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EP12-A Replaces EP12-P

Vol. 22 No. 14 Vol. 20 No. 15

User Protocol for Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance; Approved

This document provides a protocol designed to optimize the experimental design for the evaluation of
qualitative tests; to better measure performance; and to provide a structured data analysis.
A guideline for global application developed through the NCCLS consensus process.
Serving the World’s Medical Science Community Through Voluntary Consensus
NCCLS is an international, interdisciplinary, nonprofit, the need for field evaluation or data collection, documents
standards-developing, and educational organization that may also be made available for review at an intermediate
promotes the development and use of voluntary (i.e., “tentative”) consensus level.
consensus standards and guidelines within the healthcare
Proposed An NCCLS consensus document undergoes the
community. It is recognized worldwide for the
first stage of review by the healthcare community as a
application of its unique consensus process in the
proposed standard or guideline. The document should
development of standards and guidelines for patient
receive a wide and thorough technical review, including an
testing and related healthcare issues. NCCLS is based on
overall review of its scope, approach, and utility, and a line-
the principle that consensus is an effective and cost-
by-line review of its technical and editorial content.
effective way to improve patient testing and healthcare
services. Tentative A tentative standard or guideline is made
available for review and comment only when a
In addition to developing and promoting the use of
recommended method has a well-defined need for a field
voluntary consensus standards and guidelines, NCCLS
evaluation or when a recommended protocol requires that
provides an open and unbiased forum to address critical
specific data be collected. It should be reviewed to ensure its
issues affecting the quality of patient testing and health
Approved An approved standard or guideline has achieved
consensus within the healthcare community. It should be
An NCCLS document is published as a standard, reviewed to assess the utility of the final document, to
guideline, or committee report. ensure attainment of consensus (i.e., that comments on
earlier versions have been satisfactorily addressed), and to
Standard A document developed through the consensus
identify the need for additional consensus documents.
process that clearly identifies specific, essential
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consensus procedures. Provisions in NCCLS standards and
Guideline A document developed through the
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regulations. Consequently, conformance to this voluntary
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responsibility for compliance with applicable regulations.
the user to fit specific needs.
Report A document that has not been subjected to
consensus review and is released by the Board of The comments of users are essential to the consensus
Directors. process. Anyone may submit a comment, and all comments
are addressed, according to the consensus process, by the
NCCLS committee that wrote the document. All comments,
The NCCLS voluntary consensus process is a protocol including those that result in a change to the document when
establishing formal criteria for: published at the next consensus level and those that do not
result in a change, are responded to by the committee in an
• the authorization of a project appendix to the document. Readers are strongly encouraged
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• the revision of documents in response to comments Offices, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne, PA
by users 19087, USA.
• the acceptance of a document as a consensus VOLUNTEER PARTICIPATION
standard or guideline.
Healthcare professionals in all specialties are urged to
Most NCCLS documents are subject to two levels of volunteer for participation in NCCLS projects. Please
consensus—“proposed” and “approved.” Depending on contact the NCCLS Executive Offices for additional
information on committee participation.
Volume 22 EP12-A

User Protocol for Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance; Approved

NCCLS document EP12-A—User Protocol for Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance; Approved
Guideline provides the user with a consistent approach for protocol design and data analysis when
evaluating qualitative diagnostic tests. Guidance is provided for both reproducibility and method-
comparison studies.

NCCLS. User Protocol for Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance; Approved Guideline. NCCLS
document EP12-A (ISBN 1-56238-468-6). NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne,
Pennsylvania 19087-1898 USA, 2002.

THE NCCLS consensus process, which is the mechanism for moving a document through two or more
levels of review by the healthcare community, is an ongoing process. Users should expect revised
editions of any given document. Because rapid changes in technology may affect the procedures,
methods, and protocols in a standard or guideline, users should replace outdated editions with the
current editions of NCCLS documents. Current editions are listed in the NCCLS Catalog, which is
distributed to member organizations, and to nonmembers on request. If your organization is not a
member and would like to become one, and to request a copy of the NCCLS Catalog, contact the
NCCLS Executive Offices. Telephone: 610.688.0100; Fax: 610.688.0700; E-Mail: [email protected];

Number 14 NCCLS

ISBN 1-56238-468-6
ISSN 0273-3099
User Protocol for Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance; Approved

Volume 22 Number 14
Larry W. Clark, M.S., Chairholder
Patricia E. Garrett, Ph.D.
Robert Martin, Dr. P.H.
Kristen L. Meier, Ph.D.
Number 14 NCCLS

This publication is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
transmitted, or made available in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission from NCCLS, except as stated below.

NCCLS hereby grants permission to reproduce limited portions of this publication for use in laboratory
procedure manuals at a single site, for interlibrary loan, or for use in educational programs provided that
multiple copies of such reproduction shall include the following notice, be distributed without charge,
and, in no event, contain more than 20% of the document’s text.

Reproduced with permission, from NCCLS publication EP12-A—User Protocol for

Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance; Approved Guideline (ISBN 1-56238-468-6).
Copies of the current edition may be obtained from NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road,
Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898, USA.

Permission to reproduce or otherwise use the text of this document to an extent that exceeds the
exemptions granted here or under the Copyright Law must be obtained from NCCLS by written request.
To request such permission, address inquiries to the Executive Director, NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road,
Suite 1400, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-1898, USA.

Copyright ©2002. The National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.

Suggested Citation

(NCCLS. User Protocol for Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance; Approved Guideline. NCCLS
document EP12-A [ISBN 1-56238-468-6]. NCCLS, 940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400, Wayne,
Pennsylvania 19087-1898 USA, 2002.)

Proposed Guideline
July 2000

Approved Guideline
August 2002

ISBN 1-56238-468-6
ISSN 0273-3099

Volume 22 EP12-A

Committee Membership

Area Committee on Evaluation Protocols

Jan S. Krouwer, Ph.D. Krouwer Consulting

Chairholder Sherborn, Massachusetts

Daniel W. Tholen, M.S. Dan Tholen Statistical Services

Vice-Chairholder Traverse City, Michigan

Subcommittee on Qualitative and Semiquantitative Testing

Larry W. Clark, M.S. Bayer Corporation

Chairholder Elkhart, Indiana

Patricia E. Garrett, Ph.D. Boston Biomedica, Inc.

West Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Henry T. Lee, Jr. Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Robert Martin, Dr. P.H. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia


Richard H. Albert, Ph.D. Food and Drug Administration

Washington, D.C.

Michael Lynch Bayer Corporation

Walpole, Massachusetts

Kristen Meier, Ph.D. FDA Center for Devices/Rad. Health

Rockville, Maryland

Jennifer K. McGeary, M.T.(ASCP), M.S.H.A. NCCLS

Staff Liaison Wayne, Pennsylvania

Patrice E. Polgar NCCLS

Editor Wayne, Pennsylvania

Donna M. Wilhelm NCCLS

Assistant Editor Wayne, Pennsylvania

Number 14 NCCLS

Volume 22 EP12-A

Active Membership
(as of 1 July 2002)

Sustaining Members College of Medical Laboratory Department of Veterans Affairs

Technologists of Ontario Deutsches Institut für Normung
Abbott Laboratories College of Physicians and (DIN)
American Association for Surgeons of Saskatchewan FDA Center for Devices and
Clinical Chemistry ESCMID Radiological Health
Beckman Coulter, Inc. Fundación Bioquímica Argentina FDA Center for Veterinary
BD and Company International Association of Medical Medicine
bioMérieux, Inc. Laboratory Technologists FDA Division of Anti-Infective
CLMA International Council for Drug Products
College of American Pathologists Standardization in Haematology Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory
GlaxoSmithKline International Federation of Massachusetts Department of
Nippon Becton Dickinson Co., Ltd. Clinical Chemistry Public Health Laboratories
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Italian Society of Clinical National Center of Infectious
Pfizer Inc Biochemistry and Clinical and Parasitic Diseases (Bulgaria)
Roche Diagnostics, Inc. Molecular Biology National Health Laboratory Service
Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry (South Africa)
Professional Members Japanese Committee for Clinical National Institute of Standards
Laboratory Standards and Technology
AISAR-Associazione Italiana per lo Joint Commission on Accreditation New York State Department of
Studio degli of Healthcare Organizations Health
American Academy of Family National Academy of Clinical Ohio Department of Health
Physicians Biochemistry Ontario Ministry of Health
American Association for National Association of Testing Pennsylvania Dept. of Health
Clinical Chemistry Authorities – Australia Saskatchewan Health-Provincial
American Association for National Society for Laboratory
Respiratory Care Histotechnology, Inc. Scientific Institute of Public Health;
American Chemical Society Ontario Medical Association Belgium Ministry of Social
American Medical Technologists Quality Management Program- Affairs, Public Health and the
American Public Health Association Laboratory Service Environment
American Society for Clinical RCPA Quality Assurance Programs Swedish Institute for Infectious
Laboratory Science PTY Limited Disease Control
American Society of Hematology Sociedade Brasileira de Analises Thailand Department of Medical
American Society for Microbiology Clinicas Sciences
American Type Culture Sociedade Brasileira de
Collection, Inc. Patologia Clinica Industry Members
Asociación Española Primera de Sociedad Espanola de Bioquimica
Socorros (Uruguay) Clinica y Patologia Molecular AB Biodisk
Asociacion Mexicana de Turkish Society of Microbiology Abbott Laboratories
Bioquimica Clinica A.C. Abbott Laboratories, MediSense
Assn. of Public Health Laboratories Government Members Products
Assoc. Micro. Clinici Italiani- Acrometrix Corporation
A.M.C.L.I. Association of Public Health Ammirati Regulatory Consulting
British Society for Antimicrobial Laboratories Anaerobe Systems
Chemotherapy Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Asséssor
CADIME-Camara De Instituciones BC Centre for Disease Control AstraZeneca
De Diagnostico Medico Centers for Disease Control and AstraZeneca R & D
Canadian Society for Medical Prevention Boston
Laboratory Science—Société Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Aventis
Canadienne de Science de Services/CLIA Program Axis-Shield POC AS
Laboratoire Médical Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Bayer Corporation – Elkhart, IN
Clinical Laboratory Management Services Bayer Corporation – Tarrytown, NY
Association Chinese Committee for Clinical Bayer Corporation – West Haven,
COLA Laboratory Standards CT
College of American Pathologists Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Bayer Medical Ltd.
Bureau of Laboratories BD

