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University chat bot project proposal

By Dexter R Shepherd
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Market Research ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Technicalities........................................................................................................................................... 8
System requirements .......................................................................................................................... 8
Potential security threats.................................................................................................................... 8
Grammar and spelling ......................................................................................................................... 8
Language ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Test plan.................................................................................................................................................. 8
Bot code .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Client to Server and Server to Client................................................................................................... 9
Admin side .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Development......................................................................................................................................... 10
Natural language processing............................................................................................................. 10
Organization of data ......................................................................................................................... 11
Data structures.............................................................................................................................. 11
Training in the data ....................................................................................................................... 13
Saving data ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Managing data .................................................................................................................................. 14
Grammar and spelling checks ....................................................................................................... 14
Vague questions ............................................................................................................................ 14
Bot learning ................................................................................................................................... 15
Client side and Server side ................................................................................................................ 16
Testing ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Bot code ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Client to Server and Server to Client................................................................................................. 20
Admin side ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Deployment of the system.................................................................................................................... 31
Trials .................................................................................................................................................. 31
Set up ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Legal .................................................................................................................................................. 37
Future ideas ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Applications of software ............................................................................................................... 38
Algorithm changes ........................................................................................................................ 38
References ............................................................................................................................................ 38
A problem for students is having too much information and recourses thrown at them, and not
knowing who to turn to for information. This results in university staff having to check their emails
all the time and answer questions over and over again. Then the same events happen with the next
year group. This also means students need to wait for a response. Would it not be better if these
questions and answers were written in a database and kept updated by university staff? This would
allow students to get instant responses, and keep university staff emails free for questions which
can’t be answered.

This project is for a chatbot to help students with university life. This can be questions from mental
health problems, disability support all the way to where are cheap places to shop. When there is an
unknown response, this gets added to a list of questions the university can keep updated with
responses. This project will help students manage day to day university life, as the change from living
with parents to being independent can be a struggle. It is also helps university staff as they will
receive less emails.

The theory of this project could be rolled out in other applications, indeed many companies use this
approach for their own services [1].

Market Research
There are many systems like this currently out there. I looked into the Spotify chatbot which helps
users find out information via a friendly non-human interfaced. I also looked into CleverBot which is
a self-learning AI. It learns off of how others interact. I wouldn’t be going that far with this version of
the software.

I deployed a survey to find out how important the issue I am solving is, and whether people think my
solution is effective and useful.

The other was a medical student in their 6th year. My data was gathered from students, mainly first
40% of students do not know or not always know where to go for information. When looking at
individual trends it seemed that the higher the year you were, the more likely you were to know

The 6 responses were as followed:

The issues mainly seem to be mental health issues, where to go and what to do, sometimes involving
courses. This application would aim to deliver this information quickly and accurately.
The key issues are general information about university, both life and academic. The bot would be
there to provide information in a friendly way, quickly and effectively. The answers need to be short
but insightful, and could forward people using links to pages like Sussfessions.

After deploying question 5 I realized it was down to interpretation. Finding out information using a
bot could both be considered talking to someone and finding out information yourself. As we see it
is a 60% and 40% split it will not impact my research anyway.

We got 90% of people saying they would use this application out of the study of students. This is a
strong result in favour of this application.
The first response raises some good issues, hence the bot should only be here to provide guidance
which may involve directing people to the student life centre for mental health support. He privacy
concerns are not an issue at this stage, as data is managed in an input and output way. However, the
element of self-learning and patching information together is not a bad idea. Perhaps even an
emailing system which emails information it thinks you will like. Keeps students up to date with
information they will like. Maybe even the use of cookies. This is just an idea for a future system.

