X. Such selected
heterogeneity contributes to publication selection bias and is evidenced by a
correlation between X and SE. Thus, γ1β2 may be regarded as a component of
publication bias.
By this interpretation, β̂1 from the simple MRA is not biased, but rather it
estimates total publication bias coming from a variety of channels – recall
E(β̂1) = β1 + γ1β2. It is our view that this interpretation will often be appropriately
true in economics and business research. Of course, this is only one interpretation.
Another is that X imparts an important effect on the target phenomenon and any
correlation between X and SE is just coincidence. In practice, it is impossible
to know which interpretation is correct because it will depend on whether
heterogeneity is created largely as a byproduct of publication selection or not. In
our past experience over dozens of areas of research, simple MRAs of publication
selection have always provided a satisfactory characterization of a given area of
122 Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis
economics research, because these characterizations are also confirmed by more
complex multiple MRA and methods.
As we show in Chapter 5, multiple MRA provides a more complex and
nuanced estimate of publication bias. Nonetheless, for both of the multiple MRA
examples reported in Chapter 5, the simple models of publication selection
provide summaries that are corroborated by complex and robust multiple MRAs
results. In the case of the value of a statistical life (VSL), both simple and
complex methods find strong evidence of publication selection for statistically
positive VSLs. Also, the associated estimates of corrected VSL are quite close
to one another. Likewise for minimum-wage research. Both simple and complex
multiple MRAs find evidence of selection for an adverse employment effect but
no evidence of any practical employment effect, once allowance is made for
this selection (see Chapter 5). Regardless of the interpretation chosen, we will
still need to conduct several multiple meta-regression analyses to ensure that
any simple interpretation is robust and/or to investigate how sensitive it is to
more complex potential influences. Although substantial publication selection
may allow one to ignore heterogeneity, in practice it is always a good idea to
explore fully the more complex and nuanced multivariate landscape for the sake
of robustness.

6.4.2 Nothing more than the least

We would also like to use a few words to defend the validity and rigor of the sim-
ple least-squares approach to meta-regression. In our view, there is little reason to
use anything more sophisticated. The most sophisticated and rigorous statistical
MRA model that we have found to be generally valid is the unbalanced “fixed-
effects” panel MRA. Although these models begin with a complex error structure,
they reduce to conventional linear regression and are efficiently estimated by OLS
(recall Section 6.2). Either by adding dummy variables for studies or subtract-
ing the study averages from all observed values, these multilevel panel methods
reduce to OLS. Likewise for MRA models of publication selection, simple meth-
ods can be used effectively to filter out likely selection bias. In all MRA cases,
we know there will be heteroskedasticity; thus, WLS should be the base MRA
model. But then WLS is nothing more than OLS on weighted variables; recall
MRA models (4.2) and (4.3). It is our view, confirmed by experience, that simple
least squares is more resilient to the vagaries of research than more complex and
seemingly more rigorous statistical methods.
However, the full arsenal of econometric techniques and methods can be
fruitfully employed in meta-analytic applications. In the following chapter we
explore the treatment of multiple effect sizes and the results from multiple meta-
analyses. In the process, we offer a few examples of the rich opportunities for deeper
understanding of research through the use of more sophisticated econometric
approaches. In particular, we explore the estimation of the MRA using seemingly
unrelated regressions (SUR) and thus three-stage least squares (3SLS).
Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis 123
Appendix: assumptions about error structures
In econometrics, it has long been proved that, as long as Ω in (6.3) can be esti-
mated up to some unknown proportion, σ2, generalized least squares and weighted
least squares estimates, as a special case, will have all of the desirable large-
sample properties (e.g. Judge et al., 1982; Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004). That
is, they will be unbiased and asymptotically normal with asymptotically unbiased
standard errors. When Ω is known, not estimated, up to this unknown proportion,
the Gauss–Markov theorem proves that both the GLS and WLS estimators are
best (minimum variance) linear unbiased estimates.
For example, Davidson and MacKinnon (2004: 261–2) are quite explicit about
the issue of whether σ2 needs to be constrained to be 1. That is, they show that
if Ω is replaced by σ2Δ, where σ2 is an unknown scalar, we still have all of the
desirable GLS properties and that σ2 can be estimated by the conventional OLS
estimate of the variance of the regression errors (or MSE) for the transformed
regression, equations (4.2) or (4.3) in our terms (Davidson and MacKinnon, 2004:
261). In practice, econometricians do not constrain σ2 to be 1, because there is
no need, nothing is gained by doing so, and the data themselves might give us a
more realistic assessment of these variances. No doubt, it is for these reasons that
statistical packages like STATA do not constrain MSE to be equal to 1 in their
WLS routines.
Technically, there is a difference in the assumptions about the relation of
between-study heterogeneity to within-study sampling variance between this
general “fixed-effects” WLS-MRA and a “random-effects” MRA. With “random
effects,” between-study heterogeneity variance, τ2, is assumed to be constant
and independent of the sampling error, σ2i . In other words, the total variance (or
unconditional sampling variance) is τ2 + σ2i . Our general WLS MRA assumes that
the total variance is proportional to the conditional sampling error, σ2i , and thereby
equal to σ2σ2i . In the “random-effects” model, the variation among the weights,
1/σ2i , is reduced by adding a constant value, τ2, to σ2i , giving weights 1/(τ2 + σ2i ).
With publication selection bias, we want the most precise estimates to be given
a much larger weight, perhaps even more so than what 1/σ2i permits, to reduce
publication selection bias – recall the top 10 (Stanley et al., 2010). Thus, WLS
will do a better job of giving the more precise effects a relatively larger weight
than the “random effects” and thereby more fully compensating for publication
bias. Furthermore, these two assumptions about how the total variance is or is
not related to the conditional sampling variance are just that, assumptions of
convenience. There is no reason, other than mathematical tractability, for assuming
that between-study heterogeneity, τ2, is independent of the sampling error, σ2i . With
publication selection, between-study heterogeneity is likely to be dependent on σ2i ;
that is, less precise studies will, on average, engage in more model re-estimation
and respecification to get the desired statistically significant results, and this might
well affect the heterogeneity among the reported estimates. For all these reasons
and others, we believe that “fixed-effects” WLS-MRA to be a viable benchmark
specification and that the standard reported SEs from statistical packages such as
124 Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis
STATA and SPSS should be used.26 That is, there is no need to divide the reported
SEs by the square root of MSE.
No doubt, in the past, some WLS statistical packages have reported inappropriate
statistics and that one should still confirm their validity before relying upon them.
Nonetheless, recent versions of STATA and SPSS report correct WLS standard
errors for the regression coefficients when σ 2 is not constrained to be 1. It is very
easy to verify whether or not a given statistical package correctly reports WLS
standard errors. Just have any statistical package compute equation (5.5) or (4.1)
using WLS and 1/SEi2 as the weights and then compare the standard errors of
the regression coefficients to a simple OLS of (5.6) or (4.2), respectively. This
comparison does not directly address Hedges and Olkin’s (1985) issue about
constraining σ 2 to be 1. That issue is best resolved by the research record itself.
Even with these modern improvements, WLS regression summary statistics
should be considered suspect. For example, in WLS the reported R2 refers to the
standardized dependent variable (t-values) and not to the raw estimates. To get a
R2 in terms of the research estimates, recompute the residuals from the estimated
regression coefficients and the raw data on M and e. Then compare the variation
in these residuals to the total variation in e (see any basic econometric text).
Likewise, the square root of the MSE (or the standard error of the regression)
may be reported in terms of these standardized values (SPSS) or in terms of the
raw estimates (STATA). Thus, caution in interpreting statistical package results is
always warranted.
7 Further topics in
meta-regression analysis

In previous chapters we presented, derived and applied the basic MRA model and
several variations. The aim of this chapter is to discuss a few additional dimen-
sions of its structure and application. Section 7.1 explores some of the alternative
applications of MRA in economics. In certain branches of economics, most
notably environmental economics, MRA is used principally to derive improved
estimates of key parameters, such as the willingness to pay. In other areas, the
focus of MRA is mainly on the testing of competing economic theories, while
other applications of MRA concentrate on modeling the heterogeneity among
empirical findings. MRA is flexible enough to accommodate all of these facets of
economics and business. In Section 7.2 we discuss the choice of MRA variables
when there are more variables than observations. This is followed by a brief dis-
cussion of the functional form of the MRA in Section 7.3. We then discuss the use
of MRA for identifying exclusion restrictions in Section 7.4. Section 7.5 looks at
the forecasting performance of MRA in both time and space. Section 7.6 investi-
gates the treatment of effect sizes that involve MRA models with interaction and
non-linear terms.
The second part of the chapter explores the treatment of multiple effect sizes and
the results from multiple meta-analyses. While most meta-analyses investigate a
single effect size, there are many cases where researchers may be interested in the
results of several related effects. In Section 7.7, we illustrate the use of systems
estimators, such as seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) and three-stage least
squares (3SLS), for dealing with multiple but related effect sizes. In Section 7.8,
we show that the MRA model can be used to analyze the results from several meta-
analyses of the same empirical phenomenon (the M2RA model). This section also
discusses the results of meta-analyses of unrelated literatures.

7.1 Alternative applications of meta-regression analysis

In Chapter 4, we introduce a basic MRA, equation (4.1), that provides an estimate
of the effect size corrected for publication bias:1

effecti = β0 + β1SEi + εi (4.1)

126 Further topics in meta-regression analysis
We regard this as the most basic MRA model. More informative is a general
multivariate version of this basic MRA that enables conditional estimates
of genuine effects, as well as publication and misspecification biases; recall
equation (5.5):

effecti = β0 + ∑βZ
k ki + β1SEi + ∑ δ SE K
j i ji + εi (5.5)

Versions of these MRA models can be used for a range of applications, such as
summarizing and qualifying estimates of policy-relevant parameters, correcting
these estimates for any number of potential biases inherent in observational eco-
nomics research, testing economic theories, explaining heterogeneity, modeling
the research process itself, and giving direction to future empirical investigation.
These applications are not mutually exclusive. MRA can in fact be used to inform
on all of these dimensions simultaneously. Indeed, we have argued throughout
this book that MRA is best seen from a broad perspective encompassing several
of these dimensions. In particular, we have argued that in order to derive improved
estimates of policy-relevant parameters, it is essential that the MRA summarizes
and explains past research, but also accommodates and minimizes publication and
misspecification biases.

7.1.1 Improved parameter estimates

The focus of most meta-analyses is on deriving improved parameter estimates that
are of direct use to policy makers. This is a major and important application of
MRA. Examples of this prime directive include: the numerous meta-analyses on
the value of a statistical life (VSL), environmental benefit transfer, and price and
income elasticities of various commodities and taxes.
The large literature on VSL has spawned 14 meta-analyses and counting
(e.g. Bellavance et al., 2009). Most of these focus on estimating a single parameter,
the value of a statistical life. Another important parameter in this literature is the
income elasticity of VSL, which may be revealed as an ancillary MRA calculation.
This elasticity is discussed further in Section 7.8.
Applications of meta-analysis in environmental economics often involve
benefit transfer (e.g. Rosenberger and Loomis, 2000a; Shrestha and Loomis,
2001; Bateman and Jones, 2003; Brander et al., 2006; Bergstrom and Taylor,
2006). Smith and Pattanayak (2002) ask whether this might not be environmental
economics’ “Noah’s Ark.” For benefit transfer, estimated coefficients from the
MRA are used to predict the dollar value of sites that were not part of the original
dataset. MRA can be used to predict valuations for “policy sites” using data on
“study sites” and thereby saving much time and resources in conducting a new
site-specific study (Shrestha and Loomis, 2001). But should they? And the likely
errors in doing so are still an open question (Rosenberger and Stanley, 2006;
Lindhjem and Navrud, 2008; Johnston and Rosenberger, 2010).
Many meta-analyses focus on elasticities derived from demand functions.
Examples include own price elasticities for alcohol, tobacco, water, and energy.2
Further topics in meta-regression analysis 127
Precise estimates of such elasticities are very important for government taxation
and health policies, and they can also be important for corporate decision making.
By averaging sampling errors and filtering publication and misspecification
biases, the unconditional and conditional meta-estimates of effect sizes offer
improved estimates of key parameters. The focus of the above three groups of meta-
analyses has been predominately on parameter estimates. Thus, while most of the
meta-analyses conducted in these literatures have investigated heterogeneity, the
majority have largely abstracted from issues of publication bias. For example, of
the 14 meta-analyses on VSL, only Day (1999) and Doucouliagos et al. (2012b) test
for selection bias. We have seen in Chapters 4 and 5 that by ignoring publication
selection bias, meta-analysis might result in faulty inference; in the case of both
VSL and water price elasticities, controlling for publication bias greatly reduces
the magnitude of the estimate. For benefit transfer in environmental valuation,
ignoring publication selection can also cause serious bias, and correcting these
biases usually makes the non-market values larger (Rosenberger and Stanley,
2006; Stanley and Rosenberger, 2009). However, ironically, using the FAT-PET-
PEESE-MRAs that have been designed to accommodate and minimize publication
bias and advocated in Chapter 4 can actually make the bias worse (Stanley and
Rosenberger, 2009). As discussed in Chapter 4, this problem occurs when values
are related to consumer surplus and derived from non-linear transformations of
estimated demand coefficients. Simulations show that using a proxy for precision,
the square root of the sample size, can go a long way towards reducing publication
selection bias even in this perverse case.
Moreover, this type of meta-analysis has rarely tested economic theories. For
example, none of the existing meta-analyses of VSL from wage-risk studies have
explored the validity of the theory of compensating wage differentials. Similarly,
the meta-studies on demand elasticities listed above do not test the validity of the
law of demand. The focus of these meta-analyses has been on improving estimates
of key parameters (e.g. the VSL and price or income elasticities), assuming that
the underlying theories hold. We do not mean to suggest that these meta-studies
are somehow fundamentally flawed; we wish merely to highlight alternative
dimensions of MRA application.

7.1.2 Testing economic theories

Economic theory makes specific predictions about the distribution of empirical
effects. Rival theories differ in terms of the direction, magnitude and the nature
of the distribution of such effects. A natural application of the MRA is to test
these rival theories. For example, neoclassical profit maximization in a competi-
tive labor market predicts adverse employment effects arising from the minimum
wage. Using meta-analysis, Card and Krueger (1995a) and Doucouliagos and
Stanley (2009) test this prediction for the USA and find that the extant evidence
does not support neoclassical theory. Like Card and Krueger (1995b), we specu-
late that perhaps alternative theories may offer a more accurate description of the
data generating process, at least for the US teenage labor market. In a companion
128 Further topics in meta-regression analysis
meta-analysis, Krassoi-Peach and Stanley (2009) find evidence in favor of the
efficient wage hypothesis, and efficiency wages may be considered a “falsifying
hypothesis” to the neoclassical competitive labor market theory (Popper, 1959).3
We believe that meta-analysis provides a viable platform from which to test
economic theory rigorously and that only the comprehensive and objective
perspective that meta-analysis offers can do so. For example, Stanley (2004, 2005b)
reports linked meta-analyses which, together, constitute a sophisticated Popperian
test of the natural rate hypothesis (NRH). Stanley (2005b) combines and meta-
analyzes 34 tests of NRH and uncovers a clear pattern. Those tests that have more
available information (larger degrees of freedom or sample sizes) find stronger
evidence against NRH. This is exactly what statistical power would predict for
a false hypothesis, and this interpretation is consistent with what the average of
these tests of NRH indicates. The advantage of meta-analysis is that it integrates
all the tests of a given hypothesis and can see across likely misspecification biases
that might be present in any single econometric test.
However, not even the most comprehensive and rigorous meta-analysis, by
itself, can provide a definitive or sophisticated “falsification” of an economic
theory – at least not in a Popperian sense. Rather, a second “falsifying hypothesis”
must be first confirmed:

We shall take it as falsified only if we discover a reproducible effect which

refutes the theory. In other words, we only accept the falsification if a low-
level empirical hypothesis which describes such an effect is proposed and
corroborated. This kind of hypothesis may be called a falsifying hypothesis.
(Popper, 1959: 86–87)

Unemployment hysteresis is just this sort of “falsifying hypothesis” (Stanley,

2004). Unemployment hysteresis is the idea that the unemployment rate has a
unit root or, in other words, is non-stationary. Shocks to the economy have very
long-lived effects on unemployment. This hypothesis directly contradicts the
NRH. If the unemployment rate is dominated by its own inertia, then there will
be no “natural rate” of unemployment towards which unemployment gravitates.4
Unemployment hysteresis is corroborated both by the observed rate of conver-
gence of 99 persistence estimates from 24 studies and by the point towards which
they converge. “Larger estimates of unemployment persistence are produced by
models that use more information (t = 9.03; p < 0.0001) and are better specified”
(Stanley 2004: 589). Thus, the NRH’s falsifying hypothesis is corroborated by a
second meta-analysis of a separate, but logically related, empirical literature.
We see great potential to use MRA to test rival economic theories and thereby
to shape the development of economic theory. When the main interest lies in
testing economic theory, the meta-analysis will likely focus on the value of a
key parameter and the practical significance of this effect. This may also include
testing the null of no relationship. However, in some cases, another value may
be more economically relevant, such as whether an elasticity is 1 or a lagged
unemployment coefficient is 1, and this too can be tested.
Further topics in meta-regression analysis 129
7.1.3 Meta-analysis to guide new estimates
MRA can be used to guide the development of econometric models. By definition,
meta-analysis focuses on the analysis of the empirical studies reported by others.
This function, however, is not limited to analyzing the past (i.e. what the existing
literature has established). A good meta-analysis should serve as a guide for future
empirical studies and even stimulate new meta-studies. Moreover, meta-analysis
can be supplemented with original primary data analysis.
For example, Liu et al. (1997) provide original estimates of the VSL in Taiwan.
They then proceed to offer a simple meta-analysis using data from developed
countries. The aim of their meta-analysis is to compare their own econometric
results to the results established by the broader literature. Doucouliagos and
Ulubasoglu (2006) report a meta-analysis of the impact of economic freedom
on economic growth. They then present their own primary econometric analysis
which supported the conclusions from the meta-analysis.
One of the advantages of meta-analysis is that it applies a telescope to the
empirical literature’s findings and thus identifies gaps in empirical strategies and
what is deemed to be best practice. Accordingly, a major benefit of meta-analysis
is that it can open new directions in research. This work need not be left to other
researchers. Indeed, it is our view that by dissecting an empirical literature, the meta-
analyst is in an excellent position to undertake original, unique and informative
primary data analysis. This is particular so for doctoral theses; empirical theses will
benefit from including at least one chapter devoted to meta-analysis.5

7.1.4 Modeling the research process

In Chapter 5, we illustrate how MRA can be used to model the research process
itself. Recall that the standard error terms (equation (5.5)) inform on how the
publication selection process works in a given literature. Additionally, some of the
Z vector variables quantify misspecification biases, another important aspect of
the research process. However, MRA can be extended further. While it has rarely
been used for this purpose, we see great potential in the use of the MRA for ana-
lyzing the historical evolution of economics research. By coding and subsequently
analyzing an entire literature, the meta-analyst is able to address a range of issues,
such as the choice of estimators and data used, who the leading researchers in the
field are and how they have influenced others; and whether there is path depend-
ence in the reported estimates. Stanley et al. (2008) provide a few examples, but
the range of applications is truly enormous.