Number 14 NCCLS

BD Biosciences – San Jose, CA General Hospital Vienna (Austria) Roche Laboratories (Div.
BD Consumer Products Gen-Probe Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.)
BD Diagnostic Systems GlaxoSmithKline Sarstedt, Inc.
BD Italia S.P.A. Greiner Bio-One Inc. SARL Laboratoire Carron (France)
BD VACUTAINER Systems Helena Laboratories Schering Corporation
Beckman Coulter, Inc. Home Diagnostics, Inc. Schleicher & Schuell, Inc.
Beckman Coulter, Inc. Primary Care Immunicon Corporation Second Opinion
Diagnostics Instrumentation Laboratory Showa Yakuhin Kako Company,
Beckman Coulter K.K. (Japan) International Technidyne Ltd.
Bio-Development SRL Corporation Streck Laboratories, Inc.
Bio-Inova Life Sciences IntraBiotics Pharmaceuticals, Inc. SurroMed, Inc.
International I-STAT Corporation Synermed Diagnostic Corp.
Bio-Inova Life Sciences North Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Sysmex Corporation (Japan)
America Research and Development, L.L.C. Sysmex Corporation
BioMedia Laboratories Sdn Bhd Kendall Sherwood-Davis & Geck (Long Grove, IL)
BioMérieux (NC) LAB-Interlink, Inc. The Clinical Microbiology Institute
bioMérieux, Inc. (MO) Laboratory Specialists, Inc. The Toledo Hospital (OH)
Biometrology Consultants Labtest Diagnostica S.A. Theravance Inc.
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. LifeScan, Inc. (a Johnson & Transasia Engineers
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - France Johnson Company) Trek Diagnostic Systems, Inc.
Biotest AG Lilly Research Laboratories Versicor, Inc.
Blaine Healthcare Associates, Inc. Macemon Consultants Vetoquinol S.A.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Medical Device Consultants, Inc. Visible Genetics, Inc.
Canadian External Quality Merck & Company, Inc. Vysis, Inc.
Assessment Laboratory Minigrip/Zip-Pak Wallac Oy
Capital Management Consulting, Molecular Diagnostics, Inc. Wyeth-Ayerst
Inc. mvi Sciences (MA) Xyletech Systems, Inc.
Carl Schaper Nabi YD Consultant
Checkpoint Development Inc. Nichols Institute Diagnostics YD Diagnostics (Seoul, Korea)
Chiron Corporation (Div. of Quest Diagnostics, Inc.)
ChromaVision Medical Systems, NimbleGen Systems, Inc. Trade Associations
Inc. Nissui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Chronolab Ag Nippon Becton Dickinson Co., Ltd. AdvaMed
Clinical Design Group Inc. Norfolk Associates, Inc. Association of Medical
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Novartis Pharmaceuticals Diagnostic Manufacturers
Consultants Corporation Japan Association Clinical
Cognigen Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Reagents Ind. (Tokyo, Japan)
Community Medical Center (NJ) (Raritan, NJ) Medical Industry Association
Control Lab (Brazil) Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. of Australia
Copan Diagnostics Inc. (Rochester, NY)
Cosmetic Ingredient Review Oxoid Inc. Associate Active Members
Cubist Pharmaceuticals Paratek Pharmaceuticals
Dade Behring Inc. - Deerfield, IL Pfizer Inc 20th Medical Group (SC)
Dade Behring Inc. - Glasgow, DE Pharmacia Corporation 31st Medical Group/SGSL (APO,
Dade Behring Inc. - Marburg, Philips Medical Systems AE)
Germany Powers Consulting Services 67th CSH Wuerzburg, GE (NY)
Dade Behring Inc. - Sacramento, CA Premier Inc. 121st General Hospital (CA)
Dade Behring Inc. - San Jose, CA Procter & Gamble Academisch Ziekenhuis-VUB
Diagnostics Consultancy Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Belgium)
Diagnostic Products Corporation The Product Development Group Acadiana Medical Laboratories,
Eiken Chemical Company, Ltd. QSE Consulting LTD (LA)
Elan Pharmaceuticals Quintiles, Inc. Adena Regional Medical Center
Electa Lab s.r.l. Radiometer America, Inc. (OH)
Enterprise Analysis Corporation Radiometer Medical A/S Advocate Healthcare Lutheran
Essential Therapeutics, Inc. David G. Rhoads Associates, Inc. General (IL)
EXPERTech Associates, Inc. Roche Diagnostics GmbH Akershus Central Hospital and AFA
F. Hoffman-La Roche AG Roche Diagnostics, Inc. (Norway)
Fort Dodge Animal Health Albemarle Hospital (NC)

Volume 22 EP12-A

Allegheny General Hospital (PA) Clarian Health–Methodist Hospital Gambro Healthcare Laboratory
Allegheny University of the (IN) Services (FL)
Health Sciences (PA) Clendo Lab (Puerto Rico) Gateway Medical Center (TN)
Allina Health System (MN) Clinical Laboratory Partners, LLC Geisinger Medical Center (PA)
Alton Ochsner Medical (CT) Grady Memorial Hospital (GA)
Foundation (LA) CLSI Laboratories (PA) Guthrie Clinic Laboratories (PA)
American Medical Laboratories Columbia Regional Hospital (MO) Hahnemann University Hospital
(VA) Commonwealth of Kentucky (PA)
Antwerp University Hospital Community Hospital of Lancaster Harris Methodist Erath County
(Belgium) (PA) (TX)
Arkansas Department of Health CompuNet Clinical Laboratories Harris Methodist Fort Worth (TX)
ARUP at University Hospital (UT) (OH) Hartford Hospital (CT)
Armed Forces Research Institute of Cook County Hospital (IL) Headwaters Health Authority
Medical Science (APO, AP) Cook Children’s Medical Center (Alberta, Canada)
Associated Regional & (TX) Health Network Lab (PA)
University Pathologists (UT) Covance Central Laboratory Health Partners Laboratories (VA)
Aurora Consolidated Services (IN) Heartland Regional Medical Center
Laboratories (WI) Danish Veterinary Laboratory (MO)
Azienda Ospedale Di Lecco (Italy) (Denmark) Highlands Regional Medical Center
Bay Medical Center (MI) Danville Regional Medical Center (FL)
Baystate Medical Center (MA) (VA) Hoag Memorial Hospital
Bbaguas Duzen Laboratories Delaware Public Health Laboratory Presbyterian (CA)
(Turkey) John F. Kennedy Medical Center Holmes Regional Medical Center
Bermuda Hospitals Board (NJ) (FL)
Bo Ali Hospital (Iran) John Peter Smith Hospital (TX) Holzer Medical Center (OH)
British Columbia Cancer Agency DesPeres Hospital (MO) Hopital du Sacre-Coeur de
(Vancouver, BC, Canada) DeTar Hospital (TX) Montreal (Montreal, Quebec,
Brooks Air Force Base (TX) Detroit Health Department (MI) Canada)
Broward General Medical Center Diagnosticos da América S/A Hôpital Maisonneuve – Rosemont
(FL) (Brazil) (Montreal, Canada)
Calgary Laboratory Services Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital Hospital for Sick Children
Carilion Consolidated Laboratory (New Brunswick, Canada) (Toronto, ON, Canada)
(VA) Doctors Hospital (Bahamas) Hospital Sousa Martins (Portugal)
Cathay General Hospital (Taiwan) Duke University Medical Center Hotel Dieu Hospital (Windsor, ON,
CB Healthcare Complex (NC) Canada)
(Sydney, NS, Canada) E.A. Conway Medical Center (LA) Houston Medical Center (GA)
Central Peninsula General Hospital Eastern Maine Medical Center Huddinge University Hospital
(AK) East Side Clinical Laboratory (RI) (Sweden)
Central Texas Veterans Health Care Eastern Health (Vic., Australia) Hurley Medical Center (MI)
System Elyria Memorial Hospital (OH) Indiana State Board of Health
Centre Hospitalier Regional del la Emory University Hospital (GA) Indiana University
Citadelle (Belgium) Esoterix Center for Infectious Institute of Medical and Veterinary
Centro Diagnostico Italiano Disease (TX) Science (Australia)
(Milano, Italy) Fairview-University Medical International Health Management
Champlain Valley Physicians Center (MN) Associates, Inc. (IL)
Hospital (NY) Federal Medical Center (MN) Jackson Memorial Hospital (FL)
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Florida Hospital East Orlando Jersey Shore Medical Center (NJ)
(Taiwan) Foothills Hospital (Calgary, AB, John C. Lincoln Hospital (AZ)
Changi General Hospital Canada) John F. Kennedy Medical Center
(Singapore) Fort St. John General Hospital (NJ)
Children’s Hospital (NE) (Fort St. John, BC, Canada) John Peter Smith Hospital (TX)
Children’s Hospital & Clinics (MN) Fox Chase Cancer Center (PA) Kadlec Medical Center (WA)
Children’s Hospital Medical Center Fresenius Medical Care/Spectra Kaiser Permanente Medical Care
(Akron, OH) East (NJ) (CA)
Children’s Hospital of Fresno Community Hospital and Kaiser Permanente (MD)
Philadelphia (PA) Medical Center Kantonsspital (Switzerland)
Children’s Medical Center of Dallas Frye Regional Medical Center (NC) Keller Army Community Hospital
(TX) (NY)

Number 14 NCCLS

Kenora-Rainy River Regional Methodist Hospital (TX) Quintiles Laboratories, Ltd. (GA)
Laboratory Program (Ontario, Methodist Hospitals of Memphis Regions Hospital
Canada) (TN) Reid Hospital & Health Care
Kern Medical Center (CA) MetroHealth Medical Center (OH) Services (IN)
Kimball Medical Center (NJ) Michigan Department of Research Medical Center (MO)
King Faisal Specialist Hospital Community Health Rex Healthcare (NC)
(Saudi Arabia) Mississippi Baptist Medical Center Rhode Island Department of Health
King Khalid National Guard Monte Tabor – Centro Italo - Laboratories
Hospital Brazileiro de Promocao (Brazil) Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital
(Saudi Arabia) Montreal Children’s Hospital (Saudi Arabia)
King’s Daughter Medical Center (Canada) Royal Columbian Hospital (New
(KY) Montreal General Hospital Westminster, BC, Canada)
Klinični Center (Slovenia) (Canada) Sacred Heart Hospital (MD)
Laboratories at Bonfils (CO) MRL Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. Saint Mary’s Regional Medical
Laboratoire de Santé Publique du (VA) Center (NV)
Quebec (Canada) MRL Reference Laboratory (CA) St. Alexius Medical Center (ND)
Laboratório Fleury S/C Ltda. Nassau County Medical Center St. Anthony Hospital (CO)
(Brazil) (NY) St. Anthony’s Hospital (FL)
Laboratory Corporation of America National Institutes of Health (MD) St. Barnabas Medical Center (NJ)
(NJ) Naval Hospital – Corpus Christi St-Eustache Hospital (Quebec,
Laboratory Corporation of (TX) Canada)
America (MO) Naval Surface Warfare Center (IN) St. Francis Medical Ctr. (CA)
LAC and USC Healthcare Nebraska Health System St. John Hospital and Medical
Network (CA) New Britain General Hospital (CT) Center (MI)
Lakeland Regional Medical Center New England Fertility Institute St. John Regional Hospital (St.
(FL) (CT) John, NB, Canada)
Lancaster General Hospital (PA) North Carolina State Laboratory of St. Joseph Hospital (NE)
Langley Air Force Base (VA) Public Health St. Joseph’s Hospital – Marshfield
LeBonheur Children’s North Kansas City Hospital (MO) Clinic (WI)
Medical Center (TN) North Shore – Long Island Jewish St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (MI)
L'Hotel-Dieu de Quebec (Canada) Health System Laboratories (NY) St. Jude Children's Research
Libero Instituto Univ. Campus Northwestern Memorial Hospital Hospital (TN)
BioMedico (Italy) (IL) St. Luke’s Regional Medical
Louisiana State University O.L. Vrouwziekenhuis (Belgium) Center (IA)
Medical Center Ordre professionnel des St. Mary of the Plains Hospital
Maccabi Medical Care and Health technologists médicaux du (TX)
Fund (Israel) Québec St. Mary’s Hospital & Medical
Magee Womens Hospital (PA) Ospedali Riuniti (Italy) Center (CO)
Malcolm Grow USAF Medical The Ottawa Hospital St. Paul’s Hospital (Vancouver, BC,
Center (MD) (Ottawa, ON, Canada) Montreal)
Manitoba Health (Winnipeg, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (NJ) St. Vincent Medical Center (CA)
Canada) Our Lady of the Resurrection Ste. Justine Hospital (Montreal, PQ,
Martin Luther King/Drew Medical Medical Center (IL) Canada)
Center (CA) Pathology and Cytology Salina Regional Health Center (KS)
Massachusetts General Hospital Laboratories, Inc. (KY) San Francisco General Hospital
(Microbiology Laboratory) The Permanente Medical Group (CA)
MDS Metro Laboratory Services (CA) Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
(Burnaby, BC, Canada) Piedmont Hospital (GA) (CA)
Medical College of Virginia Pikeville Methodist Hospital (KY) Seoul Nat’l University Hospital
Hospital Pocono Hospital (PA) (Korea)
Medicare/Medicaid Certification, Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas Shanghai Center for the
State of North Carolina (TX) Clinical Laboratory (China)
Memorial Medical Center (IL) Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Prince South Bend Medical Foundation
Memorial Medical Center (LA) Edward Island, Canada) (IN)
Jefferson Davis Hwy Queensland Health Pathology Southwest Texas Methodist Hospital
Memorial Medical Center (LA) Services (Australia) (TX)
Napoleon Avenue Quest Diagnostics Incorporated South Western Area Pathology
(CA) Service (Australia)

