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The application of blockchain technology to enhance the supply chain

management of small-scale farmers agricultural business.

[email protected]

Abstract – Blockchain technology has procedures. In terms of frequent

the potential to revolutionise activity like grocery shopping for
agricultural supply chain management, vegetables and farm produce,
especially for small-scale farmers who blockchain offers the potential to
encounter many difficulties in improve supply chain management, by
conventional supply chains. This study tracing the origin of food, and providing
looks at how small-scale farmers can transparency in food chains.
improve their supply chain Additionally, it can help developing
management in the agricultural industry countries' agriculture and open up new
by utilising blockchain technology. The markets for goods. Thanks to
research investigates the possible agricultural innovations like blockchain,
advantages, problems, and applications access to fresh fruits and vegetables,
of blockchain adoption in agricultural dairy products, and meat are much more
supply chains by a thorough convenient. (Mohannad et al., 2022)
investigation and research. The results
highlight how blockchain can boost the In order to offer advanced solutions for
efficiency, traceability, and small-scale farmers, this article
transparency to empower small-scale investigates the use of blockchain
farmers in their agricultural business technology in agricultural supply
networks. Blockchain has the potential
and maximise their profits.
to greatly improve supply chains by
enabling more affordable and timely
product delivery, increasing product
Key terms traceability, improving relationships
Blockchain technology between partners, completing
transactions, and storing data without
Supply chain management the need of intermediaries. (Gaur &
Agriculture Gaiha, 2020). Furthermore, food safety,
market transparency, legal certainty
Small-scale farmers regarding land tenure systems, ease of
access to business financing and other
Business Information Systems
agricultural financing options, and
accountability for international
agricultural agreements could all be
1. Introduction improved by blockchain technology. It
Small-scale farmers are essential to the could also streamline and integrate
world's food production, yet they agricultural supply chains. (Abujudeh et
frequently face challenges related to al., 2022). All of which brings
ineffective supply chain management. abundance of benefits towards the
With its transparency, efficiency, and advancement of small-scale farmer’s
trust-building features, blockchain agribusiness.
technology offers a chance to
completely transform existing
difficulties threaten small-scale
farmers' capacity to support features for
2. Problem statement food security and sustainable
Over the past few years since the start agriculture development as well as their
of 2020 to end of 2022, Malaysia and ability to maintain a stable income.
many other countries has been hit hard (Dhillon & Moncur, 2023)
by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has
particularly impacted small-scale Besides that, crops face a threat of
farmers especially in rural regions. The seasonality and perishability.
Movement Control Order implemented Especially during monsoon or dry
during the pandemic significantly season in Malaysia. Crops, thrives in
reduced the income of these farmers, different types of environments,
especially those in rural areas. particularly, fruits, vegetables, and
Additionally, small-scale plantation grains. Because of this, farmers have to
farmers faced various challenges, harvest their crops quickly in order to
including exploitation and difficulties prevent overripening or quality
with seeds, accessing markets, and degradation. The growing number of
inefficient supply chain management. produce and the need to get them to
These obstacles pose a threat to the market rapidly, however, make logistics
overall quality of the agricultural sector. of distribution, storage, and
Given that this sector contributes 40% transportation are extremely difficult to
of Malaysia's palm oil output, it coordinate without the use of advanced
deserves increased attention and technology. (Shrotriya, 2023)
support. Understanding and addressing
the needs of these farmers is crucial for
their development. (Abiddin et al., 2023) 3. Research Aim
These challenges pose a threat to the The aim of this research is to explore the
sustainability and economic feasibility application of blockchain technology in
among small-scale farmers. Limited tailoring agricultural business solutions
market access makes it difficult for and enhancing supply chain
farmers to sell their produce to a variety management for the benefit of small-
of markets and at reasonable rates, scale farmers. It aims to find a new
which reduces profitability and creates technological solution for maximising
income volatility. Inefficient supply the profitability and increase efficiency
chain practices lead to inefficiencies, of small-scale agribusinesses while
such inadequate stakeholder tackling the challenges and obstacles
coordination, or delays in the delivery faced.
of produce, which makes it harder for
farmers to satisfy market demands and
maintain product quality. 4. Research Objectives

