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Indian Police Service

Andhra Pradesh
Cadre & Establishment
The contents of this list should not be deemed to convey
sanction or authority in the matter of any seniority, pay and
allowances. Any discrepancies noticed may be informed to
General Administration (SC.C) Department for verification
and correction in the next issue
Ph: 0863-2445782
(Corrected upto 24-08-2018)
NOTIFICATION NO.11052/01/2014 A.I.S.-II-A, DATED 18-07-2014

1. Senior Duty Posts under the State Government (Cadre Posts) 79

D.G.P.Grade Level 17 in the Pay Matrix Rs.2,25,000/-

(2 posts) Director General of Police, (HoPF) Andhra Pradesh 1

Level 16 in the Pay Matrix Rs.2,05,400-2,24,400

Director General of Police 1

Addl.D.G.P.Grade Level 15 in the Pay Matrix Rs.1,82,200-2,24,100 7

(7 posts)

I.G.P.Grade Level 14 in the Pay Matrix Rs.1,44,200 – 2,18,200 17

(17 posts)

D.I.G.Grade Level 13(a) in the Pay Matrix Rs.1,31,100 – 2,16,600 13

(13 posts)

Senior Scale Selection Grade: Level 13 in Pay Matrix Rs.1,18,500 – 2,14,100 40

(40 posts) JAG-Level 12 in Pay Matrix Rs.78,800 – 2,09,200
Senior Time Scale – Level 11 in Pay Matrix Rs.67,700 – 2,08,700

Total Senior Duty Posts 79


2 Central Deputation Reserve not exceeding to 40% of Item 1 above 31

3 State Deputation Reserve not exceeding to 25% of Item 1 above 19

4 Training Reserve not exceeding to 3.5% of Item 1 above 02

5 Leave Reserve and Junior Posts Reserve not exceeding to 16.5% of item 1 above 13

6 Posts to be filled by promotion under Rule 9 of the Indian Police Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954, not 43
exceeding to 33 1/3 % of Item 1,2,3 & 4 above

7 Posts to be filled up by Direct Recruitment (Items 1+2+3+4+5-6) 101

Total Authorized Strength 144

G.O.Rt.No.4064, GA (SC.C) Dept, dt.26-10-1979 G.O.Rt.No.4229, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.26-07-1996

G.O.Rt.No.1479, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.10-04-1981 G.O.Rt.No.1714, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.11-04-1997
G.O.Rt.No.3212, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.09-08-1982 G.O.Rt.No.578, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.13-02-1998
G.O.Rt.No.3191, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.27-08-1983 G.O.Rt.No.2300, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.04-06-1998
G.O.Rt.No.4149, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.01-08-1984 G.O.Rt.No.5600, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.03-12-2003
G.O.Rt.No.2163, G.A(SC.C)Dept, dt.27-06-1988 G.O.Rt.No.2142, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.07-05-2009
G.O.Rt.No.4219, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.28-12-1988 G.O.Rt.No.3852, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.03-08-2010
G.O.Rt.No.1280, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.17-03-1993 G.O.Rt.No.3477, GA(SC.C)Dept, dt.18-10-2014

Sl. Name of the Zone Name of Inspector General of Policwe Place / Telephone
No. S/Sri: Date of Joining Number

1 South Coastal Zone K.V.V.Gopala Rao, IPS (SPS:2000), IGP Guntur 0863-2230812(O)
(Guntur / Prakasam / Nellore) 22-01-2018 2230912(O)


Sl. Range Districts comprising the Name of DIG Place / Telephone No.
No. Range S/Sri: Date of Joining

1 Visakhapatnam 1.Srikakulam Ch.Srikanth, IPS Visakhapatnam 0891-2563938 (O)

2.Visakhapatnam Rural (RR:2002) 11-05-2016 2704135(F)
3.Vizianagaram 9440627222
2 Eluru 1.East Godavari T.Ravi Kumar Murthy, Eluru 08812-231350(O)
2.West Godavari IPS (SPS: 2003) 21 -07-2018 222890(F)
3.Krishna 9490618572

3 Kurnool 1.Kurnool G.Srinivas, IPS Kurnool 08518-235442(O)

2.Kadapa (SPS:2003) 05-07-2017 231028(F)
4 Ananthapuramu 1.Ananthapuramu J.Prabhakar Rao, IPS Ananthapuramu 08554-270333(O)
2.Chittoor (SPS:2002) 12-05-2016 240866(F)

Sl. Name of the District Name of SP and date of assumption of Date of Telephone
No. charge joining numbers Office &
S/Sri: Residence

1 Anantapuramu (08544) G.V.G.Ashok Kumar, IPS (SPS:2006) 11-08-2017 08554-2743802(O)


2 Chittoor (08572) S.V. Rajasekhara Babu, IPS (SPS:2006) 26-06-2017 08572-235828(O)


3 Tirupati Urban (0877) Abhishak Mohanty, IPS (RR:2011) 03-07-2017 0877-2289000(O)


4 East Godavari (0884) Vishal Gunni, IPS (RR:2010) 26-06-2017 0884-2362000(O)


5 Rajahmundry Urban (0883) Dr.Shemushi, IPS (RR:2008) -07-2018 0883-2461330(R)

0883-2427162 (F)

6 Guntur Urban (0863) Ch.Vijaya Rao, IPS (RR:2010) 01-07-2017 0863-2233222(O)


7 Guntur Rural (0863) C.Venakata Appala Naidu, IPS (RR:2011) 28-06-2017 0863-2234000(O)

8 Kadapa (08562) Babujee Attada, IPS (RR:2011) 28-06-2017 085622-42198(O)


9 Krishna (08672) Sarvashresta Tripathi, IPS (RR:2006)) 28-06-2017 08672-252800(O)


10 Kurnool (08518) Gopinath Jatti, IPS (RR:2008) 26-06-2017 08518-225700(O)

Sl. Name of the District Name of SP and date of assumption of Date of Telephone
No. charge joining numbers Office &
S/Sri: Residence

11 Nellore (0861) P.H.D.Ramakrishna, IPS(SPS:2006) 26-06-2017 0861-2328800(O)


12 Prakasam (08592) B.Satya Yesu Babu, IPS (RR:2011) 26-06-2017 085922-86100(O)

13 Srikakulam (08942) Dr.C.M.Thrivikram Varma, IPS (RR: 2005) 26-06-2017 08942-222508(O)

14 Vizianagaram (08922) G.Pala Raju, IPS (SPS:2005) 03-07-2014 0892-2276163(O)

15 Visakhapatnam Rural (0891) Rahul Dev Sharma, IPS (RR:2010) 09-05-2016 0891-2551104(O)

16 West Godavari (08812) M.Ravi Prakash, IPS (SPS:2006) 26-06-2017 0881-2232662(O)


17 Railways, Vijayawada (0866) K.V. Mohan Rao, IPS (SPS:2006) 25-05-2017 0866-2575897(F)

18 Railways, Guntakal (08552) Vacant -- 08552-226327 (O)


Sl. Name of the City Name of the Commissioner of Police / Name of the Deputy Commissioner of
No. Addl./Joint Commissioner of Police Police

S/Sri: S/Sri:

