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Hands-On Large Language Models

Language Understanding and Generation

With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author’s
raw and unedited content as they write—so you can take advantage of these
technologies long before the official release of these titles.

Jay Alammar and Maarten Grootendorst

Hands-On Large Language Models
by Jay Alammar and Maarten Grootendorst

Copyright © 2025 Jay Alammar and Maaarten Grootendorst. All rights


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Acquisitions Editor: Nicole Butterfield

Development Editor: Michele Cronin

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Interior Designer: David Futato

Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery

Illustrator: Kate Dullea

December 2024: First Edition

Revision History for the Early Release

2023-06-09: First Release
2023-08-25: Second Release
2023-09-19: Third Release

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Chapter 1. Categorizing Text


With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author’s
raw and unedited content as they write—so you can take advantage of these
technologies long before the official release of these titles.

This will be the 2nd chapter of the final book. Please note that the GitHub
repo will be made active later on.

If you have comments about how we might improve the content and/or
examples in this book, or if you notice missing material within this chapter,
please reach out to the editor at [email protected].

One of the most common tasks in natural language processing, and machine
learning in general, is classification. The goal of the task is to train a model to
assign a label or class to some input text. Categorizing text is used across the
world for a wide range of applications, from sentiment analysis and intent
detection to extracting entities and detecting language.

The impact of Large Language Models on categorization cannot be

understated. The addition of these models has quickly settled as the default
for these kinds of tasks.
In this chapter, we will discuss a variety of ways to use Large Language
Modeling for categorizing text. Due to the broad field of text categorization, a
variety of techniques, as well as use cases, will be discussed. This chapter
also serves as a nice introduction to LLMs as most of them can be used for

We will focus on leveraging pre-trained LLMs, models that already have

been trained on large amounts of data and that can be used for categorizing
text. Fine-tuning these models for categorizing text and domain adaptation
will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 10.

Let’s start by looking at the most basic application and technique, fully-
supervised text classification.

Supervised Text Classification

Classification comes in many flavors, such as few-shot and zero-shot
classification which we will discuss later in this chapter, but the most
frequently used method is a fully supervised classification. This means that
during training, every input has a target category from which the model can

For supervised classification using textual data as our input, there is a

common procedure that is typically followed. As illustrated in Figure 1-1, we
first convert our textual input to numerical representations using a feature
extraction model. Traditionally, such a model would represent text as a bag
of words, simply counting the number of times a word appears in a
document. In this book, however, we will be focusing on LLMs as our
feature extraction model.

Figure 1-1. An example of supervised classification. Can we predict whether a movie review is either
positive or negative?

Then, we train a classifier on the numerical representations, such as

embeddings (remember from Chapter X?), to classify the textual data. The
classifier can be a number of things, such as a neural network or logistic
regression. It can even be the classifier used in many Kaggle competitions,
namely XGBoost!

In this pipeline, we always need to train the classifier but we can choose to
fine-tune either the entire LLM, certain parts of it, or keep it as is. If we
choose not to fine-tune it all, we refer to this procedure as freezing its layers.
This means that the layers cannot be updated during the training process.
However, it may be beneficial to unfreeze at least some of its layers such that
the Large Language Models can be fine-tuned for the specific classification
task. This process is illustrated in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2. A common procedure for supervised text classification. We convert our textual input data to
numerical representations through feature extraction. Then, a classifier is trained to predict labels.

Model Selection

We can use an LLM to represent the text to be fed into our classifier. The
choice of this model, however, may not be as straightforward as you might
think. Models differ in the language they can handle, their architecture, size,
inference speed, architecture, accuracy for certain tasks, and many more
differences exist.

BERT is a great underlying architecture for representing tasks that can be

fine-tuned for a number of tasks, including classification. Although there are
generative models that we can use, like the well-known Generated Pretrained
Transformers (GPT) such as ChatGPT, BERT models often excel at being
fine-tuned for specific tasks. In contrast, GPT-like models typically excel at a
broad and wide variety of tasks. In a sense, it is specialization versus

Now that we know to choose a BERT-like model for our supervised

classification task, which are we going to use? BERT has a number of
variations, including BERT, RoBERTa, DistilBERT, ALBERT, DeBERTa,
and each architecture has been pre-trained in numerous forms, from training
in certain domains to training for multi-lingual data. You can find an
overview of some well-known Large Language Models in Figure 1-3.

Selecting the right model for the job can be a form of art in itself. Trying
thousands of pre-trained models that can be found on HuggingFace’s Hub is
not feasible so we need to be efficient with the models that we choose.
Having said that, there are a number of models that are a great starting point
and give you an idea of the base performance of these kinds of models.
Consider them solid baselines:


Figure 1-3. A timeline of common Large Language Model releases.

In this section, we will be using “bert-base-cased” for some of our examples.

Feel free to replace “bert-base-cased” with any of the models above. Play
around with different models to get a feeling for the trade-off in
performance/training speed.


Throughout this chapter, we will be demonstrating many techniques for

categorizing text. The dataset that we will be using to train and evaluate the
models is the “rotten_tomatoes”; pang2005seeing) dataset. It contains
roughly 5000 positive and 5000 negative movie reviews from Rotten
We load the data and convert it to a pandas dataframe for easier control:

import pandas as pd
from datasets import load_dataset
tomatoes = load_dataset("rotten_tomatoes")

# Pandas for easier control

train_df = pd.DataFrame(tomatoes["train"])
eval_df = pd.DataFrame(tomatoes["test"])


Although this book focuses on LLMs, it is highly advised to compare these examples against classic,
but strong baselines such as representing text with TF-IDF and training a LogisticRegression classifier
on top of that.

Classification Head

Using the Rotten Tomatoes dataset, we can start with the most
straightforward example of a predictive task, namely binary classification.
This is often applied in sentiment analysis, detecting whether a certain
document is positive or negative. This can be customer reviews with a label
indicating whether that review is positive or negative (binary). In our case,
we are going to predict whether a movie review is negative (0) or positive
Training a classifier with transformer-based models generally follows a two-
step approach:

First, as we show in Figure 1-4, we take an existing transformer model and

use it to convert our textual data to numerical representations.

Figure 1-4. First, we start by using a generic pre-trained LLM (e.g., BERT) to convert our textual data
into more numerical representations. During training, we will “freeze” the model such that its weights
will not be updated. This speeds up training significantly but is generally less accurate.

Second, as shown in Figure 1-5, we put a classification head on top of the

pre-trained model. This classification head is generally a single linear layer
that we can fine-tune.

Figure 1-5. After fine-tuning our LLM, we train a classifier on the numerical representations and labels.
Typically, a Feed Forward Neural Network is chosen as the classifier.
These two steps each describe the same model since the classification head is
added directly to the BERT model. As illustrated in Figure 1-6, our classifier
is nothing more than a pre-trained LLM with a linear layer attached to it. It is
feature extraction and classification in one.

Figure 1-6. We adopt the BERT model such that its output embeddings are fed into a classification
head. This head generally consists of a linear layer but might include dropout beforehand.


In Chapter 10, we will use the same pipeline shown in Figures 2-4 and 2-5 but will instead fine-tune the
Large Language Model. There, we will go more in-depth into how fine-tuning works and why it
improves upon the pipeline as shown here. For now, it is essential to know that fine-tuning this model
together with the classification head improves the accuracy during the classification task. The reason
for this is that it allows the Large Language Model to better represent the text for classification
purposes. It is fine-tuned toward the domain-specific texts.


To train our model, we are going to be using the simpletransformers package.

It abstracts most of the technical difficulty away so that we can focus on the
classification task at hand. We start by initializing our model:

from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationMod

# Train only the classifier layers

model_args = ClassificationArgs()
model_args.train_custom_parameters_only = True
model_args.custom_parameter_groups = [
"params": ["classifier.weight"],
"lr": 1e-3,
"params": ["classifier.bias"],
"lr": 1e-3,
"weight_decay": 0.0,

# Initializing pre-trained BERT model

model = ClassificationModel("bert", "bert-base-cased", args=mod
We have chosen the popular “bert-base-cased” but as mentioned before, there
are many other models that we could have chosen instead. Feel free to play
around with models to see how it influences performance.

Next, we can train the model on our training dataset and predict the labels of
our evaluation dataset:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score

# Train the model


# Predict unseen instances

result, model_outputs, wrong_predictions = model.eval_model(eva
y_pred = np.argmax(model_outputs, axis=1)

Now that we have trained our model, all that is left is evaluation:

>>> from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

>>> print(classification_report(eval_df.label, y_pred))
precision recall f1-score support

0 0.84 0.86 0.85 533

1 0.86 0.83 0.84 533

accuracy 0.85 1066

macro avg 0.85 0.85 0.85 1066
weighted avg 0.85 0.85 0.85 1066

Using a pre-trained BERT model for classification gives us an F-1 score of

0.85. We can use this score as a baseline throughout the examples in this


The simpletransformers package has a number of easy-to-use features for different tasks. For
example, you could also use it to create a custom Named Entity Recognition model with only a few
lines of code.

Pre-Trained Embeddings

Unlike the example shown before, we can approach supervised classification

in a more classical form. Instead of freezing layers before training and using a
feed-forward neural network on top of it, we can completely separate feature
extraction and classification training.

This two-step approach completely separates feature extraction from

First, as we can see in Figure 1-7, we perform our feature extraction with an
LLM, SBERT (, which is trained specifically to create

Figure 1-7. First, we use an LLM that was trained specifically to generate accurate numerical
representations. These tend to be better representative vectors than we receive from a general
Transformer-based model like BERT.

Second, as shown in Figure 1-8, we use the embeddings as input for a logistic
regression model. We are completely separating the feature extraction model
from the classification model.

Figure 1-8. Using the embeddings as our features, we train a logistic regression model on our training

In contrast to our previous example, these two steps each describe a different
model. SBERT for generating features, namely embeddings, and a Logistic
Regression as the classifier. As illustrated in Figure 2-9, our classifier is
nothing more than a pre-trained LLM with a linear layer attached to it.

Figure 1-9. The classifier is a separate model that leverages the embeddings from SBERT to learn from.


Using sentence-transformer, we can create our features before training our

classification model:

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util

model = SentenceTransformer('all-mpnet-base-v2')
train_embeddings = model.encode(train_df.text)
eval_embeddings = model.encode(eval_df.text)
We created the embeddings for our training (train_df) and evaluation
(eval_df) data. Each instance in the resulting embeddings is represented by
768 values. We consider these values the features on which we can train our

Selecting the model can be straightforward. Instead of using a feed-forward

neural network, we can go back to the basics and use a Logistic Regression

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=42).fit(train_embeddings,

In practice, you can use any classifier on top of our generated embeddings,
like Decision Trees or Neural Networks.

Next, let’s evaluate our model:

>>> from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

>>> y_pred = clf.predict(eval_embeddings)
>>> print(classification_report(eval_df.label, y_pred))

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.84 0.86 0.85 151

1 0.86 0.83 0.84 149
accuracy 0.85 300
macro avg 0.85 0.85 0.85 300
weighted avg 0.85 0.85 0.85 300

Without needing to fine-tune our LLM, we managed to achieve an F1-score

of 0.85. This is especially impressive since it is a much smaller model
compared to our previous example.

Zero-shot Classification
We started this chapter with examples where all of our training data has
labels. In practice, however, this might not always be the case. Getting
labeled data is a resource-intensive task that can require significant human
labor. Instead, we can use zero-shot classification models. This method is a
nice example of transfer learning where a model trained for one task is used
for a task different than what it was originally trained for. An overview of
zero-shot classification is given in Figure 2-11. Note that this pipeline also
demonstrates the capabilities of performing multi-label classification if the
probabilities of multiple labels exceed a given threshold.
Figure 1-10. Figure 2-11. In zero-shot classification, the LLM is not trained on any of the candidate
labels. It learned from different labels and generalized that information to the candidate labels.

Often, zero-shot classification tasks are used with pre-trained LLMs that use
natural language to describe what we want our model to do. It is often
referred to as an emergent feature of LLMs as the models increase in size
(wei2022emergent). As we will see later in this chapter on classification with
generative models, GPT-like models can often do these kinds of tasks quite

Pre-Trained Embeddings

As we have seen in our supervised classification examples, embeddings are a

great and often accurate way of representing textual data. When dealing with
no labeled documents, we have to be a bit creative in how we are going to be
using pre-trained embeddings. A classifier cannot be trained since we have
no labeled data to work with.

Fortunately, there is a trick that we can use. We can describe our labels based
on what they should represent. For example, a negative label for movie
reviews can be described as “This is a negative movie review”. By describing
and embedding the labels and documents, we have data that we can work
with. This process, as illustrated in Figure 1-11, allows us to generate our
own target labels without the need to actually have any labeled data.

Figure 1-11. To embed the labels, we first need to give them a description. For example, the description
of a negative label could be “A negative movie review”. This description can then be embedded
through sentence-transformers. In the end, both labels as well as all the documents are embedded.

To assign labels to documents, we can apply cosine similarity to the

document label pairs. Cosine similarity, which will often be used throughout
this book, is a similarity measure that checks how similar two vectors are to
each other.

It is the cosine of the angle between vectors which is calculated through the
dot product of the embeddings and divided by the product of their lengths. It
definitely sounds more complicated than it is and, hopefully, the illustration
in Figure 1-12 should provide additional intuition.

Figure 1-12. The cosine similarity is the angle between two vectors or embeddings. In this example, we
calculate the similarity between a document and the two possible labels, positive and negative.

For each document, its embedding is compared to that of each label. The
label with the highest similarity to the document is chosen. Figure 1-13 gives
a nice example of how a document is assigned a label.
Figure 1-13. After embedding the label descriptions and the documents, we can use cosine similarity
for each label document pair. For each document, the label with the highest similarity to the document
is chosen.


We start by generating the embeddings for our evaluation dataset. These

embeddings are generated with sentence-transformers as they are quite
accurate and are computationally quite fast.

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util

# Create embeddings for the input documents

model = SentenceTransformer('all-mpnet-base-v2')
eval_embeddings = model.encode(eval_df.text)

Next, embeddings of the labels need to be generated. The labels, however, do

not have a textual representation that we can leverage so we will instead have
to name the labels ourselves.

Since we are dealing with positive and negative movie reviews, let’s name
the labels “A positive review” and “A negative review”. This allows us to
embed those labels:

# Create embeddings for our labels

label_embeddings = model.encode(["A negative review", "A positi

Now that we have embeddings for our reviews and the labels, we can apply
cosine similarity between them to see which label fits best with which
review. Doing so requires only a few lines of code:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

# Find the best matching label for each document

sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(eval_embeddings, label_embedding
y_pred = np.argmax(sim_matrix, axis=1)

And that is it! We only needed to come up with names for our labels to
perform our classification tasks. Let’s see how well this method works:
>>> print(classification_report(eval_df.label, y_pred))

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.83 0.77 0.80 151

1 0.79 0.84 0.81 149

accuracy 0.81 300

macro avg 0.81 0.81 0.81 300
weighted avg 0.81 0.81 0.81 300

An F-1 score of 0.81 is quite impressive considering we did not use any
labeled data at all! This just shows how versatile and useful embeddings are
especially if you are a bit creative with how they are used.

Let’s put that creativity to the test. We decided upon “A negative/positive

review” as the names of our labels but that can be improved. Instead, we can
make them a bit more concrete and specific towards our data by using “A
very negative/positive movie review” instead. This way, the embedding will
capture that it is a movie review and will focus a bit more on the extremes of
the two labels.

We use the code we used before to see whether this actually works:

>>> # Create embeddings for our labels

>>> label_embeddings = model.encode(["A very negative movie rev
>>> # Find the best matching label for each document
>>> sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(eval_embeddings, label_embed
>>> y_pred = np.argmax(sim_matrix, axis=1)
>>> # Report results
>>> print(classification_report(eval_df.label, y_pred))

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.90 0.74 0.81 151

1 0.78 0.91 0.84 149

accuracy 0.83 300

macro avg 0.84 0.83 0.83 300
weighted avg 0.84 0.83 0.83 300

By only changing the phrasing of the labels, we increased our F-1 score quite
a bit!


In the example, we applied zero-shot classification by naming the labels and embedding them. When
we have a few labeled examples, embedding them and adding them to the pipeline could help increase
the performance. For example, we could average the embeddings of the labeled examples together with
the label embeddings. We could even do a voting procedure by creating different types of
representations (label embeddings, document embeddings, averaged embeddings, etc.) and see which
label is most often found. This would make our zero-shot classification example a few-shot approach.

