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The Zion Banner

VOL. IV. NO. 12.


Zioy CITY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1903. Price, 3 Cents Per Copy, 3 Cents Per Week
$1 For Six (Months.

CONSECRATE BIO NET Crane took his sixty odd employees to the lake
fishing industry, sixteen have more than 1,000
Luncheon was served, followed by ice-cream.
professionals. AT MID=WEEK RALLY
The most important fishing state is Massa­
Boats were then placed at the disposal of the chusetts with its 17,000 fishermen.
Overseer Speicher Asks God’s Bless party and all who desired rowed out to see what Minnesota has the smallest number, thirty-five.
ing Upon New “Pound Net” they could of the new fishing net. Illinois has 300 professional fishermen. Overseer Speicher Gives Plain Talk
of Fresh Food Supply. The weather was perfect, and the lake was as The financial profits of a fisherman vary from on Tithing—Warns Against
smooth as a looking-glass and clear as crystal. one hundred to one thousand dollars per annum.
Overseer Speicher, who had been invited, ar­ The principal fish centers of the United States
the Use of Iced Drinks.
rived, having escaped from his desk at Temple are Gloucester, Massachusetts; Boston, Massachu­
HOW FISH ARE CAPTURED Cottage long enough to snatch a breath of setts; Portland, Maine; New York City, Philadel­
fresh air. phia, Pennsylvania; Norfolk, Virginia; Savannah,
Every one wanted to fish, so the fisherman got Georgia, and San Francisco, California.
out the large seine and prepared for the catch. The deep-sea fishery is by far the most interest
About Zion’s Fishing Industry—Employees of Zion’s seining net is 650 feet wide. At one end ing, since to this department belong the twenty
Food Supply at a Picnic—Some Facts is attached the end of a coil of rope 1,200 feet long. thousand or more men who may be called sailor Deacon Barnard and Eider Brasefield Speak
About Fish and Fishing. The net is placed in a boat and taken out as far fishermen. With Conviction of the Great Present
as the rope will permit. When the end is reached, TOTALS OF STATISTICS OF UNITED STATES FISH­ and Greater Future of Zion.
the fishermen tie fast another piece of rope, 1,200 ERIES.
feet long, drop the net and pull for the shore. Number of men employed, 131,426.
Early Tuesday morning Overseer J. G. Speicher Here a large pulley is found, to which the ends Capital invested, $37,955,349.
and Deacon J. W. Crane arose and drove to of the ropes are attached and the net is hauled in. Shiloh Tabernacle was well filled on Wednesday
Number of vessels engaged, 6,605.
the lake front to ask God’s blessing on Zion City’s By this mode of seining, 3,000 feet of sea space evening, when Elder Cossum entered the baptistry
fishing industries, whose new “pound net” was to is dragged by the net and everything, fish, debris Total tonnage, 208,297.82.
to baptize the twenty-four who wished to obey
Boats engaged, 44,804.
be raised that morning, for the first time since it and all, lands well up on dry land. God s command in baptism by triune immersion.
Value of boats and vessels, $10,357,282.
was lowered on Thursday of last week. On Thursday, the fish caught were distributed While the congregation was assembling, Over­
The total value of annual products of the sea
Dawn of day is a thing of wondrous beauty in among the employees, and all had fish on Friday.
fisheries, the great lakes and great rivers, is placed seer Speicher announced Hymn No. 266, “O Wor­
Zion City, as the sun comes over the eastern ho­ As soon as the new Fresh Food Supply building ship the King,” and No. 281, “The Eye of Faith.”
rizon, its rays gleaming on the azure-hued waters of is completed, Deacon Crane expects to have an at $43>°46,o53> while the products of the minor in Prayer was then offered by Elder Brasefield,
land waters are valued at $1,500,000.
the lake, and lighting up the city in a glory of green up-to-date fish department, in the center of which followed by Overseer Speicher, who asked God’s
The northwest coast of North America is a
and gold. will be a large aquarium with a fountain keeping region which abounds in fish more than any other blessing on the sick who had requested prayer.
The waters, on Tuesday morning, seemed to be the water fresh. The inspired word of God was read by Over­
in perfect harmony with the spirit of the mission, part of the world.
In this aquarium will be found samples of the Of the uses of fish to man, by far the most im­ seer Speicher from the 33d chapter of Isaiah.
and as the two boats left shore there was just the finny tribe captured that day in the lake. The Overseer took advantage of the many in­
slightest possible ripple discernible. portant is that of supplying him with food.
Occasionally, patrons may have the privilege of Fish forms an article of food in almost all spired passages to give a very profitable exposi­
A short row of half a mile brought the party to selecting their fish as it swims in the tank. tion of the word, mainly dwelling upon the abom­
countries, and in some is the principal part of the
the nets, where, with bowed heads, Overseer The attending clerk will catch, it with a net food of the inhabitants. Many fish which are ination of hypocrisy.
Speicher asked God to bless the work of these nets and kill it for the intending purchaser. Overseer Speicher made the following com­
highly esteemed for the table are not procured in
for Zion. The capture of fish for food has been carried on sufficient abundance to be a principal part of food ments:
After the net had been loosened the bottom was in a variety of ways from the most remote an­ “ God Almighty is easily made angry by avarice
in any country.
hauled up and a never-to-be-forgotten scene fol­ tiquity. and greed.
Some fish, on the contrary, are unpalatable,
lowed, as the fish leaped from the net into the The supply of food yielded to man by the waters and some, mostly tropical, are poisonous, while “ In any city where oppression rules there will
boat and settled in the water at the bottom. seems always to have borne a very considerable other are only poisonous at particular seasons. be sickness and death.
The Zion City fishing industry, although still proportion to that yielded by the land. “ If a man who is receiving money from God’s
The skin of some cartilaginous fish yields sha­
very young, promises to assume large proportions The use of both the net in various forms and of green, and the air bladder of some fish isinglass. storehouse does not tithe his income, he would
from present indications. the hook and line, as well as the fishing rod, are better look out; for God is a jealous God and will
The minute lamina; which give brilliancy of
Deacon J. W. Crane has put E. E. Dewensberry very ancient. count such a man a hypocrite.
color to some, and the similar substance found in
in charge of the fishery, with H. Emery as his Allusion is made in several places in the Old the air bladders of others, afford the materials of “ We do not care for large numbers in Zion City
assistant. Testament to the use both of nets and hooks in the which artificial pearls are made. unless they are true Christians, obeying God’s
\ The net upon which God’s blessing has been capture of fish.
A very useful oil is also obtained from some will.
asked is a “pound” net, which consists of a wall Some of the most important fisheries, as the fish. “We want quality here, more than quantity.”
of fishing net twenty feet deep, called a leader. herring fishery, are carried on almost exclusively The Overseer then gave a very instructive talk
This leader is fastened to slight poles 132 feet by the net. on the effect of hot weather on those who regularly
apart, beginning about 990 feet from the shore The capture of some very valuable kinds of fish used iced drinks.
and extending into the lake for somewhat less —as cod, haddock and others of the same family Trains for July 4th—A New Train from Warn “Especially injurious,” he said, “are ice-cream
than a mile. is chiefly by hook and line. kegan. sodas and soda water.
The fish run against this leader, and, as they The shooting of fish with arrows is practiced by On Saturday, July 4th, the Zion City General “Iced drinks are the cause of nearly all sun­
follow it, they are led into a heart-shaped net some tribes of South American Indians. Stores and Zion City Fresh Food Supply will be strokes.”
which is connected from the leader. Some of the very large kinds of fish, such as closed all day. While this might spoil the sales of the soda
Here the fish swim around in an endeavor to get salmon, are occasionally harpooned and many Both the stores will remain open until 8 p. m., fountain, he said neither he nor Deacon Clendinen
out, but on every turn they find their noses turned large fish are killed by means of a spear—a mode Friday night in order to accommodate the patrons. cared to have soda water used by people.
toward the netted “tunnel” leading to the “trap.” of fish capture very common in some parts of The following trains leaving Zion City will be “ Eat ice-cream; that is all right; but a mixture
Once the fish have passed through the “tunnel” Scotland and much employed by salmon poachers. abandoned on Independence Day, Saturday, of a thick syrup, ice-cream and marble dust gen­
into the “trap” there is little or no likelihood of The spear which has three prongs is called a July 4th: erated into gas and water—that is what icecream
their ever getting out. leister. South. North. soda is—is good for no one’s stomach.
The “trap" is a net stretched on four sides, Torches are also used by night in many parts of 6:45 a. m. 7:30 3i m> “Water for drinking purposes, should not be
twenty feet each way, with a bottom of netting the world, both in sea and river fishing, to attract S:I9a. m. 8:50 a.m. cooler than 45 or 50 degrees, which is about the
twenty feet square. 2:37 P- m. 3:20 p. m. temperature of the water as it comes from a good
the fish by the light, which in this way has an al­ Zion’s Superintendent of Transportation Peters well.
When fish are required, the fishermen row out most certain effect.
to the nets, and, by a simple manipulation of the has been spending a few days in Chicago with the “ If water is too warm to suit you, put it near the
The value of the fish industry to a nation having result that he is enabled to announce an additional
rope, soon have the fish all in one corner- This a lengthy coast line is very great. ice to cool but never put ice into the water.
corner of the net is then raised, and as the waters train between Waukegan and Zion City. This “ Deacon Barnard just said to me he supposed
The United States, Great Britain, Canada, Rus­
of the lake are clear, the fish are easily seen long sia, France, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, train is to leave Waukegan at 12:28 p. m. on the the soda fountain would have a sign up now
before they are out of water. Lord’s Days and arrive in Zion City at 12:38 p. m„
Sweden, Italy, Denmark, Belgium and Germany, and is for the accommodation of the Waukegan 'Closed for Repairs.’ (Laughter; applause.)
The fishermen take as many fish as are needed rank in the order named for the annual catch. “ Most of the people who think they are
and lower the “ trap,” which holds the rest of the people who desire to attend the services at Shiloh sunstruck, are, in reality, * ice struck,’ because of
The following embodies the statistics of the Tabernacle.
fish not used until they are wanted. American fisheries at the latest dates compiled. the excessive use of iced drinks.
As new captives are always being added, there The south-bound train which has been leaving “ Let us, in Zion, obey God’s law in eating and
We have in the United States 131,426 active Zion City at 8:04 p. m. will, beginning Sunday,
is no reason, unless it be an unforeseen accident fishermen, upon whom are dependent landsmen, drinking that which is clean and healthful.
by storm to the net, why Zion City should not dealers and families, numbering from 800,000 to Tune 28, leave Zion City at 7:35 p. m. “ Be careful what you eat.
always have the freshest of fish, by simply rowing 1,000,000 persons. Inspector Oliver, of the Chicago & North-West­ “Fully one-seventh of the entire human race is
out after them. ern railway line, has been instructed to have a dying of tuberculosis.
Fishermen as a whole are noted for their mo­
The fish of Lake Michigan are delicate in flavor rality, strict observance of the Lord’s Day and for bulletin-board placed in the depot upon which the “As we must eat meat of animals, let us be
and make a very palatable dish. arrival and departure of trains may be recorded,
the entire absence of ardent spirits on board of and any railway notice for their employees or the careful.
These nets have been known to catch 1,600 lbs. their vessels. The men are, as a rule, long-lived; “ I will close and ask Deacon Barnard to speak
in one haul. general public posted. on the strength of Zion; for Zion is strong spirit­
the diseases to which they are most subject, are Work on the Caledonia avenue spur, Zion ually, financially and physically.”
The pound net that has been described above, has dyspepsia and rheumatism.
been in course of construction for months past on City General Stores' track, Twenty-ninth street Before Deacon Barnard spoke, those present
Considerable more than one-half of the fishing freight-yards and the park, walk and driveway
the beach in front of the fisherman’s house. population of the United States belongs to the about the new depot is progressing in a satisfac­ sang Hymn No. 335, “ Christ the Fountain.”
After the net arrived it had to be properly Atlantic’coast north of the Capes of Delaware. Deacon Barnard said in part:
joined and then tarred, it requiring some three tory manner. “ I was one of the 450 who were present that
Four-fifths of the total number of fishermen are Anew sidewalk, from Salem and Gilgal avenues
barrels of tax to complete this job. of English descent, native born; the foreign born to Holiday Camp, is being planned by Deacons afternoon when our General Overseer organized
The tar is used to prevent the water from rotting fisherman, including 5,000 negroes and 8,000 the Christian Catholic Church in Zion.
the material. Sloan and Judd. “I am glad of the step I took; for I believed
Indians and Esquimaux, do not exceed ten or Deacon Daniel Sloan has in preparation a guide then as I do now, that God is in Zion and working
The last work in placing the net was done last twelve per cent, of the total number employed.
Thursday morning, and, the afternoon being a of Zion City for visitors. It is to be in pamphlet through Zion.