Where to find information are popular choices with the results. The least popular are career advice
and mental health support. This makes sense as the bot cannot truly feel in the way a human does
hence the advice will be insincere. But for general information the bot is popular.
System requirements
The system would need constant running and a substantial amount of RAM to hold the data. If the
Server uses Ubuntu, the RAM needs 1024MB of RAM for the OS [2], and for a big data base it would
need up to 4GB of RAM. I estimate this would be fine. Multiple cores would be required for multiple
processing of request and processing. If many people are to use the system at one time, potentially
the server will need more RAM and need to monitor this. If the RAM gets too big, then the server-
side code will need to alert people that the server is too busy currently. Being the design is efficient,
this will not be a problem.

Potential security threats

The main potential security threat would be trolls. Damage to the system wouldn’t be inflicted, but
the staff who monitor responses would get many spam responses if people kept asking “stupid”
questions. This could be avoided through using Sussex emails to sign in and all responses are
monitored this way, however this would then stop non students finding out information about the
university. Another potential solution to trolls is to ban IP addresses on devices if they have
spammed the system with inappropriate content. There does lie the underlying solution of just the
monitoring staff deleting spam when it arrives. The AI does not learn naturally therefore University
reputation remains untarnished if spammed with bad replies. It is down to the monitoring staff to
add it for the rude responses to show up.

Grammar and spelling

There will be potential issues with grammar and spelling. Universities within the UK are very diverse
and English is not the first language of everyone. Being this application is accessed through mobiles,
much of the spelling issues will be solved through auto correct, but spelling and grammar checks
could be implemented into the software to make sure everything is correct. The software can also
take extra care when processing information, if it is only one word out then it could still go with that

The plan is to use Python due to the large amount of machine learning support and support for
dynamic variables. Other languages like Java and C are not as helpful with non-fixed sized arrays.
Python supports object oriented formats of code as well as event driven making it perfect for this

JavaScript will be used on the client side in order to communicate with the AI, which will be server

Test plan
The following tests are designed to know when the system works at the different areas of

Bot code
Test No Test Expected outcome
1 AI splits a paragraph down into manageable An array of sentences made
sentences and performs spell check. from the paragraph, with
spelling mistakes corrected to
a good degree.
2 The AI splits a sentence into a statement or a If neither nothing is returned.
question or neither If a question it will try and find
an answer. If a statement it
will thank the user for their
3 A statement is saved It appears within the
statement folder in the json
4 A question which has been added will find a The result set to that question
response. is outputted
5 A question is not found but there are saved The system will add the
questions about that topic. question to a confused file, to
be added by the admin at
another point. Then will find
something like that and state
“I am not sure at the moment
but here is something similar”.
6 A question which has never been asked and is not The system will add it to the
entered confused file and apologise for
it does not have an answer at
this point.
7 Data already in the confused file is added The data will not add it again
but will increase its priority
8 A paragraph is entered with a vague sentence The paragraph is split, and the
following another sentence. “what mental health previous topic remains the
services are there? Where are they” current topic to help find out
what the second sentence
means. “where are they” +
“mental health services”
Client to Server and Server to Client
Test No Test Expected outcome
1 The client connects to the server A test code is sent and pinged
2 The client sends the text input out to the server A response is sent back based
on the input
3 The client stores the subjects of the past and the Local variables are shown in
response. the browser console.
4 The client responds negative feedback to a message The system receives
information about what is
wrong and it adds it to be
added in the confused file.
Admin side
Test No Test Expected outcome
1 Makes user sign in with correct credentials. If the password and username
is wrong then it returns wrong.
If not then it lets the user in.
2 The user can receive the top amount of questions The user sends a request via
to add. the GUI and gets a response
3 The user can answer questions. The question and answer are
submitted and trained into the
4 The user disconnects Their IP is no longer saved in
the server side code and they
will have to re-enter their
password and username.
5 The user can delete responses which are incorrect The user selects delete and it
no longer appears in the data.

