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Identifying and Resolving The

Lyme Paradox

Darin Ingels, ND, BCIP

Ingels Family Health

22 Fairfield Place 5150 El Camino Real, Ste. B14

Fairfield, CT 06824 Los Altos, CA 94022

14795 Jeffrey Road, Ste. 101

Irvine, CA 92618
[email protected]
Lyme Disease: What Is It?
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection of Borrellia burgdorferi
and other species, a bacteria transmitted through the bite of a
tick (Ixodes species). However, new evidence suggests other
biting insects may transmit LD as well.

In the early 1970’s, mysterious cases of rheumatoid arthritis

developed in several children in Lyme, CT. Many of the
children recalled having a rash and/or being bit by a tick.

In 1981, Dr. Willy Burgdorfer who had been studying Rocky

Mountain Spotted Fever discovered the spirochete that
caused the illness in these children.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Lyme Disease: What Is It?
There at at least 5 subspecies of Borrellia burgdorferi and at least
100 other strains of Borrellia in the United States. There are more
than 300 strains worldwide.

More than 95% of reported cases in the United States come from
Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin.

There are at least 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease reported

each year in the United States with now millions of people living
with Lyme disease annually.
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Lyme Disease: What Is It?
Ixodes scapularis and pacficius (Blacklegged ticks)

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Lyme Disease: What Is It?
Lyme disease is the #1 spreading vector-borne epidemic worldwide.

Borrellia species can infect any tissue or organ system. Therefore,

multiple symptoms are observed with patients with LD.

Borrellia species may also change forms and have a relatively slow
replication cycle. Most bacteria replicate every 20 minutes to 8 hours.
Borrellia replicate every 7 days or longer.

Borrellia species are the ultimate shape-shifters. They can exist as a

spirochete (corkscrew form), cyst form, cell-wall deficient form and
uncoiled filamentous form.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Acute
Lyme Disease?
• Headaches and neck stiffness
• Fever
• Arthritis with swollen joints and/or spine pain
• Muscle pain
• Erythema migrans (“bullseye” rash)
• Fatigue
• Chills
• Swollen lymph nodes
• Heart palpitation
• Shortness of breath
• Memory loss
• Facial palsy (Bell’s palsy)

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What Are The Symptoms Of Acute
Lyme Disease?
Erythema migrans rash

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What Are The Symptoms Of Acute
Lyme Disease?
Acute symptoms can occur anywhere from 3-30 days following a
tick bite.

CDC states up to 70% of people infected with Lyme disease get

the erythema migrans (EM) rash, but others suggest less than
40% of infected people get the stereotypical EM rash. The EM
rash is pathognomonic for LD, which means there is no other
organism that causes this type of rash. Most people with LD have
no recollection of ever being bitten by a tick!

Lyme disease symptoms are often vague and resemble numerous

other infectious disease and autoimmune conditions.
Misdiagnosis is common.
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What Are The Symptoms Of Chronic
Lyme Disease?
• Fatigue
• Abdominal pain and bowel changes
• Memory loss or cognitive impairment
• Numbness or tingling of extremities
• Sensory distortion of skin (burning sensations), especially in hands
or feet
• “wandering” symptoms
• Light or sound sensitivity
• Dizziness or vertigo
• Sleep disturbances
• Rheumatism
• Cardiac problems: MVP, heart block, heart palpitations, chest pain
• Balance or coordination problems. Become “clumsy”
• Newly acquired “dyslexia”
• Endocrine disruption: hypothyroidism, irregular menses, etc.

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Lyme Disease: The Great Imitator
• Autism
• Multiple Sclerosis
• ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease)
• Chronic fatigue syndrome
• Fibromyalgia
• Infectious mononucleosis
• Polymyalgia rheumatica
• Reiter’s syndrome
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Lupus
• Parkinson’s disease
• Alzheimer’s disease
• many, many more…
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Coinfections with Lyme Disease
Ticks and can spread numerous other infections, which cause
similar symptoms of LD.
1. Babesia
2. Bartonella
3. Anaplasma
4. Ehrlichia
5. Mycoplasma
6. Rickettsia
7. Powassan virus
8. Colorado Tick Fever
9. Heartland virus
10. Tularemia
11. Many others…

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Why The Rise in Lyme Disease?
Worldwide, we are seeing an increase the in the number of cases
of LD as well as other vector-borne illnesses.

We have already seen epidemics of Dengue virus in South

America, Ebola virus in Western Africa and Chikungunya virus in
Central and South America (now spreading to North America).

