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Bos Manol d Fund

Hello Friends,

Welcome to our 2011 newsletter. In this newsletter you'll
find current student updates, alumni updates, and
information about the ongoing changes with the Bos Manold

Our Students Page 2

2010_11 school year recap Page 3
Institute Mixte Page 3
Library Page 4
Budget Page 4
Letter from Jimmy Page 5

Student Profile

Madeline Cadet

- First person in her family to graduate
Jr. High School
- First person in her family to graduate
High School
- Now entering her second year of
nursing school!

Your donations are sending these young students to school! Thank you for your support!

To Donate to the Bos Manold Fund
Send checks to: or
Bos Manold Fund
38 Sedgwick St.
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
and click on the donate button

Our students for the
aorr-aora school year

2010-2011 School Year Recap

Last year, the Bs Manold Fund
was able to pay for the
schooling of 15 students,
including 2 college students,
with your generous support.
Many of those students we plan
to continue supporting this
school year as well. Overall,
your donations last year of over
$7000 continued our mission
of inspiring a new generation of productive and responsible citizens in

Student highlights

Mario successfully completed his first semester of agronomy
school in the Dominican Republic.

Janb passed the difficult junior-year national exam.

Dorotie came back to school, and excelled, after stopping
years back because her parents could no longer afford to

Alumni Update

Jimmy Forest graduated from
college in 2010 in electrical
engineering. In the spring of
2011, Jimmy went to the
Dominican Republic to learn
Spanish. He returned to
Haiti in the summer of 2011 and helped the Bs
Manold Fund to choose our scholarship students
for this year. Just recently Jimmy got a job as an
electrician with Partners in Health (PIH). Jimmy
will be working with Partners in Health to build
their new hospital in Mirebalais. We're very
proud of Jimmy for this exciting new job!

Institution Mixte - Le Renouveau

This year, in order to better track and support our students, we have decided to send all of our grade
school students to the same school. We chose Institution Mixte Le Renouveau, the best school in
Vialet. With this concentration of students in one school, we will be able to learn quickly if any of
our students are falling behind so we can provide them with extra support. We will also be able to
streamline our report card monitoring processes, and our finance & operations logistics.

Institution Mixte
Le Renouveau
Drawing of hospital to be built by PIH

Library Updates Library Updates
This summer we fundraised over $5,000 to put towards a library in Vialet (thank-you to
everyone who donated!). We are looking for a building that we could turn into a library
and stock with books, chalk boards, supplies, and hopefully internet-connected computers in
the future.

Support the Bos Manold Fund!

Consider supporting us by donating for one of the following

School uniform and shoes $40
Tuition and books for a grade school student.. $100
Tuition for college student. $475
Year of college (tuition, books, supplies, transportation).. $800 - $1,200

On the following page you will find a personal letter of gratitude from Jimmy Forest, our in-country manager.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Jimmy Forest
Rob Chamberlin
Jerry Kuo
Melissa Basta
Nate Stitziel

The Bos Manold Funds mission is to inspire a new generation of productive and responsible citizens in Haiti by
providing young people in Vialet access to education and leadership opportunities.

We are inspired by the life and work of Bos Manold Forest, who had an unrelenting commitment to his community
and his country.

Letter from Jimmy Forest, our Haitian in-country manager

Hello Everyone,

Its always a pleasure for me to write you just to thank you for your determination in helping us in Haiti every
year. I can tell you that we understand your sacrifices even if you dont have enough means. For that, I can
see your humanism is very motivated in supporting us in Haiti to have hope before and after the earthquake. In
Haiti, as you know, the situation is worse where there are a lot of young who lose hope to have a good life.
But we are a people who have a lot courage. Despite all, we believe that the best way we can change our life is
by education.

We choose this moment to thank you for your sacrifices, respect, and your belief in the Bos Manold Fund,
because you have never discouraged to help us in Haiti. You have chosen the best way to help us in Haiti
when you choose to help us to have education. With education, we can change our life and give another
opportunity to Haiti to have a new face in the future. Nowadays we can meet many Haitians who dont have
possibilities, but your efforts are giving people a chance. Bos Manold Fund is always encouraging Haitians to
make efforts to get good grades in their school because we are sensitive for your help because we know of a
sacrifices that you are making every day to help us. We respect that and Bos Manold wants to keep on
thanking you every year because we know that everything is not easy in the USA but you are fighting to help
us anyway in Haiti . We believe that you have the same will to continue helping us in the Bos Manold fund.
Please dont discourage with us in Haiti because your helps permits a lot of children to avoid participating in
bad things. Nowadays, there are more people who dont have the education, and they feel obliged to have
child very soon and smoke, and they get bad ideas because simply they dont really know exactly the best way
to be in their life. So your help has much good importance for us. We would like that God always continues
protecting and offering you the possibility to help us.

Thank you so much and keep hanging in there in supporting us in Haiti. The only gift that we can give is our
gratitude by praying to God for you and making effort to give to you good grades, and staying as good
example for other people in sharing our knowledge with other who dont have the possibility too.

Take care of you.

Jimmy Forest.

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