Natural language processing
For the splitting of language I have two options: To make a complex graph data structure system to
split sentences down to meaning, or use a python library which already processes information. I
downloaded the NLTK library [3][4] which tokenizes words in order to develop meaning of

The above shows a screenshot of the library splitting information down into tokens. “NN” represents
the subject. What the system will need to do is split up a sentence into relevant information. Using
the NLTK library documentation I was able to decide upon the rules which build up significant nodes
to the language. “where is the coop” would be “where is” “coop”. Alternatively with a more complex
sentence we would have “who do I talk to if I am depressed” which would break down to “who do”
“I talk to” “I am depressed”. The system will need to take the meaning, in the case of our second
example is the person to talk to involving depression, and its being queried with “who”. Taking a
sentence like “who do I talk to about mental health”, or “who do I go to for mental health” mean the
same thing.

Here we see the algorithm splitting down two different sentence filtering out meaning to its bare
minimum. Below shows a series of sentences inputted (in white) and the node creation of the
language class (in blue):
Each item in the array will represent a node of relevance relating to the answer. It will find the
meaning based on the data it has been given. Using tokens instead of words will improve
effectiveness when finding if two sentences which are different, mean the same thing.

The algorithm when searching will find that not all nodes are the same, but the only difference still
has the tokenized similarity, therefore having a higher chance.

Organization of data
Data structures
The data will be organized into .json files and when opened, into graph data structures using
dictionaries to link vertices with edges. Data will be entered in to a “confused” file if not found in the
data, which will be the file that the university read when adding their own answers.

These nodes would hold different words and connect

with a strength (which increases every time it happens)
to either a question node or a statement. This allows the
code to work out whether a sentence is a question.
“what” in position 1 and “is” in position 2 is a common
way to begin a sentence. “the” in position 1 and “is” in
position 3 is a common way to state something about an
object in position 2.

For the question file it will have nodes linking to a

response. If all the nodes linking to this response are
matched, or similar, then the response is likely to be the
correct outcome. The system could find the most likely, but also state “this is how questions like this
were answered” to alert the user that this is not the exact answer.

The statement file will be slightly different where the nodes will attach to each other rather than to
any specific answer. This is to work out associations of information. “the shop is expensive” will need
to convert down to “shop” and “expensive”. This will build up the more this happens. Then when
this graph is processed it will show a strong connection between these two, alerting the university
that most people find the shop too expensive.

By splitting out the irrelevant nodes and only keeping subjects I am able to get information which is
It associates the information which is relevant in the array seen, and the nodes would then all be
connected together in the graph. It will then return the message “thank you for your feedback” as
there is no other way.

I write some test code which would ask me to clarify each item in the confused file. It would then
add this to the question graph and save it:

Within the data it saves all the nodes from the sentence pointing to the data. Using the graph class I
currently made we see many redundancies in the data. This will slow up memory eventually, so I will
need to review the graph code. At this time it works and that is the main importance. It was further
removed from the confused data.

If I have taught the AI something but it is not in the data exactly, it will respond with a message like
the following:

The data learned that “mental health” and “where” links strongly to the answer given. The extra bits
of information made it so that it was not exact, but was close. I could allow the user to give feedback
on whether that information is correct. If it is then it can adjust the data to link to it. If not then it
can add it to the confused file. The data regarding the question and answer will need to be stored
within the client bot and not the main bot.
Above shows the percentages as decimals on a sentence. I trained it on “where do I go for mental
health support”. This is why the second question only has a probability of 0.6. This method prevents
confusion with similar sentences.

If two questions are the same but slightly different in subject, the system responds well by assigning
a higher worth to subject words than to other words.

Training in the data

The data for the question or statement analyses will be pre trained into the system. This will mean
that the system will need a wide range of sentences to be trained on in order to be accurate.

The data for questions will be trained in by the university, and kept updated by the university.
Question data can only be accessed for reading by the user, and accessed for writing to by the
university. This keeps the integrity of the data.

Statements can be written to by the user. It records information so the university can learn from it. I
have written code here to show the graph in text form every time something is added:

It takes in the input and links it all with feedback. This means that the highest connections between
feedback and nodes, and the connection between that node and other nodes will signify whether
something is significant enough for the university to take action.

