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Writing/Layout (Ages):
Casey Loe
Cover and Poster by:
Nick Des Barres
Production Assistant:
Bryan Lane
Matthew Taylor
Len Ciciretto
Vice President of Editorial
Associate Producer:
Howard S. Grossman
Janice Raab
Assistant Controller:
Patricia Leigh
Creative Director:
Brett Kime
Print Production Assistants:
Patrick Dickson
Pat Brunton
Ryan Grossman
Web and IT Specialist:
Renee Malcolm
Administrative Assistant:
Antoinette Florentino
Corporate Adviser:
Patrick J. Ferrell
Newsstand Consultants:
. Special Thanks
Cammy Budd
Printed in USA
Í ISBN: 0-9706468-3-6 `
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Zelda OOS c/o Versus Books
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The Legend of Zelda® Oracle of Ages™, Oracle

of Seasons™ ©2001 Nintendo,®and Game Boy
Color are trademarks of Nintendo of America
Inc.© 2001 Nintendo of America Inc. —
The Official Licensed Product Seal is a trade-
mark of Nintendo of America Inc.
and EMPIRE 21™ are trademarks of Empire 21
Publishing, Inc. Entire contents ©2001 Empire
21 Publishing, Inc.May not be reproduced in
whole or in part without express written per-
mission from Empire 21 Publishing,

Tite. pt
^| THE WING DUNGEON . . . 16
Pat 3
| THE EcHoING How. ... 20
E Моомит GROTTO .....25
= Pal A
Pst 5
(| THE SACRED SOIL ..... 38
| Pet 6 |
a| THE LONELY PEAK .....43
JABU-]ABU'S BELY ..... 56 _
Part 8
Pst 9
Pat JO

Peart Piece Index
There are twelve total Heart Pieces in the
Oracle of Ages. For each four you find, one
new heart will be added to Link's life bar.
Two of them are found at random: One can
$ji] be found when you bump into Maple, and
2 the other may pop up in а Gasha Nut. The
page numbers on which the other ten are
covered are listed below.

Linkin Password Index
If you've alfeddy played through Oracle of
Seasons, and start up an Oracle of Ages with —
=| your completion password, you'll see some
] interesting changes. Among them are the
linking passwords. You'll run into characters —
throughout your quest that will give you
4 brief passwords. Their instructions will lead `
] you to a specific point back in the Seasons — `
game, where you'll find a new item and a
$| return password. Take that to Farore іп the
J Maku Tree to bring the item into Ages. — —


The Eternal Sp vit

You'll find Impa,
Í Zelda's faithful
attendant, just north
of the starting point. ES
Scare away her
attackers, and lead
Í her to the rock at
Point 2. Even with
her massive Goron- ka
IRI, in-drag physique, Impa can't seem to
move it. But Link can slide it aside by just
Tá pressing against it.
At Point 3, talk to all of Nayru's animal
friends, and then talk to the bear again and he'll
let you through. After the event that ensues,
II Impa will give you a
«| Wooden Sword (ог
a Wooden Shield if
you've linked in
3] from Seasons) and suggest you see the Maku
“| Tree in town. Impa will help herself to Nayru's
house at Point 4, but your next stop is Point 5,
* “| the entrance to town. Equip your sword and
hack away the tall [Bios to get inside.

(D THE ITEM SHOP me first building you'll

find west of the tall grass is the Item Shop. Here you $
can buy a Wooden Shield for 30 rupees (ог а Gasha `
Seed for the same price if you've already played
through from Seasons), Recovery Hearts, and
Bombs when they become available.

TEE are 64 rings to collect in the Oracle

games, and Vasu is the man who can
appraise them. If this is your first visit, he'll
even give you the level 1 Ring Box and your first
ring! If you've linked from another title, get your
rings back by giving the red snake the password
À you got from the other game's red snake.

006 № The — OF AGES Perfect Guide

Can't figure out how to
save your game or access
the world map? Want to
learn Links special spin
attack? Come here and
ask the birds when you
have questions about the
game's various systems.

Troy has travelled exten-

sively in Labrynna, and has
seen all sorts of creatures
KU TREE (even a few friendly ones).
Point 6 is the entrance to Maku Road, a four-room Visit him from time to time
| dungeon with no enemies or puzzles to block your to hear tips on how to beat
| progress. Head straight through and you'll find the certain monsters... If you
friendly Maku Tree, who will can figure out which one
guide you in your he's talking about.
Ax] quest.

Or at
_| least she
й would
have, if Veran hadn't just
destroyed her in the past! To
save her, head east from her
pond and meet up with Ralph
| at theTime Poi rtal.
а J

Bipin the Gasha Seed

Grower and his wife have
just had a new baby... And
you get to name it! Check
in on your namesake from
time to time to see how
it's doing, especially after
you link to the Oracle of
Seasons game.
The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide № 007

The farmer at Point 2

will give you your first
Gasha Seed. Head south
and you'll find a patch of
soft earth at the base of
the stairs where you can
plant it. The next time
that you visit the past,
the seedling should have
grown into a tree with a
giant Gasha Nut. Hit it
with your sword to get at
the Magical Ring inside.


This fun and relatively easy mini-game is the easiest |
way to earn unlimited Gasha Seeds and Magical H J EJ3 EJEJE E3E E Ei[l
[s i The folks in this town
Rings (there are only a few different types of Rings E i are an odd bunch. But if
available here, however). | Hi
you want lucid informa-
The trick to victory is to pick the Ë tion about what's going
highest point spot (a grey angel 0-49 pts Nothing on, this man can help.
or two grey blocks) and then
50-149 pts Rec. Heart
stand in the right position. If it's (4)THE FOREMAN
right in the middle, stand directly 150-249 pts зо Rupees
in front of the ball. If it's off to the 250-349 pts Gasha Seed
left or right, you'll need to move a bit 350+ pts Magical Ring
yourself. (Remember that Li
handed, so [Ef
it's easier to
hit targets to
his left). If it's
on either side, ўn
have Link face
that direc- ТЫ EJ 3 E E3EiE EJE3EEE
| This worker at Point 4 will
tion, and | = F | answer your remaining
swing a bit u : Xtnanan)
questions with a cinema
3 later. about Ambi's Tower.

_ 008 № The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide

The path to the Maku Tree
is blocked by what looks like
a giant dirt clod. Fortunately,
Á they're so desperate for work-
men at Ambi's Tower that
| they'll even issue construction
gi equipment to someone Link's
= age.
Head down to Point 5, and
loop around inside the tower
d until you get to the foreman Use your Shovel to clear The Shovel can be used
Я in the shot shown in the away this dirt clod and get on just about any type of
the first Heart Piece. turf. Whenever you need
upper-left. He'l give you the
Collect three more, and Recovery Hearts or
Shovel. Use it to clear away
you'll add another heart to Rupees, just start digging!
the dirt clods on the way your life bar. But be cautious: Every
back, and to get into the Past now and then youll dig
version of Maku Road. up an enemy.


(1) To proceed in this dun-
geon, you need to solve
simple block-pushing puz-
zles in each room. In the
first room, just push the
block forward one square.
Kill any nearby Keese, `
then push the center
block to the left or right to
| clear a path.
The Red Gels can't hurt
you, but they can be
| very annoying. As long as

they're hanging off of you, | The Blue Stalfos in this

you can't use any items. room are pretty narm-
AD одао AME fem less. Kill em with your
i 8 a Ыаае, then push the sin-
z: ХААА | gle block upwards to open
Push the first block into E $ } the door. Push the other
rs dneM rn DR = zs 2 i blocks as shown below to
1 j t at the Heart Piece.
forward, and the right one Ў ies i : 1 Er hse are no puzzles or
to the side to open a path. 86 enemies in the next room,
Hit the switch and a chest ; 1 м = M so the way to the Maku
with a Small Key will appear. seins : t P | Tree is now clear.

Push the three blocks as

shown here to get at the
switch which will open the
doors. But
don't rush on to the next room yet... If
you push the blocks in the right forma-
tion the same way, a ladder will appear.
It leads to a room with 30 rupees.

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide Ж 009

The Maku Tree
БУЯУ (УМ is being attacked
Й by a pair of
Moblins. No
problem for Link
$5 4] and his trusty
7 Wooden Sword!
n You'll have the
- 02°] Маки Tree's
"es gratitude,
but it won't be
| able to reward
you until it's
much older.
Which, if you
head through the
newly opened
barrier and warp
to the present,
will take about 3
Then visit the
full grown Maku
Tree to get the
Satchel Bag full
of Ember Seeds.

Try out your first Ember Seed on the little

tree just south of the Maku Tree's pool, to
get at a chest with 30 rupees.
If you run low on Ember Seeds, you can
always pick up more from the big tree in the
southeast part of town. Just swing your
sword to knock them into your satchel.
From town, head east until you get to the place
where you saved Impa from the Octoroks. Torch the
tree to enter the cemetery.

| There isn't much to do in the graveyard at this

] point. Head south from the entrance until you get to
the two trees at Point 1. Torching the lower one will
reveal a cave with two more torches. Carefully light
them both, and the Graveyard Key will appear.
Grab that and head back up to the Cemetery Gates
at Point 2. You can now loop around to the crypt at
Point 3 that contains the first dungeon. Watch out
for the Crows lurking in this area!

. 010№ The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide

ЕЕ [Small
Key }
Gasha Seed i


Entrance Dungeon Ма

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide Ж 011

The Red Gels in this
room split into the
smaller Jellies that prevent
Link from using his sword.


[2] Simply roll the colored cube straight ahead, into

the spot between the torches to open the doors.
Before you go north, head up the stairs to the south
and grab the Dungeon Map.
Push the center block
up and grab the
Compass in this chest.
Then use an Ember Seed
on the west wall to burn
through to a secret room.

Smash the rock forma- Go to this room next. Kill

tions with your sword, the single Ghost with Е
and fight your way to the repeated swings of your blade ="
switch. Hit that and a to make a Small Key appear.
chest with a Magical Ring Then head back to the room
will appear. with Point 3, and go north.

[6] Simply push the lower Yet more [9] Jump

block here to the right, block- across to
and you can get a chest pushing fun! the floating
with another Small Key. Make them platform,
Then head to the west. into the then over to
shape shown the center
Push the lower block to hete and block Push
the left, and the upper
one further up to open a then go hit it to the right |
path here. Go to Point 8 the switches to get at фе ~~ Ss SAS cress s
in each corner of the room. Jump to the switch that makes a chest with a Gasha

IF PatB floating platform and grab a Small Key.

- - 2
Seed appear. Go up the stairs and jump
back onto the platform.
[10]This miniboss is easy.
Just get above it and
start whaling! You'll hit it
and the ghosts it emits
before they can hit you.
When it dies, a warp back
to the entrance will appear.

012 2% The ORACLE oF AGES Perfect Guide

These Moblins have Push aside the blocks Use the Power Bracelet
ЛЕ РАМ С. boomerangs, so hit and light the two bra- to lift and throw the
them from the side or ziers at Point 12. A stair- pots near Point 13. Graba
they'll get you first! case that leads to the Magical Ring in the chest
Power Bracelet will appear. here on your way south.

(14)After a little more pot ©" From the warp, head Equip your Sword
smashing, grab the two screens north. and Bracelet for this
Boss Key. Head back to Watch out for Wallmasters, Boss fight. Stab the
the dungeon entrance and or they'll pull you back to monster in its
take the warp at Point 15. the dungeon entrance. body, and
then use your
E=] Bracelet to lift
the Pumpkin-
head and toss
it aside. That
will give you a
few clear shots
at the ghost
within. After
х repeating this
about three
times, he'll die,
; and a Heart
Container and
the Eternal
Spirit will be


Now that you have your Talk to this Ghost, then
Power Bracelet, you can S push his grave away to
head back to this spot in the Á meet him underground.
southwest corner of the He'll head back outside,
graveyard. Toss the rock iw] where he will give you the
aside and grab a Heart 24 Poe Clock, the first item in
Piece. the lengthy Oracle of Ages
trading game.