7.1.5 MRA: A multipurpose tool

As noted above, we do not see these alternative uses of MRA as mutually exclusive.
There is nothing to prevent a well-structured MRA from testing rival economic
theories, offering improved parameter estimates for policy, and modeling the
process by which research in the field has been conducted.
130 Further topics in meta-regression analysis
7.2 Specification of the meta-regression analysis
A major issue in any econometric analysis is which variables to include in the
econometric model. This is a major issue also for meta-analysis. Indeed, in some
ways this can be more of a problem in meta-analysis than in primary econometric
studies. Meta-analyses can quickly exhaust degrees of freedom. It is possible to
end up with more study characteristics than actual observations. For example,
the meta-analyst might want to control for differences in the measurement of
the dependent and independent variables, the omission of relevant independent
variables, differences in the composition of samples (country, firm and individual
differences), differences over time, differences in functional form and estimator,
as well as variables that can be constructed using information external to the
empirical studies themselves.6 Add to this variables that model the research proc-
ess, and the number of explanatory variables expands rapidly. The meta-analyst
might very well end up identifying, for example, 40 potential moderating vari-
ables but might be in possession of only 30 estimates.7 Hence, it will often be
necessary to omit some potential MRA variables. There are several ways to deal
with this problem in practice.
Theoretically based exclusions are one way. Both theoretical and empirical
literatures identify key issues. The MRA should, at least, attempt to explore these
externally identified central issues. Hence, if it comes to the choice of variables
that cover key issues versus other aspects that the meta-analysts might want to
explore, preference should, in the first instance, be given to the former. The meta-
analyst can, of course, always report alternative specifications. For example, the
meta-analyst can report the results of an MRA that uses only the key variables
identified by prior literature. When only a small empirical literature exists, we
recommend this approach. This will enable the testing of key associations of interest
and accommodating what prior research regards as important misspecification
biases. Then the meta-analyst can report alternative MRA specifications for the
sake of robustness and to explore several other effects especially if these were
identified prior to calculating any statistics. Even though a more general model
with all potential variables might be ruled out because of insufficient observations,
it should still be possible for the MRA to answer a few of the key questions of a
given area of research, while at the same time controlling for research dimensions
found important in previous meta-analyses or in the research literature in question.
Experience indicates that MRA reveals only a few important misspecification biases
and research dimensions robustly even when there are ample degrees of freedom.
Another way is to choose factors reflected in the literature. Instead of coding
every individual difference between studies, the meta-analyst can decide to test
only those factors that are explored by a certain threshold number of studies. For
example, if less than three studies use a certain control variable in the primary
econometric analysis, then this might not be regarded as an important factor and
can be ignored when degrees of freedom is a pressing issue.
Construction of new variables is a third way. In practice it is often possible to
construct new variables that meaningfully capture a dimension of interest. For
Further topics in meta-regression analysis 131
example, instead of including dummy variables for each country in a sample,
regional dummy variables can be constructed (e.g. a variable for South America
instead of separate dummy variables for Argentina, Chile, Brazil, and Peru).
Similarly, a dummy variable can be constructed for systems estimators instead
of separate dummy variables for, say, two-stage least squares, three-stage least
squares, and so on. Krassoi-Peach and Stanley (2009) find that studies that make
an effort to control for endogeneity of wages and worker productivity in any of
several ways find much stronger efficiency-wage effects.
Another option is to use principal components analysis to collapse several
variables into a newly constructed variable. This makes especially good research
sense when the variables that are reduced into one all code for some similar
research dimension such as the omission of important explanatory variables. Or
sometimes it is possible to collapse multiple independent but related variables, say
per-capita GDP and squared per-capita GDP, into one by subtracting a constant
value from per-capita GDP before it is squared and only using this re-centered
squared GDP per-capita variable. In this way, high multicollinearity can be
avoided and yet the shape of the relationship can, nonetheless, be revealed.
Obviously, these strategies potentially increase the risk of omitted-variable
bias in the MRA. However, when there are only a few estimates reported in a
literature, the meta-analyst might have very little choice. Particular care should
be taken with benefit transfer studies, where there is often a need to have relevant
external information included in the MRA. Also, it is important to balance the
needs for sufficient degrees of freedom with the need for an informative MRA.
While it is important to consider issues explored by others, MRA can provide new
insights into old questions. Hence, where there are sufficient estimates reported
in a given area of research, the meta-analyst should strive to explore new research
dimensions not considered in the current empirical literature.
However, in all cases, the meta-analyst should avoid data mining or the
construction of variables that capitalize on chance or some quirk in the research
literature. Thus, theory should be the meta-analyst’s guide. As discussed in Chapter
6, the MRA is based largely on statistical theory. Anything that is known to shift the
sampling distribution of the estimate in question (e.g. omitting a relevant variable
in the original econometric study) should be included as an independent variable
in the MRA. Unless there are many more reported estimates than such factors, this
empirical literature may not be sufficiently mature to conduct a MRA.

7.3 Functional form of the meta-regression analysis

In addition to the specification of the MRA, the meta-analyst needs to consider
the functional form of her model. Many MRAs will model effect sizes in levels,
without any transformation of the variables. However, functional form might be
important in some literatures, and researchers will need to consider the appropriate
form this should take. The issue of functional form becomes particularly important
when the effect size is measured as a dollar value. The most common transfor-
mations involve a log-transformation of the effect size or a log-transformation
132 Further topics in meta-regression analysis
of one or more of the explanatory variables. For example, in the VSL literature,
some estimates use the dollar value of VSL,8 while some use the log-value. That
is, some MRAs use a linear functional form, some use a double-log form, some
use the lin-log form, while others use the log-lin form. The meta-analyst needs to
decide whether to convert all estimates into a dollar figure or transform them into
logarithms. When the commonly reported effect size is an elasticity, a semi-elastic-
ity, or a partial correlation, such transformations are not normally necessary.

7.4 Exclusion restrictions

As already noted, when developing econometric models, researchers regularly
face the difficult task of deciding which of the potentially large number of varia-
bles to include in their model. Often there is the need to balance the consequences
of omitting a variable with pressure on degrees of freedom. This becomes even
more pressing in the case of systems of equations, where potentially similar vari-
ables might influence a range of dependent variables. This raises the challenge of
Meta-analysis can be of much assistance with identifying exclusion restrictions.
By using the findings from existing meta-analyses, primary researchers might
be able to exclude certain variables. That is, instead of resorting to theoretically
based restrictions that lack empirical support, or worse still to ad hoc exclusion
restrictions made for no other reason than necessity, meta-analysis can offer a
more scientific and evidence-based approach.
For example, consider a primary researcher who wishes to estimate a system
of equations that involves a growth equation and a human capital equation
(among others). The researcher might be uncertain as to whether variables such as
democracy, foreign aid and foreign direct investment (FDI) should be included in
both equations, as theoretical models allow all these three variables to affect both
growth and human capital formation. If it appears from existing meta-analyses
that both democracy and foreign aid have no effect on growth, while FDI does,
then the primary researcher can exclude the first two variables from the growth
equation, and include them only in the human capital equation, which enhances
the identifiability of the growth equation. That is, the findings from meta-analyses
offer critical prior information that can be legitimately be used to shape primary
econometric models.

7.5 Evaluating predictions from meta-regression analysis

All MRA models involve some inference and prediction, in terms of either time or
space. For example, when MRA is used to test rival economic theories, the MRA
findings explicitly apply for the time period studied. Researchers might also use
the MRA coefficients to extrapolate forward in time. That is, the MRA coefficients
can be used to predict the likely direction of the relationship under investigation,
say for the next 5–10 years. Similarly, the MRA coefficients can be used to pre-
dict effect sizes in space. This is most commonly found in the benefit transfer of
Further topics in meta-regression analysis 133
environmental values. That is, the MRA coefficients are established using data for
certain sites/regions and then used to infer values for other sites/regions.
How successful/accurate are predictions from MRA? We can assess the
performance of the MRA across both time and space in three ways: (1) How
well does the MRA explain the research record? (2) Are the estimated MRA
coefficients stable? (3) How well do the MRA coefficients transfer into related
scenarios (e.g. benefit transfer)?

7.5.1 How well does meta-regression analysis explain the research record?
Like any regression, the explanatory power of the MRA is limited by the amount
of variation in the underlying data that can be potentially explained – systematic
heterogeneity. Because the dependent variable in an MRA is a statistical estimate,
part of its variation from study to study is random sampling error and, hence,
innately unexplainable.
The explanatory power of reported MRAs ranges from 0.08 to 0.98, depending
on the research issue and the specification of the MRA.9 Most of the MRAs do
a reasonable job at explaining a significant portion of the heterogeneity in the
research record. Indeed, half of the MRA models we have reviewed report an R2
(or an adjusted R2) greater than 0.50.10 Unfortunately, few of the studies we have
reviewed actually explore whether the remaining variation is solely due to random
error. So it is difficult to assess fully how well extant MRAs explain the variation in
reported economics and business research.11 One exception is the study by Stanley
(1998) whose meta-regression model explains all the heterogeneity, leaving only
random sampling error unexplained.

7.5.2 Does meta-regression analysis withstand the test of time?

Describing the research record at a point in time is one thing, but how successful is
MRA as a forecasting tool? That is, do the predictions of MRA models hold over
time? One way of assessing this is to compare the predictions made by an earlier
MRA with subsequent ones. Since MRA in economics is still relatively new, we only
have a small number of examples of meta-analysis that have been reproduced.
One example comes from Doucouliagos and Paldam (2008), whose meta-
analysis suggested that the effect of aid on growth was declining over time and was
expected to continue to decline (see Figure 3.2). As a test of this, Doucouliagos
and Paldam (2011a) updated their dataset and found indeed that the predictions of
their earlier meta-analysis were correct; the effect of aid on growth continued to
decline as predicted by the earlier meta-analysis.
A second example comes from the minimum-wage literature. Card and Kreuger
(1995a) conducted the first meta-analysis of the employment effects of the
minimum wage in the USA. They found that the evidence at that time pointed
to no adverse employment effects. Doucouliagos and Stanley (2009) updated
the Card and Krueger dataset and found that the earlier predictions held – the
minimum wage in the USA has no adverse effect on employment.
134 Further topics in meta-regression analysis
In a third example, Stanley and Jarrell (1998) used a holdout sample of later
studies on gender wage inequality to validate their MRA model. The models and
findings over the two periods corresponded well, but the size of the prediction
error was larger, as expected, in the holdout sample. Jarrell and Stanley (2004)
updated and extended this rapidly expanding research on the gender wage gap and
found largely consistent results, especially regarding their main findings. However,
the affect and importance of a few moderator variables did change. Lastly, the
central findings of Stanley and Jarrell (1998) of gender wage discrimination and
its main findings were corroborated yet again by Weichselbaumer and Winter-
Ebmer (2005) in their much larger international MRA of the gender wage gap,
even though gender discrimination in different countries and cultures is likely to
be quite different.
The results of MRA can change over time because the underlying relationships
have changed over time and/or because new estimators and MRA modeling
developments find something different. This means that it is entirely possible that
earlier predictions are reversed, because new meta-analyses reveal new insights,
correct past errors or omissions, or because new research reveals dynamic trends
in the value of the genuine empirical effects. Some empirical literatures will be
mature and well established, existing for relatively long periods of time, providing
a rich research record. Others will be fairly dynamic, with new estimates emerging
rapidly in ways that affect policy. Some literatures are growing exponentially.
These differences in the pace and stability of reported estimates are a challenge
for meta-analysis (or any informed review, systematic or otherwise). While the
meta-data might be representative of research reality at the time the MRA was
conducted, they need not be fully representative of the findings in the literature as
new estimates roll out and as the phenomenon evolves. Many MRAs have found a
significant time trend, confirming the dynamic nature of economics research. That
is, parameter estimates can very well change over time because the underlying
phenomenon may be dynamic or the methods used to study it may be evolving in
important ways.

7.5.3 Do meta-regression analysis results transfer?

As already noted, applications of meta-analysis in environmental economics
often involve benefit transfer functions (e.g. Bergstrom and Taylor, 2006;
Shrestha and Loomis, 2001). That is, the estimated coefficients from the MRA
are used to predict values of sites that were not part of the original meta-dataset.
This is an application of MRA forecasting across site and space, rather than time.
Rosenberger and Johnston (2009) discuss the various sources of error that might
arise in the application of MRA for benefit transfer, and Shrestha and Loomis
(2001) find that the average error of the MRA for benefit transfer to be around
24–30 percent. However, all approaches to benefit transfer can involve rather
large errors, including meta-analysis (Rosenberger and Stanley, 2006; Lindhjem
and Navrud, 2008); thus, there is still much to learn about how best to transfer
the estimated benefit from one site to another.
Further topics in meta-regression analysis 135
7.6 Effects with interaction and non-linear terms
So far, we have considered only effect sizes associated with linear terms in econo-
metric models.12 Here, we consider the meta-analysis of empirical effects associated
with interactions and non-linear terms, because comparable empirical effects are
likely to be complex. As an example of these issues, consider the following econo-
metric model:

Yit = α0 + α1Hit + α2Hit · Kit + α3 H 2it + γXit + εit (7.1)

where H is the key variable of interest for the meta-analysis and X is a vector of
other factors that affect the dependent variable, Y. The interaction, Hit · Kit, and
non-linear terms, H it2 , are important in identifying the marginal effect of H on Y,
which in this case is given by: ∂Y/∂H = α1 + α2K + 2α3H. The interaction term
Hit · Kit measures the effect of H on Y conditional on the value of K. Similarly, the
term Hit2 causes the effect of H on Y to be conditional on its own value.
If this marginal effect can be calculated, it can be used in the meta-analysis.13
The problem most meta-analysts will face is that this marginal effect is usually
not reported. Typically, only the regression coefficients (α1, α2, α3) and their
standard errors will be available, rather than the marginal effect.14 It appears that
many authors are concerned only with the statistical significance of the individual
interaction and non-linear terms rather than the practical significance of the
overall effect. In some cases the marginal effect will be reported, and its standard
error will not; it is rare for both to be reported. The biggest hurdle here is that the
covariances are almost never reported.15 This makes it difficult to include effects
with interactions or polynomial terms and yet also accommodate publication
selection. Meta-analysts could, however, use other weights, such as sample size
or journal impact factors instead of standard errors. In practice, the meta-analyst
will likely be forced to consider two strategies for dealing with this issue.
She can ignore the interaction and non-linear terms. The MRA can be applied
to only those estimates from models that do not include any interactions or non-
linear terms:

Yit = α0 + α1Hit + γXit + εit (7.2)

The main disadvantage here is that part (perhaps a very important part) of the
literature is discarded, and this might introduce systematic bias into the MRA.
Alternatively she can conduct separate meta-analyses. The conditional terms
can be used in a separate meta-analysis that explores the existence of a genuine
empirical interactive term. For example, a meta-analysis can be carried out on
the Hit · Kit term and separately for the H it2 term. If these meta-analyses reveal
that these terms are important, then their results could be combined with those
from the linear meta-analysis. If the meta-analyses indicate that these terms are
not statistically significant, or if the size of the effect is very small and of little
practical significance, then the interaction terms can be ignored and the MRA
136 Further topics in meta-regression analysis
conducted only on the linear terms from all studies. That is, estimates of the
effect of H on Y from equation (7.1) can be combined in the one meta-analysis,
given that the interaction terms and the squared term can be taken to have no
effect on Y. Note, however, that dummy variables should still be included in the
MRA to identify those estimates derived from models with interactions and/or