Saving data
The data saving will be saved in a .json file, and retrieved into the graph based on the filename. The
sentence graph, question graph and statement graph will all be saved into different files. It will have
a simple start up function which retrieves the current data and saves new data as it goes along. If the
datafile does not exist the function will create an empty file to read from.

The above two functions manage the loading and saving of the memory. It is saved in a dictionary
format, and opened into a dictionary structure. As the graph data structures are saved as
dictionaries, json files are perfect. The only concerns I would have is large amounts of data slowing
down processing, or potentially running out of RAM. Future versions may need a better method of
saving data such as using a folder system branching off vertices and saving edges as text files. This
would only open up relevant data. This is something to consider later down the line in development.

Text files rarely take up many GB of data, so as long as the operating system used to host the
software is reasonable like Ubuntu which uses a low amount of RAM [2] the system should function

An alternative saving pattern which will work better will be the bot server saving every X minutes.
This will stop the slowdown of processing for the user and save when necessary.

Managing data
Grammar and spelling checks
Using libraries, I can implement a spelling and grammar engine which should improve accuracy when
messaging the bot. The main algorithm is set up for sentences, therefore the grammar system will
need to split up sentences using full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. This would then
filter each sentence through one by one and form a paragraph answer.

The spelling and grammar will convert the text to its most correct form and split it to sentences to be
individually processed.

Vague questions
In human conversation we are able to jump from subjects. “I am struggling with essay writing.
Where do I get help?”. The second sentence would be confused as to what is being said. Having a
subject save method will be useful, where the last sentence to be processed will keep its subjects
stored. When the system gets confused because there are no subjects, it will take the subjects from
If there are subjects but it cannot find anything like it, it will look for an exact response with the old
subject. If no exact response is found then it will respond with a “I’m sorry” answer, and try find
something similar to show the user. If nothing is found then it will just have an apology answer.

I started doing the sentence analyses to determine whether a word was a statement or a question. I
was not entirely accurate. I worked on improving the training data but still was not accurate. I made
a more accurate version of this code before but it was using a more complex data structure. I could
potentially add a trainer of wrong sentences, or indeed allow the admin to keep up the training. I
was looking at it from a stupid angle. I am trying to get every word to point to whether a sentence is
or is not. Using the comparison method from the sequencer library I could improve the algorithm.
The graph method just wasn’t working.

The accuracy improves with this new model. I implemented this into the main bot object.

Bot learning
The bot would enter all unknown questions into a file and await the person who monitors the
system to add an answer. This could be a member of the student union. They will the be able to type
an answer to a question. There will need to be a method to remove information, and also add
information which deletes after a certain date. This is so information which does not need to be
there for long periods of time, such as temporary events. If information changes, the staff can delete
the current information and add new. This will be managed through a separate bot client called an
admin Bot Client. It will be connected to via an alternative method.

I set up the file to be a database, and wrote a class method for this. When a question is not found, it
will add it to the database, and if it already exists it will increase the priority of that question.

Client side and Server side

The client side and server side will be managed by JavaScript and Python respectively. The JavaScript
will take input from the browser with a text input box, and then send this data to the server listed. If
there is no response then it will need to output the server is not available at that time. If there is a
response, then it will wait for a data transmission back and then display it on the browser.

After a while of setting it all up, I made a server using Ubuntu Server and Apache. I hosted a website
on the server, and Python code using the Websocket library. I then used Javascript client side to
connect to the Python server side and echo responses back to the browser. This is the fundamental
structure that this application will use for input and output. Validation of text will be done client side
to save server processing time. The server will take in text, form a response and return it.

I installed the necessary libraries and data onto the server, and adapted the code to work with the
new server side processing code. It would wait for a user request on port 50007 and return a string.
Then on 50008 it will wait for admin response. The testing of the client worked.

