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How to run Gym Leader Battles and adjusted their Pokemon

Created by @ConTiki (DM Slaby)

For Pokemon 5E Supplements and other content, go to:

DM Slaby

Pokemon 5E Website

Dungeons and Depression Patreon

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the Materials used are property of

Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Based on the original game by Satoshi Taijiri ©Game Freak ©Nintendo Company Inc.

We do not claim ownership of anything related to Pokemon or Dungeons and Dragons. Please support the original source.

No profits are made from the release of this supplement.

Most images in this supplement are free, non-commercial use from,,

All others are credited below image.

Gym leader images come from and are owned by Nintendo. Inspiration and Ideas from: Pokemon Tabletop United, Pokerole,

Sakutian from,

Descriptions of gym leaders and arenas were taken from or adapted from Bulbapedia.

To the members of the Pokemon 5e Discord and subreddit for your support, ideas, and playtesting. This would not be possible if it were not for all of you.

Made with GM Binder

Join our Subreddit (émon5e) or Discord! (

Other Gym Battle Types - 3

Scaling Pokemon - 4

Reward Table - 4

Encounter Building - 4

Gym Contents - 6

Gym Leader Room - 9

Gym Map - 10

Gym Contents - 12

Gym Leader Room - 14

Gym Map - 15

Gym Contents - 17

Gym Leader Room - 19

Gym Map - 20

Gym Contents -

Gym Leader Room -

Gym Map -



n the Kanto Region, there are 12 gym leaders. Only 8 badges are Excitement Factor: Group battles, moves that alter the
needed to compete in the Indigo League. Each of the gym leaders
weather, Pokemon that evolve during the battle, high level
are optional and can be challenged at different levels. Below you
or rare Pokemon, etc. can all drive up the "excitement
will see the breakdown of each Gym Leader as they appear in the
factor" of a battle. "Excitement factor" is decided by the
Kanto Region. There are a lot of ways you can go about

introducing gym leaders and running gym battles. A few are


detailed below, for others, check out the Pokemon5E subreddit:

r/Pokemon5e. The format for this campaign focuses on 1v1 battles. To

Earn a Gym Badge players must battle at the level of the highest
Pokemon in their part or higher. Players must also battle at least 2 Gym

Pokemon in a single battle.

All Gym leaders only utilize Pokemon from the Kanto Region and

evolutions that may appear in later generations. Each gym leader has a The DM creates an NPC that battles
set of optional perks to increase the difficulty to the DM's choosing. These alongside the trainer against the Gym
perks include Terrain Bonus, Lair Action/Legendary Action, and Gym
Leader Held Items. Likewise, their Pokemon can know a maximum of 6

moves. All gym leaders dificulty starts at Level 2; however, the difficulty
Gym leaders are part of an elite group that can register for

increases at Levels 5, 8, 10, 12, and 15. an upgraded trainer license that allows them to legally

Before each battle, the player may choose how many Pokemon he or wield more than one Pokemon in combat.

she battles against. Then, depending on the number of Gym Pokemon The NPC will have 2-3 Pokemon that are common in the

available to battle at that level, the player will either roll a d4 or d6 for the area.
number of Pokemon he or she wants to battle. So, if the player wants to

battle 3 of Brock's Pokemon at Lvl 1, the player would roll 3 d4. If the

player rolls a 1, 3, and 4, the player would then battle against Brock's
Geodude, Omanyte, and Kabuto. Even if the player wants to battle all of

the Gym Leader's Pokemon, they must still roll the required dice to see 
the order in which they appear.

The player must register a maximum of 6

 Pokemon and then fight 1-3 qualification

battles depending on the gym.

 In each qualifying battle, they can only use 2-3 Pokemon

from the 6 they registered.

Players can see what Pokemon their opponents will be

 using in order to choose which Pokemon to use in battle.

Once the qualification battles have been successfully

 completed. The player then may battle the gym leader.

Gym leaders have Pokemon at a set level.

Encouraged players to use oPkemon close

in level to the gym leader.

Lore: There is a Pokemon Battle TV station (imagine

ESPN for pokemon battles) that televises exciting gym

battles. If a player participated in an exciting (close) battle

with a gym leader, it could appear on TV and they would

earn some of the ad revenue or a useful prize package

from the gym leader.

Example: If a player goes into a water gym and uses

Pokemon close in level to the gym leader's and doesn't

wipe the floor with the leader's Pokemon using grass

types, etc. then the battle has a chance of going on TV and

making extra money for the trainer. If the battle is a

landslide in either direction, then it is considered "not

exciting enough".

Notes: Some players will choose Pokemon so that they

would have close and exciting battles and possibly earn

some extra money/loot. Others may decide that they don't

want to risk losing and choose higher leveled or type-

matched Pokemon to ensure that they win.

