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Redwoods Global School Redwoods Global School

Assessment Examination-I 2024-25 Assessment Examination-I 2024-25

Assessment -I (20 Marks) Assessment -I (20 Marks) Classes – I to VI

Classes – I to VI
Date /Day Classes NUR to 1st seating 2nd seating 3rd seating
Date /Day Classes NUR to 1st seating 2nd seating 3rd seating (7:30 to 8:10) (8:20 to 9:00) (9:45 to 10:25)
(7:30 to 8:10) (8:20 to 9:00) (9:45 to 10:25) UKG
16/05/2024 First language Computer Hindi General
16/05/202 First language Computer Hindi General Thursday Hindi science Knowledge
4 Hindi science Knowledge 17/05/2024 Second language Mathemat English Art & Craft
Thursday Friday English ics
17/05/202 Second language Mathemat English Art & Craft 18/05/2024 Math’s and A&C Science/S Robotics/ Reasoning/
4 English ics Saturday ST. N.B N.B
Friday Please pay all dues before the examination for smooth continuation
18/05/202 Math’s and A&C Science/ Robotics/ Reasoning/
services of your children.
4 SST. N.B N.B
Saturday ” ™ȡ \ ” “ ȯ–Í ɉ € ȧ
€Ǚ ȯ ȡj Ȳ€ Ȫ ǕȡǾ Ǿ” ȯ‡ ȡš ȣ š  “ ȯ€ȯ
Please pay all dues before the examination for smooth continuation ͧ› f ” š ȣ¢ ȡ ȯ” ¡ › ȯ —Ȣ –€ ȡ™ȡ š ȡͧž € ȡ —Ǖ
‚  ȡ“ € šɅ
services of your children.
कृ पया अपने बच्चों की सेवाओं को सुचारू रूप से जारी रखने के Parent’s ______________
________Teacher’s signature.
लिए परीक्षा से पहले सभी बकाया राशि का भुगतान करें।

Parent’s ______________
________Teacher’s signature. Redwoods Global School
Assessment Examination-I 2024-25
Assessment -I (20 Marks) Classes – I to VI
Date /Day Classes NUR to 1st seating 2nd seating 3rd seating
UKG (7:30 to 8:10) (8:20 to 9:00) (9:45 to 10:25)
16/05/2024 First language Computer Hindi General
Thursday Hindi science Knowledge
17/05/2024 Second language Mathemat English Art & Craft
Redwoods Global School Friday English ics
Assessment Examination-I 2024-25 18/05/2024 Math’s and A&C Science/S Robotics/ Reasoning/
Saturday ST. N.B N.B
Assessment -I (20 Marks) Classes – I to VI Please pay all dues before the examination for smooth continuation
Date /Day Classes NUR to 1st seating 2nd seating 3rd seating services of your children.
UKG (7:30 to 8:10) (8:20 to 9:00) (9:45 to 10:25)
16/05/2024 First language Computer Hindi General ” ™ȡ \ ” “ ȯ–Í ɉ € ȧ
€Ǚ ȯ ȡj Ȳ€ Ȫ ǕȡǾ Ǿ” ȯ‡ ȡš ȣ š  “ ȯ€ȯ
Thursday Hindi science Knowledge
17/05/2024 Second language Mathemat English Art & Craft ͧ› f ” š ȣ¢ ȡ ȯ” ¡ › ȯ —Ȣ –€ ȡ™ȡ š ȡͧž € ȡ —Ǖ
‚  ȡ“ € šɅ
Friday English ics
18/05/2024 Math’s and A&C Science/S Robotics/ Reasoning/ Parent’s ______________
Saturday ST. N.B N.B
________Teacher’s signature.
Please pay all dues before the examination for smooth continuation
services of your children.
” ™ȡ \ ” “ ȯ–Í ɉ € ȧ
€Ǚ ȯ ȡj Ȳ€ Ȫ ǕȡǾ Ǿ” ȯ‡ ȡš ȣ š  “ ȯ€ȯ
ͧ› f ” š ȣ¢ ȡ ȯ” ¡ › ȯ —Ȣ –€ ȡ™ȡ š ȡͧž € ȡ —Ǖ
‚  ȡ“ € šɅ

Parent’s ______________
________Teacher’s signature.
Redwoods Global School
Assessment Examination-I 2024-25
Assessment -I (20 Marks) Classes – I to VI
Date /Day Classes NUR to 1st seating 2nd seating 3rd seating
UKG (7:30 to 8:10) (8:20 to 9:00) (9:45 to 10:25)
16/05/2024 First language Computer Hindi General
Thursday Hindi science Knowledge
17/05/2024 Second language Mathemat English Art & Craft
Friday English ics
18/05/2024 Math’s and A&C Science/S Robotics/ Reasoning/
Saturday ST. N.B N.B
Please pay all dues before the examination for smooth continuation
services of your children.
” ™ȡ \ ” “ ȯ–Í ɉ € ȧ
€Ǚ ȯ ȡj Ȳ€ Ȫ ǕȡǾ Ǿ” ȯ‡ ȡš ȣ š  “ ȯ€ȯ
ͧ› f ” š ȣ¢ ȡ ȯ” ¡ › ȯ —Ȣ –€ ȡ™ȡ š ȡͧž € ȡ —Ǖ
‚  ȡ“ € šɅ

Parent’s ______________
________Teacher’s signature.
Redwoods Global School
Assessment Examination-I 2024-25
Assessment -I (20 Marks) Classes – I to VI
Date /Day Classes NUR to 1st seating 2nd seating 3rd seating
UKG (7:30 to 8:10) (8:20 to 9:00) (9:45 to 10:25)
16/05/2024 First language Computer Hindi General
Thursday Hindi science Knowledge
17/05/2024 Second language Mathemat English Art & Craft
Friday English ics
18/05/2024 Math’s and A&C Science/S Robotics/ Reasoning/
Saturday ST. N.B N.B
Please pay all dues before the examination for smooth continuation
services of your children.
” ™ȡ \ ” “ ȯ–Í ɉ € ȧ
€Ǚ ȯ ȡj Ȳ€ Ȫ ǕȡǾ Ǿ” ȯ‡ ȡš ȣ š  “ ȯ€ȯ
ͧ› f ” š ȣ¢ ȡ ȯ” ¡ › ȯ —Ȣ –€ ȡ™ȡ š ȡͧž € ȡ —Ǖ
‚  ȡ“ € šɅ

Parent’s ______________
________Teacher’s signature.

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