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Prepared by Teacher Ntegerejimana Theogene. On the 21st May 2024. Tel: +250784944242 E-mail: tnteg1@gmail.



School name: Groupe Scolaire Vumbi.

Sector: Mushonyi.
3rd Term Advanced Level Biology test. On the 21st May 2024.
Subject: BIOLOGY I.
Combination: S6 MCB. Out of 10o marks. Duration: 3 Hour 00 minutes.
Instructions: All questions of section A are compulsory. Choose any three
among five given in section B.


1. Write your names on answer sheet

2. Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
3. Section A: Attempt all questions (70 marks)
4. Section B: Attempt only any three questions of your choice (30 marks).
5. Use blue or black pen.

Good News: 2 Chronicles 15:7: “But you, take courage! Do not let
your hands be weak/slack, for your work shall be rewarded." God bless you.

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Section A: Attempt all questions (70 marks)

1. Conditions inside the body must be kept constant. Urea must be removed
from the body.
(a) Name the organ which makes urea. (1 mark)
(b) Which organ removes urea from the body? (1 mark)
(c) What is urea made from? (1 mark)

2. The brain and the skin are involved in monitoring and controlling body
(a) Describe the parts played by the brain and the skin in monitoring body
(i) The brain (2 marks)
(ii) The skin (2 marks)

(b) The diagram shows a section through part of the skin. The muscle
labelled X controls the flow of blood into the skin capillary. When
muscle X contracts, the flow of blood into the skin capillary is reduced.

Explain the role of muscle X in the control of body temperature. (3 marks)

3. The diagrams show the structures of a yeast cell and a bacterial cell.

(a) Both the yeast cell and the bacterial cell have structures A and B. Name
structures A and B. (2 marks)
(b) The yeast cell and the bacterial cell have different shapes and sizes. Give
one other way in which the structure of the bacterial cell is different
from the structure of the yeast cell. (2 marks)

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4. Complete the table. (4 marks)
Substance Transported by the blood
From To
Oxygen (A) whole body
(B) whole body lungs
(C) liver kidneys
(D) intestine (E)

5. The diagrams below represent organic molecules. Using only the letters
adjacent to the diagrams, indicate: (4 marks)

a) Which structure contains a peptide bond?

b) Which structure contains a glycosidic bond?
c) Which structure is an amino acid?
d) Which structure is characterized by its solubility in organic
e) Which structure is a monosaccharide?
f) Which structure would be found in a DNA molecule?
g) Which structure would require 3 water molecules for complete
h) Which structure would be found in a protein such as hemoglobin?

6. The drawing shows the chromosomes in the nucleus of an epithelial cell of

a mammal.

(a) What is the diploid number of chromosomes in this species? (1 mark)

(b) What would be the haploid number? (1 mark)
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(c) What is the sex of the animal from which this epithelial cell was taken?
(1 mark)
(d) Explain why you selected that one. (1 mark)

7. The following diagram represents cells from a plant tissue.

(a) Name the tissue of which these cells are a part. What is the function
of this tissue? (1 mark)
(b) Name the parts represented by the letters A to F. (5 marks)
(c) Choose an example from the human alimentary canal to illustrate the

8. The diagram shows a family tree in which some individuals have an

inherited disorder, which may cause serious long-term health problems.

(a) What proportion of the children of A and B have the disorder? (2 marks)
(b) Does the disorder appear to be caused by a dominant or recessive allele?
Explain with evidence from the diagram. Use the appropriate letters to
identify individuals in your answer. You may use genetic diagrams in your
explanation. (2 marks)

9. The diagram shows part of a plant root. A large number of structures like
the ones labeled X grow out of the surface of the root.

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(a) (i) What is the name of structure X? (1 mark)
(ii) Name two substances which structure X absorbs from the soil.
(1 mark)
(b) The substances in (a)(ii) are transported from the roots to the leaves.
Carbon dioxide also enters the leaves.
(i) Carbon dioxide enters leaves through ……… (1 mark)
(ii) Carbon dioxide enters leaf cells by the process of …………… (1 mark)

10. The diagram below shows the production of human sperm cells.

(a) Name the organ where the processes shown in the diagram above take
place. (1 mark)
(b) (i) Not every cell in the diagram above contains the same amount of
DNA. Cell A contains 6.6 picograms of DNA (1 picogram = 10-12 grams).
How much DNA is there in each of the following cells?
Cell B: ……… picograms (1 mark)
Cell C: ……… picograms (1 mark)
Cell E: ……… picograms (1 mark)
(ii) How much DNA would there be in a fertilised egg cell? (1 mark)
(iii) By which type of cell division are sperm cells produced? (1 mark)

11. Write the ecological terms that match the definitions below: (7 marks)
a) A piece of apparatus used to sample an area of the environment.
b) The role of an organism in its environment.
c) All of the living organism within a defined area.
d) The amount of organic matter present per unit area.
e) The total number of any one species present within a defined area.
f) Non-living factors, such as temperature, which affect the distribution
of living organisms.
g) Living organism together with their non-living environment.