 
When creating the Pokemon for each Gym Leader's Dungeon, the

Pokemon should be scaled to the trainer's level and the appropriate

challenge rating. You wouldn't have a Level 1 Trainer fight a Gym Leader

that has all Level 20 Pokemon, right? Here are some things to consider:

When creating a Gym Trainer or Gym Leader encounter, use the PC's

level as your starting reference. If the PC is a level 5 trainer, consider:

the SR Level they can catch,

the Pokemon that appear at that SR and below,

what changes Pokemon take on each time they level up. 
When in doubt follow the D&D Encounter

Building Guide.

Make sure to check each Pokemon's move list for the moves that it can

know. Then select a combination of attack, defensive, and status changing


Certain rooms in each Gym will provide a reward upon successfully

beating a gym trainer or solving the rooms puzzle. When completed, have 
the trainer(s) roll on the table below for their reward.

d20 Reward
1-9 ₽50 x Trainer Lvl
10 Full Heal
11-15 Potion
16 Super Potion
17 Hyper Potion
18 Revive
19 Full Restore 
20 ₽200 x Trainer Lvl & Super Potion

When building encounters, whether for a Gym Battle or otherwise, Sly
Flourish has an incredible resource for a few different methods of

encounter building. If this is something you struggle with, I strongly

recommend checking this reousrce out. They can all be found here:

 
Boulder Badge
Brock, Flint, Lola, Forrest

 
Pewter City
The Pewter Gym is a rocky maze of several caverns. The rock spires shoot

up from the ground while loose boulders dot the maze.

 The Gym Leader's Pokemon can camouflage themselves into the arena.

The Gym Leader rolls a stealth check against the player's active Pokemon's
+1 Damage Bonus to Rock Type Moves
Perception (Wisdom). If higher than the player's active Pokemon's

Perception, the Gym Leader's active Pokemon's AC increase +2 for 1 turn.

Super Potion, Hard Stone
( ₽1000 x Lvl of Trainer) + (₽100 x # of Pokemon Defeated); TM's: Bide,
Rock Tomb, Headbutt, or Rockslide; Hardstone

The inside of the Pewter City Gym resembles that of a cave. Including the

Entrance Chamber, the gym has 10 different rooms and 5 halls/passages. Gas Table
Room and Hall has doors that are locked until the trainer(s) has
All gasses on this table require a DC12 DEX Save Throw. On a fail, the
successfully completed the challenge. Below are the details for each room
Pokemon/trainers take on status effect.
and hall.

d12 Gas Failed Save

 1-5 No Gas -
The entrance of the gym is a cavern with two Rock-type Pokemon statues,
6 Poison Gas Poisoned
one on either side of the cavern. The Gym Guide is standing in the middle

of the Entrance Cavern. 7 Sleeping Gas Asleep

8 Paralyzing Gas Paralyzed
Gym Guide
Upon entering the Pewter City Gym, the Gym Guide will welcome the 9 Burning Gas Burnt
player(s) to the Gym and have them roll on the environmental effects

table. Once they’ve rolled on the Environmental Effect Table, read the
10 Confusion Gas Confused
following to your players.
11 Freezing Gas Frozen
12 Blinding Gas Blind
“Welcome to the Pewter City Gym! It seems that
the gym’s climate right now is (insert
environmental effect). Currently, (insert Gym 
Leader) is the resident Gym Leader. They specialize
Description: The hall extends 20ft than comes to a T-crossing. Upon
in Pokemon that can be found in caves and entering the hall, have the trainer(s) make the Trap Saving Throw.
mountainous regions. If you follow the path
forwards you accept the Gym Leader’s challenge to Connects to: Entrance, Room 1A, Room 1B

find them in this cavern.” Trap: Stealth Rock - Sharp rocks have been placed throughout the hall.

Trap Saving Throw: STR/DEX, DC 12

On A Failed Save: The impacted Pokemon takes 1d8 + STR/DEX rock


Environmental Effects Table

Alternate Approach: Have the trainer use a Pokemon that knows a

Roll on this table to see what effect will take place in the Halls. Likewise, rock-type move to destroy the sharpened rocks. Roll as if the Pokemon

this table determines which Gym Leader the trainer will battle at the end was attacking another Pokemon in combat.

of the Gym Challenge.

# of Rocks AC/Rock HP/Rock

Environmental Gym
d20 Effects Effect Leader 1d4 10 1
Clear No Effects Brock
15 Sandy/Dusty Opponent AC +1 Forrest Description: The hall extends 20ft than makes a U-Turn and heads into

the next room. Upon entering the hall, have the trainer(s) make the Trap
Foggy Reduced Vision to 0 Lola Saving Throw.
Connects to: Room 1A, Room 2A

Dark Dex Mod -2 Flint Trap: Rock Blast - A series of rocks are summoned from the wall.