The issue is now updating the algorithm to work better with the stripping down of language. After
going back and sorting that out the algorithm has been working better. I went on to develop the
admin side of the computer system.

On the admin side you will have to sign in, all features are closed until the user signs in with the
correct credentials. The username and password is currently set in the software, but I will change
this down the line and use encryption of the passwords.
If the password is incorrect the server will respond with an error code and the browser will notify
the person.

The above shows the admin page once signed in. All the responses which need to be added show up,
and the user can click them to get a dialogue box and add responses. They can also right click to
delete them from them from the system. This will be used if someone enters a silly response.

I then proceeded to add options to add and delete.

The image above shows the client side where the first time the bot did not know, but the admin
added it and the next time the person asked “where are you from” it knew.

The final addition that I made to the client side was a feedback option which.
You click the link in the comment below, and it comes up with a pop up allowing you to make a
choice. Negative feedback will send the comment to the confused section. Positive feedback will
work differently where the answer will be added for the question.

Bot code
Test Test Outcome
1 AI splits a paragraph down
into manageable sentences
and performs spell check.

The sentence is broken down, and due to people having

spell check on their phone the spelling engine was
removed as it was unnecessary processing.
2 The AI splits a sentence into
a statement or a question or

To a reasonable degree of accuracy PASS

3 A statement is saved It saves to a json file, and is loaded back in once I close
the program and open it again.
4 A question which has been
added will find a response.
As you can see, my response is saved to this answer and
similar meaning responses will return the answer.
5 A question is not found but
there are saved questions
about that topic.

6 A question which has never
been asked and is not

The information is added to the confused file, as it

appears in the admin side.
7 Data already in the confused The data will not add it again but will increase its priority
file is added
8 A paragraph is entered with
a vague sentence following
another sentence. “what
mental health services are
there? Where are they”

Client to Server and Server to Client
Test Test Outcome
1 The client connects to the

The ping was “hi” and got the response “hello”. There is a
bug to do with multiple responses which will need to be
fixed. That’s is separate to this test.
2 The client sends the text
input out to the server

The response is sent back

3 The client stores the Local variables are shown in the browser console.
subjects of the past and the

The subjects are being picked out

4 The client responds negative After inputting information it does not know, I was able
feedback to a message to view it in the admin mode which takes from the
confused file.

And in admin mode:

Admin side
Test Test Outcome
1 Makes user sign in with
correct credentials.

The interface is shown and you cannot click anything

until the sign in is correct.

Once you sign in it takes you to the main content

2 The user can receive the top
amount of questions to add.

3 The user can answer The user does this two ways. They can click on an item
questions. in the view mode:

Or they can add it manually:

4 The user disconnects

When the user has been idle for a certain amount of

time they are removed from the approved admin list.
They will have to re-sign in.
5 The user can delete responses
which are incorrect

The phrase “who is your creator” existed in the system.

Then we saw that it was removed. When I tried it again

and submitted the same thing twice I got an error
message as expected.

You cannot delete what is not there



Client: PASS

Admin: PASS

All initial tests passed and work as expected with only a few issues.

Bugs I found while testing


When adding sentences with the same output “hi”=”hello”, “hey”=”hello” , The system would get
confused and say “something I found like” due to the number of inputs connected to the same
answer decreasing the overall chance of being the output. This method was used as words will be
used on many responses, whereas responses tend to be more unique. Of course, this is not all the
time so will need fixing.

To fix this I would add in a validation technique. When an answer is added, if it already exists it will
be given a count code to make it a different node. The client side will be programmed to ignore this.


Sometimes I will make a statement and it will give me a response that I have given it feedback even
though the statement wasn’t for feedback.


A quick fix is to class sentence such as “hello” as questions for the sake of a friendly user interface
and more personal user experience.


There is no way for the user to point out false information.


Add a report false information which will send a report form to the admin.


There is no way to view the feedback from the user


Add it to the admin page, where the user can request to see the feedback from users.