Of the twenty-nine states and territories (in-
holiday for Zion City Fresh Food Supply, Deacon cluding Alaska) whose citizens are active in the form, ready for distribution as soon as it comes “ I see those who have come into Zion, having
from the printer’
“The educational advantages of Zion are un­ HOST TO RALLY MONDAY NIGHT made, so that the rank and file will all be properly
uniformed in a short time.
surpassed and we are thankful to God for it.
Preparations Made to Enrol Many For New All young men between the ages of eighteen and
“Spiritually, Zion is gaining in strength.
York Mission. twenty-five, who wish to join the crack com-
“Financially, we are strong. iy of the Guards and enjoy the many ad­ Two Hundred Freight Handlers in
“A dealer said to me last week,‘We do not The regular rally of Zion Restoration Host will
be held next Monday evening at Shiloh Tabernacle, vantages of physical training which the members
fear. Why should we fear for our money when
of this company will have, are requested to meet
Warehouses of Chicago and Alton
the commercial agencies of the country rate John and, as usual, the study of New York City from . Railroad Walk Out.
the large map will be in order, under the leader­ with Captain C. E. Lauder at Elijah Hospice, on
Alexander Dowie at over $25,000,000?' Saturday evening, at 8 p. m. sharp, for instructions
“ We thank God for this! ship of the recorder, Elder A. F. Lee.
“The General Overseer is becoming rested, Deacon James F. Peters will have an authorized as to qualifications necessary for membership.
clerk present to take the enrolments and deposits Members of the Athletic association are espe­
and, under his leadership, Zion will go forward by
for the New York trip from such members as have cially invited to attend. STRIKE LEADER’S WORDS
leaps and bounds. Director Charles Irish and Instructor F. F. Bos-
“Let us all pray for him, and also for the Feast of not as yet enrolled.
As the General Overseer will return in a short worth were in Elkhart, Indiana, yesterday, to con­
Tabernacles; for in this way we can be of great
help to Zion in doing the mighty work to which time, the officers are desirous of having as large a sult with a manufacturer of band instruments re­ He Is Reported as Saying that no Difference
garding the purchase of various instruments
God has called us, in furthering His work of the number as can enrol prior to his return. What Methods Are Used, Strikers
Clerks will also wait upon the people at the needed in the augmented Zion Guard band.
Restoration, Till He Come.” The Zion Guard band have all been measured
Proposed to Win. 1
Elder Brasefield was called upon to say a few Wednesday night citizens’ rally for the same
purpose. for their new uniforms, and will soon appear in
words, and said in part:
“ Upon a study of child-life in Zion City, we find The work on the train schedules of the move­ public in very neat and handsome attire.
ments of each of the Zion Restoration Host trains, The uniform for the Zion Fife and Drum corps Two hundred freight handlers employed in the
many interesting things. warehouses of the Chicago & Alton railroad
“ We are trying to make the boys and girls of covering the movement of each train from the time has been selected.
Members and officers of the guard are requested were ordered out on strike Wednesday afternoon
Zion the men and women whom God can use to it leaves Zion City until it reaches New York in Chicago, because of the refusal of the company
handle the complex problems of the twentieth City, and also the homeward journey, is progressing to get their five new members each as soon as
favorably and will soon be in the hands of the possible. In asking for applications it is well to to reinstate two men who were discharged last
century and the great and mighty work of Zion
“In many respects, Zion Educational institu­ Zion Printing and Publishing house for publication remember that no application for membership in week.
The special New York City guides which are the Guard will be accepted from any but members There had not been the slightest intimation of
tions are far ahead of anything out in the world.
“ I say this without any fear of contradiction. being prepared by New York mapmakers, will of the Christian Catholic Church in Zion who are such a move, and the order to strike came from
President Curran like a bolt out of a clear sky.
“ So far, up to this time, the heavy expenses of soon be on sale, and will contain much valuable paying their tithes regularly, and are members of
Zion Restoration Host in good standing. b . However, the men did not hesitate to obey their
our department have been borne by the General information for the Host.
Much favorable news is being received at leader, and at his word walked out.
Overseer and Zion and not by taxation. “We are going to win this fight,” President
“You who have children at the schools will be headquarters from all points of the field. PLAN NEW BRIDGES. Curran is reported as saying, after he had returned
interested to know that for every dollar paid for Many encouraging letters are coming in from
from calling the men out at the Alton. “ I don’t
tuition by you, Zion has paid ten dollars for the members of the Host who will be in Zion City County Committee Decides on Improvements care who is with us and who is not. It makes no
junior department; while, in the preparatory during the Feast of Tabernacles. on Two in Zion City.
Elder Lee desires every member of the Host difference whether the teamsters and everybody
schools, you have only paid one dollar in every On Tuesday afternoon, the committee appointed else is against us, we are in the. fight to win, It
four expended. to make the Feast of Tabernacles a subject of by the county board to consult with the highway don’t make any difference to me what methods we
“ Next year, I assure you, our school system will prayer, that He may put it into the hearts of many commission as to the needs of the two bridges for
have to use to win, we are going to win just the
be vastly improved; for we have many plans in to attend the Feast and receive a blessing. b. Zion City, one on Sheridan road in Beulah park, same.”
hand and will, by that time, be much better and the other on Sheridan road on the edge of the Although practically all of the other railroads
housed. ON THE ATHLETIC FIELD. Zion City south boundary, met in the office of City have signed agreements with the Freight Handlers’
“ Pray for this work. Clerk Jasper H. DePew, who, by virtue of his office union for the next year, there will be many pre­
“ Pray for me, for Zion teachers, and for Zion, and The Program for Tomorrow — Field Meet of clerk of the township is secretary of the com­ texts upon which a strike could be called in the
in five years we will have a school system with mission. other warehouses if Curran so desires. The Alton
July 4th.
which we can give any school in the world ten The entire committee drove to the bridges and officials were prepared for the trouble, and by 6
For Saturday, June 27th, the Zion City Athletic
points and then come out ahead.” examined them closely. They at once decided o’clock at night fifty-six non-union men had been
The Overseer then announced the legal victory association announces the following sports: to call for bids for an iron or stone structure for the brought into the sheds to fill the vacancies. It was
before Judge Dunne, in Chicago, Wednesday, in 2:30 p. m— Cricket match. All Australian and
English players are requested to report to their bridge in Beulah 'park on Sheridan road. The also predicted that within a couple of days every
reinstating him as executor of a will, and told of
many good things among Zion’s people. captains promptly on time so that a game may be contract for this work will be let on Tuesday, place would be filled. s.
July 7th.
The prayer of consecration was repeated by all played. The condition of the bridge on the southern
present, after which the Overseer pronounced the 2:30 p. m.—Baseball, White vs. Gold.
3:oop. m.—Lawn Tennis; doubles between Pflei- boundary of Zion City on Sheridan road is serious; CCCGCCCGCCCCCGaCCCeaCC&BCCGCt
benediction. ____ B. in fact the commissioners considered it serious
ger and Reilly vs. Townsend and Leavitt.
4:00 p. m.—Lawn Tennis; singles, semi-final of enough to call a special meeting of the board next Personal Mention
the tennis tournament; Leavitt vs. Elder Brase­ week, at which plans are to be submitted for the la
immediate improvement of this bridge.
Postmaster at Zion City Must Now Be Named field. The cost of these repairs or new bridges, which­ Deacon and Deaconess R. W. Hargraves re­
Zion Athletic association will hold its second
by Chief Executive. turned from a six months’ sojourn in Florida last
annual field meet on its grounds in the northeast ever the case may be, is paid jointly by the
Since Zion postoffice has been raised from the corner of Shiloh park on the afternoon of Saturday, county of Lake and Benton township, each party week, both in excellent health, and happy to get
fourth to the second class, it may not be generally paying half of the total cost. back to Zion City and the cool climate of the
July 4th. Michigan lake front.
known that it is now a presidential office, which The events which have been planned for this Much credit is due Supervisor Fielding H. Wil­ b.
means that the appointment of the postmaster is meet are as follows: hite and City Clerk Jasper H. DePew for their
The information bureau at tbe depot, in charge
in the hands of the President of the United States. 100-yard dash. enterprise and perseverance in finally getting
of Deaconess Kessler, is doing a remarkable busi­
The leaders of the Theocratic party have advo 120-yard high hurdles. these bridges put in first-class condition.
ness in the sale of Zion City souvenirs. B.
cated Deacon George E. Wiedman, the present 120-yard low hurdles. The travel both north and south through Zion V
incumbent, for the position and word has been re­ Pole vault. City is very heavy over Sheridan road and the
Running high jump. Evangelist Hill and Deaconess Peters were at
ceived in Zion City that United States Represent­ Running broad jump. wretched condition of these bridges has been a the North Side Tabernacle on Monday, holding a
ative Foss has sanctioned the appointment of 12-pound shot-put. menace to life and limb of man and beast. Restoration meeting. They report success, and
Postmaster Wiedman, and recommended the Discus throw. The committee in charge of the work consists of many new promises of applications for the New
house to ratify the same when the members meet These contests will be open only to members of three county supervisors, three members of the York trip. __________ B.
next winter, after which President Roosevelt will the association. highway commission and one secretary. b.
be asked to sign a very elaborate “ sheepskin All who desire to compete should hand their Elder W. O. Dinius returned Monday from a
which will put forth that Geo. E. Wiedman has entries, specifying the events in which they wish ten days’ trip to West Unity, Toledo, and Delta,
WHERE JUNIOR RESTORATIONISTS MEET. Ohio. Meetings were held at all these places,
been duly appointed postmaster of Zion City by to participate, to Elder H. D. Brasefield, before
the Chief Executive of the United States. July 1st, marking tbe numbers of their member­ and ample opportunity afforded to testify for Zion
Postmaster C. M. Murray, of Waukegan, who is ship cards upon their applications. Elder H. D. Brasefield Apportions the City and and Zion teachings.__________ B.
the chief postoffice official in our vicinity, and The grounds will be put in first-class condition Names Meeting Places.
George Blackie, of Edinburgh, Scotland, re-
to whom all the postmasters of the smaller offices for the meet, and, with faithful training on the part Elder H. D. Brasefield, in charge of the Junior turned to his home last Tuesday, praising the
look for advice and instruction, was among the of the contestants, there should be some closely- Zion Restoration Host, announces the following work of the General Overseer and Zion in
first to congratulate Postmaster Wiedman. contested events and good records. changes in the districts of the city. Parents should general. B.
Postmaster Wiedman says that Postmaster These contests will be held early in the after­ pay attention to this, as the children are expected
Murray showed Zion City countless favors in let­ noon so as not to interfere with the baseball game, to meet in accordance to directions given below: BASEBALL SCHEDULE.
ting this postoffice have supplies when it was tennis matches, and other athletics planned for All children living east of Enoch avenue and
utterly impossible to get them from the officials at the day. north of Twenty-eighth street are to meet in the
Zion Athletic Association Announces Games
Washington. A baseball game in the regular series, Gold vs. tabernacle of the Twenty-sixth street schoolhouse
for the Season.
Postmaster Murray has been a resident of Lake Blue, will be played; also the tennis finals, singles Children living east of Emmaus avenue and
county for more than forty years and frankly ad and doubles. south of Twenty-eighth street, are to meet in the The Zion Athletic association announces the
mits his friendship for Zion and the city, ex A cricket match is also being planned. b.-N. tabernacle of the Thirtieth street schoolhouse. following dates for the baseball games of the
pressing himself as greatly pleased with the Children living north of Salem boulevard to the series for the summer.
city’s growth as shown through the postal business park; west of Gabriel avenue to Twenty-first Elder Brasefield desires all players be on when
ZION GUARD, ATTENTION I street, and all north of Twenty-first street and their teams are scheduled to play:
done during the last year.
He has never seen Zion City or the General west of Enoch avenue are to meet in the taber June 27—White vs. Gold August 15—Gold vs. Blue
July 4—Gold vs. Blue August 22—White vs. Gold
Overseer; he has, however, accepted Postmaster New Uniforms Are Being Prepared — Other nacleof the Twenty-first street schoolhouse. July 11—White vs. Blue August 29—White vs. Blue
September 5—Gold vs. Blue
Wiedman’s invitation, and, together with United Announcements. The children from all other sections of the city July 18—White vs. Gold
July 25—Gold vs. Blue September 12—White vs. Gold
States Representative Foss, and one other pronii The staff and line officers of the first regiment, are to meet in Shiloh Tabernacle, until the com August 1—White vs. Gold September IQ—White vs. Blue