19 Trap Saving Throw: STR, DC 12

In each Hall, roll on the On A Failed Save: The summoned rocks fire their way towards the

20 Halls of Gas Brock

Gasses Table below Pokemon. Roll 1d8 for the number of rocks that hit. Each rock does 1d4

rock damage.

Alternate Approach: Have the trainer use a Pokemon that knows a

rock-type move to destroy the summoned rocks. Roll as if the Pokemon

was attacking another Pokemon in combat.

 
Description: The hall turns south than U-turns northward in the shape of Description: Located in the southwest corner of the gym, this room has a

a J. Upon entering the hall, have the trainer(s) make the Trap Saving single Gym Trainer in it. Otherwise, it is a dimly lit, open cavern with rock

Throw. rubble strewn about.

Connects to: Room 1B, Room 2B Connects to: Hall 1, Hall 2

Trap: Tar Shot - Buckets of tar spill out from the ceiling. Contents: Gym Trainer; optional battle, select 2 Pokemon from the

Trap Saving Throw: DEX, DC 12 Gym Specific Pokemon Table on page __.

On A Failed Save: The tar spills onto the Pokemon/Trainer(s) lowering

Reward: ₽200 x Trainer Level
the DEX mod by 1 until the next short rest.

Alternate Approach: Have the trainer use a Pokemon that knows a

Dexterity/Speed-increasing move to avoid the tar. Roll as if the Pokemon

was attacking another Pokemon in combat. Description: Located east of the entrance, this room has a Gym Trainer

and is illuminated by torches along the wall.

 Connects to: Hall 1, Hall 3

Contents: Gym Trainer; optional battle, select 2 Pokemon from the

Description: The hall S-curves north through a field of large boulders. Gym Specific Pokemon Table on page __.

Upon entering the hall, have the trainer(s) make the Trap Saving Throw. Reward: ₽200 x Trainer Level
Connects to: Room 2A, Room 2B, Room 3A, Room 3B

Trap: Toxic Spikes - A series of floating, poisonous spikes encircles

each Pokemon.
Trap Saving Throw: CON/DEX, DC 13 Description: The cavern opens up to reveal a seesaw in the middle of the

On A Failed Save: The impacted Pokemon are poisoned. room with a sleeping Golem nearby.

Alternate Approach: Have the trainer use a Pokemon that knows a Connects to: Hall 2, Hall 4

rock-type move to knock away the poisonous spikes. Roll as if the Contents: Puzzle. A seesaw set up with a key hanging from a string

Pokemon was attacking another Pokemon in combat. above one end. Player(s) need to apply twice the force to non-key end

compared to key end. The key can then be inserted into the back of a

# of Spikes AC/Spike HP/Spike Golem that is trying to stop the party from getting the key (ie. pushing

players off, applying weight to the wrong end, etc.). Idea from
1d8 12 1 u/MadDogOzie

Reward: Roll on the Reward Table

Description: The hall extends north 20ft then turns left. Upon entering
the hall, have the trainer(s) make the Trap Saving Throw. Description: The dimly lit cavern appears to have many stone trinkets

Connects to: Room 3B, Room 4A strewn about the edges of the room.

Trap: Stone Edge - The earth moves beneath your feet as sharp stones Connects to: Hall 3, Hall 4, Room 3B

pierce through the ground throughout the hall. Contents: Puzzle. A Venn diagram is etched out on the stone floor.

Trap Saving Throw: DEX, DC 14 Outside of the circle are a number of stone trinkets in the shape of

Pokemon. Players must place the trinkets correctly in the diagram in

On A Failed Save: The rocks pierce your Pokemon taking 3d4 Rock
order to move through through the room. Left circle: Pure Rock-Type;
Right circle: Pure Ground-Type; Overlap: Rock and Ground Dual-Type
Alternate Approach: Have the trainer use a Pokemon that knows a
Idea from u/Obsidiax
Dexterity/Speed-increasing move to avoid the piercing rocks. Roll as if the
Reward: Roll on the Reward Table
Pokemon was attacking another Pokemon in combat.

Description: Located in the 2nd half of the gym's cavernous maze, this

room has a Gym Trainer in it blowing bubble gum as she waits for the

next challenger.

Connects to: Hall 4, Room 4B

Contents: Gym Trainer; optional battle, select 2 Pokemon from the

Gym Specific Pokemon Table on page __.

Reward: ₽300 x Trainer Level

Description: East of the S-Curve Hall, the Gym Trainer waiting in this

cavern sneakily hides in the dark in the northwestern corner to surprise

the next challenger that comes into the room.

Connects to: Room 2B, Hall 4, Hall 5

Contents: Gym Trainer; optional battle, select 2 Pokemon from the

Gym Specific Pokemon Table on page __.

Reward: ₽300 x Trainer Level

Description: This room is suspiciously empty. No Pokemon, no trainers,

just an empty-looking cavern.

