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AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System

AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System manages and controls all inventory, production
and quality-related plant activities to produce quality products at the lowest cost.
It reduces the cost of quality and compliance by capturing all data related to the
transformation of raw materials into finished goods. Real-time visibility into plant KPIs
empowers plant workers to optimize plant productivity and minimize downtimes.

A reusable, model-driven approach lets you standardize best practices, KPIs and
reporting across multi-site operations. Gain enterprise-wide, real-time visibility into plant
operations with production data and visualization services in the cloud. Visualize and
share data across different teams, improve supply chain planning with visibility into plant
operations and perform advanced analytics (AI/ML) to optimize operational efficiency
across your business.

AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System offers It supports multi-site MES standardization, which
a complete set of software functions to digitize, enables consistent compliance and reporting of
standardize, optimize and govern operational processes operational execution on the shop floor.
and work activities across industrial manufacturing
AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System integrates
plants. Its integrated advanced planning and
with AVEVA’s cloud data and visualization services to
scheduling methods enable flexible scheduling and
provide a single source of truth across distributed plant
short-term production management. Businesses use it
operations. By utilizing AVEVA’s cloud services, you can
to safeguard quality and compliance and improve their
store, enrich and share production execution data and
operational efficiency so that they remain competitive.
information views across all of your plants.
Industry-leading, agnostic connectivity to automation
Enterprise-wide, real-time visibility into your plant
and industrial internet of things (IIoT) devices allows
operations and resources facilitates business agility
it to meet the real-time production-control and
and resilience. Ready-to-use visualization services
regulatory-compliance needs of automated production
and advanced analytic (AI/ML) capabilities give you
processes and equipment. Automatic electronic record
the information and decision support you need to
keeping provides detailed product genealogy and end-
effectively improve productivity and sustainability
to-end material traceability.
across your business.
AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System synchronizes
human and machine actions dynamically with
sophisticated digital workflow management capabilities,
making it the first choice for fast-moving goods
production and repetitive manufacturing processes.

02 AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System

Key features

AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System manages human and machine activities, tracks and traces inventory and
materials, and facilitates continuous improvement, data analysis and reporting. It enables short-term production
planning with real-time visibility into plant operations and resources.

Production management It provides workers with real-time access to the

AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System synchronizes production schedule and guides them with work
human and machine actions to efficiently execute all instructions. It minimizes quality losses by enforcing
scheduled work orders and jobs. It enforces the defined product, process and quality specifications. Real-time
sequence of process operations and work tasks that are visibility into the status of production, inventory and
dispatched to production equipment or work cells. quality helps workers respond to unplanned events, while
decision support helps them take corrective actions.
The software uses a configurable and sustainable
process model to manage the product recipe and Workflow management
production process information, including: AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System eliminates
y The sequence of operations paperwork and mitigates human error. It manages
collaboration and human processes with advanced
y Bill of material (BOM) digital workflow capabilities.
y Equipment capability and setup specifications
Graphical workflow modeling describes what
y Routings and flow of materials between operations sequences of activity workers need to perform
y Labor certificates to execute simple or complex work tasks, quality
y Data-capture requirements for each operation inspections, data collection or sign-off procedures.

It executes production orders by scheduling instances The software can build workflows to validate and
of a product-specific or product-group-specific master enforce the rules and specifications defined in the MES
process, which scales to the requested product process model for producing the scheduled product.
quantity. Advanced planning and scheduling methods It can guide workers with feedback on rule or limit
can optimize production schedules for plant throughput validation so they can avoid errors, take corrective
and on-time delivery. actions or escalate critical conditions for team
collaboration in response to unplanned events.

03 AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System

Users interact with workflows and assigned work tasks Workflows can manage manual material and inventory
through a web-based user interface configured with activities that use barcode or RFID identification of
low-code design tools. Responsive layouts work both storage equipment and material IDs. They also support
on desktop screens and also tablets and smartphones. fully manual activities using operator prompts and
data entry.
AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System comes with
libraries of preconfigured, ready-to-use, standard MES Traceability
activity workflows and user interface forms. You can re-
Reduce the cost of regulatory compliance and protect
configure and enhance them to meet your plant needs,
brand equity with automatic electronic record keeping.
and then use them as your corporate standards across
Conduct detailed product genealogy and end-to-end
multi-site operations.
material traceability in minutes.
Inventory management In addition to enforcing manual data collection
Aligning inventory and production activities reduces procedures, AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System
human error, out-of-spec product and quality losses. integrates with control systems and devices so it can
AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System enforces the automatically keep records on production and inventory
specified BOM and premix recipes and updates material events – including all material consumption and
quantities automatically as they change. production (WIP/semi-finished and finished products). It
delivers a detailed product genealogy and quality record,
It has broad capabilities to manage inventory and along with material traceability across storage, mobile
storage location. It keeps a track record of inventory storage units and production locations.
operations, such as receiving, pre-weigh and material
movements. It maintains a record of the source lot and Out-of-the-box reporting provides an interactive view into
sublot. It also records – as a fundamental traceability the materials or items consumed and produced at each
relationship – transfers from a source location to an operation and location of the production process.
intermediate storage location or to target equipment. In
It shows the path of raw and semi-finished material
addition, it documents material-related activities, such
from its source to all the points it has been consumed
as material quality inspections and grade- and state-
to produce a product. The result is real-time inventory
change management.
status and WIP visibility, and end-to-end material
When integrated with control systems and traceability and product genealogy within the plant,
instrumentation, AVEVA Manufacturing Execution across storage locations, pre-weigh operations and
System automatically and accurately captures weight production equipment, from receiving to storage
or dosing results. or shipment.

