Day 017 - May 21, 2024 - Verbal Reasoning - Foe & Poe - Jenny Dapat

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Class TANGLAW Fire Officer Examination Program

Verbal Reasoning Rationalization – Day 017 of 027

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MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

Directions: Arrange the following set of sentences to form a comprehensible and well organized

1. a. A person may be unable to cope with the fast pace and complex lifestyles that exist in
our present society: as a result, even someone who is an unlikely "criminal type" might be
forced into crime.
b. Still another theory is based upon the growing evidence that pressures within our
modern world have caused the rapid growth in the crime rate.
c. For example, a child of very strict parents or from an extremely poor home may run a
greater risk of being involved in crimes as he reaches adolescence.
d. If a child is reared in a negative environment, he may be more likely to turn to crime than
a child who has had more positive influences.
e. There is no easy answer to this question: however, psychologists have suggested that
clues may be found in the childhood of the criminal.
f. What circumstances lead a person to follow a life of crime?
A. abcdef
B. fedcba
C. dbcafe
D. febacd
E. abdcef

2. a. The bravery you have manifested since the start of this Revolution in fighting against the
Spanish enemy is the clearest proof that you are not terrified by the noise of the
preparations for the invasion here of the army of Polavieja.
b. That army, in a short span of time, has demonstrated marked cowardice and base
conduct by torturing and killing multitudes of our non-combatant people.

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c. Their burning of the towns here, their desecration of the purity of our women without
regard to their weakness, the murder of the old and of helpless infants – these acts are not
those of any man of honor and courage.
d. They cry out for vengeance and justice.
(Excerpt from Andres Bonifacio’s “To The Brave Sons Of The People” Speech, 1897)
A. abcd
B. bdca
C. dcba
D. bcad
E. cabd

3. a. I know that you have been wielding against the enemy two potent weapons: Filipino
unity and faith.
b. My fellow countrymen, I am proud of you.
c. Stronger than any arm of destruction, your weapons are of untold and terrible power.
d. Stronger than a thousand sheets of steel, with them you are invincible.
(Excerpt from Manuel Quezon’s Third Inaugural Address, 1943)
A. bcda
B. abcd
C. cdba
D. bacd
E. dbca

4. a. Remove the object and you reduce him to inaction.

b. It seems that these thoughts have never entered the minds of those who cry out against
the indolence of the Filipinos.
c. Man works for an object.
d. The most active man in the world will fold his arms from the instant he understands that
it is madness to bestir himself, that this work will be the cause of his trouble, that for him it
will be the cause of vexations at home and of the pirate's greed abroad.
Source: Jose Rizal, "The Indolence of the Filipino," 1890
A. abcd
B. cadb
C. bdac
D. acdb
E. cbad

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5. a. Now in its third year, the campaign sees, on the first week of February, archives, special
collections, and libraries take to social media with individual images and even entire books
compiled from their holdings for the public to color.
b. In February 2016, with the craze still going strong, New York Academy of Medicine
Library gave birth to a new initiative called Color Our Collections Week, a scholarly take on
the coloring trend.
c. Whatever the reasons, sales rocketed: Nielsen logged sales of 12 million for the category
in 2015, up from a measly 1 million the year before.
d. What strange winds conspired to suddenly urge adults in their droves to take up colored
pencils again?
(Source: Melissa N. Morris and Zach Carmichael, "Filling in the Blanks A Prehistory of the
Adult Coloring Craze," February 6, 2019. )
A. dcba
B. abcd
C. cdba
D. badc
E. dbac

6. a. However, Dr. William H. Fowler, Jr. of the UCLA medical school claims that studies show
there is no increase in strength, motor performance, or vital capacities.
b. There is a growing controversy over the use of drugs in sports.
c. Denny McLain, pitcher for the Detroit Tigers, claims that he needs pep pills or something
to keep him going, especially when he is expected to be good 162 ball games a year.
A. abc
B. cba
C. bca
D. cab
E. acb

7. a. The BBC’s current television version starring Benedict Cumberbatch is perhaps one of the
most successful, not least as its scriptwriters combine a deep knowledge of the original with
a flair for departing wittily from it: the show’s strategy of allusion, transformation, and up-
to-dateness gives it both freshness and familiarity.
b. Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes saga has enjoyed -- or in some cases suffered – countless
reinventions since its original publication from 1887 to 1927.