Volume 22 EP12-A

Southern Maine Medical Center University Hospital (Gent) VA (San Diego) Medical Center
Specialty Laboratories, Inc. (CA) (Belgium) (CA)
Stanford Hospital and Clinics (CA) University Hospitals of Cleveland VA (Tuskegee) Medical Center
State of Washington Department of (OH) (AL)
Health The University Hospitals (OK) VA Outpatient Clinic (OH)
Stony Brook University Hospital University of Alabama-Birmingham Vejle Hospital (Denmark)
(NY) Hospital Washington Adventist Hospital
Stormont-Vail Regional Medical University of Alberta Hospitals (MD)
Center (KS) (Canada) Washoe Medical Center
Sun Health-Boswell Hospital (AZ) University of Colorado Health Laboratory (NV)
Sunrise Hospital and Medical Science Center West Jefferson Medical Center
Center (NV) University of Chicago Hospitals (LA)
Swedish Medical Center – (IL) West Shore Medical Center (MI)
Providence Campus (WA) University of Illinois Medical Center Wilford Hall Medical Center (TX)
Tampa General Hospital (FL) University of the Ryukyus (Japan) William Beaumont Army Medical
Temple University Hospital (PA) University of Texas M.D. Anderson Center (TX)
Tenet Odessa Regional Hospital Cancer Center William Beaumont Hospital (MI)
(TX) University of Virginia Medical Williamsburg Community Hospital
The Toledo Hospital (OH) Center (VA)
Touro Infirmary (LA) University of Washington Winn Army Community Hospital
Trident Regional Medical Center UZ-KUL Medical Center (Belgium) (GA)
(SC) VA (Denver) Medical Center (CO) Winnipeg Regional Health
Tripler Army Medical Center (HI) Virginia Department of Health Authority (Winnipeg, Canada)
Truman Medical Center (MO) VA (Kansas City) Medical Center Wishard Memorial Hospital (IN)
UCSF Medical Center (CA) (MO) Yonsei University College of
UNC Hospitals (NC) VA (Western NY) Healthcare Medicine (Korea)
University College Hospital System York Hospital (PA)
(Galway, Ireland)


Donna M. Meyer, Ph.D., Susan Blonshine, RRT, RPFT, Tadashi Kawai, M.D., Ph.D.
President FAARC International Clinical Pathology
CHRISTUS Health TechEd Center
Thomas L. Hearn, Ph.D., Wayne Brinster J. Stephen Kroger, M.D., FACP
President Elect BD COLA
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention Kurt H. Davis, FCSMLS, CAE Willie E. May, Ph.D
Emil Voelkert, Ph.D., Canadian Society for Medical National Institute of Standards and
Secretary Laboratory Science Technology
Roche Diagnostics GmbH
Lillian J. Gill, M.S. Gary L. Myers, Ph.D.
Gerald A. Hoeltge, M.D., FDA Center for Devices and Centers for Disease Control and
Treasurer Radiological Health Prevention
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Robert L. Habig, Ph.D. Barbara G. Painter, Ph.D.
F. Alan Andersen, Ph.D., Habig Consulting Group Bayer Corporation (Retired)
Immediate Past President
Cosmetic Ingredient Review Carolyn D. Jones, J.D., M.P.H. Judith A. Yost, M.A., M.T.(ASCP)
AdvaMed Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
John V. Bergen, Ph.D., Services
Executive Director

Number 14 NCCLS

Volume 22 EP12-A


Abstract ....................................................................................................................................................i

Committee Membership..........................................................................................................................v

Active Membership.............................................................................................................................. vii

Foreword ...............................................................................................................................................xv

The Quality System Approach.............................................................................................................xvi

1 Introduction................................................................................................................................1

2 Scope..........................................................................................................................................1

3 Clinical Utility ...........................................................................................................................1

3.1 Screening Tests..............................................................................................................1
3.2 Diagnostic Tests ............................................................................................................2
3.3 Confirmatory Tests ........................................................................................................2
4 Definitions .................................................................................................................................2

5 Device Familiarization and Training .........................................................................................4

5.1 Purpose ..........................................................................................................................4
5.2 Duration.........................................................................................................................4
6 Evaluation Materials ..................................................................................................................4
6.1 Controls .........................................................................................................................4
6.2 Specimen Collection and Handling ...............................................................................4
7 Reproducibility Studies..............................................................................................................4
7.1 Negative and Positive Controls .....................................................................................4
7.2 Analyte Concentrations Near the Cutoff .......................................................................5
7.3 A Qualitative Method-Reproducibility Experiment for Analyte Concentrations
Near the Cutoff ..............................................................................................................5
8 Comparison of Methods.............................................................................................................6
8.1 Test Specimens ..............................................................................................................7
8.2 Number of Specimens ...................................................................................................7
8.3 Duration.........................................................................................................................7
8.4 Inspection of Data During Collection............................................................................7
8.5 Discrepant Results .........................................................................................................8
8.6 Reference Specimen Panels...........................................................................................8
8.7 Clinical Diagnosis .........................................................................................................8
9 Data Analysis .............................................................................................................................9
9.1 Diagnosis is Known.......................................................................................................9
9.2 Diagnosis is Not Known..............................................................................................14
9.3 Examples .....................................................................................................................16

Number 14 NCCLS

Contents (Continued)
Additional References...........................................................................................................................23
Summary of Comments and Subcommittee Responses........................................................................24

Summary of Delegate Comments and Subcommittee Responses.........................................................29

Related NCCLS Publications................................................................................................................30

Volume 22 EP12-A

Qualitative diagnostic tests have been used since the early days of laboratory medicine for the screening,
diagnosis, and management of a variety of diseases. These tests are found in many specialties of the
clinical laboratory. Method evaluation procedures for such tests are diverse, with each laboratory
specialty often emphasizing different issues in both the experimental design and in the data analysis and
interpretation of such studies.

There have been two key published efforts to standardize both the experimental details as well as the data
analysis of qualitative information.1,2 The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry published a
guideline in 1989 on protocol design and data analysis, featuring examples for urinary glucose and
albumin by visually read reagent strips. 1 The European Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards
published a guideline in 1990 that focused on the evaluation of qualitative tests.2 A very prominent work
on the assessment of both quantitative and qualitative laboratory tests was written by Gambino and Galen
in 1975, Beyond Normality: The Predictive Value and Efficiency of Medical Diagnosis. NCCLS
document GP10— Assessment of the Clinical Accuracy of Laboratory Tests Using Receiver Operating
Characteristic (ROC) Plots describes the assessment of the accuracy of a test compared to the clinical
status of the patient.

The latter two references both focus on the relation of the test result to the clinical status of the patient,
for either qualitative or quantitative tests. In many laboratories, the clinical information is not readily
available, so it is important that protocols for evaluations be established that enable comparison of a new
test to other laboratory procedures, in much the same way that most method evaluation studies are
performed for quantitative tests. Ideally, the comparison should be made to a “reference” procedure or
“gold standard.” However, comparison with a method in current use is also of interest. This guideline
describes two different situations for these studies: the first is when the laboratory knows the diagnosis
of each patient specimen in the study, and the second is when the laboratory does not know the clinical
diagnosis of each patient specimen. These are treated separately, to enable appropriate data analysis.
Parameters such as specificity, sensitivity, and predictive value for the test method are estimated in the
former situation, and agreement measures are estimated in the latter situation.

This guideline is intended to promote uniformity in performance assessment of qualitative testing among

• laboratories of all types that perform qualitative tests;

• manufacturers of qualitative diagnostic kits, for design of the studies they use to demonstrate kit
performance, as well as the way kit performance is described; and

• regulatory agencies and laboratory surveyors.

Key Words

Analytical goals, qualitative test, semiquantitative test

Number 14 NCCLS

The Quality System Approach

NCCLS subscribes to a quality system approach in the development of standards and guidelines, which
facilitates project management; defines a document structure via a template; and provides a process to
identify needed documents through a gap analysis. The approach is based on the model presented in the
most current edition of NCCLS HS1- A Quality System Model for Health Care. The quality system
approach applies a core set of “quality system essentials (QSEs),” basic to any organization, to all
operations in any healthcare service’s path of workflow. The QSEs provide the framework for delivery of
any type of product or service, serving as a manager’s guide. The quality system essentials (QSEs) are:
Documents & Records Information Management
Organization Occurrence Management
Personnel Assessment
Equipment Process Improvement
Purchasing & Inventory Service & Satisfaction
Process Control Facilities & Safety

EP12-A Addresses the Following Quality System Essentials (QSEs)

Purchasing &





Facilities &

& Records

Service &





Adapted from NCCLS document HS1— A Quality System Model for Health Care

Volume 22 EP12-A

User Protocol for Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance;

Approved Guideline
1 Introduction
Qualitative diagnostic tests, which are found in many specialties of the clinical laboratory, have been used
for the screening, diagnosis, and management of a variety of diseases. Method evaluation procedures for
such tests are diverse, with each laboratory specialty often emphasizing different issues in the
experimental design as well as the data analysis and interpretation of such studies.

A new qualitative test can be implemented in the clinical laboratory for a number of reasons. The new
test might be easier to use, more economical, have enhanced performance, or otherwise better meet the
user’s needs. Before patient test results are reported with a new qualitative test, users must document the
test performance in their clinical laboratories. Documentation of test performance is not limited to
comparison with another method. Laboratory staff training and proficiency with the new qualitative test,
preparation of proper specimen collection and handling, and documentation of a quality control system
are necessary before implementation of any new test.

Although universal evaluation guidelines for all qualitative tests are not feasible or practical, several
common features do exist. Before collecting performance evaluation data, proper familiarization,
training, and a quality assurance plan should be completed. Any qualitative test must provide the user
with consistent and correct results, and reproducibility studies and comparison of methods studies with
patient specimens are used to demonstrate the test’s performance capabilities.

This guideline is intended to promote uniformity in performance assessment of qualitative testing among
laboratories of all types that perform qualitative tests; manufacturers of qualitative diagnostic kits, for
design of the studies they use to demonstrate kit performance, as well as the way kit performance is
described; and regulatory agencies and laboratory surveyors.

2 Scope
This guideline provides evaluation protocols for the demonstration of qualitative test performance. Here,
a qualitative test is restricted to those tests that have only two possible outcomes. Future revisions may be
expanded to include qualitative tests that have more than two outcomes. EP12 is written for clinical
laboratory personnel who are the end users of such tests. Demonstration of test performance by the user
can satisfy internal (as well as external) expectations that the test performs acceptably in meeting the
user’s clinical and analytical goals. This guideline for test performance may help the user meet
documentation and regulatory needs, but it is not intended to meet all of the user’s goals and
requirements, because regulatory and documentation needs vary.

3 Clinical Utility
Qualitative tests may be used clinically for screening, diagnostic, confirmatory, or monitoring purposes.
The test’s sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and efficiency, and the prevalence of the disease or
condition in the population being tested, determine the clinical utility of the qualitative test just as for a
quantitative test.

3.1 Screening Tests

Clinically, screening methods are used to test entire populations (or subsets of such populations) for the
presence of the analyte or agent. Examples may be the detection of blood in feces or the use of the
Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) syphilis serology test. As a rule, these qualitative tests

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 1

Number 14 NCCLS

used for screening purposes should have a high sensitivity to ensure that true-positive results are
detected. Generally, screening tests produce more false-positive results than diagnostic or confirmatory
tests. This lower specificity can be tolerated if a good confirmatory test exists and if the social/economic
consequences of the false-positive results are not too severe.

The need to follow up positive screening results with confirmatory testing to detect false-positive results
can be preferable to the occurrence of false-negative test results, because false negatives can result in
errors, such as the transfusion of infectious blood, or in the failure to treat a serious, treatable condition.

3.2 Diagnostic Tests

Qualitative tests are often used to diagnose a particular disease or condition based on a clinical suspicion
that it might be present. The use of various microbiology culture tests to detect infection is one example
of a diagnostic test. Clinically, the requirement for timely and proper treatment demands that diagnostic
tests have excellent sensitivity and specificity. If a confirmatory test always follows the diagnostic test,
the specificity requirement can be somewhat lower.

3.3 Confirmatory Tests

Confirmatory tests are used to follow up screening or diagnostic test results. The verification or
confirmation of the previous test result permits the clinician to establish a diagnosis. Confirmatory tests
are designed to be specific (at the expense of sensitivity, if necessary) and have a high positive predictive
value. The Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption test (FTA-ABS) syphilis serology test is an
example of a confirmatory test that follows a screening test, such as the VDRL syphilis serology test.

4 Definitionsa
The following terms are defined for use in this guideline:

Accuracy, n - 1) Closeness of the agreement between the result of a measurement and a true value of the
measurand {/analyte}.

Analyte, n - A substance or constituent for which the laboratory conducts testing; NOTE: This includes
any element, ion, compound, substance, factor, infectious agent, cell, organelle, activity (enzymatic,
hormonal, or immunological), or property, the presence or absence, concentration, activity, intensity, or
other characteristics of which are to be determined. See Measurand.

Clinical sensitivity, n – The proportion of patients with a well-defined clinical disorder whose test
values are positive or exceed a defined decision limit (i.e., a positive result and identification of the
patients who have a disease); NOTE: The clinical disorder must be defined by criteria independent of the
test under consideration.

Clinical specificity, n - The proportion of subjects who do not have a specified clinical disorder whose
test results are negative or within the defined decision limit.