Connects to: Hall 5, Room 4B

Contents: Puzzle: The only exit to the room is a sentient, talking door.

The party must converse with it and trick it into saying the password. Idea

from u/squeebird

Reward: Roll on the Reward Table

Description: Once the trainer(s) enter this empty-appearing room, the

doors close on either end.

Connects to: Room 3A, Room 4A, Gym Leader Room

Contents: Puzzle: The doors close on all sides. The door on the far

side, towards their destination, has a panel with a button and a display.

The display has a timer for 30 seconds, and every time the button is

pressed, the timer resets and two Gym Specific Pokemon fall from the

ceiling to attack. When the timer hits zero, the doors open. Idea from


Reward: Roll on the Reward Table

Gym Leader Specific Pokemon:
Room Description:
Each Gym Leader has a favorite Pokemon line, below are Brock's
The cavern, lit by a skylight, opens up to reveal the gym leader waiting in
Forrest's, Lola's, and Flint's. At least one of their favorite Pokemon should
the middle of the room underneath a stone archway. Around the room are
be in their party when fighting the trainer(s).
different rock formations of varying sizes. Along the ceiling is a sprinkler

system. Standing in the doorway, the trainer can see depressions in the Gym
arena that look like large potholes. The gym leader welcomes the trainer
Leader Favorite Pokemon
and congratulates them for making it through the gym challenge.

Brock Onix, Steelix, Geodude, Graveler, Golem

Connects to: Room 4B
Zubat, Golbat, Crobat, Rhyhorn, Rhydon,

₽1000 x Lvl of Trainer) + (₽100 x # of Pokemon Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Azurill, Marill,
( Lola
TM: Bide, Rock Tomb, Headbutt, or Rock Slide Flint Geodude, Graveler, Golem
Hard Stone

Gym Specific Pokemon:

The table below holds all of the Pokemon that trainer's may encounter in the gym. Likewise, these are Pokemon that the Gym Trainer's and Gym Leaders

will hold in their party during battles. The DM can choose from this list when building those encounters.

Gen 1 Gen 1 Gen 2 Gen 3 Gen 4 Gen 5 Gen 5 Gen 6 & 7

Sandshrew Machop Crobat Whismur Combee Roggenrola Klink Carbink
Sandslash Machoke Misdreavus Loudred Vespiquen Boldore Klang Noibat
Zubat Machamp Wobbufett Exploud Mismagius Gigalith Klinklang Noivern
Golbat Geodude Steelix Nosepass Bonzor Woobat Tynamo Turtonator
Paras Graveler Shuckle Sableye Bronzong Swoobat Eelektrik Jangmo-o
Parasect Golem Larvitar Mawile Gible Drilbur Eelektross Hakamo-o
Diglett Onix Pupitar Aron Gabite Excadrill Axew Kommo-o
Dugtrio Cubone Tyranitar Lairon Garchomp Dweble Fraxure
Poliwrath Marowak Aggron Rhyperior Crustle Haxorus
Rhydon Lunatone Joltik Heatmor
Solrock Galvantula Durant
Wynaut Ferroseed Deino
Bagon Ferrothorn Zweilous
Shelgon Druddigon Hydreigon


 
Cascade Badge
Misty, Daisy, Violet Lily

 
Cerulean City
The Cerulean Gym is a marine maze of rocky outcrops and islands. The

islands are connected by rickety bridges and series of of locks.

 The Gym Leader's Pokemon can disappear into the water of the gym. The

challenger's Pokemon must roll a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) Saving

+1 Damage Bonus to Water Type Moves
Throw. If failed, the Gym Leader's active Pokemon's AC increases +2 for 1


Super Potion, Shell Bell, Mystic Water
( ₽1000 x Lvl of Trainer) + (₽100 x # of Pokemon Defeated); TM's:
Bubblebeam, Rain Dance, Water Pulse, Scald, or Brine; Mystic Water

The inside of the Cerulean City Gym resembles that of a series of stony

islands in a bay area. Including the Entrance Chamber, the gym has 10 Island 1 Challenge
different islands connected by 15 rickety bridges. Each island has a
When the trainer's read the inscription on the middle pedestal, read the
specific challenge to it that begins as soon as the adventurer steps onto
following aloud:
the island. Below are the details for each island and bridge.