04 AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System

Quality management Performance management
AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System safeguards Reduce waste and losses, and increase your
product quality and safety compliance by automating operational efficiency by monitoring, analyzing
quality inspection and enforcing data collection and continuously improving your overall equipment
procedures. effectiveness (OEE) and plant capacity utilization.

The software applies quality-data sampling AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System performs
requirements according to the quality specification plant performance management by tracking the
defined for producing a product and related process progress of work-order execution along with production
operations. So, operators don’t have to do this losses and the reasons for those losses. It dynamically
distracting, difficult-to-manage task. adjusts performance targets based on work-order start
quantities and product-specific target production rates.
It automatically generates sampling plans when a It uses information at the work-order level to accurately
production operation or job starts, and dynamically calculate OEE KPIs, indicate schedule adherence
maintains them in alignment with the production progress in real time and validate line performance across
and job execution. It can trigger additional quality-data multiple pieces of equipment. The real-time tracking of
samples for specified process conditions – or trigger them work-order and production execution can categorize
spontaneously in response to unplanned events. unplanned downtime separately from planned
downtime, such as product changeover, cleaning or
The software enforces manual-entry sample-data
scheduled equipment maintenance.
requests, triggers data collection workflows, and
automates direct data sampling from connected By integrating with plant control systems, the software
plant equipment and devices. It applies statistical captures and displays real-time production data,
process control (SPC) rules to entered sample data downtime reasons, and the impact of short stoppage
to provide instant notifications of non-conformance events. This frees line operators from manual data-
for rapid corrective and preventive actions. Quality- collection. Operators and supervisors can also manually
limit violation and SPC rule events can trigger either report downtime events and reconcile data.
simple notifications or the specified CAPA workflow for
enforcing the preventive or corrective action procedure. AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System provides
a detailed data source you can use to continuously
AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System offers the full improve operating efficiency and equipment utilization.
range of industry-standard SPC rules and SPC charts to Dashboards report production performance (e.g., actual
monitor and visualize sampled quality data and quality versus planned), line OEE and individual unit/equipment
KPIs. It highlights samples that violate quality limits and OEE, and allow you to drill down into production and
rules. Available SPC charts include X-bar and range or utilization events to support root-cause analysis.
Sigma, X-individual and moving range, moving average
and range or Sigma, attribute charts including P, U, Np, C
and defects per million opportunities (DPMO).

05 AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System

Data management, reporting and analysis Data management and visualization in the cloud
AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System makes AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System integrates
reporting and data exploration easy by providing securely and reliably with ready-to-use production
data-management and visualization capabilities data-management and visualization services in the
both on plant premises and in the cloud. It gives you cloud. Storing manufacturing execution data from
enterprise-wide visibility and the ability to share data multiple plants at a single, secure location in the cloud
and informtion across your organizations. makes it easy to contextualize data, share information
and foster collaboration within or outside your
On-premises data management and reporting company’s network.
AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System lets you
Quickly visualize data from multiple, distributed plants
conduct drill-down analyses into short- and long-term
in context using pre-defined dashboards for execution
operational data with a data store and contextualized
data. Share actionable information with teams in plant
information model that is designed for responsive
operations, supply-chain operations and others.
reporting. The data store is a Microsoft SQL Server
database that makes using virtually all commercial BI
and reporting tools easy and effortless.

Out-of-the-box dashboards and a set of reports with

drill-down capabilities provide an interactive view of
production and quality results and plant performance
measures, such as utilization-by-equipment, overall
equipment effectiveness (OEE), mean time between
failure (MTBF), and mean time to repair (MTTR).
Reporting in AVEVA Manufacturing Execution
System comes as preconfigured and ready-to-use
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
report templates, which can adapt to address specific
customer reporting requirements.

