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Name of Work:

Inspection & Certification of Pressure Vessels by Competent Persons as per the

provisions of The Factories Act, 1948 & Assam Factories Rule, 1950 for a period of
Two Years.
Inspection & certification of all Pressure Vessels of BCPL for fulfillment of statutory requirements as per the
provisions of “The Factories Act, 1948 & Assam Factories Rule, 1950” by “Competent Persons” approved by
Chief Inspector of Factories, Assam. (Each pressure vessel shall be inspected and certified HALF YEARLY i.e.
two times inspection & certification every year).


Inspection and certification of all pressure vessels of BCPL Lepetkata, BCPL Duliajan and BCPL Lakwa (850
nos.) every six monthly to comply with statutory requirements under rule 56 of the Assam Factories Rules, 1950
and amendments thereof framed under section 31 of “Indian Factories Act, 1948”. The inspection and
certification shall be done by a Competent Person having valid certificate of competency issued by Chief
Inspector of Factories, Assam for the above referred rules/ sections

(Each pressure vessel shall be inspected & certified HALF YEARLY i.e. two times inspection - once external and
once external plus internal & two certificates issued for each pressure vessel in one year).



(a) BCPL: “Brahmaputra Cracker & Polymers Limited” or the owner

(b) E-I-C: “Engineer In-Charge” of this contract only
(c) PPE : Personnel Protective Equipment
(d) “Agency” or “Competent Person” shall mean the successful bidder of this contract only
(e) CIF: Chief Inspector of Factories


(a) “Competent Person” shall be duly certified by CIF, Assam under relevant sections of the Factories Act,
1948 for the purpose of inspection and certification. Valid certificate shall be submitted to the E-I-C by
the agency/ competent person at the start of each calendar year during the contractual period.

(b) The “Competent Person” shall be responsible for carrying out in-situ, online/ shutdown testing,
examination, inspection and certification of all pressure vessels of BCPL to fulfill the statutory
requirements, as laid down in the sections 31 of the Factories Act, 1948 and rule 56 of the Assam
Factories Rules, 1950 and subsequent amendments issued from time to time by competent authority
during the contractual period.

(c) Competent person shall inspect each pressure vessel externally i.e. during running condition - twice a
year as laid under the rule 56 of Assam Factories Rules, 1950 and each pressure vessel shall be
inspected internally during shutdown once in a year as available for inspection. Competent person shall
obtain written approval from CIF, Assam for alternate testing (ultrasonic thickness gauging) for pressure
vessels not available for internal inspection. Scope of competent person also includes carrying out
ultrasonic thickness gauging of respective pressure vessel for which approval is obtained for ultrasonic
thickness gauging in lieu of internal inspection and certify accordingly. All necessary arrangements in
order to carry out the ultrasonic thickness gauging shall also be made by the agency/ competent person.
Certificate of pressure vessels shall be issued in form-8 of Assam Factories Rule, 1950.

(d) Competent person shall do the necessary liasioning with the CIF, Assam with regard to issuance of the
test certificates and forward the same to the E-I-C.

(e) The competent person shall familiarize himself with all the jobs under the scope of this contract. No
extra claim shall be entertained by BCPL.

(f) Competent person should be visit at BCPL complex atleast one month before inspection due
date. Subsequently, CP shall be submit the valid certificate of all the pressure vessels to E-I-C
before expiration of date’s.

(g) Man Power for assistance, tools and instruments required for carrying out inspection shall be
arranged by competent person. BCPL shall not provide any man power, material to the agency/
competent person for execution of this contract.

(h) Competent person along with his team (two to three personnel) have to stay at least five days
(excluding Holidays) during every visit for the inspection of pressure vessels.

(i) Competent person / Contractor should mark the date of inspection and due date of inspection
with bold letters by painting/stenciling on all the pressure vessels in every interval of six month.
Same should be visualize from 10 meter distance atleast. Supply of paint/stencil materials and
involved manpower is in the scope of competent person. BCPL shall not entertain on supply of
any materials / manpower.

(j) The agency/ competent person shall make their own arrangement for lodging, conveyance, etc. during
the execution of this contract.

(k) Payment against SOR quantity shall be made for work executed on pro-rata basis after certification of
bills by the E-I-C. Further break-up of payment, if deemed necessary shall be decided by the E-I-C.

(l) BCPL shall provide suitable space to the agency/ competent person for storage of their tools, tackles &
equipment related to the smooth execution of the contractual work. However, BCPL shall not bear any
responsibility for loss or damage to the tools, tackles & equipment during execution of the contract or
during storage.

(m) All personnel engaged by the agency shall strictly abide by safety rules and guidelines of BCPL.

(n) All personnel engaged by the agency shall undergo safety training conducted by BCPL F&S department
prior to issuance of gate pass by CISF.

(o) Agency shall complete gate pass & material/equipment entry formalities in advance prior to start of
contractual work. Responsibility for obtaining gate pass, material/equipment entry & arranging safety
training for its personnel lies solely with the agency. BCPL inspection department will guide & help the
agency in this regard.

(p) The job distribution on any day shall be at the sole discretion of the E-I-C and shall be binding on the
(q) BCPL reserves its right to terminate the contract at any stage, if the performance of the agency with
reference to agreed time schedule is observed to be sluggish or found to be unsatisfactory as per terms
and conditions of the contract without any liability to BCPL. Contract shall also be terminated in case
agency fails to submit to the E-I-C valid certificate of competency issued by C-I-F, Assam at start of each
calendar year.
(r) Authorized representative of the agency shall report to the E-I-C at BCPL site to attend a kick-off
meeting prior to start of contractual work.

BCPL shall provide to the agency following at free of cost as per agencies requirement:

(a) Relevant technical data of pressure vessels shall be made available as and when required.
(b) Safety work permit.
(c) Electricity, compressed air, water


(a) Bidder shall have similar work experience in petroleum refinery, petrochemical or fertilizer industries in
India. Copies of work order & work completion certificates shall be submitted. Sub contracted work
experience shall not be acceptable.
(b) Copy of currently valid certificate of competency (under section 56 of the Assam Factories Act, 1950)
issued by CIF, Assam.
(c) Copy of identity card of competent person issued by CIF, Assam
(d) Details of equipment, tools & tackles.

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