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Vishveshvaraya Technological University

Belgaum, Karnataka- 590014

A Seminar Report on

Seminar Report submitted as partial fulfillment of the award of Internal Assessment Marks in
the subject


3rd Semester, 2023-2024

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (IoT, CyS & BCT)

Submitted By


Under the Guidance of



Affiliated to VTU, Approved by AICTE, Accredited by NAAC,
Recognised by Govt. of Karnataka &UGC under section 2(f) & 12(B) of Act.,1956
#63, Off Magadi Road, Vishwaneedam Post, Anjananagar, Bengaluru- 560091

AIM : Write a c++ program to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) Person using height and weight of the
Person and print an appropriate message.

Software Used: To run C++ program we use Visual Studio Software to run Modern C++ program It is not run
in Turbo C++ Application.

Theory: Body Mass Index (BMI) is a widely used measure for assessing an individual's body weight relative to
their height. It is a simple calculation based on the relationship between weight and height, and it provides an
indication of whether a person has a healthy body weight in relation to their height.

Here are some key points about BMI:

Calculation: BMI is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters.
The formula is BMI = weight / (height^2).

Interpretation: The resulting BMI value is then interpreted to categorize a person's weight status. Commonly
used categories include:

Underweight: BMI less than 18.5

Normal weight: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9

Overweight: BMI between 25 and 29.9 Obese:

BMI 30 or greater

Limitations: While BMI is a convenient tool for assessing body weight, it has some limitations. For example:

It does not directly measure body fat percentage or distribution.

It does not account for differences in muscle mass, bone density, age, sex, or ethnicity.

It may not accurately reflect the health status of certain individuals, such as athletes or elderly individuals.
Health Risks: BMI categories are associated with different health risks. For instance, being underweight or
obese can increase the risk of certain health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and
osteoporosis. Maintaining a BMI within the normal range is generally considered healthier.

Use in Healthcare: BMI is commonly used by healthcare professionals as a screening tool to identify individuals
who may be at risk of weight-related health problems. However, it is typically used in conjunction with other
assessments, such as waist circumference, body fat percentage, and medical history.

Public Health: BMI is also used at the population level to assess trends in weight status and obesity prevalence.
It helps public health authorities monitor and develop strategies to address obesity-related issues, such as
promoting healthy eating habits and physical activity.


#include <iostream>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

double calculateBMI(double weight, double height)

{ return weight / pow(height, 2);

void interpretBMI(double bmi) { cout << "Your

BMI is: " << bmi << endl; if (bmi < 18.5)

cout << "You are underweight." << endl; else if

(bmi >= 18.5 && bmi < 25) cout << "You have

a normal weight." << endl; else if (bmi >= 25

&& bmi < 30) cout << "You are overweight."

<< endl;


cout << "You are obese." << endl;

int main() { double

weight, height;

cout << "Enter your weight (in kilograms): \n";

cin >> weight;

cout << "Enter your height (in meters): \n";

cin >> height;

double bmi = calculateBMI(weight, height);


return 0;


Enter your weight (in kilograms):

52Enter your height (in meters):

1.65 Your BMI is:


You have a normal weight.

The implementation of a Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator using Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
principles provides a structured and efficient way to model and manipulate BMI-related data. By encapsulating
the functionality within classes and objects, the BMI calculator becomes modular, reusable, and easier to

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