1 Visakhapatnam City Mahesh Chandra Laddha, IPS (RR:1998) 1) Fakeerappa Kaginelli, IPS

2 Vijayawada City Ch.D.Tirumala Rao, IPS (RR:1989) 1) T. Yoganand, IPS., (SPS:1998),


2) Kanthi Rana Tata, IPS (RR:2004),


3) Smt. B. Raja Kumari, IPS.,

(RR:2007),DCP, Crimes,
Vijayawada City

4) J.Brahma Reddy, IPS(SPS)


5) Dr.Gajarao Bhupal, IPS (RR:2008)

A.C.B Anti Corruption Bureau c.s&v.o Chief Security and Vigilance Officer
A.D Assistant Director D.D Deputy Director
Addl. Additional D.C.P Deputy Commissioner of Police
Admn. Administration D.G Director General
A.I.G.P Assistant Inspector General of Police D.G.P Director General of Police
A.P.M.S.P A.P.Mahonnatha Seva Pathakam D.G&I.G.P Director General and Inspector General of Police
A. P. P. A Andhra Pradesh Police Academy D.C.S Director of Correctional Services
A.P.S.P Bns Andhra Pradesh Special Police Battalions Dist. District
A.P.S.P.H.C Ltd Andhra Pradesh State Police Housing Corporation Limited E.C/S.S.C Emergency Commissioned/ Short Service Commissioned.
A.P.S.R.T.C Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation E.O Ex-Officio
A.P.V.S.P A.P.Visishta Seva Pathakam E.R/R.R Emergency Recruit / Regular Recruit
A.S.P Assistant Superintendent of Police F Fax
Addl.D.GP Additional Director General of Police G.A.D General Administration Department
A.P.U.S.P A. P. Uttama Seva Pathakam G.M General Manager
B.P.R&D Bureau of Police Research & Development G.O.I Government of India
C.B.I Central Bureau of Investigation Hqrs Head Quarters
C.D.T.S Central Detective Training School I.B Intelligence Bureau
C.I.B Central Intelligence Bureau I.G.P Inspector General of Police
C.I.D Crime Investigation Department Int. Intelligence
C.I.O Central Intelligence Officer I.T.B.P Indo-Tibetan Border Police
C.I.S.F Central Industrial Security Force I.PM Indian Police Medal
Commdt. Commandant J.A.G Junior Administrative Grade
C.P Commissioner of Police J.D Joint Director
C.S.O Chieft Security Officer RSASTF Red Sanders Anti Smuggling Task Force
Jt. Joint S.C Rly South Central Railway
L&O Law & Order S.C.R.B State Crime Records Bureau
M.D Managing Director S.l.T Special Investigation Team
M.E.A Ministry of External Affairs S.P Superintendent of Police
M.H.A Ministry of Home Affairs S. RE Special Police Establishment
M.M.S.P Mukhyamantri Shourya Pathakam S.RF Special Protection Force
M.T Mother Tongue S.RG Special Protection Group
N.C.B Narcotics Control Bureau S.RS Special Police Service
N.C.R.B National Crime Records Bureau S.S.F Special Security Force
O.S.D Officer on Special Duty Sr. Senior
Offg. Officiating S.RRIys Superintendent of Police, Railways
P&L Provisioning and Logistics S.T.F Special Task Force
P.M.G Police Medal for Gallantry S.V.P.N.P.A Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel National Police Academy
P.P.M Presidents Police Medal S.L.P.R.B State Level Police Recruitment Board
P. P.M.G Presidents Police Medal for Gallantry Trg. Training
PR.C Police Research Centre T.P&H.P Traffic Planning & Highway Patrolling
Prl. Principal U.N.P.M United Nations Peace Keeping Mission
PT.O Police Transport Organization V.C Vice Chairman
PT.C Police Training College V&E Vigilance & Enforcement
S.A.R.C.P.L Special Armed Reserve, Central Police Lines V&S Vigilance & Security
S.B Special Branch W.PC Women Protection Cell
Secy. Secretary
S.G Selection Grade
S.I.B Special Intelligence Branch
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment
1. 1982 S.Venkataramana Murthy, IPS M.B.A., Telugu 17-9-58/ 22.09.86 09.08.96 224400 IPM – 1999 Chairman, Hyderabad 23540405(O)
(RR) English 15-12-82/ 01.07.91 25.05.2001 (Maximum A.P. Road 25-05-2013 27852426 (O)
PPM -2010
ID No. 19821036 15-12-82 01.07.95 16.04.2008 Reached Safety 23552626(R)
28-9-2015 Authority 9440627213
2. 1986 Varun Sindhu Kul Kaumudi, IPS M.A., Hindi 3-11-62/ 01.07.90 16.10.2000 - IPM – 2002 ADG,BPR & D New Delhi 9491073998
(RR) ID No. 19861003 Sanskrit 25-8-86/ 01.01.95 03.01.2005 17-07.2017
Urdu 25-8-86 01.01.99 10.01.2011 ASSP-2004
Punjabi 20-7-2016 PPM – 2010
3. 1986 R.P. Thakur, IPS (RR) B.Tech Telugu 01-6-61/ 28.03.91 29.09.2000 Rs.225000 PMG – 2002 DGP(HoPF) Mangalagiri 0863-2340445
ID No. 19861026 Hindi 15-12-86/ 01.01.95 01.01.2005 ( Fixed) 30-06-2018 FN 2340446
English 15-12-86 01.01.99 10.01.2011 01.07.2018 9440627238
22-7-2016 IPM – 2003 9440700190(R
PPM – 2011 )
4. 1986 Vinay Ranjan Ray, IPS (RR) M.A., Telugu 20-9-59/ 28.03.91 22.09.2000 Rs.224400 IPM – 2003 DG, Prisons & Vijayawada 0866-
ID No. 19861075 Hindi 25-8-86/ 01.01.95 05.01.2005 01.07.2018 Correctional 13-07-2016 2432913(O)
PPM -2012
English 25-8-86 01.01.99 13.01.2011 (Maximum Services, A.P 2432917(F)
21-7-2016 Reached) 9440700444
5. 1986 D. Gautam Sawang, IPS (RR) B.A. Telugu 10-7-63/ 28.03.91 21.09.2000 Rs.224400 UNPM – 1994 DG, (V&E) & Vijayawada 9493777000
ID No. 19861086 Hindi 15-12-86/ 01.01.95 01.01.2005 01.07.20178 EO,Prl 11-07-2018 9440050945
IPM – 2002
English 15-12-86 01.01.99 (Proforma) (Maximum Secretary to
10..01.2011 Reached) PMG – 2003 Govt.,
(Proforma) ASSP-2004
PPM – 2015
6. 1987 T.A. Tripathi, IPS (RR) B.E., Oriya 14-1-62/ 01.07.91 02.06.2001 Rs.217600/- IPM – 2003 Commissioner Vijayawada 0866-2532500
ID No. 19871021 Hindi 28-8-87/ 21.04.2006 01.07.2018 , Printing, 09-12-2016 (O)
English 28-8-87 01.01.96 23.06.2012 ASSP-2004 Stationery and 9949714614
01.01.2000 PPM – 2013 Stores 7675040534
7. 1987 Santosh Mehra, IPS (RR) M.B.A., Hindi 28-2-63/ 26.03.92 25.05.2001 Rs.217600 UN Medal – Working in 9490611777
ID No. 19871036 M.S of English 15-12-87/ 01.01.96 17.04.2006 01.07.2017 Telangana
International 1995
15-12-87 01.01.2000 22.06.2012
Studies, ASSP-2004
University(Austral IPM - 2008
M.S of Public
Service &
Admn.(USA Texas
8. 1987 N.V. Surendra Babu, IPS (RR) B. Tech., Telugu 23-7-62/ 01.07.91 04.06.2001 Rs.224400 IPM – 2003 VC & MD, Vijayawada 0866-
ID No. 19871038 Hindi 5-12-87/ 01.01.96 20.04.2006 26.03.2018 ASSP-2004 APSRTC 26-03-2018 2524233(O)
English 5-12-87 01.01.2000 27.06.2012 PPM – 2012 2522411(F)
26-03-2018 9490618527
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment
9. 1987 Smt. A.R.Anuradha, IPS (RR) M.A, Tamil 10-10-63/ 01.07.91 26.05.2001 Rs.224400 IPM-2003 Principal Velagapudi 9440627878
ID No. 19871002 Telugu 24-8-87/ 01.01.96 06.05.2006 23.03.2018 ASSP-2004 Secretary to 06-05-2016 0863-
Hindi 24-8-87 01.01.2000 06.07.2012 PPM-2013 Govt., Home 2442380(O)
English 23-03-2018 AP, 2442378(F)