Ticks, fleas, mosquitos, flies and even snails can transmit these

The World Health Organization (WHO) anticipates that climate

change will result in an increased incidence of vector-borne

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Why The Rise in Lyme Disease?
According to the WHO…
Climate change and vectorborne diseases
Many vulnerability assessments anticipate climate change will result in
increased incidence of communicable diseases including vectorborne diseases
(VBDs). VBDs are transmitted by the bites of infected mosquitoes and other
insects (vectors). Their incidence is particularly dependent on climatic factors
• Insects have no internal control over their physiological temperatures and
the ambient temperature determines their reproduction rate, biting behavior
and survival: their distribution may expand as the earth warms.
• Humidity and availability of water for breeding are also determinants of
vectors' distribution, longevity and behavior.
• The incubation period of pathogens inside vectors is temperature-dependent
(and tends to decrease at warmer temperatures).
• Human behavior is likely to be affected by climate change which will alter
our interaction with vectors and the diseases they carry.
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Why The Rise in Lyme Disease?

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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

The CDC criteria for LD was designed for surveillance purposes

and do not necessarily reflect active infection with Borrellia

The diagnosis of LD is a CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS!

There are over 100 strains of Borrellia in the United States and
more than 300 strains worldwide. Current testing only tests for
Borrellia burgdorferi. We now know that half of West Coast
cases of Lyme disease are caused by Borrellia miyomotoi.

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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease
CDC Criteria

1. Positive ELISA blood test. This is the screening test most

doctors use through reference labs.
2. If the ELISA test is positive, they will then run a Lyme
Western Blot, which is a more detailed antibody test looking
at specific antibodies (called “bands”) associated with the
organism. They will look at IgG and IgM antibodies.
3. If 5 out of 10 IgG bands are positive or 2 out of 3 IgM bands
are positive, the test is considered “positive”.

These criteria have not changed in more than 30 years of research

on LD.

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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease
CDC Criteria:
IgM: 23 kd (OspC), 39 kd (BmpA), 41 kd (Fla)
* must have 2 of 3 bands

IgG: 18 kd, 21 kd (OspC), 28 kd, 30 kd, 39 kd

(BmpA), 41kd (Fla), 45 kd, 58 kd, 66 kd, 93 kd
* must have 5 of 10 bands

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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease
Alternative Criteria:
IgM: 23-25 (OspC), 31, 34, 39 (BmpA), 41 or 93
kd bands.
*Equivocal: one band positive
*Positive: 2 or more bands positive
IgG: 23-25 (OspC), 31, 34, 39 (BmpA), 41or 93
kd bands.
*Equivocal: 1 or 2 bands positive
*Positive: 3 or more bands positive

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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease
CDC Criteria: The Pitfalls

1. Many patients with LD are seronegative, which means they

do not produce antibodies to the Borrellia organism.
2. For a band to be considered positive, the patient antibody
must be at least 60% of the control, which mean people who
do make a lot of antibody will be considered negative.
3. Most conventional reference labs do not test for the breadth
of antibodies associated with LD, so will miss patients who
have Lyme-specific antibodies. If you don’t look, you won’t
find it.
4. It can take up to 6 weeks to produce antibodies once someone
has been bitten by a tick, so no reliable testing for acute cases.
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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease
The International Lyme and Associated Disease Society
(ILADS) have established a different set of criteria for
diagnosing LD and coinfections.

ILADS doctors often diagnose patients based on their

clinical symptoms in conjunction with lab tests that shows
that someone has had exposure to a particular organism(s).

Other inflammatory and autoimmune illnesses must be ruled

out as well, since LD mimics many other conditions.
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Diagnosis of Lyme Disease

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Diagnosis of Lyme Disease
Other Labs To Run

1. Coinfections: Bartonella, Babesia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Mycoplasma,

Rickettsia, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Strep
2. TFT’s: TSH, free T3, free T4, thyroid antibodies
3. Adrenal function: AM cortisol, DHEA-S, aldosterone (if suspect POTS)
4. CBC with diff.
5. Iron panel: ferritin, serum iron, TIBC
6. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
7. Immune markers: IgG/IgA/IgM, IgG subclasses, T and B cell quant., C4a,
8. Inflammatory markers: CRP, ESR, cytokines
9. Nutritional status: vitamin D (25-OH), RBC Minerals, Amino acids

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Treatment of Lyme Disease
CDC Recommendations: Based on IDSA Guidelines

1. Known deer tick bite: treat prophylactically with single dose of 200
mg of doxycycline for adults or children > 8 years old.
2. If someone is symptomatic, has erythema migrans or has a positive
blood test for LD, treat with 14-21 days of doxycycline 100 mg 2
times a day for adults and children older than 8 years old and 500
mg 3 times per day of amoxicillin for children under 8 years old or
pregnant women.
3. Cefuroxime (Ceftin™) 500 mg 2 times a day may be used for those
allergic to amoxicillin.
4. Lyme meningitis: add IV ceftriaxone (Rocephin™) or IV
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Antimicrobial Therapy: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good

• Many patients experience clinical benefit from these

treatments are are symptomatically improved.
• Patients who have suffered for many years with LD or have
been disabled start to function again.
• Even if a patient had been exposed to a tick many years prior,
often these treatment regimens help.