I can copy and paste large sentences and break the code


Add validation and not allow sending of strings over a size of 500 characters.


Accidental deletion of the confused file data is irreversible without typing in what you deleted.

I can develop an undo button, and use a fixed size stack data structure to hold each item of data


The positive feedback does nothing. If an answer is correct the user should be able to add it


I can simply add the same algorithm as the admin bot to add a response. If this response is wrong
then someone can report it as false information.


Cannot delete feedback if potentially inappropriate feedback or old feedback


Add a delete feedback method


The system cannot handle conjunction of sentences. “When does the library open and when does it
close”. If there has been two separate parts of information stored for these two questions it will find
neither due to the sequence matcher length of sentence calculation.


Add in a way that the nodes of the system will be split into sub sentences where if there is no exact
response to the system, it will split up the nodes into the sub sentences and accumulate responses
based on these inputs. If it is missing subjects in one of the sub sentences, it will look for it in the
other assuming the subject is remaining the same. “When does the library open and when does it
close” will split to “When” “Does” “Library” “Opens”, and “Does”, “Close”. Being both items of
information are trained into the system, it will pick out both as “when does the library opens” and
“does close”+”library” will get the response wanted.
At this moment in time I have improved the algorithm from what it once was. But it still is lacking.
Originally the code would not understand anything. Now it will respond with one of the sentences.

Of course, this is not what I intended to do, but it is how it has ended up. I will have to work further
on this and go at it from a different perspective.

Rigorous testing
1 What happens if I enter two
sentences, one added and one

The code copes by only responding to one, and

adding the unknown one to the admin.

Next time I enter it:

The responses add up.

I am happy with how it deals with this method.
2 Add two same questions with
different answers and then delete

Are both added. The normal client side finds one of

the answers:

And when deleted it only deletes one of them

Ideally it would delete both, although the user

should try not to add two messages which are the
same. I have no desire to change this unless it
becomes a bigger problem.

UPDATE: I added a loop to the deletion algorithm,

so it will delete all answers linked to the question.
It became an issue when I was updating false
information, and it kept giving me false
3 What if I have a long response The code gets confused and easily breaks. This is a
and I give feedback on a major issue which needs sorting. I could potentially
sentence. split messages up into separate responses.
This will then be more accurate deciding which
sentence the user is referring to. Another problem
is this…

I could change the symbol in the main algorithm so

it splits sentences using something else such as

And that did the trick.

I could add negative feedback to both of these and
get the responses I wanted.

After getting everything working, it then stopped working… The system lost it’s ability to understand

This got me thinking whether the use of a graph could either be changed to work better, or perhaps
thrown out altogether. This could also be to do with the checking algorithm and the language
analyser. I got to developing a better language analyser. I improved the accuracy of the language
analyser but still had the problem with the code not adding the new information. After tracing
through errors and RAM usage, I found it was all to do with the adding of new information. It
worked, and then stopped without any changes happening. Even after deleting the data and starting
again the problem persisted. I changed the sequence matcher code, as it did not take into
consideration orders of sentences can change. I could add back the sequence similarity to be a
variable on the percentage similarity overall, if I come into complications.
Deployment of the system
The first trial is the alpha, where people who I know will trial out the code, and find bugs or issues
with it. They will then submit a feedback form for me to improve the client experience. I will then
take it to a beta trial which would mean someone else will manage the admin, and the new fixes will
be added to the client side.

Prior to the main testing I have set up a extreme testing approach, where I will let fellow Computer
Science students purposely try and break my code. This is so I can fix up any weak areas of the

These tests seemed to have gone well. The first student was unable to break my program.

The alpha trial was done to test out the program with untrained users. This is to find any bugs,
security issues, and functionality problems. I set up the following interface:
This uses my university’s organizational colour scheme, to match their website. The interface is
friendly and easy to use. It provides all the information needed and some links to the SHEP social
medias for publicity. I will also add in a link to a survey when I have made that survey.