Natural Language Inference

Zero-shot classification can also be done using natural language inference

(NLI), which refers to the task of investigating whether, for a given premise,
a hypothesis is true (entailment) or false (contradiction). Figure 1-14 shows a
nice example how they relate to one another.

Figure 1-14. An example of natural language inference (NLI). The hypothesis is contradicted by the
premise and is not relevant to one another.

NLI can be used for zero-shot classification by being a bit creative with how
the premise/hypothesis pair is used, as demonstrated in Figure 1-15. We use
the input document, the review that we want to extract sentiment from and
use that as our premise (yin2019benchmarking). Then, we create a hypothesis
asking whether the premise is about our target label. In our movie reviews
example, the hypothesis could be: “This example is a positive movie review”.
When the model finds it to be an entailment, we can label the review as
positive and negative when it is a contradiction. Using NLI for zero-shot
classification is illustrated with an example in Figure 1-15.

Figure 1-15. An example of zero-shot classification with natural language inference (NLI). The
hypothesis is supported by the premise and the model will return that the review is indeed a positive
movie review.


With transformers, loading and running a pre-trained NLI model is

straightforward. Let’s select “ facebook /bart-large-mnli ” as our pre-
trained model. The model was trained on more than 400k premise/hypothesis
pairs and should serve well for our use case.


Over the course of the last few years, Hugging Face has strived to become the Github of Machine
Learning by hosting pretty much everything related to Machine Learning. As a result, there is a large
amount of pre-trained models available on their hub. For zero-shot classification tasks, you can follow
this link:

We load in our transformers pipeline and run it on our evaluation dataset:

from transformers import pipeline

# Pre-trained MNLI model

pipe = pipeline(model="facebook/bart-large-mnli")

# Candidate labels
candidate_labels_dict = {"negative movie review": 0, "positive
candidate_labels = ["negative movie review", "positive movie re

# Create predictions
predictions = pipe(eval_df.text.values.tolist(), candidate_labe

Since this is a zero-shot classification task, no training is necessary for us to

get the predictions that we are interested in. The predictions variable contains
not only the prediction but also a score indicating the probability of a
candidate label (hypothesis) to entail the input document (premise).

>>> from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

>>> y_pred = [candidate_labels_dict[prediction["labels"][0]]
>>> print(classification_report(eval_df.label, y_pred))
precision recall f1-score support

0 0.77 0.89 0.83 151

1 0.87 0.74 0.80 149

accuracy 0.81 300

macro avg 0.82 0.81 0.81 300
weighted avg 0.82 0.81 0.81 300

Without any fine-tuning whatsoever, it received an F1-score of 0.81. We

might be able to increase this value depending on how we phrase the
candidate labels. For example, see what happens if the candidate labels were
simply “negative” and “positive” instead.


Another great pre-trained model for zero-shot classification is sentence-transformers’ cross-encoder,

namely ' cross-encoder/ nli -deberta-base ‘. Since training a sentence-transformers model
focuses on pairs of sentences, it naturally lends itself to zero-shot classification tasks that leverage
premise/hypothesis pairs.

Classification with Generative Models

Classification with generative large language models, such as OpenAI’s GPT
models, works a bit differently from what we have done thus far. Instead of
fine-tuning a model to our data, we use the model and try to guide it toward
the type of answers that we are looking for.

This guiding process is done mainly through the prompts that you give such
as a model. Optimizing the prompts such that the model understands what
kind of answer you are looking for is called prompt engineering. This
section will demonstrate how we can leverage generative models to perform a
wide variety of classification tasks.

This is especially true for extremely large language models, such as GPT-3.
An excellent paper and read on this subject, “Language Models are Few-Shot
Learners”, describes that these models are competitive on downstream tasks
whilst needing less task-specific data (brown2020language).

In-Context Learning

What makes generative models so interesting is their ability to follow the

prompts they are given. A generative model can even do something entirely
new by merely being shown a few examples of this new task. This process is
also called in-context learning and refers to the process of having the model
learn or do something new without actually fine-tuning it.

For example, if we ask a generative model to write a haiku (a traditional

Japanese poetic form), it might not be able to if it has not seen a haiku before.
However, if the prompt contains a few examples of what a haiku is, then the
model “learns” from that and is able to create haikus.

We purposely put “learning” in quotation marks since the model is not

actually learning but following examples. After successfully having
generated the haikus, we would still need to continuously provide it with
examples as the internal model was not updated. These examples of in-
context learning are shown in Figure 1-16 and demonstrate the creativity
needed to create successful and performant prompts.

Figure 1-16. Zero-shot and few-shot classification through prompt engineering with generative models.

In-context learning is especially helpful in few-shot classification tasks where

we have a small number of examples that the generative model can follow.

Not needing to fine-tune the internal model is a major advantage of in-context

learning. These generative models are often quite large in size and are
difficult to run on consumer hardware let alone fine-tune them. Optimizing
your prompts to guide the generative model is relatively low-effort and often
does not need somebody well-versed in generative AI.


Before we go into the examples of in-context learning, we first create a

function that allows us to perform prediction with OpenAI’s GPT models.

from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_random_ex

@retry(wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=60), stop=stop_a

def gpt_prediction(prompt, document, model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0301"
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant.
{"role": "user", "content": prompt.replace("[DOCUMENT]",
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(model=model, messages
return response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]

This function allows us to pass a specific prompt and document for

which we want to create a prediction. The tenacity module that you also
see here allows us to deal with rate limit errors, which happen when you call
the API too often. OpenAI, and other external APIs, often want to limit the
rate at which you call their API so as not to overload their servers.

This tenacity module is essentially a “retrying module” that allows us to

retry API calls in specific ways. Here, we implemented something called
exponential backoff to our gpt_prediction function. Exponential
backoff performs a short sleep when we hit a rate limit error and then retries
the unsuccessful request. Every time the request is unsuccessful, the sleep
length is increased until the request is successful or we hit a maximum
number of retries.

One easy way to avoid rate limit errors is to automatically retry requests with
a random exponential backoff. Retrying with exponential backoff means
performing a short sleep when a rate limit error is hit, then retrying the
unsuccessful request. If the request is still unsuccessful, the sleep length is
increased and the process is repeated. This continues until the request is
successful or until a maximum number of retries is reached.

Lastly, we need to sign in to OpenAI’s API with an API-key that you can get
from your account:

import openai
openai.api_key = "sk-..."

When using external APIs, always keep track of your usage. External APIs, such as OpenAI or Cohere,
can quickly become costly if you request too often from their APIs.

Zero-shot Classification

Zero-shot classification with generative models is essentially what we

typically do when interacting with these types of models, simply ask them if
they can do something. In our examples, we ask the model whether a specific
document is a positive or negative movie review.

To do so, we create a base template for our zero-shot classification prompt

and ask the model if it can predict whether a review is positive or negative:

# Define a zero-shot prompt as a base

zeroshot_prompt = """Predict whether the following document is


If it is positive say 1 and if it is negative say 0. Do not giv


You might have noticed that we explicitly say to not give any other answers.
These generative models tend to have a mind of their own and return large
explanations as to why something is or isn’t negative. Since we are
evaluating its results, we want either a 0 or a 1 to be returned.

Next, let’s see if it can correctly predict that the review “unpretentious,
charming, quickie, original” is positive:

# Define a zero-shot prompt as a base

zeroshot_prompt = """Predict whether the following document is


If it is positive say 1 and if it is negative say 0. Do not giv


# Predict the target using GPT

document = "unpretentious , charming , quirky , original"
gpt_prediction(zeroshot_prompt, document)

The output indeed shows that the review was labeled by OpenAI’s model as
positive! Using this prompt template, we can insert any document at the
“[DOCUMENT]” tag. These models have token limits which means that we
might not be able to insert an entire book into the prompt. Fortunately,
reviews tend not to be the sizes of books but are often quite short.

Next, we can run this for all reviews in the evaluation dataset and look at its
performance. Do note though that this requires 300 requests to OpenAI’s
> from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
> from tqdm import tqdm
> y_pred = [int(gpt_prediction(zeroshot_prompt, doc)) for
> print(classification_report(eval_df.label, y_pred))

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.86 0.96 0.91 151

1 0.95 0.86 0.91 149

accuracy 0.91 300

macro avg 0.91 0.91 0.91 300
weighted avg 0.91 0.91 0.91 300

An F-1 score of 0.91! That is the highest we have seen thus far and is quite
impressive considering we did not fine-tune the model at all.


Although this zero-shot classification with GPT has shown high performance, it should be noted that
fine-tuning generally outperforms in-context learning as presented in this section. This is especially true
if domain-specific data is involved which the model during pre-training is unlikely to have seen. A
model’s adaptability to task-specific nuances might be limited when its parameters are not updated for
the task at hand. Preferably, we would want to fine-tune this GPT model on this data to improve its
performance even further!
Few-shot Classification

In-context learning works especially well when we perform few-shot

classification. Compared to zero-shot classification, we simply add a few
examples of movie reviews as a way to guide the generative model. By doing
so, it has a better understanding of the task that we want to accomplish.

We start by updating our prompt template to include a few hand-picked


# Define a few-shot prompt as a base

fewshot_prompt = """Predict whether the following document is a


Examples of negative reviews are:

- a film really has to be exceptional to justify a three hour r
- the film , like jimmy's routines , could use a few good laugh

Examples of positive reviews are:

- very predictable but still entertaining
- a solid examination of the male midlife crisis .

If it is positive say 1 and if it is negative say 0. Do not giv

We picked two examples per class as a quick way to guide the model toward
assigning sentiment to movie reviews.


Since we added a few examples to the prompt, the generative model consumes more tokens and as a
result could increase the costs of requesting the API. However, that is relatively little compared to fine-
tuning and updating the entire model.

Prediction is the same as before but replacing the zero-shot prompt with the
few-shot prompt:

# Predict the target using GPT

document = "unpretentious , charming , quirky , original"
gpt_prediction(fewshot_prompt, document)

Unsurprisingly, it correctly assigned sentiment to the review. The more

difficult or complex the task is, the bigger the effect of providing examples,
especially if they are high-quality.

As before, let’s run the improved prompt against the entire evaluation dataset:

>>> predictions = [gpt_prediction(fewshot_prompt, doc)

precision recall f1-score support

0 0.88 0.97 0.92 151
1 0.96 0.87 0.92 149

accuracy 0.92 300

macro avg 0.92 0.92 0.92 300
weighted avg 0.92 0.92 0.92 300

The F1-score is now 0.92 which is a very slight increase compared to what
we had before. This is not unexpected since its score was already quite high
and the task at hand was not particularly complex.


We can extend the examples of in-context learning to multi-label classification by engineering the
prompt. For example, we can ask the model to choose one or multiple labels and return them separated
by commas.

Named Entity Recognition

In the previous examples, we have tried to classify entire texts, such as

reviews. There are many cases though where we are more interested in
specific information inside those texts. We may want to extract certain
medications from textual electronic health records or find out which
organizations are mentioned in news posts.
These tasks are typically referred to as token classification or Named Entity
Recognition (NER) which involves detecting these entities in text. As
illustrated in Figure 1-17, instead of classifying an entire text, we are now
going to classify certain tokens or token sets.

Figure 1-17. An example of named entity recognition that detects the entities “place” and “time”.

When we think about token classification, one major framework comes into
mind, namely SpaCy ( It is an incredible package for
performing many industrial-strength NLP applications and has been the go-to
framework for NER tasks. So, let’s use it!


To use OpenAI’s models with SpaCy, we will first need to save the API key
as an environment variable. This makes it easier for SpaCy to access it
without the need to save it locally:

import os
os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = "sk-..."

Next, we need to configure our SpaCy pipeline. A “task” and a “backend”

will need to be defined. The “task” is what we want the SpaCy pipeline to do,
which is Named Entity Recognition. The “backend” is the underlying LLM
that is used to perform the “task” which is OpenAI’s GPT-3.5-turbo model.
In the task, we can create any labels that we would like to extract from our
text. Let’s assume that we have information about patients and we would like
to extract some personal information but also the disease and symptoms they
developed. We create the entities date, age, location, disease, and symptom:

import spacy

nlp = spacy.blank("en")

# Create a Named Entity Recognition Task and define labels

task = {"task": {
"@llm_tasks": "spacy.NER.v1",

# Choose which backend to use

backend = {"backend": {
"@llm_backends": "spacy.REST.v1",
"api": "OpenAI",
"config": {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"}}}

# Combine configurations and create SpaCy pipeline

config = task | backend
nlp.add_pipe("llm", config=config)
Next, we only need two lines of code to automatically extract the entities that
we are interested in:

> doc = nlp("On February 11, 2020, a 73-year-old woman came to

> print([(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])

[('February 11', 'DATE'), ('2020', 'DATE'), ('73-year-old', 'AG

It seems to correctly extract the entities but it is difficult to immediately see if

everything worked out correctly. Fortunately, SpaCy has a display function
that allows us to visualize the entities found in the document (Figure 1-18):

from spacy import displacy

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML

# Display entities
html = displacy.render(doc, style="ent")

Figure 1-18. The output of SpaCy using OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 model. Without any training, it correctly
identifies our custom entities.

That is much better! Figure 2-X shows that we can clearly see that the model
has correctly identified our custom entities. Without any fine-tuning or
training of the model, we can easily detect entities that we are interested in.


Training a NER model from scratch with SpaCy is not possible with only a few lines of code but it is
also by no means difficult! Their documentation and tutorials are, in our opinions, state-of-the-art and
do an excellent job of explaining how to create a custom model.

In this chapter, we saw many different techniques for performing a wide
variety of classification tasks. From fine-tuning your entire model to no
tuning at all! Classifying textual data is not as straightforward as it may seem
on the surface and there is an incredible amount of creative techniques for
doing so.

In the next chapter, we will continue with classification but focus instead on
unsupervised classification. What can we do if we have textual data without
any labels? What information can we extract? We will focus on clustering our
data as well as naming the clusters with topic modeling techniques.
Chapter 2. Semantic Search


With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author’s
raw and unedited content as they write—so you can take advantage of these
technologies long before the official release of these titles.

This will be the 3rd chapter of the final book. Please note that the GitHub
repo will be made active later on.

If you have comments about how we might improve the content and/or
examples in this book, or if you notice missing material within this chapter,
please reach out to the editor at [email protected].

Search was one of the first Large Language Model (LLM) applications to see
broad industry adoption. Months after the release of the seminal BERT: Pre-
training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
paper, Google announced it was using it to power Google Search and that it
represented “one of the biggest leaps forward in the history of Search”. Not
to be outdone, Microsoft Bing also stated that “Starting from April of this
year, we used large transformer models to deliver the largest quality
improvements to our Bing customers in the past year”.
This is a clear testament to the power and usefulness of these models. Their
addition instantly and massively improves some of the most mature, well-
maintained systems that billions of people around the planet rely on. The
ability they add is called semantic search, which enables searching by
meaning, and not simply keyword matching.

In this chapter, we’ll discuss three major ways of using language models to
power search systems. We’ll go over code examples where you can use these
capabilities to power your own applications. Note that this is not only useful
for web search, but that search is a major component of most apps and
products. So our focus will not be just on building a web search engine, but
rather on your own dataset. This capability powers lots of other exciting LLM
applications that build on top of search (e.g., retrieval-augmented generation,
or document question answering). Let’s start by looking at these three ways
of using LLMs for semantic search.

Three Major Categories of Language-

Model-based Search Systems
There’s a lot of research on how to best use LLMs for search. Three broad
categories of these models are:

1- Dense Retrieval
Say that a user types a search query into a search engine. Dense retrieval
systems rely on the concept of embeddings, the same concept we’ve
encountered in the previous chapters, and turn the search problem into
retrieving the nearest neighbors of the search query (after both the query
and the documents are converted into embeddings). Figure 2-1 shows how
dense retrieval takes a search query, consults its archive of texts, and
outputs a set of relevant results.

Figure 2-1. Dense retrieval is one of the key types of semantic search, relying on the similarity of text
embeddings to retrieve relevant results

2- Reranking
These systems are pipelines of multiple steps. A Reranking LLM is one of
these steps and is tasked with scoring the relevance of a subset of results
against the query, and then the order of results is changed based on these
scores. Figure 2-2 shows how rerankers are different from dense retrieval
in that they take an additional input: a set of search results from a previous
step in the search pipeline.

Figure 2-2. Rerankers, the second key type of semantic search, take a search query and a collection of
results, and re-order them by relevance, often resulting in vastly improved results.

3- Generative Search
The growing LLM capability of text generation led to a new batch of
search systems that include a generation model that simply generates an
answer in response to a query. Figure 2-3 shows a generative search
Figure 2-3. Generative search formulates an answer to a question and cites its information sources.