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Treatment of Lyme Disease
Antimicrobial Therapy: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Bad

• Many patients also experience die-off reactions called Herxheimer

reactions (aka “herxing”). These are flu-like symptoms that occur as
the organism is being killed and can last days to weeks in some
• Combinations of antimicrobials can have undesired side effects,
including nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain,
• Long-term antimicrobial use can cause liver or other organ damage,
so blood count, liver and kidney function need to be monitored

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Treatment of Lyme Disease
Antimicrobial Therapy: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Ugly

• Combination antimicrobials can wipe out your normal bacterial flora

in the gut, causing Clostridia difficile or yeast infections, which then
need to be treated with other stronger antimicrobials or antifungals.
• Some antimicrobials suppress your own immune system, making it
more difficult for you to fight your own infections.
• We don’t fully understand the consequences of long-term antibiotic
use in LD and how it disrupts the normal gut microbiome.

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Treatment of Lyme Disease
Diet for Lyme Disease

There are many diets out there that promote various

health benefits. I find most people with Lyme disease do
well when they consume an alkaline diet.

pH is tightly regulated by the body. Blood pH is

between 7.2-7.4. With exception to the stomach, bladder
and vagina, most of our tissues are alkaline. Our cells
and receptors function best at an alkaline pH.
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Diet for Lyme Disease
Foods that be consumed often: • Radishes
Vegetables (eat all you want): • Rutabaga
• Artichokes • Seaweeds (Nori, Dulse, etc.)
• Asparagus • Scallions
• Beets and beet greens • Spinach
• Broccoli • Sprouted grains
• Brussels sprouts • Sprouts
• Cabbage • Tomatoes (raw only)
• Carrots • Turnips
• Cauliflower • Zucchini
• Celery
• Chard Vegetables (eat no more than 1 serving a day):
• Collard greens • Sweet potato
• Cucumbers • Squash
• Endives • Yams
• Garlic
• Green beans Fruits:
• Jerusalem artichokes (Sunchokes) • Avocado
• Lettuces • Grapefruit
• Mustard greens • Lemon
• Okra • Lime
• Onions • Pomegranates
• Parsley • Watermelon
• Parsnips
• Peas
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Diet for Lyme Disease
Nuts/Seeds: • Spelt
• Almonds • White beans
• Brazil nuts
• Coconut Oils:
• Flax seeds • Avocado oil
• Pumpkin seeds • Coconut oil
• Sesame seeds • Flax oil
• Sunflower seeds • Olive oil
• Safflower oil
Grains/Legumes: •
• Amaranth
• Buckwheat Beverages:
• Chia • Alkaline water
• Kamut • Herbal teas
• Lentils • Green drinks
• Lima beans • Water
• Millet
• Mung beans
• Navy beans
• Pinto beans
• Red beans
• Quinoa Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND
Diet for Lyme Disease
Foods that may be eaten in less than • Rye
• Hemp
20% of your weekly dietary intake: • Soy (organic only)
(neutral pH or slightly acid-forming)
Fruits: Meat, Fish and Eggs:
• Apples • Beef
• Apricots • Chicken
• Berries • Eggs
• Cantaloupe • Farmed-raised fish
• Cherries • Pork
• Grapes • Shellfish
• Honeydew melon • Turkey
• Mango
• Nectarines Fish (wild only):
• Oranges • Mackerel
• Peaches • Perch
• Papaya • Pike
• Pineapple • Roughy
• Plums • Salmon
• Sardines
Nuts/Seeds: • Sole
• Pecans • Tilapia
• Hazel nuts
Grains/Legumes: • Sunflower oil
• Brown rice • Grapeseed oil
• White rice
• Oats Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND
Diet for Lyme Disease
Foods to avoid while on the program: • Preservatives (Sulfites,Nitrites, etc.)
• Sugar
Dairy Products: • Yeast
• Cheese
• Ice cream Condiments:
• Milk • Honey
• Sour cream • Jam
• Yogurt • Jelly
• Mustard
Fruits: • Soy sauce
• Dried fruits • Vinegar