 Beware the bridges/for they will fall/into the

depths below./Answer the riddles/to cross the
The first island is a large stony outcrop with three pedastals and a lever
way/ and keep your team in tow.
on each in the middle of it. The Gym Guide is standing in front of the
Riddle #1: I have an uncontrollable headache and
middle pedestal.
I resemble a bipedal platypus. What Pokemon am I?
Gym Guide
Upon entering the Cerulean City Gym, the Gym Guide will welcome the
Answer: Psyduck
adventurer(s) to the Gym and have them roll on the environmental effects
Correctly Answered: Bridge C collapses
table. Once they’ve rolled on the Environmental Effect Table, read the

following to your players. Incorrectly Answered: Bridges A & B collapse

“Welcome to the Cerulean City Gym! It seems that Bridge A. Connects to Island 2
the gym’s climate right now is (insert Bridge B. Connects to Bridge E
environmental effect). Currently, (insert Gym Bridge C. Connects to Island 3
Leader) is the resident Gym Leader. They specialize
in Pokemon that can be found in waterways and
aquatic environments. To begin the Gym Leader's 
Challenge, read the inscription on the middle
pedestal.” Island 2 Challenge
When the trainer's read the inscription on the pedestal, read the following


Environmental Effects Table

Riddle #2: My shiny form is read and I have a three-

Roll on this table to see what effect will take place on the islands.

Likewise, this table determines which Gym Leader the trainer will battle

at the end of the Gym Challenge.

pointed, dark blue crest on my head. What
Pokemon am I?
Environmental Gym
d20 Effects Effect Leader
Answer: Gyarados
Clear No Effects Misty
14 Correctly Answered: Bridge J collapses

Incorrectly Answered: Bridges G & F collapse

Light Rain Gym Leader DMG +1 Daisy
16 Connections

17- Bridge A. Connects to Island 1

Heavy Rain Reduced Vision to 0 Lily
18 Bridge E. Connects to Bridge F and Island 4

Bridge F. Connects to Island 5

19- DC 12 Saving Throw every
Waterspouts Violet Bridge G. Connects to Island 5
20 island or 1d6 DMG

Crossing Bridges
When crossing any bridge, the trainer(s) must make a DC 10 Dexterity

(Acrobatics) Saving Throw. If failed, the adventurer or their Pokemon will

take 1d6 bludgeoning damage from Pokemon throwing rocks at the


A Gym Trainer can be encountered on

every island.

 
Island 3 Challenge Island 6 Challenge
When the trainer's read the inscription on the pedestal, read the following When the trainer's read the inscription on the pedestal, read the following

aloud: aloud:

Riddle #3: I am a Legendary beast and was once Riddle #6: I am one of two final evolutions. I am an
caught by Misty, the gym leader. What Pokemon amphibious creature. At night, I make territorial
am I? claims near lakes through cries that sound like
shooting. What Pokemon am I?

Answer: Suicune

Correctly Answered: Nothing Happens Answer: Politoed

Incorrectly Answered: Bridge J collapses Correctly Answered: Bridge K collapses

Incorrectly Answered: Bridge M collapses


Bridge D. Connects to Island 4 Connections

Bridge I. Connects to Island 5

 Bridge J. Connects to Island 4

Bridge K. Connects to Island 7

Bridge M. Connects to Bridge N and Island 8 & 9

Island 4 Challenge
When the trainer's read the inscription on the pedestal, read the following

aloud: 
Island 7 does not have a pedestal or challenge. However, there is a gym

trainer waiting to be challenged here.

Riddle #4: I appeared once Nastina tried to build a
hotel over my kinds habitat. What Pokemon am I? Connections

Bridge K. Connects to Island 6

Bridge L. Connects to Island 8

Answer: Tentacruel

Correctly Answered: Bridges G & F collapse

Incorrectly Answered: Bridge J collapses

Connections Island 8 Challenge

Bridge E. Connects to Bridge F and Island 2 When the trainer's read the inscription on the pedestal, read the following

Bridge F. Connects to Island 5

Bridge J. Connects to Island 6

Riddle #8: I was battled over as an egg between

 Misty, Ash, and Meowth. What Pokemon am I?

Island 5 Challenge
When the trainer's read the inscription on the pedestal, read the following Answer: Togepi

Correctly Answered: All Pokemon regain 50% HP

Incorrectly Answered: Nothing happens

Riddle #5: I am my final form. No other Pokemon Connections

has this same typing. I dance when it rains. What
Bridge L. Connects to Island 7
Pokemon am I?
Bridge N. Connects to Bridge M and Island 9

Answer: Ludicolo 

Correctly Answered: Bridge I collapses
Island 9 does not have a pedestal or challenge. However, there are two
Incorrectly Answered: Bridge H collapses
gym trainers waiting to be challenged here.

Connections Connections
Bridge F. Connects to Bridge E Bridge H. Connects to Island 5
Bridge G. Connects to Island 2 Bridge N. Connects to Bridge M and Island 8
Bridge H. Connects to Island 9 Bridge O. Connects to Island 10 - Gym Leader Island
Bridge I. Connects to Island 6

Connects to: Bridge O
Room Description:
The gym leader sits waiting in a stone built throne for a trainer to come Gym Leader Specific Pokemon:
and challenge them. Behind the gym leader is a wall of boulders, damp
Each Gym Leader has a favorite Pokemon line, below are Misty's, Daisy's,
from the humidity in the air. Standing at the end of the bridge, the trainer
Lily's, and Violet's. At least one of their favorite Pokemon should be in
can see holes in the wall of boulders with small lines of water trickling
their party when fighting the trainer(s).
out. The gym leader welcomes the trainer and congratulates them for

making it through the gym challenge.