At this spot, you may
The ghost in this corner
have your first encounter
will only appear if you've
with the young witch named
linked from Oracle of
Maple. Hit her with your
Seasons. This Ghost will
sword, or just get in her way,
guide you to a spot in
and she may drop items
Holodrum, and give you a
including Magical Rings,
password that will lead
Potions, and even a HeartВ
Link to another Heart
~ Piece! If you dont get
Container Time to boot up Seasons again...
anything good, don't worry, you'll meet again.
The ORACLE OF Acts Perfect Guide We 013 _
Fairies’ Woops
The Maku Tree can
sense the next Essence in
the Fairies’ Woods west of
Lynna. To get there, leave
via the exit just north of
the tower, and toss aside
the rock at Point 1.


Ë Farry FOUNTAIN You'll encounter a trio of playful fairies at Point 2. The spell they cast will
make navigating the Fairy Forest difficult, and make getting to the dungeon
Speaking of fairies, a new impossible. To negate it, you'll have to find all three. From the start, head
Fairy Fountain has opened Down, Up, Down, and Up again to get to the first, Up again to get to the sec-
up in Lynna. To get there, ond anan Right Left and Down to get to ES UM:
climb to the top of the š Е
Маки Tree, and enter the
bush to get restored to full
health. Can't beat that for



After you find the fairies, head to Point 3 and lift the rock... When the dungeon
collapses, you'll be left with no choice but to find a way back to the past. Return
to Nayru's House (where Impa is) and push aside the Angel Statue. You'll find the
Harp of Ages in usdp behind it. Try it out at the Time SOUS right outside.


014 № The ORACLE оғ AGES Perfect Guide

In the Past, the Fairies’
Woods was called the
Deku Forest. But you get
to it the same way, by
heading west from town.

M RES Pit #1
Toss aside the rocks to
access this small pit.
Push down the green
rock to the right of the
treasure chest, and then
push the rocks near the
east wall aside to make a
path around to the other
side (Use your Sword and
Shield to knock the hel-
meted enemy into the pit
if it gives you trouble).
Then you can push the
left rock and get at the
Gasha Seed in ШЕ iuis


Burn away this small
GAME PART 2 tree to open an under-
ground passage with a
While in Lynna Village
Heart Piece. The pas-
(Past), you can continue the
sage continues west to
trading game you began
the staircase in the
with the Ghost at Yoll
northeast part of the for-
Graveyard. Take the Poe
Clock to the Postman's
Í House and he'll give you
| the Stationery in SEE ” |@@® THe РЕКИ MERCHANTS
The Deku at Point 3 is selling a shield for 50
rupees. If you continue on to Point 4, you can get
the same shield for 30, and if you take the tricky
road to Point 5, it's a bargain at 10 rupees!
| If you've linked from Seasons, you'll find a second
| Deku at Point 4. This one will give you a password
for Seasons that will ultimately lead you to a DE
Seed Satchel. G 9909

You can then enjoy a To get to the tree with the Mystery Seeds, head
disturbing Majora's Mask into the passage at Point 6. The top route will lead
flashback by taking the to Point 5, with the cheap Shield. But if you don't
Stationery to the Strange already have a Shield, you'll have trouble dealing
Hand in the small building with the invincible enemies on the way (with the
on the west side of town. Shield you can bounce them into the pit). The pas-
After he utilizes it in a way sage's bottom path leads to the Mystery Tree.
the Hallmark Corporation
surely never intended,
When you pass Point 7 ES
on your way out, you'll
be escorted to Queen
Ambi. She'll reward you
with Bombs. Use those
to blow open the
entrance to the Wing
Dungeon (Point 8).

The ORACLE оғ AGES Perfect Guide "lf 015

| 4 (8 z

Small Key E

Gasha Seed

x ;


Small Ke Small Ke

| š

016 В The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide

) The spike-
encrusted ene-
mies in this room
can't be attacked
directly. Block
their charges with
your shield to
overturn them
before you strike.
$ [2] The three-colored block in this room
| has six sides. You need to push it onto
;| the black square, but with the red side up.
| To overturn the block so red's on top,
push it out of the blue blocks and roll it in
| а tight circle (push it up, right, down, and
left). That should put red on top.
Э) Don't miss the fake wall in this room. Set off a bomb to blow
open a passage that will lead to the Dungeon Map.
aono ads | о From Point 3, head northwest. Carefully dodge the Sparks that
A run along the wall in the room east of Point 4, since they can't
sess} be killed by any item other than a Boomerang (which you dont
have). Kill the two Moblins by getting above their sword (which Would otherwise block
your shots) and stabbing away. When all the enemies are killed, a Small Key will appear.
e Use that key to unlock the door at Point 1. After you kill all the Snake Ropes at Point
5, you'll be able to push aside the blue block and get at the Compass. Before you go
north, set a bomb at the weak point in the south wall and
head downstairs at Point 6.
(6) The staircase here leads to a brief side-scrolling part.
Fall from the ladders onto the levitating platforms, and ў Š
proceed to the right. Avoid the blue Thwomp by stopping
just short of it to trick it into falling, and going as it pulls HU Áт u
F u nn
яns ie:

itself back up. This dungeon is shaped like a flying bird, ta а
and this passage leads to the bird's other- Ë Ар 2 d1
wise unaccessable "foot," where you'll finda `" ` `

Small Key.
à, Return the way you came, and this
time head north from Point 5, and
then west to Point 7. Hop on the mine
cart to blow through several sealed :
doors. Swing your sword quickly to keep i=
the Keese and Snake Ropes at bay.
о This dungeon's Mini-boss is surprisingly easy. You can
simply stand still until it rolls up into a ball, and then
run from its cannonball attack. When it hits the ground,
stab it repeatedly. The only danger is from the holes it
leaves in the ground when its attack misses. If you fall
through the holes you'll end up in Level B1 and have to
climb back out to start over (This can be avoided if you
simply stay on the indestructible blue tiles at the room's
edge). When the Miniboss gets low on health, and its
cannonball attack starts to bounce to one side, stay above = ?
it so уои can continue to hit it safely. ia E a oh oi i i ia

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide Ж 017 `

: Mi s. pu^
m= =
a Li C2


Ко) After killing the mini- The stairs here lead to another side-scrolling area. [11] Whenver you jump
|» № boss, head east and It's here you'll find the Roc's Feather, an item that over a colored panel
down the B staircase. Go lets you jump when assigned to a button. If you're like the yellow one here, j
south, carefully (and quick- ^ feeling bold, lure the Thwomp down, and then jump on the color changes. Jump Por
ly) running around the top of it to hitch a ride to a hidden blue Rupee. this one twice (quickly,
island full of Skull Knight (you can also use it to jump to the upper level on the before the floor falls) to turn
snipers. right, but there's nothing there). it red and open the door.

В 3

iM 12) After jumping through (13) The first thing to do here is blow ир the eastern (14) Use your panel jump-
; the bat room, hop onto wall and head inside. Kill all the enemies to get a : ing trick, as at Point 11,
the mine cart. Swing your Small Key, and then return to deal with the mine cart to change the colors of the
sword from the cart when barrier. Push the block around in a circle to get the four floor panels so they
you pass the switch, or blue color on top, and push it onto the black panel. match the blocks to the
you'll end up going right The barrier will lift, and the cart will now take you to left. When you're done, a
back the way you came. Point 14. Small Key will drop.
1 = Ja] js] (isl

i ` | : | = 1 С
at t = = Ë

(un © The blue thing in this (16) Use your feather to hop over to the colored panel, (17) After a long cart ride,
TO room is a "Key Block," $ carefully avoiding (or killing) the Keese on the way. jump across and kill
so you'll need to use one Jump over the panel until it turns blue, lifting the railway these Moblins to get at a
of your two keys to open barrier. Now you can go back to Point 15 and take the chest with a Gasha Seed.
it. Don't take the cart yet; mine cart to the final unexplored block of this dungeon.
instead, walk to Point 16.


$ | meh si i
Ја м i f erра Der si ат а jaijis]

18 ss The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide

ð 7
= a JEI38јаја м {ill

- Я
ааг ра раjs згJa а sr Sr

fis) This one's tricky. After you kill the Moblins and Smash the pots апа fill ир on bombs before you
: Peahats, smash all of the pots but the upper-right head downstairs to face the boss. The only way to
_ опе. You can now push it over to the floor switch (no harm it is to throw a bomb into its head so it closes
_ Power Bracelet is required). You'll need to use your when the red head is facing forward. (The best place to
_ Feather to get on the right side of the pot sometimes. stand is the tip of the ledge on the right, and the best
time to throw is right when the green head starts to
rotate into the blue head) Don't worry if you run out of
bombs trying, the green head will shoot some out from
time to time. And if you get a hit off ofthe red head,
you'll get a Recovery Heart.

[19) To clear this TE and get a Small Key, you need to

push the statues on the right into the same forma-
tion as the statues on the left. You can only push statues
of the same color as the flame in the north of the room,
so you'll need to hop over the floor panel, push the stat-
ues of that color, and repeat a few times.

ð 2x4

BD 718
(20) There are a half dozen Gels hiding in this room,
i camouflaged to match the color of the floor. To kill
them, you'll need to jump over the colored panel in the
center, changing the floor
and flushing them out. ES SRSSBS
They'll change to match the lll 88 ET] | B
new color quickly, so kill ET Ea Ll
them while you can! Once []
you've cleared the room, | [nE
the chest with the Boss Key H я
will appear. FEE


The next essence is on a nearby island, but Link will
need a raft to get there.
y Rafton at Point 1, in the
southeast part of Lynna
| (Past) is building one, but

he needs a special rope

complete it. Cheval, at
Point 2, is working on
that, but it doesn't look
like he'll be done anytime
soon. Fortunately, Ralph
pops up with a morbid
solution: Head into the
future and plunder
Cheval's grave!

bear, г. harassed by a trio of ghosts. Kill them, and

Moosh will help you cross the pit-
-laden graveyard at

1 Control Pad. Cheval's

Й | grave is at the end, and
j| will reveal a staircase


Ignore the enemies at the entrance, and loop around to the gold handle in
the southeast corner. Using your Power Bracelet, pull it as far back as it will
go, then quickly jump and dash between the gold blocks to get the Zora's
Flippers. Use those (they're equipped automatically) to swim through the
root-lined path in the north to get to the Cheval's Rope. Moosh will be gone, £
but you can lift the rock and jump across us get out.

020 @ The ORACLE oF AGES Perfect Guide

" (S) SyrUP's SHOP
Now that you have the flip-
pers, you can swim to this small
island and enter the witch's
shop. The Gasha Seed is over-
priced, but the Potion (which
| automatically refills your life once
when you die) is worth it.


If you haven't already, now is f
the time to pick the Nut from meg
Gasha Tree, since you'll т
never visit the cemetery again.
| The prize is random, but it's usu-
ally a Magical Ring.


TÁÐ] Я дадди If it isn't one thing with
LEN æiJéI z Rafton, it's another. Now
= lummi | he needs the Island Chart,
- ИП so Link is forced to ask
Ralph for a hint once
TET again. Не! point you to
Ш Tingle, in the Present-day
ГЩ Forest of Time. Before you

west Æ the Базе of the tower,

and swim to the ring of dirt clods
shown above, where you can dig up
a Gasha spot.
Two New PassworD SPOTS
On your way to that Gasha spot, you'll find a girl
with a Password for Oracle of Seasons if you're playing
nara alinked same. Her advice will lead you to an
increased bomb-carrying capacity. Also check in at the Mayor's House in the Present.
- His visitor's password will lead you to a leveled-up Ring Box.

CD Fino Ricky's GLOVES

You'll run into Ricky the Kanga-
roo at Point 1. He lost his gloves
near the shore, so Link will need
to head down and dig up the dirt
clod at Point 2 to get them back.

(334 Burst TiNGLE'S BUBBLE

Ricky can leap the cliff at Point 3, and
the one just beyond that leads to Tingle.
Get out of your 'roo and use your Roc's
Feather to jump up and slash the balloon. Talk
to Tingle after that and the Island Chart is
After that, return to the past, give it to
Rafton, and set out on your journey.

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide Ж 021

From Rafton's house, head south around
the peninsula of rocks and then to the
northeast. You won't get far
before a storm crashes the raft and
Link winds up on Crescent Island.
The native Tokay lizard people
are friendly, but they have sticky fin-
gers and will dash off with all of
Link's items before he awakens.
Getting them back won't be easy.