All three concepts are powerful and can be used together in the same
pipeline. The rest of the chapter covers these three types of systems in more
detail. While these are the major categories, they are not the only LLM
applications in the domain of search.

Dense Retrieval
Recall that embeddings turn text into numeric representations. Those can be
thought of as points in space as we can see in Figure 2-4. Points that are close
together mean that the text they represent is similar. So in this example, text 1
and text 2 are similar to each other (because they are near each other), and
different from text 3 (because it’s farther away).
Figure 2-4. The intuition of embeddings: each text is a point, texts with similar meaning are close to
each other.

This is the property that is used to build search systems. In this scenario,
when a user enters a search query, we embed the query, thus projecting it into
the same space as our text archive. Then we simply find the nearest
documents to the query in that space, and those would be the search results.
Figure 2-5. Dense retrieval relies on the property that search queries will be close to their relevant

Judging by the distances in Figure 2-5, “text 2” is the best result for this
query, followed by “text 1”. Two questions could arise here, however:

Should text 3 even be returned as a result? That’s a decision for you, the
system designer. It’s sometimes desirable to have a max threshold of
similarity score to filter out irrelevant results (in case the corpus has no
relevant results for the query).

Are a query and its best result semantically similar? Not always. This is why
language models need to be trained on question-answer pairs to become
better at retrieval. This process is explained in more detail in chapter 13.
Dense Retrieval Example

Let’s take a look at a dense retrieval example by using Cohere to search the
Wikipedia page for the film Interstellar. In this example, we will do the

1. Get the text we want to make searchable, apply some light processing to
chunk it into sentences.
2. Embed the sentences
3. Build the search index
4. Search and see the results

To start, we’ll need to install the libraries we’ll need for the example:

# Install Cohere for embeddings, Annoy for approximate nearest

!pip install cohere tqdm Annoy

Get your Cohere API key by signing up at Paste it in the

cell below. You will not have to pay anything to run through this example.

Let’s import the datasets we’ll need:

import cohere
import numpy as np
import re
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from annoy import AnnoyIndex

# Paste your API key here. Remember to not share publicly

api_key = ''

# Create and retrieve a Cohere API key from

co = cohere.Client(api_key)

1. Getting the text Archive

Let’s use the first section of the Wikipedia article on the film Interstellar. We’ll get the text, then
break it into sentences.

text = """
Interstellar is a 2014 epic science fiction film co-written,
It stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain
Set in a dystopian future where humanity is struggling to sur

Brothers Christopher and Jonathan Nolan wrote the screenplay,

Caltech theoretical physicist and 2017 Nobel laureate in Phys
Cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema shot it on 35 mm movie film
Principal photography began in late 2013 and took place in Al
Interstellar uses extensive practical and miniature effects a

Interstellar premiered on October 26, 2014, in Los Angeles.

In the United States, it was first released on film stock, ex
The film had a worldwide gross over $677 million (and $773 mi
It received acclaim for its performances, direction, screenpl
It has also received praise from many astronomers for its sci
Interstellar was nominated for five awards at the 87th Academ
# Split into a list of sentences
texts = text.split('.')

# Clean up to remove empty spaces and new lines

texts = np.array([t.strip(' \n') for t in texts])

2. Embed the texts

Let’s now embed the texts. We’ll send them to the Cohere API, and get
back a vector for each text.

# Get the embeddings

response = co.embed(

embeds = np.array(response)
Which outputs:
(15, 4096)
Indicating that we have 15 vectors, each one is of size 4096.
3. Build The Search Index
Before we can search, we need to build a search index. An index stores the
embeddings and is optimized to quickly retrieve the nearest neighbors
even if we have a very large number of points.

# Create the search index, pass the size of embedding

search_index = AnnoyIndex(embeds.shape[1], 'angular')

# Add all the vectors to the search index

for index, embed in enumerate(embeds):
search_index.add_item(index, embed)'test.ann')

4. Search the index

We can now search the dataset using any query we want. We simply
embed the query, and present its embedding to the index, which will
retrieve the most similar texts.
Let’s define our search function:

def search(query):
# 1. Get the query's embedding
query_embed = co.embed(texts=[query]).embeddings[0]

# 2. Retrieve the nearest neighbors

similar_item_ids = search_index.get_nns_by_vector(query_emb
# 3. Format the results
results = pd.DataFrame(data={'texts': texts[similar_item_id
'distance': similar_item_ids[1]

# 4. Print and return the results

print(f"Query:'{query}'\nNearest neighbors:")
return results

We are now ready to write a query and search the texts!

query = "How much did the film make?"


Which produces the output:

Query:'How much did the film make?'

Nearest neighbors:

0 The film had a worldwide gross over $677 million (and

1 It stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica

2 In the United States, it was first released on film s

The first result has the least distance, and so is the most similar to the query.
Looking at it, it answers the question perfectly. Notice that this wouldn’t
have been possible if we were only doing keyword search because the top
result did not include the words “much” or “make”.

To further illustrate the capabilities of dense retrieval, here’s a list of queries

and the top result for each one:

Query: “Tell me about the $$$?”

Top result: The film had a worldwide gross over $677 million (and $773
million with subsequent re-releases), making it the tenth-highest grossing
film of 2014

Distance: 1.244138

Query: “Which actors are involved?”

Top result: It stars Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica
Chastain, Bill Irwin, Ellen Burstyn, Matt Damon, and Michael Caine

Distance: 0.917728

Query: “How was the movie released?”

Top result: In the United States, it was first released on film stock,
expanding to venues using digital projectors

Distance: 0.871881

Caveats of Dense Retrieval

It’s useful to be aware of some of the drawbacks of dense retrieval and how
to address them. What happens, for example, if the texts don’t contain the
answer? We still get results and their distances. For example:

Query:'What is the mass of the moon?'

Nearest neighbors:


0 The film had a worldwide gross over $677 million (and $

1 It has also received praise from many astronomers for i

2 Cinematographer Hoyte van Hoytema shot it on 35 mm movi

In cases like this, one possible heuristic is to set a threshold level -- a

maximum distance for relevance, for example. A lot of search systems
present the user with the best info they can get, and leave it up to the user to
decide if it’s relevant or not. Tracking the information of whether the user
clicked on a result (and were satisfied by it), can improve future versions of
the search system.

Another caveat of dense retrieval is cases where a user wants to find an exact
match to text they’re looking for. That’s a case that’s perfect for keyword
matching. That’s one reason why hybrid search, which includes both
semantic search and keyword search, is used.

Dense retrieval systems also find it challenging to work properly in domains

other than the ones that they were trained on. So for example if you train a
retrieval model on internet and Wikipedia data, and then deploy it on legal
texts (without having enough legal data as part of the training set), the model
will not work as well in that legal domain.

The final thing we’d like to point out is that this is a case where each sentence
contained a piece of information, and we showed queries that specifically ask
those for that information. What about questions whose answers span
multiple sentences? This shows one of the important design parameters of
dense retrieval systems: what is the best way to chunk long texts? And why
do we need to chunk them in the first place?

Chunking Long Texts

One limitation of Transformer language models is that they are limited in

context sizes. Meaning we cannot feed them very long texts that go above a
certain number of words or tokens that the model supports. So how do we
embed long texts?

There are several possible ways, and two possible approaches shown in
Figure 2-6 include indexing one vector per document, and indexing multiple
vectors per document.

Figure 2-6. It’s possible to create one vector representing an entire document, but it’s better for longer
documents to be split into smaller chunks that get their own embeddings.
One vector per document

In this approach, we use a single vector to represent the whole document. The
possibilities here include:

Embedding only a representative part of the document and ignoring the

rest of the text. This may mean embedding only the title, or only the
beginning of the document. This is useful to get quickly started with
building a demo but it leaves a lot of information unindexed and so
unsearchable. As an approach, it may work better for documents where the
beginning captures the main points of a document (think: Wikipedia
article). But it’s really not the best approach for a real system.
Embedding the document in chunks, embedding those chunks, and then
aggregating those chunks into a single vector. The usual method of
aggregation here is to average those vectors. A downside of this approach
is that it results in a highly compressed vector that loses a lot of the
information in the document.

This approach can satisfy some information needs, but not others. A lot of the
time, a search is for a specific piece of information contained in an article,
which is better captured if the concept had its own vector.

Multiple vectors per document

In this approach, we chunk the document into smaller pieces, and embed
those chunks. Our search index then becomes that of chunk embeddings, not
entire document embeddings.

The chunking approach is better because it has full coverage of the text and
because the vectors tend to capture individual concepts inside the text. This
leads to a more expressive search index. Figure X-3 shows a number of
possible approaches.

Figure 2-7. A number of possible options for chunking a document for embedding.

The best way of chunking a long text will depend on the types of texts and
queries your system anticipates. Approaches include:

Each sentence is a chunk. The issue here is this could be too granular and
the vectors don’t capture enough of the context.
Each paragraph is a chunk. This is great if the text is made up of short
paragraphs. Otherwise, it may be that every 4-8 sentences are a chunk.
Some chunks derive a lot of their meaning from the text around them. So
we can incorporate some context via:
Adding the title of the document to the chunk
Adding some of the text before and after them to the chunk. This way,
the chunks can overlap so they include some surrounding text. This is
what we can see in Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8. Chunking the text into overlapping segments is one strategy to retain more of the context
around different segments.

Expect more chunking strategies to arise as the field develops -- some of

which may even use LLMs to dynamically split a text into meaningful

Nearest Neighbor Search vs. Vector Databases

The most straightforward way to find the nearest neighbors is to calculate the
distances between the query and the archive. That can easily be done with
NumPy and is a reasonable approach if you have thousands or tens of
thousands of vectors in your archive.
As you scale beyond to the millions of vectors, an optimized approach for the
retrieval is to rely on approximate nearest neighbor search libraries like
Annoy or FAISS. These allow you to retrieve results from massive indexes in
milliseconds and some of them can scale to GPUs and clusters of machines to
serve very large indices.

Another class of vector retrieval systems are vector databases like Weaviate
or Pinecone. A vector database allows you to add or delete vectors without
having to rebuild the index. They also provide ways to filter your search or
customize it in ways beyond merely vector distances.

Fine-tuning embedding models for dense retrieval

Just like we’ve seen in the text classification chapter, we can improve the
performance of an LLM on a task using fine-tuning. Just like in that case,
retrieval needs to optimize text embeddings and not simply token
embeddings. The process for this finetuning is to get training data composed
of queries and relevant results.

Looking at one example from our dataset, the sentence “Interstellar

premiered on October 26, 2014, in Los Angeles.”. Two possible queries
where this is a relevant result are:

Relevant Query 1: “Interstellar release date”

Relevant Query 2: “When did Interstellar premier”
The fine-tuning process aims to make the embeddings of these queries close
to the embedding of the resulting sentence. It also needs to see negative
examples of queries that are not relevant to the sentence, for example.

Irrelevant Query: “Interstellar cast”

Having these examples, we now have three pairs - two positive pairs and one
negative pair. Let’s assume, as we can see in Figure 2-9, that before fine-
tuning, all three queries have the same distance from the result document.
That’s not far-fetched because they all talk about Interstellar.

Figure 2-9. Before fine-tuning, the embeddings of both relevant and irrelevant queries may be close to a
particular document.

The fine-tuning step works to make the relevant queries closer to the
document and at the same time making irrelevant queries farther from the
document. We can see this effect in Figure 2-10.

Figure 2-10. After the fine-tuning process, the text embedding model becomes better at this search task
by incorporating how we define relevance on our dataset using the examples we provided of relevant
and irrelevant documents.

A lot of companies have already built search systems. For those companies,
an easier way to incorporate language models is as a final step inside their
search pipeline. This step is tasked with changing the order of the search
results based on relevance to the search query. This one step can vastly
improve search results and it’s in fact what Microsoft Bing added to achieve
the improvements to the search results using BERT-like models.

Figure 2-11 shows the structure of a rerank search system serving as the
second stage in a two-stage search system.

Figure 2-11. LLM Rerankers operate as a part of a search pipeline with the goal of re-ordering a
number of shortlisted search results by relevance

Reranking Example

A reranker takes in the search query and a number of search results, and
returns the optimal ordering of these documents so the most relevant ones to
the query are higher in ranking.

import cohere as co
API_KEY = ""
co = cohere.Client(API_KEY)
MODEL_NAME = "rerank-english-02" # another option is rerank-mul
query = "film gross"

Cohere’s Rerank endpoint is a simple way to start using a first reranker. We

simply pass it the query and texts, and get the results back. We don’t need to
train or tune it.

results = co.rerank(query=query, model=MODEL_NAME, documents=te

We can print these results:

results = co.rerank(query=query, model=MODEL_NAME, documents=te

for idx, r in enumerate(results):
print(f"Document Rank: {idx + 1}, Document Index: {r.index}")
print(f"Document: {r.document['text']}")
print(f"Relevance Score: {r.relevance_score:.2f}")


Document Rank: 1, Document Index: 10

Document: The film had a worldwide gross over $677 million (and
Relevance Score: 0.92
Document Rank: 2, Document Index: 12
Document: It has also received praise from many astronomers for
Relevance Score: 0.11

Document Rank: 3, Document Index: 2

Document: Set in a dystopian future where humanity is strugglin
Relevance Score: 0.03

This shows the reranker is much more confident about the first result,
assigning it a relevance score of 0.92 while the other results are scored much
lower in relevance.

More often, however, our index would have thousands or millions of entries,
and we need to shortlist, say one hundred or one thousand results and then
present those to the reranker. This shortlisting is called the first stage of the
search pipeline.

The dense retriever example we looked at in the previous section is one

possible first-stage retriever. In practice, the first stage can also be a search
system that incorporates both keyword search as well as dense retrieval.

Open Source Retrieval and Reranking with

Sentence Transformers
If you want to locally setup retrieval and reranking on your own machine,
then you can use the Sentence Transformers library. Refer to the
documentation in for setup. Check the Retrieve & Re-
Rank section for instructions and code examples for how to conduct these
steps in the library.

How Reranking Models Work

One popular way of building LLM search rerankers present the query and
each result to an LLM working as a cross-encoder. Meaning that a query and
possible result are presented to the model at the same time allowing the
model to view the full text of both these texts before it assigns a relevance
score. This method is described in more detail in a paper titled Multi-Stage
Document Ranking with BERT and is sometimes referred to as monoBERT.

This formulation of search as relevance scoring basically boils down to being

a classification problem. Given those inputs, the model outputs a score from
0-1 where 0 is irrelevant and 1 is highly relevant. This should be familiar
from looking at the Classification chapter.

To learn more about the development of using LLMs for search, Pretrained
Transformers for Text Ranking: BERT and Beyond is a highly recommended
look at the developments of these models until about 2021.

Generative Search
You may have noticed that dense retrieval and reranking both use
representation language models, and not generative language models. That’s
because they’re better optimized for these tasks than generative models.

At a certain scale, however, generative LLMs started to seem more and more
capable of a form of useful information retrieval. People started asking
models like ChatGPT questions and sometimes got relevant answers. The
media started painting this as a threat to Google which seems to have started
an arms race in using language models for search. Microsoft launched Bing
AI, powered by generative models. Google launched Bard, its own answer in
this space.

What is Generative Search?

Generative search systems include a text generation step in the search

pipeline. At the moment, however, generative LLMs aren’t reliable
information retrievers and are prone to generate coherent, yet often incorrect,
text in response to questions they don’t know the answer to.

The first batch of generative search systems is using search models as simply
a summarization step at the end of the search pipeline. We can see an
example in Figure 2-12.
Figure 2-12. Generative search formulates answers and summaries at the end of a search pipeline while
citing its sources (returned by the previous steps in the search system).

Until the time of this writing, however, language models excel at generating
coherent text but they are not reliable in retrieving facts. They don’t yet really
know what they know or don’t know, and tend to answer lots of questions
with coherent text that can be incorrect. This is often referred to as
hallucination. Because of it, and for the fact that search is a use case that
often relies on facts or referencing existing documents, generative search
models are trained to cite their sources and include links to them in their

Generative search is still in its infancy and is expected to improve with time.
It draws from a machine learning research area called retrieval-augmented
generation. Notable systems in the field include RAG, RETRO, Atlas,
amongst others.