Zion Guard, had a meeting last Monday evening pletion of the building at Ezra avenue and Thirty August 8—White vs. Blue September 26—Gold vs. Blue
nent official, will pay the city a visit in the near first street, when Elder Brasefield will reapportion B.
future. at which the men were measured for their new the city. 1
Postmaster Wiedman calls attention to the fact uniforms. As Viewed by Negro.
that as Zion City is now a second-class office, the Company drill of the regiment will be held in An unusually large number of people came in on “If lynching and burning of negroes is not
running expenses are correspondingly higher, Shiloh grove Saturday afternoon; roll-call at the Chicago & North-Western railway excursion stopped by law the black people must protect
hence the rents of all postoffice boxes have been 3 o’clock sharp. last Tuesday from Janesville, Beloit, Shopiere, themselves. If you have not a sword, sell your
advanced from five to fifteen cents to meet the In case of rain, instructions from the tactics will Clinton Junction, Sharon, Lawrence and Harvard coat and buy one. Self-preservation is nature’s
increased disbursements. be given in Shiloh Tabernacle. It was estimated that fully 350 came. They first law.” Such was the advice given a few
Many improvements are contemplated by the Colonel Stern directs all members of the Guard invaded the lace industries, candy factory, the nights since to an audience of colored men and
postmaster, one of which is a new rack for general to obey the command of the General Overseer and new building of Zion Printing and Publishing women at Quinn chapel by the Rev. C. H. Thomas,
delivery letters. The one now in use contains 132 turn out for drill, as there remain but few more house and then visited every department of Zion of Belleville, Illinois. The sentiment was eagerly
compartments while the new one will have 253 Saturdays before the New York trip. institutions and the Tabernacle. Souvenirs were applauded by an audience which packed the
A temporary messenger to carry the mails to Quartermaster M. J. Coffey will be present purchased at the general stores. A drive about house. s.
and from the railway depot has been appointed, Saturday, to consult with men not having complete the city followed dinner at the hospice, many
awaiting the appointment of the permanent mes enjoying themselves at the lake front. As the suspended the
party started homeward they expressed themselves Business in Zion City will be
senger, as soon as the bids for the work shall be uniforms.
opened and the appointee decided upon. B, Measurements will be taken and arrangements pleased with Zion City. b. entire day, Saturday, July 4th. B.
its highest development. A typical example is
THE FUEL OF GERMANY the factory at Lauchhammer, about 80 miles south BURNED AT THE STAKE arrested a man supposed to be guilty. He was
taken before a magistrate and held without bail.
of Berlin, on the direct line to Dresden. This Tonight he is in jail with armed guards parading
establishment, which is of the latest and most about for his protection, \yaiting until the middle
Cleanliness of German Cities Largely approved construction, has eight presses, with the of September. Is that speedy? Is that even con­
necessary pulverizing, heating, and drying plant,
George White, a Negro, Lynched for
. Due to Use of Brown Coal stitutional?
run by electric motors, with current generated by Assault Upon and Murder of “O, honorable judges, call the court, establish a
Briquettes. steam evaporated with wood from the mines, the Young White Girl. precedent, and the girls of this state, the wives of
whole under handsome, substantial buildings of our homes and the mothers of our fireside and our
brick, stone, and iron: and cost, with tracks, beloved sisters will not be sorry and neither will
switches, and full equipment for handling raw you.
MAKING PROCESS DESCRIBED material and loading the briquettes into cars, SERMON HELD RESPONSIBLE “And honorable judges, if you do not hear and
$371,000, of which $178,500 was paid for machinery. heed these appeals, and that the prisoner should be
“Each press weighs 32 metric tons and stamps taken out and lynched, then let me say to you with
out 100 to 120 briquettes per minute, or 70 tons a full realization of the responsibility of my words,
Large Lignite Beds in the Dakotas and Mon
in a double-turn day’s work of twenty hours. The Rev. H. A. Ellwood Advocates Lynching Although even as Nathan said to King David of old, after
tana—Inexhaustible Future Supply heating and drying apparatus for each press Victim’s Father Asks that Law Be his soldiers had killed Uriah, * Thou art the man,’
in the Gulf States. weighs 18 tons. The power required for each press Let Take Its Course. so I would say to you. The responsibility for
and dryer is 125 horsepower, and both the dryer lynching would be yours for delaying the execu­
and jaws of the press between which the briquettes tion of the law.
The fuel question as it has been solved in Ger are squeezed at enormous pressure are heated by “Should the murderer of Miss Bishop be
exhaust steam from the Corliss engine in the power Wilmington, Delaware, was the scene last Mon­
many, is handled in a most instructive and inter­ lynched? Yes, but only under one condition, and
house, the whole supply for the eight machines be­ day night of the lynching and burning at the stake
esting manner by Consul-general Frank H. Mason, that is this—if his trial shall be delayed until Sep­
ing equivalent to about 150 horsepower. of George White, a negro, accused of an assault
writing from Berlin, in an article recently contrib tember, and then, though he be proven guilty,
“Thus equipped, the plant at Lauchhammer upon and subsequent murder of a young white
uted by him to the press. through some technicality of the law or any undue
turns out from 500 to 600 tons of briquettes per girl, the daughter of Rev. E. A. Bishop, superin
Mr. Mason says: “It has been repeatedly stated influence upon either judges or jury he be not
day, which sell on cars at the factory for from 7 to tendent of the Ferris Industrial school.
that the outward cleanliness of German cities is given capital punishment, then the citizens of the
9 marks ($1.66 to $2.14), according to season and The details of both crimes .are shocking and
principally due to the general consumption of state should arise in their might and execute the
market. With an average of 8 marks ($1,90) per terrifying in the extreme, the first being equalled
brown-coal briquettes for household and steam criminal and thus uphold the majesty of the law.”
1,000 kilograms, or metric ton of 2,204 pounds. only by the one following.
fuel; further, that they are made from ordinary Mrs. Bishop, mother of the murdered girl, is in
Profits depend on the usual varying conditions, A sensational sermon preached last Sunday by
German lignite without the use of tar or other a state of extreme nervousness. White was put to
location, management, demand, etc., but it is com­ Rev. H. A. Ellwood, of the Olivet Presbyterian
artificial binder; that they are compact to store death within a few hundred yards of the Bishop
mon to read in the Berlin papers official notices church, is believed to have been the spark needed
clean to handle, easy to kindle, burn with a clear, home, and the glare of the fire and howls of the
announcing dividends of brown-coal briquette com­ to fire the public to the point of lynching the
strong flame, are cheaper than good bituminous mob could be plainly seen and heard at the house.
panies ranging from 15 to 20 per cent, of their negro. Two futile attempts had been made Satur­
coal, and are made practically smokeless. Lignite Some of the lynchings of the present year are:
capital. So enormously has the industry been day to get the negro, who was lodged in the jail,
varies in its value and adaptability for briquetting Date and place. Manner of death.
developed in recent years that there is now an and the following day Rev. Mr. Ellwood urged a January 27—Near New Orleans.................. Burned
purposes according to its geologic age, hardness speedy trial as the only means of preventing a
and the percentage of water contained. A lignite overproduction, and it is said that 100,000 car-loads February 8—Wrightsville, Georgia........... Hanged
(1,000,000 tons) of briquettes will be carried over lynching. He practically favored a lynching if March 29—Bluefields, West Virginia........Hanged
with less than 30 per cent, of water is very difficult March 10—Tampa, Florida........................Hanged
to the fuel supply of next summer and autumn.” the trial should be postponed until September.
to work by the usual processes. April 12—Shreveport, Louisiana.Shot to death
________^_______ ' s. White, just before the torch was applied to the April 16—Joplin, Missouri........................... Burned
“The part played by the water contained in oil-soaked bushes which were piled about him,
lignite forms the key to the whole economic bri­ April 27—Thebes, Illinois.........................'.Hanged
made his confession, which so infuriated the mob May 4 (2)— Haynes Bluff, Mississippi.......Hanged
quetting process. The crude brown coal is
brought from the mine, crushed and pulverized, ASK FOR RECEIVERSHIP that they could scarcely wait for its conclusion May 20 (white)—Madison, Florida.............Hanged
May 28 (white)—Newcastle, Wyoming___ Hanged
before applying the torch. The body was reduced June 1—Near Pittsburg, Pa.......... Beaten to death
and then run through a large revolving tubular almost to ashes, and nothing of it remained but a June 6—Belleville, Illinois.......................... Burned
cylinder, heated by exhaust steam from the driving June 22—Wilmington, Delaware.................Burned
few bones. A rain which fell shortly after the
engine, and hung on an inclined plane so that the United States Shipbuilding Company ________________ ____________ S.
lynching extinguished the remaining embers of
powdered material runs downward through the the fire.
tubes by gravity, and is carried into the machine Affairs Are Being Aired in the SCHOOL-TEACHERS THEIR PREY.
White fought desperately for his life when the
press that stamps it into briquettes. During this United States Court. mob entered the workhouse, knocking down the
passage through the cylinder, it is dried and heated Loan Sharks of New York City Make These Their
first man who approached him. After that he
until there remains the right proportion of mois­ Object.
pleaded innocence, then he confessed, and later
ture, combined with the proper temperature to The board of education of New York is en­
develop the latent bitumen in the lignite and make MAKES A STRONG CHARGE made a second confession on the spot where the
outrage had been committed. Next he prayed for deavoring to collect evidence against loan sharks
the powdered mass plastic and easy to mold under who persistently annoy the teachers of the New
heavy pressure between heated iron jaws into a forgiveness, and even while the flame was burning
his flesh he entreated his executioners for mercy. York public schools. The latest scheme of these
hard, clean briquette, with a glistening surface and Complainants’ Attorney Declares Corporation Was loan sharks, which is especially directed to the
Of the 4,500 men who broke into the jail not
sufficient firmness of structure to stand weather, public-school teachers, is the sending out of special
“ Conceived in Iniquity, Maintained one, save little Peter Smith, a twelve year old
transportation and other contingencies. cards bearing the announcement:
by Fraud, Ending in Crime.” boy, who fell under the guards' volley, is publicly
“To do this perfectly and economically, the “Special to Teachers—Loans made on salaries
known. The alleged name of the leader of the
natural lignite should contain, as it comes from during the summer months are not payable till
mob is Baker, who “was from Virginia,” but that
the mine, approximately enough water so that September and October, or later if necessary.”
is believed to be a mere blind. The real leader,
heating to the proper temperature for pressing Efforts on the part of applicants for the receiver­ Every teacher in the public schools has received
it is said, is a Wilmington man.
will evaporate out just sufficient water to leave it ship to show that the United States Shipbuilding one of these cards. It is known that the interest
A man by the name of Arthur Cornwell, who is
at the proper degree of moisture. The ideal company, known as the shipbuilding trust, had charged is exorbitant and that a teacher once in
said to be from Baltimore and one of the mob
proportion is above 45 per cent, of water. been using its subsidiary concerns as scapegoats, the clutches of these money-lending concerns
leaders, is under arrest, held on the charge of
“ During the past six weeks, samples of lignite to avoid its debts, is having a hearing in the finds it almost impossible to free herself from
murder, bail being refused. More arrests are ex­
from near Bismarck, North Dakota, and from Troy, United States court. them.
pected, although it is said public sentiment in the
Alabama, have been received at this consulate, In an argument made in support of the appli­ The loan agents, having once got the teachers
town approves of the lynching.
turned over to the syndicate mentioned in a pre­ cation for appointment of a receiver for the in their toils, do not hesitate to pursue their vic­
The Rev. E. R. Bishop, father of the murdered
vious report, and molded experimentally into United States Shipbuilding company last Wednes­ tims even to the office of the school board.
girl, had issued a letter begging the people to per­
briquettes with entire success. The Dakota lignite day, Attorney Untermeyer declared the corpor­ The rate of interest is usually from 200 to 300
mit the law to take its course. The letter said:
is old and hard, contains 38 per cent, of water, but ation “ was conceived in iniquity, maintained by per cent, but varies entirely with the circumstances
“ Dear Friends: Mrs. Bishop and our children
crushes and pulverizes easily and forms without fraud and is ending in crime.” and also largely with the gullibility of the person
join me in this expression of the deepest gratitude
binder briquettes of firm structure, which burn For the first time the answer of the shipbuilding to whom the loan is made. The method of eva
for your Christian sympathy and tender ministra­
readily, are practically smokeless, and leave only company to the bill of complaint has been made ding usury laws is to lend money, as they declare,