Whenever you see a Enter the cave at Point 3,
plant shoot, push it over to and use the Shovel to clear
an indented wall like the the dirt clods in the north.
one shown to the right. In you can then slip inside
the Present, these will have and get your Wooden
sprouted into vines. Sword back.


The Shovel is the easiest The trader Tokay will
Й item to recover. The Tokay have Link's Shield, once
will hand it over at Point 2. you get all the equipment
If you're using a password Й back. 10 Scent Seeds is all
from Seasons, expect a sur- that is required to have it
d prise cameo here. returned.

022 В The ORACLE оғ AGES Perfect Guide 1

Use the Bracelet to lift
this rock and infiltrate the
chicken coop where your
Bombs are kept. On your
way out, drop a few on the
cracked green rocks by the
treasure chest, and you'll be
able to get a Gasha Seed.

The guy in this hut will

© trade back your Power ® а bomb here and
_ Bracelet or Rocs Feather you can get into the Wild
Í for 10 Mystery Seeds or |Tokay Challenge. Simply
your Shovel. Since you toss meat to the Tokay as
have no seeds, you'll have they scroll down the sides,
to leave the Shovel. Pick and if they all leave well-
up the Bracelet for now. fed, you'll be rewarded with
You can trade it back for the Scent Seedling. Take
the Feather later. that to Point 8 аа plant it. When you return to the
Present, it will be a full-grown Scent Tree.


Trade the Bracelet for Go back and trade the
the Feather, then plant a Rocs Feather for the Power
Bomb at Point 9 to get into равы Bracelet (again). In the
the cave with Zora's same cave where you got
Flippers. You'll need to the Zora's Flippers, pull
toss bombs near the green aside the rocks and dive
rocks to get to thelizard. into the spot ofЧ wael в
с; HIli te

While you have the #31 shown above. `

Feather, you can return to The short underwater
Point 3 and jump across to ; passage leads to the Tokay -
F] the ledge on the west with the Seed Satchel. It
‚| side. Push the green rocks Á should be full, so bring 10°
=| into the pits, and you'll get Mystery Seeds to the guy
to a chest with another at Point 5 and get your
Gasha Seed. Roc's Feather back for good.


With both Feather and Bracelet at your disposal, The Tokay at Point 12 will gladly return the Harp of
you can now cross the aquatic Ages. There's a Time Portal nearby, but since Link's
passage that links the cave at Shovel is still in the hands of the Trader, you'll need to
Point 11 to the cave near go back the way you came and use the warp near the
Point 12. hut on the east side. Make sure you've pushed all the
Shoots to the base of the indented walls (see Point 1),
or you won't Set eeein ШЕ poen

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide № 023

Е adaa
a@a@a@agagagagaga Фан



асро Jaga
засаа agag
азазазазававазааааааав ©

If you got the If you planted

Stink Bag from the Seedling in the
the hand in Past, you'll find a
Lynna (Past), tree full of Scent
you can trade it 1 Seeds here. Take
to the Tokay in your fill, and then
this hut for the take the warp back
Tasty Meat. to the Past.

If you set up In the Past, trade

| the vine in the the Scent Seeds for
| past, you'll be d your Shovel. Use
able to get onto that to get at the
| this ledge. = other warp, which
Remove the will take you to the
i rocks to reveal west side of the
a Gasha Spot. Я island in the

That warp will take you to the =

southwest corner of the island.
There's a nearby Fairy Fountain at
Point 4. Dungeon #5, the Moonlit
Grotto, is at Point 5.

ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide


(1)Use a bomb to destroy this

thie AM cracked
S block so
= you can
push the
other one
to the west.

30 rupees ў šI Ë
E @ You know the saying: "Music makes
the savage beast's head explode.”
So whip out your harp, and play a tune
to kill these
6. otherwise
MP res k bunnies and
make the
[3) Use your sword to smash this
crystal. Destroying all four crys-
—3À a tals is your
first objec- Small Ke
tive in this

: дыд „ы e There are two puz- (6) Next, push the block
mu het 2 | zles in this tricky to the right of the
ET @ room. First, use a bomb crystal up, and then
= to destroy the furthest push the green statue
(2) 5 Ð east cracked block. With onto the tiled square.
ў hane c = that gone, you can toss a From there you can push
1 bae B | | bomb over the railing to it into formation with
destroy a block above the other three statues,
o Manipulating these odd revolving the crystal. From the top, push the block above that and make a Small Key
doors is one of the key strategies one down, and toss a bomb at the last cracked block. appear.
in this dun-. Push the one below that up, and smash the crystal.
geon. But
for now, RU re
simply hop З Ë В x
in and let it
take you to
the east.

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide % 025

Small Ke

(7) Use the Small Key to unlock this room,

then dive into the
"xx pit. The grey pat-
- tern indicates that
Ен x the pit drops you
= š ill to a lower floor
instead of hurting

(8) Prepare for an

ambush when
you land in Level llan,
ВІ! You won't
have time to É
charge a spin
attack, so just
start swinging.

You'll need to
kill the Mini
Moldorm to
unlock the doors
. in this room.
© Use your harp
to kill this pair
of Pols Voices,
then take the middle
door to Point 11. Gasha Seed

@ The only way to

kill the snake from
here is to toss bombs.
When he dies, take
the far west door
down to Point 12.
You'll need а well timed (13) From point 12, head
bomb toss to hit the blue Е: upstairs to Point 13 (see
crystal on the conveyor belt map оп previous page). Push
(It's easiest if you hold the KÁ the blocks in the top half of
bomb until it flashes). That will = à the room to mirror the ones in
make the Armos come alive, the bottom, and a Small Key
and if you kill that with a will drop. Then return to the
bomb, you'll get the Compass. room with Point 12.
Back in B1, head north to this [15)© Push the block shown here to get back to the east side of the room.
staircase. It will take you to the From here, go east to tlhe revolving door, take it, and loop back
west side Fk around through the AEA & j
of the i room with the first
room with smashed crystal.
the pit, When you go to Point
where you 16 again, the revolving S
can smash door should now be
the third 1 ROR flashing orange, so you
crystal. pr can take it to go north.

026 № TheORACLE
оғ AGES Per FE
ө! Thefinal пао 15 fiere Hit the switch in this "© This. room is annoying. §) In addition to two Mini
but there's nothing you room and the four You need a well-timed Moldorm, this room
can do about it now. Armos come alive. slash to destroy each flying has two mimic enemies
Beware the Like Likes! If Carefully bomb them all to. floor tile, but the red Gels that mirror everything Link
they hit you, they'll eat your death and you'll find will prevent your attacks if does. Kill them all, and a
shield (whether it's eqi- another Small Key. Then they get you. It's best to chest with this dungeon's
upped or not) and killing head north from the room stay in one corner and hit big item, the Seed
them won't get it back! with the Like Likes. the button non-stop. Shooter, will appear.

z SS 2а xÇ 8 Й kd 3 а Wes sn lod
The Seed Shooter can (22) The final crystal can (23) The revolving door has Push the blocks into
fire any seed you have now be smashed by fir- fallen down to level B1, the pit, and fire Ember
in your Satchel. То get out ing a diagonal shot from revealing a chest with a Seeds to light the torches.
of here, load up some the corner. Any seed will Gasha Seed. You'll need to use some
Ember Seeds and fire one do! All four crystals should Take the pit at Point 7 odd angles to get the right
into this brazier. It will be destroyed at this point, ^down to level ВІ. From ricochet, so experiment a
light, and the door will and you'll see the result of еге, use the revolving ` bit. The prize is another
|. open. that at Point 23. door to get tot Point 24. Gasha Seed.

(25) Use the old revolving (26) Fight ‘this mole with a Push this block into 28) Smack the globe to
door trick: After pass- shovel in one hand and place (it won't budge till rotate the red stick.
ing Point 24, loop around a sword in the other. Dig the enemies are dead) and Then shoot the stick with
to the revolving door via it out while it's under- а Small Key will drop. Then your Seed Shooter to hit
Point 8. Then it will take ground, and stab it before use the revolving door to the switch and make a
you North, to the ОЕ: it burrows back in. get Sund t Lon 25 bridge across the gap.
_— M E |

Use the same trick in Use the floor switch to © The boss begins as four ground-skimming shadows.
the next room, and rotate the sticks until Run from these until they begin to join up. Then
; then push aside the block they match the ones shown stay level with them, but facing away. The witch will
next to the boss door. here, and shoot from there. come out, or her butterflies will. Either way, start firing
From there, loop to the In the next room, you'll find seeds so they ricochet off the wall and hit the boss. As
1 (evolving door ånd go east. the Boss Key. long as you: never turn to face her, you'll do okay.

Е ers
A р

zo Е EMEN d
The ORACLE. ОЕ AGES Perfeact Guide № 027
As you head north from the Grotto dungeon, you'll encounter
some Tokay playing with a wounded sea creature. You can
get rid of the Tokay if you have some Ember Seeds...
À They'll try those instead and run off (if you don't have any,
you may need to look in the dungeon.) Dimitri, the swim-
ming Triceratops (?), will reward you by let-
\ ting you take a
ride. You can I[1907

due north, but

you may want to Ë
hug the coast to the |:
east and plant a E
Gasha Seed at the
spot shown here.

Dimitri will part with you just south of the spot This cool event ONLY happens if you're ns
where you got the Island Chart Oracle of Ages with a password from Oracle of
from Tingle. Now that you Seasons. As you pass the Black
have the Seed Shooter, you \ Tower, Impa will ask you to go
can pay Tingle another visit $ à inside and rescue Zelda, who's ,
by entering the cave and fir- | been kidnapped! À
ing at the spot shown. You Getting her back is easy...
can then cross the bridge to It's just like Donkey Kong,
the stairs that lead to Tingle's where you have to leap fireballs
ledge. Politely accept his offer (instead of barrels). When you
of a new Seed Satchel. Not M get to the top, open Zelda's cage
only does it carry 50 of each and she'll reward you with an
seed, it comes full! exclusive Magical Ring.

028 ll> The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide

Give the mask-seller the
Tasty Meat, and he'll give
you the Doggie Mask.

E rn)

Herr al 12
» 8, м

= Ë). c © < ie |

The dog-woman's
house is just south of
| Point 2 on the map.
She'll take the mask off
your hands, and give you
the Dumbbell.


Fire a pair of Ember Watch out for these All you can do now 15 After talking to the fore-
Seeds to burn away this Buzz Blobs. They'll shock talk to the Foreman of the man, head back the way
small tree and flip the you if you touch them, bridge repair crew. His you came. A fairy will
switch. The bridge to the so gun them down with crew is missing, but you'll accost you and ask you to
Highlands will appear. need a friend to help. come to the Fairies’ Woods.

If you've linked from Seasons, you'll find another

password opportunity (see shot, left) on the way to the
Fairies’ Woods. Everyone else will find the trip
4 uneventful, but find the forest itself to be even more
messed up than it was before. Fortunately, finding the |
culprit is easy. From the Fairy Tree, head up, down, and
up again. There you'll find Moosh, Rocky, or Dimitri,
J and get the Flute that will summon it in the future.

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide "f 029

Which animal friend you
found depends on a few
t3 different things:
= Dimitri: An item called the
< Strange Flute is randomly for
sale in the Lynna Item Shop
(for 150 rupees). If you ve
| found and bought it, you'll
get Dimitri.

Seasons, or won the Strange

Flute as a random item in
the Past Lynna's Shooting
Gallery game, you'll find
Moosh: Everyone else will
find Moosh.
The geography of this
area will change drastically depending on which ani-
mal you found. Dimitri's is full of ponds and water-
falls, Ricky's has plenty of hoppable ledges, and
Moosh's is full of pits. Since most players will get A
ë 99995] Moosh, and his is most difficult, we've shown the map here:
Either way, your goal is to talk to the Foreman (you need
to do this again, before you begin the search) and then find `
all three workers. There will be two caves in this area,
regardless of which animal you found. One is a Fairy
Fountain; the other contains a Magical Ring.
When all three workers have reported to duty, the u a
to Symmetry Village will be completed.