Other LLM applications in search

In addition to these three categories, there are plenty of other ways to use
LLMs to power or improve search systems. Examples include:

Generating synthetic data to improve embedding models. This includes

methods like GenQ and InPars-v2 that look at documents, generate
possible queries and questions about those documents, then use that
generated data to fine-tune a retrieval system.
The growing reasoning capabilities of text generation models are leading
to search systems that can tackle complex questions and queries by
breaking them down into multiple sub-queries that are tackled in
sequence, leading up to a final answer of the original question. One
method in this category is described in Demonstrate-Search-Predict:
Composing retrieval and language models for knowledge-intensive NLP.

Evaluation metrics

Semantic search is evaluated using metrics from the Information Retrieval

(IR) field. Let’s discuss two of these popular metrics: Mean Average
Precision (MAP), and Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (nDCG).

Evaluating search systems needs three major components, a text archive, a set
of queries, and relevance judgments indicating which documents are relevant
for each query. We see these components in FIgure 3-13.

Figure 2-13. To evaluate search systems, we need a test suite including queries and relevance
judgements indicating which documents in our archive are relevant for each query.

Using this test suite, we can proceed to explore evaluating search systems.
Let’s start with a simple example, let’s assume we pass Query 1 to two
different search systems. And get two sets of results. Say we limit the number
of results to three results only as we can see in Figure 2-14.
Figure 2-14. To compare two search systems, we pass the same query from our test suite to both
systems and look at their top results

To tell which is a better system, we turn the relevance judgments that we

have for the query. Figure 2-15 shows which of the returned results are

Figure 2-15. Looking at the relevance judgements from our test suite, we can see that System 1 did a
better job than System 2.

This shows us a clear case where system 1 is better than system 2. Intuitively,
we may just count how many relevant results each system retrieved. System
A got two out of three correctly, and System 2 got only one out of three

But what about a case like Figure3-16 where both systems only get one
relevant result out of three, but they’re in different positions.

Figure 2-16. We need a scoring system that rewards system 1 for assigning a high position to a relevant
result -- even though both systems retrieved only one relevant result in their top three results.

In this case, we can intuit that System 1 did a better job than system 2
because the result in the first position (the most important position) is correct.
But how can we assign a number or score to how much better that result is?
Mean Average Precision is a measure that is able to quantify this distinction.

One common way to assign numeric scores in this scenario is Average

Precision, which evaluates System 1’s result for the query to be 0.6 and
System 2’s to be 0.1. So let’s see how Average Precision is calculated to
evaluate one set of results, and then how it’s aggregated to evaluate a system
across all the queries in the test suite.

Mean Average Precision (MAP)

To score system 1 on this query, we need to calculate multiple scores first.

Since we are looking at only three results, we’ll need to look at three scores -
one associated with each position.

The first one is easy, looking at only the first result, we calculate the
precision score: we divide the number of correct results by the total number
of results (correct and incorrect). Figure 2-17 shows that in this case, we have
one correct result out of one (since we’re only looking at the first position
now). So precision here is 1/1 = 1.

Figure 2-17. To calculate Mean Average Precision, we start by calculating precision at each position,
starting by position #1.

We need to continue calculating precision results for the rest of the position.
The calculation at the second position looks at both the first and second
position. The precision score here is 1 (one out of two results being correct)
divided by 2 (two results we’re evaluating) = 0.5.

Figure 2-18 continues the calculation for the second and third positions. It
then goes one step further -- having calculated the precision for each position,
we average them to arrive at an Average Precision score of 0.61.

Figure 2-18. Caption to come

This calculation shows the average precision for a single query and its results.
If we calculate the average precision for System 1 on all the queries in our
test suite and get their mean, we arrive at the Mean Average Precision score
that we can use to compare System 1 to other systems across all the queries in
our test suite.

In this chapter, we looked at different ways of using language models to
improve existing search systems and even be the core of new, more powerful
search systems. These include:

Dense retrieval, which relies on the similarity of text embeddings. These

are systems that embed a search query and retrieve the documents with the
nearest embeddings to the query’s embedding.
Rerankers, systems (like monoBERT) that look at a query and candidate
results, and scores the relevance of each document to that query. These
relevance scores are then used to order the shortlisted results according to
their relevance to the query often producing an improved results ranking.
Generative search, where search systems that have a generative LLM at
the end of the pipeline to formulate an answer based on retrieved
documents while citing its sources.

We also looked at one of the possible methods of evaluating search systems.

Mean Average Precision allows us to score search systems to be able to
compare across a test suite of queries and their known relevance to the test
Chapter 3. Text Clustering and Topic
Although supervised techniques, such as classification, have reigned supreme
over the last few years in the industry, the potential of unsupervised
techniques such as text clustering cannot be understated.

Text clustering aims to group similar texts based on their semantic content,
meaning, and relationships, as illustrated in Figure 3-1. Just like how we’ve
used distances between text embeddings in dense retrieval in chapter XXX,
clustering embeddings allow us to group the documents in our archive by

The resulting clusters of semantically similar documents not only facilitate

efficient categorization of large volumes of unstructured text but also allows
for quick exploratory data analysis. With the advent of Large Language
Models (LLMs) allowing for contextual and semantic representations of text,
the power of text clustering has grown significantly over the last years.
Language is not a bag of words, and Large Language Models have proved to
be quite capable of capturing that notion.

An underestimated aspect of text clustering is its potential for creative

solutions and implementations. In a way, unsupervised means that we are not
constrained by a certain task or thing that we want to optimize. As a result,
there is much freedom in text clustering that allows us to steer from the well-
trodden paths. Although text clustering would naturally be used for grouping
and classifying documents, it can be used to algorithmically and visually find
improper labels, perform topic modeling, speed up labeling, and many more
interesting use cases.

Figure 3-1. Clustering unstructured textual data.

This freedom also comes with its challenges. Since we are not guided by a
specific task, then how do we evaluate our unsupervised clustering output?
How do we optimize our algorithm? Without labels, what are we optimizing
the algorithm for? When do we know our algorithm is correct? What does it
mean for the algorithm to be “correct”? Although these challenges can be
quite complex, they are not insurmountable but often require some creativity
and a good understanding of the use case.

Striking a balance between the freedom of text clustering and the challenges
it brings can be quite difficult. This becomes even more pronounced if we
step into the world of topic modeling, which has started to adopt the “text
clustering” way of thinking.

With topic modeling, we want to discover abstract topics that appear in large
collections of textual data. We can describe a topic in many ways, but it has
traditionally been described by a set of keywords or key phrases. A topic
about natural language processing (NLP) could be described with terms such
as “deep learning”, “transformers”, and “self-attention”. Traditionally, we
expect a document about a specific topic to contain terms appearing more
frequently than others. This expectation, however, ignores contextual
information that a document might contain. Instead, we can leverage Large
Language Models, together with text clustering, to model contextualized
textual information and extract semantically-informed topics. Figure 3-2
demonstrates this idea of describing clusters through textual representations.

Figure 3-2. Topic modeling is a way to give meaning to clusters of textual documents.

In this chapter, we will provide a guide on how text clustering can be done
with Large Language Models. Then, we will transition into a text-clustering-
inspired method of topic modeling, namely BERTopic.

Text Clustering
One major component of exploratory data analysis in NLP is text clustering.
This unsupervised technique aims to group similar texts or documents
together as a way to easily discover patterns among large collections of
textual data. Before diving into a classification task, text clustering allows for
getting an intuitive understanding of the task but also of its complexity.

The patterns that are discovered from text clustering can be used across a
variety of business use cases. From identifying recurring support issues and
discovering new content to drive SEO practices, to detecting topic trends in
social media and discovering duplicate content. The possibilities are diverse
and with such a technique, creativity becomes a key component. As a result,
text clustering can become more than just a quick method for exploratory
data analysis.


Before we describe how to perform text clustering, we will first introduce the
data that we are going to be using throughout this chapter. To keep up with
the theme of this book, we will be clustering a variety of ArXiv articles in the
domain of machine learning and natural language processing. The dataset
contains roughly XXX articles between XXX and XXX.
We start by importing our dataset using HuggingFace’s dataset package and
extracting metadata that we are going to use later on, like the abstracts, years,
and categories of the articles.

# Load data from huggingface

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("maartengr/arxiv_nlp")["train"]

# Extract specific metadata

abstracts = dataset["Abstracts"]
years = dataset["Years"]
categories = dataset["Categories"]
titles = dataset["Titles"]

How do we perform Text Clustering?

Now that we have our data, we can perform text clustering. To perform text
clustering, a number of techniques can be employed, from graph-based neural
networks to centroid-based clustering techniques. In this section, we will go
through a well-known pipeline for text clustering that consists of three major

1. Embed documents
2. Reduce dimensionality
3. Cluster embeddings
1. Embed documents

The first step in clustering textual data is converting our textual data to text
embeddings. Recall from previous chapters that embeddings are numerical
representations of text that capture its meaning. Producing embeddings
optimized for semantic similarity tasks is especially important for clustering.
By mapping each document to a numerical representation such that
semantically similar documents are close, clustering will become much more
powerful. A set of popular Large Language Models optimized for these kinds
of tasks can be found in the well-known sentence-transformers framework
(reimers2019sentence). Figure 3-3 shows this first step of converting
documents to numerical representations.
Figure 3-3. Step 1: We convert documents to numerical representations, namely embeddings.

Sentence-transformers has a clear API and can be used as follows to generate

embeddings from pieces of text:

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

# We load our model

embedding_model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2')

# The abstracts are converted to vector representations

embeddings = model.encode(abstracts)
The sizes of these embeddings differ depending on the model but typically
contain at least 384 values for each sentence or paragraph. The number of
values an embedding contains is referred to as the dimensionality of the

2. Reduce dimensionality

Before we cluster the embeddings we generated from the ArXiv abstracts, we

need to take care of the curse of dimensionality first. This curse is a
phenomenon that occurs when dealing with high-dimensional data. As the
number of dimensions increases, there is an exponential growth of the
number of possible values within each dimension. Finding all subspaces
within each dimension becomes increasingly complex. Moreover, as the
number of dimensions grows, the concept of distance between points
becomes increasingly less precise.

As a result, high-dimensional data can be troublesome for many clustering

techniques as it gets more difficult to identify meaningful clusters. Clusters
are more diffuse and less distinguishable, making it difficult to accurately
identify and separate them.

The previously generated embeddings are high in their dimensionality and

often trigger the curse of dimensionality. To prevent their dimensionality
from becoming an issue, the second step in our clustering pipeline is
dimensionality reduction, as shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4. Step 2: The embeddings are reduced to a lower dimensional space using dimensionality

Dimensionality reduction techniques aim to preserve the global structure of

high-dimensional data by finding low-dimensional representations. Well-
known methods are Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Uniform
Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP; mcinnes2018umap). For
this pipeline, we are going with UMAP as it tends to handle non-linear
relationships and structures a bit better than PCA.


Dimensionality reduction techniques, however, are not flawless. They cannot perfectly capture high-
dimensional data in a lower-dimensional representation. Information will always be lost with this
procedure. There is a balance between reducing dimensionality and keeping as much information as

To perform dimensionality reduction, we need to instantiate our UMAP class

and pass the generated embeddings to it:
from umap import UMAP

# We instantiate our UMAP model

umap_model = UMAP(n_neighbors=15, n_components=5, min_dist=0.0,

# We fit and transform our embeddings to reduce them

reduced_embeddings = umap_model.fit_transform(embeddings)

We can use the ` n_components ` parameter to decide the shape of the

lower-dimensional space. Here, we used ` n_components=5 ` as we want to
retain as much information as possible without running into the curse of
dimensionality. No one value does this better than another, so feel free to

3. Cluster embeddings

As shown in Figure 3-5, the final step in our pipeline is to cluster the
previously reduced embeddings. Many algorithms out there handle clustering
tasks quite well, from centroid-based methods like k-Means to hierarchical
methods like Agglomerative Clustering. The choice is up to the user and is
highly influenced by the respective use case. Our data might contain some
noise, so a clustering algorithm that detects outliers would be preferred. If our
data comes in daily, we might want to look for an online or incremental
approach instead to model if new clusters were created.
Figure 3-5. Step 3: We cluster the documents using the embeddings that were reduced in their

A good default model is Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of

Applications with Noise (HDBSCAN; mcinnes2017hdbscan). HDBSCAN is
a hierarchical variation of a clustering algorithm called DBSCAN which
allows for dense (micro)-clusters to be found without us having to explicitly
specify the number of clusters. As a density-based method, it can also detect
outliers in the data. Data points that do not belong to any cluster. This is
important as forcing data into clusters might create noisy aggregations.

As with the previous packages, using HDBSCAN is straightforward. We only

need to instantiate the model and pass our reduced embeddings to it:

from hdbscan import HDBSCAN

# We instantiate our HDBSCAN model

hdbscan_model = HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=15, metric='euclidean'

# We fit our model and extract the cluster labels
labels = hdbscan_model.labels_

Then, using our previously generated 2D-embeddings, we can visualize how

HDBSCAN has clustered our data:

import seaborn as sns

# Reduce 384-dimensional embeddings to 2 dimensions for easier

reduced_embeddings = UMAP(n_neighbors=15, n_components=2,
min_dist=0.0, metric='cosine').fit_transform(embeddings)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack([reduced_embeddings, clusters.resha
columns=["x", "y", "cluster"]).sort_values("cluster")

# Visualize clusters
df.cluster = df.cluster.astype(int).astype(str)
sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='x', y='y', hue='cluster',
linewidth=0, legend=False, s=3, alpha=0.3)

As we can see in Figure 3-6, it tends to capture major clusters quite well.
Note how clusters of points are colored in the same color, indicating that
HDBSCAN put them in a group together. Since we have a large number of
clusters, the plotting library cycles the colors between clusters, so don’t think
that all blue points are one cluster, for example.
Figure 3-6. The generated clusters (colored) and outliers (grey) are represented as a 2D visualization.


Using any dimensionality reduction technique for visualization purposes creates information loss. It is
merely an approximation of what our original embeddings look like. Although it is informative, it
might push clusters together and drive them further apart than they actually are. Human evaluation,
inspecting the clusters ourselves, is, therefore, a key component of cluster analysis!

We can inspect each cluster manually to see which documents are

semantically similar enough to be clustered together. For example, let us take
a few random documents from cluster XXX:
>>> for index in np.where(labels==1)[0][:3]:
>>> print(abstracts[index])
Sarcasm is considered one of the most difficult problem in sen
analysis. In our ob-servation on Indonesian social media, for c
people tend to criticize something using sarcasm. Here, we prop
additional features to detect sarcasm after a common sentiment

Automatic sarcasm detection is the task of predicting sarcasm

is a crucial step to sentiment analysis, considering prevalence
of sarcasm in sentiment-bearing text. Beginning with an approac
speech-based features, sarcasm detection has witnessed great in

We introduce a deep neural network for automated sarcasm dete

work has emphasized the need for models to capitalize on contex
beyond lexical and syntactic cues present in utterances. For ex
speakers will tend to employ sarcasm regarding different subjec

These printed documents tell us that the cluster likely contains documents
that talk about XXX. We can do this for every created cluster out there but
that can be quite a lot of work, especially if we want to experiment with our
hyperparameters. Instead, we would like to create a method for automatically
extracting representations from these clusters without us having to go through
all documents.

This is where topic modeling comes in. It allows us to model these clusters
and give singular meaning to them. Although there are many techniques out
there, we choose a method that builds upon this clustering philosophy as it
allows for significant flexibility.

Topic Modeling
Traditionally, topic modeling is a technique that aims to find latent topics or
themes in a collection of textual data. For each topic, a set of keywords or
phrases are identified that best represent and capture the meaning of the topic.
This technique is ideal for finding common themes in large corpora as it
gives meaning to sets of similar content. An illustrated overview of topic
modeling in practice can be found in Figure 3-7.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA; blei2003latent) is a classical and popular

approach to topic modeling that assumes that each topic is characterized by a
probability distribution over words in a corpus vocabulary. Each document is
to be considered a mixture of topics. For example, a document about Large
Language Models might have a high probability of containing words like
“BERT”, “self-attention”, and “transformers”, while a document about
reinforcement learning might have a high probability of containing words
like “PPO”, “reward”, “rlhf”.
Figure 3-7. An overview of traditional topic modeling.

To this day, the technique is still a staple in many topic modeling use cases,
and with its strong theoretical background and practical applications, it is
unlikely to go away soon. However, with the seemingly exponential growth
of Large Language Models, we start to wonder if we can leverage these Large
Language Models in the domain of topic modeling.

There have been several models adopting Large Language Models for topic
modeling, like the embedded topic model and the contextualized topic model.
However, with the rapid developments in natural language processing, these
models have a hard time keeping up.