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c. The new series begins with ‘The Empty Hearse’, its title alluding playfully to Conan Doyle’s
1903 story ‘The Empty House’ in which Holmes returns from apparent death at the hands of
Professor Moriarty in Switzerland.
A. abc
B. cba
C. bca
D. cab
E. bac

8. a. And finally, read the last paragraph, which will probably contain a summary of the
b. First, before you attempt to read anything, look over the length of the material to see if
you have time to read it: if not, mark a spot where you intend to stop.
c. Here is a four-step method which can help you prevent your mind from wandering while
d. Second, read the title and the first paragraph, looking for the main idea of the article.
e. By doing this, you condition your mind to 'accept the material you want to read, and thus
reduce mind wandering.
f. Next, read the boldface headings, if there are any, and the first sentence of each
A. abcdef
B. febcad
C. cbdfae
D. dfcbae
E. fedcba

9. a. He greatly enjoyed the poems of Victorian writers such as Alfred, Lord Tennyson, and
Christina Rossetti.
b. Probably his best known is called “Jabberwocky,” with its opening line of “’Twas brillig,
and the slithy toves…”, and its many invented words, some that have now entered the
English language, such as “chortle” and “galumph”.
c. Although best known as the author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and
Through the Looking-Glass (1871), Lewis Carroll - the pen-name of Charles Lutwidge
Dodgson, a mathematical lecturer at Christ Church, Oxford - was also an avid reader and
writer of poetry.
d. His own poems were varied – some just humorous nonsense, some filled with hidden
meanings, and some serious poems about love and life.
A. abcd

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B. dbca
C. cabd
D. cadb
E. bcad

10. a. All the same, most people today are well aware unicorns don’t exist.
b. Unicorns seem to be everywhere these days.
c. They have become a fashionable cultural icon of fantasy, escapism, and (somewhat
paradoxically) individuality — a fact exploited to the full by manufacturers and marketing
d. It’s virtually impossible to walk down a high street or go into a gift shop without coming
face to face with one of these rainbow-spangled creatures in some form or another.
A. abcd
B. dbca
C. cabd
D. bdca
E. acbd

Directions: Choose the best meaning or synonym of the underlined word in each sentence

11. Every Christian's path is beset by peril.

A. bested
B. frightened
C. surrounded
D. chased

12. The power failure at 8 P.M. caused consternation among the barangay's residents.
A. dismay
B. deliberation
C. disability
D. distaste

13. The consensus among the congressmen was that the bill would not be passed.
A. divided
B. controversy
C. gathering
D. agreement

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14. Tempestuous times preceded the EDSA People Power Revolution.
A. emotionally charged
B. temperate
C. trying
D. peaceful

15. Imelda Marcos was known for her ostentatious extravagance.

A. oscillating
B. loud
C. wealthy
D. showy

16. Some believe that the treatment for modern-day depression is complete abstinence from
social media use.
A. absence
B. avoidance
C. sickness
D. prescription

17. Filipino revolutionary heroes made a vehement protest against Spanish colonization.
A. veiled
B. verified
C. impassioned
D. voracious

18. The consolidated revenues of his two companies declined during the pandemic.
A. advertised
B. united
C. divided
D. met

19. Noel waited in agony as his wife went through the throes of childbirth.
A. struggle
B. study
C. wake
D. theater

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20. A less scrupulous plumber could easily have unnecessarily replaced the drainpipes and run up
the cost.
A. afraid
B. employed
C. careful
D. infamous

21. Paulo wanted to become a doctor because of his desire to mitigate misery in the world.
A. aggravate
B. intensify
C. finish
D. alleviate

22. The Spanish colonizers subjugated the native population of the Philippines in order to
introduce Christianity.
A. liberated
B. subdued
C. frightened
D. digressed

23. The country's air pollution guidelines are not as stringent as the climate change advocates
want them to be.
A. lax
B. flexible
C. strict
D. tolerant

24. Noemi is furious at her friend who bamboozled her into investing in a pyramid scheme.
A. immoral
B. duped
C. amoral
D. honest

25. The vice-president took power in the interim period before the election.
A. interval
B. interception
C. interaction
D. insertion

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Directions: The sentences below may or may not contain an error that violates the standard rules
of using verb tenses, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, parallelism, subject-verb agreement,
pronoun-antecedent agreement, etc. Choose which of the underlined word(s) or phrases contain
an error or need to be replaced to make the sentence correct. Choose ‘E’ if the sentence contains
no error.