10. 1989 A.B. Venkateswara Rao, IPS (RR) M.Tech., M.A. Telugu 25-5-64/ 01.07.93 20.03.2003 Rs.211300 IPM – 2006 Addl.DGP, Vijayawada 0866-
ID No. 19891014 (Economics) Hindi 20-8-90/ 01.01.98 16.04.2008 01.07.2018 Intelligence 10-7-2015 29740546 (O)
English 20-8-90 01.01.2002 10.02.2014 0866-
PPM - 2014 2974051(F)

11. 1989 K.R.M.Kishore Kumar, IPS (RR) B.Com., Saurashtra 5-5-63/ 01.07.93 20.03.2003 Rs.211300 UNPM – 1996 Addl.DGP, Mangalagiri 0863-
ID No. 19891032 M.B.A., Tamil 21-8-89/ 01.01.98 16.04.2008 01.07.2018 Railways 14-04-2015 2340360(O)
UNPM – 1997
Telugu 21-8-89 01.01.2002 14-2-2014 2340361(O)
Hindi IPM – 2005 2340363(F)
English PPM- 2016 9491074112
12. 1989 Ch.D.Tirumala Rao, IPS (RR) M.Sc., Telugu 16-1-65/ 01.07.93 20.03.2003 Rs.211300 PMG – 2002 CP, Vijayawada 0866-2493333
ID No. 19891049 PGDPOE Hindi 20-8-90/ 01.01.98 (Proforma) 01.07.2018 Vijayawada 17-07-2018 0866-
IPM – 2006
English 20-8-90 01.01.2002 16.04.2008 2492222(F)
10.02.2014 ASSP-2004 9440050945
PPM – 2015
13. 1990 Anjani Kumar, IPS (RR) B.A(Hons) Sanskrit 28-1-66/ 01.07.94 01.01.2004 UNPM – 1998 Working in 9490616002
ID No. 19901046 Telugu 20-8-90/ 01.01.99 23.06.2009 Telangana
Hindi 20-08-90 01.01.2003 UNPM – 1999
English IPM – 2007
ASSP – 2007

14. 1990 Smt. Anjana Sinha, IPS (RR) M.A., Hindi 15-12-64/ 01.07.94 01.01.2004 Rs.205100 GOI IG, CISF, MHA New Delhi 9440627666
ID No. 19901054 English 20-8-90/ 01.01.99 23.06.2009 01.07.2017 02.04.2018
20-8-90 01.01.2003 11-09-2015

15. 1991 Madireddy Pratap, IPS (RR) M.Tech., Telugu 1-7-66/ 01.07.95 09.02.2005 Rs. 205100 Director Guntur 08632215157(
ID No. 19911029 Hindi 15-9-91/ 01.01.2000 12.03.2010 01.07.2018 General, SPF, 16-3-15 O)
English 15-9-91 01.01.2004 25-10-2016 AP, 9848782043

16. 1991 Mohd. Ahsan Reza, IPS (RR) M.Phil., Urdu 8-7-63/ 01.07.95 09.02.2005 Rs. 205100 IPM – 2007 Spl. Secretary Velagapudi 0863-2442382
ID No. 19911045 Persian 16-9-91/ 01.01.2000 18.03.2010 01.07.2018 ASSP-2004 to Govt., 12-03-2015 (O)
Arabic 16-9-91 01.01.2004 25-10-2016 Home Dept 9440627346

17. 1992 Harish Kumar Gupta, IPS (RR) B.Sc., L.L.B., Dogri 2-8-65/ 01.01.96 24.04.2006 Rs. 205100 ASSP-2002 Addl.DGP, Mangalagiri 0863-
ID No. 19921011 Urdu 10-10-92/ 01.01.2001 14.01.2011 01.07.2018 L&O 21-11-2016 2575502(O)
Telugu 10-10-92 01.01.2005 16-03-2017 IPM – 2009 2428858 (F)
Hindi 23230117 (R)
Punjabi 8330931554
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment
18. 1992 P. Sitharama Anjaneyulu, IPS(RR) B.E., Telugu 21-8-66/ 01.01.96 24.04.2006 GOI IPM – 2009 FTR HQ, South Bengalore 9849956000
ID No. 19921019 Hindi 12-10-92/ 01.01.2001 17.01.2011 Bengalore 08-9-2016
English 12-10-92 01.01.2005 16-03-2017
19. 1992 Kasi Reddy V.R.N. B.E(Hons) Telugu 29-4-66/ 01.01.96 24.04.2006 Rs. 205100 IPM – 2009 Director 0863-2339246
Reddy, IPS (RR) Hindi 11-10-92/ 01.01.2001 24.01.2011 01.07.2018 General, Guntur (O)
ID No. 19921050 English 11-10-92 01.01.2005 16-03-2017 Drugs& Copy 16.08.2018 8008203142

20. 1992 Nalin Prabhat, IPS (RR) M.A., Hindustani 14-8-68/ 01.01.96 17.04.2006 Rs, 205100 PMG – 2002 Addl.DGP, Ops Hyderabad 040-24409300
ID No. 19921057 Punjabi 9-1-93/ 01.01.2001 (Proforma) 01.07.2018 (GHs & 14-04-2018 (O)
English 9-1-93 01.01.2005 11.01.2011 OCTOPUS) AP 040-
16-03-2017 24409292(F)
(Proforma) 0891-2827030