Control//control material, n - A device, solution, or lyophilized preparation intended for use in the
quality control process; NOTES: a) The expected reaction or concentration of analytes of interest are
known within limits ascertained during preparation and confirmed in use; b) Control materials are
generally not used for calibration in the same process in which they are used as controls.

Some of these definitions are found in NCCLS document NRSCL8—Terminology and Definitions for Use in NCCLS
Documents. For complete definitions and detailed source information, please refer to the most current edition of that document.

2 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP12-A

Cutoff, n – (1) The test response point below which a qualitative test result is determined to be negative
and above which the result is determined to be positive (or vice versa); NOTE: For a truly qualitative
test, the cutoff is the (only) medical decision point; for a qualitative test derived from dichotomizing a
quantitative or ordinal scale, there are many possible choices for a cutoff. (2) The analyte concentration
at which repeated tests on the same sample yield positive results 50% of the time and negative results for
the other 50% (ECCLS).

Efficiency, n - Immunoassay; The percentage (number fraction multiplied by 100) of results that are true
results, whether positive or negative.

False negative result//False negative (FN), n - A negative test result for a patient or specimen that is
positive for the condition or constituent in question.

False positive result//False positive (FP), n - A positive test result for a patient or specimen that is
negative for the condition or constituent in question.

Gold standard, n - A nonspecific term that indicates that a process or material(s) is the best available
approximation of the truth; NOTE: Its use is deprecated.

Measurand, n - A particular quantity subject to measurement; NOTE: This term and definition
encompass all quantities, while the commonly used term “analyte” refers to a tangible entity subject to
measurement. For example, “substance” concentration is a quantity that may be related to a particular

Negative predictive value, n - The likelihood that an individual with a negative test does not have the
disease, or other characteristic, which the test is designed to detect.

Positive predictive value, n - The likelihood that an individual with a positive test result has a particular
disease, or characteristic, that the test is designed to detect.

Prevalence, n - The extent of occurrence expressed as a fraction of the numbers affected by the disease or
condition compared to the total number of members in the specified group.

Qualitative tests, n - Those test methods that provide only two categorical responses (i.e.,
positive/negative or yes/no); NOTE: A truly qualitative test is based on a single medical decision point;
alternatively, some tests labeled as qualitative are derived from dichotomizing a quantitative or ordinal

Reproducibility, n - The closeness of the agreement between the results of measurements of the same
measurand, where the measurements are carried out under changed conditions; NOTES: a) Changed
conditions may include: principle or method of measurement, observer, measuring instrument, location,
conditions of use, and time; b) Reproducibility may be expressed quantitatively in terms of dispersion
characteristics of the results.

True negative//True negative result (TN), n - A negative result of a test for a disease or condition in a
subject in whom the disease or condition is absent.

True positive/True positive result (TP), n - A positive result of a test for a disease or condition for a
subject in whom the disease or condition is present.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 3

Number 14 NCCLS

5 Device Familiarization and Training

5.1 Purpose

A familiarization and training period with the new test method must be completed before evaluation data
is collected. The test method proficiency should include a demonstrated understanding of sample
handling and storage, kit reagent handling and storage, proper test protocol, proper interpretation of
results, and QC for the system. Each test operator must be proficient with the test method.

5.2 Duration

A training session in which the method is demonstrated for, and practiced by, each operator should be
followed on a separate day by another session where each operator demonstrates proficiency with the
method. An objective judgment that proficiency was achieved by all operators during the familiarization
and training period should be made before continuing the evaluation.

6 Evaluation Materials

6.1 Controls

Appropriate quality control materials are required to ensure consistent test performance. The control(s)
provided by the manufacturer should be used as directed. Other stable commercial controls or clinical
controls may be used if care is taken to ensure control material free of matrix effects. If possible, the
same quality control material should be tested with all methods if a multiple-method comparison is being
made. For many qualitative tests, the daily use of a negative and positive control is sufficient, while some
qualitative test methods may require more frequent testing of controls. Some qualitative tests produce
numerical results that can be monitored like quantitative method controls to assess test performance
(please refer to NCCLS document C24—Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements:
Principles and Definitions for more information). Corrective action must be taken if the expected results
are not obtained for the controls.

6.2 Specimen Collection and Handling

Clinical specimens used for the evaluation must be collected according to the manufacturer's instructions
using good clinical laboratory practices. If required for the method, fresh specimens should be collected
and tested without delay to reduce concerns about specimen quality. It may be appropriate to process the
evaluation specimens with a transport system if the transport system represents typical specimen
collection and handling. The timing of the collection of the specimens for some clinical conditions is
critical and should be consistent during the evaluation.

7 Reproducibility Studies

7.1 Negative and Positive Controls

During the course of the evaluation, control materials should be tested with each run to document that the
assay met expected performance requirements, and thus the data are to be considered valid. The
manufacturer’s recommended negative and positive control materials are to be tested during each run of
the test method over the course of the comparison of methods study (see Section 8). If the comparison of
methods study is completed in ten days, then duplicate measurements of each control material should be
made in each run, to give a total of 20 replicates. If the comparison of methods study is completed over
20 days, then single measurements of each control material should be made in each run, to also give a
total of 20 replicates.
4 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Volume 22 EP12-A

If either of the control materials does not give expected results, the run must be rejected. Patient results
from rejected runs must not be accepted for the study. A new run on either the same day or an additional
day must be scheduled to replace the rejected run. Obviously, the laboratory must investigate the cause
for the unacceptable QC result. No more than one run may be rejected in a ten-day study or two runs in a
twenty-day study. If there are more rejected runs than this, the laboratory must discontinue testing and
consult with the kit manufacturer to identify the cause and implement corrective action.

7.2 Analyte Concentrations Near the Cutoff

Reproducibility studies for qualitative tests should provide an estimate of the precision of the method at
analyte concentrations near the cutoff. It is not appropriate to measure the reproducibility of a qualitative
assay with low-negative or high-positive samples, as these are too far away in analyte concentration from
the medical decision point.

A useful definition for the cutoff point in a qualitative test method is the analyte concentration at which
repeated tests on the same sample yield positive results 50% of the time and negative results for the other
50%.1 Then, increasing concentrations of the analyte in small increments and performing multiple tests on
each sample would be expected to yield correspondingly larger percentages of positive results and smaller
percentages of negative results. Likewise, decreasing concentrations by the same increments might be
expected to yield an opposite pattern of positive and negative results.

This description of the cutoff point or discrimination point in a qualitative test allows an understanding of
the fact that, at concentrations of analyte near the cutoff point, there will be imprecision, and test results
(positive or negative, plus or minus, absent or present) will not be completely consistent on multiple
observations of the same sample if its analyte concentration is in this range.

The concentrations above and below the cutoff point at which repeated results are 95% positive or 95%
negative, respectively, have been called the “95% interval” for the cutoff point for that method.1 At
concentrations of analyte higher or lower than the cutoff concentration and beyond the 95% interval, the
ability of a method to consistently produce the same result on repeated observations of the same sample is
a characteristic of a good, or robust, method.

The range of concentrations within the 95% interval, and the range of concentrations required to reach the
point where consistent results are produced on the same sample, may be different in different tests for the
same analyte, and the ability to distinguish this difference can be a useful evaluation tool.

The reproducibility experiment described below cannot define either the 95% interval or the range of
concentrations required for a consistent result, but it can indicate whether those ranges are within or
outside of a 20% concentration range from the cutoff point. A more extensive experiment is described by
the European Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (ECCLS).1 Both experiments assume that the
dose response curve (a plot of concentration vs. observed test result) is linear for a diluted sample in the
concentration range near the cutoff point. When this assumption does not hold, as in the case of enzyme
immunoassays (EIA) screening results for mixtures of HIV antibodies, neither experiment will yield valid

7.3 A Qualitative Method-Reproducibility Experiment for Analyte Concentrations Near

the Cutoff

(1) The purpose of this section is to establish the analyte’s cutoff concentration for the test method
under study and determine that the +/- 20% concentration range at the cutoff concentration is within
the 95% interval. The package insert for the test method might state the cutoff concentration for the
analyte, but often it does not. If the cutoff concentration cannot be estimated by this or other means,
a dilution series can be made from a positive sample, and dilutions can be tested in replicate to
An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 5
Number 14 NCCLS

determine the dilution that yields 50% positive and 50% negative results. This dilution then
contains the analyte concentration at the cutoff point.

(2) Prepare samples at the cutoff concentration and with concentrations 20% above and 20% below the
cutoff concentration in sufficient volume to allow up to 20 replicate tests on the same sample.

(3) Test the samples in replicates up to 20, and determine the percentage of positive and negative
results for each sample.

If it is not feasible to test each sample 20 times, useful information can be gained from fewer
replicates, but the statistical power of such results is less.

(4) Use the percentages derived from step 3 to determine the following:

(a) Was the estimated cutoff concentration accurate? If it was, the replicates on that sample
should have yielded 50% positive and 50% negative results. If the test results for the cutoff
concentration sample were different from 50% positive/50% negative, the estimate of the
cutoff concentration was inaccurate, the number of tests performed was insufficient to yield
an accurate result, or the dose-response curve for the method is not linear near the cutoff

(b) Is the +20 to –20% concentration range within, at, or outside the 95% interval for the test

If the +20% sample yielded positive results > 95% of the time, and the –20% sample yielded
negative results > 95% of the time, then this range is at or outside of the 95% interval for the
method. Thus, samples > 20% away from the cutoff concentration can be expected to yield
consistent results with this method.

If the +20% sample yielded positive results <95% of the time, and/or the -20% sample
yielded negative results <95% of the time, then this range is within the 95% interval for the
method. Thus, samples 20% away from the cutoff concentration cannot be expected to yield
consistent results with this method, and the 95% interval for the method is >20% away from
the cutoff concentration.

In the case of a method with a 95% interval >20% away from the cutoff concentration,
another experiment or series of experiments is required to determine the actual 95% interval.

As an example, a visual qualitative human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test in urine could have a cutoff
concentration of 16 mIU/mL. A sample prepared at 16 mIU/mL (i.e., by a quantitative method) yielded
50% positive and 50% negative results with the visual hCG test. The +20% sample (19 mIU/mL) yielded
positive results ≥95% of the time for the 20 replicates, and the –20% (13 mIU/mL) sample yielded
negative results ≥ 95% of the time.

8 Comparison of Methods
In one common type of comparison of methods study design, the same set of specimens is tested by two
or more methods and the results are compared. The particular study design varies depending on the
qualitative test being evaluated. The comparative method may be another qualitative method (such as the
user’s current method), the “gold standard” method, a quantitative method, or the clinical diagnosis.
Reference panels and proficiency samples may also be utilized to study test performance. PT materials
may suffer from matrix interferences which could generate misleading conclusions regarding method
performance.4,5,6 This limitation would be particularly important when the PT material had analyte content
6 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Volume 22 EP12-A

near the threshold of positive or negative, or when the analyte molecular form were different from that of
a native specimen such that an immunologic method may not recognize the epitope. The following
sections describe what should be considered in the design of the comparison of methods study.

8.1 Test Specimens

Test specimens should be obtained from each patient in large enough amounts to complete testing with
the test method and comparative method. The introduction of any bias in obtaining multiple specimens at
one time should be resolved. Efforts must be made to ensure that the specimen(s) are typical of those that
will be routinely tested and that they remain stable before testing. Some specimens should be fresh, while
other specimens should not be as fresh as possible, e.g., blood spots. When possible, testing by both
methods should be done at nearly the same time to minimize bias resulting from age differences between
the specimens at the time of testing.

8.2 Number of Specimens

The total number of specimens to be tested during the study depends on the evaluator's intended use of
the data. If, for instance, a total of 100 routine, incoming specimens is tested and the disease prevalence
in the laboratory's population is 5%, there will be about five specimens that have positive results and
about 95 specimens that have negative results. This might be a good sample size for evaluating the rate of
false-positive results in the negative population (1-specificity), but it is probably not a sufficient number
of specimens with positive results for evaluating the number of false-negative results in the positive
population (1-sensitivity). The options available to the evaluator are to test specimens until the desired
number of positive and negative results with the comparative method are obtained, or to test specimens
until a desired number of specimens with positive results are obtained with the comparative method using
all specimens with negative results tested along the way in the analysis. As a minimum guideline, testing
should continue until at least 50 positive specimens are obtained with the comparative method. At least
50 negative specimens are to be obtained using the comparative method to determine the specificity of the
test method.

The evaluator should consult a statistician to determine the number of specimens to test to meet the
evaluator’s requirements for acceptable statistical variation. It is also important to test enough
(representative) specimens to capture the biological variation in subjects with and without disease. See
Section 8.7 for more on this topic.

