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No. 7 Ward Tribunal 1985

Section Title
1. Short title and commencement.
2. Interpretation.
3. Establishment of Ward Tribunals.
4. Composition of the Tribunal.
5. Qualification of members.
6. Tenure of office.
7. Role of appropriate authority in relation to Tribunals.

8. General jurisdiction.
9. Particular matters of jurisdiction.
10. Pecuniary jurisdiction.
11 Reference of matters to the Tribunal.
12. Summons and date of hearing.
13. Appearance of pat-ties.
14. Proceedings to be in public.
15. Proceedings before the Tribunal.
16. Tribunal to pursue principles of natural justice.
17. Measures imposable by the Tribunal.
18. Enforcement of measures of the Tribunal.
19. Order of imprisonment and its endorsement.
20. Appeals from decisions of the Tribunal.
21. Review and revisionary jurisdiction of Primary Court.
22. Hearing of appeals and exercise of revisional jurisdiction.
23. Decision on appeal or revision.
24. Records of the Tribunal.
25. Inspection of Tribunals.
26. Public Education of officers.
27. Remuneration of members.
28. Offences
29. Directions by Minister.
30. Revocations.


Particular Matters of Jurisdiction


4 No. 7 Ward Tribunal 1985

Acts. 1982 "ward committee" means a ward committee established under the Local
Nos. 7 and 8 Government (District Authorities) Act, 1982, or the Local Govern-
ment (Urban Authorities) Act, 1982, for the ward in which the
Tribunal is established:
"village'' means any registered village or Ujamaa Village registered or
Act, 1982
Nos. 7 and 8 designated under the Local Government (District Authorities)
Act, 1982, or tho Local Government (Urban Authorities) Act, 1982;
Acts, 1982 "village council'' means a village council established under the Local
Nos. 7 and 8 Government (District Authorities) Act, 1982, or the Local Govern
rnent (Urban Authorities) Act, 1982.
Establi- 3. There is hereby established a tribunal for every ward in Mainland
shment Tanzania to be known as the Ward Tribunal for the Ward for which it is
of established.
Compo- 4.-(1) Every Tribunal shall consist of-
sition (a) not less than four nor more than eight members elected by
of the the Ward Committee from amongst, list of names of persons resi-
denting the Ward compiled in prescribed manner.
(b) an appropriate authority ) shall appoint the Chairman of the
Tribunal from among the members elected under paragraph
(a) above.
(2) There shall be a secretary of the Tribunal who shall be appointed
by the local government authority in which the ward in question situated,
upon recommendation by the Ward Committee.
(3) No person shall be appointed Secretary or a Tribunal unless he is a.,

resident of the ward for which the Tribunal is established.

(4) The quorum at a sitting of the Tribunal shall The one half of the
total number of members.
(5) At any sitting of the Tribunal a decision of the majority of members
present shall be deemed to be the decision of the Tribunal, and in the
event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting vote in
addition to his original vote.
5,,-(1) , No person shall be entitled to be nominated as a member of the
Qualifications Tribunal if he is-
of members (a) a Member of the National Assembly;
(b) a member of village council or a Ward Committee;
(c) a civil servant;
(d) a legally qualified person or any person who is employed in the
(c) a person wider the apparent age of eighteen years;
(f) a mentally unfit person;
(g) a person who has previously been convicted of a criminal offence
involving moral turpitude
(h) a person who is not a citizen of the United Republic of Tanzania.

No. 7 Ward Tribunal 1985 5

(2) No person shall be recommended as a Secretary of the Tribunal

unless be is, in the opinion of the Ward Committee a sufficiently literate
and educated and capable of satisfactorily discharging the duties of
(3) A Secretary of the Tribunal shall attend all sittings of the Tribunal
and record all its proceedings but shalt not participate in decision making.
6.-(l) Every member of the Tribunal shall hold office for a term of Tenure of
three years from the date of his election -and shall be eligible for re-election office
(2) If a vacancy occurs in the membership of the Tribunal by death, members
resignation or effluxion of the or any other reasonable cause the
appropriate authority shall appoint an appropriate person to fill the
vacancy until the date of the next election of members.
(3) A person appointed to be a Secretary of the Tribunal shall hold
that office for a term of live years from the date of his appointment, and
shall be eligible for reappointment.
(4) Any member or Secretary may, at any time, resign by giving
notice of his intention to resign to the secretary of the Ward Committee
and the resignation shall take effect from the date specified in the in
the notice or, if no date is so specified from the date when the
Secretary of the Ward Committee receives the notice.