7.7 Multiple effect size analysis

Although it is not as serious as publication and misspecification bias, data
dependence is another issue that should be explored in meta-regression analysis.
In Chapters 4–6 we dealt with data dependence arising from multiple estimates of
the same effect reported in the same study. At times, the researcher will be dealing
with data dependence arising from correlations among multiple effect size meas-
ures. In such cases of multiple, yet related, outcome variables or effect sizes, the
single equation MRA may no longer be appropriate, and we need to turn to fully
multivariate MRA.
Table 7.1 summarizes the four scenarios that are likely to be encountered
in practice. The standard scenario (A) arises when all studies included in the
meta-dataset explore the same effect, such as the effect of the price of alcohol
(X1) on alcohol consumption (Y ). The MRA can then be estimated using WLS,
as discussed in Chapters 4 and 5. The overwhelming majority of extant MRAs
use this type of data – they focus on a single effect size, such as the own price
elasticity of alcohol.
Scenarios B, C and D involve multiple effect sizes arising from either multiple
dependent variables (Y ) or multiple explanatory variables (X ). Scenario B reflects
the case where the meta-analyst is interested in the effects of several explanatory
variables. For example, the meta-analyst might want to conduct an MRA on the
effects of the price of alcohol (X1), income (X2) and regulation (X3) on alcohol
consumption (Y). In this case, the meta-analysis involves three different effect
sizes: the own price elasticity; the income elasticity; and the regulation elasticity.
The dependent variable is the same in all cases (alcohol consumption) but the

Table 7.1 Structure of effect sizes

Effect size involves:

Scenario Dependent variable (Y) Explanatory variable (X)

A One One
Multiple effect sizes
B One Several
C Several One
D Several Several
Further topics in meta-regression analysis 137
effects differ because they involve different explanatory variables. It would not
be appropriate to pool the different effect sizes (from X1, X2 and X3) together
and conduct a standard WLS-MRA on the pooled data because they measure
conceptually different dimensions. Nonetheless, there is dependence in the effects
of X1, X2 and X3, because they are drawn from the same studies using the same data
and dependent variable.
Scenario C occurs where multiple effect sizes arise from studies reporting the
econometric analysis of more than one dependent variable, while scenario D
involves analysis of related though different explanatory variables and different
dependent variables. As an example of scenario C, consider the literature on
economic freedom. Economic theory predicts that economic freedom will affect
factor accumulation, especially investment in physical capital and human capital,
as well as economic growth. Hence, theory predicts that economic freedom will
impact on economic growth directly and also indirectly via capital accumulation.
Empirical studies offer estimates on the effects of economic freedom on different
dependent variables (growth (Y1), human capital (Y2), and physical capital (Y3)).
Researchers might be interested in analyzing all or some of these effects. In this
case, there is a single explanatory variable (economic freedom) that has an effect
on various dependent variables. Instead of running the MRA separately for each
dependent variable, multivariate MRA can be applied allowing the joint estimation
of several MRA equations, one for each dependent variable.16
Obviously, where there is interest in multiple effect sizes, the appropriate
data will need to be collected and coded. In many cases, this information can be
collected from the same pool of studies. In other cases, the information will need
to be collected from different but overlapping literatures. Here we illustrate the use
of two related estimators for dealing with such cases of cross-correlated MRAs,
seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) and three-stage least squares (3SLS).17

7.7.1 Seemingly unrelated regressions

In some applications, interest will lie in the analysis of the effects of different
explanatory variables on different dependent variables. In many cases, these
effects can be modeled as a sequence of individual MRAs. In some cases, how-
ever, the error terms in the set of MRA equations will be correlated. For example,
there is a large literature on the price elasticity of alcohol consumption. Studies
in this literature often report separate estimates for the price elasticity of beer,
wine and spirits.18 That is, they report more than one effect size – scenario D. If
researchers are interested in the price elasticity of only one of these effects, say
beer, then the single equation MRA is sufficient. However, efficiency gains are
possible even when the meta-analysts wish to integrate only one effect, and inter-
est often lies in more than one of these effect sizes. If we wish to estimate an MRA
for each effect size, it might be statistically preferable to do so as a group rather
than individually.
As a second example, consider the vast literature on the determinants of economic
growth (scenario B). Prior meta-analyses have investigated the effects of individual
138 Further topics in meta-regression analysis
variables, such as foreign aid, FDI, education, trade, institutions, democracy and
inequality, one at a time and individually. Yet, we know that estimates of regression
coefficients in a given regression relation will likely be correlated with the other
estimated coefficients in this regression. This is what the variance–covariance
matrix reflects.19 However, as we discussed in Chapter 6, researchers rarely report
the variance–covariance matrix in business and economics. Nonetheless, it would
seem appropriate and probably more informative for meta-analyses to explore
these multiple effects together, rather than in isolation. Doing so could, in effect,
estimate the covariances of these estimated regression coefficients across the
research literature using MRA.
Instead of providing estimates for each effect size separately, the MRA could
be estimated as a set of seemingly unrelated regressions or even as a structural
equation system. That is, instead of estimating a FAT-PET regression separately for
each effect size, the MRAs can be estimated jointly. This joint estimation could also
be conducted for the full multiple MRAs that include many Z- and K-variables. For
the case of beer, wine and liquor, the SUR FAT-PET model would be:

BEERi = α0 + α1SEbeeri + ε1i

WINEi = β0 + β1SEwinei + ε2i (7.3)
LIQUORi = γ0 + γ1SEliquori + ε3i

where BEER, WINE and LIQUOR are the own price elasticities for these different
alcoholic beverages, SEbeer, SEwine and SEliquor are the standard errors for the
elasticities of beer, wine and liquor, respectively, and εji are the error terms for a
given product and study, i = 1,2,..., L. In system (7.3), the right-hand-side vari-
ables are specific to each of the equations; every explanatory and every dependent
variable is different. This corresponds to scenario D of Table 7.1. More generally,
the MRA model might take the form of:

BEERi = α0 + α1SEbeeri + α2 Zi + u1i

WINEi = β0 + β1SEwinei + β2Zi + u2i (7.4)
LIQUORi = γ0 + γ1SEliquori + γ2Zi + u3i

where the vector Z contains variables such as the country sample, the estima-
tor used, the omission of important explanatory variables in the original study
and the source of data. This system of equation can easily be extended to include
the K-vector of variables interacted with standard error (recall Chapter 5). The
Z-vector may contain the same type of variables across the three equations. Note
that system (7.4) can easily be extended to include other equation-specific vari-
ables. While OLS still produces consistent estimates, the benefit of SUR over
OLS is that it can result in efficiency gains;20 SUR enables the cross-correlation in
the errors to be incorporated in the estimation.21
We illustrate the application of SUR with 258 estimates on the own price
elasticity of alcohol. The data come from 59 studies that report elasticities for
all three types of alcohol.22 Each of these studies reports estimates for all three
Further topics in meta-regression analysis 139
types of alcohol. Within each study, estimates for the different types of alcohol
are derived using the same time period, country and estimator. Hence, there
is every reason to expect that there is significant data dependence within each
study. Table 7.2 presents the results of the OLS estimates of each of the FAT-PET
regressions (columns 1 and 2) and SUR (columns 3 and 4), for equation (7.3).
While the coefficients are similar (with overlapping confidence intervals), the
advantages of using SUR in this case are that it provides more efficient estimates
and enables us to test whether the coefficients are the same across the equations.
The Breusch–Pagan test strongly rejects the independence of the three equations
(χ2(3) = 128.63; p < 0.001), suggesting that the SUR estimates are preferred to
the OLS ones. The correlation between the errors in the beer and spirits equations
is 0.64, between spirits and wine it is 0.26, and between beer and wine it is 0.13.
That is, there is a rather strong correlation between the beer and spirits elasticities
but not for the other combinations.
Testing the null hypothesis that all selection bias corrected alcohol elasticities
are zero (H0: α0 = β0 = γ0 = 0) is easily rejected ( χ2(3) = 1107.66; p < 0.001), as is
the null that the alcohol elasticities are identical (H0: α0 = β0 = γ0, χ2(3) = 485.43;
p < 0.001). Similarly, the null that the publication bias terms are zero (H0: α1 =
β1 = γ1 =0) is also rejected ( χ2(3) = 26.99; p < 0.001). Note that the MRA presented in
Table 7.2 is meant as an illustration only. The full meta-regression analysis should
obviously be extended to include a wide range of controls (versions of equation
(7.4)) as discussed in earlier chapters. It is worth noting that this finding appears
to run counter to Hunter and Schmidt (2004) who conjecture that publication
bias is less likely where a literature revolves around multiple associations. This
remains an important research area. Our own conjecture is that publication bias is
a complex research phenomenon, and it is entirely possible that selection occurs
across a wide range of associations. For example, it is plausible to suspect that
a relatively “good” regression coefficient for beer might not be reported if the
associated regression coefficient for wine is “undesirable”.
An example of the application of this estimator is Kotchen and Schulte’s (2009)
meta-study of the fiscal impact of alternative land uses. The authors estimate a
SUR model involving three equations for three land-use categories (residential,
commercial and open space). The OLS results are not reported, but the authors
note that OLS and SUR gave substantially similar results. A second example is the

Table 7.2 OLS versus SUR estimates of FAT-PET models

Genuine effect Selection effect Genuine effect Selection effect

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Beer −0.082 (−6.71)* −2.226 (−8.63)* −0.103 (−9.79)* −1.95 (−8.00)*

Wine −0.578 (−30.63) 0.674 (1.82) −0.560 (−30.67) 0.523 (1.42)
Liquor −0.136 (−9.54) −2.520 (−7.85) −0.168 (−14.07) −2.181 (−7.04)
Notes: *t-statistics in parentheses. Precision squared is used to weigh estimates. Sample size is 258.
140 Further topics in meta-regression analysis
study by Brons et al. (2008), who use SUR to meta-analyze the price elasticity of
gasoline demand. They find that the SUR estimates are more plausible than those
from OLS.23
The SUR estimator can also be used for data that match scenario B. For
example, researchers might be interested in both the income elasticity of alcohol
consumption and the price elasticity of alcohol consumption. Estimates of these
two elasticities will come from the same studies, and involve the same dependent
variable (alcohol consumption) but different explanatory variables (price and
income). These two effect sizes could be meta-analyzed separately, by using SUR
or through a structural system meta-regression equations.

7.7.2 Endogeneity in the meta-regression analysis

In some applications there will be two or more effect sizes that are endogenously
determined. For example, consider the case of the literature exploring the effects
of immigration on wages and the literature exploring the effects of immigration
on employment. Longhi et al. (2010) note that in this literature there is an impor-
tant issue of the joint impact of immigration on wages and employment. Empirical
studies in this literature will report estimates of both the effects of immigration
on wages and employment, and meta-analysts might be interested in both effects.
In the case of the joint impact of immigration on wages and employment, Longhi
et al. (2010) estimate the following MRA model:

bij = γ1ebij + δ1M + ε1ij


bij = γ2wbij + δ2K + ε2ij


here wbij and ebij denote the elasticity of wages and employment with respect to
immigration, respectively. In this framework, the elasticity of employment affects
the elasticity of wages and vice versa. The authors accommodate this endogeneity
by estimating the model using three-stage least squares and find that the results
differ from OLS. Naturally, when estimating such systems it is important to be
mindful of identification and to incorporate appropriate exclusion restrictions in
the MRA.
This framework appears to be important when econometric studies focus
on more than one effect size. This applies to both the estimates of the genuine
empirical effect, as well as publication bias. For example, when estimating
production functions, authors need to account for the marginal products of both
capital and labor.24 When a literature provides joint estimates of two or more
related effects, the MRA should be modeled accordingly.

7.8 Meta-meta-analysis
As the number of meta-analyses grows, so does the pool of information on effect
sizes that can potentially be compared within and between literatures. This wealth
of information remains relatively untapped. Much can be learned from past
Further topics in meta-regression analysis 141
MRAs, and the tools of meta-analysis can be employed here also. We have seen
in previous chapters and in literally hundreds of studies that MRA is an effective
tool for modeling research heterogeneity. Perhaps, meta-meta-regression analysis
can help identify patterns among meta-studies as well?
Surveys of meta-analyses can be accomplished by a traditional narrative review,
by a meta-meta-analysis of the same effect sizes, or by a meta-meta-analysis
across different effect sizes. Wherever possible, our own preference is for the
more objective statistical analysis of a meta-analysis. It is important to note that
we are not advocating the use of cumulative statistics for conceptually different
hypotheses. Rather, we are advocating combining meta-analyses that test the same
hypothesis (e.g. the effects of population on growth) or some other comparable
effect between meta-analyses (such as the degree of publication bias).

7.8.1 Within-literature meta-meta-analyses

Multiple meta-analyses of the same literature will typically involve expansion
of the research literature by adding newer studies, applying a different MRA
estimator, or incorporating some other MRA methodology innovation. In short,
they will tend to mirror the pattern observed in conventional applied econo-
metrics.25 As this body of knowledge grows, it becomes increasingly impor-
tant to understand the differences among the reported meta-analyses findings,
because there will be variation and seeming conflicts among them too. How
should these differences be analyzed? What can we learn from the heterogeneity
among meta-studies?
A few areas of economic research have received continued attention from meta-
analysts. For example, the value of a statistical life has attracted 14 meta-analyses
(Doucouliagos et al., 2012b) and there have been eight meta-analyses of wetlands
valuations. An obvious way to put multiple meta-analyses into perspective is to
offer a conventional narrative review of meta-analysis findings. Good narrative
reviews can be quite insightful, and it is the only feasible alternative when there
are only a small number of comparable meta-studies or estimates. However, as
the number of meta-regression estimates on a given empirical magnitude grows,
it will become increasingly difficult to understand their variation objectively or
to map their multidimensional nature using qualitative reviews alone. This has
been the clear lesson of empirical economics. Thus, meta-analysis of prior meta-
analyses is the next logical step.
In a meta-meta-analysis, the unit of analysis becomes the MRA itself or one of
its estimates. As in conventional meta-regression analysis, we will wish to identify
those factors, other than random sampling error, that might explain differences
among meta-results. In meta-meta-analysis, the dependent variable is either the
principal finding in the individual MRA, or the coefficient on one of moderator
variables used in the MRAs. For example, in the wetland meta-analyses, the main
variable of interest is willingness to pay. While this might be the subject of the
meta-meta-analysis, interest might shift to the effect that water quality has on the
willingness to pay from one meta-analysis to another. Regardless of the chosen
142 Further topics in meta-regression analysis
dependent variable, a set of moderator variables will need to be constructed. These
might include the type of MRA estimator used, region, time period, correction for
selection bias, and variations in the specifications of the MRA.
As with any meta-analysis, it is important to perform a comprehensive search
for all prior meta-analyses to conduct a meta-meta-analysis. As an illustration
of a meta-meta-analysis, consider Figure 7.1 which presents a funnel plot of
77 estimates of the income elasticity of the value of a statistical life (i.e. the
percentage change in the value of a statistical life from a 1 percent increase in
real income) from 13 meta-analyses.26 This elasticity is important for cost–benefit
analyses, as the value of a statistical life needs to be modified as income levels
change over time or across regions. Figure 7.1 shows that the meta-studies report
a fairly wide range of income elasticities. Most of these income elasticities fall
between 0 and 1, but there are also a number of large elasticities, greater than 1.
A meta-meta-regression analysis model (M2RA) can be employed to identify
the sources of heterogeneity:

ηij = β0 + β1Xij + εij (7.6)

where ηij is the ith meta-estimate of the income elasticity from the jth meta-
analysis, Xij is a vector of explanatory variables and εij is the error term. Table
7.3 presents estimates from this M2RA. For this illustrative example, moderator
variables, the vector Xij , includes whether the meta-analysis corrects for selection
bias, whether it considers only wage risk or only stated preference studies (with all
types of studies combined used as the base) and whether the study was published.

0 1 2 3 4
Income elasticity

Figure 7.1 Funnel plot of meta-estimates of income elasticity of VSL

Further topics in meta-regression analysis 143
Table 7.3 WLS-M2RA of the income elasticity of VSL

Explanatory variable Mean (Standard deviation) M2RA

Constant 1.403 (5.34)*

Correction for selection bias 0.04 (0.19) −0.705 (−2.63)
Wage-risk only 0.71 (0.46) −0.402 (−10.63)
Stated preference only 0.05 (0.22) −0.942 (−3.58)
Published 0.72 (0.45) −0.482 (−1.81)
Number of observations 77
Number of meta-studies 13
Adjusted R2 0.48
Notes: The dependent variable is the income elasticity of VSL estimates reported in meta-studies.
*t-statistics are reported in parentheses using standard errors adjusted for data clustering.