The second tester attempted to put in SQL injections, but due to the nature of the linguistic analyses
the information was secure.

I put out a survey and here were the results:

The main testers were students but also members of the public to make sure it is usable by all.

Overall people seemed happy with the project. Below shows the responses about why they gave the
previous answer.
The summery of these comments are that people are they like the 24-hour quick answers to save
the time and researching. However, the negative comments are more about the lack of questions
added, which I expected to be the case. This will be fixed when the university add all their
Most people would potentially use this system.

Here are a few of the comments that we got. People like the speed efficiency, 24-hour support and it
being easier than an email. Some people are on top of things so do not need it.
The comments on areas to improve were interesting. I like the idea of having a prompt of questions
you can ask. That is something I could use within the next user interface. Some people found bugs
which they reported at the end. The question and statement interaction will get better the more
people ad to it, as it converts phrases added to questions that can be answered.

People liked the simple and easy layout.

This was confirmed in this question.

There were a few errors within the code, which I got to fixing right away.
People gave overall positive feedback and liked the project. I was happy with the feedback and knew
what I had to do to get it ready for the next stage. Fix the bugs and make improvements to its ease
of use.

This is to test the code after the additions/deletions made in the alpha stage have been
implemented. It is to test out with a wider range of people. Then to gather feedback on

Set up
The system would be implemented on a server as a python file which would receive data sent from a
client-side web application and return the appropriate response. The Python language would require
the following libraries installed:

• spellChecker
• sqlite3
• websocket

The file paths specified to where the passwords are kept, and where the files are kept will need to
be changed when on a new system, for the code to work.

NLTK is an open source software which is distributed under the Apache license version 2.0 [5]. The
apache licence allows users to use or modify software in their own projects.

The spellChecker library comes under the MIT License which is another open source license for
anyone to use.

Python and the inbuild libraries belong to the Python Software Foundation, and are licensed under
the License agreement for python 3.8.3 [6] where Python is made for the royalty free distribution
Websocket has demands that its own requirements are kept within distribution of the source code
[7]. Their License will have to be appended to our own license.

My own software licence will explain this and relinquish responsibility to the user if this software is

Future ideas
Applications of software
In the future this sort of system could be deployed further than current universities, it could move to
schools as a parent information device. It could be used by the Army for recruitment questions. It
could be used as an NHS 111 service and go as far to book appointments for people.

The council could use it to gather issues in statements, and answer questions around the city. Local
businesses could pay to be recommended. The code could be modified to allow the reporting of
crime ad submission of evidence.

This frame work has many applications if taken further.

Ways to develop the framework would be to add some self-learning elements. For example making
similarity between grammar in questions and answers to help it make more accurate responses. Also
to find similar meanings

The self-learning could also store data locally in cookies, and retrieve interests to promote events/
articles/ information related and of interest.

Algorithm changes
I would like to follow up this project with a more self-sufficient program which learns from it’s
mistakes. When the user responds with negative feedback because it has found the wrong
information, correlations as to why this has taken place should be calculated, to prevent this
grammatical error from happening again. This would give the system its own self learning
understanding of language and using it to improve.

Further steps would be to find its own responses. Chat with it to learn off of people. A “gossip” bot.
Students learn off of one another and people gossiping about what to do. A gossip bot would find
ways in which people talk to one another, find out about what is going on and help students be a
part of that. Of course such applications hold many problems such as trolls and personal data being
shared, it would require quite a lot of thought to make this safe.

[2], 2015. Ubuntu RAM
usage, s.l.: s.n.

[3], 2 June 2020. Natural language

processing, s.l.: Wikipedia.

in-digital-transformation, 2020. The role of chatbots in digital transformation. Computer Weekly.

[4], 2020. NLTK documentation.

[5], 2004, Apache software License

[6], 2001, Python Software foundation

[7], 2013, Aymeric Augustin and

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