06 AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System

A single source of operational data in the cloud provides Standard integration interfaces include B2MML/
a central data repository for BI, artificial intelligence BatchML/XML, flat file, message queue, FTP, web
(AI) and machine learning (ML) tools and makes it API and database tables. The software comes with
easy to explore opportunities to further optimize the an extensibility option/toolkit to create reusable
productivity and sustainability of plant operations with custom- message “plug-ins” for integration with
AI and predictive analytics. legacy applications.

Managing operational data in the cloud lets you AVEVA Enterprise Integration ensures business
visualize the bigger picture in real time so you can continuity for plant operations. It can store and
make data-driven decisions that improve supply-chain forward messages in the event a business application
efficiency, agility and resilience. is unavailable or offline. It also provides administrative
tools and utilities to manage situations where
Enterprise integration transactions fail and need to be reconciled and re-
Integration with enterprise resource and supply chain transmitted to a business application.
planning updates business systems with work in For workflows that span across people and systems of
process (WIP) and inventory status information in real multiple functional domains in the enterprise, AVEVA
time. Such visibility into plant operations facilitates Manufacturing Execution System includes workflow
agile and responsive supply chain management. activities and interfaces to connect to external
As a complement to AVEVA Manufacturing Execution applications and data sources – e.g., Microsoft Azure
System, another offering, AVEVA™ Enterprise logic apps, web APIs and message queues, SQL queries
Integration, automates the exchange of data about and file activities.
production planning and production results between
the manufacturing execution system and business Plant integration
applications (e.g. ERP, supply chain management) and To manage execution and data collection activities
with other plant applications (e.g. LIMS, quality, WMS, on automated manufacturing processes and
etc.). It can also automatically synchronize master data instrumentation, AVEVA Manufacturing Execution
updates (in R&D, PLM, etc.) with the manufacturing System provides native integration with AVEVA™
execution system. System Platform. AVEVA System Platform provides an
infrastructure that agnostically connects and integrates
ERP, QMS, SCM, operational planning plant equipment and control systems. Manufacturing
execution data collection and validation capabilities
Production transform control system data streams into consistent
request and
response electronic records for storage in AVEVA Manufacturing
master data
Execution System.
AVEVA Enterprise The integration is provided as a set of MES templates.
You can re-use and enhance these MES templates
Message to create libraries of control-system-neutral equipment
transformation & templates that can be re-used for all similar equipment
delivery services types and production processes across any
automation landscape.
request and
master data

AVEVA Manufacturing
Other plant systems
Execution System

07 AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System

Multi-site MES standardization AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System abstracts
workflows and data collection procedures from the
AVEVA offers companies that have distributed multi-
underlying MES solution architecture so it can adapt to
site operations support and methods to standardize
local variations in physical processes and automation
their technologies and processes. With standardization,
systems while still maintaining the corporate standards
a company can share manufacturing practices and
for lean and continuous improvement practices, KPIs, and
make practices and reporting consistent across the
production reporting across the enterprise.
organization. That consistency accelerates plant
efficiency improvements and helps close the collaboration AVEVA provides MES standard activity models and
gap between plant and supply chain operations. user interfaces for commonly required manufacturing
execution system functions. Customers can use these to
AVEVA’s “model-driven” standardization methodology
derive and create their own libraries of MES templates
uses configuration environments and reusable templates
that they can deploy to a plant as needed.
to digitally capture best practices and create libraries of
reusable, corporate standards that can roll out across AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System and its model-
individual plants. Companies can use these libraries to driven approach help standardize best practices that
create consistent reports, reliably compare KPIs and can adapt to physical variations and differences in
comply with standards. automation at local plants. This approach works both for
multiple, local plant MES deployments as well as for a
Useful standardization in multi-site operations abstracts
single, centrally hosted (single instance, “enterprise MES”)
from the variation in individual physical setups and
multi-site MES solution. For single, centrally deployed
procedures at different plants.
manufacturing execution systems, a small set of software
components connects with automation systems at the
edge of the plants, where it automatically collects data
and sends it to the central MES application.


Inventory Performance

Industry AVEVA
best model-driven
practices MES

Templates delivered by AVEVA Core technology platform and
or our practice partners, standard components

Center of excellence - business - wide operating standards

Plant 1 Plant 2 Plant 3 Plant 4 Plant 5

08 AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System

Technical specifications:

Operating systems Language support

AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System includes
Server: Windows Server Operating System
support for the following languages:
Database technology y English
Microsoft SQL Server, Standard or y French
Enterprise Edition
y German
Browsers y Japanese
y Microsoft Edge y Russian
y Google Chrome y Simplified Chinese
y Mozilla Firefox y Spanish
y Apple Safari on macOS devices (Runtime only) Additional translations can be added

For more information on AVEVA Manufacturing Execution System software please visit:

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AVEVA and the AVEVA logo are a trademark or registered trademark of AVEVA Group Limited in the U.S. and other countries.
All product names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective holders. 2024-04

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