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Certification Program

+91 77956 87988

01 About the program

02 Program highlights

03 Program details

04 Alumni Spotlight

05 Project Innovation Lab

06 Program Details

07 Career service PRO

08 Learning path

09 Program syllabus

10 Real-time projects and case-studies

About The Program
Get ahead in software development with our
2cr Program, designed for professionals seeking
worth comprehensive education and career advancement.
awarded Our program covers a wide range of topics including
programming languages, software design principles,
algorithms, data structures and system design.
Professionals will learn about software project
management, software architecture, and emerging
technologies. Individuals will gain the skills and
knowledge required to develop high-quality software
secured jobs
after a career
break We exist to provide accessible, reasonable, and
industry-relevant education that empowers
India's workforce to grow and develop.

Program Highlights

Industry-Relevant & 360 Degree Knowledge

Updated Syllabus Building

Learn the industry's latest tools, Develop practical skills through

techniques & trends. Gain hands- real-world projects and
on experience developing assignments
various apps.

1:1 Dedicated Multiple Career

Mentorship Opportunities

Personalized learning experience Advance your career in software

from experienced industry development by targeting roles
professionals. like software developer, software
engineer, project manager etc
Program Details

Working professionals having 1+ year(s) experience in IT domain.

Students pursuing B.Tech and B.Sc. in computer science.


B.E/B.Tech in computer science/IT

M.Tech in computer science/IT, in computer science/IT

Course duration : 11 months

About instructors:

Experienced software development instructors share valuable practical

knowledge and effective solutions, preparing students for success in the

Total Fees: EASY EMI

₹ 1,15,000/- + 18% GST ₹ 7,538/month

Financing partners

₹ 1,35,700/-
Project Innovation Lab

Learnbay's Project Innovation Lab replicates industry like environment

for real time projects. With our ProjectLab, you gain real proof of
hands-on experience by having your project certified by the industry.

In our ProjectLab, you work like a data scientist with dedicated project
mentors from industry and get certified on capstone project.

450+ 1-1 Doubt Session

Hiring Partners


Capstone Project
Certificate from

Learners DELHI

Project Innovation
Labs Across India
What Our Alumni's Say

I'm currently enrolled in the Full Stack course and

have completed the DSA and System Design
modules. The trainers' teaching method has been
enlightening for me as a beginner. Highly
Shishir Kamal
recommend Learnbay for upskilling.

This online software development course was the

best I've taken. Great instructor, easy-to-
understand explanations, well-structured and
Arpit Agarwal effective hands-on exercises. Highly recommended!

Great course for software development, with real-

world examples and practical exercises. I learned a
lot and could apply it in my career. Highly
Ritam Mukherjee recommend for learners.

Highly recommend course for software

development. Well-organized material, practical
exercises to apply and build skills. Suitable for
Amrita Panjwani anyone interested in the field.
What Our Alumni's Say

The software development course was a game-

changer. Extensive content, highly skilled trainer,
exceptional job support laid the foundation for my
Jatin Kumar Khilrani career in software development.

Learnbay's software course surpassed my

expectations, with clear instruction and helpful
instructors. Grateful for the gained knowledge and
Tushar Singhal accessible support.

I'm currently enrolled in the Full Stack course and

have completed the DSA and System Design
modules. The trainers' teaching method has been

Gowthaman Jeganathan enlightening for me as a beginner. Highly

recommend Learnbay for upskilling.

I recently finished Learnbay's Basic DSA Course

online. The course is well-structured, taught by
knowledgeable trainers with a focus on interview
preparation and data structure concepts. It benefits
Abhishek Pakhide
both novices and experts.
What Our Alumni's Say

Learnbay has helped me a lot to learn data science

applications in the e-commerce industry. The live
class concept was really helpful in receiving proper
DS training. Thanks to all my mentors and the
Qudsia Tahniyath
placement team.

