Perez Essay Questions

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Perez, Alliyah Mae J.

ARC 222

Answer the questions substantially.

1. Is there a way we can measure or assess effective communication?

Measuring The Effectiveness Of Communication

A quote by Anthony Robbins once said, "To effectively communicate, we must realize that

we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to

our communication with others." (Robbins, A., n.d.) I, personally, am driven by that quote as

I set my mind to a personal standard of communication, looking at how I perceive the world

and not by considering the thoughts of others. When you put your mind on a way to assess

effective communication, you will have a flawless exchange of information and

understanding with the people you're communicating with.

Some say that one way to assess effective communication is through metric measures such as

the data of the responses, feedback, and facial expressions (when talking face-to-face). For

instance, when you are selling something in an advertisement, and then many people buy

from you. That would be an example of effective communication as you know how to get

your receivers. For me, it could also be measured if the sender was able to provide

information effectively and efficiently. You must understand how you would talk to your

receivers and learn how you could achieve their standards of communication. These aspects

can be an eminent basis for knowing how you communicate with others.

Everything considered, understanding how other people see the world and complying with

your receivers could eventually lead to effective and efficient communication. It would help

you have a flawless exchange of information and let you learn how to have a way of

measuring or assessing effective communication.

2. Discuss the role of cultural diversity in shaping communication dynamics within
contemporary work environments

Cultural Diversity and its Role in Workplace Environment Communication

Cultural diversity in workplace environments has been increasing over time. More and more

people have been open to taking and working with various types of diversity in regard to

Persons with disabilities, LGBT, race, and ethnicity. How it shaped communication in work

environments nowadays is a huge growth in our generation.

One challenge that is caused by cultural diversity is misunderstanding, as they have different

ways to express themselves. For example, depending on their race and ethnicity, accents and

common gestures could lead to misinterpretation. Some gestures may be normal for others

and considered offensive by them. Fortunately, contemporary work environments nowadays

have been more understanding and open-minded to various diversity we have. It shaped the

communication dynamics into a more considerable and unbiased communication style.

In conclusion, Cultural diversity in the work environment offers rich opportunities by

enabling cultural competency and open communication. It could reshape the challenges into

collaboration and eventually global success. Embracing cultural diversity in a workplace

environment and communication dynamics could be an advantage to society.

3. Reflect on your own experiences or observations of cultural communication
challenges in school. What strategies have you found effective in navigating these
challenges, and how can they be applied more broadly?

Cultural Communication Challenges in School

In these modern times, I observed that cultural communication challenges in my school were
not considered a challenge as most people have one common language to communicate with,
and our generation has been more open in engaging in communication with each other,
disregarding their native languages and other communication barriers.

With these challenges, talking more in English as their common language is what I found as
the most strategic way to navigate this challenge, and by that, they tend to communicate more
with understanding and a few misinterpretations. Having them learn a common language will
avoid these challenges and can eventually teach them to communicate more effectively and

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