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2º ESO

Curso 21/22
CURSO texto


Nombre del alumno: Calificación:


Fecha de entrega:

1 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.
1. It …………………… yesterday, so I …………………… to school. (not walk /
2. I …………………… an e-mail to my grandma last night. I hope she
…………………… it. (get / send)
3. We …………………… a good map, so we …………………… our way. (not lose /
4. …………………… you …………………… a lot of things when you
…………………… to Mexico? (buy / travel)
5. What interesting places …………………… Bill …………………… when he
…………………… to South Africa? (see / go)
2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple or Past
not snow  sit  write  begin  set off
1. The explorers were making their way through the jungle when it
…………………… raining.
2. While I …………………… on the bus, I heard the news about the tsunami.
3. It …………………… when the explorers started their journey to Alaska.
4. We were sleeping when the ship …………………… from the port at night.
5. Pam …………………… her travel blog when she got my message.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs below.
be  wear  eat  live  work
1. I …………………… a lot of junk food, but now I’m trying to eat healthier food.
2. …………………… Mr Manning …………………… for this company?
3. Eve …………………… earrings, but now she does.
4. …………………… you …………………… afraid of thunder when you were
5. My father moved here in 1990. He …………………… in Scotland.
4 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1. while / we / drive / home / we / see / an accident / .
2. Brian / climb / a mountain / when / he / fall / ?
3. you / have / a mobile phone / while / you / travel / in Africa / ?
4. we / not ride / our bikes / while / it / snow / .

5. Kim / sit / in a car / when / the accident / happen / .

5 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Perfect Simple
and the time expressions below.
for  yet  ever  never  since  already
1. the show / not start / .
2. the musician / leave / the stage / .
3. she / not play / the piano / the age of 10 / .
4. we / not be / to a concert / years / .
5. they / fly / in a hot-air balloon / ?
6. I / be / horse riding. Maybe I’ll take riding lessons this summer.
6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple
or Past Simple.
1. I …………………… (not design) my own clothes yet.
2. …………………… they ever …………………… (act) in a play?
3. My friends …………………… (go) to the new cinema a few days ago.
4. The band …………………… (not perform) yesterday.
5. She …………………… (already see) the new film.
6. …………………… they …………………… (donate) a lot of money last year?
7. How many competitions …………………… he …………………… (take part) in
last year?
8. It …………………… (not rain) for three weeks.
7 Choose the correct verb in brackets to complete the sentences.
Use the Future Continuous.
1. At 3.00, Sam …………………… (take / sit) on a train on his way to Paris.
2. What …………………… you …………………… (travel / do) at this time next
3. Between 4.00 and 5.30, my parents …………………… (go / sail) on a boat ride
down the Thames.
4. I …………………… (not come / not join) you on the tour because I don’t feel well.
5. …………………… you …………………… (wait / watch) for me at the bus stop
when I arrive?

8 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Use be going to, will or Present Simple with future meaning.
1. A: What time …………………… your flight …………………… (leave)?
B: At 4.00 pm. I …………………… (take) a taxi to the airport. I hope it
…………………… (arrive) on time.
A: Yes, there’s a big festival in town today. The roads …………………… (be)
2. A: My cousins …………………… (visit) us this summer.
B: Cool! They …………………… (love) it here!
3. A: It …………………… (not rain) today.
B: Really? Then I …………………… (not need) my umbrella.
4. A: …………………… Jake and Tom …………………… (sail) to France in
B: Yes. They …………………… (set off) on 5th August.
5. A: What do you think? …………………… we …………………… (get) to the
hotel before midnight?
B: Yes, I’m sure it …………………… (not take) us more than an hour to get
9 Correct the mistakes.
1. My grandparents used to travelled a lot.
2. I’ll watching the game at 9.00.
3. Did you sleep at 11.00 last night?
4. Have you saw a good film recently?
5. I haven’t seen him since two weeks.
6. I worked next summer.
10 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Perfect Simple.
1. The film …………………… already …………………… (start) by the time we got to
the cinema.
2. …………………… you …………………… (send) any text messages before you
went to school?
3. The students …………………… (not finish) their tests when the teacher collected