Our aim here is simply to illustrate the possibilities of meta-meta-analysis, rather

than to offer an exhaustive analysis of heterogeneity in this meta-literature. A
more comprehensive analysis would consider other dimensions, such as alterna-
tive specifications of the MRAs used, differences in econometric methods and the
country composition of the data.
Nonetheless, our illustrative M2RA model explains nearly half of the
variation in the reported income elasticities of VSL. Meta-analyses that focus
on compensating wage differential studies (wage risk only) and those that focus
only on stated preference studies (stated preference only) find smaller income
elasticities than meta-studies that include all approaches together. Meta-studies
that are published also find smaller income elasticities, as do meta-studies that
control for selection bias. The constant indicates that the income elasticity is 1.4
for unpublished studies that ignore selection bias and include all studies in the
dataset. This suggests that life is a luxury good. However, this elasticity is halved
if selection bias is considered and falls even further amongst published studies;
therefore, life is not a luxury after all.
The right-hand tail of the funnel graph (Figure 7.1) suggests that finding a
statistically positive income effect might be one of the dimensions that meta-
analysts use to select the MRAs that they report. Hence, one extension of the
M2RA presented in Table 7.3 would be to explore the degree of selection bias
within meta-analyses. As we have said many times before, the full panoply
of econometric methods and practices is available to meta-analysts, who are
themselves econometricians.

7.8.2 Between-literature meta-meta-analyses

While it is meaningless to combine effect sizes of entirely different relationships,
the information contained in meta-analyses of these relationships can be meaning-
fully compared for some applications. These associated surveys of meta-analyses
can be conducted as a descriptive survey or narrative review or statistical meta-
144 Further topics in meta-regression analysis
As an example of the survey approach, consider Rosenberger and Johnston
(2009) who present two surveys of meta-analyses that draw upon the findings
of meta-analyses of entirely different topics. First, they consider the direction of
the trend coefficient in nine valuation meta-analyses. Their aim is to test whether
there is “research priority selection sampling bias” (p. 414).27 Second, they look
at seven meta-analyses that have included a dummy variable for the publication
status of the studies included in their samples. The aim of their second survey was
to explore whether there are noticeable differences between the results of published
and unpublished studies. In both cases, the surveys included meta-studies that
dealt with conceptually different effect size. However, the focus of Rosenberger
and Johnston’s (2009) investigation is not the effect sizes themselves, but patterns
among the effect sizes over time and between published and unpublished studies.
That is, their focus is not on incomparable dependent variables but on comparable
explanatory variables.
Meta-meta-analysis can be used to compare the size of the genuine empirical
effect between related though distinct empirical literatures. A case in point is
the enormous literature on the determinants of economic growth. Several meta-
analyses have now investigated the effects of different variables on economic
growth. One way to analyze the findings from these meta-studies is through SUR
or 3SLS estimators, outlined in Section 7.7. However, this is possible only if the
researcher has access to all the relevant data.
An alternative approach would be to compare the results in qualitative fashion.
As an example of this, consider Table 7.4 which compares the findings of different
studies. Some variables have been found to influence growth, while others have no
effect at all. Unfortunately, the extant meta-studies use a wide range of measures
of the size of the empirical effect. This makes it difficult to separate and compare
meaningfully the relative practical and economic importance of the different
effects on growth.
Meta-analysts often complain that many primary studies fail to provide sufficient
information for subsequent users of their findings. One lesson we take from our

Table 7.4 Learning from meta-analyses, the determinants of economic growth

Author(s) Variable Effect size used Finding

Doucouliagos and Democracy Partial correlation No effect

Ulubasoglu (2008)
Doucouliagos and Paldam Development aid Partial correlation No effect
Abreu et al. (2005) Convergence Convergence rate Positive effect
de Dominicis et al. (2008) Inequality Gini coefficient Negative effect
Iamsiraroj (2009) FDI Partial correlation Positive effect
Efendic et al. (2011) Institutions Partial correlation Positive effect
Doucouliagos and Economic Partial correlation Positive effect
Ulubasoglu (2006) freedom
Mookerjee (2006) Exports t-statistic Positive effect
Further topics in meta-regression analysis 145
meta-meta-analysis of the empirical growth literature (Table 7.4) is that there is
also a problem within the practice of meta-analysts. Just as primary data researchers
often do not consider the role of their individual study in the accumulation of
knowledge and subsequent meta-analysis, so too meta-analysts have not really
considered the role of their individual meta-study in the accumulation of meta-
studies and subsequent meta-meta-analyses. But then, meta-analysis is still a
relative recent and rapidly growing empirical approach; thus, its implications on
general research practice have not yet been widely understood. In order to assist
this process, we recommend that meta-analysts provide the MRA results on more
than one effect size, wherever possible. For example, if partial correlations are
used to ensure the largest sample size of comparable estimates, a meta-analysis of
elasticities should also be reported even if it is for a reduced dataset. This provides
subsequent meta-meta-analysis two effect sizes to add to others.
We see much potential for surveys of these sorts that communicate the findings
of prior meta-analysis. However, in our view, M2RA can offer further insights
about the underlying economic phenomenon (e.g. life is not a luxury), and be used
to formulate new theories about the research process itself. Like meta-analysis,
M2RA provides an empirical, evidence-based research framework to investigate
Meta-meta-analysis can also be applied to an examination of between literature
factors. As an example of this type of M2RA, Doucouliagos and Stanley (2012)
explore the links between the strength of the theoretical consensus regarding some
economic phenomenon and the severity of publication bias observed among its
reported estimates. Drawing upon 87 meta-analyses, covering nearly as many
distinct empirical economics literatures and involving 3,599 studies and 19,528
effect sizes, we show that there is a robust link between the range of estimates
that theory allows and what associated empirical studies report. The more
contested theory is for a particular area of research, the less selection bias we find
in this literature. Or from the opposite perspective, the stronger the theoretical
consensus about a given economic effect, the larger is the observed publication
bias. Ironically, the more strongly economists agree on a given phenomenon, the
greater its empirical distortion. For example, we find that own price elasticities of
demand tend to be highly inflated. Because such elasticities are central to many
issues of government policy (e.g. energy, minimum wage and environmental
policy), the practical implications of our M2RA are huge.

7.9 Summary
In this chapter we have explored several aspects, complications and potential
applications of meta-regression analysis for economics and business. Like econo-
metrics, the findings from MRA have many scientific and practical uses, and their
models have great flexibility and potential in the modeling of empirical economic
research. Because MRA is a relatively young discipline, much of its potential
remains underutilized. Thus the future of meta-regression analysis in economics
and business is bright.
146 Further topics in meta-regression analysis
This chapter has outlined alternative uses of MRA, strategies for specifying an
MRA model, the success of MRA predictions, and how MRA may be generalized
to explain and estimate multiple empirical effects and multiple MRAs. This
discussion is only a sketch of the many facets of meta-regression analysis, and
much more remains to be explored and further developed.
MRA models have the potential to contribute to the understanding of research
well beyond that of single effect sizes in isolated research literatures. We show
how MRA can be used to assist with the analysis of multiple effect sizes. It
can also be employed to analyze the findings of meta-analyses. As more meta-
analyses become available, it will be important to assess their findings to guide
both new primary studies and new meta-analyses. This presents new opportunities
and challenges for meta-analysts.
8 Summary and conclusions

Contemporary research on any important topic tends to be vast, and its findings
are often disparate and widely dispersed. This “flood of numbers” threatens to
drown economic knowledge and sensible policy action (Heckman, 2001). Yet,
without some objective and comprehensive understanding of economics research,
informed policy is impossible.1 Unfortunately, conventional narrative reviews are
not up to the task. It is all too easy for conventional reviewers to ignore find-
ings that do not fit into their theories or ideology. Without objective standards,
it is a hopeless task to assess what the genuine message of a given conventional
review might actually be. Hence, experienced researchers often discount narrative
reviews. And yet, there is an indisputable need for research synthesis.
Meta-analysis offers a critical and objective methodology that integrates
conflicting research findings and can filter out some of the biases routinely found
among reported research results. In hundreds of applications, meta-analysis
has proven to be effective at cleansing the often murky and muddy waters of
the ever-growing pool of econometric results. We believe that meta-analysis is
indispensable for a clear understanding of actual economic phenomena.
In the preceding chapters, we have shown how meta-regression analysis can
be used to:

• summarize an area of empirical inquiry;

• quantify estimates of policy-relevant parameters;
• explain much of the large systematic variation routinely found in business
and economics research;
• correct reported research for evident misspecification and publication selec-
tion biases;
• test rival economic theories;
• address policy questions and evaluate policy interventions;
• model the research process itself;
• model prior meta-analyses results (the M2RA);
• point the way toward fruitful approaches for future research.

These applications are not mutually exclusive. We have attempted to show in

this book that MRA can, in fact, be used to inform on all of these dimensions
148 Summary and conclusions
simultaneously. The applications of these MRA methods are truly boundless,
ranging from deriving estimates of the willingness to pay for wetlands, the effec-
tiveness of a given government or corporate policy, consumer behavior, and even
meta-analyses themselves (recall the M2RA model).
Our approach to MRA may be summarized by the following five steps.

Step 1 – Selecting and coding of estimates

As discussed in Chapter 2, coding is the most time-consuming and, hence, costly
step. It is, however, necessary to invest this time to produce an original meta-
analysis or even to expand upon prior meta-analyses. In the process of identifying
relevant research and coding them, we recommend that researchers be:

• inclusive in the research results collected;

• comprehensive in identifying and coding differences among research results;
• objective in defining clear criteria for study inclusion/exclusion and for cod-
ing variables;
• insightful and creative in identifying factors which might drive the reported

Researchers must avoid relying on their own priors or the research communi-
ty’s norms regarding factors such as journal quality and the authors’ institutional
affiliations when developing criteria for study inclusion. Applying such a lens to
the inclusion of research results is likely to distort a meta-analysis in unknown
ways. If these or other potential dimensions of study “quality” are deemed to be
important, they should be coded and included explicitly in the meta-regression
analysis itself. An inclusive and replicable approach to the collection and coding
of a research record offers a scientific basis for the evaluation of research and,
hence, provides an objective evidence base to policy and the understanding of
economics and business.

Step 2 – Summarizing research

In Chapter 3, we illustrated the use of the funnel graph (a scatter plot of preci-
sion, 1/SE, on empirical effect size) to reflect the distribution of reported research.
Graphs and descriptive statistics of the coded empirical measures should be
explored. We have found funnel graphs to be an especially useful way of viewing
research. While descriptive statistics and graphs should be seen as strictly explor-
atory, such pictures can paint a thousand words and reflect complex phenomena
in an efficient and concise manner. In our experience, funnel plots have been par-
ticularly useful in detecting coding errors, the possibility of publication selection
bias and the existence of heterogeneity. Nevertheless, interpretation of graphs is
inevitably subjective and no substitute for rigorous statistical analysis.
Descriptive statistics, such as weighted and unweighted averages, are widely
reported in meta-analyses. We have argued, however, that any single, unfiltered
Summary and conclusions 149
summary statistic, such as fixed-effects and random-effects weighted averages,
should be reported and interpreted with great caution if there is any suspicion of
publication selection bias.

Step 3 – Accommodating publication selection bias

Publication selection bias has been detected in a wide range of empirical economics
literatures (Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2012). In many cases, this bias is so substan-
tial that it materially distorts statistical inference and any resulting understanding of
research. Experience shows that all reviews, including meta-analyses, are vulner-
able to the effects of selection. Hence, it is prudent for the meta-analyst to treat this
phenomenon seriously. It would be a pity to incur the cost and effort of identifying,
collecting and coding a large research literature without at least allowing for the
presence of selection bias.
Chapter 4 presents simple yet effective MRA methods for accommodating and
correcting an empirical literature for this bias. Our choice of MRA models of
publication selection are the FAT-PET-MRA and PEESE-MRA. The FAT-PET-
MRA is

effecti = β0 + β1SEi + εi (4.1)

This meta-regression model is estimated using weighted least squares with preci-
sion squared used as weights. The model contains tests for both publication bias
(the funnel-asymmetry test, FAT; H0: β1 = 0), and the presence of a genuine effect
beyond publication selection (the precision-effect test, PET; H0: β0 = 0).2
The precision-effect estimate with standard error (PEESE) is the estimated
β0 in:3

effecti = β0 + β1SE2i + εi (4.4)

The PEESE provides a better estimate of the actual empirical effect corrected for
publication bias, when there is one.
Regardless of the outcome of the FAT, the PET should be used to test for the
existence of a genuine effect beyond potential contamination from publication
bias. If the meta-analysis does not permit a rejection of H0: β0 = 0, then this area
of research fails to provide clear evidence of any genuine empirical effect. The
PEESE should be used to estimate the magnitude of the empirical effect when the
PET provides evidence that one exists.
This area of publication selection bias requires further research and will no
doubt continue to evolve. Indeed, our own approach to meta-analysis has changed
over the years. For example, we no longer advocate the use of the MST test
(Chapter 4) even in conjunction with other publication selection MRA methods.
However, a consensus seems to be emerging that FAT-PET-PEESE and similar
meta-regression models provide the best correction for publication bias (Stanley,
2008; Moreno et al., 2009a, 2009b, Rücker et al., 2011).
150 Summary and conclusions
It is also very important to evaluate the size of the corrected effect for practical
economic or policy significance. Statistically significant effects that are practically
small need to be given correspondingly little weight.

Step 4 – Modeling heterogeneity

Although simple MRA models of publication selection often provide an adequate
overall estimate of empirical effect corrected for publication bias, we can never cat-
egorically rule out the possibility that some strong systematic research heterogeneity
will overwhelm any single-value research summary, making it irrelevant and perhaps
misleading. Furthermore, in economics and business, we frequently need to under-
stand and explain the large variation found among of our research findings. Often,
these conditional dependencies have the greatest relevance for theory and policy. For
example, it is not enough to know that aggregate international aid has no practical
effect on a country’s economic growth (Doucouliagos and Paldam, 2008, 2011a).
International development agencies need to identify which conditions or approaches
tend to have successful outcomes and which tend to be counterproductive.
Chapters 5 and 6 offer multiple MRA models that have been widely successful
in explaining research heterogeneity and, in the process, ensuring that any simple
MRA finding is robust to more comprehensive analysis. The WLS-MRA model,
equation (5.5),

effecti = β0 + ∑βZ
k ki + β1SEi + ∑ δ SE K
j i ji + εi (5.5)

incorporates research dimensions that explain both the reported heterogene-

ity among results (Z-variables) and the propensity that a given finding will be
reported and published (K-variables).
In order to ensure the robustness of the relevant explanatory research dimensions,
a number of alternative MRA model specifications and methods need to be
explored and reported. Within-study dependence can be accommodated through
cluster-robust and fixed-effects panel or multilevel MRA. However, we caution
against random-effects panel or multilevel MRA models, as they are likely to be
invalid in applications of meta-analysis to economics due to correlation between
the random study effects and the moderator variables.

Step 5 – Guiding research and policy

A well-constructed meta-analysis in economics should commence with a solid
understanding of the underlying theoretical debates and issues. An objective
methodology for evaluating the available body of evidence offers tremendous
scope for resolving long-standing theoretical debates and, hence, for the evolution
and development of economic and business theories. Moreover, because meta-
analysis shines a light on the research process itself, it can also guide new and
original primary econometric analysis. Indeed, meta-analytic practice has only
scratched these surfaces.
Summary and conclusions 151
Pitfalls to avoid
A key aim of this book is to guide those new to meta-analysis in economics and
business. In our own applications, we have at one time or another encountered the
full gamut of hurdles and challenges faced in the analysis of observational data. If
the above five steps are followed, then meta-analysis will proceed more smoothly
and the novice can avoid the most common pitfalls and errors. Common errors to
be avoided include the failure to:

• carry out an adequate search of the literature, including unpublished studies;

• report adequately the search procedures employed, including reference to
previous meta-analyses, surveys and reviews;
• collect and code standard errors and/or sample sizes;
• describe the data fully with summary statistics and graphs;
• understand the importance of the independence among estimates and the
related problem of multiple estimates from the same study;
• weight effect sizes and/or to adjust for heteroskedasticity;
• recognize the possible importance of outliers;
• examine and correct for publication bias;
• employ panel methods and calculate cluster-robust standard errors when

This list is adapted from Nelson and Kennedy’s (2009) excellent review of
meta-analyses in environmental economics. It is our sincere hope that the
advice and discussions given in this book will help novice researchers to avoid
these pitfalls and thereby contribute to the rigor and acceptance of MRA in
business and economics.