Nuts/Seeds: Oils:
• Macadamia nuts • Corn oil
• Peanuts • Cottonseed oil
• Pistachios • Soybean oil
• Vegetable oil
Refined, Processed and Simple carbohydrate Foods: • All hydrogenated oils and trans fats
• All additives
• Artificial dyes, flavorings and sweeteners Beverages:
• Candy, cookies, doughnuts, crackers • Alcohol
• Canned foods (they tend to contain lots of preservatives and • Black tea
chemicals) • Coffee
• Chocolate/Cocoa • Fruit juice
• Corn and all corn products (corn syrup, corn starch, etc.)
• Chips
• Margarine
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Treatment of Lyme Disease
Cowden Protocol: developed by Dr. Lee Cowden
1. Amantilla
2. Banderol
3. Burbur
4. Cumanda
5. Enula
6. Houttuynia
7. Magnesium
8. Mora
9. Parsley
10. Pinella
11. Samento
12. Sealantro
13. Serrapeptase
14. Sparga
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Modified Cowden Protocol
Samento (Cat’s claw)

• Rich in pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids (POA’s),

which help stimulate the immune system to fight
• Is a potent anti-inflammatory
• Useful for treating coinfections
• Little to no side effects
• Free of TOA’s, which may inhibit action of POA’s
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Treatment of Lyme Disease
Modified Cowden Protocol

• Derived from Otaba tree in South America

• Broad spectrum activity against Lyme and
• Is a potent anti-inflammatory
• Works well in conjunction with Samento. Dr. Eva
Sapi at University of New Haven showed that
Samento and Banderol were able to eliminate all 3
forms of Borrellia.
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Treatment of Lyme Disease
Modified Cowden Protocol

• Derived from bark of Campsiandra angustifolia tree

in South America.
• May be the most broad spectrum herb against Lyme
and coinfections. Used locally to treat malaria.
• Is a potent anti-inflammatory. Used to treat arthritis
and fever.
• Can produce significant Herxheimer reactions.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Modified Cowden Protocol

• Derived from leaves of Desmodium molliculum, an

Amazonian plant.
• Used primarily for detoxification purposes, especially
the liver, kidneys and lymphatics.
• Can protect against toxic effects of other medications.
• Beneficial to minimize or stop Herx reactions.
• Can use every 10 minutes if Herx reactions become
intolerable for patients.
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Treatment of Lyme Disease
Modified Cowden Protocol

Acute Lyme Disease:

• start with Samento, Banderol and Cumanda
• Give 15-30 drops 2 times per day in 1 oz water of
each for 30 days.
• May add Burbur if Herxheimer reaction is strong.
• If patient starts Herx reaction, keep dose the same.
Only increase dose if there is no improvement or

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Modified Cowden Protocol

Persistent Lyme Disease:

• start with Samento, Banderol, Cumanda and Burbur
• Give 2-4 drops 2 times per day in 1 oz water of each.
• Increase by 1 drop 2 times per day every 3-4 days if
there is no reaction or improvement up to 30 drops
twice a day.
• If patient starts Herx reaction, keep dose the same.
• Give 10 drops of Burbur every 10 minutes for severe
Herx reaction.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Cowden Protocol

Combinations of these products are used to help kill the

microbes, support detoxification and clear heavy metals.

It is a 5 month protocol with the combination of herbs changing

each month.

Since these are liquid extracts and drop doses are administered, it
is possible to use in children. Dose can be altered based on body
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease

Cowden Protocol

Advantages: easy to administer (relatively), clinically

beneficial, reasonably cost-effective.

Disadvantages: Herx reactions common, long-term

treatment, requires multiple bottles and dosing schedule
(labor intensive).

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease

Zhang Protocol: developed by Dr. Qincao Zhang, LAc

1. Artemisiae
2. Houttuynia (HH Caps)
3. Circulation P
4. Coptis
5. Cordyceps
6. Pueraria
7. R-5081
8. AI#3
9. Allicin
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease

Zhang Protocol

Dr. Zhang’s protocol helps eradicate the infections,

improve circulation, reduce inflammation and improve
detoxification. It is one of the most comprehensive
herbal protocols to address each aspect of LD.