tions in our agonizing grief. Though compara­
4 per cent, of ash, while the best German brown- public. The principal allegations against the at six per cent, but to make a small charge for
tively strangers, you have been as dear friends
coal briquettes yield from 9 to 12 per cent, of inor­ trust are denied, and others are met by excuses. investigation.
whose hearts had been proved by years of ac­
ganic residue. The percentage of water contained Mr. Untermeyer maintained that the directors One instance, where a teacher was charged $45
quaintance. You have helped us bear our sorrow,
is rather low, but by adapting the heating-drying purposely misinformed the listing committee of for a loan of $30 for three months, came to the
made hundredfold more intense by the most re­
process to that proportion of moisture, this ob­ the New York Stock Exchange by presenting the volting crime. Our cup of bitterness is full, and knowledge of an official of the board of education,
stacle, such as it is, can be easily met and the official statement of the corporation’s affairs so through the fact that the teacher could not pay
we ask you to join us in our appeal to all citizens
reduced task of evaporation will be an economy that the bonds could be sold to the public. Mr. of our commonwealth to refrain from violence. promptly when the lawyer of the concern put in
in the general process. Untermeyer asserted the purchase by Charles M. a claim for his indebtedness. The usury laws of
The officers believe they have all the evidence
“The Alabama lignite, on the other hand, is an Schwab, of the Bethlehem Steel company, and the necessary to convict the prisoner, and without New York may be repealed, according to District
ideal material, and from the one sample submitted subsequent execution of the $10,000,000 mortgage Attorney Jerome, as a result of the practices of
doubt as soon as the court can reach his case he
is conceded here to be even superior to the stand­ as a collateral guaranty on his sale and transfer of will receive his sentence and pay the full penalty these loan sharks. s.
ard brown coals of Germany. It contains the that property to the defendant corporation, was as for his atrocious crime. If he can be legally tried
correct percentage of moisture, crushes easily, picturesque a proceeding as any of those made by this will be so. By all means let justice be swift, May Investigate Looting Charges.
and molds readily into firm, shining, black the directors of the Sixth National Bank, who but if not, then let us wait calmly until the law in The charges that American officers looted public
briquettes, so clean that, as one of the experts at bought and sold the stock of their own corpora­ its majesty may remove the vile wretch from buildings in Manila after the surrender of the city
Magdeburg said,' They might be used for paper tion. society.
weights.’ He said that a year ago the company asserted in 1898 have been revived and may lead to a
“In the meanwhile the culprit is shut up with his formal investigation. Recently the Manila author­
“The importance of these simple demonstra­ it had cash assets of $10,000,000, but by a series of guilty conscience, a hell of itself, and knows he
tions will be inferred from the fact that, according brilliant exploits the treasurer was forced to state ities tried to locate certain pictures and art objects
must meet the demands of law and justice with belonging to the Municipal museum, and the in­
to a recent state geological report, there are 55,000 that the company was now unable to pay maturing his life. Any other course of procedure would
square miles of lignite beds in the Dakotas and fixed charges, due August 1st, of $941,000 and quiry showed they had been given to a Filipino to
bring a kind of glory for those of his class, would take care of after the surrender. It is claimed
Montana, all near the surface of the ground, and $421,000 additional liabilities due on outstanding intensify the suffering of the afflicted family, pos­
ranging in thickness from 20 to 80 feet. The ex­ notes and accounts. By its own admissions, Mr. that a former staff officer abstracted a silver serv­
sibly endanger the life of a delicate woman, and ice from the Malacanan palace. The government
tent of the lignite deposits in the Gulf states is Untermeyer declared, the defendant had proved certainly would dishonor the laws of our common­
perhaps less exactly known, but they certainly the insolvency charged. may ask the war department to investigate the
wealth. Let us not try to atone for one crime, no matter. ______________ s.
cover a large area. There is also lignite in Charles L. Corbin for the defendants argued matter how hellish, by committing another. Sin­
Missouri, Iowa, and several other western states that the complainants had not shown the company Negro and Chinaman Take Yale Honors.
cerely yours, E. A. Bishop.”
and territories, and it is from all those hitherto to be insolvent, and the application ought to be That part of the Rev. Robert A. Ellwood’s Chung Hin Wang, of Canton, China, a gradu­
practically neglected deposits that an inexhaus­ dismissed, because the appointment of a receiver
sermon which it is believed led to the lynching, is ate of Tien-tsin university, in 1899, carried off high­
tible future supply of smokeless domestic fuel will would prove destructive to the property of stock­ reported as follows: est honors, with the degree of Master of Laws,
be derived. holders and creditors.
“I call your special attention to that part of my summa cum laude, in Yale Law school Monday
“It will, therefore, be of interest to state con­ There was no proof, he said, as to the terms of
the agreement made with Mr. Schwab, as set forth text found in the constitution which says: ‘In all afternoon, and George Williamson Crawford, a
cisely what constitutes a first-class, up-to-date
by the complainants, or that the assets were not criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the negro, of Birmingham, Alabama, won the highest
lignite-briquette factory in Germany, where the
worth $40,000,000, or that the directors were con­ right to a speedy and public trial.’ forensic honor in the law school, taking the Town-
industry has reached, after many years’ experience, trolled by Mr. Schwab. s. “On the day of this terrible crime the officials send prize.____________________ _____ s
for obtaining money under false pretences, and
The Zion Banner PEONAGE IS DEPLORED his conviction brings with it three years of servi­ ASCENDS HIS THRONE
(SEMI-WEEKLY) tude—three years for borrowing one dollar.
Official Organ of the City of Zion. The promoters of this negro slavery cannot be
Rby. John Alex. Dowie, Editor and Publisher punished under Alabama laws. The only hope of
Best Citizens of Alabama Want ln= King Peter I. of Servia Accepts the
reaching them is through the United States statutes,
Entered, May 28,1902, as Second-Class Matter, Postoffice at famous System Whereby Negroes and to this the federal authorities and the federal Throne Made Vacant by King
Eton City, Illinois, Act of Congress of March 3,1879.
Are Held, Abolished. grand jury are now devoting their energies. Alexander’s Murder.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES. SPECIAL RATES. Twenty-two men have already been indicted for
Six Months................... $i.oo 100 Copies of One Issue..$1.80
Single Copies.....................03 25 Copies of One Issue.. .60 violating federal laws relating to peonage, kid­
For foreign subscriptions add fifty cents for six months napping and the constitutional rights of citizens.
for postage.
Subscribers desiring a change of address should give
present address as well as that to which they desire The THE HORRORS OF PEONAGE Against these twenty-two men eighty indictments TWO DIPLOMATS PRESENT
Zion Banner sent in the future. have been found. It is promised that this is only
Make all Bank Drafts, Express Money-orders, or Post-
the beginning.
Efforts have been made by the men who profit French, English, American, Turkish, Dutch and
ong.......... ...... . ___ The Murder of “Slaves” Common, Negroes
Cable Address, “Dowie.” Chicago. by the slave system to create a public belief that
All communications upon business must be addressed to Whipped, and Women and Children the present agitation is purely political, designed Other Representatives Are Absent—No
Manager Zion Printing and Publishing House,
Zion City, Illinois, U. S. A. Sometimes Maimed for Life. to help the party in power to retain its hold. Mention of Recent Tragedy.
Advertising Rates furnished on application.
Subscriptions to The Zion Banner, Leaves of Hbal- Some newspapers have given publicity to this
in«, A Voice From Zion, and other Zion publications may
alio be sent to Zion Publishing House, 81 Euston idea. Alabama’s most responsible citizens are not
Road, London, N. W., England; Zionsheim, Schloss upholding this view. They are backing up the
Liebdurg, Ct. Thurgau, Switzerland; Zion Publishing The best citizens of the state of Alabama, led by King Peter I. of Servia ascended his throne last
House, Rub de Mont, Thabor i, Paris, France; Zion federal authorities, through whom they hope to Wednesday.
Publishing House, No. 43 Park Road, St. Hilda, Meir a fearless and righteous judge—Judge Thomas G.
bourne, Victoria, Australia. see blotted out the peonage system, which has so As he entered the capital there were noisy
Jones—is engaged in a warfare which has as its
smirched the fair fame of their state. demonstrations of welcome by the people, how
ultimate object the breaking up of an infamous
They believe the interests of the state require much of which was due to the stage management
peonage system which, since the passage of the
the abolition of peonage. They want the Alabama of the officials in charge of the celebration is hard
law eighteen years ago making such a system contract law wiped out, and the legislature, which
possible, has created a condition of actual slavery to say.
A TRIBUTE. meets next September, will be urged to repeal the The king was gravfe and serious to a marked
under which hundreds of negroes are held in
The beautiful words of tribute which the General measure. _ _________ S. extent, and his speeches were brief and formal.
bondage today as hard and bitter as ever existed
Overseer spoke, regarding his departed daugh­ in the old days of slavery. Only two diplomats were present, the Russian
IMMIGRANT STATISTICS COMPLETED. minister, M. Tcharykoff, and Herr Duhm, the
ter, in his address entitled, “ What Shall This Child Alabama’s contract law, which Judge Jones has
declared unconstitutional and the most reprehensi­ Austrian minister.
Be?” appear below; A. W. N. Charge that Contract Foreign Labor Law Is United States Minister Jackson had left Bel­
ble kind of class legislation, makes it a penal
Violated. grade prior to the king’s arrival, acting on the
offense for any person who has entered into a con­
I THANK GOD FOR MY CHILDREN. F. P. Sargent, commissioner-general of immigra­ advice of President Roosevelt, who told him to
tract to labor for another person to abandon that
One passed away early, an innocent angel. contract without the other person’s consent and tion, has completed the statistics of immigrant use his discretion. Believing that the withdrawal
Another passed away lately, just at the time without an excuse held by the courts to be valid. arrivals for May, which show that all previous of the French, English, Turkish, Dutch, and other
when we thought that all her glorious maiden If the laborer enters into another contract without records have been eclipsed. They show that of ministers justified him in pursuing a like course,
promise was budding out into a magnificent notifying his employer of the first contract that-, the 137,514 immigrants landed last month there Mr. Jackson started for Athens.
womanhood. too, is a penal offense. were 32,709 from Austria-Hungary, 37,738 from . King Peter arrived in the capital at 10 o’clock
Do you think I imagine for one moment lhat my Laborers in Alabama are practically all negroes, Italy, Sicily and Sardinia and 17,897 from the and was met at the depot by all the government
daughter’s life is cut short? and to the colored race exclusively the law is ap­ Russian empire, consisting of Hebrews, some of officials.
I know it is not. plied. It is the universal practice for farmers to whom left on account of the Kishinef massacre. Premier Avakumovics made a welcoming
Many enter into heaven, with little knowledge, hire their laborers by the year, each negro signing The records also show that the character of immi­ speech, to which the ruler made a brief reply,
with little virtue, with little Power. a written contract to work for that time. grants is steadily declining and that recent legis­ promising to do his utmost for the good of the
She entered into heaven with much. Having once signed the contract, tha negro lation and new rulings by the departments to raise country. He expressed his pleasure at again
She has entered the great University of the Zion must live up to its very letter. The alternative is the standard have not been effective. ■ Systematic coming to Servia after forty-five years’ absence,
above. slavery. violation of the law prohibiting the admission of and added that his soul was filled with aconcious-
When I see her, be it one, two, ten or twenty When a negro is convicted of violating a con­ contract foreign labor has started a new and ness of the duties that awaited him as king. He
years hence, she shall have grown in that glorious tract in any degree he is promptly sentenced to rigorous investigation at New York by order of thanked the ministers for having fulfilled their
school. imprisonment and fine. Very rarely can he pay Commissioner-general Sargent. One glaring ex­ duties to the fatherland as the interests of the
People grow just as they enter there. the fine, and so he is sent to a convict farm to work ample is that of a Hamburg-American steamer country demanded. He was happy to have this
You do not jump into a life of vigorous strength it out. Then his slavery begins, and that he ever arriving there May 29th, which had 2,600 immi­ opportunity of renewing the expression of his deep
intellectual and spiritual, at once in heaven. regains his freedom is not the fault of his “owner.” grants on board, mostly Russians, Roumanians, gratitude for their services.
Some of you only escape from hell out of this It is always easy to trump up accusations under Greeks, Galicians and Hungarians. With few The officials and ministers were then presented