Meta-regression analysis gives economists and business researchers the ability
to summarize and evaluate their areas of empirical inquiry using the same tools
and methods that produced the research in question. Our approach empow-
ers empirical researchers themselves to evaluate their fields of specialization
using their own methods, or similar ones, rather than relying on historians or
philosophers of science to document and evaluate progress in economics and
Decades ago, logical positivists and naïve falsificationists sought to employ
strictly logical criteria to assess a scientific research program and to indicate
fruitful directions for its future progress (Popper, 1959; Lakatos, 1970). Since
then, economic methodologists and philosophers of science have taken a more
“naturalistic” turn; that is, a “turn away from a priori philosophy and towards a
philosophical vision that is informed by contemporary scientific practice” (Hands,
2001: 129). This is precisely what MRA offers empirical economics. A well-
conducted MRA may also serve as the basis for an internal philosophical appraisal
152 Summary and conclusions
of the scientific progress obtained in a given area of business or economics
research.4 MRA’s potential for deeper philosophical reflection and evaluation has
also been largely untapped.
Rather than attempting to develop a new logic of “induction” or “adduction”
(Blaug, 1980) to justify econometric inferences or employing some a priori
normative methodology of empirical inquiry, MRA takes econometrics as it is.
Using econometric methods, MRA summarizes, corrects, tests and evaluates
empirical econometric results. Economists cannot object that this approach is
inappropriate or invalid, unless they also reject empirical econometrics itself.
Of course, econometrics and meta-econometrics (MRA) have their limitations
and weaknesses. But a rejection of econometrics, en masse, would be quite
uneconomical, a great waste of the massive research resources used to produce
it. Furthermore, we believe that econometrics often provides the best empirical
evidence that we have for many important questions of economic theory and
policy. Readers of this book will realize that we are not naïve proselytizers of
econometrics. Rather, we believe that econometric analysis often offers much
less than is claimed. However, its modest findings usually add up to much more
than nothing. Even when little remains in a given area of empirical inquiry
after likely misspecification and selection biases are accommodated, this too is
important to know.
Understandably, many applications in meta-analysis in economics have
followed methodologies borrowed from other disciplines, most notably medicine
and psychology. However, we have pointed out in this book that the meta-analysis
of econometric studies requires a fresh meta-analytic approach. The aim of this
book is to map out some of the key components of such methodological advance
and differentiation. First, we have highlighted the need to treat observational
data differently from experimental data. Second, selection bias is as much, if not
more, a problem in economics as it is in other disciplines. Hence, it is imperative
that meta-analyses examine their areas of research for selection bias, just as they
should explore likely misspecification biases. Third, we caution researchers from
applying widely used estimators, such as random-effects weighted averages and
random-effects MRA models, to econometrics estimates.
Meta-analysis in economics is still relatively young. With youth comes hope
and great promise. Just as econometric practice has evolved, so too will meta-
analysis. The challenge for researchers is to continue to apply existing methods,
to question them, and to develop new and improved approaches as needed.
Much work lies ahead. We need to understand more about the various MRA
models, especially the Z/K multiple MRA framework. Many more simulations
along the lines of Stanley (2008), Koetse et al. (2010), Callot and Paldam (2011)
and Stanley and Doucouiagos (2011) are needed to validate and test MRA
methodology. The replication of prior meta-studies is also important. Do the
conclusions from prior meta-studies survive when re-estimated with the ever-
growing economics and business research? Perhaps new insights and lessons
can be drawn from such replications. Because much progress has been made in
recent years, current “best practice” specification of MRAs and the variables
Summary and conclusions 153
they should include requires further validation. It therefore remains important
for researchers to explore the sensitivity of alternative MRA specifications.
While new paths have been discovered, many require exploration and further
We see an evolving, yet bright, future for meta-econometrics. Its past successes
and enormous potential, on so many levels, guarantee that meta-econometrics
will continue to extend its reach and be further developed. May it shine its light
on your area of research.

1 Introduction
1 Doucouliagos and Stanley (2012) conduct a meta-meta-analysis on the magnitude of
publication selection bias (see Chapter 4 below) and the degree to which there is a
competition of ideas about the prevailing economic theory in question. We find that
debate and theory competition reduce the severity of this bias and its distorting effect
on policy-relevant empirical magnitudes.
2 Experiments with human subjects cannot eliminate all potential threats to the validity
of their inferences either; however, it is likely that a well-designed RCT will avoid
some of the confounding influences that remain a concern to econometric analysis.
3 There are of course model specification tests, and they can help to reduce this ambi-
guity. However, they are infrequently employed, and their results will always leave
some substantial uncertainty. These tests must, by necessity, make some assumptions
about generic specification, and, even in the best of circumstances, there will remain
the possibility of committing a type I or type II error.
4 Dozens of economic meta-analyses have corroborated the existence and importance
of publication selection bias. See Chapter 4 for relevant references and an extended
discussion of publication selection.
5 We use this example only as one clear illustration of how ideology often influences
economics. It is not meant to be a comprehensive statement about the causes of the
“Great Recession.”
6 For example, UK’s Department for International Development, in concert with other
agencies, has funded several dozen systematic reviews and meta-analyses in 2010–11.
7 For two decades, the UK has been a world leader in attempting to better align chief
executive pay to the performance of their companies and the interests of their sharehold-
ers. UK’s regulations are generally called “comply or explain,” because compliance is
not technically mandatory, but failure to comply with government regulations requires
the company to explain why, publicly (Arcot et al., 2010).
8 See Chapter 3 for an extended discussion of the weaknesses of vote counting. Vote
counts can be greatly distorted by publication selection, which is known to be a seri-
ous problem in economics and business (Chapter 4). Furthermore, when statistical
tests have low power, the probability that vote counts come to the wrong conclusion
increases as research accumulates (Hedges and Olkin, 1985).
9 Statisticians have long argued that Glass’s g is biased and inefficient, largely due to
using a poor statistical measure of within group variation (Hedges and Olkin, 1985).
Nonetheless, more sophisticated versions of effect size based on g remain widely in use.
10 Here, we use the term “multivariate” in its broadest, multidimensional sense, as mul-
tiple regression or similar statistical analyses. In statistics, multivariate analysis is often
limited to situations where multiple dependent variables are being jointly modeled, or
what econometricians would call simultaneous or structural equation systems. Meta-
Notes 155
regression analysis can be employed in both of these ways. Chapter 7 discusses the use
of multiple MRA equation systems (e.g. three-stage least squares) to explain related
empirical effects. In other chapters, “multivariate” is meant only as a generic, non-tech-
nical substitute for “multiple” MRA.
11 To give an accurate count of the number of meta-studies over time would require the
type of comprehensive literature searching that characterizes meta-analysis. See the
next chapter (Chapter 2) for guidance on how to conduct such an exhaustive search.
Because our intention here is merely illustrative, we have made no effort to provide
a comprehensive search of meta-analyses in economics. Nonetheless, we conjecture
that such a meta-meta-analysis would reveal a similar pattern of growth.
12 The VSL is not a measure of the value of an actual life. Rather, it is the marginal will-
ingness to pay for infinitesimal risk reductions for different people that are aggregated
to a single statistical life.

2 Identifying and coding meta-analysis data

1 In time, meta-analyses might also shape economic theory. Card and Kruger’s (1995a)
meta-analysis on the minimum wage is one example where meta-analysis has influ-
enced economic theory.
2 Banzhaf and Smith (2007: 1014) advocate that applied econometricians adopt meta-
analysis as a way of providing a “statistical sensitivity analysis” to their own indi-
vidual studies, especially when a large number of models are estimated.
3 It is not uncommon to omit accidentally one or two studies. However, such random
omissions are not the result of systematic bias and, hence, will rarely have any practi-
cal effect on the inferences drawn from meta-analysis.
4 The choice of such a year should not, however, be arbitrary. Rather, it should be based
on sound methodological grounds or underlying economic phenomena. For example,
meta-analysts could choose to focus only on growth studies using post-Cold War data,
or only those studies that use a newer and much improved dataset.
5 Indeed, primary studies should always be read carefully!
6 In our own research, we have on occasions found it necessary to physically check
journals, volume by volume and issue by issue.
8 It is not uncommon for the initial search to bring up hundreds, sometimes thousands,
of studies, most of which must discarded because they do not contain relevant empiri-
cal estimates or tests.
9 We recommend that all excluded studies be referenced, either in the meta-study itself
(e.g. Nelson, 2004) or as an online appendix (e.g. Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009).
This list enables readers to independently assess the comparability of the studies
included in the meta-dataset. It also reduces the workload for future meta-analysts.
10 Ordered probit meta-models have also been used. For example, Waldorf and Byun
(2005) use this model to explore the effects of age structure on fertility, while Koetse
et al. (2009) apply it to the investment–uncertainty relationship.
11 This seems to be a practice that occurred in some fields in the past. It does not appear
to be an issue in more recent studies.
12 Some meta-analyses include unpublished papers but fail to test for the existence of
publication selection bias. Doucouliagos and Stanley (2012) show that, unfortunately,
the inclusion of unpublished papers does not guarantee the absence of publication
bias. Authors appear to select estimates in unpublished manuscripts in preparation for
subsequent submission to journals.
13 In the disciplines of information technology and engineering, conference papers,
especially refereed conference papers, are highly regarded. These are far less impor-
tant in economics, where journal articles are treasured.
156 Notes
14 This can be tested by subsequent meta-analyses of the same literature.
15 It might be comforting also to referees, though in practice, none of our own meta-
analyses were rejected by referees because they did not include enough studies or
16 For example, Doucouliagos and Paldam (2008) include all unpublished studies in their
analysis of the development aid literature, including conference papers. Doucouliagos
and Stanley (2009) include unpublished working papers and government reports in
their analysis of minimum wages.
17 In a meta-regression analysis, this can be accommodated by including a binary vari-
able controlling for whether the study was published or not (see Chapter 5).
18 It is advisable to also record the page number or table number from which the estimate
was derived: this makes it much easier if it is necessary to re-examine the raw data at
a later date.
19 The time period studied and the country examined are both particularly important for
benefit transfer (see Chapter 7).
20 For example, Gallet (2007) includes dummies that explore the difference between
myopic and rational addiction models of alcohol consumption.
21 An early example of this was Smith and Kaoru’s (1990b) study of the price elasticity
of demand for recreational sites. Other studies that use these variables include Stanley
and Jarrell (1998), Görg and Strobl (2001), Waldorf and Byun (2005), Mookerjee
(2006), Disdier and Head (2008), Klomp and de Haan (2010), Doucouliagos and
Stanley (2009), and Bellavance et al. (2009).
22 See, for example, Disdier and Head (2008) and Klomp and de Haan (2010).
23 Some of this information is available from the studies themselves, for example in
footnotes and acknowledgments. In some cases, it might become necessary to check
the websites of authors and other sources.
24 There are exceptions to this. In some cases, interest might lie in simple correlations,
but this is not common in economics.
25 Standardized regression coefficients are rare in economics research as their primary
aim is better achieved by elasticities.
26 The use of the partial correlation in economics is advocated in Doucouliagos (1995)
and Djankov and Murrell (2002).
27 When dealing with estimates from fixed effects panel data models, it is important
to ensure that df is adjusted for the number of independent variables included (both
time and cross-sections). This information is often poorly reported. Fortunately, the
calculation of r is robust to uncertainty about df. For example, a t-statistic of 1.04 and
degrees of freedom of 162 yield a partial correlation of 0.08. The partial correlation
remains at 0.08 for all values of df from 149 to 191, so the results are robust to impre-
cise values of df.
28 In some cases, for the sake of brevity authors report the absolute value of the t-sta-
tistic, so it is essential to ensure that the correct value (positive or negative) is used.
The partial correlation should have the same directional association as the underlying
economic effect.
29 While it is technically a “correlation”, in some applications it can be interpreted as
causation. The researcher will need to take care to determine whether any effect size
can be interpreted as causation.
30 The t-statistic may achieve the same objective (see Section 2.3.6). However, it must
be modeled with added caution.
31 In our experience, most often than not, the very large partial correlations are estimated
with low precision, typically emerging from studies with a small sample.
32 However, Hunter and Schmidt (2004) and Schulze (2004) caution that Fisher’s
z-transform replaces a slight downward bias in r with a slight upward bias in r. See
Schulze (2004) for a discussion and comparison of other transformations of zero-
order correlations.
Notes 157
33 The calculations are straightforward if the necessary data are available. See Gujarati
(1995) for formulae for calculating elasticities from different functional forms.
34 Although statistically significant, such a small correlation (0.08) may be regarded as
practically negligible (Cohen, 1988).
35 In this case, the meta-analysis essentially involves the collection of regression
36 For details on the delta method, see Valentine (1979), Greene (1990) and Papke
and Wooldridge (2005). The Fieller method is discussed in Valentine (1979) and
Hirschberg et al. (2008).
37 An alternative approach is to use regression analysis to estimate the relationship
between sample size and standard errors, for those estimates for which standard
errors are available. The estimated regression coefficients can then be used to esti-
mate the remaining standard errors. See Bellavance et al. (2009) for an application
of this procedure.
38 While in reality there is a distribution of elasticities, most scholars are content to focus
on the elasticity evaluated at the mean of the sample.
39 The survey response rate can be used for survey-based studies.
40 In most cases this involves dividing the short-run response by the estimate of the
adjustment coefficient or 1 minus the coefficient on the lagged dependent variable.
41 See, for example, Sethuraman et al. (2011).
42 See, for example, Mookerjee (2006), Coric and Pugh (2010), and Klomp and de Haan
43 Unfortunately, we have seen several meta-analyses that have inappropriately used the
t-statistic as a dependent variable. Hence, we urge scholars to exercise care with the
specification of such models.
44 Common errors made by research assistants include confusing standard errors and
t-statistics, wrong signs on t-statistics, incorrect sample size and/or degrees of free-
dom, and incorrect coding of control variables.
45 For example, Excel’s TINV function can be used to convert p-values into t-statistics.
46 A weighted average of the standard error will also need to be calculated.
47 Meta-analysts are not exempt from selection bias. For example, the majority of the
meta-analyses conducted on the value of a statistical life (VSL) have deliberately
excluded negative values. The effect of such selection is to artificially inflate the VSL
(see Doucouliagos et al., 2012b).
48 In contrast, estimates from the same author derived using different methods are not
independent, when the data from which they are drawn are the same.
49 Perhaps the “leading journals” publish findings that are characterized by a winners’
curse (Young et al., 2008). Large effects are reported which are subsequently found to
be inflated. The curse in this case falls on the consumer of the reported effect sizes.
50 They also change frequently, so a decision needs to be made whether to use the impact
factors at a point in time, or those that existed at the time the study was published.
51 This assumes that only estimates for which a measure of precision is available are
included in the meta-dataset. Researchers might want a more comprehensive data-
set, by exploring all estimates, even if precision is not available. While this would
enable the calculation of descriptive statistics and summary measures (see Chapter
3), it would restrict correction for publication bias (see Chapter 4), although in some
cases sample size might be used instead of precision.
52 Some studies report rather worrying evidence that “better journals” might be more
selective and less precise (Waldorf and Byun, 2005; Young et al., 2008).
53 There is a fourth type of dependence arising from multiple effect sizes reported within
studies. We discuss this type of dependence in Chapter 7.
158 Notes
3 Summarizing meta-analysis data
1 Some authors present time series graphs of the number of studies/estimates in the liter-
ature, showing their evolution over time (e.g. Nijkamp and Poot, 2004; Doucouliagos
and Paldam, 2006).
2 The most common measure on the vertical axis is precision. However, some authors
use sample size (Peloza and Steel, 2005; Vista and Rosenberger, 2009). Sterne and
Egger (2001) discuss a range of alternative measures.
3 The funnels do not have to be centered at zero; they can be centered around any value.
4 Note that this is the reverse of what is shown on a funnel graph. The relationship between
funnel graphs and conventional meta-regression models is discussed in Chapter 4.
5 See Mekasha and Tarp (2011) and Doucouliagos and Paldam (2011a) for contrasting
views on these studies.
6 We have noticed a rather worrying pattern among the majority of meta-analyses that
have explored the time dimension in their data; effect sizes in economics appear to be
declining over time. This phenomenon warrants investigation.
7 While the inverse of the variance is technically the optimal weight, in practice vari-
ance has to be estimated. It was noted in Chapter 2 that the standard error of the partial
correlation is a function of the size of this correlation. This might lead to bias in the
meta-averages and it might also be an issue for the FAT-PET (see Chapter 4). Hence,
Hunter and Schmidt (2004) and Schulze (2004) recommend the use of sample size
as weights for correlation effect sizes. Researchers can always use both variance and
sample size to explore the robustness of the results. In our experience, this makes little
difference in the meta-analysis of econometric studies.
8 Such sensitivity analyses are often requested by referees.
9 Confidence intervals can also be constructed using the bootstrap (Adams et al., 1997).
10 It is important to note that these terms, fixed-effects estimator and random-effects
estimator, as used in meta-analysis, are simple weighted averages and not the more
sophisticated panel models used in econometrics. The latter models are also used rou-
tinely in multiple MRA to accommodate data dependencies (see Chapters 4–6).
11 We also show in Chapters 4 and 5 how there is much systematic heterogeneity and
publication bias in the research on the employment effects of the minimum wage.
Thus, the FEE should be treated as suspect for statistical reasons as well.
12 This is calculated using the average reported standard error as our estimate of σ. However,
we show that there is much publication selection for an adverse employment effect in
Chapter 4. After accommodating publication selection, it is not clear that any adverse
employment effect remains; see Chapter 5 and Doucouliagos and Stanley (2009).
13 There are other tests with associated MRA model branches in the “tree” of research-
driven meta-analysis (see Chapters 5).