4. By the time I arrived at school, the bell …………………… (ring).

5. We …………………… (not have) breakfast yet, so we were very hungry.
6. …………………… he …………………… (talk) to you before he left the house?
7. After I …………………… (turn on) the computer, I went online.
8. How many awards …………………… she …………………… (receive) by the time
she died?
11 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple.
1. They / not hear / of a mobile phone / before / the explorers / show / one / to them
2. After / he / spend / two weeks in his laboratory, / he / finally / find / the solution / .
3. What / he / do / after / they / tell / him / the news / ?
4. After / the microwave oven / become / popular, / people / spend / less time in the
kitchen / .
5. you / ever / use / an electric shaver / before / you / buy / this one / ?

12 Complete the sentences with relative pronouns.

1. The food in the restaurant …………………… we ate last night was very tasty.
2. He’s the chef …………………… book I bought last week.
3. Dan likes food …………………… is very spicy.
4. Summer is a season …………………… people often eat cold food.
5. They were on the cooking show …………………… we watched last night.
6. She’s the person …………………… baked the cake.
7. The supermarket …………………… my mum shops sells delicious cooked food.
8. The man …………………… invented the sandwich was John Montagu, the 4th
Earl of Sandwich.
13 Complete the text with the relative pronouns below. Use each pronoun at least once.
which  that  whose  when  who  where
Everywhere you travel, there are usually restaurants 1.…………………… you can
get tasty food. But what about those times 2.…………………… you don’t feel like
a sit-down meal? The answer is street food, a wonderful variety of dishes
…………………… you can find in almost every country in the world. But nothing
can compare to the street food in Marrakech, Morocco. Every evening, Marrakech’s

main square transforms into a street food market with hundreds of stands
…………………… you can buy food. The food 5.…………………… the local people
usually eat at home is traditionally prepared by women. But on the street,
it is the men 6.…………………… cook and sell the food, and the men
…………………… loud voices call you to taste their creations. There are dishes
…………………… arrive on a bed of couscous, like sheep’s head and kebabs.
But the vendor 9.…………………… sells harira soup is probably the star of the show.
This is traditional Moroccan soup 10.…………………… people eat with sweet bread.
It’s not only delicious, it only costs around €1!
14 Write a sentence about each situation. Use the modal in brackets and
one of the phrases below.
speak French very well  go to the dentist  go there tonight
take a break  drink it  walk  eat crab  stop the car  get up
1. The traffic light is red. (must)
2. Natalie went to school in France. (can)
3. Harry is allergic to shellfish. (mustn’t)
4. I came to school late. (couldn’t)
5. My cousin is only two months old. (not able to)
6. There’s a new nightclub in town. (might)
7. You work too hard. (should)
8. My sister has got toothache. (has to)
9. That milk is old. (shouldn’t)
15 Complete the sentences with the modals below.
must  should  may  don’t need to  couldn’t  be able to  can
1. I’m going to bed. I …………………… finish my homework, but I’m too tired.
2. We …………………… go out tonight, but we’re not sure yet.
3. …………………… you ask Sue to call me?
4. It was very dark, so we …………………… see.

5. Every child …………………… go to school – that’s the law.

6. I haven’t got time today, but I …………………… help you tomorrow.
7. It’s cloudy. You …………………… use sunscreen.
16 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple Passive.
invite  look after  prepare  not teach  not grow  hold
1. How often …………………… the Olympic Games …………………… ?
2. …………………… you …………………… to Sam’s wedding?
3. Sick people …………………… by doctors and nurses.
4. Russian …………………… at our school.
5. …………………… fresh sandwiches …………………… by the chef every
6. Coffee …………………… in Finland.
17 Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple Passive.
1. A technician repaired my computer yesterday.
2. They didn’t buy this meat at the market.
3. When did they sell those buildings?
4. Liz didn’t write this letter.
5. Did they take Pam to hospital?
6. The Queen wore this dress.
18 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive.
1. My ring …………………… (steal) yesterday.
2. How many times …………………… your dog …………………… (feed) every
3. The students didn’t know about the exam. They …………………… (tell) about it.
4. …………………… many windows …………………… (break) during the riots?
5. The newspaper …………………… (deliver) to our house every morning.
6. These cars …………………… (make) in Korea. They make them in Japan.
7. Our school uniform …………………… (design) by students from our school last
8. In the UK, fish …………………… often …………………… (serve) with chips.