earth by the skin of your teeth. which he is kept in bondage. exceptions these immigrants were under contract and the picturesqe ceremony of the offering of
God cannot make much on earth of you, and It is almost impossible to exaggerate the horrors and sent to cattle ranches and farms in the north bread and salt was performed by the mayor of
you will be babies in heaven. of the peonage system which have been brought western states. Belgrade. Throughout the ceremonies the king
You will have to be sent into the nursery and to light since the federal grand jury has been in­ The investigation now being conducted is preserved a cold exterior. He neither spoke nor
corralled in God's baby house (laughter), but some vestigating the matter. Murder of the “slaves” intended to show if immigration agents are smiled at any time.
of us have children who will go into heaven strong, has been common. Negroes have been whipped operating on the other side and secretly vio The introductions over, a procession was formed
brave, happy spirits. to death, clubbed to death, and, more mercifully, lating the contract law by shipping large numbers and the party started for the cathedral through
I doubt not for one moment that my daughter shot to death. Scores and scores have been of Huns, Slavs, Greeks and Russians to this coun­ streets lined with citizens and troops. In the pro­
has entered upon a larger and more vigorous life. maimed for life. Women and children have been try, with the understanding that work will be given cession to the cathedral the king occupied a state
If 1 doubted that, my life would have been a torn by savage dogs and have suffered like the them. It is understood that the steamship com­ coach and was accompanied by Premier Avaku­
great blunder all through. I should have no hope men. Case after case has been found by the panies cooperate with these agents. Only a few movics. The occupants of the windows and bal­
at all and my Gospel would be a lie, and my grand jury in which affidavits and testimony under days ago the bureau of immigration obtained evi conies threw bouquets at the king’s carriage. The
preaching a fraud and sham. oath have left not a trace of doubt of the tortures dence of a large consignment of foreign contract ceremony at the cathedral lasted half an hour.
But 1 have believed the things 1 have preached. inflicted upon their helpless victims by the brutal laborers to Pennsylvania. The edifice was crowded. The celebration of the
They have been the joy of my heart in this, as “ slave drivers.” The immigration bureau issues a comparative mass was ohserved with all the brilliance of the
in every time of sorrow or of peril. One negro who appeared before the grand jury statement of immigration in the last few years Greek ritual, the king standing erect and impassive
exhibited his legs, which were scarred from the These are the figures from January 1, 1901: throughout.
thighs to the heels. They had once been torn and 1901. 1902. 1903. Leaving the cathedral, the king’s procession
January ......... .... 18,297 31,851 moved to the new palace, which is only a few
mangled by dogs sent in pursuit of the negro on February....... ....26,483 36.763 47.267
The Missouri State Legislature Steeped in one occasion when he endeavored to escape from paces from the old palace, which was the scene of
March............ ....43,900 77,488 91,666
Corruption. his tortures. April............ 95,607 126,286 the assassinations. When King Peter entered the
To Circuit Attorney Folk is largely due the Another negro exhibited his back. It likewise May................ ....82,837 107,001 137,514 state ballroom the members of the skupshtina
June................ .... 52,599 75.56o presented him with an address of welcome. In
credit for the exposure of the recent boodling at was torn and mangled. He had been beaten into July.................. ....35,019 50,782
Jefferson City during the sessions of the legis­ insensibility by a gin strap to the end of which reply, the king remarked that he could only repeat
August........... • •••32,403 45.549 what he had said at the railroad station, that he
lature. The story of Missouri’s shame is succinctly was fastened a cartridge shell. Before the ter­ September.... ....43,021 58,228
told in the appended table, which shows the rible punishment was administered the brute who October......... __ 41,804 63,614 would do his best to rule in accordance with the
November.... ....43,300 55J77 constitution.
amount received and demanded on various matters wielded the strap ordered the negro to count the December. ... ....37,548 50,291
of legislation, and is at most but a partial list, but blows. He counted thirteen; then he became un­ At no time was any reference made to the tragic
When the fiscal year ends, June 30th, it will deaths of King Alexander and Queen Draga, and
approximately correct: conscious. He thought he was dying. show, according to Mr. Sargent, an unparalleled
Demanded. Other negroes who were present and saw the the new king gave not the slightest intimation
St. Louis Transit Co. (consolidation bill;........ Paid $150,000 immigration, exceeding that of 1882, when the that he would make an attempt to punish their
Royal Baking Powder Co. (alum bill)................Paid 25,000 punishment administered have sworn that one number reached 788,992. The total for eleven
American Book Co................................................Paid 20,000
hundred blows were laid across the victim’s bare assassins. Indeed, no reference was made at any
Sugar Trust...........................................................Paid 10,000 months of the fiscal year is 758,225, while this
American Tobacco Co. (cigaret bill)..................Paid 5,000 back and legs. For weeks thereafter he was a time to the murder of the former rulers. The
Insurance interests (anti-trust law)................. 40,000 month’s arrivals will swell that figure by at populace apparently had forgotten all about it,
Whisky interests (bill taxing whisky)................Paid 10,000 mass of bruises and lacerated wounds. least 150,000, according to Mr. Sargent’s estimate.
Kansas City stockyards (bili regulating charges) ... 15,000 and the authorities were careful to ignore the
Audubon Society’s bill................................................ 1,500 Still another negro exhibited to the jury a de­ s.
♦Brewery interests (beer bill)..................................... formed shoulder. His clavicle had been broken grave tragedy. s.
Coal oil inspection bill......................................... Paid 800
♦St. Louis excise bill............... 2,500 with a club. His back, too, bore irremovable May Ask for Special Session.
St. Louis County excise bill ...................................... 500 Files Formal Demand.
St. Louis County road law.......................................... 5,000 traces of applications of the gin strap and buggy
Slot machine bifls............................... 15,000 trace. Members of the Illinois legislature from the The Japanese Minister at Pekin has filed a
County warrant bill..................................................... 7,500 districts adjacent to the Mississippi river held a
Chattel mortgage bill.................................................. 3,500 Authentic cases of the actual buying and selling formal demand on the Chinese Foreign Office for
of negroes have been uncovered. In one case the caucus in East St. Louis yesterday for the purpose the opening of Mukden and Tai-Tung-Ghou to
Total demanded.......................................... $321,300
laborer was sold for $40. His purchaser worked of considering the advisability of petitioning foreign trade. The Chinese officials replied that
♦Not known that aboye was paid, but believed to
have been. him a year, trumped up a charge on which the Acting Governor Northcott to call a special session circumstances were not favorable to the opening
In addition to the above sum of $321,300, which of the legislature to enact legislation creating a
negro was committed for another year, and then of the cities mentioned. The American and
it has been shown that legislators demanded for drainage district and providing for a dike from
the passage or defeat of measures pending before sold for that year for $50. British representatives are supporting Japan’s de­
the general assembly, statistics show that the One method of holding the negroes in slavery is Alton to Columbia, Illinois. s. mands. Mr. Conger, the United States Minister,
legislators have received in cash bribes the sum to induce them to try to seek freedom. A negro is also demanding the opening of Harbin, Man­
of $220,800, to say nothing of jobs which have been serving for a year, for example, is allowed during By Popular Vote. churia. __________ _______ _ s.
exposed. S. The state board of election commissioners of
the last month of his term to see that the watch
over him is apparently relaxed. He tries to run Mississippi have ordered a state primary election Judge In New Mexico Removed.
Want Act Repealed. to be held August 6th. This action means that President Roosevelt has signed an order re­
away, is promptly caught, convicted of this penal
The International League of Press Clubs, in the next United States senator from Mississippi moving Judge Daniel H. McMillan of the su­
offence, sentenced to pay a fine he cannot meet,
session at Atlantic City, yesterday denounced the will be chosen by popular ballot. Senator Money, preme court of New Mexico, on charges of gen­
and goes back to slavery for another term.
Salus-Grady libel law of Pennsylvania. Resolu­ the present incumbent, and Governor Longino, are eral immorality. Judge Clement C. Smith, of
tions attacking the law were adopted by a unani­ Still another method is to induce a laborer to
mous vote. They called upon all newspaper men borrow and spend a dollar. Payment is demanded candidates, and are now prosecuting an active Hastings, Michigan, has been appointed to suc-
a rannnl r>Q\r At nnpp Vif- ig tn miirf ranvasq nf the state.____________________________ S. ceed him.__________ s.
found, but to examine into all charges that have
been made against the officials of the postal serv­ Then one can be used for sleeping, and the other
for cooking purposes.
ice, with a view to the removal and prosecution of .... holding certificates must have them in the Zion Holiday Camp is located southwest of the
all guilty men in the service and the prosecution hands of Deacon James F. Peters not later than Tabernacle, south of Salem boulevard, west of
Wednesday night.
Inquiry Into Postal Scandal Results of guilty men whether in the service or not, where A fee of 25c will be collected for each certificate
Gilgal avenue, and east of Hermon avenue, and
the cases are not barred by the statute of limita­ is intended for those spending the summer months
- in Indictment of Former Con­ validated. in Zion City, chiefly for a vacation or for the
tions.” If any one should arrive at the meetings and leave teaching.
gressman Driggs. That a congressional investigation may be forced, for home a^ain prior to the special agent's ar- During the Feast of Tabernacles, tents will
and that all representatives now mentioned in con­ rival, or arrive at the meetings later than July again be located in Camp Esther, in Shiloh Park,
i6tb, after the special agent has left, he cannot for which a charge of $2.25 a person for the ten
nection with certain contracts will be called upon have his certificates validated and consequently
will not get the benefit of the reduction on the days will be made; but persons leasing tents in
to explain, is freely predicted. The list now in­ Camp Holiday for at least a two months’ period
SPECIAL COUNSEL EMPLOYED cludes, besides Mr. Driggs, former Representative whole journey. No refund of fare will be made on
account of failure to have certificate validated. may obtain accommodations for this occasion at
Loud, for years chairman of the postoffice and Sixth—In order to prevent disappointment, it the season rental price.
post roads committee, and Representative Sibley Applications for such accommodations or con­
must be understood that the reduction bn return­ veniences should be addressed to Deacon James
President Roosevelt Suggests Eminent Counsel of Pennsylvania, also on the postoffice committee. ing journey is not guaranteed, but is contingent F. Peters, Administration Building, Zion City,
Since the beginning of the postoffice scandal on an attendance of not less than a hundred per­ Lake county, Illinois. B
—Others Caught In the Net—Charged investigation, besides the indictment of Mr. Driggs, sons from all points throughout the United
States and Canada, showing payment of full
With Conspiracy to Defraud. these persons have been caught in the net: first-class fare of not less than seventy-five cents TRAIN SCHEDULE.
Under arrest and indictment: on going journey, provided, however, if the certifi­ BETWEEN ZION CITY AND CHICAGO VIA CHICAGO
August W. Machen, superintendent of the free cates presented fall short of the required minimum, AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY.
delivery division, arrested and indicted on charge and it shall appear that round trip tickets are held
President Roosevelt admonished General Bris­ of bribery. 6 in lieu of certificate that shall be reckoned in EFFECTIVE JUNE 28, 1903.
tow to go on with the postal investigation, though Thomas W. McGregor, clerk in the free delivery arriving at the minimum. WEEKDAY TRAINS.
it led up the steps to the White House. division, arrested and indicted on chanre of Seventh—If the necessary minimum is in at­ FROM CHICAGO TO ZION FROM ZION CITY TO
It has reached congress. bribery. & tendance and your certificate is duly validated _ CITY CHICAGO.
C. Ellsworth Upton, clerk in the free delivery you will be entitled up to July 26th to reduced Leave Arrive Leave Arrive
Former Congressman Driggs was indicted Wed­ division; arrested and indicted on charge of passage ticket to your destination by the route Chicago Zion City Zion City Chicago
7.00 a.m. 8.25 a. m. *6.45 a.m. 8.15 a. in.
nesday in New York, on the charge of receiving bribery. s over which you made the going journey at one- *9.00 a.m. 10.10 a. m. 7.03 a.m. 8.30 a. m.
money from government contractors while he was Daniel A. Miller, assistant attorney for the post- third the limit fare. *11.30 a.m. 12.37 p. m. *8.19 a.m. 9-15 a.m.
This rate will apply to the following territory 2.00 p.m. 3.13 P. m. *9.45 a.m.
a member of congress. office department; arrested on charge of bribery. 3.00 p.m. 4.16 p. m. *11.49 a.m.
11.10 a. m.