21. 1993 Dr. Mahesh Dixit, IPS (RR) M.D Marathi 7-8-67/ 01.07.97 07.02.2007 Rs.188200 IPM – 2009 Joint New Delhi 011-23094311
ID No. 19931005 Hindi 5-9-93/ 01.01.2002 (Proforma) 01-07-2018 Director, IB 31-01-18 09612439530
English 5-9-93 01.01.2006 11.07.2011
(Proforma) PPM 2016
22. 1993 Amit Garg, IPS (RR) M.Phil., Hindi 1-11-67/ 01.07.97 12.02.2007 Rs. 205100 IPM – 2011 Addl.DGP, CID Mangalagiri 0863-
ID No. 19931063 English 5-9-93/ 01.01.2002 16.07.2011 01.07.2018 21-07-2018 2340052(O)
5-9-93 01.01.2006 11-02-2018 2340053 (F)
23. 1993 P.V. Sunil Kumar, IPS (RR) M.A. Telugu 8-6-66/ 01.07.97 09.02.2007 Rs. 205100 IPM – 2010 VC & MD, A.P. Hyderabad 040-
ID No. 19931071 English 9-1-94/ 01.01.2002 11.07.2011 09.02.2018 State Police -07-2018 23230237(O)
PPM- 2017
9-1-94 01.01.2006 09-02-2018 Housing 27905155(R)
Corporation 9440700890
24. 1994 Kumar Vishwajeet, IPS (RR) M.A., Angika 10-7-68/ 01.01.98 16.04.2008 Rs.182700 UNPM-2004 IGP, Mangalagiri 0863-
ID No. 19941036 Hindi 4-9-94/ 01.01.2003 30.06.2012 01.07.2018 IPM – 2010 Organization 15-09-2017 2340265(O)
English 4-9-94 01.01.2007 & Fax-2340266
Sanskrit Coordination 9440446111
25. 1994 Dr. A. Ravishankar, IPS (RR) M.B.B.S., Tamil 20-10-68/ 01.01.98 16.04.2008 Rs.188200 PPMG – 2003 IGP , Law & Mangalagiri 0863-2340265
ID No. 19941061 M.D.P.M English 4-9-94/ 01.01.2003 03.04.2012 01.07.2018 UNPM – 2004 Order 16-07-2018 AN (O)
Hindi 4-9-94 01.01.2007 (Proforma) UNPM – 2005 9652896262
Telugu ANM – 2004
Malayalam IPM – 2010
ASSP- 2003
26. 1994 N. Balasubramanyam ,IPS (RR) B.Tech., Telugu 22-10-66/ 01.01.98 16.04.2008 Rs.188200 IPM – 2011 Commissioner Vijayawada 0866-
ID No. 19941066 English 19-9-94/ 01.01.2003 04.04.2012 01.07.2018 of Transport 21-02-2015 2572400(O)
19-9-94 01.01.2007 & ceo, e- 2572426(F)
Pragathi (FAC) 9440065655
CEO, e-
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment
27. 1994 Kripanand Tripathi Ujela, IPS(RR) B.A., (Hons) Hindi 5-12-68/ 01.01.98 16.04.2008 Rs.188200 ASSP-2004 IGP, Home Mangalagiri 0863-
ID No. 19941079 English 4-9-94/ 01.01.2003 04.04.2012 01.07.2018 Guards. 16-3-2015 2340271(O)
4-9-94 01.01.2007 9440907152
28. 1994 Smt. Abhilasha Bisht, IPS (RR) M.A., M.Phil. Telugu 5-3-67/ 01.01.98 16.04.2008 -- --- Working in 040-29801128
ID No. 19941015 Hindi 4-9-94/ 01.01.2003 30.06.2012 Telangana (R)
English 4-9-94 01.01.2007 (Proforma)

29. 1995 Atul Singh, IPS (RR) M.A., Hindi 4-11-68/ 01.01.99 22.06.2009 Rs.182700 IPM – 2011 Addl.Secretar New Delhi 9440577660
ID No. 19951053 English 3-9-95/ 01.01.2004 01.07.2013 01.07.2018 y Central 15-03-2018
3-9-95 01.01.2008 Vigilance
30. 1995 Rajiv Kumar Meena, IPS (RR) M.Com., Hindi 27-5-68/ 24-4-2000 22.06.2009 Rs.182700 - IGP, APSP Bns Mangalagiri 0863-2340274(
ID No. 19951067 Master in English 4-9-96/ 01.01.2004 01.07.2013 01.07.2018 19-11-2014 O)
Public 4-9-96 01.01.2008 (Proforma) 08645237347
Administration (O)
from University -237346 (F)
of Birmingham, 0863-
U.K 2340275(F)

31. 1996 Dr. Shankha Brata Bagchi, M.B.B.S Bengali 28-10-71/ 01.01.2000 20.04.2010 Rs.177400 IPM – 2012 Director, ACB, Vijayawada 9451940901
IPS(RR) PGDPM English 7-9-97/ 01.01.2005 10.02.2014 01-07-2018 15-06-2017 (O)
ID No. 19961002 7-9-97 01.01.2009 (Proforma) 0866-2428777
32. 1996 Smt. Bhavana Saxena, IPS (RR) M.A., Hindi 13-3-72/ 26-9-2000 20.04.2010 --- IPM - 2012 Director, New Delhi 011-49015485
ID No. 19961062 English 5-9-96/ 01.01.2005 10.02.2014 Ministry of 14-06-2016 9958989052
5-9-96 01.01.2009 (Proforma) External
33. 1996 N. Sanjay, IPS (RR) AMIE (Mech. Telugu 19-3-67/ 01.01.2000 20.04.2010 Rs.177400 ASSP-2004 IGP, Training Mangalagiri 0863-
ID No. 19961080 Engg) Hindi 7-9-97/ 01.01.2005 10.02.2014 01.07.2018 04-07-2017 2340356(F)
B.L English 7-9-97 01.01.2009 2340355 (O)
34. 1997 N. Madhusudhana Reddy, IPS B.Tech., Telugu 1-5-69/ 01.01.2001 20.01.2011 Rs.167200 PMG – 2003 Dy.Director, Hyderabad 8332968976
(RR) English 01.01.2006 02-04-2015 01.07.2017 SVP NPA, 23-11-2017
7-9-97/ ASSP-2004
ID No. 19971021 01.01.2010
7-9-97 IPM - 2013
35. 1998 Mahesh Chandra Laddha, IPS(RR) B.Com., Hindi 5-8-72/ 01.01.2002 30.06.2012 Rs.167200 PMG – 2008 CP, VSP 08912562709(
ID No. 19981019 C.A., English 01.01.2007 (Proforma) 01.07.2018 Visakhapatna -07-2018 O)
7-9-98 IPM -2015
01.01.2011 18-01-2016 m Fax-0891-
7-9-98 2562763(F)

36. 1998 B. Sreenivasulu, IPS (SPS) M.Sc., Telugu 21-11-61/ 02.08.2002 30.06.2012 Rs.167200 APUSP:1994 IGP, SIB Vijayawada 0866-
ID No. 19982110 English 7-9-87/ 01.01.2007 18-01-2016 01.07.2018 06-06-2016 2492314(O)
PMG – 2003
2-8-2002 01.01.2 011 8333900300
IPM – 2008 9000666444
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment
PPM – 2015
37. 1998 E.Damodar, IPS (SPS) M.A., Telugu 25-6-59/ 02.08.2002 02.07.2012 Rs.167200 IPM – 2010 Controller, Vijayawada 0863-
ID No. 19982113 English 7-9-87/ 01.01.2007 4-5-2016 01.07.2018 Legal 15-12-2017 2340277(O)
2-8-2002 01.01.2011 Metrology 9440700844
38. 1998 T.Yoganand (SPS) M.Com., Telugu 30-8-58/ 02.08.2002 26.05.2013 Rs.167200 APPSP-1 Addl.CP, Vijayawada
ID No. 19982119 English 7-9-87/ 01.01.2007 18-01-2016 01.07.2018 Vijayawada -7-2018
PMG – 2003
2-8-2002 01.01.2011 City
IPM – 2008
39. 1998 K.Venkateswara Rao,IPS (SPS) M.Sc., L.L.B., Telugu 24-10-59/ 11.07.2005 22.05.2013 Rs.167200 IPM – 2014 Waiting for
ID No. 19982120 English 2-1-84/ 01.01.2007 18-01-2016 01.07.2018 posting
11-7-2005 01.01.2011 9440902660