Gym Leader Favorite Pokemon
Reward: Misty Staryu, Starmie, Psyduck, Golduck, Togepi
(₽1000 x Trainer Level) Daisy Seel, Dewgong, Luvdisc
(₽100 x # of Pokemon Defeated)
TM: Bubblebeam, Rain Dance, Water Pulse, Scald, or
Lily Goldeen, Seaking
Brine Violet Shellder, Cloyster
Mystic Water

Gym Specific Pokemon:

The table below holds all of the Pokemon that trainer's may encounter in the gym. Likewise, these are Pokemon that the Gym Trainer's and Gym Leaders

will hold in their party during battles. The DM can choose from this list when building those encounters.

Gen 1 Gen 1 Gen 1 Gen 1 Gen 2 Gen 3 Gen 4 Gen 5

Staryu Omanyte Squirtle Dratini Wooper Feebas Buizel Frillish
Starmie Omastar Wartortle Dragonair Quagsire Milotic Floatzel Jellicent
Psyduck Krabby Blastoise Dragonite Chinchou Azurill Togekiss Ducklett
Golduck Kingler Seel Poliwag Lanturn Luvdisc Mantyke Swanna
Lapras Jigglypuff Dewgong Poliwhirl Togepi Tirtouga
Goldeen Wigglytuff Vaporeon Poliwrath Togetic Carracosta
Seaking Tentacool Magikarp Horsea Kingdra
Slowpoke Tentacruel Gyarados Seadra Politoed
Slowbro Suicune


 
Marsh Badge

 
Saffron City
The Saffron Psychiv Gym is a sterile, industrial maze of warp spots

enclosed rooms. Each room is connected by a number of warp tiles that

lead to other rooms. The only door into and out of the gym is the main

The Gym Leader's Pokemon can disappear into the psychic mist in the

 room. The challenger's Pokemon must roll a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)

Saving Throw. If failed, the Gym Leader's active Pokemon's AC increases +2

for 1 turn.
+1 Damage Bonus to Psychic Type Moves

 
( ₽1000 x Lvl of Trainer) + (₽100 x # of Pokemon Defeated) TM's: TM:
Super Potion, Twisted Spoon
Psychic, Calm Mind, Psychocut, or Telekineses; Twisted Spoon

The inside of the Saffron City Psychic Gym resembles that of an

industrial series of independent rooms without doors. Including the Warp Tiles
Entrance Chamber, the gym has 20 different rooms connected by 24
There are 25 connecting warp tiles (24 Numbered Tiles and 1 One-Way
different warp tiles. Several rooms have psychic mist pouring into them,
Tile from the Gym Leader's Room). Likewise, there is a DM Map and a
including the Gym Leader's Room. Below are the details for each room,
Challenger Map. The DM Map includes the numberings of each warp tile
the warp tiles, and the psychic mist.
whereas the Challenger Map does not. A DC 25 Perception Check would

allow the challengers to see the DM Map - essentially allowing them to

 perceive where all of the warp tiles lead. Within each room, the

challengers can make a DC 13 Perception Check to see which rooms

The first room is made of metal and concrete with two statues (one of those warp tiles room lead to.

Alakazam and the other of Hypno) off to either side. The Gym Guide is WT = Warp Tile

standing to the left of the right statue.

Room A Warp Tiles

Gym Guide
WT 1 > Room E
Upon entering the Saffron City Psychic Gym, the Gym Guide will
WT X < Room T, Gym Leader's Room. This tile can only
welcome the adventurer(s) to the Gym and have them roll on the
be utilized when leaving the Gym Leader's Room. It is a
environmental effects table. Once they’ve rolled on the Environmental

Effect Table, read the following to your players.

one way warp tile.

Psychic Mist

“Welcome to the Saffron City Psychic Gym! It Rooms B, D, G, K, N, P, R, & T have psychic mist pumping into them from

seems that the gym’s climate right now is (insert the pipes in those rooms. Based on the challengers roll on the

environmental effect). Currently, Sabrina is waiting Environmental Effects Table, any time that the challengers enter one of

for her next challenger. She specializes in Psychic these rooms, they must make a DC 12 CON Save, then be immediately

Pokemon that are often used to perform illusions attacked by the Gym Trainer in that room. In Room T, since this is the

or mind controlling powers. To begin the Gym Gym Leader's Room, they must do the same. Sabrina will immediately

attack after this roll.

