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Do a brief summary about the movie the core.

The Core is a science fiction disaster movie. The magnetic field of Earth is weakened when the
planet's core stops rotating. This poses a fatal radiation hazard to all life on Earth. A group of
scientists is put together to journey to the core aboard a specially constructed ship. Their goal is
to blow up a nuclear bomb in order to restart the core and rescue humanity.

What can you say about the movie?

The Core is probably one of the most scientifically ridiculous films of the past fifty years. It
makes Godzilla look plausible and at one point I think they even poked the fourth wall on how
silly the film’s science is.

It was a very interesting movie, although it was pretty unrealistic it was very nice to watch. I am
a very sciency person so I can't say less but If you are into earthquakes and Global warming and
that type of stuff you should really watch this movie. It was also pretty horrifying and realistic, I
am talking about the death scenes, Some of the deaths were also sad but this is a super
underrated disaster film that you should also watch. The casting ( the actors they chose ) were
also good choices and fit the film very well. Cinematography, pace and plot also gets 10/10. So
overall this movie is a 9.6/10 it is my opinion so please don't judge me. I like science so yeah
you should watch this movie it is very good.

What do you think is the connection of this movie to the lessons that we already discussed?

"The Core" touches on several of the topics we covered, despite taking a fanciful approach to the
Earth's core. Although the movie's portrayal of the core differs greatly from what scientists think
to be true at the planet's heart, the idea of the core itself fits under Earth Materials and Processes.
It also discusses adaptation and mitigation of natural hazards. The movie does draw attention to
the very real risk of a weakening magnetic field that permits dangerous solar radiation to reach
Earth, even though the core stopping its rotation is fictitious. The movie's nuclear weapon
solution, nevertheless, is utterly implausible. The development of early warning systems and
infrastructure protection would probably be the main goals of true mitigation methods.The
necessity of a healthy atmosphere for all living things is connected to the film's main theme of
preserving the earth for future life. Therefore, even though "The Core" lacks scientific accuracy,
it can serve as a starting point for conversations about the workings of the Earth, potential
dangers, and the value of preserving our world.
(Choose 2 topic to connect with the movie) As a student, if you are in the movie how would
you able to contribute or help to the problem?

Although I may not be able to pilot the craft, my understanding of Earth's workings could come
in rather handy. My preferred weapon would be seismic data analysis. Through interpretation of
the Earth's core vibrations and tremors, I was able to predict possible geological calamities such
as tectonic changes or magma outbursts. This would serve as our road map across this
unexplored area, assisting the crew in navigating the dangerous and constantly shifting terrain. I
would essentially be the crew's very own earthquake whisperer, turning the Earth's groans into a
survival manual rather than just a passenger on this crazy journey.

In a present time, what do you think are the things we need to do to protect our Earth?
(Give 5 answer)

1.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: This classic trio remains a powerful strategy. Reducing our
consumption minimizes waste, reusing items extends their lifespan, and recycling transforms old
materials into new products, all lessening our environmental footprint.

2. Educate Yourself and Others: Knowledge is power. The more we understand the
environmental challenges we face, the more empowered we become to take action. Stay
informed about environmental issues and spread awareness. Talk to friends and family, advocate
for change, and support educational initiatives.

3. Conserve Our Food Resources: Food production has a significant environmental impact.
Reduce food waste by planning meals, buying only what you need, and composting scraps.
Consider supporting local farmers markets or farms that utilize sustainable practices.

4. Advocate for Environmental Policy: Environmental protection requires supportive policies.

Contact your local representatives and voice your concerns about environmental issues. Support
legislation that promotes clean energy, sustainable practices, and regulations that safeguard our
natural resources.

5.Protect Our Oceans: Our oceans play a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate and are a rich
source of biodiversity. We can help protect them by reducing our consumption of single-use
plastics, properly disposing of waste, and supporting organizations working to combat ocean
pollution and overfishing.

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