40. 1999 Dr.M. Kantha Rao,IPS(SPS) M.A., History, Telugu 15-6-61/ 11.07.2005 04.07.2013 Rs.157600 IPM – 2005 IGP, RSASTF Tirupathi 0877-
ID No. 19992062 M.A.Tourism, Hindi 7-9-87/ 01.01.2008 15-03-2017 01.07.2018 of AP 22-1-2015 2284000(O)
PG Diploma English 11-7-2005 01.01.2012 APUSP – 2284002(F)
Cyber Laws, 2002 9908017392
Intellectual APPSP –
property rights
– 2001
USP – 2003
41. 2000 Manish Kumar Sinha,IPS (RR) B.Tech., Hindi 23-10-76/ 1.01.2004 10.02.2014 -- PMG – 2005 DIG, HOB, Bangalore 080-23534455
ID No. 20001007 Russian 01.01.2009 (Proforma) CBI, BS & FC, 31-10-2013 (O)
English 01.01.2013 22-01-2018 Bangalore 23534441(F)
(Proforma) 9986539393

42. 2000 K.V.V. Gopala Rao,IPS (SPS) B.Com.,L.L.B., Telugu 4-5-59/ 25.11.2005 10.02.2014 Rs.157600 IPM – 2010 IGP, South Guntur 0863-
ID No. 20002040 Hindi 7-9-87/ 01.01.2009 22-01-2018 0107.2018 Coastal Zone 22-01-2018 2230812(O)
English 25-11-2005 01.01.2013 2230912(O)
43. 2000 P.Hari Kumar,IPS (SPS) M.Sc., Telugu 4-4-60/ 25.11.2005 10.02.2014 Rs.157600 APPUSP1993 Director, ACB Vijayawada 0866-2428771
ID No. 20002043 Hindi 7-9-87/ 01.01.2009 22-01-2018 01.07.2018 22-01-2018 (O)
English 25-11-2005 01.01.2013 24-1-2018 2492312(R)
UN Medal 8333993120
IPM – 2006
44. 2001 Vineet Brijlal,IPS (RR) B.E.(EEC) Hindi 30-6-77 01.01.2005 09-09-2015 Rs.143300 IPM - 2017 DIG, Visakhapatnam 0891-
ID No. 20011001 English /2-9-2001 01.01.2010 01.07.2018 Greyhounds, . 2827000(O)
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment
01.01.2014 Visakhapatna 16-3-2017 2827039 (R )
m. 9908017394
45. 2002 Ch.Srikanth,IPS (RR) B.Tech(E.E) Telugu 5-5-72/ 01.01.2006 18-01-2016 Rs.139100 DIG, VSP, Visakhapatnam 0891-
ID No. 20021028 English 2-9-2002 01.01.2011 01.01.2018 Range 11-05-2016 2563938(O)
01.01.2015 2704135(F)
2754535 ®
46. 2002 A.S.Khan. IPS (SPS) M.Sc.,B.Ed., Hindi 1-11-60/ 04.12.2007 18-01-2016 Rs.143300 --- DIG, Visakhapatnam 0891-2797272
ID No. 20022238 English English 15-1-91/ 01.01.2011 01.01.2018 Coastal 03-07-2017 (O)
4-12-2007 01.01.2015 Security 2591318 (R )

47. 2002 J.Prabhakar Rao,IPS (SPS) MSc.,(Agr) Telugu 12-8-60/ 15.03.2010 18-01-2016 Rs.147600 IPM – 2012 DIG, Anatapuramu 08554-270333
ID No. 20022074 Hindi 28-12-90/ 01.01.2011 01.07.2018 Anantapuramu 12-5-2016 (O)
English 15-3-2010 01.01.2015 Range 240866 (Fax)
48. 2003 G.Srinivas, IPS (SPS) M.A.,DPA., Telugu 24-10-59/ 15.03.2010 15-03-2017 Rs.143300 PSP DIG, Kurnool Kurnool 08518-235442
ID No. 20032075 M.Phil., Hindi 28-12-90/ 01.01.2012 01.07.2018 Range 05-07-2017 (O)
PGDHR English 15-3-2010 01-01-2016 235777(O)
UN Medal 231028(F)
IPM-2014 8235777 ®

49. 2003 D.Nagendra Kumar,IPS (SPS) M.Tech(CSE) Telugu 5-9-62/ 15.03.2010 15-03-2017 Rs.143300 IPM-2014 Jt.CP, Visakhapatnam 0891-
ID No. 20032076 Hindi 28-12-90/ 01.01.2012 01.07.2018 Visakhapatna 03-07-2017 2735549(O)
English 15-3-2010 01-01-2016 m 2558850 ®
50. 2003 T.Ravi Kumar Murthy,IPS (SPS) M.A., LLB Telugu 11-1-59/ 19.12.2011 15-03-2017 Rs.143300 PSP – 2003 DIG, Eluru Eluru 08812-
ID No.20042190 English 28-12-90/ 01-01-2012 01.07.2018 21-07-2018 231350(O)
IPM – 2014
19-12-2011 01.01.2017 222890(F)
51. 2004 Dr.Navin Gulati,IPS (RR) MBBS Telugu 26-1-74/ 01.01.2008 22-01-2018 Rs.135100 Dy. Secretary New Delhi 9818015423
ID No. 20041021 MD(Radiology) Gubdu 6-9-2004/ 01.01.2013 01.07.2018 in Cabinet 22-02-2018 9440484005
English 6-9-2004 01-01-2017 Secretariat
52. 2004 Kanthi Rana Tata,IPS (RR) B.A.,L.L.B., Hindi 21-12-76/ 01.01.2008 22-01-2018 Rs.135100 Jt.CP(L&O-II), Vijayawada 0866-
ID No. 20041053 English 6-9-2004/ 01.01.2013 01.07.2018 Vijayawada 24-01-2018 257009(O)
6-9-2004 01.01.2017 City 9440627765

