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No. of Printed Pages : 4 BEGC-101


Term-End Examination
June, 2022


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : This paper contains three sections, A, B and C.
Attempt questions from all sections. In Section A,
attempt any four; in Section B, attempt any two
and in Section C, attempt any three.

I. Write short answers on/Explain with reference to
the context any four in about 200 words each : 45=20

1. Sudraka

2. Sanskrit drama does not have a tragic ending

3. Role of the Nayak in a Sanskrit play

4. Puram

5. Ascetic matron, listen :

intuitive cunning is seen even in females
of lower creatures : what then of those
endowed with reason and understanding :
the cuckoo, as we know, has her young
reared by other birds before they take to the air.

BEGC-101 1 P.T.O.
Page No. 1

6. When I saw all that blazing fortune at the

Pandavas, I fell prey to resentment and I am
burning, though that is not my way. I shall enter
the fire, or drink poison, or drown myself, for I
shall not be able to live.

7. Perhaps we shall see you again, strong-armed

Krsna, if we escape alive from the great battle,
the carnage of heroes. Or surely we will meet in
heaven, Krsna — yes, there we shall meet again
next, prince sans blame.

8. Matani turned
To Manimekalai and said : ‘‘Come here,
dear innocent girl’’,
And removed her locks of hair braided with
Enraged, the God of love threw down
His sugarcane bow and his flower arrows.
She entered a Buddhist nunnery and obeyed its

BEGC-101 2 Page No. 2


II. Answer any two of the following in about

400 words each : 210=20

9. Can Natyashastra be called the fifth Veda ?


10. Attempt a critical analysis of Abhijnana

Shakuntala from the point of view of caste.

11. Why do you think Krsna attempts to tempt

Karna to join the Pandavas ? Explain.

12. What is Karna’s view of Krsna ? Discuss.

13. Examine the significance of the ‘‘Gathering of

storm clouds’’ in Mrichchhakatika.


III. Answer any three of the following in about

800 words each : 320=60

14. Discuss the theme of concealment in Abhijnana


15. Explain the significance of The Palace of

Illusions/The Maya Palace in the Mahabharata.

BEGC-101 3 P.T.O.
Page No. 3

16. How does Dhritarashtra get manipulated by

Duryodhana ? Elucidate with examples.

17. Examine some of the dimensions of social life as

highlighted in Mrichchhakatika.

18. Visualise Sakara as an example of

characterisation. Give examples in support of
your answer.

19. How does Ilango bring about the transformation

of human characters to immortalised
characters ?

20. Write a brief essay on the cult of Pattini.

21. Examine critically the politics of gender

relations and patriarchal authority of the King
in Cilappatikaran.

BEGC-101 4 Page No. 4

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