Leader's Challenge, step on the warp tile ahead of
A Gym Trainer can be encountered in every


Environmental Effects Table 

Roll on this table to see what effect will take place on the islands.

Likewise, this table determines which Gym Leader the trainer will battle

at the end of the Gym Challenge.

See Psychic Mist Details on PG 17.

Warp Tiles
d20 Effects Effect
WT 9 > Room S
Clear No Effects WT 16 > Room R

16- Light Psychic

DC 12 CON Save; fail = Pokemon of
choice is Confused when entering
17 Mist Density
Warp Tiles
Medium DC 12 CON Save; fail = 3 Pokemon
18- WT 4 > Room Q
Psychic Mist of choice are Confused when entering
19 WT 5 > Room S
Density battle WT 15 > Room F

Heavy Psychic DC 12 CON Save; fail = all Pokemon

Mist Density are Confused when entering battle 
See Psychic Mist Details on PG 17.

Warp Tiles

WT 13 > Room J

WT 14 > Room K

 
Warp Tiles Warp Tiles

WT 1 > Room A WT 7 > Room L

WT 2 > Room I WT 8 > Room T, Gym Leader's Room

WT 19 > Room G WT 22 > Room O

WT 23 > Room F

Warp Tiles

WT 15 > Room C
See Psychic Mist Details on PG 17.
WT 18 > Room G

WT 23 > Room M
Warp Tiles

 WT 17 > Room K

WT 21 > Room J

See Psychic Mist Details on PG 17.
Warp Tiles Warp Tiles

WT 18 > Room F WT 20 > Room R

WT 19 > Room E WT 22 > Room M

 
Warp Tiles 
See Psychic Mist Details on PG 17.
WT 11 > Room P

WT 10 > Room Q
Warp Tiles

 WT 11 > Room H

WT 12 > Room I

Warp Tiles

WT 2 > Room E
WT 3 > Room Q
Warp Tiles
WT 12 > Room P
WT 3 > Room I

 WT 4 > Room C

WT 10 > Room H

Warp Tiles

WT 13 > Room D
WT 21 > Room N
See Psychic Mist Details on PG 17.

Warp Tiles
 WT 16 > Room B

See Psychic Mist Details on PG 17. WT 20 > Room O

WT 24 > Room L
Warp Tiles

WT 14 > Room D

WT 17 > Room N
 Warp Tiles

WT 5 > Room C

WT 6 > Room L
Warp Tiles WT 9 > Room B

WT 6 > Room S

WT 7 > Room M

WT 24 > Room R

Psychic Mist
Room Description:
See Psychic Mist Details on PG 17.
Sabrina twirls around playing in the Psychic Mist with her Pokemon

waiting for a trainer to come and challenge her. The mist pink and yellow
Warp Tiles
mist swirls around Sabrina as you enter from the warp tile. You can see

the one-way exit warp tile about 10-15ft away. Sabrina eerily stops
WT 8 > Room M

twirling, her back the challengers. Immediately she instructs her first WT X > Main Entrance

Pokemon to attack.

Warp Tiles: Quickest Routes

Reward: Original Route

₽1000 x Trainer Level)


₽100 x # of Pokemon Defeated)

1 (Room A) > 2 (Room E) > 3 (Room I) > 4 (Room Q) > 5
(Room C) > 6 (Room S) > 7 (Room L) > 8 (Room M) >
TM: Psychic, Calm Mind, Psychocut, or Telekineses
Gym Leader Room (Room T) > X (Main Entrance)
Twisted Spoon

Other Shorter Routes

Gym Leader Specific Pokemon:

Each Gym Leader has a favorite Pokemon line, below are Misty's, Daisy's, 1 (Room A) > 2 (Room E) > 3 (Room I) > 4 (Room Q) > 15

Lily's, and Violet's. At least one of their favorite Pokemon should be in (Room C) > 23 (Room F) > 8 (Room M) > Gym Leader

their party when fighting the trainer(s). Room (Room T) > X (Main Entrance)

1 (Room A) > 19 (Room E) > 18 (Room G) > 23 (Room F)

> 8 (Room M) > Gym Leader Room (Room T) > X (Main
Leader Favorite Pokemon

Lapras (knows Psychic), Abra, Kadabra,


Gym Specific Pokemon:

The table below holds all of the Pokemon that trainer's may encounter in the gym. Likewise, these are Pokemon that the Gym Trainer's and Gym Leaders

will hold in their party during battles. The DM can choose from this list when building those encounters.