Symmetry has clearly The one highlight is the Gale

seen better days. There Seed Tree. When used from your
are no people, only bag, Gale Seeds can warp you to
annoying fire monsters any Seed Tree you've visited!
which are best onore: When fired from Von, gun, they'll `
Ø 99 lj F] 999990

Head to Point 5 and dive into

the pool. There's a brief under
water passage (note that you can
blast the fish with your Seed
Shooter, if you like), with a man at
the end. Play your Harp of Ages,
and he'll teach you a new song.

030 M The ORACLE oF AGES Perfect Guide



The Tune of Currents lets
| you warp from just about
anywhere in the Past to
the same spot in the
Present. So by playing
the tune at Point 6 in the
Past, you'll end up at
Point 6 in the Present.
From there, you can walk
right over and grab that
juicy Heart Piece.

as)> Ф a



The warp near Point 7 is basically a dead end. But Give the Dumbbell to the man in the basement of
you can make your own warps now... Just play your the house at Point 3 for a Cheesy Mustache. Trade that
new tune at the bottom of to the guy in Lynna City (Present) for the Funny Joke.
the screen, and head down Give that to the depressed kid in Lynna Village (Past)
the stairs to begin for the Touching Book. Next time you run into Maple,
your new journey. she'll offer to trade you a Magic Oar for the Book

The ORACLE oF Ac rfect Guide s 031

Hike down to Point 1 in th After diverting the
Present, then warp to the past. river, you'll find a small
The big cave there leads to the pond here. Toss a bomb
two little caves above it. Take HEY | into it, and a Fairy will
the one on the right, and push < appear. Answer her
the red block to the left to question honestly, апа
permanently change the river's | she'll raise your bomb
flow in both the Past and the IE : : carrying capacity to 30.
Present. IE T 22224 ENT i

À r NE If you diverted the river, the

In the Past, push the : uncrossable pit at Point 5 will now
seedling to the right be full of water. Swim across and
and then warp to the take the warp to the Past at Point
future. The vine will be 6. If you use your Tune of Currents
on that side, allowing to warp to the future at Point 7,
you to access points 5 | and head a bit further East, you'll
and 6. find a chest with a Gasha Seed.

Scale the cliff east of Point ; — | You can get back to

7 in the Past, taking the mid- Symmetry by just heading
— dle route at the end and care- ay № Gn | west from Patch's cave
| fully dodging the falling rocks. = |entrance and hopping down.
In the cave at the top, you'll | t HE | Return the fixed nut to the
| meet Patch, who can fix the | id ud |large house where you met
SSC | | x j Tol Dal

| you'll help him with a bizarre the sisters, and then warp to
| ritual. The trick to winning is | the Present. Symmetry will
to lure all the enemies near i Š be lush and beautiful again,
T the pit in the upper-left cor- and you'll be able to enter
ner, then go stand on the the Skull Dungeon, (where
switch and knock them into the volcano was) at your
| the pit with your sword. convenience.
1 Compass

< Small Key


Small Ке
por don i
s ML. :

Jump over the lavato

= get the color block.
. You'll need to pushit in a -
_ circle once to get blue on `
.. top and get the Small Key.

Е М uen |. foe SER

|. а СЕЕ 0
ее eon)" m ace ee ` NT nang
ER ев. "uw. HOO
Hit the switch at Point. о On your way out, hit
6 again to get to this ” this switch, or the mine
3 cart will never stop in this
room. Take the northeast `
ink's right. exit to proceed. `
x И Hir шим:


B ба
P pu
©- 6 E E S. 303/9 ВЕБ

La EL. aa ie
$ (13) You've done this sort of (14) This is tricky. Lure the sliders out oat
thing before: Jump over and slip behind the top one as (12) Š
the panels to make them soon as it passes. Push the colored (11)
match the pattern of the block down two squares, then get
blocks outside. below it and lure the slider out again.
j As it
> pass-
N xg ` | es оп the way back, you'll L d
H F have just enough time to get ua 10)
ЭШ P around the block and push it u
Any to the left before the slider I
returns and the floor collaps-
es. Push it onto the panel,
. j тА blue side ир.
(15) Kill the bats and jump Walk to this room and You have to kill all three "Fu
onto the moving plat- use your Small Key on skeletons from the cart
form. From there, fire a the block. Jump over the to open the door.. Use 1
bank shot to hit the blue panel until it turns blue, Scent Seeds, since they can (9)
globe and get a Small Key. апа the gate will open. be fired most quickly.

: fa E (18) You'll need to prove

i F Í your mettle in this
= | : room by jumping across
РА je е fest three floating platforms.
im wate | | The lava hurts, so use the
a да {= | fairy in the pot by the door
jE m : É |: if you're low on health.
me а ч (19) Except for the lava
= = and the Peahats,
m this is the same puzzle
J 5 asa as Point 13. Make the
4. А panels match the
Æ à blocks and get a Small
E —
—a€— К
(20) Go back to the north, pop the Key Block, and
ST иии | | take the cart to the Miniboss. How do you beat а
ULL T Suy with an indestructible shield and a sword that
can destroy anything? Let the sword destroy the
(19) shield! Simply run around the room, keeping the
Miniboss between you and
his sword, and after his sword
hits the shield three times the
shield will be destroyed. He
will run after you until he hits З
а wall and stuns himself. You e
should then slash him a few ҮМ
times until he is done.

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide S 035

Sears os,

[21122] Head due south after killing the

mini-boss, and then take the cat-
walk to Point 21. Drop a bomb at the
crack, and you'll soon find yourself in an
interesting new puzzle room. The goal
is to chart a path through the room that
hits every square exactly once. We've
listed a solution on the right, but there are several possibilities. The prize here is the
Switch Hook, this dungeon's major item.
Leaveto | Lð i [25) Use your Switch Hook The
© the west to cross the lava, and network
and use your new also to get behind dan- of catwalks
toy to switch gerous enemies like this i from Point
places with the big xx Skull Knight. Then stand 4 25 leads
brown diamond. on the switch and trade ., you to the
Do the same thing places with the second UU RERO stairs to
to cross the chasm diamond block to hold Level B1.
at Point 24. the door open.
(27) Use БС сео; We had one of
your 197 these rooms back
Switch ° * in Dungeon 2. Jump
Hook to over the central panel
grab the Ce O to make the color of
diamond, им the floor change,
and then x: revealing the hidden
get out Gels. Kill them all to
by hook- open the doors.
ing onto the pot.
Now you just need
to maneuver the dia-
mondl over to the
switch. It isn't diffi-
cult, just make sure
Link епа$ up on the
side with the door!

1036 № The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide `

(29) This is the i z (30) Use your Roc's Feather and
same deal as H Switch Hook to get across
Point 22, it's the lava pits in this room. You
just bigger, longer, can't get into the boss room
and full of ene- now, so grab a fairy from the =
mies. When you pot and head upstairs. After a
succeed (one solu- brief side-scrolling bit (where
tion is shown to you'll have to use your Hook),
the right) a Small you'll' end up in the final chunk
Key will appear. of Level 1F.

Head west from the 1 (32) You'll have all the time you
stairs and pull the пее in this area, since all
chain at Point 31. you have to do is Switch Hook
They don't give you much 1] onto the platform with the first
time to get across, so you 1] pot, and then Hook from pot to
` have to start to run the pot. At the final platform,
second the lava begins to equip your Roc's Feather and
drain. jump diagonally to the exit.

Ir РАК (33) You have to be pretty

clever on this one. Jump ;
to the right side of the та
screen and use your Hook
Switch to get over the yel-
low barrier. Push the other
pot up a square, and then
hook over to the area with H (ei
the switch. Push the second
pot onto the switch, and then hook back to This boss is a snap. When you hit the
the chest with the Boss Key, using the pot blue guy in the middle with your
you pushed there earlier. Then hop on down Switch Hook, the little orange guys will
to the southeast. all disperse. Then you can use your sword
to kill the main
guy. If you're
having trouble
getting a shot
in, you can kill
the orange
guys with your
sword first.

In the Past The small cave here

foothills, you can lift has a Heart Piece that
one of these rocks can easily be reached
aside and dig in the with the Roc's Feather
dead center to reveal or Switch Hook.
a patch of soft earth.

Now that you have the Tune of

Currents, you can warp into the sealed
If you're playing from fence that blocks off the other side of the
Seasons, visit the Ember Shop in Lynna. Stand above the tree in
Seed tree in Lynna City = the Past, play the tune, and you'll end up
(Present) for a password that in the perfect spot. The shop sells a Heart
leads to an enhanced sword! = Piece, Gasha Seeds, and a new Ring Box.

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide 037

Ü | the Sacred Sol, `|
(D Cross THE PIT
In the Past, use your
Switch Hook to cross this
pit just northwest of
Lynna City.

Е 5 : S

(2) Совом TUNNEL

| Cut away the grass
near Point 2 to reveal a
Gasha Spot. Then pay a
quick visit to the cave.
The Goron tunnel has suf-
fered a cave-in, and you
can't go that way until the
Goron can find a Bomb
Flower. Pull
out your
Harp and
warp to the


The two visible treasure chests in the Goron Tunnel conta The only thing you can do at this point
Я 9999999] and 30 rupees, 5 in the Present is Is
locate the warp
back to the
Past. You'll find
it under the
| bomb at the rock at Point 4.
] spot shown on If you're hurt,
the right to dont miss the
Fairy Fountain
in the cave.

038 s> The ORACLE OF Acts Perfect Guide

Pegasus Seeds aren't very effective With the power of the Pegasus Seeds, z
as weapons, but they give Link quite a Link can easily outrace the collapsing floors
speed boost. This Pegasus Tree z©) ð of the Moblin King's fort (if you fail, see
existedin the Past only. gah a à Point 7). You'll find his highness is wait-
[pme №
ing for you, and will begin pelting you
with bombs immediately.
№. 4 Equip your Power Bracelet.
É' Ignore the bombs thrown by his
underlings and grab the big ones
thrown by the King. Hold onto
them until they Fæ
begin to flash, and
then immediately
throw them back.
If you time it right,
seeds and use they'll explode
the Tune of before he can toss (ham back.
Currents to | уза qum After five such hits, the Moblin
return to King (and his fort) will fall.
the Present.


If you fall in during the After you defeat the
collapsing floor part, or Moblin King, the Goron of
take the stairs where the the Present will reward
Ð fort used to be after killing you with a Bomb Flower.
į the Moblin King, you'll Warp to the Past, jump off
] end up in a side-scrolling the cliff at Point 8, and
| area beneath the Moblin bring the flower into the
й Fort. In the first area, blocked Goron Tunnel.
dodge the falling fireballs The Elder will reward you
by patiently waiting them with the Gowa m
out from the safe spots
between the ladders.
Continue on to the fish
tank just beyond that. If
you want to get out,
swim through the small
hole in the lower
right-hand corner, and
then use bombs to blow
away the wall that blocks
the ladder. You'll end up in the cave set into the
wall northeast of the fort. моск Tr
Before you leave this area, make sure to visit the Enter the cave where the Moblin Fort once stood (in
small room above the fish tank once (bottom right the Present). To leap the massive pits here, you'll
shot). You'll find a Magical Ring in the chest there. need to use a Pegasus Seed, get a running start, and
jump with your Roc's Feather. Have your sword ready
for supe Green sime on the P side.