8.3 Duration

The comparison of methods study with clinical specimens should be conducted daily for 10 to 20 days.
Spreading the specimen testing over a number of days allows the user to obtain a representative number
of specimens and to evaluate the test method under the typical laboratory usage. If feasible, all specimens
tested during the evaluation should be properly stored and saved for additional testing, if necessary, to
resolve questionable results. This additional testing with the same comparative method, another
comparative method, or use of the clinical diagnosis might provide information to explain differences in
test method results.

8.4 Inspection of Data During Collection

All data should be recorded and examined immediately to allow early detection of any sources of
analytical system or human errors. If it is determined that some of the results are due to explainable error,
the error condition must be noted and the data not included in the data analysis. If a reason for a
discrepancy cannot be determined, retain the original results in the data set.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 7

Number 14 NCCLS

8.5 Discrepant Results

Discrepancies between the test and comparative methods may arise due to errors in the test method or due
to errors in a comparative method that is not 100% accurate. When the comparative method is not 100%
accurate, specimens with discrepant results between the test and comparative methods can be tested by a
“gold standard” (reference method) to provide results that could be useful in resolving the discrepancy.
For those tests with numerical values that are converted to qualitative results, a data listing of the test and
comparative method results should be examined to investigate whether the discrepant results are near the
test or comparative method cutoff point. Numerical values may also be analyzed to determine the
difference between the results for test and comparative method specimens. The patient's clinical
diagnosis and other clinical information for the specimens should be reviewed to determine if there is a
predominant clinical condition among the specimens with discrepant results that should be investigated

When the comparative method is not 100% accurate, retesting discrepant results only is generally not
sufficient for determining statistically valid estimates of sensitivity and specificity (unless all of the
results are discrepant and retested by a 100% accurate method).7-11 In order to estimate sensitivity and
specificity in this situation, at least some concordant specimens need to be retested in addition to the
discordant specimens. The number of samples that need to be retested depends on several factors that are
unique to each setting. These factors include the desired precision of estimated sensitivity and specificity;
the prevalence of the given disease or condition; and the correlation between the test method, the
comparative method, and clinical diagnosis.12,13 These methods require careful statistical planning and
data analysis. Approaches for describing test performance that are not based on discrepant resolution are
described in Section 9.1,2,3

8.6 Reference Specimen Panels

Clinical specimens that were previously tested, or referenced to well-defined methods or the clinical
diagnosis of interest, are useful for the evaluation of qualitative methods. These reference panels or
challenge panels are desirable in that the specimen's true value is well established and traceable to a well-
characterized method or clinical diagnosis. The reference panel may be recognized by government
agencies, regulatory agencies, industry, professional societies, or literature citations.

The panel should contain clinical specimens with different concentrations of the analyte of interest. A
range of specimens that contains substances that can interfere with the test should be included in the panel
if possible. Substances that can interfere can vary depending on the qualitative test being evaluated.
False-negative or false-positive results can result from a number of conditions, such as autoimmune
disease, spirochetal disease, heterophilic antibodies, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple myeloma, and others.

Although reference panels may be advantageous in the effective and efficient use of the evaluator's
resources and time, such panels might not be available. Further, the use of reference panels is limiting in
that the evaluator does not evaluate the performance of the test in the laboratory's own clinical population
representing the typical prevalence and spectrum of the disease or condition, which precludes the use of
predictive test values as performance indicators. Reference panels, as well as proficiency samples, used in
conjunction with routine clinical specimen testing can, however, provide significant credibility to the
evaluation process.

8.7 Clinical Diagnosis

It is beyond the scope of this document to provide detailed information about the determination of clinical
sensitivity and specificity. The reader should follow the most current edition of NCCLS document
GP10—Assessment of the Clinical Accuracy of Laboratory Tests Using Receiver Operating

8 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP12-A

Characteristic (ROC) Plots, which describes the assessment of the accuracy of a test compared to the
clinical status of the patient.

As an overview, the following clinical parameters should be addressed:

• The patient specimens used for the comparison of method studies should include a representative
population of clinical states expected in the clinical practice. A reasonable mix of patients according
to age and gender should be obtained. The intent is to obtain patient specimens typical of future
usage of the test.

• As stated in NCCLS document GP10—Assessment of the Clinical Accuracy of Laboratory Tests

Using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Plots, the establishment of the true clinical state
(case definition) of each patient requires that the criteria for each clinical state be accurate.

• Clinical information may be useful in resolving test result differences between the test method and the
comparative method.

Although method comparison studies for the evaluation of qualitative tests are commonly found in the
literature and product inserts, the clinical diagnosis remains the “gold standard” against which test results
must be compared.

9 Data Analysis

9.1 Diagnosis is Known

The performance of truly qualitative tests is most commonly described in terms of “sensitivity” and
“specificity.” The calculation of these two quantities is most easily done when the true diagnosis of each
patient specimen has been confirmed by clinical information independent of the biochemical tests being
compared. Table 1 is a 2 x 2 contingency table that compares results of a qualitative test with the known
true diagnosis of the specimens. The entry in each cell of the table represents the number of specimens
corresponding to the labels in the margins. Following the table is a description of the calculation of
estimated sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and efficiency of the test.

Table 1. 2 x 2 Contingency Table

Method X True Diagnosis

Positive Negative Total
Positive A B A+B
Negative C D C+D
Total A+C B+D N

Estimated Sensitivity ( sens ) = 100 % [A / ( A + C )]

Estimated Specificity ( spec ) = 100% [D / (B + D )]

Based on evaluation specimens with disease prevalence = 100% ( A + C ) / N ,

Study Predictive Value of a Positive Test Result (PVP) = (100% )[ A / ( A + B )]

Study Predictive Value of a Negative Test Result (PVN) = 100%[D / (C + D )]

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 9

Number 14 NCCLS

Estimated Efficiency = 100%[( A + D ) / N ], is the total agreement of the test results with the true
diagnosis and is represented by the percent of all results that are true results, whether positive or negative.

The study PVP, study PVN, and estimated efficiency are all functions of estimated sensitivity, specificity,
and estimated disease prevalence. Therefore, study PVP, study PVN, and estimated efficiency are
meaningful for a particular patient population only when the disease prevalence of the evaluation
specimens is the same as the patient population of interest. Even if the prevalence is the same, efficiency
is meaningful only when false-positive (1-specificity) and false-negative (1-sensitivity) results are equally

When a qualitative test is derived from dichotomizing a quantitative or ordinal scale, the performance of
the test is best described through an ROC plot. The reader should follow the most current edition of
NCCLS document GP10—Assessment of the Clinical Accuracy of Laboratory Tests Using Receiver
Operating Characteristic (ROC) Plots.

9.1.1 Data Analysis

Both the test method and the comparative method are independently compared to the clinical diagnosis.
The formulas above can be used to estimate the sensitivity, specificity, etc., for each method. These
estimated performance measures are generalizable (unbiased) for the laboratory's expected test
performance only to the extent that the evaluation specimens are typical of the specimens analyzed in the
laboratory. Users should refer to the most current edition of NCCLS document GP10—Assessment of the
Clinical Accuracy of Laboratory Tests Using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Plots, which
describes how to select representative study subjects. Estimated performance measures are also subject to
variability, because a (random) selection of specimens is used in the evaluation. This variability can be
quantified by confidence limits, which decrease as the number of specimens evaluated increases.

There are several different methods available for calculating confidence limits for sensitivity and
specificity. A common, simple method found in most textbooks is based on the normal approximation to
the binomial distribution. However, this method is valid only when the data are normal. In addition,
common “rules of thumb” for when this method is valid are not always sufficient.

Exact confidence limits (Clopper-Pearson method) for sensitivity and specificity can be computed from
the binomial distribution and can be calculated by many statistical software packages, calculated by hand
using F-tables, or obtained from published tables.14,15,16 Users that have the capability of calculating exact
confidence limits may use those. However, exact limits tend to be conservative (i.e., too wide) in some
situations. Alternatively, Altman, et al.17 and Agresti and Coull16 recommend a direct calculation method
called the score confidence interval, attributed to Wilson,18 that can be applied in all cases. Rather than
provide the details and statistical arguments for when the above methods are not appropriate, which the
subcommittee believes would not be of interest to most readers, the use of score confidence limits is
recommended and is described below.

A 95% score confidence interval for sensitivity or specificity is calculated as:

[100 % (Q1 − Q2 ) / Q3 , 100 % (Q1 + Q2 ) / Q3 ] ,

where the quantities Q1, Q2, and Q3 are computed from the data using the formulas below.

For sensitivity,

Q1 = 2 A + 1.96 2 = 2 A + 3.84

10 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP12-A

Q2 = 1.96 1.96 2 + 4 AC /( A + C ) = 1.96 3.84 + 4 AC /( A + C )

Q3 = 2( A + C + 1.96 2 ) = 2( A + C ) + 7.68

For specificity,

Q1 = 2 D + 1.96 2 = 2 D + 3.84
Q2 = 1.96 1.96 2 + 4 BD /( B + D ) = 1.96 3.84 + 4 BD /( B + D )
Q3 = 2( B + D + 1.96 2 ) = 2( B + D ) + 7.68

In the formulas above, 1.96 is the quantile from the standard normal distribution that corresponds to 95%

If the estimated sensitivity and specificity (performance) of the qualitative test is acceptable to the user,
additional data analysis might not be necessary. However, the user might want to determine whether
there is a statistical difference in the performance of the two methods. When a qualitative test is derived
from dichotomizing a quantitative or ordinal scale, the evaluation is done by comparing the respective
ROC plots. ROC plots can help one distinguish between differences in sensitivity and specificity due to
choice of cutoff (the test method and comparative method performance represent two different points on
the same ROC plot) versus real differences in diagnostic performance (the test method and comparative
method have two different ROC plots). It is beyond the scope of this document to provide information
about comparing ROC plots. The reader should follow NCCLS document GP10—Assessment of the
Clinical Accuracy of Laboratory Tests Using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Plots, which
provides literature references for how to compare the diagnostic ability of two tests.

In general, a comparison of sensitivities (specificities) alone when the corresponding true specificities
(sensitivities) differ is an arbitrary one, since changing the cutoff can always increase the sensitivity
(specificity) at the expense of lowering specificity (sensitivity). However, a joint comparison of the
sensitivity/specificity pairs may still be meaningful if the sensitivity and specificity of one method are
both larger than the sensitivity and specificity of the other method. When the sensitivity of one method is
better than another, but its specificity is worse, it is not obvious which test is better. Biggerstaff19 provides
useful insight into how to compare methods in this situation.

McNemar’s test20 is commonly used to conclude whether there is a statistically significant difference
between the sensitivity/specificity pairs of the two methods. This statistical test makes no assumption
that one method is superior to the other in the clinical performance; they are both considered subject to
the possibility of diagnostic error. However, this test does not provide information about the magnitude
of possible differences. Instead, confidence intervals for the difference between sensitivities and for the
difference between specificities may be more useful.

For the study design used here, the data are considered “paired,” because the same specimens were tested
by both the test method and the comparative method. In order to compute the appropriate confidence
intervals or correct McNemar test statistic for this type of study design, the data need to be reported as a
three-way comparison between the test method, the comparative method, and clinical diagnosis. For
example, Table 2 below provides a comparison of the test method results to the comparative results when
the true diagnosis is positive (for comparison of sensitivities) and when the true diagnosis is negative (for
comparison of specificities).

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Number 14 NCCLS

Table 2. A Three-Way Comparison Between the Test Method, the Comparative Method, and
Clinical Diagnosis

Method Result Total Specimens True Diagnosis

Test Method Comparative Method Positive Negative
Positive Positive a = a1 + a2 a1 a2
Positive Negative b = b1 + b2 b1 b2
Negative Positive c = c1 + c2 c1 c2
Negative Negative d = d1 + d2 d1 d2
Total N n1 n2

Note that the data in Table 2 can be used to construct two tables in the form of Table 1 (one for the test
method, the other for the comparative method), but the converse is not true. Table 1 (A, B, C, and D) for
the test method can be obtained from Table 2 using the following formulas:

A = a1 + b1
B = a 2 + b2
C = c1 + d 1
D = c2 + d 2
N = n1 + n 2

From Table 2, the estimated sensitivity of the (new) test method is:

sens new = 100% [(a1 + b1 ) / n1 ] ,

the estimated sensitivity of the (old) comparative method is:

sensold = 100% [(a1 + c1 ) / n1 ] ,

and the estimated difference is:

sens new − sensold = 100% [(b1 − c1 ) / n1 ] .