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h) A means of sampling a change in the living or non-living environment
across a defined area.

12. Lymph flows through lymph nodes. The diagram below shows the action of
white blood cells in a lymph node when bacteria are present.

a) Name the type of nuclear division shown at P in the diagram.

(1 mark)
b) Name the molecules labeled Q in the diagram. (1 mark)
c) Describe how bacteria are destroyed by cell R. (2 marks)

13. Match each stage in photosynthesis with its correct description (4 marks)
a) Photolysis of water i. ATP and NADPH are
b) Non-cyclic ii. Only photosystem I is
photophosphorylation involved
c) Cyclic photophosphorylation iii. Mechanism to generate ATP
d) Carbon dioxide fixation iv. Protons, electrons and
oxygen formed
e) Chemiosmosis v. RuBP required, glycerate 3-
phosphate formed

14. Study the diagram below, which shows a reflex arc.

a) Give labels for each of the following:

(i) Region D. (1 mark)
(ii) Neuron E. (1 mark)
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(b) Write down the LETTER of the part which:
(i) Transmits impulses to the central nervous system. (1 mark)
(ii) Contains the cerebrospinal fluid. (1 mark)
c) Explain the effect on the reflex action if part B was damaged. (1 mark)
d) The nerve pathway in the above response is about 1.5 metres in
length. A nerve impulse travels at 75 ms-1. Use this information to
calculate the time taken for this reflex action to occur. Show all
working. (2 marks)
e) Explain the significance of a reflex action. (1 mark)

SECTION B: Attempt any 3 questions of your choice (30 marks)

15. Control of blood glucose concentration is an important aspect of

homeostasis. When the blood glucose concentration is too high the
hormone insulin is released.
(a) Name the hormone released when the blood glucose concentration is too
low. (1 mark)
(b) Explain how the two hormones keep the blood glucose concentration at
the correct level in a healthy human body. (2 marks)
(c) The two hormones which control blood glucose concentration are
proteins. Proteins are made according to information stored in the DNA
structure of genes. Describe the structure of DNA. (2 marks)
(d) Describe how DNA controls the structure of a protein. (2 marks)
(e) Polydactyly and cystic fibrosis are both inherited disorders caused by
faulty DNA. Polydactyly is caused by a dominant allele. Cystic fibrosis is
caused by a recessive allele. Mother A has polydactyly. Mother B has
cystic fibrosis. Mother A is more likely to have a child with polydactyly
than Mother B having a child with cystic fibrosis. Explain why. Assume
the fathers of the children have no alleles for polydactyly or cystic
fibrosis. You may use genetic diagrams in your answer. (3 marks)

16. The diagram shows a relaxed sarcomere from a skeletal muscle.

(a) Name the parts labeled by the letters A to G. (3 marks)

(b) When the sarcomeres contract, what happens to the length of
(i) The I-band (1 mark)
(ii) The A-band? (1 mark)
(c) The length of each sarcomere in the diagram is 2.2μm. Use this
information to calculate the magnification of the diagram. Show your
working. (2 marks)
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(d) Name the other 2 types of muscles and one example for each.
(2 marks)
(e) People who have McArdle's disease produce less ATP than healthy
people. As a result, they are not able to maintain strong muscle
contraction during exercise. Use your knowledge of the sliding
filament theory to suggest why. (1 mark)

17. The diagram shows two nephrons and a collecting duct in the kidney.

(a) State the names of the tissues I and II. (2 marks)

(b) (i) List the structures III to VII in the sequence that glomerular filtrate
flows through them. (2 marks)
(ii) State the name and role of each structure in this sequence in the
production of urine. (4 marks)
(c) State the role of ADH on part III. (2 marks)

18. ATP is used as a temporary energy store and supplies energy to carry out
various cellular activities.
a. Give three reasons why cells use ATP rather than glucose as a
universal energy currency in the cell during cell metabolism.
(3 marks)
i. ATP is mainly produced in mitochondria during aerobic
respiration. Give the term that describes this process.
(1 mark)
ii. Name two other processes which can also produce ATP
molecules. (2 marks)
c. Draw a simple diagram to show the structure of ATP. (2 marks)
d. Give two examples of how ATP is used in processes within cells.

(2 marks)
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19. The figure below shows the carbon cycle.

Use the information from the figure above to answer the questions.
(a) In process A, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is taken into plants.
What is process A? (1 mark)

(b) In process B, carbon dioxide is released from plants and animals into
the atmosphere. What is process B? (1 mark)

(c) In which process is carbon passed from one organism to another?

(1 mark)
(d) What will happen to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere if lots of trees are cut down? (1 mark)

(e) Greenhouse gases cause global warming. Carbon dioxide is a

greenhouse gas. Name two other greenhouse gases. (2 marks)

(f) When living organisms die the dead material decays and is broken down.
The process of decay returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. What
type of organism causes decay? (1 mark)

(g) Name the chemical that causes the destruction of the ozone layer.
(1 mark)
(h) Name two apparatus that releases the named chemical in (g) above.
(2 marks)

Good luck to everyone…………

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