The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide #B: 039

Small Ke
(1) Just kill all the enemies in this (2) When the globe is blue, the blue pegs (3) Since the blue pegs are down,
i room to unlock the door. Use are up. When it's red, it's the red pegs you can go right down the
` your Switch Hook to get behind the that block your progress (on the map stairs at Point 3 and pick up a :
. many above, they're all up). To get started; get Small
sword- behind the red ‚ьа Key in ü
wielding pegs and shoot Ñ Ё SANA this
Moblins in the globe with ww иа base-
this dun- your Seed И ment
| geon. Shooter to raise isses е room
them behind ae
you. АА >
il (4) Head south from Point 3, and use your Switch Hook or Ae Return to the room with Point 5, making
Seed Shooter to get past the two lines of pegs in the (5X617) sure once again that the globe is red
southwest corner of this floor. You'll find three statues in ће before you head up the catwalk to the east. At Point
room beyond this. When shot Pee а S Ew. 6, carefully dodge the = = —
with the Seed Shooter, their eyes Sa, e š li ОССЕ Beamos à
. will open briefly. The trick is to get enemy and grab the
all three open at once. So stand to Dungeon Map. Then use
the right of the top statue and fire one of your keys to get to
at the statue bottom right, the stairs at Point 7, and
_ (at your bottom left) so the seed go down to the basement B
ricochets and hits all three! KA
Another Small Key is yours. Ë
50 Rupees

Small K

Small Key

(8) Shoot Ember Seeds at the red (9) Step on the switch in the right side of (10) Back on the first floor, push the
sticks when they're at an angle this room to make six statues appear. statues onto three of the switch-
to light the torches in all four cor- Memorize the pattern they're in, and push es, and use your Cane to make a
the statues in block on
the left side of the fourth
the room to one. The
match it exact- chest
ly. A chest with contains
| the Cane of . a Small
;. Somaria will Key.

(11)The blue pegs should still be (12)You'll need to use your Cane and (13)Use your Seed Shooter to hit the
down, so head Northeast and hop Feather to jump onto some of the globe from this angle and lower
down the staircase at Point 11. high steps in this passage. Jumping the red pegs. Make sure to put them
Avoid the off of a back up Т ЕЕ]
Pair of Somaria Hiss again on : &
Beamos block is s your way Ë
and cross also an out after
to the easy way Point 14,
other stair- to avoid or you'll be
case. the Spark. trapped at
Point 11.
(14)You need to push both statues onto (1516) Head downstairs at Point 17) Fight this morning star-wielding
i the red squares to make the Small 15. To cross the peg barri- knight with your sword and
Key appear. Trouble is, they only move er here, stand on the red strip, hit shield. Stab till he's about to strike,
as a pair. Use — = the J then block
your Cane to |. APE 25-4 globe, and
place blocks drop on repeat. To
in front of one to the protect
while you blue your
push the strip, shield, kill
other into for- t О“ and hit 507 the Like
mation. [СО it again. pð Like first.

[18) To figure out where the hidden walkway © Use Pegasus Seeds (20) Everyone loves dodge ball! To beat
Í is, use your Cane to make a block and and running jumps to this mini-boss, just grab the ball with
push it around the room. Where it falls, you clear these two large pits your Power Bracelet if he misses, or when
know there's a pit. If you get really lucky before the Miniboss. it drops in a random location. Chuck it
and the Moblin — back at him to —-
is standing right qs score hits. If he +
| next to the runs too far away A я
chest, you can (the coward!), j ; et
Switch Hook to = just drop the ball ses
it, but otherwise = for a few seconds Saas
this is the only Н to lure him
way to get to closer.
the Small Key. ранна
> Head north from the mini-boss's room
and use your Cane to drop a block on
the switch by the bridge. Grab the
Compass on the other side and head
downstairs. At this point, you should have
dur x № three keys in your pocket... You'll need
A ° Ð them all very soon.

(22123124) Shoot the globe so the blue pegs

are down, and then loop around to
the south. Fire a seed from the ledge at Point
23 to turn the globe blue. Then go to point
24, popping the key block there and the one
=| i == on the way. Hit the switch to
x ЩИ =|" raise the red pegs, then go
| | as : — = up the stairs in the south part
im led E |=[= of that room, go west to the
ан imd Ë | № central room, and jump onto
| Is the red pegs. Head north
"iU and go downstairs.
Repeat the process Bi. This nasty boss splits into
from Point 16 to get little pieces that run around
past this double layer of pegs. the blocks in the room, like
Leave the red pegs down to get Sparks. You need to make the
to the rupee chest at Point 26, and | boss re-form by getting the
leave the blue pegs down to get pieces to crash into each other.
to the stairs. Use your Cane to Use your Cane to make blocks for
drop a block in the side-scrolling them to stick to (if you time it
passage so you can get onto the well, they can cross large dis-
ledge and over the Spark. = tances by going to a new Cane
At point 27, push all the statues 11] block as the old one disappears),
into a circle around the owl to get and hit them with rapid-fire
the Boss Key. The order doesn't sword strikes to keep them stuck
matter, but when you push one, in place until the other part catch-
all the statues of that color move. es up. When the boss reforms,
So use your Cane like you did at keep going at it with your sword.
point 14. After four forms, the boss will die.


As you leave the dun-
geon, a Goron will appear
and tell you about the new
tunnel he's dug just east of
the one you took to get
here. It leads to this room,
which exits out to the cliff
below Point 3.

(2) Link PASSWORD #1

There are two passwords
that will lead you to new
items in this area. Take this
one to.the Big Goron in
Seasons and you'll get the
Biggoron Sword! If you
didn't play Seasons yet, this
room will be empty.

(S) THe Past Warp

The middle rock here
conceals a Time Portal.
Enter this cave in the Past,
and give the Goron 30
Bombs and 20 Ember
Seeds (you need to have
raised your Bomb capacity,
as explained on page 32, to [S
do this). Return much later, and he'll give you your
choice of two chests. (Both contain Magical Rings.)
(4)To THE FooTHILIS : 995% (5) THE Money Guy “Gaol Neus] S19
The tunnel here leads down Burn away this tree, and XO Si
24 to the foothills, where you'll тА the old man inside will take |^
100 Rupees away for door
repairs! But visit him in the
Past, and you'll score a full
200 Rupees. So you
should probably just skip
the Present-day visit.


If you want to get past the Goron guarding the tunnel here, you'll have to master the art of
Goron dance. Talk to the blue Goron, and choose your difficulty level (Bronze is easiest). There
are only two different steps, corresponding to the A and B Buttons, but EIU
you have to match the timing, too. So memo- ALL Be Othe шев
rize the Dancing Master's moves, then repeat г. BRONZE
| them, with the same amount of space BERRA GE a ad 6-7 correct зо Rupees
2, between each step. If you can replicate six ^
out of eight series of steps, the Dancing ede = jo. Ó
. Master will give you the Brother Emblem. 2 à 4 5 x
You can now pass freely through this Š; © |8 correct Gasha Se
à tunnel in both the Past and the Д с GOLD
= Present. Come back and dance er Es SIME] | 6-7 correct Gasha Seed
anytime to win valuable prizes. ААА Beer) |8 correct Magical Ring
The ORACLEOF AGES Perfect Guide № 043

@ THE East TUNNEL (D THE Money Guy

If you flash your Brother There's a ton of cash to be found
Emblem and head up the in the past version of Rolling Ridge.
stairs, you'll find yourself in Don't forget to visit this guy for 200
a long tunnel that contains Rupees.
a chest with 10 Bombs. A
floor above that is the (2 THE West TUNNEL
Bomb Dodging mini-game Take this route to the top of the
(now closed), and if you go ridge and you'll pass one chest
one more level up and jump to the chest, you can with a Gasha
snag a Gasha Seed. Take the exit on the middle level Seed (use Bombs fess
to get out to the clifftop with Point 7. to get it) and one 07
with 50 Rupees
(8) GASHA SPOT Lift the (use your Switch Hook). The tunnel
rocks at Point 8 to uncover a patch Ë ultimately leads to the opening
of soft earth. But watch out for the Ë west of Point 13.
southernmost rock... It's one of
those crab enemies. You can (B THe Boms Spot
unshell it with your Switch Hook. Drop a Bomb right between the =
(©)Вомвсни PASSWORD eyes, and open up а small cave with
a single chest. It contains 100
If you've cleared Seasons, you Rupees, bringing your total for this
can get another password in this area to a silky-sweet 350 samoleons.
cave. Take it back to Holodrum
and score yourself some Bombchus.
If you haven't completed Seasons
Cut away the grass here and use
yet, this cave will be empty. your Tune of Currents. You'll end
up right at the Heart Piece in the
00 THE Time PORTAL present.
Cut away this plant to reveal the warp to the Past.

044 © The ORACLE oF AGES Perfect Guide

From the Point 13-14
= Ridge, dive down a level. (D THE Mine Cart SHOOTING GAME (PRESENT)
= The tunnel there leads to In this mini-game, you have to shoot crystals with your
the same place it does in Seed Shooter while riding on a moving cart. The first time is
the Present... The Goron easy, since the crystals don't move (just be ready to quickly
Dance Hall. For now, just shoot to the lower параas you near the south wall of the sec-
use your Switch Hook to 7 5 m] ond screen). Victory nets you the
trade places with a plant Rock Briscuit, a key item.
and collect another 100 On future attempts, the crystals
Roces from the chest Start to move around, making the
game more difficult. But keep
playing: About one time in five,
the prize will be the Boomerang!
The other random prizes include
| 50 Rupees, 100 Rupees, and occa-
sionally Gasha Seeds.


After earning the Rock Briscuit, lift one of the rocks outside

SEES(o the Past version of this game room, where they're running
6 ие TE gj another Target Shooting game. It's much the same as the version
To get this sprout to =| in Lynna Village, but the new formation of the blocks allows for
the indented wall, you'll ^4 some nifty two-in-one diagonals, and the ball speed seems to
need to use your Switch : vary a bit more. You only need 100 points to get the Lava Juice.
Hook. When that's done, But if you keep playing, you can get 30 Rupees at 100-199, 20 bombs at 200-
warp to the Present and 299, a Gasha Seed at 300-399, and the Boomerang at 400- (but only if you
Emp up to Pei f 17. don't already have it, oi
я 9999999
Aa] 717900


: If you leap off this
= ledge, you'll find yourself Take the Rock Briscuit to the sentry who is guarding the Е
at a small clifftop with a East Tunnel in the Present (the one that wouldn't let you
Mystery Tree (convenient pass without the Brother
| asa warp portal), a Fairy Emblem). He'll trade you a
Fountain, and, if you Goron's Vase for it. Take that
linked from Seasons, a to the same sentry in
the Past, and he'll give
Subrosian with a
password to tell. Ø you a flask of tasty
e : Goronade.

Bring your Goronade to the mini-game spot in the
East Tunnel (Present). The Goron will give you one free
go at his bomb dodging mini-game, and offer up the Old
Mermaid Key as a prize (subsequent plays will cost ten
Rupees each). The concept g 799
here is simple: Run around
and try not to get yourself all
v blown up. Gale Seeds will
1 help, as will the Roc's Feather
1 ^ St when you're in a pinch.
iyou eae toу, you can win а Brack of ender prizes, including a Gasha
| Seed (about 1 chance in 8) and one of two differents Magical Rings (about one
chance in 16). The rest of the prizes are all Rupees.

After scoring the Mermaid Key, go visit the Goron at Point 15. Talk to him until he
agrees to trade the Lava Juice for the Introduction Letter. Take that to the Goron
Dance Hall at Point 20, and talk to the Red Goron. Then get ready to dance, dance,
Ai-yi-ai-yi-ai / I'm your little butterfly... Errr, no, wait! Wrong dancing game. This
is the same tedious button-tapping Goron Dancing Game 5
you did in the Present, you just Рея 9999999 Other Prizes:
have to beat it at the harder М SILVER
"Silver" level this time, instead GS) G G G ewe |6-7 correct so Rupees
of the "Bronze." Some of the m pm + EAA ||8 correct Gasha Seed
series of moves get pretty long, so be patient. Win, and TS Pare GOLD
you'll get the Mermaid Key. Master the harder levels and kð и фа ||O-7 correct Gasha Seed
win a bunch more prizes, including two exclusive Magical Р Б |8 correct Magical Ring
Rings if you get a perfect score in the Past-exclusive ; a PLATINUM
"Platinum" mode (the two rings you can win in Gold are the = = 6-7 correct Gasha Seed
same as the two you can win in the Present). А 8 correct _Magical Ring


Yes, Link's worst fears are realized: Two
Mermaid Keys means two Mermaid Now that you can
Dungeons. Or Е Ë Ef easily warp back to
] if ae) Ў 8|] the dungeon via the
ferent points ПРИ BH Mystery Tree, it's a
in time (so BL] good time to com-
changes you 2: plete the Trading
make in the 4 Game. Take Maple's
Past version Magic Oar to Rafton
will be reflect- in southern Lynna
ed in the 2 Village, in the past),
nd score yourself a hip Sea Ukulele. Still in the
put pur past, go to the Forest of Time area and head
J versa). The || south. Use your Switch Hook to get over the
zd Past version is №| Pits, and visit the Zora musician further to the
Берио the south. He'll give you the Broken Sword. Who
еее | can fix such a thing? Why Patch, of course!
Point 21, and № Youll have to go all the way around to his work-
the Present | shop south of Symmetry and do the whole mine
2 cart + enemies ritual, with two waves of ene-
S mies this time. Afterward, you'll have the Level
22. Well start 2 Noble Sword, which does double damage and
came ESE can fire beams when your lifebar is full.