9. These strawberries are so fresh. When …………………… they ……………………

10. The experiment …………………… (do) yesterday. We must do it tomorrow.
19 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive
or Past Simple Passive.
Today, the British “bobby” or policeman 1.…………………… (consider) one of the
most famous symbols of Britain. British policemen don’t just serve in Britain. They
…………………… often …………………… (send) to other countries, such as
Sudan or Afghanistan. The first police force 3.…………………… (create) in 1829 by
a politician named Robert Peel. This is the reason that British policemen
…………………… (call) “Bobbies” – Bobby is a short form of the name Robert. At
first, their uniforms 5.…………………… (choose) to make policemen look like
ordinary citizens. The first policemen 6.…………………… (require) to be over 1.8
metres tall and be good citizens. They worked seven days a week and received £1 a
week. Each policeman 7.…………………… (allow) five days of holiday a year, but he
…………………… (not pay) for them. Of course, since then, conditions have
20 Correct the mistakes.
1. Spanish is spoke in Argentina.
2. Everyone were given a ticket for the concert.
3. Where this picture was taken?
4. The reservations not were made by Harry.
5. Christmas doesn’t celebrated in July.

21 Complete the text with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple Passive
or Past Simple Passive.
require  allow  not pay  send  consider  call  create  choose
Today, the British policeman 1.…………………… one of Britain’s symbols. British
policemen don’t just serve in Britain. They 2.…………………… often
…………………… to other countries. The first police force 3.…………………… in
1829 by Robert Peel. This is why British policemen 4.…………………… “Bobbies” –
Bobby is a short form of the name Robert. The first policemen 5.…………………… to
be over 1.8 metres tall and be good citizens. Their uniforms 6.…………………… to

make them look like ordinary citizens. They worked seven days a week and
received £1 a week. Each policeman 7.…………………… five days of holiday a year,
but he 8.…………………… for them. Of course, since then, conditions have

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Use the passive form. (4 points)
1. Right now, the show ..................................... (watch) by millions of viewers.
2. Instagram ..................................... (create) by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in
3. Sunglasses ..................................... (invent) in 1929.
4. The winner ..................................... (not announce) yet.
5. Thousands of dollars ..................................... (donate) by our viewers, as we speak.
6. English and Spanish ..................................... (speak) in our school.
7. The old newspapers ..................................... (collect) on Tuesdays.
8. Dave’s house ..................................... (not sell) yet.
2 Complete the text with the correct passive or active form of the verbs
in brackets. (5 points)

Daniel Powter
Daniel Powter is a Canadian musician and he (1) ..................................... probably best .....................................
(know) for his song “Bad Day”. Today this song (2) ..................................... often ..................................... (perform)
by singers on reality shows such as American Idol.

Daniel (3) ..................................... (involve) in music since he was very young. He used to play the violin,
but (4) ..................................... (change) to the piano after his violin (5) ..................................... (destroy) by
some bullies. In 2000, Daniel (6) ..................................... (make) his first album and some of the tracks
(7) ..................................... (play) on a local radio station.

Daniel’s big break came in 2005, when his single, “Bad Day” (8) ..................................... (release). It quickly
(9) ..................................... (become) a number one hit in many European countries. The song was so popular
that it (10) ..................................... (choose) by Coca Cola for an advertising campaign.

22 Complete the sentences with the causative form of the words in

brackets. (6 points)
1. I had to ..................................... my jeans ..................................... (get / shorten)
because they were too long on me.
2. The last time I saw William, he had just ..................................... his first book
..................................... (have / publish).