I use this protocol for 3-6 months, depending on

patient’s response.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Zhang Protocol: Allicin Caps
• Allicin is one of the active ingredients in Allium sativum
(garlic). Allicin Caps contain allitridi, which gets
converted to allicin.
• Well-established anti-microbial, but also helps improve
circulation and is mild anti-inflammatory.
• Time released caps, so allicin gets absorbed over a longer
period of time.
• Patients will definitely excrete it through their skin, so
may be socially problematic for some.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Zhang Protocol: Artemisiae Caps
• Extract of wormwood (Artemisiae annua), containing
artemisinin. Also contains astragalus (Astragalus
membranaceus) and codonopsis (Codonopsis pilosula).
• Effective against Babesia mostly, but also against
Borrellia as well.
• Helps suppress autoimmune reactions and has anti-
inflammatory effects.
• This formula helps modulate the immune system and has
adaptogenic properties.
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Treatment of Lyme Disease
Zhang Protocol: Coptis Caps

• Extract of coptis (Coptis chinensis).

• Has broad anti-microbial activity and has been used
to treat bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections.
• In-vitro studies find it as effective as some antibiotics
in eradicating bacterial infections.

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Treatment of Lyme Disease
Zhang Protocol: Cordyceps

• Medicinal mushroom (Cordyceps sinensis) that has

been used in TCM for more than 2000 years.
• Is a potent immune boosting herb.
• Helps improve circulation.
• Is useful for persistent fatigue.
• Has blood sugar lowering effects, so be careful with
diabetics with LD.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Zhang Protocol: R-5081

• 7 traditional Chinese herbs, including Smilax and

• Smilax and Scutellaria have long history of treating
spirochetes like Leptospira and Treponema.
• Other herbs in the formula help promote
detoxification, reduce inflammation and enhance
tissue repair.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Zhang Protocol: Circulation P

• Combination of 2 TCM herbal formulas with 10

• Promotes enhanced circulation by preventing platelet
• Boosts immune function and improves clearing
cellular debris of bacteria and viruses.

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Treatment of Lyme Disease
Zhang Protocol: AI#3

• Combination of Macunae caulis, Sargentodoxae

caulis and Paederiae caulis.
• Have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
• Can have immune suppressive effects, so limit use to
3-4 months.
• May alter menstrual cycle in some women, so dis
continue 3 months prior to conception.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Zhang Protocol: Puerarin Caps

• Derived from he root of Pueraria species.

• Used to treat high fever, muscles spasms, headaches, stiff
joints and diarrhea.
• Help improve blood flow to the heart and brain, so is
particularly good for those suffering from brain fog or poor
• Potent anti-inflammatory.

Lee, K.-H., Morris-Natschke, S., Qian, K., Dong, Y., Yang, X., Zhou, T., … Akiyama, T. (2012). Recent Progress of
Research on Herbal Products Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine: the Herbs belonging to The Divine Husbandman’s
Herbal Foundation Canon (神農本草經 Shén Nóng Běn Cǎo Jīng). Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine,
2(1), 6–26.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Zhang Protocol
Acute Lyme Disease
• HH Caps, Coptis, Cordyceps: give 1 cap 3 times a
day. May use Allicin if patient tolerates.
• Add AI#3 if joint/muscle pain: give 1 cap 3 times per
day or 2 x 1 x 2 for 5 days loading dose.
• Add Puerarin Caps if has fever, myalgia or
Raynaud’s. Give 1 cap 3 times per day.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Zhang Protocol
Persistent Lyme Disease
• HH Caps, Artemisiae, Circulation P, Cordyceps, R-
5081: give 1 cap 2-3 times a day.
• Add AI#3 if joint/muscle pain: give 1 cap 2-3 times
per day or 2 x 1 x 2 for 5 days loading dose.
• Add Puerarin Caps if has fever, myalgia or
Raynaud’s. Give 1 cap 2-3 times per day.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease

Zhang Protocol: developed by Dr. Qincao Zhang, LAc

Advantages: clinically beneficial, Herx reactions not

common, few side effects.

Disadvantages: difficult to administer if cannot

swallow capsules, long-term treatment, expensive.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Byron White Protocol: developed by Byron White

1. AL-Complex
2. A-Bab
3. A-Bart
4. A-C
5. A-FNG
6. A-Myco
8. Other specific formulas
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Byron White Protocol

Botanical formulas that are specific to the organism

being treated (i.e. AL-Complex for Lyme, A-Bab for
Babesia, etc.).

These are liquid extracts that use drop dosing, using

even fewer drops than Cowden protocol. Extracts are
highly concentrated.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Byron White Protocol

Advantages: clinically beneficial, easy to administer.

Disadvantages: Herx reactions common, long-term

treatment, expensive.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Other Botanical Therapies

Buhner Protocol: protocol consists of Japanese

knotwood (Polygonum cuspidatum), Cat’s Claw
(Uncaria tomentosa), Andrographis (Andrographis
paniculata), Wireweed (Sida acuta) and Yellow Dye
Root (Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta).