A solution to this problem is BERTopic, a topic modeling technique that

leverages a highly-flexible and modular architecture. Through this
modularity, many newly released models can be integrated within its
architecture. As the field of Large Language Modeling grows, so does
BERTopic. This allows for some interesting and unexpected ways in which
these models can be applied in topic modeling.


BERTopic is a topic modeling technique that assumes that clusters of

semantically similar documents are a powerful way of generating and
describing clusters. The documents in each cluster are expected to describe a
major theme and combined they might represent a topic.

As we have seen with text clustering, a collection of documents in a cluster

might represent a common theme but the theme itself is not yet described.
With text clustering, we would have to go through every single document in a
cluster to understand what the cluster is about. To get to the point where we
can call a cluster a topic, we need a method for describing that cluster in a
condensed and human-readable way.

Although there are quite a few methods for doing so, there is a trick in
BERTopic that allows it to quickly describe a cluster, and therefore make it a
topic, whilst generating a highly modular pipeline. The underlying algorithm
of BERTopic contains, roughly, two major steps.

First, as we did in our text clustering example, we embed our documents to

create numerical representations, then reduce their dimensionality and finally
cluster the reduced embeddings. The result is clusters of semantically similar

Figure 3-8 describes the same steps as before, namely using sentence-
transformers for embedding the documents, UMAP for dimensionality
reduction, and HDBSCAN for clustering.

Figure 3-8. The first part of BERTopic’s pipeline is clustering textual data.

Second, we find the best-matching keywords or phrases for each cluster.

Most often, we would take the centroid of a cluster and find words, phrases,
or even sentences that might represent it best. There is a disadvantage to this
however: we would have to continuously keep track of our embeddings, and
if we were to have millions of documents storing and keeping track becomes
computationally difficult. Instead, BERTopic uses the classic bag-of-words
method to represent the clusters. A bag of words is exactly what the name
implies, for each document we simply count how often a certain word
appears and use that as our textual representation.

However, words like “the”, “and”, and “I” appear quite frequently in most
English texts and are likely to be overrepresented. To give proper weight to
these words, BERTopic uses a technique called c-TF-IDF, which stands for
class-based term-frequency inverse-document frequency. c-TF-IDF is a class-
based adaptation of the classic TF-IDF procedure. Instead of considering the
importance of words within documents, c-TF-IDF considers the importance
of words between clusters of documents.

To use c-TF-IDF, we first concatenate each document in a cluster to generate

one long document. Then, we extract the frequency of the term *f_x* in class
*c*, where *c* refers to one of the clusters we created before. Now we have,
per cluster, how many and which words they contain, a mere count.

To weight this count, we take the logarithm of one plus the average number
of words per cluster *A* divided by the frequency of term *x* across all
clusters. Plus one is added within the logarithm to guarantee positive values
which is also often done within TF-IDF.

As shown in Figure 3-9, the c-TF-IDF calculation allows us to generate, for

each word in a cluster, a weight corresponding to that cluster. As a result, we
generate a topic-term matrix for each topic that describes the most important
words they contain. It is essentially a ranking of a corpus’ vocabulary in each

Figure 3-9. The second part of BERTopic’s pipeline is representing the topics. The calculation of the
weight of term *x* in a class *c*.

Putting the two steps together, clustering and representing topics, results in
the full pipeline of BERTopic, as illustrated in Figure 3-10. With this
pipeline, we can cluster semantically similar documents and from the clusters
generate topics represented by several keywords. The higher the weight of a
keyword for a topic, the more representative it is of that topic.
Figure 3-10. The full pipeline of BERTopic, roughly, consists of two steps, clustering and topic


Interestingly, the c-TF-IDF trick does not use a Large Language Model and therefore does not take the
context and semantic nature of words into account. However, like with neural search, it allows for an
efficient starting point after which we can use the more compute-heavy techniques, such as GPT-like

One major advantage of this pipeline is that the two steps, clustering and
topic representation, are relatively independent of one another. When we
generate our topics using c-TF-IDF, we do not use the models from the
clustering step, and, for example, do not need to track the embeddings of
every single document. As a result, this allows for significant modularity not
only with respect to the topic generation process but the entire pipeline.


With clustering, each document is assigned to only a single cluster or topic. In practice, documents
might contain multiple topics, and assigning a multi-topic document to a single topic would not always
be the most accurate method. We will go into this later, as BERTopic has a few ways of handling this,
but it is important to understand that at its core, topic modeling with BERTopic is a clustering task.

The modular nature of BERTopic’s pipeline is extensible to every

component. Although sentence-transformers are used as a default embedding
model for transforming documents to numerical representations, nothing is
stopping us from using any other embedding technique. The same applies to
the dimensionality reduction, clustering, and topic generation process.
Whether a use case calls for k-Means instead of HDBSCAN, and PCA
instead of UMAP, anything is possible.

You can think of this modularity as building with lego blocks, each part of
the pipeline is completely replaceable with another, similar algorithm. This
“lego block” way of thinking is illustrated in Figure 3-11. The figure also
shows an additional algorithmic lego block that we can use. Although we use
c-TF-IDF to create our initial topic representations, there are a number of
interesting ways we can use LLMs to fine-tune these representations. In the
“Representation Models” section below, we will go into extensive detail on
how this algorithmic lego block works.
Figure 3-11. The modularity of BERTopic is a key component and allows you to build your own topic
model whoever you want.

Code Overview

Enough talk! This is a hands-on book, so it is finally time for some hands-on
coding. The default pipeline, as illustrated previously in Figure 3-10, only
requires a few lines of code:

from bertopic import BERTopic

# Instantiate our topic model

topic_model = BERTopic()
# Fit our topic model on a list of documents

However, the modularity that BERTopic is known for and that we have
visualized thus far can also be visualized through a coding example. First, let
us import some relevant packages:

from umap import UMAP

from hdbscan import HDBSCAN
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

from bertopic import BERTopic

from bertopic.representation import KeyBERTInspired
from bertopic.vectorizers import ClassTfidfTransformer

As you might have noticed, most of the imports, like UMAP and HDBSCAN,
are part of the default BERTopic pipeline. Next, let us build the default
pipeline of BERTopic a bit more explicitly and go each individual step:

# Step 1 - Extract embeddings (blue block)

embedding_model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")

# Step 2 - Reduce dimensionality (red block)

umap_model = UMAP(n_neighbors=15, n_components=5, min_dist=0.0,
# Step 3 - Cluster reduced embeddings (green block)
hdbscan_model = HDBSCAN(min_cluster_size=15, metric='euclidean'

# Step 4 - Tokenize topics (yellow block)

vectorizer_model = CountVectorizer(stop_words="english")

# Step 5 - Create topic representation (grey block)

ctfidf_model = ClassTfidfTransformer()

# Step 6 - (Optional) Fine-tune topic representations with

# a `bertopic.representation` model (purple block)
representation_model = KeyBERTInspired()
# Combine the steps and build our own topic model
topic_model = BERTopic(
embedding_model=embedding_model, # Step 1 - Extract
umap_model=umap_model, # Step 2 - Reduce
hdbscan_model=hdbscan_model, # Step 3 - Cluster
vectorizer_model=vectorizer_model, # Step 4 - Tokeniz
ctfidf_model=ctfidf_model, # Step 5 - Extract
representation_model=representation_model # Step 6 - Fine-tu

This code allows us to go through all steps of the algorithm explicitly and
essentially let us build the topic model however we want. The resulting topic
model, as defined in the variable topic_model , now represents the base
pipeline of BERTopic as illustrated back in Figure 3-10.

We are going to keep using the abstracts of ArXiv articles throughout this use
case. To recap what we did with text clustering, we start by importing our
dataset using HuggingFace’s dataset package and extracting metadata that we
are going to use later on, like the abstracts, years, and categories of the

# Load data from huggingface

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("maartengr/arxiv_nlp")

# Extract specific metadata

abstracts = dataset["Abstracts"]
years = dataset["Years"]
categories = dataset["Categories"]
titles = dataset["Titles"]

Using BERTopic is quite straightforward, and it can be used in just three


# Train our topic model in only three lines of code

from bertopic import BERTopic

topic_model = BERTopic()
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(abstracts)
With this pipeline, you will have 3 variables returned, namely
topic_model , topics , and probs :

topic_model is the model that we have just trained before and contains
information about the model and the topics that we created.
topics are the topics for each abstract.
probs are the probabilities that a topic belongs to a certain abstract.

Before we start to explore our topic model, there is one change that we will
need to make the results reproducible. As mentioned before, one of the
underlying models of BERTopic is UMAP. This model is stochastic in nature
which means that every time we run BERTopic, we will get different results.
We can prevent this by passing a `random_state` to the UMAP model.

from umap import UMAP

from bertopic import BERTopic

# Using a custom UMAP model

umap_model = UMAP(n_neighbors=15, n_components=5, min_dist=0.0,

# Train our model

topic_model = BERTopic(umap_model=umap_model)
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(abstracts)
Now, let’s start by exploring the topics that were created. The
get_topic_info() method is useful to get a quick description of the
topics that we found:

>>> topic_model.get_topic_info()
Topic Count Name
0 -1 11648 -1_of_the_and_to
1 0 1554 0_question_answer_questions_qa
2 1 620 1_hate_offensive_toxic_detection
3 2 578 2_summarization_summaries_summary_abstractive
4 3 568 3_parsing_parser_dependency_amr
... ... ... ...
317 316 10 316_prf_search_conversational_spoke
318 317 10 317_crowdsourcing_workers_annotators_underl
319 318 10 318_curriculum_nmt_translation_dcl
320 319 10 319_botsim_menu_user_dialogue
321 320 10 320_color_colors_ib_naming

There are many topics generated from our model, XXX! Each of these topics
is represented by several keywords, which are concatenated with a “_” in the
Name column. This Name column allows us to quickly get a feeling of what
the topic is about as it shows the four keywords that best represent it.


You might also have noticed that the very first topic is labeled -1. That topic contains all documents
that could not be fitted within a topic and are considered to be outliers. This is a result of the clustering
algorithm, HDBSCAN, that does not force all points to be clustered. To remove outliers, we could
either use a non-outlier algorithm like k-Means or use BERTopic’s reduce_outliers() function to
remove some of the outliers and assign them to topics.

For example, topic 2 contains the keywords “summarization”, “summaries”,

“summary”, and “abstractive”. Based on these keywords, it seems that the
topic is summarization tasks. To get the top 10 keywords per topic as well as
their c-TF-IDF weights, we can use the get_topic() function:

>>> topic_model.get_topic(2)
[('summarization', 0.029974019692323675),
('summaries', 0.018938088406361412),
('summary', 0.018019112468622436),
('abstractive', 0.015758156442697138),
('document', 0.011038627359130419),
('extractive', 0.010607624721836042),
('rouge', 0.00936377058925341),
('factual', 0.005651676100789188),
('sentences', 0.005262910357048789),
('mds', 0.005050565343932314)]

This gives us a bit more context about the topic and helps us understand what
the topic is about. For example, it is interesting to see the word “rogue”
appear since that is a common metric for evaluating summarization models.

We can use the find_topics() function to search for specific topics

based on a search term. Let’s search for a topic about topic modeling:

>>> topic_model.find_topics("topic modeling")

([17, 128, 116, 6, 235],

It returns that topic 17 has a relatively high similarity (0.675) with our search
term. If we then inspect the topic, we can see that it is indeed a topic about
topic modeling:

>>> topic_model.get_topic(17)
[('topic', 0.0503756681079549),
('topics', 0.02834246786579726),
('lda', 0.015441277604137684),
('latent', 0.011458141214781893),
('documents', 0.01013764950401255),
('document', 0.009854201885298964),
('dirichlet', 0.009521114618288628),
('modeling', 0.008775384549157435),
('allocation', 0.0077508974418589605),
('clustering', 0.005909325849593925)]
Although we know that his topic is about topic modeling, let us see if the
BERTopic abstract is also assigned to this topic:

>>> topics[titles.index('BERTopic: Neural topic modeling with a


It is! It seems that the topic is not just about LDA-based methods but also
cluster-based techniques, like BERTopic.

Lastly, we mentioned before that many topic modeling techniques assume

that there can be multiple topics within a single document or even a sentence.
Although BERTopic leverages clustering, which assumes a single assignment
to each data point, it can approximate the topic distribution.

We can use this technique to see what the topic distribution is of the first
sentence in the BERTopic paper:

index = titles.index('BERTopic: Neural topic modeling with a cl

# Calculate the topic distributions on a token-level

topic_distr, topic_token_distr = topic_model.approximate_distri
df = topic_model.visualize_approximate_distribution(abstracts[i
Figure 3-12. A wide range of visualization options are available in BERTopic.

The output, as shown in Figure 3-12, demonstrates that the document, to a

certain extent, contains multiple topics. This assignment is even done on a
token level!

(Interactive) Visualizations

Going through XXX topics manually can be quite a task. Instead, several
helpful visualization functions allow us to get a broad overview of the topics
that were generated. Many of which are interactive by using the Plotly
visualization framework.

Figure 3-13 shows all possible visualization options in BERTopic, from 2D

document representations and topic bar charts to topic hierarchy and
similarity. Although we are not going through all visualizations, there are
some worth looking into.
Figure 3-13. A wide range of visualization options are available in BERTopic.

To start, we can create a 2D representation of our topics by using UMAP to

reduce the c-TF-IDF representations of each topic.

Figure 3-14. The intertopic distance map of topics represented in 2D space.

As shown in Figure 3-14, this generates an interactive visualization that,

when hovering over a circle, allows us to see the topic, its keywords, and its
size. The larger the circle of a topic is, the more documents it contains. We
can quickly see groups of similar topics through interaction with this

We can use the visualize_documents() function to take this analysis to

the next level, namely analyzing topics on a document level.

# Visualize a selection of topics and documents

topics=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12,
13, 16, 33, 40, 45, 46, 65])

Figure 3-15. Abstracts and their topics are represented in a 2D visualization.

Figure 3-15 demonstrates how BERTopic can visualize documents in a 2D-


We only visualized a selection of topics since showing all 300 topics would result in quite a messy
visualization. Also, instead of passing `abstracts`, we passed `titles` since we only want to view the
titles of each paper when we hover over a document and not the entire abstract.

Lastly, we can create a bar chart of the keywords in a selection of topics

using visualize_barchart():

topic_model.visualize_barchart(topics=list(range(50, 58, 1)))

Figure 3-16. The top 5 keywords for the first 8 topics.

The bar chart in Figure 3-16 gives a nice indication of which keywords are
most important to a specific topic. Take topic 2 for example–it seems that the
word “summarization” is most representative of that topic and that other
words are very similar in importance.

Representation Models
With the neural-search style modularity that BERTopic employs, it can
leverage many different types of Large Language Models whilst minimizing
computing. This allows for a large range of topic fine-tuning methods, from
part-of-speech to text-generation methods, like ChatGPT. Figure 3-17
demonstrates the variety of LLMs that we can leverage to fine-tune topic

Figure 3-17. After applying the c-TF-IDF weighting, topics can be fine-tuned with a wide variety of
representation models. Many of which are Large Language Models.

Topics generated with c-TF-IDF serve as a good first ranking of words with
respect to their topic. In this section, these initial rankings of words can be
considered candidate keywords for a topic as we might change their rankings
based on any representation model. We will go through several representation
models that can be used within BERTopic and that are also interesting from a
Large Language Modeling standpoint.

Before we start, we first need to do two things. First, we are going to save our
original topic representations so that it will be much easier to compare with
and without representation models:

# Save original representations

from copy import deepcopy
original_topics = deepcopy(topic_model.topic_representations_)

Second, let’s create a short wrapper that we can use to quickly visualize the
differences in topic words to compare with and without representation

def topic_differences(model, original_topics, max_length=75, nr

""" For the first 10 topics, show the differences in
topic representations between two models """
for topic in range(nr_topics):

# Extract top 5 words per topic per model

og_words = " | ".join(list(zip(*original_topics[topic]))[0]
new_words = " | ".join(list(zip(*model.get_topic(topic)))[0

# Print a 'before' and 'after'

whitespaces = " " * (max_length - len(og_words))
print(f"Topic: {topic} {og_words}{whitespaces}-->

c-TF-IDF generated topics do not consider the semantic nature of words in a

topic which could end up creating topics with stopwords. We can use the
module bertopic.representation_model.KeyBERTInspired() to fine-tune
the topic keywords based on their semantic similarity to the topic.

KeyBERTInspired is, as you might have guessed, a method inspired by the

keyword extraction package, KeyBERT. In its most basic form, KeyBERT
compares the embeddings of words in a document with the document
embedding using cosine similarity to see which words are most related to the
document. These most similar words are considered keywords.