3. I always ..................................... the shopping ..................................... (get / deliver)

because it saves me a lot of time.
4. Linda ..................................... her hair ..................................... (not have / cut ) for
over a year.
5. We ..................................... our furniture ..................................... (have / clean) before
we moved into our new house.
6. How often do you ..................................... your teeth ..................................... by a
dentist? (get / check)

23 Correct the mistakes.

1. Richard not can swim very well.
2. You can help me?
3. You don’t have to smoke here – it’s forbidden.
4. Louise need to stay at home with her brother.
5. The shops were closed, so I can’t go shopping.
6. We might to finish our project by Friday.
24 Choose the correct answers.
I 1. shouldn’t / mustn’t / couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday’s film,
Intouchables. You really 2. can / must / may go and see it! It’s a French film about
two men – Philippe and Driss. Philippe is very rich. As a result of an accident, he 3.
doesn’t have to / isn’t able to / shouldn’t move his body. 4. He must / should /
might have help 24 hours a day. Driss comes for an interview for the job of
Philippe’s helper. He seems unreliable. It’s evident that he 5. doesn’t have to /
couldn’t / shouldn’t get the job, but Philippe hires him. Gradually, they form a
special friendship. You 6. can’t / don’t have to / mustn’t watch this film for long
before you know you’ll enjoy it. It’s really funny! You 7. don’t need to / can’t /
shouldn’t understand French to watch it – it’s got subtitles. You 8. can’t / don’t
have to / mustn’t miss this film – it’s great!

25 Circle the correct answer.

1. In her email, Jo describes / imagines the different animals she saw.
2. We leave our cat back / behind when we go on holiday.

3. Lots of wild / terrified animals live in the forests and the mountains.
4. My dog is very aggressive / obedient and does what I tell him.
5. Like humans, animals protect their young and try to keep them safe / playful.
6. The boys managed / bothered to find their way through the forest.
26 Complete the sentences with the words below.
own • now • together • all • according • do
1. They can’t put all the animals ..................................... in one area.
2. I try to do my homework on my ..................................... .
3. The students didn’t think the joke was at ..................................... funny.
4. Can your dog ..................................... any tricks?
5. ..................................... to the actor, it was scary to be next to a lion.
6. We go to the cinema every ..................................... and then.
27 Complete the text with the words below.
common • trends • interested • keep • keen • casual • care • accessories •
fashionable • industry

Dressing Differently
I think it’s strange how two people can be (1) ................................. in the same things and be different at the
same time. For example, my sister and I have a lot in (2) ................................. . We like the same food, and
we are both (3) ................................. on the same kind of music. But when it comes to clothing, we are completely
different. For example, I like to wear (4) ................................. clothes such as jeans and T-shirts, and I don’t really
(5) ................................. about fashion. But my sister is the opposite. She always wears (6) .................................
clothes and she spends a lot of money on (7) ................................. such as hats, belts and watches. She thinks
it’s important to (8) ................................. up with the latest (9) ................................. in fashion. I’m sure she’ll work
in the fashion (10) ................................. one day!

28 Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition.

1. My sister is very good ..................................... making her own clothes.
2. They get a day ..................................... on Saturdays.
3. The employer took advantage ..................................... his workers.
4. He should take better care ..................................... his pets.
5. That’s a nice dress! Why don’t you try it ..................................... ?
6. My parents are very proud ..................................... me.
29 Complete the sentences with the words below. Make any necessary
changes. There are two extra words.
tie • jewellery • employ • customer • tattoo • illegal • smart • save money • Far East •