26. (A) Although the student body (B) continue to get smaller, the superintendent (C) insists that
the high school (D) is thriving. (E) No error.
a. Although
b. continue
c. insist that
d. Is thriving
e. No error

27. The (A) strangely distorted, colorful pictures by Picasso (B) has received much attention (C) not
only from the critics, (D) but also from the general public. (E) No error.
a. Strangely distorted
b. Has received
c. not only
d. But also from
e. No errors.

28. (A) Everyone (B) who plans (C) to attend the senior retreat (D) need to pack appropriate
camping supplies. (E) No error.
a. Everyone
b. Who plans
c. To attend
d. Need
e. No error

29. Sheila (A) attended the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), which (B) was in Legazpi Village
(C) in Makati. (D) No error.
a. attended
b. was
c. in
d. No error

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30. Carlos (A) did not want to go to the Frost Daze Dance, (B) nevertheless, his friends (C)
convinced him to attend the once-in-a-lifetime event, and he also knew his grandmamma (D)
wanted him to socialize more. (E) No error.
a. did not want
b. nevertheless
c. convinced
d. wanted
e. No error

31. Maude Adams, after her spectacular (A) triumph as the original Peter Pan, (B) went about (C)
heavy veiled and was accessible to (D) only a handful of intimate friends. (E) No error.
a. triumph
b. went about
c. heavy veiled
d. only a handful
e. No error

32. The board (A) reviewing the courses offered by the college (B) found that the quality of
academic programs (C) were generally good but (D) somewhat uneven. (E) No error.
a. reviewing
b. found
c. were
d. somewhat
e. No error

33. At the music recital, Alexandra (A) enjoyed listening to her friend Mohammed's insightful
interpretation, (B) which she thought was (C) more sophisticated (D) than the other performers. (E)
No error.
a. enjoyed listening
b. which she
c. more sophisticated
d. than the other performers
e. No error

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34. The students (A) have discovered that (B) they can address issues more effectively (C) through
letter-writing campaigns (D) and not through public demonstrations. (E) No error.
a. have discovered
b. they
c. through
d. and not
e. No error

35. (A) Only the chairman of the board, (B) not his fellow board members, (C) reports to the
President of the company (D) once a month. (E) No error.
a. Only the chairman
b. not his fellow board members
c. reports to the President
d. once a month
e. No error

Directions: The following sentences contain a blank space provided for a missing word that will
complete their meaning. Choose the word that best fits the meaning of each sentence
36. It is every person’s ______ to live the life he or she chooses.
A. composite
B. eloquence
C. prerogative
D. allusion
E. demise

37. In the famous balcony scene, Romeo ______ Juliet’s beauty is one of the most romantic
soliloquies ever written.
A. sanctions
B. extols
C. peruses
D. beguiles
E. fetters

38. The graph clearly showed the company reaching the ______ in profits during the 1980s when
the economy was in a boom period.
A. narthex
B. gullet
C. gamut

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D. quiescence
E. vertex

39. Oliver was unable to ______ himself from the difficulties he had caused by forging the
A. reprove
B. pique
C. oust
D. extricate
E. broach

40. Dogs growl and show their teeth in an attempt to ______ the animal or person they perceive as
a threat.
A. bolster
B. waylay
C. cow
D. exacerbate
E. appease

Directions: Read the passages and answer the questions that follow.
For questions 41-50:

Between us there was, as I have already said somewhere, the bond of the sea. Besides
holding our hearts together through long periods of separation, it had the effect of making us
tolerant of each other's yarns-and even convictions. The Lawyer-the best of old fellows-had,
because of his many years and many virtues, the only cushion on deck, and was lying on the only
rug. The Accountant had already brought out a box of dominoes and was toying architecturally
with the bones. Marlow sat cross-legged right aft, leaning against the mizzenmast. He had sunken
cheeks, a yellow complexion, a straight back, an ascetic aspect, and, with his arms dropped, the
palms of hands outwards, resembled an idol. The Director, satisfied the anchor had a good hold,
made his way aft and sat down amongst us. We exchanged a few words lazily. Afterwards there
was silence on board the yacht. For some reason or other we did not begin that game of
dominoes. We felt meditative and fit for nothing but placid staring. The day was ending in a
serenity of still and exquisite brilliance. The water shone pacifically; the sky, without a speck, was a
benign immensity of unstained light; the very mist on the Essex marshes was like a gauzy and
radiant fabric, hung from the wooded rises inland, and draping the low shores in diaphanous folds.
Only the gloom to the west, brooding over the upper reaches, became more sombre every minute,
as if angered by the approach of the sun. And at last, in its curved and imperceptible fall, the sun