Joseph M. Johns, Indiana lawyer; arrested on North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colo­ 4.15 p.m. 5.3o p. m. *||i.i8 p.m.
1.15 P.m.
Four indictments were found, all practically 2.50 p. m.
charge of conspiracy with Daniel A. Miller in rado, as far west as Denver; Kansas, Oklahoma *5.20 p.m. 6.55 p. m. *t2-37 p.m. 4.00 p. ra.
and Indian Territory, Texas, Minnesota, Wiscon *8.00 p.m.
alike. Each charges that Driggs, between July bribery. 9.11 p. m. 5.05 p.m. 6.20 p. ra. •
Diller B. Groff, Washington business man; consin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Indi *6.10 p.m. 7.45 P. m.
20 and 24, 1900, unlawfully agreed to receive, and *7.35 P.m. 910 p. m.
did receive, a $500 check from the Brand-Dent arrested and indicted on charge of conspiracy with ana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi
rl"V V Q1nA T r A a. Am 4 K 1 . . I I\1 1
A. W. Machen in bribery. SUNDAY TRAINS.
company for procuring a contract from the United Samuel A. Groff, Washington policeman; ar- l, FROM CHICAGO TO ZION FROM ZION CITY TO
States government for making and delivering 250 rested and indicted on charge of conspiracy with Virginia, M :ryl CITY. CHICAGO.
A. W. Machen in bribery. Virginia, North Ca olir ’ Leave Arrive Leave Arrive
automatic cashiers for the postoffice department. » Chicago Zion City Zion City Chicago
George E. Lorenz, former postmaster at Toledo, Florida and the f *9.00 a.m.
To the first two indictments Mr. Driggs pleaded Toronto, Canada. 9.05 a.m.
10.10 a. m. ♦8.19 a.m. 9.45a.m.
Uhio; indicted on charge of conspiracy with A. W. 9-55 a.m. *n.49a.m. 1.15p.m.
not guilty, reserving the right to plead to the Machen to defraud the government. h
2.15 p.m.
*5.00 p.m.
4.05 p. m. 5.05 p.m. 6.40p.m.
6.50 p. m. ♦7.35 p.m. 9.35p.m.
others, which contain sixteen counts each, after his Mrs. George E. Lorenz, of Toledo, Ohio; in­ *8.00 p.m. 9.11 P.m.
lawyer had read them. dicted on charge of conspiracy with A. W. Machen ..*-'=•‘1-011 james r . reters, Admin
to defraud the government. Building, Zion City, Lake County, Illinois. 12:38 p. m.
In addition to this latest development in the Removed : Applications for accommodations at either of
postoffice scandal investigation, an indictment for James N. Tyner, assistant district attorney-gen the Hospices of Zion should be addressed to ♦ Signifies change train at Waukegan,
Deacon Frank W. Cotton, Elijah Hospice, Zion t Train does not run South on Saturdays.
conspiracy was returned by the federal grand jury eral for the Postoffice department. II Train runs south on Saturday only.
two days before in Washington against August W. James T. Metcalf, superintendent of money- City, Lake County, Illinois. B.
Machen, formerly superintendent of free delivery; order division. SPECIAL TRAINS SUNDAY
Suspended: CAMP HOLIDAY, 1903. Will leave Wells street depot of the Chicago & North-
Diller B. and Samuel T. Groff, the brothers who George A. C. Christiancy, assistant attorney for Western railway at 11:30 a. m. and 11:45 a m.: these
manufacture the patent-box fastener; George E. the^Postoffice department; pending investigation. Regulations and Provisions for the Season. trains run express and reach Zion Citv in one hour and ten
LUiff;rrfe,turninS’ the trains will leave Zion City depot as
Lorenz, formerly postmaster at Toledo, and his Persons desiring to spend a holiday or attend soon after the service as loaded. H
wife, Martha J. Lorenz. George W. Beavers, superintendent of the the great teaching meetings of Zion will find The round trip fare has been fixed at thirty cents, chil-
division of salaries and allowances. s ?hf h°iVer flvei r under tw? ,v? 7ears of age half fare, while
This indictment charges that these five con­ either as individuals, families or parties, inexpen­ the babes under five years will be carried free of charge.
spired to defraud the government, Machen using sive tenting conveniences, with good water near at
TOLD MILLIONAIRES HOW. hand, in Zion’s tents now in service in Camp Holi NORTH BOUND TICKETS for lot seekers, sight-seers,
his influence to secure orders for the patent-box day, Zion City. “ . . 7" of777 ---- 77 home settlers, and workmen.
-------- sale
nome workmen!
fastener, the Groff brothers paying him forty per Ex-President of Cornell Wants $14,000,000 The tents are made of heavy duck material, not residents Zion City,on at Zion Building, Chicago
Single and commutation tickets sold at depot. B
cent, of the money they received through the sale strongly stayed, with fly, and are rainproof, being ... TO travel between Zion Building and Chicago & North-
For Six Purposes. pitched above board floors. Western railway depot, Chicago, take South Side elevated
of the fastener and the Lorenzes acting as inter­ The season^ price of tents 9^x14, furnished, is stredetfr°At Sn 8tre£l io Fifth f>venue a“d Randolph
mediaries through whom the money passed. Andrew D. White, ambassador to Germany and street. At Zion City a bus meets all trains and will take
57; or unfurnished, 5s per month, when taken for abfe rates^ fr°m dep0t t0 any point about tbe c">' at reason-
Machen and the Groff brothers, now' under in­ ex-president of Cornell, at the Yale exercises two or more months, but not to be sublet.
dictment for defrauding the government, are out last Monday, told American millionaires in general Tents may be rented by the week at 54 for the ZION’S TRANSPORTATION AND RAILWAY AFFAIRS
first week and 52 a week thereafter.
on bail, and will not be arrested under the new and Andrew Carnegie in particular that the The Feast of Tabernacles rate is always 52.25 a JOHN ALEX, DOWIE
of Zion City, lliiriois, supervises the railway ticket, steam-
indictment nor be required to give new bail. The greatest good a millionaire could do in making person, four persons to a tent; otherwise the rate 7 ™^"!'™' freight, express and transfer business of
indictment was obtained principally to reach the a large benefaction at present would be to contrib­ is double. Single cots for single nights, 25 cents; Zion and her people everywhere.
Direction as to railroad and steamship routes given unon
Lorenzes, who have not been previously indicted. ute 514,000,000, either a part or the whole of that tent rates per day, 51,25. J request. DEACON JAMES* E. PETERS,
All rentals are payable in advance, in every case,
The penalty provided by statute is a fine of $10,- sum to be used for the following objects: whether by the month, week or day.
Gen’I Sup’t Zion Transportation.
000 or two years' imprisonment or both, in the First—Endowments in twenty-five American The furniture consists of the necessary cots
discretion of the court. universities of professorships and fellowships, to mattresses and chairs, one table, water pail, tin Notice.
STOTICE is hereby given that on the 8th day of July, A. D
As an earnest of his intention to press the be used in the study of public affairs. cup, washbasin and slop pail to each tent.
The bedding includes one white sheet, two light
, r9o3, at 90 clock a. 111., a special meeting of tiie stock*'
holders of the ZION LACE INDUSTRIES ^incorporated)
prosecution of postal frauds, the postmaster-gen­ Second — Professorships and fellowships in will be held at the General Offices of said Corporation in the
twenty-five American universities for courses in and one or two heavy blankets, and a pillow and Administration budding in the City of Zion, in the County
eral last Tuesday announced the appointment of pillow slip to a single and two for each to double of Lake, and State of Illinois, for tire purpose of submitting
Holmes Conrad, solicitor-general of the depart­ administration of government in town, state and cots. to such stockholders the question of the increase of the capp
!?LV»rH™0nf1'V0 iMll!lon I?ol!ars ( and lor the
ment of justice under the Cleveland administra­ nation. Two-wick oil stoves may be rented for 51 a
month, supplied with oil; and cooking and eating transaction of any business incident to the consideration of
tion, and Charles Bonaparte, the well-known civil Third—The establishment on a similarly large said proposition.
scale in American universities of professorships in utensils, including stew pans, tin plates, cups, (John Alexander Dowif., President
service reformer of Baltimore, as special counsel. knives, forks, and spoons, may be secured at a Directors J Charles J. Barnard, Vice Pres, and Treasurer
These two competent lawyers will assist the international law. rental of 50 cents a month. ( H. Worthington Judd, Secretary ’
Dated June 5, A. D. 1903.
United States district attorneys in preparing in­ Fourth—The establishment of twenty-five pro­ Larger tents, 14 x 20, of similar material and 9-15
workmanship, and outfitting of the smaller tents
dictments and conducting the prosecution of fessorships and fellowships in the history of may be secured for the use of larger families or
criminal cases that may arise out of the investi­ civilization. m-°le ,ro°my accommodations, at a rental, fur­ Cluett Brand
gation. Fifth Endowments in twenty-five universities nished, of 511 a month; or unfurnished, 58 a month.
President Roosevelt reiterates what he has for chairs in American history. ients wm not be rented to put on the per- 25c each
Sixth—Similar endowments in twenty-five Amer­ sonal lots of individuals in any subdivision of the
privately said, in a letter to Attorney-general ican city, but may be rented by the week or month, or Arrow Brand
universities for the study of music and litera­ TYF0LD >jjc straight
Knox, suggesting the employment of additional ture as inspiring accompaniments to civic virtue placed on leased ground in the established camps
counsel to prosecute the criminal cases. and public life. s ° ijji11’ *or use families or parties where
In his letter to the attorney-general the Presi­ middle-aged sober-minded persons are members With tie-hold opening
of such party.
dent says: REDUCED FARE TO THE FEAST. Two tents may be required in some instances.
“As you know, the charges in connection with Even these would be cheaper than one large one. Cluett, Peabody & Co
the postoffice department are now being investi­ Directions to Intending Visitors—Other Rail­
gated by Fourth Assistant Postmaster-general way Notes.
Bristow, who has had placed at his disposal by the A reduction of fare to one and one-third on the
certificate plan has been granted for those attend­
postmaster-general every resource of the depart­ ing the meetings of the Christian Catholic Church
ment, including the services of Mr. Robb, whom m Zion at the Third Feast of Tabernacles in Zion
you detailed from the department of justice to the City, Lake county, Illinois, between July nth and
Out of
postoffice department immediately after the re­ Jujy 19th inclusive.
moval of Mr. Tyner. As a result of this investiga­ guidanceThe following directions are submitted for the
of intending visitors:
tion a number of indictments have already been I First—Tickets at full fare for the going journey
Out of the World
made, and it is probable that other indictments will may be secured within three days, exclusive of
hereafter be asked for, Sunday, prior to and during the first three days of Such is the old saying, but in clothing there is something more to
“ There can be no greater offense against the the meeting; that is, July 9th, 10th, nth, 13th, 14th
and 15th. The advertised dates of the meeting
be considered. Every garment-maker, custom or otherwise, can copy
the season s styles. Kememlier, that over and above this conforma­
government than a breach of trust on the part of a are from July 12th to 22d. Consequently tickets tion to the fashion plate lies the SECRET OF SUCCESS in creative
public official or the dishonest management of his can be obtained not earlier than July 9th and not tailoring. I refer to individuality.
office, and of course every effort must be exerted later than July 15th. Care should be taken when Why do men go out of their way to see me? Why do my cus­
to bring such offenders to punishment by the ut­ purchasing going ticket to request a certificate.
Second—Ticket and certificate should be ap­
tomers always remain customers? Not because my work is like
others. Why is every garment made by me a desirable advertise­
most rigor of the law. plied for at railway station at least thirty minutes ment? Why did my business of this season enjoy an increase of 40
“The district attorney of the District of Colum­ before departure of train. P?r c?nt1' °.ver that of last? Not because my work lacks individuality.
bia has faithfully and zealously seconded the Third—Certificates are not kept at all stations. My whole interest, mind and heart, goes into each garment built at my
By inquiry at the station information can be ob­
efforts of the postoffice department in this matter, tained hands. Let every man learn to do one thing well and success is his.
as to whether certificates and through tick­
but the amount of work in the office is such as to ets can be obtained to place of meeting. If not Yours anxious to serve,
make it difficult, without neglecting other impor­ agent will give information as to where they can
tant public duties, to devote ail the time necessary be obtained. Local ticket can be purchased
to the prosecution of these cases. I suggest, there­ thence and a certificate and through ticket taken
from that place.
153 La Salle Street M. J. COFFEY
fore, that if you cannot detail some of your present Fourth—On arrival at the meeting, present cer- Telephone Central 3439 Tailor to Business Men
staff, you appoint special assistants in these post- tmcate to James F. Peters, Administration build­
office cases, not only to take up the cases in which ing, Zion City, Illinois. .... DAYLIGHT PARLORS FOR FITTING
indictments have been found or h Fifth—It has been arranged that the special
Advertisements under this hend, such ns “For
Snlo,” “ Wanted,’’ etc.,, are bound to meet with
Rood results. Zion members everywhere should
make their wants known through these columns.
OVERALLS AND PANTS 10-12 E. Monroe SL and 144 Michigan Blvd.
KATES—Throo linos for 05 cents per insertion; Made by them are superior
five times for $1; one cent per word additional. in quality of material, and
warranted not to rip or but­ ===== TO ~
WANTED. Long Distance Telephone 2074 Central
tons to come off......................
WANTED—Ten thousand people to read the Classified
Ad Column and remember the good results it brings to its
BUGGY—A single buggy in good condition. Marshall
Moulton, 3110 Ezekiel avenue, Zion City, Illinois. 12 Zion City General Stores Full Line of ANDIRONS, SPARK
WANTED—Approved Advertisements from those who
have •' wants" and from those who can supply other’s wants.