In BERTopic, we want to use something similar but on a topic level and not a
document level. As shown in Figure 3-18, KeyBERTInspired uses c-TF-IDF
to create a set of representative documents per topic by randomly sampling
500 documents per topic, calculating their c-TF-IDF values, and finding the
most representative documents. These documents are embedded and
averaged to be used as an updated topic embedding. Then, the similarity
between our candidate keywords and the updated topic embedding is
calculated to re-rank our candidate keywords.
Figure 3-18. The procedure of the KeyBERTInspired representation model

# KeyBERTInspired
from bertopic.representation import KeyBERTInspired
representation_model = KeyBERTInspired()

# Update our topic representations

new_topic_model.update_topics(abstracts, representation_model=r

# Show topic differences

topic_differences(topic_model, new_topic_model)

Topic: 0 question | qa | questions | answer | answering

--> questionanswering | answering | questionanswer |
attention | retrieval

Topic: 1 hate | offensive | speech | detection | toxic -

-> hateful | hate | cyberbullying | speech | twitter

Topic: 2 summarization | summaries | summary |

abstractive | extractive --> summarizers | summarizer |
summarization | summarisation | summaries

Topic: 3 parsing | parser | dependency | amr | parsers -

-> parsers | parsing | treebanks | parser | treebank

Topic: 4 word | embeddings | embedding | similarity |

vectors --> word2vec | embeddings | embedding |
similarity | semantic

Topic: 5 gender | bias | biases | debiasing | fairness -

-> bias | biases | genders | gender | gendered

Topic: 6 relation | extraction | re | relations | entity

--> relations | relation | entities | entity |

Topic: 7 prompt | fewshot | prompts | incontext | tuning

--> prompttuning | prompts | prompt | prompting |

Topic: 8 aspect | sentiment | absa | aspectbased |

opinion --> sentiment | aspect | aspects | aspectlevel |
Topic: 9 explanations | explanation | rationales |
rationale | interpretability --> explanations |
explainers | explainability | explaining | attention

The updated model shows that the topics are much easier to read compared to
the original model. It also shows the downside of using embedding-based
techniques. Words in the original model, like “amr” and “qa” are perfectly
reasonable words


c-TF-IDF does not make any distinction of the type of words it deems to be
important. Whether it is a noun, verb, adjective, or even a preposition, they
can all end up as important keywords. When we want to have human-
readable labels that are straightforward and intuitive to interpret, we might
want topics that are described by, for example, nouns only.

This is where the well-known SpaCy package comes in. An industrial-grade

NLP framework that comes with a variety of pipelines, models, and
deployment options. More specifically, we can use SpaCy to load in an
English model that is capable of detecting part of speech, whether a word is a
noun, verb, or something else.

As shown in Figure 3-19, we can use SpaCy to make sure that only nouns
end up in our topic representations. As with most representation models, this
is highly efficient since the nouns are extracted from only a small but
representative subset of the data.

Figure 3-19. The procedure of the PartOfSpeech representation model

# Part-of-Speech tagging
from bertopic.representation import PartOfSpeech
representation_model = PartOfSpeech("en_core_web_sm")

# Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the defaul

topic_model.update_topics(abstracts, representation_model=repre

# Show topic differences

topic_differences(topic_model, original_topics)

Topic: 0 question | qa | questions | answer | answering

--> question | questions | answer | answering | answers
Topic: 1 hate | offensive | speech | detection | toxic -
-> hate | offensive | speech | detection | toxic

Topic: 2 summarization | summaries | summary |

abstractive | extractive --> summarization | summaries |
summary | abstractive | extractive

Topic: 3 parsing | parser | dependency | amr | parsers -

-> parsing | parser | dependency | parsers | treebank

Topic: 4 word | embeddings | embedding | similar ity |

vectors --> word | embeddings | similarity | vectors | words

Topic: 5 gender | bias | biases | debiasing | fairness -

-> gender | bias | biases | debiasing | fairness

Topic: 6 relation | extraction | re | relations | entity

--> relation | extraction | relations | entity | distant

Topic: 7 prompt | fewshot | prompts | incontext | tuning

--> prompt | prompts | tuning | prompting | tasks

Topic: 8 aspect | sentiment | absa | aspectbased |

opinion --> aspect | sentiment | opinion | aspects |

Topic: 9 explanations | explanation | rationales |

rationale | interpretability --> explanations |
explanation | rationales | rationale | interpretability
Maximal Marginal Relevance

With c-TF-IDF, there can be a lot of redundancy in the resulting keywords as

it does not consider words like “car” and “cars” to be essentially the same
thing. In other words, we want sufficient diversity in the resulting topics with
as little repetition as possible. (Figure 3-20)

Figure 3-20. The procedure of the Maximal Marginal Relevance representation model. The diversity of
the resulting keywords is represented by lambda (λ).

We can use an algorithm, called Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR) to

diversify our topic representations. The algorithm starts with the best
matching keyword to a topic and then iteratively calculates the next best
keyword whilst taking a certain degree of diversity into account. In other
words, it takes a number of candidate topic keywords, for example, 30, and
tries to pick the top 10 keywords that are best representative of the topic but
are also diverse from one another.

# Maximal Marginal Relevance

from bertopic.representation import MaximalMarginalRelevance
representation_model = MaximalMarginalRelevance(diversity=0.5)

# Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the defaul

topic_model.update_topics(abstracts, representation_model=repre

# Show topic differences

topic_differences(topic_model, original_topics)

Topic: 0 question | qa | questions | answer | answering

--> qa | questions | answering | comprehension |

Topic: 1 hate | offensive | speech | detection | toxic -

-> speech | abusive | toxicity | platforms | hateful

Topic: 2 summarization | summaries | summary |

abstractive | extractive --> summarization | extractive
| multidocument | documents | evaluation

Topic: 3 parsing | parser | dependency | amr | parsers -

-> amr | parsers | treebank | syntactic | constituent

Topic: 4 word | embeddings | embedding | similarity |

vectors --> embeddings | similarity | vector | word2vec
| glove

Topic: 5 gender | bias | biases | debiasing | fairness -

-> gender | bias | fairness | stereotypes | embeddings
Topic: 6 relation | extraction | re | relations | entity
--> extraction | relations | entity | documentlevel |

Topic: 7 prompt | fewshot | prompts | incontext | tuning

--> prompts | zeroshot | plms | metalearning | label

Topic: 8 aspect | sentiment | absa | aspectbased |

opinion --> sentiment | absa | aspects | extraction |

Topic: 9 explanations | explanation | rationales |

rationale | interpretability --> explanations |
interpretability | saliency | faithfulness | methods

The resulting topics are much more diverse! Topic XXX, which originally
used a lot of “summarization” words, the topic only contains the word
“summarization”. Also, duplicates, like “embedding” and “embeddings” are
now removed.

Text Generation

Text generation models have shown great potential in 2023. They perform
well across a wide range of tasks and allow for extensive creativity in
prompting. Their capabilities are not to be underestimated and not using them
in BERTopic would frankly be a waste. We talked at length about these
models in Chapter XXX, but it’s useful now to see how they tie into the topic
modeling process.

As illustrated in Figure 3-21, we can use them in BERTopic efficiently by

focusing on generating output on a topic level and not a document level. This
can reduce the number of API calls from millions (e.g., millions of abstracts)
to a couple of hundred (e.g., hundreds of topics). Not only does this
significantly speed up the generation of topic labels, but you also do not need
a massive amount of credits when using an external API, such as Cohere or

Figure 3-21. Use text generative LLMs and prompt engineering to create labels for topics from
keywords and documents related to each topic.

As was illustrated back in Figure 3-21, one major component of text

generation is prompting. In BERTopic this is just as important since we want
to give enough information to the model such that it can decide what the
topic is about. Prompts in BERTopic generally look something like this:

prompt = """
I have a topic that contains the following documents: \n
The topic is described by the following keywords: [KEYWORDS]

Based on the above information, give a short label of the topic


There are three components to this prompt. First, it mentions a few

documents of a topic that best describes it. These documents are selected by
calculating their c-TF-IDF representations and comparing them with the topic
c-TF-IDF representation. The top 4 most similar documents are then
extracted and referenced using the “[DOCUMENTS]” tag.

I have a topic that contains the following documents: \n

Second, the keywords that make up a topic are also passed to the prompt and
referenced using the “[KEYWORDS]” tag. These keywords could also
already be optimized using KeyBERTInspired, PartOfSpeech, or any
representation model.

The topic is described by the following keywords: [KEYWORDS]

Third, we give specific instructions to the Large Language Model. This is just
as important as the steps before since this will decide how the model
generates the label.

Based on the above information, give a short label of the topic

The prompt will be rendered as follows for topic XXX:

I have a topic that contains the following documents:
- Our videos are also made possible by your support on patreon.
- If you want to help us make more videos, you can do so on pat
- If you want to help us make more videos, you can do so there.
- And if you want to support us in our endeavor to survive in t

The topic is described by the following keywords: videos video

Based on the above information, give a short label of the topic


Fortunately, as with most Large Language Models, there is an enormous

amount of open-source models that we can use through HuggingFace’s

One of the most well-known open-source Large Language Models that is

optimized for text generation, is one from the Flan-T5 family of generation
models. What is interesting about these models is that they have been trained
using a method called instruction tuning. By fine-tuning T5 models on
many tasks phrased as instructions, the model learns to follow specific
instructions and tasks.

BERTopic allows for using such a model to generate topic labels. We create a
prompt and ask it to create topics based on the keywords of each topic,
labeled with the `[KEYWORDS]` tag.

from transformers import pipeline

from bertopic.representation import TextGeneration

# Text2Text Generation with Flan-T5

generator = pipeline('text2text-generation', model='google/flan
representation_model = TextGeneration(generator)

# Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the defaul

topic_model.update_topics(abstracts, representation_model=repre
# Show topic differences
topic_differences(topic_model, original_topics)

Topic: 0 speech | asr | recognition | acoustic |

endtoend --> audio grammatical recognition

Topic: 1 clinical | medical | biomedical | notes |

health --> ehr

Topic: 2 summarization | summaries | summary |

abstractive | extractive --> mds

Topic: 3 parsing | parser | dependency | amr | parsers -

-> parser

Topic: 4 hate | offensive | speech | detection | toxic -

-> Twitter

Topic: 5 word | embeddings | embedding | vectors |

similarity --> word2vec

Topic: 6 gender | bias | biases | debiasing | fairness -

-> gender bias

Topic: 7 ner | named | entity | recognition | nested -->


Topic: 8 prompt | fewshot | prompts | incontext | tuning

--> gpt3

Topic: 9 relation | extraction | re | relations |

distant --> docre

There are interesting topic labels that are created but we can also see that the
model is not perfect by any means.


When we are talking about generative AI, we cannot forget about ChatGPT
and its incredible performance. Although not open source, it makes for an
interesting model that has changed the AI field in just a few months. We can
select any text generation model from OpenAI’s collection to use in

As this model is trained on RLHF and optimized for chat purposes,

prompting is quite satisfying with this model.

from bertopic.representation import OpenAI

# OpenAI Representation Model

prompt = """
I have a topic that contains the following documents: \n
The topic is described by the following keywords: [KEYWORDS]

Based on the information above, extract a short topic label in

topic: <topic label>
representation_model = OpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", delay_in_s

# Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the defaul

topic_model.update_topics(abstracts, representation_model=repre

# Show topic differences

topic_differences(topic_model, original_topics)

Topic: 0 speech | asr | recognition | acoustic |

endtoend --> audio grammatical recognition

Topic: 1 clinical | medical | biomedical | notes |

health --> ehr

Topic: 2 summarization | summaries | summary |

abstractive | extractive --> mds

Topic: 3 parsing | parser | dependency | amr | parsers -

-> parser

Topic: 4 hate | offensive | speech | detection | toxic -

-> Twitter

Topic: 5 word | embeddings | embedding | vectors |

similarity --> word2vec

Topic: 6 gender | bias | biases | debiasing | fairness -

-> gender bias

Topic: 7 ner | named | entity | recognition | nested -->


Topic: 8 prompt | fewshot | prompts | incontext | tuning

--> gpt3

Topic: 9 relation | extraction | re | relations |

distant --> docre

Since we expect ChatGPT to return the topic in a specific format, namely

“topic: <topic label>” it is important to instruct the model to return it as such
when we create a custom prompt. Note that we also add the
`delay_in_seconds` parameter to create a constant delay between API calls in
case you have a free account.


As with OpenAI, we can use Cohere’s API within BERTopic on top of its
pipeline to further fine-tune the topic representations with a generative text
model. Make sure to grab an API key and you can start generating topic

import cohere
from bertopic.representation import Cohere
# Cohere Representation Model
co = cohere.Client(my_api_key)
representation_model = Cohere(co)

# Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the defaul

topic_model.update_topics(abstracts, representation_model=repre

# Show topic differences

topic_differences(topic_model, original_topics)

Topic: 0 speech | asr | recognition | acoustic |

endtoend --> audio grammatical recognition

Topic: 1 clinical | medical | biomedical | notes |

health --> ehr

Topic: 2 summarization | summaries | summary |

abstractive | extractive --> mds

Topic: 3 parsing | parser | dependency | amr | parsers -

-> parser

Topic: 4 hate | offensive | speech | detection | toxic -

-> Twitter

Topic: 5 word | embeddings | embedding | vectors |

similarity --> word2vec

Topic: 6 gender | bias | biases | debiasing | fairness -

-> gender bias

Topic: 7 ner | named | entity | recognition | nested -->


Topic: 8 prompt | fewshot | prompts | incontext | tuning

--> gpt3

Topic: 9 relation | extraction | re | relations |

distant --> docre


To take things a step further with Large Language Models, we can leverage
the LangChain framework. It allows for any of the previous text generation
methods to be supplemented with additional information or even chained
together. Most notably, LangChain connects language models to other
sources of data to enable them to interact with their environment.

For example, we could use it to build a vector database with OpenAI and
apply ChatGPT on top of that database. As we want to minimize the amount
of information LangChain needs, the most representative documents are
passed to the package. Then, we could use any LangChain-supported
language model to extract the topics. The example below demonstrates the
use of OpenAI with LangChain.

from langchain.llms import OpenAI

from langchain.chains.question_answering import load_qa_chain
from bertopic.representation import LangChain

# Langchain representation model

chain = load_qa_chain(OpenAI(temperature=0, openai_api_key=MY_A
representation_model = LangChain(chain)

# Use the representation model in BERTopic on top of the defaul

topic_model.update_topics(abstracts, representation_model=repre

# Show topic differences

topic_differences(topic_model, original_topics)

Topic: 0 speech | asr | recognition | acoustic |

endtoend --> audio grammatical recognition

Topic: 1 clinical | medical | biomedical | notes |

health --> ehr

Topic: 2 summarization | summaries | summary |

abstractive | extractive --> mds

Topic: 3 parsing | parser | dependency | amr | parsers -

-> parser

Topic: 4 hate | offensive | speech | detection | toxic -

-> Twitter
Topic: 5 word | embeddings | embedding | vectors |
similarity --> word2vec

Topic: 6 gender | bias | biases | debiasing | fairness -

-> gender bias

Topic: 7 ner | named | entity | recognition | nested -->


Topic: 8 prompt | fewshot | prompts | incontext | tuning

--> gpt3

Topic: 9 relation | extraction | re | relations |

distant --> docre

Topic Modeling Variations

The field of topic modeling is quite broad and ranges from many different
applications to variations of the same model. This also holds for BERTopic
as it has implemented a wide range of variations for different purposes, such
as dynamic, (semi-) supervised, online, hierarchical, and guided topic
modeling. Figure 3-22-X shows a number of topic modeling variations and
how to implement them in BERTopic.
Figure 3-22. -X Topic Modeling Variations in BERTopic

In this chapter we discussed a cluster-based method for topic modeling,
BERTopic. By leveraging a modular structure, we used a variety of Large
Language Models to create document representations and fine-tune topic
representations. We extracted the topics found in ArXiv abstracts and saw
how we could use BERTopic’s modular structure to develop different kinds
of topic representations.
Chapter 4. Tokens & Token Embeddings


With Early Release ebooks, you get books in their earliest form—the author’s
raw and unedited content as they write—so you can take advantage of these
technologies long before the official release of these titles.

This will be the 8th chapter of the final book. Please note that the GitHub
repo will be made active later on.

If you have comments about how we might improve the content and/or
examples in this book, or if you notice missing material within this chapter,
please reach out to the editor at [email protected].