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sank low, and from glowing white changed to a dull red without rays and without heat, as if about
to go out suddenly, stricken to death by the touch of that gloom brooding over a crowd of men.
From ‘The Heart of Darkness’, by Joseph Conrad

41. The narrator of this passage is telling his story from:

A. a wharf.
B. the deck of a yacht.
C. a high vantage point.
D. the edge of the Essex marshes.
E. None of the above.

42. The mood of the men in this passage is best described as:
A. surly.
B. resigned.
C. contemplative.
D. restless.
E. ecstatic.

43. From the passage, it is clear that the men:

A. do not get along.
B. show a quiet understanding.
C. cannot be bothered with one another.
D. have just had a quarrel.
E. are worn out.

44. The word ‘diaphanous’, used to describe the mist, means:

A. almost transparent.
B. fragile.
C. suffocating.
D. silent
E. none of the above.

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An argument has gone on for years that focuses on the question of how much monetary or other
help should be given to the poor. The argument on one side stresses the deprivation and
misfortunes those of low income must carry through and appeals to the moral instincts of those in
government positions to use compassion in their judgements. On the other side, people speak
about the role that laziness has played in developing poverty and how public assistance progress
vitiate incentives to work and to save.

45. Which of the following would be a good title for the ideas in this passage?
A. How much Should be Granted to the Poor?
B. Government Assistance
C. Poverty and the Poor
D. The Poverty Problem

46. According to the above passage, providing assistance for the poor is –
A. An important ingredient of a democracy
B. A debatable question
C. Not a good choice
D. Just perpetuating poverty

No, your autobiography is not a marketable subject, unless you are a movie star, politician, or
other type of celebrity. A book concerning your travels abroad is not likely candidate either. A
marketable subject is one that is of interest to the general public or at least appeals to a sizeable
specialty group, and that has not been adequately covered elsewhere. Remember the six magic
words: “Find a need and fill it.”

47. According to the author, all of the following are true about a marketable subject for a book,
A. One that is of interest to the general public
B. Appeals to a sizeable specialty group
C. Tackles a topic that has not been adequately covered elsewhere
D. A book concerning your travels abroad

48. What would be a good title for this selection?

A. My Autobiography
B. Have You Chosen a Marketable Subject?
C. How to Write a Bok
D. How to Write an Autobiography

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Boracay, the most famous beach in the Philippines, is also known as a blessed island. I have never
met anyone who has not been enthralled and fascinated when they visited Boracay. The first time
you set foot on its powder-like sand, you’ll surely feel lucky to be in a paradise island. The moment
you see its crystal pristine water, you’ll be so thankful you’re alive. Many locals and foreigners go
there again and again not only because of the breathtaking view but also because to celebrate life
and its blessings.

49. What is the best title for the above article?

A. Famous Beach in the Philippines
B. The Beach of Boracay
C. Boracay, a Blessed Island
D. Why People Go to Boracay

Malaysia Airline Flight MH370’s disappearance is still under investigation. Many countries joined in
the search for what really happened and where the aircraft is now. The flight lost contact with air
traffic controllers about an hour after its take off. The weather was fine when the aircraft was flying
so it adds more theories about other possible reasons of the aircraft’s fate. The oil slick spotted off
Vietnam’s coast turned out to be fuel oil used in cargo ships so it has nothing to do with the
aircraft. Interpol also says the disappearance of the jet plane has nothing to do with terrorist
attack. More questions are adding to this quest and no specific answer is given and proven yet.

50. The above selection supports the idea –

A. That Flight MH370 is somewhere under the sea
B. That Flight MH370’s disappearance is still a mystery
C. That Flight MH370 must have crashed after loss contact
D. That Flight MH370 is in Bermuda Triangle

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