1. Today many people have got colourful ..................................... on their bodies.

2. Susan went to a ..................................... and bought a diamond ring.
3. There are many ..................................... in the shop.
4. It is ..................................... to smoke in hospitals.
5. I’m trying to ..................................... because I want to buy a new phone.
6. The factory owner ..................................... hundreds of workers.
7. My dad often wears a suit and a ..................................... to work.
8. Vietnam is a beautiful country in the ..................................... .
30 Complete the phrases in bold with one word. The first letter of each
answer has been given.
1. Drive more slowly! The speed l..................................... is 50 km per hour.
2. He ate many sweets. Not s..................................... , he felt ill afterwards.
3. That road s..................................... tells drivers to slow down.
4. The police officer wanted to see my driving l..................................... .
5. The t..................................... light was red, so my dad stopped the car.
6. I can’t w..................................... to buy that new video game.
7. I’m sorry, but I’m in a h..................................... . I don’t want to be late.
31 Complete the sentences with the words below. Make any necessary
changes. There are two extra words.
tiny • invention • vehicle • appliance • collect • text message • control • develop •
injure • engineer
1. George fell and ..................................... his hand while he was hiking.
2. A baby has got ..................................... fingers.
3. I think the mobile phone is a great ..................................... .
4. You mustn’t read or send ..................................... while you are driving.
5. We are ..................................... money for sick children.
6. This small village has ..................................... into a large town over the years.
7. He gets angry so quickly. He must learn to ..................................... his feelings.
8. That shop sells fridges, ovens and many other ..................................... .
32 Complete the phrases in bold with one word. The first letter of each
answer has been given.
1. I read the book from b..................................... to end.
2. I knew she was lying because she couldn’t look me in the e..................................... .
3. I can’t f..................................... out how to solve this problem.
4. Your friend sounds very nice. I look f..................................... to meeting her.
5. You’ve made a mistake but n..................................... mind, we can fix it.

6. I can’t m..................................... up my mind whether to buy new shoes now or wait

until the prices go down.
33 Complete the phrases in bold with the words below.
favour • suspicious • anything • description • speak • mind • courage • decision
Jack: Could you do me a (1) ..................................... ? I need some help
with my homework.
Matt: Sorry, not now. I have a lot on my (2) ..................................... .
Adele: Have you made a (3) ..................................... about the
project? Are you going to do it with Jim or by yourself?
Jane: With Jim? No! Never! I don’t want to have (4)
..................................... to do with him!
Policeman: When did you get (5) ..................................... of the man?
Alice: When he asked me for money.
Policeman: What did he look like? Could you give me a full (6)
..................................... ?
Alice: I’ll try.
Betty: Please let me (7) ..................................... my mind, and then you
can do whatever you wish.
Shirley: Okay.
Betty: I think your parents should know that you have problems at school.
Shirley: I guess you’re right, but I don’t have the (8)
..................................... to tell them.
34 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. I wasn’t able to think of a ..................................... to the problem. (solve)
2. The police are investigating the man’s ..................................... . (disappear)
3. What can we do? Do you have a ..................................... ? (suggest)
4. What happened? Do you have an ..................................... ? (explain)
5. It’s important to get a good ..................................... . (educate)
6. The police can’t ..................................... that the woman stole the money. (proof)
35 Complete the sentences with the words below.
dying • green roof • damage • voyage • litter • electricity • floating • petrol
1. There are plants and trees on a ..................................... .
2. Tom returned home after a long ..................................... around the world.
3. Look! There is a paper bag ..................................... on the water.

4. We collected a lot of ..................................... at the beach clean-up.

5. Many fish are ..................................... because the rivers are polluted.
6. These factories are causing a lot of ..................................... to the environment.
7. ..................................... is made from oil.
8. Turn that light off. We don’t want to waste ..................................... .
36 Complete the text with the words below. Make any necessary changes.
rubbish dump • still • harmful • pollute • cause • throw out • environmentally friendly •
eventually • product

Old Tyres
Cars certainly make our lives easier, but there is a price to pay. In addition to the fact that they
(1) ..................................... the environment, there are other ways that they (2) .....................................
environmental problems. Think of all those millions of old tyres that people (3) ..................................... every
year. Large areas of land are needed to provide suitable (4) ..................................... for them, and then it takes
decades before they (5) ..................................... decompose. Luckily, there are now groups and organisations
that want to stop this (6) ..................................... practice. They collect old tyres and send them to special
companies that recycle them. These companies make many new (7) ..................................... from old tyres,
such as shoes, mats and furniture. Even though most old tyres (8) ..................................... end up in rubbish
dumps, things are changing. More and more people want to live in an (9) ..................................... place and
are looking for ways to solve this serious problem.