Embeddings are a central concept to using large language models (LLMs), as

you’ve seen over and over in part one of the book. They also are central to
understanding how LLMs work, how they’re built, and where they’ll go in
the future.

The majority of the embeddings we’ve looked at so far are text embeddings,
vectors that represent an entire sentence, passage, or document. Figure 4-1
shows this distinction.
Figure 4-1. The difference between text embeddings (one vector for a sentence or paragraph) and token
embeddings (one vector per word or token).

In this chapter, we begin to discuss token embeddings in more detail. Chapter

2 discussed tasks of token classification like Named Entity Recognition. In
this chapter, we look more closely at what tokens are and the tokenization
methods used to power LLMs. We will then go beyond the world of text and
see how these concepts of token embeddings empower LLMs that can
understand images and data modes (other than text, for example video,
audio...etc). LLMs that can process modes of data in addition to text are
called multi-modal models. We will then delve into the famous word2vec
embedding method that preceded modern-day LLMs and see how it’s
extending the concept of token embeddings to build commercial
recommendation systems that power a lot of the apps you use.

LLM Tokenization

How tokenizers prepare the inputs to the language

Viewed from the outside, generative LLMs take an input prompt and
generate a response, as we can see in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2. High-level view of a language model and its input prompt.

As we’ve seen in Chapter 5, instruction-tuned LLMs produce better

responses to prompts formulated as instructions or questions. At the most
basic level of the code, let’s assume we have a generate method that hits a
language model and generates text:

prompt = "Write an email apologizing to Sarah for the tragic ga

# Placeholder definition. The next code blocks show the actual
def generate(prompt, number_of_tokens):
# TODO: pass prompt to language model, and return the text it
output = generate(prompt, 10)

Subject: Apology and Condolences

Dear Sarah,
I am deeply sorry for the tragic gardening accident that took p

Let us look closer into that generation process to examine more of the steps
involved in text generation. Let’s start by loading our model and its

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

# openchat is a 13B LLM
model_name = "openchat/openchat"
# If your environment does not have the required resources
# then try a smaller model like "gpt2" or "openlm-research
# Load a tokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
# Load a language model
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name)

We can then proceed to the actual generation. Notice that the generation code
always includes a tokenization step prior to the generation step.

prompt = "Write an email apologizing to Sarah for the tragic ga

# Tokenize the input prompt
input_ids = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt").input_ids
# Generate the text
generation_output = model.generate(
# Print the output

Looking at this code, we can see that the model does not in fact receive the
text prompt. Instead, the tokenizers processed the input prompt, and returned
the information the model needed in the variable input_ids, which the model
used as its input.

Let’s print input_ids to see what it holds inside:

tensor([[ 1, 14350, 385, 4876, 27746, 5281, 304, 19235, 363, 27

This reveals the inputs that LLMs respond to. A series of integers as shown in
Figure 4-3. Each one is the unique ID for a specific token (character, word or
part of word). These IDs reference a table inside the tokenizer containing all
the tokens it knows.
Figure 4-3. A tokenizer processes the input prompt and prepares the actual input into the language
model: a list of token ids.

If we want to inspect those IDs, we can use the tokenizer’s decode method to
translate the IDs back into text that we can read:

for id in input_ids[0]:

Which prints:


This is how the tokenizer broke down our input prompt. Notice the following:

The first token is the token with ID #1, which is <s>, a special token
indicating the beginning of the text
Some tokens are complete words (e.g., Write, an, email)
Some tokens are parts of words (e.g., apolog, izing, trag, ic)
Punctuation characters are their own token
Notice how the space character does not have its own token. Instead,
partial tokens (like ‘izing’ and ‘ic') have a special hidden character at their
beginning that indicate that they’re connected with the token that precedes
them in the text.

There are three major factors that dictate how a tokenizer breaks down an
input prompt. First, at model design time, the creator of the model chooses a
tokenization method. Popular methods include Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE for
short, widely used by GPT models), WordPiece (used by BERT), and
SentencePiece (used by LLAMA). These methods are similar in that they aim
to optimize an efficient set of tokens to represent a text dataset, but they
arrive at it in different ways.

Second, after choosing the method, we need to make a number of tokenizer

design choices like vocabulary size, and what special tokens to use. More on
this in the “Comparing Trained LLM Tokenizers” section.

Thirdly, the tokenizer needs to be trained on a specific dataset to establish the

best vocabulary it can use to represent that dataset. Even if we set the same
methods and parameters, a tokenizer trained on an English text dataset will be
different from another trained on a code dataset or a multilingual text dataset.

In addition to being used to process the input text into a language model,
tokenizers are used on the output of the language model to turn the resulting
token ID into the output word or token associated with it as Figure 4-4 shows.
Figure 4-4. Tokenizers are also used to process the output of the model by converting the output token
ID into the word or token associated with that ID.

Word vs. Subword vs. Character vs. Byte Tokens

The tokenization scheme we’ve seen above is called subword tokenization.

It’s the most commonly used tokenization scheme but not the only one. The
four notable ways to tokenize are shown in Figure 4-5. Let’s go over them:

Word tokens
This approach was common with earlier methods like Word2Vec but is
being used less and less in NLP. Its usefulness, however, led it to be used
outside of NLP for use cases such as recommendation systems, as we’ll
see later in the chapter.

Figure 4-5. There are multiple methods of tokenization that break down the text to different sizes of
components (words, subwords, characters, and bytes).

One challenge with word tokenization is that the tokenizer becomes

unable to deal with new words that enter the dataset after the tokenizer
was trained. It also results in a vocabulary that has a lot of tokens with
minimal differences between them (e.g., apology, apologize, apologetic,
apologist). This latter challenge is resolved by subword tokenization as
we’ve seen as it has a token for 'apolog', and then suffix tokens (e.g., '-y',
'-ize', '-etic', '-ist') that are common with many other tokens, resulting in a
more expressive vocabulary.
Subword Tokens
This method contains full and partial words. In addition to the vocabulary
expressivity mentioned earlier, another benefit of the approach is its
ability to represent new words by breaking the new token down into
smaller characters, which tend to be a part of the vocabulary.

When compared to character tokens, this method benefits from the ability
to fit more text within the limited context length of a Transformer model.
So with a model with a context length of 1024, you may be able to fit
three times as much text using subword tokenization than using character
tokens (sub word tokens often average three characters per token).

Character Tokens
This is another method that is able to deal successfully with new words
because it has the raw letters to fall-back on. While that makes the
representation easier to tokenize, it makes the modeling more difficult.
Where a model with subword tokenization can represent “play” as one
token, a model using character-level tokens needs to model the
information to spell out “p-l-a-y” in addition to modeling the rest of the

Byte Tokens
One additional tokenization method breaks down tokens into the
individual bytes that are used to represent unicode characters. Papers like
CANINE: Pre-training an Efficient Tokenization-Free Encoder for
Language Representation outline methods like this which are also called
“tokenization free encoding”. Other works like ByT5: Towards a token-
free future with pre-trained byte-to-byte models show that this can be a
competitive method.

One distinction to highlight here: some subword tokenizers also include

bytes as tokens in their vocabulary to be the final building block to fall
back to when they encounter characters they can’t otherwise represent.
The GPT2 and RoBERTa tokenizers do this, for example. This doesn’t
make them tokenization-free byte-level tokenizers, because they don’t use
these bytes to represent everything, only a subset as we’ll see in the next

Tokenizers are discussed in more detail in [Suhas’ book]

Comparing Trained LLM Tokenizers

We’ve pointed out earlier three major factors that dictate the tokens that
appear within a tokenizer: the tokenization method, the parameters and
special tokens we use to initialize the tokenizer, and the dataset the tokenizer
is trained on. Let’s compare and contrast a number of actual, trained
tokenizers to see how these choices change their behavior.

We’ll use a number of tokenizers to encode the following text:

text = """
show_tokens False None elif == >= else: two tabs:" " Three t

This will allow us to see how each tokenizer deals with a number of different
kinds of tokens:

Languages other than English
Programming code with its keywords and whitespaces often used for
indentation (in languages like python for example)
Numbers and digits

Let’s go from older to newer tokenizers and see how they tokenize this text
and what that might say about the language model. We’ll tokenize the text,
and then print each token with a gray background color.


Tokenization method: WordPiece, introduced in Japanese and Korean voice

Vocabulary size: 30522

Special tokens: ‘unk_token’: '[UNK]'

’sep_token’: '[SEP]'

‘pad_token’: '[PAD]'

‘cls_token’: '[CLS]'

‘mask_token’: '[MASK]'

Tokenized text:

[CLS] english and capital ##ization [UNK] [UNK] show _ token ##

With the uncased (and more popular) version of the BERT tokenizer, we
notice the following:

The newline breaks are gone, which makes the model blind to information
encoded in newlines (e.g., a chat log when each turn is in a new line)
All the text is in lower case
The word “capitalization” is encoded as two subtokens capital ##ization .
The ## characters are used to indicate this token is a partial token
connected to the token the precedes it. This is also a method to indicate
where the spaces are, it is assumed tokens without ## before them have a
space before them.
The emoji and Chinese characters are gone and replaced with the [UNK]
special token indicating an “unknown token”.


Tokenization method: WordPiece

Vocabulary size: 28,996

Special tokens: Same as the uncased version

Tokenized text:

[CLS] English and CA ##PI ##TA ##L ##I ##Z ##AT ##ION [UNK] [UN

The cased version of the BERT tokenizer differs mainly in including upper-
case tokens.

Notice how “CAPITALIZATION” is now represented as eight tokens: CA

##PI ##TA ##L ##I ##Z ##AT ##ION
Both BERT tokenizers wrap the input within a starting [CLS] token and a
closing [SEP] token. [CLS] and [SEP] are utility tokens used to wrap the
input text and they serve their own purposes. [CLS] stands for
Classification as it’s a token used at times for sentence classification.
[SEP] stands for Separator, as it’s used to separate sentences in some
applications that require passing two sentences to a model (For example,
in the rerankers in chapter 3, we would use a [SEP] token to separate the
text of the query and a candidate result).


Tokenization method: BPE, introduced in Neural Machine Translation of

Rare Words with Subword Units

Vocabulary size: 50,257

Special tokens: <|endoftext|>

Tokenized text:



show _ t ok ens False None el if == >= else :

Four spaces : " " Two tabs : " "

12 . 0 * 50 = 600

With the GPT-2 tokenizer, we notice the following:

The newline breaks are represented in the tokenizer

Capitalization is preserved, and the word “CAPITALIZATION” is

represented in four tokens

The 蟠characters are now represented into multiple tokens each. While
we see these tokens printed as the � character, they actually stand for
different tokens. For example, the emoji is broken down into the tokens
with token ids: 8582, 236, and 113. The tokenizer is successful in
reconstructing the original character from these tokens. We can see that by
printing tokenizer.decode([8582, 236, 113]), which prints out

The two tabs are represented as two tokens (token number 197 in that
vocabulary) and the four spaces are represented as three tokens (number 220)
with the final space being a part of the token for the closing quote character.


What is the significance of white space characters? These are important for models that understand or
generate code. A model that uses a single token to represent four consecutive white space characters
can be said to be more tuned to a python code dataset. While a model can live with representing it as
four different tokens, it does make the modeling more difficult as the model needs to keep track of the
indentation level. This is an example of where tokenization choices can help the model improve on a
certain task.

Tokenization method: SentencePiece, introduced in SentencePiece: A simple
and language independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer for Neural Text

Vocabulary size: 32,100

Special tokens:

- ‘unk_token’: '<unk>'

- ‘pad_token’: '<pad>'

Tokenized text:

English and CA PI TAL IZ ATION <unk> <unk> show _ to ken s Fal s e

None e l if = = > = else : Four spaces : " " Two tab s : " " 12. 0 * 50 = 600

The FLAN-T5 family of models use the sentencepiece method. We notice the

No newline or whitespace tokens, this would make it challenging for the

model to work with code.
The emoji and Chinese characters are both replaced by the <unk> token.
Making the model completely blind to them.

Tokenization method: BPE

Vocabulary size: a little over 100,000

Special tokens:


Fill in the middle tokens. These three tokens enable the GPT-4 capability of
generating a completion given not only the text before it but also considering
the text after it. This method is explained in more detail in the paper Efficient
Training of Language Models to Fill in the Middle. These special tokens are:




Tokenized text:


� � � � � �
show _tokens False None elif == >= else :
Four spaces : " " Two tabs : " "
12 . 0 * 50 = 600
The GPT-4 tokenizer behaves similarly with its ancestor, the GPT-2
tokenizer. Some differences are:

The GPT-4 tokenizer represents the four spaces as a single token. In fact,
it has a specific token to every sequence of white spaces up until a list of
83 white spaces.
The python keyword elif has its own token in GPT-4. Both this and the
previous point stem from the model’s focus on code in addition to natural
The GPT-4 tokenizer uses fewer tokens to represent most words. Example
here include ‘CAPITALIZATION’ (two tokens, vs. four) and ‘tokens’
(one token vs. three).


Tokenization method:

Vocabulary size: about 50,000

Special tokens:


FIll in the middle tokens:




When representing code, managing the context is important. One file might
make a function call to a function that is defined in a different file. So the
model needs some way of being able to identify code that is in different files
in the same code repository, while making a distinction between code in
different repos. That’s why starcoder uses special tokens for the name of the
repository and the filename:




The tokenizer also includes a bunch of the special tokens to perform better on
code. These include:



Paper: StarCoder: may the source be with you!

Tokenized text:


� � � � �
show _ tokens False None elif == >= else :
Four spaces : " " Two tabs : " "
1 2 . 0 * 5 0 = 6 0 0

This is an encoder that focuses on code generation.

Similarly to GPT-4, it encodes the list of white spaces as a single token

A major difference here to everyone we’ve seen so far is that each digit is
assigned its own token (so 600 becomes 6 0 0). The hypothesis here is that
this would lead to better representation of numbers and mathematics. In
GPT-2, for example, the number 870 is represented as a single token. But
871 is represented as two tokens (8 and 71). You can intuitively see how
that might be confusing to the model and how it represents numbers.


The galactica model described in Galactica: A Large Language Model for

Science is focused on scientific knowledge and is trained on many scientific
papers, reference materials, and knowledge bases. It pays extra attention to
tokenization that makes it more sensitive to the nuances of the dataset it’s
representing. For example, it includes special tokens for citations, reasoning,
mathematics, Amino Acid sequences, and DNA sequences.

Tokenization method:

Vocabulary size: 50,000

Special tokens:





References: Citations are wrapped within the two special tokens:



One example of usage from the paper is:

Recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory [START_REF]Long
Short-Term Memory, Hochreiter[END_REF]

Step-by-Step Reasoning -
<work> is an interesting token that the model uses for chain-of-thought

Tokenized text:


� � � � � � �
show _ tokens False None elif == > = else :
Four spaces : " " Two t abs : " "
1 2 . 0 * 5 0 = 6 0 0

The Galactica tokenizer behaves similar to star coder in that it has code in
mind. It also encodes white spaces in the same way - assigning a single token
to sequences of whitespace of different lengths. It differs in that it also does
that for tabs, though. So from all the tokenizers we’ve seen so far, it’s the
only one that’s assigned a single token to the string made up of two tabs

We can now recap our tour by looking at all these examples side by side:

[CLS] english and capital ##ization [UNK] [UNK] show

[CLS] English and CA ##PI ##TA ##L ##I ##Z ##AT ##IO

English and CAP ITAL IZ ATION � � � � � � show
English and CA PI TAL IZ ATION <unk> <unk> show _ to

English and CAPITAL IZATION � � � � � � show _t

English and CAPITAL IZATION � � � � � show _ tok

English and CAP ITAL IZATION � � � � � � � sho

<s> English and C AP IT AL IZ ATION � � � � � �

Notice how there’s a new tokenizer added in the bottom. By now, you should
be able to understand many of its properties by just glancing at this output.
This is the tokenizer for LLaMA2, the most recent of these models.