Furthermore, farmers run the risk of To identify the requirements for

unfair business practices, price implementing blockchain technology in
manipulation, and a decline in supplier small scale agricultural supply chains,
and buyer confidence when there is a through analysing the infrastructural
lack of trust in their interactions and lacking, organizational factors, and
transactions. By removing third-party environmental factors among small
transactions, it removes distrusts among scale farmers.
members. When taken as a whole, these
To develop a framework or model for profitability due to food loss, increased
implementing blockchain technology in transaction costs, and ineffective supply
agricultural supply chains, considering chain management techniques.
factors such as scalability, Blockchain technology offers an
interoperability, and usability. answer by automating procedures,
lowering the need for middlemen, and
offering a transparent and safe platform
for tracking goods from farm to market.
5. Research Questions The findings can help lower waste,
boost productivity, and increase
1. How can blockchain be applied into profitability along the entire
the management of small-scale agricultural value chain by optimising
agricultural businesses to enhance the supply chain. (Xia et al., 2023)
transparency, traceability, and
efficiency? 3. Agriculture: Sustainable agricultural
practices are essential for preserving
2. What are the main obstacles and natural resources, reducing climate
difficulties that small-scale farmers face change, and ensuring food security for
when implementing blockchain future generations. By enabling
technology, and how may they be traceability, transparency, and fair trade,
overcome? blockchain technology can promote
sustainable agriculture by incentivizing
3. What are the possible financial responsible farming practices and
benefits and impact of integrating rewarding farmers for their
blockchain technology into small-scale environmental stewardship. It also
agricultural supply chains? gains more trusts from customers. The
research aims to explore how
blockchain can be leveraged to support
sustainable agriculture initiatives and
6. Research Significance contribute to the achievement of global
The significance of the proposed development goals. (Panwar et al., 2023)
research has 4 main points: 4. Innovation and Economic
1. Assisting small-scale farmers: A Development: The use of blockchain
large share of the world's agricultural technology in agriculture has the
labour is made up of small-scale potential to boost new business ventures,
farmers, who are essential to both food innovation, and rural communities'
production and rural economies. They economies. The research can help
frequently encounter obstacles, though, small-scale farmers realise their
like limited market access, ineffective entrepreneurial potential and boost
supply chain management, and economic growth in agriculturally rural
restricted market access. The goal of regions by giving them access to
this project is to enable small-scale cutting-edge technologies and market
farmers to overcome these obstacles prospects. Furthermore, blockchain
and participate more successfully in the innovation can help create resilient and
market by investigating the application inclusive rural economies by luring
of blockchain technology customised to talent and investment to the agriculture
their requirements. sector. (Meena et al., 2024)

2. Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency:

Farmers may experience decreased
distributor when conditions are met.
The product information like the
quantity, quality, origin, and destination
7. Proposed System Overview to the distributor securely without the
need of a middleman, it automatically
In the proposed system as shown in initiates the transaction between the two
figure 1 below, IoT devices will collect trusted parties. (S. Madumidha, 2019)
the data regarding the crops and upload
into the system, it collects the The distributors also use the smart
environmental data of the crops like the contract to do transaction with the
weather, humidity, soil quality and soil retailers for the product to be marketed.
growth, then it determines whether it is Smart contracts increase a supply
ready to harvest or not. Once harvested, chain's efficiency, traceability, and
the crops will go through packaging and transparency and make it more flexible
grading, crops in good quality condition in improving the relations between the
will be catered for packaging to ensure parties. With each ownership, the
customers get the best produce, the data owners scan the RFID at every stage of
of the produce like harvest date, origin, the production process and updates the
and price will then be recorded and information on the cloud-stored blocks
stored in the blockchain system. The using a mobile app. Thus, the cloud is
products will be tagged with RFID crucial for block storage as well. The
chips that consists of that information, validation, verification and transaction
the chips also serve as a product tracker are all done through the mobile/web
when the product is transferred from application. (S. Madumidha, 2019)
one ownership to the other, the RFID Moving away from the transaction part,
information is sent to the receiver first, the retailers are responsible for the QR
then it will automatically match with codes generated and paste onto the
the system if the received products are products, or displayed in the market for
correct. This whole process is done customers to scan and view the product
through the application system. details like origin, expiry date, quality
(Showkat Ahmad Bhat, 2021) grading etc.
In conclusion, the whole process from
farming, harvesting, distributing, and
marketing are all traced through the
blockchain app system, it is also
secured as every procedure flowing
though the supply chain is trusted and
licensed with the food standard being
authorised by the government.

Figure 1: Graphical overview of proposed system

Next, through the use of smart contracts

integrated into the blockchain system,
farmers can initiate transaction to the
Figure 2: Flowchart for proposed system

8. Flowchart elaboration

The application first allows licensed can determine whether to harvest the
and verified farmers to register and log plants or not. Besides that, the
in. Through the app, farmers can check application also provides smart
the conditions of their plantation contracts which handles the
through the IoT devices. Then farmers transactions, verification, and
validation of farmers to distributors and chips which is stored in the blockchain
distributors to retailers, it ensures that system. It allows for accurate and fraud
there are no third parties involved as it preventive product information.
is a blockchain technology. The app
also records and stores the trace of the
product through scanning of the RFID

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