37 Circle the correct answer.

Rob: You look tired and (1) weak / week. What’s the problem?
Kevin: My tooth hurts. I think I’ve got a (2) hole / whole in it.
Tom: What did you get Jack from Holland?
Karin: I bought him a big (3) piece / peace of cheese. It (4) weighs /
ways 2 kg!
Lisa: Does Greg know how to (5) sale / sail?
Anne: Yes, he was in a boat race last (6) weak / week.
38 Complete the phrases in bold with one word. The first letter of each
answer has been given.
1. We use solar e..................................... to heat our house.
2. I put my lunch in a plastic c..................................... .
3. There is some gum s..................................... to my jeans and I can’t get it off.
4. Many environmental e..................................... worry about the future of our planet.

5. Our town looks so small on these s..................................... photographs.

39 Circle the correct answer.
1. I always eat low-fat / wholewheat yoghurt.
2. I think I’m getting sick. My throat / blood hurts.
3. The room is too hot. It’s giving me laughter / a headache.
4. Many people don’t have an appetite / a heart when they are ill.
5. Exams can cause you to feel unfamiliar / stressed.
6. I put some cream on my dry lungs / skin.
40 Complete the text with the words below.
amount • well-balanced • affect • effect • gain weight • prepare • avoid • fresh •

Bad Eating Habits

Most parents have busy lives and this may (1) ..................................... their children’s eating habits. For example,
some parents do not always make sure their children are following a (2) ..................................... diet. As a result,
these children often end up eating sweets and junk food all day long. Over time, this causes children to
(3) ..................................... , which is bad for their health. To (4) ..................................... problems in the future,
these families will have to make some changes. Parents have to find time to (5) ..................................... and cook
healthy meals, even though they are busy. Children should also make some changes. It’s important that they
reduce the (6) ..................................... of snacks they eat and (7) ..................................... their consumption of
healthy foods such as (8) ..................................... fruit and vegetables. These steps will certainly have a positive
(9) ..................................... on everyone in the family.

41 Complete the phrases in bold with one word. The first letter of each
answer has been given.
1. I’m tired. When can I take a b..................................... ?
2. Tom took a d..................................... breath and jumped into the river.
3. Doing yoga is one way of dealing with s..................................... .
4. Myra wants to lose weight. She is getting r..................................... of all her sweets.
5. I can’t fall asleep. That loud music is keeping me a..................................... .
6. You need to calm down; I think you’re having a panic a..................................... .
7. John looks nervous. He must be under a lot of p..................................... .
8. Losing weight isn’t easy. Are you ready to face the c..................................... ?

42 Complete the text with the words below.

tough • achieve • support • expect • entertained • talented • variety • entertainers • in
order to • entertainment

Rising Stars
When we see famous actors or singers, we don’t always realise how hard these (1) ..................................... had
to work to (2) ..................................... their goals. In fact, many of them had a (3) ..................................... time
finding work in their profession when they were young. Instead of acting or singing, they did all kinds of jobs to
(4) ..................................... themselves. For example, Brad Pitt moved refrigerators to make money and X-Men
star Hugh Jackman (5) ..................................... children at parties. And, believe it or not, the famous Lady Gaga
used to work as a waitress in New York (6) ..................................... make money. So if you dream of a career
in the (7) ..................................... business, don’t (8) ..................................... to become rich and famous
immediately. Remember, even some of the most (9) ..................................... actors and singers worked in a
(10) ..................................... of jobs before they started their career.

43 Complete the phrases in bold with one word. The first letter of each
answer has been given.
1. I can’t figure out this math problem, but I won’t stop trying until I get it
r..................................... .
2. That company donated millions of dollars to a c..................................... that helps
cancer patients.
3. The family moved to Canada to make a better l..................................... for
4. Sophia is always optimistic and has got a very p..................................... attitude.
5. The band gave a live p..................................... in Central Park.
6. I have told him again and a..................................... that I don’t know who started the
7. You can c..................................... out their website for more information.
44 Complete the phrases in bold with a suitable preposition.
1. Is that a true story, or did you make it ..................................... ?
2. Everyone enjoyed the concert apart ..................................... Laura.
3. The price of food has really gone ..................................... this year.
4. Kevin dropped ..................................... of school and joined the circus.
5. Tom grew ..................................... in New York, but he now lives in London.
6. Janice wants to set ..................................... a factory in China.
7. Peter works ..................................... in the gym twice a week.
8. Harold took ..................................... running as he had to lose some weight.
45 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in