046 #8 The Oracle ОЕ AGES Perfect Guide

GEON' ++



A Ma

Entrance G asha Seed

Small Key

erfect Guide № 047

£ oos H e Wizrobes assail you To kill these evil аы.
bomb at from all sides in this = candle creatures, fs
this cracked room. Use the terrain to light their wicks with
wall to ! your advantage: You can Ember Seeds fired from
— open a path : stab through blocks, but your Seed Shooter,
- in both the their shots can't go and prepare to run for
Past and through them. Kill them your life. Horrifying, j KE
. the Present. all for a Gasha Seed. yet oddly entertaining. ео pat a
ө Swim across this large pool to e You need to light these four braziers in the You've done this like a million
get the Dungeon Map. The right order, or they'll all go out. Start with “© times. Jump the panel, kill the
_ Sparks here can be easily avoided the upper-left, then do a banked-shot off the Gels, get the Compass. Note that
Бу just ducking your head under- wall to get the upper-middle one. Then the the Compass and Dungeon Map
lower, and then work in
finally the upper- the Past LE]
right. When all version
four are lit, the rest of this
of this room will dun-
be revealed, in
both the Past and

(7) On your way into Point 7, try [8) You can jump over the gap to You need to hold down both switches to
offing the Sparks with your kill the Skull Knights, but why “ keep the door open in this room. Your
new Boomerang. Pretty nifty. go to all the trouble? Drop a Cane of Somaria А
Point 7 is full of enemies, Scent Seed and let the enemies сап handle one of 2 XE Ð
including a bunch of the weird kill themselves! You'll receive a them, and you can
candle monsters. Kill them all to Small Key to commemorate your push a pot from the
Open devi- wg arrangement in the
= the ous № y corner to hold
door. plan. down the other

© If you need
Bombs, grab
‘em from the pots
in the corners.
Blow a path =
through the strip 3
of cracked blocks,
and then set X
another Bomb in
ees s the center of the
iy az north wall. That
Pos == hole will remain in
| the Present, and
` that's all-We came
here to do. Head
: outside and take
| the warp.
tevdi (bro) =
Small Ke

Dungeon Maj



(11)The Бала here shoot constant (12)You can get the Present version (13) From near the entrance, use your
fireballs, and won't stop till all of the Dungeon Map if you take Seed Shooter to hit the globe in the
the enemies are killed. But why a brief Sr into this room gna center of this room and shift the floor.
waste = me Switch Cross to the ^ =e,
time? Hook to Ë р EH point shown
Ignore the west Н here and fire
them and a side of again to gain
zip right = the room. access to the
through 47 east door-
to the J ï г way.
north. E) 2 E
(14)Once again, these enemies will (15)To get to the east doorway, just (16)This room is full of annoying
happily kill themselves if given reverse your steps by shooting Wizrobes and Wallmasters. Kill the
half a Bs from the ERE Wallmasters t]

chance spot ES ыы quickly, then

(and a shown at j | drop a bomb
Scent Point 19, 57 a = between the
Seed). A Ë | and then ere | blocks shown
Small Key ` 1 again Ж =R here. і
is your р z from SEARS! Si
reward. here.

The ORACLE OF Acts Perfect Guide № 049

«іб Тага n р.

То get a Small Arrggh! = я

© Key out of this ©@ There's = A i"
room, push the nothing more = F
block onto the confusing than т. É С | Io F
panels, with the EJES г double revolv- sey = E WS er F
same color on top, s 8 ing doors. To SE | а F
in Red-Yellow-Blue get to the Small | RARAN a
order. Key at point 20 | $ 2 | OK ] Il m
Е Е Henni:
© Ifyou dropped boss at Point 21, you'll need to use all of the various loop-around
a Bomb here in
points here. You can drop off the wall with the pots, Switch Hook
the Past, the pas- 0
over to the pots, RD Hook around in the area west of the doors,
sageway will still x ту etc. It will take a lot
be there in the
of trial and error, but
Present. If not,
you can never get
you'll need to go
stuck if you utilize all
back and do so.
the ways to get at the
doors from different

Ө! This mini-boss is a big

trash talker, but can Бе "P
easily beaten if you have LL ;
рай quick reflexes. All of his pro- sac
jectiles can be disspelled with
а swipe of your sword, so if gs
Е you stay towards the center
and ма defense, you'll be pretty safe. Hit him
when he gets close, and jump and slash the two bats (và
he breaks up into at the end of the fight. H.
[22]To clear а path to the Switch Hook tar- T | =
get here, you need to throw a Bomb so «ot
ante š ince ln FPR Ж xr] it explodes in midair right next to the EN VRAT
Head east from = cracked block. The timing is tough (you W Se 3
the enfrance to 07 have to do it right before the Bomb flash- x
get to this segment F es), but the pots here are full of Bombs, so x
of the dungeon. In 1“ E you'll have plenty of chances. The chest B
the first room, light ed contains the Mermaid Suit. an
(ie, kill) all the can- [25) Hookshot to the pots in the (26)027) Forget the chest in
dles to open the = room west of Point 25, and snag Room 26. It contains
door. the Compass in this chest. Then 30 10 Rupees and you'll have to
(24)The easiest way down- a contend with Wizrobes,
to avoid these stairs, E 3 Gibdos, and a Beamos to get
traps is simply to and care- в it. Instead, go straight to
follow them. You Læn fully jump $ Room 27 and try your luck,
can't outrace them, 9. ne through a | One pull-switch, at random,
but you're safe in ee side- will make the chest with the
their wake. scrolling Boss Key appear. The other
area. 1 will make snakes drop. Keep
trying till you get it,
then take the Boss
Key and Mermaid
Suit back to the Past.

IF C (Presenr)

050 3l The ORACLE оғ AGEs Perfect Guide

(28) [not marked on Return to the room
. № map] With your where you lit the four
Mermaid Suit, you torches (Point 5) and dive
can dive into deep into the deep pool by the
water. As you leave owl statue. Swim around
. the Present dungeon, to the staircase, carefully
press the B Button to avoiding the Tentacool-
dive into the pool j à esque jellyfish while
. shown here. It leads | they're electrified.
to a chest with a Kill them with your
Sword or Switch
Hook (either can be
assigned to the A
Button) when it's

< you into the pits in the

second part of this area. Tap
the Control Pad quickly to
avoid their pull. At Point 30,
kill the Snakes to make the
Small Key appear.
31) Manipulating this revolving door isn't
so tough... Just keep looping around
until it takes you where you want to go.
Smash the pots for lots of Hearts and
Fairies, then dive into the deep blue sea.
Or puddle, rather.
z (32)This chest contains 30 Rupees, not a
bad haul. After you pick it up, skim
along the blocks -
апа swim as fast аз |
you сап to avoid the
spear traps.

biF (Pasr) |

swim wide around

the fire-shooting stat-
ue in the room to the
west, and stay low in
the room above that
to avoid more
spears. At Point Stand on the island in the middle of the
33, use your screen and
Switch Hook to wait for
put all of the dia- Octogon to turn
mond blocks his face towards
onto the gold you. Then start
panels and get swinging your
the Small Key. sword, which will also deflect his pro-
jectiles. When his back is turned, the
(34) Pop the key block with your last Small : Key, only way to hit him is by using your
then drop a Cane i
DE SE H E Seed Shooter to ricochet shots off
of Somaria block onto м walls.
the switch to rotate When he dives, leaving only his
the red sticks as blowhole visible, Link should dive too.
shown. Fire a well- Stay as far away as possible and use
aimed shot so it goes your Seed Shooter as your main
between the sticks weapon when underwater... It's too
and hits the globe. dangerous to get within sword range.
After grabbing the
Essence in the Mermaid
i3 Dungeon, take the river
| back to Lynna Village,
1 where Ambi has left Nayru
alone in the castle.
The secret passage
. ae spoke be is at

Point 5. To open it, you'll

need to hit all of the
switches at Points 1-4. If
a guard spots you, you'll
be tossed back out, so
only move while their
backs are turned or there's [23
a block between you.
When all four statues
have moved, cut aside the
plants and head down-
stairs. Dive into the pool
and carefully swim around
the whirlpools. At the

You can't risk hurting off-colored patch of earth

Nayru, so how to hurt where you can float to the
Veran? A Mystery Seed surface. `
should do it: Smack Push away the blocks to set out into the castle.
Nayru with one of This is a small area: only two floors. If you head east
these and and then north you'll find a Magical Ring. If you head
she'll fall for west, you'll find the staircase to level 2, and a Fairy
a moment. Fountain north of that.
Quickly hit J If the guards here
=Í her with spot you, they'll
your Switch Hook attack. You can kill
to pull Veran away, them (stabbing
then start slash- through blocks is the
ing. After easiest way) but
repeating this it's best just to
three or four run. They have
times (with the short memories
Noble Sword), and will forget
Nayru will be you ever existed =
free! when you cross
Afterwards, to another screen.
she'll teach Link On the second
the Tune of Ages, floor, head east
the final harp tune through two well-
that can warp you from guarded
Past to Present or vice 7 rooms to get
versa from anywhere in / to Nayru's
the game! room.

052 ™ The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide

@ LINK'S SEAFARING ADVENTURES _ Allthe action in Scenario
7isin the Sea of
Storms that fills the entire south part of the map. And since you can dive underwater wit! r Mermaid Suit,
you have twice as much terrain to cover.

um; = Sc (Ð THE ISLAND Maze
DST (m | š Beneath the island of
| : à E the Tokay is an intricate
labyrinth. The room at
the end contains a chest


If you're using a pass-
word from Seasons, you'll
find a Zora guard at this
spot. He'll get out of the
way after the next dun-
geon. But if you're not
playing a linked game,
you'll never get in to this


In the past, swim
around to Point 3 under-
water and rise to the sur-
face. You'll be right in
| front of a cave that con-
tains a Tokay and an inter-
esting bit of jetsam -- the
level 2 Iron Shield.

The ORACLE or AGES Perfect Guide № 053
Present (0) i 2285 ee | @ THE WAy TO
= Okay...
b ØFLALLU This gets
dj. l tricky:
E Swim to
Point 1
in the
Present, and warp to the
Past. You'll end up in the
past, at Point 2. Swim to
Point 3, and play it again.

Present ~ UW Sz

You'll end up in the

Present, where you need
to dive the sea floor and
swim to Point 4. Switch
š 7 Hook to the diamond,
= " = then rise to the surface
& and pluck your tune at
© FUN IN ZORA VILLAGE Point 5. In the past,
swim to Point 6, play it
(@)AN Easy GASHA SEED @ТнЕ GasHA SPOT aeui dive aa
Rise to the surface, cross the sand- Plant your new seed in this plot of Switch Hook across the
bar, and dive back in to grab this one. earth in the southwest corner (Past). gap. Phew! You're done.
(9)Имк PASSWORD B) visit THE Zora KING
If you've played from Seasons, you'll Те Zora King in the Past is very sick,
run into a visitor from the Sunken City and you'll need a Potion, like the kind
with a password Syrup sells in the Graveyard, to save him.
that leads to an Giving him one won't earn you much
exclusive Magical more than his gratitude, but it will sustain
Ring. You can't do ; his bloodline... Visit the Palace in the
anything in the Present, grab 200 rupees out of the chest
nearby cave now. A (consider it a
Potion reim-
RiNG CHEST bursement),
Swim north from : and then
this point to getat f R [|] accept the
that chest in the i "Э! new King's
Fairies’ Woods. It s quest and
contains a Magical the Library
Ring. —
ve Key.
054 Ж The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide
à Swim
to the 3
Library [1
in the
surface. Warp to the
Past, and Switch Hook
across to visit the cruelly
enchanted fairy at Point
14 (this isn't required, just


in the
and warp to the Present
(fortunately, no one re-
locks the door in the sev-
eral century interim). In
the Past, talk to the green-
cloaked man in the back
and get the Book of Seals.
Then warp to the Present,
and set that book on the
shrine in the back. Follow
its instructions by walking
exactly that many steps in
the darkness. Each book's
instructions will lead to
another book, and the last
one will lead to the Fairy
Powder. The steps are, in Í @ INTO JABU-]ABU's BELLY
order: Use the Fairy Powder to
4 Right, 2 Up, 2 Right, cure the OctoFairy, and
2 Up, 1 Left, 2 Up,
1 Right, 1 Up, 2 Left,
1 Up, 3 Left, 1 Down,
3 Left, 1 Up, 3 Left,
1 Down, 1 Right, 2 Down,
2 Left, 3 Down, 1 Right,
1 Down, 2 Right, 1 Up,
1 Right, she'll remove all the poi-
son from the ocean. Not
only does this make it
easier to get around,
but it fulfills your
obligation to the Zora
King. Talk to him (in
the Present) and he'll
give you permission
to enter Jabu-Jabu's
Belly, at Point 17.