7. The appropriate authority in respect of the Tribunal shall be Role of

responsible for the general policy regarding the operation of the appropriate
Tribunal arid shall ensure, facilitate and promote the smooth andauthority
effectual performance by the Tribunal of its functions
in relation
to Tribunal

8.-(1) The primary function of each Tribunal shall tic to secure peace General
and harmony in the area for which it is established by mediating and Jurisdiction
endeavouring to obtain just and amicable settlement of disputes.
(2) In all matters before it relating to a dispute, a Tribunal shall attempt
to reach a settlement by mediation before exercising its compulsive
jurisdiction as provided under this Act, and may adjourn any
proceedings relating to a dispute in which it is exercising that
jurisdiction if it thinks that by doing so a just and amicable settlement
of the dispute may be reached
(3) Without prejudice to the generally of sub-sections (1) and (2) Tribunal shall
have and exercise jurisdiction in relation to all matters and disputes arising under
all laws and directives passed by the appropriate authority, and laws and orders
for the time being in force in relation to or affecting the business and affairs of
the Ward made or passed by a local government authority or any other competent
legislative authority within the area of the Tribunal

6 No. 7 Ward Tribunal 1985

9.-(1) Without prejudice to the generality of the jurisdiction conferred

on the Tribunal by section 8 the Tribunal shall have jurisdiction to
enquire and determine disputes relating to the offences and civil
disputes specified in the schedule to this Act.
(2) Tile Minister may, from time to time, by order published in the
Gazette, vary or replace any of the provisions of the Schedule to this
10.-(1) Notwithstanding measures imposable by the Tribunal unless
section 17, the Tribunal shall, in the exercise of its jurisdiction be limited
to the following awards and penalties-
(a) in criminal matters, a fine not exceeding two thousand shillings;
(b) in default or payment or fine which does not exceed one thousand
shillings the convicted person shall be committed to work on an
on going communal protect for not more than ten days;
(c) in case or default or payment of a fine exceeding one thousand
shillings the matter shall be referred to the Primary Court for
committal to prison or any other appropriate action under the law;
(d) in civil matters awards not exceeding there thousand shillings.
(2) Subject to section 19 the power to commit persons to imprisonment
under this Act shall vest in the Primary Court.
Reference 11.-(1) Proceedings may be instituted by the making of a complaint
of matters
to the Secretary of the Tribunal, the Secretary of an appropriate autho-
to the rity, the Chairman, of a Village Council or a ten-cell leader.
Tribunal (2) Any person who reasonably believes that any person has committed
an of Secretary of the Tribunal a complain about the matter to any of the persons
specified in sub-section (1)
(3) A complaint may be made orally or in writing, but if made orally
shall be reduced in writing by the person to whom it is made and, in either
case, shall be signed by the complainant and the person to whom it is
(4) When a complaint is made to that person shall, if he is
not the Secretary of the Tribunal cause it to be submitted to the Secretary
of the Tribunal who shall enter it in the records of the Tribunal and
arrange for it to be heard and determined by the Tribunal in accordance
with the procedure of the Tribunal for the hearing and determination of
disputes submitted to it.
Summons 12. Subject to the procedure made in that behalf by the appropriate
and date authority, the Secretary shall issue summons to the parties involved in a
of hearing complaint requiring them to attend before the Tribunal on the date
specified the summons for the complaint to investigated and
13. (1) On the date specified in the summons the parties shall, subject
to sub-section (3) appear in person before the Tribunal, give their evidence
and answer all questions put to them by any member of the Tribunal.

8 No. 7 Ward Tribunal 1985

(h) the parties perform any customary act or acts which signify
18.-(1) The appropriate authority shall devise an appropriate system for
facilitating and securing the proper and full performance of the measures
of measures
imposed and orders made by the Tribunal at the conclusion of proceedings in
of Tribunal
relation to any matter referred to it.
(2) A person who fails, without reasonable cause (the burden of proof
of which is on him), to obey any order of the Tribunal under this Act
for which no other penalty is prescribed shall be guilty of an offence and
shall be liable, on conviction to a fine not exceeding two thousand shillings
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two months or to both that
fine and imprisonment.
Order of 19.-(1) An order of a Tribunal for imprisonment under this Act shall
imprisonment be in the prescribe form, and pending endorsement of the order under
and its sub-section (2) the convicted person shall be held in such custody, or shall
endorsement be released on such terms, as maybe ordered by the Tribunal.
(2) Subject to sub-section (3), an order or imprisonment under this Act
shall have no force or effect unless endorsed by the Primary Court
Magistrate for the area in which the Tribunal is established.
(3) The Tribunal after making an order for imprisonment shall imme-
diately cause it to be presented to the Primary Court Magistrate for
(4) The Primary Court Magistrate to whom the order is presented
for endorsement, shall endorse the order without delay, unless he has
reason to believe that the Tribunal acted without jurisdiction or in excess
of its powers.
(5) If the Primary Court Magistrate is convinced that the Tribunal has
acted without jurisdiction or in excess of its powers, he shall exercise the
power of revision provided under section 2 1.
(6) The endorsed order under this section shall have the same effect
as any sentence of imprisonment imposed by Primary Court under any
other written law.
(7) Where the order remitted to the Primary Court under subsection
Acts, 1984 (3) is beyond the pecuniary jurisdiction of the Primary Court the Magi-
No. 2 strate shall immediately refer the same to the higher court of
appropriate jurisdiction in accordance with the , pro visions of the-
Magistrate Courts Act, 1984.