1. There are many ..................................... paintings in the museum. (value)
2. I’m sure you will be very ..................................... . (success)
3. The clowns were very ..................................... . (entertain)
4. We have this shirt in ..................................... colours and sizes. (vary)
5. Many film stars make large ..................................... . (donate)

You are going to read an article about what three teenagers say about
their shopping habits. For questions 1-10,
choose from the three teenagers (A-C). The teenagers may be chosen
more than once.

Shopping for Clothes

I used to buy all my clothes online, but then a year ago I started making my own clothes. I get a lot of ideas
from what I see in magazines and on TV, but it took me a while to figure out which designs were best for me. I
started out by making things I saw that were perfect on models or actresses and I didn’t understand why they
looked ridiculous on me. I still see that lots of my friends wear things that look terrible on them, but I don’t do
that any more. I must be doing something right because when people see my clothes, they think they’re great.
My art teacher told me that I should study fashion design after I finish school, and I think she might be right.
The fact is that I don’t really like shopping for clothes. I can never decide what to buy – there is just so much
to choose from! And then there are my friends. They’re always saying silly things, like “Oh, you really need to
get those cool black jeans – everyone is wearing them this year.” In the end, I’m glad that my mum does most
of my clothes shopping. It’s a lot less trouble. She buys me nice things too, and my friends are always telling
me that I look good. But I wouldn’t want them to find out who really chooses my things because they’d all
probably laugh at me.
I really hate going from shop to shop looking for something I like. That’s why the Internet is so great. When I
want to buy something – like a new shirt or a pair of shoes – I look on the Internet first. Lots of shops have
catalogues on the Internet and I can look through those and see if there’s anything I want to buy. In some
catalogues, you can also look at how much things cost. That can make a real difference to me because I have a
job at the weekend and I use the money I make to buy my own clothes! I don’t mind spending hours online to
find exactly what I want before going to the shops. In the end, it really saves a lot of time.

Which person …
1 has a hard time making up his / her mind?
2 didn’t understand what looked good on him / her at first?
3 doesn’t do all his / her shopping on the Internet any more?
4 tries to find out prices before buying?
5 is worried about what other people might think?
6 pays for his / her own clothes?

7 is thinking about taking someone’s advice?

8 thinks technology has made shopping easier for him / her?
9 doesn’t always like the way others dress?
10 prefers having someone else buy his / her clothes?

Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct
letter, A, B, C or D.

In many European countries, children leave school at the age of 16. Until recently, this was true in Britain, too.
But now, a new law has raised the minimum age at which young people can leave school to 18. Whether you
think this makes sense or not, you should keep in mind that a good education will help you get a better job.
People haven’t always seen the value of education. In fact, it wasn’t until 1870 that Britian decided to make
children go to school – but only from ages 5 to 10. In those days, many poor families were unhappy about this.
They believed their children should work so there would be more money to help take care of the family. But they
had no choice. They had to send their children to school. From then on, the school-leaving age was raised every
few years, to 11, 12, 14 and 15. And every time the school-leaving age was raised, lots of people were upset –
both parents and children. But in the end, everyone got used to the idea that young children should be in school
and not working at a job!
In 1972, the age for leaving school was raised to 16. When students turned 16, they had two choices: they could
either continue studying or they could get a job. At the time, about 25% of 16-year-olds chose to stop studying.
However, today there are fewer and fewer jobs for workers with no skills, and many teenagers who leave school
at 16 are not able to find jobs.
The new law is designed to change this situation. Under the new law, there are three choices: students can
continue at school and prepare for university, they can go to another school where they can learn a skill, like
mechanics, that will help them at a job, or they can get a job which also trains them. The big question is, of
course, how can you make 18-year-olds go to school if they don’t want to? One suggestion is to punish students
who miss lessons. For example, there could be a law that says that teenagers younger than 18 years old must show
that they are still studying in order to get a driving licence. This method was successful in Canada. Another
possibility might be to give rewards, such as money, to students who stay in school and don’t miss lessons. What
kind of solution will work with British teens? Many education experts believe that these problems can be solved.
They believe the new system will help the teenagers of the future to have the education they need to find the jobs
they want.