I've been with this org since Jan 4, 2023, studying

Full Stack Software Development. If you have
ambition and need a mentor to show you the right
path to success with the right knowledge, I highly
Binit Kumar Swalsingh
recommend this org.

I have enrolled in Software Development course. I

had basic knowledge of DSA and since then it has
been a wonderful learning experience. The teacher
does an excellent job of explaining the concepts in
Swarup Halder
a way that is easy to understand.

I enrolled in Learnbay's full stack program. I already

completed basic DSA and the live sessions were
clear, with good teaching pace. They offer an easy
Karanveer Bansal and simple EMI option for course fees.
Learning Path
3-5 weeks BEGINNERS

L1 Pre-course Work

Intro to JAVA Programming, OOPS & Array, Functions & Recursions

2 months ADVANCED

L2 Data Structures & Algorithms

String, Linked List, Stack , Queue, Searching, Sorting, Heap, Graph, Trees

1 month

L3 CS Fundamentals

1 month

L4 System Design

3 months

L5 Specialization

MERN (Full Stack Specialization) SPRING (Backend Specialization)

1 month

L6 Deployment + Project Work + Career Service PRO

Career Service PRO

Get 3 years of Job and Placement support

Unleash your career potential with unlimited job access,
interview support, and profile review

6+ Mock Interviews with FAANG Mentors

Excel in the competitive job market with 6+ mock
interviews guided by FAANG experts

Resume Building Session

Craft a powerful resume showcasing your expertise in
software development to stand out from the competition

1:1 LinkedIn Review Session

Get 1-on-1 sessions with experts for a better
understanding of LinkedIn profile reviews and cover letter.

Unlimited Interview Calls

Receive unlimited interview calls from a diverse pool of
interested employers/recruiters until you successfully
secure a job
Others Vs Learnbay

Benefits Learnbay Others

Guaranteed Interview

Industry capstone project

certificate from IBM

Domain specialized programs

for professionals

100% live interactive sessions

with industry experts

On-demand video call

with industry experts

Personalised Resume
Review Session
Program Syllabus

Pre-course Work (3-5 Weeks)

Programming Basics, Data Types and Input, Output and Exceptions

Code Flow Taking Input and printing
Why Programming Types of exception and handling
Simple use case where programming them.
is required More on Java language fundamentals
How to Write simple psuedo code JDK
Difference in different programming JRE
Intro to Java and Development setup
If- Leap year
Max Integer
Focal length of Spherical Triangle (right angle)
Mirror Basic Calculator
Cuboid Perimeter
Simple Sum
Nobita and Profit
Shinchan and Kazama
How functions work and how to make
custom functions and work with them
If statement, Loops and Code flow Defining
Function return type
Java Basics
Passing arguments
Writing code in Java
If statements Loops
Pokemon Master
Flow of basic code and best coding
Help Sherlock
Penny and Charity
Rotation Policy
Pattern printing
Single Digit
Armstrong Number
Program Syllabus

Pre-course Work (3-5 Weeks)

Objected Oriented Programming 1-D Array

Abstraction 1-D Array (Defining & initializing,

Encapsulation iterations, looping on Arrays)
Polymorphism Average Me
Interfaces, Modifiers, Classes and Max Numbers
Simple Arrangement
Classes in Java
Sum and Mean
Classes and Object
Increasing Array
Replace Element
Alternate Sum Product
Is this repeated?
2-D Matrix

Max sum column

Diagonal Sum
Good Cells
Row with maximum 1's
A Boolean Matrix Problem

Note :
Advanced Concepts : Exception handling, multithreading, collections and generics will
be covered in extra sessions
This module will be full of assignments and there will be a test after that needs to be
cleared to move to the next module
Program Syllabus

DSA (2 months)

Functions & Recursion Recursion

Significance Recursion
Defining Divide and Conquer
Function return type
Passing arguments Tower of Hanoi
Number of ways
Power Function Candy Crush
Factorial - Recursion
Fibonacci Numbers
Sum of Digits Linear Search and Binary Search
Sum of Product of Digits of
Linear Search
a given number
Binary Search
Ternary Search