Appeals 20.-1) Subject to sub-section (2), a person aggrieved by a decision of
from the the Tribunal may appeal in writing to the Primary Court.
decision (2) Except with the leave of the Primary Court, no appeal shall be
of the entertained under the following circumstances-
(a) in criminal cases in which the fine imposed does not exceed five
hundred shillings;
(b) in civil matters where the award does not exceed eight hundred

No. 7 Ward Tribunal 1985 9

(3) Except on points of law where the final appeal ties to the District
Court, a decision of the Primary Court on any appeal made to it shall be
final and conclusive.
21.--(1) A primary court may call for and examine the record of any Review and
proceedings of the Tribunal, for the purpose of satisfying itself as to jurisdiction
whether in such proceedings the Tribunal's decision has-
(a) not contravened any Act of Parliament, any by-laws or subsidiary of the Primary
legislation; Court
(b) not conflicted with the rules of natural justice; and whether the
Tribunal has been properly constituted or has exceeded its
and may revise any such proceedings.
(2) In the exercise of its revisional jurisdiction, a Primary Court
has power to substitute a conviction and sentence for an acquittal, to quash
the proceedings and to order a rehearing.
(3) I n the case of civil matters, the revisional jurisdiction of a Primary
Court shall be restricted to increasing any sum awarded or altering the
rights of any party to his detriment.
(4) No proceedings under this section shall be revised after the
expiration of twelve months from the termination of such proceedings
in the Tribunal.
22.-(1) In the hearing of an appeal against any decision of the Tribunal Hearing of
the Primary Court Magistrate shall sit with not less than two assessors. appeals
(2) The Primary Court in dealing with appeals against any decision and
of the Tribunal shall- exercise
(a) consider the records relevant to the decision- and
9 of revisional
(b) receive such evidence, if any, and make such inquiries as it may jurisdiction
deem necessary.
(3) A party to any proceeding appealed against or under revision, may
(a) personally; or
(b) by representative (other than a lawyer).
23.-(1) A Primary Court hearing an appeal against or making a review
of a decision of the Tribunal may- Decision
(a) confirm the decision - or on appeal or
(b) quash the decision; or revision
(c) order the matter to be dealt with again by the Tribunal, and may,
if it deems appropriate, give an order or direction as to how any
defect in the earlier decision may be rectified.
(2) The Primary Court Magistrate hearing an appeal or making a
revision shall--
(a) record the decision of the court on the appeal or revision and
the reasons thereof; and
(b) forward it to the District Court.
(3) The District Court may apply its revisional jurisdiction under the
Magistrate's Courts Act, 1984, in respect of any appeal or revision recorded
bY the Primai~v Court Magistrate under sub-section (2).

10 No. 7 Ward Tribunal 1985

Records of 24.-(1) The Tribunal shall cause to be kept and maintained proper
the records of its proceedings in appropriate form.
(2) The Secretary of the Tribunal shall be responsible for recording all
the evidence adduced and other matters formally transpiring during the
proceedings before the Tribunal and all other matters in connection with it.
(3) The records of the Tribunal shall be deemed to be records of the
Ward Committee and shall, for that purpose, be public records.
Inspection 25--(1) The Minister shall, after consultation with the Minister for
of the time being responsible for regional administration, by notice published
Tribunals in the Gazette, make provisions for a system of inspection of the Tribunals
and instruction of local government authorities and Ward Committees
for the purposes of ensuring the furtherance of the purposes and objects
of this Act..
(2) The Minister may, in the notice under sub-section (1) appoint such
persons or authorities as he may think fit for the purposes of this section.
Public 26. The Minister shall, in co-operation with any other Minister,
education Ministry, Department or other public authority formulate suitable
of officers, programmes, schemes and seminars for the information and education
etc. of the public and the officers and members of the Tribunals on the methods
of performing the functions of the Tribunals, for the purposes of ensuring
their efficient and just operation.
Remuneration 27.--(1) The, members of the Tribunal shall be paid such sitting or other
of members allowance as the appropriate authority may, in collaboration with the
Ward Committees, determine.
(2) The Secretary of the Tribunal shall be paid such salary and
allowances as the appropriate authority, in collaboration with the Ward
Committee, may determine.
Offences 28. Any person who-
(a) Willfully or without reasonable cause fails or refuses to attend
before the Tribunal in response to a summons served on him;
(b) having attended, refuses or fails to answer any question put to him
by any member;
(c) does any act or thing which obstructs the proper functioning
of the Tribunal or impedes any officer of the Tribunal or other
person authorized by the Tribunal in the performance of its
is guilty of the offence the contempt of the Tribunal and shall be liable on
conviction to a fine not exceeding eight hundred shillings or to be required
to perform some specific community work or to both the fine and the
requirement to perform the community work.
Directions 29.-(l) The Minister may, from time to time, give directions to the
by the appropriate authorities in connection with operations of the Tribunals
Minister including prescribing. matters required to be prescribed by or under this
Act, and all authorities and persons concerned shall carry out or comply
with all those directions and prescriptions.
(2) The Minister shall cause to be published all directions and
prescriptions under this section in such manner as be deems appropriate
including publication in the Gazettete.

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