1. From the first paragraph we can understand

that the writer
A can’t make sense of the new law.
B is probably in favour of the new law.
C doesn’t see the value of the new law.

D is against the new law.

2. What was one of the results of the new law
in 1870?
A Children had to work more hours.
B The school-leaving age was raised to 16.
C Young children got an education.
D Poor families got extra money.
3. In paragraph three we learn that in the 70s, about 25% of the 16-year-olds in Britain
A left school.
B couldn’t find a job.
C continued studying.
D wanted to go to university.
4. According to the writer, what is the problem with
the new law?
A It punishes the parents.
B It doesn’t prepare students for university.
C It rewards students who stay in school.
D It’s hard to make it work.
5. Which best describes the new law?
A It’s a bad law C It has potential,
that will soon but some
be changed. problems need to
be solved.
B It is a good law, D It’s a bad law
but it won’t for poor
solve any families.

Look at the sentences below about environmentally friendly solutions. Then read the text to decide if
sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, tick (✓) A. If it is incorrect, tick (✓) B.


1. McDonald’s uses biodiesel to make its cooking oil. ...... ......
2. Most of McDonald’s delivery lorries run on biodiesel. ...... ......
3. McDonald’s works with companies that care about the environment. ...... ......
4. The Freedom Ship is a city that will be built in outer space. ...... ......
5. Future residents of the Freedom Ship will have to recycle materials. ...... ......
6. Flats at the Freedom Ship are similar in price. ...... ......
7. Mitchell Joachim and Javier Arbona are planning to recycle old tree houses. ...... ......
8. The Fab Tree Hab will recycle rainwater. ...... ......
9. The Fab Tree Hab will be wet inside and outside. ...... ......
10. The Fab Tree Hab gets bigger over time. ...... ......

Green Solutions
Fast Food Cleans Up
The global fast-food chain McDonald’s is working hard to change its image. Tired of being constantly
criticised, McDonald’s has begun to take environmental issues to heart. The chain’s first major decision was to
turn its used cooking oil into biodiesel – an environmentally friendly transportation fuel. As a result of this
decision, McDonald’s restaurants now recycle about 90% of their cooking oil and use the biodiesel to run
more than half of their delivery lorries. In addition, McDonald’s has decided to buy its coffee and soya beans
only from companies that do not destroy the rainforests. This decision is good for the environment and for the
farmers, who now get better pay, medical care and education for themselves and their families.
The Freedom Ship: A Floating City
Experts predict that overcrowding will force Earth’s inhabitants to search for new lifestyles. Living in outer
space is one option; living on a ship is another. Plans for the construction of the first oceanic community – a
floating city of up to 40,000 people – are already in progress. Called the Freedom Ship, it is going to be 1,317
metres long and 221 metres wide, and will weigh 2.4 million tonnes. Norman Nixon, who developed the idea,
says that within three years, shipbuilders will have completed the ship. During this time, they will be adding
schools, shops, banks, restaurants, a hospital and a library to the ship. According to Nixon, the Freedom Ship
is going to be an environmentally friendly community, with compulsory recycling of glass, paper and metal.
Are you interested? Flats will cost from $180,000 to $2.5 million.
Grow a Home
Architects Mitchell Joachim and Javier Arbona are busy developing a house they say will grow from a few
seeds into a two-storey, water-recycling, energy-saving home. Called the Fab Tree Hab, it is a combination of
ancient and ultra-modern technology. The architects’ plan is to create the walls of the Fab Tree Hab from the
roots of a tree. They will be packing the walls with clay and then plastering them to keep out the rain. If the
plan works, the water supply will come from rainwater collected on the roof. The architects predict that each
house will take five years to grow. Once grown, customers can replant their house wherever they like.
However, there are still a few problems to be worked out. For example, how are the neighbours going to feel
about a house that keeps growing?

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