Prepare 6 - TEST-UNITS - 12 - Without - Answers - B

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1. Match the questions with the answers. Then complete the


1. __ Who __________ you

a. I get on well with my
__________ on well with in your
younger brother.

b. You should take him to the

2. __ __________ you __________ a
new science museum. It’s
film when I phoned?

3. __ __________ your sister c. Yes, we were watching a

__________ school this year? comedy.

4. __ Where __________ we d. No, she can’t. She’s

__________ my German friend working but dad can collect
when he comes? us.

5. __ __________ you ever

e. No, she’s leaving next year.
__________ a first aid course?

6. __ __________ your mum

f. Yes, I did a course at school
__________ us after football
last year.

2. Complete the questions with the missing words.

1. A: Who ____________________ last night?

B: My cousin called me.

2. A: Who ____________________ at the party last weekend?

B: I saw Chris and Alfie.
3. A: What ____________________?
B: A fox killed it.

4. A: Who ____________________ prepare for the exam?

B: My sister helped me.

5. A: Who ____________________ in the shower?

B: My cousin heard me. And he recorded me on his phone!

6. A: Who ____________________ about the news?

B: Mark told me about it.

3. Complete the sentences with the present simple, present

continuous or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

My cousin 1________________ (want) to be a famous opera singer since

he was a baby. He’s actually really good and we all 2________________
(believe) that he’ll get there one day, but right now he
________________ (recognise) that it’ll be difficult. At the moment he
________________ (study) in a music school in New York. Next week, he
is/’s taking (take) part in a concert at the Metropolitan Opera House,
which holds (hold) 3,800 people. A singer’s life isn’t easy. My cousin
often 5________________ (have) to practise for weeks before an event.
He says he 6________________ (not have) a real break for two years.

4. Complete the sentences with the present simple, present

continuous or present perfect form of these verbs.

enjoy | go | not go out | not play | not think | require | seem | wait
1. My favourite band _________________________ on tour all the time.

2. My friends and I _________________________ going to concerts since

we started secondary school.

3. My grandma used to play the piano every day but she

_________________________ it for ages.

4. We _________________________ tomorrow night because we have to


5. I _________________________ I’ll ever be good at singing.

6. My friends _________________________ in the queue for tickets, if you

want to join them.


5. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs. Use one word
from List A and one from List B.

List A break | get | get | go | note | put | stay | try

List B behind | down | for | in | off | on | out | up

1. I’d love to __________________ a new activity like digital photography

or video production.

2. If I was invited to spend a year in another country, I’d

__________________ it.

3. We usually __________________ for the summer holidays in the third

week of June.

4. We had to __________________ after class yesterday to talk about our

future plans.
5. I’d love to do music technology at university but it’s really hard to

6. Don’t __________________ doing your homework – you may not have

time to do it at the weekend.

6. Complete the sentences with the noun form of the verbs below.

act | apply | concentrate | discuss | educate | invent | permit |


1. My grandparents didn’t get a very good __________________. They left

school when they were 14.

2. If you want to go on the school trip, you’ll need __________________

from your parents.

3. The company needs to take __________________ to prevent this

happening again.

4. My sister’s busy right now. She’s completing her __________________

for university.

5. In our English class, we often have a __________________ about

interesting things.

6. What do you think is one of the world’s most useful


7. Read the definitions and complete the words.

1. the lists produced each week of the records with the highest
the c__________
2. a thing or person that is extremely popular or successful
m__________ h__________

3. to leave a band to follow a music career by yourself

g__________ s__________

4. to act, dance, or play music to entertain people

g__________ a p__________

5. a place where a band or orchestra plays their music to people

c__________ v__________

6. a natural ability to play an instrument or sing

m__________ t__________

8. Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of these


buy | go | hear | look | play | practise | talk | watch

1. I’ll always remember ______________ to my first concert. I saw a jazz

singer with my uncle.

2. Don’t forget ______________ tickets for the concert. There aren’t

many left.

3. Please stop ______________! I can’t hear the music.

4. I tried ______________ the violin when I was younger but I soon gave
it up.
5. We’ll never forget ______________ our music teacher sing for the first
time. Her voice was incredible.

6. She’s tried ______________ on the internet, but she can’t find any of
his early music.

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