Similarly, the respective estimated specificities are:

specnew = 100% [(c 2 + d 2 ) / n2 ] ,

specold = 100% [(b2 + d 2 ) / n2 ] ,

and the estimated difference is:

specnew − specold = 100% [(c 2 − b2 ) / n2 ] .

Approximate confidence limits for the underlying difference between sensitivities and specificities are the
standard statistical formulas for the difference between paired proportions.20,21

However, these confidence limits are approximate and may not be reliable, especially when the total
number of specimens where the two tests disagree is small. Therefore, confidence limits described in
Altman, et al.17 (due to Newcombe21) are recommended, that can be used in all situations. These limits
can be calculated directly and are described below.
12 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Volume 22 EP12-A

Note that if a different study design were used where a different set of specimens had been used to
evaluate the old test independently from the new test, then the sensitivities and specificities could be
compared using the standard textbook formulas for comparing two independent proportions, and a three-
way comparison of results (such as in Table 2) would not be applicable.

The 95% confidence interval for the difference between paired sensitivities, D = sensnew − sensold is:

(D − Q5 , D + Q6 )
where Q5 and Q6 are computed from the data using the formulas below. First, compute separate score
confidence intervals for sensnew and for sensold, using the formulas at the beginning of Section 9.1.1, and
then compute quantities Q1 through Q6 below.

l1=lower limit of 95% score confidence interval for sensnew

u1=upper limit of 95% score confidence interval for sensnew

l2=lower limit of 95% score confidence interval for sensold

u2=upper limit of 95% score confidence interval for sensold

Q1 = (a1+b1)(c1+d1)(a1+c1)(b1+d1) (If Q1=0, then Q4=0. Go to Q5.)

Q2 = a1d1 − b1c1

Q3 = Q2 − n1/2 if Q2>n1/2
Q3 = 0 if 0≤Q2≤0
Q3 = Q2 if Q2<0

Q4 = Q3 / Q1 (Q4=0 if Q1=0)

Q5 = (sensnew − l1)2 − 2Q4(sensnew − l1)(u2 − sensold) + (u2 − sensold)2

Q6 = (sensold − l2)2 − 2Q4(sensold − l2)(u1 − sensnew) + (u1 − sensnew)2

The 95% confidence interval for the difference between paired specificities, D= specnew−specold is
similarly computed as:

(D − Q5 , D + Q6 )
where Q5 and Q6 are computed from the data using the formulas below. First, compute separate score
confidence intervals for specnew and for specold, using the formulas in Section 9.1.1, and then compute
quantities Q1 through Q6 below.

l1=lower limit of 95% score confidence interval for specnew

u1=upper limit of 95% score confidence interval for specnew

l2=lower limit of 95% score confidence interval for specold

u2=upper limit of 95% score confidence interval for specold

Q1 = (a2+b2)(c2+d2)(a2+c2)(b2+d2) (If Q1=0, then Q4=0. Go to Q5.)

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 13

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Q2 = a2d2 − b2c2

Q3 = Q2 − n2/2 if Q2>n2/2
Q3 = 0 if 0≤Q2≤0
Q3 = Q2 if Q2<0

Q4 = Q3 / Q1 (Q4=0 if Q1=0)

Q5 = (specnew − l1)2 − 2Q4(specnew − l1)(u2 − specold) + (u2 − specold)2

Q6 = (specold − l2)2 − 2Q4(specold − l2)(u1 − specnew) + (u1 − specnew)2

9.1.2 Special Comment on Prevalence and Predictive Values

Prevalence is the frequency of a given disease or condition in a specified group or population expressed
as a fraction (percent or decimal). These guidelines are designed for evaluation of the test in the user’s
patient population so that the prevalence for the evaluation and the prevalence expected during the typical
usage of the test are similar.

The predictive value of a test combines disease prevalence with test sensitivity and specificity. The
predictive value of a positive test result is the proportion of patients testing positive who have the disease.
It is calculated as the number of true-positive results divided by the number of all positive test results
(true-positive and false-positive results combined). The predictive value of a negative test result is the
proportion of patients testing negative do not who have the disease. It is calculated as the number of true-
negative test results divided by the number of all negative test results (true-negative and false-negative
results combined). The number of the true-positive, true-negative, false-positive, and false-negative
results is a function of the prevalence in the population, and the sensitivity and specificity of the test in
question. The prevalence for the evaluation is significant in the determination of the test’s negative and
positive predictive values. The predictive values apply only to those defined populations that have a
similar prevalence and spectrum of disease to that used to create the estimate of the predictive value.

9.2 Diagnosis is Not Known

In this common situation, sensitivity and specificity cannot be readily estimated. Many researchers have
proposed that the sensitivity and specificity of a test method may still be estimated from fairly simple
formulas by assuming that the sensitivity and specificity of the comparative method are known to a close
approximation from past experience. However, such methods are typically based on the additional
assumption that the test method and the comparative method are “conditionally independent.” That is, if
the test method’s error rate among true diagnosed positives is the same for the comparative method
positives and comparative method negatives, and similarly among true diagnosed negatives, then the test
method and the comparative method are conditionally independent. In practice, this assumption is not
easily verified and is often unrealistic. Alternatively, reporting how often the test method and
comparative method agree could be useful.

9.2.1 Sensitivity and Specificity Corrected for Errors in the Comparative Method

Estimates of sensitivity and specificity corrected for errors in the comparative method are typically based
on the conditional independence assumption. This assumption can be evaluated from data in the form of
Table 2 above. The test method’s estimated error rate among true diagnosed positives for the
comparative method positives is c1/(a1 + c1), and for the comparative method negatives is d1/(b1 + d1).
Conditional independence assumes that the true error rates estimated by these quantities are the same.
Similarly, the test method’s estimated error rate among true diagnosed negatives for the comparative

14 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP12-A

method positives is a2/(a2 + c2), and for the comparative method negatives is b2/(b2 + d2). Conditional
independence also assumes that the true error rates estimated by these quantities are the same. Fisher’s
exact test for comparing two proportions could be used to test these hypotheses, if such data were
available. However, the reason for making an adjustment in the first place is that the true diagnosis is

In the event that there is data to support the conditional independence assumption, then estimates of
sensitivity and specificity of the test method can be obtained for assumed values of the sensitivity and
specificity of the comparative method. Formulas are provided in the literature.22,23

Alternatively, Thibodeau24 provides bounds for corrected estimates of sensitivity and specificity that do
not depend on the conditional independence assumption. However, this approach assumes that the
comparative method sensitivity and specificity are both at least as large as the sensitivity and specificity
of the test method. Again, this assumption may not be realistic or easy to verify.

9.2.2 Agreement Between the Test Method and the Comparative Method

When the diagnosis is not known, reporting a 2 x 2 table of results and how often the test method and
comparative method agree may be useful. An example of how to present the results is shown in Table 3.
Note that summing the results in the last two columns of Table 2 gives the results in Table 3.

Table 3. 2 x 2 Contingency Table When True Diagnosis is Unknown

Test Method Comparative Method

Positive Negative Total
Positive a b a+b
Negative c d c+d
Total a+c b+d n

There are many different statistical measures of agreement. A discussion by M.M. Shoukri, on different
types of agreement measures, can be found under “Agreement, Measurement of” in the Encyclopedia of
Biostatistics.25 A simplistic approach is to report the percent agreement, which is given below.

Percent agreement = 100% [(a + d ) / n ]

Since agreement on absence of disease does not provide direct information about agreement on presence
of disease, it may be useful to report two additional measures of agreement.

Agreement of test method with comparative method-positive = 100% [ a/(a+c)]

Agreement of test method with comparative method-negative = 100% [ d/(b+d)]

Caution must be used when generalizing agreement measures to any other population, since the disease
prevalence for the evaluation specimens (typically unknown in this case) can grossly affect the agreement
measures. As a hypothetical example, suppose that the test method and the comparative method agree
closely when the true diagnosis is negative, but they do not agree very well when the true diagnosis is
positive. The overall agreement between the two methods will be higher in a study where the evaluation
specimens have low disease prevalence, and lower in a study where the evaluation specimens have high
disease prevalence. If the disease prevalence is unknown, then it is unclear how to generalize the
agreement measure to a population with a different prevalence.

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Number 14 NCCLS

An exact confidence interval for percent agreement can be computed as discussed in Section 9.1.1.

A 95% score confidence interval for agreement is calculated as:

[100% (Q1 − Q2 ) / Q3 , 100% (Q1 + Q2 ) / Q3 ],

where the quantities Q1, Q2, and Q3 are computed from the data using the formulas below.

Q1 = 2( a + d ) + 1.96 2 = 2( a + d ) + 3.84
Q2 = 1.96 1.96 2 + 4( a + d )( b + c ) / n = 1.96 3.84 + 4( a + c )( b + d ) / n
Q3 = 2( n + 1.96 2 ) = 2n + 7.68

In the formulas above, 1.96 is the quantile from the standard normal distribution that corresponds to 95%

Confidence intervals for agreement of test method with comparative method-positive and agreement of
test method with comparative method-negative are not easily formulated, because the imperfect standard
results are subject to variability and the nature of the variability depends on unknown factors.

9.2.3 Special Case: When Sensitivity and Specificity of Comparative Method are Perfect (=100%)

In this case, Table 3 is equivalent to Table 1, and the sensitivity and specificity of the test method can be
estimated directly using the formulas described in Section 9.1.

9.3 Examples

9.3.1 Diagnosis is Known

Data are presented that will enable the test method and the comparative method to be compared
individually to an independently obtained diagnosis. From the publication of Meijer, et al.26 an example is
shown for eight commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) used to test sera taken from
102 patients in whom Helicobacter pylori infection status had been determined.

The performance of the test method and comparative method was determined with the true diagnosis of
each patient specimen. A 2 x 2 contingency table of the results from the comparative and test methods
are listed below as Examples 1a and 1b. The formulas listed in Section 9.1 are used to estimate the
sensitivity, specificity, etc. for each method.

Example 1a. 2 × 2 Contingency Table for Test Method Versus True Diagnosis

True Diagnosis: H. pylori

Positive Negative Total
Positive 57 2 59
Test Method Negative 4 39 43
Total 61 41 102

Estimated Sensitivity ( sens ) = 100 % [A / ( A + C )] = 100% [57 / 61] = 93.4%

Estimated Specificity ( spec ) = 100% [D / (B + D )] = 100% [39 / 41] = 95.1%

16 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP12-A

Based on evaluation specimens with disease prevalence = 100% ( A + C ) / N = 100% (61 / 102 ) = 59.8%

Study Predictive Value of a Positive Test Result ( PVP) = (100% )[A / ( A + B )]

= 100% (57 / 59 ) = 96.6%

Study Predictive Value of a Negative Test Result ( PVN ) = 100% [D / (C + D )]

= 100% (39 / 43 ) = 90.7%

Estimated Efficiency = 100% [( A + D ) / N ] = 100% (96 / 102 ) = 94.1%

Sensitivity for Test Method:

sens = 100% (57 / 61) = 93.4%

Exact 95% confidence limits are 84.1% to 98.2%.

95% score confidence limits are 84.3% to 97.4%.

Calculations for 95% score confidence limits:

Q1 = 2 × 57 + 3.84 = 117.84

Q2 = 1.96 3.84 + 4 × 57 × 4 / 61 = 8.496

Q3 = 2 × 61 + 7.68 = 129.68

100% (Q1 − Q2 ) / Q3 = 100% (117.84 − 8.496 ) / 129.68 = 84.3%

100% (Q1 + Q2 ) / Q3 = 100% (117.84 + 8.496 ) / 129.68 = 97.4%

Specificity for Test Method:

spec = 100% (39 / 41) = 95.1%

Exact 95% confidence limits are 83.5% to 99.4%.

95% score confidence limits are 84.6% to 98.7%.