Searching an element in a
Time and space Complexity sorted array
Best, worst & average case Square root of an Integer
Minimum Element in Sorted
and Rotated Array

Bit Manipulation

Two Pointers

Sorting using Divide and Conquer and

implementation Merge Sort
Sortings Shopping
Divide and Conquer Even odd Separate Sorting
Merge Sort Implementing Quick Sort
Quick Sort Sort 0's, 1's and 2's2.
Comparator Sort Maximum Force
Program Syllabus

DSA (2 months)

Simple Array Sorting and its ArrayList and Linked List - 1

implementation Single Linked List (Insertion at
Sortings positions in Linked List, iteration in
Bubble sort Linked List, Deletion at position in
Insertion Sort Linked List, Linked List loops)

Selection Sort Insert node at the given

Bubble Sort position
Insertion Sort Print the Linked List
Bubble Sort(Descending Delete the Kth node from
Order) the end
Intersection of two linked

Linked List - 2

Double Linked List (Double Linked list Linked List - 3

creation (prev pointer), iteration in Circular Linked list (Circular Linked list
Double Linked List, insertion at creation,iteration in Circular Linked
positions in Linked List, Deletion in List, insertion at positions in Circular
Double Linked List) Linked List, Deletion in Circular Linked
Reversing the Linked List
Palindrome List
Merge two sorted linked list Insertion node at kth
postition in doubly linked list
Insertion in circular linked
Deletion in Doubly Linked
Reversing a double linked list
Program Syllabus

DSA (2 months)

Stack Applications of Stack

Intro Implementation using Linked list
Application and Implementation using Stack as library

Infix to Postfix
Array implementation of Height Problem
stack Nearest Smaller Element
Stack implemetation using Stock span problem
linked list Greater is better
Stack operations

Queue Applications of Queue

Implementation using Array Implementation using Array

Implementation using Linked list Implementation using Linked list
Queue as a library Queue as a library

Array implementation of Operations on Deque

Queue Maximum of all subarrays
Linked List implemenation of size K
of Queue Generate Binary Numbers
Operation on Queue Reverse First K elements of
Program Syllabus

System Design (1 month)

Introduction to System Design Design Principles

What is System Design? SOLID Principles
Goals of System Design KISS Principle
Components of a System Design DRY Principle
System Design Process YAGNI Principle
Importance of System Design Separation of Concerns
Types of Systems Law of Demeter
Architecture of a System

Have students brainstorm Implement a simple project

examples of different types of using one of the design
systems they interact with on patterns.
a daily basis. Apply the design principles to
Research and present on the a real-world problem and
system architecture of a well- present the solution to the
known software or platform. class.

Design Patterns
Design Patterns
Creational Patterns
Structural Patterns
Analyze a popular software
Behavioral Patterns
product and identify the
Singleton Pattern
design patterns used in its
Factory Pattern
Adapter Pattern
Research and present on the
Observer Pattern
system architecture of a well-
Command Pattern
known software or platform.

Design a simple system using

one or more of the design
Program Syllabus

System Design (1 month)

Low-Level Design (LLD) Scalability and Performance

Understanding the Purpose and Scalability
Scope of LLD Performance
LLD Design Process Load Balancing
Types of LLD Caching
Creating a Low-Level Design Database Scaling
Design a high-traffic website
Design a low-level and identify potential
architecture for a real-world bottlenecks in scalability and
system. performance.
Research and present on a Research and present on a
well-known company's well-known company's
deployment process and performance issues and how
identify areas for they addressed them.