4 Publication bias and its discontents

For details on these meta-analyses, see Doucouliagos and Laroche (2009) for unions
and profits; Doucouliagos and Paldam (2011b) for aid allocations and democracy;
Iamsiraroj (2009) for FDI and growth; and Shen et al. (2005) for hospital ownership
and costs.
2 Liu et al. (1997), Day (1999), Miller (2000), Bowland and Beghin (2001), Dionne
and Michaud (2002), Mrozek and Taylor (2002), de Blaeij et al. (2003), Viscusi and
Aldy (2003), Kochi et al. (2006), Dekker et al. (2008), Kluve and Schaffner (2008),
Bellavance et al. (2009), Lindhjem et al. (2010), and United States Environmental
Protection Agency (2010).
3 We initially thought that this extreme skewness might be due to an exception to funnel
symmetry found among non-market environmental values (Stanley and Rosenberger,
2009). See Box 4.3. However, this exception to funnel symmetry is caused by a non-
Notes 159
linear transformation of an estimated regression coefficient. In contrast, the VSL is
calculated from a simple linear transformation of the estimated coefficient on the
probability of death (Bellavance et al., 2009). Thus the shape of this funnel graph
is dictated by the shape and selection of the estimated regression coefficients for the
probability of death.
4 For details on these fields see Abreu et al. (2005) for beta-convergence, Rose and
Stanley (2005) for common currency, Gallet and List (2003) for tobacco elasticity,
and Gallet (2007) for alcohol elasticity.
5 Elsewhere, we have argued that Card and Krueger’s (1995a) methods for identifying
publication bias are flawed. Nonetheless, more rigorous methods and extensive meta-
analysis confirm their conclusions (Doucouliagos and Stanley, 2009).
6 We trimmed a few (50, or 3.4 percent) of the most extreme elasticities to reveal the
distribution of wage elasticities. Any estimated elasticity whose absolute value is
greater that 1.1 is omitted from Figure 4.6. Omitting equal percentages from each
side, if anything, accentuates the asymmetry of this graph.
7 Specification searches can also include data searches and variations in econometric
techniques. In some cases, the sample size is deemed to be too small to produce the
needed significant effects and hence researchers acquire more data. In other cases,
the sample size is too large to produce the desired effects, and hence researchers find
reasons to remove “outliers.”
8 In previous papers, we reversed the use of β1 and β0, because we have always started
with the weighted least-squares equation (4.2) as our baseline, where the intercept and
slope are reversed from (4.1). Although such arbitrary notation choices do not matter,
we hope our current use will be clearer for those unfamiliar with MRA and will not
confuse those who are.
9 Equation (4.1) can be derived, approximately, from the expected value incidental
truncation effecti = Zβ + σ · λ(c) + ei, where λ(c) is the inverse Mills ratio and σ is the
standard error (Greene, 1990; Wooldridge, 2002). Unfortunately, the usual Heckman
method for sample selection is unavailable to us because the first-step probit requires
that we observe both reported and unreported estimates. However, because the inverse
Mills ratio will itself depend on the standard error, publication bias is likely to be a
more complex function of the standard error. Simulations show that using the vari-
ance (i.e the square of the standard error) in the place of SE in equation (4.1) provides
a better corrected estimator (Stanley and Doucouliagos, 2011); see PEESE, below.
Section 6.3 provides a formal exposition of the mathematical derivation of this MRA
model as an approximation.
10 This comes from the fact that WLS may be estimated by dividing the original regres-
sion model, effecti = β0 + β1SEi2 + εi, by SEi. When SEi2 replaces SEi in (4.1) and we
divide by SEi, no intercept remains.
11 Doucouliagos and Stanley (2012) discuss how the magnitude of β̂1 can serve as an
indicator of the size of the publication selection bias. The larger is the absolute value
of β̂1, the greater is the publication selection, ceteris paribus.
12 The great majority of reported minimum-wage elasticities concern teenage employ-
ment. It is widely acknowledged that adult employment is much less affected by
changes in the minimum wage.
13 If non-robust standard errors are used, the precision coefficient (−0.009) is statisti-
cally significant, though still practically meaningless.
14 Actually, Doucouliagos et al. (2005) detect publication bias for positive union-pro-
ductivity effects among US studies, and Stanley (2005a) finds publication bias in both
directions (for statistical significance).
15 We did not select our examples for this reason. They were chosen to have broad varia-
tion in the shapes of their funnel graphs and to come from very different areas of eco-
nomics research.
160 Notes
16 Although it is not important for the current discussion, we are assuming the all research
studies are estimating a regression coefficient, α1. We use α to denote the regression
coefficients from the primary studies to distinguish them clearly from the MRA coef-
ficients, β. Section 6.1 more formally discusses the relevant sampling distribution of
the estimated empirical effect, α̂1, and shows how statistical theory determines the
basic structure of the MRA models.
17 Because the relationship between reported empirical effect and its standard error will
be linear when there is no genuine effect (see Section 6.3), we need to caution readers
to use MRA model (4.1) or (4.2) to test for the presence of a genuine effect and for
publication selection. The PEESE-MRA model (4.3) will, therefore, be misspecified
when testing for the presence of a genuine effect. It is also rather poor at identifying
publication selection, because there can be strong correlation between the two inde-
pendent variables in equation (4.3).
18 Stanley and Doucouliagos (2011) simulate a conditional estimator, the coefficient
on 1/SE in equation (4.2) when the PET is not passed and the coefficient on 1/SE in
equation (4.3) when the PET is passed. This combined corrected estimator is better
than either alone.
19 Even the WLS versions of these models, equations (4.2) and (4.3), use simple OLS
after first transforming the MRA model.
20 The modern view is to consider all unobserved study effects as random and to model
them as “random,” in the traditional sense, if they are independent of the independent
variables, and as “fixed” otherwise (Wooldridge, 2002). Section 6.2 discusses panel
models in greater technical detail. Because many economists and software packages
still use this terminology of fixed and random panel effects, we use it here as well.
Applied researchers will be forced to choose between fixed and random panel or mul-
tilevel methods by their statistical software.
21 We discuss panel MRA methods further in Chapter 6 and show how they can control
for any unobserved quality difference between studies. In other disciplines these mod-
els are called “multilevel” or “hierarchical” linear models.
22 In STATA, such fixed-effects WLS panel estimates are obtained by Xi:reg effect
SE i.studyid [aweight=precision_sq] where studyid is coded as a different inte-
ger for different studies. This STATA command automatically creates the neces-
sary study dummy variables (i.studyid) to estimate a fixed-effect panel model.
aweight=precision_sq weights the squared errors by 1/SEi2.
23 Multiple estimates also enable a richer analysis of heterogeneity, and these panel mod-
els can control for unobserved study quality dimensions (see Section 6.2.2).
24 Strictly speaking, Hedges’ maximum likelihood method does not require the likeli-
hood of publication to be a monotonically non-decreasing function of the complement
of an estimate’s p-value. But it should. If publication selection is related to p-values,
then smaller p-values must have an equal or greater chance of being accepted for pub-
lication. Any other pattern of p-values is something other than publication selection,
likely omitted heterogeneity or misspecification bias. When there is statistically sig-
nificant evidence that higher p-values are more likely to be reported, we interpret this
as evidence that MLPSE is misspecified and its MRA estimates potentially biased.
25 We know this to be the case because there are always some insignificant results
reported in all of the areas of economic research that we have investigated. Economists
are sufficiently contentious that someone will dispute nearly any claim. Also, the jour-
nals have a preference for novel findings. Thus, if some empirical result has been well
established, there will be an incentive to report counter-evidence.
26 Technically, it is more precise to relate statistical power to the degrees of freedom
available to the statistical test rather than its sample size. We do not make this dis-
tinction here because the difference between degrees of freedom and sample size is
practically insignificant in economic applications. That is, it will not matter which one
the meta-analysis uses in practice.
Notes 161
27 In past papers, one of us, Stanley (2005a, 2008) recommended using MST as one way
to differentiate genuine effect from publication bias. The superior statistical proper-
ties of the FAT-PET-MRA, revealed by simulations, have convinced us that MST adds
nothing to meta-analysis other than potential ambiguity. Yet we still believe that its
motivating idea, statistical power, provides a breakthrough for addressing publication
bias scientifically; hence our reluctance. But then science advances when old theories
and approaches are found to be error or inferior. We continue to explore new statisti-
cal methods with the hope of proving them to be superior to the FAT-PET-PEESE
methods advocated here.

5 Explaining economics research

1 We use the term “multivariate” MRA in this chapter as a generic substitute for multiple
MRA, which is of course a type of multiple regression. Multiple MRA uses several
explanatory variables to explain a single common measure of empirical effect. In Chapter
7, we explicitly address systems of MRA equations that are jointly used to explain mul-
tiple dependent measures of effect, but do not refer to these as “multivariate.”
2 Simulations also suggest that using the sum of squared errors from our simple FAT-
PET-MRA when it is not forced through the origin gives an adequate test for the pres-
ence of excess heterogeneity in most cases.
3 To take one example, the random-effects PEESE-MRA model (4.4) may be imple-
mented in STATA by: metareg effect SE_sq, wsse(SE ). The last expression specifies
the within-study standard deviation, and SE_sq is the square of the reported estimate’s
standard error (or variance).
4 In our context, these models are more accurately described as “mixed-effects” multi-
level, because they contain both “fixed effects” in the form of explanatory variables
and a random study component.
5 Technically, the conventional WLS-MRA models that are used in economics are not
“fixed-effects” MRAs. “Fixed-effects” MRAs as discussed in the broader statistics
and medical research literatures assume that there is no between-study heterogene-
ity and that SEi2 fully estimates the uncertainty of each individual estimated effect
(Hedges and Olkin, 1985; Konstantopoulos and Hedges, 2004). In contrast, conven-
tional econometric WLS allows the data to estimate a multiplicative between-obser-
vation (or study) heterogeneity; see Section 6.1 and the Appendix to Chapter 6 for
an extended discussion of this issue. For this reason, we prefer to call these “WLS-
MRAs” and not “fixed-effects” MRAs.
6 Of course, we all know the values of all the estimates for our own research but not
the unreported findings of others. Even unpublished working papers and dissertations
might contain only selected results.
7 It would be very informative to have applied econometricians keep research journals
of all of their analyses and decisions about which estimates to report to allow the
meta-analyst to identify the variables that belong in the K-vector.
8 The PEESE version of the multiple MRA models of publication selection and system-
atic heterogeneity are still a bit “green,” and simulation studies are needed to validate
their desirable statistical properties. Furthermore, the purpose of PEESE is to solve
the “extrapolation problem” as SE → 0 in order to estimate a single corrected effect
(see Section 6.3). With a multivariate explanatory MRA, there is no single corrected
effect to estimate, and other K-variables can “bend” the SE relation as SE → 0. Our
limited experience makes us wonder about the reliability of the estimated MRA coef-
ficients in (5.7). We suspect that the added “multicollinearity” of (5.7) compared to
(5.6) may cause individual coefficients to be less reliable, because all the added SE
terms will be correlated (but not linearly) with the 1/SE terms. Thus far, only a few
studies have used these complex multiple MRA models. More experience and research
on these methods are needed to validate their use.
162 Notes
9 It is statistically equivalent whether meta-analysts code for the inclusion or the omission
of a particular variable from the estimated empirical model. However, the interpretation
of the intercept and other meta-regression coefficients can differ greatly depending on
which definition of these moderator variables is employed.
10 Female researchers tend to report smaller gender wage gaps, male researchers larger
ones. Stanley and Jarrell (1998) speculate that researchers attempt to be objective and
scientific by leaning away from their own group associations.
11 Florax and Poot (2007) identify 125 meta-analyses in economics. We conducted our
own EconLit search in November 2009, identifying 431 meta-analyses in economics.
This is very likely to be an underestimate, because other search engines find many
more. For example, Business Source Premier identifies four times more papers than
EconLit using the same search terms and limiting the results to “economics.”
12 Doucouliagos et al. (2012b) show that even when the funnel plot is adjusted for het-
erogeneity it will still display a large degree of asymmetry and publication bias.
13 In Chapter 4, we reported our WLS-MRAs in the form of t-values vs. precision, such as
in equation (5.6). Although this difference may cause some confusion, it is more impor-
tant to interpret the MRA coefficients correctly. Thus, we have chosen to use the MRA
form where the dependent variable is in the same units of measurements as the reported
empirical estimates, and the MRA coefficients on the Z-variables will have these same
units. Regardless of which way the MRA is run, one must be careful to interpret the
MRA coefficients correctly and in terms of the reported estimated effects. Thus, in this
chapter, we use the effect form of the MRA to make the interpretation clear.
14 This bias is calculated by the estimated coefficient on SE times the average SE in this
literature, while the R2 comes from the simple FAT-PET-MRA reported in Table 4.1.
15 Of course, a rich panel dataset could allow conventional econometrics to capture time
and income effects on VSL. However, our MRA estimates measure the influence of
these important factors above and beyond what the current econometric research lit-
erature offers. Meta-analysis can also point to where future research is needed.
16 “Arnould and Nichols (1983) argue that recipients of compensation usually demand
lower salaries for increased risk of death. Empirical evidence has shown that the
existence of compensation implies big reductions in wage levels (Fortin and Lanoie,
2000). These authors claim that studies omitting this variable must necessarily obtain
biased results” (Bellavance et al., 2009: 451).
17 The confidence interval was calculated at the mean value using a statistical package.
Most statistical packages will use estimated regression coefficients to “predict” values
of the dependent variable. Here, we used a “mean” rather than an “individual” predic-
tion interval because we are estimating the VSL for the typical worker under these
broad conditions, rather than what the next econometric study might estimate it to
be. Because there is always much variation between studies, the individual prediction
intervals are much larger.
18 The intercept is also very different, but this is required to compensate for the larger
coefficient on LnIncome.
19 Here, too, we use the MRA form (equation (5.5)), where the dependent variable is the
estimated empirical effect, minimum-wage elasticities in this case. It is our hope that
by using different forms of the same MRA model in Chapters 4 and 5, the interpreta-
tion of the MRA coefficients will become clear.
20 We do not wish to claim that there is actually a positive effect on employment from
raising the minimum wage. However, meta-regression analysis fails to find any practi-
cally significant adverse effect. We will return later to this issue of using a multivariate
MRA to predict the “best practice” estimate of minimum wage’s employment effect.
21 This is calculated from the conventional linear restrictions test using the WLS-MRA
reported in column 1 of Table 5.6. However, a likelihood ratio test based on the more
sophisticated multilevel MRAs gives the same assessment.
Notes 163
22 The average publication bias in terms of the minimum-wage elasticity is calculated
from the estimated value of ( β1 + ∑ δj Kj)SE or β1SE using sample means.
23 This might seem to contradict what was said previously, but it does not. Before, we
argued that it would be inappropriate to substitute all of the sample means for both the
K- and Z-variables into the estimated meta-regression equation. Doing so would just
give us back the reported sample mean elasticity, which, as we have seen, contains
considerable publication bias. We purposely set SE = 0 to remove publication bias.
24 Most economists would argue that published papers are of higher quality than those
that are not. We are unconvinced because we have seen all too often how papers that
are selected to be published have greater publication bias. For the sake of robustness,
we accept that the “best” research will be published.
25 Neoclassical theory predicts a negative employment response in the long run; thus,
it is often argued that a negative adverse employment effect will only appear after a
lag. However, our MRA shows clearly that any adverse effect is lessened (or positive
employment effect strengthened) when lagged employment effects are measured-see
Lag in Table 5.6. If we were to consider lagged effects as part of “best practice,” all of
the above corrected estimates would be positive.
26 Stanley (2001) recommends a third method to accommodate within-study depen-
dence-MRA of the average study effects. This method is illustrated in Chapter 4, and
it works quite well for mature areas that have a large number studies. However, prac-
tice in the field has evolved. Current consensus among meta-analysts is to use all
reported estimates in an effort to maximize the information available for MRA.
27 The multivariate PEESE version also gives essentially the same results, with the
exception that Un·SE 2 is not statistically significant.
28 The Breusch–Pagan LM statistic is distributed as chi-squared with one degree of
29 In Section 5.1.2 we argued that meta-analysts should use neither “fixed” nor “random”
effects MRAs, but rather WLS-MRAs when these models do not have an explicit
panel structure. That advice still stands. In this section, we use the terms “fixed” and
“random” in the same way that they are used by econometrics and statistical packages
in the context of panel models.
30 This will help minimize selection bias within meta-analysis.
31 A given research dimension can be identified as both a Z-variable and as a K-variable.