Other herbs that help support the immune system, have

anti-microbial effects, anti-inflammatory and help
improve circulation or reduce pain.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Managing Herxheimer Reactions

• AI#3: take 1 cap 3-4 times per day before meals.

• Burbur: take 10 drops every 15-30 minutes in 1 ounce of
• Curcumin (Curcuma longa): use companies that have well-
studied forms that are well absorbed. Take 2-3 capsules 3
times per day before meals.
• Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) 400 mg: this is an herb from
India that has a long history of use as an anti-inflammatory.
Take 1-2 caps 3 times per day before meals.
• White willow bark (Salix alba) 400 mg: this herb contains
salicin, a component similar to that found in aspirin. Take 1-2
caps 3 times per day before meals.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Managing Herxheimer Reactions

Alkalizing your body will also help keep Herxing under

control. You can take a bicarbonate formula to help keep
you more alkaline. I recommend taking:
• Alka Seltzer Gold: take 1 tablet 3-4 times per day in
2-4 ounces of water and drink.
• Tri-Salts: 2 capsules 3 times per day.
• Baking soda: ¼ tsp 3-4 times per day.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Breaking Down Biofilm

Biofilm is produced by many bacteria, including Lyme

and is composed of extracellular DNA, proteins and
carbohydrates…AKA “slime”.

Biofilm enhances microbial adhesion to host cells and to

each other.

Biofilm protects the microbe against innate and humoral

immune responses and can lead to antibiotic resistance.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Breaking Down Biofilm

• Biofilm busting enzymes – there are several products that contain

enzymes that will help digest the biofilm and break it down. I use
serrapeptase a lot and find it works well. I give between 40,000-
60,000 U per day away from food. Nattokinase is another enzyme
derived from natto, a fermented soy product. I give 20,000 FU 2-3
times per day away from food. For more difficult patients, I often
use lumbrokinase, an enzyme derived from a type of earthworm.
The enzyme activity is about 10 times that of nattokinase, but is also
significantly more expensive. I specifically use Boluoke, as it has
the best research behind it. Take 1 capsule 2 times per day, which
delivers 600,000 U per day in total.
• Interfase Plus: this product contains enzymes with the addition of
disodium EDTA and chitosans that also help break down biofilm.
Take 1-2 capsules twice a day between meals.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Breaking Down Biofilm

• Lactoferrin: this molecule binds up iron, which effectively prevents

the formation of biofilm. Be careful if patient is already iron
deficient or anemic. It is also not be to be taken if they have a dairy
allergy, as it is derived from dairy and could worsen symptoms.
Take 600 mg 1-2 times per day.

• Xylitol: this is a low carbohydrate sweetener that is naturally found

in low amounts in some fruits and vegetables. It has been shown to
make the biofilm weaker in dental studies. Although it is safe for
humans, it is extremely toxic to dogs, so avoiding keeping around
pets. Give 1 tsp 3-4 times a day in water or juice to start and you can
increase up to 1 Tbsp. 3-4 times a day. Some people get gas and
bloating with xylitol, so you may have to ramp up the dose slowly.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Breaking Down Biofilm

• Coconut oil (organic): coconut oil has been used to treat

various infections, including bacterial and yeast infections and
contains a compound called monolaurin. It also has the ability
to disrupt biofilm formation. Give 1Tbsp twice a day in food.

• N-acetyl cysteine (NAC): this is an amino acid that has been

used to help break up mucus in the body and has been shown
in numerous studies to break up biofilm. Give 200-600 mg 3
times per day. NAC may deplete zinc and copper when used
long-term, so I recommend supplementing with these minerals
if you take NAC for more than 2 months. NAC can cause
gastrointestinal distress in some individuals and should not be
taken by anyone with an active stomach ulcer.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Boosting Immune Function

1. Vitamin C: vitamin C helps with active infections and may

help improve the effect of antibiotics. Test tube studies show
large doses of vitamin C may inhibit the growth of bacteria or
kill it altogether. Take 1000 mg 2-3 times per day.

1. Vitamin D: many Lyme patients are vitamin D deficient.

Vitamin D is a hormone that helps modulate the immune
system. Give 2000-4000 IU per day with food. Higher doses
may be needed if serum 25- hydroxy vitamin D is still low
after supplementation.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Boosting Immune Function

3. Zinc: It is an effective anti-viral and anti-inflammatory

nutrient. Give 30-50 mg per day with food. It is essential to
take zinc with food or it can make patient nauseous if they
take it on an empty stomach. Long-term use of zinc
supplements can induce a deficiency of folate or copper.

4. Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata) is a potent anti-

microbial and anti-inflammatory herb. I prefer using an
encapsulated standardized extract. I recommend taking 300-
400 mg twice a day of a 50% andrographolide product.
Andrographis is not for people with autoimmune conditions
that are not related to Lyme disease, such as lupus or
rheumatoid arthritis as it may exacerbate their symptoms.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist, but at low doses appears

to enhance endogenous opioid production.

Short term blocking of opioid receptors for 4-6 hours leads

to increased levels of endogenous opioids for up to 20 hours.

Is used off label for numerous conditions, including cancer,

fibromyalgia, MS, Crohn’s disease, pain syndromes and
Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Chronic pain
Younger, J., Parkitny, L., & McLain, D. (2014). The use of low-dose naltrexone
(LDN) as a novel anti-inflammatory treatment for chronic pain. Clinical Rheumatology,
33(4), 451–459.

Multiple Sclerosis
Rahn KA, McLaughlin PJ, Zagon IS. (2011). Prevention and diminished
expression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by low dose naltrexone (LDN) or
opioid growth factor (OGF) for an extended period: Therapeutic implications for multiple
sclerosis. Brain Res., Mar 24;1381:243-53. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2011.01.036. Epub 2011
Jan 20.

Younger, J., & Mackey, S. (2009). Fibromyalgia Symptoms Are Reduced by
Low-Dose Naltrexone: A Pilot Study. Pain Medicine (Malden, Mass.), 10(4), 663–672.

Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

Immune Modulation
Bihari, B. (2013). Bernard Bihari, MD: low-dose naltrexone for normalizing
immune system function. Altern Ther Health Med, Mar-Apr;19(2):56-65.

Quality of Life
Brown, N., Panskepp, J. (2009). Low-dose naltrexone for disease prevention and
quality of life. Med Hypotheses, Mar;72(3):333-7. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2008.06.048. Epub
2008 Nov 28.

Crohn’s Disease
Segal D, Macdonald JK, Chande N. (2014). Low dose naltrexone for induction of
remission in Crohn's disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, Feb 21;(2):CD010410. doi:

Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

LDN has not been studied specifically in Lyme disease, but

has been used by numerous practitioners with good clinical

It may help modulate the immune system and restore

balance in Th1/Th2 system. It also help alleviate pain.

LDN has an excellent safety profile and is well tolerated.

Changes in sleep pattern or dreams have been reported by
some individuals taking LDN.
Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)


Start with 1 mg at bedtime. May increase by 1 mg every

2 weeks up to 6 mg.

Women: often do best at 3 mg

Men: often do best at 4.5 mg

Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (PEMF)

There is recognition that the cells of the body vibrate or

“oscillate” and have their own unique resonant energy.

Think of pushing a child on a swing, then when you

push in the direction the child is moving, they go higher.
If you push in the opposite direction, it will slow or stop
the child’s motion.

Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (PEMF)

PEMF devices are designed to produce a series of very

low electromagnetic frequencies that fall within a
biological window that resonate with human cells.

There are over 1 million receptor on any given cell and

applying the right EMF may help stimulate these
receptors to alter cellular function.

Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (PEMF)

Our bodies are exposed to numerous EMF daily via

WiFi, electrical wiring in home or office, cell phones,
cordless phones, etc. Some of the frequencies can be
damaging, while others are healing.

The goal is to find the right frequencies that help

stimulate the body toward better health. Most of
medicine focuses on the chemistry of the body and
virtually ignores the physics of the body.
Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (PEMF)

Potential benefits include:

• Improved circulation
• Decreased pain
• Reduced inflammation
• Faster recovery after injury or surgery
• Faster healing of skin wounds
• Acceleration of nerve regeneration
Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (PEMF)

There are over 1600 studies on the use of PEMF devices and
most devices are currently FDA approved in the US. Some
devices are designed for home use and others for
professional use.

I recommend 2 treatments per week. Each treatment can be

short (8 minutes) to longer (75 minutes). This is a great,
non-invasive approach that can be customized to the
Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI): developed by Dr. Ty Vincent

We recognize that many microorganisms can trigger an

autoimmune reactions once someone has been exposed
to that organism. Rheumatic fever following strep
infection is well-known in the medical community as a
consequence of having had strep, even once the
infection is eradicated.

Molecular mimicry of a microbe can create an

autoimmune reaction against our own tissues.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI)

If a microorganism is capable of turning on the immune

system against our own tissues, how effective will
antimicrobial therapy be?