Integration and Deployment

Security and Reliability
Continuous Integration
Continuous Deployment
Fault Tolerance
Disaster Recovery
Backup and Restore
Design and deploy a small-
Design a system with security scale application using a
and reliability in mind. cloud-based platform.
Research and present on a Research and present on a
well-known security breach well-known company's
and discuss the measures that integration and deployment
could have been taken to process and identify areas for
prevent it. improvement.
Case Studies

E-Commerce Microservices Food Delivery App


Design an e-commerce platform using Create a food delivery application with

microservices architecture. Each microservices. Each microservice could
microservice could handle different be responsible for tasks like user
functionalities such as user registration, restaurant management,
authentication, product catalog, cart order placement, delivery tracking, and
management, payment processing, payment processing. Implement REST
order fulfillment, and recommendations. APIs to enable communication and data
Use RESTful APIs for communication exchange between the microservices.
between microservices. Explore aspects
of scalability, data modeling, and
transaction management.

Travel Booking System Social Networking Platform

Design a travel booking system using Develop a social networking platform

microservices. Separate microservices with microservices. Different
could handle aspects like flight booking, microservices could manage user
hotel reservation, car rental, and profiles, posts, likes, comments, and
itinerary planning. Utilize REST APIs for connections. Implement RESTful APIs to
inter-microservice communication and facilitate interactions between the
data exchange. microservices. Emphasize real-time
updates, news feed algorithms, and user
Case Studies

Ride-Sharing Service Music Streaming App

Design a ride-sharing service with Develop a music streaming application

microservices. Each microservice could with microservices. Different
handle tasks like user registration, ride microservices could manage user
booking, driver matching, and payment profiles, playlists, song
processing. Implement RESTful APIs to recommendations, and payment
facilitate communication and data processing. Utilize REST APIs for
exchange between microservices. communication between the
Discuss geolocation services, map microservices. Focus on caching, load
integration, and load balancing. balancing, latency reduction, and data

Health and Fitness Platform Online Learning Portal

Create a health and fitness platform Design an online learning portal with
using microservices. Microservices could microservices. Separate microservices
handle user profiles, workout tracking, could handle user authentication, course
meal planning, and progress monitoring. management, content delivery, and
Implement RESTful APIs to enable progress tracking. Use REST APIs for
communication between the inter-microservice communication.
microservices. Discuss data security, Address content delivery optimization
compliance with regulations, and and handling large numbers of users.
handling sensitive patient information.
Program Syllabus

Specialization (3 months)

Full-Stack Specialization Backend Specialization

Download Syllabus Download Syllabus
Program Syllabus

Deployment ( 2 Weeks )

Building a Spring Boot Application Developing a Basic Spring Boot

Creating a new Spring Boot project
Dependency management with Creating and configuring Spring
Maven or Gradle Beans
Defining application properties (e.g., Implementing RESTful APIs with
database configuration, logging) Spring Web
Handling HTTP requests and
Data validation and error handling
Working with Databases

Integrating Spring Boot with relational

databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL)
Using Spring Data JPA for database Testing Spring Boot Applications
interactions Writing unit tests for Spring
Implementing CRUD operations with components (e.g., controllers,
JPA repositories services)
Using JUnit and Mockito for testing
Understanding test best practices and
Securing a Spring Boot Application
test coverage
Implementing authentication and
Securing REST APIs with Spring
Security Spring Boot Actuator
Handling CSRF attacks and other
Monitoring and managing Spring
security considerations
Boot applications using Actuator
Customizing Actuator endpoints and
Building and Packaging Spring Boot
security configurations

Creating executable JARs or WARs

Deploying Spring Boot applications to
local and remote servers
Program Syllabus

Deployment ( 2 Weeks )

Containerization and Deployment Monitoring and Scaling

Introduction to Docker and Utilizing monitoring tools (e.g., Spring

containerization Boot Admin, Prometheus, Grafana)
Dockerizing a Spring Boot application Scaling Spring Boot applications in
Deploying Spring Boot apps to cloud different deployment environments
platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

Continuous Integration and Identifying and resolving common
Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) issues
Setting up CI/CD pipelines with tools Adopting best practices for Spring
like Jenkins or GitLab CI Boot application development and
Automating the deployment process deployment
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or call us at
+91 77956 87988

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