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Taksonomi Kemahiran Motor Gentile


Environment Context No Object Manipulation Object Manipulation

Body Transport
No Object Manipulation Object Manipulation

Stationary Regulatory Conditionss And No Intertrial Variability





Body stability Body stability Body transport Body transport No object object No object object Stationary regulatory Stationary regulatory Stationary regulatory Stationary regulatory conditions conditions conditions conditions No Intertrial variability No Intertrial variability No Intertrial variability No Intertrial variability Standing alone in a Brushing teeth Climbing stairs Climbing stairs while room standing alone at a holding a book Running through a sink Practicing a basketball play a several Running through a basketball free-throw Shooting basket ball times without a ball basketball play several shot without a ball free-throws time with a ball

Stationary Regulatory Condition Intertrial Variability

Body stability No object Stationary regulatory conditions Intertrial variability Standing on difference surfaces Swinging a baseball bat at difference ball locations without a bat or ball



Body stability object Stationary regulatory conditions Intertrial variability Walking on difference surfaces while holding a bag of groceries

Body stability Body stability object No object Stationary regulatory Stationary regulatory conditions conditions Intertrial variability Intertrial variability Standing on Walking on difference difference surfaces surfaces while holding a bag of Running through a groceries several

Running through several Hitting a baseballs off baseball plays without a baseball plays with a ball a batting tee: ball varying ball locations for each swing

In-Motion Regulatory Conditions An No intertrial Variability




Body stability Body stability Body transport Body transport No object object No object Object Regulatory conditions Regulatory conditions Regulatory conditions Regulatory conditions In motion In motion In motion In motion No Intertrial variability No Intertrial variability No Intertrial variability No Intertrial variability Sitting in a Wheeling a Walking on the treadmill Walking on the treadmill wheelchair being wheelchair along an at a constant speed at a constant speed push along an empty empty hallway while holding a cup of Running through a hallway Catching a series of basketball play without a water Passing basketball to softballs thrown at the ball but with moving Running through a a moving player same speed by a defenders basketball play with a running the same pitching machine ball and moving pattern several times, defenders without a ball.

In-Motion Regulatory Conditions An Intertrial Variability



Body transport Object Regulatory conditions In motion Intertrial variability Walking in a crowded mall carrying a baby Practicing several soccer plays with a ball and defenders

Body stability Body stability Body transport No object Object No Object Regulatory conditions Regulatory conditions Regulatory conditions In motion In motion In motion Intertrial variability Intertrial variability Intertrial variability Sitting in a moving Sitting in a moving Walking in a crowded car car holding a baby mall Passing basketballs Catching softballs Practicing several to a moving player thrown at various soccer plays without a running difference speeds by a pitching ball with defenders pattern, without a ball. machine

Rajah 1 : Taksonomi Kemahiran Motor Gentile Sumber: Margill, R.A (2003).Motor learning and control: concepts and applications. (7th ed). New York: McGraw-Hill Co.

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