Reducing the load of the microbe may certainly lessen

the immune response, but does it completely stop an
autoimmune reaction? Does this explain why people
flare periodically, even though they have been
undergoing antimicrobial therapy for months or years?
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI)

The goal of LDI is to promote tolerance to the offending

antigen using homeopathic doses of nosodes mixed with

Beta-glucuronidase is an enzyme that was found (by

mistake) to help build immune tolerance to whatever
coexisted with the enzyme. This enzyme has been used
with low dose allergy (LDA) therapy for the treatment
of allergies to foods, mold, pollens and chemicals.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI)

The antigen is selected by the doctor depending on what

organism(s) are suspicious to be causing symptoms. The
dose selected is dependent on the sensitivity of the

Intradermal or sublingual doses are administered every

7-8 weeks depending on patient response. In many
cases, clinical improvement has been observed within
24-48 hours. However, it can take a few weeks to see
the full benefit of the treatment dose.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI): Case 1
15 year old girl with autism

Jill has been in treatment with autism since she was 2

years old doing various biomedical and immune
modulating therapies, all of which have helped to
varying degrees. Her current primary issues are
scripting, hyperactivity and lack of focus. She has also
has intermittent skin rashes.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI): Case 1
15 year old girl with autism

Jill had been tested for Lyme disease and coinfections,

which none of the tests were positive. She had a history of
candidiasis however and had been on antifungal therapy for
many years.

I gave Jill Candida Mix 10C sublingually. The next day, her
mother called and said that she was completely calm and
more mentally “clear”. The scripting was less and her skin
was not as itchy. After 2 months, she is stable and has not
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI): Case 2
9 year old boy with tics

John had been having vocal and neck tics for a few months
when the mother brought him to our clinic. He was tested
and treated for food allergies, which helped reduce his tics
significantly. However, the tics had not completely resolved.

I tested him for PANDAS and he was positive for ASO and
DNAse B antibodies, despite having had a negative throat
culture. He had a history of Lyme disease when he was 3-4
years old, which was treated with antibiotics at the time.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI): Case 2
9 year old boy with tics

I gave John a Strep Mix 10C and the mother reported no

noticeable changes. I gave him a Strep Mix 9C the
following week and again, no noticeable changes in his

I then tried the Lyme Mix 10C and that following day
he had a severe headache. The following day, the
headache dissipated and the tics completely stopped. He
has now been tic-free for 3 months
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI): Case 3
47 year old woman with Lyme disease

Susan had a h/o chronic neck and shoulder pain, fatigue

and joint pain. She had seen several doctors, including a
rheumatologist who ran many labs for autoimmune
disease, which were all negative.

Went to a large autoimmune clinic in TX and was put on

AI diet and Rx many supplements, which helped, but
did not resolve her Sx.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI): Case 3
47 year old woman with Lyme disease

Susan was tested for Lyme and coinfections and found

to have a + Lyme Western Blot IgG and IgM. She was
referred to my office for Tx.

I started her on an alkaline diet, Dr. Zhang protocol and

gave her LDI Lyme 12C. She reported the next day her
neck pain had improved by 90%.

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI): Case 3
47 year old woman with Lyme disease

Over the next month, her neck and joint pain almost
completely resolved. Her energy was better and she was
becoming more physically active again. She was doing
well for about 6 months and then started to have RUQ

She had U/S and MRCP which showed dilated common

bile duct, but otherwise negative for cholecystitis or
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI): Case 3
47 year old woman with Lyme disease

Over the next month, her neck and joint pain almost
completely resolved. Her energy was better and she was
becoming more physically active again. She was doing well
for about 6 months and then started to have RUQ pain. She
denies irregular BM, constipation or diarrhea.

She had U/S and MRCP which showed dilated common bile
duct, but otherwise negative for cholecystitis or obstruction.
CDSA was unremarkable, except no yeast growth.
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
Low Dose Immunotherapy (LDI): Case 3
47 year old woman with Lyme disease

I then gave her LDI Candida 12C and her abdominal

pain was 50% improved within 48 hours. I saw her 2
weeks later and gave her a booster dose of Candida
13C, which continued to help her Sx.

After a second dose of Candida 12C, her RUQ pain is

gone. She is currently doing well and RUQ pain has not
Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND
Treatment of Lyme Disease
The treatment of LD cannot be a single treatment approach. It is a complicated
illness and the treatment needs to encompass many aspects of improving
immune health.
1. Treat the organism(s) if it is acute.
2. Treat other immune distracters such as food allergies, environmental
allergies, etc.
3. Detoxify the body. Eliminate heavy metals.
4. Fix endocrine dysregulation.
5. Get proper sleep.
6. Reduce inflammation.
7. Improve nutritional status.
8. Improve mitochondrial function.
9. Improve circulation.
10. Reduce autoimmunity.
Gen Res Lyme Dz 10/1/16: Darin Ingels, ND
The End

Lyme Paradox 1/15/17: Darin Ingels, ND

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