Small Key
eeОоо ee атаа

aec HP

— оо

Small Ke i KO V



ak e So

(1) As you enter this dun- (2) In this room, use your The
me НН D
geon, you'll find this Switch Hook to place a yellow
floor entirely filled with
` water, quite unlike the way
it is in the map shown
diamond in front of each
statue. Don't worry about
the black pits: You can
an area
pacon, NEN
Map, then
Һеаа л
сае ©
above. Draining it will be swim right over them, where you rth. 1 oF TH
a top priority. But first, kill Solve this puzzle, as shown сап swim МЕ thefoe Sao Ко
all the enemies in this below, and the first Small up to a higher level. So room, swim along either
room to get the Compass. Key will drop. press the B Button while. side to dodge the fireballs.
STTS, here and you'll end up in Keep heading north in the
ERA A, the pool marked "A" on the next room, but note that.
оаа) mmm YOU САП
Я floor. Use Soe eee use your
ae = your rang SO F © © Switch
Š а to off the © CDO Hook to
wad 3 Sparks Охе S =
ўбее: PN. the
OLS 31
DAR SSA © т епе-
SERRE mies here.
© ©



Small Ке

Pincers lurk (6) Outrunning the spin- The switches in this [8) Note that on the map
in the = ning traps here is easy, room raise and lower above, there are large
ponds here. cy even without the Pegasus the water level in the dun- gold-walled platforms
The best way P Seeds. Just dash straight geon. Right now it's at shown in this room and
to deal with ies to the key block, pop it, level 2 (so the pools in this the room directly east of
them is to stun and head upstairs into level are full, and all of here. The platforms rise
them with your level 3. There's only one level 1 is underwater). Hit and fall with the water
Boomerang before you go way to go here, which the red switch and the , level, so they're at level 1,
for the kill. Then push the leads to Point 7 (shown on water level will drop to as we'll see when we jump
blocks aside to get at Point the map on page 59). level 1. Go downstairs to into the pit marked "С" to
6. see what happened. return to the first floor. Kill
the Spark here with your
Boomerang for a free Fairy.
jer ра ра ра раг ра í m

á ра ја 1а ЕЕ m.
| o E р E
ze a WIS и

OE "d
e ратра рара ond ELELEE x=.

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide #@ 057

(9) The gold pedestal is on this floor
now, and you can use the pot in its © Now that the water is gone,
you can push aside the bot-
[11) You can use your Switch Hook here,
but it's easier to use your Cane of
center to Switch Hook onto it. From tom block and get at the Small Somaria to drop a block on the switch
there, Switch I3 Key ç KOO to open the gunk
Hook to a pot; : con- E E 38 door. We're
near the chest ; æ c tained š a o. ou done here, Mew.
with a E inside па A ра so swim = =
Magical Ring. oan this mE HL e around to E
í =
Then hop - chest. boon [B 1 the D stair-
down and iat case.
head south.

Ф Get up on the pedestal and

Switch Hook across to get to the
You'll need to Switch Hook across this sea
of spikes to get to staircase E. Back on the
Go back down the D
stairs, and cross this
other side of this room. Bonus: Two third floor, head north then west to get to the now filled pit to Point 16.
more of = switch at Y
the Sparks Point 14 ú (= а
that turn that raises a ПЕ -]
into Fairies the water o
when x: = | level back
'rang'ed. to the ú
second a

Kill both snakes here

for a Small Key. Head Ф gold
Dive into the small pool here. With the
pedestal gone, you can now swim
© After a brief side-scrolling bit, face this
dungeon's easy mini-boss. When it's
northwest to Point 17. c to the chest (with a Gasha Seed) and puffed up, shoot it with your Seed
pg pan pan pn gn gs| stair- ES Shooter to bring it down,
case fw then stab its glowing bit
G Би repeat-
Јиа æ,уисја | edly to
| Д inflict
R damage.
а ра ра уа ра = <

3 "T т =e =e
(19) After killing the mini-
boss, go upstairs and
At Point 11, stand on
the switch and use your o Use your newly expanded
Switch Hook to get across
pop the key block. Grab Switch Hook on the dia- the gap in the side scrolling
the nifty Level 2 Switch mond. With the pedestal area, then kill all the enemies
Hook, and use that to get gone at Point 20, you can at Point 21 for a Small Key.
back out to the main area enter the staircase beneath Hit the B Button on the yel-
of the first floor. it and go to Point 21. low tiles in the room to the
LANAan gg) >=.AN,am.жж. 3 3 38.же95.3 3.ин
А > C ¿w

208] Ç EUKI
J P =. Be Wa south, and resurface in level
Eo ‘ KR 2. Now you have to lower
x IsiE
= the water level again, so
SEOSE repeat Points 5-8 to hit the

SSS ps ID = I S red switch and return to the
ры: лиц
чалам | re-drained level 1.
pm ar Е lal
F ——

Use your Switch Hook to pull Take staircase D to level 2, and e:Switch Hook past Point 23 and con-
22)the diamond out of its island, e E to level 3. To raise the water tinue south. The platforms have
and Switch Hook out with the pot. two levels, you need to hit the Switch risen to the third level, so at Point 25,
Get the Diamond on one of the at Point 14, and then Switch Hook you can Switch Hook across to the dia-
buttons, across the mond on
and use Я chasm, loop 4 the platform
the Cane 74 [real № around the 4 and then to =
onthe | y north part 4 the one by SN
other to S of level 3, | E 5 d the chest.
— Mad
(is uere пы nerRR
! and hit the
! switchat
Point 24.
if E]

sj EE
a me

058 M The ORACLE OF Acts Perfect Guide

Gasha Seed

(ode (oe




719 Small Ке

Take staircase E to the now submerged

@ second floor and swim па! the way © With 3 Keys in your pocket, you're ready to run the gauntlet in the
north part of the third floor. Open all three doors, pausing to Sabaa
around to Point ; Gasha Seed in
26. Finally, you e 3 | between, and
can easily get in 11111) l a snag that Boss
and grab the last ix Key.
Small Key. Then | іх
retrace your steps I X
and return to the
Third Floor.
Take staircase E This boss is really easy to
again, and loop ` beat if you know how. The
south to Point 17. K < only thing that hurts him is his
Dive into the pool, 2 Ф) own bullets, and only when he's
swim around to ESE ea ја the opposite color. Sounds
where the gold plat- I Sites tricky? It's not. Just stay to the left
form used to be, and ## oN ! or right of him (far enough away that
press the В Button there to surface youll be safe if he charges), wait for

4 o,
иса. just north of Point him to fire, and then nail him with your
om 0n 28. Swim up onto Г ТТТ Switch Hook.

A the railing there, fill ааа En You'll switch
up on Fairies from x Т1 places, he'll
| the pots, and swim change colors, and the
around to the boss LUE Ga
bullet he aimed at you will
| door. ø| hit him instead. На!

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide № 059



Soest M

= Jabu's Belly,
you'll run

who will give you the

Zora Scale. This is the
proof you need to get by
the Zora guards and into
the Sea of Storms. If
you're playing Ages as
your first game, you'll find
PAST - UNDERW.ATER a Zora guard at Point 1, in
the Past. If you've linked
| from Seasons, the guard
will be in the Present, at
Point 2 (you can then
warp to the Past).


Rise to the
(again, in the
(3X4) THE SEArd
Dive to the Remember
bottom to nab this cave? You Ages, in the Present if
Magical Rings м can now Switch you've linked), and swim
in these small me Hook across to to the circling pirate ship.
caves (Point 3 Talk to the captain, and
Ð can be reached | trade him your Zora Scale
| only if you've contain yet for the Tokay Eyeball. The
|| linked from another Magical ship will then set sail for
] Seasons) d Ring. FOIE OA in Seasons.
Now that [Not shown
you've upgard- l on map] Warp
ed your Switch ET і зо Lynna City (in
Ноок, уои сап
pull yourself j use your new
over to this Hook to nab a -
diamond and you guessed it -
swim up to a Magical Ring
1 Magical Ring. from the mayor.

060 s The Oracle oF Acts Perfect Guide

What to do with the Pirate's
Tokay Eyeball? After you safely
return from the Sea of
Storms, take the eyeball
to the statue on Crescent
Island (in the Past) and
insert it into the socket. A
cave will appear, with three
challenges. Pass them all
to open a route to the
game's final area.
Boomerang to stun the Gibdos before you stab
them to death with your blade. If you

want to use Ember Seeds.

can outrun the traps easily with a
Pegasus Seed. The final trap won't
go all the way down, so you can
hide behind the pot while you gun
я down the enemies with Gale Seeds.
another one of those puzzles where you
have to push around a Cane of Somaria
block to figure out where the invisible
paths are. But the route can be easy:
Just go up and over towards the exit,
jumping over the spot shown.

The cave lets you out

at the spot shown above.
Push the errant statue into
line with the other two,
and the path to the final
| area will open.
You have to take the
long way, so be careful.
The Centaur enemies can
| be grueling, so use your
Boomerang to stun them.

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide Ж 061

After you light the
i o braziers and kill the
| ghosts, turn your atten-
| tion to finding the hid-
den Bomb spot. It's in
` the northwest corner,
| behind the statue, which
` can easily be pushed
; (2) Your first priority here
a is to kill the trio of
. Wallmasters that will
attack as soon as you
enter. When they're
gone, it's safe to bomb a
й path to ће Small Key in
the chest, and the locked
door in the south.
Fire an Ember Seed
into the brazier in the
northeast corner. Use
- your Switch Hook to pull

өө From staircase A,
have little choice
but to
head northwest to Point 4. Push
the block there to make See
i B appear, which t
|[i 1 the diamond onto one
switch, use your Cane on
leads to the Dungeon
Map. Continue north
Ë another, and stand on the
E to grab the Small Key |
LE third to reveal the stairs. at Point 5. isi ја Ded
(6) Use that key to pop the key You can dash past the first two slid- (8) Before you take the revolving door,
block near staircase A. take ers with a Pegasus Seed, but you'll continue along the catwalk to the
the revolving door down, go up need to lure out the next two. Grab the globe. Turn it red, thenHie? to point 8
the ledge, past Point 8, over NE Small Key, === and get the i ==
red panels, then care- Compass.
and up the fully work With the
stairs to your way blue pegs
_ the west. past the down, you
—— Drop a red slider can now
bombat 9, on your go to Point
Point6, = way back. 9.
This is kind of unusual...
The Small Key in this room © Climb up and hit the switch here
to make a second staircase appear. Ф You'll be forced to go to the west when
you first come at this revolving door
is actually contained within Now you have a built in loge for from the north. No prob: Just go to the
the corpse of one of the manipu- ж; other revolving = T
Stalfos. | lating the door, апа loop Xxx
And Link revolving back around
- knows door. and take it
- exactly Use it to from the north
` how to head again. Now it
extract east. will head east,
it. to Point 12.
Small Key Small Key

Small Key Compass

© This dungeon is kinda

a retrospective of all theT: If you
y i feelits worth the
trip, you can head back
(14) Use your final key in the room north of Point 11, and
head to Point 14. To get to staircase C, you need to
dungeon puzzles up to this here and toss the blue statue turn the globe blue, stand
point. But this walk-in-a- on the red pegs, and then
line-that-hits-all-points turn it red. Link can then
puzzle is way harder than walk across the pegs to
its predecessors. Use our the northwest, jump the
sample solution below if small gap, and head out to
you get stuck. the northwest exit. The
The Power Glove, this staircase is three rooms to
area's major item, can be the west. a a
found here. Use it to lift
__ those large blue statues
like the one at Point 13. © [See map, next
page] More Sparks
(16)The only way to beat this mini-boss is to reflect his shots
back at him. `This is easiest if you're directly above or
here: Turn them into below him, but don't get too —
Fairies with your close... If the shot is cracker-jack x= A 2 j I
boomerang to prepare shaped instead of round, you need 7 p Kn
for the boss ahead. to run out of the way before it Е kS
bursts. The round shot will turn
him into a bat, which is when he's

TOR | vulnerable to sword hits. Do let

him hit you with it at least once, so `
you can see Link's monkey form.