Gen 1 Gen 1 Gen 2 Gen 3 Gen 4 Gen 5 Gen 6 Gen 7

Abra Drowzee Espeon Wynaut Mime Jr. Sigilyph Espurr Cosmog
Kadabra Hypno Smoochum Ralts Gallade Woobat Meowstic Cosmoem
Alakazam Slowpoke Wobbuffet Kirlia Bronzor Swoobat
Venonat Slowbro Slowking Gardevoir Bronzong Munna
Venomoth Exeggcute Girafarig Beldum Musharna
Mr. Mime Exeggutor Metang Gothita
Jynx Metagross Gothorita
Spoink Gothitelle
Grumpig Solosis
Meditite Duosion
Medicham Reuniclus



 
Butte Badge

 
Cerulean Forest
AJ's Gym resembles an encampment in a dry, rocky desert. The battlefield

itself is outdoors on a plateau marked with spires and other desert features.

 The Gym Leader's Pokemon can use the terrain to their advantage. The

challenger's Pokemon must roll a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) Saving

+1 Damage Bonus to Ground & Flying Type Moves
Throw. If failed, the Gym Leader's activer Pokemon's Dexterity bonus

increases by +2 for 1 turn.

Super Potion, Soft Sand, Sharp Beak
( ₽1000 x Lvl of Trainer) + (₽100 x # of Pokemon Defeated); TM's: Air Slash,
Acrobatics, Bulldoze, or Sand Tomb; Soft Sand or Sharp Beak

Since AJ's Gym is a newly created gym in the Pokemon League, it is not
Environmental Effects Table
as set up or as complicated as other gyms. It is a simple battlefield with
Roll on this table to see what effect will take place.
stone and dry grass. A number of rock spires dot the battlefield. As the

challengers walk up the stone steps, they will be greeted by one of AJ's
d20 Environmental Effects Effect
gym trainers. Unlike other gyms, these gym trainers do not battle, rather

they train AJ's Pokemon when AJ is not available. Around the battlefield 1-14 Clear No Effects
stand a number of tents ranging in size. These are AJ's training tents.

When not in the field, AJ and his gym trainers will train the Pokemon in 15 Windy Flying-type +1 Dex Bonus
these tents.
16-18 Intense Sunlight Water Moves -2 Dmg

 19 Dust Storm Ground-type +1 AC

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, a gym trainer will welcome the
20 Haboob -1d4 HP each turn
challenger(s) to the Gym and have them roll on the environmental effects

table. Once they’ve rolled on the Environmental Effects Table, read the

₽1000 x Trainer Level)

following to your players.

₽100 x # of Pokemon Defeated)


“Welcome to AJ's Gym! It seems that the TM: Air Slash, Acrobatics, Bulldoze, or Sand Tomb

battlefield’s climate right now is (insert Soft Sand or Sharp Beak

environmental effect). AJ specializes in Pokemon

Gym Leader Specific Pokemon:
that can be found in dry, rocky regions that are near
wooded areas. If you follow the path forwards you AJ will always battle with at least his Sandshrew.

accept the Gym Leader’s challenge to battle them

in the arena.” Gym
Leader Favorite Pokemon
Sandshrew knows Dig, Defense Curl, and
AJ Quotes:
"Did you buy those badges or steal them? Either that or

you competed in some loser gyms. Where were they,

Failure City or Whimpsville?"

Gym Specific Pokemon:

The table below holds all of the Pokemon that trainer's may encounter in the gym. Likewise, these are Pokemon that the Gym Trainer's and Gym Leaders

will hold in their party during battles. The DM can choose from this list when building those encounters.

Gen 1 Gen 1 Gen 2 Gen 3 Gen 4 Gen 5 Gen 6 + 7 Gen 8

Sandshrew Cubone Phanoy Numel Hippopotas Drilbur Diggersby Silicobra
Sandslash Marowak Donphan Camerupt Hippowdon Excadrill Mudbray Sandaconda
Butterfree Charizard Gligar Marshtomp Gliscor Sandile Mudsdale
Beedrill Spearow Skarmory Swampert Krokorok
Rattata Fearow Krookodile
Raticate Doduo Rufflet
Diglett Dodrio Braviary


 
Type Specialty: Ground & Flying Type Specialty: Poison

Gym Theme: Desert Gym Theme: Forest

Badge: Butte Badge Badge: Soul Badge

Leader: AJ Location: Koga

 
Type Specialty: Electric & Steel Type Specialty: Bug

Gym Theme: Power Plant Gym Theme: Swamp

Badge: Thunder Badge Badge: Blade Badge

Leader: Lt. Surge Location: Yas

 
Type Specialty: Grass Type Specialty: Electric & Dark

Gym Theme: Jungle Gym Theme: Alley Way

Badge: Rainbow Badge Badge: Spark Badge

Location: Erika Location: Kas

 
Type Specialty: Fighting Type Specialty: Fire

Gym Theme: Dojo Gym Theme: Volcano

Badge: Fist Badge Badge: Volcano Badge

Location: Kiyo Location: Blaine

Type Specialty: Ground & Dragon

Gym Theme: Badlands

Badge: Earth Badge

Location: Giovanni

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