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FIRST QUIZ REVIEWER Pathological Anatomy — the study of the

structural changes in body cells, tissues, and

Subject: organs caused by disease.
Human Anatomy And Physiology
Molecular Biology — the study of the
Subject Code: structure of molecules (chemical
ANA1N2 substances) necessary for body structure.
Schedule: Radiographic Anatomy — the study of
MW 08:00-09:30 (SB107) anatomy using X-ray images.
Clinical Instructor: • Anatomical Terminology — the
Ma’am Nelfa Dumaloan-Canini specialized language that healthcare
professionals use to accurately
communicate about medical conditions,
Anatomy — the study of the form, or treatments, and the human body, using a
structure, of body parts and of how these structured system of words and word parts.
parts relate to one another.
Levels of Structural Complexity
Physiology — the study of how the parts of
1. Chemical Level — Atoms combine to
the bodywork and carry out their life-
form molecules
sustaining activities.
2. Cellular Level — Cells are made up of
Topics of Anatomy molecules.
3. Tissue Level — Tissues consist of
Gross Anatomy — the study of large body similar types of cells
structures such as the heart, lungs, and 4. Organ Level — Organs are made up of
kidneys, which can be seen easily and different types of tissues.
examined without any type of magnifying 5. Organ System Level — Organ Systems
instrument. consist of different organs that work
Microscopic Anatomy — the study of together closely.
very small structures that can only be seen 6. Organismal Level — Organisms are
with a microscope. made up of many organ systems.

Cellular Anatomy (Cytology) — the The Eleven Systems of the Human Body
study of the cells of the body.
Histology — the study of tissues. Components: Skin and associated
structures, such as hair, fingernails and
Developmental Anatomy — the study of toenails, sweat glands, and oil glands.
the structural changes in an individual from Functions: Protects the body, regulates
conception through old age. temperature, removes waste, senses touch
Embryology — the study of the and temperature, produces vitamin D,
developmental changes that occur before stores fat, and insulates.
Components: Bones, joints, and IMMUNITY
cartilages of the body. Components: Lymphatic fluid and
Functions: supports, protects, and helps vessels, along with organs like the spleen,
movement; makes blood cells; and stores thymus, lymph nodes, and tonsils, work
minerals and fats. together with immune cells (like B cells
and T cells) to protect the body.
Functions: Returns proteins and fluids to
Components: Skeletal muscles that are
blood, transports fats from the gut to blood,
attached to bones; other muscle types are
and hosts B and T cells for protecting
smooth and cardiac.
against germs.
Functions: moves the body, maintain
posture, and generates heat. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM
Components: Lungs, and air
passageways such as the pharynx (throat),
Components: includes the brain, spinal
larynx (voice box), trachea (windpipe),
cord, nerves, eyes, and ears.
and bronchial tubes connected to the
Functions: Sends signals to control body
functions, detects changes, and causes
Functions: The process transfers oxygen
muscle contractions or glandular responses.
from the air to the blood and removes
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM carbon dioxide from the blood into the
Components: Glands (pineal, exhaled air. This also helps control the
hypothalamus, pituitary, thymus, body's acid-base balance. Additionally, air
thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, passing over the vocal cords when leaving
pancreas, ovaries, and testes) and cells the lungs creates sounds.
in other organs produce hormones that
control body functions.
Functions: Manages bodily functions by
sending out hormones through the blood to
target organs.

Components: Blood, heart, and blood
Functions: The heart pushes blood
through vessels, transporting oxygen, and
nutrients, and removing waste from cells. It
also maintains balance in fluids,
temperature, and fights illness while fixing
damaged vessels.

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