Tokenizer Properties

The preceding guided tour of trained tokenizers showed a number of ways in

which actual tokenizers differ from each other. But what determines their
tokenization behavior? There are three major groups of design choices that
determine how the tokenizer will break down text: The tokenization method,
the initialization parameters, and the dataset we train the tokenizer (but not
the model) on.
Tokenization methods

As we’ve seen, there are a number of tokenization methods with Byte-Pair

Encoding (BPE), WordPiece, and SentencePiece being some of the more
popular ones. Each of these methods outlines an algorithm for how to choose
an appropriate set of tokens to represent a dataset. A great overview of all
these methods can be found in the Hugging Face Summary of the tokenizers

Tokenizer Parameters

After choosing a tokenization method, an LLM designer needs to make some

decisions about the parameters of the tokenizer. These include:

Vocabulary size
How many tokens to keep in the tokenizer’s vocabulary? (30K, 50K are
often used vocabulary size values, but more and more we’re seeing larger
sizes like 100K)

Special tokens
What special tokens do we want the model to keep track of. We can add as
many of these as we want, especially if we want to build LLM for special
use cases. Common choices include:

Beginning of text token (e.g., <s>)

End of text token
Padding token
Unknown token
CLS token
Masking token

Aside from these, the LLM designer can add tokens that help better model
the domain of the problem they’re trying to focus on, as we’ve seen with
Galactica’s <work> and [START_REF] tokens.

In languages such as English, how do we want to deal with capitalization?
Should we convert everything to lower-case? (Name capitalization often
carries useful information, but do we want to waste token vocabulary
space on all caps versions of words?). This is why some models are
released in both cased and uncased versions (like Bert-base cased and the
more popular Bert-base uncased).

The Tokenizer Training Dataset

Even if we select the same method and parameters, tokenizer behavior will be
different based on the dataset it was trained on (before we even start model
training). The tokenization methods mentioned previously work by
optimizing the vocabulary to represent a specific dataset. From our guided
tour we’ve seen how that has an impact on datasets like code, and
multilingual text.
For code, for example, we’ve seen that a text-focused tokenizer may tokenize
the indentation spaces like this (We’ll highlight some tokens in yellow and

def add_numbers(a, b):

...."""Add the two numbers `a` and `b`."""
....return a + b

Which may be suboptimal for a code-focused model. Code-focused models

instead tend to make different tokenization choices:

def add_numbers(a, b):

...."""Add the two numbers `a` and `b`."""
....return a + b

These tokenization choices make the model’s job easier and thus its
performance has a higher probability of improving.

A more detailed tutorial on training tokenizers can be found in the Tokenizers

section of the Hugging Face course. and in Natural Language Processing with
Transformers, Revised Edition.

A Language Model Holds Embeddings for the

Vocabulary of its Tokenizer
After a tokenizer is initialized, it is then used in the training process of its
associated language model. This is why a pre-trained language model is
linked with its tokenizer and can’t use a different tokenizer without training.

The language model holds an embedding vector for each token in the
tokenizer’s vocabulary as we can see in Figure 4-6. In the beginning, these
vectors are randomly initialized like the rest of the model’s weights, but the
training process assigns them the values that enable the useful behavior
they’re trained to perform.

Figure 4-6. A language model holds an embedding vector associated with each token in its tokenizer.

Creating Contextualized Word Embeddings with

Language Models

Now that we’ve covered token embeddings as the input to a language model,
let’s look at how language models can create better token embeddings. This
is one of the main ways of using language models for text representation that
empowers applications like named-entity recognition or extractive text
summarization (which summarizes a long text by highlighting to most
important parts of it, instead of generating new text as a summary).

Figure 4-7. Language models produce contextualized token embeddings that improve on raw, static
token embeddings

Instead of representing each token or word with a static vector, language

models create contextualized word embeddings (shown in Figure 4-7) that
represent a word with a different token based on its context. These vectors
can then be used by other systems for a variety of tasks. In addition to the text
applications we mentioned in the previous paragraph, these contextualized
vectors, for example, are what powers AI image generation systems like Dall-
E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion, for example.

Code Example: Contextualized Word Embeddings From a

Language Model (Like BERT)
Let’s look at how we can generate contextualized word embeddings, the
majority of this code should be familiar to you by now:

from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer

# Load a tokenizer
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/deberta-ba
# Load a language model
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("microsoft/deberta-v3-xsmall"
# Tokenize the sentence
tokens = tokenizer('Hello world', return_tensors='pt')
# Process the tokens
output = model(**tokens)[0]

This code downloads a pre-trained tokenizer and model, then uses them to
process the string “Hello world”. The output of the model is then saved in the
output variable. Let’s inspect that variable by first printing its dimensions (we
expect it to be a multi-dimensional array).

The model we’re using here is called DeBERTA v3, which at the time of
writing, is one of the best-performing language models for token embeddings
while being small and highly efficient. It is described in the paper
DeBERTaV3: Improving DeBERTa using ELECTRA-Style Pre-Training
with Gradient-Disentangled Embedding Sharing.

This prints out:

torch.Size([1, 4, 384])

We can ignore the first dimension and read this as four tokens, each one
embedded in 384 values.

But what are these four vectors? Did the tokenizer break the two words into
four tokens, or is something else happening here? We can use what we’ve
learned about tokenizers to inspect them:

for token in tokens['input_ids'][0]:


Which prints out:


Which shows that this particular tokenizer and model operate by adding the
[CLS] and [SEP] tokens to the beginning and end of a string.

Our language model has now processed the text input. The result of its output
is the following:

[-3.3060, -0.0507, -0.1098, ..., -0.1704, -0.1618, 0.6932],
[ 0.8918, 0.0740, -0.1583, ..., 0.1869, 1.4760, 0.0751],
[ 0.0871, 0.6364, -0.3050, ..., 0.4729, -0.1829, 1.0157],
[-3.1624, -0.1436, -0.0941, ..., -0.0290, -0.1265, 0.7954]
]], grad_fn=<NativeLayerNormBackward0>)

This is the raw output of a language model. The applications of large

language models build on top of outputs like this.

We can recap the input tokenization and resulting outputs of a language

model in Figure 4-8. Technically, the switch from token IDs into raw
embeddings is the first step that happens inside a language model.
Figure 4-8. A language model operates on raw, static embeddings as its input and produces contextual
text embeddings.

A visual like this is essential for the next chapter when we start to look at
how Transformer-based LLMs work under the hood.

Word Embeddings
Token embeddings are useful even outside of large language models.
Embeddings generated by pre-LLM methods like Word2Vec, Glove, and
Fasttext still have uses in NLP and beyond NLP. In this section, we’ll look at
how to use pre-trained Word2Vec embeddings and touch on how the method
creates word embeddings. Seeing how Word2Vec is trained will prime you
for the chapter on contrastive training. Then in the following section, we’ll
see how those embeddings can be used for recommendation systems.

Using Pre-trained Word Embeddings

Let’s look at how we can download pre-trained word embeddings using the
Gensim library

import gensim
import gensim.downloader as api
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
# Download embeddings (66MB, glove, trained on wikipedia, vecto
# Other options include "word2vec-google-news-300"
# More options at
model = api.load("glove-wiki-gigaword-50")

Here, we’ve downloaded the embeddings of a large number of words trained

on wikipedia. We can then explore the embedding space by seeing the nearest
neighbors of a specific word, ‘king’ for example:

model.most_similar([model['king']], topn=11)
Which outputs:

[('king', 1.0000001192092896),
('prince', 0.8236179351806641),
('queen', 0.7839043140411377),
('ii', 0.7746230363845825),
('emperor', 0.7736247777938843),
('son', 0.766719400882721),
('uncle', 0.7627150416374207),
('kingdom', 0.7542161345481873),
('throne', 0.7539914846420288),
('brother', 0.7492411136627197),
('ruler', 0.7434253692626953)]

The Word2vec Algorithm and Contrastive Training

The word2vec algorithm described in the paper Efficient Estimation of Word

Representations in Vector Space is described in detail in The Illustrated
Word2vec. The central ideas are condensed here as we build on them when
discussing one method for creating embeddings for recommendation engines
in the following section.

Just like LLMs, word2vec is trained on examples generated from text. Let’s
say for example, we have the text "Thou shalt not make a machine in the
likeness of a human mind" from the Dune novels by Frank Herbert. The
algorithm uses a sliding window to generate training examples. We can for
example have a window size two, meaning that we consider two neighbors on
each side of a central word.

The embeddings are generated from a classification task. This task is used to
train a neural network to predict if words appear in the same context or not.
We can think of this as a neural network that takes two words and outputs 1 if
they tend to appear in the same context, and 0 if they do not.

In the first position for the sliding window, we can generate four training
examples as we can see in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9. A sliding window is used to generate training examples for the word2vec algorithm to later
predict if two words are neighbors or not.
In each of the produced training examples, the word in the center is used as
one input, and each of its neighbors is a distinct second input in each training
example. We expect the final trained model to be able to classify this
neighbor relationship and output 1 if the two input words it receives are
indeed neighbors.

These training examples are visualized in Figure 4-10.

Figure 4-10. Each generated training example shows a pair of neighboring words.

If, however, we have a dataset of only a target value of 1, then a model can
ace it by output 1 all the time. To get around this, we need to enrich our
training dataset with examples of words that are not typically neighbors.
These are called negative examples and are shown in Figure 4-11.
Figure 4-11. We need to present our models with negative examples: words that are not usually
neighbors. A better model is able to better distinguish between the positive and negative examples.

It turns out that we don’t have to be too scientific in how we choose the
negative examples. A lot of useful models are result from simple ability to
detect positive examples from randomly generated examples (inspired by an
important idea called Noise Contrastive Estimation and described in Noise-
contrastive estimation: A new estimation principle for unnormalized
statistical models). So in this case, we get random words and add them to the
dataset and indicate that they are not neighbors (and thus the model should
output 0 when it sees them.

With this, we’ve seen two of the main concepts of word2vec (Figure 4-12):
Skipgram - the method of selecting neighboring words and negative sampling
- adding negative examples by random sampling from the dataset.

Figure 4-12. Skipgram and Negative Sampling are two of the main ideas behind the word2vec
algorithm and are useful in many other problems that can be formulated as token sequence problems.

We can generate millions and even billions of training examples like this
from running text. Before proceeding to train a neural network on this
dataset, we need to make a couple of tokenization decisions, which, just like
we’ve seen with LLM tokenizers, include how to deal with capitalization and
punctuation and how many tokens we want in our vocabulary.

We then create an embedding vector for each token, and randomly initialize
them, as can be seen in Figure 4-13. In practice, this is a matrix of
dimensions vocab_size x embedding_dimensions.
Figure 4-13. A vocabulary of words and their starting, random, uninitialized embedding vectors.

A model is then trained on each example to take in two embedding vectors

and predict if they’re related or not. We can see what this looks like in
Figure 4-14:

Figure 4-14. A neural network is trained to predict if two words are neighbors. It updates the
embeddings in the training process to produce the final, trained embeddings.

Based on whether its prediction was correct or not, the typical machine
learning training step updates the embeddings so that the next the model is
presented with those two vectors, it has a better chance of being more correct.
And by the end of the training process, we have better embeddings for all the
tokens in our vocabulary.

This idea of a model that takes two vectors and predicts if they have a certain
relation is one of the most powerful ideas in machine learning, and time after
time has proven to work very well with language models. This is why we’re
dedicating chapter XXX to go over this concept and how it optimizes
language models for specific tasks (like sentence embeddings and retrieval).

The same idea is also central to bridging modalities like text and images
which is key to AI Image generation models. In that formulation, a model is
presented with an image and a caption, and it should predict whether that
caption describes this image or not.

Embeddings for Recommendation

The concept of token embeddings is useful in so many other domains. In
industry, it’s widely used for recommendation systems, for example.
Recommending songs by embeddings

In this section we’ll use the Word2vec algorithm to embed songs using
human-made music playlists. Imagine if we treated each song as we would a
word or token, and we treated each playlist like a sentence. These
embeddings can then be used to recommend similar songs which often appear
together in playlists.

The dataset we’ll use was collected by Shuo Chen from Cornell University.
The dataset contains playlists from hundreds of radio stations around the US.
Figure 4-15 demonstrates this dataset.

Figure 4-15. For song embeddings that capture song similarity we’ll use a dataset made up of a
collection of playlists, each containing a list of songs.

Let’s demonstrate the end product before we look at how it’s built. So let’s
give it a few songs and see what it recommends in response.

Let’s start by giving it Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean, the song with ID

title Billie Jean
artist Michael Jackson

id title artist

4181 Kiss Prince & The


12749 Wanna Be Startin’ Michael Jackson


1506 The Way You Make Me Michael Jackson


3396 Holiday Madonna

500 Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Michael Jackson


That looks reasonable. Madonna, Prince, and other Michael Jackson songs
are the nearest neighbors.

Let’s step away from Pop and into Rap, and see the neighbors of 2Pac’s
California Love:


id title artist

413 If I Ruled The World (Imagine Nas

That) (w\/ Lauryn Hill)

196 I’ll Be Missing You Puff Daddy &

The Family

330 Hate It Or Love It (w\/ 50 Cent) The Game

211 Hypnotize The Notorious


5788 Drop It Like It’s Hot (w\/ Snoop Dogg


Another quite reasonable list!

# Get the playlist dataset file

data = request.urlopen('
# Parse the playlist dataset file. Skip the first two lines as
# they only contain metadata
lines ="utf-8").split('\n')[2:]
# Remove playlists with only one song
playlists = [s.rstrip().split() for s in lines if len(s.split()
print( 'Playlist #1:\n ', playlists[0], '\n')
print( 'Playlist #2:\n ', playlists[1])
Playlist #1: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', ..., '43']
Playlist #2: ['78', '79', '80', '3', '62', ..., '210']
Let's train the model:
model = Word2Vec(playlists, vector_size=32, window=20, negative

That takes a minute or two to train and results in embeddings being

calculated for each song that we have. Now we can use those embeddings to
find similar songs exactly as we did earlier with words.

song_id = 2172
# Ask the model for songs similar to song #2172

Which outputs:

[('2976', 0.9977465271949768),
('3167', 0.9977430701255798),
('3094', 0.9975950717926025),
('2640', 0.9966474175453186),
('2849', 0.9963167905807495)]

And that is the list of the songs whose embeddings are most similar to song
2172. See the jupyter notebook for the code that links song ids to their names
and artist names.

In this case, the song is:

title Fade To Black

artist Metallica

Resulting in recommendations that are all in the same heavy metal and hard
rock genre:

id title artist

11473 Little Guitars Van Halen

3167 Unchained Van Halen

5586 The Last In Line Dio

5634 Mr. Brownstone Guns N’ Roses

3094 Breaking The Law Judas Priest

In this chapter, we have covered LLM tokens, tokenizers, and useful
approaches to use token embeddings beyond language models.

Tokenizers are the first step in processing the input to a LLM -- turning
text into a list of token IDs.
Some of the common tokenization schemes include breaking text down
into words, subword tokens, characters, or bytes
A tour of real-world pre-trained tokenizers (from BERT to GPT2, GPT4,
and other models) showed us areas where some tokenizers are better (e.g.,
preserving information like capitalization, new lines, or tokens in other
languages) and other areas where tokenizers are just different from each
other (e.g., how they break down certain words).
Three of the major tokenizer design decisions are the tokenizer algorithm
(e.g., BPE, WordPiece, SentencePiece), tokenization parameters
(including vocabulary size, special tokens, capitalization, treatment of
capitalization and different languages), and the dataset the tokenizer is
trained on.
Language models are also creators of high-quality contextualized token
embeddings that improve on raw static embeddings. Those contextualized
token embeddings are what’s used for tasks including NER, extractive text
summarization, and span classification.
Before LLMs, word embedding methods like word2vec, Glove and
Fasttext were popular. They still have some use cases within and outside
of language processing.
The Word2Vec algorithm relies on two main ideas: Skipgram and
Negative Sampling. It also uses contrastive training similar to the one
we’ll see in the contrastive training chapter.
Token embeddings are useful for creating and improving recommender
systems as we’ve seen in the music recommender we’ve built from
curated song playlists.
About the Authors
Jay Alammar is Director and Engineering Fellow at Cohere (pioneering
provider of large language models as an API). A role in which he advises and
educates enterprises and the developer community on using language models
for practical use cases). Through his popular AI/ML blog, Jay has helped
millions of researchers and engineers visually understand machine learning
tools and concepts from the basic (ending up in the documentation of
packages like NumPy and pandas) to the cutting-edge (Transformers, BERT,
GPT-3). Jay is also a co-creator of popular machine learning and natural
language processing courses on Udacity.

Maarten Grootendorst is a Clinical Data Scientist at IKNL (Netherlands

Comprehensive Cancer Organization). He holds master’s degrees in
organizational psychology, clinical psychology, and data science which he
leverages to communicate complex Machine Learning concepts to a wide
audience. With his popular blog, he has reached millions of readers by
explaining the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence–often from a
psychological point of view.

He is the author and maintainer of several open source packages that rely on
the strength of Large Language Models, such as BERTopic, PolyFuzz, and
KeyBERT. His packages are downloaded millions of times and are used by
data professionals and organizations across the world.

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