Calculations for 95% score confidence limits:

Q1 = 2 × 39 + 3.84 = 81.84

Q2 = 1.96 3.84 + 4 × 39 × 2 / 41 = 6.632

Q3 = 2 × 41 + 7.68 = 89.68

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100% (Q1 − Q2 ) / Q3 = 100% (81.84 − 6.632 ) / 89.68 = 83.9%

100% (Q1 + Q2 ) / Q3 = 100% (81.84 + 6.632 ) / 89.68 = 98.7%

Example 1b. 2 × 2 Contingency Table for Comparative Method Versus True Diagnosis

True Diagnosis: H. pylori

Positive Negative Total
Positive 54 7 61
Comparative Method Negative 7 34 41
Total 61 41 102

Estimated Sensitivity ( sens ) = 100 % [A / ( A + C )] = 100% [54 / 61] = 88.5%

Estimated Specificity ( spec ) = 100% [D / (B + D )] = 100% [34 / 41] = 82.9%

Based on evaluation specimens with disease prevalence = 100% ( A + C ) / N = 100% (61 / 102 ) = 59.8%

Study Predictive Value of a Positive Test Result ( PVP) = (100% )[A / ( A + B )]

= 100% (54 / 61) = 88.5%

Study Predictive Value of a Negative Test Result ( PVN ) = 100% [D / (C + D )]

= 100% (34 / 41) = 82.9%

Estimated Efficiency = 100% [( A + D ) / N ] = 100% (88 / 102 ) = 86.3%

Note that in Example 1b, sensitivity = PVP and specificity = PVN. This will not always be true. This
occurs here, and in general, whenever the total number of patients with a positive true diagnosis equals
the total number of positive test results, and whenever the total number of patients with a negative true
diagnosis equals the total number of negative test results, respectively.

Confidence limits for the estimated values are computed using the methods described in Section 9.1.1.

Sensitivity for Comparative Method:

sens = 100% (54 / 61) = 88.5%

Exact 95% confidence limits are 77.8% to 95.3%.

95% score confidence limits are 78.2% to 94.3%.

Calculations for 95% score confidence limits:

Q1 = 2 × 54 + 3.84 = 111.84

Q2 = 1.96 3.84 + 4 × 54 × 7 / 61 = 10.487

Q3 = 2 × 61 + 7.68 = 129.68
18 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Volume 22 EP12-A

100% (Q1 − Q2 ) / Q3 = 100% (111.84 − 10.487 ) / 129.68 = 78.2%

100% (Q1 + Q2 ) / Q3 = 100% (111.84 + 10.487 ) / 129.68 = 94.3%

Specificity for Comparative Method:

spec = 100% (34 / 41) = 82.9%

Exact 95% confidence limits are 67.9% to 92.8%.

95% score confidence limits are 68.7% to 91.5%.

Calculations for 95% score confidence limits:

Q1 = 2 × 34 + 3.84 = 71.84

Q2 = 1.96 3.84 + 4 × 34 × 7 / 41 = 10.196

Q3 = 2 × 41 + 7.68 = 89.68

100% (Q1 − Q2 ) / Q3 = 100% (71.84 − 10.196 ) / 89.68 = 68.7%

100% (Q1 + Q2 ) / Q3 = 100% (71.84 + 10.196 ) / 89.68 = 91.5%

The publication used ROC analysis to describe the performance of each assay, and could have compared
the correlated ROC plots. Alternatively, a joint statistical comparison of the sensitivity/specificity pairs
would be meaningful here, since the estimated sensitivity and specificity for the new test method are both
larger than the estimated sensitivity and specificity for the old comparative method. In order to compare
the sensitivities and specificities between the two methods, we need the three-way comparison between
old, new, and true diagnosis. These comparative results are indirectly provided in Table 4 of the
publication and are redisplayed as Example 1c.

Example 1c. A Three-Way Comparison Between the New Test Method, the Old Comparative
Method, and True Diagnosis

Method Result Total Specimens True Diagnosis

Test Method Comparative Method Positive Negative
Positive Positive 55 53 2
Positive Negative 4 4 0
Negative Positive 6 1 5
Negative Negative 37 3 34
Total 102 61 41

Comparison of sensitivities:

D = sens new − sensold = 93.4 − 88.5 or 100% ⋅ (4 − 1) / 61 = 4.9%

l1= 84.3% (from score confidence limit for sensnew)

u1= 97.4%

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Number 14 NCCLS

l2 = 78.2% (from score confidence limit for sensold)

u2 = 94.3%

Q1 = (53 + 4 )(1 + 3 )(4 + 3 ) = (57 )(4 )(54 )(7 ) = 86 ,184

Q2 = (53 ⋅ 3 ) − (4 ⋅ 1) = 155

n1 / 2 = 61 / 2 = 30.5 < 155 = Q2

Q3 = Q2 − n1 / 2 = 155 − 30.5 = 124.5

Q4 = Q3 / Q1 = 124.5 / 86 ,184 = 124.5 / 293.57 = 0.4241

Q5 = (93.4 − 84.3 ) − 2(0.4241)(93.4 − 84.3 )(94.3 − 88.5 ) + (94.3 − 88.5 ) = 71.68

2 2

Q6 = (88.5 − 78.2 ) − (0.4241)(88.5 − 78.2 )(97.4 − 93.4 ) + (97.4 − 93.4 ) = 87.14

2 2

D − Q5 = 4.9 − 71.68 = −3.6

D + Q6 = 4.9 + 87.14 = 14.2

The 95% confidence interval for D=sensnew−sensold is (−3.6%, 14.2%)

Comparison of specificities:

D = spec new − specold = 95.1 − 82.9 or 100% ⋅ (5 − 0 ) / 41 = 12.2%

l1 = 83.9% (from score confidence limit for specnew)

u1 = 98.7%

l2 = 68.7% (from score confidence limit for specold)

u2 = 91.5%

Q1 = (2 + 0 )(5 + 34 )(2 + 5 )(0 + 34 ) = (2 )(39 )(7 )(34 ) = 18 ,564

Q2 = (2 ⋅ 34 ) − (0 ⋅ 5 ) = 68

n 2 / 2 = 41 / 2 = 20.5 < 68 = Q2

Q3 = Q2 − n1 / 2 = 68 − 20.5 = 47.5

Q4 = Q3 / Q1 = 47.5 / 18 ,564 = 47.5 / 136.25 = 0.3486

Q5 = (95.1 − 83.9 ) − 2(0.3486 )(95.1 − 83.9 )(91.5 − 82.9 ) + (91.5 − 82.9 ) = 132.25
2 2

20 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP12-A

Q6 = (82.9 − 68.7 ) − 2(0.3486 )(82.9 − 68.7 )(98.7 − 95.1) + (98.7 − 95.1) = 178.96
2 2

D − Q5 = 12.2 − 132.25 = 0.7

D + Q6 = 12.2 + 178.96 = 25.6

The 95% confidence interval for D=specnew−specold is (0.7%, 25.6%)

Since the confidence limits for the difference in sensitivities include zero, we cannot conclude that the
sensitivities are statistically different. However, the limits for specificity do not include zero, so there is
evidence that the specificities are statistically different (the difference could be quite small or as large as

9.3.2 Diagnosis is Not Known

A typical situation may be that the evaluator does not know the diagnosis but wants to compare the test
method results to another method. An example from a publication of Schrier, et al.27 of evaluation results
from two H. pylori antibody tests is presented. The test method was an immunochromatographic method,
while the comparative method was an ELISA (HM-CAP EIA) method. The 2 x 2 contingency table of
the evaluation results is shown below.

HM-CAP EIA Comparative Method

Positive Negative Total
Immunochromatic Method Positive 285 15 300
Test Method Negative 14 222 236
Total 299 237 536

Percent agreement = 100% ⋅ (a + d ) / n = 100% ⋅ 507 / 536 = 94.6%

Agreement of test method with HM-CAP EIA-positive = 100%×285/299 = 95.3%

Agreement of test method with HM-CAP EIA-negative = 100%×222/237 = 93.7%
The confidence limit for percent agreement is calculated using the methods described in Section 9.2.2.
Exact 95% confidence limits are 92.3% to 96.4%.
95% score confidence limits are 92.3% to 96.2%.
Calculations for 95% score confidence limits:

Q1 = 2 × 507 + 3.84 = 1,017.84

Q2 = 1.96 3.84 + 4 × 507 × 29 / 536 = 20.887

Q3 = 2 × 536 + 7.68 = 1,079.68

100% (Q1 − Q2 ) / Q3 = 100% (1017.84 − 20.887 ) / 1079.68 = 92.3%

100% (Q1 + Q2 ) / Q3 = 100% (1017.84 + 20.887 ) / 1079.68 = 96.2%

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 21

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Altman DA, Machin D, Bryant TN, Gardner MJ, eds. Statistics with Confidence. 2nd ed. British
Medical Journal; 2000.
Wilson EB. Probable inference, the law of succession, and statistical inference. Journal of the
American Statistical Association. 1927;22:209-212.
Biggerstaff BJ. Comparing diagnostic tests: a simple graphic using likelihood ratios. Statistics in
Medicine. 2000;19:649-663.
Fleiss JL. Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. 2nd ed. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons;
Newcombe RG. Improved confidence intervals for the difference between binomial proportions
based on paired data. Statistics in Medicine. 1998;17:2635-2650.
Gart JJ, Buck AA. Comparison of a screening test and a reference test in epidemiologic studies. II: a
probabilistic model for the comparison of diagnostic tests. Am J Epidemiol. 1966;83:593-602.
Staquet M, Rozencweig M, Lee YJ, Muggia FM. Methodology for the assessment of new
dichotomous diagnostic tests. J Chron Dis. 1981;34:599-610.
Thibodeau LA. Evaluating diagnostic tests. Biometrics. 1981;37:801-804.
Shoukri MM. “Agreement, Measurement of.” In Armitage P, Colton T, eds. Encyclopedia of
Biostatistics. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons; 1998:103-117.
Meijer BC, Thijs JC, Kleibeuker JH, van Zwet AA, Berrelkamp RJP. Evaluation of eight enzyme
immunoassays for detection of immunoglobin G against Helicobacter pylori. J Clin Microbiol.
Schrier WH, et al. Development of FlexSure® HP – an immunochromatographic method to detect
antibodies against Helicobacter pylori. Clin Chem. 1998;44(2):293-298.

Additional References

Dixon WJ, Massey FJ. Introduction to Statistical Analysis. 4th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 1983.

Galen R, Gambino S. Beyond Normality: The Predictive Value and Efficiency of Medical Diagnoses.
New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons; 1975.

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 23

Number 14 NCCLS

NCCLS consensus procedures include an appeals process that is described in detail in Section 9 of
the Administrative Procedures. For further information contact the Executive Offices or visit our
website at

Summary of Comments and Subcommittee Responses

EP12-P: User Protocol for Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance; Proposed Guideline


1. The guideline is well written and probably will be useful.

• The subcommittee appreciates the compliment.

2. The document as it stands seems to be a cross between a protocol that a manufacturer would perform
to demonstrate kit performance for an FDA submission and testing that a laboratory would want to
perform to verify the kit works in the environment. Since there are few standards available for in
vitro diagnostics products, we believe this document would be a candidate for recognition by the
FDA if the Scope of the document were not limited to the clinical laboratory and certain details were
added to the protocols themselves. On the other hand, the studies presented in the document seem too
extensive for the typical clinical laboratory to perform in order to verify the test system performs in
the environment. This issue is apparent in the “Scope” and “Introduction” to the document. The
“Introduction” indicates manufacturers, regulatory agencies, and laboratory surveyors, as well as the
clinical laboratory should use this document. The “Scope” indicates that this document is written for
“laboratory personnel who are the end users of such tests.” This document contains many protocols
which can be used by manufacturers during product performance claims testing, but which then
should not have to be repeated by the end user. Clarification of this point would add to the usefulness
of the document.

• The Introduction and Foreword state that the purpose of this document is to provide uniform
guidance among all users in the performance assessment of qualitative testing. The Scope
identifies laboratory personnel as the end users of this protocol. The end users will decide
dependent upon their needs if all sections of EP12 are necessary to complete.

3. Basically, this “guideline” addresses the evaluation of qualitative test performance for dichotomous
outcomes only (i.e., discrete binomial random variables). It does not address situations involving
multiple outcomes such as PAP smear testing with multiple discrete outcomes (e.g., negative,
ASCUS/AGUS, LSIL, HSIL, or carcinoma) or ANA testing where both patterns of staining and
dilution titers with multiple discrete outcomes (e.g., negative, 1:40, 1:80, 1:160, 1:320, etc.) must be
considered when making a determination for a patient. An addendum to this evaluation protocol
should be included, since many diagnostic tests involve more than just two discrete outcomes.

• EP12 was designed to provide users with a protocol for evaluation of qualitative test
performance. It is outside the scope of the document to address semiquantitative tests.

Section 7 (formerly Section 5)

4. Reproducibility Studies: The FDA has on various occasions suggested that the panel identification be
blinded to the user and randomized during the testing.