EVERY SUNDAY GUARDS and Fireplace Accessories
We have an Immense Stock of DOMES­
Until Further Notice
COBNET—Good cornet. Ritz R. Corns, Zion City band.
Zion City, Illinois. 12
ZION CITY LIVERY Trains will leave Wells street depot of the
and MOSAICS :: ..................... «
FOR SALE—One hundred and eighty lines of advertising Chicago & North-Western railway at 11:30
space in the Classified Ad Column.
Special rates to picnic parties and sight-seers. a. m. and 11.45 a. m.; these trains run ex­ WOOD, BRICK AND TILE MANTELS
TENT—9x14 feet. Call at 2611 Elizabeth avenue, Zion press and reach Zion City in one hour and
City, Illinois. 15 Competent drivers always provided.
ten minutes; returning, the trains will leave
FURNITURE, ETC.—Household furniture and large Vehicles of all kinds. Zion City depot as soon after the service as
tent for sale. 2613 Elisha avenue, Zion City, Illinois. 14 Headquarters for Everything In Fireplace
Bus and baggage line in connection. loaded, which is usually about 6:30 p. m. Line ti Send for our 1902 Catalogue
MISCELLANEOUS. Only those persons desiring to attend
DECORATING—China decorating and firing: 12 years’
experience. Mrs. F. H. West, 3004 Efim avenue, Zion City,
FRANK H. WEST, Manager Agents
Illinois. 14 Zion's Great Sabbath Services
--------------------------HELD IN1----------------------—
ELIJAH HOSPICE Will be sold round-trip tickets as follows:
Do You Want to Save Money?
Have your Horses’ and Cattle’s
Teeth examined. Bad Teeth
Now and during the Feast of Tabernacles are as follows: ADULTS - - - - 30C cause a great many diseases, such
as Colic, Stomach and Kidney
CHILDREN over 5 and under 12 years, 15c trouble. Do not wait until your
EUROPEAN PLAN Children under 5 years Free Horses can’t eat. It will be too
late. The teeth will be worn out.
Call at Zion City Livery and see
person In a room, $1.00 per day and up
persons or more In a room, 50c per day and up
person In a room, $6.00 per week and up
persons or more In a room, $3.00 per week and up
Rev. John Alex. Dowie
General Overseer of the Christian Catholic
the Western Dentist. Twenty
years’ experience. Have your
Horses examined. Examination
free. Will drive to any part of
The above rates are for lodging only Church In Zion the county. Terms reasonable.
Will speak Lord's Days after July I, 1903, Call, or address
AMERICAN PLAN at 2 o’clock.
Zion’s white-robed choir and robed officers ....ZION CITY LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT....
1 person In a room, $1.75 per day and up
2 persons or more In a room, $1.25 per day and up will join in Processional. EMIL ROPP, Superintendent
1 person In a room, $10.00 per week and up God-fearing and all peaceably disposed A. O. CAMPBELL, Dentist
2 persons or more In a room, $7.00 per week and up persons are heartily welcomed. Open Day and Night Lady Attendant
Single Meals, 25c These tickets are on sale only at the Long Distance Telephone, West 1376
Children under twelve years old half rate C. & N.-W. Ry. Depot platform before H . E. HAGGARD
The American Plan includes board and room trains leave. Undertaker and Embalmer
Rooms will be charged for from the date reserved These tickets are not on sale at the Depot First-class Livery in connection. Prompt at­
tention given to orders from all parts of the
FRANK W. COTTON, Manager Ticket Office. city and suburbs. Fourteen Years’ Experience
153 South Western Avenue CHICAGO, ILLINOIS




