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May 2024


Thank you for your prayful and fnancial support!

Because you pray and give we can serve in Mexico City.

Mexico Covenant Church Conflict

Please pray for the Mexico Covenant Church, it is in the middle of a crisis that is deeply
concerning. There are many factors at play including: Covenant identity issues, historical power
struggles, and relational rivalries. In addition, there are the growing pains of establishing an ordered
ministry in a context that historically relied on intuition and spontaneity.
Sue continues to give leadership to MAEM at the local and national level. This spring MAEM is
offering the ESPERE course on forgiveness and reconciliation. The MAEM Transforma team
continues to offer consciousness raising workshops and is developing policies and procedures
for local churches to prevent abuse at local churches and in church families.
Listen To God, Hear Each Other
A common ministry priority upon our return to Mexico has been how vital it is for us to listen to God and
hear others. We have been intentional to do both in each ministry area. It is hard work, but it leads to
maturity and spiritual growth. Sue is developing different mini-retreats so leaders and congregations can
listen to God and hear each other especially in this time of crisis and conflict when it is easier to isolate
and listen only to those who think like us.

Support Increase
The cost of doing cross cultural ministry around the world is increasing. Our support goal was increased
by $3,600 for the fiscal year 2024. Our annual support goal is now $69,600 or $11,600 per month. If
you, or your church, is able to increase your financial support we would deeply appreciate your
generosity. If you like to know about the details, 38% is designated for personal expenses, 21 % for
Family needs, 18% for community engagement and 24% is designated for ministry expenses.

Family Update
We returned to Mexico City in October with an empty nest.
Zachary continues to live in the Chicago area. He has a new part-time job as assistant activities director
at Covenant Village Northbrook. It offers longer hours, so better weekly pay, plus he prefers interacting
with the residents over disciplining young children. He and Allison moved into a smaller apartment to
lower housing expenses. This summer he was hired as an intern for the internet technology team.

Jonathan lives in the Twin Cities area. He continues to work in “Asset Protection Services” at a local
Target store. Please pray for wisdom and discernment as moves up the ladder and seeks to manage
the APS department at another location. He is super excited to purchase his first used car this
week. He is doing some serious "adulting".

Here is the link to a recent video

Karl & Sue Peterson

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