53. 2004 L.K.V.Ranga Rao, IPS (SPS) M.Sc Telugu 15-5-63/ 19.12.2011 -- Rs.123100 MNSP - 2006 DIG, CID Mangalagiri 9704561177
ID No.20052229 English 01-01-2013 01.07.2018 01.08.2018
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment
19-12-2011 24.01.2018
54. 2004 P.Venkatarami Reddy, IPS (SPS) B.V.Sc & AH Telugu 1-1-65/ 19.12.2011 -- Rs.123100 PSP – 2009 Principal. Anthapuramu 08554-
ID No.20062635 English 6-4-94/ 01-01-2013 01.07.2018 IPM – 2015 PTC, 16.03.2015 276749(O)
19-12-2011 01-01-2017 Anantapuramu 276322(F)
24.01.2018 . 276078 (R)
2005 S.Syamsunder , IPS (RR) M.A.(Econ)., Malayalam 22-2-78/ 01.01.2009 -- Rs.126800 AIG(Legal) Mangalagiri 9440700860
55. ID No. 20051001 Telugu 01-01-2014 01.07.2018 18-12-2017
Hindi 01-01-2018
English 22-8-2005
56. 2005 Dr.C.M.Thrivikram Varma, IPS MBBS Telugu 17-7-74/ 01.01.2009 -- Rs.126800 SP, Srikakulam Dist 08942-
(RR) Hindi 22-8-2005/ 01-01-2014 01.07.2018 Srikakulam 26 -06-2017 222508(O)
ID No. 20051054 English 22-8-2005 01-01-2018 222566(R)
2005 G.Pala Raju, IPS (SPS) B.Tech Telugu 18-1-66/ 19.12.2011 -- Rs.126800 SP, Vizianagaram 08922-276163
57. ID No.20052233 English 17-6-96/ 01-01-2014 01.07.2018 Vizianagaram Dist. (O)
19-12-2011 01-01-2018 03 -07-17 236218 (F)
2006 Dr.Kolli Raghuram Reddy, IPS MBBS Telugu 5-1-80/ 01.01.2010 -- -- PPMG-2017 Jt. Dy. New Delhi,
58. (RR) Hindi 29-8-2006/ 01-01-2015 Director,Intell 16.05.2018 9490607705
ID No. 20061088 English 29-8-2006 igence
2006 Ake Ravi Krishna, IPS (RR) M.Sc. (Tech) Telugu 30-8-75/ 01.01.2010 -- Rs.88700 Jt.Dy.Director New Delhi 011-26886131
59. ID No. 20061117 Hindi 29-8-2006/ 01-01-2015 01.07.2017 , Int. Bureau 24.04.2018 9491112077
English 29-8-2006

2006 Sarvashresta Tripathi, IPS (RR) M.Phil. Telugu 15-8-76/ 01.01.2010 -- Rs.91400 SP, Krishna Machilipatnam. 08672-
60. ID No. 20061134 Hindi 29-8-2006/ 01-01-2015 01.07.2018 22-06-2017 252800(O)
English 29-8-2006 254099(O)
2006 Ms.R.Jayalakshmi, IPS (RR) B.Sc. (Ag.) Telugu 8-8-79/ 01.01.2010 -- Rs.91400 SP, Vijayawada 7993314900
61. ID No. 20061257 English 29-8-2006/ 01-01-2015 01.07.2018 Intelligence 12-07-2017

2006 G.V.G.Ashok Kumar, IPS (SPS) B.Tech.(Civil) Telugu 25-8-69/ 19.12.2011 -- Rs.112400 KSP - 2007 SP, Anantapuramu 08554-
62. ID No.20062648 English 17-6-96/ 01-01-2015 01.07.2018 Anantapuramu Dist. 274802(O)
19-12-2011 11-08-17 240105 (O)
274802 ®
6 2006 G.Vijay Kumar, IPS (SPS) BA.BL Telugu 16-11-68/ 19.12.2011 -- Rs.105900 PSP – 2009 SP, Vijayawada 0866-
3. ID No.20062649 English 19-1-98/ 01-01-2015 01.07.2018 Intelligence 11-08-2017 2428413(O)
19-12-2011 (Admn) 2974058(F)

6 2006 S.Hari Krishna, IPS (SPS) MBA Telugu 28-8-69/ 19.12.2011 -- Rs.102800 KSP – 2005 SP, Vijayawada 0866-2974054
4. ID No.20062650 English 19-1-98/ 01-01-2015 01.07.2018 Intelligence 1-07-2016 (O)
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment
19-12-2011 2974151 (R )
6 2006 M.Ravi Praksash, IPS (SPS) MSc Telugu 1-6-73/ 19.12.2011 -- Rs.105900 KSP – 2004 SP, West Eluru 08812-
5. ID No. 20062651 English 19-1-98/ 01-01-2015 01.07.2018 Godavari 26-06-2017 232662(O)
MMSP – 2009
19-12-2011 230503 ®
IPM – 2018 9440796600

6 2006 S.V.Rajasekhara Babu,IPS (SPS) M.Tech Telugu 26-4-70/ 19.12.2011 -- Rs.102800 PMG – 2005 SP, Chittoor Chittoor Dist. 08572-
6. ID No.20062652 English 24-2-98/ 01-01-2015 01.07.2018 26-06-2017 235828(O)
KSP – 2004
19-12-2011 233303 (F)
236070 ®

6 2006 K.V.Mohan Rao, IPS (SPS) M.Sc., (Ag) Telugu 2-3-72/ 19.12.2011 -- Rs.94100 SRP, Vijayawada 08662575897
7. ID No.20062653 English 1-6-2001/ 01-01-2015 01.07.2018 KSP - 2007 Vijayawada 25-07-2017 (F)
19-12-2011 2473009 ®
2006 P.H.D.Ramakrishna, IPS (SPS) B.E., M.Tech., Telugu 15-6-71/ 19.12.2011 -- Rs.94100 MMSP – 2011 SP, Nellore Nellore Dist. 0861-2328800
68. ID No.20062654 MBA English 1-6-2001/ 01-01-2015 01.07.2018 KSP – 2010 26-6-2017 (O)
19-12-2011 2331700 (O)
2331933 ®
2331633 (R )
2007 Smt.B.Raja Kumari, IPS (RR) M.Sc., Telugu 20-11-74/ 01.01.2011 -- Rs.88700 DCP, Crimes, Vijayawada
69. ID No. 20071265 English 18-8-2007/ 01-01-2016 01.07.2018 Vijayawada -07-2018
18-8-2007 City
70. 2008 Dr.Gaja Rao Bhupal,IPS (RR) MBBS Telugu 10-12-80/ 01.01.2012 -- Rs.83600 DCP(L&O.I), Vijayawada 0866-2573008
ID No. 20081120 English 22-12-2008/ 01-01-2017 01.07.2018 Vijayawada 28-6-17 (O)
22-12-2008 City 9440700877

71 2008 Gopinath Jatti,IPS (RR) M.Sc.,(Ag) Telugu 6-5-78/ 01.01.2012 -- Rs.83600 SP, Kurnool Kurnool Dist. 08518-
ID No. 20081144 English 01-01-2017 01.07.2018 26-6-2017 225700(O)
220999 (O)
22-12-2008 244039(F)

7 2008 S.Senthil Kumar,IPS (RR) B.Sc., Hindi 22-6-80/ 01.01.2012 -- Rs.83600 SP, Vijayawada 0866-
2. ID No. 20081166 English 1-9-2008/ 01-01-2017 01.07.2018 Intelligence 12-07-2017 2499873(O)
1-9-2008 ISW 8333908073
7 2008 Grewal Navdeep Singh.K.S, IPS B.Tech., Hindi 3-2-82/ 01.01.2012 -- Rs.83600 Group Hyderabad 040-24409505
3. (RR) Marathi 1-9-2008/ 01-01-2017 01.07.2018 Commander, 18-07-2017 (O)
ID No. 20081344 Punjabi 1-9-2008 Greyhounds 8332982245