• Manufacturers’ controls do not need to be blinded for this study. Controls are to be used by
users as intended.
24 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.
Volume 22 EP12-A

Section 7.1 (formerly Section 5.1)

5. Please clarify and explain why the criteria of a control being out of spec on more than one run for the
ten-day study (duplicate values) or more than two runs for the twenty-day study (single values) is
significant. It is assumed that when using a significance level of 5%, it is expected that due to chance
alone 5 out of 100 runs (or 1 out of 20 runs) would yield an incorrect result. This means that one
replicate value out of all twenty values would be expected to yield an incorrect result for either the
ten-day or twenty-day study. Thus, more than two replicate values indicates a 10% significance level
of rejection which would be the basis for the criteria described on the top of page 5 of the document.
Please clarify. Also, does this mean for the ten-day study, if both replicate values for a control versus
only one replicate value not giving the expected result, that the run should be rejected? Please clarify.

• As stated in the second paragraph of this section, “If either of the control materials does not
give expected results, the run must be rejected.” Selection of the criteria of no more than one
run rejected in a ten-day study or two runs in a twenty-day study was a decision based on the
fact that manufacturers’ positive and negative controls are strong positive and negative levels
and not near the cutoff of the test. Therefore, the controls not performing as expected is
significant, and the laboratory should discontinue testing and consult with the kit manufacturer
to identify the cause and implement corrective action.

Section 7.2 (formerly Section 5.2)

6. These sections are used to define the assay detection limit, i.e., the sensitivity of the assay. In the
case of a Strep A assay it was difficult to prepare and quantitate the organism due to the fact of
comparing colony-forming units versus “dead” organisms.

• The subcommittee agrees with the commenter; however, manufacturers do list detection limits.

Section 7.3 (formerly Section 5.3)

7. What about when controls are spiked swabs? What about when liquid controls are not available?

• When controls are spiked swabs, the analyte or measurand is the percentage of cells extracted
for the assay compared to the number added to the swab. Controls are defined as needed.

8. The procedure does not consider two important factors that may be critical in a reproducibility
experiment with qualitative tests: (1) variability between different lots or batches of manufacturers’
reagents, and (2) subjectivity of the user when visually reading results for those qualitative tests that
do not use instrumentation to detect test results. Consider providing a note in Section 5.3 that these
specific factors may impact test results, and direct the user to refer to Section 6 for more information.
The statement in Section 6.4, “All data should be recorded and examined immediately to allow early
detection of any sources of analytical system or human errors,” is sufficient to alert the user that
variability between manufacturers’ reagents and subjectivity associated with visual detection of test
results may impact test results.

• These factors may be important but are facts and not included as part of the evaluation.

9. The explanation about establishing the analyte cutoff concentration is a bit confusing. After re-
reading the paragraph several times, I gather that there is some inherent value (signal) that establishes
the result, either positive or negative, for the analyte in a sample. If the concentration of the analyte
can, somehow, be established in a pool, then the pool could be diluted into a series of related
concentrations that could be evaluated against the cutoff signal. However, there still seems to be some
circular reasoning in this paragraph. I certainly could not use it, practically, to establish the cutoff
An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 25
Number 14 NCCLS

value for an analyte, for example, Rubella antibody in serum. Perhaps the committee could revisit the
wording of this paragraph to provide a more enlightening description of how to establish cutoff

• An introductory sentence with the purpose stated has been added.

Section 7.3 (formerly Section 5.3.1)

10. More utility could be gained if an example justifying this section were included.

• The subcommittee agrees with the commenter. An example has been added for justification.

Section 8 (formerly Section 6)

11. For specimens such as swab specimens where it is possible to collect two swabs from a single subject,
the two swabs may still have different amounts of bacteria even after diligent efforts to provide
consistency in sampling. Consider suggesting some alternatives that would avoid the introduction of
variability from the sample and lead to more objective comparisons of methods; e.g., use of a
reference material or standard solution that could be used repeatedly.

• The subcommittee is unaware of an alternative that would always avoid the variability from the
sample. Using a standard solution may not work for all comparisons of methods.

12. This section should allow the use of frozen specimens as a subset in comparison testing, assuming
fresh versus frozen samples do not affect results.

• Use of frozen specimens is acceptable as long as the test results are not affected.

Section 8.2 (formerly Section 6.2)

13. This could be very cumbersome and expensive in a low prevalence area unless “positive” and
“negative” can be determined by another method, and samples stored until ready to use.

• This practice is acceptable if storage does not degrade the specimens. After storage, specimens
should be tested by performing the comparative method and the test method at the same time.

Section 8.5 (formerly Section 6.5)

14. Please clarify the statement, “Retesting discrepant results only is generally not sufficient for
determining statistically valid estimates of sensitivity and specificity (unless all of the results are
discrepant!).” Does this statement infer it is necessary to retest the concordant samples as well? How
many samples are needed to result in a statistically valid estimate of sensitivity and specificity?

• This statement does imply that some concordant specimens need to be retested in addition to
the discordant specimens in order to estimate sensitivity and specificity. The number of samples
that need to be retested depends on several factors that are unique to each setting. These factors
include the desired precision of estimated sensitivity and specificity, the correlation between the
tests, comparative method and clinical diagnosis, and the prevalence of the given disease or
condition. These methods require careful statistical planning and data analysis. Approaches for
describing test performance that are not based on discrepant resolution are described in
Section 9. Section 8.5 has been expanded to clarify these points.

26 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP12-A

15. Please expand this section to incorporate the analytical strategies outlined in the following reference

Hayden DL, Feldstein ML. Dealing with Discrepancy Analysis. Part 1: The Problem of Bias. IVD
Technology. Jan/Feb 2000:37-42.

Hayden DL, Feldstein ML. Dealing with Discrepancy Analysis. Part 2: Alternative Analytical
Strategies. IVD Technology. March/April 2000:51-57.

• References have been added throughout the guideline as appropriate.

Section 9.1.1 (formerly Section 7.1.1)

16. Paragraph 6. The first sentence doesn’t make grammatical sense. I believe the committee’s intent is to
describe the use of “A… McNemar test….” The word “the” immediately following the “(df)” should
be deleted to make the sentence read correctly.

• The text has been modified as suggested.

17. The third paragraph states, “Exact confidence limits can be computed from the binomial distribution
and are the preferred limits.” There is no reference attached to this statement even though reference
#7 does contain the information needed. I would hope this would be added after the statement to give
the reader an idea of where to look for this information.

Also, I think this statement needs to be a little stronger. In those cases where the estimated sensitivity
or specificity is 100%, then the exact formulas must be used, as the approximate formulas give the
false impression that there is no confidence interval associated with the estimate.

As a whole the document is well written and provides a good discussion on how to deal with these
types of tests.

• This section has been modified. A reference has been cited as the source of information for the
statement in the second paragraph.

Section 9.2.2 (formerly Section 7.2.2)

18. Please clarify when the normal approximation calculations for 95% confidence intervals are valid 
specifically, when “npq” ≥ 5 where “p” is the agreement proportion and “q” is defined as “1 – p” or
“1 – agreement.”

• This section has been revised. Normal approximation calculations are no longer recommended.

Section 9.3.1 (formerly Section 7.3.1)

19. Please include the application of the method described, as well as the conclusion based on the results
of the 95% confidence intervals.

Specifically (on pages 15 & 16),

Sensitivity: New Whittaker Test Method = 98.4%

[“npq” = (61)(0.885)(0.115) = 6.2 → OK to use normal approx.]
95% CI of Old Comparative Method (Approx.) = 80.3 - 96.7%
95% CI of Old Comparative Method (Exact) = 77.8 - 95.3%
An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 27
Number 14 NCCLS

Specificity: New Whittaker Test Method = 97.6%

[“npq” = (41)(0.829)(0.171) = 5.8 → OK to use normal approx.]
95% CI of Old Comparative Method (Approx.) = 71.1 - 94.7%
95% Cl of Old Comparative Method (Exact) = 67.9 - 92.8%

Since the sensitivity of 98.4% for the new Whittaker test method does not fall in the limits of the
approximate or exact 95% confidence interval of the old comparative method, it can be concluded
that the sensitivity of the new test method is significantly better than that of the old comparative
method. Similarly, since the specificity of 97.6% for the new Whittaker test method does not fall in
the limits of the approximate or exact 95% confidence interval of the old comparative method, it can
be concluded that the specificity of the new test method is significantly better than that of the old
comparative method.

• The document has been modified to include example calculations and appropriate conclusions.

20. The second example this section gives a perfect opportunity to illustrate the exact binomial
confidence limits. The Whittaker method had a sensitivity of 98.4% and a specificity of 97.6%. In
both cases, calculating the confidence intervals using the standard formulas would have produced
limits greater than 100%. This could have been pointed out in the text with the appropriate confidence
intervals from the binomial distribution also mentioned. This would show the difference between the
two and also help to highlight why the binomial is preferred (as stated in the document).

• See response to Comment 19.

Section 9.3.2 (formerly Section 7.3.2)

21. Please include the application of the method described, as well as the conclusion based on the results
of the 95% confidence intervals, as was done in the previous section.

• The document has been modified to include example calculations and conclusions for the 95%
confidence intervals as suggested.

28 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP12-A

Summary of Delegate Comments and Subcommittee Responses

EP12-A: User Protocol for Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance; Approved Guideline

Section 7.2

1. "Dividing the 95% interval (2 SD) by 2" should be replaced with "dividing the 95% interval (2 times
1.645 SD) by 3.290." Note, the 95th percentile of the standard normal is located at z = 1.645.

• The above-mentioned information, included in a previous draft of EP12, has been deleted.

Section 9.1

2. The efficiency concept is mentioned without any warning as to whether it is meaningful. It is so only
if false-negative and false-positive results are equally undesirable.

• The following text has been added to address the commenter’s concern: “The study PVP, study
PVN, and estimated efficiency are all functions of estimated sensitivity, specificity, and
estimated disease prevalence. Therefore, study PVP, study PVN, and estimated efficiency are
meaningful for a particular patient population only when the disease prevalence of the
evaluation specimens is the same as the patient population of interest. Even if the prevalence is
the same, efficiency is meaningful only when false-positive (1-specificity) and false-negative (1-
sensitivity) results are equally undesirable.”

3. There is a commendable emphasis on precise methods of confidence limit calculation – but there is
no warning that these take into account sampling variation only. They do not take into account
potential sources of bias. The latter are a greater threat to generalizability in practice.

• The following text has been added to the first paragraph of Section 9.1.1 to address the
commenter’s concern: “These estimated performance measures are generalizable (unbiased)
for the laboratory's expected test performance only to the extent that the evaluation specimens
are typical of the specimens analyzed in the laboratory. Users should refer to the most current
edition of NCCLS document GP10—Assessment of the Clinical Accuracy of Laboratory Tests
Using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Plots, which describes how to select
representative study subjects. Estimated performance measures are also subject to variability,
because a (random) selection of specimens is used in the evaluation. This variability can be
quantified by confidence limits, which decrease as the number of specimens evaluated

An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved. 29

Number 14 NCCLS

Related NCCLS Publications*

C24-A2 Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principles and
Definitions; Approved Guideline—Second Edition (1999). This guideline provides
definitions of analytical intervals; plans for quality control procedures; and guidance for
quality control applications.

EP5-A Evaluation of Precision Performance of Clinical Chemistry Devices; Approved

Guideline (1999). EP5-A offers guidelines for designing an experiment to evaluate the
precision performance of the clinical chemistry devices; recommendations on comparing
the resulting precision estimates with manufacturer’s precision performance claims and
determining when such comparisons are valid; and manufacturer’s guidelines for
establishing claims.

GP10-A Assessment of the Clinical Accuracy of Laboratory Tests Using Receiver Operating
Characteristic (ROC) Plots; Approved Guideline (2001). This document describes the
design of a study to evaluate clinical accuracy of laboratory tests and contains procedures
for preparing ROC curves; glossary of terms; and information on computer software

I/LA18-A2 Specifications for Immunological Testing for Infectious Diseases; Approved

Guideline—Second Edition (2001). This guideline outlines specimen requirements;
performance criteria; algorithms for the potential use of sequential or duplicate testing;
recommendations for intermethod comparisons of immunological test kits for detecting
infectious diseases; and specifications for development of reference materials.

NRSCL8-A Terminology and Definitions for Use in NCCLS Documents; Approved Standard
(1998). This document provides standard definitions for use in NCCLS standards and
guidelines, and for submitting candidate reference methods and materials to the National
Reference System for the Clinical Laboratory.

Proposed- and tentative-level documents are being advanced through the NCCLS consensus process; therefore, readers should
refer to the most recent editions.

30 An NCCLS global consensus guideline. ©NCCLS. All rights reserved.

Volume 22 EP12-A


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