6 Econometric theory and meta-regression analysis

1 Econometric theory is so widely known and universally relied upon that these neces-
sary assumptions often go unreported in applied work.
2 We are using α here and in previous chapters to represent the regression coefficients
in the primary research literature because β are MRA coefficients.
3 Here, too, the meta-analyst has an advantage over conventional econometrics. When
there are small-sample biases (e.g. in estimating an AR(1) coefficient), the sample size
can be coded and included in a MRA (along with many other research dimensions) to
track and thereby minimize this small-sample bias (Stanley, 2004).
4 Because reported empirical estimates come from different datasets with different
sample sizes and other sources of heteroskedasticity, they are expected to have dif-
ferent variances and hence widths as we go up or down the funnel graphs. Recall that
precision (1/SE) is the vertical dimension of the funnel graph. This heteroskedasticity
is, in fact, measured by precision.
5 It is possible for the effect of one type of bias to depend on the presence of some other
type of bias, but this more complex heterogeneity can be accomodated by including
interaction terms in the MRA.
164 Notes
6 We are assuming that the empirical effect in question is α̂1 from equation (6.1). In this
matrix representation, we simplify notation. effecti, is reduced to e.
7 For this interpretation to be accurate, even in theory, the moderator variables need to
be defined in a manner that Mj = 1 represents the presence of some potential bias and
Mj = 0 its absence.
8 Of course, OLS coefficients are unbiased even when there is known heteroskedastic-
ity, and OLS gives the same WLS estimates when the MRA model is divided by σi, see
Equation (6.4). If some correction for heteroskedasticity is not made, then we know
that the MRA standard errors are likely to be wrong (biased), and statistical inference
would not be reliable. Furthermore, when we have a multidimensional structure to
our research data, then cluster-robust standard errors should also be computed for this
baseline WLS-MRA.
9 Of course, a more complex GLS structure may also be employed, and within-study
dependence needs to be addressed. In the next section, we explicitly discuss how one
can model within-study dependence and more complex variance–covariance struc-
tures. Here, we use the baseline MRA model (WLS) to sharpen our focus on the
theory of meta-regression analysis.
10 Becker and Wu (2007) offer a much more sophisticated multivariate GLS approach
that jointly estimates all regression coefficients in the original regression equations
using the full variance–covariance matrix. However, their approach, though theo-
retically more complete, is impractical in economic or business applications because
it requires that the entire variance–covariance matrix be routinely reported in the
research literature.
11 For example, STATA’s basic regression procedure (regress) can be used but with 1/SEi2
specified as the analytic weights. Or, regress e M [aweight = Precision_sq], where
Precision_sq is 1/SEi2.
12 We do not recommend, however, that meta-analysts use heteroskedasticity-robust
standard errors with the OLS estimation of MRA model (6.2). In addition to attempt-
ing to adjust for heteroskedasticity, weighting by precision also serves other important
roles (e.g. a means to minimize publication selection and to reflect research quality).
13 Here, we are discussing simple meta-data structures. When multiple estimates are rou-
tinely reported by each study a panel model must be used, and a simple WLS-MRA that
does not explicitly allow for unobserved study effects will not be adequate. We return to
the subject of panel modeling of multidimensional meta-data in the next section.
14 To emphasize the importance of weighting by precision, Chapter 4 introduces panel
MRAs with the t-value as the dependent variable. Here, we use the simpler MRA
form, equation (4.6). Nonetheless, one should still use 1/SEi2 as the analytic weights.
15 Note that the meaning of the fixed and random effects here differs from the conven-
tional use of these terms in meta-analysis, where they denote weighted averages.
16 The meta-analyst who wishes to see all of the separate study effects, δi, can use the Xi
command in STATA.
17 “Random-effects” unbalanced panel models are also called mixed-effects multilevel
models, because there are both random, vs, and “fixed effects,” ∑j=1 βjMjis.
18 Only when there are very few estimates per study is there reason to prefer a “random-
effects” approach. The fixed approach loses K – 1 degrees of freedom, whereas the
random approach loses only one. However, only in extreme cases should efficiency
concerns be allowed to trump bias and inconsistency.
19 Some researchers might be distracted by this discussion of “study quality.” No doubt
many will see precision, choice of econometric technique, etc. as indicators of “qual-
ity.” No matter how you define study quality, it does not affect the findings of fixed-
effects panel MRAs. First, remember that the study average values of observable
quality indicators (e.g. precision, choice of econometric methods) are subtracted in
fixed-effects panels; thus, these components of study quality will have no effect. In
Notes 165
contrast, observable differences in quality from estimate to estimate within studies
can have an effect, and this is estimated explicitly by panel methods. Our concern in
this section is with unobserved study-level components of quality and their potential
to bias MRA estimates when fixed-effects panel methods are not used.
20 In theory, instrumental variables methods could also be used here. However, this
alternative approach requires an instrumental variable (IV) that is correlated with the
moderator variables, which are correlated with study quality and hence with the com-
posite error, and yet the IV must be uncorrelated with study quality. In practice, find-
ing a good IV that is not correlated with study quality would likely be difficult and
controversial. Another approach, of course, is to find some proxy for study quality,
code it, and include it explicitly as a moderator variable in the MRA. This approach
is likely to suffer from an opposite problem-the correlation with study quality not
being high enough. Fortunately, proxies for study quality are unnecessary when
multiple estimates are routinely reported by each study.
21 Technically, publication selection involves incidental truncation rather than a cen-
sored dependent variable, as Heckman (1979) addresses. However, the Heckman
regression is so widely known that putting a “Heckman” or “Heckit” label on models
of incidental truncation has become the conventional terminology (Green, 1990: 744;
Wooldridge, 2002: 564).
22 The exact expression in the conventional Heckman regression is a little more com-
plex; however, its selection bias term contains both of these components, σi and λ(c).
23 Moreno et al. (2009a) also investigate statistical methods specifically designed to use
with the log-odds ratio. Log-odds ratios are different than conventional economic and
business measures of effect in that their standard errors are correlated with their effects
by construction, even when there is no publication selection. Because Moreno et al.
(2009a) only simulate log-odds outcomes, some methods that are specifically designed
to accommodate this relation of log odds to its standard were comparable to our FAT-
PET-PESSE estimates. Moreno et al. (2009a, 2009b) call PEESE “Egger var.” The
PEESE model, however, was first articulated in Stanley and Doucouliagos (2007).
24 This mathematical result can be confirmed by a simple thought experiment. When
there is no effect but only statistically significant results are reported, we would expect
that the reported t-values to be just a little over 2, in which case the expected effect
would be about twice its standard error.
25 We assume a correlation of X with SE here, because it is the worse-case scenario.
When these are independent, there is no omitted-variable bias or threat to using the
simple MRA model of publication bias.
26 When there are multiple estimates reported for each study, cluster-robust standard
errors should be computed for this benchmark WLS-MRA.

7 Further topics in meta-regression analysis

1 There are many examples of published MRAs that do not control for selection bias,
and some MRA studies do not use weights. Here, we assume that WLS is used with
weights 1/SEi2.
2 See Gallet and List (2003) on tobacco, Wagenaar et al. (2009) on alcohol, and Brons
et al. (2008) on gasoline demand.
3 For slightly different applications of MRA to the minimum wage literature see
Todorovic and Ma (2008) and Boockmann (2010).
4 Unless, this natural rate rapidly adjusts to the past unemployment rate. But even this
will not rescue NRH, because doing so removes all of NRH’s well-known and impor-
tant implications (Stanley, 2002).
5 VU University Amsterdam has a graduate economics program that, in fact, requires such
meta-analysis chapters; see
166 Notes
6 This is particularly important to benefit transfer studies, where it is essential to
include data on variables that are not part of the primary studies but which cover
important contextual factors, such as income and population (Johnston and
Rosenberger, 2010).
7 This is one reason why we prefer to use all comparable estimates reported in studies
rather than a single estimate per study. The problem is likely to be worse in a new
and emerging literature where relatively few studies are available. Jensen and Würz
(2006) and Jensen (2010) outline an interesting testing procedure for models that have
more variables than data points.
8 Note that dollar values need to be converted into a common base year, and when
international comparisons are made these values need to be adjusted for purchasing
power parity.
9 For example, in their meta-analysis of tax and expenditure limitations, Ballal and
Rubenstein (2009) report R2 ranging between 0.08 and 0.39. In contrast, in their meta-
study of technology spillovers from FDI, Wooster and Diebel (2010) report goodness
of fit ranging between 0.39 and 0.98.
10 In their survey of 140 meta-analyses, Nelson and Kennedy (2009) found that the
median adjusted R2 was 0.44.
11 See Lipsey and Wilson (2001) on this issue.
12 We have also discussed log-log and log-linear models which only use a single regres-
sion coefficient to estimate effect (see Chapter 2).
13 Typically, these marginal effects are evaluated using sample means. In those cases
where such estimates are available, they can be meta-analyzed.
14 In some cases, a test for the joint statistical significance of the interaction terms is
reported. Where enough such tests are reported, they could be used as the effect size.
15 It might be possible for meta-analysts to collect the original data and try to indepen-
dently estimate these covariances. However, this is likely to be a very time consuming
process with no guarantee that the original estimate or variance–covariance matrix
can be replicated.
16 Doucouliagos and Ulubasoglu (2006) present meta-analyses of two effect sizes: the
effect of economic freedom on growth and the effect of economic freedom on invest-
ment. However, the authors treat each effect as separate multiple MRA.
17 For alternative approaches adopted in the multivariate analysis of medical research,
see van Howelingen et al. (2002) and Riley (2009).
18 Primary studies estimate these as either a separate equation for each type of alcohol
or as a system of equations.
19 Becker and Wu (2007) offer a theoretical MRA model that uses the variance–covariance
matrices in a multiple equation GLS system to jointly estimate several regression coef-
ficients. But their approach requires that the variance–covariance matrices be routinely
20 However, we are unlikely to achieve such efficiency gains, unless we have reason to
believe that the errors terms are correlated, perhaps because the estimates are for the
same time period or from the same study. In all cases, we are still assuming that the
WLS version of all these MRAs will be employed.
21 Here, we consider the case where there are an equal number of observations for each
equation. More generally, the meta-analyst may face an uneven number of observa-
tions for each equation. Schmidt (1977) and Baltagi et al. (1989) show that non-
overlapping observations can be discarded. STATA enables the estimation of both
balanced and unbalanced SUR equations.
22 We constructed our own dataset by updating the searches indentified by several prior
meta-analyses. There is a much larger literature that reports estimates for only some
of these types of alcohol (e.g. Wagenaar et al., 2009).
Notes 167
23 The interesting feature of the Brons et al. study is that they develop an approach that
enables them to use estimates of six different elasticities with unequal number of
observations. For example, they have only three observations of the price elasticity
of mileage per car compared to 158 elasticities of total gasoline demand. Using a set
of linear identities and the SUR estimates, the authors are able to derive a rich set of
24 Because several effects are jointly estimated, publication bias may be more complex
25 Empirical economics rewards innovation and usually shuns replication. Hence, it is
unfortunate and unlikely that there will be many exact replications of meta-analyses.
Jarrell and Stanley (2004) and Viscusi and Aldy (2003) are exceptions.
26 The meta-studies do not use a consistent specification. Some use log-log, some
use log-lin, while others use lin-log. We converted all coefficients into comparable
27 If more highly valued resources are evaluated first then subsequent studies will report
smaller values over time.

8 Summary and conclusions

1 We are aware that the responsiveness of policy to empirical evidence is lower than
economists would wish it to be. However, informed policy still requires a reliable
evidence base.
2 Recall from Chapter 4 that the equivalent form is to divide by SEi and estimate ti = β1 +
β0(1/SEi) + vi (equation (4.2)).
3 Equation (4.4) is also estimated using WLS. Equivalently, the meta-analyst can esti-
mate ti = β1SEi + β0(1/SEi) + vi (equation (4.3)).
4 There is much more written about the philosophy of science and the methodology of
economics than about MRA; thus, any brief summary will by necessity be incomplete.
We do not claim that our few comments provide a comprehensive or “systematic” review
of these deep, complex, and dynamic literatures. We wish merely to make the claim that
MRA can be seen as providing a “positive” philosophical evaluation of empirical eco-
nomics that is consistent with a substantial slice of contemporary philosophy of science.
In our view, Mayo (1996) provides a realistic and rigorous philosophical foundation for
statistical inference, and this grounding could be easily extended to econometrics.