JULY 11 to 19, 1903
The land to be offered embraces more than 200 acres, and lies adjoining and northwest of Shiloh Park, between
Salem Boulevard and Twenty-first Street. It is high, uniform, well drained, and altogether one of the most
beautiful and best located tracts within the whole of Zion City Site.

WILL, as usual, have a 10 per Cent. Discount from regular rentals of lots in that location, for a limited time; and
those holding Certificates in THE NEW FIFTH SERIES offered for sale, beginning Apnl 1, 1903,
will have the right to make First Selection of lots, according to Certificate Numbers.
Shares may be bought at the Par Value of $100 Each, bear interest at the rate of eight per cent., payable semi-annually, and may be held
as an interest-bearing investment, if lots are not wanted now or at some later date.

ALREADY realized by Zion City Leaseholders will strongly appeal to earnest Christians throughout the World, who
are seeking Clean Investments, or who desire to live in a Clean City, where their families may be brought up and
educated in an atmosphere of righteousness.
Write for Articles of Agreement for Shares, Illustrated Booklet, copy of 1100-Year Lease, and any further information desired.

... ADDRESS ...


FIELDING H. WILHITE, Assistant Secretary. H. WORTHINGTON JUDD, Secretary and Manager.
ZION CITY BANK [ Zion City Fresh Food
...Receives Savings..,
DRAFTS In any amount,
from $i.oo upward,
On the
....Pays Interest.... St. Paul AND
JOHN ALEX. DOWIE, Proprietor

JAIRUS W. CRANE, General Manager

of the At the following
World Owing to the crowded condition of our Store from 4 to 6 p. m. patrons are j[
Four percent on all sums from
$i,oo to $500.00
j earnestly requested to do their shopping between 1 and 4 p. m. when they can j[
4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. if 4. Four trains daily from Chicago
4. 4> 4. 4. 4. 4. 4> 4. $5oo.oo via The North-Western Line | be waited on in a proper manner.
The famous


an electric-lighted fast train
leaves Chicago 6.30 p. m., arriv­
ing St. Paul and Minneapolis
early next morning; a magnificent
Don’t Wait
equipment of compartment and
drawing-room sleeping cars, Any longer if you intend to can any Straw­
library and buffet cars, standard berries, Sour and Sweet Cherries, or Pine­
day coaches, free reclining chair
cars, and unexcelled dining car apples. Leave your orders at once, for the
* TICKET OFFICES: berry season will be short. We get them
21 2 Clark Street (Tel. Central 721,
and Wells Street Station. from the best fruit countries, and for that
reason we can sell them at low prices.

r"5 ds
ilfo .
’’s L. MANASSE, Optician
Spectacles and Eyeglasses.
Eyes Tested Free.
Gooseberries, Currants and Red and Black
Raspberries will come in large shipments a
few days later.

Everything Optical, Mathematical, Meter-
ological and for the Lanternlst
S«F<?» i|» #*» 5JB .... Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies..... 3C

Tribune Building, 88 Madison Street Chicago, Illinois

I Ice Cream by the Gallon for the Family
This Banner Adver- (tr AA to any one buying an All kinds of Legal Business attended to
tlsement Is good for instrument from except Criminal, Admiralty and Pension
C. M. BARTHOLOMEE Matters..........
313 Cornell Street
All Kinds of Piano and Organ Work
Suite No. 1603, Ashland Block ....
N. E. Cor. Clark and Randolph Streets
John Alex. Dowle


Large Assortment of Sizes and * 4*

Styles on Hand


This beautiful new Hospice, where Divine Services are conducted morning and evening has
been opened by the General Overseer of the Christian Catholic Church in Zion for Christians
and friends of Zion visiting Zion City. Those using tobacco, alcohol or drugs will not be
received. It is equipped with hot and cold water, baths, steam heat, electric lights, tele­
ZION BUILDING AND MANUFACTURING ASSOCIATION phones, barber shop and many other comforts. The Restaurant is open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.


T When contemplating an Eastern Trip it will be to your advantage to secure rates over the x

j Nickel Pate. !
|V, W,Vv'

ZION HOSPICE No.l John Alex. Dowle

! HeNe*ttJ(*k.Chicago|'Stliouis RJL j MICHIGAN AVENUE and TWELFTH STREET

before purchasing elsewhere.
Strictly first-class train service to FRANK W. COTTON, Manager
ERIE BUFFALO This is a Christian, Temperance Hospice, located
also to on the finest Boulevard in Chicago; is in easy
NEW YORK CITY via either the Lackawana R. R. or West Shore R. R. walking distance from the heart of the City, has all
and to the modern comforts of a first-class hotel, steam
BOSTON via West Shore and Boston & Maine Roads heat, hot and cold water, elevators, electric lights,
baths and many other comforts. Those using to­
Meals in Dining Cars on American Club Meal Plan, from 35 cents to $1,00; or a la carte. bacco, alcohol, or drugs will not be permitted in
X For sleeping-car reservations or other information, address, Rates, $2.00 per Day and Up the building. All Christians are welcome. For
t JOHN Y. CALAHAN, General Agent, rooms and rates apply to the clerk.
Special Rates by the Week to
♦ Phone Central 2057 113 Adams street> chIcaflo. Permanent Guests

g§ Zion City General Stores JOHN ALEX. DOWIE, Proprietor W. HURD CLENDINEN, Oen’l Manager

Summer Offerings oT Dry Goods Department Summer Hosiery

Beautiful Ladies’ Hose in Silk and Lisle.
Remarkable Showing of Many to be had in Plain Black, also a splendid
Summer Millinery
We are showing a large variety of trimmings
Black Dress Goods variety of Fancies.
and styles for Outing wear in Duck and in Batavia In the Dress Goods Section of the Dry Goods
ideas. Our stock of these popular hats is one of Department. Feast of Tabernacles
the most complete. You will find us adding the Blacks in
Will soon be here. You will doubtless need some­
newest and most popular shapes as they appear. Cheviots Granites Sublimes
thing in
A visit to this section of the Dry Goods Cords Melrose Twills
Storm Serge Eolienne French Serge BLANKETS, SHEETS & PILLOW CASES
Department will convince you that we have an
up-to-date Canvas Cloth Twine Cloth We can supply you. We can furnish you with
Mohair Sicillians Mohair Brilliantine Blankets at 50 cents per pair and up.
Our Display of
Ladies’ Summer
Hot Weather Zion Lace
Will be a very great attraction to the many visitors
Is coming. The hotter it gets the better will at the Feast of Tabernacles. We have recently
the bathing season be. Rememder that the Dry added many new and handsome designs in Laces, Will be needed now. See what a beautilul line
Goods Department is ready to supply you with Appliques and Medallions to our already large we have. Also
the Lady’s Bathing Suit you want. assortment. CHILDREN’S PARASOLS

A CAR OF SALT Dry Powder

Just Received.
Fire Extinguishers
By buying in such quantities we can make you
some extremely low prices.
Store News. Price reduced to
No. t Salt in Barrels of 2S0 lbs........................$ .85 $1.00
Rock Salt—100 lbs. for....................................... $1.00 The busiest times at the General Stores is
5 lb. Sacks—Star Dairy Salt for............................ 04 from 5 to 6 p. m. each day except Saturdays,
Every householder in Zion City ought to have
3 Sacks for 10c. two or more of these Extinguishers.
and on Saturdays from 12 m. to 1 p. m., and
One of our greatest enemies is fire. We must
from 3 to 6 p. m. In view of the above facts
ever be on the alert lest we be overtaken. Don’t
you can always get served more promptly at
FRUIT JARS other hours of the day. Will you kindly help give an enemy any privileges whatever.

This is Canning time. You will need Fruit Jars. us by helping yourselves?
We have a very large stock. We are now showing in our
Pints—per dozen...................................................... 50c Leave orders for Piano Tuning and Repair­
Quarts—per dozen.................................................. 60c ing with Mr. Alsop, Department 14, on the 2d Carpet and Curtain
Half Gallons—per dozen........................................ 75c floor.
Fruit Jar Rubbers 5c and 10c per dozen.
Covers 25c per dozen. The Mail Order Department will have a
Tent in Shiloh Grove during the Feast of Tab­ A fine new assortment of Window Fixtures. See
Jelly Glasses—per dozen...................................... 35c the Window Shade Adjuster for 10 cents.
ernacles. We want the name and address of
every person who might become interested in
Zion City Products. Help us get them.
STONEWARE A beautiful line of Silkoline, Drapery Silk
and Art Draperies now in stock awaiting your
Our assortment of Stoneware is very large. We
To mention Bathing Suits brings cold chills pleasure.
name a few prices to show you that we have the
over us, almost, but our Clothing Department
right figures.
has received a splendid line and perhaps can­
One Gallon Jars................................................. 10c Sixty patterns of Zion Lace Curtains, ranging
not refrain much longer from saying something
in price from $1.50 to $5.00 per pair.
Three Gallon Jars for............................................ 25c about them. So look out for it!

Window Screening at 5 cents per yard and up.

Water Jars and Filters Note the attractions in our Show Windows.
They are constantly changing and always in­
In great variety. A good thing to have during the teresting.
hot weather. A handsome assortment of Rugs, small and
large, always in stock.
Eight Gallon Stone Water Filter and Owing to the great amount of trade Saturday
Cooler......................................... $4.00 afternoons in our Barber Department it has
been decided not to cut hair after 3 p. m. on There are many other beautiful things in this
GENERAL STORES will close all day Satur­ that day. Our Patrons will kindly take not of department we would like to call your attention
day, July 4th. In order that our customers shall this. Barber Shop open every evening except to if we had the space. We invite you to visit our
not be greatly inconvenienced the Stores will, keep Wednesday.
Carpet and Curtain Department and see what
open Friday Evening, July 3, until 8 p. m. we can do for you.

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