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Name:_________________________________ Course & Section:____________________ Score:________
Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions. Read and encircle the letter that represents your best answer. ERASURE, of any form, means
1. What part of speech indicates location?
A. Conjunction B. Preposition C. Noun D. Pronoun
2. How many prepositions are in the sentence below? Before I learned to work hard in all I do, I did not find much success around me.
A. 1 B. 2 C.3 D.4
3. In the sentence below, "about" is being used as an ...? I'm about to ace this exam!

A. Conjunction B. Preposition C. Verb D. Adverb

4. How many pronouns are used in the sentence below? I don't want to give away the ending of Dark Knight Rises for anyone who
hasn't seen it.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
5. The underlined word is an example of what part of speech? Mike is quite proud of being chosen as Romeo for the school's play.
A. Adjective B. Adverb C. Conjunction D. Interjection
6. The underlined word is an example of what type of part of speech? "This was the culture from which I sprang. This is the terror from
which I fled." - Richard Wright
A. Preposition B. Noun C. Verb D. Adverb
7. The underlined word is an example of what type of part of speech? "This was the culture from which I sprang. This is the terror from
which I fled." - Richard Wright

A. Preposition B. Pronoun C. Interjection D. Noun

8.The underlined word is an example of what type of part of speech? "This was the culture from which I sprang. This is the terror from
which I fled." - Richard Wright

A. Noun B. Pronoun C. Adjective D. Preposition

9. He has been living ____ since he left Turkey.

A. Foreigner. B. Out. C. Abroad. D. Patriot

10. The process of combining the beginning of one word and the end of another word to form a new word.
A. Borrowing B. Blending C.Clipping D. Derivative
11. The process of reducing a word such as a noun to a shorter version and using it as a new word such as a verb.
A. Clipping B. Blending C. Compounding D. Backformation

12. multi-syllabic word is reduced to shorter form (gasoline-->gas, influenza-->flu, condominium-->condotelephone-->phone); names of

people {Ed, Tom, Sam, Sue, Mike}; education: gym, lab, math, prof

A.compounding. B. clipping. C. infix. D. blending

13. Combination of 2 separate FORMS to produce a single new term; typically uses the beginning of one word and the end of the other

(smoke/fog = smog, breakfast/lunch = brunch, modulator/demodulator = modem)

A. blending. B. clipping C. borrowing. D. compounding

14. New words can enter the language in several ways, which shows how language is continually ___.

A. compounding. B. coinage C.blending. D. evolving and changing

16 type of reduction; word of one type (usually noun) reduced to a word of another type (usually verb){donation --> donate, television --

> televise, babysitter --> babysit, worker --> work, burglar --> burgle}
A. backformation. B derivation. C. conversion D.borrowing

17. New words in which you say the actual word (NASA, LASER, SCUBA)

A. coinage. B. eponyms. C. analogy. D. acronyms

18.Tthe formation of a new word made to sound like an existing word { cat = cats :), bird = birds :), sheep =sheep’s:( }

A.analogy. B. acronyms C.etymology. D. infix

19. New words based on a person or place (hoover, sandwich, Fahrenheit, watt)

A.Acronyms. B. coinage. C. prefix. D. eponyms

20. Common source of new words; taking words from other languages {Croissant (French), piano (Italian), tycoon (Japanese), sofa

(Arabic), other languages also borrow from English [le stress (French), klub (Hungarian)}

A. borrowing. B. blending C. clipping. D. compounding

21. .joining of 2 separate WORDS to produce a single form; common in English and German, but not as much in French and Spanish

(toothpaste, bedroom [noun], sweetheart, blackboard, friendly-looking [adj]), hitman [verb+noun], middle class, post office)

A. compounding. B. blending. C. borrowing D.clipping

22. most common word formation process; use of affixes tacked onto words which create new words

A. prefix. B. conversion C.derivation D.coinage

23. Least common process of word formation; usual sources are new products and concepts (kleenex, nylon, granola, xerox, Google)
A. infix. B. analogy. C. coinage D. acronyms
24. . My neighbors …………… if we’d invited them
A. would come. B. Will have come C. Would have come D. Would have came
25. …………………., I would study hard.
A.. were I student. B. was I student C.Am I student D. Had I student
26. If he …... he would have gone abroad.
A. has a rich man B. has been a rich man C. was a rich man. D. had been a rich man
27. I’d have bought a car if I ………… much money
A. Had. B. had been C. had had. D. have had
28. ……... You’d have passed the exam.
A.. You had studied hard. B.You have studied hard. C. Had you studied hard D. If had you studied hard.
29. If it rains tonight, I will not attend the meeting
A.. I would not attended B. I would not attend. C. I will not attend. D. I will not attended
30. I would buy a big car house if I got much money. It means that :
A.. I didn’t buy a big car B.. I bought a big car C. I will by a big car later. D.I will not buy a big car
31. If only I had much money, I could buy some clothes. It means that :
A. I had much money. B.. I don’t buy clothes C.I will not have much money D. I will buy clothes
32. Risman said, “I cleaned my motorcycle yesterday”. Risman said that he ……his motorcycle yesterday.
A.. had been cleaned B. has cleaned C. . has been cleaned. D. had cleaned
33. Randy said, “My cat was eating in the kitchen”. Randy said that his cat ………….. in the kitchen.
A. Has been eating B.. has been eat C. . had been eating D. had eating
34. “What is your father job?” He asked me …………………………………
A. What is my father job. B. . What was my father job. C.What my father job was. D. What my father was job.
35. “Can I help you?” My mother in-law asked my brother in-law whether ………………..
A. he could help her B. she could help him C. I could help him. D. he could help him
36. “Don’t smoke in the class!” The Dean said …………………………….
A. Don’t smoke in the class B. Not smoke in the class C.. Didn’t smoke in the class. D. Not to smoke in the class
37. Mr. Rumianto said, “Darman will conduct a research next week”. Mr. Rumianto said that Darman ………… a research the following
A. would conduct B. would have conduct C. will conduct. D. will be conduct
Test II. Directions: Read and analyze each sentence. Write the sentence type before each number.
Simple Sentence: a sentence that has only one clause.
Compound Sentence: a sentence with two or more clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction.
Complex Sentence: two or more clauses joined with a subordinating conjunction.
Compound-Complex: three or more clauses joined by coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

________________ 38. When I get home from school, I'm going to take a nap.

________________ 39. I got in trouble so I can't go to the party, but it would have been fun.

________________ 40. Being alone can be scary unless you keep yourself busy.

________________ 41. Mr. Morton, the best reading teacher in the world, taught me sentence structure.

________________ 42. . Keith, Carrie, and Kyle bought donuts and ate them down by the river.

________________ 43. . I left early so that I could get some work done, but I'll be back soon.

________________ 44. Crossing the street is dangerous if you don't look both ways before you cross.

________________ 45. If you don't want to study, you should stay home, but you may regret it.

Test III. Differentiate Direct vs Indirect speech using a Venn Diagram.

Prepared by:
Leinel M. Malazzab
Subject Teacher

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