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3SLS see three stage least squares 71, 73, 76–7, 81, 84–6, 93, 102, 109–10,
112, 115–16, 121, 126–31, 136, 147,
Abreu, M. 13, 75, 144, 159n 152, 160n, 165n; publication (selection)
Adams, D. 158n 4, 9, 11, 16–9, 27, 29, 32, 39–42, 44, 47,
Akerlof, G. 99 50–79, 82–6, 90–106, 108–10, 117–23,
Albers, S. 26 125–7, 129, 135–6, 139–41, 144–5,
alchohol 18, 126–7, 136–40 147–51, 154–67n
Aldy, J. 158n, 167n Bijmolt, T. 26, 38
Alston, J. 19 binary dependent variable 16–17
Andrews, E. 4 Bland, J. 51
AR(1) 57, 163n Blaug, M. 152
Arcot, S. 154n Boockmann, B. 165n
Arnould, R. 162n Bolotova, Y. 29
Ashenfelter, O. 75 Borenstein, M. 22, 49
Ayers, I. 2 Bowland, B. 158n
Brander, L. 29, 38, 126
Babel 1–5 Breusch–Pagan test 103–5, 139, 163n
Ballal, S. 166n Brons, M. 140, 165n, 167n
Baltagi, B. 166n Brown, S. 24
Banzhaf, S. 155n Burkauser, R. 99
Bateman, I. 69, 100, 126 Business Source Premier 9, 162n
Becker, B. 23, 164n, 166n Byun, P. 155n, 156n, 157n
Begg, C. 51, 74
Beghin, J. 158n Callot, L. 152
beliefs 2, 53, 60 Cameron 4
Bellavance, F. 9, 10, 38, 57, 86, 89–90, 94, Campbell Collaboration 14
126, 156–9n, 162n Capelle-Blancard, G. 40
benefit transfer 22, 25, 126–7, 131–4, Card, D. 16, 51, 55, 57, 59–60, 76–7, 85,
156n, 166n 94, 99, 127, 133, 155n, 159n
Bergstrom, J. 126, 134 Chalmers, T. 2
Berlin, J. 51, 74 Charemza, W. 91
Berwick, D.M. 2 Clarke, M. 40
best practice 35, 93, 98–9, 129, 152, 162–3n cluster-robust 33, 37, 70–2, 97, 100,
bias 2–4, 10, 13–9, 21, 24, 31, 33–4, 45, 103–5, 112, 114, 150–1, 164–5n
48, 81–3, 86, 93, 95, 100, 108–10, Cochrane Collaboration 14
112, 114–21, 126–7, 135, 144, 147, Cochrane Reviews 52
152, 154–6n, 158n, 160n, 163–5n; Cochran’s Q-test 49, 81–2
misspecification (omitted-variable) 3, Cohen, J. 5, 7, 22, 48, 157n
6–7, 13, 16, 21, 27, 36, 38, 45, 53, 67–8, Colegrave, A. 29
Index 181
compensation insurance, 86–7, 89–90, EconLit 7, 13, 162n
92–4, 102, 162n Econometrics: as the subject of meta-
competition 154n regression analysis 2–10, 12–37
Connor, J. 29 (chapter 2); see also conventional
conventional 7, 10, 21, 34, 43, 52, 60, 62–3, econometrics
71, 88, 99, 106, 165; econometrics 4, 11, Econometrics methods see Heckman
37, 68, 72, 75, 81, 84, 88, 92–3, 106–15, correction, seeming unrelated
118–19, 122–3, 141, 161–3n, 165n; regressions (SUR), three stage least
narrative reviews 2, 9, 21, 36, 52, 88, 141, squares (3SLS), weighted least
154n; practice (meta-analysis) 33, 41, 47, squares (WLS)
49, 82, 89, 106, 141, 158n, 161n, 164n economic growth 14, 42, 129, 137–8, 144
convergence 75, 128, 144 economic significance see significance:
Cooper, H. 46, 49, 82 practical
Copas, J. 51 Ederveen, S. 38
Coric, B. 157n Efendic, A. 144
corporate performance 5 effect size 6–7, 12, 15–16, 20–33, 38,
correlation 5, 16, 23–5, 41, 83–4, 103–4, 41–3, 46–50, 122, 125, 127, 131–2,
114–15, 121, 136, 138, 150, 156–7n, 135–41, 143–6, 148, 151, 154n,
160n, 165n; auto- 36, 68; partial 3, 156–8n, 166n
23–9, 31, 39–40, 42, 53–4, 57, 102, 132, efficiency: economic 29; statistical 71–2,
144–5, 156–8n; zero-order 24 137–8, 164n, 166n
cross-sectional 20–1, 23, 82, 87, 95, 113, efficiency wage 18, 21, 99, 128, 131
156n Égert, B. 18
Egger, M. 61, 64, 117, 158n, 165n
Dalhuisen, J. 9, 26, 38, 55 elasticity 9–10, 16, 23–4, 26–9, 31, 35,
data dependence 32–3, 36–7, 68–9, 71, 3–9, 44, 46–9, 55–6, 58–60, 62–4, 67,
99–101, 112–13 69, 75, 80, 82–3, 87, 94–102, 109–10,
data mining 91, 104, 131 126–8, 132, 136–40, 142–3, 145,
Davidson, J. 107 156–7n, 159n, 162–3n, 167n; delta
Davidson, R. 84, 107, 108,111, 118, 123 method 27, 157n
Day, B. 127, 158n Elliott, R. 93
Deadman, D. 91 employment 5, 10, 26, 30, 47–8, 52,
debate 68, 73, 94–5, 150, 154n 59–60, 62–3, 67, 70–1, 77, 80, 86–9,
De Blaeij, A. 158n 94–103, 113, 122, 127, 133, 140,
De Dominicis, L. 29, 144 158–9n, 162–3n
de Groot, H. 13, 75, 76, 144, 159n environmental economics 13, 25, 29,
de Haan, J. 19, 35, 156n, 157n 125–6, 134, 151; planning 9, 56, 67;
De Long, J. 51 policy 10, 145; values 3, 57, 73, 126–7,
De Mooij, R. 38 133, 158n
Demsetz, H. 2, 60 evidence-based practice 2–3
Dekker, T. 158n exaggeration 1, 52, 71, 92
Department for International Development explanatory variables 15, 18, 23, 27–8, 35,
154n 80, 82, 86, 90–1, 103–4, 106–7, 110,
Diebel, D. 166n 114–15, 118, 130–3, 136–8, 140, 142–4,
Dionne, G. 57, 158n 161n
discrimination 42–3, 86, 117, 134
Disdier, A. 35, 156n failsafe N 73–4
Djankov, S. 156n FAT-PET-MRA 69, 73, 76, 78–9, 84–5, 90,
Doucouliagos, C (KH) 2, 4–5, 9–11, 19–20, 101, 103–5, 117–22, 127, 138–9, 149,
22, 25–6, 32–4, 38, 40, 42–3, 48, 52–3, 158n, 161–2n, 165n; see also funnel-
57, 59, 61, 63, 65–8, 76–7, 86, 88–90, asymmetry test (FAT), precision-effect
92–9, 119–20, 127, 129, 133, 141, 144–5, test (PET)
149–50, 154–60n, 162n, 165–6n Federal Reserve 4
Duval, S. 74, 171 Feige, E. 51
182 Index
Feld, L. 28, 103 Heckman correction 75, 84, 88, 117–19,
Fidrmuc, J. 19, 24 159n, 165n
file drawer problem 73 Heckman, J. 1, 4, 117–19, 147, 165n,
Fischer, C. 29 172–3
Fisher, R.A. 5, 45 Hedges, L. 45–6, 49, 51, 63, 75–6, 82,
Fisher test 5–6, 45 111–12, 124, 154n, 160–1n, 169–70,
Fisher z-transform 25, 156n 173–4
fixed-effects (weighted averages) (FEE) hedonic 10, 57, 59, 86–7, 89, 91–2, 102
43, 46–50, 64, 69–71, 81, 149, 152, Hennessy, P. 4
158n; meta-regression 83–4, 101, heteroskedasticity 28, 61, 62, 67, 69, 81,
103–4, 111–16, 122–3, 152, 160–1n, 85, 108–10, 112, 122, 151, 163–4n
163–5n Higgins, J. 14, 49, 82
Florax, R. 68, 75, 162n Hirschberg, J. 157n
foreign aid 4, 42, 52, 133, 144, 150 Holmgren, J. 38
Fortin, B. 162n Hopewell, S. 52
funnel-asymmetry test (FAT) 61–2, 64–5, Huang, J. 38, 75–6
78–9, 94, 120, 149 Hunt, M. 6–7
funnel graph 40–2, 53–60 Hunter, J. 22, 24, 32, 34, 44, 47, 72, 139,
156n, 158n
Galbraith, R. 38, 117
Gallet, C. 20, 35, 156n, 159n Iamsiraroj, S. 144, 158n
García-Quevedo, J. 16 ideology 1, 4, 51, 113, 116, 147, 154n
Gauss–Markov theorem 123 impact factor 22, 34, 46, 157n
generalized least squares (GLS) 100, independently and identically distributed
111–12, 114, 123, 164n, 166n (i.i.d.) 61, 68, 106–7, 110
general-to-specific (G-to-S) 90–2, 96, information technology 1, 155n
104–5 intervention 7, 26, 48, 147
Genesis 1 inverse Mills ratio 84, 118, 120, 159n
Gerber, A. 52 Ioannidis, J. 157n
Giles, M. 29 Iyengar, S. 74
Glass, G. 6–7, 22, 51, 154n
Glass’s g 6–7, 22, 154n Jacobsen, J. 117
Görg, H. 156n Jarrell, S. 3–4, 7, 21–3, 28, 30, 36, 42, 68,
Great Depression 4 86, 88–9, 100, 117, 134, 156n, 162n,
Great Recession 154n 167n
Green, D. 52 Jensen, P. 166n
Green, S. 14 Johnson, H. 60
Green, W. 111, 118, 157n, 159n, 165n Johnston, N. 118
Greenberg, D. 31 Johnston, R. 22, 126, 134, 144, 166n
Greene, W. 157n, 159n Jones, A. 69, 100, 126
Greenhouse, J. 74, 173 Judge, G. 123
Greenspan, A. 4, 168, 172
Gresham’s law 51 Kaitz index 87–8, 95, 97–9, 102
Griliches, Z. 115 Kaoru, Y. 29
Gujarati, D. 157n Kennedy, P. 13, 151
Klomp, J. 19, 35, 156–7n
Halpern, L. 18 Kluve, J. 16, 20, 158n
Hands, D. 151 Knell, M. 26
Harlow, L. 73 Kochi, I. 158n
Hausman test 71, 103, 105, 115 Koetse, M. 112, 152, 155n
Havránek, T. 30, 40 Konstantopoulos, S. 111, 161n
health 2, 83; mental 6–7; policy 9, 127 Korhonen, I. 19, 24
Heckemeyer, J. 28, 103 Kotchen, M. 139
Index 183
Kotz, S. 118 Meta-Significance (MST) 76–8, 149, 161n
Krakovsky, M. 52 methodology 2, 141, 147, 150, 152, 167n
Krassoi-Peach, E. 18, 21, 88, 99, 128, 131 Michaud, P. 57, 158n
Krueger, A. 32, 51, 55, 57, 59–60, 76–7, Miller, T. 158n
85, 94, 99, 127, 133, 159n minimum wage 5, 9–10, 19, 26, 38–9,
K-variables 85, 90–1, 94, 96–8, 101, 104, 43–4, 47–8, 52, 59–60, 61–4, 67, 69–72,
109, 138, 150, 163n 77, 80, 82, 86–9, 94–103, 113, 122, 127,
133, 145, 155–6n, 158–9n, 162–3n,
Lagrange multiplier test see Breusch– 165n
Pagan test Mishel, L. 72
Laird, N. 52 misspecification see bias
Lakatos, I. 151 mixed-effects 101, 112, 161n, 164n
Lang, K. 51 moderator variables 15–16, 24, 28, 49, 82,
Laroche, P. 9, 22, 25–6, 33, 38, 89, 159n 86–98, 101–4, 107, 109–10, 114–16,
Leamer, E. 3 134, 141–2, 150, 162n, 164–5n
Lebeau, M. 57 Monte Carlo 103, 112; see also
Leonard, H. 3 simulations
Leonhardt, D. 4 Mookerjee, R. 144, 156n, 157n
Lewis, H. 21 Moreno, S. 119–20, 149, 165n
Lewis, S. 40 Morgenstern, R. 29
Lindhjem, H. 126, 134, 158n Mosteller, F. 52
Lipsey, M. 22, 166n Mrozek, J. 158n
List, J. 35, 159n, 165n multicollinearity 91, 131, 161n
Liu, J. 129, 158n multidimensional 12, 69, 93, 100, 113,
logit 16–17, 44 141, 154n, 164n
Longhi, S. 140 multilevel 37, 49, 69–71, 82, 100–1,
Loomis, J. 17, 29, 69, 100, 113, 126, 134 103–4, 106, 113, 122, 150, 160–2n,
Lovell, M. 51 164n; fixed-effects (FEML) 69–71, 82,
97, 101, 103–5; random-effects (REML)
McCloskey, D. 48, 73 69–71, 82, 97, 101, 103–5
MacKinnon, J. 84, 107, 108, 111, 118, 123 multiple MRA 11, 16, 18, 20, 28, 35, 43,
Ma, J. 165n 48, 80–105 (Chapter 5)
Malhorta, N. 52 multiple regression 3, 7, 25
maximum likelihood 68, 70, 75–6, 160n multivariate analysis 3, 7, 50, 65, 75,
Mayo, D. 167n 79–81, 84–5, 89, 96, 98, 104, 120, 122,
medical research 2, 7, 14, 16, 36, 51–2, 126, 136–7, 154–5n, 161–4n, 166n
74–5, 83–4, 103, 119, 161n, 166n Mundlak, Y. 103
Melo, P. 26 Murrell, P. 156n
mental health see health
meta-analysis: definition 2 natural rate hypothesis 128, 165n
meta-analysis: methods see fixed-effects Navrud, S. 126, 134
(weighted averages) (FEE), random- Nelson, J. 13, 18, 151
effects (weighted averages) (FEE), Nichols, L. 162n
trim-and-fill Nickerson, D. 52
meta-meta-analysis (M2RA) 140–145, Nijkamp, P. 75, 158n
154–5n Nobel prize 1
meta-regression analysis: definition 3 non-English studies 15–16
meta-regression analysis: methods nonstationarity 109
see funnel-asymmetry test (FAT),
K-variables, meta-meta-analysis Oaxaca, R. 117
(M2RA), precision-effect estimate with Olkin, I. 45–6, 51, 63, 75, 111–12, 124,
standard errors (PEESE), precision- 154n, 161n
effect test (PET), Z-variables omitted-variable bias see bias
184 Index
Oosterbeek, H. 29 Rand, A. 4
ordinary least squares (OLS) 16, 21, 48, random-effects (weighted averages) (FEE)
60–4, 68, 71, 85, 91, 110–11, 113–16, 43, 46–8, 50, 64, 69–70, 74, 149, 152,
122–4, 138–41, 160n, 164n 158; meta-regression 82–84, 101,
Ostrom, E. 17 103–4, 111–16, 122–3, 152, 160–1n,
Paldam, M. 22, 42–3, 52, 89, 133, 144, randomized clinical trials (RCT) 2, 52, 120
150, 152, 156n, 158n, 162n random sampling 13, 47, 56, 60, 80, 108,
panel 13, 20–1, 23, 33, 37, 69–71, 80, 82, 133, 141
87–8, 95–100, 102–4, 106, 112–17 regulation 4–5, 9–10, 83, 136, 154n
Papke, L. 157n reviewers 4, 32, 52–3, 99, 104
paradox 19, 24, 56, 120 reviews: conventional (narrative) 2–3,
parameter 1, 10, 38–9, 44, 48, 57, 60, 66, 13–14, 21, 36–7, 52, 63, 88, 141, 143,
74–6, 80, 109, 111, 125–9, 134, 147 147, 151; systematic 2–5, 11, 14, 33, 52,
partial correlations see correlation 63, 134, 154n, 167n
Pattanayak, S. 28, 126 Ridhwan, M. 30
Pavlides, M. 24 Riley, R. 166n
Pearson, K. 5, 45 risk and wages 10, 56, 63, 86–7, 89–90,
Peloza, J. 158n 127, 142–3, 155, 162
policy 1–5, 7, 9–10, 12, 15, 26, 30, 38, 44, robustness 15, 25, 32–3, 72, 93–4, 99–101,
48, 50–1, 64–5, 67, 73, 79, 83, 94, 126, 103, 105, 113, 122, 130, 150, 158n,
129, 134, 145, 147–8, 150, 152, 154n, 163n
167n Rose, A. 24, 28, 159n
political science 52 Rosenberger 29, 57, 69, 73, 100, 113,
politics 51, 63 126–7, 134, 144
Poot, J. 75, 158n, 162n Rosenthal, R. 51, 73–4
Popper, K. 37, 99, 128, 151 Rothstein, R. 72
Poteete, A. 17 Rubenstein, R. 166n
precision 3, 18–19, 27, 34–5, 40–2, 46, 49, Rücker, G. 149
53–4, 56–73, 76, 78, 81–2, 85–6, 90, Rusnák, M. 30
108–11, 115–16, 127, 139, 142, 148,
149, 156–60n, 162–4n safety 9, 56, 67
precision-effect estimate with standard Sala-i-Martin 3, 74, 90, 98, 102
errors (PEESE) 65–7, 75, 78–9, 83, 85, Sally, D. 29
92–4, 101, 103–5, 119–22, 127, 149, Sandy, R. 93
159–61n, 163n, 165n Scargle, J. 74
precision-effect test (PET) 62–7, 75, 78–9, Schaffner, S. 20, 158n
93, 120, 149, 160n Schmidt, F. 22, 24, 32, 34, 44, 47, 72, 139,
probit 16–17, 44, 84, 155n, 159n 156n, 158n
psychology 7, 36, 73–4, 152 Schulte, S. 139
psychotherapy 6–7 Schulze, R. 156n, 158n
Public Broadcasting Service 4 science 63, 99, 151, 161n, 167n
publication bias see bias scientific knowledge
publication selection see bias scrutiny
Pugh, G. 157 seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR)
p-values 5, 30–1, 43, 45–6, 50, 75–6, 107, 137–140
157n, 160n selection see bias
self-fulfilling 2
quality 7, 10–1, 17–18, 20, 30, 33–5, 46, Sethuraman, R. 157n
69, 76, 85, 96, 106, 113–16, 134, 138, Shen, Y. 158n
141, 144, 148, 160n, 163–5n Shinew, K. 14
Shrestha, R. 126, 134
Index 185
Sidik, K. 49 theory (economic) 2, 12–3, 21, 34, 51, 60,
Significance: practical 6–7, 10,18–22, 81, 99, 102, 116, 127–9, 131, 137, 145,
25–6, 35, 37, 46, 48, 55, 60, 64–5, 67, 150, 152, 154–5n, 163n; competition
69, 71, 73, 83, 91, 96, 99–100, 102–4, 154n; econometric 11, 61, 106–24
122, 128, 135, 144–5, 150, 155n, 157n, (chapter 6), 160n, 163–5n; meta-
159–60n, 162n; statistical 5, 16, 21, 26, regression 81, 106–12, 164n
31, 35, 42–5, 48, 52, 60, 63–4, 66, 69, Thompson, B. 73
71, 73, 75–6, 90–1, 96, 100–1, 123, 135, Thompson, S. 82
150, 157n, 159–60n, 163n, 165n thought experiment 61, 66, 165n
Simons, R. 29 three stage least squares (3SLS) 122, 125,
simulations 47, 56, 61, 65–6, 75–6, 83, 85, 137, 144
103, 112, 119–20, 127, 152, 159n, 161n time series 57 , 82, 87, 96, 113–14, 158n
simultaneous equations see seemingly Todorovic, Z. 165n
unrelated regressions (SUR), three stage Tosi, H. 24
least squares (3SLS) transformation 3, 7, 25, 28–9, 57, 127,
skewed 57, 62–3, 108 131–2, 156n, 159n
Smith, K. 28, 29, 38, 126 trim-and -fill 74–5, 119
Smith, M. 7 Tullock, G. 51
specification 98; model 3, 21, 35–6, 60, Tweedie, R. 74
69, 76, 87–8, 95–6, 99, 102–6; tests 72, type I error 64–5, 72, 77–8, 90, 154n
103–5, 115, 117, 123 type II error 154n
standard error (SE) 14–15, 20, 22–31,
34–6, 37, 40–1, 46, 53, 55, 57, 60–2, Ulubasoglu, M. 33, 129, 144, 166n
64–7, 69–73, 78–9, 82–7, 91–3, 100–1, unemployment 21, 128, 165n
103–4, 108, 110–12, 114, 117–21, unions 21–2, 26, 54, 87, 158; productivity
123–4, 129, 135, 138, 143, 149, 151, 9, 36, 38–41, 44, 47, 53, 55, 62–3, 65,
157–61n, 164–5n 67–8, 82, 102, 159n
Stanley, T.D. 2–5, 7, 9–11, 13, 17–24; 26, United Kingdom 4
28, 30, 32–4, 36, 38, 40, 42–3, 47–8, unobserved effect 69, 71, 80, 100–4, 107,
52, 57, 59, 61–8, 72–4, 76–8, 83, 85–6, 112, 114–16, 160n, 164–5n
88–9, 93–5, 99, 108–10, 117, 119–20, unpublished studies 17–20, 73–74, 143
123, 126–9, 131, 133–4, 145, 152, US Congress 4
154–6n, 158–63n, 165n, 167n
STATA 64, 69, 71, 82, 84, 103, 123–4; Valentine, T. 27, 157n
metareg 64, 82, 84, 161n value added 20–1, 88–9, 92
Stayman, D. 24 value of a statistical life (VSL) 9–10, 29,
Steel, P. 158n 38–9, 44, 47, 52, 56–7, 59–65, 67, 83,
Sterling, T. 51–2 86–94, 102, 122, 126–7, 129, 132, 155n,
Sterne, J. 158n 157n, 159n, 162n; income elasticity of
Stix, H. 26 141–3, 155, 157, 159, 162
Strobl, E. 156n van den Brink, H. 75–6
Stroup, D. 14 variance-covariance matrix 109, 111, 114,
structural equations 80, 138, 154n 138, 164n, 166n
study selection criteria 14–20, 37 Verlegh, P. 38
Sutton, A. 22, 38, 49, 53, 82 Vevea, J. 75
symmetry (asymmetry) 25, 54–5, 57–64, Viscusi, K. 10, 158n, 167n
108, 110, 158–9n, 162n Vista, A. 158n
vote-counting 6, 43–45, 154n
Tarp, F. 158n
Taylor, L. 126, 134 Wagenaar, A. 165n, 166n
tax 9, 14, 28, 126–7, 166n Waldorf, B. 155n, 156n, 157n
Tellis, G. 26 water 9, 26, 38–9, 44, 47, 55–6, 60, 62–3, 65,
67, 75, 80, 82–3, 102, 126–7, 141, 147
186 Index
Weichselbaumer, D. 20, 42, 134 Wooldridge, J. 84, 111, 113–14, 118
weighted least squares (WLS) 28–9, 48, Wooster, R. 166n
61–2, 65–6, 69–71, 81–5, 91–4, 96–7, Wu, M. 23, 164n, 166n
99–101, 103–4, 110–12, 114, 117, 119,
122–4, 136, 137, 143, 149–50, 159–67n Young, J. 157n
Welkowitz, J. 48
White, D. 17 Zelmer, J. 18, 19, 29
Whitehead, A. 22 Ziliak, S. 73
Wilson, D. 22, 166n Z-variables 85, 90–2, 94, 96–8, 101, 104,
Winter-Ebmer, R. 20, 42, 134 109, 138, 150, 162–3n

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