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide

№ 063
@ er а ©:As always, а if —
best- Pegasus Seed 08| ш а m E jáLi
- ing the is handy for out-
` Miniboss, racing sliders.
head south They always
and then travel in perfect- us
two rooms ly straight lines, -
to the west. | so you can
There are ] иг." dodge them by
| lots of enemies TU but you don't need to kill any of them. Switch ducking into the alcoves between blocks. /
Hook over the barrier, and go northwest to Point 18, where you'll The chest here contains a Small Key. The one 7
— need to use your Hook again. in the next room contains the first Slate.
DA Drop off the platform south of the first Slate, and head (22) Okay, do the lava switch thing here, and run
southeast to the room with all the braziers. West of east to get the second Slate. Then go up the
there, in Point 20, you'll encounter some of those WR stairs and hang a right to end up at Point 23.
orange enemies that mirror Link's ^ Я x Т
At Point 21, use your key to
pop the key block. You could use '
your Glove to pull the lever, drain
the lava, and quickly dash across,
but oddly, that accomplishes
absolutely nothing. Head west
. and save that for Point 22.
23)DA)25) One of the large blue
statues in this room con-
| ceals a staircase to level ВЗ. Lift it
‘up and head downstairs.
Do some old fashioned block-
pushin' and Switch Hookin' to nab
the Boss Key. Then cross to stair-
way E, which leads to Point 25. Push the block onto
the panel, blue side-up to open the gate (this doesn't
require any tricky maneuvering). Then return to Point
23 and prepare for a minecart ride.
—= -

E (26) The cart at Point 26 leads

а you to another of the spin-
М ning tile rooms. Stand there and
hack away until they're all The stairs at the end of the
’ destroyed. Then grab the Gasha swimming part lead to a side-
Seed and go south. scrolling area. Head right to get to
Š (28)There's nothing in this the final Slate, and left to get to the
room you can't outrun H staircase, northeast of Point 32.
if you use a Pegasus Hit the switch to make a permanent
` Seed and don't make any ladder (not that you'll be coming
false: moves. The tricky back) and drop all your Slates into
part is getting back out the slots around the altar. .
after you hit the switch; [33]The weird puzzle before the
give the sliders time to boss door is actually a hint how.
disperse. to beat him. Use your Sword to
break the crystal, a Bomb to break
129) In this room, you have the block, your Seed Shooter to
i to fight a morning star
light the brazier, and your Power
knight on slippery ice.
Glove to lift the statue. You'll use
Get in close and be
the same items in the same order
aggressive, but block with ,
to beat the boss's four forms.
your shield when he
swings. Get the third To beat the first form, use your sword
Slate north of here, then p to knock his fists back into him, as in
take the minecarts back. the Target Shooting Game. Stand near a
1. wall (as shown in the photo) and wait for him
X [30] More slippery ice:
ќо cruise by and fire his fists. Hit them
| Stay in a corner and
straight up to nail him on the way back.
shoot the candles with
To beat the second form, drop a Bomb
` Ember Seeds. They can't
Д2 right between his hands when they're open.
control their movement
w= When he closes them, it ` : =
well, so you should be
will blow, doing damage.
^ safe if you hold still. +
You can get more Bombs
__ Take the F staircase.
from the plants in the
corners if necessary.
There are some diffi- The easiest way to EE
ae cult currents to navi- Рт — beat the third form is to shoo
gate on your way to the kkk: seeds off the wall so they ricochet and hit him ву
final Slate. You can go я in the back of the head. 7
straight down the middle ....... WS ses On the fourth form, wait for him to shoot Ë
until this point, where | one hand at you, then quickly grab the other
Ч ` you'll have to make а ANANAS HAM AE hand with your Power Glove and pull it back.
«^ tight turn directly in en еее After about 2 1/2 tugs, release it, and it will
between the two pits. ТОМОН
НАНО Ta smack the boss on its way back.

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide "Él 065

I theblack Tower
Warp to town and tell
t B FINAL PREPARATIONS Before you go, you may
=.the Maku Tree of your tri- want to warp to the cave
umph. Now that you in the northwest corner of
have all eight essences, Zora Town (on the surface)
she'll give you the Maku in the Present. You can
Seed and send you to the now use your Power
Black Tower (in the Past) Glove to reveal a Magical
Ring under a statue.
If you're playing a
linked game, you may
to settle things with want to challenge the
Veran. Warp back in time Cave of Heroes (across
and prepare to meet a from the entrance to Maku
few old friends on your Road), which features 14
way to the tower. difficult puzzles, and an
exclusive Magical Ring at
the end.

The first two floors of the Black Tower are

full of enemies. Most can be easily side-
stepped, but there are times, like the sea of
Like Likes (1), when you'll want a
Boomerang to stun them, or Switch Hook
to get past them.
š The dungeon's next two floors contain а
Д ton of staircases (2). Take them in alphabet-
ical order to get to the top.
As Link enters the next floor, he'll be sur-
rounded by flames. If you visit the owl stat-
ue on the lower floor (3), you'll get a hint:
Follow the fireball that Link had his back
turned to when he enters. It will eventually
go up a Staircase in the lower-right hand
4BI corner (4), and that's the one Link will want
1 to take. Grab a Fairy from the pots up
Á there, but don't dawdle, or the Centaurs will
shoot you off the small platform and you'll
have to do it over (5).
After another floor full of enemies, you'll
enter the final room, where Ralph is challenging Queen Ambi (6).


Your battle with Veran starts with a repeat
of the confrontation you had when she was
ga. possessing Nayru. Shoot her with
\ Mystery Seeds, use your Switch Hook,
| and slash her brains out. Easy enough.
But that won't last. She next comes
out as a weird fairy with four Shadow
Links. The Links mirror your move-
ments, and are actually more of a
help than a hindrance. Stab them
IE to death when Veran is out of -
range to get Recovery Hearts. Your sword is the only effective weapon against this form of
Veran (especially if you're at full life and can fire sword beams).
Just when you think it's over, the true battle begins. Veran's final manifestation has three dif-
ferent forms. It always starts with the turtle, and then randomly turns into the wasp or spider.
The turtle form is easy. Keep running to the left or right while the shell is in the air, and it won't
be able to hit you when it drops. If Veran's face appears, quickly turn and slash (from the other side
of bubbling muk). If not, keep running.

à. Seed Shooter shots while it's far

-2 С away (it's too big of a target not to
~ get hit, so even blind diagonal shots |
work). Kill its baby wasps for items.
You'll need to use Bombs against the spider form. Its move-
ments are unpredictable, so stay close and hold onto the Bombs
for a second or two before you toss them. If you score a hit, the
А B Á ee
spider will be stunned and you can attack with your sword. P uad
Kao Kl


If you've linked from Seasons, your adventure is not yet over. Heal up, buy a new
|| Potion, save your game, and follow Twinrova into the Eye of Deceit. This small dungeon is
| the same room over and over again: To know which ways to go, watch the eyes of the stat-
ues. They're all looking in different directions, but the right direction is the way none of


7 i Target Shooting skills will be required for ar 5 Ganon warps into the battlefield,
the first form. Hit Koume's bullet at &j attacks once, and then warps out. He's
Kotake, and vice versa. This can be very usually vulnerable right before or after
difficult, so if you're having trouble, stand in his attack. The best strategy is to charge
the corner and just swing рт up a Spin Attack while he's gone, and
until you get lucky. You'll ES then see which form is warping back in.
score the three requisite If he has his spear poised to strike, start
hits eventually. jumping away, wait for him to miss, and
When Twinrova's true then unleash the Spin. If he doesnt,
form appears, you'll be unleash the Spin, and then prepare to
warped to either the lava stage or the ice jump over one of his variety of projectile
stage. In the lava stage, you should only attacks immediately.
attack from diagonals, or the ricochet will There are a couple of exceptions. If
send you into the lava. Use your Feather Ganon himself jumps (he'll warp in and
to jump out of the path of bullets, and to start charging energy, like the shot in the
hit Fire Keese. The ice stage is easy, since lower corner), make sure you're in the air
you can deflect the spike balls and | 91 when he lands, or you'll be stunned.
snowflakes with your sword. The Feather Don't try to attack, just
still comes in handy for changing direc- get ready to run from his big ball of
tion or stopping a slide. death. Occasionally, he'll warp you to a
When Twinrova starts to flash, one side weird blue plane where all your controls
fire and the other side ice (as in the shot are reversed. If you're close enough to
to the right), pull out your Seed Shooter hit him, great, but don't move too much
and take a shot. After five such hits, it Serie You can jump over any of the
will be time to face Ganon. ў projectiles he fires there. Beating Ganon
is all about the jumping.

` The ORACLEOF AGES Perfect Guide № 067

# Grade Name Ver. Ring Gasha ог
Fortune Maple
Friendship Ring Both


e aspect of collecting Magical Rings is ar I.

e of the key facets of the two "Zelda: ZH i Both
games. Not onlyisit a diversionary — А — E
he main quest -- and one that A _ Ages GBA ] Ages
he ‘Zelda’ completisttotask, at that- cee laple's Ring _ ДА se
$ the player commemorate 7 n i Е o" B j
s. Like, for instance, destroy- ii Ring | Ages [US
Й Я Both
e-hundredth sign-post! Orin
of the first time you met Vasu! х
а sle ngs that are 2 Swimmer's Ring Вит. Linking (Ages) —
cal 0
hough. Ifyou’ š _ Charge Ring Both
on the я z
gle one no ma в [Ë вотіегѕві Ages
i e to регизе thi Green Luck Ring Both

pick out hat you just — fd BhelukRin — Both

ike to own. Or link Game Boys and зне YellowLuckВіц. m
Á ] ed Luck Rin! 0!
swap Rings with d. Got your eye опа | Green Holy au
buddy's Victory Ring? Then -dare- him to -
i „ Don't forget that i these Hu
in Vasu's shop, and
can only be equipped in 34 — B Snowshoe Ring ttn. Linking (Ages)
only one can be worn at a time oe TRE
uicksand Ring
-- until you find a way to power-up your
Ring Box, of co
Ë Blue Joy Ring
_ Yellow i

roy Ring
_DoubleEdge Rin

TA Sign Ring
100th Ring

Protection Ring
068 № The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide
Location Ring Effects
(Attack & Damag? is 1 = 1/8 Heart)
From Vasu

he Su à
Below a statue in Yoll Graveyard

Can be obtained through the Bomb Dodging

Mini game or Field in the Ages

Inside a cave in Nuun Plateau

Lynna Village mini game
Goron Dance mini game
2nd hide-and-seek mini game.(Seasons)
Mayor Plen's House (Ages) -
Inside a cave
_ At Ambi's Palace hie
Lynna Village mini game —

MamamuYamsminigame —— —
Inside a cave (Seasons)
_ Bomb dodging mi

_ From Vasu

No effect from jinxes

Grow great Gasha Seeds.

Damage taken is always 1 Heart.

The ORACLE OF AGES Perfect Guide Ж 069
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