7 2008 Dr.Shemushi,IPS (RR) M.A.Ph.D English 21-4-80/ 14.03.2013 -- Rs.83600 SP, Rajahmundry 0883-
4. ID No. 20081129 1-9-2008 01-01-2017 01.07.2018 Rajahmundry -07-2018 2427187(O)
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment
Urban 2427162(F)
7 2009 Dr.Koya Praveen, IPS (RR) MBBS Hindi 24-5-79/ 01.01.2013 -- Rs.81200 Director of Kakinada 0884-2363825
5. ID No. 20091120 Telugu 22-12-2008/ 01.01.2018 01.07.2018 Ports 11-05-2017 (O)
English 31-8-2009 2367055 (F)
7 2009 Bhaskar Bhushan, IPS (RR) B.Tech Hindi 10-6-82/ 01.01.2013 -- Rs.81200 SP, Vijayawada 0866-
6. ID No. 20091157 (Honours) English 31-8-2009/ 01.07.2018 Intelligence 12-07-2017 2974072(O)
M.D.P.M Telugu 31-8-2009 01.01.2018 7993314455
P.G.Diploma in
Cyber Laws
P.G.Diploma in
patent Laws
7 2010 Vijaya Rao. Chamatapalli, IPS B.Sc., Telugu 18-6-82/ 01-01-2014 -- Rs.76200 SP, Guntur Guntur 0863-
7. (RR) MA English 30-8-2010 01.07.2018 (Urban) 01-07-2017 2233222(O)
ID No.20101102 2234222(O)
2260151 ®
7 2010 Rahul Dev Sharma, IPS (RR) ID B.Tech Telugu 19-9-85/20-12- 01-01-2014 -- Rs. 76200 SP, Visakhapatnam 0891-
8. No.20101197 English 2010 01.07.2018 Visakhapatna 9-5-16 2551104(O)
m (Rural) 2754431 ®
7 2010 Vishal Gunni, IPS (RR) BA Telugu 22-5-82/ 01-01-2014 -- Rs.76200 SP, East kakinada 0884-
9. ID No.20101439 English 20-12-2010 01.07.2018 Godavari 26 -06-17 2362000(O)
2371733 (F)
8 2011 B.Satya Yesubabu, IPS (RR) B.Tech Telugu 16-6-85/ 01-01-2015 -- Rs.74000 SP, Prakasam Ongole 08592-286100
0. ID No.20111105 English 19-12-2011 01.07.2018 26-6-2017 (O)
286100 (R )
2011 Abhishek Mohanty, IPS (RR) B.E Telugu 1-7-85/ 01-01-2015 -- Rs.74000 SP, Tirupathi Tirupathi 0877-2289000
81. ID No.20111139 English 29-8-2011 01.07.2018 (Urban) 03-07-2017 (O)
2289001 (F)
8 2011 Venkata Appala Naidu, Chintam, B.E Telugu 7-5-82/ 01-01-2015 -- Rs.74000 SP, Guntur Guntur 0863-2234000
2. IPS (RR) ID No.20111177 English 29-8-2011 01.07.2018 (Rural) 28-06-2017 (O)
2234828 (O)
2246000 ®
83. 2011 Anburajan KKN, IPS (RR) M.E Tamil 02-01-1983 01-01-2016 -- Rs.71800 OSD, Chintoor East Godavari 9490604442
ID No.20111260 Telugu 24-02-2012 01.07.2017 Yetapaka 09-2017
84. 2011 Babujee Attada, IPS (RR) B.Tech Telugu 20-2-82/ 01-01-2015 -- Rs.74000 SP, Kadapa Kadapa Dist 08562-242198
ID No.20111274 English 19-12-2011 01.07.2018 28-6-2017 (O)
244305 ®
244303 (R )
244967 (F)
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment
85. 2011 Fakkeerappa Kaginelli, IPS (RR) B.VSC Telugu 1-4-80// 01-01-2015 -- Rs.74000 DCP(L&O-I), Visakhapatnam 0891-2565194
ID No.20111721 English 29-8-2011 01.07.2018 Visakhapatna 03-7-2017 (O)
m 9440904348

86. 2012 Siddharth Kaushal, IPS (RR) …. Telugu 21-9-86/ 01-01-2016 -- Rs.74000 OSD, Visakhapatnam 0891-
ID No.20121697 English 24-12-2012 01.07.2018 Narsipatnam 26-07-2017 2727619(O)
8 2012 Vikrant Patil, IPS (RR) B.E (MDPM), Telugu 12-12-1987 01-01-2016 --- Rs.74000 --- OSD, Parvathipuram, 9440901949
7. ID No.20121222 English 24-12-2012 01.07.2018 Parvathipura Vizianagaram
Hindi m 19-11-2017
8 2013 Adnan Nayeem Asmi, IPS (RR) M.A (Political Urdu 06-08-1986 01.01.2017 -- Rs.71800 --- OSD, Kadapa Kadapa 9440796517
8. ID No.20131189 Science) Hindi 2-9-2013 01.07.2018 03-01-2018
8 2013 Aishwarya Rastogi, IPS (RR) B.Tech English 21-9-1980 01.01.2017 -- Rs.71800 …. Addl. Sp Visakhapatnam
9. ID No.20131222 2-9-2013 01.07.2018 (Admn), -08-2018 9440796070
m Rural
9 2014 Smt. M.Deepika, IPS (RR) B.E, MSC English 27-11-1990 --- --- Rs.69700 --- ASP, Parvathipuram, 08963-
0. ID No.20141135 01-09-2014 01.07.2018 Parvathipura Vizianagaram 221002
01.01.2018 m 18-12/2017 9121104705
9 2014 B.Krishna Rao, IPS (RR) PGDM English 05-05-1988 --- --- Rs.69700 --- ASP, Tulluru Thullur, Guntur 08645-
1. ID No.20141455 20-12-2014 01.01.2016(PRC) District 243265(O)
01.01.2018 21-07-2018 9440901949
2014 Amit Bardar, IPS (RR) MBA English 22-08-1979 --- -- Rs.69700 -- ASP, Paderu Paderu, 9810072920
92. ID No.20141917 20-12-2014 01.07.2018 Vasakhapatnam
01.01.2018 District
…. J.Brahma Reddy, IPS (SPS) M.A., Telugu 28-11-1958 -- -- Rs.138500 …. DCP(Admn), Vijayawada 0866-2488223
93. ID.No.99992283 English 28-12-90 01.07.2018 Vijayawada 03-08-2017 (O)
19-03-2015 9490619340

9 …. J.Muralidhar, IPS (SPS) Telugu 29-03-1963 -- …. Working in - -

4. ID.No.99992284 English 06-10-1994 Telangana

…. L.S.Chowhan, IPS (SPS) Telugu 05-07-1973 -- Working in - -

95. ID.No.99992286 English 19-01-1998 Telangana
9 …. R.N.Ammi Reddy, IPS (SPS) B.Sc., (Agl) Telugu 01-08-1968 -- Rs.91100 SP, CID Mangalagiri 7382296138
6. ID.No.99992287 English 01-06-2001 01.07.2018 27-04-2015

…. K. Narayan Naik, IPS (SPS) B.Tech Telugu 01-06-1974 -- Rs.91100 Katina Seva SP, PTO Mangalagiri 9440700327
97. ID.NO.99992288 English 22-06-2001 01.07.2018 Pathakam 08-07-2017
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment
Hindi 23-03-2015 Uagadi- 2015

…. Smt.J.Parimala Hana Nutan, IPS PGCPM Telugu 01-01-1971 -- Working in - -

98. (SPS) IAM (Indoor) English 01-06-2001 Telangana
ID.NO.99992289 M.Sc., B.Ed Hindi 19-03-2015
…. B.Anantha Sharma, IPS (SPS) M.Sc., Telugu 27-05-1959 -- Working in - -
99. ID.NO.99992290 English 16-01-1991 Telangana

100. …. S.Ranga Reddy, IPS (SPS) B.Sc., Telugu 01-05-1963 -- Rs. 109100 AIG (Admn) Mangalagiri 9440700939
ID.NO.99992291 English 17-06-1996 01.07.2018 30-06-2016

2015 K.Arif Hafeez, IPS (RR) B.Tech English 04-10-1989 -- -- Rs.57800 -- ASP, VSP 9844130305
101. ID No.20151135 Kannada 28-12-2015 01-07-2018 Narsipatnam 22-12-2017

2015 Dr.Garud Sumit Sunil,IPS.,(RR) MBBS - 15-06-1988 - -- Rs.57,800 -- Under 11-12-2017

102. ID No.20151169 28-12-2015 01-07-2018 Practical
Training at
103. 2015 Ajitha Vejendla, IPS (RR) B.Tech Telugu 20-09-1983 -- -- Rs.57800 -- ASP, South Rajahmumdr, 08832430199
ID No.20151775 MS Hindi 28-12-2015 Rjy(U) E.Godavari 9490760791

104. 2015 Gowthami Sali, IPS (RR) B.Tech Telugu 10-06-88 -- -- Rs.57800 -- ASP, Bobbili 9121100244
ID No.20151783 English 28-12-2015 1-7-2018 9962236462
105. 2015 Rahul Dev Singh, IPS (RR) M.Tech Telugu -- -- -- ASP, East Godavari 9494271805
ID No.20151760 English 07-09-2015 Rampachodav 19-07-2018 08864-
Hindi aram 243547(O)
106. 2016 Vasana Vidhya Sagar Naidu, IPS B.Tech 25-3-1992 -- -- -- -- Under training - -
ID.NO.20161101 19-12-2016
107. 2016 Vakul Jindal, IPS., B.Tech 17-9-1991 -- -- Rs.57800 -- Under training -- -
ID.NO.20161174 19-12-2016 1-7-2017
108. 2016 Y.Rishanth Reddy, IPS., B.Tech. 08-08-1986 -- -- Rs.57800 -- Under training -- -
ID.NO.20161180 Chemical 19-12-2016 1-7-2017
109. 2016 Sathish Kumar,IPS., B.Tech. Bio- 19-09-1987 -- -- Rs.57800 -- Under training -- -
ID.NO.20161607 Technology 19-12-2016 1-7-2017
110. 2017 Bindu Madhav Garikapati MCA -- 22-12-1984 -- -- -- -- Under -- --
ID.NO.20171172 18-12-2017 Training

111. 2017 Nitika Pant MA, -- 03-11-1989 -- -- -- -- Under -- --

ID.NO.20171217 18-12-2017 Training

112. 2017 Tuhin Sinha LLB -- 04-04-1994 -- -- -- -- Under -- --

ID.NO.20171219 18-12-2017 Training
Sl. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualifications Languages DOB/Entry into Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held Station Date of Phone Nos.
No. allotment of recruitment / ID No known Govt Service / Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other now Joining Office / Resi.
SARVASRI Appt. to IPS Scale/ JAG / /DGP Date of next Awards
SG Increment

113. 2017 Jagadeesh P BE, -- 30-07-1991 -- -- -- -- Under -- --

ID.NO.20171443 04-09-2017 Training

114. 2017 G. Krishnakanth MSC -- 22-01-1987 -- -- -- -- Under -- --

ID.NO.20171620 18-12-2017 Training
115. - M.Ravidranath Babu (SPS) M.Sc. English 01.06.1964 -- -- -- -- Waiting -- 9493003838
M.Phil. Telugu 01.06.2001
27.07.2018 AN


Sl.No. Year of Name of the officer and source Qualification Languages DOB/Entry Date of Promotion to Pay + Grade Police Post held now Station Date Phone Nos. Office
allotment of recruitment / ID No s known into Govt Senior DIG/IG/Addl.DG/DGP Pay / Spl.Pay/ Medals/other of Joining / Resi.
SARVASRI Service / Scale/ JAG / Date of next Awards
Appt. to IPS SG Increment
1 1994 N.Sridhar Rao, IPS (SK:RR) B.Tech (MPM) Telugu 16-1-1967 28-6-98 - Rs.188200 - IGP, Personnel Mangalagiri 0863-2340262 (O)
English 01.07.2018 04-09-2017 2340263 (F)

2 1998 K.Satyanarayana, IPS (UP:RR) M.A B.ED. Telugu 16-7-1973 - - Rs.162300 - DG,AP State Vijayawada 0866-2570101 (O)
English 01.07.2018 Disasters Response 21-11-2016 23451333-FAX
and Fire Services 8333987838

3 2008 Udaya Bhaskar Billa, IPS B.Tech Telugu 10-06-1976 24-01-2017 - Rs.83600 - SP, CID, Mangalagiri 9419977676
(J&K:2008) English 10-09-2008 1-7-2018 Mangalagiri 07-12-2017

Retirements from 02-07-2018 to 31-12-2018

Sl Name of the Officer Date of birth Date of retirement

No S/Sri:
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. M.Subba Rao, IPS (SPS) 22-07-1958 31-07-2018

2. T.Yoganand, IPS (SPS:1998) 30-08-1958 31-08-2018

3. S.V.Ramana Murthy, IPS (RR:1982) 17-09-1958 30-09-2018

4. J.Brahma Reddy, IPS (SPS) 28-11-1958 30-11-2018


PAY SCALES OF IPS OFFICERS (w.e.f. 01.01.2016 )

(VII Central Pay Commission Scales)
1 Junior Time Scale Level 10 in the Pay Matrix Rs.56,100 – 1,17,750
2 Senior Time Scale Level 11 in the Pay Matrix Rs.67,700 – 2,08,700
3 Junior Administrative Grade Level 12 in the Pay Matrix Rs.78,800 – 2,09,200
4 Selection Grade Level 13 in the Pay Matrix Rs.1,18,500 – 2,14,100
5 Super Time Scale

(i) DIGP Level 13A in the Pay Matrix Rs.1,31,100 – 2,16,600

(ii) IGP Level 14 in the Pay Matrix Rs.1,44,200 – 2,18,200
6 Above Super Time Scale

(i) Addl.DGP Level 15 in the Pay Matrix Rs.1,82,200 – 2,24,100

(ii) DGP(HAG+) Level 16 in the Pay Matrix Rs.2,05,400 – 2,24,400

7 DGP (Head of Police Force) Level 17 in the pay Matrix Rs.2,25,000 (Apex Scale)

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